Fif h Streat, Pittsburgh, Pa., ror?inTjn i^ri«to A*o Jncorpdnlted by Legitiative Charter mm mmm tf the kind IX THE UNION, condueralicmot;i BUSINESS MAN. Our highest com byrpatcfi bcpai&i Ka*t and Want, pronounce his system of Book-keeMfnfc mteqaale!—comprehending every department of hnsu nnd yet BU tikilf'illy condensed that the attentive 112 t funster* the whole in six or eight weeks. It con* tiists of STOCK BOOKS, closed once with a lose end twice with again—exhibit ing by Ihree different methods, the transfer of old to now bocks. PARTNERSHIP BOOKS, conducted by three different methods, exhibiting the transfer of old to new book*. with tho introduction of a new partner. And practically illustrating the PRIVATE LEDGER, by means of which the rosults of the business ore kep out of the general books, for the use of the partners en ly. Ihe book Is rot even named elsewhere. The nettle men! of Partnership Rooks by SINGLE ENTRY, with fix practical Illustrations, exhibiting the books re opened by Double-Entry. A concise rule for ratifying DERANGED DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOKS, wHh six »pecfflcatlons. The gain or loss found, and the bookscorrcctly re-opened. Theleamer Is also oxercisedin OPENING BOOKS, fr.»m eight specifications, Including special conditions no ■oi'teninet with inbutdnoiM. Also, a sorloas of exercises in CLOSING BOOKS, • from now end peculiar specifications The learner also xviitos about eighty BUSINESS FORMS of Promissory Notes, Judgment Notes, Drafts, Orders Bills of Exchange, Accounts, Invoices, Ac., Ac. Also, a scries of BUSINESS LETTERS, •vh :-:h. wlfh fhe businessf jrms, are all connected with his ' ureo of Book-Keeping, making it a regular course of btufne*# pi actlce, with a course of twenty-flve LECTURES UPON BOOK-KEEPING, 4»v the Renf'-r Principal, explaining all the business mat ters recorded In the text. Also, twelve LECTURES ON BUSINESS SUBJECT*. TTow every ore may tret rich. How to get rich by tra. • The causes of commercial failures. On upecula. Tho moral influence of integrity In youth, Ac.- Also, lectures upon COMMERCIAL LAW, on Partnersnlps, Contracts, Insurance, Common Carriers, e Statute of Limitations, Ac. Practical instructions In detecting COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES, by a fiill set of genuine vignettes and counters, and a large collection of counterfeit notes. OUR RAILROAD BOOK-KEEPING, (Tit manuscript,) exhibits the construction and equip msfit. th« operating receipts and expenditures, the books r. -1 nnd a dividend recorded These books arc adver tised by others, but not taught eluewhere in the city.— Out new system of PRIVATE BANK ROOKS, (in manuscript,) embracing all tho best forms in use i -m •!£'; pi irate bankers Our new enlarged edition of STEAMBOAT BOOK-KEEPING, department students are instructed from the new e'n l.'irgededition of DUFF'S Steamboat Book-Keeping, tho • nly r .mplete work upon this branch of the science pubii fthtd. Our full conrus of bnsinesa practice includes about FIFTY BUSINESS BOOKS,® IIIRTY DIFFERENT FORMS, via: 11 fierigers, 7 Day-books, 5 Journals, 6 Bill-books, 4 Cash- Book*, 4 Sales-books, 2 Invoice-books, 1 Discount-book 1 < heck register, 1 Deposit-register, 2 Collection-registers, 1 Tickler, 1 lland's-rcgister, 1 Freight-book, 2 PnnNage books, 1 Fuel-book. These books practlead v record about SIX HUNDRED BUBINESS TRANSACTIONS, compre hending DUFF'S original plan of bnsine jects with so much elcHruess and simplicity." F. W. KDSITNDS, Cashier Mechanics' Bank, Wall St., N. Y. "It gives a clear insight Into all departments of this Silence." A. S. FKASER, r.ivhlerftf Seventh Ward Bank. N. Y. " As an extensive ship owner, American and Kuropeai merchant, bank director, etc.. he has born tho i epntatioi of the higest order of husinexM talents." JOHN W. BURN LI AM, Merchant, No. 8 South st., New York. •' 31 r. Duff is a man of rare qualifications for business ' JOHN M. D. TAYLOR, Merchant, _ . . Union St., New Orleans. *T.T Duff Is a merchant of the first respectability." J. LANDIB, Merc hant, New Orleans. - I graduated in Duff's College in half the time I ex peered. Hi-admirable system includes nothing surper- Auous, nor leaves out anything esKcntlal," J R. OOMPTON, Cashier Nlagra Bank, Lockport. N. Y. " It contains much matter important to the merchant H C. 0. HALSTEAD, President Manhattan Bank, N. Y. "The most complete work of the kind I hav*> evet ! scon.' JAMES P MURRAY, Presldont Exchange Bank, Pittsburgh. "The most cleat and comprehensive that I have met with." JOHN SNY&OCR, Cashier Bank of Pintfttirgh. ' Yon have yonrowti long experience as a merchant to good use in this work." RICHARD IRVIN, Merchant, No. 98 Front street N. Y. " The favorable opinions already expressed by gentle- 1 men of coinpetout authority are well deserved and vorv ' properly bestowed." CHARLES M LEUPP, LEOPOLD BIER WORTH. ROBERT KELLY, Special Comm'ttee of the Chamber of Commerce, N. Y. [Extract from the Minutes ] PROSPER M. WETMORE, Secretary. "Your Committee unanimously concur in the opinion of the utility of the Improved method of Mr. Duff," UUKDON J. LEEDS. Recording Secretary of the American Institute, N. Y. THE NEW ENGLAND EDITION OF DUFF'S STEAM BOAT BOOK KEEPING, Just Published by the author. Price $2.00. Sold %j Booksellers Generally. ' '«! perfect system for keeding such books and accounts* J. CAROTHERS. Formerly Cashier of the Merchants' Bank Pittsburg. • The Time Table alone is worth the price of the book M D. B.HERRON. Late Clerk of steamer Mount Vernon. "1 consider the legal form of the Stearns's Protest so Valuable that 1 nsvei loovo por a without u copy of th« hook on , »Dard." A. C. McCALLAM. Captain steamer Areola 4 T woTk publish o ofany rains to the Steamer* Vccou taut." J. F. J. ALLISON, Formerly Clerk of the Steamer Fortune '3 <4 meat perfect system of Steamer's Accounts in use." C. 8. FRISBEE, Formerly Chptaln of steamer Nashville ( Oil Will. H.DntrsPciimauhip. Twelve First Premiums -lbr the best Business and Ornamental Penmanship awarded our Present Peumaq, by the United States Fan at Cincinnati in „ Pennsylvania State Fair at Wyoming 1860 Western Pennsylvania Fair at Pittsburgh -... l§tiu Western Virginia Fair at Wheeling ...........I*6o And the Ohio State Fair at Cleveland ...16ti2 All of which are exhibited at our office. OUR TERMS. flare not been advanced since ttis sear, while other charge. 150 for tuition or SlO and sls extra for Penmanship Our tuition for grauatiug course. Including \ ,_ business penmanshi]) time unlimited, is i w u .liUnk books (for whlrh others charge A flO) $2 0 ■Duff's Book-keeping, (other texts cost 13 A $4) $1 7 We therefore present the business student with the IMPORTANT ADVANTAGESi Ist. Wshaye the best penman In tlis West. 2d. The «>yrtem of accounts taught under the Authors directions. 3d. The lectures uf An experienced Merchant. 4th. 7 or 8 weeks saved iu time of study, fith. The rams time »*ved in-Woaiding. Oth. From s\'2 to HP saved in blanks and print, btioks. Ttli. The graduatea share in the long standing rcas tlon of the College. CZt For particular* send for oar enlarged new clrcu i .pp. 05, with samples cf our Penmans' biihineas and uamer'.iU writing inclosing Twtnijf-five cents for post- A 99M, PUt«Murfh f F4. IflflMW LEATHER AND FINDINS STORE J ON MAIN STREET, i Oiie door North of M'Aboy's Store. 0-EXTS' FKEXCII X!ALP UOOTS, snows AND CONGHKSS GAITERS. LADIES & GENTS' SLIPPERS, j MISSES' HOOTS, SHOES. AND GUMS. j BOYS BOOTS & SHOES. ('hildren'N Shoes of all liindN. A FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Af my own manufacture, constantly onhnnd.aud work made to order, of the BEST STOCK and in the LATEST STITIjE]. A large and full assortment of Eastsrn stock, of the very bent material and workmanship. All kinds of LEATHER & FINDINGS French and Common Calf skin*. Sole and Upper Leather, Morocco, Kip* and Kids. ROANS AND LININGS Of all kind.«. We have the largest, best selected, nnd for the times the cheapest stock ever offered for sale in Butler. The public are invited to call and examine for them selves. May 31—tf THEODORE IIUSELTON YMRI CAN CITIZEN Joli PnMmsQ€lc@l Ornamental, Plain, Fancy, Card, Book BiMm m mwttm, Coi-nrr ot Main »ml Opposite Jack's Hotel llntlev |WE ARB PREPARED TO PRINT,ON SHORT NOTICE Bill Heads, Uook«. Druggist Label". Pro grammes, Constitutions, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Blanks, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Show Cards, l'amphlots, Posters, Bills of Fare, Order Books, Paper Books. Billets, Sale Bills, Ac. REINO FURXISIIEn WITn • Tho Most Approvod Hand Presses TIIK LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF Type, Borders, Ornaments, Rules, Cuts, &c., IN TIIE COUNTY, We will execute everything in the line of PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PRINTING N EAT IT, PROMPTir, ».1D AT IU IBOXABLE It MF.S, In a style to excel any establishment at home, and compete with any abroad, m ■ r 1 «-«■ mw ua-k Arc employed in every branch of the business, and wo endeavor to meet the wants of the community, and to re tain the honorable distinction which has been already conceded to this establish ment, for TASTE IIV COJtI'OHITIOJN AND Klrgnnoc In I'VCBH W»rk. In all the essentials of Cheap Printing. Good Paper, Tasteful Composition, Beau tiful Press Work, and DISPATCH, we in vite comparison, from getting out a Card of a single line to an illuminated Poster, or a. work of any number of pages. I\ I \ I ALYABI EVI KK FOII RHEUMATISM. FT*) those who think and reflect. Now my brother, sis- L teror friend,a* theenve may be.allthnt I n*k of yon ip, that with a fl««r mind, and a pure heart—a love "for truth, and a willingnexi* to accept It, you read th« fol lonin^ I am curing quite a of canes of RheumstiHm every year, and now 1 intend to make it knowti general ly through the medium of newspaper*. 1 have con fined my medicine principally to my own neighborhoo rERy BEST QXTALITTUA LA TEST STTLES. to take LIFE LIKE PICTURES. THANKFUL FOR PAST PATRON AGE, WE OFFER I <-nr sorvjees to the public ; and PLEDGE eu selves to spars no puins or Islmr to nccommodats sll who may think proper to give us a call. JOHN P OBE B«tler, Oct. 4, 18«6::tf. WINDOW BLINDS! 1 It EE A* window blinds can be had at the low price 50 GTS. A BOLT, AT THE FAITCY STORE OF ■ ■ . c?- Butler December '2O, lHfts. AGENTS Wanted I— To sell price Certificates for GOLD and SILVER WATCH EF, Ladios Jewelry, Dia mond Ringa, Pins, Ac.,OA'LY 15 EACH, for any article drawn. Retail Pried from §lO to $250. ALL GOODS WAR RAKTKD GENUINE. Price of Certificate 25 Cents each. — Liberal Premium* and Commission allowed to Agents. — Sample Ctrtijlcaten sent free. For Circulars and Terms addres". Misses. HAYWARD & CO., Jan. S, '66— 3mos. 229 Broadway, New York. CTTJST O^EISTEID. HEW ROOT & SHOE SHOP. ON WAIN STREET. Opposite Koyd'a Ilnlldliigi WHERE we arc prepared to manufacture Boots and Bhoes of all kindn, to order, of the best material, in the Intent styles, and of the finest workmanship, — on the shortest PWIBIE notice; it nd at AN reasonable rate? as the name quality can be hadatany other establish ment. J. A. SHANOR 4 J. BICKKL* Drugs ! Drugs! Drugs! DRS.GRAHiM&HUSELTON HAVING purchased the Drug Store recently owneJ by IN . 11. P. Hamilton, will carry on the Drug busi ness in all Its departments, at tire old stand, Boyd's Block Main Street Butler Pa. We have constantly on hand and for sale a pure quality of DRUGS CHEMICALS and PAINTS OILS VARNISHES AND GLASS, WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD 4LITHERAGE Dye-Stuffs, Glass and Putty, TURPENTINE, AND ALCOHOL, LABD, FISH A NEATS-FOOT OILS, BOTTLES, VIALS, A,VDUORKB. SOAP. SPONGES A LAMPS, PURE GROUND SPICES, le Ac. Ac. Also a generel variety of Perfumery & Toilet Articles. Wiaes and Liquors for Medical purpose*. Wines for Sacramental me. furnished at cost. Physicians pres criptions carefully compounded. The public is respectfully invited to Call and examine our stock, ws are confident that we can seil as reasonable as any similar ESTABLISHMENT iuthe county. Nov. 22 lH«5::ly. FRUIT llgFROIT! milEundersigned proprietors of "RURALHILLNUR I SERY" wisnes to Infbrm the public that they have NOW on bands nt their nursery, located about, two and ONE half miles sD orchard. SILAS PEARCE ft SONB. January 17,1866. William E. Moore. PENSION, BOUNTY CLAIM AGENT K. M'Junkln'i Oillrr, Main Street, op posite Zimmerman's Hotel, Ilutier, II«i» ler Co. Fa. 49" No charge until claims received. -^*® T^WTim&IE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE, 87 FIFTH ST., (Oppojifa the Gazette Building.) IMTTSNTAON PISJI'A, WILL give prompt attention to all business in the line ofthc Profession including the collection oi ''laimssagninst the Government for Back- Pay, Bounty, Pensions,rrize-monoy, Ac., Ac. Nov. 22, 18C5::»!IN Claim A^cnt, THE undersigned would respectfully notify the public thatdie has been regularly commissioned as aXjA-IHUE AGE2STT, fhrsecuriug Bounty Money, Arrears of I\iy and /Yn tions, for stddlera, or If they are dead, for their legal representatives. No charge will be made for prosecuting tbe claims of soldiers, or their representatives until the same are collected. C. E. ANDERSON. Butler, June 27,18M. Dissolution of* Partnership. MNR partnership heretofore existing between the _| subscribers, under the name of Helntbobl St Son has this day been diaolved by mutual consent. The Books of the late firm, will be settled by The.'dore llelinbold, where all, knowing theinsedves iudebted will pleas call and make payment. J.G. HELM BOLD A SON. Theodore Helmbold will continue the business a heretofore, at the old stand. Saxonburg, January L»t, 18CC::2 mm. ~€«WT¥ SI'ItVEYOK. ANY peraon wishing surveying dono by the County Surveyor, can be accommodated by lenviug Word or addreming J. B. Clark, at the office of the County Burvevor in Butler ; or addrcaelng N. M.Slator at Break neck Pokt Office Butler County Pa. March 7th tf. Gilmore &. Liebler. 106 WOOD BT. PITTSBURGH. MANCFACTTBE»« OF AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TBUNKS, VALISES, Naddles, Harnett AND ALL KINDS OF IODIZES sachels. Jan. !U, l«06-r3in. FASHIONABLE TAILOE. THE sol>scriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Butler and the surrounding Vicinity that he is still making clothing iu the latest and most approved styles. Call at the sign of the half uioon and star. T. B. WHITE, Butler Ja. FOIL SALE- I will sell my Farm, containing about NINETY ACRES, situate in Middlesex townahiy, Butler co. Pa., within one half mile of Glade Miil Post office. Bixty acres cleared, a new frame house enclosed and roof'd; a Log house and sub I ing thereon; well watered; good orchard, and the laud is or good quality, either for gnus OR grain. JOHN GUYER, Middlesex tp.. Bolter CO , FeJ». 14. l*KKb* PROSPECTUS OT THE ITUNTIC MONTHLY FOR 1866. With the number for Jsnni y, 18G6, the ATCATIC MOSTHET enter® upon IU +SEVENTH VOLUME. It hu reached an an* and a circulation never before attained by any American magazine of ita class, and Its popularity steadily increases with each succeeding year. Tbe Publishers hare pro?Med f»r the readers of the ATLANTIC during the eoming year articles which they* areconfldent will not only sustain the reputation of the magazine aa the leading exponent of American litera ture; but will Increase ita general attractiveness and value. The ATLITM fbr the year 1800 will contain the follow ing features of especial interest: PASSAGES FROM HA WTHORNE'S DIARY Being extract* from the late NATHANIEL HAWTIIORSE beginning at a period immediately subsequent to his leavinff College. (ittIFFTTH GAUNT ; OR, JEALOUSY. A Hew Novel, by CUARLLM READE Thia new story begins in the De&mber number, and hMs fair to be one of Mr. Reade's moat interesting novels. THE CHIMNEY CORNER. By HARRIET BREECH ER SVOWE. Mra Stowe will continue her admirable pa per* upon domestic and aocial topic* The fliree above-named icntnres will be oontinued throughout tbe year. In addition to these the magazine will contain: STORIES B Y BAYARD TAYLOR . the firs of which— a Russian tale,entitled, "Beauty and the Beast," —Will appear in Jauuary. STORIES BY Mrs. L. MARIE CHILD, the first of which, untitled, "Poor Chloe," will be printed in the February number. OR. JOHNS By IK MARVEL Tbe concluding chap ters of this Novel wtll extend some three or foar months into the new veer. THE LAST DA YS OF WA LTER SA VAQE LAN DOR. Containing a variety of interextiug incident and personal reminicence, by one who knew him. Besides the foregoing articles, especially enumerated .the Atlantic for 1806 will fni ulah its readers with its usual variety of TUE BKST ESSAYS, THE BEST SSORIES, THE BEST POEMS, from Ita unrivaled eorps of cotitrlbutors, comprising many of the gr*t American Writers. The January number will contain contributions from Henry W Longfellow, the late Nathaniel Hawthorne, Charles Reade, Harriet B. Stowe, J. T. Trowbridge* Win. C. Bryant, Baywd Taylor, Donald O. Mitchell Gail Hamilton, The author of "Life in the Iron Mill. And other popular writer. TERMS OF THE ATLANTIC. Single subscription* —?rur dollars per years. Culb rates,—Two copies for $7,00; fivo eopies for $1 0,00 ten copies for $30.00; and each additional copy $3,00. For every club of of twenty subscribe e an extra copy will be furnished gratis, or Twenty .one copies for sixty dollars. I lobbing with •' Our Young Folks."— I The Atlantic and Our Young Folks will be furnished to one address for Five Dollars per yeni. TICKNOR A FIELDS, Publishers, 124 Tremont St., Boston. PROSPECTUS KOI! lWlti THE LADY 7 ! FRIEND. i SPLENDID AllliA YOF TALENT-. Inentering upon the third year or its existence, th* I proprietors or this new magazine beg leave to offer their thanks to the ladies or America r.»r the liberal support already extended to them. Few magazine* have boast ed daring their second year of a list of neatly twenty , five thousand names. } The LADY'S FRIEND will continue to devote as hereto, fore to Choice Literature aud the Illustrations i>r the Fashions. It will contain the latent patterns orCl .aka Caps, Bonnets, Head Dressses, Fancy Work, Embroidery Ac., with Receipts, Music, and other matters interesting to ladies. The Music alon- is worth more than the cost or the whole magazine, the pieces being selected by Prof Oetze from the capacious repository or that widely known and enterprising firm, Messrs. Lee A Walker. * BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINOS. A beau Ifhl Steel Fancy Engraving and a Superb Col ored Steel Fashion Plate will illustrate eiery number; besides well executed Wood Cuts, illustrative <.r the Fashions, Fancy work, Ac., too numerous to di tall. SEWING MACHINE PREMIUM. In order to enable ladies to procure a first quality _ Sewing Machine at very little outlay, we make the fol lowing liberal otters:—We will give one uf \\ heelor A Wilson's celebreted sewing machines, the regular price or wh'ch is fifty-five dollars, on the following terms: 1. Twenty copies or the Lady's Friend one year, and the Sewing M<>chinc. £70.00 2. Thirty copies, one year, mid tbe Sewing Ma chine. $85,00 3. Forty copies, one year, and the Sewing Ma chine SIOO,OO In tbe first or the above Clubs, a lady can get twenty subscribers at the regular price of |2 50a copv. and then by sending on these sulisei iptions, and twenty dollars in addition , w ill get a Machine that she cannot buy any where else for less than fifty fiv« dollars. If she gets thirty subscribers and seventv-five Dollars, she will only have to add TEN DOLL.!R6 to the amount. While ir she gsts forty subscribers at the tegular price, she will get her machine for nothing. The magazine will be sent to different post offices-, ir desired. The names and money shoupl be forwarded as rapidly as obtained, in order that the subscribers may begin to receive their magazine* at once and not become disMiitiitfied with the delay. When the whole amount of money is received tho Sewing Machine will be duly for warded. J The Clubs may be partly composed of subscribers to the Suturtlay Evening J*rt— ln order tbet the Clubs may be made up or the paper and magazine conjointly when it issodetdrod —and are as follows: One copy, one year, fo 50 Two copies, •• 4 (H) Eight copies, one year, (and one to getter up of Club, 00 Twenty M " •« 44 '• •« 5500 One copy of fhs Lady's Friend and one of the Post, S4OO Single numbers of the LADY'S FRIEND (postage paid by us) 26 cents. Subscribers in British North America must remit 12 cents in addition to the annual subscription, as we have to prepay the IJ. S. Pontage The contents of tho Lady's Friend and of the Ibst wil! always be entirely different. Address DEACON A PETERSON. Nov 2».] No 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Tlic Model Parlor Uf agaziiie of America. MiHomass's MONTHLY MAGAZINE Combines and presents tho most interesting, useful, and attractive array cd posular feature* e?er offered In a magazine, including LAROER AND MORE COSTLY STEEL ENGRAVINGS Than are furnished in any other. ORIOISAL STORIES AXD PORKS DT THE MOST EMINENT ACT NOW. NF.W AND VALUABLE MUSLC, By the most popular composers. ARCHITECTURE AND MODEL COTTAGES, With diagrams. PINE PORTRAITS 0P ENINENT FKROONS THE FASHIONS, In every department of Ladles, and Children's Drero splendidly Illustrated with unrivaled and model Fashio Plates, snd our usual FTTLL SIZE PATTERNS, BRAID A F.MBROTDFRT. Also, Household matters and receipts, with Jennie Jmne's talk on woman's tcpic; Paris correspondence, etc., etc., etc. t Together with a constant succession of Brilliant Nov el ties, all to be finely and artistically illn»frat*d. and the Magazine to be printed on the finest paper, and in a style for binding iuto a haudsosae volume for the center tablo «tt the close of the year. Yearly, |3.00, with a set of fwo bsautifbl Parlor Steel Engravings, or a Package containing Two Dollars Worth of Extra Full-sice Patterns, as a Premium to each Sub scriber. Each additional Subscriber, when sent in Clubs, •2.50; Three Copies for 17.50; Five Copies for sl2; Ten copies fbr 922; with the premium to each subscriber. Address W. JENNINGS DOMEREST, 473 Broadway, Nsw York. Single ropiss mailed free on receipt of price, Back numbers, as specimens, 10 cents. Splendid premiums are offered for Clubs, consisting of Oold Pens, Albums, yearly Subscriptions to the bent magazines, Webaters Large Dictionary, Clothes wringers Music boxes, Melodeons, Sewing machine*, Piano*, Ac. Anybody can easily secure one of the above Premiums GEOTA. BLACK, Attorney at Law, ALSO AGENT for the collection ef Pensions, Bounty Back- pay, Ac. Office with J. N. A J. Pnrviance, * Butler Pa. Dec. C. Kxerutor'H Notice, LETTERS, testamentary on the estate or Isaac Riley late of Forward township. Butler county. Pa. dee d, have been granted by ths Register of said county to the undersigned, therefore, all person* knowsug thecal ves indebted to said estate ure hereby notified to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them propel ly authenticated fur set tleinent. SILAS MILLER, SAMCBL JIVUFLL March 7tk, — at, Ifxtrutowt NEW SKIRTS FOR 1865-6 The Great Invention of the Age in HOOP SKIRTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex Elliptic) or double, Spring Skirt. THIS INVENTION consists of DUPLEX (or two) Ellln tic Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously braded tight: l»%nd firmlv together, edge to edge, making the tough) est.most flexible, elastic and durable Spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the Single Spring, and consequently preserve their petTect and beautiruJ Sbapn more th «n twice as long as any single Bpring Skirt that lias or Can be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pteasnre to any wearing the Duplex BH ptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assem blies, Operas. Carriages, Railroad t'ars, Church Pews, Arm Cliairs. f>r Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dress. A Lady having eqjoved the Plenum e, Comfort and Great Convenience «>r wearing the Duplex Elliptic teul Spring Sklit fbr a single day will Never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Misses, and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. THE HOOPS are covored with 2 ply double twisted 1 thread and will wear twice as long a* the Single yam covering which is used on sll Singlb Steol Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods on every Skirt are also Double Steel, snd t* i'M- ..r itoafele covered to i went tne c rver ing from wearing off the rods when dtaggingdown atairs stone steps, 4c., Ac., which tboy are constantly subject to when iuuse. All are made of new and elegant Corded Tapes, ami best quality In every part giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect Shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable,comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. WEST'S BRADLEY A GARY, PROPRIETORS or the Invention, and SOLE MANUFACTURERS,O7,Chambers and 79 A 81 Reade Streets, New York. FOR SALE in all first-class Stores hi this City, and throughout the Untted States and Canada. Havana tie Cuba, Mexico, South America, mid tho Went lodic*. Enquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. A. <& C. THE NW YORK OBSERVER A WEEKIA REMtilOl'N *%r SKCILAH Newspaper fur Family and Fireside, will soon enter on its I OIITY-FOTHTII VIM U of publication. True te The CHURCH, the CONSTITUTION and UNION It Is calculated to edify and ploase both OLD AND YOUNG All n?tc suhtchbers paying us In advance f««r 18M •hall have their names Immediately entered, and the Observer will be sent to them. UNTIL JANUARY FIRST, GRATIS I Subscribe toon, as tho fret pope is will commence when the names are entered- Sample copies iu any ad- Toruis, #3,50 ayeartn Advance SIDNEY R. MORSE Jr. A CO., Oct. 25,1505. 37 Paiit Row. Kew York. THE HERALD OF HEALTH ANP Journal of Physical Culture J FOR XOVKJIIIKR, 1 1. The Alcoholic Mnddlement. or the question of Alco hollo Medication discussed in ft« length and breadth. 2. Notes on Travel, or the Uealth Institutions id Eng land. 3. The Health < ( Students. 4. Oerrit Smith on Drunkenness. 112». A Chapter on Nervousness. 0. Physical Training in Amherst College: it being a letter from Dr. Hitchcock, Proressoror Physical tiki ture in that Institution, to the Publishers or the Herald. 7. Drunkard's Rrains. 8. Intermittent Fevers, 9. Turkish Baths. D. The Cholera. 11. Black Spot in Vin eland. 12. A Learned Londoner on Americans. 13. The True Temperance Platform in Ohio. Aud many other interesting articles. The Hrald >,f Health < otitalns Fortv Pages or mat tor on Physical Culture aud Health topics, ond should be in tho bands or every mother who would rear her child ren to robust*manliood, every student who would preserve his health, and every Invalid who would bo led away fTom adepondence on drug and quack medicines to a de pendence on nature's remedies—air. food, clothing, and a wise hygkme. PERMS. —Oue copy ono year, $1 60; single numbers 15 cents; four copies, $5; ten copies, ?10. Address MILLER, WOOD A CO., No. 15 Laight Street, New York. JVbr. 15, 1806. •< A Complete Pictorial History of the Tiniest" "Tlif best .rlienpest. and most Huccrsful Family l J nf»er In the Union." HARPER'S WEEKLY. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Critical Notices of the Press. •' The best Family Paper published in the L'nitod State*." — Ndw London Advertiser. " The MOPKL NnwspAPEa or our country—complete in sll th" ilnpartinents or an Aiueiican Family Paper— II vatlKH'fl WBKKLY has earned f«>r Itself a riuht to Its ti tle • A JOURNAL (AF CIVILIZATION.' '* — N. 1. Even ing r»st. '• this Papor furnislios tne hett illustrations. Our fu ture historians will enrich themseJv*. out ot Harper's Weekly lotig after writ rs, and painters, and publisher are turned to dust.—-JV. 1". Evuvtp list. "A necessity in every household.**—/iosfon Transcript. " It Is at once a leading political and histbrical annal ist or the nation."— I'\Ha. /'rets. " The boat of its class iu America.*'— Boston Traveller. SUBSCBIPTIOITS. ISS6. Tlie Publishers have perfected a system <>r mailing by which they can snpplv the M \o anil Wkklt pn>m/>- tly to those who prefer to recelvn their period icals di rectly from the Olllce d wood-cuts; and it v inbines in It seir the racy mouthly and the more phi i -ophical qu»u terly, blended with the best features «»r the daily Jour nal. It has great power in the dir«ann.iuation of a love or pure literature.—TßlSLME'S Guide to American Lit erature, London. The volumes bonml constitute of themselves a library of miscellaneous reading such ascsn not be fonnd in tbe enme compass in any other publication that has come uader our notice.— Boston Courier. snzßscißiiPTioiisrs -1866. The publishers havs a perfected system of mailing by which they can supply the MAOASiRKand WEEKLY promp tly to those who prefer to receive their pet iodicals direc tly front tbe Office uf Publication. The postage on HARPER'S M VQAZIXE is 21 cents a year which mnst be paid at the subscriber's poet-offics- Tcrmw * HARPER'S JBIAOAXJME, one year .$4 00 An Extra (\ipy (J either the MAGAZINE or WEEKLY wiU be supplied gratis for every ClubofV ivs SUBSCRIBERS at |4,ou each, in one remittance ; or Six Copies /or S2OOO. I Back Numbers can be supplied st any tirne- A Complete Set, now comprising Th irty-one Volumes in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight a, expense or purchaser, ft* $2 25 per volume. Single volumes, by mall, HARPER * BOTIIMTS. FKAJfKLIK SsjrAßE KpwfYoßX MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. THE W ORLD ltrouylit right In tho Very Midst of BUTLER, SITUATE ON MAIN STREET, J ™',r i?,a Tobacco, Snuff, and Segars. Ifavfng been duly appointed a "Committee of Six."to proceed to parts beyond tbwe dlgjrins, to procure for the cittern* of Butler, and all others who may fttvor him with a call, the choicest articles in his line, wonM respectfully represent: that in pnrsnanco or hi* appointment, he ha* been successful in collect* ng " tnll specimens" of the host articles ever found in llutler! He would also further represent : that grateful to the public for the fa vors conferred upon him. In "days gone by," and hopes he will merit a continuation of their patronaa-e in "day* that are to" In conclusion, he bejrs leave to make tho following re mark: that ho has a little the beet article* in his liue.thiit are to be found from the "centre to tho circumference" of Pennsylvania, and indeed, he might safely add, the United States of North America, the llrttinU Possessions, or the California*, including the mouth of the Colun bia river, all along the coast of Oregon, up a* high as the parallel of " rhifty Phour Phortr." He lIUMiILY soil- Hts the custom of all tne"/)ef Hutler. or any way faring man who may chance to make his transit across the disc of llutler, or sojourn within hei homer* f..r "a season.'' feeling confident he will give aatisfurt ion. both a* regards price ami quality. Come and examine for yon*, selves! Don't put it ofT! I Procrastination is the thief of time!!! dF.OUHR YOOKLEY. Jr Butler, Pa., May 11,1604 BTJIUJEON DKXTIHT'W. DRS.S.R.&C.L. DIEFFENBACHER. A . "fc> X\.artificial dentui le« Am " n Vulcanite,Coral >!h " improvements in dentis- S .7- try, should not fail to ■u Vy| -«.x »mlnetheli uew styles ' ' 112 V n'.r.mi:. in.l (Wulite work. Filling, cleaning:, extracting and adjusting the teeth done with the best material* and in the best manner. Part?cnlnr attention pod to children's teeth. A« mechanics, they defy com petition; as operator* they tank among the beat. Char ges moderate. Advice free of charge. Office—ln fiords llnilding.icfterson Street, Butler Pa. Dec. 'J, 1863.:::! 112. PARTNERSHIP. rflill undersigned would respectfully inform the public | I that they have entered into Partnership, in the Undcrt AILC I nwr HIIHIIK HH, and hereby solicit the patronage of the public. They me provided with a neat Ilearse, and have on band a large quantity of the very best material, an.l are fully prepared t<< furnish CnfTin* of sll kinds on short notlco. They will have on bauds constantly a variety of Coffins finished to suit purchasers, and on the moat rea- ! lonable terms. • Tliey will also furnish Carriages and conveyances f«,r Funeral occasion* whaa requested. Ware Kooin», on Jefferson street, 2 doors West of American Citizen Office U. C. UOE3SINO, fintUr. July 20,1806 :tf. OK »I'.OK W I'.BA. ! George Vogeley, Jr., MANUFACTURER AND DEALER Tobacco, Snuff, and Segars, Main Wtrectf Ilutlor. Things Done Up Right!! I wish to inform fiutier countv, and lhe region roofed about, that I have just received the best articles ev er imported into thin county. Tht only way to psove the fact is to cull ami examine my Tobacco. Snuff and Serais i believing in the'truth of the old adnge that "the proof of the i'uddiug; is in chewing tho Hag." Any man that has an it.kling for Tobacco, in sny of it, orms, can be gratified. GEOROE VOGELEY, Jr. Butler, Nov. 80, 1884. REDICK'S DRUG STORE, Opposite Coin's Store* DFll'Of, Dltliop, DKI'US MMWCTNES, MWJ'HXFS MEDICINES, MEDICINES, MEDICINES, MEDICI N ES. DYE?, DYE 5 , DYES. P AIN TS, PA IX TS P AIX T>, Pure Liquojsfor Medical nse only. Soda, Cream Tarter etc. etc. French and Amebi an ferfumery. and Toilet articles.—■ Krudies. Trn*ses and all articles in the Druglinr, of the best quality and at fairest rates. lor. 9. IM-,.t. 11. S. Fisher's Improved FRUIT CAN, Patened Nov. 12. 1«01, Aug. 19.1882. and March 22,18fi4. To be had only <>f the subscriber, on Main St.. Itl'T DEH, Pa.. X doors North of MAboy* Store. ... here every article of TIISW AUK is kept in C.KEA T I A It IE I l*. This can has been extensively used and found to be perfectlysafe. Its great convenience will be discovered at first sight. The e*ten«ive facilities fur manufactur ing all its parts mirice it very cheap. It is closed by damping a tin cap over and round the opening, which is {tressed upon a cement-coated tra-ket, causing the cement to melt by the heat of the fruit: be coming cold, it is perfectly retried. It Is closed or open ed in an instaut, by hooking or unhooking a rtrrtit wire spring. LADIES, and others, are requested to call and exam ine this unsurpassed Fruit Can. HTM. 8. ZIEGLER. Butler, July 13,1804 :tf. A Jitill BALD SUSILI?," Attorn y at Law, j EItAXKLIV, VENANGO COI'JITT, A « one dnor North of KIN XE A K IIOIJ R. M. M 7 LURS, Attorney at Law, PENSION AND CLAIM AGENT. Omct.N. K. corner of Di&mond, Hutler. Pa. I feh. 3, lSM::tf. NEW FIRM, Sedwick Neff & Co. J' *OIIX A. SEDWICK, P. 1' Brown.»|'|l K. SotT, hate this day went into a Partnership, iu the ilsrneSß and I Saddle manufiictniing business, at the old «tan»6::tf. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWIN MACHINES! rpiie best in use. constantly on hand, alatj machine l oil, n«e Agent for Dr. Martins and Mrs. I.adds improved modles for cutting dresses sacki 4c. OUI at MRS. T. J. LOW MANS. Ag snt. Feb 28th 6rmo WALL PAPER, AT March. 22.DW. TIKI NEMAN' Every Body His Own Broom Maker, CLARK'S Metalic Broom Wrapper is tho most suc cessful article of the kind over introduced into this country. Patented Ma> 23d, 1866. Agents are making from $lO to S2O per day. The right of this county for sale. Send for circular. Address . PETERS k CO, Jin 10, 'CC; Boa 218, IfarvUbyrg, Pa The American Citizen, b* Tuommlu™'' WeJ '"**<*> l.t«A of ,L. One square, one Insertion Kach subsequent insertion ?? l A column (or six months 19 column for six months *«n no 1 column for six months an Vicolninn for one year .*.*"***'» il Vi column for one your .I.'. 4#|l 1 column for one year ..V...V.....70 oo Professional and Dusinebs tarda, n«f exceeding 8 lines, one year * g RxocnturH.AdiiiiiiifttriitDi-aanrl Auiiiti,! . iiutirei, eiiih.3 ott Applications for Licenses. oach.. v 5A Urtny, (iotkM or ItliwlMlM, *c.i"oo« " ■"'■i-flinn 1 nquorn, 8 ilurrllons, rub t 00 lOlinon ol .Nonp«.ll,orlt« •qulTnlont, Kill makooKiuar* JO> won. W.h.pthnnit blll.60coplworlM» $| !! " ;; » —r£zJS BLA.VKB. r <.r any quantity under 6 quires, $1 50«er quire: on all amounts over that, a reasonable reduction will be made BUSIXXBS CARDS. Single packs, $r 50; each additional pack, 50 cte LOCAL KOTICKB. lOcsntsper line for each Insertion, PEATH4 Ann MAJtRtAOM, will bo published gratis, where the same does not i"Xl' a^^'^onn 'i'ne, 6 eta. will be charred iors, ac«i AUUjtor s notices; Estiays, Dissolution of l'nr» n.Mhlp,CHutlnß., nn,l nil J,"',, POSITIVXLI HE fAO> ISI AI>VAM( K. lUHtll 'ZZl"?*'"; 1 lT«pri*L~, or.b. .1 .. ." 'j f' l '" el '. v •«"» to Ktrlctlr «dhor. to tL. " 112 ""'II ?. [ ~i A S-w 1 o T ' 1,n,1w Atnorlcan. < LA IIK H ILBCLV, lr v |„ n Iforaia •lul r 1S1 1 8M. 80 * N * ANDK KSO.N, A>i,rlm Citlxtn. Arthur's Home Magazine. Edit.d by T.-8. Arthur an Virginia F. Town.a ThaItOMBMAOAZINEroi \m will be rnlnr.od ,i„l m " r ' «*" r, by of tbr .mloeiit fa- I Kin rnvi ,? J','.': rer rbarnct.r a. a IIKIII-IOM.H I'KKIOIUCAI,, cl.ln.inK public ftiror on white ?or"vaH«ir Wl " r 'T'f„llj maintninad; , . u - ' «nd -II tha attract rrranlS-'ST Choice pIctUCSS, 112 .! /' r, "® THi,in * 'ashlons, and a larg. variety „112 patterns for garments, embroidery, etc., etc.— I" all respects we shall give A UHST-CLASB SIAOA A «tory l,r T. S. ARTHUR w«l b. comnicnc.d ia the January number. ,• —(ln» copy, «i,60; tlirra »V, , ' " •'"l'l". nuti.inatn tt.itor-np or club, ; nine ro|iirH.Hml ona t< gdlar-up ol club. (1&.0 O. «"A brniitftn! II: KM 11' M II.ATK. .ntitlod "Til* INFANCY I'F Sll A KBI'KA K K," will br mailnl to tarh prraon «bo.rmla u. a club or »nb.rrlbrr>. It »iilal.a boinallpd loc.chdingla subscriber from whom .a >r* ceipe $2,60. i'l" W,Wws will send one jopy each of llonx . MAOACivxsnd OODXT's LADY'S for a >ear. Address, T. 8 AllfllUK A CO., 8211 Walnut,Stieet, I'hila. Xov. 30,186'. The Nation: A Weekly Journal of Politics, Litera ture, Science and Art. Tntajr>„rnal will not be the orjrnn of anv partr. sect, or , v . "" *'!** co "'rary, m ,ko ai, eirnest effort ta l.iliiK on or political ami aocinl questiona a ie.ll> critical spirit, ami to wtige war upon tlie rices or """'" c ," ration, and ntiaieprlSentiilioa by which much I the political writing of the day is maired. '1 he < ! iticism of I, oks and woiltsof alt will r..rm ona of its most pr, minent restores; and pains will 1,, taken to have llilx tusk perflo aa d In eye, y case by writers po.. , sessing special qualifications for it. It is Intended, in the interest of investors, as well ss of the public generally, to have questions of trade snd finance "eatcd erei > «<"k l.y a writer whoa* position • and character will B ,„. hi, article, an exceptions! and render them n safe and trustworthy guide. A special < orrespondent. who has been se|«rted for this work.with care, has started on a journey thiough the South. His letters will appear hereafter every week, and he is charged with the duty of simply rapurtlng what tTlTaw lr iTinK ~l(' P ub, '« »» posolb e It embraces among its regular or occasional csntriLn tors the following names: Henry V Long fell -w, Jamei Rnsseli Lowell. John rt. \\ h"l tier. Samuel Elliott fKx-Pi« hi.lent Trin. Cr. Francis Liebe-, l*i f.ssor floMwln Rnilth, (Oxf.rd.v Professor Cblb' llarvnrd.) Henry James, Chailes K Norton. Judge 110. d fßrtltiuiore, > Edmund Qnlncy, Prof W I). V'hitnv.fYale) Prof |» ('. tiilnuu. (YaJe.i Brooks. Hex Dr. fellows, r. .LBtille. Henry Tuckermat , |itivar«l lay lor, < A. Hristeil, ('. L. Brace, llichard ( . White, William Lloyd flarrison, Sidney fleorxe Eishei ore Tilton. James Parfon, Gail Hamilton TKB MS >—Three i # o,|ars per ami. m in advance; Six months. Two Dollars. W hen delivered by Carries ia N. York or Urooklyn Klftv Cents additional. JOSEPH 11. 1.1(11 AI!DS, PußLism a, 13() Nas«au street X. Y. < OM>ITIO\S FOR TIIK STA.Isr3D7\.I^3D History of the War riIHE WORK will be printed front a beautiful, clsar I now ty|K«. on tine calendered paper, made express!* f>r this wojk. be ooiuiuiMed in one \orr larae volume of over a thousand pages, illustrated witn over one hunO red and fifty portraits of '.istingnished officers and civ Hans, maps diagrams, and numerous fine steel engra vings execulwl In the highest style of the art. It will bo ntrni«hod fosubacrlMrs in neat snd substantial bind ing, at the folt.Msing prices, payslde on delivery. Inline Cloth ftO per copy In Fine 1.-ather (Library St vie, l 7JO •' In EineCloth, (German,) ' «.»0 In Erne Leaf her,CJerman, (Library tftyle) 7.50 "J TliU w no rival as a candid, lacij, complete, authentic siiTl reliable history of the irreat conflict." 112 In the selection »>{ matter the author has confined himself strictly to official er.9, lH<"»3::tf Execator'a lottce. I ETTERS, testamentary on the will of Naocy Stain i J 'ate of Connoqueneesing tn , dee'd., having been granted to the undersigned » aV persons knowing them selvos indebted to said ostata are hereby to make immediate payment, and thoee having elalma against the estate will present them properly au then li eu ted, withoutdelav. for payment. WM STEIN, WM, 11, JAMISON, Febll. 'CtJ.] Executors, w«.*, M. D a.mrt'oa.aaji, ■. HUSELTOH & GRAHAM • (Lato of tha U. S. Arnijr) PHYICIANS AND SURGEONS. *?-OrFios in Boyd's block. Main Street Butler Ps. Henry II Slstor m. Thomas A,M .rdecai Blaksly. John Gallaher es l»r. S. S. Christy. Audrew Sloan rs. David Hoover aud wife James Hredin A L. Z. Mitchell vs. David Kelly 4 David P. Kelly. Commonwealth Pa. v». Edward Faxe, John Ramsey v». E. L. (iilkrpie. Wm. B- Lerntym ss. Jacob Mechling, | SECOND WEEK