A ."m ■» HOW TO UiEAN KED WH AC. There ar* toittotimel av an embryo state, 11 ml aim . las efficient as a dis integrator of the soil. The BCCO il ploughing and final preparation of th< land tstiould bo do laved until the soil is *o warm that there cull he iio chill to the grain,ami then the planting v-iiglii to follow as ear y as possible. Most people attach no importance to the directions of the rows in a corn field, but if fhoy will o iy set ooin moii sense to work, it will ted them pretty plainly the corn in all the first slaves wl' groWih, uui.il iliu ears liave set and tiegin to requires the light auu warmth of the sun as Bull* IU (lie morn ing and as late in the evening, as it eau possibly get it. In the middle of the day the suu shine:-) down to the ground read ily enough, whatever the direction ol the rows. But lor the early uiorniug, auu late, eveuiug sunlight, plant coru ensi and Kent. Every thing else being equal, the acre of corn thus plauted in the same field, with another arte planted the reverse,'will, U is believed yield live bushels the most grain, and an equal excess of fodder.— Sat. Eve. l'o»t. LICE IN CIIICKKN-IIOUSES. —We liardly know what to advise to rid the houses of this pes*. We have al ways found lime-washing effectual ■when thoroughly done. It must be well worked into all crevices ; holes which the brush cannot reach must be stopped, an t the operation must be repeated till he desired change take place. If the fowls arc supplied in the house and in their run with a couple of bushels of dust, or better mill, of wood ashes, with which should be mixed four or five pounds of bla k sulphur, they will use i* as a bath and rid themselves of their visitors. —Agricultural Gazette. WARTS ON CATTI.K.—A subscriber asks how warts can be r'adily re moved with caustic, lunar, or potash. Five cents worth of either lunar caus ti", or caustic of potash will suffice. Keep the Caustic in a vial, ti-ke a stick ol it, wet the end with water or spittle, and rub it on the - arts. Two or three applications will suffice.— B • very careful with the c->ustic of potash or it will e'tt too deep and make a sore.— N. 11. Farmer. —A single teed of carrots per day is the best preventive of heaves in horst'!-. rttifuce the quantity of grain and sub.-titute carrots in its place, aud your horses will require no medicine, enjoy fine spirit*, loose hide*, «id the ability top rforc full woik. FHOST-l)lTrliN Cn.MBS 01' FOWLS call be cured, it is said, by au appl.- Cfttioii of petroleum, the article sold by Druggists us a medicine. —The Wwt Virginia (Jntilerence of the Methodist Episcopal Church coin— meiices iu jMurgautuwu ou the l*th iust. ■round once well plowed is better thrice p >orly 112 Injury must never provoke a good BUUi to Uo wrong. • -i—' ►<* *' " -■ •,*. FINDINGS STORE, ON. MAIN STREET, One door North of M'Aboy's Store. GENTS' I'KKVCH CALK HOOTS, SHOK» AMI CONUBI&6 GAITERS, LADIES & GENTS' SLIPPERS. MISSES' HOOTS, SHOES, AND GUMS. BOYS BOOTS & SHOES. Childron'H Shoo» of all film!*. A ITLL ANl> COMPI.KTK ASSORTMFA'T of my own manufacture, constantly <»»i hand.and Wink made to order, of the RKST STOCK and in the LATEST STYLE. A large and full asa'rtntent of Kastern stock uf the rery best material and workmanship. All kinds of LEATHER & FINDINGS French and Common Calf skins. Sole and Upper Leather, Morocco, Kips and Aids ROANS AND LININGS or nil kimU. We h.ive the largest, hest selected, «nd f<>r the time* the eheape-tt stock ever ofTeied for n tle in Cntler. The public are invited to call and examine fur them setvos. May yi—tf TUKODORK lII'PF.hTON AMERTCAN "CITIZEN" Jali PrintinyOffice! Ornamental, Plain, Fancy, Card, Book ANP 308 Cornet* of Main nnPl>ohM« Juek'N Ifotel WK ARF PREP ARKI> TO PRINT. < >N PTIORT NOTICK Hill Heads, JSookn, Constitutions, Checks, Mutes. Drafts, ]>lanks, Husiness (?ar WITH The Most Approved Hand Presses AM) Till: LAJtOKST ASSORTMENT (>l Type, Border*. Ornainenh. Rules. Cult. &c., 1\ 'fllK OH \TY, \*'e"will execute tTOiTihiin: in the line o PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PRINTING N MATLV, PR'iMfILY, %-1» Al KK'SiNaWW IfAl Kit, I n a Htyle to «*eel any I'NtjiblishiircTi! borne, nn'l (■•mu'erc witli :tnv nlnoml Ml* II 1 <>«l *■».' \ie einplnye been already conceded to this establish ment. fur TAMTI3 IN COMPOSITION AND Kloffnnot? In l*r«'Kw Worli, In all the CRwntialu of Cheap Printins; (rood Paper. Tistcl'iil ('uniposition. Hcaii tilul Press Work, and Pispatoh. we in vite comparison, from trottii»-_ out a Car of a single line to an illuminated L'ostci or a work of any number of pages. a\ im am.ahm; ri itr run RIIEUAYIATISM. rp > those who think a id reflect. Now my brother. s-«- I tar or friend,a* the cane may be.nll t o»t I auk of y.m j it, that with a clear mind, ami a pure heart—a love foi truth, and a w illiiiguo** to accept it. you read th" f-1- I nui curing quite a number of case«nf Rheunritirnn every yeaj-, and uow I intend ,t«» make it kn-wn general ly through the medium I ncw.«pipsCfc. 1 have con lined my medicine principally to my own nei hborlioisl for a considerable length of time. In order *o tes ii*• merits thoroughly, and now I can offer it t • the public witli a certainty of t< success. knowing that a tri»l will recommend it. Ido not recommend if t • cure anything '••it KliHI MATI SM—f.ir which I have tested its merit." thoroughly. With satisfaction to myself and other*. | can send my compound hy mail to any address: li »uic recommendations. as to who I«m 1 refer the public to S. Lowell and I'. K House of Itirliland tp.. A'cnango c I'a.. C. Sloan. S ItoM, and 11. V. Camp.of Kmlentoti. Mr-. Hrenauiau. Clarion : Mrs. M. Louchner Salem and Mrs. M'tiiuids. Hichland tp.. Clarion co.. I'a.. and a host of others who have been cured by my vegetable CJUI '•ouud. Add. ess. with two Hcent stamp*, K, If. Itl.Alli. Kmlenton. Yenuugo co., - . —. FARM FORSALE. A good farm if lIW acrCM about acre* denied ttie tost good timber lai.d, all of which i* well waie.ed. A l.uG lloush and htable and a variety of frnii trestm the tun. n situ ated in I'enn tp. Hutler co i'a* .«ix mtl i.| of llotlerand ab ail hail' a mile eiMt of flie 1 • i«a Kor further partictlarn inquire of the niioacri •• tl e premUea. M IMHAVK't run A SELECT SCHOOL IN Prtinpect, Hutler Co. I*a. RKV. .1. HOTKWKI.I,. Teacher. Term begins April 2d—Ckwee ntn«* SMlt lUCf. The patronage of the public is » A Y [ .Mii« cm 27 ih. -ti 1j o clock. «. in a ltd to be till the vDtire »tuck w di*|K*«otl of. I lie «l* - uflW* tor s*le 2 h<.r*M, 2 mule*, and other ar , ticba too nuniuiou* to be ni niicued ! Con.U iot ani idvkiM.wn ub of aale. A reft * oiMliie c;edtt will be given. S. it.—All tnuse kuowiog thein*el?e« tudebtT. OFFER «>ar services to the public : and p!«d. r»lee«to pfcaro ih. gains or lo at'comwdntf t %»i»y msv think j [Wifpriojlwoidin Jomx t.WtK T!>itinr. Oct liMTf WINDOW BLINDS! i RKK.V window blinds can be had at the low price j SO GTS. A BOLT, AT THE FAHGY STORE j or ■■ . c?- mm m*:m rw m<: mu .m. nr. Rutler hw*ml''r -l>. .V Agents Wanted !—To Pell pris» Certificate# for! ! 001,1) »n I s'ILY i.R W \ r«"il:2. a . Lilies Jewelry. f)i i ni->ml Rings. Pins. *e., O.VLY f5 K M'll, for any n- th !e I drawn. Itelail P led fro in slot ■ ?'.?5 ». ALL <1 'iOt>« WaR-H n\XT» n OBSVINK. Pric. of Certificate *2fi'C«nt« eftrli. — 1 Liberal I'rcininni- ami t' untnistioii all -wo.I lo Agents : S tmji'f Ort'fioit'* fret, \ For Circular* and Terms aldrem, MKSS** IIA VWART» & CO., j Jan. 3. 'fifi—Smos. 229 Hroadway, Now Yorfc. CTXJST OZFEZsnEID. NEW BOOT & SHOE SHOP. ON MAIN STREET. Opposite Ro}d*« If ti tiding. 117" II P. RK wo are prepared t-> manufacture Itootsiaiid \\ Shoes ."f all kinds, to order, of the bent material, in the litest styles, and of the tbuwt workmanship.—tin the shortest possible notice; end at as reasonable rate a" the same quality can he luulntany other establish ment. J. A. SIIA NOR A J. lilt Kfcl. Drugs ! Drugs! Drugs! DRS.GRiHIH&HUSELTbII H\ S'l NO pnrch i ed the Prnp Stoi« recently own* 1 h» l>r. I>. F. II imliton, wilH. arry <>n the Drug bn-i • m all it-department««, at thmddstand, lloyil s Phtl; Mon Street Hutler Pr>. We have constantly on hand mid f>r sale a pm e qu dlty of URUOS ( lIKMT'Wf.S and PAINTS Of IS V \ h NISI! KS > \ I) (• LASS, WIIITK LI-AD,RtD I KAD k LI IIIKK AO I Pye-Stuffs, Glass and Putty, 4*l' It PUN TIN K. \ND AhCOIIOh, LAUD. KI >ll k N HATS-FOOT t»TI.S. llorrLKS. VIALS, A.VDCOUKS. 8 >A RPONOFS t I. A MPS. PUItKOR »UND SPICES kc. Ac. Ac. AI«oa cenerel variety of Poi l'uiiicry & Toilet Articles. Vine* and Id<|n<»r« for Medical purposes. Wines 112 r Hcramentul »< fnrni"hed at cost. PhysVelsns pre< criptfon* e trefnlly compounded. The public is respertfnll v invited to rail find examine our %t.wk, we uoc Mifldciit tliat wernn well an reasonable as any -Intilare I iblirihinent in the county. Nov. 22 lM'»6: lv. fffflßainderalgned pr< prieturs of' RI HAL H 11.1. \ 111 | SI I*Y" wisnes to infi>rm the pnldu; that they liav«„ it «\v on hxnds at their nur»et>, located about two an me half ndlfl" s.»uf|| west of the Un > iigh of Hutler, tl c be-t md l-irjre>t variety of fruit trees ever o(feted t tli• public i t'»i« county. Their fruit tre»*s consist of the APPLK, PKAR, PRACIf, AND CIIIRR Y Thesear« tinqnc^tininblv the I as they are al< • the lie t \ irietles offered in tli's sect on Their va ilety 112 >IIHI'HHKRY is also large. Tliey would there f,»re •• dieffe a liberal tip- riming sp»*ing Now >. tlie t : iio* ti selet t the it r und and m ike y -ttr orders which will b« (•»-■ •tup*ly filled. The tee Scan be had a» 'lie nursery or deb vet ed where ordered to suit purcllii »ers. hvery farm ahoiird have a .irehard. SILAS PKAICC'K* SDNS. ,la»*uarv II.IRPA William El. Moore. PENSION, BOUNTY CLAIM AGENT F. MMiinklnN (HHcf. Jin In Strrn op l>o»lte Zlmiiit rmnii'a llofel, ISu.ler Uniei Co. i*n. No rlmricp until claims received "4® VITORNEY AT LAW, OFFiC , 87 F FTH ST., lOppo.ile tit3Gazette Building.) PITTMBTHOH I'LAII'A. UriLL give prompt attention to nil huslne** in tin line of the I'rofeasioit, including the collection-< t lainKSagdnst the (loveranient for Hack-Pay, Ilouu'v Pension*, PriM mitrny, Ac.. Ar. •Nov. 2*4, 1*05: «im Gilmore & Liebler. 106 WOOD ST. PITTSBURGH. MAMJFACTUIIKLW OF A3TD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALKRB IN TRUNKS, VALISES, Kn«l«llr.s, Harness ASB ALL KINDS OF LADIES SACHELS. Ann. £4, 180 ft— :»m A<(mim»li'ator*M Xotire. IKTTKKSt.f .liliiiitiintr.itio: having been granted I. j tli* undet signed on the ' estate . 112 A J Boyd l*t« 112 I'rndy tpdec 4.. tt.eref.ie, all |>ersoiM i,id'ebte« 1.1 MIII.I estate are requested to pay the «»m% without de lay and thme havinir claims "gainst the Mime will pie *ent t.ieui duly authenticated for *ctt lenient JOSEPH T liOTD inarch 14. 'j the *ubsciiherß, all persons knowing them indve- indebted to said estate air requested to make ■uinifiiutc payment, and th.me having Claims ag dnst the Mine aijl present them properly autliuiiticatfU fur aut tlem«n£at their Store in boyd * buhdings, Uutlci. Pa. UhilKiiK WKKKP, vt . A HAM TRuL'TM A .V, March 14.1866. AdmYs I>is»»lul ion of Partucr»lilp. rpm: pnrtnetNhty heretofore exiting between tU 1 »«!>*•?«•••*-. under the nnme of lielmbold « p„„ luw thiw been dlwdved by nmtn»r cmwout. The ' l '' f \ r I ,u » I wi,t *»• li- lmhold. where all. knowing th«*mselvc« Indebted Will cull aud 111.ike piu luai*. *. U HKLMIiuLD A 80S TliMitre Heluib.dd will coutiuuu ibe l>uainea« a heretofore, mt the old »tand. gaxonburtc. January Ist, 1£66::2 mo*. WALL PAPER, AT March. 22.1 W. H KIN KM AN' Everybody His Own Broom Maker, p Ml>i*lic Hr.imu \\ rapper u (be most nc J MMul wtu-lr •■{ tu„ kiii'l „,e, iairudiiceC Into Into r, U, lr, , p " u :" Jl "i "V". Air. uu tire Ming iIV Ji I **»• " ll ' "I 1 " "112 ">•« '"uiitr lor sale Semi for circulut. Address j»n lu, '6ft LUrrybuxg, i* ; RTTOSPIXTIS THt ITUmFc MOKTHLY FOR 18SS. J H'TTLI THE MNNBER »R .Tain. Iy, 1864, the A VIATIC vtoxiH-T enter* upon ft* [ SEVPXTH VOLUME. It ha* re-irl • Ail •• uui a • ii.-nl'U i«N n-Vrr b-f-re «t|Htfc..i %\ AIV t A»I iTTOD*irlnje the eoinlng year articles which they' I :ireeoi|tident wijl n>t QUB' --iwtaiij the reputation the : laatrinite a« the 112» adH>g" of Atuerlcnn litera ture, but will inrrcado its gcueral nttractiveneM-aud value. The Artwrc for the year will contain the follow ing feature* of enpecl IL Intt-vest : . PASSAGES FROM HAWTHORb'E'F DIARY lb ItMr ettracti frow the late NVIIIAMKI. beginning at a period immediately uuhse JUI NT to his leavinff Tollcce. G RJFFfTH OAt'XT ; oa, JEALOUSY. A new Vovel. b> CHARLE- KLAOK. This new «tory begins in the rr Syuwx., Mrs will continue her admirable pa- npon domestic aod s-jcial topics. The fhree rs, comprising many of the inlAln contribnti »ns fi >m Henry W LongCeliow, the late .Nathaniel llawth 't ne, Charles Renrte, Ilaniet R. Ptowe, .1. T. Trowbritljje.s WM. C. Inyant. Raverd Taylor, P.-MLL (1. Mitchell Call Hamilton. The author of W Lifc In the Iron Mill. And other popular writer. TERMS OF TIIE ATLANTIC. FINALE subscriptions — Fiur dollar* per year*. Culbi.l ES^-' Two copies t'oi ?7,(K». five COPIES f ( ,r FLR,OO t»«n copies tor s;v>.oo: and each additional c..py F;J,NO. For every club ID' of TWENTY subaeribeis an extra C.pv \\ill be fui nished gratis, or Twenty . .ne copies f»r sixty I lubbing with ' Onr Young Folks."— The Atlantic and Our Y»nng F' lks will be furnished to oue addru*S for Five DOLLARS per rear. TICK NOR A FIKI.D3. Publishers, 121 Treniont gt., Boston. ritOSI'ECTOS FOR 1866 THE LiDY 7 ! FRIEND. SrLKXDID A RR A Y OF TALENT. In entering upon the third year of its exlstonee, th proprietors of this new magazine H! Steel Fancy Engraving and a Superb Pol •red hteel Fashion Plate will illustrate every number; '»e*ide* well exernted Wood Cuts. illustrative • 112 the Fashions, Fancy work, Ac., too numerous to drtail. SfcWINO MACHINE PREMIUM. In order to enable ladies to prceme a first quality ■"ewinir Machine at very little outlay, we make the |",.1- I *wing liberal offers:—We will gire one of \\ heeler 4 \ il-"i - ■ •!••!•i el.•rwarded a* rapidly as obtained, in order that the *ub«rribers may begin tore -rive their mag*/'new at once and not become dissatisfied with the delay. When the whole amount of money i« received the Sewing Machine will be duly fotwaided. The I'luhamay be partly composed of subsrrihers to the Saturday Evening i'ost , if desired. In all ernes the machine Rent will he the retrular VI li KKDKR fi M ll>«>N'S No. 8 .Machine, sold by them in New Vik for fifty-five dollars. The Machine will he selected new af the luunßiuctory in New York. boxrd, and forwarded fioo of cost, with the exception of freight T Kit MS: Our terms are the same as those of the well known weekly paper the Sdurdag firming J\nt —in *»rder that tin* i tubs may be made up <>f the paper ami mana/ine ly dnlly when It is so desired—uud are as follows: ne Copy, one year .$2 60 l*OM,"rt, - 4 «N) Follr '• • s IK) Mftu copies, one year, (and one to gottet up of •nh. ItHK) twenty •• •» . me copy of fhe Lady's Friend undone of the Post, S4OO Single numbers of the LADY'S KM F.ND (postiwe paid by Subscribers!n British North America must remit 12 rent* in addition to the annua) subscription, an we have to prepay the U. S. Postage The contents of the Lady's Friend and of the /*»»< wii! ilway* be eutirely different. •Mr-*** DEACON 4 PETERSON. Nov 2V.J 'No .119 Walnut street, Philadelphia. The Mod<>l Parlor Magazine «1" A mcrlcH. a)23JaoIT:F,3i£"B MONTHLY MAGAZINE Combines and presents the moat interesting, useful, and attiactive array of posular features ever offeted in a : tiMgaxiue, including I.AROEK AND MORE OMRTLY STEEL ENGRAVINGS Than ar»- furnished in any other ORMINAL STORIES AND PO'MS UT TMK MOST EMINENT N'nv AM) valuable music, By the m««t popular composers. ! UtCIIITLCTLRE AND MODEL COTTAGES, With diagrams. rift POBTKAITB or EMINENT EERSOSS THE FASHIONS. Iti every department <»f Ladies, and Children's Pre-n splendidly illustrated with uurivaled and model Fachio Platen and our u«ual FULL SIZE PATTERNS, BRAID A EMBROIDERY. Also. H •iirieholil nutter* an 1 receipts, with Jennie .112 nine's talk on woman's tcpic; Paris correspond* nrr. etc., etc., etc. Together with a const* it succession of Hrilliant Nov el lien, all to be finely and artistically illustrated. and the Magazine to he printed on the ttuvxt paper. and in a style for binding i*itu a handsome volume for the center tablt <•* the eloee of the year. Yearly, $3.00, with a set of Two beautiful i'arlor Steel Engraving*, or a lockage containing Two Dollars Worth of Extra Full-size Pattern*. as a Premium to each Sub scriber. Each additional Subscriber, when sent in Clubs, 112 J. 60; Three Copies fur $7.54* Five Copies for sl2; Ten copies for $22; with the premium to each subscriber. Addrec* W. JEN NI HQS DOMER EST, 473 Broadway. X*w York. Single ropies mailed free on roceipt of ( the above Premiums Orphan*' Court Male. I.V purananco of an or.ler of the Orphan.' Court of llullrr rounty, we ollhiffrr f.,r ml. at putd.conicry on the pr»mt«», on Saturday the Zilh day of March' 1800, u.l 2 ,/WocA, H M.. " Seventy Acres of Land, P a,1 * r county, adjoining land* of Win Ml Harteell, Win. .Yixou, aud other lamia of Jr. M tie*, dpr'd. About 3ft acre* cleared aud under good fence; witb a two-#tory Log Home and KitcUen, ami i 2rv I'*RMBtherioii; aud the balance of the land well timbered, and a |CtH»d well of wat-r. ThKMis :—One third iu hand, the balance i'l two eqnal ' annua) pay menu with intoreet from timo ..f sale. I DOUTUKIT. DOUTUKIT. , JOHN M'OJiE, aareh7,'oS.l B*«c*tor» at Jm. MGee, te d. NEW SKIRTS FOR [865-6 The Great Invention of the Age in HOOP SKIHTS. J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex Elliptic, or double, Spring Skirt. THIS JX VKNTIOS consist* of HIIM.KX (or two) Kllip tic l*ut e Refined Steel Springs, iiiKeiuoii-1 \ loaded tlghr. iy ami ixriul) toselijer, edjie to e«lj;e. making the toQgb- IIi'X Ide, elastic and durable Spring ever They M*ld(>in behd orbrwak, like the Single Springs, aud consequently pre»er\e their perfect and beautiful Shape more th n twice as long its any single jjpiii,g Skirt that KY»T RM or Can bp made. The fronderfttl flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wiring the Duplex Ell ptic Skiit will be experienced particularly In all crowded A»sem til »••*«, opera*, Carria»ces. haibond \ ars. Church Pews, Ann Chair*. ft* lfrumonade and House Dress as the Skirt tan be folded when in use t«» occupy a -mall p|a< e an easily and conveniently as a Silk «.r Muslin Drew. A Lady having eujtiyed the I'hutsine. < 'omf»rl and lirea* Convenience of wouriug the -Duplet giliptie Uvl .-'pi-ing Skiit for a single day will Xi>v. r afterward* willingly dispense with theii u*« For Children. Aliases, and Yuitug Ladies they are -uperi-u to all oUii*r>. TIIK UOOI'P are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice an long a** the Single yam covering which In n«d on oil Single Steel If. .p Skirt*. Xhe three bottom rods o U every dkirt at *• alao Is olde Steel, aud twice or d »übleCovered loj invent. tin' r v >i injr from wearing «'fl the r..d< whendi tg-ittg o>w u siai* - stone 3tip*. Ac., Ac., which tluy are constantly subject to When in use. All are mido of new and 'b-gant Corded Tapes, and am the best litv In every part giving t" tin* wearei the m«»*t graceful and perfect Shape p>wwible. and ire unquestionably the lightest, most desirably,eoiufitable and Hcnumical Skirt ever made. V\ KSf'S liKAPLKY A OAKY, t'ROPRIKTOUS nf the 1 nv«uti< m, aud SOLh MAX 112 I'ACTI'IIHRS, 97, Cham I-ei> tnd 7'J A -Si Keule Streets, .New York. FOR SALE in ill first-class Stoles in this CIU, and tout the United Statin and Canidi. Kavaui de ruba, Mexico, South A'thci lea, and the Wet Indies. Enquire for the Duplex Elliptic i.or deuble j Spr.rijSkirt. A J ('. NEW YORK OBSEISVLR A WNKKI.Y ItULIGIUIN «V NLHX'I.AIt Newspaper for Family aud FiresiJe. will soon niter on it-* FORTY-FOTRTU YEAR of publication. True te Thfi CHURCH, jhe CONS I iTU l ltiS and UNION It I# calculated to edify and plea.se b >ih OLD ANDYOUaW All new tubtcriler: paying in* In nivalin* for IKO® •hall have tlndr names Immediately entered, and the Observer will be seat t» them. , UNTIL JANUARY FIRST, GRATIS I Stib-crlbo tn-m, as the fvt% ft ipr s will commence when the named arc entered Sample conies io anv ad dres s/rr,. Terms, s;i.£o n year in Idvnnce i S! D.\ K Y K. MOWSK Jr. A CO.. Oct. 2ft, 18W. a? Park Row, New York. i THE HERALD OF HEALTH * ANP Journal of Physical Culture | roat xovim itiiß,' is«.i, ' 1. The Alcoht.lic Muddioiueut, or the question «112 Alcu I hollo .Medication discussed in its length and brcidth ' 2. Notes uu Travel, or the Health institutions i»f i.ng laud. 3. The Health of Students. 4 (lerrit Srnltti .»n Prilnkennetn. ft. A Chapter on NVrvi ume-ss 6. t'byHical Training in Ainhertd College: it being a , letter from Dr. Ililehc.«ck, i'rtffeaaorof Physical • ul turi in that Inititutiou, to the Publishers ut the Hhnlit. 7. DyunkariKfl Brains. 8. Intermlttent'Pevsrs, 9. Turkish Ruths, i 1 '. The Cholera. ,11 black Spot in Vlncland. •2. A beamed Londoner «>n Americans. , 13. The True Temperance l'latf •rm iu Ohio. , AutiEi. N*ltw .sp \fTa of our country—complete in all tic departments of an Ame lean Family Paper INrrkr o WERKI.V hase:irne«l for itself a right to it*4l th • A .IUI' JIN AI. OF t'l VI 1.1 / ATIO.N .' " . )' h rf„- tnff Jt>rt. '• This Paper furnishes tne I>r»t illuttrati'mr. Our fu tuie historians will enrich themseivs out .d ll n per's Weekly long after writ r* and palnt>>i-s. and publisher are turned to dust.— N. Y. KvunutJitt. • A necessity Inevery hou-xcri!/r • tVipynf either the WKIIKLV »r >lMU\t>t will I# supplied f/rntisj'ur errr>/ ClvhofV in. Hi i u tsi U0 each, in one remittance ;or Sfx f'j-ief fnt Hue' Xuikher* can be supplied at any time. + The annual Volumes ..f if \RI*KR*S Wkf.KLV. in neat c'oth binding will be sent »*y express, fire «T e\peine 112 rl7 ll' each. A ftimfrfe Set. Comprising Eijhl IV/v $. isr.ft •• I njHf at lonably la* »>#*< ••-tallied w trlKof titc aiud In t lie v\ orlU." HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Critical Notice* of the I*rtt». * It is the foremost Magazine of the day. The fireside never hail a more delightful companion, nor the million a more cnterpri-dg friend, than Harper's Mftgazine.— .V thitdint I'rotrttunt, • lUiltiniore). Tlie most popular Montblj In the world.—JVcie i'orl. Obterrer. V> »• 111 oat refer in terms of enlogy to the high tone ami varied eAcelleitoee *»f H\RPKR's M^oazimc—a joui nal with a monthly circulation of hl> >lll I7u d wood-cut# : and 11 comlono* in it self the racy monthly aud the nioie philon< pineal 011.0 t«srly, blended with the best f-.turen of il,« J"»i nal. It has great p*«w rin the dimielUer puidicatioii that has c.»ui« under our notice.— JioaUm Courier. SUBSCRIPTIO2STS. LSES. The publishers have a oeffected syatem of mailing by which they can supply the MAOAZI.ic and Wekklt promp tly to tw»«e Who prefer t > receive tkeir p# 1 iodicaU direc tly from theuftice of Publicatioti. The ostage on ILtßrea's Magazus is 24 cents a year which unti, he.paid at the tubtcriher'a pu»>...flfr-«e Terms : TIARPSR'S 'XAAAUNI, one jrear OQ An Extra Copy of either the %l Actuate or WM'thl will o roL "S' ,r ewjrttofc of r, VE iHjestß.Btsa at *4,00 ta> h, in one remittance ; or Six Cupiu fursJ>JU >. ; Back Aumbert can be supplied a I any time- A Comulete Set, pop comprising Tl» irty-one Volumes In neat cl »rti hlndlng, will be sent by expre**, fivigfit u expense of purchaser, f.r Si 25 per v.dume. .Vi n//U volume*, hy mail . po>tpjid, ou. Cloth ca-ms, foi bind ng, oft cents, by mail postpaid. Addres* II A l(PI H A UoTllKltg. § lsm tkit'Aß* NFTATYOBK 1 «IW< la.UXBOI S NOTICES. ; the world ltrouu.il! PI it 111 1„ tJlw Vci-y Midst of BUTLER, SITUATE ON MAIN STREET. Wiirm. the •MVnA.li t - "S jfii Wt!' 1,1 "eiuilj i.frtm ' _ T't >ft( i-. . SllMfl' HU.lt I y r*' -ri .n-1 112 u "*- «»a.V " rnajifv A PweHVe a qitßh « 'jii' ,l "..ii • odrStrftcli- ■£* u-:^ : *. l ' r """• welc.nn. ' < ; e "- V ( 0!n?!e y lHnlci in i« TobaccOi Snuff, and Segars, Uurlinr ■ln I v >,.,...fnt t ..l „ •T.ntm.lt,. f'si, 112,, n »11. - i„ liUliui- 1 |||7|B||| I re,..™.,i: ilmt In |>in».ranc, ~112 !,f. 1 , . u,v. 112.. .p t i! J, "rf I* nrlfclf- u«n li.nmt i't Dhrter: llr «-..n1il "T'.™' MIL, IN ILII YE KUNF LIT " nn.l 1,1 RE. !'I".VVf-'l ■ ,Uj, "I '"IK-lusi .11. In- |,„ K » leavct.. iwikrtlw-il.llmrtn. re < ■ tl.nt Mm- „ lu t e MM* I.IIM 1 i 1 „.U„ iro I I-,- r .11 ml from tin. rntro |,, t |„. riitnimr.tr. iip.- .1 Viin.vlvmii;,. „,„I Indi-ci, i„. ,„| K |„ , r ,. IT „ dl , „ I nit.-,I Mm,. U. \„,,h Oi, Mlitlrt, m • 1 lli<* i iii. lii.huu- llir nn.iilli ~112 ih,- ,Vina 1.i.. ivi-r. nil 111..11K t'i» c.«wt of Orn n. nr...- !,,>>, , . inill. lnf '■ i-liin.l I'ln.:ir 1'1...rty." ll,■ Ml 'Mil.v ...li ' II'I'I.T. ..! tviililn l.cr I or.ltr* r,i , .vi-.n ' r,. r ||„ K cotill.leul 1.,• »i|| ".'JUIIH l-rirc Hill ~., ,111, l'„„, ~,.,.,,1,,,. ; .■lvr«' |Wt put It off! • i lf...ii>t|A»tl,.nMl,p 11.i.f tltillhtlli VfI.IKI.KV, Jr Ihitler. i'x.. M:iy IV IMI4 MT-HCJ i:«»N- lir.XTIMT'W. DRS.S.R.&C.L. DIEFFENBACHER. _ \ I K l' "I'.f.-'l 1...1.-oii .7 'Vi«l .i \ . I.Jlr, .1.1 |, » •. -V V -! Mr uti.-r IMrlkiil.u ,ii..,„| l«iu 1., i hil.llen 10.-tli \. H..-V ilrft I si. - li.-St. I 1n,,- u.- Mi.-li-rat' *.1»1.M 112,.,, 112. Ii Jffl. r-In II viU it'llldiiiLT.l«*fleiiM»n St: tel. iiutU-i r» Dee. i». If. PARTNERSHIP. r llll K iiiiilerxlgiMNl * 'iib| cij-apect full v Inform the public I tint they hHVf v\ifv V,\ into p a i in the l T nt!i*i't u!ilr»j.c HUSIik-hb, and hereby the'piftMriil^i- of the in«blf'-. tiiey niHpiovib-.lwiihHMe.it llea "e. »nd l|tt«eoii 'and t I »!>:»• oUiiiillty ■ I the very m itei la|, and are hilly p'-cpared i- firn.-di Collins of all kinds mi diort notice, i hev vv! I hive on h n|«. ciHHtautly a vprletv "112 l OIITIM Mni'.hc I • . itiif purch iHcry, ami on the most iea -> n.ible 111 uis. Thev VHII i!-.. fiirnhti Carrl m.-* and « fur Funeral occasion* alien reijni -ted Ware Koonta. on N-neMoiMtrvet, J doors Wwt .>f Amoiii-au Citir.cn Office •>. ('. If IK??*I Nil, I3ut|er. hily cat i, IkOfitf. HEOi-iit, \\ . KB A. George Vogeley, Jr., --T \WUFACTUHKIt A ND Din ALEK Tobacco, Snuff, and §egarß, Mai 111 SIPtM'I, I Killer. Thino* Done Up HnMM | wiab t • inform llutb-r mniity. and the re*-i« n round I about, that I InlVe jn-t »erelved the bent artb !e« e\ ' i imported into tld-county. Th. -nlv WHV tu prove l 'hi- fict i* to cill and evtn IIIH nn Tobnrro. Sainfl' ind a | believing in the ti ntii of the 'dd iubi? that "thr proof 0 f the Pudding i« in el e »inu >iie llag." \nv man that bu« » MKBICIMV. . MKMPTNKP, MKI)ICINBS. MKUICI N ii.^. nvK.o, IIYKB. • * !»VK«. IMIVTH IMTNTS PAINTS, i'ure l.iip'oi « I " \frdlenl IIH»- only ••oda. Cream Tarti-: etc eti Fieneh 111 \|.|e i-.r, nfmnrn -n.l Toll, t article*.- 1 ftru-dtoN. Tril»*<-» Mfl -tlla 'iide- ft. f| Brtigllhi o| tlo • • t .|U Jit v and it In ire-1 IA ».■* 11. M. I'lnlu>r\ S>i;provr«l FRUIT CATS, I'Mtencd Nov. 12. ls».|. Auu.Pi y\, n i-h 'IS, isrj. fo be had only of the->nh«e> ihei. oir .St HI'T UKIIi l r a.. I d«Mir- North -f \| >|,.. r « Vfore where • verv iriicleof TlfliH Allß kept in dht 1/ I i /'I/try Thl« e.in ha* been ••xter.slvcly nin»oii pa.~«i 'l Fruit W M. S. ZIKULKU Hufler. dn!y KM AXKLI.N VEA/IM I) (Ol i\TV \ ■ one I ..O \ I all 112 KIWI AI If I' R. M. ISI'LURE, Attorney at Law, i N il PENSION AND CLAIM AGENT. uth nitlf if Biam ind. io Mredim buildimc lliif er Pa. * iV 8, lyrtfttrtf. • WHEELEE & WILSON'S SPRING MACHINES! - rillu- lied in u*e ,N on*taatly on fiand. wlao uaachine I, oil :iee«lle»i. th>ea A gen' tor i Br. M,ii tins ai,d Mra liMitdn improved ino.|lea fm cntiing | die»s«« nMKii. Ac. Call at .ViR.! T. .». LuWMAN.V Keb 2Sth fl:/no FAIRVIEW SELECT SCHOOL! Fairview, Ilutlcr Co., Peuu'a, rpil K Snniiner term will open on Moauar, Awav 2D X HiKi coJjtlliUi- twelve week*. Mii.i.-nt, CHU pdr-iuu any of the branches UHIIUIV I tiagbiiu Ac iiemiih, ii.ilu.ling tl»e l L For i furtbui pai ucuUra, Addreaa iUvIMAb l. VAN lIUKB. Princin*! ».b. 11,T*-. HkMwto. P. o, ■ JJ?i®- American Citizen, •».» fcH Yrrtfrr krirl- fom erli ««ci p IK?*- S2OO H l|»elrMrtr,f 11 i" 1 ' J l' » •" wl.| in ■ 1.. .-X|) n.t1.,, l.f 11,. H,„ if ""I I'"Id liutll nfi.r TEEMS OF At^: al _ p , Oiu*nyiiiir«*, onq «nacr«iuii. v .., »ich übM't|iici)i Miseitr» ii. **"* /jniinimi for nionij., _ t.o Uc.i lumii forsl*n„.„ t | M- _ ; - Ii m i coliiujji | (l | rif]j j'-i tXiM ' ,Colli 11 n. lm ~|U . x VHr * * o« 'jciitatmifcu ' lolinnii f(,r ~iio y ( ,. r oo A rar£% So ' M»'Hi>liH, NolTi is of i..Vi i 6 ° rxcotHlinc 1 Inlifci 1• i' " " 0I 10 titles ol .\oniwrail m-'iV i/"' 200 oupareil. «r Itn equlVitlrnt, w ill niakt a tqiuu# cXTta. \ ~ „ x X •• .. r, ••• Foil •• .. „ ....fii;. iii?..Aa 4 00 , r 00 'Te"' 1 -1" ir ' : "" «» »«i,i» rrn«..nal.lt. i «-rtnrtion will n, a j. ... . , vaum. 3>ngl>P«k«>,f| w H; .:u l, »,1.1i.1..,„1, 5 V cf ln . IOCAI.I xowi^a. cents per linrf.tr each fr-num. .Till i. . A "V **rhaom. .. ?r r • t- Aiiveriia. nionlK ~112 n ( ".. *M e vbwrged I'iwifivrtv 'it PT/KTN 1 ML'HT l |., l. l ;V T ' Awuilcun. 1 " 'OV, I .1, „ Itofni,!. Julj u. 1 American Cltln.ti. Arthur e Home Magazine. Edited by T. 3 Arthur s » Vicrini. F. Ten. If, •< -l m"l l'l.l„ -MM , h , ri,,iVn.„. ' , i'Jff: -V" "Mivcl. Its il.Hlactei a- a ,1 *i '} '"'Kl i »l>il'Al 4 . cl.iiititiK |4tH-lic f'avtir »II fe. r ii,»iu tirraTTSr • nil. r.n ~Hm, ii„i r „.. H tmV tt IrSiISS •HJ.---cu". , i j„,. ii u.I*I v «.. ' , ""'""'i " mnkv it >| I'l.ltlt.li TO KN " EAr,v '. "l>t*..fAo£i! ur M1,1., will i|i|.rai in every niinit.fr, I.ehi.Ui* c]i,.U» i..riii«n 1,-r,.ll|.»iuicl.li.irAN( \ »FPHAKSI'ttA«K nil |„ nallnl I. each j.rrNi.n «»I'-MI„|« ,(* ;a rlub nf NiibMcri|iei->(. It will also »r nu»il»*«| t, w . ». t'liiln No*. .10. Tla<» Million: A Weekly Journal of Politics, Litera i ture, Science and Art. I iiiMj'iurnal »111 iMit he theorgnn of nnv i>at tv (erf or h.Mh it will „n the contrary, mak. HI. eaine*!'effort' to loin* t »lhe «Sof p.ditleal aiml m>ci>il iiatcti.iiiN A refiNv cifncal Mpirit, and to wtige war upon the vice* of *i• I•• i«co ex«gcrntlun, And mi*ie| ie»ietil»tioii by which ""J!," ' ' l M, HiicAl wYiting of rlio IIHV i» mairrd. Th« CT it i< i»ni of book* and work* of nrtwill form on* •112 its nio«t prominent iMtnri-.; And pain* will h* taken to hivif Hit' tank pur formed in «v»-rv caae by writ*]* p,*- no-wing -pecntl <|iril|n<-:itionH for It. It is intruded, in tho In»e«i«u of investors. an well AA of the public generally. to bare que-li uni of trade And financ-treated . verv w.-ek by A wrflef w|,..«e position itttd character w ill jjjvi- his article* an except**u»l v M |m . him I r»'n< v.iu l i« letter* w ill appear hen-after even week anil ho is charged with thedntv of todraw it* own inference*. H '•lN'jm ,- il. occmionjll onlrHm t..M »h»- following name*: IN-nrjf H . LouuM! w, Janic- tttu-i ll 1.0 well JohnC WhiUier. PAminl Kllir.lt fKx Nt+Ule»t Trln College] Jtai» f .J «l. Prof. l\*|ey. i ll:»i»ni d.. |h'. Franci* Mebei' pi Ooldfcw Smith. Oxf.nl., |'r fiwi Child 11 HI vmtl, Henry *lninc«. «'|»i»i If ;• Norton. Judge lloitd' H iltfiiMitf.'i FdhtnHd Qulncy Prof W!> V hitny.. Vele) ",1 • i^U» ,u: p.(VMIc. ((olhmfdn r, ih«ge. P r , 112 T«yhi I.ealk (ftchenectedar.) Jinke W a»lapd, Kirdcnck LHYV mp«<>n Hev Phillip* 111 * k». Rev Ui Mellow*. C. .1 Ktg|„. Henrv Vuclwruian. Itoyiinl Taylor. C. A. Mri-ted. (Libber Richard O. 31 i' * Mw*" Idoyd ( l»il ln'p. |M|fjr ilf-r?* fUlivr Tm-odort* Tfitiin. JiimrH Pnrlon. (luil Unnillion* Ti i ; M>: Thri-i- IMlnrn |.cr mnnm. In lulvniip*; Sis ni<'nth«. I *II fKlUrx. Uln-n delivered by t ariifs in N v..rk fi Uroiiklyn Klfty Ont* Rddlili.mtl.' Jd.HKI'II II HK IIA i:i>B, Priitif-nrt, 130 N.in-nu Atrcet N.V. < O.M>ITIO.\N HIIR Till: S' rA. IST 3D. A IR/D ' History of tfec War y 'Mill; W»ltK will l.i pni.t.-.i r«.ni m <|fir | row ryp<- or> flnr> (fitffi h'trd piipf>>. nni.fi. . v • 112 : thi* W '.k. I>v c mpi <'«-.|.in ..In- i v< -» hiigH v->luin*-of " «'V - A ♦b'.n AU'I W lti. ovr on# hnnd ri'd «inl H11> of ! u il .ifli< .-i> and cl fi IKni. niA], .tiiiirnuuh.';ind hhn.i-l. iH ftt.c «tcrd civr j «intf. ivß«riitff hig'icAt «lvle of tb« Arl 112» will [»«• fin nl hi-.l t- in nc.it nd RtihitAnliHl bind. IpK. "I Hie fdl wtntr prkcA. |my,ibli»-oT. d*lfrrerv. | 1 I*>lb *i. 50 lercpy •n H'u» I. ill.ci . buo.ir* r»|yb- f.ftO • i.in Kin«< )oih. i'«i-rnpm o.r>o ** In Klnw 1/i'Hthi rOAiman • b.br.o'v .-tylA) 7.A0 "• Thl- w ukbHH no rival HA a candid. Incid, cmm-Ute. Htllni-nbc "'id ••■lit b 1 112 history of the vreaf conflict u nil* M*b*cli mi i%f ni-itf **r tliH ant hoi: let*. COViflned I.lmrfrM Mtrlctly !o i>flir/ut Hit, •bTlvfp from the njv rta • d Nortlo'in hii I -oli'ln* o Ofn- r-'ln tliA rrp ot of th« ? lt.M. on -lie fondnrt 112 th- Wnr'. .\at...,,Hi «,„! t.«be| \rchife- Ac. ll.' ll I- IMII fl 11, iv lU- 'tl,. r 112' 1 " ' «•'"*'.» i • ' <•'«/ k«4 tan mrrmi.il ... p.. 11.M... V.I .. .1. I|II,..,'I|HL » /'U„ •„,! i iit I fiUtiiv of '|f Wnr .F A Mil LIK(.KR Aicm. Nov ZK 1 «CA. HARtr* Keifteft « Kr iiih n STOVES AND PLOUGHS. rf7*r ■' \\,rK«KnKrKKK A RKlUKrt.—Ponn ■kJMKW 1 »' dor*—Foundry North of th« I. . <•( Hutlcr, where 4tovi»n, p|„u ,« Cf, iTpIjPIll "" l nu.ls ..n»li,» lo _ e riHini iaon Main •- reet tirft ctfnll v li.f-mll.* rUlirna 1 I'uflerand the acirroumJliiK rloii iiy that he i« -til N.Hkln-'cb.ihinKin the Uie,t and Appm*^ atylM. Call at the hijtu of the half nionn AR.I MtAr. T ii wiirnr. liutiei Ja. THOS. R.O"BT2sT;3O2sT Attorney at Law, PENSION AND 112 LAIN AGENT, Office with Chai. NTamllfH, Ka«.. Weal corn r of th« illhhi oiad uiMier Pa. A. M. NF.YMAN, M. D. I'll yulclan und Mur eon. 0«<» .mmad.ateljroDpo.ile Walker'a buildinga. iw.i GEO. A. BLACK, Attorucy at Law, 4 Ct '" ec '' on °' Office with J. N. A J. Furvlance, Butler Pe. Dec. 6.lß6ft:tf Kxtculor'N X'ol fCe, T KTTKBH. wtairtMtfwrT oii tfie e*fafa of Tbaac Riley MJ iHteof Forwaul U-wivhip, IJutbu comity, Pa.«Uc'd, h mnt bi-t-n fpanU