THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. Butler, Pa. Wednesday, March 21 1866 Large Swan. On Thursday the 15th in»t., Mr. David Renfrew, of Penn township, «hot a Swan on his mill-dam in Connoquenessing creek. It measured 7 feet between the tips of the wings; and 4 feet 3 inches from the end of the bill to the end of the tail. Weekly Medical Report Of the number and kind of diseases treated by Dr. L. OLDBHUI, of Pitts burgh, during the week ending Saturday, March 17, 1866. Kumbtrof Caw OonavafMlOf* and Lang Dieease 10 Linm Coutiun and Jaundice.. 17 KinxiY-affrc lions and Urinary Organ* 10 Final—all the different kinds 9 Niarovs Disoaoiti—Spasmodic and Spinal 10 FIMALI COMPLAlSTS—lrragnlarittei, Ac.. 14 WORM—the several different kinds 0 ScaorrtA— Hereditary and otbarwiie. ® DTIMPSU, Stomach Disease, Indigestion 6 KCIIMA, JCruptions, Tettars, Itch, ko 0 MOMM, Swelled Neck and Throat....- 8 JEftYiiriLAS, Wild-fire, Shingles, *c 8 NIUIALOIA, Headache, and Dizziness 8 Wain-swelling or Hip-disease 4 DBOPST of Cbest and Abdomen 8 KHitrMATtsai—Chronic - 2 ASTHMA, Phthiiic or ehortndss 'ol breath 8 HIAIT DllßAll—Palpitation, Pain, Ac 2 Other Diseases not hera'named.. 0 The whole nnmber treated daring the week... 126 As compiled by his assistant, J. L. M'- Kee, M. D., at the office of Prof. L. OLDSHUE, M. D. 112 No. 132 Grant St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Pewone afflicted with any of the above diseases, would do well to #ive him a call. COMMUNICATIONS. Our Common Sehools. Our Want»-No. 3. We want men as school Directors, who possess a spirit of self-denial, and who are willing to make sacrifices for the good of the cause. It is one whtch demands these characteristics, and he who dues not possess them, is not the man to whom so important a trust should be oommitted.— Eyery earnest school Director lias learn ed from his own experience that the work requires a large development of these qualifications. Why ? Ist. It is a gratuitous work. Every other office, however unimport. ant in its character, affords some remun eration for the time and labor required in the discharge of its duties ; but, this " one, though involving a large amount of labor and responsibility, is wholly gratu itous. So great have been their respon sibilities during the last three or four years, owing to the extra duties imposed by the Legislature in the provisions of the Bounty laws, without any remunera tion, that the position in many cases be came an excessive burden. Whilst all ' other offices of public trust were remun erated, no provision was made to reward School Directors for their labor. This i extra labor is now happily over, and it is j to be hoped may never again be needed ; [ and especially, that the school cause may never again be so much crippled by the imposition of duties upon Direotors which have no bearing upon the interests of the schools. Still, though relieved of these labors, the duties of School Direotors are, by no means, light. Much time, labor and no little care and anxiety, especially in rural districts, are required. All this demands self-denial and more or less sac rifice. If those who occupy this position have not these characteristics, the cause of the Common Schools will suffer under their supei vision. Whilst it is reasona ble that men who perform these onerous duties should be remunerated. Still the mere motive uf pecuniary compensation is not sufficient. Men who were not in terested in the sohool cause when (he work was gratuitous, are not likely to be the right kind ot men to have charge of its interests when paid for their labor.— We want men in this work willing to exercise whatever of self-denial may be required, not for the pecuniary reward, but for'the love.of the cause itself. This is t.he only motive that can call out the right men. and hence in the selection of men for School Directors, these are the ones who should be chosen. 2d. It is a thankless work. No one it ii presumed will dispute tli a declaration, l'oubtless there is NO work for which men receive so little thanks, and so many com plaints. There are but few who faith fully perform their duties in this offioe, who do not incur the displeasure of some of their neighbor*. It has been my very unpleasant priv ilege to hear complaints uttered often against men who were conscientiously striving to discharge their duties. There are so many unreasonable people—of all meu preserve us frim such—that dissat isfaction-complaints and injust criticisms upon the acU of i ireotors are insepara bly connected with the office. If Borne unruly urchin happens to bi pnuished smartly, then forth with tb< teacher must bedismissed.and it.the Direc tors do not at once ooa ply with this de mand the child is kept at home and dirt anathemas are hurled at them for refusal That tometimet there are justifiable case; of this kind is doubtlesa true, but the) are exoeptions. If the Directors, wishing to promote fixt best interests of the schools, as the; are in d.yty bound to do in every possible way, purchase some maps or school ap paratus for the purpose of aiding the pu pita is the branches taugh and of facilitating their progress, then there came up from far and near, mur merings load and long for auch extrava gance. Man who are to introduce every modern improvement for the culti vation of their land, and who become greatly interested in well trained horses and fine cattle, growl most piteously at Directors when increase some expense is incurred to facilities for the training of their children in those branches assential to their usefulness and happiness in so ciety. And so we might goon, at great leagtli, and enumerate the many causes of dis satisfaction and of complaint agaiust Di rectors, showing that the work indeed in a thankless one, and henco requires men possessed of the spirit of self-denial and a willingness to make whatever may be required in order to promote the eaufo. and confer upon the rising genera tion the priceless boon of a well trained and well stored mind. A. H. WATERS. PROSPECT, March 10th, 1800. SPECIAL* NOTICE. "Great oak*from little . Adams township, Benjamin Douthett Allegheny " An.imw Moan, Buffalo " Henry Mnith. Butier " Jacob Sahaffuer, Brady •** John 112. Thompeos, Centre 44 Anthony Thompson, Connoque'f 44 James (i. tfcsld*. Concord 44 J no. 11. Christie Clinton 44 Henry Hefton, Sr. Clearfield *• I'eter Fennel Clay " Andrew Wick Cherry •* James 8. Campbell Cranberry '• James li. (>rahaui Donegal 11 Arch'd Black Fair view 44 , Thos Jamison Forward •* Andrew liogg* Franklin M Robert Kennedy Jackson 44 John Kinder, Muddy creek" Milton W. Kennedy Middlesex 44 Wendcl flicker Mercer 44 Jame* 8. Shields Marion 44 Robert Vandlke Lancaster ** John Ziegler (of Ab'ai) Jefferson " Henry hW Oakland " Ueorge Shoup Parker 44 Wm. H. Hhira psnn " Wb. Dodds gllpperyrock" Thos. Mifflin, Jr Summit " Jacob Kiott Venango 44 Michael Conway Washington" Samuel Hilliard Winfield " Wan. Denny Worth 44 Harlan Book Butler borough Adam Shriber CentreviUe ' Isaac Coulter Harmony 44 Conrad Krtedler HarnsTille '• John Black. Ksq. l'ortersville" J. M. Fithean j-'Mpect J»»s t Kd of each month. Brethren from sister ' y \ L<»dges ar« respectfully Invitsd to attend. By order of the W. M. CONNOQUENESBINO CONNOQUENESBINO LODGE No- 278, 1. 0. of 0. F. b«>lds Its stated meetings at the ilall, on W y Main Street, Butler Peana. svery Monday ereninf, commencing at six o'clock. Brethren from sitter Lodge • are respectful y 1 ivited to attend. By or dor of the N. O. For the Citlxon. AXXOIJXI'K.IftEXTS* COCNT\ SUPERINTENDENT. M«. EDITOR —Y"U will pleaee announce the name of PETER A. PAINTER, of Buffalo township, as a candi date for the office of County Superintendent. Mr Painter UN practical and succ«iS«ful teacher of much experience. He makes teaching hia ipecial call ing. He has been engaged In teaching tor ttie last eight vaars excepting the tiiuo he was in tho service of his country, sn the "Old 78th Regt, P. V.," In which he served until discharged on account of a wound received We feel no hesitancy in recommending him lo School Directors and friends of education a* one, who. if elected. wouM faithfully, and efljieutly discharge the duties of County Superintendent, i MAST FRIENDS OF EDUCATION. MR. EDITOR: —Y«e the liberal terms offered, CH AS. s. GREENE k CO., Puplishers march 7th—4t.) No. 134 S. Third Street, Phlladelpla, Auditor's Notice. Butler-ronnty, it. IN tbs matter of the Partition of ths Real Kstste of Christian Beighley, dve'd. 0. C., No. 58 June Term IHO4 And new to wif ; Feb. 27lhJ 1866, on motion of John M. Thompson. Court ap point Thos. Robinson, Esq., an Auditor In this cuee , to report at next Term. By tho Court. Certified from tho Record this 10th dav of February. A. D., 1866. W. J Youao. Clerk. A'otice is he-eby Rivon that the undersigned will at tend to tbe duties of the ttbove appointment at tbe • ffice of Charles MVandloss. Ksq.. in Butler;On Thursday the 12th day of April, IStfK, where all parties interusted may attend if they seo tit. T7IOS. ROBINSON, mareh 14.'66—3t. Auditor. 8. B. M'ELAOT. J AS. DICHON JNO. T BIIVNE. SPRING Iril ADE, 1800. '%%■ Jl■ c*JLiicssWL.wzz M'Elroy, Dickson & Co., A 4 Wood Street, Plttaburgh, PA. SOW OFFER THEIR SPRING GOODS AT THE imm MMrmaw TERMS CASH. TIIK STOCK WII.I, BK KKPT COMPLETE DURING THE BEAHON. BUYERS FROM EASTERN 4 CENTRAL OHIO. Western Penna and We»t Virginia, ARB INTITBD TO CILL LIST OF LETTERS. fllllE following is the list of Lettera remaining in tho J, I'ont Office, Butler Pa. March Ist, 1866. Alocands M'Call Saml R. Hartley Campbell Martin James O Brubui Dr R M'Nalen Mairey K.vh John Maitin Alexander Buxton Clifford Mungfl John Bell Milton Blarkin HmerTsy llnrns Hannah M Dngal Thos Burtner DaTtd M'Derinit Wu» Burtner Andrew Nevman J N Baum P. 2 Rowley II K Bunher Ere E Robrer George liurniau L.V Hum Wm O Haiieseil Ridele James Boys Jane Miss Smith J<«eph Christy S S. Stanley Nancy J Citmpbell John Stpreusou Eluiiray 0 C.afford Robert fcraip RC Canuou T 2 Steen Daniel Criser llarrietta Smi h Kate Miss Clymer B Smith Sophia Miss Clearwater John I Smith Wm Croford S Smith Mrs E S Clarke Janie- C Small Henry Dugan Ellen Slrpens R C F.Tens George Smith Sophia M Frush (ieorge Turner Washington Glenn R K Thompson James M Hays Martin Wearner Ida Miss llarting R«T C 112 Weimer F M Haines J D Wefe Nathaniel Kiept Nich. less Wla-el H C 2 M'Cand eM A'ewton M Wright hee N Marv. n Wm M Wile n Lissn Miss Marshall Ji B Wetzel Uenry Mahood Hariette Persous calling for anT of the above letters will pl«sis< (•ay they are Advertised. J J SEDWIOK. i March 7.1W6 Post Ma-ts-r Notfrc. IN the matter o/ th« petition of Samuel Wimer, Sr., fot a couiMiMtiou to take and per)>etuate testimony. Coramou No. 11, September Term A. D„ lS»i4 And now to wit St March 6,18«>6, on motion of M'Cand less and TtHunpeon. Attorneys for Petitlpn»rs, Court ap point W. H. 11. Kiddle a Commissioner, to take tho de positions of witnesses as may be produced before him. Butler County, sa : Certified from the Record this 10th day of March, 1866. WM. STOOPS, Proth y. 1 will attend to the duties of the a©ove appolntaient on Tuesday, the 3d day of April, 1866. at the resideoce of Jas. I. iloge. Esq , ia Urady township, Butler coun ty, Pa. All paities iutareated will please take notice W. if H. RIDDLE, march 14, *66. Commissioner. OEOTABLACK, Mtoraej &l Law, ALSO AGENT for the collection ef Pensions. Bounty Back- pay, kc. Office with J. N. k J. Purriance, Butler Pa. Dec. 6.1666:tf * Exentsp's Xlotlee, T ETTERS, testamentary on the estate of Imu.c Rijey ■ j late of Forward township, Butler connty, Pa. dec'd, have been granted by the Register of said county to the undersigned, therefore, all persons knowsng themselves Indebted to said eatatw are hereby notified to make lm mediate payment, and those hav-'ag claims against ths same will prssent them properly MIC jenticated for set tl*wan«. 81 LAS MILLER, HEAD-QUARTEHS FOB FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Just opened, one of the largest nndfbett assorted Mock of Fancy Cloodn. REDUCED PRICES AT D. T. PAPE CO'S. One Door South of let National Bank WE INVITE COMPARISON AXD DEFY COMPETITION As far as Variety, Styles Quality of Goods and pri ces are Concerned. TO THE AFFLICTED! L. OLDSHUE, M. D., Professor of Pathologr In th« Krlectrle N'dlc«l<'ollece Phllndrlptila, now the Philadelphia University of Medl* cine and finrgery. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Oflloo and GrantSt., Pltlsburffh, Pa. | I Dkak Si*-—We b«g leave to announce that, iftor itn | ex|ierlence of ow twenty year* general practice In this | city daring which time we have been a constant observer Ht the bed-side of the slrk. and hare successfully treated more than Thirty Thousand different caw of disease, wc feci warranted in presenting our tliims for your pat- , MM**. onr peculiar system of practice .nay need some ex I planation. it b«ing Eclectic, connected with that of ' Urobcopia. I Our remedial are principally vegetable, discarding I entirely th» usn of Calomel or Mercury in any form ; helh ving it to be a disease-creating agent of the worst description. We are a'so op{>osed to the u«e of the re'ieral blood letting in «ny eaee ; believing tt to be ini.irious to the constitution and often times dangerous to life. Our mode of detecting "chronic e.rf«etlons«" of ihe Internal organs, ia principally by an examination of the urine. During the whole course of onr study and practice we have paid particular attention to this *• Old German Mode" or detecting and we feel perfectly satis ' fled "that there h no more certain sign ofTored in dis ease' than is presented in that secretion. We. therefore, solicit all thos" laboring under what ever disease, and particularly chronic and complicated ones, and also all those diseases peculiar to females and pertaining to women and children, to give us a trial. By thi most critical examination of every case pre sented to us, leaving no source .unexplored for the dis covery of the true nature of every and sparing no pains in the selection of the appropriate remedy in every case : we hope to attain the highest award of suc cess belopging to professional skill. Infuct, we have already the pleasing assurance In the extensive business of past years atid the constantly increasing practice that is daily crowding upon us that our system will be more appreciated as our practice be comes more generally known Therefore, we now more especially Invite those labor ing under any lingering disease, that has not been enr ed, because, perhaps,the complaint was n >t properly understood, to send a vial of their urine for exainina tlon, and have the necessary medicine sent them. We wish it distinctly understood that this special in-; vitat'on is given to those who have sufficiently tried the remedies of their family physician ; and have failed to obtain relief at his hands. Ifothers choose to apply, however, we will give them alse our beet attention, and will promiee them relief in every case where a reasonable hope can be entertain ed. llelleving, therefore, that yon will properly appreciate the advantpges we claim for our system oyer the old bleeding,blistering and calomel practice, we promise you b\ the mostca-eful investigation of every case, ami prompt attention to business, to folly merit jrour wor thy patronage. Respectfully yours, L. OLDS IIUK, M. D , Practising Physician, No 132 orant street, nearly opposite, the Cathedral Pittsburgh :::4t Orphan*' Court Hale. BY virtue ofao order and decree of the Orphan's court in and for the county of Butler, the undersigned, guardian of the minor children of Robert Dunlap, late »112 Mercer township dee d, will offer for sale on the premises, at one o'clock. P. M..of fie 9lii day of March next, EIFTY ACRES OF LAA'D, more or less, situate in said township, bounded on the north by lands of Nel son Tochran and Andrew Dunlap,on theeast by heirs o/ John llaiuilt>n, on the south by Wm. MCllntock, on the *iNt by I! n Jas Kerr, with the appertauences. Terms of Sale—One-third of the purchase money in hand, and the balance in two eqnal annual payments with interest from confirmation of sale by the Cotirt. — Title good. ntarch7, *fl6.) CHAS. COCHRAN,Guardian. Claim Agent, rllK undersigned would respectfully notify the pnblic has been regularly commissioned as OXjuA-IZk/T -A-G^ZEISTTr, i>rsecuring Bounty Money, Arrears of Pay and Pin ions, for soldiers, or if tkey are dead, for tholr legal -epreeentatives. No charge will be made for pro»ecuting he clatflteof soldiers, or their rep-escntativee until the lameare collected. C. £. ANDERSON. Butler, Juns 7,1865. FOR SALE- I will sell my Farm, containing about NINETY ACRES, situate in Middlesex township, Butler GO.. Pa., withiu one half mile of Glade Miii Poet office. Sixty teres cleared, a new frame house enclosed and roofed ; a Log house and stabling thereou; well watered; good •rcli'itd, and tbe land is or good quality, either ft>rgran» rgrain JOHN UUYKR, Middlesex tp., Bulter co., Feb 14, 1846* PI WLIC MALE. rnE undersigned wishing togo West, offers for sale on SAIUKDAY, March 24th, 18&i, ONE HOUSE, iSD hOT containing one Acre, in Ceutreville Borough, i good well of Soft Water at tbe door. A large lot of ruit trees.thereon: Peach, Cbeny, Apple, Pear Grape -.nes, Ac. Also Lot* adjoining- A vsry desiraMo (•cation for a mechanic. If the above Is sold I will also offer for sale, alj my lonsebold snd Kitchen furnitAre. together with 1 horse bnguy, ton 1 year old calvts, with a full -et of Shoo uaksr* tools. Sals to commence at 10 o'clock. Terms made known on day of sale.' L'Kirre rnsrzx THE LIGHT OF THE WOELD DJL MAGGIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE. These Llfo-glving remedies are now, flar tho flrnt limn gtrea publicly to the world. For over a quarter ofi century of private practice the ingredients in tlitoe LIFE-GIVING PILLS! Have been used with the greatest suceess. Their misstor it Dot ©»ly to prevent disease. bnt to euro. They sanrch out the various mabuiie* bt which the.patient (a suffering and re-lnriK.>ntt<« the falling system. To the aged and ioflrtu a few doses of these I'ILLS will prove to bo A VERY FOUNTAIN OF"YOUTH, ror In every oase they add new life and vitality, and «e --•tore the waning energies to theirpristine* state. To tbi young and middiiv-agod.they will prove nv>at invaluable as a ready, kpeciflc, end Sterling medicine. Her® (a a dream realized. that Ponco-de-Leog sought for three bnndred yon re ago, and never found. He jiifliiil fr I fountain that would restore the otd to vigor aad makt youth evera An Eternal Spring! It was left for this day and hour to realise the drram, nod show, lo on« glorious faot, the magic the' made It fair. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES Cannot stay the flight of years, but they can farce back and hold aloof, disease that might triumph over tbe aged aud tbe young. Let none hesitate then, but seixe the favorable opportunity that offer*. When taken as prescribed— For Bilious Disorders Nothing can be mors productive of cure than tbess PlUs. Their almoet magic influence Is felt at once: aud tbe usual concomitant* of thie most distressing disoase are roinoved. These remedies are mads from tbe purest Vegetable Compound*. They will not harm the most delicate female, and can be given with good efleet in prescribed doses to the youngest babe. For Cutaneous Disorders And all eruptions of the skin, the SALVE Is most in valuable. It does not heal externally alone, but pene trates with the most searching effects to the very root of the sril 1 DR. mm PUIS Invariably Cure tbe Following Dlacuaea : Asthma, Bownl Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, CostiveneM, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dropsy, Debility Fsrsr k Ague, Fsmale Complaints, Readaehe, Indigestion. lofluensa, Indentation, Inward Weakness, Liver Complaint, Lownsss of Spirits, illugworm, Salt Rhsum Scalds, Skin Diseases. —None genuine without the engraved trade mark around each pot or box, signed by I»It. J. MAGQI Kit, 43, Fulton St., New York, to counterfeit which Is felony. 49" Bold by all respectable Dealers in Medicines throughout the Uuited State* and Cauadae-"*t 35 cent* per box or pot. For Bale at Dri. GRAHAM k IIUSKLTOX'S Drug Store, Sole Agents In Butler Pa. West Sunbury Academy. 11HK Summer term of this School will commence on the SBOOMO MONDAT of APRIL, 1960, under the su per vision of D M. Cross, and continue 12 week*. Phou* >grapby and Gymnastics will be taught, In addition to the Branches heretofore .taught in this school, l'rof. Uoreland is expected to give lessons on Instrumental Mu*ic in connection with the School. By order of the Bo%rd, Wg. P BRJEDIN. Prest. 3. W, CiMtifTY, iee'y, (HbU, '60.) Valuable Farm Tor Sale, I WILL sell TOO Acn«§ of land, situate in Parker tp., nraf Silver Cre*k. But lor county. Pa; about SEV acres cleared: about Thirty acres of meadow ground which is good oil ten t try. Log hone, 2 nl vy good frame Barn, good 4pie orchard, between 75 and 100 learing tree*. mhlch can be bought foi $lO per acre; one self in hand, and the balance In one year. A good and lufllcient title can fee made at anv time WiLMAM U BMITH Feb.r, 1«66 Ut FARM FOR SALE ! A BKSIIIABI.E property mile from a*- the Borough of Butler, on the New Castle road, rontaiqlng SEVENTY-FIVE A ORES, A two story Brick House thereon erected. Several ip rings of nev»r failing water, a large orchard, anil supposed to be undetlaitl with coal, and well timbered. For particulars, enquire of W. O. Brarkearidge, Butler, >r tbe subscriber residing in Buffalo Tp. Butler Co Pa. llarch 7. 1866. U 11. BYKKLT. COU3iT¥ NI RVIOYOR. ANY perecn wishing surveying dono by the County Surveyor, can he accommodated by leavttig word >r addressing J. B. Clark, at tbe office of the County Surveyor In Butler; or addressing N. M.Slatorat Break neck Post Office Butlor County Pa. March 7th 1866 tf. Orphans* Court Sale. lA* pursuance of an order of the Orphan*' Court of Butler county, we will offer for sale at puhl.coutcry, 'n the premises, on Saturday the 24 th day of March, 1866, ai 2 o'clock, P. U.. Seventy Acres of Land, n Peun township, Butler county, adjoining lands of Wm Wilde, Lli llartsell, Wm. iVixon, and other lands of Jas M Geo, der'd. ' About 36 acres cleared aud under good once; with a two-story Log House and Kitchen, and Double Log Bar r. thoreon; aud the balauce of the laud well timbered, and a good well of water. TKBMS: —One third In hand, the balance In two eqnal tnnual payments with interest from timo of sale. t JOSEPH DOUTIIETT. JOHN U'Qfßf., march 7, *B6.} Executors of Jae. MVJee, Am'fl. Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration on the estate of Adam Weber, late of Penn towuihip, dee'd., have been panted to the subscribers, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said e«tate ate requested to make mmediate payment, and those having claims against the rauie will present them properly authenticated for swt» lement jit their Store iu Boyd's buildings, ltui Fet, Pa. GROROK WFBF.H, ADAM TKOUTM AJV, March 14,1866, Adm'r.i Statement SHOWING the assets of the Batter County Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Amount of Property insured at date ~1757.041,60 ** ** Premium notes in force at date... 49,001 08 Tash on hands at last settlement $1,268 19 11 Notes on hands at last settl'm't 366 43 Jaah k A'otes ree'd during thsyear, 1,92*2 84 Due on assesam'ts kin hands of Ag't 334 16 $3,881 60 CR. Losses paid during thft year 1,166 00 Expenses paid during tbe year 43S 27 'a«h notes in hands of Sec'y 419 10 Due by Age«t.... M 366 71 Due on Assessment (No. 1.) 43 17 Dounterfeit Money 6 00 CTash In bands of Treasurer 1,463 36 93,981 60 Ws the undersigned. Auditors of the Butler County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, do certify that the. above is a cor roc t Exhibit of tbe assets of said Co., as ihown by the Books of the Sec'y and Treasurer, W|t ness our hands and seal this 12th of January, 1866 JOHN H. CRATTY. J - C COLL AU husinees letters to be directed to the Becretay of the Bntier County Mutual fire Insurancs Co., Butisr. Butler county. Pa. Feb 21. 'O6-ufJ 11. C. HEINEMAN, Sec»y. Direetors. THE following named persons were elected Director* of the Butler couuty Mutual Fjfe Insurance ('on panv for the en-uing year: H G, Pnrvjs, W Campbell K. M'Junkln, W 8. Boyd, John Berg, J. J. ( umniiags 11. O HeMieman, *. D. Hisr, Samijel Marshall, W. J. Campbell, Abr m Meyer, K Kingsburry Jan. 24, 1866.) H. C. |1 El NEMAN, Sec'y FAIEVLEW SELECT SCHOOL^ Fsirvicw, Butler Co r , Penn's. mHE Summer term will open on Mdk* Mitres A Children- Can#, > ictorina*. foliar*. CnSi and Muflfc .if ell styles, Mid qnallty. Abo * very fine of CLOAKSSACQUES& CIRCULARS, of onr own Manufacture, which sneble* n< ta nil »i less prices th«n patriot who bay them eul. We have * vory Urge and cheep-stock uf SHAWLS OF ALL STYLES, SIZES PRICES AND QUALITIES. Remsmbar we buy ell our goods by the CASE,BALE& PACKAGE which enablss as to eell «i EASTERN JOBBERS PRICES. We would call the Attention uf WHOLBSA LE BUYERS to this ftoek of Ooodf. RCXLAP LXKHTT AGO. ISO, Fed or el St., ALLKUIItN Y CITY. Dee. 0,1863. ftnio " NEW PIR mf. TIHF. undorsfgned having gone IptofcartncHhip. In the L BOOT and nHOR Manufacturing bnslne.««. tiovd's ifock, two doors South of Wseber A Troutman's St >re, Knit) street. Butler, Pa., ere prepare*! to make the uret mt B«t t and Shoe and do the bestjpb work of any other istablUhment in the plare. Having great experience In he bu*ine»s we caunot fail to pleaso. Call and give ua four measure. SCHRIBIR A NICHOLAS. Teh 23| '66—tf NEW SHOE SHOP. rllK undersigned having purchased the well known Shoe Shop of C. A F. Hurly.aubse lueotly owned by Rom. Ie now prepared to sell a* low a* any othi r es ablishinent of the kind in tqwu, au>l is prepared to do oh work <>u abort notice Call and see. l!o in also carrying on the Tannery bmlnesi at the dd stand, and will pay the highest prices fcr all kind* of lid* Hand bark delivered in goodcondition. Sutler. Feb 29. »6d—ly) W M. M ARDORV Knitting Haoliinn. 'pilK undersigned would Inform the public, that he ie JL prepared to sell the Dalton Family Knitting Ma mine—the strongest, most simple and beat in the world —Patented In lbUl, and perfected in 186*. This ma ihiue will not orly do plain work, such as sock*. A c. >at also fancy knitting, with a most perfect and beauti ul stitch It will knit cornforte, A'ubies, Ac., tsr-.uty irtlclea Any person wishing to obtain one will p!ea»f tend for circular. Address (enclosing a stamp ) B. F. 3 A WHIM., Zelieuoplev Feb. 14, Agent for Sutler ecu nig. Rcul Fißtole Agency. IHIE undersigned has opened an office in Butler. Ta for the purchase and sale of Real Estate. Persons wishing to either sell or purchase Farm*, or other Re;«l Estate, will find it to their interest to tall ou me 1 hate on bend a number of good Farms. of vsrions ilfes for sale, on such terms a.* will suit purcha? ers. Persona wishing to disposo of their Ileal JEatate, will Snd It to their advantage t«» place it on my b«»oks t hose desiring to purchase can be suited, in variety, ,>rice and quality, by reference to my lint. Any inf. nnation in reference to Ileal Estate In this :ounty, can lie obtained by applying by letter or per lonnlly. to the undersiguod. Oißce with Juo M.Tnomps-n, Alfy at Law Rutler.Pa JAME3 T. M JUNKIN, »bl4, *6#tf J Real Estate and lnsuiai ce Agent. K COUGH, COLD OR SORE THROAT RIQCIftM IMMEDIATE ATTISTIOS A!*D fttIOCLD M CDBCESD 0 If ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, Irritation of tha L«ng«, VPernaacnt Throat AflT«*rf lon, or anlueurablo Lnsg Dliease 18 OFTEN THE RESULT. BROWN'S BROOHIEL TROCHES 9AVIN# k DiaiCT TO Til* PARTS, OIVI l*Mt- DIATI BZLIir . For Brochitis, Atlhme, CrlArrh, Consumptive and Throat Diseases, TROCRBfI ARB USED RtTH ALWAYS GOOD BCCCBBB. Singers and Public Speakers •rill find Troches naeful in clearing the voice when t*k«n Before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the tbroHt »fter an onutual exertion of the vor*l organs The Tntr.het are recommended nnd prescribed by Physician. *nd hare ha«l testimonials from eminent men through out the country Being an article «112 tme merit, and bating proved their efficacy by a test of many years. Bach year finds thetn in new localities in various parts :»f the and the Troches »re oniversally pronoun ced belter than other articlei. Obtain only "BBOWN'r Brochial raocnßS," and do *ot take any of the Worthless Imitations that msy bo of fered. Sold everywhere In the United Stateß, ar.d in Foreign Countriea, at 36 cnts per box Feb 21, 18—3ra TH3 OXJIDEST Saddler's Sliop! HAS on bands 94 aets of harnens of different kinds, double and einglo. Black. white and brass mount ing. Buggy aod draught, 9 dozon sarldloss of different qualities and prieea. Bridles of all kinds on hands to please the purchasers, mil large stock of whipe o' all kinds, and collara And all articles needeAsby the j eople on hand* which I guar antee tube of the befl material and make, which will be Bold for cash. Call at the Poet Office ad examine onr stock. J. J. flcdwlek, February 31, 1566.:6t: Butler, Pa. •oMetlkftsagt SAVAGETURSINA rou SAI,E AT WMM^WSESWi DRUGSTORE. Butler, Feb 28, 2t for Male, €he»p. HOt7B' and lot situate in North Washington, Wash ington township, Butler connty, Tw y story frame hoOs«, tftable. and ab«>ut 20 fruit treus ou the same. Fur terms see J. T. Rellj, Nortfc Washlneton.or J- Rellj, Centre township. (feb2B, 'CO— 8t« HOTEL RJBNJ, JAC K i Proprietor, Corner ef Msln And Jsffsriea treeia. Butler, Pa. T MNreh 1A.18A4 # Puplic Sale of Dferchandize EA HRLMBULD, of Saxonburg, Butler connty, off # era for sale at public outcry,bis FA'TIUE STOCK O* GOODS, oousisti gof such as are generaltv krpt ia aconntry store, bale to commence on TUESDAY, Mabcu 27th, at 10 o'clock, a. m and to be continued till the entire stock is disposed of. He als' oflora for sale 2 boreea, 2 males, an'i other ar« tiplee too numerous to*>eon.-otisned Condi iote made kpown on tbe day of sale. A roa - onable credit will be given. N. B.—All those knowing thenieelres indebted to the underelgned will please call and nettle their arreara. V. A. HFf MHOU*. Iftreh Tfk, V. Fifth Street, F&, rOCXDBU K* \U*t> ' Incorporated b/ leg»tiat}*« Ctiarte* m mr WOTII »'«>•*(»»- •isti of STOCK BOOKB, closed once with a loss and twice with * gain—-exh fitt ing by threo different methods, the ti*a>for ef eld tc uew booke. PARTNERSHIP BOOR?, conducted by three different method*, exhibiting the trnnnfarof old to n«w booke, with the introdnctlua of u new paitner. And practically illustrating the PRIVATE I.RIXIER, by means of which the reeulte of the buelnesa era kec >ut of tbe general hooka, fbr the use of the partner* e* I y. The hook la not even mmed elsewhere. TkestHl<> neat of Partnership Becks by SINGLE BNTRT, rl«h its practical II lust ration*, exhibiting the booke re opened by Double-Entry. A concise rule fbr ratifying DERANGED DOUBLE-RNTRT BOOKS, frith aix specifications. The gain or loea found, and tkr fcxks correctly re-opened. The learner Is aleo exercised In OPENING BOOKB, from eight specifications, including special condition* no :>flan met with in business. Aleo, a serious of exereleesit CLOSING BOOKS, rvom new and peculiar specifications The learner els; writes about eightv BUSINESS FORMS of Promissory Notes, Judgment Notes, Drafts, Ordars Dills uf Exchange, Aoconnte, Invoices, Mo., Ae. Alae a leries of ' BUSINESS LETTERS, which, with the bnaineaa forms, are all connected with hie :ourte of Fook-Keeping, nmking It a regular course ef buainess practice, with a courae of twenty five LECTURES UPON BOOK-KBEPIKQ, by tbe Seuior Principal, explaining all the hvsinsm Mat • tors recorded in the text. Alao, twelve LECTURES ON BUSINESS SUBJECTS. How erory one may get rich. How to get rieh by tre. ling. The cnuaea of commercial fkiluree. On spesul*. tlona. The moral influence of Integrity m voutk. Ae.~~ Also, lecturse upon COMMERCIAL LAW, un Pertnersnlps, Ontrerts, Insurance, Cnamei Carriers, tha Statute of Limitation*, Ac. Practical i&stractieaa ia detecting COUNTERFEIT BANK KQTEfI, by a full set of genuine vignettes and qovdlOT ead * large collection «112 counterfeit notee. OUR RAILROAD BOOK-KEEPING, [li manuscript,; exhibits the constrnctton end eeela. tnsnt, the operating receipts and expenditures, the boo in tloae l and a dividend recorded. These books ere adver tised by othere, but not tanfeht eleewkere la the cite [>ar lew eyatem of PEITATI BANK BOOKS, la Bsaaaecript,) embracing all tbe beet fe»ms la unygprivate Bankers Our new enlarged edittea ef ITBAMBOAT BOOX-KXBPIN'#, la tkfe strdents are Instructed from the naw en larged edition of DUFF'S Steamboat Boek-Kaeeieg tki >nly c. mplete work upon this branek of the tt.iaae* publi shed. Our ftoll eonrse of business practice includes eke*t FIFTT BURINEdS SoOKB, uled te about THIRTY DIFFKIIFNT FORMS, Tie : 11 >dgere, 7 Day-books, ft Journal*, 6 pilf-booka, 4 reeh -BooM 4 6ole*-booke, 2 Invoice booke, i Dloeouat-kenk I ;beck.regl«ter, 1 Drpoelt-regiater, 2 Collection registers 1 Tickler, 1 nand's register, 1 Freight book, a Passage. nioka.l Fuel-book. Ibe.ebookapracticallT record ak.m> iIX HUNDHKD BUSINESS THANSAUTIONB, empre isndlng DI'KF'S original plan of business education U todneed twenty-fire years ago. How tor others ka>a lucceadad in Instating him wlljbe boat aaan bj com pari -a ;ha buaf nana paper, arid books of their pupila vita ihu> tl tfaa graduatesof this institution HARPKK'B INLARQII) FDITION O* DUFF'S HOOK KKEPmo •rice Sl.Tt Faataga 30 Santa gold b» Bookaallara a«» arally. Tha following taatimonla la ladfeafa Ika ekaractar a bis work: " No other work upon B «.k-Kaapfng explains tka aak acta with so much deal nass and simplicity." K W. EDMCNDf. Caahlar Methanica' Itank, Wall st N T "It glTaaaalaar Insight Into all departments of thh clenca." A.B. KIIASKH, Cashier of Perenth Ward Rank X. T " Aa an erten.lre ship owner, American and nerebant, bank diroctor, etc , ha haa born tba repatatioa if tba bigeat order of business talents." JOHN W. BUKNHAM, Marehant. No. It South at., N«W Fork. ''Mr. Daf la a rasa of rarerguallflcatlon, for bnalneaa" JOHN M. D. TAYJ.OII, Uerrbant, P»lon at., New Orlaaaa. " v.r. Dnff la a marrhant of the flrst respectability." J I.ANDIR, Marrhant. New Orleans "I graduated in llulT'a Collaga lu half tha time I ei Hieadmiralilo sysrem inclii.lea nothlpg suraer luoua, oor lea Tea out nay IU ing essential." J. R. COMPTON, Cashier Nlagra Bank. Lockport. N T "It aoßtaiaa much matter ImpoHant to tba marrhaaa " C. O, HAUTE AD, President Manhattan Hapk, N. T "Tba moat cempleta work of the kind I hs»e irer JA-Mf.a I". MUKI!AF President Kiohange Bank. Plttabnrtk "Tha moat clear and comprehensive that I here mat *Uh." JOHN SNYDER, 1 Cashlar Bank of Ptttahurgh. ' You have yonrown long e.rperlcnca aa a merchant t* [ood uaa In thlawork." RICHARD IRVIN, Marchnnf No. 88 Front atreat N. Y •'The faroral !o opinions already aipressod ht rantl*. uen of competent authority are wall deaerred sad Tar* ruparly beatowed." chart.fb m. r.rrpp I.ROPOI.D BIERWoItVIf ROBERT KELLY. Special Committee of tha Chamber of Oomuier-a K T [Extract from tha Minutn.] ' PROSPER M. WmiORE, Pacretarr " Your Committea uaanimonaly concur in tha itiimln it thauiillty of the improted method of Mr Dnlf GORDON J. LEF.I>a tecording »e'nly work pnbliaka afaay ralna to the Plaamar* Vceo«-t«ot." J. F. J. ALLISON, Formerly Clerk of the Steamer r rtrine W a moat perfect system of Stesmer's Accountain uaa " O. 8. HIIHBKF, Formerly ( aptaln of steamer Maalnlll*. On Win. H.DnfPMPciimaiinhiß Twelve Final Vir th* beet noftineae and Ornamental Pcnmimhin I'ennsylrania Etate Fair at Wyoming Weateru I'ennayltranl* Fair at I'lttaborah IMM Waatern Virginlalair at Wheeling . ~lsa« »nd thaQblo Slate fair at Cleveland " lfitt All »112 "kiek are exhibited at our oflra. " ► OVR~TERH|. fltrt >«en Orfruwerf tmi* fm lr» n a DuVa Book-keeping, (other teat! coat 13 k 14) »1 T Wa therefore preaont the bnalntM e'udant with tka IMPORTANT ADTANVAGm Ist. We kayo the beet penman tn 'he Weal, 3d. Tbe best tiyitem of accunnta Uugut nadrr tk Author* directions. 3d. Tbe lectureeof an experience* 4th. 7 or H weeke »ae«d iu time of etudj. 6th. The*am«- tiroie saved in hoattlinir. tith. t rout #l2 to sl*4 saved ia tlauks and pi ft, booke. 7th. Tha gmdnntee share ia the long standing lion of the College. P»r particnlaia send for our .pp. with aainplee ..f our Penmane' iiamor.tul writing inclosing Cuitmy-fivt ctM? fnr tjpr * mam,