American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, September 20, 1865, Image 3

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    Virginia CongreSßnien.
The Richmond Whig urges the
selection of candidates at tho ap
proaching election in Virginia who
can tuke the oath of allegience,
and save that if the people of Vir
ginia send delegates to Washington
who cannot take the oath of admis
sion, those delegates will not be ad
mitted, and Virginia w 11 go unrep
resented. We repeat, therefore, 'lie
question to be considered and do i
ded at the polls on theseennd Thurs
day in October, by the people of
Virginia, is, not by whom they shall
be represented, but whether they
will be represented at all. If
they cast their votes for men who
cannot take the prescribed oath they
might as well vote for the Emperor
of France or the Bey of Tunis. No ;
use of arguing that this ought to be j
so, and swearing about it; it is so,
and we have to meet the fact. But
says some one, that will b" change I. j
It wi'l not b • changed unless >Soutii-!
em delegates can be got into Con- |
greßS to help change it, and it is
precisely for this reason that we
should elect only men who can take
the oath and cast their votes for re
scinding the obnoxoua law. "Better,
said a member of the Administration j
the other day in Washington, "that
Virginia should send a delegation of
idiots to Washington if only they j
could say yes upon the vote tore- ■
scind the 1 w, than a delegation of
her wisest and best men who co Id
not take the oath."
New YORK, September 13. —The |
Tribune's Raleigh correspondent says j
the giving of rations to the whites ;
will cease on tho lijth. Notwith- !
standing that they have immense j
crops in the field, they continually j
cry to " Give,give, give!" Therearej
no cloved people in Raleigh receiv
ing rations, they providing for them-,
selves. A good many whites have i
either sold the rations given lliem by 5
the Government, or fattened their
hogs on them.
—The police force of Titusville has
beer, increased by the addition of
of our night watchmen.
September 80, 18C6.
A PPLES—?:t..'»n ® * J.OO per t arret.
BUTTKII— Fresh Hull. tßOtte !>er !h.
CHKKSI5 —Western Reserve, 16c per lb: Hamburg,
17 per r>
IUHH-W Wdwn.
FLOUR— Wheat.
tJKAIN—WIMfit. s2,(*> (,A f.210: Corn, Vl'c. Outs, 60.
BARLKY—Spring, ; Fall. fl>
OROCKRIES—Sugar. 2:> C<b 2rtct* per th: Cofr*«, S2
per th: Mola«ses, I.IS 1,20 c per gallon: Syrup, 12.) (tfl
9 1.25 par gallon.
SALT— Liverpool, $2,50,4*3,31) per sack; No. 1. extra,
s3<*> par hat rcl.
SKKDS —Flaxseod. ,75 par bushel
BUTLIB, Pa., Sopiember, 1866.
IH'TTBR —Preih Holt, I* «rent* par pound
UK A NS—Whltd, $1,60 por bushel.
HA It I.KY—Spring. *1,10; Fall, *1.20.
BEK.-W A cent* *er ponn<l.
EO'iS—IK cents per l«'/.en
FLOUR—Wheat, $5,00 to 6,00 per hnnd.: Rye 2 50;
Bnrkwi eat. .. r .opar bund.
FEL'IT —DVIM I Apple*. 12,00 to per bushel; Dried
Peach. s. $4.c0t04.A0.
FEATIIERftI -SO cent* per pound.
(i RAlN —\\ I"-1! 11.fat per bushel: Rye, 70. Oats,
Corn «o : Buckwheat, 7 - r.
UKOCERILS—(' ffre. Rio, 40c per ponml; Java. 60.;
ltr. «n Sugar Pt nw ponn.l do.White. 2-'< VO. Molos
a*s].;»o c«ntH ]. l'-illmti ; Syr up I,So and $1.7.';.
HIDES—7 cent* par ponml.
T. A K1» —10 cent* pei pound.
NAM S - f7,« o jier keg.
INVI A I Oi>-|l and pel bh«Uel.
PußK—l4 to 15 cent* per pound.
K A (IS—• cent* per pound.
KICK—Io cent* p-r pound.
HEEDS—-Clover, 110,00, per'bnsbel. Timothy S6,UO
av, s2,l*».
S A 1,T—13,75 per barrel
TALM)W— S cents per pound.
W(»Ol<—6uc per p.nnd.
A! A It It I I : I >.
sept feith. Mr. S. M.l .11 ..f Cherry Tp . late of i » ('*
llth Iteg't l\ R V.C. t » Miss Augie iirown. of Mercer
Township. this r -unty.
six o'clock. Broth ran from sister lodges are raxpectftil
y'lnvited to attend. By order of Ilia N. O.
a A. V. M Butler Lodgp. N.» '272, A. V. M h.ddn
iM'tnted meeting* in the O H Fellow# Hall, on
lU Main Stre*' Butler Pa. on Mi* flrnt Wad net
/\S\ mouth. Brethren from >«'«it«»r
5 wdf6aarera®pectftilly Invited to attend.
By order of the W. M.
\fiEIVTLEMA i\ cured of Nervom* T>ehillty
Premature Decay, nnd the efFrctaof youthful indis
cretion, will he happy to furnish other-- wllli tho meana
of cure, ( free of charge). Thin remedy i« nimph:, NUe
and certain.
Fo full particular*, by return nmil. pleane addre«n I
June , 1565,3m, CO Niuwan St., New York. I
low two or three hotheads of'Buchu." "Tonic Bittern "
••Snr*nparill<' -Nervon* Antidotes." Ac,, Ac.. Ac., nnd ,
after you arc s:iti-flt-d with the retult.thi-n tryone box o|
—and be restored to iiealth nnd vigor in leaa than thirty |
day a. They aro purely veKetnldo, jdrnsnnt to take !
prompt and nalutary in their effect*on the broken-down
and vhattered ronstitution. Old and young can take
them with advantage. Dlt. BU< HAN'S ENGLISH BPK
CIFKS PILLS cure in lenn than 80 days, th«* worat cases i
«>f NKRYOUSNESS, Impoteney. Premature Decay Sc - '
InM Weakness, Insanity and all Urinary, Sexual, and
Nervous Affections, m» matter from what citnse pr.idnced I
Price, One D -ilar per box. Sent, postpaid, bv rnalL on
receipt of an order,
No. 420 Broadway, New York, General Agent.
P. S.— . box sent to any addrse* on receipt of price—
which One Dollar—post free. *#~A cir
cular sent on application. Butler, July 19, 18(V4;:8w.
To l>riiitk:;rdN.
CURE, permanently eradicates the taste for itroagdrink
and cikres the worst cases cf drunkenness in less than
eight weeks.
Thousands of reformed inebriate* now live to Mo*s th« •
day they wore fortunate enough to commence the m»e of
this valuable remedy. Pri-e Two liolljrs a package.
Mailed to any adore** on receipt of an order, bv
JAMES BUTLER, 439 Broadway, New Vcrk,
Sole Agent lor United States.
Aug. 16,1885, 8-w.
EniTon CiTtr.EK.— Dear Sir— With your permission. I
wish to say to the retulorsof your paper that I will send
by return mail, to all whowiNh it, (free) a rcoipe with
full directions for making and lining a wimple Vegetable
Balm, that will effectually remove, in ten days. Pimple*.
Blotches, Tan. Freckle*, and all Impurities of the Skin',
waving tho same soft, clear, smooth, ami beautiful.
1 will also mail freu to those having Bald Heads or
Bare Faces simple direction* and information, that will
enable them U> start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, i
Whiskers, or Moustache, in lew* than thirty day*. ' j
These recipes are vaiuble to both old ami young, and j
as they are mailed to all who need them free of charge, !
hey are worthy the attention of all who prize a clear i
ure Skin,or healthy growth or hair.
All applicant* answered by return mail, without
charge. 11108. F. CHAPMAN, {
Chemist and Perfumer, No. #3l, Broadway, N. Y
Ang. 16,18».5, 8-w.
3HBW 4BV£BTlߣM£]lli.
A BOY from seventeen to eighteen years of age, of in- 1
dnstrions habits, and g(*»d character, can find an
opportunity to learn the House Carpenter trade, by ap- '
rlying at once to fct. O. PUR VIS. -
Sopt. SO, MM.
chitl.., or ttuv 'llof Ihc Tliruwt 01 I.tinjp*. will lie
rhMrftllljr rarnl«lir<l. wlthunt clinree, wltli tli. rrniMv by
the me ..f which the HOT. K.lwnr.l A. Wllw.rt of Will
limulinrx. Sen York, r?«<'r«) V< health,
alter having suffered eeveral years with that dread dis
ease, Consumption. To Consumptive sufferers, this rem
edy i« worthy of an immediate trial. It will co«t noth
ing, and may be the means of their perfect restoration.
Those desiring the seme will plenee address RkV. KD
Wllllsmsbuig, Kings County, .New York.
August 16,:^}t:
Itejfister's Xotice.
•\TOTICE I* hereby given, that tho following Accounts
if K».«-cuf'-rs. Adiidnistrators 4c., have l»aen filed
in the Registers Office < 112 Butler County, and will be
presented t . the Court 112.»: confirmation and allowance,
on Wednesday, Sept. i". A D.. IHOS.
Final Account of John B. >1 tluistion.artin* A tmfnie
tr» for of .losepli Qnistl •?», dec d. Filed June 1:1. '•'•s.
Final Acc tint d Mrs. Miry ('rouse. \dministr.itor of
Philip Crome, ilec'd. Fib d Juno I', IH«6.
Final Acc tint of J. B. D»-I N and Maria J Marquis,
Adm s. of A. 11. Mafiood, dee d Filed July 1. lfWfi.
Fin d Account of Thomas ('ratty, Guardian of M ttllda
Riddle. Filwl Juh 0.D05.
Final Account of K. J.Gilmo*. Administrator of Jot
eph Gilmer, «iec >1 Filed July lit,l- 6.
Final Account- 112 Tho#. ( rjii-,decd. Fl.ed July I, l's.
Final Account <d Hubert .*• ».\wtll, Adlu r of VV. W.
Smith de d Filed Jply 18.1865.
final Account of Sylvester Ash, Ex. of Jacob Oleffer,
d" ■ d File*l Jul I ,1' a.
Hnal account of Win l'atk*. Adm'r. of D. S Parks,
doe'd Filed July _*S I*-' *»
Final account of .lame* Adm'r of Susinua
Gifxondcc'd Filed July 2'. iMtft
Final account of Mir ilia <l. F< ixler, Adiu'x of Kit wa-
Frsaferdee'd. File,l Aug. 11, I*''s.
Final account of Samuel (i-illaher and Daviil Marshall
Exr s 112 Win. Gdliher doc'd. tiled Mnr 11 *. -• «
Final account - 112 Sahlna-Kriloy, AJm'x .112 Fianci**
Krilev. dee d. Filed Amr. 17. 1
Final account or James 8. 'lorri-m. Ex • 112 Willi-
McDonsld dee'd. Filed \o ; Is. l-;».
Final ace- unt of 8. H. Mooie, A<lni r. of Jolin Lrant
dee'd. Filed Auir lU.I-On.
Final Reeount < 112 Hugh McLerea, Kx'r. of Th uiusßurk
dee >| Filed Aug 2id 1806.
Kinnl sc-ount <-f Solomon Snul-r. Adm'r. of Warren
F. Houston dee'd. Filed Aug. 24, lS0f».
Final are »unt of Henry Pfabe, Ad'm. nf Eihard Miller
dee'd. Filed Aug. 20, 1865.
J.S. KE.NEEDY, Register.
Anj». 23,
riIHF following Appraisement List under the sth *ec
I tion • . the a-t of April 11, 1851. have been presen
ted and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Orphan's
Court of Butler County, to wit:
No. 1, June Term, 18«5, Mrs Eliznheth Christy, widow
of S. I) Christy, late of Cherry Tp, Dee'd Personal
property amoutitiug to $300,00. It, F. Chrjsty, Ad'm.
N033, June Tetm, 1565, D. Rankin, guardian f>r u«e
of mini hildrcn of Jtislah Brown, late of Fail view
'l'p., dne'd Personal property amounting to $22,00. —
lb bert C Campbell. Ad'm.
No. 39, June Term, I«» Mrs. Martha Zimmerman,
widow of Geo. W. Zimmerman, lateof Oakland'l'p. dee'd.
Personal property, amounting to 313,50. 11. D. Ste
phcnsoii, Adm'r.
No. P l . June Term, 1885, Mrs Margaret Wasson, wid
ow of \\ (Wain A. Wasson. late of (/lay Tp. dee'd. Per
sonal property amounting to $300,(K) Margaret Was son
No. 41. June Term, 186 ft. Mrs. Sabina Kriley, widow
of Francis Krilev. late of ,l<-fferson Tp.dec d. Personal
property amounting to f.tno.oo. Sabina Kelley, Ad'm.
No. 4*', Juno Term. 1^(- f . Mrs.- Philips, widow of
| James Philips, late of Oakland tp.,dee'd. Personal prop
el ty euiountihg to ?l.'>n,fiß. G.C. Roessing, Adm'r.
! Of wh<ch the creditors, heirs, legatees.distributee* and
others Interested, will take notice and appear at the next
I Term to wit: the Fourth Monday of September next,
and not later than Thitd day of said term, to show cause
I against the same. By the Court,
I Aug. 2V, 1805. * W.J. YOUNG, Clerk, O.C. j
Lis! of Causes,
! milE following is tho trial list, net down for Septem-
I teiuber term, commeiiciug on the Fourth Monday of
saul mouth.
rtr.sT WEEK.
Samuel Stewart, for use, vs. Patrick Carr.
Manures Gillu-pie, vs. Patrick M. Boyle.
Jonathan ('lutton, vs. C. Snyder.
Dr. J. Brothers, vs. Ilenf> Rusebaugh.
' Andrew Sloan, vs. David Hoover A Ruth Hoover.
| Eleanor Hines, v«. Samuel Wimer, Jr. /t Sam'l Wlmer
I (L W. Croxier, Kx'r of Pr, J. Grahiun, vs. Jacob Zei
; Ki®f.
John M'l<au(;hlin, Adm'r. of Enos Mcßride, dee'd vs.
I James Downey.
j Ann • '.tmpbell vs. Win. Adams.
.lie b llepler. vs. Henry C. Shskely, et al.
t Henry P. Shakely. vs. Jacob llepler.
Mary J. Rauiney, by her mother and next friend Nan
j cy Kniise), vs. George W. St ill wagon.
Thorn:!* Byan. vs. Samuel Moore,
i Reiber A Klingler. vs. Win. Mtgee's Ex'rg.
Nancy Carnahan, vs. Geotge Mc( audless.
j .leiin A.Kennedy, Kx'r. of Wilson Wigfield, v«.
| Ern i Muder.
i William Stewart, vs. Rebert Allen.
liu .'h u:id \\ in. Murrin, Exr's of John Murrin dee'd.
j vs. Domini. M< !/ui*lilin.
! Chi Htopher UaHsmau vs Andrew Hecket.
John iiillaher, *s. Dr. S. S Christy.
John Y Win. ( Hintei.
j L. 11. & J Adams, vs Samuel Campbell
j J. 11. AK. M,Doutbeti vs Kobert Allen
I Jsc'di Khrman vs Rtibert HaiblS'ai and Atkinson
C C Bunker vs Ah.-xan i.i M'Bride
W.YI Si tOPS, Proth'y.
Aug 38, r-
Solii'o to SSiaiUter^i.
rpilfi >eh<«d Direct rsof Summit township, Butler Co.
I : a . wdl K-ve lit the • ebuildlng if mli ml house No.
I. in-ad township, at Adam ere .• .-k - -n mbl tp. on
Siiurday, Sopienibei 1-tli. 1 • •'» m i.eie builders or Coii-
I " !«. i '-i !i?L.!'"A: D Sec'y.
Butler Anitusi 3 ' I - t.
1 and Clocks.
mm: nn l w Übl I>- •" . ' -rr» Gin pu*.
I lie. th-t he I: •. !m • t » 1 m . •■■■ i; v i i'
• ml'w.'.r '"" '" " ' ''
American H:KI Patent T ever W .'Hies.
l.iinMnc C..„, w„ » M --l tn.kMp ■. i ma M« aM
Jewel \ \i- t- an.' i :. t . .1 .112 wl.ic'
wi'l lie *d ■ M , - tahle te. . r , • , '
\\ «? ' ' Mi l CIS. k ie • . . n we'. V
mended In a * kiu inlike 0., 112 , ...» •}.-
plare— u the W.«ei «ide if •
Conrt II n-e and 'he n.l d •„ r , ~
Stebley's Dry Good'• Stoic.
I r.. lftfla.::Sm.
Farm For Nale.
mHEnndersigne.l offers f»r u*l»» :be i.*;tn up n which
I be lives, in Penn Tp . con-sin v.* *'\t\ • tu•• ■'
farming land, about twenty aci e-(i.-an-.1. • t: od
■ log house and stable, a variety of ; nit ire.-- Ae. Kur
j ther information can be had by calling n tho iMitor of
j the Citi/en, or on the subscriber on the premise*
Sept. 4. 1565::3t
Farm l"«,r Snlc.
4 valuable firm containing 4.S acres, more or le««.
j ;\ in Parker Tp , Butler Co Pa., on the r<»ad leading
. from North M'a*hin(rton t«» Martinsbuig. two miles fo»ui
either village, directly on the route of the Bear Creek
( Rail Road : .part of which i*umler contract.) A depot
will probably be within one 112 ur'hofa mile of Miiu
property. Grist and Sawmill within one fourth of a
I mile. The land i« weß timbered with good chestnut
timber. There is abundance of coal on the prendre*, it
is supposed to be oil territory. Tnere are two wells go
ing down in the neighborhood. The fartnia well watered
For terms and further particulars inquire > 112 John (>
Shryock or Johu hhryock, Esq. at Shrvock sin
Sepi. 13, 1865, 3-t.
To Uriilgo Itullders.
VfOTICR is hereby given, to all concerned, that sealed
▲ s proposals will be received up to the lfith of Sepi.
for the buildine of the Bridge Hero** Connoquenes*in<;
Creek, on thesouth-ea«t of the borough of It.itler, on
the Butler and Freeport road. Also for fhe building of
the bridge acress ConnoqueneHsinff Oeek, in Butler Tp.
at the place where the public highway leading from
the Butler Turnpike to Pctersville. u/*ro*s said creek.
Plans and specifications may be seen at the Commis
sioners office. By order of Commissioners.
1 Sept. 13th IRA 3.
Formerly of Sunbury,Butler Co.,
services to those who see fit to give him a call.
Office, that formerly occupied by Dr. Emerling.
Administrator's Notice.
LMTKKS <rf AiimioUtrtitKtn on tin- rat.ite of Jurnb
n Alter., late of llutlor lownalnp. ilw ,1. h.v. ihi»
CUJ belli granted to tliu und.r<i|;nMl. therefore «11 Jier
w.n» m ..litod to wlil Q.tAte urc ro, t to ninku Ini
mwlmto payment, .ndthoM h clslm. tlie
name will jjreMont them prop.rly luitlientkatuil for .et
n.-meut; I'M 11.1.11- BILKKI..
Kept. 20, 1866. OEOIIUK WAI.TKKB.
Bear Creek Railroad.
T>ROI»OSALS will be received for the grubbing, clear-
X leg. earth-work and masonry of Twenty sections of
, the Bear Creek lUilr--ad, located from a point on the
Erie and Pittsburgh Railroad, south of West Greenville
' to a point eastward of Mercer, until
2 O'clock P. M. September 26th.
i All proposals must be made tor seperate sections, tuid
j may be sent to L. D. Williams, Esq., Secretary of ihe
I company at Meadeville, or be given at tho S*. Charles
Hotel, West Greenville, on September 2fcth, where the
lk»urd of Directors will meet for award,
j All information can be attained by application to W.
L. Urlgden, Engineer of the Gumpuny at Mercer.
Srrtio.lWs::H.. l>neM.
Arrival and Departure ofMalls
The mall from Butler to East Sandy, by way of Holy
oke,<'oiiltersville, Amtndale, Murrinsvllle and CHnton
ville. S8 ndles: leaves Butler on Monday nnd Friday of
each week, at 0 o'clock, a. m., returns on Tuesday and
Satnrday of each week at 7 o'efoek. p. ID.
The mall from Butler to Salem Cross Roads, by way of
Saxonburg, 'arversville. Freeport, Shearer's Cross Roaila,
Me Laugh 1 in's Store and Oakland Cross Roads, 43 miles;
leaves Butler on Tuesday and Saturday of each week, at
ft o'clock, a. m.: return* on Friday and Monday cf each 8 o'clock, p. m.
Tlie mail fn»m Butler to !few Castle, bv way of Mount
Che*nuf, Prospect. Portersvllle and Prlneeton.2« miles;
leaves Builer on Monday and Thursday of each week, at
A o'clock a. m; returns on Tuesday and Friday of each
week, at G o'clock, p. m.
The mall from Butler to Lnwreneebnrg. by way of North
Oakland. Barnliart's Mifla, Baldwin and Bruin. 2-5 miles,
lea vs Butler on Monday nnd Friday of each week, at U
o'clock, a. in: returbs oh Tuesday and Saturday of each
week, at 9 o'elock, p. m.
The mail from Butler to New Brighton, bv way of Pe
tersburg. Break-Neck and /elienuple.2o miles; with two
idditional trij>s between BreiUt-Neckatel Zelien«»ple: 'eevs
Bntleron We«lnesday of each waek, i*t 7 o'cl-wk. a. m.; re
nrnson Thursdey of each week, at so'clock, p. m.
The mall from Butler to Pittsburg, by way of Glade
Mills, Baker-town. Tally Cavy, Etna, De«|iie-ne and Alle
gbeuy City, 32 miles: leaves Butler every morning, exeept
®un«lay. at 7 o'clock, a. n»4 arrives at Butler from Pitts
burgh t't ihe same route, every day, Sunday excepted, at
1 o'clock, p. tn.
The mall from Butler to Mercer, by way of McCandless
Brownington. Slipperv-ll«« k, North Liberty, Londen end
Balm,32mib*«: leaves Butler every day, Sunday excep
». .it 1 o'rlrw k p m.: return•« by the same route, every
day. Sunday excepted; arriving in Butler at 7 o'clock in
the morning.
Tin-mail fr m Butlirto Tndlana, by way of Coyles
rille, Worthlnct'-n, Klttanning. Kblert.m and Pheloct.a,
i- miles: l-ivt-s Butler "ii M'-uday and Thursday of each
week, nt 4 o'clock, a. m.: returns on Tue»lay and Friday of
each week, at 7 o'c lock, p. m.
The mail Bom Butler to Bovd*f<twii .0 mile- leaved
Itoydsfown MI Friday m »rning of each week, arrives at
itntler in the forenoon : departs for lloydst .wn same "lay
after the arrival or the mail from Pittsburgh.
Teacliers' K.\emlnalions.
xA >1 IN AT!i »NS w ill be held as follows:
J At Butler. August 28.
>'»ionbnrg, August 29.
ovl«- villi*. August 30.
Fairvlew, August3l.
North H'n«hlngton. September 1.
Sunbury, Septeinbtr 2.
Fi'/oimm n - School House, Forward tp.. Sept. 4.
Glade Mill (Thompson's School House,) Sept 6.
Cianberry tp . (Sample's School House; Sept 8.
II oniony. September 9
Centreville. September It.
Harrisvil le. September 12.
Murrinsvllle. September 13.
Prospect, September lfith.
Portersville. September 1(J.
In addition to the usual requirements, eertllWtea of
gnoil moral character must be furnished, Examinations
to commence at 9 o'clock. A. 11, WATERS,
August 23. Iw. Co. Bup't.
Attorney at Law,
Office wltli thi\«< N'Candleflif Esq.,
South Weat coiner of the Dlmond,
llntlcr a.
\KW SKIIiTS FUR 18(55-0
The Great Invention of the Age in
J, W, BRADLEY'S New Patent Duplex
Elliptic, or double, Spring Skirt,
THIS INVENTION* consists of DUPLEX (or two) ELLLI
tfe inn* Refilled Bteel Springe, ißniilotlel} brtdw tlgbt-
Ivand firmly together, edge to edge, making the tough
est, most flexible, ela-tie and durable Spring ever u-ed.
They seldom bend or break, like the Single Springs, and
consequently preserve their perfect and benutiful Bhap»*
moreth n twiee as long as any single Spring Skirt that I
Kver Has or Can be made.
The wonderful flexiiulity and great comfort and I
) leisure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Ell ptic Skirt
will be experienced particularly In all crowded Assem
blies, Operas. Carriages, Pall road Cars, Church Pews,
Aim Chairs, for Piomenade and House I)resi. as the
Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place
as easily and conveniently a* a Silk or Mielin Dross.
A Lady having enjoyed the IMcasuie, Comfort and Oreat
Convenience of tlie Duplex Elliptic teclSpriug
Skiit b.r a single day will Never afterwards willingly
dispense with their use For Children, Misses, and Young
bailies they are sujieiior to till other*.
TilE HOOPS are covered with 2 ply double twiste.l
thread and will wear twice as long a* the Single yarn
covering which is used on »ll Single Steel Hoop Skiits.
The three bottom rods on every ,-kirt are also Double
Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cover
ing from wearing off the n»d* when dragging down stair*
stone • eps, Ac.. Ac., which they are constantly subject
to when in use.
All aie in ulo of new and elegant Corded Tapea, nnd
are the best quality in every part giving to the wearer
the iu*«t graeidul and perfect Shape possible, ami are
unquestionably the lightest, most desirable,comfortable
ami economical Skirt ever made.
invention, and S- »bK MAN I'KACTI.' It ICRS, 07, Chambers
iml 7U A Rente Streets, New York.
POP SALK in all flrit-class Stores in this City, and
throug tout the Untted States ati l 4'anada. Havana de
( übs. Mexico, 8 uth Ameiica. and the West In iies.
inquire for the Ouphx Elliptic (or deuble)
Spring Skirt. A. <£• ('.
SSii rili's
PV virtue Of HUH Iry writs of Ve.elltloni Exponas
.\iiiis Venoitioni Exp •uat> and K'.eii Facias issued out
• me in t t v.omrn >n Pleas o| llutler county, uud to
me dhe ted, there will be exposed t • public sale at the
• nut Ibnise, in the borough of Itntler. ou the Fourth
nday i I p'ember, next, at one oclock, p. m., the
I' li oving defei ibed p. opevty. to wit:
Ail the i i,;ht, title, intei ••• t and claim of Adellu id Lar
ii-r Lu i t-ieiterlck Laibor, of in and to five
aciei «112 laud in re ai less •• uated in S\ intielo l'p.. Iluf-
I lei c >unt> ia. ' oiind as 112 » lows : ,\oi*t by Salt/., West
ti.v t* ,l| »h by . Last by Fisher. Fort* acies
cieaied Seized and taken us the property of Adelheid
Uobor i xi ■ d i iedcrick Laibor, deed, at the null ot
L. A. Hcli'iiiboldl
All the right, title, interest and dam of John Lech
ledei if in and to two lots of u>ouiid Hituatud ill Coyles
vile, liutler C"UU(y. I'a . « le.nfieid tp. itoun-ied a* f»d
--l h- : »..illi by Kittnnniug I' ke, Laef by .lautes » Doll
-11, S' uth by Ellen Dugan, and by John ■ ■ a
t uiio.ttioii for a tavern stand* thereon erected. Seizo<f
end taken in execulionn* thepiuperty of dohuLechieiiei
ul the Huitof George Roeiiig.
All the right, title, intei est and claim of Johu Mnrrin
A iiridget hi -wife and lieorge 11-.ppcr « Sarah his wife
of inaud to one bundled and forty-live acre-, of bind
■ ituaied ill Fairview I p.. liutler County, Pa.. Hounded
North by Jacob Ellenberger, East by——Campbell, South
by ILpleraml West by Oeorge Ci.:«g. About fifty acre*
cleared, five of which are meadow, JO apple trees, I.g
house and log burn thereon erected. Seued and taken
inje\c . uiioii as the pro|ierty oi John Murnn A binlget
liiHWifcand (ie rge II pper A Sarah iiis wife, heir* at
law of l'atiick Ferran, Dee'd, at the suit of Lryaut Ilott
All Jhe right, title, interest aud claim of M. F. White,
« 112, in and to Seven acres of land, more or less, situate In
Comioquenessing Tp. llutler ccunly: bounded aw follow*;
North uy White A Cunningham, wMrt by street, ioiith
by Ibdiert Mint in'* heirs, aud west by Cunningham—all
cleared. Also,an«»ther Seven acre lot more or less, situ
ated in same township, bounded and described a* follows:
North by lands of Alex. \\ bite's heirs. eo»t by (leoige
be un, south by ThosCratty, weet by street—all meadow.
Selxeil and taken In execution as the property of M F.
Whlie, at the suit of .lame* P. Tanner, for use of the
estate of .John tlraham, dee'd.
All the right, title iuterent and claim of Thomas Al
len, of in and to one huudred acres of laud more or less,
situated in Rrady township, llutler county, Pa., bounded
north by Ambrose Alexander, east by Ueorge Benlrim,
south l»y —— Williams,and west by John Roerer. Fifty
acres cleared log house and log barn thereon erected.—
Seized aud taken into execution a* the property of Tho*.
Allen, at the su.tof Chas. M'Candless aud ;*usau C. Sul
All the right, title, interest and claim of Ferguson
Conn, of in aud to fifty acre* of land, more or less situ
ated in Wsshinston township, llutler County, I'a.. IMIUU
ded North by Thomas Kelly, Ea*t by Conn, South by
Danbenspeck 4fcConn, West by Kelly. Thirty-five acres
cleared, five of which are meadow. bouse A frame
barn thereon erected Seined and taken hi execution
as the property of Ferguson Coun at the suit of David
All the right title, interest nnd claim of Ahrim Misin
ger of in and to four acre* of land uiore or situated
in Hufiaio township, Duller County, Pa., bounded Nurth
by 'lh.w. CaMHiday,t]aat by Kirsou Drain, South by——
Went by David Kelly. acre cleared, log house thereon
erected. Seized and taxen in execution as the property
of A Misinger at the suit of John Ilet.selgesser.
HAVl>'f! received the annnal List of Licenses, In
come Tax, Tax on Carriages, Silver-plate. Ac., under
tlie Cnited State* Internal Revenue l«aw», for the oil Di
vision of the 23d Di*tr iet of Pennsylvania, comprising
the County4»f Butler. 1 will attend for the receiving of
said Taxes,at my office in 'be borough of llutler, from
the 2Sth of AugiiHt. to the 10th of September, 4ht»s.
Also, at the fidlowing places: Friday, Sept. Bth, SAXon the store of E. Maurhoff, Esq., from 10 a. ip~ to
4p. m. Saturday. Sept. Uth, Miiierstowu, at lioch's Ho
tel. from y to 10 a. m,
Saturday Sept. 9, Fairview at Adaiu*'Hotel, from 2 to
sp, m. Monday Sept. llth, Sunbury, at Stonghfon's
store, from 0 to 11 a. in. Monday Sept. 11, Harrisvllie,
at Kerr's store, from 3 to 6 p. m.
Tuettey, Sept. 12tb Centreville, at Eyth's Hotel.
Wednesday, Sept. 13th Portersville, at Oliver's Hotel,
from lo a.m., to 12 m. Wednesday Sept. 13th, Pros
pect. at Mr* lire din s Hotel, front 3 to 6p. m.
Thursday, Sept 14th, ZeMenople. at ilastain's Hotel.
Saturday, Sept. 10th, Ulade Mills, at Oeorge Cooper's,
from 10 a. ni. to 2 p. m.
After which time the penalties imposed by Law will be
strictlv enforced. Payment must be made in Culled
States'Monev. R.C. Me A BOY.
Aug. 80,1M5. Dept. Coll., 3d Dir., 20d Dto.
Writ or Partition.
IN the matter of the Partition of the Real Estate pf
John M KhinK dee'd.
In the Orphans' Court of Butler county. Ifo. 9. Mar.
Term, 1*64. Ao<l now to wit: June 12, I&US, Inquisition
filed and confirmed \fsi.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—To theheirs and
legal representatives of John M'Kinnis. dee'd., to wit:—
Mary M'Kinnis. widow,and Robert M'Kinnis, Rachael
Intermarried with George foWlo: Re beer a M'Kinnis,
widow, and Lucretion, J. M'Kinnis, Alex. 8. M'Kinms,
Addrew J. A. M'Kinnis and Clemency M'Kinnis, children
of Andrew M'Kinnis. dee'd Sarah M'Kinnis, widow,
and Qeorge W. M'Kinnis. FranH* M. M'KluuK Leaven-
W"iili M'Kinnis, and Marv A- M'Kinnis, children of Hen
ry M'Kir.nis. dee'd. Lydln A. M'Kiuuis, widow, and Su
rah J. M'Kinnis. Hannah M,Kinni>, and Ellen V. M'Kin
nis. children of William M Kintiis, deed., and Joseph
Italph, nnd Jatues lialpli, child ol" Sarah Jane
MKinuis. (Ralph) dee'd.
Von, and rich of yon, are hereby cited to he and appear
before onr Judges at an Orphans' Court, to !«• held at
llutier, In and for the county of Butler, on the Fourth
Monday of September next. it being the 24th day of said
month, to acco;>t or refuse the premises at the appraise
nunt or valuation, or show cause why the KIIW should
not be Mold. By the Court. W. J. YOCNO,
Ai!g. 9, 1 805 CbTk.ofO.C
Writ of I'urdtloii.
TN the matter of the partition of the Real Estate of
1 John Ke ner, dec d.
In the Orphan*' Court of Butler county No, 3. June
Term, 18»54. Juiio 12,1865. luqubllion tiled nod confirm
The Comui'-nwealth of Pennsylvania—To the heirs and
legal representatives of Johu Iverfier, dee'd., to wit
Catharine, intermarried with I>r. Peter Duckellere; Ja
cob Kerner. Elizabeth. lutertunrried with Richard Gm
stead: Sophia, Intel man led with Fred. Bwarts, Fre-etick
Swartz, vendee of Lewis Kerner, dee'd., and JohnCritch
low. Sr.. husband, and lolin CritchloW, Jr., sou of Chris
tiana K truer, (CrUrhlow; der'd.
You, and each of you, are hereby cited to be and ap
pear before our Judgca at uu Orphans' Court, to be held
at Butler, in and for the county of Butler, on the Fourth
Monday of September next, it bciug the 25th day of
said month, to accept or refu.-e the premises at the ap
praisement or valuation, or ahow cause why the same
should uot be sold. By the court.
August 9, 1865. Clerk of O C.
A Largo EMirk Siwj IBorse.
I" EFT Wlnfleld Fnrnaro on Saturday the 12th lti-t..
J J 18-Is probably in Clearfield or Summit Township,
if he has not parsed bark to Will Hoy Furnscfc, from
which lie came lust \yek. Having been worked pretty
steadily in wagons, he is marked with the collar; and
haa a small but very tender soi c on the top of neck
where the collar works. This is very sensitive. Any
person bringing the horse back to Winfield Furnace, or
(riving ine word so that 1 mav get him, nill be liberally
rewarded. " WM.STEWART. "
Aug. Id, 1805.
To liri<l£C Ituilders.
hereby given to all concerned, that the build-
Xx ingof tin-IP hige acrossCotuioquenessiug Creek,on the
South-East of the Borough of Butler, on the Butler and
Freeport Pike, will be sold at I'u Idle out-cry, by the
Commissioners of Butler Co. on Friday the 25th day of
August, 1804, at I o'clock, P. M.
Plans ami specifications may be aeon at the Commis
sioners' office. Coditlons will bn made known at the
time of sale. By order of Commissioners.
Aug. 2,1865,-8t Clerk.
TSie If iiteoi::
A Weekly Journal of Politics, Litera
ture, Science and Art.
Tmsjournal will not be the organ of any party, sect, or
body. It will on the contrary, make au earnest effort to
brinu: to the discu-sion of political and social questions
a really critical spirit, and to wage war upon the vices of
violence exagerutioti, and misrepresentation by which
so much of the political wilting of the day is marred.
The criticism of books and works of art will form one
of il-t most prominent features; and pains will be taken
to have this task performed in every case by writers pos
sessing special qualifications lor it.
It is intended, in the interest of investor*!, as well as
of the public generally, to have questions of trade and
finance treated every week by a writer whose position
and character will give his articles an exceptional value,
and render them a safe and trustworthy guide.
A special correspondent, who haa been selected for this
work with care, has started on a journey thiough the
South. 1 lis letters will appear liereniter every week,
and he la charged with the duty of simply reporting what
he seen and hears, leaving the public as far as posolble
todraw its own Inferences.
It embraces among its rognlar Or occasional contribu
tors tho following names:
Henry W. fjongfellow. James Russell Lowell, John O.
Wliittler, Samuel Elliott (Ex-President Trln. College,
Hartford.) Prof. Torfey. 112 Harvard,) Dr. Francis Liober,
Pr fessor tioldwiu Smith, (Oxford,) Professor Child.
(Harvard,) Henry James, Charles K. Norton. Judge 11 >ud
(Baltimore,) Edmund Quincy, Prof W D. Whitny,(Yale)
Prof. D. C. Oilman, (Yale.) Judge Paly. Prof, flwight,
(Columbia College.) Prof. Taylor Lewis. (Rchenecteday,)
, Judge Wayland. Frederick Law Olmstead, Rev. Br M -
Clintock, liev. Br. Joseph P. Thompson. Rov. I'hiiiips
Brooks. Rev. Dr. Bellows, C. J.Ktille, Henry Tuckerinan,
Bayard Taylor, ('.A. Diluted, C. L. Brace, Richard O.
, White. Wiliiam Lloyd Garrison. Sidney Ueorge Fisher,
Theodore Tilton,•lames Parton, Hail Hamilton.
TrKMt*: —Three Dollars per annum, in advance; Six
months. Two Dollars. When delivered by carries in N.
York or Brooklyn Fifty tv.v. j additional.
130 Nas«au street. N. Y.
A KHKM.M) 3l'M XUK i;.
I VTOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested, that
IX an appeal will be held at the office <>f John Mitchell
Esq., Assistant Assessor in the boto. of Butler, on the
3Nt day of July, and the Ist and 2d days of August, lot
that portion of the i'wenty-third Di.-tri«t of Pa., embra
ced In the county of llutl'-r. At which tlmo and place
the annual list, and proceedings of the anxUtaut Asses
sors for said county, will bo open to the inspection of all
parties interested, aud appeals heard and determined, re
l lative to any etroneous or excisive valuations, n«-<osH
ments or enumerations made by said Assistant Assessors.
N. ll.—All apnea'. l must be made in wiitiug, and spec
, Ify the particular cause, matter or thing, respecting
, which -a decision i* reqnested, and shall, moreover, state
the ground or principle ot error complained of.
Butler, Julv 19, 18P5::3t. Assessor, 23d Dist. Pa.
Writ ol PariMion.
! 112 N the matter of the Partition of the Heal Estate of
l 1 James M Candle-*. dee'd.
in the Orphans' Court of Butler county. No. 43, De
cember "IV HI. 1804. June 12,18(-5, Inquisition filed aud
confirmed AV#/.
Tho Commonwealth of Penn«> lv «nia—To the hoirsnnd
leal representatives of James M'Candlfcss, dee'd., to wit:
Eli/.abetli Al ( audit's-, widow, and Russell Httrd. litis
, band, aud Elixsbo hM Alliater, lluid, Rebecca
i Dnlmer, Mlra llnrd. and t'.ussnll 11 nrd, Jr., children of
Nancy M'Candless, (11 *i •*•)» dee'd. Mary Jane, iutennar
riod witli Hubert lli'ggs. Matilda Intermarried with John
Mthurg, ,b>*■<•]di LORHII, IIUSIKMHI, and Anna Lena Logan,
, Erastus l/, El» a Logan, Mary Is.nan. Clilotinda Li»-
, gan. Sarah l.og i!t and J tines « btldreu of Mari;a-
I ret M'Caunless, (Logan)-dec d Sarah intermarried with
I Nathan Slater; Belle intermarried with David 8. Lyon:
, Margniet, widow, and .lames M t'andlesa, dee'd.,and* An
, gvlina intermari led with Win D. Park .
Yon. aud each of you, are hereby citwl to bo and ap
pear before our Judges at an Uiplians' Court, to tte held
nt Butler, in and for the county of Butler, on the Fourth
Monday < 112 September next, it being the Jsth day of said
month, to accept or refuse the premises at the appraise
ment or valuation, or show cause why the same should
not he sold; By tho Court.
Aug. 9,1805. t lerk.
A<l ininis!rator'N
I UTTERS of Administration, on the estate of W. C.
J Maxwell, late of Mercer Township dee'd. have
been granted'to the undersigned, therefore all pet sons
indebted to said estate are respectfully invited to make
immediate payment,and those having claiuii* against the
same will present them prtperly authenticated for set
tlement. J. C MAXWELL.
Sept. 0, l*6ft. Adm'r.
Auditor's Xolirt.
IN the matter of the final account of Nathan V. Mc- '
Caudless. Executor of John S. McCaudlees, late cf
Clay township dee'd.
To the heirs, representative* Ac., of said estate. The
undersigned hereby notify all interested in said account,
that he will, in pursuance of au appointment as Auditor,
by the Orphan's Court off llntler county, attend to the
duties of said audit, at tho office of Charles M'Candleas
Esq., in Butler, on Tuesday, the 12th day of September.
ISRS-at 1 o'clock P. M., when and where all intereated
mav attend If they see prnper.
Aug. 16, 1860. TIIOB. ROBINSON, Auditor.
IS hereby given, that my wife Rebecca, has left my
bed and hoard without'any just cause. All presons
are, therefore, hereby notiflod uot to harbor her or give
her any credit on my account, as I am determined to pay
no debts of her contraction.
Aug. 10. lKtio. JAMES BIMMERB.
lotlce to 9tull<lertt.
SEALED proposals will be received until Sept. sth
by the Directors of Brady's Bend District, Arm
strong county, Pa., for building two School Houses, one |
42 feet by IU, the other 34 by 24, both to be completed .
by of November next.
For Plan and Specifications call upon the Secretary.
By order of the Board,
J. W. NORRIB, Sec y.
Brady's Bend, Aug.£t, 1865
Adminlntrator'a oicc.
LETTERS of Administration on the estate of John
Allen Esq. late of Allegheny Tp., dee'd. having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said estate are requested W make !
—ledits payment, and tlwse having claims against the
name will preseut them properly authenticated for set
tlement. J. R. ALLEN, |
Sept. 6, 18C£, Adm'r. j
Atlmliii»tralor's Notice.
IETTF.RB of Administration, on tlie estste of Jacob
J Wimer, late of Muddycrcek Tp., dee'd have this day
been duly granted to the undersigned, therefore, ell per- j
Sons indohted to naid eatate are respectfully notified to :
make immediate those having claims '
against tho name, will present them properly authentica i
ted ft»r settlement. W W. KUBEKTb Ad'm. j
" i
Spring & Summer
D. T. PAPE & CO,
An Extraordinary large Stock^
Purchased Before the Late
And will Ijesoltlnt '
' II '
% >'
Call and liOok
Before Purchasing
sr . . -A g
m 7iW
sury arrangements for
in all the various styles of the art, Mr. Ilusstdton would
respectfully call the attention of the public to his newly
Furnished Establish 111 ent,
on the corner of Main and JefTerson streets, opposite
Weber A Truntman's Store, wheie he is u«iw fully prepa
red to make at the shot test possible notice,
FKRK K O T rrts
Equal to the very bfst
i all ami i:\aniia Spoohiioiiß.
Butler, June 14,1^05.
Butlor, Pa.
These Rakes are warrantod to be equally ae g'x»d, and
much cheaper any J w in market.
BuMer, It/
TN the matter of tho Petition of James Kearns. of
1 Summit Tp., to change the boundary Hues of Hutlor
and Summit Townships. In the Court of Quarter Hes
sions of Butler county. No. 10, June SeMsiun, 1805.
Juno 17. 1805, Petition presented, asking the Court
to appoint three impartial iiicu to inquire int > the pro
priety of changing the boundary line-of said Town hips
so as to embrace the entire farm of petitioner within
the limits of Butlor Tp., Ac. And now to-wit : June 17.
1806, prayer granted and Court appoint W. 1). McCand
le<s. surveyor, John L Hartley and Alexander Simpson
Commis-donem. toenquire into the propriety of changing
the boundary of said townships, to make a plot or draft
of the lines 'proposed to bo 1 hanged, ascertained and
estnhlishod and make report thereof at the n<<*t Omrt
of Quarter Sessions, together with their opinion of the
same. Notice to be given according to rule.
By the Court
Cortltiod from the record, this 16th dav of ?opt. A. D.
1805.- W. J.*YOUNO,CI'k.
View to take place on Saturday the 3d of October, IKOS
viewers to meet at west end of the side of the farm o
the above petitioner, on said line. 112
W. 1). M CANDLESS, Purveyor.
Fept. fl, 786"»
Auditor's Kotice.
flutter Count;/, ««.
I N the matter of the account of Rliopler Boston an<l
. John Douglas, Ex'rs of John Ikiston dee'd.
No. 23, Deo. Term, IHO4. And now to-wit June 14,
1865, on motion of John M. Thompson, Omrt appoint
O. W. Kleoger, an Auditor, todistribute the balance in
this case and report.
By the Court,
Certified from the record, this 28th day of July. A. D..
1866. W. J. YOUNG, Cl'k. of O.C.
I will attend to the duties of the above appointment
nt the-nice of John M.Thompson, in Butler, on the Bth
day t September, A. D., at 2 o'clock p. ui., of
which all parties interested will take notice.
Aug. 2, *865. Auditor.
Public Nate,
BY vlrtun of an order snd decreenf the Orphan* Court
In and for the county cf Butler, the undersigned
Administratrix, with thf Will annexed, of v n». Hays,
late of Lancaster Tp., dee'd, will offer for sale cn tho
premises, at one o'clock P. M.,ot W wlneKilsy August 30
A. D.. 1865; about twenty acres of land, more or le-s,
situwte<l In Lancaster Tp. county and State aforesaid,
bounded and lutyolping public roa<l from Whitestown to
Harmony, and by lands of Samuel Hays, widow Kline
felter arid others, with the appertenancee.
TI'RMS. —One third of the petchase money to be paid
on the confirmation of sale by the Court, and the balance
in two equal annual payments with interest thereon from
said conflrmntion of sale MRS. MA BY lIAYS,
July 12,1866. Adm'x.
CBaiias Agcsit,
rpilE undersigned would respectfully notify the public
X that he has been regularly commissioned as
f>rsecuring Rmrnty Arrears of Fay snd 7>n
*!/>«#, for wddiers, or if they ure dead, f»r tlieir legal
representatives. No charge will be made for prosecuting
the claims of soldiers, or their representative* until tho
same are collected. 0. E. ANDERSON.
Butler, June 27,1865.
CAMK to the residence of tbe subscriber, living in
Harrisville, Butler Co. Pa. on the 12th of June last.
| one Sorrel Mare, white strip on face, sprained in left
hind leg, three white feet, andabont twelve years old.
ALSO— A Bay Mare, sweneyed in both shoulders, and
has had Boilers in both; and is live years old. Tho
owner or owner* are notified to come forward, prove
property, pav charges and take them away, otherwise j
thejr will be dispomvl of according to law.
Harris* 1110 July 12,1865.
To IlutlderN,
Ct E ALED proposals for the re-building of a Brick School
House in t'enn township, will be received up to 8»t-
I urd «y, tho 30th of September, inst, Plans and speci
-1 fi>.atiouM can be seen wUb John Meharg Jr. with whom
' proposals can be left. Bond with security will be requi
red f»r the faithful performance of the contract. The
Board reserves to itself the privilege of rejecting any
and all of tbe bids. My order of the board,
Sept. 13, 1865.
1 'FvBSMaof all kimfcs for sale at
HAMILTON'S Dnig Store.
XJLT IIBREA?, In itnrl by nn Act of the General Awem
\V bly for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania "An
net to regulate tbn General Elections of thia Couimou
wealth,''it b enjoined upon mo to give public notice of
such election, and to enumerate In such notice* what offi
cer* to be elected, 1, WIbLIA.H O. HIIACK
give notice that a General Klectton will bo held
itttho nail)county,on Tuesday the lOllt «1 «y of
October, nt tLe«er.«ral Election District*, vU« *
Tho electors of Adams township, at the hou«o of J. P.
Tha elector* of Allegheny township, at the house of
Jante* M'Mahin, Jr.
The electors of Buffalo towinhlp, at the honae of Rob
ert J. Orcgg. now George Truby
ine eiectoi* v f Butlci loAiL-diip, al tho of Mrs.
Tho electors of township, at the home of fceph*
aniih Hoydir.
Tho electors of Clearlield township, at the house of
John Green.
The electors of Clinton town.-lilp, at the huuaeof John
The ele.-tors of Concord township, nt the house of John
Tho electors of Centre township, at the house of John
The electors of Cherry township, at the house of Will
lam Liudsey.
The eieciors of CotinoquenciHing township, at the
hoiin»» of M V. White, in White-town.
Th® electors of Ciauberry towiuihip, at the of
8 uith Kica.
The electors of Donegal township, at the housiof Mrs.
A. l>. Wiles, in Milleistown.
The electors of Kairview township, at the house of
llobert Hay, uow O M'Cumniey.
The electors of Forward township, at tho home of
11 d»ert Ur>wb.
The electors of Fnmklin township, at the School-houee,
iu the h trough of Prospect.
The electoin of Jackxou township, at the house of
Henry Wolf, uow Jacob Schoene,ln Harmony.
The electors of Jufferauu township, at the house of
Thomas Welsh, decoded.
Tho electors »112 Lancaster township, at the public
School house .Nor.
The electors of Middlesex township, at the hou-ie of
George Cooper.
The electors of Marion the house of Robt.
The electors o! Muddycrook township, at the Town
Hall, in I'ortersville.
The electors of Mercer township, at the Town Hall, in
the borough of llarrhsrille.
The electors of Oakland township, at the house of
William M'Clung
The electors of Parker township, at the liouso of John
Martin now John Kelly, in Martinsburg.
The electors of Penn township, at the bouse of Will-
I im Fisher.
The electors of Summit township, at the hous of Ad.un
Fredet ick
The electors of Slippery rock township, at the School
house at the North end of the borough of CentrcTllle.
The electors of Yetiaugo township, at the hotiso of
James Rahle.
The electors of Wlnfield township, at tho School-house
No, 6, in said township.
The electors of Washington township, nt tho Town
Hall, in N'irth Washington
The electors of Worth township, at the house of Win.
The electors of the Borough of Butler,at the Court
In said borouglr
Tho electors of the borough of Centrovllle, at tho
School House, iu said borough.
The electors of tho borough of Zelienople, at tho Coun
cil House, In aaid borough.
At which time aud places the (justified citizens will
elect by ballot—
One jicrson, in conjunction with the
counties of Armstrong and Lawrence, for
the office of Senator, to represent the
counties of IJutlor, Armstrong and Law
rence, iu tho State Senate.
Four persons for members of the As
sembly, in conjunction with ttie counties
of Mercer and Lawrence, to represent th«
counties of Butler, Mercer and Lawrence,
in the House of Representatives, nt liar
One person for District Attorney.
One person for County Treasurer.
One person for County Commissioner.
One person for County Surveyor.
One person ior County Auditor, for ;>
One person for County Auditor, for 1
Jfoilce Is Ilcrdiy Given,
"That every person, excepting Justices of the Peace
who shall hold an j office of profit or trust under the
Government of the United States or of this Statft, of
any city or incorporated district whether acommlsiuon
ed officer or agent, who is or shall be employed under the
Legislative, Kxeeutive or Judiciary department of this
State, or of the United States, or any city or incorporated
district, and also that every member of Congress and tho
State Legislature, and of the Select or Common Council
of any eity, or Commissioners of any Incorporated district,
if by law iner.pahle of holding or exorcising at the same
time the officer or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or
Clerk ef any election of this Commonwealth, aud that no
Judge, Inspoctor, or other officer of such election shall
be eligible to any office when voted for.
And the said Act of Assembly, entitled " An Art rela
ting t«» the elections of this Commonwealth," passed Ju
ly ttl. 1 s:so, provides as follows, to wit:
"That the Judge and Inspectors, chosen as aforesaid,
•ball meet at their respective places apjHdnted for hold
ing the election In the district to which they respectively
belong, before 9 o'clock in the morning of tho second
Tuesday of October, in each and every year, and each of
the said Inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who shall be
a qualified voter of said district."
'•lu case the person who should receive the second high
est number of votes for Inspector shall not attend on the
day of any election, then the person whoshali have re
ceived the second highest number of votes fur Judge at
the next preceding election, shall act as Inspector in his
place.and in case the person who shall have received ihe
highest number of votes f.<r inspector shall not attend,
tho pre.'ont election Judge shall appoint an inspector in
bis place, and in case the person elected Judge shall not
attend, then the inspector who received the highest uum
ber of vote* shall appoint a Judge in his place; and if
any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of
one hour after the time fixed by law for the opening of
the election, the qualified Voters of the township, ward,
or district, for which such officers shall have been elect
ed, the voters present at the place of election, shall elect
one of their number to fill such vacancy.
44 It shall be theduty of said Aammaors, respectively,
to attend at the place of holding every general, spennl
or townrhip election, during tho time said election is
open, for the purpose of giving information to the In
spectors and Juilge-i, when called relation to tho
right* of atiy person assessed by them to vote at such
election, or such other matt«T in relation to the aases*-
merit of voters >«s the said Inspectors or Judges, or eith
er of them, shall from time to time require."
" No person shall bo permitted to vote at any olection
as aforesaid, other than a white freeman, of 21 years or
more, who shall have resided in thia State nt least one
year, and In the election district where he offer* to voto t
at least ten days immediately preceding the olection, and
within two years paid a State or connty tax. whl<*h shall
have been assemed at least ten days before the olection;
hut a citizen of the United State*, who hail been previ
ously a qualified voter of this Stat, and remove*l there
from and returned, aud who shell have resioed in tho
election district, and paid taxe* as aforesaid, shall be enti
tled to vote after residing In the Plate six months; Pro.
vided, that the white fmalMti, eltiaous of the United
States, between tho a'goof 21 and 22 years ami having re
sided in this State one year, and in the district ten day*
a* aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they bu\e :
not paid taxes.
•* .No person shall be entitled to vote whose name is
not contained iu the list of taxable Inhabitant* furnish- t
ed by the Commissioners, unless he produce a receipt
for the payment, within two years, of a htate or county
tax. aaseeftod agreeably to the Constitution, or given sat
isfactory evidence, either on his oath, of affirmation of
another, (bathe hits paid such tax, on fuluie to procure
such a receipt shall make oath of the payment thereof,
or second if he claim* to bean elector between the age
of 21 and 22 years, he shall depose on oath or affirmation
that he resided hi the State at leant one year next before
his application, and make aucn proof of his residence in
the district as is required by this Act, and that be does
verily believe, from the account given him, that he is of
the age aforesaid, and give such other evidence a* is re
quired by this Act; whereupon, the naine of the person
a* admitted to vote, shall be inserted in tiie alphabetical
list by the Inspector, and a note made oppoeite thereto i
by writing fhe word/* Tax," if he shall bo permitted to
vote by reason of having paid a tax, or the word "Age,"
if he shall be admitted on account of hi* age and in eith
er case the reason of such vote shall be called ont to the I
clerks, who shall make the like note in the list of voters
kept by them.
In all ciwc i where the name of the person claiming to |
vote is not found in the list furnished by the Commission
ers aud Assessor, or hi* right to vote, whether fonnd there ,
or not, is objected to by one qualified citi/.en, it shall be j
the duty of the Inspector to examine such person on oath :
a* to his qualifications, and if he claim* to have resided In '
the State one year or more, his oath shall be suflicient I
proof thereof, but ho shall make proof by at least one ;
competent witness, whoshali be a qualified elector, that '
he has resided in the district for more than ten days next
immediately proceeding said election, ami shall h-nw.df
swear to his bonafide residence in pursuance of his lawful
calling is within the district and not ft rr tho purpose of .
voting theroin."
"If any person shall prevent, or attempt to prevent any
officer of any election under this Act from holding «n».i
election, or tueor threaten any violence to any such otll- .
car, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere with bhn ;
in the executiou of his duty, or block up. or attempt to
block, up the witelow, or the avenue to any window where j
I tho same may be holden, or shall riotously disturb tho j
' peace of such election, or shall use or practice any intuit- .
| Idation, threaten force or violence with tho d<wdgn to in-
I fiuence unduly, or overpower any elector, or to prevent j
him from voting or to restrain the freedom of hi* choice,
such person, on convietion, shall !><• fined any sum not ey '
i (ceding five hundred dollars, aud be imprisoned for any |
, time not exceeding twelve months; and if it shall be
; shown to the Court where the trial of such ofTence shall
j be ha<l, that tUa person offending was not a resideutof
i the city, ward, district or township where ihe said offence
l was committed, and not entitled to a vote therein, then
j on conviction, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine not lees
than one bervlr»*t, or moro than one thousand dollars, and
to be imprisoned not lees th&n six months nor more than
two yearn."
" And if any person or persons shall make anv bet or i
wager UMI the results of any election within ti.n < om
mouwcaltb, or shall offer to make any such bet or wager, j
either by verbal proclamation thereof, or etberjrive, he
j or they shall forfeit three time* the amount so bet or of
fered to bet."
" If any person not by law qualified,shall fraudulently
I vote at anyehjction within this Commonwealth or being
I otherwise qualified, shall vote out ctf his proper district, i
or any person knowing tho want of surh qunliflcatlen
shail aid or procure such person to vote, the person or
persons so ofremlinff. shall, on conviction be flnee any sum
not exceeding two hundred dollars and bo Imprisoned for
any term not exceeding three mot fxs •
'• If afiy person shall vote at mor..* than one election dis
trict, or otherwise fraudulently voto aud deliver to the
liupect a twd tickets togeth-jr, with Intent to Illegally
v de, or shall rote or if any person shall w
vice or procure another to do so, he or they so offrndlng
shall, on conviction, be ftnefi In any sum not leas than fif
ty, nor rn re than rive hundred dollars and be Irnprison
elf r any term not lees than three, or moro than twelve,
"If any person not'quallfled to vdle In this Common
weal'h, agreeably to the law, (except tho ions of qualifi
ed cttirons,) shall appear at any place rtf election ft>r the
purpose of issuing tickets,or of influencing the citlxens
i|uniifh<d to vote, he shall, on conviction, forfeit end pay
any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars for every
such offence, ami be imprisoned for any torm not exceea J
ing three months."
Aud the Keturn Judges of the respective <!i*tr Jets afore
said. are hereby required to meet at the Court Ifonse, In
Hutler, on Friday next (October 13th) after thesrctfll
Tuesday in October next then and thereafter to perform
those tiling* required by law.
Given under niv hand aud seal at Butler, this 21st day
-.f August, iu the year of our Lord Klghteen Hundred
and Sixty-five, and of the Independence of the United
States tho Niuetleth.
Butler August 30, mi. Sheriff.
1865. w ew Goods! 1865.
Splendid Seasonable Goods,
Just received and for Sale at th*
Boyd's Building, corner of Main & Jefferson ste,
Consisting of Dtj Ooo<is,snch as FINE DEL A IKS,
A largs assortment of
of the finest qyalltv
and all kind* of Trimming*.
k largo assortmentof GENTS. WARE, auch a*
R«ady-Mad« Clothlnu,
Of the very latest Styles
A l«rare and well selected Stock of
Hartf'vore, Queerrsware*
Aud a Genuine Article of STII AINED KIOIVEYf
All of which will be sobl cheap for
April 18, l8ti&::fluio.
One ('oor North of M'Aboy's Store.
Children's Shoes of all Kinds.
own manufacture, constantly on bend, and workfnadeto
order, of the BEST STOCK and in the
A large and full awaortmont of Raatorn stock, of th*
very be»t material and woi kuiamihip.
All kiud* of
French and Common Calf gkin»,
Sole and Upper Leather,
Morocco, Kips and Kids.-
Of nil klmta.
We have the largest, beat selected, and for the times,
the cheapent stock ever offered f«.r sale in Butler.
Tho public are invited to call and examine for them
FARMERS are invited to call and ezamin our amort
inent of Mowing Machine*. We are prepared td'
foruiah them on raoeonahle terms aud with the
IWe also on hands, Hay Elevators. Cultivator# J|«f. ,
! Butler. May 10. 18*5, J. G. AW. CAMPUKLL.
THE Undendgned. having become an agent for
Khtabli*bment., i« now prepared to have all work of tho
j kind di»n«» on -hort notice, and reasonable terms.
; 1 respectfully Mdieit the petronare of the public.
MBS. fi. HERTSBLRUER, Milliner,
Opposite Lowy rtouae, Butler, l'a.
j June 7,1866, 3mo.
Execulor's >«ll«-e.
On the Ettate of WiUon l'caror,
: 'VT'OTICE Ih hereby given, that Letters Testamoutary
on thee -Utte of Wilson Pearce, late qf Cranberry
Tp., Butler connty. dee'd, have beeer duly granted to
tlo* un'lnndgned, therefore, all persons knowing them
selves indebted to said e*tnU», aro reapectfully requited
t« make Immediate settlement, and those having <:lalm«
againat the name, will pri«*ut'them, properly authenti
cated for set tlemeut. THOrt. RUMTNSON,
»ept. 6, lMb. J. Q. MARSHA LL,
Farm lor Nale<
ERTY Five a< 112 improved lend Tot. in Penn
Cp., six mile* from the borough of Butler andouo.
ii mile from the Butler k Allegheny Plank Raw.'
•oiiv.-ub nt to chuicboa. M-huoli* ic. fi.r pkrtlculara and
teraus enquire of the uudornigned.
i Sept. 6, 1806.0t. John Q. A. KENNKBY*