THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. Butler, Pa., Wednesday, Aug. 9, *865 Harrisville. This place is beautifully situated in the Northwestern part of Butler county, on the road leading from Pittsburgh to Franklin; about 53 miles from the former atd 20 miles from the latter; and is 21 miles from Butler boro.; 24 miles from New Castle and 13 from Mercer, and con tains over 300 inhabitants. There are three churches in the Borough and the U. I'. C. one mile west. There are four stores, all doing a good business; one foundry, not now in operation, lately pur chased by Mr. Bigham of Centreville, who will open up business in a short time. There arc three blacksmith shops, 1 tan nery, one cubioet shop, one pottery, one wagon shop, three saddle and harness shops,3 shoe shops, 2 temperance hotels, 1 grocery and one place—generally cal%! a doggery, where they profess to sell drinks that do not intoxicate, but persons have been seen emerging from the same with heavy heads and limber legs; and the good people of the Borough and vicioity have determined that its quarters must be moved to some other place, and those who are acquainted with the citizens of that ■ locality know full well that they are in earnest, with regard to that which is cal culated to destroy the morals of any com munity. There are three Physicians in the lim its of the Borough ; 1 select and 2 com mon schools. The surrounding country is well im proved ; beautiful and well Cultivated farms surround the place. The Bear Creek 11. It. part of which is nrftv being put under coutract, will run, if not di rectly through, at least near the Borough; this fact added to the pleasantness of the situation, the intelligence and moral ity of the people will no doubt m ike it a desirable locality in which to settle. We hope that all the sanguine expectations of the citizens of the Boro. and vicinity may be realized and that prosperity and happinesc may attend them. Soldiers* OinHry ill Alulorsoii ville, (ieorgin. The following is an extract from a let ter received here today from Capt. .1, N. Moore, Assistant Quartermaster in charge of the party sent to Andersonville, i ; \V s i T TI N s . —Lead in considerable quantities lias been found in the Lake Superior iron re gions, twenty miles south of Uyfiold. —A large number of returned veterans paraded the streets of New York, pro claiming that they wanted work, but could get none. —The Wisconsin Democrat State Cen tral Committee lias issued a fulsome call for a State Convection at Madison, Sep tcuiber 20th. —ln Chicago, on Thursday, a jury re turned a verdict of 850u against a man nauicd Dugas for careless driving, iu run ning his wagon over the child of one Kis ncr. —The average number of mn ievs committed by the notorious guerrilla Champ. Ferguson, as appears fnuii the evidence on his trial, was from four to five each day. —The petroleum fever is railing in Nashville, whore a company with a cap ital of $5,000,000 has been organized.— It has seventy thousand acres of land. —The whole people of Galena and Jo Daviess county, in Illinois, are makingiui mcuse preparations to receive and cnter tnin General Grant on his visit there, which will take place in a few weeks.— Committee, in the aggregate numbering three or four hundred, have bccu appoin ted from every town in the county.— Galena was the home of General Grant at the commencement of the war. —Two rowdies in New York,on Thurs day, were arrgstrd for horiibly abusing a woman. Thep forced her into a stable, tore all her clothes off, robbed her, out . raged her person, and called in a gang of twenty or more to do likewise. —Frederick Bussie, of Chicago, sus pecting Julius Grassenfelder of embez zling several hundred dollars, marked certain bills one day last week, and fol lowed him to the various places of re sort the same evening. Seeing Julius pass the identical notes, he had hiiu ar rested. A new kind of coercion is recorded of the colored people of Kentucky, on election, opposite Newberg, Indi d ana. They threatened to leave, unless their masters or employers •would vote the straight-o'it T'nion ticket; and as the "Conservative chaps" would not comply, thy ne groes were as good as their word, and left them to hoe their own corn and potatoes, and sucker tbeii ows topacco. WASHINGTON, August 9. —No per manent appoiutment is jet to be made to supply the vacancy in the Bureau of iSa' igation, occasioned by the d( at!i of Captain Drayton. Ad miral Porter has, however, been as igned to duties as chief ad interim. Several applications having been made to the Commissianer of Pensions under the mistaken impresjion that at the last session of Congress the rate of pension for the loss of a limb had been increased, it is officially announc ed that no such change in *.he Pen sion law for l6ss of a limp has been tr.ade. An army pensioner, for euch loss, receives $8 per month, if he was a private. A non-commissioned offi cer or mil ician, receives 315 per month if he vas a first lieutenant, S2Q if a capta'n #25 if a major §3O if a liutenaut colonel or of ar.y higher grade. The same rates, according to rank, are applicable to navy pen sions. It is positively ascertained that there are no counterfeits on notes of the National Hanks in circulation. The Commissioner of Internal Reve nue rules that a deed executed September Ist, " i 862, if it was deliv ered prior to that date, requires no stamp, and may be admitted to re cord ; but : fde ivered since that date, i' should be stamped- Bonds given in actions of replevin.- and in actions commenced b" capias, are held to be bonds required in legal proceedings, and are therefore exempt from stamp duty. THK GREAT CABLE FAILURE, —There can 110 longer be any doubt of the failure of the Atlantic cable, which, we may conclude, will for the present end all such enterprises on the other side of tho ocean. The British have tried their hands often enough to be satisfied that it is not in them to girdle the worid— so far as the Atlantic is concerned. Perhaps the Yankees will think it best to show them how. As to that, howev er, our sympathies for tho present are with the ov-.-rland enterprise go ing forward with so much zeal and success. Experience has wakened confidence in submarine cables, not one of tho many laid down having continued to be serviceable any eon ciderab e time. If the cable has failed, science has gained something in the experiments that have been mad ', —but we doubt if that will sat isfy the English stockholders KcnincUy CouKrcsMlonnl Elce lion. LOUISVILLE. August 9.—The L'nion IVess makes the following estimates of the Congressional majorities: Kirst Distru-t—Trimble, Mem. 3,000. Second District—Close, Yeuuian, Un ion. probably elected. Third District—C!o*e, chances even be tween Lowry and orider. Fourth District—Hurtling pro-slavery, 3,500. Fifth District—Rousseau, pro-amend ment. 1,500. Sixth District—Smith,pro-amendment, 805. Seventh District—Shanklin, pro-sla verv. £i,ooo. Eighth District—Randall, pro-amend ment, 4,000. Ninth District—McKee, pro-amend ment, 1,000. THE LIFE OF LINCOLN. —It was an nounced some time ago that the lion R. Dale Owen was about to commence wri ting the Life of President Lincoln ; and wc now learn that the task has been com menced. and so laborous is it considered that it will require two years to complete it. His publisher, so cognizant is he of the magnitude of the work and the dis tinguished ability brought to bear upon it, pays Mr. Owen three thousand dollars in advance, and fifteen thousand when the work is ready for the press. It was iluc tu tho lifo and memory of this great and geod miin that his biographer should lie one of the firs, men of the nation j and we are free to say that in no better hands could this sacred task be confided. Exchange, SPEC'IAI, WOTICIX J--• -—J- CONNOQUENESSINO I.OIKIK M*""' meeting* at tho flail, on V '" r| Monday evening, commcucing at six o'clock. Brethren from «i«tfr Lodges are respectful y invited to attend. By order of the N. O. « A Y. M —Bntler Lodge. Xo. 272. A. Y M. holds A its stated mt-etingH in the Odd Fellows Hall, on yCr*\/ Main Street, Butler l'a. oi) »he first Wodnaft /XS\ dav of o • tc,, """nth. Brethren from sister J \ Ludgee are respectfully inviud to attend. By ordorof the TV. M. NOTICE. \rPI,TCATION will be made to the next Letfalature of the State oi* Pennsylvania, for the incorporation or the Harmony Baving* Hank, with a capitel ofThirtv Thousand Btdhirs. Fai«l Bank to be located in the boro. of Harmony, Batler County,said State. A(*EKTLEIUAN cured of Nervous Debility. I'remature Decay, and the effects of youthful indis cretion. will he happy to furnish others with the means of cure, ( fret of charge). This remedy is simple, safe and certain. Eo. full particulars, by retnrn mall,j>lease nddress i . 0 JOHN B. OGDES. _l_L' 6<> NawttU St., New York. X C .??PIP THE SUFFERING. / V l>o VOL W IHH TO BE (UK ED? IP AO, BWAL "r"Bnch«." "Tonic Bitters." Sarsapai ilia, • Nervoim Antidotes." Ac., *c. Ac and aneryou are satisfied with the result.then trv'one HOT <.r OLD DOCTOR BUCIIAN'S KNtiLl>H SPECIFIC PILLS r*T t' h 7 Uh *"'l •to' 'n Ie»" than thirty days. Thev are purely vegetahlu, pi«a.Hant to take prompt DIDI Mil iary In Ihrtr effects uu Ui» n and tdiattored constitution. (i|d aud young can take Im'L'V.W.'HTL"" 1 "*" , Ult 811. IIAN'SKNOLISHSPK i .. . cure ,nt * lan 3u day#, the worst cjiaus ? Mi- 112* SS ' ' m P° tenc y' Premature Decay. a e - inal MS eakwss, insanity and M\ Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause produced Price, One Dollar p or box. fceut, Postpaid, by mail on receipt of an order, Address JAMES S. BUTLER, No. 429 Broadway. New York, Oeneral Agent. P. S— box sent to any addrses on receipt of price— which is Ont Dollar—post free. A descriptive cir cular sent on application. Butler. July I®, 1864::#w. To Drunkards. OL.B DOCTOK Dt'CHAS'S PRCNKARPS' CLUE, permanently eradicates the taste for strong drink and cures the worst ca*es cf drunkeunes* in lcsa than eight weeks. thousands of reformod inebriates now live to hless th* dav thev were foitanate enough to commence the use of this valuable romedv. Price Two Dollars a package. Mailed to any address on receipt of au order, by. JAMES BLTLEK, 490 Broa va n 1 !• to both old and young, and as they are mailed to all who need them free of charge, they nre worthy the attention ' 112 all who prize a clear I pure Skin, or healthy growth of hair. All applicant* auswered bv return ma!', without charge. ' THOB. F.CHAPMAN, Chemist and Perfumer, No. E3l, Broadway, N. Y. Aug. SUTTEItJU'fI WTTII CONSUMPTION J'-fhma, Bron- j ch'tl*. or any disease of the 'I ni Lungs, will he cheerfully furnl-hed, without charge, with the remedy by the n*e of which the Rev. Edward A Wils- n of Will, iamsburg. New York. w»< completely restored to health, after having suffered several \en-« with that dread dis ease. Consumption. To Conn. Th »se desiring the seme will please address Rr.v. EI)- } WARP A WILH >X. A.OS .Hii't't Street WlUiamahntg. Kings County, .New York. Augn>-t lrt,r:6t: PIBPi In Jefferson t unship, on the 2d Instant, < 112 Consump tion. Ann Eliza M'Brids, aged 4 l2 years S mouths und 27 ; 4fc»y». In Butler tp . on the Oth in*t.. of Typhoid Tever, Mrs. j M irla Fair, wifor 112 Michael Fair, an 1 v< unge»t daughter | of Andrew Emerick, aged about 22 ye.irs. A ii it i »: i>. On Thursday, .In y 27»h, 1-C*.. by Rev. J. 11. Frit*. Mr. Daniel Swartz, • ( Madistfn tp.,« lui >n co., Pa, to Miss Harriet A. Grimier,ol Oakland town-hip, Butiercouu'y, Peensylvania. L'-ng lifo. Arrival and Depwrfarc o('5l;;Ils The mail from Butler t" East Bandy, l-v way <)f Holy. ' oke, Coultersvllle. Aivindale. Murrinsvllle nod Clinton- ! vllle.Bfl miles: leaves Pntier on Monday and Friday of j each sftek. at rt o'clock, a. m.. returns on Tuesday and Saturday of each week at 7 o'cjock. p. m. The mail fr-m Bntler to Rale in Roads, by way of Saxonburg. Parversville, Freeport. Shearer's Crows Roads, McLaughlin's Store and Oakland Cross Roa Is. 43 miles: leaves Butler on Tuesday ami Saturday of each week, at 5 o'clock, a. m.: returns'on Friday and Monday cf each 8 o'clock, p. m. The mail from "Butler to New Cattle, by way of Mount Chesntit. Pr »spoct. Portersvillo and Princeton, 88 mile* : leaves Bniler on Monday and Thursday of each week, at 6 o'clock a. m: returns on Tuesday and Friday of each week, at 6 o'clock, p. m. . The mail from Butler to LawTcncebnrg. bv way of North Oakland, Bamharf's Mills, Bddwln and Brn ! n. 25 miles, leavs Butler on Monday and Friday of ev h week, at 9 o'clock, a. m: retnrhs oh Tuesday and Saturday of each week, at 9 o'clock, p. m. The mail from Butler to Vow Brighton, by way of Pe tersburg. Break-Nerk and Zeliensple.29 miles; with two additional trips between Rr»->k-\« ek and Zellenople: lewvs Butler on Wednesday of each waek, at 7 o'clock, a. m : re nrnson Thnrsdnv "112 each week, at 5 o'clock. p. m. The mail from Butler to Pittsburg, by way of fllsde Mill-. B:tk<'--t per hu-liel. BARLEY —Spring. $1.10; Kail. sl,2s. BEESW * X—3s cen«« ser pound. EGOS—IB cents per do*cn FLOUR—Wheat. " to fi,oo per hund.: Rye 2 50; Bnckweeat. ,50 per hund. FRUIT— Drie I Vpples, 12.00 to per bushel; Dried Peaches, $4.00t04,50. F FATHER Hi—soee»it p« r ponnd. GRAIN'—M heat. $1 > per hushel: Rve, 70. Oats, 40c Corn 80: Buckwheat. 75c. GROCERIES—CoJTee. Rio, 40c per pound; Java. 6'> c Brown Suirar. 18cper pound. n: Syrup I,soand sl,7a. HllH'iS—7 <*ents per pound. LA BP—1" cents per pound. NAILS—?7.U(i per keg. POTATOES—SI snd per bushel. POltK —1* to 15 cents per pouud. BAGS—I cents per pound. RICE—IO cents p>-r pound, SEEDS—Clover, flo.oo, per bushol; Timothy lb, «X) ax. $2,00. SA 1.T—53,75 per barrel. TALLOW—S rents per pound. WOOL—SOc per pound. SEW 4 !>V r.KTSsEn I:JITS. lARYEST UOMK. fTlllE under-- gned w uld rospectlully lafbrm the pub- I |ic that (he \eari|r cel. I.ration—u-ually ca'L-'. the ' Harvest Home—w. It ccmeifl at raxunhurg, coiuiutu- i eing on Tuesday, the sth of Soptember, and continuing : h<- < h. 7th and Bth. ll.' w u'l tl>or«' fore most re-pe tfu ly -.'licit iln- |u • o l.i-..d friends, and the puboc generally, durimt «ai I ui uith. ' J 11. STUEB.iEN. Proptletor »112 Saxonburg Hotel and 11. 11. ground. August 16: "4. Autlfle pay no debts of her contraction. Aug. 10. ISOS. J A MES SUM .M EKS. Xolice to SEALED proposal# will be received until Sept. 6tU by the Directors of Brady's Rend Disfrict, Arm strong county, Pa., for buikling two School Houses, ope 42 feet by 34, the other 34 by 24, both to be completed by the 15 th of November next. For Plan and Specifications call upon the Secretary. By order of the Board, J. W. NORRI3. Sec y. Brady's Bend. Aug. 12. 1- C CS Writ of Partition. IN tho matter of the Partition of the Ileal Estate of .lames M Candless. dee'd. In the Orphans' -Courtof Butler coflnty. No. 43. De cember Term, ISOt. June 12, 1866, Inquisition filed and Confirmed A'ili. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—To the heirsand lek-al repi eseutatives of James M Landless, dee d., to wit: Elizabeth M'Candiess, widow, and Russell Burd. bus band, and Elizahe h M Aliist«>r, Lawrence llutd. Rebecca Dalmer, Mira Hurd. and Russoll llurd, Jr., children of Nancy M'Candle*s. (Hurd) dee'd. Mary Jane. Intermar ried with Robert Boggs. Matibla intermarried with Jtdin Meharg, Joseph Logau. liUHljarid, and Auua Lena Logan. Krastus L<»gan, Eh ia Logan, Mary Logan, Chkirinda L gan. Sarah Logan and J uues lyg-f Andrew M'Kinnis. dec'd Sarah M'Kinnis, widow, and George W. M Kinnis, Frnncis M. M'Kinnis, Leaven worth M Kinnl*. and Mary A M'Kinnis, children of llen ry M'Kir. lis, dec'd. Lvdia A. M Kiunls, widow, and £a rmb J. M'Kinnis, Hannah M.Kinuis, and Ellen V. M'Kin nis. children of Will ism M'Kinnis. dec'd., and Joseph Dalph, husband. nnd James Lalph, child of Sarah Jane M'Kinnis, (Ralph) dec'd. You, and each of you, are hereby cited to be and appear l>ef th dty of -aid month, t*> u<-e».pt <»r refuse the premises at the ap oraiFrt ni. ut or ▼•vluatioij, or Show eauao why the tamo should n,t be si li. By the court. W- J YOUNG, August 9,1565. Cleik of 0 C. Nlraj eil or Stolen. riIUK subscriber living in Marion Tp., Butler Co. Pa.» 1 lost a Bay Mare about D years old. Medium size, high i wither, sunk in the nock in ide by collar. One or more white feet—also a Bay Colt, 1 year old, having one glass • ye. Any person giving any information of said horses, i leading to tbo recovery, sb til be liberally rewarded. llairiciVilleJuly t2 1865::3t Jixti H. WntTE. To Ki'irigc Builders. N"oticels horeby given to all concerned, that the build inir >f theß'idgo acrossConnoquenossltig Creek,on the I S uth-East of the Borough of Butlor, «TJ tbe Butler and Freeport l ike, will be sold at I n blic out-cry, by the C3 ©f Butler Co. on Friday the 251h day of August, lhitft, at I o'clock, P. M. Plan-* and specifications may bo seen at the Commis sioners' oflir.o. editions will be made known at the time id' sale. By crderef Commissioners. HARVEY COLBERT, Aug. 2. Clerk. The Nat&OAi: A Weekly Journal of Politics, Litera ture, Science, and Art. I Tmajniimal will not boilie orgnn of nnyparty,«oct,or body. It will on the*contrarv. in iko an earnest'effort to I bring to the discussion of political and social questions a really critical spirit, and to wage war upon the vices of ; vi lone* extigerntion, nnd misrepresentation by which ! so much id the political writing of tlie day is marred, i The criticism of books and works of art will form one | of its most prominent features; and pains will be taken to leive tlii- ta-k performed in every caso by writers pos sessing special qualifications for it. It H intrude !, in the interest of investors, as well as r- Si - ( Unlock, lev. Dr. Joseph P. Th mips »n. Rev. Phillips Rev. Dr. Bellows. C. J.Slille, Henry Tuckerman, J" i*. i-.| 'J'nylor, C. A. Bristed, C. L. Brace, Richard G. i V, bite, William Llo.vd Garrison, Sidney George Fisher, Theodore Tilton, James Par ton, Gail Hamilton. ! TI-I.M- Three Dollars por annum, in advance; Six . months, Two Dollar.*. \Vh n n delivered by Carries in N. I Yolk or Brooklyn. Fifty Cento additional. JOSEPH 11. Kit HAKIM, PLBLisnrn, IS - ) N'as«an strcot, N. Y. AHSS:SS»R\<» SOTICK. \T >TICK i« hereby given to all pei sons Intere-te 1, that . i.x an appeal will he held at the office of John Mitchell I l>q.. As>i>tant Assessor in the boto. of Butler, on the I f.l-t day of July, and the Ist and 2d days of August, for I that portion of the Twenty-third District of Pa., embra ced in the county of Butler. At which time and place the annual list, and proceedings of the assistant Asses ; sors for said county, will be open to the inspection of all parties interested, and appeals he ird and determined, re j lativetoany erroneous or excisire valuations, as«c*s ! IIM nts oreoumerations made by said Assistant J N. B.—All appeals must bo made in writing, and spcc | ifv the particular cause, matter or thing, respecting which a decision i« requested, and shall, moreover, state the ground or principle ol error complained of. SAMUHL MARKS, Butler, Julv 19,1865::3t. Assessor,«23d Dist. Pa. Claim Agent, mm: undersigned would respectfh'.ly notify the public _|. C lit be lias been regularly commissioned as CLAIM -A-O-EIFCTT, f»r securing Ilounty M'rtry. Arrears .->/ /It.v and Pert' Ibr sol i . n, oi if they are dead, 112 r their legal repre«entatives No nhargo will be made for prosecuting the claims of soldiers, or their representatives until tbo same are collected. r. E. ANDERSON, j Butler, June 27,1865. ESTRA.TS7 resilience of the subscriber, living In ) Harrisville. Butler Co. Pa. on the 12th of Juno list, one Sorrel Mare, white atrip on face, sprained in left bind leg. three white feet, nnd about twelve years old. Alflo—A Pay Mare, sweneyed in both shoulders, and ; has had Rollers in both; and Is five years old. The : owner or ownors are notified to come forward, prove I property. p:»y charges and take them away, otherwise 1 they will bo disposed of accordii.g to law. * WM A. CUMMIN'S. ! Harristfile July 12. 18CV Public Sate, I>Y virtue of an order and decree of the Orphan* Court > In and f*r the county of Butler, the undersigned Administratrix, with the Will ann*x»d. < 112 w 'm Hays, late < 112 Lancaster Tp., fiee'd, will offer for eale cn liiM premises, at one o'clock P. a!.,of Wodnesday August;>o A. D., 1 Mt-5, about twenty acres of land, more or le-s, situatbd in Lancaster Tp. rounty nnd State aforeeaid, ' bounded and adjoining public road from Wbitestown to Harmony, and by lands « 112 Samuel Ilavs, widow Kline felter and others, with the appertenances. | Ti r-MS.—One third of tbe petchase money to be pain of sale by the Court, nnd the balanco in I wo equal annual paymonts with interest thereon from said con firm at ion of sale MRS. MARY HAYS, July 12, M6O. Adm'x. William E. Moore. PENSION, BOUNTY CLAIM AGENT E. I*l '«Tuxiktn*a Office* Main Street, op posite Zimmerman'* Hotel, ISutler. Hut ler Co. I'a. T* No charge until claims received "{Til AuililorN Sotifc, j Butler County, ss. I N tho matter of the account of Sheplpr Boston and John Douglas, Ex'ra of John Boston dec'd. No. 23, Dec. Term, 1804. And now t«>-wit June 14, on motion of John M. Thompson, Court appoint G. W. Heegcr, an Auditor, todistribute the balance in this case and report, j By the Court. Certified from the record, thia 28th day of Julv, A. D., 1866. W.J. JOUNO, CTk. of 0.0. I will attend to the duties of the above appoin'ment at the office of John M. Thompson, in Butler, on the Bth d«v 112 September. A. D., 18ft5, at 2 o'clock p. m., of which all parties interested will take notice. O. W. FLEKGKK, Aug. 2, .Bf-6. Auditor. ESTItAYN. to the residence ofthe eubscriber living, in Par- V k«.T township, BntierCo., on or about thebth of June, three head of cattle 1 two steers arid a row,- the ste» rs are red. one ha*a bell on, and a star op the face; sup posed to be three years old last spring. She is a briodle with strip across her shoulders and loins, supposed to be seven years old last spring; the cow has had a calf since *he came to my premises. The Steer* and cow are mark : ed as follows, viz: a crop off left ear, and a piece out of op per side of right ear. Theowuer or owners arc hereby notified to oomu forward pay charges ami | take thuiuawty or thy will be disposed of according U> ! law. Wis. U. GIBSON. Butler, A ugust 2 18€fe£t. PERFUMERY AND HAIR OIL, FOR TIIE MILLION at HAMMIVJON'S Drug Store, Butlor, Pa. J June 17, 865, I GRAND OPENING OF I I Spring & Summer ! DRY GOODS, AT D. T. PAPE & CO, I An Extraordinary large Stock OF Cr GGD 3, Purchasod Before the Late 1 ADVANCE And Trill bo .o)da(A.tonl.hlns|| LOW PRICES] Call and Tiiroash .OUR STOCK Ssfore Purchasing U. S. 7-30 LOAN THIRD SERIES, 230,000,000. Ry authority of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for th sale of United States Treasury Notes, oflVrs to Iho public tho third series of Treasury Note*,bearing seven and three-tontlis per cent, lntorest, per annum, known as the 7.30 ATS. These Notes are issucvl under date of July l&th, and are payable three years from that date, in currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into TJ. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING EONDb. These bonds are now worth j handsome premium, and are exempt, a.* are all tho Governmens Ponds, Jrom Slat>', County, and Municipal taxation, which adds from one to thru per rent, per annum to their rahi', ac cording to the rato levied upon other property. The interest is payable ncmi-annually by conpons attnenod to each note, which may be cutoff and sold to an banker. The interest nt 7>!U) per cent, amounts 1o One cent per ny on n SSO note. Two centa *« » «« SIOO " Ten •« " ** ** 8.100 «' 80 " «« *« « SIOOO •' ©I " " " •• 93 (WO Notes of all denominations named will be romptly furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. The notes of this Third Series are precisely similar in form and privileges to the Seven-Thirties already sold, except that the Government reserves to Itself the option of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cent., instead of 1 7 3-10thf in currency. Subscribers will deduct the in terest in currency up to July loth, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this third series of the Seven-Thirties will commcnco oa the Ist <-f June, and will be made promptly and continuously aftor that date The Bli«ht change made in the conditions of this THIRD BERIEB affects only tho matter of interest.— Tho payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of tho higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest in Gold be avail ed of, would so reduce and equalize prices that puerhoses made with six per cent. In cold would be fully equal Jo thoso made wtyh seven and tluco-teqihspcr cent, iu cur rency, This Id THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by tno Government, and its superior ad vantagesmake it tho Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than $230,000,000 of the authorised by the last Cougress are now oa the market. This amount, at the rate at which it is being will all bo sub scribed for within sixty days, when the notes will un doubtedly cammnnd a premium, as has uniformly beon the caso on closing the subscriptions to other L^anrt. In order that citizons of every tewn aod section o! tho conntry may bo afforded facilities for taking the loan the National Banks, State I'anks, and Privato Rankers throughout tho country have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will Reb el their own agents, In whom they have confidence, and who only nrc to be responsible for the delivery of the notes f.»r which they rcctflvoordors. JAY COO Iv E, Si'BftcaiPTiox AGKUT, Philadelphia. Subsrnjjtion» Kill be received by the I First National Bank, of Butler, ra. March 15, 18G5.-3: m. PHOTOGRAPHS, H - S DAGUERREOTYPES, j HAVING FULLY COJH'LETKI) ALL THE KKCESr j sary arrangemciits for Photographing^ j in all the various styles of tho art. Mr. Iluwdton would respectfully call tho attention of the public to his newly Furnished Establishment, on the corner of Main and J«*ffer3->» streets, opposite Weber k Tryutmau's Store, wjjere he 14 n >w fully prepa red to make at the nhoi test possible notice, PHOTOGRAPHS. AVUROTYPES FER It F.O T i'PKS. Equal to the very best Call and i:\amiii NpecimoiiM. R. C. HUSSLETON. i ! Rutler. June 14, 1805. STEEL TOOTH, HAY AND GRAIN RAKES, WALKER'S IMPROVEMFNT, MANCFACTCRED RY G. €, ROEHSIIO, Butler, Pa. 1 These Rakes are warranted to be equajly 44 good, and much cheaper than any now in marktif. Butler, May 31»tf, 1865, Goods! 1865. t akdwellseibctbd stock or Splendid Seasonable Goods, Just received and for Sale at the ZtTIEW" STORE OF WEBEB & TROSTM&H, Boyd's Bufldlnsr. corner of Main ft Jpffareoo sta. BITLER, PA., Consisting of Dry Goods,such as FINE DELACTS. CASHMERES, CObERGg, ALAPACAB, PRINTS, BALMORAL SKLRTy A largo assortment of LAOIES DRESS GOODS, of the flnost quality BONNETS, RIBBONS, LACES, anil all kinds of Trimming*. i largeASfiortrcentof GENTS. WARE, suoh as j CLOTHS, CASSDi ERES, SATINETTB, JEANS, CATTONADES, &c. j * nondy-Mado Clotlilnpf, HATS AMD CAPS' Of the very latest Stylos. | A large «nd well selected Stock of j BOOTS & SHOES, Hardware, Qu.eensware, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, I And a Genuine Article of STR AIWEO HONEY, All of which trill bo sold cheap fur ! CASI7, or COUNTRY PRODUCE WEBER & TKOUTMA.N. ) I April 13, tflftflirflmn. THOS. ZELOIB.TILTSOIfcT, j Attorney at ]£aaw, A TV 1> PENSION AND CLAIM AGENT, j Office uHh Cliaa. NM nnillcm, Esq., South Wctit corner of flic IHmoud, Butler n. FAMILY BIBLES." i -A. FRESH SUPPLY OF Pliufograplx liifilcSy AT IIEINE MAN'S March 22,1866. MOWING MACHINES. - ! T7IARMERS ore Invito.! to rail an 1 examin our Amort- j J ment if Mowing Machines. Wo are prepared to | . furubih them on reasonable terms and with the LATEST IMPROVEMENS, ; We aMo on hands. Hay Elevators. Cultivator* Ac. j Butler. May 10,18C6, J. O. A W.CAMPBELL. OffllS mSCOORIHG. rjMIE Undersigned, having become an Agent for s j ; I riTTsnuiniii stka w dyei.xg and scot'iuxo I Establishment, is now prepared to bavo all work of the ! kind done on «hort notion, and reasonable term*. 1 Mspcctfully soMcit the patronage ot the public. MRB. E. HERTSBURQER. Milliner, » Opposite Lowy House, lint lor, I'a. ' June 7,1866, 3mo. BOOT, jßsh SiOi, » ! LEATHER A N D w < FINDINGS STORE,!' |: ON MAIN STREET, Que door North of M'Aboy's Store, • i i i GENTS' FRENCH GALE BOOT?, BHOES AND CONGRESS GAITERS, i LADIES & GENTS' SLIPPERS, , MISSES' ROOTS, SHOES, AND i GUMS. ii BOYS BOOTS & SilOEpj! Children*!* SIIOCH of all Kintln. A FVLI AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of my | i own nuiiMifacUire. constantly on band, and woikmadecp i order, of the BEST STUCK and ia the 1 j LATEST STTXUBJ. f* A large and full assortment of KastaLu etock, of the • very bait material and LEATHER & FINDINGS ] French and Common Calf skint, j t Sole and Upper Leather, Morocco, Kip» and Kids. ! ROANS AND LININGS j, Of.1! kinds. We have the largest, br*t ectested, and for the iMf the Cheapest stock ever offered 112 r aale in Buttfer. *"* The public are invited to call and cxaminu for tbejn- } QQIVOS. v , May 31—tf JHEOPORE HI'SWOS .Puff's Collfjf. Fifth Street, Pittsburgh' Pa w FOUNDED m I«4A> AN© Incorporated by Legislative Cimrter fli fIEDf KWIB3 of the kind IV THE UNION, ooodncted bv e w«cMru< BUSINESS MAN. Our highest commercial antfcoHthw East and West, his system of Book-ltecping nnequaled—comprehending every dopartmeat of bun-. nets, and yet so skilfolly oondenaed that the attentive student musters the whole in six or eight week*. It con sists of STOCK BOOKS, closed onco with n lews and twice with » gain—exhibjx Ins by throe different methods, tho i: an* tor of old t now books. PARTNERSHIP DOCKS, • conducted by three different mothtds, exhibiting the transfer of old to now books, with tl.o introduction of » new partner. And practically {Unstinting the PRIVATE LBDOBR, | by means of which tho result* of the l unlnest ore kept out of tho general hooka, for the u-«* r the partners . n . J ly. The book In not evpn uamed eUeuhore. Thett ttle j ment of Purtßorship Rooks by SINGLE ENTRY, with six pmrtloAl Ulnstruthmi, exliibltlng the boi>k-» ro opened by A Oonclso rule for lectifyiug DERANGED POC7!LE-E\'TRY BOOKS, j With six spt'elfienHri?*. ThegwJn or loss found, and the books correctly ripened. Throlenn or U also exercised Ir, OPENJNO BOOKS, i from eight lnchldlng speola! coodlfowi iw>t •ftcnniet with inbnalxi'SM. Al v, a roil.ju* of exercisei. ir. CLOSING BOOKS, from new and. peenliar speciflcatloM The learner alao I writes about eighty BUSINESS FORMS of Promltwary Notes, Judgment lf«*tea. Drafts, Or.Vm | Bills ol Kxchang.', Accounts, Invoices, An., Ac. Alrt(< r. aeries ef BUSINESS LETTI RS, whh'h, with the busiqesi fornix, are nIK-ounected with his course of Book-Krej lug. making It aiegiilnr com • >f business practice, with a course of twenty-live LECTURES UPON BOOK-KEEPING, by the Senior Principal, explaining all tho business mat ters recorded in tho text. Also, twelv LECTURES ON BUSINESS SUBJECTS. How every one may got rich. How to get rich bv tra iling. The cannos of commercial failures, un epu. i:!,i tlons. Tho moral influouce of integrity in youth, a Also, lucturos upon COMMERCIAL LAW, on Partnerships, Contracts, Insurance. Qommon Carriers the Slatnto of Limitations, Ac. Practical Instructions in detecting COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES, by a Ml set of genuine vignettes ani counters, and a large collection of counterfeit notes. OUR RAILROAD BOOK-KEEPING, I (In manuscript,) exhibits the construction and equip ment, tho operating receipts And expenditures, the books I closed and a dividend recorded. These hooks Are advci tised by others, but uot taught Haimhere in tho city.— I Our ne»v system of PRIVATE BANK BOOKS, (in manuscript,) embracing all the beat forma In v« among piisato Bankors Our now enlaiged edition o DUFF'S STEAMBOAT BOOK KEEPING, In 11... department stndenta have tho assistance of our Sin,, tende?:!, M». HIOS. B.SMITH, an experienced l'r.u Mercantile Accountant, und formerly (Jerk of a 1 sippl steamer. Our full course of business practice Includes »l t FIFTY BUSINESS BOOKS, ruled to about THIRTY DIFFERENT FORMS, v * I.edgeis, 7 Day-books, 6 Journal*, A Bill-bo-.k ' l « . Books 4 Sales books, 1 In voice-books, 1 DlsconiiM..- k Check register, 1 Deposit-register, 2 Cpllection , i, 1 Tickle,-, 1 Hand's-iegister. 1 Frcight-b . k , hooks. I l-'ofd-'n-ok. 'lb.--.' b ►■-j' l ti -l< SIX IIUNDUKI) BUSINESS TEAXSAt i I . , , bending DUFF S original plan of biir-ine's ,».iu ,• i,.., trodueea twenty-flvs years tigo. n v. r , succeeded in imitating hlin will be beat SA«*n by < >n , .tnng the business papers and books of their pupils* with p, of tho this institution. HARPER'S ENLARGED EDITION i) 9 OL FF'tt BOOK Ki ;i :iM * , Price 112 1,76. Postage 'JO cents. Bold br Book.-ellei eially. The following testimonial* indicate the chare'--; tiiis work : "No other work upon Book-Keeping explains tho m! jects with so much clearno*s and , - F. \\. EDMUND. 1 * Cashier Mechanics' Bank, • . > V. "It givoaacloar Insight into all departr- • i!, acleuco." A. S. H, A.-I.r, Carder of Seventh Ward I i.;- \ V. ! •• As nn extensive shipowner, American mi i ! merchant, bank director, etc., he bns boriy the i-t of the hlgest order of business talents " JOHN' W. BURN HAM. Merchant. No. 8 South Kt , New v •'Mr. Duff Is a mnu r < rare qualifications for bu*r ■ • JOHN M. D. TAYLOR, Merchant. Union st., New Orleaha. "Mi.Dnff Is A merchant of tlie first respectabibi \ J. LANDfS, Men bant. Now orb'.-; - "I graflnated in Duff's College in half the time i ' pec ted. His admirable system includes nothing hi ; ! fluoua, nor leaves out auy thing essential." J. It. COMI'T- Cashier Nlagra Rank. Lockpoi t. N v i M lt contains much matter important to the inei. i . C. O. UALSTKAD President Manhattan Hank, N \ • "The most compiote work of thf kind I lm\- I seen." JAMES P. MUI'BA) President Exchange Bank. PittHlmi I"The most clear and comprehensivo ihat lb i lib." JOHN SNVDhP Cashier Bank of Pitt. I n • You have your own long experience as a men ■ : good use in this work. ' RICHARD IRVIN, Slercln No. 98 Front i"The favorable opinions alrotvlv expresse THE NEW ENGLAND EDITION OF DUFI- 4 :-\L\r BOAT BOOK KEEPING, Just Published by the author. Price $2.00. Sold by Bnoksellors Generally. "A perfect systoni for keedingsnch books and an MnU" .5. CAIIOtHKK- Fonoerly Cashier of the Merchants' Bank ptttsbur.' u The Tin:o Table alone is worth the price of the - r,k.'» D. B. HKKRoN. Late Cleik of steamer Mount Yet., a "I consider the legal form of the Steamer's Protest i - valuable that I never IOAVW ports without a copy of tho book on board.'' A. C. McC SLLAM. Captain steamer Areola. •'The only work published ofany value to tho fltoauiei e Accountant.' J, F. J. ALLISON, Formerly Clerk of the Steamer Fortune "The moet perfect system of Steamer's Account-* ia u«m.' C. 8. FRIBBEF, formerly Captain of stoamsr N«ehvilla. On Wm. 11. 5)ull 's Penmanship. Twelve First I'reuitniiis for the best Business and Ornamental PenmanmJjp awarded our Present Penman, by the United Slates Fai at Cincinnati in ~r „l*k.D * Pttunsyivania State Fair at Wyoming l-oo Westerfi Pennsylvania Fair «t*Plttahurgh i^s- Wseteru » iiginiaFair at Wheeling l^. And tho Ohio State Fair at Cleveland All of which are exhibited at on;- olilce. "Perfect goms <»f the Penman's art."— l\Ut< nr-/h !' ■ ' "Three performances oaw only be hy then thor."— lStlsburgh (iazetu,. "All hisoinamental desigos are now and ramar-Jab <• performances."— Entning Gatett*. "'lhe late Western Pennsylvania Fair awarded !i - "six :n ell braa«:hos or uie art''— o?h> oiftTfißMn; 7or theGrr.4Hating J> in **, time uidimita l '» Blanks and Stationery ; >«tlug #7 elsewhere The enlarged edition of Duff's B«H>k-koe( ing 3,75 Our blanks aro made of tine extra size paper, rulod c plete. with full sets of arixiliaries. The Institution therefore offers the Cooimorciai Stu dent, the toUowing IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES: Ist. The boat Syetom of accounts in use, tAughf l y the Author. 2d. The daily lectures of an experienced Accountn.-i. Sd. A .saving of half the tlaio roquired by other . e and §3O or fSO in b.>nrd. 4rh. A saving of 5p I#l *7 in Stationery. 6th. Having the best btftine** pehir; in fn the West oi* full particulars, send f* 8. with samfdes of onr pemu «, 4 \ ia. -.» • Writing, inclosing 2.'- r r» F. DUFF At SON, Ptittoiua _ Jvne 1,