Stlie garmew department. FAEM "labor. Tt was much feared a month ago that, owing to the magnitude of our armies and the thousand; of persons belonging to them who are non-com batants, the price of farm labor would continue to bo exorbitant as last year, while the rates of produce show a decided tendency to depreciate. This fear, however, since it is shown that the rebellion is come to an end, has been dissipated, inasmuch as frofa ih« speedy arrangements of the (rovernment to dispand a large pro portion of the army, probably three fourths of the whole number, espe cially since the surrender of Kirby Smith, which secures the pacification of tho whole of the trans-Mississippi territory, and of course including Texas—will give agriculture all the labor it needs at reasonable rates, that is, in proportion to the reduction in the price of produce. This fact will enable the farmer to secure the immense crops with which the earth is rewadring his toil and skill, and to offer it for sale when the market is considered the most favorable. HOUSES AT PASTURE. —Every horso in j (ho country ought, if possible, to have at' least a few weeks run in the pasture. It j will V bushels on a quarter of an acre, or 16t>6 bushels per aero They were sown on June 20th on ridges 27 inches apart, and thinned out in the rows ton inches to a foot apart. 'I ho land has been very heavily manured, and in addition to this, after the ridges were made, a compost of hen dropings, night eoil, ashes, p'astor, &e, was scattered in the ridges, which were then split with the plow, turning the soil back again and covering up the manure. We mention the fact at this time, as we see a statement going the rounds of the papers, that Mr, Andrews has raised a crop of 2102 bushels per acre we had supposed his former crop was one of the largest ever raised, but it would seem jthat. he ha« beaten himself. CORN-SUCKERS- F. C. Shaller, i" the N. E. Farmer, gives his testimony on the subject of corn suckers, as follows : "1 have worked on several farms, and some of thra we cut the sucker away at the second hoeing; on others we tiid not cut '.hem away at any time. Where wc left them the ears were email, and where they were cut off the ears were large and thrifty." This is brief and to the purpose, and agrees with all that we know about the .mat ter. If the suckers Rre to share in the strength and vigor of the plant, the plant must be the sufferer. That is common sense. CATERPILLARS ON APPLE THKES.-TIIO , common tout caterpillars were abundant last year, and they have left their eggs very neatly and skilfully glued upon the branches of apple trees. SUarp-eyod boys or men may remove these clusters very readily and throw them upon the ground, small trees can beeleaned with comparit ively little trouble, while the branches of a large tree that fills a circle of some thirty or more feet in diameter will re quire much more labor, and probably Home will escape the most careful search. Those must be removed after they be come "creeping things," which they will do as soon as the buds optu. For many years a round brush attached to a pole has been very generally used to remote the nests of these insects. One great trouble with these brushes was that the bristles, especially after being wet with dew or rain, were pot stiffen ugh to bold and wind up the web. Mr. J. S. Needham of Salem, Mass., ias left our office specimens of a brush made in the old form, but of iron wire, card fashion, which we think must obviate some of the objections urged against the old fashioued ones. Mr. Need ham calls it the-"Caterpillar Scourge." For the purpose of cleaning it when .clogged with nests, each "Scourge" is furnshed with a little iron to>th -d hand -brush. We do not know the price, nor where they are to be had .except of the pidfeulee.— N. E. Farm ■er. MANDJIE. —The American Agri-' ulturiet say§: —"Manure is 'ike «ion •y. No favmqr over has too ER.uch of it who appreciates in what his weylth lies.''' And it may also be addod that I like niouey, the jmore a inuo hae .the xaaaier it IS .TO .get UIOIQ. Foot Rot in Sheep. A correspondent of the Genesee Farmer,, wrirtes to know how to cure foot rot in sheep. John Johnston, to whom we sent the inquiry, kindly replies as follows: "Foot rot in sheep can be thorough ly cured by thorough paring of all the hoof from the diseased part, and applying a salve made of pulverized blue vitrol mixed with lard, butter, or any other grease. If not hot weather, a little tar added to the mixture is an improvement. '1 liJRk sheep that are diseased muftt be sep arated from the sound at the first dressing,* bnt the sound must have salve app ied to their feet, else some of them will become lame in a short 'time. The diseased should be dress ed ovor again in a few days, say three or four, every foot being closely ex amined, See that no par of the hoof has been left covering the sore. The sound ones should be dressed o'er again in about a week from the first dressing, or sooner if any are ' seen laine. About three dressings in that way will generally effect a | euro, if the paring has been tnoi ot'gh. I It roquires thorough wo; k to eraui | caft that disease, )>ut I know from | experience that it can be done in the way I state. 33ut if the land i wet where they pasture, or land ; that retains water on or near the sflrface for days ai'er it rains, it is very dillicuit kep the sheep I sound in the feet." / Mr. Johnston has liatl some ex perience in this matter, and wc are glad to publish his method of curing this disease. Those who do not preserve the Farmer, should keep this article for future references Eaising Calves, When fresh cows sell from forty tosix ,ty dollars each, is it not time to consider whether it will not be good policy to raise some calves, especially if we have good stock to raise from '{ Last seaSolt I rais ed two, and this spring I h? ve already started three more ; I consider early spring the best time to start them, as grass comes, when they will require but little eare until fall. How 1 Start Them. A calf that lam 1 going to raise I never let suck the cow ; \t j is much easier to learn it to drink before j than after.l have had thoin drink alone j without the aid of the finger, before they I are twelve hours old ; and after the see j ond day have but little trouble with them as they drink freely if they arc in gosd j health ; beside the great advantage is j when they are turned with the cows, they never trouble them, neither have T to put straps around the nose with long nails in, to prevent their sucking, as tiny know nothing about it. What I Feed Them. The first two weeks I give them milk drrwn from the mother of the calf; after that the cud conies, then I give them a little cake meal, bran and salt, mixed witii water, about mi k warm. It is better to scald the meal aud let it soak twelve houis be fore feeding. If any is left, feed it to something else and make fresh for the calves every time, as it will sour. About this time will eat a little hay, clover is best; as soon as there is grass enough for them to got a bite, 1 turn them out, and I soon slack oft" their feed. A small enclosure, with vater and shade is the most suitable, where horses or cows arc not permitted to run. INTEMPERATE HASTE. —It might be I supposed, in view of the ordinary opera tions of human nature, that those persons who have opposed the Union Government, all through the war, would have waited awhile, after the close of the war, before trying to take the Government under their, control. Sympathizers with the rebel lion, while there was any hope for it, can not be, at the instant when that hope ex pires, the very safest und most' reliable counsellors on the process of) reconstruc tion. And when their cbunsel is volun tary, it woukj be no djscourtesy were it respectfully declined. Those versatile geniuses who have for years, been think ing out all manner of fexcases and expe dients for the rebels, should make a short pause before offering themselves as the thinking power of the Union Govern ment- We always thought there was great propriety in the just lady's advice to a disconsolate widower, eager to repair 11)o fj-acjure of his heart — l "\V ait, Harn ey, wait a daeint time." It wovld be inappropriate to sonje of the politicians of our new er». ARTIFICIAL COMB FOR BEES —A Swiss invention has been introduced into this country, to aid bees in the formation of their comb. Narrow sheets of wax are imprinted by ma chinery, so as exactly to represent the dividing wall of comb between the cells. These strips are attached to the top of the empty hive, before the new swarm is putin, tnus enabling the bees togo immediately to work, and also in guiding them in making the sheets of comb ia the proper di rection. How TO LEAD ANIMALS. —CattIe, it is said, of a'l descriptions, horses, ca'vcs and sheep, may be led bj mak ing a slipping noose and fastening it to the lower jaw, passing the ropo (which must be suifcll) around the neck and through the on the jaw. It is a very easy way of leading a «heep, one not obliged i> pur cent Cliff's t^oUcge. Fifth Street, Pittsburgh'Pa„ FOUNDED IN IHQ AND Incorporated by Legislative Charter, li _L —' oAIJfU Ju tw.V of the kind IN THE UNION, conduct «d by * prnrtical BUSINESSMAN. Our Mghint commercial authorities, Rixt and West, pronoutce bis system of 80..k-keepina nnequaled—comprehending every departmcat of busi fiert, and yet w> nkilfully condensed that the attentive student i mint era the whole in six or eight weeks. It con- STOCK BOOKS, closed once with ft loss and twice with n gain—exhibit ing by three different metho.l*, the transfer of old to new book*. PARTNERSHIP BOOltfS, conducted by three different methods, exhibiting the transfer of old to new book*, with the introduction of a new partner. And practically illustrating the PRIVATE LEDGER, by means of which the results of the bn*ine#s nrt> kept <>ut of the general book*, for the uae of the partners on ly. The book is not even named elaewhoro. The settle ment of Partnership Books by SINGLE ENTRY, with si* practical illustrations, exhibiting the book* re ! - pened by Double-Entry. A concise rule for rectifying DERANGED DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOKS, with six specification*. The gain or loss found, and tin books corr«H tly le-ipened. The learner is also exercised in OPENING BOOK#, from eight specifications, including sp»-eial condit'ons nol often met with in business. Also, a serious of exercises ir CLOSING BOOKS, from n«*w and "peculiar specifications The learner alsc writes about eighty BUSINESS FORMS of Promlwary Notes, Judgment Notes, Draft", Orders Hills of Kxcliantfo, Account*, Invoices, Ac., Ac. Also, t series of BUSINESS LETTKRS, which, with the business forms, are all with hit course of Book-Keeping, making it a regular course o business practice, with a course of twenty-five LECTURES UPON BOOK-KEEPING, by the Senior Principal, explaining all the business mat ters recorded in the t«*xt. Also, twelve LECTURES ON BUSINESS SUBJECTS, flow every one may get rich. How to get rich by tra ding. The causes of commercial failure*. On specula tious. TJie moral influence of integrity jn youtfe, fit*: Also, lectures upop COMMERCIAL LAW, on Partnerships, Contracts, Insurance, Common Carriers the Statute of Limitations, Ac. Practical instructions ii detecting COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES, by a full set of genuine vignettes and counters, and i large collection of counterfeit notes. OUR RAILROAD BOOK-KEEPING, (In manuscript,) exhibits the construction and equip ment, the < aerating receipts and expenditures, the book <-|(."d*tsnce of our Snperln » M,. rilOS. H..-MlTll,nn experienced Practical Mercantile Accountant, and formerly Clerk of a Missis sippi steamer. Oi*r foil course of fej)s}#Ats practice includes about FIFTY BUSINESS BOORS, ruled to al»out THIRTY BIPFERFNT FOKMB, Tiz : 11 Ledgers, T |)H.y-l>ooks, i> Journals,'! Bill-hooks, 4 Cash It.M.ks -I Sales-books, '1 Invoice books, I Disci>nnt-bouk 1 t heck-register, 1 p« posit-i•-.i-'••r, 1 CMlect ion-registers, 1 Tiekl'M-, 1 lland's-registe'-, 1 Frei,;ht-boi.k, 1 Putwige book*. 1 Fuel-book. 'I lie-.-book# practically record about SIX III"N PHKP Hl T fIINESS TRANSACTIONS, compre hending PC H-'S original pbin <>f business edncation in troduced twenty-Jive >extra ago. llow far others have led in imitating him ill Is- be*! seen by comparing the bu.dne-"'papers:uid t lns»Us of their pupils with those ol the graduates) 1' this in-titutiou. HARPER'S ENLARGED EDITION OF HOOK KKKI'INfi Price #1,75. Postage 20 cent**. Fold by Booksellers gen erally. The following testimonials indicate the character o t his work: •• No other work upon Book-Keeping explains the sub jects with so much clearness and «dmplichy." 1 F. >V. EDMUNDS, Cashier McrfisnU Pank, \\ all st., N. YJL "It gives a clear insight into all departments of thft science.*' A. S. FU ABKIt. Cashier of Seventh Ward Bank, X. Y. " As an extensive shipowner. American and Enropeai merchant, bank direc tor, etc.. he 1»:»« born the repntatiot ..f the hige»t order of business talents." JOHN S\. Pl' I!NII AM, Merchant. No. SM.ntli at. New York. • Mr. Duff isamrtjj of raroquaiUlcntions f»r busine*." JOHN M. i>. TAYLOR, Merchant, Union st., New Orleans. » >l,. pufT is n uu-rrhant of tin- tirs*t respectability." • •I. I,.\M>IS, Men hant, New Orleans. "I graduated in. Dufl's College in half the time 1 ex pected. Hisadmlrabre system include* nothing surper tluous, nor leaves out anything emwntinl," .1. It. COMPTON, Caviller Niagra Bank, Lock port, N. y. " It contains ranch matter important to the merchant." 0. 0. IIALSTEAD, President Manhattan Bank, N. V. "The most complete work of the kind 1 have ovet ' JAM KS I'. MURRAY, President Exchange Rank. Pittsburgh. •'The most clear and comprehensive that 1 h*ve met with." JOHN SN YDER, Cashier Rank of Pittsburgh. 4 You have vour own long experience una merchant to mod use in this work." RICH AftJ) IRVIN, Merchant. I K««. UK front street N. Y. " The favorable opinions alr*»4y expressed by gentle men of competent authority are well deserved and very properly bestowed." - 1 CHARGE* M. LEUPP. LKOPOLD RIKRWORTH. ROBERT KELLY, SrecUJ Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, N. Y. [ Extract from the Minutes.] PROSPER M. WET MORE, Secretary. "Your Ommittee unanimously concur in the opinion of the niility of the improved meth<»d of Mr. Duff." (iUKDON J. LEEDS, Recording Secretary of the American Institute, N. Y. TIIL NEW ENGLAND EDITION OF DUFF S STEAM BOAT BOOK K EEPINO, Just Published by the author. Price $2.00. Sold by Booksellers Generally. "A i>ert«jct system for kceding such book? and accounts" J. CAROTIIKRS. Formerly Cashier of the Merchants' Bank PUtsburfc. "The Time Table alone is worth the price of the book." # - B. 11. Hfc?ftßON, Late Clerk of steamer Mount Vernon. "I consider theiegal form qf the Steamer's Protest so valuable thut I never leave porta wiUao'jt a copy of the book on board." A. 6. XcCALIJM- Captain steamer Areola. "The onlv work published of any value to the Steamer's IrrouiMkUt.'' *L F • ALLISON, Formerly Clerk of the Steamer Fortune. "The most perfect system of Steamer's Account* in use." C. 8. FRiaߣ**> Formerly Captain of steamer Nashville. On Wm. 11. I>«ilT» Penmanship. Twelve First PremmiM for the beat Business and Ornamental Penmanship, awarded our Present Penman, by the United State* Fair at Cincinnati in - 18 60 Pennsylvania State Fair at Wyoming ......]*flO Western I'.enns? Uania Fair at Pittsburgh 18*10 Western VirgiuiaFair at Whee1ing......... 1860 And the Ohio State Fair at Cleveland 1862 All of which are exhibited at our office. "Perfect gems of the Pentium s art.' —lHttshurgh Pott. "The«e.performance« can only be excelled by the au thor."—Pittsburgh GatfiU. "All his ornamental designs are new and remarkable performances. —AWniM// Gat&U. "The late Western Pennsylvania Fair awarded him ■ix First Premiums ia all braocka* of the art."— Ohio Stqtc Journal. OUR TKRMB. For the prada&tjog J nr< **, time uulimited ....—.^40,00 Blanks and yiting $7 elaewhere 2.50 The enbwfced edition of buff's Book-keeping...- 1,76 Our blanks are made of fine extra size paper, rpled com plete, with full sets of auilliariee. The Institution therefore offer# the Commercial Stu dent, the following IMPORTANT ADVANTAGES: # let. The best System of accounts in use, taught by the Author. . . 2d. The daily lectures of an experienced Accountant 3d. A saviug of half the tim« required by other Colle ges. and *2O or 980in bo^rd. 4th. A saving of 16 or 17 in Stationery. sth. Having the jbeet businetu* penman in the W eat. MSf or full |»art,icul*rs, seod for our elegapt new Cir cular 112 > > h. with *H.UXV&*M of our Penman's Business and Writing, incoming 25 cents for postage, to i». BUFF & )jON, Pi i«Mj!pal». # Juue 1, l805:Apos Peon'* AMERICAN CITIZEN Jii It Priati«#o;tfEcgt Ornamental, Plain, Fancy, Card, Book AND Bisiim JB3 POTTOS, Corner or Mnln Mil Jelftrion Str»e<», Opposite Jack's Hotel, ■I •• I • ■"»» - IVH ABE PREPARED TOPHINT.ONSHORT NOTICE, Hill Heads, Hooks, Druggist Labels. Pro grammes, (constitutions, Checks, Notes, I)raf>B, Blanks, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Show Cards, Pamphlets, Posters, Hills of Pare, Order Books, Paper Books, Billets, Sale Bills, &e. BEINQ FURNISHED WTTIT Tlie Most Approved Hand Presses THE LARGEST A ABBORTMENT OF Type, Borders, Ornaments, Rules, Cuts, Ac., IN THE COUNTY, We will execute everything in the line of PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PRINTING Nbatlt, Pbomptlt, and AT REIftO9ABLS Rati*, In a style to excel any establishment at home, and compete with any abroad. yt ■« ■ a leal w «»■-■* *»•«-*■ Are employed in every branch of the business, and we endeavor to meet tip wants of the community, ami to 1 tain the honorable distinction which 1 I been already conceded to this e.-lab! Mont, for TABTE IN COMPOSITI »> ANI> Elt'isanec til Press Wort. In all the essentials of Ch ip Pr •ting Good Paper, Tasteful Composition Beau tiful Press Work, and DISPATCH we in vite comparison, from getting ou, a Card ' of a single line to an illuminate! I'oSter, I or a work of any number of pa'.e?. 11l MXI'.KN A»VKIt I'l sam'l. m. lake jr. LYXX m'ahoy yetter. L.ANE, M'ABOY i CO. DEALERS IN FOREICJN AND DOJIIKTIC I>RY C4OODSI IVo. MO, Federal Street, i (BSCOMDDOOR DELt>W NEW MARKET HOUSE.) I AlleKlieny City. I*a. Pec. 9. IM3,::tf. MARTIN REIHKR OEO. y EC'KBECIf ! STOVES AND PLOUGHS, tti— ir—_ .. rar WKftKOKKIt & RHIBBR. —Ft f rr TZGT, H Morn—Foundry North of tiff I;::: rongh of Hiitlor, whore Stoveg, l'loj mul other casting »rc made on »hol *' " tice. Their wur«'-J"«'iiin i*i>n *l;iin y' , I first door North of.lack'a Hotel, where von will And t' ! | ofall 8»7-'n aiid p.««r"ns. They also keep on handaf'' j j utoclt of Ploughs. which thoy sell asrheap tw they I"' bought at any other establishment In the county, 112 l)pr.9.lßt3:tf I ihh> nkw goods, if* AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAffT AXI> AH AS THP. BEST. 11. C. & J. L. M'AJiY. Have just received at their eatal/nent ON M AIN IJUTIJ J'A.. A largo ami well selected "112 SPRING AND SUMMER iODS. KllD/ni rOLLOWtSO OATALWIfI Alii JIiIKKFUT. Foit i n i: i,.\ if M * Always on hand a large «tock of such an COUEUQ CLOTII. ALPACAS, OINOIIASJS PRINTS. KKRCIIIKFP, FOll GEN*TBKN. ' Aiwa*, en hand Black fcloili.l " n '> Stark Cj»«l --nMTM. SlliUl'lO, iv.ini-t<. I«I" JIr ""c>' *«• ting", Shirting, etc., etc., etc., M ICF.IDV MADIf'TIIIXO. I Such MCOATS,PANTS, #"'" d Hemp Toweia, Carjwtn, Curtftinn, Frinn HARlfc, 40. If vou want NaH# >. Toong Ifyauior Bluet Tea, goto M'Aboy'a. E IP YouAviinOC'ElllEW of a aqperior qnalit.® raten aa they can be had •lte.liere in tie cotf the ol X R.C. * J. L M'ABOY. Mar 11. 1804. M Admii»i«*r'» Notice. Letters of a® ~d - 00 ,e of addM b«JA therefore all penuw Indebted to mild M< »|i«ctfully inviUd to make immediatepaini#"" ha»ingcl r- a K aln«l tlie (uinio u ill authenticated f«»r set uZ.n M "'>BH*T STORY, M JOIIN KELLY A din's Apwl 26. If6m WAS PAPER, jn*ch, a,! iwpmr M IMKI.I.A X EQUjS NOTICES. TEm WORLD™ llronsht rluJit iiv tlio Very Midst" of BUTLER, SITUATE ON MAIN STREET, ___ - u AVnrnr. the " Wander- j — -;>£* er '" in search of line ' " ci^-s v-/ : Tohacco, BnnfT andCi \ ;rs ;'j • gjvag y &\D »'• standing on " <± } ~ 11 ith' ontetretch customers. (ieo. Voge ley. jr Manufactn rfrnnjJ Dealer in all kinds' o^ Tobacco, Snuff, and Segars. Hairing been duly --»pp »inte«l a "Committee of Pix/'to proceed to part* beyond theae digging, to procure fur tlie citizen* if Ihitlrt", and nil others «|m may favor him with a rail, thecho'cest Articles in bti line, would respectfully represent: tint in put-nuance «»f liis appointment. lie has he«-n in collecting u tail specimens" of the l»e*t articles cvid found in llutlt-r! lit* wonld alao further represent :n\ it hr feel* grateful to the public f'«r the fa vors < ng the <. oant. of Oregon, up a* high an the ] illel I'll iffv l'h<>nr I'horty." He III'MHI.Y soll j« • - tin* tom of all the " Dfar IVnple" of lhitler, or any i\« -iyf.i- man whonmy rhance to make his transit across I t)ied'«- lUitler, or s'.jonin within her l»ordera for "a I xvi i, 'dingronfldent he will give satisfaction, both as | repa , rice and quality. Come and examine for your !)•-n't put it off!! Vron astinalitin is tl>e thief «.r ' GKOKGE VOUKLEV. Jr. ! Hi; r, T'a., Mav 11.18ft4. mm DRUG STORE, Oj»itosilp Weill's Store. DHUQS, Dnrus, DRUGS, tfFDTCINF&, MBDTCINES MKDICI N is, M KIUCJ N KB, MEDICINES, MEDICINES, , DYKS, I DYES, DYES, PAINTS, PAINTS PAINTS, Pure Liquoi s for Medical use only. \ Soda, Cream Tarter etc. etc. I Fronch and Ameiican rerfkimery, an|nalitv of nil kinds .if fruit trcc. 21,15«4::nm0 S3. N. Em proved FRUIT Iv, v. 12, IRfd, Aug. I''. and March 22, 1 ''4. T • IT Had only «»f Ihe siib-«erlber, . ri Main St.. HUT DKR. Pa.. Id ■ »ra N( rllj. 112 *1 |b< jr's Store, »l,,iv ever* urti «••••! Ti\ \\ \ :?r - i-.-m in /, m,-h ,y Till- can Ins I extensively used f.,und to he IH-i f.M il V It* great c invfidcnrM' will be discovered at Ur ■ • ■•■ ill. The extonsivo facilities for manufactui • in- 'II it" parts make it vei y cheap. It it tl--• ' l»> clamping » tin cap oyer and ronnd the owning, which i- pressed upon a cement-coated gasket, cau-iii>; the cement I » molt bv the hout of the fruit; be- T.ifi:: i 'ld. il is p.-; |, ,11 \ simli-il. It closed or open ed In nil in-taut, by hooking or unhooking a strait wire sprin' i: w IIAU N i ;ss 81IOP. ffi 5 ® , ( =*S * C 3 : S F CriSTO. .A.. SEDWIOK, HAVINiI opened a new Harness Shop, opposite lloyd's Building*. tlutler, Pa., will keep constantly on hand, u large assortment of gyddtes. Humes* nod eV'T.v thing in hi* line of business. wbb h he offers at prices lo suit Ih«* i imes. Work « firm lis (Mini's i\t ]ji \y t OIL<,ITY, I»A. Particular attention given to Conveyancing and the exaniii.ation of Titles. il a Oil claims b nght and sold.*# Ofllre on Main Street, fir t building cast of Post Office. Ml. B. y. HAMIL'X'ON, Formerly of Sunbury,Butler C«i., HA\ INO located i;i BI'TLKIt. offers his professional . service* to those who see lit to give him a call. Offlc, that former I > occupied hy l>r. fcmet ling. R. M. M ? LUREI ? Attorney at Law, PENSION AND 'CLAIM AGENT. Office, N. K. corner of I>iaiuond, Hutlrr, Pa. Feb. n, 1864::tf. NOTICE. IX .the matter of the final account of John Meyers and Henry H<«ebaiigh, Committee of IMghly In the Court of (Common t*«M, of Bullrr countv, No. 7, September Term, IM3. Ami now to wit : March 27th, 1565 account filed and confirmed and notice of the filing, directed to be girt-a, according to i nle. relating to accounts of assignees and trustees: and thai the same yvfll be allowed on the ttr«t day of next Term, to wit the 12th day of June, A. D., 18ti&, unless exceptions be fried on or before tnat day, of which notice is hereby given. Butler county, *s : Certified from the Itecord this of April, 1866. , \\ M. STOOPS, April J0.18G5. Prothonotary iUi IM MlFiumsf7 Attorney at Law, FRiNKLIK, VENANGO. COUNTY, £ - one door North of KINNEAIt HOU CHARLES MCCASDL.ESS IICUH C. GRAHAM.. McCANDLESS 6l GRAHAM, AttorlteJH , ut Lair. Office on the Boutb-west corner of the Diamond, Butler, Pa AIso,CLAIM AGKNTBfor securing ftntion*, Arrtari of J'ay and Bounty Honey, for Soildiers, or if they are dead, tor their legal representatives. In prosecuting Sol dier'* Claim*, M tuoae t* I'ueir ilepi eseutatives, uu charge until collected. Dec.36 9.18::tf JAQK'S HOTEO; BENJ. JACK, Proprietor, Carper of Main and Jeffeno* «re«t«, Uutlrr, »»». I 1«, 1864 ' " ' GERMANTOWN TELEGRAPH. A Family and Agricultural Journal deYoted to CHOICE LITERATURE, including Poetry, Novelettes, Tales, ami Mural and Entertaining Heading generally.— In the Literary Depigment we shall present the choicest wltinn the reach of oprextended means. The Nofelettos, T»«l**, Poetry, shall he supplied from th? beat and highest sources,and be equal to anything to be fbuud in any journal or piagar.ine. AGRICULTURB and HORTICULTURE, embracing Farming, Gardening, Fruit-Raising, kc. Our labors in this department for over thirty yeaas. have met the cor dial approbation of the public. Our purpose has been to furnish useful and reliable information upon these very important branches of industry, and to protect them so far an within our power against the (Use doctrines and selfish pnrponH of the many empires and sensation-ad venturers by which the Farmpr is incessantly assailed.—: This portion off the Tclffjrayh is alone worth the whole price of subscription. NEWS DEPARTMENT.—The same indnstry, care and discrimination, in gathering and preparing the Stiffing Events if the Hey, expressly f>r this paper, which hith erto has been one of it-* marked features anil given so uni versal satisfaction, will be continued jrith ledotrbled ef forts to meet the increasing demands of the public. TERMS:—Two dollars per annum; one dollar for six months. No orders received without the cash, and all suutcriptions stopped at the end of the time paid f-r. PHILIP 1!. FKBAS, Jsditonind Proprietor, Germantown, Philadn. Pa. Arthur's Home JVlagazine. Edited by T. S. Arthur an Virginia F. Townsend The HOME MAG AZTN'E 112 o 1866 will be enlarged hnd improved, and made still more worthy of the eminent fa vor with wLich it has been received. Its character as a 111011-TON El) PERIODICAL, claiming public favor on the ground of real merit, will be carefully maintained; while f«»r variety,interest, usefulness, and all the attrac tion-? of literature and art essential to a true llnau: M \u- AZIM:. the publi-heib will aim to make it SUPERIOR TO ALL OTUERO. A HXI: STKHL E.NOBATISO, AM) TWO PAGES OF MUSIC, will appear in every number, besides clitdco pictures, groups MIUI chararteis, prevailing fashions, and a large variety of patterns for garments embroidery, etc., etc.— In «U r<'sp«M'ts we Bhnll givp K !• 1 JIST-t LASS MAGA a price within tlie reach of every intelligent family in the laud. A new story by T. S. ARTHUR will be commenced in the January number. Yruu.r TKRMS, In APVABCCE. —Ona cony, $2,50; three Copie».s r J ST'H. DRS.S. R.&C, L. DIEFFENBACHER. A ItE prepared to insert j,. ;x\ artificial den tut Ie • Jlfe "> SGrif jGreset onN ulcanite.t oral ite, Gobi, 'Silver Platlna. v^'yTtiose desirous to avail improvements in dentis # try, should not fail to 112 examine their new styles of Yulcnntteand Coralite work. Filliug, cleaning, tract log and adjusting the teeth done with the best materials and in the best manner. Particular attention paid to children's teeth. AA mechanics, they defy com petition; as operators they rank among the best. Char ges moderate. Advice free of charge. Office—ln Boyds hoiidinf Joflerson Street, Butler Pa. Dec. o,lßti3,:::tf. lE^IR.TISriEIR.SIE-IIIE'. rpHE uiidernignetl w.iubl respectfully inform the public, L that they have entered tneohip, lu the TJncl ei*t silcinp: linn I mokh. ami hereby ""licit the patronage »»f the public. They nre provided with a neat lle/une; mid linve on hand a large quantity of the very best material, and art fully prepared t'- furnish Co lit IIM of nil kilidi on fduut not ire. Thev will have on hand- constantly a variety ..f Coffins flnb'hed to suit purchasers, and on the m.-t rea- Tliev will also furnish Carriages and ronvevnnces fir Funeral occasions when requested. Ware Rooms, on Ji-Uentton street, 2 doors Wvst of American C'itircn Office* nl>lan.i"iiiM-« , i ■& ; rv . . toth'-|iuldii-fhnthehaa }. ' ,iy B.»|.'l)M II LA n II A!?.Vi:?S c" .. 'v. >' 'jt : winiv ,i. Avir : - AthlsnM at I. I 'Ti ,'i ; c I.""Ill l"> r»'Ml.> 111 1.11 times to serve tlune who may t i v-.r hiin with a call. He m;:mifiWtuflng,nud keepsouhand the very b«»st as" .i tment of T li I' y Bd H.. All Work warranted, liepairing done on the shortest notice and most fAvoruhW terms. . Dec. 0, 1863. J. J. SED WICK. , AOJ HK. IN* tli «* matter of the final account oT John Meyers and Ilenrj Roschaugh, Committee of fvelmn Beicli •y In the Court of Common Pleas, of llntier county, No. 7. September Term 184.1. Ami now to w«t . March '/7, iMM, ii«ruiiiil filed and confirm* <1 .VfitnlHl notice of the filing dlwcted to be given, according ft/, s«: Certified troin tbe Record Ibis 16 day of April. IfW». V\ M. STOOPS. April 10 IMS, • Trothon .f*ry. Photograph Albums, &c.» At price* ranging from 50 Out*, to 9m,00. A NEW FJEATUKI-3 INTHE ii DDK SICJiJK^. FAMILY WrtLKS FOE PHOTOGRAPH PICTURES. ALSO—A general supply) 112 Pocket ami Family Bible*. If, C. IIKIN KMAtf New Millinery Store riIHR subscriber ha* opened a NEW STORE, L iti Hut lor. Pa. opposite the Lowry Hou-e. whore the is prepared to do nil kind* of wori; in her line, ouch as DRESS MAI\?NO, TRIMMING BONNETS, Ac, Also a general assortment of Trimmings always on hands MACHINE STITCHING &. BRA JNG DON !•: TO OIIDKII. She hope* by strict attention, to please her customers Olve her a call. Mrs. £. HERTSBKKtiKK. Butler Mar. -2, 'Cs::3mo*. W. ft. IUI>*I.« J. B. CLARK BUBBLE & (2UURK, Attorneys' at Law. Oilier, in the County Surveyor'* oflice, Hutler, T*u, Will attend to all tothein, prompting AlH4> LICKXCRDCLAIM AOKXTS. fur receiving HOIXTIE*. BACK PAT foraoldlers or their representative*. No charge until claims are pollected. *%f George Vogeley, Jr., MANUFACTUEEE AND DEALER ra ALL lIXDH or Tobacco, Snuff, and Segars, Main Htpect, ISutlcr. Things Done Up Right! ! I* i' h to inform Butler county, and the region round about, that I have just received the beat articles ev er imported into this covntv. The ftnlv way to prove tbe"fact id to call and examuie my Tobacco, HnufT and Kega.S) believing in the truth of the old adage that "the proof of the Pudding in in chewing the Bag." Any man that hn« nn iijkling fur Tobacco, iu any of it, ortns, can be crratiAetl. jGEORGE VOGELEY, Jr. Butler, Nor. .10,18A4. TOtiELKY KOINE, WILLIAM VOGELEV, Proprietor. rVVUK undersigned would respectfully inform the pttf&c X generally, that be has erected a larg;a and commodi ous biick birildiiig. on the Mite of tbe old and well known house, formerly occupied by him aa^Tavern rttand. lie hasbeun at great expense in enjetiug'aud furnishing lw» pew huuep. and flatters himself be is now prepared to accommodate all vho may desire fo give him a call.— jtsaviug ample bouse room for oi»o bundled persons, and Jbr Jbr at Iwast fifty horsed. Thankful for past patrooa op, he ask a contimv auce of the same. H'M- VOUELEJf. Dec. 9 I,«i3::tf * The New York Tribune. -vrOTWITHSTANDING the enormously increased ex Xl penses attending tlio publication of TUB TRSBURI occasioned I y the employment of numerous army or e respondents and other liberal expenditures, as well* as bv the advance in the price of pnper and other materials. we hare resolved, for the Mesent at least, not to increase the subscription prices of either Weekly or Semi Weekly papers, but to continue to furnish them ats2 and $3, res pectively, tier annum ; being the same prices which 'were estlblMied more than twenty years ago, when the cost was only abont one-third of what it is at the present tbne. Our Terms will be found below, ami we wish it to Indistinctly understood that 4£>-these Terms will be strictly and literally adhered to, and no other abate ments ~r dju-ount.s than those mentioned will be allowed in any cwoVhatever. Terms. DATLT TRIBUNE. Single ropv Mai)Subscribers, ope fopy, one year slo 00 do do one Copy, six months 6 90 d«» do one copy, three n.Qntiis 3 00 BEMI WEEK LY TRI BUNE. ail subscribers, one copy, one year 3 00 d'» do one copy, six months.. t 175 do do one copy, three month's 100 WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Mail subsrril>ers, one year 2 00 do do one copy, six months 1 00 grs- Persons at the trouble of procuring subscribers and 1 emitting us S2O for ten copies of tbo Weekly will be entitled to one copy gratis, l-or S4O for twenty co pies, one topy of the M ini-W e ekly gratis. Drafts on New York payable to the order of*THK TKIIU NK, ' being safer, are preferable to any other mode of remittance. But when? drafts cannot be conveniently procured. United Mates, or National Bunk bills aro the next best, and may be sent by mail at our risk; but in case OF LOSS IUK ti N 11:1 NI. will not be responsible until furnished with a Aili description of the bills, including the name <1 the bank, denomination and number, and the time at d place of them illing of the letter, with the em Insures. Address THE TRIBUNE, New Toik. Dec. 7, 1804. The American Citizen, * iapul'iixlird I'TWJ In the lmrcilicli oflntlc by I I...MAH lloi ■?-••>'« V. K AsnCH on Jlniii ,tiwt ftpi-'Biti |,. .Ink , II 1,l Ci, •• 11|. -Inir- In 111,, brick formerly occupied by EH Yetter.asa «toro I«UI $1 50 ■ jreWj if paid In wlmno'. or ivllliln II * . month.; or | il.l until nftur tfuiexplra. tion o| the first six months 1 TERMS OP ADVERTISING," &c., *" »*»■• 1 "I I'J tbo Publisb«r> Ptonrbiura of n . Butler Papers. One square, one Inter tion «I 00 llach hiibse<|uent insertion ..V..V.... 60 ' , • duuui t r six months .... V» &o » tantlons. Ksti»\-. ~F IIVSM Jim Ion." "tc" 'not*'" exceeding 1 square.lnsertions. each 2 00 TO lines 0! Nonpareil, or it* equivalent, will hiake a square. JOB WORK. l A sheet haml-bill, 60 copies or less $1 50 !! 7 " 50 .. « - < w» 1 UU 6 CO For any quantity unders quires] $1 60 per quire; on all amounts over that, a reasonable reduction w ill be made KUBINKSS CARDS. Single packs, $1.60; each additional pack, 60 cts. toe At. NOTICES. * 1 0 cents per IHie for each insertion. «v 11 be published gratis, where the same d< vs not exceed * 0 lines; for earh additional line,cts. W i|| be charged Advertisements of 0 ('. Sale, Executors, Administra tor, and Auditors notices; l.stiays, l>is«olution of Part neiship. Caution*, and all transient auvertisnments MIST POSITIVE!.? in: PAW IN At'VAW E. 112, ti e undei Mi:;i.-d, I'nhluhert and /Vnprt'etorcofth Butler papers, hfereby agree to strictly adhere to th above schedule of prices, until farther notice. M. II AS LETT, Butler American. < LARK \\ 11.Son. Uvli.ii Herald. Jul • 13* lhOi & American Citiren. WAVEELY magazine. FOR FAMILY A3II."SKMI-:.NT AM) INSTRUCTION l>y Mohon A. Ooiv. TMM'fcp\b« the largest Weekly eve r published in th country. I* ■ intents are such us w ill |,e up,, in tli tastidmuft nnthiiig immoral being ndmltfe Into Its pugee. hwiil afford a.s much rending mutter A llmost «n\ .-no can find time to peruH-.conslHtlng of Tale History, Biography, t«.p-th« r with Mualc nnd Poetry.— The ,• i pei i utains no ultra sentiments, and meddle* nel 111 1 i with p"litir> noi reiipi.»n, hut it is characterized hy a h'irh moral I 'li . It circulates all over the* country, from Maine toCalifornia. Ti i-»is.—Til.- \V . i tl.v Mngntfn.' la iinMMird trorklv l.y v ..»• - 1.-I, II- M„„. T«i •" .. .".'i C "I ,T ' "I"' «» wlftfoi. for nail milncr! I'"!"'' ■ |«ni«i-, ita lu cvon wlililu tlic 1, w p. i-1 , law.) One Copy 112 T 12 month*, 112 o n One c< , V f-.r sr montiis ..7."**.*."." 2 0 « Oil" t'l| II -111 "ZZ^Z"Zl'<.o i "pi I • 11. nth-. ..... llf.O 'I w ■i. c . f-u rj month a. r, Four r. pt 4 «h f..rO month" 6,00 All addition- t«. the club* nl the same rnt/'M 41] mon |e« n rev. I - credited accord n-.- t., tbo above term* I'npei .topp.-d when tl.e l et , r paid fc,r iasent. No Mil'-ri pti. ii tah. i, f.,r I. ■ than f.nii months. AJI fcluha mi t •■'■ nt l> v mail. A name must he given, for'each paper in the clnb. A new volume eoninicnrM every Jnlv nnd January.- i n if i pei .-on commences at any number In the rnjumo nni pay- 112. i- six month. ,he will haven complete book with a till,?-j>nge. W hen a snh-criber order# a renewal of hi* subscription lie should tell n* what was the hl«t nnmher he received then we. Lid I know what number to i'enew it without hun ting ovei our hooks. Otherwise we -hall begin when the money Uieeeive.i |Vr-..iis writing for the paper must wnte their name. fMiHt office, county ami state nmry dis tinctly Tims* who wish their paper changed should tel M.ere it has previously lieen sent. Pontage on this pa per i, tw,i nty rents n year, payable in advance at the office where fit ken out. t 'lull* mmo»t mayks are oXt«n Illegilde. ' v A4drem MUHKS A. DOW, Boston, Man*. AT WHOLESALE ONLY! V/ AT£ si E j Ail'D JEV/EU'T 0/ WTKRT DESCRIPTION AT TUB Lowest Prices for Cash! ARMT AND COUNTRY Mt«rn VNTS, Pedlars, Traders, Su lers, and Gcueriil dealers can make Knortuous Proti upon asmall Investment! JKUKI.RY « .f any Pattern or Quality and in any quant ty made to order Mo ■ Estimates for any class of work furnished. M„ J'II rtit ular attention pit it/to tuppli/ifff Auctmil-rr». Country J'edlurt, Jndian Tradirs. und Ar my Dealers. Any sty J*- ..f Goods manufactured, snch as Invention* etc., at hiiort notice. h» Goon CANVASSING CLMUS with a small Capital, ran find constant employment! I luntrated Lists and full particulars free. THE PROFIT TO THE KETAILEK IS VERT LARGE A STPPLY can be carried in a knapsack hand valise, or carpet bag, ami will not be like books— bulky or inconvenient U. carry from place to place. It KM KMlii.H Tinxi!—this BusUiem is Strlctl Honorable! Ua" There it noneedof miirr.pretenting or rsai/grrutinp. Oca GOODS show for themselves, and prove It is a liyninoM ui which an ample* and latitfacVrry o/u < valent it given for the. money received and an encour aging profit is pocketed at the same time. It is an oc cupation in which no person need be afraid or an/tamed to canvass the same field again and again, for where once our goods are introduced, a permanent and continuous demand it created. To Soldiers J U the Army, or thou* at borne disabled by the hardships of war, to Clergymen out ol health, Teach ers. I ostinuHtc-rs, or aay person who wiahes either local or an active occupation, and one that brings with it GREAT PECUNIARY INDUCEME N TS, this presents AN OPPOBTI .MTV v blom met with. TRY IT! AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES!! CAREFULLY SELECTED LOTS'OF JEWELRY, com. prising '»nr newest stylus and most saleable variety o Goods, Will be sent anywhere in the Loyal States. We are constantly filling orders from persons leaving the choice of OINKIS .wholly with us. To such we promise the best exercise of our jUfjAa and judgment, and from our long experience can ensure satisfaction. W* ASK HO PAT IN ADVANCE, state what style and quality of Goods are wanted, amCwe will send the same and collect pay by Express at the end of the Route. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Good movements and manufactured in the best man ner, of pure material, all warranted'** prices from $lO to •260 each. Sent anywhere— pay collected by Express.— Satisfaction guaranteed! All Watches at first prices they being of o.ur own Importation. Circular $ free by ma il / Send for them 11 T. A H. GAUGHAN, Muu ufartnrert and Importer 112. Dec. 7, 1f164::3m0. 71(j Broadway, Now York. 112 ETTERS of Administration, on the EataU of Mar \_J tba Harvey, late of Clinton Tp., dee'd. buve beeti duly granted to tbe undersigned therefore all persona indebted to «aid estate are respectfully re/iuaated to make Immediate settlement, and tho*.' having claim* against the Maine, will prlsent them properly a*iUienti cated for settlernout. jHO, C. NORRIS. June li, 1805. *' * ' Executor.