_U,. —! THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. Butler, Pa.(Wednesday,May 4, 1864. 4„-l.n - s « irizK* Printing Office rum the Smith, on JetSerion street. Notic«. —All persons knowing thetnselvuj indebted to the sul-acriher for KTVICMIU Remitter and Recorder, ar-- hereby rMpMIMY notiAad that their arconnt.l must !>«■ nrttled up on* before the next June Court, otherwi* Mid H. r nunte. will lie left in the hands of nropef officero •vc JU C. E. ANDERSON Butler, May 4,18ft4. Maß'"Much has been raid and written concerning ''Old Abe's Jokes." Those who may be desirous of reading the same cau have this desire gratified by calling at the Book Store of 11. C. lleincman. borough of Butler, opposite the Lowry House. Call and got a copy. t'oiiMiiiiM-tl by l-'irc. On the afternoon of Saturday the 80th ult., the large new frame dwelling house «»V Punj SnitU, niuated in V til i' L 'Vp.. Hutler county, about 4 miles north of Butler town, was entirely consumed by firr. wi()i all its contents, except four beds and a few small articles, l'erry Smith, the owner of the house, resides at the Oreat Western Iron Works, his father, mother, brother and a couple of women folks were living in the house. Two of the women, we arc informed, were out on some part of the farm planting potatoes, Mic of them returned to the house to make ir iiakr bread, when it was discovered that the house was on fire. The old folks are <|iiitc aged, and infirm, the old being cripple, anil when she was j from the devouring flames, they bad reached the chair in which she was sitting, so that she barely escaped with her life. When help arrived, the flames bad progressed so rapidly and the building was so far gone that it could not be saved, and the house with all its contents, ex cept as above mentioned were entirely con sumed; some, if not all. of the inmates arc left without even a change of gar ments. Some money—we cannot say how much, was lost. Wo have not been informed how the building took fire, anything more, than it is supposed that it caught from the kitchen chimney. NtaK- miltiti. The following arrangements have been ■ perfected for the payment of the State Militia in But'.er county, who were called into the service of the I nited States, for the emergency in Sept.. 1802. I'nymcnrto the company organized at Hutler. and commanded by ('apt. James (J. Campbell, will be made at Butler, on MONDAY, the 10th day of May, 1804, atone o'clock. I'. M., and the company commanded by ('apt. William R. Hutchi son. will be paid on the succeeding day. May 17th, at or near (ieorge Coopers, in ! Middlesex Township, at ten o'clock, a. m. ' If any members of either of the above companies, find it impossible to attend on j the day appointed for the payment of his j company, payment will be made to his properly authorized * 'torncy. Blank i forms for power of attorney can be ob- ! tnined frrni Capts. Hutchison and Camp- I bell. If the person giving the power of | Attorney is now serving in the army of the In ted States, it maybe executed be fore th' Colonel Commanding his Regi ment If it is executed before a Notary I'oh 11 -, it must be attested by bis official seal, and if executed before a Justice of the Peace, the seal of the Prothonotary must be attached to a certificate, showing that iic is duly commissioned to act as a Justice. Ample imc will be given to those wfc. arc und r the necessity of se curing their pay tl rough an attorney, and payment of the same will be made on a day hereafter to be announced. It is hoped, however, that there will be no un necessary delay in executing and retur ning the required papers in these cases, so that all the claims against the Govern ment for this service may be paid at the same time. JOHN S. WALKKR, Pay Master, U. S. A. I'ittMiHirgli Similar} Fair. The following township Committees have been sent into the Central Commit tee. Other townships will please report soon. Brady toirnthip. Chairman, Mr. Josiah M. Thompson. Committee, Misses Amanda M. Dona hey, Myrinda Covert, Emclinc "Wick, Nancy J. Thompson, Messrs. HughOross man. John G. M'Caudless. Sutler toimthip. Chairman, Mr. Newton Maxwell. Committee, Misses Julia Boyd, Matilda Riddle, Aualana Purviance, Mary Black. Nancy Borland, Margaret Ramsey, Cath arine Lcvercr, Robert M'Kec, Esq., Sam uel Graham, M. D., Messrs. Philip Bick el, Patrick Burns, Israel Seaman. Philip Voglc. Buffalo tmrnthip. Chairman, Mr. A. D. Weir. Committee. Mrs. Margaret Grant, Mrs. K»tq. Barker, Misses Sarah Simmers, Re becca Kelly, Messrs. Jamah 0. Watt, Jas. M'Cafferty, M. L. Richards, R. M. Har bison. Centre toicn&hip. Chairman, Josiah M'Caudless, 51. 1). Committee, Mrs. slary A l'leogcr, Mrs. Delilah M'Candless, Misses slinerva M Candless, Jemima Smith, Emetine Al lison. Cherry tou-ux/iip. Chairman. Hon. If. C. M'Coy. • onunittce, Mrs. Naomi Bovard, Klu.l J. Graham, C'atariuc Bolinger, Jane M'- Caudless. Misses Mary Stewart, Catharine Lindsey, Messrs. Lemuel liindtnan, S. J. Christy, Robert Thompson, James M'Gill, ' James Billingsly, James Gilchrit. Summit township. Chairman, Mr. Wm. Lindsey. Committee, Misses Agnes Mitchell, l!va M'Juukin, Maria Gilleland, Susan Lindsey. Mrs. Reiber, Messrs. J. Steven son. 'Francis Reott, Herman J. Sndth, Si mon Young. Worth townthip. Chairman, Thomas M'Necs, Esq. Committee. Mrs. Isabella Balph, Eliz abeth Brandon, Misses Annetta Book, Jane (ilenn, Messrs. John l'isor, R. N Glenn. Alex. M Bride, J. T. Wimer. WATSON J. YOUNG, See'y. Army Cwrc«p»Bfe»w. CAMP NEAR LICKING RUN, Va. MKSSRS EDITORS: —Having an idle hour at my disposal. I thought I would employ it in sending you a note descrip tive id' events that have transpired since 1 left old Butler count}'. I left the Lowry house in the stage, on Thursday the 25th day of February, for Pittsburgh, which I city we reached about nine o'clock, alter 2 or !5 break downs, and walking the last half mile.l put up at the Carson house, Allegheny city; the next morning I went down to the office of the Provost Marshal, was examined and mustered into the service of Uncle Samuel. Here T would say that tlieexßiiiiningsurgeon, Dr. Perchment.isa mast, accomplished gentleman ; any person coming under his eye for examination will find him a gentleman in every sense of the word, and one I think, that under stands his business. The evening of the 20th we were sent over to Pittsburgh to the Girard House, where we were kept under strict guard ; there were about two hundred crowded into one room ; there 1 took my first lesson in soldiering, that is, lying on the floor; next morning we were put on the cars and sent to camp Cope land. or it should rathar be called camp mud, where we partook of break fast about two o'clock, consisting of Coffee and a small niece of bread. 1 have been in a j I great many places, but camp Misery, as j the boys termed it, goes ahead of anything j that 1 have met; the mud was about (en j inches deep: the most of the barracks were crowded with men; they are ill- ; constructed buildings, narrow and not ventilated, and the mud being plenty in the streets, they were as dirty as they could well be. The officers at the head of affairs are rather tyrannical, for to keep the best of feeling towards them from the men, a corporal there felt as large and talked with as much authority as a Colonel !in this army. There was the most drun [ kenness, profane swearing, and obscene j language there that it has ever been my 1 lot to come in contact with; young boys j that were just making their debut iu the world, could out swear and blackguard , the oldest rowdy's in camp, and spend i their money at the Suttlers. It was ru mored through camp, and generally be lieved, that the commander of the place . was the principal owner of the ftiachinc and they robbed the soldiers almost with out mercy, selling them goods at three times what they could get them at in j Pittsburgh—selling them Rifle Whisky, lalteled Raspberry Wine; it may be wine, but it makes them drunk any how; the grub comes up in miserable bad shape, the cooks putin a little too much dirt to make it palatable, the cook houses are as dirty as any horse stable in Butler county. You may think I am severe, but it is true, we were detained there near three weeks, when we received our bounty and took the : cars for the capital of the old Keystone ; J we arrived there on the morning of the . 19th of March, were marched down to the subsistence rooms, where wc got our ■ breakfast and laid over until two o'clock, when we embarked for Baltimore, which <;ity we reached about sundown and were inarched to the Union relief association rooms, where we remained until teno'clock on Sabbath day. when wc yvere placed on some some old freight cars and sent to Washington city ; we were marched about two miles through the streets down to the levee, where wc embarked for Alexandria, wc landed about sunset in this place, made notorious by the murder of the gallant Ellsworth ; yvc were taken to the soldiers rest, remained all night, then we yvere j marched down to the wharf, armed and j equipped; next morning wc were posted on top of a freight train and started for Brandy Station, on the Orange and Alex' andria rail road. Thebloofly'sixtysecond, is lying two miles below Warrenton J unc tion doing guard duty on the rail road, they have anyamonntof duty to do, being on guard every third day. We arrived at the Regiment on the 22d lilt., where we built quarters, and are liv ing at home and boarding at the same place. There is any amount of troop going forward at this time, every train that goes along is loaded with infantry, and there is immense trains of Cavalry and Artillery going to the front. If we cannot make the rebellion quake this spring and summer yvc had better play quit. but I think yon will hear a noise from the Potomac army before long, the President has placed old Unconditional Surrender Grant, at the helm of affairs, lie is re-organiising the army, but I mast close. 1 remain, SIXTY SECOND. For tho Citizen. (•afl'or llrccii. I knew a man named Gaffer Green, A Government borutor, Who vi'tod for old "ten cent Buck"' And likewise " Breck" the traitor. Aaalnstall loyal man it seemed lie had a great aversion; And when thin war broke out he said. There must be no coercion. Yet after all he changed his tun*, And said, coerce with vigor, Confiscate the traitor's land. But, oh! don't touch his nigger. Then changed again and called on peace, As Idnd «« he conldcall her, And said he wuuld not vote eld Abe, A "ingle man or dollar. He cried aloud with might and main, Till he was pretty fcr-gone; But found. Peace could not understand, A copperhead's vile jargon. II cjolncd the K. G. CH, and bought A gun for his son Sammy; S ild he, "I'll learn the boy to shoot; And if 1 d -n tjthen hang me This war has lingered long enough, Ti« time the thing were ending. A\e love the South, and so "He will Kcsist the draft now ponding." And thus this Gaffer Green would stay, At home among his cattle, And fire on soldiers in the roar. An they marched forth to battle But when the day of trial came, And Maui h Chunk took the lead sir. Vile Gaffer Green who would not hear, Now thought he he'd better heed sir. So wiped his gun and laid it by. Vfw frightened like '• tarnation," And mid the conscript law was good, All »av«< the commutation. Said it was made to suit tho rich, And that, if he must say it. iie'd goto war a thousand timet, Before he d ever pay it. He naitl: "if drafted he would go, To battle f«»r the nation, That no one but a cowardly sneak, Would pav the commutatt< n"' As time wore on the draft was made, And Gaffer's name was taken, The cuss now thought the way was right, That best would save his bacon. He sold— and borrowed what he could, And went straignt on tho morrow, And paid three hundred down, Without remorse or sorrow. Paid that * the conscript law was right, Audit was his decision. That Congress wisely in that act, Made ample full provision." Yon thus may see by Gaffer Grcon, How fitl*e. and bow erratic. How tilled with treason is the band, The party democratic. Prmt Poncurt**. rriuiN) Ivimiii l,<'Kl*liiltire. Prom the Special of the Commercial. II ARRisßiuo, April 2~. —HOUSE— Morning Session. —The report of the Con ference Committee on the Apportionment bill was adopted; yeas fifty-one, nays forty-three, under call of previous ques tion. The bill gives Allegheny counfy six members. The report of the Committee on Purchas ing an Executive Mansion was adopted. It exchanges the present mansion for ("ov erly's House on the river bank, giving the twenty thousand dollars, voted by Har j risburg Councils, in addition. ! Thursday, the ">th of May, was agreed I upon fora filial adjournment. The Sen ate will concur. | The removal of the capital was discuss j ed at length, and on the question "will 1 the House agree," the vote was, yeas 20; nays 70. AFTERNOON SESSION.— -The military bill was passed, yeas 60; nays 36, Mr. Sharpe. of Franklin, being the only dem ocrat voting for it. The Penitentiary bill, on motion of Mr. I Slack was passed. Yeas 4(1, nays 38 j On motion of Mr. Iligham, the bill re lating to the Southern Pennsylvania and Connellsville Railroad.an abstract of which appeared in Friday's Commercial , was passed. The following passed both Houses. An Act incorporating Prospect Ceme tery Company, Tarentuni. An Act incorporating Soldiers' Orphans' ! Home. Allegheny county. An Act authorizing per capita tax in Allegheny county. An Act incorporating the capital stock of Allegheny cotton works. Extending the charter of the Bank of | Pittsburgh five years. I Tho Senate all day and evening was en gaged on the appropriation and revenue Idlls. The former passed to third reading. Mr. (Iraham had three thousand dollars added for St. Paul's Orphan Home. Every Senator and member except one has signed a letter urging the promotion of Brigadier General Hays to Major Ge neral. A LONDON surgeon, it is said, late ly put a dog to sleep with chloroform, and taking out a piece of skull, inser i ted a watch crystle, through which he can see the changes in the brain j by sleep. IMTTWIIi: ItUIl >1 Alt Iv ETH, SI IJ 4, 18tu. ! APPLES—*I,SO o > per barrel. Hl'TTEl!—Freult BWI, 25(S>J8 c per lb. j CH KESK—Western Reserve, ISc per lb; Hamburg, ■ lfiperfh. BGGS—IS ffß 18c per doy.en. VLol7R—Wheat, $7.75 (a. Buckwheat, *4 0i» $4.25. GRAlN—Wheat, f1,50 («, Corn, *1,33; Oats, f»4 tib 85c HART.KY—Spring. $1.25; Fall. *1,50. GROCERIES—Sugar, 17 fa Met* per th: Coffee. 47 fa 55c per It): Molasses, 80 (an 9t»c per gallon ; Syrup, 100 fa $1,20 per gallon. SALT—Liverpool, $2,50 *3,30 per nack; No. 1, extra, S2,W» |>er barrel. SEEDS—FIax seed, $2,75 per bushel IHJTLEH MARK ETH. I.L'Tt.KR, Pa. May 4,1864 BUTTER—Fre-li Roll, 25, rents per pound BEANS—White, $2. 50 per bushel. BARLEY—Spring, $1,10; Fall, $1,25. BEESWAX—36 cents aer pound. EGGS—l2 cent* per doaeu. FLOUR—Wheat, s4,OOper huixLs' Rye 3 00. FRUIT —Dried Apples, s2,2sand 2,50 per bu*hel; Dried ; reaches, $4,0C1 to 4,60. FEATHERS—SO rente per pound. GRAlN—Wheat. f1,26faf1,40 per bushel: Rye,1,15. Outs, 75c; Corn, TI0; Burkwnat, 100. GROCERIES—Coffee, Rio, 60c per pound; Java, OOc; Brown Sugar, 20c per pound, do. White. 30r; N.O. Molaa ■es, $1.20 cent* per gallonr Bvmp l,3oand $1,40, HIDES—7Vi cents per pound. LARD—2O cents per pound. NAILS—SB,OO per keg. POTATOES—SO and 7oc per buihel. FORK—IS to 20 rents per pound. RAGS—S cents per pound. RICE—I 6 cents per pound. SEEDS—Clover, andß,2s per bushel; Titnothv, $3,00; Flax, $2,50. S A LT—s3,oo per barrel. TA LLOW—IO cents per pound. WOOL—7Oc per pound. MAHHIK I>. On the 14th ult., by Rev. Saninel Kerr, Mr. Jon* MC COY, and Miss NCTT, both of Pinetp., Mercer eo.. Fa. I > IBP t On the 15th of April, 18ft4, at her residence. In Union* ▼ill*, ALMIRA M., wife of J. D. Davis, aged 22d years, 3 months, and 25 days. Jesns lay his supporting hand Beneath her sinking head. And with a ray of lo*'e divine, Illumed her dying bed. Leaning on Jean's breast. My dear iesißued her breath. And in his kind embraces lost The bitternew <>f death. And Mira thou art gone. Whoee smiles I once possessed. Thy body silent in the touib, No more by gi !of and pain opprowed. My days of happiness are gotie; And I nm left to weep alnnr. Still will I in my Cund heart keep. Thy memory green and como to weep. Where thou my lored one now d*th cle<»p I J. IK p • NI'EC IAL SOTlim „ CONtfOQUFNRSBINO LODOJt, No. «», i. o. ..f o. r. bows it» W■ ail tr'r stated meetings at tho Hall, On , 'iO ±X^ ; Mtin Street, Butler Penna. every •• Monday evening, commencing at six o'clock. Brethren from fid tor Lodges arc respectful ly invited to attend. Ry order of the N. U. q A. Y. M.—Bntler Lodge, No. 272, A. Y. M. boklw £\ its stated meetings in the Odd Fallows Hall, on Maiu Maiu Street, Batler Pa. on the first Wedms Jay of each month. Brethren from sister ' i \ Lodge* are rtspcctQilly invited to attend. By order of tho V. M. EMPLOYMENT. A MONTH —Agents wanted t" sell Seeing Ma- jf) chines. We will give a commission on ail Mn cnines sold, or employ agents who will work for the above wages and all expenses paid. Pur particulars address BOYLAN A CO., G-n. Agents. DKTUOIT MICH. •lan. 20, AWOIMIMIM. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. TH E underslngned, now a citizen of tho borough of Uutler, but formerly of Clay township, respectfully sub mits his name to the Union voters of Butler county, as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the decisiou of the Republican County Convention. ANDREW COULTER CHRISTY. >EW \ I>VEBfISEMI-;.\TS. liiirk Wanted. rpHE undersigned subscribers will pay in cash. the very L highest price for TAX BARK, delirenal in g.nsi con dition. at their TAX XKR V, situated on the Western boundary «>f the borough of Butler; also, the highest price in cash for hides of all descriptions. M M. MARDORF A BROTHER. Butler. May 4, 1864::2 mo. A JOI M lii:soi.(iio> Proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution. Re it resolved by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General [numbly nut. That the following amendment# be pr«q»o suil to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, in accor dance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof: There shall be an additional section to the third article of the Constitution, to be designated as section four, as follows: "SK< TION4. Whenever any of the qualified voters of this Commonwealth shall be In any actual military ser vice, under a requisition from the President of the Cnitcd States, or hy the authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in all elections by the citliens, under such regulations as are. or shall be, nrcscribed by law, as fully as if they were preseut at their Usiial place of election." SKCTION 2. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight, and nine, as 112 dlows: '"SECTION K. NO bill shall b>- parsed by the Legislature, containing more than one suoject, which shall be clearly expressed lu the title.except appropriation bills." '• Sr.lTloW 0. Nobill shall be parsed by the Legidature granting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the ! authority to jjrant such powers, or privileges, has been, 1 or may hereafter be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth." IIP.NKY C. JOHNSON, i Speaker of the House of Reurexrnta tires. JOHN P. PENNEY, Speaker of the Senate, OFFICK OP THE SU''IIKTART OF THE COMMON WEALTH, ; llarrisbttrg, April 25,1***4. Pr.NJtstLv.vMM, PS: I do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a i full, trUeand correct copy of the original ! s Joint Resolution of the General Asstuh ■( L. S. }■ Idy, entitled " A Joint Resolution prop«»-| ■' sing certain Amendments to the Constitu- | Hon," as the same remains on file ill this j office. In TkBTIMOX.it whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and mused the seal of the Secretary's office to be af- I fixed the day and year above written. KLI SLIFER, Secretary of the LbmmonwraltJi. The above Resolution having been agreed to by a ma jority of the members of each House, at two successive sessions of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, the proposed amendments will be submitted to the peo ple, for their adoption or rejection, on the FIKST TITESHW OF At ot ST, in the year of our ls>rd one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, in accordance with the provis ions of the tenth article of the Constitution, and the act, entitled "An Act prescribing the time and manner of submitting to the people, for their approval and ratifica tion or rejection, the proposed amendments to tlie Con stitution," approved the twenty-third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. ELI SLIVER, Secretary of the CUIH mo JI wealth. May 4. IST4. \N excellent quality of Plaster Paris on hand and for sale by ,|. C. HE DICK. A Co. PItOVOPT MAItSHAI.'S OFFICF.,) 2nd District of Pennsylvania, I Allegheny City, April 2S, 1K64. j Jf-JtT A S AliO IT TII UK 111 111'NDKKD volunteers, and recruits for the regular army, enlisted since July I*o3. and a large number of veterans re-enlist ed in the field, have been credited to the 23d District at large, to Allegheny county, Allegheny city. Puller coun ty, Armstrong county, and to various Postoffices, Ac., not enrollment sub-districts, I am instructed by the A. A. I'. M. General to take evidence its to the actual residence o| such poraons at the time <>f their original enlistment, for tlie purpose of establishing their credits to the localities entitled thereto. To this the enrolled men of the vari ous sub-districts in this district, and all others feeling an interest in the just establishment of credits, are respect fully requested to furnish nre at as early a date as possible —the following information: , 1. A list ol ail volunteers enlisted to the credit of such sub-district since tho draft in July, 1863, with dale of en listment, company, regiment, and the nanien of the re cruiting and mustering officers, by whom they were en listed ans«in A Julia E. Thompson. April 20,1864::3i. Farm lor .Sale. milE sul»acriber ofTers for sale, his farm situate in Penti J_ tp., seven miles south of Butinr. containing 41 iwres , and 27 perches : 80 acres of which are cleared, under gissl improvement and in a high state of cultivation, 8 arres of good meadow. A good two story, liow ed log hoiisi* |9 bv S8 ft., a go/ni |wbarn, ay 68 fl "• I t fnun*» springhouse thereon erected, A young ami excel lent fruit bearing orchard; 12 acres of excellent timber, and 3 never fiiiting springs. Excellent land to the a- Biouut of 2KB acres adjoining the above is for sale. April 27th. WM. MARSHALL. ( HEAP l>ltl <; STORK. I>i*. JomcH 11. Hell, Boyd's Building, Bntler, Pa. A DEALER in all kinds of Driigs and Chemicals j Oils. Paints and Yaruish. Also, Benzole, Tar and Axle Greajw. Also, all kinds of Brnabes. All kinds of Lamps. Lamp Shades and Chimnev*. ■■ Also, a DiU assortment of Groceries, Tabacco ami Cigars of the very best brands. ALMO, A frill assortment of Confectionarie* and Nuts. Also Green and Dried fruit. Also a great variety of notions. Liquors of all kinds for Medical and Sa« ri ntenial purposes. Also Stationery, consisting of Paper, Fjiveloos, Pens' Pencils. Blank Books, Pass Book, Slates aud a full assortment of Shoe-findings. If von wish to purchase fine glass ware of any kind this is the place to get It cheap. JACK'S HOTEL. ~ F. H. MACHE, Proprietor Corner of Main and Jeff er.on Ilntlfr, PA. Man h 1», 1?6I. Auditor's Jfotlee. TN the matter of the petition of Henry Boyer, Adm'r. of John Boyer, dee'd , for an Auditor to distributothe ! I lialance luhis hands as per account filed In thof Bntler co.. the undersigned Administrator of the [ estate of Jame* McMahen, late of Allegheny tp.. said county, dee'd. will offer for sale at public vendue on the prurnisie UII Friday, the 3d day of June next, at 1 o'clock P. M. <>f said day. fifty acres of land to be laid off the east end of a larger'tract of laud situate in Allegheny tp., said county, hounded by lands of Dr. Crawford, by lands of Alex and Win. Grant, Alex Coulter, Thomas Grant and others. Tkiimh :—One third of the purchase money to be paid at I confirmation of sale by the said Court.and the remainder in two equal annual payments thereafter with interest from said confirmation. JAS. H. McMAHAN. April 21 st, 3t. Orphan's Court Male. 1)Y virtue of an order and decree of the Orphan's Court I ) of Butler county, the -undersigned Administrator of Cyrus Ilrwnhcrry dec d. will offer for sale at public Ven due. on the premises on Tburepay the 2d day of June. A. D. 1 S»'»4. at ono o'clock p. nr., of said day—one hundred acres or land, more or leg-, situated in Allegheny town ship. Butler county PH.. Itounded by lands of John and David Ho-erbcrrv. M. S. Adams, and others. TKUMS. —One ihird in hnud. and the balance in two equal riiinual payments* with interest from confirmation of salo JOHN M. TURNER, Ad'm. April 27.1864::3t. Orphan's 4'oiirt Sale. BY virtue of an order and decree of the Orphan's Court in and for the county of Butler, the undersign ed Administrator of the estate of Thomas M'Cormlck, j late of Muddycroek Tp. said county, dee'd, will offer for 1 sale at public, vendue, on the premises, on Thursday the j •Jddavof June. A. D.18»tl, at 1 o'clock, p. in., of said day, i sixty acres of land be the same more or less, situate in the ( ! towii-hipuf •resaid, llounded on the north by lands of Ja j cob Sn vder.on the east by D. McCullough; on the s \ been granted to the undersigned on the estate of J Isaac Stillwagon, late of Sllppervrock tp., Bntler c<», | dee'd, therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted j to said estate will make immediate fMiymeot without de- j lay. and those having claims against the same will pre sent tld-in properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN J.KELLY, | Butler, April 27, Administrator. Treasurer's Sale. I ,I'Bl.ir NOTTf'K Inli.-rc li.v Klv.-n, that a ß r.f.il.ly I. nn I Act of Assembly, pnss«sl the Wth day of March, 1860, entitled an Act to" Amend tho Act entitled Di recting the mode of selling Unseated (studs, and Un seated Town Ms, in Butler county. Pa., will be exposed , for arrears of taxes, at the Commissioner's Office, in the ' borough "112 Butler, on the second Monday of June uext, j to wit: Acrs. Tax. | Jtrady Township. Jane Alien 1 Centre 7>avn*hip. Alfred Gilmore 1 1 Same 118 21 7J I Bamuel P. Tliompson, bouse and lot ( '-83 Cherry 'T/ioMjmoii. Conrad Snider ( ® 0 W Clearfield Township. : Edward Duffy....*. - r, | R Nicholas liiglchsrt i 81 14 | Johu Smith, lot No. 20 23 Venango Township. , Richard McArty I 71 forward 'Township. ' Joseph Ashton t 100.1105 Jefferson Township. Jacob Walters* lot t>4, in lUnuahstown 31 James Brediu, lots 7 »u Township. Dorsics Heirs 150! 22 68 l|'i*/iinijtiai Tmonship. George Beam, (Donation) i 180 0 88 S. A. I'urviance, lots Nos. 8,11,13, in AHnis-l ! j . vilie I NATHANIEL WALKER, ' Butler. April 11, 1864. Tteasurer. Treasurer's Sale. I )ÜBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that agreeably loan | Act of Assentlrly, passed the 20th day of April, A. 1 D., entitled An Act to reduce flic State Debt, and for I other purpoaeS|diructlug the rmslu of selling seated lands for taxes, the following seated lands and seated lots, in ' Butler county, Pa., will be exposed b> sale for arrears of 1 taxes, at the Commb sinner's Office, in the borough of But- I ler, on the Second Monday of June uext, to wit : Acrs. Tar. Allejheny T'Acuship. Henry Hoover 75 II 4o John Alienors I -2 117 112 Samuel Jack 100 K |.*» John Moore j 3U 127 j Su IN in it Town ship. i Wm. Bigger 2-' 1 - > Daniel J (dins ton 6f. 2»5 i Surah A Mary Maxwell 130.12 37 j !\>rkrr Townshijt > Arnold A Craw f>rd, I'oinace.lKUtsc 1 l>ot and 75 1^773 Fisher Solomon, house, lot and shop i 11 7i Or-gg A Co., 3 houses and lots 1 14 44 llobt. Harshow, house anil 10t.... ! '1 95 Ta« lor J. W., bouse au>l lot I 01 j James Klskaddon 9<» 12 25 1 J. D. Truby, house and lot i j 0 D* 112 Joshua Sedwick, one lot 1 300 B«-atty Sedwick house and 10t..... i [ 3 (Hi 112 Henry Rush 23 238 ('tearfield Township Lawrence Coney 50 3 SI I Wm. McMaums - | 77 463 - I Matbias PHtt | 50 377 Djuiel Strain ! H8 601 j Patrick Shields 88 S 22 Abraham Smith.... ' 50 3(H) |'e«er Shearer [ 65i 585 ' | Mißis M'lJride. 3 lots yo I'enn Township. . j Yanny Eraman 30 i 4 66 - Morion Toumthip, ■ David Allen 96 797 112 | Robert Allen D*> 6 22 * Andrew Durtner Ipf 44 112 i Tlios. Iliudmau. % 115 24 ? I Thos. M'Laughlin's heirs. 160 , 8 23 ' Hugh Ml Jiughlin's heirs ' 75 7*l - 3amue| Seatou 'Si 4 15 Geo. Ward's heirs 100 5 40 t-Yanklin Township. '• Humes Tliompson _• v ....a.... 183 V sines* entrusted to Ids care. COLLECTIONS prompt ly madr. Also, General Agent for the Butler County Mu tual Fire Insurance Company. Office with Johu M. Thompson, |N)„ nearly opposite thjrot Office, Main St., IUTLER, PA, [April 13, lK64::tf. 1864. SPRING! 1864. TriltWT AIIRIVAIiOF NEW SPRING Si SUMMER GOODS, Now Received by JAS. A. IPEGXjEY. Spring Die*#, the newest Styles, at tbo lowest pricoa. Shawls, Clonkinf*, Hal morale, ladle'fi Shoo*, Bonnets, Ribbons. Ctualnwrci, Hats, Shoe*, 4c., with a rcrv handsome assortment of every deserlpton of KLACK SILKS, for Cloaks and Mantillas, for sale cheap ) by JAMBS A. NEGLBV. ! April 13, 18rnclo C'lotlilnjr, HATS AIVTD CAPS Of the vary latest Stylea. ! A large and wall aolected Stock of BOOTS & SHOES, I ! Hardware, Queens ware, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, 1 Alula Otnuino Article of iTRAINBD HONEY, All of which will be sold cheap for I CAS it or COUNTRY PRODUCE. WEBER & TRQUTMAN. April.}'**, 1^e4..6m0. THE GREAT American Tea Company 51 Tesej Street, New York, Since its organisation, hns created a new era in the history Of .Selling TEAS in this Country. \LL our Toos are selected by a Professional Tao-taster, expressly and exclusively for us, and we never chargeoTer Two Cents (Oft Cents) per pound abovo cost for original packages. W> have Imt One Pnct'W everr one fbr each quality, and that price is always marked «m each gamble porkago at our store in plain figures. We Imqo n monthly price list of our Tors*, which afill bosent frco to nil who.>rdor- it—we advise every Tea Sel ler to see it. It cMkfHweafuli a«si>rttnent "elected W' every localßy in the States, Provinces, South Ain er lew riTft the Wm Indie*. In this t 1 kind is divide.* into Four Claasat or qualities,namely: Cargo, High Ca>- go. Fine. Finest, that every one may'unden-taml from script ion and the pi i.os annexed that tho Company ana determined to undersell the whole tea trade. Wa guarantee to aall our Tea* In <»rl«-inal packages at not over Tw.» Cents per pound above cost, believing thin to lie attractive to tlie many who have heretofore boeu' paying Enormous Profits. Our business in largely dune on orders, which wo al ways execute a* well and promptly as tlioogh the' buyer came himself, giving true weights nnd tares, and olw'avs guaranteeing everything; our resporwibility<*nahHng us to do all wc promise. Every dealer can order bin tCM di rect from the Company, and parties doing business \Vltßhi Five Hundred (soti)mlh"» of Now York, can Return Tela bought of tie If they are not cheaper than they can buy elsewhere, and the purohaat-r la dissatisfied with hia bar rain, withiti fourteen days, (14), and have the money ro funded to them. Those who are over Five Hundred mil OH can have thirty days (30;, and tho same privileges extend ed to them. Resides those advantage* the Company will pay AU Expenses, both ways, if die Teas are returned., GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPrtlfY, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, fll Vesey St., New York. Feb. 17, 'M::3inoa. I >IKKOI u t lon of PiO'trtcrHlilpr ' riIUE firm of Sedwick & llrown, Sad-lb- and Hamee* I Makers, has this ilny, (Feb. Gfh, I*fi4,> hetju dissolved by mutual consent, Peter P. Brown, hu\*iitg withdrawn from the firm, and reenliated irj the Armv. The accuunta of the tirm are in tin hands of J. A. fltwfitl, by whom the business will bo carried on as usual. J. A. SEDWICK, Feb. In, Y4. P. i'. UH< ON V Farmer llinviiin Maeliine. \\T E havo tho elcluaiva right for the above Mowera, in yy Butler county, and havo an AS.SOJiJ.VJtMT on hand. Karinors wishing to purchtuo, will please call and >\ e would adviso those that intend purchasing Mnweri, to prepare their Meadows in tho Spriug, by removiug Stumps. Stones, Ac. We can furnish any Slachino tlint mar bo required. J. U. 4 WM. CAMPBELL; Butler, Match 2,lßfi4r:tf. P. H. Wo have in our possession, certificates of a nutiv her of persons in this and adjoining counties, that havo used the MOWER with cntiro satia£u tion. We Intend keeping on,hand Cutters, n'av Elevators. Drills, ic., Ac. J. G. * WM. CAMPBELL. FIRST V\TIO\A!L 16 IMi mmw Blt'l 1 !,!-.!!. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Y OFFICE op COSIFTEOLLRAOF TUB CPRREKOT,- y Washington City. March 11, 1804. } WHKREAS, By satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of BUTLER, in the County of Butler and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organized un der and according to the requirements of the Act of Con*- gross, untitled '.ui Act to provide a National Curroncy, secured by a pledge of United State* Stocks, rwiH fn pro vide for the circulation and redemption thereof,"' appr<*- vod February '2ftth. l«r>8, and has compiled with all th.» provisions of said Act required to be coin plied with beforu I commencing the business of Ranking. Now, therefore, I, Hugh McCutlough, CoihptroHeV* of the Curren v, do hereby certify- that tho said FIRST NATIONAL t; ' NK nv BI TLKR. (bounty of Butler and State of Peiuisylvaui s is authorized to commence tho business of Banking under the act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal ofofltae this 11th day of March, 1804. HIGH MK'lfttO#OH, March 10, 1864. Comptrellor of theCurrency HOVICS3 TO l Airus itsr rilllE Hulmcrlber respectfully infiirms the citizens of 1 Butler County, and tlie public generally, that ho ie prepan-d to raniove Ring Bono and Bone Spaviny with one airtight application, lit rrom Six to Nine days, without injuring the Horse the least. Thesubeeritfer wilt aiaoMii . . TOWNNIITP TUOriTM for the cure of tho above diseases, for which ri Copy Right was secured. The Metßcine Is entirely snto— removing the' Ring Bone and Spavin, while it will not injure tho Horse In any particular. Persons eallini; on the undersigned will be shown hor ses fbat have been permanently curod by this application. WM. VOOEIiEY. But lor, March 9,l*ol::tf. . u mvss ma rpflE untlerslgnejl would respectfully inform the public. | that lie haa just received rrom the ESLSI, a largo ana splendid assortment of I I'd 11 Jttpcr, of tho most fashioua ble figures and latest styles. Prices ranging from 10 i>l Jfats.. to suit purchasers. 11. C. II EI NEMAN. March 9. 18ft4. For Rats. Mice Roaches. Ants. Bed Bugs. Motha in Furs, Woofeas. Ac., Insects on Plants, FoWla, Ani j mals, Ac. Put opin 25c. ."ioc, and Sl,f»o Boxes. Bottles, an«l Flasks.- J and i»1 sb/es for HOTELS, PMILM> IxsTtTtTio.fJ; A", j 'Onl\ infallible re melius known.'* j " Free trom Poisons.' " Not dangorous tu the Human Fiupily.'' " Rats come ontof their ho lea to die."' I 4 r d"Hold wholcside inaU large cities. I 4M Sold l,y all Di ugglats and Retftfiets i u»'\ !i Bowaie :11 of HII worthless imitatioiv-. j Ho ' Seo that "COTTARS" name is on each IV>x, Bottle,and Flaak, before yon buy. I /r« Addi. H. HENRY R. COSTAIi* Ktt' PRINCIPAL DEPOT, 482Barni»wiv. Nm* YOHK. A.) Sold by .I.C. RKDICK,4CG.. JfiF' Wholesale and Retail Agents, March 23, 1864::fltnn. 9if -RutlHr, Pa. NEWFIRM. oKoaoa WKBKR. inASt TROtrrjii*. rpilE subscribers having purchased tho entire Stock of , | (loom »112 W. S. * A. O Boyd, are now prepdrbd to lurniwh purclmsers with all articles in the DRY GOOJttt and GRO< 'Kit Y line. The stock of goods now on hand having UtAli It(!p!enlßhcr schoob-. Jt is hecuutry that lit it require ment should >te observed. Each applicant will pleanecome provided with pen, ink, paper, a stamped envelope encl.jailig teat year's and a five cent Revenue »tamp." A. 11. WATERS, March 23.1854. County Superintendent. €>uar«liaii* Hale. BY virtue of an order and decree oft he Orphan's Court, in ahd f>r the county of Butler, the undnridgnod Uuardian of the miuor ehildr*u of John Doue