American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, May 04, 1864, Image 1

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    VOLUME 1.
The American Citizen,
"IS published «Terr WHnesday In th* borough of Rutlen
bj Tnosivs ROBI*SONA C. K. A.NDKRSON 011 Main utrcet
Opposite to Jack's Hotel —offire up Atairn in the brick'
ormerly occupied by Kit Yetter,asa store
TERMS:—SI 50 a venr. If paid in advance. or within the
first six month*; or $2 if not paid until artur the expira
tion of the first nix month*.
n*TP.IOF Anv».BT!Sixo:~o oe no |j (teu Unes or |
Isss,) thro* iwrfiiiiw . fi no ;
Every subwunent l . M rtlon, 2ft
Busin'"*s cards • j| n( . s w f eiS f or one year, inclu*
dln~ paper... 00
Card ,»f lo linen or taw 1 year without paper .....4 <")
Vt' "l"«nn f.»r six month* ?
~ V?c »l«n»o f..r onu y«*s 12 00
Ueotann f.»r six months
<!coWmnf.rot,e year -J 00 ,
j for tlx month* & °0 j
| tvlfnin for one year ; 60 00
The announcement that the Fair was to
be finally closed on Saturday evening caus
ed thousands to visit the building during
the day. At the opening hour a rush was
made at tho ticket offices, and for sonic
time it required an extra force of ticket
sellers to supply tho demand for cards of
admission. By one o'clock the buildings
"~ % were*fttM-ftf people, most of' whom came
to witness the th e army sword i
the crow u, at en., ,/plort was so |
deusc that">Wlil JU J ul it almost impossi
ble to reach the desk"wTiei~e f hi')' were to
deposit their green backs, and register their
preferences in favor of their favorite gen
erals. One after another the voters came
on; and at every announcement of "One
hundred more for McClellan," or ' Anoth
er hundred for Grant," the crowd c heer
ed, the applause being about equally di
vided, as the name of cither General was
mentioned. Hots were frequently offered
that "Little Mac" would win, few Grant
men being found sanguine enough to ac
cept these wagers. Atone time Grant was
gaining rapidly, and the friends of Mc-
Clellan looked gloomy. Then the an
nounccmeut of 81.000, received from Bos
ton. in favor of McClellan, was received
with three times three cheers; that gave
an additional impulse to the voting, and
induced a better feeling among those who
a moment before had been denouncing
the Executive Committee for deciding up
on closing the contest by secret balloting.
At two o'clock the open voting closed.—
The book-keepers having counted up the
money, announced the vote thus far as fol
lows :
llsnnml McClrllnn 11,TO
Lieut. Uoueral ttrant. ..«... 9,617
McClellan* majority .... 2,266
Cheer upon cheer greeted thisannonnee
ment, the crowd soon after vacating the
Army and Trophy Department, and con
gregating around stand No. 11 in the main
salon. Here a w'oodwi box had been pro
vided, surrounded by a number of police
men. who courteously explained to voters
how to deposit their ballots. Severalgeti
tlemcn 011 the inside of the stall furnish
ed lead pencils, paper and envelopes. The
vers took out theirgreenbaeks, wrote on
i'hh of the pieces of paper the name of
theGeneral they desired to vote for, fold
ed the money and ballot together, placed
the package in an envelope, sealed it, and
it in the box. So the voting
went on, slowly at first, by degrees bccoui
*■ »' exciting, as the crowd standing
•round became more reconciled to this
plan of ending the exciting contest. La
dies dressed iu silks, and ladies dressed in
calico, deposited their votes, taking their
turn with tho men quite as readily as if
they had been accustomed to the elective
franchise all their lives. As each vote
was deposited it was greeted with a varie
ty of remarks. A lady who deposited a
plethoric envelope, was told as she retired,
"That another hundred had gone in for
Little Mac " A small boy who putin a
thin envelope, heard a McClellan man be
hind him grosrl about that "youngster vo
ted for Grirat." "Putin your money
against it. if you don't like it,"was the
prompt .reply of the young voter, as he
mingled with the crowd. At dark the ex
iciteiuent around stand No. 10 was intense.
Tlte ballots came in rapidly, every voter
auxious to put his envelope in the box be
fore the closing hour. At half-past sev
<n, oue of the gentlemen, watch iu hand,
announced the flying momenta. The
crowd visibly increased. Two lines of po
licemen kept an open passage way to the
ballot box. "Three minutes to eight," a
lady votes, another follows, then a small
boy. One mqre vote by a young lady who
las rapidly written her ballot, and then
the polls are declared closed. The pine
.box is lifted up by two stalwart police
-4UCO. The crowd <<lieer and surge around
them. Other policemen open a passage
way for the geutlemen in charge of this
preciotis receptacle of greenbacks, which
is borne triumphantly through the main
saloon to the Armory, where the Commit
tee appointed to count the ballots are as
sembled to perform their duties. The box
is deposited on the table, where it remains
in full viear of all present while the Com
mittee organize. Those admitted into the
room, besides the Cuinuiittee, were a few
members of the Executive Committee of
the I'air, the reporters of tho press, Mr.
Tiffany and several of his clerks, a num
ber of policemen, &c.—in all about thir
ty persons. The Examining Committee
then proceeded to the business of electing
Mr. Wilson G. Huntas their Chairman. —
Mr. Joseph P. Howard, of Tiffany's, was
selected as Secretary. Arrangements were
then made for proceeding with the exam
inations. Mr. J. B. Wright was to open
the envelopes, Mr. Wui. Kcmble would
announce the votes, J udgc Daly was to re
i eeive the money, and Mr. Wm. 11. Webb
would return the ballots to the empty en
velopes. and endorse thereon the votes,
and place them for future reference in an
other box provided for the purpose. By
the time these arrangements had been
made the Seventeenth street box arrived,
in charge of some policemen. This box
having been placed upon the table, tho
cover of the Fourteenth street box was
unscrewed and takeu off, and tho first en
velope taken out, opened by Mr. Wright,
and passed to Mr. Kcmble. This gentle
man read "one vote for General McClel-
Jan," and passed one dollar to Judge Da
ly. Mr. Webb having endorsed the en
| velope. another was takeu from the box,
and thus the work proceeded for two hours
and a half. In the Fourteenth street box
tho eighty-two soldiers belonging to the
69tli regiment deposited their votes for
McClellan. - Three large banking firms
voted 8500 each for Grant. Other votes
ranged from 83 to s'2so for Grant. Mc-
Clellan's friends voted in sums of 81 up to
8400 —this latter amount coming from cit
izens of Detroit. The Union Square box
was next opened. The first vote drawn
was from the "Loyal men of New York,"
2,007 for Grant. Next came 83,000 for
Grant, from a "Loyal New Englauder," I
followed by S2OO for McClellan. Eleven I
hundred "loyal men of New York" were
again registered for Grant. Then three
hundred and twenty-five "loyal men" of
Chicago voted for Ulysses S. Grant. Af
ter these, "sundry persons" in one pack
age recorded one thousand votes for Grant.
A ton dollar vote for McClellan came next.
Then the sensation of the evening occur
red. An envelope wasopened containing
a check for ten thousand dollars, and a
note requesting ten thousand votes to be
recorded for Lieutenant General Grant, ,
from "ten loyal men of New York."—
Every one in the room were convinced
that Grant could not be beaten, and al
though the proceedings were watched with
interest, nothing else of a sensational char- I
acter occurred. Fourteen more envelopes
were opened, and some 300 more votes
recorded, the majority being iu favor of
Grant. After the last ballot had been read,
the money was counted, and the result fig
ured up, as follows:
LlentPiiant-Oonornl (fruit........ .'!0,2yl
MiyoMleiifral MrClelliin ... I
Grant's majority.- 15.752
Tt was then arranged that the Chairman
should announce this result from the Mu
sic Gallery to the crowd in the Main Sa
loon. Accordingly, tho Committee, es
corted by a largo force of policemen, as
cended to the balcony. As they appear
ed in front, deafening cheers arose from
tho people below, who crowded up until
a dense throng of several thousand per
sons were gathered there. When silence
had been restored, Mr. George Griswold
Grey announced that Wilson (!. Hunt,
Esq., would proceed to announce the re
sult of the vote for the army sword. Mr.
Hunt then read the total number of votes
cast, and then gave the number recorded
in favor of Gen. Grant. The cheering
that greeted the announcement was deaf
ening. It seemed as if the roof of the
building would be lifted upbodily, by tho
volume of sound that came from the crowd
below. Cheer upon cheer rose upward,
and resounded through the immense build
ing, until the noise filled the uttermost
parts and extended to the streets beyond,
from whence came back the feeble echoes
of the crowd outside, who enthusiastical
ly cheered without knowing for whom.—
Several minutes were thus occupied. Then
amid comparative silence the M'Clellan
vote was announced. Another burst of
cheering succeeded, interspersed with a
few hisses, which were promptly drowned
by repeated cheering. After this the
Committee retired. Below the scene was
an exciting one. The crowd did not dis
perse. Excited iudividuals denounced
the secret balloting. The Grant men ar
gued with them, until at one time it was
thought that a breach of peace would oc
cur. Fortuuately the Drum Corps now
appeared, escorted by the police, who di
vided the crowd. The band master gave
the word—the drums spoke in thunder
tones, drowning the angry voices and war
ning those present that the hour for the
fiiittl closing of the Metropolitan Fair had
arrived. In a few moments the drums
ceased—the gas was turned down, and al
though some of tho noisy politicians still
remained, the crowd wasgonc. In fifteen
minutes more only the privileged few re
mained, rejoicing that the evening had
passed without any untoward scene to mar
"Let us have Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it"— A - LINCOLN.
the culmination of a contest unparalled in
the annals of history.
The total amount received up to the
closing of the Fair will not fail much short
of one million one hundred thousand dol
lars. To this is to be added the value of
the goods on hand, and the money that
may be realized by the sale of the build
ings and decorations- The Navy Sword
vote, at the closing of the polls, stood as
Commander Rowan 402
Admiral K.trragut. 33J
Rowan's majority l3O
m «•»
I'liilnut liropy During 11M* War.
We learn from the New York Even
ing Post that a gentleman of that city,
Mt . Hartley, has compiled a small book,
preparad with great labor, and which is a
nioet striking exhibi i n of the philanthro
pic exertions of the American people du
ring the war. Beginning with a descrip
tion of the state of the nation at the time
the war broke out—the financial embar
rassments, the military deficiencies, the
inexperience of those in authority, and
our supposed inability to eucounter the
burdens and sacrifices of a condition of
protracted warfare—the author proceeds
to narrate the spontaneous and voluntary
efforts undertaken to provide for all the
necessities of the crisis. lie gathers from
official and other au.thctic sources a narra
tive of all contributions offered by the peo
ple to the support of their armies, and to
the solace of the sufferers by the war as
far as the statistics were accessible to him.
It is probable that his compilation, as far
as it may be defective, errs by what it
omits rather than what it includes. We
append the resume of its contents as given
by the I'oxt:—J'it Is Gazette.
"We learn from it that the total con
taibutions from States, counties and towns,
for the aid and relief of soldiers and their
families, has amounted to over one hun
dred and eighty-seven millions of dollars,
(187,2011,608 02,) that the contributions
for the care and comfort of soldiers, associa
tions and individuals, has amounted to over
twenty-four millions, ($24 044,865 96;)
that the contributions lor the same time
for sufferers abroad has been 8380,140,74-
and that the contributions for frcedmen;
sufferers by the riot of July, and white
refugees have been 8639,614,13; making
a grand total, exclusive of the expendi
tures of the Government, of more than
two hundred millious of d011ar5,§212,274.-
259 4G-)
"It is no exaggeration to say that flitß
is unparalleled in the history of nations;
indeed, our limited reading of military an
nals does not allow us to recall any instance
in which the same thing has been so much
as attempted. In England, during the
Crimean war, and in Germany, during
the struggle against Napoleon, both men
and women did a great deal in contribu
ting to the comfort and relief of their ar
mies. It is in fact impossible that war
should rage in any nation without exciting
the sympathies of the people to a greater
or less extent. But nowhere, we believe,
have such spontaneous and systematic ex
ertions been tnad& or such grand results
acconfplishod as in the Uuited States.
"But the real significance of these large
contributions lies in the deep and almost
universal devotion which they manifest,
on the part of the people, in the cause of
the war. All classes have taken part in
them—the poor widow with her mite, the
rich merchant with his thousands, the
child of the Suuday school, the settler of
the back-woods, the American roaming in
distant lands "
NAVAL. —Orders have been transmit
ted to the commanding officers of the dif
ferent navy-yards to expedite work on the
various vessels in course of preperation
for sea, and others are to be taken in hand
forthwith. The fine steam frigate Sus
quehanna, which accompanied the Niag
ara on the cable expedition, is to be placed
at the wharf at the Brooklyn Navy-Yard
immediately to receive the necessary fit
ting for commission. The steamers Au
gusta. R. K. Cuyler. Mendoto, and others
are to be hurried on; and the steam fri
gate Ticondcroga, which arrived here re
cently, will be sent to sea in a few days.
Such of the double-endcrs remaining at
New York as can be manned will be put
in commission the moment they are ready.
Five more iron-dads will be finished next
month, and together with convoys, are to
be detailed for active service. Beside
these large vessels an entire squadron of
small steamers is nearly ready to leave our
navy-yards for different poinU on the
Southern coast.
ENGLISH GIRLS. —The English girl
spends more than half her waking hours
in physical amusements, which tend to
develope, invigorate and ripen the bodily
powers. She rides, walks, drives and
rows upon the water, runs, dances, plays,
sings, jumps the rope, throws the ball,
hurls the quoit, draws the bow, keeps up
the shuttle-cock, and all this without hav
ing it pressed forever upon her mind that
she is thereby wasting her time. She
does this every day, until it becomos a
habit which she will follow up through
life. Iler framcas a natural consequence,
is larger, her muscular system is in bet
ter subordination, her strength more en
during, and the whole tone of her voice
healthier. Girls think of this.
terit is a singular fact that the aston
ishing power of water in converting one
pint of milk into a quart was not known
until a few years since. It is thought
that a persevering milkman first made the
From England to the "OH Domain,"
The brokm 44 elite'' wandered.
And fitat before old Mammon* shrine,
Their time and gold was squandered.
Too proud to work—they would not choose
A Ptirltanlc favor,
No! servile labor they would bare, —
Bo fitted out a slaver."
Or pit her /rati It fitted out
Upon the gentian water,
To bring to our fair land the bane.
Of strife. rapine and slaughter,
With ruthless hand from Africs coast,
The innocent were plundered,
And wide apart the fillial tiss
Of brotherhood were sundered.
To " christianize them" was their plea,
Wbirh plea they did disparage.
To christianize them—how could they
" flans'' churches, schools and marriage.
The Black his native talent lost,
While hi- his thrall lamented ;
And white men flushed with shining gold,
Became almost demented.
Saw nothing In the distant maze,
But looming Eldorado's;
Drunk with gold and tyranny,
They turned out Tile bravado's.
To force their Issues on the north.
They fostered :'i j » faction,
From which there 11 candidate,
In times of great reaction.
They bowed their heads toslarery'i will,
Made quite a revolution,
They deified it—called it a
"Peculiar institution."
Then reverenced it, because they had
All other gods. forgotten :
Av.'i set it up before the world
I'pona till one of cottou,
And ever since, have copperhead.-*,
Of every age and station,
Bowed down to it, an on it hung
Their very soul's salvation.
They worship it In various ways,
Both openly and hidden:
Forgetting wholly what is in
The decalogue forbidden.
MEMORY — a bundle of dried timo.
WHY is a ploughed field like feathered
game? Because it is partridges.
WHY is John Bigger's boy larger than
his father ? Beca e lie is a little Bigger.
pleasure sometimes renders it difficult to
make things squaro.
AN exchange calls young men who
stand round church doors to watch young
ladies as the congregation is going out,
" the Devil's Pickets."
AN Army Chaplain, preaching to his
soldiers, exclaimed : " If God be with us,
who can be against us ?" "Jeff Davis
and the devil!" promptly exclaimed one
of the boys.
" GRANDMA," said an intelligent but
crafty child, "doyou want some candy t"—
" Yes, dear, I should like some." " Then
goto the shop and buy me some, and I
will give you a pari."
" I ONCE," said a friend, "saw a regi
ment of Tennessee negroes on a parade,
and when they came to the" right dress,"
with tho whites of their eyes all turned,
" it looked just like a chalk murk."
AT a Printers' festival the following
sentiment was offered :
"Printers' Wives—May they always
have plenty of SMALL CAPS for the heads
of their little original articlos."
A QUACK says the surest way to get rid
of your corns, is to rub them over with
toasted choese, and let your feet hang out
of bed fur a night or two, that the mice
may nibble them. If the mice do their
duty the remedy will be sufficient.
• AN editor attending church the other
Sabbath, for the first time in many years,
stopped at the entrance, and looking in
vain for the bell pull, deliberately knock
ed at the door and poJitely waited till
somebody opened it and let him in.
" I WONDER where those clouds are
going?" sighed Flora, pensively, as she
pointed with her thin, delicate finger, to
the heavy funeral masses that floated la
zily in the sky.
" I think they are going to thunder !"
said Swipes.
A BABB singer, with a bad voice, was
corrected by the conductor of a choir,
who said to him, —
" Sir, you are murdering the music I"
" My dear sir," was the reply, " it is
better to murder it outright than to keep
on beating it as you do."
A WITTY lady and a gentleman were
discussing the interesting subject of wo
man's heart. Mr. A., growing warm, ex
claimed, —
" Madam, let me tell you, facts arc
very stubborn things?"
" Sir," coolly replied Miss 8., " what a
fact you must be."
CHARLES M. BEECHER, of the Catta
ragus Freeman, New York, has been
drafted. In announcing the fact, he says:
44 Why should we mourn, conscripted friends,
Or qnakeat Draft's alarms?
Tis but the voice that Abr'm sends,
To make us shoulder arms I"
" MAMMA, Lucy says this is my birth
day," said a sunny-faced little boy a few
mornings since.
" Yes, Dicky, you are seven yeare old,"
replied the mother.
" Will the stores keep open to-day,
mama ?"
" Yes, my son, but school don't!"
GORDON, just returned front a certain
district in the country, says that ploughs
have no sale there. The hogs are so long
snouted tliat the fa/mers plant a corncob
on one side of a field and piggy on the
other, and by the time the latter reaches
the cob there is a splendid lurrow. If a
stump happens in the way it is split.
Army Correspondence.
Friday Morning, April 15, 1864.
KDS. OF CITIZEN : —Lively times in
this town now, about thirty regiments are
hero; two colored regiments left for the
South last Saturday, and another, the Ist
Michigan, leaves to-day. Gen. Grant was
here on Wednesday, left in the afternoon
for Washington. Two brass • bands sur
renaded him and Gen. Bnrnside at the
City Hotel that night, but Grant not be
ing present, was absent, and had the best
of them. Last night, Murdoch, the great
tragedian, read in the Navy Yard Chapel,
for the benefit of the Hospital Band.—
Gen. Burnside and Gen. Washburn, and
their staffs were there; the entertainment
was good, but was not so much apprecia
ted as other performances. Three thou
sand soldiers are delighted every night by
Mrs. Dan liice, who shows them a well
bred Horse, a well trained Dog, a Mule
that won't ride, and a man that can't, but
altogether, what the soldiers call a "bully
Tho amuses about five hun
dred soldiers every night, with low com
edy, and white men who could not per
form better if they had been born black.
I love to see the soldiers enjoy themselves,
for soon Gen. Grant will open a show,and
another scene awaits them.
Last night, just after tho circus closed,
a soldier of the 50th Pa., was shot dead
near the Post office, I am informed by a
Lieutenant of the oth N. H., by no means
an uncommon occurrence in this town.—
He died as is usual in such cases, with
the hospitality of Annapolis, around his
neck in the form .of a canteen full of
whisky. I know nothing of the circum
stances or cause, except it was whisky.
There are 1493 patients in the Hospi
tals of this post; 81 died last week, but
everything is gay in Annapolis.
Patients, by flag of truce boat, go di
rect to Baltimore now, to leave room here
for sick of 9th army corps.
Camp, 02d Kegt. P. V.,
April 11th, IHO4.
MESSRS. EDITORS : —Thinking that the
friends of those who belong to the G2d
would bo auxious to know how wo are get
ting along; I thought I would send you
a short communication. Wo are enjoy
ing ourselves as best wo can under the
circumstances; as bad weather forbids all
out-of-door sports at present, such as we
have in good weather. It has been rain
ing here almost constantly for the past four
days, which renders the roads almost im
We are daily expecting orders to pack
Knapsacks and move to the front, as it is
rumored, that tho Veteran Reserve Corps
is going to relieve us, from the tiresome
duty, of " Rail Road Guarding."
Some excitement prevails here with re
gard to the Presidential Campaign now
aboutopening. Many of the soldiers say,
" they would vote for McClcllan, if there
were no better men, than he;" but they
consider honest Old Abe. a better man
than Mac consequently Little Mar is left
in the dark here. We want a man that
iH tried and true for President, and there
is none that has shown more loyalty to
our cause than Lincoln. Why should we
substitute for him, a man whose loyalty is
doubted by every patriot in the land ?
Copperheads and Traitors may vote for
M' CleOan. We Loyal men will vote for
A. Lincoln.
G. W. F.
Co. D, G2d P. V.
Horrible Itntcherjr.
Columbus, Ky.,is a small town on ths
Mississippi, a few miles below Cairo. A
rebel fort oalled Fort Pillow was built
there at the beginning of tho war, but was
not long held by its builders. Its name
was afterwards changed to Fort Halleck.
This fort has been garrisoned by six hun
dred of them colored. On Tuesday it was
attacked by Forrest, with six thousand
men, and, after a brave defense, was cap
tured. Nearly the whole yarrison, whites
at well as blacks, was immediately bvtch
ertd. The horrible details will be found
in our paper today. Paducah is also
said to have been attacked and taken.
It seems to us that General Drayman,
or whoever commands at Cairo, is crimin
ally at fault for allowing this butchery to
take place. It is now two weeks since For
rest made his appearance in Western Ken
tucky, and yet it appears that no attempt
has been made to guard against an attack
by him on Columbus, or a repetition of his
attack on Padncah, which was so gallant
ly repelled by Col. Hicks. The rebel has
had a fearful revenge for his repulse.—
We trust that he and his inhuman follow
ers may yet be overtaken and served just
as they served our brave boys at Ft. Pil
low.—Pitts. Gaz.
S6T" There is a wonderful Hindoo chess
player at present in London. He plays
three games blind-folded, and wins. At
the same time he plays a game of cards,
and wins. During the game a bell is
touched every one or two seconds, and he
gives the number of times it has been
touched. A man stands behind and
throws little pebbles one by one against
his back; these, too, he counts; and after
the games are told he recites a poem in per
fect rhyme which ho has composed during
the sitting.
NEW YOHK, April 27.—The fol
lowing is a summary of the steamer
Pennsylvania's news, which sailed
from Liverpool the day before the
City of Baltimore:
It is stated that all hopes of saving
the steamship City of New York is
Garibaldi arrived in London on the
11th instant, and met with a tremend
ous reoeption. The crowd exceeded
anything that was ever known.
The I)aily Neict gives a report that
the Solicitor General has given an
opinion that every register sharehold
er in the Atlantic trading Company,
of the great blockade running Scheme,
will be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
the foreign enlistment act which pro
hibits equipment of transports to
be used by belligerents.
Arch Duke Maximillian received the
Mexican Deputation on the 10th inst.
In a speech lie said that as the people
of Mexico, by an overwhelming ma
jority, had confirmed the resolution
of notables, and as the French Gov
ernment guarantees the independence
of Mexico, and the Emperor of Aus
tria consents, solemly declared his ac
ceptance of the proffered crown, lie
expressed his great gratitude to the
Emperor of the French, who had
brought about a solution of the Mex
ican question.
The Emperor of Austria permits the
formation of a corps of 6,000 volun
teers and 800 sailors for Mexico.
The new Mexican loan of eight mill
ion poundst erling, at G3 will be open
ed on the 15t instant.
Wasiiinoton, April 27.—Prepa
rations are nearly completed for the
accommodation of 20,000 additional
sick and wounded.
llumors are afloat that the rebel
seat of government is to be removed
from Richmond, and that Gen. Lee is
about to fall back behind its de
The sub-Committee on the Conduct
of the War who were sent to investi
gate the Fort Pillow affair, telegraph
that they have completed their inves
tigations, and will return to-day or to
morrow. Retaliatory measures are
Re-Enustko Veterans to Aprii.
15 m.—The following are the numbers
of veterans re-enlisted for three years,
as reported to April 15th: Maine,
thirty four hundred and ninety-seven;
New Hampshire, twelve hnndred and
fifty-three; Vermont, fifteen hundred
and sixty-seven; Massachusetts, five
thousand nine hundred and ninety
four; Rhode Island, eight hundred and
ninety-three; Connecticut, thirty four
hundred and ninety; New York, six
teen thousand eight hundred and nine
ty-four; New Jersey,twenty-eight hun
dred and thirty eight; Pennsylvania,
sixteen thousand five hundred and for
ty-six; Delaware, four hundred and
four; Maryland, seventeen hundred
and eighty; West Virginia, twenty
two hundred andninety-nine; District
of Columbia, one hundred and eigh
teen; Ohio, eighteen thousand three
hundred and twenty; Indiana, eight
thousand two hundred and fifty-seven;
Illinois, thirteen thousand seven hun
dred and ninety-five; Michigan, four
thousand six hundred and seventy
nine; Wisconsin, four thousand and
sixty-three; Minnesota, eleven hund
red and fifty-one; lowa, six thousand
five hundred and twenty-nine; Mis
souri, eleven hundred an seven; Ken*
tucky, twenty-three TfUndred and six;
Kansas, two hundred and ninety-sev
en. Total, one hundred and eigh
teen thousand and seventyseven.
BOTH branches of the legislature have
passed the bill providing for a special
election through the State on thejiritt
Tue»day in A ugunt next , at which the
people shall decide whether the pro
posed amendment to the Constitution
permitting soldiers to vote shall be
adopted, The Legislature is to meet
%!-the 23d day of August to receive
the returns.
Unionists of Lexington, Ky., have
purchased the office in which the Ken
tucky Loyalist way published, and
i have made arrangements for issuing
this week the first number of the Na
tional Lmionist. It will be ably edited
and have a decided influence in moul
ding public sentiment in the heart of
1 Kentucky in favor of unconditional
' loyalty.
HQ, The iron-clad frigate Ironsides
■ has fired since she has been in service 4,-
361 rounds; has been hit 241 times; has
only had one inaa killed; lias not been
seriously injured, and is probably the best
iron-clad vessel in the world.
) m* ■»
i gkff" A Washington telegram says that
: the Republican members of Congress are
, confident that the constitutional amend
i ment prohibiting slavery, which has pass
! eb the Senate, will receive a two-thirdi
i vote in the House.
REMONSTRANCES from many of the
• leading railroad corporations of the
. country were presented to the House
; of Representatives on Saturday 'gainst
the extension of the Goodyear patent.
ST. LOTTIB, April 14.—A correspondent
of the ft urn who was aboard the steamer
Platte \ aley at Fort Pillow, gives even •
more appalling description of the fiendish
ness of the rebels than do onr Cairo dis
patches. Many of our wounded were shot
in the hospital, while the remainder were
driven out and the hospital burned.
The morning after the battle, the reb
els went over the field, and shot the ne
groes who had not died from previous
wounds. Many of those who escaped
from the works and hospitals, and who de
sired to be treated as prisoners of war, as
the rebols said, were ordered to f\ll into
the line whon they were inhumanly shot
down. Of three hundred and fifty color
ed troops, not more than thirty-six esoaped
the massacre, ind not one of the officers
that commanded survived their deaths.
The loss in the 13th Tenn, is 300 killed;
the remnants wounded and captured.
Uen. Chalmers told this correspondent,
although it was against the policy of his
gfrvernment to spare negro soldiers and
their officers, and that he had done all in'
his power to stop the carnage, at the same
time he said he believed it was right.
Another officer said our white troops
would have been protected had they not
been found on duty with negroes.
While the rebels were endeavoring to
conceal their loss, it was evident that they
suffered severely.
Col. Reed commanding a Tennessee reg
iment. was mortally wounded. Two or
three well filled hospitals were a short dis
tance in the oountry.
CAIRO, Apnil 15.—N0 boats arc allow
ed to leave here for points below Colmnbus
since the first news of the Fort Pill©* af
The attack on Paducah yesterday proved
to be a mere raid for plundef, made by a
conple hundred men who were shelled out
by the fort and gunboats. Affcrocoupying
a portion of the city in squads about an
hour, they left, taking away a number of
horses and considerabla plunder, leaving
behind a half dozen killed and wottnded
No one hurt on our side.
Several guns captured by Forrest at fort
Pillow were spiked before falling into his
hands and others were turned upon the
gunboat No. 7, which, being exhausted of
ammunition, having fired some three hun
dred rounds, was compelled to withdraw
Although only tin clad she received but
slight injury.
Gen. Jjee arrived, and assumed com
mand at the beginning of the battle, pre
vious to which Chalmers directed the
Gen. Forrest with his main force retired
after the fight to Brownsville, taking with
him the captured funds.
While the steamer Platte Valley lay
under a flag of truce taking on wounded,
rebel officers, among them General Chal
mers, went aboard. Some of onr officers
showed them great deference, drinking
with them and showing them other marks
of courtesy. Prominent among them is
said to have been Capt. Woodruff of the
113 th Ills. Infantry.
NEW YOBK; April 12.—A special dis
patch from Fortress Monroe reports a da
ring attempt on Saturday morning to blow
up the if. S. steam frigate Minnesota,
An apparently floating spar approached
her; and getting near was ascertained to
be a boat containing throe men. The
lookout warned them off, but they pushed
boldly for the frigate, and in a few mq-,
nients an explosion similar to that of 20
cannon was heard. The vessel shook as if
paralyzed, and the crew were tumbled out
of their berths and hammocks. When
the confusion subsided, orders were given
to pursue the daring rebels, but the A"(f- >
niiral's dispatch tug on picket were too
far off to be of any use, as the marauders
rapidly disappeared in one of the many
creeks in the James river.
Thedamage by the torpedo was trifling,
and has been repaired. The commander
of the tug has been put under arrest, for
not keeping steam up at all times, as re
quired by the regulations.
NEW YORK, April 12.—The steamej:
Metropolitan has arrived, with Hilton
Head advices of the 6th inst. The PaJ
metto Herald bus Florida advices or the
1 Ist. The steamer Maple Leaf, \vhi(e re
returning to Jacksonville from Pabitka.
on the Ist, struck a rebel torpedo which
blew off her bows, and she sunk in ten
minutes. Two firemen and two deck
hands were lost. All the passengers were
saved, but they lostjtheir baggage.
' Two or three regiments made a. rcc
reconnoissance, on the 2d inst., to the
Jacksonville road, which resulted in a skir
mish with the rebel pickets, five miles
! from the town.
A regiment of loyal Floridaiis is being
1 organized.
WASAINGTON, April 26.—0n Wednes
■ day, Capt. Wm. Riddle, of the 6th regi
l ment Veteran Reserve Corps, discovered
. a man lurking in the vicinity of Laurel
' Hill, Md., about eighteen miles out on the
Baltimore road, under very suspicious cir
cumstances. The Captain arrested him,
and, npon being questioned, lie gave his
i name as Lieut. Geo. Taylor, of Mosby's
guerrillas. He was this morning locked
i up in the Old Capital prison,
i The subscription to the Ten-Forty Loan,
: reported at the Treasury to-day, amouuts
to $1)07,000.
Lieutenant Commander Be Haven has
I been ordered to the command of Tallapo
! na.
A desperate encounter occurred to-day
• between Hole-in-the-Day, the Chief of
i the Chippewas, and Look-Around, one of
his young warriors. The latter fired a
pistol, the ball entering near the right ear
of the Chief, passing round his head and
' coming out of bis mouth. He lies in a
! critical condition. Look-Around had bis
' jaw injured with a pocket-knife is tfefg
bands of Hole-in-thc-Pay.