VOLUME 1. The American Citizen, 1-8 published cverv Wednesday in the borough a 112 Butler 'by THOMAS K%INBO*AC\ K. A.IDEWSON on Main street, •opposite to Jack's Hotel—office up stairs in the brick ormerly occupied by Eli Yetter.M a "tore TERMS $1 50 a year, if paid in advance, or within the lint sixmontbe; or if not paid until after the expira tion of the first six month*. RATES or ADVERTISING One square non., (ten lines or Iwrnj three insertion* JJJ Kvery subsequent in*(frtion l Jw square Business eat the same, by a very pretty girl who talked so nice, 1 gave her a quarter , and traveled, but now I was told in great earnest by a boy that there was '•an exprett package for inc." 1 started but had not gone far when a news boy in formed me, there was a letter in the I'ost Office for me. Then I will get the letter first. After paying the unlawful postage of "fen tent*" I proceeded to read, "Drar e*t friend," —yes I think you are dear.— '■ Ten Cent*" —only funr lines and five lies —but I could excuse the writer though I understood she had been a church member for some time. I started togo to the ex press office, but being outflanked by the daughters of chance, I fell back in good order aud sought refuge at Jacob's well— having drank ot its sparkling waters, I began to think truly this is the land of my father's kindred and 1 shall be entertained for the night, but as I wasabout to return thanks for the hospitality of my father's kindred in the land of Mesopotamia, 1 was politely reminded by .the lair damsel, fliat this was only the "ten cent well of Annapolis-" and having watered the Camp bell which I had with me, she demanded 'auother dime- liutsoon Rebecca's broth er Labau came out and invited me into the house—soon some of the servants treated me to some of the rich cake of JacoE's house, and a saucer of the highly flavored milk of htimanfcindiusi congealed uithoul AMERICAN CITIZEN. ice by tlie heart of the giver. The Camp bell was provided with the same fare, but refused to eat on account of the great noisq kept up by the daughters of chance, in fact I could not keep hitn in the stall, he brokeloose and I havenotseen him since; this cost me sixty cents, and fearing togo out past Jocob's well I took another di rection, and met the express man again, "A package" indeed ! (?) Thinking per haps some person had taken pityon a lame soldier, I paid the charges, (only twenty five cents,") opened the package, how arc you, old black hat. Encouraged by this success, I immediately took a chance in a bottle of cologne, which I was assured was prepared expressly for the use of The Methodist Episcopal Church, and was a superior article. In this I was fortunate indeed. I drew the prize, but as I was about to carry it off, Miss Cologne, said in a very persuasive manner ''lf you do'nt want it, you can leave it." AVillingtodoany thing to please so beautiful a creature, I left it, and would have left my pocket book if she had asked for it, for it was now near ly empty. Just then I felt something pluck my'coat, looking down 1 was impo litely accosted by two rude looking boys (who no doubt learned their manners in this fair institution,) "give me a dime?" "give me a dime ?" Here I began to count the cost of such folly, and found I had al ready lost two dollars and fifteen cents, or five day's wages, and had only tworitycents left, and fearing lest I should have to pay a "quarter" at the door to gel out, I excus ed myself to the boys, and finally got rid of them by giving them my '-obi black hut." I was now shown a back room call ed "ateltery" where the fair mistress in- formed me, I could make a trial of my skill for twenty five cents, but I declined for I had only twenty cents, and 1 feared if I run Jive cents in debt, they might cast me into prison for it was a dark looking place. Here I beheld several soldiers in toxicated with water stronger than thatot Jacob's well. They were shooting blind mice, white mice, dolls, and pin-cushions of so delicate a form they were encircled by garters, and altogether too small for a soldier. The condition of those"men was fully appreciated by tho daughters of besieged on all sides they had a chance in everything, and one of them af terwards told me he lost between five and six dollars in those games of chance. It was now twenty-five minutes past eleveu —and "while good men slept, and in light winged dreams ascended up to. God ' I left those daughters of chance and sons of folly, holding a midnight carnival around this - ten cent'' altar, of modern vanity and frivolity; and as I walked home T ponder ed on tho scones which I had there be held. This is a Christian laud—these are professedly a Christian people and this house is place of worship, where they meet to sing His praises and I am told that all I have scon in this "beautiful temple" is for Christ's sake, and being a believer in the truths of Christianity, I am dispos ed to look at it all with a friendly eye, but T must beg leave to ask the Reverend Shepherds throughout our country who presume to preside over the spiritual wel fare of those young flocks of fair lambs that play around Jacob's well, if thoy do honestly believe that fueli "Fairs" are right ? Can you show us where they are sanctioned in all of ( 'hrixt'n teachings ? Can you point to a single justifying exam ple in the history of the primitive Chris tian's ? Or do you suppose if Christ were here, lie would sanction any Such unhal lowed conduct?" Canyoustraptliis - Lot tery Box" upon your back, take this "for tune telling machine" in one hand, these '■dice" in the other, fill your pockets with "white mice" aud "useless toys," then kneel down in"the archery," or the "ice Cream Saloon," and invoke the blessing of God upon such an institution ?—Then as you rise up from such a sacrilegious devotion, I imagine I hear you sing: Ten cent* ft chance inJJacob'i well, 0! have your fortune told Hero is a mourn:, I'd liko to sell, id uot very old. And then the DOXOLOOY : Praise Hiatwf. from whom all blewingn flow, Comenhakr these dicr before you go, Praise Chance and drink a toast, Aud se? who can drink the mott.— AMES. Is it not an appeal to the depraved pas sions and appetites of humanity ? Is it uot giving your sanction, to games of chance, aud training the youth of ourjand for the gambler's hell ? Is it not an in trigue and deception unbecoming a Chris tian people ? Is it not a studied aud labor ed effort to cheat all who patronize them, an act which cannot be justified by any purpose whatever ? Is it not ou the part of those fair youths who conduct them a sacrifice of modesty, and is not modesty virtue? Can any good intention justify such conduct ? Or can such conduct have a good intention ? Is it not foolish ? Why not substitute instead of those mis erable lottery tickets, common playing cards, and have"2s cents Ante," and if it be such a very good cause, perhapi-some " Let us have Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the end,dare to do our duty as we understand it"—- v - LINCOLN. BUTLER. BUTLER COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1864. of the brethren would "go a blind?" Or would not a faro-bank be easier managed and more remunerative? liutto keep up a vain show of morality, yon of necessity condemn in word, \fhat yon teach by ex ample ? Is not your whole conduct, "strain ing at a 'jnat and swallowing a gambling saloon ?" Did not Christ when He en tered into the temple at Jerusalem, over throw all such Fairs and cast out both those that bought, and those that sold, and began to teach saying, "My house is a house of prayer, but ye have made ft a den of thieves 1" He said nothing ab.out "'25 cents a chance," but liavingno where to lay his head he preached from the mountain top a free salvation to all. And such conduct was never sanctioned by the early Christians, no! never! l'aul rec ommended that they give "according as the Lord had prospered them," but I do not read that he ever recommended that the house of God be turned into an In. CREAM SALOON, or that the sisters should lose theirslecp to sell articles of vanity, to decorate God's house with articles l corse than vanity. No ! —"The groves were God's first temples," and sooner wauld they have worshipped amid the deep, calm shades of the forest than have stoop ed to such acts, to purchase all the luxu ries of earth. Buttho fae\ is, such "Beau tiful Temples" are just now in fashion, and it is your pride that creates your im aginary wants, and to gratify that pride you stoop to means unbecoming and sub versive of the religion you profess. For one monttnt imagine you see John th'e Revelator, getting up a Fair and calling on the people to have their fortunes told, "Only2sCents!" No! He choserathcr to tell them without charge, the fortune of Babylon, and the final overthrow and sor- rcno of all those who bought and sold in her "Fairs" of luxury and vanity. Or PAUL when lie entered Athens, setting up a Post Office and writing "billetdoux" to the Athenian soldiers, "Only ten Cents!" and all to Decorate, the temple of that God whom ye-ignorantly worship. No! lie chose rather to rebuke such folly and gave his life a sacrifice to the plain unvarnish ed' truths of Christianity, preaching hu mility aud self denial,obedience and LOY ALTY to the powers that be. Or imagine you see PETER with the keys of heaven and earth in his hand standing by the door of the church of Annapolis, at the midnight hour demanding "ten cents" of all who chose to enter, and after lie had got them in, dressing up the young and fair sisters of the church, in purple and scarlet, curling their hair and prompting them to ask the soldiers to'-tahe a chance'' in some article of -vanity or luxury, "Only 25 Cents," tyjd all this to buy himself a spring sofa, and marble pulpit. Ao.'— PETER spent his nights quite differently and yon might have heard him at the mid night hour denouncing all such folly and offering all " a chance" in the kingdom of heaven-without money and without price." Again imagine you see MARY going around with her alabaster box of precious oint ment "Only 25 Cents," <)! the idea is perfectly ridixijlcrxix, yet those pious shep herds attend these festivals and sanction them by their august presence, but I must confess I never saw any of them ' take a chance." Now I beg leave to say to all such shepherds, would you uot feel more noble worshiping in a plainer house built by honorable means ? Could you not sit more comfortably in a rude scat purchased by honorabte means than upon a spring sofa purchased by the sacrifice of your moral dignity and Christian consistency 112 Would you not feel more like a minister of CHRIST, standing behind a rude pulpit purchased by honorable means, than you do behind your .structures purchas ed with the proceeds of your '-Archery." your "Fortune telling machine," your "lottery and dice boxes," and 'white mice,' to say nothing of the sacrifice of the modesty of the fair ones of your flock.— If ye be men of honor, do you not despise such chicanery forany purpose whatever ? And as Christians, instead of spreading those rich carpets upon your floors should you not seek to spread the rich tidingf of the Gospel in heathen lands, and instead of pointing Kn<\ freseoeing the walls of your temples should you not seek to paint the name of JESUS on the walls Of "heathen temples of idolatary, or.to paint the let ters of the alpabct upon the minds of some of your ignorant sen ants. But having seen the Fair I concluded to attend divine services the neit. Sab bath evening, in the same "beautiful tem ple," accordingly I accompanied some of thefaithful and was politely conducted to a scat in tho gallery. "The Beautiful Temple" was crowded. The ' daughters of chance" were there, and tlioTtcns of fortune sat beside them, but I could see no sign •Ice Cream," and "Jacob's Well," was not there, but the Itoverend came, he had no "Fortune Telling Ma chine," no "Chance Box," no "Dice," as J to the "White Mice." I could not say, but POOH he opened the "Archery" of Truth.ami "took a chance" in Esther:— '•lf I perish I perish." The subject was perseverance, fhediscourse delightful, and the conclusion. "COME TO THE FAIR ! Come every night until the debt is paid," just as if a soldier's money was made by such "midnight chances," and as I walk ed to my quarters I pondered,on what I had heard. "If I perish—l perish," but I cannot goto the Fair, for I have not money enough to buy a postage stamp.— If there should be no Fair when the In valid Corps is paid, I connot practice this '■Perseverance,', and my chance will be hopeless. Again ho said : "Come every night." Is not this a wi eked allurement to the waste of precious time ? If a sol dier desires to give anything can he not it in one night ? And does not such perseverance as ho preaches, tend to re duce to poverty and want the poorsoldiers who have given their ALL, to a cause I nev er heard HIM PRAY FOR! Even if these Fairs are light, would not one night be enough for each j y day ? I'm sure one night "strapped" me. But the worthy Patron of Chances, informed us that he had "neglected to take up the usual col lections for The Tract Society, and for The Sabbath School cause," of course, be cause of the debt on"THE BEAUTIFUL TEMPLE," and as I looked upon its gran deur. "I said :—Beautiful! beautiful! ! indeed—but what a pity to neglect the ed ucation, even of ONE child for all such vain beauty and grandeur." Tn conclusion I would say in all kiud iic-s to these Gospel Ministers who pat ronize and conduct such "Fairs," —IF THIS is NIOIIT, WHAT IS WRONG ? . In my opinion when vice and immoral ity become Christian virtues then will •Kueh "Fairs" become Christian institutions, and yon will occupy an enviable position, bitt under the teachings of CIIRIST, and His Apostles, your position is ridiculous , and as you cannot defend your course by any acknowledged rules of morality, 1 would advise yon to repent of your past fully, and instead of practicing "such chi canery" to use the last dimcof the wound ed soldier to carpet the walks of ~Trea*\ hich yawns to drown him in it- depths untold: He nears its dreadful brink with lightning speed,— Onward, with fur.v, bounds bis tirysteed,— He sees his danger.—labor* to restrain His courserV rapid force, —but 'tis in vain,— And why? the renson'« obviously plain- He has too long enjoyed the slackened rein:— 11 i« blood is high, restraint he will not know,— Thty plunge into the dread abyss below! The reckless, furious, tragic race is o'er, 4 Driver and courser can be seen no more ! * * Philosophers of ancient times declared — •• Man'* paa.-ions with wild horses w ell Compared His reason did the driver represent. Which was to give the passions proper bent. Hut many—what a truth to understand ! Their chargers better than themselves tommand; Their horses are instructed to keep still, Or, well perform what is their owner's will;. While man permits his passions have the sway, And with their driver,reaaon, runaway. A governable horse, all must agree. Alone, can to his owner useful be: And he, that he may servo hi id well and true, Must be ''broke in" betimes.—completely too. So, too, our passions must be well" broke in"— They are the drivers to the gulf of sin,— Oi liiey o'er re.i->>ii will their pow'r extend, A lid lead to dreadful ruin In tin* end. Philosophy, indeed, may show us how* To make our wilful, furious passions bow;— Hut luMv'n-in*plred Religion will impart A pow'r to govern and to guide the heart, Philosophy—the ancient and the new— Has never yet performed—can never do. W.VT A'MY) WISDOM. CONSIDER whence thou comest, wftlior thou gocst, and before whom thou art to stand. . THE most disagreeable of all bats to have flying about one's head, arc brick bats. % llow did Noah preserve honey bees during the flood-? In the ark-hives of the world, of course. WHAT is the difference between one's mouth and a bandbox? Not much; ci ther is a good place to put a mvff-in. A LOVER is most eloquent when he talks to his sweet-heart about marriage. Then his speech is ringing eloquence. A GENIUS out west has just patented a machine for making chestnuts out of sweet potatoes. He is a brother to the old gen tleman who put handlcs'to prickly pears and tli.cn sold them for curry-combs. THE editor of the Rochester Democrat gives this recipe to kill fleas ou dogs : " Soak the dog for five minutes in catn phene, and then set him on fire. The effect is instantaneous." A GOOD deal of the consolation offered in the world is about :iS solacing as the assurance of the Irishman to his wife when she fell'into the river.• "You'll find ground at the bottom, my dear." A I.ADY, just returned from a foreign tour, said her husband purchased, among other things during their travels, a lot of stationery to putin tlic nicks, and soipe ar ticles of virtue to adorn his parlor with. A MAN had a sign up, " Cheap Ladies' Shoes for sale here." He found t":ut not a woman entered his store. No wonder ; the ladies don't like to be called cheap— they want to be called dear. A WAG remarked the other day that people treated postage stamps now-a-iays iu the same manner as school-masters used to treat their pupils iu his time—licked tliem to make them slick to their letters. " So.MB people," said a red-nosed indi vidual, haranguing three or four bystand ers, " waste their money in charity, oth ers squander theirs in supporting wives and families; but as for me, I save miuc to buy spirits." AN old bachelor of our acquaintance says lie doesn't wonder that married men over thirty-five years of age are placed in the second class conscripts under the new conscription law. They have suffered enough for their country. TIIF. wit .deservedly -won his bet who, in a company where every one was brag- his tall relations, wagered that he himself had a twelve feet high. Ho had, he said, "twohalf brothers,each measuring six feet." How do you like me now ?" asked a belle of her spouse, as she sailed into the room, with a sweeping train of muslin fol lowing her. " Well," said lie, " to tell the truth, it is impossible for me to like you any long er." A.CYNlc,*by the name of Wright in Wrightsville, Wright county, out West, recently writing on Woman'} rights,— " that it is so seldom that women do right what is right that it is more thaii right that when they do what is right that it should be rightly done." Now, if Mr. Wright is not right, then he had no right to write the above. AN officer of South Adams on a fur lough was recently addressed by a pom pous individual: — " Oh, you feel big, don't you 1 with your shoulder straps and brass coat and blue buttons? Well, I could have had a commission, too, if 1 had wanted it, and gone to the war, and fought and been kill ed and been buried by this time." '• It's a pity you hadn't taken the coiu mi-iion," said tlic officer, quietly A rin.v ( orrcspomU'iice. , ANNAPOLIS, Md. April 6, 1804. j. Messrs Editors: —This is a very pleas ant day.and the bright rays of the sun I hope speak freedom to Maryland, this county is a dark corner, but I some as true and active t'rioifcls of the Union as can be found any where, gray haired citizens at the polls, exerting themselves to give the death blow to slavery, before they leave, were it to be their last act, could be none more noble. I hope history will prove that, to-day a bloodless victory forever freed "My Maryland" from the dead weight of this degrading institution, liut. be the issue of to-day what it may "Let us have faith, that Right makes Might" and do our duty. Troops are arriving here daily, part of the 3d. N. J. Cavalry, came yesterday, the 17th Mich., last night, and a few days pgo I observed marching through to their encampment, the Ist Michigan, (colored) regiment; they marched to good music of a brass band of their own color; they carried the good old flag of the Stars and Stripes, ou one side of which I read, — "I'rescntc.d hy the Soldiers Aid Society of Detroit,'' on the other : ' All men are born free and < , to realize which we ji'jht." As rlookod upon tlio forms, many of whom hail once worn the white man's chains, but now carried the musket to defend the white man's Government, who once Were slaves under the flag they now rally to defend, who but a few years ago had "no rights a white man was bound to respect," but who now volunteer to defend the rights of all, ami are welcomed to the* noble defence of the Government of our fathers, whose motto they have inscribed upon their banner, to realize which they fight. I could only s:iy, "truly the change is great" ;wid if it be a crime for a white man to axsail that flag and that motto certainly it is a noble act in the black man to defend it."The world moves" onward. • Error and dccfty are synonymous terms, and that which is not right must cease to exist, fur " God reigns.'' Rebellion against free institutions must end in its own over throw, and in the glorious triumph of that flag, and that motto, for "the service of. (•'oil tj perfect freedom." When the discoverer of our country declared this planet to be round, he but told a truth of nature, which nothing but the hand of (jod can change. When Roger Williams declared amid the forests of the new world, that "All men had a right to worship God according to the dic tates of their own conciencc, ho but de clared a truth of (-.1 <>d's moral Government, which shall only cease to be, a right, when man shall' cease to have a conscience or God an existence. And when our vener able fathers declared that "All men are created free and equal," they only express ed a simple truth of (1 oils creation, which all the tryants in the world can never erase, and all the rebellions on earth can never overthrow, but this immortal truth, a stifr pf hope shall forever glitter upon that, u Flag of tlio free In-art* only home, By angel hands to valor given; Tliy fc/iw'« ure from yonder doino, AtV.I ;ilI tli v iron/* wero born in hoaven. Korererfl««ut that moUnshoot, Wh. ro br