VOLUME 1. The American Citizen, IS publiahM »»v«ry in th*» borough of Butler, T>y TIIOMM R0D15V)."(4 C. B. A.NUKRSON on Main struct, topposit* to Jink's Hotel —"flic? up stair* In the brick ormerlv occupied by Ell Yettor. a* a store TKRMS: —SI 50 >» year, if paid in advance, or within the first nix months; or 82 if not paid until after the expira tion of the first six month". RATF.S OF AnvF.RTt*!*O:—One square non., (tenlinpsor lew. i three Insertion" fl 00 Kvery subsequent Insertion, per square 2i JBuainei- cards of 10 lines or lo«s for one year, Inclu ding paper, 6 00 ; yard of 10 lines or less 1 year without paper 4 00 Vi column for six months 1 00 for OM year 1- 00 column f«»r six months 18 00 * column for one 26 00 for six months A*>oo 1 colnmn for ono year 00 Mr. Nasby's Sermon. Church of the new Dispensashun, 1 Jan. the 31th, '64. j My brethren and sistern. I shall maik Bum remarks this mornin based upon the bootiful parabul of the prodigal sun. 1 wood reed 2 yoo the passij, but the Bible I hev is the only one in the township, and j I lent it yesterday 2 Squire Gavitt, who | sed swearin witnesses on almanacs woodent j do in hoss cases, and he hesent brung it i back. The skripter sez, in substance : j There wuz a certain man who had 2 j . sons. The youngest had a taist for that ! branch uv agricultooral pecsoots known j ez sow in wild oats, so he askt the old man | fur his sheer uv the estait He got it, j turned it into greenbax, and went off— i He commeust livin high—bordin at big hotels, and keepin trottin bosses, and play in bilyards, and sich. In about a year he j run thro his pile, and wuz ded broak.— | Then his credit played out and he wuz in j a tite plais for his daily bred. The ijec i struck him that he had better put for hum \ wich he did. The old man saw him a cumin, and he run out and met him, and j giv him anew cote and an order for a pair uv shoes, and kild a fat caff, and the flour Joins. The oldest boy objected to these sayin, "Lo, I hev served tlice these menny | yercs, and thou never madst no splurge I over me, but when this thy son, who hez J fooled away his pile, returns you kill calves and sich " Then ilie old man re torts sayin, 'My sun who wuz lost is found, the sheep who went astray is cum ! back, let us be merry." My brethren, this parable applize cz : well to, the present tiuic as though it was made.for it. Uncle Samyuel iz the old i man, the Southern wirig of the Democrat ic party is the proddygul, and Ablishnists j is the oldest sun. The south got tired ' and went off on its own hook. It hez, I , maik no doubt, spent the heft uv its sub- j stance. and will shortly conclude to cum | home. Now the grate qwestion of the ! hour is how shall he be received. My friends, Dimocratic rool is to fuller the j skripter wen yu can maik a point by so 1 doin. In this pertikeler Qodlinis is gane, j haleloogy, thereof, let us be Godly. Let Uncle Samyuel see the repentant prody gal far orf-—let him go out to seek him, •or send Fernandy Wood, and when he hez found him fall, not upon his neck;, ljut at his feet; let him put onto him the pcrplc robe which is royalty, and upon his hand a ring, whioji is dominion which is j a improvement upon skripter. But the Ablishnist, who is the elder pun, steps up and sez '-Nary." He wuz a doin well and he wented out f'ram us, takin all that wilz his own. and secli cz he cood steel, all uv which he hez spent upon such harlots cz Afrikin slaivry, Stait rites, and suthcrn independence, wich last two menshund is whited sepulkcrs. I sent my son Grant and llosyecrunce and Ben butler after him, but lo! wen he wuz strong and wiggerus he did despitefully use them. Now that he is weok*frum hunger, let him briudle. Ef we can taik him to our buzms, let him cum on hie neez, let him cast off the harlots that hev sedoast him, that ther may be no *moar trubble in all the land. My brethren'we must taik him back rs7. the old man did in the bible. Why do you ask ? Becoz he wuz alluz the old man's pet, and hed things his own way. We wuz his friends and shared with him the steelins, but sence he went out the Ablishn brother aud his friends hev con trolled things and whair air we ? Eko ausers no whair ! We okepy low plaisis in the sinagog, and the doggry keepers go mournin about the streets aud refuse 2 be comforted becoz their cash is not, and ef wo taik back the prodygal shorn uv his strength, uv what avail is he to us? He must cum baekez strong ezevor, he must bring his harlots with him—he must ROOL! Then shel we hev PostOrfises, and then shol we agin live on the fat uv the land, dodgiu the cuss uv laber. Bre thren let us be dillygent in this grate worke instant in seezn and out uv seasou. A collecshu wuz takin up for the per pus uv cending a Mishinary toMassychu sits, wich yeelod 7 dollers. Kztheuuiount woodent pay the ralerode fare, it wuz vo ted to apply it on repairs on the church, wich I did by havin my boots haff-sold ' and buyin a new pare uv pants. PETROLEUM V. NASBY. Pastor uv sed Ch«rch, in charge. AMERICAN CITIZEN. Personal Character of Mr. Lincoln. In the course of an elaborate and able speech on the question of rconstruction, delivered in the House of Representa tives on the 19th iust., Mr. Arnold, of Illinois, spoke in this wise of the persona! character of Mr. Lincoln : " Let us see what had been his previ ous training for his great work. It was not the training of the schools; it was better. Jt was a struggle with difficul ties among the people. He had the foun dation of perfect integrity, truth, candor,so briety, self-control, self-reliance, modesty. With clear judgment,sound common sense, shrewd knowledge of human nature, he is most American of Americans. He had served a single term in Congress, l but his education, his preparation, was among the people, in hnmble and home ly positions; a flatboatman, a rail-splitter, a surveyor, a member of tlie legislature in a frontier State, a lawyer in the log court houses of the West. Whilejiehad no university schooling, few, if any, have had a better training to devclope end strengthen their intellectual powers than he. This may seem strange, but let nie explain, and its truth will, I think, be conceded. " He was trained at the bar in a school where giants were his competitors, and he bore off the crown. " Some twenty years ago there gather ed around the plain pine-tables of the frontier court-houses of Central Illinois a very remarkable combination of men.— Among them, and concededly thefr lead er, was Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, his great political rival; Lyman Trumbull, ohairnian of the Judiciary Committee of the Senate; E. D. Baker, the able, the eloquent Senator, soldier, and martyr to liberty ; Gen. Jas. Shields, who won a high reputation at Washing ton and on the battlefields of Mexico; Colonel John J. Hardin, an able and el oquent lawyer, who fell on the field ef Bucna Vista; James A. M'Dougal, the present Senator from California ; Win. A. Richardson, presetii Senator from Illi nois, and General John A. M'Clcrnand, now in the field. Besides these was the late Governor Bissell, whose manly vindi cation of the bravery of the Illinois vol unteers in Mexico against the aspersions of Jefferson Davis will be well remem bered ; a vidication which resulted in a (,■4)allonge from the traitor, which was ac cepted by Bissell, but from #hich Davis backed down, it is said, under the advice of General Taylor. These men, of na tional reputation, and others equally able, but whose pursuits have been confined at home, were the competitors with Mr. Lin coln. These were the men in contest with whom Abraham Lincoln was trained for the terrible ordeal through which lie is passing. " The contest between Lincoln and Douglas, in 1850 was the most remarka ble in American history. They were the acknowledged leaders, each of his party. Both men of great and marked individu ality of character. The prize was the Senatorship of the great State of Illinois, and the success of the Republican or Dem mocratic party. Douglas had the addi tional stimulcnt of the Presidency in view. These twined leaders met, at des ignated places, aud iu the presence of the inimeusc crowds of people debated the great question at issue. " Douglas went thrpugh this campaign like a conquering hero. He had his spe cial train of cars, his band of music, his body guar4 of devoted friends, a cannon carried on the train, the firing from which 1 announced his approach to the place of meeting. Such a canvass involved neces sarily, very large expenditures, and it has been said that Douglas did not Rcpend less than 850,000 in this canvass. Some idea of the plain, •imple, frugal habits of Mr: Lincoln may be gathered, when . I tell you that at its close, having occu pied several months, Mr. Lincoln said, with tlie idea, apparently, that he had been somewhat extravagant, " I do not ; believe I have spent a cent less than five ' hundred dollars in this canvass." Mr. Arnold sketched the scene at the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln, rapidly re- i viewed the condition of the country at the ' outbreak of the rebellion, aud continued 1 as follows: " However others have doubted and hesitated, Mr. Lincoln's kith in the suc cess of our cause has never been shaken. He has been radical in all that concerns slavery, ard conservative in all that re lates to liberty. " His course upon the slavery question has shown his love of freedom, his saga city and his wisdom. From the begin ning he has believed that the rebellion would dig the grave of slavery. He has allowed the suicide of slavery to be con summated by the slaveholders themselves. Many have blamed him forgoing too fast I ill hisunti-slaverv measures, riff t I think. "Let us have Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the end,dare to do our duty as we understand it"-- A - LINCOLN. BUTLER, BUTLER COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL (1, 1804. have blamed him forgoing too slow, of which I have been one. History will per haps give liiin credit for acting with great and wise discretion. 'Jhe calm, in telligent, philosophic abolitionists of the old world, uninfluenced by the passions which surround and color our judgments, send across tlie ocean congratulation and admiration of the success and wisdom of his course. The three leading features of his administration on the subject of sla very are: • " 1. His proclamation of emancipation. "2. The employment of negroes as sol diers. "3. The amnesty proclamation; ma king liberty the cornerstone of recon struction . " The emancipation proclamation will live in history as one of those great events which measure the advance of the world. The historian will rank it along side with .the acquisition of magna chart a and the declaration of independence. This great stjite paper was issued after the most care ful and anxiou3 reflection, and coucludes with these solemn words : ' And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act ofjus tice, warranted by the Constitution and military necessity, I invoke the consider ate judgment of mankind and the graci ous favor of Almighty God." " The considerate judgment of man kind, on both sides of the ocean, has al ready approved it, and God has seemed to favor it with a series of victories to our arms never witnessed before its issue—a series of victories, for which we are more indebted to the President than any other man." Mr® Arnold lias enjoyed the intimate acquaintance of Mr. Lincoln for twenty years, and therefore this graceful tribute is the expression of personal knowledge of the President's character." Senatorial Classification. The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial thus classifies the the United States Senate: After three months' daily attendance in the Senatorial jury box, (better known as the reporter's gallery.) I have brought in the following verdict. I don't know • how far the general public will agvee with me, but those w.ho disagree are privileged to appeal to higher court: The best lawyer—Mr. Coalimcr, of Ver mont. The best scholar—Mr. Sumner, of Mas sachusetts. 'Hie best general debater and practical legislator—Mr. Fessenden, of Maine. The " keenest" debater—Mr. Trum bull. of Illinois. The most pleasant speaker to listen to— Mr. Doolittlc, of Wisconsin. The best financier—Mr. Sherman, of Ohio. The richest man—Mr. Sprague, of Rhode Island. A very sensible man—Mr. Wade, of Ohio. The greatest bore that ever lived—Mr. Davis, of Kentucky. The Knight of the Sorrowful Nigger— Mr. Lane, of Kansas. The most violent Copperhead—Mr. Powell, of Kentucky. Tlie most eloquent Copperhead—Mr. Carlisle, of Virginia. The most bibulous man in Congress— ilr. Richardson, of Illinois. The best looking man, when sober— Mr. Saulsbury, how; Home luve mere wealth, and try to win it; Tlie house to me may lowly be, If 1 but like the people In it. What's all the gold that glitters cold, When linked to hard or haughty feeling? What e'er we're told, the nobler gold Is truth of heart, and manly dealiugl Then let them seek, whose minds are weak, Mere fashion's smile, and try to win it; The house tome may lowly be, If 1 but like the people iu it. \ A lowly roof may give ns proof That lowly flowers are often fairest; And trees, whose bark is hard and dark, Maj- yield us fruit and bloom the rarest I There's worth as sure 'nenth garments poor, As e'er adorned a loftier station; Aud minds as just as these, we trust, Whose claim is but of wealth's creation! Then let them seek, Mhose minds ae® weak, Mere fashion's smile, and try to win it; The hnu«e to mi- may lowly be, If I but like tha peoplejn it. WIT AK3D WISDOM IF a man is doomed to the stake, it should invariably be beef. WHY .didn't the last dove return to the ark ?—Because it hed sufficient ground for remaining. THOSE two Englishmen who discover ed, the source of the Nile, should conie over here and discover "the last ditch." WHEN the wind-whistles through your keyhole, it expects you to whistle with it. It is sounding the keynote. ORIGINALLY the term of human life was a thousand years; but that was be fore there were doctors. . AN Ohio paper says—" Some say there are but two sexes —the male and female— but you have only to get into Massachu setts to find a ' Middlesex.'" IF the alphabet were alive, why would you find it difficult to kill it ? Because you couldn't put the letter B out of" Be ing." A LADY in a Western city advertises for a gentleman for breakfast and tea.— Does she intend to make only two meals of him ? AN Irishman, writing a sketch of his life, says he early ran away from his fath er, because he discovered he was only his uncle! THE common opinion is, that we should take good care of the children at all. sea sons of the year; but it is well enough in the winter to let them slide. A YOUNO gentleman was fondling his betrothed's hand. " I hope it is not coun terfeit," he said. " The best way to test it is to ring it," was lier reply. A DANCER once said to a Spartan, "You cannot stand on one leg as longas I can," " Perhaps not," said the Spartan, " but any goose can." A DUTCHMAN'S heart-rending solilo quy is described thus: " She loves Shon Mickle so pcttcr as I, because he has got a cooplc tollars more as I hi^." 'Tis a sad thing when men have neith er heart enough to speak well, nor judg ment enough to hold their tongues ; this is the foundation of all impertinence. AN old bachelor being told that ayoung man of his acquaintance had just got married, exclaimed : " Alas ! what a pity it is one should come to misfortune so young!" A SPLENDID specimen of orthography is seen in the window of a beerhouse in the neighborhood of Poplar street, Phila delphia:—'v Table Bear Sowld Ilerr, tup pens a Cwart." A WRITER, dwelling upon the impor tance of small things, says that he always takes " note even of a straw" especially, perhaps, if there's a sherry eobler at the end of it. • A CORRESPONDENT tells of a soldier wounded by a shell at Fort Wagner. He was going to the rear with a mutilated arm. " Wounded by a shell ?" he was asked. " Yes," he coolly answered, " I was un der the blamed thing wheu the bottom dropped out." "WONDER what's do reason dis saw mill don't go now?" asked a country ne gro who hadn't seen much of the world, addressing his more " high-learnt," vil lage friend. " Dat succumstance argues easy 'nough," answered the other; "de reason is 'cause dare am not sufficient number of water." POPPING. —Mr. Popp, of Popville,fan cying himself to be very popular with his lady love, " popped the question" to her under the poplar tree, when she referred him to her poppy, who, when asked for his consent, laboring U{ider the influence cf ginger pop, popped him out of the door to the tuno of " Pop goes the weas el." MILES O'REILLY, the soldier who w«s arrested on Morris Island, S. C., for ma king poetry, and pardoned by tie Presi dent, in response to a witty poetical peti tion, has sent a hymn of thanks to the President, beginning: 44 Long life to you, Misthar Lincoln; May you die both tate an' ai*v ; At ' whin you liewid the top of aich toa Turn'd up to the roots of a daisy, May this be your epitaph nately writ: • Though thraitors abused him vilely. He waa honest an' kindly, he lorad • Joke, i An' ho pardon'*! Miles O'BoHly. (Educational gqmvtmmt. At What Age Should Children En ter School. The sudden death of a child, in one of the New York city public schools, has awakened a new interest in the question which wo have put at the head of this pa per. Although the circumstances of the event show that no blame attachos to any one, or to any organization, yet a circum stance so sad cannot fail to attract atten tion to the importance of a full compre hension of the interests involved, and of a well considered judicious decision res pecting them. The facts in the case are simply these: "LouisaJSnyder was a child nine years of age, and not four, as has been erroneously stated. She had been sick with the mea sles, had been absent from school for some time, had recovered, and had again atten ded about two mohths. On the day of her death she went home at noon, cheer ful and happy as usual so far as was ob served, returned in the afternoon, missed her spelling lesson, and was detained after three o'clock. The invariable rule in this ward, the sixteenth, for years, has boen to detain pupils no longer than fift< en min utes after three o'clock. The teacher of this little girl, a young lady of amiable disposition, sat down by her side to hear her lesson. The child was endeavoring to speytlie word hedge , when her head fell backward, as if in a swoon, and she gas ped. This occurred at ten minutes past throe o'clock. Another teacher was im mediately called in aud restoratives ap plied. Ladies in the vicinity were im mediately on the spot, anil soon two phy sicians were in attendance, ono of whom was Dr. Rosenmiller, of 112 Eighth Ave nue ) but before this she was dead. The corpse was taken in a carriage to her home arriving there at ten minutes before four o'clock. The Coroner's inquest exonera ted all persons from blame, and pronoun ced it a case of syncope." Without attempting to discuss the ques tion, whether it is wise, to inflict punish ment upon a child for failure to recite lessons, or whether keeping scholars, like this ono, after school, is a judicious pun ishment—the point of real importance een nected with this case is this:—Do oiir teachers in assigning their lessons and in flicting their punishments, study and suf ficiently regard the idiosyncrasies of their pupils? Do they consider the child's na ture, his capabilities, his simple and un reflecting course of thought? Docs the teachcrask bimsolf, —were I a child again what would be my thoughts and feelings, my hopes and desires ? The rule may be a proper one, that pupils shall be detained after school, who fail torecito their lessons correctly; yet the question to bo decided in this case, was not, whether the rule was proper, but, whether this little girl, Louisa Snyder, having been debilitated by illness, was a proper subject for its reflection ? The error seems to have been, if error their was, in not considering the feeble condition of the child. In no department of education is there greater liability to fall into routine teach ing, than in the primary school, and in none is suchja course more likely to prove disastrous than in this. Teach as we have been taught, is too often the only light by which the teacher is guided, and by which the errors of past generations are entailed upon the present- The teacher's heart becomes hardened to the daily round of tasks and punishments, and the school becomes a Procustean bed, upon which the intellectual stature of the child is stretched or lopped off to suit its dimensions. There is no doubt, that many children arc sent to school before they arc old or strong enough to bear up under the de bilitating influences of the school room. Uncomfortable scats, impure airand over heated rooms confirm a tendency to dis ease. Thomas De Quincy has signifi cantly termed it the "Murder of the In nocent." And here, too, we should con sider the nature of the child. One may be sent to school at five years,when another could not be safely sent till seven or eight. In the enumeration of children of the New England States, all are included be tween the ages of three and twenty-one, dnd, if I mistake not, in Massachusetts, pupils may bo admitted at the ago of three. Our own law we think wisely fixes the minimum year at five. No scholar ought to be sent to school and confined in a room in company with a number of other children, «nd compelled to keep quiet six hours a day, till he is five years old, and many children of nervous temperament and feeble constitutions, would be better off if they did not see the inside of a school room till they had attained the age of ten. But do not understand by this that the child's education should not begin, even before the age of five. It ought to com- mciiee. not in the school room, but at the mother's knee—the mother's, I say, not nurse's. The child needs to have the habit established of having regularly ev ery day some mental exercise, and the earlier that habit is confirmed, provided the nervous sensibilities be not certaxed, the better. This mental- exercise should at first be very simple and very short, and upon such subjects as will excite his curi osity. But these early lessons, in order to be of permanent value, ought to be sys tematic, and come regularly at a set time every day. In the rural districts where there are usually but from four to six months school in the year, there is less danger of sending chilbren at too early an age, than in cities and villages. In the latter the children are usually less robust, and from the com pactness of population they can be got to school with less difficulty, than in the forni#i' When not sent to school, the child should have somg innocent, and if possible, useful. employment. A work shop and a box of toy tools, is much bet ter than the rough, rude plays of the street. m We cannot be to solicitous for the health of our children. Their own happiness and the well being of their offspring, will to a great extent be dependent upon it. They ought to have good, plain, whole some food. They ought to sleep upon well aired and sunned beds, in well ven tilated apartments. They ought to be comfortably clad, so that every part ofthe system shall be preserved at an even tem perature, and never allowed to sit down with damp feet. 'J hey ought to be taught habits of cleanliness in person and dress. If all these things were properly attended to, there would be less disease and sickness and early death among them. S. P. BATES. Ilarrhlmrg, Fth ., 1804. Who Caused the Wjir? The Pittsburgh Post had the unblush ing uudacity yestordny to republish that stale falsehood that the " leaders of the rebellion and the leaders of Abolitionism are alike guilty of our country's troubles" —meaning the present war. Does the I'nst remember that a distinguished lead er of its own party —Alexander Jf. Ste phens,now Vice President of Jeff. Davis's Confederacy, and the ablest man iu it— in a speech to the Georgia Convention in January, IKG2. frankly met and ably re futed the charge that the South had been goaded, or taunted, or somehow driven in to rebellion? Jf it "has forgotten that ref utation of the charge it is now eo stupid and so unpatriotic as to repeat, wo will re fresh its memory by citing an extract from Mr. Stephens' speech. Speaking of the threatened rebellion, he thus admonished his hearers—: " Pause, I entreat you, and consider for a moment what reason you can give that will even satisfy yourselves in calmer mo ments —what reasons you can give to your fellow sufferers in the calamity that it will bring upon us? What reasons can you give to the nations of the earth to justify it ? They will be the calm and deliberate judges in the case ! and to what cause of one overt act can you name or point on which to rest the plea of justification ? What right has the North assailed ? What interest of tho South has been invaded ? What justice has been denied? and what claim founded in justice and right has been withheld ? Can cither of you to day name one Oovermental act of wrong, deliberately and purposely done by the Government at Washington, of which the South liasa right to complain ? I challenge i the answer. "Now, for you to attempt to overthrow such a Government"as this, under which we have lived for more Than three quar ters of a century —in which we have gain ed our wealth, our standing as a nation, our domestic safety—while the elements of peril are around us,, with peace and tranquility accompanied with unbounded prosperity and rights unassailed—is the bight of madness, folly, and wickedness, to which I can neither lend irty sanction nor my vote." The Pott, however, is not satisfied with one misrepresentation, but in the same ar ticle prints half a dozen others, one of which reads thus: "Abolitionism prevent ed a settlemcßtof our troubles by the Peace Convention which assembled in Washing ton three years ago." As this charge may be repeated during the campaign, we here take the opportunity to nail to the counteras base coin : The Peace Conference, which met in February, 1861, appointed a Committee on Propositions awl Resolutions, which in due time reported a proposed amendment to-the Constitution, embodied in a new ar ticle of seven sections, to be called the thirteenth. This article was so wholly in the interest of slavery, as the intelligent Reader will remember, that the Republi can members of the Convention, upon con sultation, proposed a substitute in the form of a preamble and resolutions. The pre amble declared that the Convention recog nized' and deplored the divisions and dis tractions of the country, but denied that any existing alienations ordissensions jus- NUMBER 17. tified revolution, or were such as could not be overcome bj the patriotism, honor pnd interest of the country ; that the Consti tution, expressing the combined wisddm of the founders of the Government, was still adequate to every emergency, and en- to the support of every good citi zen ; that if, however, any portion of the people believed that they ought to have their rights more exactly defined or more fully explained in tho Constitution, it was their duty to seek a remedy by amend ment, and the equal duty of all the States to consider the claims of those who tho't themselves aggrieved, and to concur in' such amendments as might be found nec essary to insure exact justice to all. The resolutions following this preamble declar ed, First , That tho Constitution gives no power to Congress or to the Federal Gov ernment to interfere iq any manner with Slavery in any State, and that neither of the great political organizations existing in the country contemplate any violation of the spirit of the Constitution in this respect. Second , That if the people of any' State were or should be deprived of the benefits intended to be secured to them by the Constitution, or their rights were or should be disregarded,their tranquillity disturbed, their prosperity retarded, or their liberty imperiled, by the people of any.other State, full and adequate redress should bo provided, and, Third , That the Convention would recommend to the Leg islatures of the several States of the Union, to follow the example of the .Legislatures of the States of Kentucky and Illinois in applying to Congress to call a Convention to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States, pursuant to the fifth article thereof. Upon this substitute, which contained every concsession that slavery should have asked #>r or the North should have submitted to, the question was taken and it was rejected by tho following vote : AYES—Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, lowa, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont—9. NAYS—Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tenn., Virginia—ll Every Republican State represented in the Convention except three voted for the substitute, while all the pro-slavery and Democratic States represented voted 'gain»t At tho time the substitute above recited was submitted to the Convention by the Republicans and rejected by pro-slavery and Democratic votes, seven States had se ceded from the Union, and Jeff. Davis had been inaugurated President of the new Confederacy; the war against the Union had already commenced, as Stephens had demonstrated, without rause; James liu chanan had niadfi no effors to prevent it; and Pryorof Virginia had sent his famous message, "We can get the .Crittenden Compromise, but won't take it." And yet, because the North would not humble itself still further at the feet of the slave power than it proposed to do in the reject ed substitute, the Post, belieing history, says that "Abolitionism prevented a set tlement of our troubles by the Peace Con vention!" The statement does not con tain one grain of truth. Tt was the pro slavery and Democratic side of tho Con vention that prevented that "settlement," if, indeed, that could have been called a "settlement" which even Southern States, by declaring war against the Union, had taken the most deliberate and determined way to show to the world they would not accept. — /'ittii. Gazette. TOUGH STORY. —Stephenson, a ooun try shopkeeper, was one day trying to sell .roe a pair of pegged boots. Tho old man gave the article offered a fair exami nation, and decided not to purchase. " Nice boots," said Stephenson. "Yes, very nice boots," said old Joe, "but I oan't afford 'em." "Why, they arc as cheap as any they make," said Stephenson, only two dollars." "Yes. only I don't keep any hired man V asked Stephenson. '■Well, I should want a hired man if I bought them boots*" said Joe, his eye twisting up with even a more chemical leer than Aisual; tho last pair of boots I j had pretty near ruined me." "How was that?" asked Stephenson. "Why," said Joe, "all the time I wore them boots, I had to take two men aiong with mo with hammers, one on each side, to nail on the soles every time I lifted my feet. The storekeeper made no more efforts to sell boot* to Joe. gtaS" .Nations are, the world over, arch offenders against God and man. Kings and emperors are very often the best can didates for the gibbet, if only jnstice had a ladder with which to reach them. • KLRE FOR KORN'S—Kut you your to« orph !