VOLUME 1. The American Citizen. 112 13 published every XWlneedav in Hie borough ».f Butler, by Themis Hobis«o\* K. Avdkkson on Main str.ret, opposite to i II del—office up stairs in the bri<k ormerlv occupied by Kli Yotter, as a. store Tfrms:—i! 50 a year. If paid in advance. or within the f.rst six months: or ii if n >t paid until dfter th^expira tion of the first six months. K *tks or A t>vr.uTn*ixoOne squire non.. (ten lines or les«,) thrc»- in««M ti'-n* $1 On Krery subsequent Insertion, per •qnaro. 2."i Bimlhk*! card" of 11 line-* ot Icm f.»r one year, inclu ding paper. f-00 faird of 10 lines or les* 1 year without paper 4 00 * ' Jb'M months 7 00 Ifcolnmn fitffno year 12 Of) } jßolunm 112 >r sit months 13 0,1 column for one ye »r 2ft 00 | clemn for six m >nths 25 00 1 c.uiimn fir one year Oo rrom the Chicago Times. An Incident in Real Life. < Upon what small events does the happi ness. and even existence of individuals, often depend ! Some years ago. there liv ed in a small interior town in Ohio a young woman, then but fifteen years of ago.— She was the heiress of a large fortune held by trustees. The will of her father strict lv enjoined upon her that she was not to marry until after she had terminated her twentv-rfist year, lie had enforced this injunction by ,strong nnd earnest appeals to her affection', nnd by reminding her of the untimely death of two elder sisters who had ljeen married young, and had die 1 childless shortly after. Put, with most prophetic judgment of her future lot, he had added a still stronger inducement to obtain her compliance with his request.— He had stipulated that, in case of marriage before attaining the prescribed age, the trustees should by deed convey all bis es tate to some distant relative. '1 he young and handsome girl soon found herself the attractive object of the attentions, the de votions, and the importances of a score of young men of the neighborhood. She was aware of the provisions of her father s will, and honestly intended to comply with his so fervently expressed wish ; but soon —too soiin. indeed—wastbat injunction to appear liarsli, unkind, unfortunate, unrea sonable. Three years After her fathers death she then beiug eighteen years of age, she 1 e canic acquainted, at a festive party, with an individual uporf whose honor, faith and manliness her destiny was front that hour to depend. 11? know her as a fair, accoui-, plished girl, and as an heiress of half a million. He wis but a visitor at that town. He rcmatnfld their but a few week*, but during that time succeeded too well in leaving a highly favorable imprc:-* tin of his worth upyn the heart of the lady. He returned in one month, announcing his intention to reside in that vil'age. The vanity, not criminal, but natural vanity *•( the woman was gratified ; she recognized in this voluntary abandonment of his for mer home and friends to.take up his res idence there, a tribute from his heart to lier own mental and personal attraction, lie failed not in soon confirming that be lief, and in protestations of deepaffection. and un.ed the inevitable life of wretched ness he would en Jure in ease of her rejec tion. as well as by the displav of all the outward accomplishments and bearing of a gentleman, won her lave, and obtained from her a promise of marriage. These pnoecedings had liccn secret, and were en tirely unknown to hergu.irdian, with tfhoni she reside 1. The betrothment was soon followed by an urgent request for juar riagc. In her hour «112 blissful communion with her lover, :die had almost forgotten lier father's command. It ; t ow came upon her with su Idcn n.,-i bitter force. She answered the proposal of marriage by stat ing that her command was that she should noTmarry till twenty-one. This he met with ridiculing the fears and superstitions of a too anxious parent, and holding out to her the alternative of obey ing an unreasonable request of a deceased parent, nuidc when a child, and when her capacity for forming a proper alliance could not be'determined, for the distress, ruin. madness of a true and honest heart, whipll could not exist if separated from her. The next objection uiet with more seri- j ous consideration. She told him that she j ieould not obtain her property till she was j of full age. Though this was uuexpect- j cd, aud did not at all agree with the hopes | and uyn.s of the wily suitor, he Was too well skilled in deception to betray his d»- ] appointment. He therelbre • promptly in- ! tcrrupted her in her explanations- of the •conditions of her father's the «olemn assurances that wititiiiiu her for tune had not a feather's weight; that he loved her, and that love would be as pure, aud as strong and as devoted had she beeu reared iu poverty instead of the expectan cy of wealth. Again and again she so't 'to explain to hiiu that with her marriage before the period fixed by her father, slie would sacrifice all her expected wealth; but with the blindness which often over takes and misleads avarice aud other base passions of human nature, he assured her that he knew all; that hp was aware ot everything, that ho had enough for both, and was prepared to remedy to the extent of all he possessed any inconvenience she might suffer, pecuniarily, from disobeying her father's request. In telling her. that lie knew all, he meant no falsehood ; ho had made carefully disguised inquiries, and by every one whom he addressed he was told tliat "Miss (,'. would inherit her father's fortune at twenty-one and not be fore." , It did not suft his designs to unmask his motives' and, disguising with indluer cftice his questions, lie failed to ascertain the wholu truth. Supposing her father's will was simply framed to prevent the for tune falling in any way, however remote ly, under the control of her husband be fore she reacted that mature age, he de sired by marriage to secure it ultimately, lie had good cause for speed; with him prompt and secret marriage was essential, fdV, penniless, he could not much longer maintain appearances, or p.iy li s board, for which he was largely* in arrears. His apparent disinterestedness at length prevailed over ihc daughter's obedience. A false statement that her gua-rdian had forbid him addressing her, with incessant urging that business required IrispiWmce in Xow V i.k. fir sevanl m>itln, swjpt away all further objections to an immedi ate and secret marriage. They were mar ried privately at a neighboring village, and, to the bride's surprite, he advised her return to her guardian's house for a few days. He rcturue Ito h : s own and at mice, publicly, everywhere, and to all he met, announced his marriage. In a few hours he called at the house of his newly wedded wife and as he entered it. her guardian, who had jnst heard of.the marriage, also entered. He was sternly questioned as' to llie truth of the report, and nobly avowed it, making no apology for the unauthorized act. but assuming the attitude of one who was entitled to admi ration for a most successful manoeuvre. — He demanded pennission to fee his wife; lie called, and in their presence the guardian bewailed tjic imprudence of their «jndfict, and for the first time, the hereto fore daringgroom lotirned that by her mar riage his bride lif 1 forfeited the entire for tune of her father. Baffled, disappointed, cheated, thj late ardent wo or stoj'nicd and raved ; be turn ed upon the poor trembling woman to whom, but a few hours before he had pledg ed eternal, love and charge ! her with basely deceiving him. m Overcome with grief, she fainted, and before she recover ed ho had left the house and city, She heard no more of him for years. During all that time, with the incomprehensibili ty of woman's devotion, she had loved him. II is name which for manj months had been coupled with reproaches and con t luicly, ueverpasscd her lips. She would not believe him the mercenary villain lie li id been represented. She still clung, fondly to the hope that all the love lie had professed was real. Weak, and broken in spirit, that hope seemed to keep her alive. During March of last winter, the courts j had set aside Iter on the ground > of fraud, and no one contesting her right. j -he bccainc posses-orof a magnificent for- j tune. ' The case was noticed in the papers. J and some weeks after tho*c came a letter j t.p liar. It wis from her lover aii--l.lius- j band. lie had seen that notiecof the an- | nulmeot of her marriage. That was arc lief to him, for lie was on the eve of mar rying again. But as money was his main idea, disguised he visited the place ; he ! had hoard the story repeated with no fa vorable references to himself.; he had heard it more than h'titc 1 that she still retained an affection for him; but, more' than all, ho ascertained that she was now sole possessor of that fortune which had so strongly tempted him to wrong. He returned, and addressed her the letter we ■ have mentioned. . It was full of repent- | since , .it proclaimed that his life since he | had left her had i>eea one of continuous j misery. lie protested to be acquainted j with what had passed, and with humility i tendered again his love, declaring that as he had bc?n the cause of her losing her wealth, justice required that he shouldsharc with her the fortune ho had amassed in the growing city where lie lived." Unknown to any oue she answered that letter, accept ing his love, forgiving aud venturing ex cuses for his past conduct, and informing him that she was now prepared to give him that inheritance which to them had been the source of so much unhappiness. That letter of hers was destined never to reach him. —To avoid any conjectures which might arise if seen to deposit a let ter addressed to that name, she induced, by a liberal reward, a neighbor's servant whom she knew could not read, to take the letter to the post, office. This servant to get leave of absence, took with her one of hermistress' children. To amuse the child she aHowed it to carry the letter; and the little oue, pleased with the red stamp, as they walked along succeeded in removing it. The letter was depdlited in the office ■ without a stamp, and was never of course I sent. " Let us have Faith that Right makes Might) and in that Faith let us, to the end,dare to do our duty as we understand it"— A I-incoln. BUTLER, BUTLER COUNTY. PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1864. A few words in ire will close this briel history. A month later, the lady's former guardian, who was a politician, received a Chicago newspaper, which had been sent to hun because it contained a political speech delivered in this city ; after read ing it, he laid it down, with some remark u|>oti the extraordinary growth of the city in which it was printed. The name of Chicago was heard by the lady ; she took the paper, glanced, over it.and with a shriek, fell faintingto the floor. In a week, she was dead. In that paper was the an nouncement of the marriage of her destroy er. Gen. Grant's Battles. The Washington correspond 'nt of the Cincinnati • Commercial says 'hat the fo - lo ring names of the nattlos in whi. h (Jen. Grant has been engaged in his life-time, arc engraved on the sword r. ecntly pre sent 1 to h 111 by the citizens of Joe Davie county Illinois: , Palo Alto—May 8,1840. Ke-aca de la > alma —May 9. 1810. Monterey —Sept. I!.', 20 and 21. 18-1(5. Vera Cruz Siege, March 7 t027,1517. ('err Gordo—April 18. San Antonio—August 20. 1847. Gherubu^co—August 20, 1817. Molino del Kay—September 8, 1847. •< hspultepfce— opt 18.1847 (iautaan • 'osuio —Sept Sept. 14, 1847. ( ityof Mexico—Sept. 14. IMI7. Belmont—November 7. 1801. Fort Henry—February 6,1802. Port Donaldson—Feb. 18, 14, 15, and 10. I*o2 Shiloh—April 6. and 7, 1802. Corinth siege.April 22 to May 20 1802 luka—Sept. 19,1802. Hatchie—< )ctober 5. Tallahatchie—December 1, 1802. Furt Gibson—Mav I,IBOX. Raymond—May 12, 18G-J. .laevson—May 14, 1803. Champion liill—May 16,1863. Mack Hirer Bridge, May 17, 1803. Yicksburg— 'uly 4,1863. Chattanooga—Nov. 23, 25 and 2<> 1863. In 'all twenty-seven battles. ONLY A PRINTER! —"Iie is only a printer," was the sneering remark of a leader in society, lie was only a printer ! What is Prince Frederick William, who married the princes Royal of England ? lie, too, is a printer! Who was William Caxton—one of the fathers of literature? lie was only a printer ! What is Geo D. I'rcntis, Charles Dickens, M. Thiers, Douglas Jcrrold, Bayard Taylor, George I', Morris, J. Gales, C. Richardson, N. P. Willis and Senators Dix, Cameron, N'iles. Bigler and King? They, too, are all printers! What is Schuyler Colfax, the present Speaker of the House of Rep resentatives of the States? lie is only a printer! What was Benjamin Franklin? Only a printer! Everybody can't be a printer—lilt A INS are necessary." THE FORCE OF HABIT. —In the Dub lin Univerzitt/ Magazine we have a biog raphical sketch of Peter Burrows, the celebrated barrister, and among the per sonal anecdotes told of him is the follow ing: A friend called upon him one morning in his dressing-room, and found him sha ving, withjiis face to the wall. He asked why he chose so. strange an attitude.— The answer was to look in the glass. '• Why." eaid his friend, '• There is no glass there." " Bless my soul." cried- Burrows, "I did not notice that before." Ringing the bell, he called his servant, and questioned him respecting his looking glass. " Oh, sir, said the servant, ''mistress had it removed nix itrek* ago." AN ATTACK ON TUB PROFESSIONS.— J The Slti/lnch who, with head erect, with j honest people mingles, should cease to shave his fellow-men, and goto shaving shingles. 'flic lawyer would b?better oft", his con science far less pliant, who owned a little farm in fee, aud made that farm his client. Wo Ijave some doctors in our midst, whose taleuts they should use, .by prac ticing the htiiltnr/ art —heeling boots and shoes. The minister, whose sage advice, a use ful moral teaches, should mind and watch as well as pray; and practice what he preaches. PROMOTION OF A PRIVATE TO A COLO NELCY. —Private Geo. W.Baird, of Co. 11. lJitfc invalids, a Connecticut Yankee, on Thursday, passed the best examination be fore Casey's Board, for Negro Commands ever yet passed by any candidate thus far brought before it. When the questioning was ended by his skillfully handling a brigade of infantry, iu all possible ' bad fixes" in face gf the enemy, he was unan imously voted to be a colonel. SiSf A diver at St. Louis descended a few days.since to the wreck of the Moder | ator and not signalling as us*ial was pulled | up and found to be dead. From the AYaverley Magazine. " AND MAN BECAME A LIVING SOUL.'' BY BAXUKL PATKK FORD. Inanimate this body lay, A senseless, auulle'J piece of clay, Unconscious mi its kindred sod That's framed by our Eternal God. It was in wisdom thus designed, A dwelling 112 ir iuintortal Mind. Till hr»».»setl upon by Nature's King It sprang oicttf, a living thing. Oh ! wondrous change! such work sublime, Accomplished in a m »mrnt> time, The heavy eve devoid of sight, \<>w fl<<idling with a living light; The tongue, imm (table and cold, Rehearsing syllables u tit old; The brow no longer paled iu gloom. Is tinted with a glowing bloom. L'fe, vigorous life, with bounding start, Thrill* of the heart, Loap* in gl'io messages through the frame Hack Lo*thuJbuntain whence it came; Abu! that Peptics still sh »uld dare, In terms of blispliLMny decl&ro, Tlf I »ck of Infinitederiign. In this mysterious frame of mine. WIT'AND. WISDOM. SoMEBoUY says that birch rods make the best baby-jumpers. . He who is controlled by the love of money obeys the golden rule. To what class of periodical literature do soldiers contribute ? To reviews. A CHANGE of heart now a days is bro't about by the change in the pocket. CORCKSCREWS have sunk more people than corkjuckets will ever keep up. THE merriest people in the world are the Germans; they always piping times. THE literary style of asking for a slice of ham at dinner is, " I'll thank you for an elegant extract from Bacon-." THE more music you can make on one string, the less it will cost you to keep your fiddle strung.* A THOROUGHLY honest man will not lie even to f.is dog, or in any way betray the brute's confidence. IF the very best man's faults were writ ten on his forehead, he would pull his hat over his-eyes. WE should always put Jhe handsom est face on everything without, tgthe ug liness of our own. THE American eagle must never be divided. We can't think of pnttiug up with a half eagle. WELL-BEHAVED boys .may bo called younkers; but ru3e and vulgar ones are nothing but young curs. A MAX of philosophical temperament resembles a cucumber; for, although he ,may be completely cut up, he still remains cool. THE Providence Transcript says there is a lady in that city so aristocratic that she refuses to read a newspaper, because it is made of rags ! AN exchange paper says:—"Parties who have been in the habit of stealing the editor's wood, will please take knots that our devil can't split DURING an argument the other day, a Yankee declared that the Noith could lick the South with a fleet manned with women. SOME men keep savage dogs around their houses, so that the hungry poor who stop to '• get a bitewhay got it outside the .door. A CELEBRATED philosopher used to say, ''the favors of fortune atfc like steep rocks; only eagles and creeping things mount the summit." PRIDE is sometimes a very good help- j mate Uj a good fortune, but, like a Japan- | cse wife, it should perish on the funeral j pile of the estate. " SUN'N'F.Y, does your father take a pa per?" '-Yes, sir, two of 'em. One of! 'em belongs to Mr. Smith and the other j to Mr. Thompson, 112 hooks 'cm both off; the stoop as reg'lur as can be." '• MR. JONES, you said yoWwere con- j nected with the fine arts. Do you mean | by that, that you arc a sculptor ?" . '• No, sir, I don't sculp myself, but I furnish the stone "for the man what does." j A v, editor, describing the ef fects of a squall upon a canal boat, says: ! " When tho gale was the highest, the un- ; fortunate craft keeled to larboard, and thi*| captain and another cask of whiskey roll- i x'd overboard." A COUNTRY youth who had retured : home from the city? was asked by his anx- 1 ious father if he was guarded in his con- j duct while there. "Oh, yes," was the; reply of tho devoted son, " I was guarded by two policemen part of the time." " COTTON is going to be drafted. Is«." remarked Valentine, languidly, as he dal lied with the " En<Jish Items." '• Is it so? " • '• Yes," replied Valentine, they arc now trying to find a substitute for it in Eng land." AN old darkey was endeaving to ex plain his unfortunate condition. ,: You see," remarked Sambo," It was in dis way as far as I can remember: —Fust, my fad der died, and den my mudder' married again; and den my mudder died and my' fadder married agin, and somehow I doesn't seem to hab no parents at all, no home nor nuifin." GBn. Kilpatrick's Expedition- WASHINGTON, March 3.—This after noon's Star :. A\ r e have late and in teresting information from.the front to.the effect that (Jen. Kilpatrick, with a loree of picked cavalrymen, has arrived at the White House, and formed a junction with a force sent up by Gen. Butler from the Peninsula. These statements are based upon the fact that two of Gen. Kilpat rick's scouts have come back and made the above report. The report is believed in the army of the Potomac. Kilpatrick is thus within a few miles of Richmond, and as Gen. Butler is co-operating with him, we may expect to hear of startling news from that quarter in a day or two. On his rcute to the White House, Gen. Kilpatrick having orders so to do, avoided meeting any largo force of the rebels. After he had loft the front, another party of eight hundred picked men were sent out to communicate with him. They, however, met a rebel force, an l as their orders were not to light if a battle could be avoided, they moved towards the East, and the commandernot striking the direct road, came upon a party of rebels, near Fredericksburg, and captured them, burnt their camps and destroyed a quantity of army stores, and Hien proceeded on their way tojoin^|patrick. PHILADELPHIA, March s.—The Eien iug publishes the following ac count of raid from the spe cial correspondent of the Tribune : On Monday they reached the Virginia Central railroad and tore up tli arrack in four places, destroying whatever property would render the road useless. At Fred erick's Hall, on the Central Railroad, tliey came upon a court martial, peacefully hol ding its sessions, and captured a Colonel, five captains,-and two lieutenants. Gen. Lee had passed over the railroad, on his way to his army, but an hour before our men reached it. • . Occasionally. Union families Were en countered, who gave valuable information and freely offering what they had to eat and drink. Leaving Fredericks Ilall on Monday, they pushed onto Richmond. A detach ment of 500, under Col. Dahlgren, keep ing well to the right in the direction of Louisa Court House,whilo Kilpatriek with the main body, moved upon Ashland, both parties scouring the country thoroughly, and doing all possible damage. As the forces uearcd Richmond, the two main parties began' concentrating. Col Dahl gren was to move down to the right of Richmond, destroying as much of the James River Caiml as possible, then ta king the river road was'to cross opposite aftd enter the city fromthe South side, -and attempt the deliverance of the pris oners on Belle Isle. (Jen. Kilpatrick, with the main body. ! was to attack the city by the Brooke turn pike simultaneously, if possible, with the other movement. It was hoped to reach the city on Monday night or early on the following morning, when a partial, if nqt a total, surprise *eoul4 be effected. Two of those fatalities which more than once during this war have snatched success froui us, prevented ihe consummation of the best conceived and most brilliant plans of tho whole war. Dalilgron lidd taken a negro, to pilot him to Richmond, and ho led him towards Goochland instead of Richmond, and on Tuesday Dahlgrcn found himself several, miles in just the opposite direction from that lie Wished to take. The negro was promptly hung for his treachery. Tlifc men, exasperated by this, burned the barns and out buildings of J. A. Seddins,the rebel Secretary of war. Dahlgreft retraced his steps down the river road, but did ligt reach the immediate vicinity of Richmond till the afternoon, when tjverybody was on the alert, Kilpatrick having already made the attack. Dahlgren's detachment was divided into several parties for the accom plishment of different objects, keeping together, however. A very sharp fight ensued on one party attempting, ty cross thd river. They found the enemy in su perior numbers confronting them on every road, which compelled them to fall back. In attempting to cut their way out, Major Cooke, of the 2d New York, with about one hundred and fifty men, got separated from the rest. The other detachments succeeded in rejoining Kilpatrick, but nothing had been heard of this one.— Meanwhile, Kilpatrick advanced down the I turnpike to Ashland, and having torn up tho ; rails at that point, destroying the telegraph ias he marched... At one station, however, :an operator succeeded in sending a dis : patch to Richmond, announcing the Yun i kecs were coming. Less than fifteen i minutes put Richmond on the qui vive, j and it has since been ascertained that about ! a dozen pieces were put into a battery, 1 and new intrenchments thrown up while I awaiting his arrival. The troopj} reached tho outer forlifica- dons early on Tuesday morning, and as the spires and houses of the city eatne in view, cheer upon cheer went up from our men. ■ Hiding rapidly for, ard. tho outer line of works were entered, and the rebels being then surrounded, threw down their aims, many of them surrendering, and others taking to their heels. A fight en sued at the next line, but the batteries were too tiftch fur them, and so with his battery,Kilpatrick opened upon the city No-doubt the meu would have dashed upon • stood iu the way, so en thusiastic had they become.but Kilpatrick acted the wiser, part, and as the shrill whistle of the locomotive told of.the j bringing up of reinforcements from Pick ett's brigade, at Bottom's Bridge and vi- ; cinity. he reluctantly gave the order to i move towards Mechauicsville. On every j road tho enemy's pickets confronted them, j and a series of manoeuvres took place, in | which thq enemy were found to boon the I alert at every point. Night coming on, j Kilpatrick halted, and made preparations j to encamp. lie had chosen a place, how- j ever, too near tho rebel camp, and of this j act he was reminded by being sholled ouH of his position. So the command groped 112 .its way on in darkness and gloom, fight- j ingT when pressed too hard, and with the j tell-tale-whistle of the locomotive, now I warning them that troops wore being hur- ; ried ou to Bottoms Bridge, iu the hope j of cutting off their retreat. On Monday Gen. Butler received# or- ' ders to send over a force to meet Kilpat rick and assist him if necessary. This j movement was part of Kilpatrick's plan as proposed. Had he known of of cxpec- ! ted a force at New Kent Court House, or [at Bottoms Bridge, lie would not have turnod away from Richmond, but would entreated Gen.Butler's forces to fight for the same place. Two thousand infantry ! under Colonel Dankin, of the 4th I.". S. | colored regiment, and 1,800 cavalry un- , der Colonel Spear, of the lltli PentisyK I vania Cavalry, and IJelgers Ist Battery.) the whole under command of Col. West, j wove ordered to New Kent Court House, there to be governed by circumstances as to further movements. Thp infantry and J colored troops left Yorktowu on Monday | afternoon, and reached New Kent Court j House about noon tin nest day. having I made an extraordinary march through rain and mud. The cavalry left Williams burg on Monday night, and arrived on Tuesday morning about eight o'clock. I On Tuesday afternoon Col. Spear took a portion of his cavalry force ami pro ceeded to Tunstull's 'Station, where-he destroyed a new steam .saw mill and (lie Court House. After resting awhile (hey resumed their march down the Peninsula. (Jen. Davis, who led, had several men shot by guerrillas, and Kilpatrick and his at [ tondanta chased a body of them, capturing a lieutenant and two men:' The forec picked upon their way one of the escaped prisoners—a Col. Watson or Watkins cf an Ohio regiment. The men and horsiß ; have borne hard marching remarkably well, the saddles V>t being removed di >- ling the trip, and but little sleep given lu the men. Over 500 prisoners wore take 1 but from the native of the expedition it was impossible to bring theui in. The casualties have not been ascertained.— Col. Dahlgren. Major Cooke, an l Lieut. "Col. Litchfield and aboui 150 men are missing. Two much praise cannot be awarded to Col. Dahlgren, nor too much regret felt at his supposed capture. FILIBUSTERG IN THE SENATE. —The -j Ilarrisburg Teligraji/i says that the cop perhead opposition are wasting the time of the Senate, and delaying important pub lic business, by a regular system of filibus tering. in offering useless resolutions, cal.- ' tlie yeas and nays, and other conduct j of an undignified and malicious character. The minority have resolved to disgrace and if possible destroy the reputation, of j the Commonwealth. Beaten fairly, humil iated and rebuked by the action of the people, these desperate men now seek a 1 low revenge, and have adopted the "rule | <-r ruiu"' policy as their guidance. Let the people. look to the Senate. Let all good men, who have at heart the houor and the prosperity of the State, fairly re gard tho action of the Seuators acting with this minority, ltisa deliberate uud a well laid plot to Insult tile action of the j people, and in all its phases, it reminds us of the conduct of the traitors in the United States Senate, previous to their final with# drawal fron'i that body. Does the eoursj of the minority ip-the State Senate fore shadow similar proceedings? Look to the Senate, then, men of Pennsylvania. The bill increasing the compensation of 1 tlie Commissioners of Allegheny county, was reported favora!%. ttai'-Gen. M'Clernand has arrived in New Orleans, and been assigned to the command of his old corps, which received him with much enthusiasm. He com-, manded this corps almost from its organ i- 1 zation up to the time his disagreement with ; Gen. Grant resulted in the order relieving : him during ths progress of the siege of ' Vioksturg. NUMBER 14. AT HOME IN THE EVENING. —One of the greatest neglects of youth, producing incalculable mischief and ruin is tho spending of his evenings abroad. Park in.-s is temptation to misconduct; suffer ing tho young to be out when"the light of day docs not restrain them from miscon duct, is training tliem to it. We havo already an abundant harvest of this seed ing. Riots, .mobs, crimes giving fearful forebodings, are the result of youth be coming fit agents of by running uneared for in the evenings. What we see in these respeots is deplorable enough —but what is compared with what vre do not «ee—multitudes making themselves miserable and noxious to the world, and what is that to come to ? Parents should look at the truth, that evening pleasures and recreation are often dearly purchased —the of their own impaired com fort, and • the blighted prospects of their offspring. It must be obvious that in this •matter tllcrc can be no prescribed rule.— There can lie no interdiction of all the evening recreation and employments, yet there is an evil to be avoided not only de structive^to youth, but planting thorns in many paths, and covering many lives with desolation. The reformation demanded must proceed from judgment and con science—must be enlightened. Heads of families must learn that the placeon eartji best adapted to be a blessing is home; and by example and wholesome restraint they 1 must teach this truth to all under them. Especially should home during the Sab ; bath hours bo consecrated. Sabbath mornings and evenings are blessed in ! deed, when they gather the fymily into the eirclp of converse instruction, and parents and children, masters and appren tices and servants, in his presence aud bjf the grace of Cod. who lias nAdo them, i nnd placed them in their respective sta ■ lions, raise themselves to the exalted lev ! ei of the truth ; and .they are invested with capacity anil obligation in their res ! pective conditions assigned them by an i all-wise Providence, to help each other ! onward to honor, glory and immortality— ; eternal life.— l'o. School •/mirnal. OF.N EUAL BUTI.EU, The London | Spectator, in a notice of Pur ton's Life of Gen. Butler, says : ft is worth reading, for Mr. l'urton has before him a character which he, the biographer of Andrew Jack -on, thorough ly understand >. and thouglj he writes as a eulogist he is so far truthfnl that his hero's acts may be judged by indifferent readers pretty readily from unconscious adinis ions. Gen. Butler appear? in his pages very much what bis portrait would indi cate —a stern, sufficient, straightforward try ant, without the smallest disposition to cruelty, but with an inflexible determina tion to make his own cause succeed, up right as a politician, and personally kind, but with certain coarseness of fibre in his moral composition offensive to men of more refined or softer habits of thought. The article concludes as follows : This biog raphy leaves oil our minds no doubt that the t 'nion possesses in Gen. Butler a man i of rare and original capacity, extraordina rily fitted for constructive administration, and without any tendency to cruelty, the' with that indifference to the feelings of others so often marked in very strongmen. Of all the meu who fill our European his tory the one he is most like—strangely like—is Frederick the Gred® The Richmond correspondent of 1 the London Timn recently smugged him elf across the lines made a visit to New York. He was greyly surprised at tho contrast between tho condition of affair;) North and South, though he tries to ]>er-~ suaiie himself and his readers that the rebels are bound to win. Referring to the Northern belief of a Union reaction at the South, he says: " Am I dreaming, or did £ hear a fortnight ago from Gov. Vance, that he wolild rather fight for twenty years than consent to anything but full, ptnd irrevocable dissolut ion of the Union." Sri?" The Washington correspondent of tji'c New York Express, says that if Mr. lieu. Wooi', of the Xcicn, will come back tj Congredß and attend to business, ho will tiud that there are but ten Democratic members of the House, w)i<4Hrii£ not in principle and substance agree with what 112 yjv. Brooks said, v*z : That as a fact, be it right or wrong, aud as a lkct to be roc ognized and accepted, as much as day i light or darkness, the slavery institution is i dead. _ Accounts from Ireland represent 1 the tide of emigration as still unchanged. At the last accounts, there were more per sons waitiug for passage iu Cork, Galway, Liverpool and the great American ship ping ports, than could be accommodated for a month to come—and this, too, in ad vance of the usual season' of emigration, which does not oommence till March ,r -r r BSy It takes three months pay of a ' rebel soldier to buy one dollar in gold
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers