American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, March 09, 1864, Image 3
THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. Butler, Pa., Wednesday, Mar. 9.1864. Cf KTlT ranee to the AMKIIC-I* CITIIIJ* Printing Office Vom the Hottlbfon .leffcraon «tropt. lu looking over the proceedings of the llousc of Representatives of Pa., on the 29th ult., we noticed that a hill was finally p#ssed, changing the place of hol ding elections in Cherry township, in this county. THE DRAFT SUSPENDED. —By a dis patch dated Washington, March 4, it is ascertained from an official source, that the orders requiring the draft to take place on the 10th inst., are suspended.— The draft will be announced in time to make all necessary preparations. ESs™ The readers of the Citizen will bo pleased to learn that our worthy and en terprising townsman, H. C. Ileinncman. Bookseller and Stationer, has just receiv ed from the East, the largest and most I" splendid assortment of Wall Paper, ever offered fov sale in the town of Butler; which he offers for sale at prices varying from 10 to 25 cents per bolt. Now, is your time to purchase. Do not fail to _i call, and examine the choicest selection of rich and tasteful Wall Paper ever offer ed for sale in our midst. CREDITS FOR VETERANS. —Write to A. L. Russel, Adjutant General of Penn sylvania, llarrisburg, giving him the names company, regiment and date of the enlistment, (a*> near as you can,) and he i will send you copies of, or extracts from. I the mu-tor rolls. Jf the men are already credited to your particular sub-district.all is right—you have nothing more to do; but if.not, then send the copies or extracts to the office of the Provost Marshal of I your district, with proof of reside!)co of I the re-enlisted men. for correction. That done, the credit will be given. jsif Grant's salary as Licutonant- Gencral under the bill now before Congress would be between §l3, 000 and §l4, 000. Putting him in that position would give him the command of over seventy Major-Generals. COM MIM«MTIOVN. For the Citixen. >lnsio of lite Soul. MESSRS. EDITORS: —The soul, like a l well tuned instrument, will enrapture us ( with delightful strains, if rightly keyed, and all its eh mis in proper order. The first and most important requisite, is I hat : our wills shall be keyed in such a way [ as exactly to accord with the will of oui I Heavenly Father. This is indispensable, t else almost every chord will produce <1 is I eordant notes. Why all these discordant I notes in civil and ecclesiastical fraterni- I ties? In ecclesiastical, resulting in dis i membciiiient; In civil, producing litig.i --1 tion, war, and bloodshed. The will of I those fraternities is not keyed to accord | with the* will of the Governor of the uni verse. The several chords of our soul must attach themselves to humanity in general. The major chord should attach itself to that part of humanity more ele vated than ourselves. In this class, we behold many who have woven the scien ces into a coronet to deck their brows.— Their minds, like a vast cabinet, is the receptacle of every kind of knowledge. | cither useful or curious. Not satisfied l with accumulation from earth, air, and F sea; the starry heavens arc laid under tribute to yield them fresh supplies. If we find within our hearts a ehord . attaching us to this part of humanity, what strains of melody arc frequently stir red within us by the perusal of those heaven-born ideas, which they scatter all •abroad through the medium of the press, or by listening to the loftiest strains of el oquence from the pulpit, which sways the gathered throng as the breeze sways the trees of the forest. The minor chord at tatches us to that part of humanity be low us. Here we place the savage, bar barous and half enlightened nations of the earth. If we find in our heart a chord attaching us to this part of human ity, what sweet thrills vibrate through tlie soul by hearing of the achievements of the Missionaries of the Cross. Any in dividual who can compare the condition of the Sandwich Islanders, the inhabi tants of Madagascar and Ceylon, before they had listened to the story of the Cross, with their present condition, without be ing enraptured with the melody of the soul, may rest assured no minor chord unites them in sympathy with their infe rior brotherhood. But xhat peans of music ravishes* the soul, by listening to the proclamation of liberty from our Chief Executive to three millions of captives in our beloved <2Olll3Uy. Not only in the *oul of man is tiiere sweet music by being keyed in accordance with the will of our Ileaveuly iather, but truly might Addi <*oo say, in regard to the starry host, "ToroverSinging a, th(.y«hln«, Tuu u.iutl tliut nifUt; tu is divlno." Think you we could talk of the music «112 the spheres if they " ran lawless through the sky," and refused to course their or bits in accordance with the fiat of their great Original. And not only is the mel ody of the soul, the music of the spheres, occasioned by beiug keyed in uni son with the will of Jehovah, the rap tures of paradise results from the same cause. Not a single denizen in all the vnnlit bowers of that celestial clime, but his w'e t> ' keyed in exact unison wita the will of his lies. JVJjSr > " VLOBILLA For the Citizen. ALLEGHENY CITY. PA- ) • March 5, 1864. } e Mems. Eds. —As your paper is a fre quent as well as a welcome visitor to s our "Smoky Town," I have chosen it par excellence, (which I trust by the way you 3 will consider complimentary) to insert a . short article —descriptive to some extent, 3 of a pleasant social party, had in Alle gheny, on Thursday evening last. By invitation of our clever, good-looking ■ friend, Captain Wilson, the whole Pro -5 *vost Marshal party, consisting of Captain 1 Kirker, Commissioner Copley. Dr. Perch ! ment, and the entire body of clerks and ' employees, together with several other ' friends, partook of a most]sumptuous sup per, gotten up in such a'style as Kreider Blair knows how. The whole affair, was what might be called a military parlance, a complete success. "A feast of reason, and a flow of soul," it was indeed, without hotfever. the usual whiskey flow, which on the present occasion, I am glad to say, was altogether dispensed with. Father Copley presided with his usual grace and dignity, evincing at the same time, by occasional elites, that his spirit was as youthful, and that he was as fond of a joke, as the rest of us. By the ap pearance of the diehes after supper, no argument appeared necessary, to convince any one that the "vittles," especially the oyster part, were fully appreciated, a winding up, accompaniment in the way of some fine Ilavanas, was enjoyed. After the boards was cleared, some of the party were called upon and favored us with quite a number of songs, both patriotic and amusing. A vote being called for our noxt President, the faithful '•Abram" was nominated by acclamation. It is al most needless for me to remark, that our whole party, including quite a number of young veterans, wore hearty in their approval of the efforts being put forth to squelch out the slavery rebellion, a number of good jokes were cracked at the expense of some would be loyalists— whose acts of prudence have been some what dubious—but who seem growing penitent just at the present, and seem con- ! sidcrably scared about the draft, but like j the person in the Wolf story, they areluorc I scared than hurt. The draft, we arc glad | to say, has been postponed indefinitely. lint to conclude, our party broke up at I a reasonable orthodox hour, every body going away, well pleased with their even- j ings entertainment, and your coricspon- i dent will only further express here, the . wish, that whefi theie is another such par- j ty on hand, lie may be there to sec and take notes. PHILANDER. ] Hiilior County. The following article is from the Stut I Jumna/, a new Republican paper, pub j lished in Ilarrisburg, by Dr. l>. Ik. B. I If rower & Son, who formerly resided in ' this county. '• The sterling patriotism of old Butler j county cannot be questioned, anymore than ! the universal intelligence of her people, j We know of no county in the Common wealth, where the masses possess a more j general knowledge of public affairs; and I as might be expected they are fully alive j to the great issue before the country. We have frequently had occasion tore- j mark the prompitutle and the vigor of their response to every call of the gov- ! eminent. Another evidence is now before us. that j old Butler county is determined to fight j on until this wicked rebellion is subdued; | it is the fact that ('apt. I.yott's company | formerly of the old 13th, and now of the j 102<1 regiment, passed through Harris- i burgh a few days ago, mustering only 43 J brave fellows out of 100 who had went | out on the war path with them—now that j company is recruited to the number of j 135 and many more were refused. All ! the Butler companies have to do to fill | their ranks,-is to let the people know how many they want." A Circular. Republish below a very important cir cular, specifying the mode in which re-en listed veterans are to be credited to their respective sub-districts. We commend it to the careful consideration of the peo ple. There are only two things about it to be regretted : one is, that it had not ! been issued .before so many sub-districts had filled their quota with raw recruits. ; thus cutting off many a noble fellow who j is ready and willing to fight on, from the generous local bounties given by the pco- j pie; the other is, that the circular had not been written in better English.-*-j burgh Gazette. OrricE or TUB A. A. Paov. MARSHAL GE_V. UAKSUSC&C, Feb. 47,1864. In pursuance of orders from the War Department, Adjutant General's Office, authorizing Supplementary Rolls to bo i made out to such muster-in rolls of vote rans re-enlisted in the field, as are defee- ' five.'in not showing the place of residence j of the veterans, the District Provost Mar shals arc hereby directed to make out these Supplementary Rolls upon applica tion of residents of their districts, accord ing to' the following principles, viz : 1. The applicant has to produce eith- j cr the original muster-in (re-muster) roll! of the respective veterans, or a copy (or ' extract) thereof, verified by the Adju tant General of the State as a true copy (or extract) of the original kept on file at his office, and such proof of the correct ness of applicant's statement—touching the residence of these veterans as the respective Provost Marshals may require, to base his certificate upon. 2. Each supplementary roll must, as far as the veterans there n named are con cerned, repeat all statements of the orig inal roll, the deficiency of which it is to supply, and in addition thereto, show the residences of each of those veterans oppowte his name, aoeording to ward, ci- 1 ty, township or borough..county, district and State, without any addition as to cred its of the men. 3. Hie supplementary rolls will be made out in quintuplicate, and at the bottom of each copy the Provost .Mardial will certi i fv on his honor, that it is a true copy (or ! extract) of the original muster in roll, or of the certified copy (or extract) of the same, as the case may be, except that the j RESIDENCES of the veterans named there 'in have been added. Then the supple mentary rolls will be forwarded to the Acting Assistant Provost Marshal Gen ! eralat Ilarrisburg. certificate there ' to is reqnired, and Wio will dispose of ! four copies according to paragraph 15 of j the revised mustering regulations, and re | taiu the fifth copy to file at this office. 4. Veterans for which supplementary | rolls will have thus been made out are not to be taken up on the rolls, and reports of volunteers mustered into service by Pro- I vost Marshals. 5. No Provost Marshal is authorized to i make out supplementary rolls as herein ! directed in favor of any veterans not re | siding in his district. 0. The foregoing will not be understood 1 as to authorize Provost Marsha s to award ; credits for any veterans re-enlisted in the Held before these credits will be announc ed from the War Department. Signed, J. V. BOMFOIID, Lieut. Col. 10th T*. S. Inf'ry, A. A. I'. M. General. GENERAL SKJEI,. —We wi»h to ex press our hearty approbation of the appointment of Oenenl Sigel, by the President, to the command of the De partment of West Virginia. Apart from the consideration that General Sigel has proved himslf a good sol dier in every position in which he has been tried, and that there is thus a fair probability of military affairs in West Virginia being better managed than they have been of late, we rejoi ce that the President has at last as sorted his prerogative as Commander -in-Chief of fho Army by disregar ding the opposition of General llal leck's to the hero of Carthage, Sprin gfield and Pea Hidge. To those who are at all conversant with the inside history of the war, it is well known that the prime cause of this opposi tion has its root in some unfavorable criticisms by Gen. Sigel upon Gen. Halleck's administrationof the De partment of the West. This is the reason why the brave and patriotic Sigel has been kept for more than a year without a command com mensurate 1 with his rank and his valuable services to the country. — I lis appointment by the President, over the head of General Ilalleck, to the command of an important Department is therefore not only an act of justice to a true soldier, but it iti also (significant of the President's in tention to makeOeneral Flalleek yield his per onal likes and dislikes in the future to the good of the cause in 'vhieli men are nothing and principles everything.— l'ilts. oazcttc. the Juliet lit'jiublioan. .loll* Davit*. Thee years agd ye.itarday, Jeff. Davis was inaugui'jitcd President of tho bogus I 'onfcdcracy. What has lie accumplisliod by his giand scheme of conspiracy '■ When lie was inagurated, by one flash of imagination, lie saw under his dominion. South Carolina, Virginia. Tennessee. Mssisippi, Alabama, (ieorgia, Florida. liOusianna. Texas, anil Arkansas, embra cing a white population of be sides the colonVpopulation. with the full expectation of the remainder of the Slaves soon to eome under his protecting wing, lie had inaugurated largo and effective armice soon after taking his august seat. Atann run wild over the country. '1 he National capital was beseigedon all sides, and there was rushing to and fro. in fren zied excitement the patriotic sonsof Mas sachusetts. to save it.and the country from impending ruin. Truly did he say to his subjects as oue of old, (if not in words) in the yet more expressive manner, "by deeds," as he lifted his eyes and cast them over all the Kingdoms of his Con federacy,shewed them "the glory of them" —"AH these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship" my (Jon- j federacy and her institutions, whose "chief corner" is Slsvoqy,and they bowed themselves, and said amen ! Now, where is the glory of his great ness? Narrowed down to one-third of! his usurped possessions, and his knees trembling like those of Belshazzer, when he saw the hand-writing on the wall for lie and his hosts begin to see clearly the "beginning of the end." Now he.the chief hound of the dogs, is seen peering out of his kennel, tlu> Confederate Con gress, and chiming in with the lc-s Con spicuous of the canine I '•Peace.' Peace! when there is n^^eaoe.". The days of these notorious rebels are numbered, and the time soon at hand, when they with all of their sympathizers will wish that a mill-stone were hanged about their necks, and they cast in the depths of the sea. The light of a loyal man's countenance will admonish them ol their deep and duraniable wickedness, and they will desire thick daikness to cover their iniquity. O—N. SERVED IIIM HKHIT. —A sympathiz ing tory went up the other day to condole with a lot of deserters in jail. To show his extreme fr;cndliness he made this ob servation : * '■ \\ ell my democratic friends, it seems that you too are the subjects of aboli tion arbitrary arrests!" A young deserter responded a» follows: — u It makes no difference whether you call us democrats or abolitionists. One thing I know: I wouldn't have been in this cursed hole if it hadn't been for the persuasion of a few infernal Copperheads like yourself. I was all right in the army until- these devils got about me. aud in duced me to desert. I hare dishonored myself and the service by listening to the advice of a set of villains !" " The Copperhead who went on a mis sion of condolence, turned on his heel and left. It was noticed at the time that ho shook his head as though an enormous flee had .operating on a large scale in both cars.— Joua State Journal. liie l'ouimjlvault* ltiticrim. We have received from Col. J. P. 01a9s, one of our representatives at Harrisburg, a neatly-printed phamphlet of ten pages defending the Pennsylvania Reserves from the aspersions cast upon their soldiery qualities in General McClellan's report, ji comprises General McCall's reports of Hie battles of Mechaniesville. Gains Mills and New Market Cross Roads, together with the General's testimony before the Jtint Comtni:tee on the Conduct of the War, and the testimony of many of the living division, brigade, line and company officers of the entire Reserve corps," inclu ding Gen. MeaJe. The unitediestimony of Gen. McCall and his subordinates is, that the Reserves were not routed iu the battle of New Market Cross Roads, as charged by Gen. McClellan. On the con trary. never did soldiers fight tuore hero icly and against greater oddsjth* did the Reserves in the three battles we have named. And it is already a part of his tory that, it' the- brave Reserves had been properly supported in either of those en gagements, the enemy would not have gained the victory over us they did when they compelled McClellan to gather his once proud and powerful army under the | protection of the gunboats in James river. It was great gtncraUhip that was wanting on the Pen'nsula—n?t pluck and endu rance, neither of which soldiery qualities was possessed in a greater degree by any other division of the Army of the Poto mac than by the Pennsylvania Reserves. —l J itt&bur<jh 6'uzetle. ScnoFiEtD ox DAWSON.—On the same ekiy that .Tnhn L. Dawson, de | livered his set speech in Congress, , Judge Schofield of this State, ndrnin ; istered to him a brief but pointed re i buke in the fol'owing,words: i "Mr. Chairman, my colleague [Mr. Dawson] who addressed the I louse 111 is morning, informed u.4 that it was just eight years since he had spoken j here before. I knew that, not because t I have followed his personal history, I hut I knew it by the tenor of his speech. He must have turned down a leaf just eight years ago, and begun to-day where he left off then.. The speech might have been appropriately made during the earlier years of the admin istration of General Pierce. I wish to remind him that the question in volved in the struggle now furnishing so many sad pjges for history is a question of division: ''Shall the great Republic to divided into two small ones?'' That is the question now be fore the country. Arrit 151 ;ui<l Ki parttirenf.llnils. The mail from Butler to Hint Sandy, by wav of lloly okr Coiiltersvilb*. Anuidale. Mni rinsville urn! Clinton ville. .1(1 mile-; leave* Hutl.« oil Monday 1, n .1 Kii.l.iv -f week. Nt li o'clock. ni.. returns on Tuesday ami Satin day of each week at 7 o'cp>ck, p. in. The nmil from Ilutler to Salem Cro<* |i V way ~112 SlXonbinn;. Sarversvilfe Freep »rt, Shearer's Cro.'s MeLamrhlin's Store » M d Oiklan l( mm 1f...,-Ik. mil* s : leaves ItntI"?-on Tuesday and Saturday of e-irh ue.-k. at f>< k.i». in.: Friday and M>tid.»y « 112 1, week, at 8 o'cl H-k. p. m, • Tin* ma'l from 'tni l««r to Ww Ca«tle. by wiv ..f M>»nnu rioMtint. J'rosp.t. Portersviile and Princeton. 2s m'h li-iivi - Buiiei ' ii M niduv and Thursday of e-uh wnk.tit rt o'clock a. ni: returns on Tuesday and Friday of each week, at 5 o'clock, p. in. The in iil from lint I r ♦«. |, tw>. tr- Oikl-imi. Ilarnhnrt's Mills. Baldwin and Bruin! 23 miles, leav* Butler/in Mmi'lin and Friday of encli WPPK. Nt P •«itl • k. ». m: returha oh Tuesday und Saturday of each w»k, at <» o'clock. p. in. The inaii from Butler to \. w Brighton. I.v «mv of Pe- i 'te>sl>iiru. Br«»nk-.\e< k and Zebenaple. 21» initio: with two i : i•: i• '! trips ln-t w« <ii He .k-\. k and : lev* Butler on Wednesday of e ieh wu-k. at 7 o'clock. n.m.:re turnson Thursday of each w>ek. Nt f> o'clock, p. in. The mail from Butler to Pittsburg, l»v way of 01ode Mill*, llnkerstow n. Tally Cnvy. Etna. I)c<|ii«- M.and All* irheny City. JJ2 miles: leaves lint lor everv morning, except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, n. m.: nrrlves nt Butler from Pltts hnriili I.v tIM» mnip route, every day, Sundav excented at 1 o'clock, p. m. Tit.* mall from Butler to Mercer. I»y way r.f McCnndlesf. niowniiirrton. Sllppery-lbiek, Nortli Liberty. Londen and llalni. 32 miles: loaves Butler every day. Sunday "excep ted. at 1 o'clock p.m.: returns I.v the •anio route. every day. Sunday excepted; arriving In Butler at 7 o'clock iii tlii- morning. The mail from Butler to Indiana. I.v way of f'nyln«- villo. Worthington. Kittannlnjr. Klilerton and Shelortn, 4*) miles: leavos Butler On Monday nnd Thursday fvf each ! week, at 4 o'clock, a. in.: return* on Tuesday and Friday of each week, at 7 o'clock, p. ni. The mail from flntler to Boydstown. fl mile*. leaves Rovdstown on Friday m .rnin-rof each wo,-k. anivp* at flntler in the forenoon : departn f..r Uovd«t<ovri •ami' day nfter the arrival of the mail from Pittsburgh. IMTTWHi; II MAltli RTW, March H, 1%4. APPf-l'S—rfi) per harrel. DUTTKi: Roll, Til A 32 C per !h. rifKESE—Wentcrn lltMerve, 15c per lb; Hamburg, 15 per tt». KOOS—2O ft. 22c per do*en. FLOUR—Wheat. (a, $7,2': Rnckwheat. *4 <th $1.25. OR AlN"—Whaat, #1.30 (a> $1,33; Corn, $1,12; Oats 75 (ffi 7 e r RARt.EY—Rprlnp. $1.25: Fall. $1.50. QROCKRI KS—Suirar. 15 Co Isl£i per It.: Coffee. 37 Co. 3 c e per P»: Molaaae-, «15 70c per gallon ; Syrup, Ml (,•. 85c per gallon. S A LT —Liverpool, $2,60 .q# *3,00 per sack; No. 1, ext m. $2.5n per barrel. SEEDS—Flaxseed, $2,75 per bushel M \r.K I;tn. liUTLEB, Pa. March 9, 13C4. HUTTER —Fresh Roll, 2S, cents per pound llEANS—While, $2, UO per bushel. % IJEEF—Is bought from wagoru at 4 and 5 cte per lb. MAR LEY—Spring, $1,00; Fall, sl,lO. nKESWAX—33 cent* sor pound. ElHiS—ls cent* per dozen. VLOUK—Wheat,so,7s pur hund.; Buckwheat s2,7s;Rye FRUlT—Dried Applcn, sl,7uand2,oo per buihul;Dried Peaclies. 53, i*) to I.UU. FKATIIEUS—46 cents por p<>nnd. GRAIN —Wheat, $1,26 (n, fit.4 i p«r bushel; Rye, 1,15. Oats, 70c: Corn. I0«j; Duckwaat, 75c. OltnCi- wti.,—Coffee. Rio, 40c per pound: Java. 50c: Bfown Sugar, li'c per pound, do. White. 2uc; N. 9. MoU-> ws, 80 cents per gallon: Syrup 90c *ud sl.. HIDES — cents por pound. LAUD—IS cents per pound. NAILS—-57,n0 per keg. POTATOES—6O and 76c per bushel. P-)itK—lo t.» 12 oents per pound. RAGS—S cents per pound. RICE—I 2 cents per pound. SEEDS—-Clover, *#,oo, and *,25 per bushel; Timothy, $3,00: Flax. SJ,iO. SALT —®J,OO per barrel. TA LLOW —lO cents per pound. WOOL—7Oc per pound. SPEC IAL NOTICES. - **. >• ° "112" *■ h.iw. it. 112 '-M siato.l meetings at the Hall, on Main Street, Duller i'ouna. every * Mon«Liy evening, commencing at six o'clock. Brethren from sister fudges aro respectful ly invited to attend. Byurderoftbo N. O. | ft A. V. M.S-no.ler X». 272. A. V. M. linld. Zf\ itsitated meetings in the G»ld Fellows Hail, on \X_i\v Main Street. Butler Pa. on the first Wednes / Oy\ day of ♦«*€!• month. Brethren from slater * Z \ L<jdj;eßaroi k'pectfully inTited toattond. By order of the W. M. EMPLOYMENT. j fry ~ A MONTH.—Acenta wanted to sell Sew in* Ma pl O cbines. We will g>e a commlsidon on all Ma chines sold, or employ agants who will work fox the above and all expense* paid. Fur particnUrs addi eM DoYLAN k CO., Oen. Agents. Dir*oir Mica. • Jan. 20, In Chicago, on Thursday evening. Feb. 26th, I*A4, by" Fev John McMillan, assuted by Che Kev. E. A. Pierce, the Rev. A. M. Stew mi, Chaplam cf the 102 d Regiment Pa. Volanteere. and Miss.lnait A. daughter of Robert Maleohn, Esq.— Puts. Gasctu. On the l»t iu»t., by the Rev. I. Nibl.jQk. p. D~ at his j residence, in tho borough of Butler, Mr. Horace i'taßce, aud Ruscci F»Tra, both of Butler township, But- 1 ler c ai*nty. Pa | SEff AOYERTISEIHE.m "AMERICAN CITIZEN Job Priatia? Qfffee! Ornamental, Plain, Fancy, Card, Book AND # GSFLSM m mmim, Corner of Main and Jef>rion Streets, Opposite Jack's Hotel, we aiis rnEPAnEn tdprint, ovsnonr notice, Bill Heads. Books. Pruggisit Labels. Pro grainmes. Constitutions, Checks, Notes, Drafts, Blanks. Business Cards. Visiting i Cards, Show Cards. Pamphlets. Posters. ! ] Bills of Fare. Order Books, Paper Books, j Billets. Sale Bills, &c. BEING FURXISnED WITII Tho Most Approved Hand Presses AND ! TLLE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF Type, Borders, Ornaments. Rules, Cuts, &0., IN TftE COUNTY, j We will execute everything in the line of PLAIN AND DECORATIVE PRINTING NEATLT, PROMPTM, \>D AT RumADis Ratesi, i In a style to excel any establishment at ! homo, and compete with any abroad. ! 1 «# I* a ■ ■ «"«* laaewß ! Are employed in every branch of the j ! business, and we endeavor to meet the j j wants of the community, and tore- I tain the honorable distinction which has ! been already conceded to this establish- I ment, for TASTE I\ COMPOSITION ' AND Eloffanoc In Press Work. In all the essentials of Cheap Printing, ! ! Uood Paper. Tasteful Composition, Beau- j ! til ul Pre.-s Work, nnd Dispatch, wc in ; vite comparison, from getting out a Card | of a single line to an illuminated Poster, j I or a work of any number of pages. w*'sana rilll K would re^petrtfully inform tlie publle. i I tliftt ho hai just receivoil fr<i»i» the K»wt, n 1n ee Hiyl i i -j'ifinlitl iiaeort merit of Wall I\i p*r, of tlie»ii>*t fifliionn- j j ble figures iin<l lut« ; t style*. Price-* rimKUig from l«» to 'Joctft.. t"suit purt'liiMers. 11. C. lILINEMAN. March 9, 1804. Applications C<»r Lict'iisc. rilll K f.ll..wiim named person* hnvo filed their nppllcn- ' I Hon* to March Sessions, IRG4, in tlie office of the I Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, of I utler ronnty, ! I fir HceiiHe, under tin- arts of Assembly of March "JIM. I and April *ioth, I§sß, to regulate the sale of iutexicating j . drink . j 1. Henry Bteuhgen—hor. Sitxonhurg. 2. Henry F. Aderhohl—ho. SaicoDhurg. .'I. William Vogotey—hor. Itutler. 4. Lewis Krause—JefTernon township. 5. John Kelly—l'aikei township. Kline Irrin—J>irlt«in township. 7. \\ m. H. Chrlitley—b»r. Centreville. i 8. Jacob Iteiber—Summit townehip. P. F S. Ma/e. —hor. Itutler. 1u: ; 11. (1«-age W. Feidler—t".r. Haini r.y. I 12. Ureen—ClearlU-ld ti.wnship. 18. Francis Kvth—hor. Centreville. ! 14 J din stewurt—Merrer townehip. I 10. Alex. liowrv —lH>r. Butler. » l»i. S;'iunel Allen—l>-T. Prospect 17. ThomaH UodgerM—Wasbimrton township, is. Williamllftstian—hor./fllenople. W ATS O.N' J. VOI NO, CI k l!m IT. March 0. ISfi| :: :tt Nhcrilf'x Nale.s, 1> V Tirtoc of >undry writs of \'-n>litioni Kxponxs, ' 3 Aliaw Venditioni l.xp .nas ami Fieri Kafiiv is-ipni out ol" the t'oiirt i>f Common Plenv "112 me directed, there will be ex|Kw*".l to public sab-at the Court bi.u.*e, in the I •••rough >T Hull, t, on '/'<"/ y. tie 2Mh day of Marcb, IBW, at 1 ... lock. p. m , the 112 dlowing dew i ilicd property, to wit: All the right, title, interest and Claim of Jobn C. Eas ton. ami to tho undivided 1 , «.f neveuty-flve acres of land, more or less, sltuuted in Ci unberi v t<»wnsliip. liutler county, Pii.. le.nnded north by Ttlom'<s ItobiriH.n; ejwt 1 by llobinstiuoiid Carrell: HOUHI by L>utille: west by |{obins«ai nnd Savage: fifty acres denied, twelve of which pre meadow, firm bounwand log birn theroon ei<M'ted.— Seised and taken In oxecuti <n as tlie property of John C. |/i-ton, nt the suit of John Coulter. ALSO, 112 All the right, tillf, interest nnd claim of Thulemon j Nordheim, of, in and t<» nevcbty-one acres of land, more or le-* situat d in lionegml and Oakl uid townships. Hut- j ler county. Pa., bound j<l ?i"r»li l»y Andrew Smith, ' ist !iy j John Leehner, south by Ilwiber. and west by John | W lit. t. am. bOOM (Mid I | DtTtL ipriDg hotlte MM ina ry thereon erected. Sei/f.l and taken in execui ion tin* j property of 'i'Uulenion'Nor«ihuim, at the suit of John M. Thompson, K. M Junkinand Isaac ALSO, All tho right, title. Interest and claim of John J. Mil- : ler. of, ill at. I to two lots, Noe. 5 A ('», situated in the b-u- ! oiigh of Milleistown, liutler county. bounded n-utli ! by Nicholas Kins, east by art alley, south by Win. Lhi; j lander, weat by Mill street, one I'l «nk frame house there on ejected. Seized and taken in execution »w the prop- i ertv of John J. Miller, at the suit of James W ick. ALS », All the right, title, Interest and claim of Henry Myr .se ! and Mary Myrohe, and lo two I t .f giounti, nit- i uateiu the borough of Prospect, liutler < uintv, Penna., bounded north by Mr- - . M'lJ«rinell. east by Widow >pe »r, smith by rnnie, west by Kobeit Peters, containing about an acre, frame house therein erected. Soi/edaml ta- Ken in exoeutlon as the property of Henry Myros. and Mary Myruee, atthebuitof Andrew Miliei. A LSO, All the right, title, interu-t and claim of C. C. Otimpcr, of, in and to one lot, situated in the borough • 112 Millers- ■ town, liutler county. Pa., bounded north by Jacob liyers. east by an Alley, south by Hernwd Frederick, west by i Main street, Frame Tavern Stand, and ti ame st.ible the! e- I on erected. Snlxed and taken in execution as the prop- ; erty of C. C. (Jumper, at the suit of Jam; s \\ ick. A LS », All-the right, title, interest and claim of J. W. Taylor, j of, in and to one 1 »t of ground, situated in Martinsburg. ! Paiker township, liutler county, pa., b -nnded north by j Church lot, east by Harvey (Jihv.n, south by Solomon Fisher, west by Main street, containing about -y x of an acre, plank frame house, and frame blacksmith shop. ; thereon erected. Soiled and taken in execution as the property of J. W. Taylor, at the suit of David Kelly. ALSO, All tlMLright, title, intere-t and claim of It. J. ("Jregg, of, in an«ito f-rty acies of land, more or less, situated in HufTalotownship, liutler county, Pa, liounded n .itbbv ' David Hoover, e;ist by It. J. Ur.-gg, south by Uoorgo Tru by, west by 3loiiroeville, aliout f-rty iurics cleared, !i\e i-f which are meadow. Seized and taken in execution as the property of It. J. Uregg, nt the suit of John Cochran. ALSO. All the t'kiit, title, intcrejl and claim of John Oalhi her. John iireen. Daniel O D->nncll, Arthur o Donnell, S. S.Chrlstv, buildinr of the Voting Mens In stitute uf C<eai field town-hip, and reputed owners, of, in ■•wi to one half acre of land, mole or less, situated in Clearfield township, Butler county, Pa., bounded north bv old State road, from liutler to kittnnniugu:ist by lands of St. John » Church, south byname, west by same, f.atnc house 30 by 40, of Institute, there-n erected. Seized and taken in execution as the propertr "112 J"ohn ilallaher, . John Green. Dauiel ()'D>nnell, Arthur O S. S. , Christy, Pudding Committeo of lastitute, at the suit of A. O Donriell k C. O'Donnell. ALSO, All the right, title, interest nnd claim of M. F. White, i of, in and to twenty acres of land, more or lees, situated in Conooouenessing township, Butler couuty, Pa., bound ed north by Thonuui Alexander , east by Itobert Martins heirs, south by aroad weat by Geo. ge Beighley. All clear- i e<l, fi-e acres mead -w. ALSO —One l"tin the village of Whitestown, bounded ; as f«dlown: r»"crth by Lli iienshaw, by a street, 1 south by a strtat,weat by Franklin road. One brick Tav- , em thereon erected. Seized and taken in execution as the property of M. F- White, at the suit of Mercer A Kob- ; 1"" "" ALSO, A lift he right, title interest and claim of Christopher Mary Ann Meal -, of in and to Fifty seres . 112 land, more or les.s, ►ituate.i in \Nafl ington township, Butler county. Pa., bounded n-»rth by lieruaid McAnnal -1 -n, ea-«t by Wm. CiirLsty. s -iith by s une. w»-st by Jam* s (Jrosaman. .Ix-g house and log statde thereon erected.— | Sei/.ctl ami taken in execution as the property of ( hris topher Meuis, and Mary Ann Meah, at the suit of J jaeph Efcort. ALSO, AU the right,title,intorost and claim of Joseph Moalso, ' cf in and to one lot of ground, situated in the tillage of North Washington, Butier county, pa., bvundud uoith by liugh Youcg, west by main street, souih by Hugh Yooag, west by an alley. Two story fraiuc house and frame Biacksaiith shop thereon eructod. Stiiod acd ta ken in execution aa the property of JuecpL Mualj. at the suit of Ailec Wibon. ALSO, All the right, title Interest and claim of John Donnelly of in and to one hundred ae "es of hnd, m<>ro or lei', situ ated in Cranberry township. Luiler county, l'a., bounded north by Henderson Donnelly, east by \\ m. Humes, scnth by George k Dan. Creps. west by Dantel Otto. Sev«ty acres c!ea-e«L 25 of which are mea/l jw. Log house and J log bam thereon erected. Seized and taken In execution a& property of John Donnelly, at tho suit of James TUhiptoo ALSO, All the right, title, interest and claim of John Donnelly of in and to one hundred ec;ea of land, more or less situ ated in Cranbeiry town*hlp. liutler c»»unty. Pa., bounded north by Hcadoraon Donnelly, east by \* m. Humes, south ! by Ge<>rge k Daniel Crepa, wett by Daniel < tto. Seventy I acres Cluired, 26 of which aro u.o idow: log house and lug barn iboreon erected. Seiaed and uikeu iu execution as the property of John Donnelly, at the auit of John Co alter. W, O. BRACKEN HIDGE, Sheriff. • Butler, March 9, IMA | KOTICE TO I A1I91EBS! | THE subscriber respectfully informs tiio citizens of Butler County, end the public generally, that he Is ! ptep*re<l to remove Ring Bone and Bona Gpavin, I j with one airtight application, in from Six to Nine days, i | without injiring the Horse the least. Ihe subscriber will ! ! also sell | TOWNSHIP RIGHTS I for the cure of the above diseases, for which a Copy Right i was mctired. ! The Medicine Is entirely safe—effectually removing tho I Ring Bone and Spavin, while it will not injure the Horse j . In uny particular. t Persons calling on the undersigned will be shown hor- I j sea that have been peimaueutlv cured by t\U appl cation. I WM. VOOELJtY. I i Pntler, March 9. lcQ4::tf. LIST OF COLLECTORS 1 A PP<>*»tcd for tlie Yon»-. 18Q4. ( ' Adams, p. l> Icholas Allegheny. Jos. Rosenberry, ; Buffalo, Jos lab C. Watt, Butler, Philip Bickel, i I Brady, J. J.croll, i Centre. Dan!"! Fleeger. Cherry..Too. O. M'Cnndlfcss, ; I Clay. win. Crothers. Clearfield. Hugh M'Crea, Clinton, John L'kis, j ♦Concord. Alex. Kubn, i Conn -ques'g.Kobert J. Ekin, i Cranberry, John P. Roll. : Donegal,' Timothy M'Keever, < | Fairview,HugbM'Clymonds, ! Franklin. A. 8. Thompson, ■' Forward, Thomas Martin, H j Jackson, James Jones, I Jefferson, Herman Shaeffer. I I Lancaster, Jas. D. Lytie, ; j Marion. Jaine* Klmes, : ! Districts marked thus (*), IMelver, AuUrew ilaiu;ltuu. ' Middlesex. James Fuiton, .Muddy creek, Win. Graham, Oakland, Bichard Bobison, I'arkcr. John Sav, i'enn. J 0 A. Iv Siippery'ck. Jno. Summit, R. D. Stevenson, j ; Venango, John Williams, Washington, .lames Chi isty, Wi Infield, John P Bfldur, Worth, Robert Barron. •Butler byr., Isaac Colbert, ('ent'vllle bor. W.H.Christ ley Harmony bor.lsaac I.atshaw •Harrlsv lie bor, A. O. Stetti ;*Mlllerst'wu bor,Sol.Fleeger Portersville bor, F. Brandon, Prospect bor., W. C. Dodds, I ; /ulienople l»or,Eekert Bentel Saxonb g l>or, Christ.Michel, i , had no n.unes returned by j Assessor*. iIARY&Y COLBKKT.CIk. j Commissioner's office, Butler, Mar. 9,18W::lmo. lU'giDter'i Police. "VTOTICE i« I*e; eby given to all persons interested, that ■ a 1 the fallowing accounts have boen passed and tiled in I Register's ufßco ol Butler county, and will be presents! j far couflrinati-.n and allowance to the (Orphans Court, to j j be he hi in the borough of Butler, ou Wodnesday, March ! Final account <>f John Kennedv, Guardian of Sarah i , Bui khart, minor child if Powell Burkhart, now of p r u- : j l ie Hall, lowa, formerly of Butler towmdiip, Butler coun- J Final account of John Kennedy, Omrdlan of Margaret i Bui khart, minor child of Powell Burkhart, now of Prarie | Hall, 1 own, formerly of Butler tp., Builer county, pa. Final account of John Kennedy, Guardian of i;ebeccn Bui khart. minor child of Powell Bui khart, now of I'rsrle Hall. lowa, farmer!v of Uutler tp.. Butler c unty, Pa. I Fin • I account •/ .1 <hn Keuuedy, Guardian"« 112 Maria j Burkhart, minor child of Powell Bui khart. now of Prarie j Hall,lowa, formerly of Bntler tp.. Bailor canity, Ps. I Final account of John Kenti'dv, Guardian" of Jacob Burkhart. minor child of Powell Burkhart, now of Prarie ■ Ilnll, lowa, 112 rinerly of Butler tp., Uutler c untv. Pa. i Final account -f John Kennedy,' Guardian of Hiram I Bui khart, mlno; child of Powell Bui khart, now ..f Prarie 1 Hall, low », formerly of Butlortp., Butler couqfv, Pa. Final account of John Kennedy, Guardian, »f William j IJurkhiV. niin »r child 112 P av, !1 Burkhart, ii'<wof Prarie ! Hall, I own, formerly of Butler tp., Bntler County, Pa. j Final account of John M'Grnth, Administrator of the ; estate uf George M'Candle l'i* 112 Centre tp., dee d. ! Final account of J. Swart z anil J. Latshaw, Kxccutors j of Ann Wilson, late of Jacks, n towuslilp,deceased, j Final account of John W. Mitchell, Administrator of j the estate of John Jamison, late* of Summit tp.. dec 1. ' Final account of John Goehrinir. Administrator* of the i j estate of Goorge Goehrlng. lute of Cranberry tp., dee d, j Final account of B. Allen and 11. Jemlson, Executors of ! the estate «112 Esther Duchess. Ute of Butler co., de<-«| j Final account of Joel Kirk, Administrator'of tho cs- 1 <ate of Robert M'Caudle** l-ite of Middl -ex,| ! Final licc.nut of Daniel 1.. Keiicrer, Adufini-trntor of I the est ito of Peter Kerneler. late of Fairview tp., d»rd. j I Distribution account of Daniel 1,. Kemerer, Adminis- | j ttator of Peter Kemerer, late «112 Fairview lp., dee d, j Partial account of John Sutton. Adminlstiator appoint ed by the Court to make sale of the real estate of Sain j uel .M'CHII. late of Franklin township dee d. | Final amount of Ninean K. Neyiiianand Samuel Reep i Executors of Daniel Neyumn, late of Sliop.-rvr « k town' ! ship deceased. j l inal arc.unt of Jesse B. I).alds, Executor of Georae Boyd, Jr., late of Penn tp., dee d, j Final account «.f II 11. flicker an I G-orge Freoling j Exet.-utors of John Gu >dlock. late of \\ infield tp., <l«- ?\. I Final account of \V. 8. Grant, Administrator or the t tate of John Allen, late of Allegheny tp., deoVI. ; Filial account of Samuel RusmJ, Exeeutor of Robert i M'Callen, late of Butler county, dee'd. | Final n'count of Walter L. Graham, Gnardian «»f John , Thorn. min>»r child of Robert Thorn, Jr., <!••.■'(!.. as filed I'.v Samuel Graham and Robert Graham, Committee of ' the s iid W.dter h. Graham. ; Final account of \\ niter L Graham, Guardian of Anna : Marv Thorn, minor daughter of Robert Thorn. Jr., a* til- ! ••d by S.imuel Graham and Robert Graham, Committee of | the -aid Waltei L. Graliain. ; Final i»c ; .not of J.lfTn Keener nnd Will- n Burtn'r I ! Executors l»f SuHan Hetr;»lt,'«sser, late of Wintbdd town- ' i ship, deceiL<Mvl. J. R. KEWEDV, Register, i Man h I 1A64 RiJH IWA V. I> \\ iiw'iy 112 m the Mihw-riber, io V. cert .wr/diip ' I t Butlerc-.unf . I'a., Swanaaii Go . r a.' d ab,ajt 1:t j I v»':»rN. an indented The public are hereby notified » that 1 will not be accountable f>r nuy debts of her con- ' I SAMt'EIi SAMt'Eli F. MJI.FOUD. j Feb. lHft4rmar3,ot. % |>jiniv !!)( ;• 1 B. fIUIE 112 dloMing A|»praisemenf 1.-r-, uiKb-r the.'th « • I tiou of tile arl . 112 April 14th lsOl. have bet t, .i in Office of the clerk ..f the OrphansCourt, 112.. wit: No. I'-t, Pec. Term, IMWJ; Mr*-. Susan nab By* :s. widow 1 of John livers, late of the borough of Millerst »wn, dee d. ' ! Port »nal prirperty to the amount of Thei4Jore J, Craig, Adm'r. »y°' :il, ' ,tr " 18Co: Mis. Idixabulh Alei-r-an, 1 widow of t\. b. Anderson, late of Venango tp., dc< M-iM-<|. ! Pors .nal property to tin, amount of $73.^7. Stunuel I/ aiton', Adm'r. ; No. 35, Dec Term, IHCS; Mr-. Am, M Gee, * i«b,wof ; William M'Getj, latf 112 ( bartieM tp. deed. p. ryonal ' property t<» tlie am-. m» Ann Sllieo and Jonn L. Haxlett, Adm'ra. i No. .'IC, Dec.Term, Mm.Catliarine Wi#o, widow of I I Jacob L. Mi late « 112 Bntler county, dee «|. Prraonal j j property to the amount < I f.m.T >. Henry B. Wise &G. |j Wise, Adm're. | } No. 37, Dec. Term. IWJ3; Mrs. Sarah Cleffer, widow of ' j Jacob Cleffer, late of Butb r c unity, decM. Personal ( I property ta the amount of 4iJK6,»jl. Sylvester A«h, Ex'r. I No. ?{««, Dec. Term, I: Mrs. Catharine Wilson, with w i of James Wilson, late of Jackaun tp. deed. Real estate ! 1 to Gie amount « 112 $300,00. Thoina* Donaldson A James G. W Ex'r*. No.3D, Dee. Te*m. 1W»3: Mrs. Eve lliott. uldVw «.f J. ! NichoPw Riott, late of Bufb r cmnty, dee d. Personal | I property to thv amount of ». | .... Jac«di Riott, Adm'r. . of which ihe creditom. UeirN. legat"en, dii*tribute«w. and j j others interestihl, will take notice and appear at the next | . term, to wit: thef.uith Monday of March, A. I». Im»4. I and not later than th<: third day theieol', to »how cuuae | j against the same. By the Court. WATSON J. YOU NO. ' March 2. vendee of somuel Meals, o ton of and heir of Samuel j Monls. late of ashington township, butler county, for i i partition of real estate. In tho Orphans' Court of Butler county, No. 6, I >4jlki j her Term, IM3. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to tho heirs and legal representatives of Samuel Meals, deed., te wit:— ' Elizabeth Meals, widow. Jacob Meals, Wm. Meals, Daniel Meals, Mary Meals, intermarried with Thomns Campbell, ! : Christopher Meals, Samuel Meals, Margaret M«>ds, intor- I ; married with Wm. Grant, and cbiftlrrm of Nancy Meals, j ! now dead, who was intermarried with Elislia HlUlard.— I | The said real estate consists of a certain inr- and tract of land, situate in V'aablngton township Butler , county, pa.. # bnunde'l on the north by Jacob Dauben- ! fptick. «»n the east by Rev, Wm. Black.ot. 01..0n the south i by Wm. Vnrnu.n, and on thp west by Alex. Clark and Pc i t t« r "U.ra, containing eighfy-fair n i> *, J You and each of yon are hereby cited t o appear before ! our Judges at an Orphans'Court to be held at Butler, in I and forth# unty of Butler, on the I'oiirllt Mtnidui/ of ! j March being the 2Mb nay of said month, to snow I ; cinae why a writ of partition should not be awarded as ; prayed f»r. By the(Jourt. Jan. ll.Wfi4. WATSON J. YOUNG. Cl k. All of which, tho aforesaid heirs and Ifßal rnpresenta tivea ».f the said Samuel MeuU, dee'd.. are hereby reouir- I , od to take notice. WM. 0. BRACKENRIDGE, Sh'ff. SherilTs office. Butler, Feb. '£), IH»'4. _ ITOTICEr rpil E account of Walter E. Oraham.aa of John ' I Gallaher. Es4|.. of Cluai fleld b>wn«hin. Butler county. ! 4is made out by Samuel Graham and Robert Graham. ; 1 Committee of the said Walter L. Graham, has this day ! been exhibited and filed in my office, ; 4 nt| approved anil j coufirmed nisi, which account will bo allowed by the 1 i Court of Common Pleas, of Maidcount Ike 28tb day ] of March, 18rt4, being the first day of next term, unless , cause then bo shown against its confirmation, j „ WM. STOOPS, Pruth'y. ' Butler, Feb. 27. 1854:mar.2,3t. AGRICULTURAL MEETING, j A meeting of the Butler County Agricultural Society, will be held in Butler, on TUESDAY of the first week of ; the March Court, In the Arbitration Room, at 1 o'clock. ; l A general attendance should be had, as importaut quae* j l tions may be brought 112 -rward. Tho Society having su*- | pended its operations during the pa»t two year*, it l>#- J otnes a matter of special intonwt t.> ib tormine early j what course shall be pursued fir the present year. JOHN B. At'QUlS'flON, ! March 2,13M. Secretary. Farmer Mowing Machine. "ITT£ have tbe exclusive right for the above Mowers, In , VV Sutler county, and havo on ASSORTMENT on hand. Farmers wishing to purchase, wUI pleaee call and see us soon. We would sdvise those that intend purchasing Mctoert. 1 to prepare their Meadows in the Spricg, by removing ! Stumps, Stono*.£c. We can furnish any Machine that m«y be reqnlred. J. (i. k WM. CAMPBELL. Butler. Moreh 2,1864::tf. | j P. S. We have in our poesessioc, certificates of a cum- ; bar of persons In this sad adjoin!eg ccuaiia*, tlil have < used theMo«ui with entire satis£u:tlon. j We intend "cepicg on Jund Cutters, Hav Elevators, Dri-1\ kz~, te. J. 0. k WM, CaXZZZLL. Dissolution of Partnership. STIZ partnership existing between tbe undersigned, j been, hy mutual eoaaent, diseolved. The busl- Pkill I , to whom all debts due'the late firm are U> be paid. JAMES A. MEG LEY, A. TROL'TMAN, Jr Feb 21,-ia*i:3e ; STATt XOItnAL SCHOOL. EDEXBORO, Erie County, Pa, THE SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS. THOROUGH, SYSTEMATIC, CHEAP, | Super-'or Advantages of all Pllnda. TO- iNSTnrcTong. 000 D LIBRARIES, APPARATUS, OTMXA.IWM. pays Boanl and Tcltiqp. for lit Woeks. Bprif»g Term opens, Msrch IS, 1864. ! AjWibi » 'J. A. COOPER, A. . | mm l'll()FESS10\ AE, C .1K I>S. J. D. M'JUNKIN, ~ Attorney at Law. Also Licenced Claim Agent, ! ° <BC ' Wi "' E " , M J. U, H.".K , aut l 8 . P r P °p i f Utl '* Ca\»ics McCiXM.iss lira a C. Gium* McCANDLESS & GRAHAM, Attorney's ut Law. Office on the South-weft corner of the Diamond, Butler, Pa i Alsr», CLAIM AOENTS for aecurinc ftniions , Jrregrt of Puu and Bounty Aiontjf, for Soildiers, or if tlicy aie dead, fjr their legal representatives. -In prosecuting Sol diers Claim*, or those of their Bepresectutiv-s, uo charae until collected. Dec. 9.18C3::tf. Isaac Asn, Bewiff I,row, ASH sfc I.YOX, At torney'a \VT ILL attend to the prosecution of .all claim* f*r : \y BuL'NTY, BACK PAY, i , , , , PENSIONS. Information by letter or otliorwiso. w 111 be cl.oerftilfy glren, grati». No charge in any case until the monev is made. They have already received au l paid over to'ap pllCantH, thousands of d<.liars; Imving drawn np their applications with Mich ease and precision that they are uniformly successful. Pensions should be applied for within one year from death or discharge. FA If MS BOUGHT AXD SOLD ON COMMISSION Office on Main Street, opposite tho Post Office Butler Doc.y, 18fi3.:::3m A. M, NEYMAN, M. D7~ Physician nnd Hurgcon. , Office immedistely opposite VVslker's buildings, Tlutlop l*n. j Deo. P. lS«3:;tf. ""THE great" American Tea Company .»! Yeney Street, \cw York,. j«t(vliinewer*ln ttif liL.torj Of Selling TEAS 111 tht* Connlry. » tl.mrlpcm s.'i. ricfl i.y iv,l,. »1..nal T. a-tmKir, i i\ exprew-ljwsnd excln«lv. iv for iih. nnd we nov»— ! .-barge oviT Cent* O'i (inU ,„ r pouad ai.->ve co.t for original narkng.«-i. % j We hav-hut On* Price to every one f>r each quality, and that price !•« always marked on each sample package at our Htore in plain figures. e a monthly price list of our Tea*, which will lie sent frwftonll who order it w< odvin- every Tea Hel ler to see it. It comprise a full a*«or!inont s«derted 112. r every I-* ality in tho Mtatf-. Provinees. Bonth Amorira and the West into Four Classes or qmdities, n.unely: Cargo, lliyh Car- KM, Pino, Finest, that every om may understand from de • seriptlon and the price* annexed that the Company are determined to underHf II the whole ten trade. We guarantee to sell fair Teas In original packages st not over Two Cents per pound above cost, belli* Ing this to be attrnetlvetoth< many who have heretofore be:'n paying Enormous Profits. Our business in largely done on orders, which wo al wnys execute a- well and promptly a» though the buyer rame himself, giving true weights ami tare-, nntl always guarante. lng everything; our responsibility enabling its todoallu prouih *. Every dealer ran order his ti-asdl t. i from the Company, and parties doing business within ! Five Hundredi <**u nni-s •>( .N. w York, can Bet tiro Teas j hiaight <>f us it they are not cheaper than th< y bo»' elsewhere, nnd thv puri'haxer is dissatisfied with his bar ! train, wllhin fourteen davs. Cl4i. and have the money re I funded to them Those who ere over Five Hundred utih s ' i't' 1 1 *' a y s ft '*d the same privileges extend ' the-e advantages the Company will pay Ail i tt - IN th WI)«. If 3k< 1 | if* r.t.oned GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, IMPOKTKBS ANpJOBBEHtt, ( . r ~, I' Veify »»., New Vorlti LiM of Causes down for Trial at March Term, IS6I n rnrnenciiiir o Monday, wth of .March. FIRST WK tt. ! Matthew M »rriwn, \t Bobert Oraham, * ! Hrinder. . vs Christian Meehllng, , ( hrl-tlan Kennick, vi Frederick Bhult/, j .le-s,., vs .iHrn- ■< M'Dermott, j lludolph Bortmasi k wif- vs M.i.nm l iVaiceA wife. ! 1- B Fowler, vs ,l..i»ii Kerr k 11. C. M Coy, Kx'rs.of ll.Th'tmpson deed | N. Macey for use of S. Kerr,vs II unilto,, ,h t>,. I). Beatty, # vs John (Inllahor Adm'r. of • . W. Harkiiis, Wm. H. Zi..g!er & wifo, v- rsitue A Wm. Robb, j Ue .rgo Itoyil, vs John A Wm. Barron, Tlvimas fratty, vs Bobort Allen. - , Andrew M Klvcy, v.i Thomiw, S. Kerr A It. Montgomery, vs John M.lialhraith, U m. Bitclioy, vs Henry Bean, Adm'r. of D.v vid D. Boan, doe'd., •Wm. Fmriek for use of W. I C. II ion, vs Nelson M'Allister, I Sin.uel Kerr, Jr., vs ( hancey Hamilton ot al, I John Lindsay, SMinutd M Murry, Cornelius M Bride, vs Miles Oallaher, et al. , Thompson Kyle, agent for i S. >! M Council, vs Richard Doncnster, I Mi. % M Bride & Jiimei M*. I L ifterty#iuar*hans uf Ma ' ry M'llride, James Downey, Issac B]>onsler, vs James Harvey, Lydia M'Lui .j, vh John ftholtx & wife, !. lames Hi gains, vs Wm.Counetal tJoi.rgo Heiber, vs U. hwca Meehan, J. 11. A |{. M. Boutbett, vs II It. KeagloA-Ban. DufTy, Um.S. vh Charles «. Hays, | John llusMloton, vs \V uj llunsloton, (Junrwl Echolta, n H.J. Klinglor. WM. STOJIIJ, i'rothonotar#. : Proth notary's office , Feb. 17,1861. Writ of I'artltion. { B\tiUr ss. IN tho matter of the partition of the real estate ef Da vid D. Cross,dee'd., fate of Worth township. | In the Orphans' Court of Butler county, No. 27, Jhno j 'yf 'V' icgnl representatives of Davfd I). C s-, dee d., to wit:— Mary Cross. wld"v. John Cross, Harab Cross, Inter'harrlod j with George MOce, Lliza Cross, intormarrlod with John Diwky, Mary Cross, Margaret Ooss, Intermarried with i Da«i>l Cook. Jane Cross, intormarriod with ArchiftaM i iiickv-y, Ke/iah Cross, Intermarried with James lilckey, I and David Cross, you and each of you, are hereby ciw-1 to , lie and appear bef.ire our Judges at an Oiphans' Court, to be hold at But lor, in and for the county .of Butter, on the : F>.:,rtA Monday s March next, it being the twenty-eighth j day i,r said month, to accept or refuse tho premi.-' sal »bo i appraio-ment or valuation, or show cauae why tho same. liuuM not be sold. By the Court, WATSON J. YOU NO, C! It. , Bntler Jan. 11,1864. All of which, the aforesaid hoirs and leg?»l representa tives of the said David I>. Croas, dee'd., are hereby requir ed to take notice. WM. 0. BItACKEN HI DOE. Hheritf » office. Butler, March 2,1304. gh'ff. Bargains ! Bargains !! TN order to prepare for a new Spring Stock, we are nell- I X ing WINTKR MODS at great Iv reduced prices. Call soon and -ecure barsatns at the CHEAP STOItKot J AS. A NKGIJfiY. South efid of Town. | Butler. Feb. 24, lM4::3t. DlsHolutlon of l*u.rtnerwlilp. rpilEftrm of Sedwick A Brown, Saddle and lfarnosa |_ Makers, has this day, (Feb. dth. boon disifolVctt i by mutual consent, Peter P. Brown, having withdrawn | from the firm, and reenlkted In the Army. The accounts j of th*; Arm sre in the hands of J. A. Sedwick, by whoiu j the business will be carried on ss uaual. .1 f A SEDWICK, j Feb. 10, 'C4. p. p BROWN. R7 mT M'LURE, Attorney at Law, AND PENSION AND CLAIM AGENT. Omcz, N. IL corner of Diauood, Butler, I'a. . Feb. 3, *964xtf. Notice. J!HE Arm of Srackenridge k has bees dlaeolved this day, 'February autoaJ cobalt, W. Bracketuida, iavlng withdrawn from the firm. The I diji Books are in the hands of W. 0. Brackenrldga. w. o. BKAC&enkidge; E. KINGSBURY. In withdrawing from the above firm, I cbeerfhlly re ! oo mm end roy lata partner, to my friends and the public. w. 0. BRACEXNRIDGE. I N- B-—Ail persons knowing themselves indebted to tbe ; above fine, are hereby reepectftiily notified to call sad set' tie their respective accounts, by paytng or giving tfteir obligations, on or before the first of April next. Th«*a©* . counts of persons who tul to comply with this zx/tjfca^ I will be left with the proper authorities fbr collectloß. Feb. 3. lS6i:3t. W. Q. pRACKENRJDGE A CO. otts o. Stoves! Stores!! Stoves!?? TTTM. tt JAS. 0. CAMPBELL—Potnn>Ens—Foundry \ V South of tbe boreugh cf BUtkr, where Stores, „> Ploughs nnd other costings arc- made. A large supply ooa stsntly on baud and frr sal»at rooeouaLle ravoe !>*- 5.