VOLUME 1. The American Citizen. IS published every Wedneaday Iborough of Botler, by THOMAS ROBINSOXA C. FC. ANDERSON on Main street, opposite to Jack * Hutol—ofllc* up stairs in the brick orinerlv occupied by £li Yetter.as a store* * TERMS:—S| 50 a ye-ir, if paid in advance, or within the first «ix ni'intlm; or ?2 if not paid until after the expira tion of the firit six month®. RsTr.i OF ADVERTISING:— One square non., (ton lines or less,) three insertions . ?1 00 Every subsequent insertion, ner square, 25 Business cards of 10 lines or less for one year, inclu ding paper, 6 00 Card of 10 lines or less 1 year without paper 4 00 y. column for six months M 7 00 f>r one year 12 00 UMliimn for six months 13 00 column for one year 2.'» 00 i column for six months ?5 00 1 c dumn for one year 50 00 A Connubial Sketch, A few days ago, there arrived at a ho tel in Boston a couple from Rhode Island, who came to get joined, quietly, in the bonds of matrimony. As soon as they were fairly domiciliated, the would-be bridegroom —who was a rough, but appa rently honest specimen of the country Yankee —sent for the proprietor of the hotel, who quickly answered the summons'. "Say, lan'lord, ' proposed the stranger, pointing to his modest dulcinea, in the corner of the parlor, " this is my young 'ooman. Naow we've cum all the way from Rhode Island, and want to be splic ed. Send for a minister, will yor? Want it done up, rite straight off." The landlord smiled and went out, and half an hour afterward a licensed minis ter made his appearance, and the oblig ing host, with one or two waggish friends, were called in as witnesses to the •' scene." "Naow, Mr. Stiggins," says the Yan kee, " den it up brown, lind ylire money's ready;" and forthwith the reverend gen tleman commenced by directing the par ties to join their hands. The Yankee stood up to his blushing lady-love like a sick kitten hugging a hot brick, seized her hand, and as much pleased as a ra coon might be supposed to be with two tails. '•Youpromise, Mr. A.," said the par son, to take this woman —" " Yaas," said the Yankee at onec;. " To be your lawful and wedded wife." " Yaas—yaas." "That you Will love and honor her in all things." " Yaas." "That you will cling to her, and her only, so long as you both shall live." "Yaas, 'ndeeel—nothing else !" contin ued the Yankee, in the most delighted and earnest manner; but here the reve rend gentleman halted, much to the sur prise of all present, and more especially to the annoyance and discomfiture of the in tended bridegroom. " Yaas—, I said," added the Yankee. " One moment, my friend," responded the minister slowly, for it suddenly oc curred to him that the law of Massachu setts did not permit this performance, | without the observance of a " publish ment," dtc., foi a certain length of time. " Wot'n thunder's the matter, minister? Doan't stop—go OIJ —put'er threu. Noth in's spilt, eh? Ain't sick, minister, be yor?" . "Jut at this moment, my friend, 1 have thought that you can't be married in Mas sach usctts—" '• Can't! fron't natur's the reason ? I like her, she likes me; wot's to bender?" "You haven't been published, sir, I think." " Haint a goin' to be, nutlier! at's wot we cum 'cr.e for. On the sly ; go on—go on, old feller." " I really, sir—" said the parson. " Ilailly ! Wal, go ahead 1 'Taint fair you see, 'taint I swaow; you've married me. and hain't teched her. Go on— don't stop hero ! 'at ain't jes' the thing, naow, by grashus 'taint!" " I will consult—" " No you want— BO you don't—consult | no thin' ner till this 'ore busi- i ncss is concluded, naow mind 1 tell ye!" i said Jonathan, resolutely—and in an in stant he had turned the key iu aud out of; the lock, amid the titterings of the" wit j nessos," who nearly choked with merri ment ! " Noaw say, "minister, as we ware— continued the Yankee: seizing his tremb ling intended by the hand again—"go ou, rite strait from where you left oft ; yu can't cum nun o' this hallway bis'ness with this child: so put'er threu, and no dodging. It'll all be right—'go it!" The parson reflected a moment, and concluding to risk it, continued : "You promise, madam, to take this man to be your loyal husband ?" " Yaas," said the Yankee, as the lady bowed. " That you will love, honor and obey—" "Them's um!" said Jonathan, as the lady bowed again. " And that you will cliug to him, so long as you both shall live ?" " That's the talk,' said John ; and the lady (aid " yes" again. " Then, iu the presence of these wit nesses, 1 pronounce you man and wife—" " Hoorah !" shouted Jonathan, leaping pearly to the ceiling with joy AMERICAN CITIZEN. I"And what God hath joined together let no man put asunder!" ■ " Hoorah !" continued John. " Wot's the price?—how much?—spit it aout— ' don't be afeared—ye did it jes' like a I book, old feller!—'eres a A r —never mind the change—sen' for a hack, lan'lord— give us'yeur bill—-I've get her!— Hail Columbia—happy land!" roared the poor fellow, entirely unable to control h s joy; and ten minutes afterward, he was on his way to Providence depot with his vife and the happiest man out of jail. \Ye heard the details of the above scene from an eye-witness of the ceremony, and could not avoid putting it down as one of the weddings.— N. Y. Illustrated Netes. AN ALARM. —Going to see a pretty girl on a winter's night is a pretty thihg. j and anybody can see it with half an eye. "l is delightfully delightful to sit in a par lor where there is a blazing fire and where j there's a pretty girl by your side " with a j taper fingeV resting on your sleeve."— j And, to this be it added, it is delightful : to know that about nine o'clock or ' some- j where along there" you'll be treated to j some pic and some cider—the pie of the lady's own making—the cider of her dad's own making. This is all delightful, but j sometimes these "sparkings" or " eornerj ings," or whatever else wemay call are broken in upon nnd inttantly and un- j (icrmoniously ended. -We have an in stance of this kind to relate. Not long j Since a young man who resides not a thou- j sand miles from " I'intlc Ilill," (" Pintle Hill" everybody knows is in North Fay- j ettc township,) called upon his fair inamo- | rita. His coat and hat were taken, the j lady was smiling her sweetest smile and | everything looked fair and propitious to | the young man for a pleasant evening.— j 'Twas a windy night—a very windy night : —but doubtless the young limn thought \ that though old Boreas should whistle his loudest whistle and shriek his loudest; shriek, it wouldn't effect the pleasures of! the evening. A\ itli the wind whistling without, the fire would only burn bright-: cr within, and the "sparkin" would be remembered longer and considered bet- j ter. being done on a wild, howling night. ! Well, as we said, in spite of the whist- j ling wind and the blinding storm the | young man went sparking. The ivmiiug was passing pleasantly, beautifully, dei lightftilly, and the hour was Si o'clock— ' pretty near the time for the pio and the j cider—when Boreas in one of his biggest j glees brought down the* chimney with a j crash. The vounir man thinkings whole ! J r- & fc regiment of the most savage rebels in j .Jeffdom had charged on the house, in- j stantly fled, leaving his hat, coat and i girl, and never once giving a thought to j the pic and cider. • Histoty says he nev or stopped nor looked back until ho was j under the quilts and coverlets at home. When tli" Ml,™ next .loth run Mil} wo bi tlil-io tu neo. O.I'IIIDBLE STYX. WHAT BECOMES OF DEAD HORSES.— J Some "people will no doubt be astonished ; to learn that large fortunes have been made every year since the commencement of the war. out of the dead horses of the Army of the Potomac. The popular idea is that when Rosinautc yields up the I ghost, he is buried in some field, or left 1 tomoulder-into mother earth in the woods ! somewhere. Not so. He has made his ; last charge, and gnawed his last fence rail, but there is from S2O to £4O in the old fellow yet. A contract for the pur chase of.the dead horses in the Army of the Potomac, for the ensuing year, was ! let a few days ago, to the highest bidder, | at $1,70 per head, delivered at the facto- j ry of the contractor. Last year SGU.OOU was cleared on the contract, and this year it is thought ¥IOO,OOO can be made on it. The auiiuals die at the rate of about fifty per day, at the lowest calculation. At the contractor's establishment they j are thoroughly dissected. First, the shoes j are pulled off; they are usually worth fif- J ty cento a set. Then the hoofs are cut off ; they bring about two dollars a set.— Then comes the caudal appendage, worth I half a dollar. Then the hide—A don't | kuow what that sells for. Then the tal j low, if it be possible to extract tallow from the army horses, wlacli I think extreme ly doubtful, unless he die immediately af ter entering the service.. And last, but uot least, the shin-bones are valuable, be iug convertible into a variety of articles that many believe to be composed of pure ivory, luch as cane heads, knife-handles. &c. By the time the contractor gets through with the " late lamented" steed, j there is hardly enough of him left to l'ecd a bull-pup on. Hereafter, kind reader, when you see a dead " hoes," don't turn up your nose at him, but regard him thoughtfully, ns'the i foundation of a large fortune iu a single year. He may. individually, be a nui sance, but " thero is that within which passeth show"— 8100,000 a year. " Let us have Faith that.Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the end,dare to do our duty as we understand it"--A. LINCOLN. BUTLER, BUTLER COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1864. Letter from aN. Orleans Rebel Lady. The following letter, written by a lady distinguished in the literary "world, and addressed to her friend in Mobile, has been kindly placed at our disposal for publication. The pungent style of the fair southerners is good humoredly sar castic, and evinces how much spirit and endurance our country women manifest under the most trying circumstances of Yankee despotism: , NEW ORLEANS, November, 9,1862. DEAR FRIEND EDWIN: —Your little note of last July came safely to hand, but | no opportunity has since presented itself ' j until now. We were glad to know that | you were not yet entirely "starved out," I ( vide Yankee accounts) but still alive and jubilant. . •" "* How is it, O, Hermit! that thou canst not manage to get us through a i*..l nice, long letter, full of Confederate Ifcws, &c ? ! There are a million ways to cheat the j Yankee.", and they are so invariably ver j dant and soft, that every way is success | ful. I have "sold" them with imperti nent and seccsli acrostics at least half a I dozen times. lam not caught yet, and I don't intend to be. My last effort of the i kind but'one. caught me a nire \ankee I beau, if I had chosen to put him to ser •l vice. • It was published in a New Eng ! land paper. The pt-oprietor of the paper j Major , happens to be in our city at present strangely enough. 11c dropped me a note begging, politely, to be per | mitted to become acquainted. But I | dropped him an answer, begging, politc | ly to be excused, as I had a constitutional I weakness which displayed itself in an uncontrollable and deadly nausea at the j sight of a Federal uniform. He returned ! answer that he didn't wear his uniform | only on NN occasions (as they write on ; flour barrels,) that he had his own private | ideas in regard to the war, as well as my | self, and was open to even still further ; enlightenment. Fearing just hereabouts that this might be a Yankee trick toeatch j a r>ird for Fort JacksoY),l replied not fur- I ther to my gallant major. One thing, however, want to remark on here—the | perfect infatuation of these Fedora's for seeesh women. How is it, if they hate i our brave men so much, that they melt 1 so—majors, colonels, and generals—under the glances of' our Southern women ? ; There is not one of them, or, at fcast, but | few, that could uot be turned wrong side ! out, like an old glove, by any cute rebiil I of my sex ; and let mo assure you, that \ the only salvation of some high in oftiee i here, has been the unbending pride and j purity of the Southern female character. ! which cannot stoop to the semblance of | unbecoming friendship and familiarity, | even for the advancement of the causq j dearest-to our hearts. We heanniuch of the suffering for food an 1 clothing in the Confederacy l'ro | visions were exeeding'y plentiful and j cheap here until some time back, when geurillas (more power to them) admin | istered a peppering to one of thoir gun j boats, which rendered her a complete I seive, and made the Yankees rather shy of the river for the nonce. The star of negroism is still culmina ting with blazing brilliancy iu thiscity. We have now free schools for negroes in all directions, under white teachers. They also petition for the right of suffrage, through the columns of the Era. Let. me know, how you all arc. and how and what Hesperus is doing. How much I would give to tell you some of my ad ventures since last we met. Ob, when shall we, friends ohl and tried, Unite round oysters stewed and fried,_ As in thoeeda> ■» without alloy. When Dunaldtv n C. J. made my Joy! Yours, with friendly regard, MARY. A PROHIBITORY LIQUOR LAW. —There is now before the Legislature of West Vir ginia, a bill coueeruiiig spirituous liquors. It provides that from aud after the first day of February, liSGo, it shall uot be law ful for any person iu this State, to- manu facture or sell intoxicating liquors, in the same. Any person in this Suite, who* shall, after the day and date aforesaid, manufacture or cause to be manufactured, sell or caused to be sold, any intoxicating drinks whatsoever, shall be punished by fine not less than fifty nor more than five huudred dollars, or imprisonment not les» than six nor more than twelve months in the jail of the county in which the offense was committed. The form of arrest ami trial shall be the same as in other cases of misdemeanor. All fines arising under the provisions of this act, shall be paid into the school fund of this State. If the bill % should pass, and its friends think it will, it will knock all classes of liquor dealers into a cocked hat. It takes r all. the pret ty chickens' and their dam, at one "full swoop." A VEIN of gold as big as a man's arm has been found in Bucks county. Pennsyl vania. Considerable excitement prevails in consequence, COURAGE. Onwarf the year: WIT AX I> WISDOM 7 ' POPULAR Balls—Cannon Balls. POPULAR Dances for 180-T—Squad drills. WHAT the will of heaven ordains is good for all. THE more true merit a man has, the more does he applaud it in others. WHY was St. Paul like a horse ? Be cause he loved Timothy. WHY is a darkey never dead broke ? Because he always has a CENT left. A TEACHER of penmanship, in twelve lessons, taught a lawyer to read his own writing. " 1 AM going to draw this beau into a knot," as the lady said when standing at the liymenial altar. THERE is an old maid out west so tough and wrinkled that they use her head to grate nutmegs on. THE young man who " wrestled with fortune," is learning the science of box ing. OUR Jim says that getting in love is like getting drunk, the more a fellow does it, the more lie wants it. He knows. WnY axe the girls unlike Napoleon ? Because they favor the freedom of the press. WF. apprehend that, during the coming season, a great many oak, ash, chest nut, hickory and apple trees will bear butternuts. •. I WANT a safeguard," said a violent rebel to General Negley the other day.— Hang out the AMERICAN FLAG," re plied the General. A PIECE of common sense that ought to be remembered by every soldier when bis regiment is about leaving for the scat of war —It is not right to be left. " SAM," why am Senators like fi-hes ? " I don't meddle wid de subjec." " Why, don't you see, dey am so fond of de bate." TOM MOORE compared first love to a potatoe, " because it shoots from its eyes." Or. rather exclaimed Byron, "because it becomes all the less by pairing." Wlmt Mlvtlie "vrainit mnn . 112 fivblnn" iliaplay*} T.i what cliil.tiiitwilirjK.ij 1.., h unwilling l.t »t.R,[), From morninir till evening, In- find- now-a-days No better amusement thau charing u fir»>p. " HANS, what is de matter?" " De sorrel v. igou has run away niit de green horse, nnd broke do axel-trce of de brick house what stands by de corner across de telegraph." A FACT. —Habit in a child is at first like jfi spider's web—if neglected, it be comes a thread of twine; noxt a cord or rope ; finally a cable; and then, who can break it. WHITFIELD was accused of rambling in his sermons by one of his hearers, to which he .replied: "If you will wander to the devil I must wander after you." A Di ni, IN paper contains the follow ing paragraph : Yesterday Mr. Kt#ny returned to town, fell down and broke his neck, but fortu nately received no further injury ! To tell our r.ifn secrets is generally fol ly, but that folly is without guilt. To communicate these with which we arc entrusted, always treachery, and treach ery for the most part combined with fol ly. - A SCHOOL-BOY being asked by his teach- er how he should flog him, replied : "If you please, sir, I should like to have it upon the Italian system of pennmanship i —the heayy strokes upward nnd the down ones light!" How TO GET A HOUSE OUT OF A W nis- KEY BARREL. —Put the barrel iu a secure place, near a spring of good water, oir the road -to the grog-shop; go as far as the spring, drop the money thryugh the bung hole, take a good drink of water and re turn liflft. Repeat this operation till the barrel is full, knock out the bead, and you have the price of a splendid brick building. A COLORED firm in Newark, N. Jersey, having suffered some pecuniary embar rassments, recently closed business, and the senior member gave to the public the following " uotis —" De dishelution ob coparsuips heretofore resisting swixt me and Moses Jones in de barber profeshun, am heretofore resolved. Pussons whot ose lumt pay to de soriber. Pem whot de firm owes must call on Jones, as de firm | am iusolvcd," Mr. Brooks on the Negro. Mr. James Brooks is one of the editors and proprietors of the Xo-w York Express, once a Whig paper of decency and influ ence, afterwards a Know-Npthing organ and advocate of the "straight out" Fil morc ticket in 1856, but of late years a pro-slavery Democratic sheet of the most malignant type. Mr. Brooks is abo a member of Congress from the city of New York, and has heretofore shown no disposition to approve a single measure of the Admiiustration intended to subdue rebellion.' •lL?li as been emphatically, to use the significant words of our neighbor of the Post, a member of"the Democrat ic party at the prcent time." But Brooks is sharp. lie is "no novice in the politician's art of reading the signs of the times, and no stickler for political consistency when it serves his purpose to turn a sharp corner. In this latter par ticular he is certainly wise and eminently Democratic. He docs not forget the tra ditions of his party. If a tenet of party faith won't go with the people, or if it is not profitable to hold fast to it, the Demo cracy drops it and takes another. Exem pli gratia: one year ago the Democratic party -vas bitterly opposed to the throe hundred dollar clause in the enrollment bill; just now Democratic editors and members of Congress are dumb as oysters upon the horrid iniquity of the "rich man's law." Doubtless they think it a wise enactment just about this time, and we expect soon to hoar them say so. Nor do we now hear any of those loud indig nant protests against negro soldiers with which the "white man's party" once filled our Abolition ears. Every member of that party to-day. like Private Miles O'Reilly, is perfectly willing to admit the right of thenegroto be "kilt" if thereby his own white skin can be kept unblack ed by "villainous gunpowder." In fur ther illustration, wc have recently seen many of the Democracy attempting to steal one-half the thunder of all Abolitionism, " fanatical" WENDELL PniLLirs included by shouting lustily irt favor of an amend ment to the Constitution which shall abol ish slavery in short meter. Mr. BROOKS is one of tlio most "pro grcssive"i)f his party in trimming his politi cal sails to suit the varying "winds of pub lic doctrine." Ho might well have pasted in the crown of his hat. if ho has not, this convenient and sublime motto : " New ofeaiioiH tmch now ant let; Time inakt.'Sancient (c* HHI uncouth: ICc upward* ttiD an.! onw .nl. WUp who would keqp Abreast ».f Truth." A man of Mr. Brooks' overshadowing goodiicf-s could not, of course, allow him self to fall behind Truth when she is "marching along." and he doe. n't. Mr. Brooks, therefore, throws the "ancient good" to the dogs, and accepts the modern good a3 the very thing he had boon look ing for and longing after. Mr. Brooks has recently been making a speech in Congress, in which lie show ed himself Oqual to any acrobatic feat that the exigencies of his party or the rapid steps of Truth might require of him.— The speech was delivered on Monday last, upon the proposition to establish a Bureau of Frecduien's Affairs. Thple iof the North. There is the Southern act for arming first the free negroes of the j South, and second for arming the South j ero slaves This of itself is the abolition of slavery in the rebel States; for the mo ment arms arc put into the hands of slaves, that moment slavery is abolished, South a3 well as North. * * You have made this a negro abolition war. Ynu have changed its original pur pose, and therefore the negro should be called out, and should fight the battles of the party which has taken them into their keeping. Ido not, for one, intend to re sist your movements in that respect any 1 jngcr.". Thus has Mr. James Brooks, one of the shining lights of the Democratic party,ta ken a position upon the slavery question almost the opposite of that lie has hereto fore held. I!, r cojnfces thi abolition of slavery. His speech may be regarded as the first prominent avowal of the inten tion of the Democratic party to abandon its position of opposition to the rapidly developing anti-slavery sentiment of the country. The Democratic papers from which wc have heretofore quoted merely paved the way for these ex cathedra dec larations of Mr. Brooks. He rtianifested his shrewdness in perceiving the fact that this war is destined to break the chains of the slave and let theopprcssel go free,and he showed his boldness in admitting that fact upon the floor of.the House. We look for the whole Democratic party in the coming Presidential campaign to follow hie example.— Pittsburgh Gazette. Tlio New Western Campaign, Sherman's expedition is now so far advanced that the Western papers seem to think no harm will come from publishing pretty full details of its com position, and even hints its to its destina tion. A heavy cavalry force- is already* sweeping through Central Mississippi.— Infantry from various points have gather ed in great numbers at Vicksburg, the ar my corps which form its nucleus having been rconforeed by the garrisons of all postE along the river, the holding of which is not a military necessity. Under com mand of Gen. M'Phcrson they nr* niov ing'eastward upon Jackson. A third col umn of considerable strength is marching from Natchez. The three are to unite at a point not yet indicated, under Gen. Sher man's command, and tor-ether to enter up on a campaign in the heart of the enemy's country. The advance of this .formidable force may furnish a clue to tlio sudden retreat of Johnson from Dalton. He held a po sition near that place, of great strength to resist an attack iu front, but it seems to be the characteristic of the campaigns through this vast territory that no posi tion is defensive, again* t a movement in flank. If Gen. Sherman starts his col umns from Vicksburg, five bundled miles marching duo East, Johnson i ■ instantly sensible that they may reach a jioint iu Alabama which threatens' his hold upon Northern Georgia. They may atall events attack a point which the Rebels cannot afford to surrender without a Struggle.- Hence, on either theory, Johnson has no choice but to aban'dfin .Dnlton. and fall back to cover Montgomery or Sclma. The distances which Gca. Sherman, supposing him to contemplate such a movement, has to travcr.-e are enormous. Seldom lifts an array penetrated a country so barren of resources and far removed from supplies. It is only the railway and river transportation which makes the ef fort in any degree lea ible. lien. Sherman may r< construct, as he advance.:, the rail way from Vieksburg to Jackson, and from Jackson to Meridian, and if he Li able to maintain such a line and to fortify the lat ter poiut as a Secondary base, Ire may pur sue his campaign hence in whatever di rection ho chooses. What the direction is to be, everybody is at liberty to settle for themselves. It is sufficient to say to day that the campaign is »t' vast impor tance not only in it-elf. but in relation to the other movements which under the guidance, of Gen. Grant the Spring is t) witness. There neodstio longer be any apprehension, if any has been felt, that, the war on Our part is to be waged as a de fensive struggle. Armies in motion so early as this do uot mean to halt till they have fought and won decisive battles.— Gen. Sherman has a taste for active work, is eompeteut to command an independent column, and may be relied on for an ener ie campaign. The wi-hes of the country go with hiui on his perilous way. S>ss"'A '-bijj I agin of Capt Andrews' company, Michigan Volunteers, got into Chicago a day or two ago, and after wan dering fiiufi'l that ho was lost-. H ; hunt ed for directions awhile, then stopped,and scratching his head, exclaimed, "Waugh! Injun lost! No! no! Injun not lost.— Wigwam lost—lnjun here!" A verycon- reflection. THE quota of Philadelphia is eemi•of ficially stated to he 13.338 men. Over i 5,000 of these, it is said, have been ob i t lined by enlistment. NUMBER 12. The Enrollment Bill as Passed. The following isat otice the briefestaud best summary we have seen of the provis ions of thcnewenrollmentact. It is from the New York Persons interested can rely upon the accuracy of this conden sation of the uew law. which is a very long one: " The bill provides that the quotas of lo calities shall be as nearly as possible in proportion to the number of men resident therein liable to military service, taking into account, as far as practicable, the num ber which hns been 'previously furnished, enlisting in the naval service will also be taken into account, as well as all who nfay volunteer after the- ordering of I the draft. It also provides that if the quota of any district shall not be fillpd by i he draft, furtherdrafts shall be made,and like proceeding? had until the quota of the district is filled. ') Persons enrolled may furnish at any time previous to the draft an acceptable substitute who is not liable, and-such per sons thus furnishing a substitute shall be exempt from the draft not exceeding the time for which such substitutes shall have been accepted. Any person drafted may, before the time fixed for his appearanco for duty at tho rendezvous, furnish an acceptable substitute. If any drafted per son shall hereafter pay money lbr the pro curation of a substitute, such payment shall operate only to relieve the person from the draft on that call, and his namo shall be retained on the roll, and ho shall be sub ject to draft in filling that quota, and his name shall be retained on the r >ll in filling future quotas. But in no instance shall the exemption of any person on account of hi* payment of commutation money for th> procuration of a substitute, extend be yond one year : but at the end of one year in every such case the name of tho person so exempted shall be enrolled again, if not before returned to the enrollment list un der tho provision of this section. • The following persons are exempted from enrollment and draft, viz : Such as ai rejected lis physically or mentally un fit for service; persons actually in the mil itary or naval service of the United States at tho time of the draft : and all persons who have -ei'ved in the military or naval service two years during tho present war, and been honorably discharged. No per : in? but such as arc herein exempted shall' be exempt. , " So much of the Enrollment Act, as provides f..r two classes of enrollment is rciiaalod, and they are now consolida ted. "No person of foreign birth shall on account of alienage be exemptod from en rollment or draft, who has at any time as sume d the rights of a citizen, by voting at. any election held under the authority of the laws of any Sta'.e or Territory, or of the United States, or who had held any office under Mich laws, or any of them,but the fact that Hiich person of foreign birth has voted or held, or shall vote or hold of fice, shall bo taken as conclusive evidence that he i not entitled to exemption from military service on account of alienage. All able-bodied male colored persons be tween tho ages of twenty and ioitj'-fivo years, resident in the are to be enrolled according to tho provisions of the Enrollment Act, and form a part of tho national fcrcc3. And when a slave of a loyal master shall lie drafted and mustered into'tbo service of the United States, his roaster shall have a eertifica'e thereof,and thereupon such clave shall be free, and the bounty of SIOO, now payable by brw for each drafted man, shall be paid to tho' person to whom such drafted person was owing service or labor at the timCof his muster i.nto the Service of the United States." MR. LINCOLN'S LAST.—A. Washington correspondent gives the following as Mr. Lincoln's last: '■My opinion as to who will be nest Pres ident," said Mr. Lincoln, not many days ago, ''is very much the opinion that Pat had about the handsome funeral. You see Pat was standing opposite the State House iu Springfield, with a short, black, pipe in his mouth and his hands deeply buried in his empty breeches pockets." " Pat, who's funeral is that passing Inquired Old Jake Miller, who seemed im pressed with abeligj'that an Irishman musl know everything. " Plaise yer honor," replied Pat, remov ing his pipe for a moment, "it isn't me self can say forsartin ; but to the be3t o my belief, the funeral belongs to the gin tlcniaa or lady that's in the coffin." i: Now. it is very much the same," con tinued Mr. Lincoln, "about the Presiden cy. I oan't say for certain who will be the people's choice ; but to the best o' my belief it will be the.;uccessful candidate." Tin; Wisconsin l/t»ari«,lnture is seeking some constitutional mode of punishing those who have skedaddled to Canada to e cape the draft. V.,.: :