THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. Sutler, Pa,, Wednesday, Feb. 17.1864. -Kn trance to tli" AwtBICAN ClTllts Printing Office Vom tlie South, on JelTtrS'Jti street. KIKKTINO OF VETERANS.—L)o not fail to attend the meeting of the Veterans to IJC held in Sutler on to-morrow (Thursday) itt 11 o'clock A. M. BOROUGH BOUNTY. —In the report in regard to the local bounty subscription in last weeks issue of the Citizen, the sur plus was stated at 8174,43. Since then 'one of the $20,00 subscribers refuses to pay his subscription. This will leave 8154,43 of a surplus, in the Treasury. Committee. fcy A Quarterly Meeting will be held in the Butler M. E. Church, commencing next Saturday at 1 o'clock, p. m. Rev. T. N. Baird, D. D., will conduct the va rious exercises of the meeting. Services on Saturday evening at (i< o'clock, and on Sabbath morning, at 10} o'clock. BCRUI.ARIKS. —On Thursday night of Jast week, the Restaurant of Samuel Sykes, Jr., was broken open. The burglars gain ed access by going in through the cellar and prying open an inside back door.— They were no doubt-fond of smoking as they took about SC,OO worth of cigars.— They also took a small amount of change (hat happened to be left in the drawer.— On last JlTinday night a pane was taken out of the window of the Restaurant of! (ieorge Hoeh, and from the opening thus I made, three jars of candy were extracted, j These acts of burglary and pilfering have I their origin from the habit of street prowl ing ; of boys being out at night. It is but a short time since we spoke of the sad | consequences that flow from the practice j of boys "being out after night." The ' guilty in the above transactions, will, it is feared, goon from bad to worse, until they i find themselves arraigned before a court ! of justice, and find a safe lodging in the i Penitentiary. C»l>l. 11. I'illtMi. U. S. Recruiting officer for this county, | lias established an office in this place.— j All wishing to enlist in any branch of the i I 'nited States Service, can do so by call- i ing on him on or before the Ist of March next, at which time volunteering will cease 112 under (lit! present law allowing S4OO to ] veterans and S3OO to others. Any town- J ship not having furnished its quotij of the f>00;000 men, at that time will have to j experience the " oppression" of another draft, and it should be remembered that the next draft will be a " wholesale" one. One half the men drafted will not be ex empted for legal caime or physical ditabil ity. 'I he draft will bo made under the new or amended conscription act. which j exempts but very few. There is not a township in the county , but what can, with the proper action, clear j itself of the coming draft. The only j thing that is necessary, is for the citiiens | to make the necessary effort to raise a rle- j cent local bounty. Recruits are plenty. We see men every day wanting to enlist, and are willing togo for any township that will pay a reasonable local bounty. Let each and every township be up and doing ; the time is short. The first of March is drawing near. If the quota of any of the districts in our county is not filled by the first of March, let there be no complaint or fault finding against the Government. Now is the time to work, and it should be done without delay. Do "not suffer meu to leave ' our county and go lor some other because :i local bounty is to be had therein. Act now, and act energetically, and our quota •will be filled without a draft. l.isf of J lirnrs, L'rawn for .March Term, 1864, commenc ing Monday, 28th. OR AND JURORS. Major Wm. Smyth, Lancaster; James Kiskaddcn, Allegheny; Andrew Boggs, I' orward; Jared Wallace, Penn ; Jacob Schaffuer, Butler; Joseph Wcsterman, liuflalo; Jesse Fulton, Middlesex; Win. Martiu, Venango; Martin 1-leyl, Muddy-, .creek; John Brewer, Clinton; 11. 1). Payne, Worth; Samuel Painter, Win field ; Henderson Christy. Washington ; David Porter, Slippery rock; Sainncl Pat terson, Jefferson; John M'Malmn, Par ker; Wm. Wilson, Cranberry; <!co. Ma hood, Concord; Jo cph Swartz, Jackson; It. C. M'Aboy, bor. Butler; Wm. Dobson, Clay; James Taggart, Brady; Joseph Maxwell, Fairviow; James Gilchrist, ■Cherry. TRAVERSE JURORS. m. Minsor, Adams; Robert Jamison, Allegheny; John Baird. Buffalo; Samuel Turk. Brady; Wm. Ramsey, Butler •Moses Thompson, Centre; Joseph Porter,; ' berry; David Patterson. Clay; Fphraim Morrow, Clearfield ; Win. Br ewer, Clin ton ; Joseph Mechling, Concord ; M. W. Sherman, Connoquenessing; Harvey Wal ters. Cranberry; Isaac Recp, Donegal; R. Kiukaid, Fairview; G. \\ r . Stevenson, Franklin; Jacob Cleffer, Forward; Aaron Shontz, Jackson ; James Wright, Jeffer son; \\ . H.l'effer. Lancaster; Jacob Hud dle, Marion; Hugh Gill, Mercer: Wilson David, Middlesex; Saninel Jones, Muddy ereek ; Mathias < )akland ; Isaac Wise, Penn; Geo. M'Mahan, Parker; Marcus M'Gonigle, Slipperyrock ; Jacob Reiber, Summit; Wm. Layton, Venango; Thomas Kelley, esq.. Wm. Painter, Winfield; Geo. Book, Worth ; S. W. Stewart, bor. Butler ; J. Hays, Jr., bor. Ceutreville; James Morrison, bor. Harrisville; John Reed, bor. Zelicnople ; tlenderson Oliver, bor. Portersville. For the Citizen. j THE CALL TOR LINCOLN. The call for Lincoln, ooce again To hold the govermental rein, ■frmmlh from the morelands of the north, And from the lowlands of the sooth, From fair Atlantic on the east, T«» wild Pnciflcon our west, j From Colafornla's mine# of gold 1 And hill* and plains of wealth untold And from New England comet, the strain, ' Our suffrage give to Abe again. The slave demands* it at our hands, To break nway the galling bands, That binds them soul and body down Beneath a tyrant* vengeful frown; i Humanity demands that we, Upon thf candidate agree, i Whom soldiers on the tinted field, llave chosen and will never yield: From each department comes the strain, Let Liucoln be our guide again. • The Democrat* are moulting fast, > Before'the fierce and angry blast, Of public sentiment and scorn ; For they were wretched and forlorn While in the rank Ophidian nest, Obeying every vile behest, Of sufh ns Sevmour. and of Wood, W ho'd split the Union if they could: They've moulted fhst, are moulting still. And*call for Lincoln with a will. The soldier stained with Southern sand, Has often seized his honest hand. And by some Innate feeling knew. That Lincoln wa* his friend and true: I've heard them proudly sav, I went To see old Abe, the President, And lie (though his cortege was grand) Would deign to clasp u soldiers li'ind : Now every soldier joins the strain. Let Lincoln guide our cause again. Aye, let the mnn of iron nerve, Another term an guardian serve, Our Nation, want' none other than, The mightv Proclamation man: Then let our banner be uufcrled, For Abe the wonder of the world, 'Till contrite States go huud in hand. To freedom's ehrine with Maryland : From every point we hear the strain, Place Lincoln in the chair again. Penn tp., Feb. 6, '64. L.W. Army Correspondence. For the Citizen. BEAT/TON STATION, VA., Feb. 4th, 1864. MESSRS. EDITORS. —We are encamped j along the Orange and Alexandria R. 1!.. , j between Bealton Station and Warren ton Junction, about midway between the twa I places. AVe have a very fine camp, ! on high rolling ground. We have about j 4t'o veterans in this regiment (62(1 Pa.), j I as brave men as the Army of the Poto ! mac can produce. They h»vc acquitted themselves nobly in all the engagements I in which they have participated, which the history of this regiment lias fully | j shown. The old soldiers are not so rash j | in their ways towards the new recr > and '■ I drafted men as some men tliou t they j would be. I had been in the army bef' and I never saw a better dieiplined regiment | than the G2d Pa. in the service The 91.-t j ! Pa. and the 82d Mass. have r enlisted and J arc home on furlough, which has caused us to perform almost doubl duty,but this j will soon end. Every duty is performed 1 with cheerfulness. W< have good and ' j tried officers. Col. Switicr is acting as j Brigadier General ««f 01 Brigade. The j Regiment is commanded by Lieut.-Col. J. C. Hull. A.M. The l!ral'l as i< is lo be. The enrollment ell, as it passed the House retains th< IWOO commutation clause, but limits "lie term of exemption only until the names theu in the wheel are exhausted. I Enrolled men. wlim scape the draft, and go in as si^istitutes,only free their princi | pals until the next draft, that is, they and | their principals merely change place*.— \ Aliens, who are not subject to the draft, if they go as substitutes, free their principals for the full term of service. Only sons of widows or of aged and in- i firm parents, only brothers of children un- I der twelve years of age, fathers of moth erless children, sons elected by aged anil infirm parents, nnd indeed all who, on ac count of peculiar family relations and con ditions. were entitled to exemption under the former draft, are now just as liable to draft and to service as others. Enrolled whether their names have been stricken from the rolls, or their papers endorsed by the board of enrollment, will be restored to the rolls as before. We give this distinct notice of these facts, that parties interested may be induc ed to unite with those who hare never had any plea to offer, in efforts to free their sub-districts from the operat'on of the draft. To give an opportunity to do this, the draft was postponed for about forty days, from the sth of January to the 10th of March, and most nobly havemanysub distriets come up to the work. Indeed, we think, judging from the way things are moving, that there will be but few that will suffer the draft to fall upon them ;but the ppople of such as do suffer it to take place, may be assured that it will be rigid ly enforced, and the full quotas exacted either in men or money.— Pittsburgh Ga zette.. Jiiylu Idaho uothing goes as a circu lating medium but gold dust. Every man carries his little buckskin pouch, and, no matter what his purchase is, he pays for it in the precious legal tender of the realm, which is weighed out on scales kept for the purpose, whether the article bought be a cigar, a horn of whisky or something of more utility and value. The minimum of value is a quarter of a dollar, and the weights arc graduated from that sum up. aft?" A new gunboat, the Ouachita, has j just been completed at Cairo. She is an iron-clad, but differs from the other craft of that description in retaining her cabin and upper works entire Iler batteries consist of howitsers and rifled Parrotts, and are in such a position as to command the banks of the river, and enable her crew to engage rebel batteries at almost any point upon equal terms. THE KANSAS U. S. SKNATOUSIIIP.— At a meeting of the Union League the night of the oth instat Leavenworth, res olutions were adopted denouncing an elec tion of United States Senator by the pres ent Legislature as an infamous fraud up on the people, and a disgrace to the State of Kansas, and expelling all members of the Legislature belonging to the League, who voted for the joiut- resolution togo into an election. A meeting of the citi zens is called for to-night to take action on this matter, and similar meetings are to be held throughout tho State. There was no candidate voted for against Carney. Thirty-one votes were cast, but all were blank or against the fraud. The minority and a portion of the State officers issued a protest against the elec tion. VOLUNTEERING IN FRANKLIN COUN TY. —The Cbambersburg Repository says: The volunteering in this oonuty during the last week was unexampled since the first call for troops. Col. Boyd's cavalry regiment is now about full—certainly not less than one thousand strong, and every branch of the service has been liberally strengthened by our county A majority of the districts have already filled their quotas, and-we doubt not that before the Ist day of March every man called from the Old Green Spot will be in the serv ice ; and besides we have scores of men to other localities. The districts of this county all paid liberal bounties— ranging from SIOO 1 - loOperman. Not less than 850,000 has already been raised by subscriptions to pay bounties, and all that may be needed can be readily raised in addition. We iloubt not that such leg islation will be had as will reimburse the subscribers by tax 1 tion—th us imposing the burdens equally lpon all. If all the coun ties of the Stat, are as prompt as Frank -1 lin. Pennsylvania willbeagain, as ever be fore. among the first to discharge her whole duty to preserve the life of the lic public. CRKI.IT "K THE DRAFT. —A great mis take is boii - made with reference to cred it on the 'aft, and many districts after 1 having . ponded large sums of money to fill up their quotas, will find that they I have 11 : in reality furnished a soldier to secure exemption on the present call.— The < ris committed in this manner : Agci - are now in Ilarrisburg from all part- 112 the State, looking after the vet er;i who have just returned on furlough. These agents make it a business to bargain with the veterans, paying each soldier a j certain sum of money to allow to i be credited to a certain district, when that j veteran has already been creited and rc ! ecived a bonnty. The locality of the en ! listment of tho veteran —where he was first credited, cannot be and was notohang !ed when he reenlisted. Hence the wrong of tempting these men into allowing their names to be credited to localities only now offering bounties. In all cases, such cred its will be disallowed by the Provost Mar shals in tho several districts. The people J will at once see that if the double credit j were allowed, the Government would get no soldiers while the people would be enormously taxed.— Pittsburgh Gazette. A requisition was made a few days ince on the government for boots for the j colored regiment in camp at Quiney, Illi nois. The sizes were so enormous that ! they could not bo procured at Chicago, [ and the agent had to telegraph to Wash ington to know what was to be done. lie was ordered to have the regimental feet ( measured and send the result to Washing ton, so that the boots could be const rue ted there. The sizes range from 10's to 20's. This regiment will be apt to ''tram ple on the rights of the South." A young Englishman was sworn in at New Haven, last week, who was one of tlio famous "six hundred" im mortalized by Tennyson. M W Al> VKRTISEII KXIS. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. ~ KtUih' of Jtihn JTofjg, J)cr'd. I ETTERS Testamentary on the estate of Jonx Ilnnn, Ij late of Cherry township, Btiiler county, Pa., dee d., i having been wanted to the undersigned; all nervous 1 Knowing themselves indebted to s.kid estate, will make immediate payment, and all having claim* against the I same will please present them properly authenticated for j settlement. JANE 11. 110(10, Feb. 17. IH64::flt. Executrix. THE GBEAT American Tea Company 51 Vesej* Sired. Veil York. Since it* organization, has created a new era in the history Of Selling TEAS in tlila Conntry* A Ll* our Ten* are selected by a Professional Tea-taster, 4 \ expressly and exclusively f-r lis, and we never Charge..\or Tw<» Cents ():-i Cents, per pound above cost fur original packages. • We have but One Price to every one f.»r each quality, and that price is always marked on eaeh sample package at our store in plain figures. We issue a monthly price list of our Teas, which will be sent free to all who order it—we advise every Tea Sel ler to see it. It comprise*a full assortment selected for every locality in the States, provinces. South America and the West Indies. In this list each kind is divided into Four Classes or qualities, namely : Cargo, High Car go. Fine, Finest, that every one may understand from de scription nnd the price-annexed that the Company are determined to undersell the whole tea trade. We guarantee to sell our Tens in original packages at not over Two Cents per ponnd above cost, believing this !to he attractive to the many who have heretofore been paying Enormous Profit*. « Our business is largely done on orders, which we al ways execute as well and promptly as though the buver came himself, giving true weights and tares? and always guaranteeing everything; our responsibility enabling us to do nil we promise. Every dealer can order his teas tli rect from the Company, and parties doing business within Five lliindxil i;'iOO) miles of New York, can ! • urn Teiu h'ltight of us if rhev arc not cheaper thnn thev can buy elsewhere, nnd the purchaser is dissatisfied with his l.«r gain, within fourteen days, (14), and have the money re funded to them. Those who are over Five Hundred tulles can have thirty days (30), and the same privileges extend ed to them. Besides these advantages the Company will pay AH Expanses, both ways, if the Teas are returned. GREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, 51 Veicy St., New York. Feb. 17. 'fV4::3moe. Administrator's Notice. IiniERKAB Letters of Administration on the Estate }} of Sarah Philips, lttte of Centre township, Butler County. Pennsylvania, deceased, have thisdnv been grant- ' ed to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and thuee having claims against the some, will present them to the undersigned duly authenticated ltosettlement February, 10, lHo4:«>t WILLIAM FOOLS, HANNAH FOG LB, Administrtors. CcntreHownship. Butler county. of I*art iierwlilp. rpilE firm or Sedrflek A Brown, Saddle and Harness I Makers, has this day, (Feb. Hth. 1M4.,i been dissolved by mutual consent, Peter P. Brown, having withdrawn from the firm, and reenlisted in the Army. The accounts of the firm are in the hands of J. A. Hedwick, by whom the business will be carried on us usual. J. A. BEDWICK, Feb. 10. '6l. p. p. BROWN. of Causes Ci ET down for Trial nt March Term, IMVI, commencing Monday, -Bth of March. yinsT WRF.K. Matthew Morrison, vs Robert Oraham. G. Grinder. vs Christian Mechling, Christian Kennick, vs Frederick Mmltz, Jesse Moore, vs .l.ime* M Deunott, Itobt. Uortma.-s A wife, vs Mamuel l'earce & wife. C. D. Fowler, vs John Kerr k 11. C. M Coy, Ex'rs.irf" K.Thompson dec d N. Macey for use of F. Kerr,Ts Hamilton A Co. D.Jteatty, vs John Gallaher Adm r. of W. Ilarkins. Wm. S. Ziegler k wife, vs Isaac A Wm. Robb, (ieorge Boyd. vs John k Win. Barron. Thomas Cratty, % vs Robert Allen. Andrew M'Kivey, vs Thomas Hindmnn, S. Kerr * R. Montgomery, vs John M.Oalbmith, VF m. Ritcbcy, vs Henry Bean. Adm r. of Da vid I>. Bean, dee d., V m. Emrick for use of W. C. Haun, vs Kelson M Allister, Samuel Kerr, Jr., vs Chancey Hamilton ot al, John Lindsay, vs Samuel M'Murry, Cornelius M'Bride. vs Miles Gallaher, ct al. Thotn|>*on Kyle, agent for Js.M- M Couuell, vs Richard Doncaster, Mar.v M'Bride k James M'« Lafferty, G uardiajis of Ma ry M'Bride. vs James Downey, lasac Stfonslor, vs James Harvey, Lvdia M'Luro, v» John Hhultz A wife, .ianicf Hifcgii,s, Wm. Conn et al. George Reilivr, vs Rebecca Meuban, J. H. kR. M. Douthett, vs H. B. Keagle A Dau. Duffy, Wm. S. Lloyd, et. aj., vs Charles H. Hays, John 11. lhtMslcton, vs Wm. Husslcto'n, Conrad Echolts, vs H. J. Klingler. WM STOOPS, Prothonotarv. Prolhonotary*® office. Feb. 17,1861. Arrival and noparlnroof Mails. The mail from Butler to East Sandy. by way of Holy oko, CVniltersville, Anandale, Murrinsrille and Clinton- ! vflle. 36 mile*; loaves Butler on Monday and Friday of each week, tit 6 o'clock, a. m., returns on Tuesday and ; Saturday of each week at 7 o'cjock, p. m. The mall from Butler to Salem Cross Roads, by way of Saxonbur;:. Sarversville, Freeport, Shearer's Cross R< .ads, McLaughlin's Store and Oakland Cross Roads, 43 miles : leaves Butler on Tuesday and Saturday of each week, at 5 o'clock, a. m.; return* on Fridajt aud Monday cf each week, at H o'clock, p. in. The mail from Butler to New Castle, by way of Mount Chesnnt. Prospect, Portersville and Princeton, 28 miles; leaves Builer on Monday and Thursday of oach woek,at 6 o'clock a. m ; returns on Tuesday and Friday of each week, at 5 o'clock, p. in. I Tho mail from Butler to Lawrern-ebnrjr, by way of N'orth Oakland. Ramhart's Mills, Baldwin and Bruin, 26 miles, leavK Butler on Monday and Friday of each week, at 9 ! o'clock, n, m: returhs flh Tuesday and Saturday of each week, at li o'clock, p. m. ; The maii from Bntler to New Brighton, by way of Pe tersburgl. Break-Neck and Zellenaple.29 mile*; with two additional trips between Break-Nock and Zelienople; leuvs Butler on Wednesday of each waek, at 7 o'clock, a. m.; re- I turns on Thursday of each week, at 6 o'clock, p. m. 1 'Hie mall from Butler to Pittsburg, by way of Glade I Mills, Bakerstown, Tally Cavy, Etna, Dequetne aud Alle gheny City, 82 miles; leaves Butler every morning, except [ Sunday, at 7 o'clock, a. arrives at Butler from Pitts burgh by the same route, every day, Sunday excepted, at 1 o'clock, p. m. The mail from Butler to Mercer, by way of McGandlesa Brown ington, Slippery-Rock, North Liberty, London and ! Balm, 32 miles: leaves Bntler every day, Sunday excep ted, at 1 o'clock p.m.: returns by the name route, every day, Sunday excepted; arriving in Butler at 7 o'clock in the morning. The mail from Butl.-r to Indiana, bv way of Coyles ville. Worth Ington. Kittannlng. Klderton and Slodocta, • 48 miles; leaves Butler on Monday and Thursday of each week, at 4 o'clock, a. m.: returns on Tuesday and Friday of j each week, at 7 o'clock, p. m. The mail from Butler to Boy«lstown. 6 miles, leave* Boydstown on Friday morning of each week, arrives at Butler in the forenoon : depart* for Bovdstown same day } after the arrival of the mail from Pittsburgh. M VlMtirJ). On Monday the loth Inst., at the residence of the Pas ' tor. Rev. K. W«>odruff, in Centre township, Mr. JOHN Q. | THORNRI KO. of Donegal tp., to Miss liMIIT E. CocnßA.v, of Butler through. 1 By the same on Saturday evening. 13th Inst., in the Congregation. Mr. JAWF.S RROWX. of Clay township, to Mis>< JAJTK M'CLUXO, of Oakland township, all of Butler county. Pa. On the Mh inst., by John Q. A. Kennedy, Esq.. Mr. JAMES C. IlrcriKS.of Co. K, 55th Reg't., Pa. Vol's., to Miss CATH \RINV. ROHALI \ RKNO, all of this borough. On the Ist inst.. by George C. RoessJng, Esq., Mr. JEHU NIXON, TO MIS,. ELLEN KICK, all of Penn tp.. Butler co. <>n the 21st ult., near Millbrook, Mercer county, bv Rev. John Abbott, Mr. BAMCKI. M. RROWN. of Co. O. 10th P. R. V.(> to Miss LUZZIRC. YOUNO. 11l IIJ.IJ MA RK BT9i BUTLER, Pa. Feb. 9, 1804. BI TTER—Fresh 8011, 28, cents per pound BKANS—White, $2, 25 per bushel. BKKF—Is bought from wagons at 4 and 5 cts per lb. BARLKV—Spring, $1.00; Fall. sl.lO. RKKSW AX—33 cents ser pound. KUGS—cents per dozen. FLOUR—Wheat,s3,7s per hund.; Buckwheat s3,oo:Rye j FRITIT —Dried Apples, sl,7sand 2,00 per bushel; Dried Peaches. $3,50 to 4,00. F'FATHERS—IS cents per pound. <ißAlN—Wheat, sl,2sci $1,40 per bushel; Rye, 1,15. Oats, 70c; Corn, 100; Buckwnat, 75c. ti IBX'ERI KS—Coffee, Rio, 37c per pound; .lava, 40c: Brown Sugar, I*V per pound: do. \\ bite. 2i>c ; X.O. Molas- SE«, KO cents per gallon : Syrup 00c and sl. lIIDKS —7*4 cents per pound. LARD—!•*> cents per pound. N A ILS—$5.75 per keg. POTATOES —50 and 75c per bushel. PORK—IO to 12 cents per pound. RAGS—S cent? pel* pound. RICH—I 2 cent* per pound. SKi;j)S—Clover, $8,25, and 8.40 per bushel; Timothy, |3,00: Flax. $2,00. SALT—S3,OO per barrel. TALLOW—IO cents per pound. WOOL—7Oc per pound. # SPECIAL XOTK IX j COXNnQI'KXKSSIXC LODGK, I Mated meetings at the Hall, on six o'clock. Brethren from sister Lodges are resoet tful ly invited to attend. By order of Ihe N. G. q A. V. M.—Bntler Isnlge, No. 27*2. A. Y.M. holds ,//\ its stated meetings in the Odd Fellows Hall, on Main Street. Butler Pa. on the first Wednes /s*/\ day of each month. Brethren from sister ' 112 \ Lodges are respectfully invited to attend. By order of the W. M. EMPLOYMENT. 112 A MOXTIL—-Agents wanted t sell Sewing Ma- I ' ) chines. We will give a commission on all Ma chines B<dd. or employ agents who will work for the above wages and all expenses paid. For particulars address BOY LAN A CO.. Gen. Agents. DETROIT MICH. Jan. 2ft, BUSINESS AOVERTISEaTTS. LANE, 3IMHOV At. CO. DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND nun i:sti< dky «;oous, No. MO, Htrccl, (81C0KD POOR YBLOW SEW MARKET HOUSE.) Allegheny City, Pa. Dec. 0, 1863,::tf. MARTIN RRISER GEO. WHITBBOKER STOVES AND PLOUGHS. _ —; —i \ \ 7 F.< KBKCKF.R Jk REIBKR.—Foun? fvHHMik. a d«Mi»—foundry North of the l»or d-jjt Jrontrh nf Butler, where Stoves, Ploughs •' h ;'-' * and other castings are made on short no jjlfji tice. Their wai e-nsiju is on Main Street fir-t d tor North of Jack's Hotel, where you will find Stoves of all size? and patrons. They also keep on hand a large stock >f Ploughs, which they sell as cheap as they can bo bought at anv other establishment in the county. Dec. 9,18C3::tf QI R6EOM DENTISTS. DRS. S. R. &C. L. DIEFFENBACHER. # \ M,, - artificial d cntui le ■ ' _ Those desirous to avail I T -o- T ' tbemselvesof the late«t wA \ improvements in dentis r S .fc' Jp try. should not fail fo i'J" --iv/f eaainine their new styles * or Vulcanite and Coralite work. Filling, cleaning, extracting and iuljusting the teeth done with the l»e*t j materials and in the best manner. Particular attention ! paid to children's teeth. As mechanics, they defy com petition; as operators they rank amoug the best. Char- : ges moderate. Advice free of charge. Ollice—ln Boyds ! Building Jefferson Street, Butler Pa. Dec. 0,1863, v | VOCtELET HOUSE, WILLIAM VOGELEV, Proprietor. i milE undersigne«l would respectfully Inform the puldic i | generally. That he has erecte<F a large and c -mmodi- j • •us brick building, on the site of the old and well known j house, formorly occupied by him as a Tavern Stand. He j has been at great expense in erecting and furnishing his new lions;-, and flatters himself that ne is now prepared to accommodate all who may desire to give him a call.— Having ample house room for one hundred persons, aud J stabling for at least fifty horses. Thankful for past patrouuge, he would a«k a continu- | anceof the same. WM. VOGELEY. i Dec. 0, lho3::tf. NEW HAH N I :s-» SHOP. (Eh** i ; crusro- sedwigk. rpll E above firn> have just opened ii new Harness Shop, I opposite Boyds Buildings, Butler pa., where they keep constantly on hand, a large assortment of Saddle*' llar nes and every thing in their lino of business, which they offer at prices to suit the times. Work of all kinds manu fictured to order, and repairing done <»n short notice, ltec. y, JOHN A. SEDWICK. | R. M'LURE, Attorney at Law, AND PENSION AND CLAIM AGENT. OFFICE, N. K. corner of Diamond, Butler, Pa. Feb. 3, 18fl4::tf. 3ST OTIGE. milE firm of Brackenridge \ Co., haj been dissolved 1 this day, (February 1. is©4,» by mutual consent, W. O. Brackenride, having withdrawn from the firui. The Notes aud Books are in the hands of W. 0. Brackenridge. W. O B R AC' KEN RI DO E, j:. KINOSBDRY. In withdrawing from the above flnu, I cheerfully re commend my late partner, to my friends and the public. W. 0. BRACKENRIDGE. N. B.—All persons knowing themselves indebted to the , above firm, are hereby respectfully notified to call and set tle their respective accounts, by paying or giving their obligations, on or before the find «if April next. The ac counts of persons who fail to comply with this notice, will be left with the proper authorities lor collection. Feb. 0,1864:5t, W. 0. BRACKENRIDGE ii CO. Receipts ahd Expenditures OF BUTI.KR COUNTY, FOR THE YEAR. A. D., 1863. GEORGE W. REED, Esq., Tres. In Account with Butler County Stock. Colas, Color j Stale j .State Xamrs of OA- J Districts. rec'd. ] due , tax I tax lectors. fry ; j ree'd. i due Treas. (toll's. I by j by I I \ Treat , roll's. KOR 1866. II .1111 John Pierce, Butler, ' 10,24 Sam Johnston , Jefferson, 4,22 ! 6,841 FOK 18f»T. j W. O. Chrtety borPotterSYfllej i 13.68: 32,23 FOR 1858. j A. 11. Orant, (Allegheny, I 36,30, j 14.741 John noon, Centre, 7,34l J.Q. Flick, {Clinton, i ! 66 Wm. Garvin. Pranberry, 1 ! 2,61 J. M'Dermott, Marion. i 61.98 j 6,41 O.Bleichner, |Summit, • | 53,8;i! : 11,73 J.ll. Morrison'bor.Horrisville. ; 64,54 68,26 Jacob Wimer.,borPortersville 15,10 i 15,1W FOE 1869. J Wm. Speer, ! Adams, 10,00 j 11. M'Divitt, | Brady. 18.55! Jno. English, Crant.erry, j 5,00 86,tW j 2,0t J.H. Morrison bor. Harrisvillei 66,86 1 67.17 Ed. Higgins, j Venango, j 186,98 j F. Laube, bar. Saxonbnrg 1 j 7,77; FOR 1800. ! J I I i Wm. Brvson, Butler, 1 37,2-'i | 6.55 B. Sheridan, ! Clearfield, ; I 1,83 John Wolford Donegal, 1 36,13' Saml. Reed, i Lancaster. 21.97; E. 11. Adams j Slippery rock, 44,30. i 8,00 Wm. Denny Wlnfleld, 161.47' 35,96 ! Philip Nass Harmony. 6.531 i 20,93 J. K. Kinser Jbor. Prospect, i8,«9l 47,02 FOR 1861. T.M'Clymons! Brady, n0,.T.»! 1 Wm. Christy 'Centre, 57,30 ' 86,26; 45.18 I W. Patterson Cloy. 4,36 M >rLaughlin| Clearfield. j 10,4- 1 8,61 George Step Ujlinton, <d. H,21 02 Robt- Ihincan,Cranberry, 51,34 j l.yj John Ekin jFranklin, 126,601 j Saml. Gibson Fairview, ; j 3 t 6y Jos. Schwartz Jackson. 77,77, R. Reruinger I Jefferson, ) 21,82! 61J Wm. Smyth j Lancaster, ! 42,7 4 i 102,00 J. S. Shields 1 Mercer, 110.12; Wm. Denny .Middlesex. 241,76 | 83,(16 Thos- Oarvey Muddycreek, 1179,14 | 8,90 Jno Whitmire. Oakland, I 45,18 And. Emrick Penn, j 14,301 I 11,15 Jacob Reiber Summit, 70,5<»! 4.93! T.T.Christy Washinglon, ' 27,88j 3,15 J. M'Clafferty Winfield, l.'i't,94 ;67,10! Saml. Adams j Worth, 1t)9,19 j 46,01 j W.T. Ramsey lK»r. Cent rev ille 14,04 8,05 , FKlophenstin bor. Harmony. : .'t5,14 j 3,5*1 A. G.Sticn bor. liairisville| 17,4" , 2,47 FOR 1802. I Johnlrvin j Adams, |210,1.3, ; 37,4^ .Ins, Anderson Allegheny, 129,01 45,57 J.M.Roney Buffalo, 1 27,63: 85.011 J. C. Croup Butler, J2"MJ,<>s| 167,45 274.»4! J. Cornelius Bnulv, i 22,70i j 3(4,07 j I H.AM'Can'lssjCentre, 161,84 ] 76,<33 IS. M'Murry Cherrv, ! 30JX) ( 273,29 1 1,00 I James Allen ( lav. 1237,81 44,(»7 220,51 j M. Gallaher Clearfield, (184,24 95,80, 75,00! T8.33 F. Anderson jtHiuton, 161,0u 50,75; 29,02 C. Cochran j Concord, | 4,98' ; 3,00 Jacob Fry J«Vniioqnenes'g , 24.71 j j Rtt.l9 11. O. Pat ton (Tianberry, i M ( 4k 141,30' J. Hartman Donegal, 101/ i' I J, M. Dunn Franklin, ; 106,32 64,00, 17,52 And. M'Elroy Fairview, I ! 13.17 J. W. Martin Forward, ! 23,71 17,70 ji.oo 78,:i6 J. G.Wilson Jackson, 71,01. 43,f-'5 Isaac Lefevei !Jefferson, ' 14,70j I A. Stand, r Lancaster, ,255,851 139.75 Rob.Gilchrist'Marion, i 88,4S 106,99 35, (H1. 23,28 James Barns Mercer, I 4,891 Joseph Cowan Middlesex, 1122,22 i Thos. tiarvey' Mnddyoreeli, j 162.57 ' 40:1 S 1 James PattonlOakland, I 49iS)t 42,091 04,00> 28,36 J. M'Caffert.v Parker, 121.54; ' 4,M» Rob. Stewart! Penn, 107,Wj T0.55 HO.IK) 26,67 R.Gllloland [Summit, 240,14| 131.9M D. Kelly ! Vehango, | 3H,11 141,31! David Shira Washington, 118.12 ] 00.(K' 5,38 Robt. Cooper Winfield, 80,84. 91,63 Thos. Clark 1 Worth, J 185,66 | 62,161 Geo. Vogelev : bor. Butler. 105.92) {141,871 J.Hockenb'ry bor.Centreville! 50,14i j 47,84- Alfred Pearceibor. Harmonv. j 43,44j | 13,711 W.P.llrown Ibor.llanisvilU! 44,21 50,03 G.Horh jbor Millerst'wn 2,13. • 14.4x! W. Williams jbor. Portersv'll, 12.93 ( 10,50 Jas. Harvey bor. Prospect, 40,811 ' 38,91 C. Steubgen jhyr. Saxonb'rg.j 2,31 j 3,93 H. Munlz* bor. Zelienople, 6,28 1 FOR 1 H(i3. j Geo. Nlehlas (Adams, 1437,16 ■ 55,01' 277.00 34 4-8 Robt. Allen Allegheny, ;247,0«|129,35; l&l.ooj 87/22 Adam Reed 1 Buffalo, [5i;9,86 .'W>),6Bf 1). Henshew ' Butler, 473,7«> 143,39 1ew, 00' 220.42 J. Cornelias llradv, |18ti,74;164.77 i 156,8tH 57,01 D.Shaner Centre, :too.on 177."" JMl.'mi 10-Jir.t Caleb ItiiSKel Cherry, ! 334.n0 2«»,5«.» lS(t.(Ki. 52,«4 A.Cranmer ('lay. 31u,59! 177,82,270,001 35, 60 \\ m. M' CmrfiiM, 76,001274,001166,00 < John Wick !Concord, IPJ.l'.ij pjn,no 117.00 John Sertoli IClinton, j479/171 48,03'273,0th 00,11 S.W.llavs (V>nnrM|Ucs'ng, : 452.84 36,86 281*,001 31,56 Jno. p. Roll* (Cranberry, 1440,68] 12x0,071 P. M. lloyle Donegal,' 160,2.)! 189,571160,001 59.74 •Joslah m wn Putnw, 1292,72 196,64 278,001 4010 W.J.tlraham PonArd, ;:trt:..*j5 1 129,.*V1128i),(Ni :J6,59 Wm. Dick [Franklin, 432.-Vii 5u,Mi1269,00 37,99 Wm. Lilts 1 Jackson, '.*l7,(Ki 139,141.389,0t» 21,82 J. Lefever iJefTeraon, i4"i4*44 34.74 258.00 50,49 A. Stanffer Lancaster, 1 418.5u 88,«5|302,20 38.15 T. Vandvke Marion, 2<K»,83'118 I 13 ; 1K4.00! 23,16 Hugh Gill Mercer, l 2.'l6.<nt| 1147,76; J. Harbison Middlesex, ,372.13 203,67 320,(K»! 42.82 Jer. Kiester j Muddycreek, 329,201171JK)1284,00 35,30 Jas. Patton Oakland, 341.76 82,15j283,66 33,!»4 Jno. Sliryock Parkor, 1816,21 116,03) 68,<H) 2->6,50 Win.Dodds Penn, 339,15] 144,07 270,(Hi 34,97 Wm- Crocker Slipperyrock, 4.'i0,00 IHI.<J41200,00 166,93 i Jneob Reott Suinmit, |160,28i204,1 51200,00 80,67 ! A. Jamison j Venango, 25.3,00! 110,14 184,00 45,96 S.A.Campbell Washington, lirj.-I.V 76,71 244,00 65,72 Jas. Simmers Wintb hl, j 100,30j287,56 276.00 30,27 Rob. Rarron Worth, 4Sl,6<»| |;K»6 1 43 S, C. Stewart;bor. Hitler, 476,16 255,411394,42 79.05 (i Lingelfelter, " Ontreville, 1(»7,54 22,('<1 83.84 J. 1 instead, " Harmony. 132,00 2',t5 87,90 14.150 Saml. Brown " Ilarrisville. | 1»8,2(> 43.031 66,00 :j,3.'»0 ll.LWest'man " Millerstown 60,1' d tKil 30,00 7.«;s W.W.Roberts " Portersville 56,00 66,71 45/10 2*,97 Jas. Marshall' " Prospect, 80,17i 41,04 6H,00 22,4"» C.G Lamb j " Saxonburg, 71,90j 23,47 ) 61,61 1 10,411 C. Patterson! 44 Zelienople, 176,36 118,16; To ain't, of redemption re'e., 64.tK)' I I *' •• ree'd. from Conimr's, 914,55 - 44 4 ' of S. G. Purvis. I for Estray, 44,10 j •' 44 Tavern License ree'd ? I 1775,001 44 44 Retailer; 44 44 , 17 26,601 * „ 44 llrewersA Distillers,) j IK>s,oo| «. Restaurant, j 1 j 132,20' 44 44 Brokers, I I I 10,00 j The above columns add of as follows: Amount or County tax received by Trea5urer,...519,026,40 Amount of County tax due by Collectors, .$6,078,07 Amount of State tax received by Treasurer, $13,441,23 ! Amount of State tax due by Collector* .$2,830,69 I 'l'hoM- marked thus t*) paid .fl -iuce M-tth Keceipt and lmlaticc o( bounty and J'ail i Road Tax for 18(53. II Bonn- Bonn- R. R. iR. R. Districts jty tax ty tax, t:»x tax ree'd. jduehy ree'd j due I -y t res j Col's, by tre by I I I I*l >3. Geo. N ickla*.' A dams, ' 426,001 67,771322,87 169.90 Robt. Allen, i Vileghenr, | 218,00 158.44 ISO.RB 195,f1t) Adam Reed, Ruflalo, j 452,42 138.97*411,02 190!53 J. Cornelius. Brady, ; '240,21 95:«i1190,00; 110,51 l>. Henshew, Butler, 40,00 577,09! 60,00 557,09 l>. Shaner, iCenter, 300,00 160,48'310,0ft 166.79 C. Bucsell. (Cherry, | A. Crantner. ( lay. j 85,W 406.41 i 488.41 Wm. M'Gee, Clearfield, (349,00 65,0 ft 284,09 | John Softon. {Clinton, i 409,00il 18,7n 280,00 247J0 i John Wick, ('oncord, 246.93U 82,72 201.78 1 226,87 I S. W. Hays. Connoqueness. 1 356,60i-132,09 444,60; 44,19 John P. Roll. Cranberry, I 440,68 J ,'163.661 76,97 P. M. Boyle, Donegal, ; 100,00 Josiali Brown Fairview, :W4,60,184,86 256,22 2''2>.11 j Wm. Dick, Franklin, 267,00 216,3* 243,36 240,01 j W. J.Graham.Fonrard. ; 285,00 209,58 2-">o.oo 244,58 William L«t/[Jackson, 200,00{450,14,2u0,0t» 456,14 Jno. Lefever, Jefferson, 346,401143,78 264,66 234,63 , Ah. Stanffer, Lancaster, • 392,76114i,39{.'i56,i00 152,L5 I j Tlios-VandikeJ Marion, ' 145.20 1*2,76 !327,96 I i Hugh Gill, Mercer, '205.791 226,00 10.9i» j IJ. Harbis .n, Middlesex, i 405.25|170,55 341,50 231,30 ; Jer. Keister. Muddycreek, , 198,60 301,H0 140,90 369JJ0 ! James Patton Oakland, 230.77 193,14 96,48 327,43 ! Wm. Dodds, 1 Penn, j 171.00,312,22' 107,25 375,97 J. Shrvock, Parker, ! 290,01 143,131 433.14 I Wm. Crocker Slipperyrock, ' 400,u0 160,94 370,00 190,04 I Jacob Riott, j Summit, I 140,00[.'504,43 1 444.43 11. Jamison, i Venango, ' 216, 00) 148,14.100,00*263,14 IS. H. Washington, ! 366,74i 112.42 208,61'270,65 Jas. Simmers. Winfield, i 360,00 133,»6 429,00 63,86 Robt. Barron, Worth. 450.47 j481,5t)j !s. C. Stewart, bor. Butler, I 288,56 448.00 UK),OO 631,56 <i Lingelfel'r 44 Ontreville, 92.26; ;tH,22 130,47 J. L'mpstead,! 44 Harmony. 43,60; 116,551 33,0t» 127,15 Saiu'l Brown. 44 Ilarrlsville j 76,40 02,29' 141,29 I ll.Westerm'n " Millerstown 60,00 1 10,13 60,00 10.13 W. W. Rob'tsj 44 Portersvitle, 1 ' 111,71 j '111.71 J. Marshall, 1 44 Proepect, > 1121,21 61,60! 69.71 C. G. Lamb, 4 - Saxonburg, I 80,95- 14,42 60.00 26,37 L . Pat tors. »n, : 44 Zelienople, 176,73 ' 124,48 61,55 The ahovo columns add up as follows: Amount of Bonnt}' tax received by Treasurer, $0,752,18 Amount 4 * 44 due bv Collectors, $7,231,05 Amount of Railroad tax ree'd. by Treasurer, $-7,630,88 Amount 44 44 duo by CcßectoJs, $9,487,79 Commissioners of -Butler County, in ac count with liutlrr county stock, for ISO 3. OH. To amt. received on act. of r f. P. Hospital, $833,80 44 44 Interest reed, of Rev. Mc A boy, 12,00 44 44 reed, for redemption of laud, 79,25 914.55 CR. By warrants paid to Treasurer, 215.10 44 cush •* 44 699,45 914.56 I John Hcott, Sheriff, in nc't. with Butler county stock, for 1803. DR. To amount of Jury fees and fines for which he is liable, SIIO.OO To amount of warrants on Treas. 301,92 To coal bill for 1863. 7,50 419,1? CR. By bill rendered, 119,42 A Statement showing tho amount of County, State, Bounty, Railroad, and Militia Tax, Assessed for the year 1863. lMctricta. jCoun-. State. Bouii-j Kail Mili ! ty. I | ty. I Road. | tia. Adams 1492,77 31 1,48>41)2,77"492,77 j 7,50 Allegheny 376,44 238,22 87«,44 376,44 "21,50 Buffalo 007,*5 883,46 007,85 807,85; 3?,60 Dutler a 017,09 306.42 617,09 «17,«tM 3*,80 Brady j 885,51 218,81 886,61 886,51 18,60 Centre 481,25 305,38,481,26 481,25 33,00 Cherry 364,8W 232,04:364,39 364,89131,00 Clay 458.41 306,06 4W,41 488,41 88,50 Clearfield ... 349,09 218,.38 849,09 349,09 22,50 Clinton 1527,70 888,11!527,701627,70'27,00 Concord 128,65 207,90 428,65,428,65 '21 .00 Conn<•quenessing 4>*.0 , .» 312,50,488,69 488,69 14,00 Cranberry...., 471,65 299,57 471,55 471.55 38.00 Donegal i 319,N2,219,74 349,821849,82 30,60 Falrvlew 489.30! 312,66 489,36 489,36 21,00 franklin 1453,30 :tO6.W 48.3.36 F<>rward 494.5S 315,59,494.5S 494/.S 19.50 Jackson '050,14 413,82 056,14 056,14.18,00 Jefferson 1489,18 306,49 459,1S 480,18 46,00 Lancaator 1 587.15.340,36!5:17,15 587.15 18,00 Marion *. 327,96 207,16,327,90 :527.90 25.U0 Mercer 251,89 167.68 251,89 251,89111,00 Middlesex 575,80 802,82 575,80 575.80 11,00 Muddvcreek ..00,40 319,80 MV».4o 10,Of) Oakland 423,91 267,59,42:1,91 423,91 2U.50 Parker 4.13.14 274.60 433,14 433,14 37,00 I'enn 483.22 :<(H,97 483;22 48.1,22 19,50 Slippery ruck 50»».94 866.99 %fi0.94 500,94(24,00 Summit 444,43 280.07 4 44,4 < 444.41 19,00 Venango 'WV3.I4 229.W 803,14 303.14 24.50 Waahiugtou *.. 479.10 299,72 479.10 479.10 35,50 Winfleld 483,86 305.27 4^3,80 4*:< 86 42,00 Worth 1512,86 326,33 512,86 512,85 23,00 bor Boiler 1781,56 473.47 731,56 731.50 50.50 bor. Centre villo 130,47 83.84 130,47 180,47 6,00 bor. Harmony 100,15 102,50 100,15 100,15 O.ito bor. Hrirrisville 143.10 91,78 143.10 143.10 14.00 bor. Mlllerstown 00.13 87,68 60,13 00.13 2,50 bor. Portersville 111.71 73,97 111,71 111,71 bor. Prospert 121.21 80,40 121.21 121.21 6,00 bor. Zelienople 188,03 126.41 188,08 188,03 10,00 bor. Saxonburg 95,37 62,10 95,37 95,871 2,50 The above columns add up as follows: County tax for the year 1863, f!7.111.47 State tax 44 •' 44 $ 10.869,70 Oounty tax 44 " 44 f17.111.47 lUilroad tax 44 •• 44 $17,111,47 .Militia tax 44 44 4 * *924,00 Commissioners of Butler Co., in account with N. W. Kail Road. DR. Oct. 23,1851. To caeli loaned by Mi>. Sullivan. 1000.00 Apr. Ist, 1802 44 4 4 44 M'dlonA Henry, 6000,00 •lan. sth, 44 44 44 44 Chns. HHncman, JIOO.tH) " •• 4 ' 44 44 44 11. C. lleineuian, 550,<M» " " 4 * 44 44 44 .lame* Mitchell, 100,uo .lulv 2d 44 44 44 44 11. C. lleineman, 200,00 (K'l . l»t M 44 44 44 Mrs. T J Low man, 075,00 Dee. 4, - 41 44 44 Mrs. C. lleinenuu, 950,00 41 44 44 44 •* 44 Mrs. S. SullivnnT 2imh>,uo Jan. 13,18041 44 44 «• Mis*. A. Oilbraith, 212,72 Ret. I. Nlblnck, 1600,00 1 I'eb. sth 44 '• 44 41 11arvey Colbert, 2uu,oi) | Apr. 6th 44 44 44 44 Sam*l Schaffner, 360,00 1 •• 44 44 44 44 Jacob Scbaffner, 300,00 14 44 44 " 44 14 Mrs. Ja*. Mitchell, 1000.00 i Mar. 24 , 44 44 4 4 44 Charles Puff, 100,00 May, 4 44 44 44 44 Mis* A.Oilbraith, 142,«>0 June 1, 44 44 44 '* Mrs. 8. Sullivan, 3000,<K) Sep. 29 44 44 44 44 Mr*. M lln.wn, 130,00 Ort. 80 44 44 44 Mrs. Jan. Mitchell, 200.0n Dec. Ist 44 44 11. CJl.'ineman, 600,00 44 10, " " 44 44 'Hum. M'Ne«'*, 2i*>,oo 44 15, 44 Manaases Gillespie, 020,00 Nov. 17 44 44 44 44 Abner Bartley, 276.00 44 44 44 44 •' 44 Mrs. S. Sullivan, 295,00 Dec. 30 44 " 44 44 44 » i } May, 4, 44 44 44 44 Matthew Oreer, 860,00 To balance, 278,71 CR. Oct. 29,1861 By amt. paid on Curtis judm't. 487,32 Apr. 12, 1862, •• Interest paid Mellon A- Henry, 350,00 May 14, 44 amt. on CopeUuid A Malier bonds 100,00 Sep, 10, 44 "S. S. Jamison on Treaa. warrants, 16»WI,00 June 14, 44 "J. W. Johnson, for bonds, 500,00 Dec, 18, 44 44 Samuel Lane f ,,r bonds, 2i*00,00 June Bth, 1863, Amt. paid Win. Mailer for bonds, 500,00 44 14, 44 44 11. M Laln, 44 44 2790.75 May 25, 44 44 Col. Baker, 44 44 2390.00 44 44 44 44 Mr*. Lowman, t>d. nrin. Inst., 82:1,62 Apr. 44 4i 1. J. t'ummings. Tor Jamison WW's, 1062,50 Mar. 44 44 I. J.Cummlngs, (exchange) 6,75 Sep. 44 44 Maher & Copeland, Judgment, 17K8,tio Dee. 44 44 8. A. Purvlance, to buy bonds, 1000,00 j NOT. |9, 44 S. A. AW. S. Purvlance, 44 1200,00 44 '• 44 S. A. AW. S. Purvlance 44 44 14 44 I. J. Cnmmings Exchange, 2,50 Sep. 4, 41 Sam'l Lane on Treas. order, 803,22 By balance, 27«,71 Total, 20799,72 ('onmiissioncis of lint lor Co., in account with Butler county stock, for 1803. DIL Thos. M'Xccs, 255,00 Matthew Greer, 292,50 Abner Bartley, 246,00 Samuel Leason, 52,50 Harvey Colbert, (Clerk) 301,25 Total, 81287,25 CR. Thos. M'Nces, 170 days at 1,50 255,00 Matthew (Jreer, 195 '• " 1,50, 292,50 Aimer Bartley, 104" 1.50, 240,00 Sam'l Lea.son, 35 " " 1,50, 52.50 j Harvey Colbert, 313 " " 1,25, 391,25 I Total, $1237,25 Statement showing tho indebtedness of I the following townships, to Butler Co., for Lunatic Asylum ibr the year 1803. ! , j Brady tp., for Jolin Taylor 40.99 1 Fairview tp.. for Jac. Kaylor, S!).:-(2 j Zelienople boro. for Henry Shutt, 109,11 , Buffalo tp., for G. W. Hullings'rth 41,75 Allegh'y tj>.. forM. A. Chambers, I 10,00 Don. tp.. wrM'Guire& M'KcevcrG3B,B3 Total, 81000,01) I ———7 To balance due county, 013,75 Cll. By c;u-li per Geo. Burkhardt, for Zelienople 72.25 By cash from sundry individuals lor Donegal township, 380,00'j By balance, 013.75 : Total, " ? 1000,00 I Receipts and Balances of Belief tax for j the year I^o2. Belief Belief I tax ree'd tax due ' by Trens by Coil's ! •Tno. Irvin, Adams, 141,00 IJ. Anderson, AU'gy' 20,39 jJ. M.Honey, Buffalo, 08,04 J. C. Croup, Butler, 02,90 31,05 I J. Cornelius, Brady, 96,67 H.M'Candless Centre 100,75 j S. M'Murrjt, Cherry, 75,24 Jas. Allen, Clay, ' 28,00 110,03 M.Gallaher. Clearfi'ld 70,83 35,86 F. Anderson, Clintou, 105.29 C. Cochran, Concord, 07.10 J. Fry, Connoqucs'g, 07.H2 | 11. G.l'atton,Cranb'y, • 130,05 J.llartman, Donegal, 77.14 A. M'Klrov.Fairview, 78,70 ; J. W. Martin.Forw'd 44.25 45,84 ! J. M. Dunn,Franklin 01,14 20,36 J. G. Wilson, Jackson 39,53 T. Lefcvcr, Jefferson, 44,52 ! A. Staufti r. Lancaster 140,01 B. Gilchrist, Marion, 32.70 ■ Jas. Barnes, Mercer, 08,59 ] J. Cowan, Middlesex, 53,34 T. Garvey. Mud'crk, 140,07 . J. Patton, Oakland, 10,00 111,63 J. M'Cafferty,Parker, 19,87 B. Stewart, I'enn, 00.90 81,04 1 B. Gilleland,Summit, 119,00 1 D. Kelly, Venango, 97,49 1 David Shira,Wash'tn 40,42 , B. Cooper. Winfield, 134,14 » T. Clark, Worth, 142.13 (i. Vogeley.borßutler 07,2ti J.Hockenb'yCentv'le 23,99 r A. I'earce, Ilarmouy, 45,02" W. P.Brown, Uanris'lo 40,80 W. Williams, l'orts'le 2,00 „J. Harvey, Prospect. 30,77 2 C.Steuhgen,Saxon'bg 10,t»0 11.85 ? G Hoch.Millerst'wn, 607 s Total, 82,491,10 $068,55 ' G. W. REED, Esq., Treaa. of Butler County Btock, for 1863. DR. To am't. Co. tax rec'a. of Coil's. for 1803 and previous year 5,537,777,91, 91 To am't. of Redemption ree'd, 64,00 " " ree'd. of Comm'rs., 914,55 " " "of H.G.Purvis for estray,44,lo Total, 838,800,66 CR By am't. of warrants redeemed,s29.B6l,lo " " " depreciated money, 17,00 ii ii ii counterfeit money, 23,00 ii ii II redemption paid. 83,01 ii ii ». B chool orders redeemed, 50,00 ll .i .1 road " " 1 ,01) " Tr's. percentage on 838,800,56 at 3} per cent., 1.358,01 " Bal. due Tr's. last settlement, 395,09 " Am't. paid successor, 7,505,56 Total, 838,800,50 A statement showing the amount of war rants issued for 1863—being the in debtedness of the county for said year. Assessors, ♦ 494,90 Auditors, county, . 135,00 Auditor, court, 30,00 Bridges, . 634,22 Common Schools, 42,00 Commissioners, 846,00 Court House, . . 52,10 Constables, .... 606,58 Court Cryer, 67,50 Commonwealth. 2,233,99 Clerk of Commissioners, 391,25 Clerk of Courts, . . 237,4 1 District Attorney, 106,00 Counsel to Commissioners, 31.25 County Seals. 6,88 Elections, 905,85 House of Befugo, . 93,68 ! Jurors, . 2,132,33 j Jail Expenses, 49,14 Janitor of Court lIoU'-o, 125,00 | Justices, . . 4,17 j Interest, 1,049,20 Inquest. 108,46 North Western Railroad, 11.421,90 Printing, 297,33 ! Prothonotary, . 50,00 j Postage, . 9.20 I Penitentiary, . 14.15 | Bridge Views, . 17.50 Relief. ... 230,00 Refunded tax, . 72,2' lload Damages, . . 69,0*0 State Roads, 37,50 Stationery, . . 42.62 Sheriff, . 301,92 Miscellaneous, . . 21,50 Transcribing, . 413,82 ! Discount, . 40,80 J Western Penna. Hospital, . 414.77 Fox Scalps, .... 75,00 j Fuel and light, . . . 200,94 Collectors, . . . 4,10 Total, 833,034,70 j lt!ifl<-r Coimly Ntot'k lor IHff.'t. DR. To amount of warrants in circu lation, 12883,00 " " Scrip " 167,50 " Balance due county. 10401,56 Total, 823461.06 CR. By am't due from Collectors, 23461.00 NOT*:. —Of this No. of warrants In cir culation. some are not duo until 1865, ami I*oo. Tho No. of warrants now duo and in circulation, is $047.71. >\ r. the undersigned Audit inof Bntlir oofe'aty, IxNk dul,v elected and niiidifled. aceordinf; to luw, report I hat we did audit, nettle and ad j tint the foregdlng aeeountN of the Trea'n Ojininiwiont-ni, CommiifslonerflClerk and Slier rifl", commencing on the Hint day <>f January. 1803, and eiidinKou the thirt>-flr«t day of December, 1808. tioth days inclusive; and we find a balance due the county of • ten thousand four hundred and nlxty dollar* an«l flfty-«dx In testimony whereof, we hare hereunto net our handx and affixed our »oal», this 2Sth day of January,one thouit and eight hundred and tdxtv four. A. J. KVAN'S. (PEAt.) J. 11. CHATTY. - BK.\t. • W. 11. 11. lItDDLK (SHAL) 1 We, the undersigned, Commtmlonern of lint lor enunty, j having examined the foregoing report of tho Auditor* of Butler county, and believing the same to lie a correct Htnt«v ineqt of the Heceipts and Kxpenditure>«of wiid county, for the year 18(13, order the Maine to be published. (liven under our hands anA the neal of our office at Dutler. this 2>th day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. MATIfBW OBRKR. 112 sr. AL) A li.N KH BAKTLKY, Jskall HAMUKIi LKABON, (UAL)' Attest, IIAIVST COLBERT, Clerk. VOLl.\li4:itl\^. : rpilK time having been extended for paying bounties to | Vtdunteern, an previous to January 6,inst., Inm pre i pared to make enlistment* in any part of the county, i upon receiving notice from Township or Borough cora mitte<«: if pro|>erly enlisted transportation will be fur nished from place of enllstUM iit. to Allegheny city. ArV further Information freely given if required. Adilru«trt I meat Prospect I'a. HENRY PILLOW. U. ii. Recruiting Agent for llutler Countv. Jan. 20,1864. ST A T ■: SdIOOL. I'.HK.MIOIt<»,< County, Pa. THE SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS. THOItOCOII, SYSTEMATIC, CIIRAP. ! Superior Advantages of%ll Iviinls. TEN I NHTIUJCTOIIH. GOOD LIBRARIES, APPARATUS, arSIXASwA. t l'i ~«>•, Board anil Tilillnn, f.r 11 ffc L-kt. Spring Term opens, March IS, 1C64. ADDEEB» y J. A. COOPER, A. ST., Feb. 3,18T4::Ct. Principal l> ItO F F.SS IOH ALC llt DS.I J. D. M'JDNKIN, Attorney at Law. AIMO Mcriirril Claim Agent, Office with E. M'Junkin. Esq.. opposite the Pennsyl vania Hotel, Butler, Pa. 112 ' CHARLES MCCAJ»DL.EBS itmß C. flaAiiAM.. McCANDLESS & GRAHAM, Attorney'* at l.a\t w i Ofßce on the South-west comer of the Diamond. Dutler, Pa ; Also, CLAIM AGENTS for securing Arreyrt ) «/ l\ty and Itounbf Monty, ft»r Soihli« a rs, or if they are dead, for their legal representatives. In prosecuting Sol dier's Claims, or those of their Representative, tu» • U«*go until eollectad. Dec. 9,1863::tf. ; Isaac ASU, EnwiwL^ox. AWII «fc IAON, \ Attorney'* WILL attend U> the proaecatiowof all claims for DOC NT Y, BACK PAY, PENSIONS. Information by letter or otherwise, will bo choerfdljy given, gratis. Norbarge in any ca«o until the ftionoy is made They have already received and naul over toof nlicants, thousands of doilarn; having drawn up their applications with such eaaoand precision that thoy af« uniform)v successful. PonsioiM should bo applied fur within one year from death or discharge. yAHVX BOUGHT A'ND SOLD OX COMMISSION. Office on Main Street, opposite the Poat Offic«\ Dutler. Dec. 9,1863.:::3iu A. M. NEYMAN, M. D. PhynU'lan unci Hurgcon, Ofßce immediately opposite Walker's buildings, ; BiltlM- PiU ' Dec.o, 186B::tf* '
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