American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, February 17, 1864, Image 2
Union Organization in 3f. Y* We clip from the New York Trtfotnr, of last Monday, the annexed report of a meeting of the Unconditional Union Cen tral Committee of that city, on Saturday evening last. It was, we believe, its first public meeting: There was a meeting of the Uncondi tional Union Central Committee, corner of Broadway and Thirteenth street, on Satur day evening. A. C. Kllis, Esq., Chair man of the Committee, called the meeting to order. Aftertheminutes of the organ ization were read. Mr. Horace Greeley, who was enthusiastically received, spoke in substance cs follows : FELLOW CITIZENS : I greet you as among the mostjigorously patriotic of all our loyal citizens. The time has conic when, in the words of Daniel Webster, j Union and Liberty are one and insepara ble. And the time has come when the j loyal North has become one and insepara ble in its determination that Liberty shall prevail in the present struggle. * * The ! rebellion is tottering to its final defeat. 1 do not fear so much the arms of the Re- ! bellion as Ido its principles. Both our defeats and our victories have contributed tothc victory of thejustcausc. Six months ago we were struggling with the rebels for Missouri, but no rebel force now for a long | time has dared to show itself in the State, j In like manner the rebels claim Tennes- . see, but for a long time have not dared 1 show themselves there. The whole ter- I ritory which we hold now we hold on the 1 principles of freedom. Even if the Rebels should recover the territory of these two State.?, they would not, be able to re-estab- \ lish slavery there. Six months ago we ! asked them to take pay for slavery and give J it up. They refused. They would not i take the money, but now both ot those I States are themselves getting rid of sla- j very without our paying a cent for it.— I They might of had 820,000,000 each for j doing this. Nor do any of the Copper- j heads now find fault wit!) the employment I of slaves as soldiers. We have learned a costly lesson about the real spirit of sla- j very and of its allies. Of this lesson we bad a special instance in the riots in New York last July, when innocent people, against whom no crime whatever was even alleged, were hunted down merely because they were not in favor of the Jeff. Davis Government. * * One word about can didates : I have no candidate for any of fice. But wc ought to have six candidates put up for Congress in this city, to whom ! all the world will look up with the tho't ; that these men arc the greatest six men ] on the western continent. * * The peo ple have at least made up their minds to j this : that an election is an election ; and the beaten party must submit trttil next j lime. The people mean that this rebel lion shall be put squarely down. And il l this principle i*mte««<trtMished, I believe ; we are to have a hundred years of such prosperity as the world has never known. When we only learn this lesson properly, that treason, insurrection and violations of I law are not the modes of healing political j •disappointments, we shall be peaceful and Jiappj'. and shall be faithful to ourselves, our children, our principles, and our God. After Mr. Greeley, who spoke with much force and animation, and who. was fre quently applauded, had closed, Mr. Milli ken offered the following preamble and res olutions : WHEREAS, Human Slavery for a long series of years has endeavored to subvert and to a great extent lias perverted the pure doctrines of liberty, upon which our Government was founded, has demoralized our statesmen and corrupted our political organizations, has for ninny years engross ed the public attention to the exclusion of the many questions essential to the welfare of the nation ; and WHEREAS, Atlastgrown to the dimen sions of a gigantic monster, it has insolcnt- Jy attempted to overthrow the institutions of fcatdom and thcGovernmciitof a migh ty nation; and with all the cruelties of •civil WOT has desolated our land, has mur ■dcrcd fihe lathers and sons of a generous fmt jilffit people, and has exposed us to in sult and contempt from the despotic rul ers among the nations of the world ; and WHEREAS, It is the only pretext for dis loyalty at the North, the only strength of our enemies at the South, and thesyinpa lhizersof treason to humanity everywhere. JUHI is the only obstacle to the final settle ment of oil questions arising out of the HelifTlion, and tine ultimate and complete restoration of sectional harmony, fraternal concord, and national unity ; therefore, Jirrolved, That while realziing that the armies of the Rebellion must be put down by the soldiers of the Republic, it is the •duty of the Union party solemnly for us 4o declare that it will henceforward strug gle for the total, absolute, and permanent overthrow of human Slavery in the United States, by the exertion of every power at the disposal of the State and Federal Gov ernments and citizens under the Constitu tion, thereby securing the emancipation of every human slave and the protection of the personal liberty of every human be ing, untainted with crime, in the United States and every State and Territory there of, and by nominating only such candi dates as are zealous in the prosecution of these great ends. Alderman Dayton supported the reso lutions. Ilowsaid slavery would uever ex ist again as an institution. He argued agaiust compromise and in favor of com plete emancipation. Councilman Orson followed. lie hoped that tiic meeting would express itself op posed to the expediency of adopting any partioular candidate at present. The res olutions were then unanimously adopted, and directed to be publisued in the daily papers. Mr. Stedman submitted a resolution ©mbodyiug the point called for by Mr. Or son, which was adopted, with others, as fol lows : WIIEREAR, The Rebels in anns against enr Government are exhausting all their resonroes in a last desperate effort to mar shal their whole power for a final struggle: and the Union armies, if properly rein forced, will be enabled at one blow to se cure the triumph of the Republic, the termination of the war, and the speedy restoration of peace ; therefore, Resolved, That we deprecate the pcr mature discussion of the merits and claims of candidates for the Presideacy, and all other subjects calculated to distract the at : tention of loyal men from their preseat paramount duty, and earnestly invite our fellow-citizens, without distinction of par ty, to unite with us in vigorous ami con stant efforts to reoruit the armies of the Union, until their strength fihall place our victory beyond peradventure.— Pittsburgh Gazette. WHAT IS FA'KTON?—The Buffalo Repuplic is "one of the papers," and doesn't yield to any with which wc are acquainted in that important partic ular. Hear its philosopher: "What is fashion? Dinner at mid night, and headache in the morning. What is idleness? Working yellow mountains on a pink sub soil l —or a blue-tailed dog in sky-colored convul sions. What is joy! To count y r our money and find it over-run a hundred dollars. What is knowledge? To be away from home when people come to borrow books and umbrellas. What is contentment? To sit in the house and see other people stuck in the mud. In other words, to be better off than our neighbors SACKS VS. BAGS.—Mr. Lover tells a good anecdote of an Irishman giv ing the password on the evening be fore the battle of Fontenoy, at the time the great Marshal Saxe was com mander. "The password is Saxe—now don't forget it, Pat," said the Colonel to his Irish servant, "see now you don't forget it—Saxe." "Sacks?" quoth Paddy "faith nil I'll not. Wasn'tmm r father a miller, sure? "Who goes there?" cried the sen tinel as Pat approached the post. Pat looked as grave as an owl, and in a sort of whispered howl, replied— "Bags, your honor." A CABIN boy, on board a ship, the captain of which was a religious man, was called up to be whipped for some misdemeanor. Lit-tle Jack went cry ing and trembling, and said to the cap tain— " Pleas, sir, will you wait untill I say my prayers?" "Yes," was the stern reply. " Well, then," replied Jack look ing up and smiling triumphantly, " I'll say them when I get ashore?" CHANGE IN NEW ORLEANS.—The New Orleans correspondent of the New York Times says it is every day becoming more apparent that a grad ual change is taking place in the feel ings and political views of a great part of the resilient population of the former city. Active, demonstrative hatred of the North has in many in stances given away, if not to an en tirely opposite feeling, at least to a passiveness which promises better things, and bespeaks an openness to conviction and discussion. Many ac commodate themselves to the new order of affairs, as the prospects of the Confederacy grow uuily darker, and range themselves on the winning side. But whatever be the motive, certain it is that a regeneration is now going on, which ere many years will elevate Louisiana to the sphere for which she is by nature so richly en dowed. • JW K noxvillc, is the oldest city of that State—was named for Gen. Knox, who was Secretary of War at the time the city was laid out, in 1793. It is situated on the high bluffs of the Holston River, below its confluence with French Broad River. It was well supplied with handsome store houses, hotels and private residences; while among its public edifices, the State Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb was especially worthy of note. The University of East Tennessee, found ed in 1807, more remarkable for its beautiful location than architectural elegance, stood on an eminence which commands an extensive view in every direction. A good bon mot of the Grand Vizier, apropos of the clerical squab ble about the burial of the late i3ar outchibaschi, is told by the Levant Herald. It appears that the defeat ed "Catholic" party urged their right, in the last resort, before his Highness, affirming that they held conclusive proofs of the deceased functionary having died a member of their com munion. "Well, then," said Faud Pacha, " Since you are thus sure of his soul, you can, I think, afford to leave the others his body;" an award which will bear no indifferent compar ison with the famous judgment of Sol omon. McDougal, of California, and Richardson, of Illinois, are the only habitual drunkards of the Senate.— McDougal is harmless in his cups.— He goes out horseback riding, falls jiito the gutter, and the small boys rally round him and have a little fun at his expense. He seldom troubles the Senate Chamber with his presence. Kichardson, however, is disgusting in his bachanalian revelries—always obtrudes himself upon the Senate, when scarcely able to stand erect — always, unfortunately for himself and for his State, in his seat to be point ed at from the galleries, and to have his name given in reply to the oft-re peated question, "Who is that drunk en fellow there?" The twenty-first Indiana reg iment, which is at New Orleans, now numbers thirteen hundred and fifty men fit for duty. It is perhaps the strongest regiment in the service. ONE hundred thousand copies of Sen ator Sherman's radical speech are to be printed and circulated. (The American £iti*cn. THOMAS ROBINSON, 1 CYRUS E. ANDERSON, j ** aitors - BUTLER PA. N i;i)\i;sim.:i i;it. IT. IMII. " Liberty and Union, Now »nd Forever, One and •nteparable."—D. Webtter. FOR PRESIDENT IN 1864 : Alt It AH A.n LIX(OL\. HON. THOMAS WILLIAMS. —On out first page to-day, will be found the speech of our able Representative in Congress, made pending an amendment to the Con scription Act. Tn point of both learning and logic, it fully sustains Mr. Williams' well earned reputation. It will well re pay a careful perusal. PENN TOWNSHIP. —Penn township in this county, lias furnished her full quota under the call for 500.000 men qji Mon day last. Other townships are moving— the work goes bravely on. ©BS" " The Citizen having published the uncalled for and ungentlemanly attack of Capt. Lyon upon us. and also a communi cation from Centre township, reflecting upon our reputation, we ask as an act of jus tice fiorn the editors, that they give place in their next issue to the article entitled " the Saddle on the Other Horse," and also the article referring to the Centre township communication.— Herald." As to the communication from Centre township, in reply to the Herald's reflec tions upon the neighbors of the much af flicted St. Clair family, we can see no necessity for following the subject any farther. We know the citizens of that neighborhood too well to believe them capable of so culpable a neglect of moral duty as charged in the Herald, at the same time, we don't believe the editor of the Herald wrote that article maliciously, —lie was doubtless influenced by rumor. The public, we feel assured, have no de sire to see this subject followed any far ther. we will not therefore reproduce the article from the Herald. As to the other article, we have only to say, that whenever the Ifcrald makes any new discoveries, worthy of publica tion, not libelous in their character, we will willingly lay them before our read ers. Rut we do not conceive it to be our duty at this time to reprint mere charges UDSUStained by any facts lumen to us.— If this ma'fft' is as the Herald says, of course it will sec that the guilty are bro't to justice ; when this is done we will ad vise the public of it without delay. Till then, wc think the Herald cannot com plain of injustice, as, through its own columns it can reach the public. Capt. Lyons' letter too, was written in self de fense. Klioitlri w«» not Avoid llio DriilH. When the present call for five hundred thousand men was made, many were hon estly of the opinion that a draft should be made for the purpose, if possible, of reach ing some quarters which had not done their share of volunteering. We can all remember very well the course pursued by certain leaders of the Demo cratic party and their papers, when the draft was ordered last year. The war faithfully prosecuted for the preservation of the Union, was denounced as an abo lition crusade—as a negro war—in short, every thing that could be said and done to produce a distaste for the service—to prevent the young men of the country from entering it was resorted to. The re sult was that everything that was likely to evade service was resorted to by many: and when everything else failed eommuta tiorttwas paid, and our armies still left com paratively weak. Reflecting upon these things, it is natural for those who had con fidence in the Government,who felt griev ed to think that any considerable portion of our people indulged in efforts to calum niate and injure the government that was struggling so faithfully for their protec tion against armed rebels, it is natural to feel desirous of witnessing the power of the government demonstrated in compel ling this class to enter the service if by no other means, at least by the power of con scription. Still when we reflect that this class of citizens received a severe rebuke all over the country last fall, since which they have been behaving much better than formerly, as also that the majority of their blind fol lowers arc loyal at heart, and were only led away from duty by the treachery of their leaders who told them that they were still battering for the Constitution and the Un ion—wc feel as though it were best to let by gones go, and at this time unite with all who are willing to assist in avoiding a draft. This is the view taken of it every where around us. Lawrence county has given (through her commissioners) a lo cal bounty of wc believe 8250 for new re cruits and 8300 for veterans. Mercer county gives 8300 bounty also by a county Tax." Recruits are now plenty; an army has grown up from youth to manhood since the commencement of this war. Those who have borne the brunt in the heat of the day,- convinced that the war cannot last much longer, have determined to pee it through ; everything seems propitious. A clear majority of the people are unques tionably opposed to a draft, if it is possi ble to fill up our armies without it. Why thcn cannot all go in with unanimity and adopt sucli mode of action as will avoid it without injustice to any ? In some town ships a poll tax of ten dollars was agreed upon ; in others twenty, and in some twen ty-five ; the balance in all cases to be raised by assessment on the property, with proper exonerations where the owner had paid commutation, had furnished a sub stitute or was infirm or otherwise unable to pay the tax. We feel like entreating all to bury, for the time being, at least, all differences, and sustain each other in the patriotic ef fort so generally being made, to have our whole county relieved from the draft j and although some may feel doubtful as to its policy, all will finally rejoice in its con summation. Our credit will be bettor abroad, and when this war for the Union shall have been prosecuted to its final end —the Union saved—our old flag not on ly venerated at home, but respected the world over, none of us will regret the part we have taken in filling up the gallant army through whose endurance, courage and patriotism, all this has been accom plished. RE-ENLISTED VETERANS.—SoIdiers in theservice, who re-enlisted for three years, cannot immediately be credited to any particular sub-district, for the reason that their muster-in .rolls arc not accessible; but the matter will be made all right by and by, when the returns of all such men shall be return ed to the headquarters of the respec tive districts. Committees of sub-districts which are paying bounties may safely make contingent arrangements with the men now at home on furlough to pay the local bounties as soon as the proper returns are received, with their names credited to such sub-districts. The acknowledgment of the enlisted man that he has received a local bounty from any particular sub-district se cures his credit to such' sub-district. Very properly the people of the sub-districts are anxious to pay local bounties to their own brave men who have been battling for the country for nearly three years, and are willing to continue to do so; and they can do it, if they only will have a little patience. The authorities at Washington are not to blame for this delay. The above, from the Pittsburgh Ga zette, is the first assurance that a credit can be had to a sub-district for the vete rans belonging to it, on their receipt of a local bounty. Indeed up to this date, the contrary has been the general belief. In this county there are'quitc a num ber of veterans from the various depart ments. The township to which we more particularly owe allegiance, (Penn), has eight veterans from the 102 d reg't.,—wo were anxious to pay them a local bounty and havtf a credit for them; they too, were anxious to represent us. Indeed, most of them declared that they would not represent any other township. It was frequently intimated however, that unless their mustering in papers placed them to the credit of our township, they could not avail themselves of our bounty, nor be a credit to our quota. This wc tho't was unjust, for, bo the blame, where it may, we were satisfied it was not with them. There had been an order read to their regiment informing them that they could avail themselves of a local bounty ; and, relying on the justice and liberality of their respective townships, they rest ed easy, believing that they would, as a matter of course, be a credit to their town ship and receive whatever bounty its lib erality allowed. On seeing intimations from official quarters that this was uncer tain, inquiry was at once made of the Provost Marshal, who informed us that as his instructions then stood he could not give a credit for veterans —that tliqy would have to be certified to himxt'om the Provost Marshal General's oflicc, and that their mustering-in papers would be the guide in the mutter of credits—that unless those papers specified the to which they belonged, they could only be a Credit to the county at large. In other words, that local districts which had not made their arrangements before the veterans were mustered in, could not afterwards avail themselves of them, un less some order not yet promulgated should so order it. The whole quota ofPenn township will be twelve, were putin some just room for the eight VCTOTS^ already mentioned, but af ter exh;utf ting every means to obtain some aohitigp of the matter favorable to these soldiers, (for their mustering pa pers show them to belong to Butler c 0.,) the committee, on Monday last, finished her quota by new retruits, a few hours af ter we find the above in the Gazette. Ma ny districts cannot now provide for their veterans, the only order therefore in ref erence to them, that would enable them all to get local bounties, would be an or der giving them leave to amend their mustering-in papers so as to represent whatever district would make satisfactory arrangements with them. This, we tho't was the intention of the Government at first—at any rate let the Provost Marshal General, issue an order at once settling this whole matter. SEWS BY Ti I.EG It IP». BOSTON, Feb. 11.— A large «»mpany assembled at the United States I Intel last night, ou invitation of Col. Goodrich, to meet Col. Taylor, of East Tennessee.— Speeches were made by Mr. Taylor and others, including George Thompson.— The latter thanked God that he had lived to see the noble position America had ta ken, and hoped in a few days to speak more fully on the state of feeling in Eng land in relation to our great struggle.— Mr. Thompson made an eloquent allusion to Washington the founder of American independence, and to Abraham Lincoln as the founder of American liberty. His address was enthusiastically applauded. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 10.—A dispatch from Fort Smith says that a large meeting of joyal citizens and soldiers was hold there. last night to welcome Gen. Curtis. Fears were euterteined for the safety of the Indian brigade which had been moved South from Fort Gibson to North Fork Town, 011 the Canadian river. They were fighting a largely superior force, under Glanwaite, at last accounts. BOSTON, Feb. 13.— The Ural ft Folly Island correspondent says that the rebels have tried several times lately to reinforce the almost worn out garrison at Fort Sum ter, but have failed. Most of the men in Fort sumter now are slaves. Twenty or thirty arc killed daily. Night before last, it being somewhat hazy, two of the rebel rams, in company with a cigar shaped torpedo boat, or infer nal machine, left Mt. Pleasant and pro ceeded down the creek in the rear of Sul livan's Island for the purpose of going out to make an attempt to destroy the gunboats Housatonnis and Nipsie, which were do-, ing guard duty that night in the channel near Berth Inlet. When the ram and in fernal machine had got ready to make a dash out of the Inlet it was found that the machine was in a sinking condition. She*was turned back into the Inlet, where she now lies. She went down, carrying her crew to the bottom. This put an end to the attempt to destroy our vessels. This is the third infernal machine the rebels have lost. A few days since, a guard of ten rebel soldiers, including a sergeant, escaped to our lines. They say tliat starvation stares them in the face in Charleston ; that all civil laws are at an end, and military rules have full sway over the civil authorities, that they are bccoiningdesperate, and they will resort to every means in their power to force the blockade here. They report the city badly damaged from the effect of Gillmore's shells. • CAIRO, Feb. 12.—Memphis papers to the 12th contain no- news. The steamer Platte Valley returned from Sarlatia, Ya zoo river, where she with other transports and gunboats were with Porter. Sherman's expedition were attacked on the sth by a force of 3,000 'J Pexan troops, who with artillery and musketry fired into the transports, wounding six soldiers. A fight ensued, in which a portion of our in fantry and gunboats participated, resulting in the dislodgment and driving of the en emy, but with what loss is unknown.— Eight of our men were killed and thirty wounded. The 11th Illinois, with negro cavalry and infantry were engaged in the affair. The enemy were also driven from Mcehaniesville without loss to us. A sick negro soldier belonging to Colo nel Woods, and who strangled from his regiment, was murdered by the rebels. A lieutenant and two privates, who commit ted the deed, were captured and Colonel Wood,in retaliation had them blindfolded, anil caused them to kneel upon the dead body of the negro they murdered, where they were shot. Col. Andrews, of the 3d Minnessota cav alry, at Little Hock, was made a Bigadier General. His regiment has atid a portion of them arrived here to-day en route for home. All is quiet at Little ltock. Deserters are coming into ourlines in large numbers, and regiments are form ing; two of them arc filled. Deserters from Price's armystate that no knowledge of the -Amnesty Proclamation existed among Price's men, and expressed the opinion that as soon as they know its con ditions, there will soon be little left of his army. FULL QUOTAS FILLED. —Manor town ship, Armstrong county, which filled iti 300,000 quota some time ago, nished its second, or 200,000 quota, one man over. Adams township, J3utier county, filled its full 500,000 cnPtaythis morning, and two men over. ThesoVoluntcers were all men of that township. Thrive are honorable records, and just such as we like to make. ST. LOCIS, Feb. 13. —The Memphis Bulletin publishes a card, signed by three hundred of the best citizens of that city, addressed to the people of Tennessee upon the subject of the re-organization of the State, and re-establishing their relation With the national Government. It recom mends immediate, unconditional emanci pation as the motive, and calls upon all to support the same by meeting at Memphis. CAIRO, Feb. 12. —The steamer Tyeon, from Memphis to Cincinnati, passed here to-day with over 1200 bales of cotton.— The steamer Sultan, from New Orleanson the sth, brought 100 bales of cotton to Vieksburg, and a large cargo of sugar for various points on the Ohio river. Fifty-two rebel prisoners from Colum bus. Ky., arrived here to-day. The ninth Illinois cavalry has re-enlist ed. BADLY BROKEN. —A well-known Providenco sporting character tried his luck in that city the other day, and found it bad. The bank refused to discount for him, and his deposits were exhausted. On turning his back on the scene of operations, a sympa thizing friend said to him: " Tom are you broke ?" " Yes," said Tom,with a sigh, "and so dead broke, that if steamboats were selling at a cent a-piece,l could't buy a gangway plank." A STATE Convention of Germans of New Jersey was held at Norfolk on Wed nesday. They pronounce for the aholi tion of slavery, confiscation of rebel lands, and for Fremont or Butler, or some equal ly radical man for President. From tho Pittsburgh Gazette. Our Soldiers. Now that this cruel war is nearly over, and many of our soldiers are returning to their homes on thirty-day furloughs pre paratory to entering upon their last cam paign, it is to be hoped that those for whom they have periled their lives, spilled their blood, suffered all manner of privations, and endured the severest of hardships, will not forget their services, or fail to do hon or to their patriotism and heroism. It is recorded:— "When the devil was sick, the devil a saint would be; When the devil got woll, the devil a saint was he." Let us not imitate him. Let us, who were so rejoiced to see our boys press back the tyrant and the invader, not forget t0 be grateful. J'oo many men, when Prov idence saves their lives, or the fire compa ny rescues their property from the flames, forget what good saints they promised to become if life or property were only spar ed. As a people, we have all prayed for the last three years to the God of Battles to save us from the rebels, and wo have looked to our soldiers for the answer to our prayers. How is it now ? AVe have read of an English army chap lain, not as reverent perhaps as he ought to have been, who once gave vent to his indignation at some real or fancied slight in the following not very poetical lines:— "God and a soldier all people adoro In time of war, but not before; — lint when tho war's over, and nil thing* are righted, UCKI is neglected, nnd the soldier slighted." Is this true of us? If it is, alas ! of some, let it not be true of you, reader, and i/ou and yau. While we trust that you will not forget tho God who "has not dealt so with any other people," we also trust that you will remember Manasscs, Shiloh, tho Peninsula, Antietam. Fredericksburg. Mur freesboro, Chancellorville, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Port Hudson. Charleston, Ft. Wagner, ('hiekainauga, and the other mem orable fields upon which thousands of brave men have offered up their lives for thoir country. And while you remember the glorious dead, don't forget tho gallant liv ing. lie not slow to take the veterans by the hand to thank them for all that they have done for you, and to teach your chil dren to take off theircaps and make their courtesies when one of them passes your door. Don't forget, then, to be grateful to our veterans. Don't forget to do them honor whenever you meet them. Don't forget to bear with their weaknesses. Don't for get the words of Burns, the anniversary of whose birth was oidy the other day ; " For gold tlic merchant plows the main, The farmer |d<«ws the manor; Hut Klory is tin- *>dgi>r's limine: Thi: ttodger'i wealth his honor. Tli t* bravi\ poor soger despise, Nor count him as a stranger: llcmmuher he's IIH country's stay In theday and hour o' danger.'' OEN. BITLER'S DASH AT RICHMOND. —The rebel accounts of (Jen Butler's late dash at Richmond, as given in the copi ous extracts from their papers in our spe cial dispatches, show how nearly success ful the expedition was. The failure is at tributed to the treachery of a deserter.— Indeed, so nearly setV'is the plan to have accomplished its purpose, the release of the unfortunate Union prisoners from that infamous prison-and lazar house of rebel cruelty,* that, if its failure is to be attributed to a Judas, his name should be published, that it might become a syno nym with miscreant in the language of our time. But though it wasa failure, as acon teinporary remarks the effort was credita ble to Oen. Butler and the troops who un dertook it.— Pittsburgh Gazette. THE INDIANA DISTRICT.—This week's issue of Wm. A. Stokes'paporthe Greens burg Republican , has the following edito rial: " We see by theKittanning Free Press, the Sheriff of Armstrong county has Biucd his proclamation for a special elec to fill the vacancy caused by the res- of Harry White. The Republi- some doubt whether the Sheriff his proclamation. As this progresses there is every pros pect in favor of the Re publict^^B This l^^B. first admission we have seen from a source that the refusal of the members of the Senate to permit of that body in accordance wit«aw and custom,was a 'huge J'arce.' —PitU/tUjfy Gazette. " PAPA, what does the editor whip the Prices Current with?" " Whip it? he don't whip it, my child." " Then he lies, pa." ''Hush, Tom, that's a naughty word. ''Well by golly, this'ere paper says "Prices Current carefully corrected," and I guess when I gets corrected I gets whipped!" S)eS' The large iron clad gunboat, Mi lwaukee was launched at St. Louis on the 4th inst. Tho boat has two turrets, each mounting two eleven-inch Dahlgren guns, moved by steam, loaded in the hold of the vesse' aud raised to be fired. Two other gunboats, the Chickasaw and Kickapoo, will be launched in a few days. GEN. GKANT. —The Cincinnati Comer cial speaks with much positiveness con cerning General Grant's relation to the Presidency. It says: 'We have authen tic occasion for saying that, under no circumstances, Vill he be a candidate for the Presidency, or permit his name to come before a National Convention for such pur pose, if his positive declination of the nou orwill prevent it. So far a.s his opinions are woll known, he is iu favor of the re nominatiou and re election of Mr. Lin coln," The War Problem. After a lapse of some tiuic, some ouoi' has been found competent to wet forth the' problem of the rebel dilemma'. We find' it in twenty propositions, which are based upon the leading opinions of the Nortl/ and South, and brought into phalanx bv an enterprising cotemporarv. Each prop osition -establishes a quandary ; and tfco' the rebellion may be a powerful fact, it if* at least a logical impossibility : 1. If they increase their army they cannot feed it. 2. Unless they increase their army they arc whipped. 3. Unless the press speaks out their liberties are gone. 4. If the press speaks out their GoVeih ment will be gone. .5. I'nless they draft the whole popula tion they must surrender. 0. If they draft the whole population they must starve. 7. Unless they can recover East Tenn essee they can get no saltpetre. 8. If they undertake to recover East Tennessee they will get more saltpetre than they want. !». Unless they free the negroes they have nothing left to fight with. 10. If they free the negroes they have' nothing left to fight for. 11. Ever since the rebellion begun ne groes have been fulling. 12. Nevertheless, their greatest fear now is, lest the negroes should rise. 1!!. Unless Jeff'. Davis repudiates his present debts he can't borrow from any body. 14. If ho repudiates, nobody will lend to him. 15. If he im) rjsses food he turns the land into a desert. 1(i. Unless ho impresses food he turns his men into deserters. 17. They can't succeed in the war un til they have got the means of building railroads. IS. They can't get the means of build ing railroads. l!>. If they fight they lose the day. 20. Unless they fight they lose every day. DIFFERENCE IN HOCNTY. —Officers so liciting recruits should remember, and they should inform their men of the fact before they are sworn in, that recruits in the lst and 2d heavy artillery receive on ly SIOO Government bounty, and only 825 of it down, while all other branches of the service receive SBOO beside the extra nr local bounty. This distinction is made because these artillery regiments are to be kopt at borne for garrison duty. The ex planation ought to be made by the recruit ing officers before it is too late—to prevent censure from the recruits.— ('in. Gazcttr. ILUITFOHO, Feb. s.—Half of the fac tory r>f Cult's American Arms Company was destroyed by (ire this morning. In tlie buildings destroyed, Colt's pistols and revolving rifles were made; in the build ing saved the manufacture of U.S. rifles is carried on,(he company have a large contract frmn the government for the man ufacture of these weapons. This portion ot the works will continue in operation, giving employment to 800 men. The stock of pistols and rifles completed, and in course of manufacture, and which was destroyed by this fire is valued at 81,000, 000. The machinery destroyed cost more than 5500.000 and the whole loss is com puted at $2,000,000, and the total insu rance on the property is 800,000, of which about 00 per cent was on the property destroyed. The fire broke out in the dry ing room, and spread with groat rapidity. •The origin of the fire is a mystery. One man was killed, and another is missing. Stuj- The Richmond Win)/ is sure (lie Yankees will experience several Bull Run stampedes as soon as the spring campaign opens, owing to the fact that the Union veterans will be out of the army, and tho rebels will have veterans to oppose onr "greenhorns." This all looks very well on paper ; but as our veterans are mostly reenlisting, and as their time docs not ex pire anyway till mid-sutnmer and fall, the Whig s anticipations will hardly be real ized. 'A set of resolutions were intro duced into the rebel Congress, providing for the appointment of commissioners to negotiate for recognition, reconstruction, etc., but they were not acted upon. ®eii"Tn the fifteen months comprised betweeu September, 1802, and December, 1868, sick, and wounded rebel soldiers, numbering 293,105 were received into the rebel hospitals in the Department of Virginia, according to tho Director's re port. Of these 127,530, probably be longing to other States than the Old Do minion, were transferred to other hospitals or other States, whilst the rest either died in the Virginia hospitals or were discharg ed, furloughcd or returned to duty. Such an appalling list shows how terribly Vir giftia has suffered in seekingfor her 'rights.' Aa?" The National Intelligencer not long ago said to Rev. Mr. Beecher, "You pro fess to be very sorry for tho slave. llow much have you been sorry ? that is, how many slaves are free to-day because their emancipation has cost you money ?" To which 11. YV. 15. replies thus: "We will answer cheerfully: the number, as nearly as we can estimate it, is three million three hundred aiid fifteen thousand, which we hope shortly to increase to four mil lions. To this multitude we might hon estly add a few more, though, for good reason, we forbear to state how many,'with whom, in past times, we have shaken hands on their way to Canada." ttar- Capt. J. M. Streetman, 55th Geor gia Regiment, is out iu a card, urging his fellow-soldiers to desert. His reason for this is, that " the rebellion must finally fail; better that it be soon and before the last poor fellow in the ranks is a sacrifice to gratify the obstinacy and pride of the rebel leaders, who intend in the last ex tremity to save themselves by flying to a foreign country, which you cannot do, for the want of the means of living there." " SOME of the Union men of East Tenn essee who have been imprisoned by the rebels have commenced suits for dainagea against the villainous leaders in the rebel ranks, I'arson Urownlow's suit is first on the. docket, and he lays his damages at 825,000