American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, January 06, 1864, Image 1

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    VOLUME 1.
IS published every Wednesday in tho bortfugh of Bntler,
by Thomas I(ouinhon4 K. A VDnmo.N on Main street,
opposite to Jack's Hot'?I —office up staira in the brick
formerly accupiotl by Eli Yetter, as it store
'Pkums:—s| 50 u year, if paid in advance, or within the
first Mix months: or #2 if not paid until after the expira
tion of the first six months.
Rates ok Advertising: —Onesquare non., (ten lines or
less,) three insertions 112 1 00
Every sub-eonent insertion, per square, 25
business earns of 10 lines or less fur one year, inclu
ding paper, 6 00
Card ''f 10 or less 1 year without pap< r 4 00
JX column f-»r six month- 7 oo
Wcolumn for one year 12 00
column f..r six months 13 00
coCnmn for one year .25 00
1 column for six months 25 00
I column for one year 50 uo
Judge Remeson's First Client.
Old Judge Remeson was fond of tefl
ing his early experience at the bar. My
first case, he would say, came upon me un
expectedly, after I had waited a consider
able time for a client. The way I came
to get it was this : ■
A young girl. Helen Montressor, was to
be tried at our County Court for stealing
a breastpin, valued at four dollars, and
twenty dollars in gold, from the trunk of
her employer, James Wesley, merchant in
the town of Bedford. The theft, which
was detected five weeks before, occasioned
quite a talk at the time, as the girl was
beautiful, and Wesley and his wife Eunice
were anything but that besides being gen
erally detested. People said that Helen
had been shamefully treated by her mis
tress, who was jealous of her; and it was
even hinted that there was foul play in
the prosecution for theft.
The subsequent trial of a gang of horse
thieves and counterfeiters had so absorbed
public attention that tho case of Helen
Montressor was forgotten, and no one
seemed to care for her fate. But when
she was placed in the prisoners box, her
beauty riveted every eye, and when the
Judge asked who was her counsel and she
modestly replied that she had no money to
pay a lawyer, there was not a member of
the bar who would not have willingly un
dertook her case. The Judge, after look
ing round for a moment, fixed his eye up
on me, and said, "Mr. Remeson, will you
please act asjhis lady'.-'counsel." I"start
ed as tho' I had been shot. Luckily a
juror had been taken sick, and the court
adjourned until next m irn : n j. or T am
afraid I should have made sa i w >rk with
my client's ease.
As I left the court room I looked at my i
watch; it wi-> eleven, os 1 ha I but twon- j
tv-thrce li mm f> prepare. 1 eille I upon !
the District Vttorney an 1 a~kc i him to sec
the in IV'mentan 1 the ev: leuee laken be- j
fore the Justice of the Peace. As he |
fumbled over a pile of pi.>o.' ho said:
" The Tu lgo nm-; have a > !e a<rrn-'i 1
you. Hemcon. to put you n such ;i tigh j
place, art 1 you a green hand. Nooffense,'. :
he added, as he observed the rising color I
of my cheek—"nooffense; 1 simply mean i
that you arc inexperienced. There are I
the documents, take them you.
only be sure to bring them to court to-mor- j
row morning. You will see that yourcli- !
ent has not a chance."
I was annoyed at this light reference to
my client, for whom I already entertained
deep respect and believed innocent; but
I said nothing. Hastening to my office.
I locked myself in and commenced the
analysis of my case. Tho evidence con
sisted of the testimony of. James and Eu
nice Wesley, Sarah Brown, a seamstress,
Charlotte Boyce, a domestic, and Thomas
Ilanncgan, a man of all work employed by
the Wesleys. Ilannegnn's evidence seem
ed straight-forward au I truthful, and so
did the servant girl's. T made up my
mind that they were not unfriendly to my
client, and that I would seek an interview
with them, although it would necessitate
a journey to Bedford. In Miss. Brown's
evidence I at once detected intense mal
ice, slid determined to harrass her unmer
cifully in cross-examination. Wesley's
evidence was similar in style and matter
to that of Hannegan ; but Mrs. Wesley's
was full, discursive, and acrimonijius—
such as that "She had always believed
Helen was a vipor, but her husband up
held the trollop." To my mind the case
seemed clear; Mrs. Wesley herself put
those things in Helen's trunk.
I next went to the Court House and re
quested Mr. Mace, the Sheriff, who lived
in the wing of the building, to introduce
nif to the prisoner. He conducted me to
her cell. Although the bolts clanged
b heavily as they sprang from the locks, our
0 entrance did not seem to attract her at
tention. She was standing with clasped
hands before her g-ated window, gazing at
the sky. The Sheriff touched her arm.
and said, "Miss. Miintren or, Mr. ltemeson
is the lawyer who is to manage your case,
and he wants to sde you." She started,
turned qu'ck'y around and 1: e .11 incli
nation of he head, to in < ( < ), e r readi
ness to listen, but she .-aid not a win I.—
The Sheriff left the cell and we we-e alone.
Conscious that every moment was pre
cious, I said:
" Miss Montressor, we must throw aside
.ceremony, and communicate frankly upon
this painful business. I believe Jou are
innocent. The thing it to prove you so.
i This promises to be difficult, but I am not
without hope. If you tell frankly what
your experience has been with the Wes
ley's, my task may be lightened."
I then put up a series of questions, and
learned that she was fifteen years old ;
j that she had lived with Mrs. Wesley, who
had been married about eight years; that
she had lived with a kind old gentleman
j. named Gregory, who had taught her to
call him grandpa ; that Mrs. Wesley, who
was then called Miss Xaesmith. lived with
Mr. Gregory, al-fo that he seemed afraid of
Miss Xaesmith; that Miss Xaesmith in
herited all his property, and married Mr.
Wesley about a month after he died; that
she told her never to call him grandpa any
more, that he wasn't any relation of her;
that the day on which old Gregory died
he gave her a sealed package, and told her
not to let Eunice see it, but to give it to
a certain lawyer when he returned to town,
for it would make her a rich young lady ;
ami then ho cried that he had left Eunice
b.iveherown way too much; that she fell
asleep with the packet in her lap, and she
never dared to'ask any questions about it;
that Mrs. Wesley hated her.and beat her
like n slave, and that she sometimes
thought of drowning herself, she was so
miserable, that Mr. Wesley said improper
things to her; that he was a bad man, but
weak and under his wife's control; that
on the day on which her trunk was search
ed,,she was sent on an errand to the min
isters ; was gone about an hour and a half,
and on her return was taken up stairs to
see her trunk opened, before she had pull
ed off her bonnet and shawl; she was sure
Mrs. Wesley had-put the things in her
trunk while she was out, because she
(Helen) had overhauled it that morning,
and they were not in it then; but whether |
Mr. Wesley knew about it or aot she j
could not say, although she rather thought i
he diil, because he looked guilty when his
wife was opening her trunk.
Telling the poor girl to cheer up. I went
to the Sheriff's sitting room, where I fnunit
Mrs. Mace. lat once informed her that
in my opinion Miss Montressor was a per
secuted girl, and hoped she would cheer
her up, so that she could enter the court
room with a good heat, on the morrow;
this the kind hearted woman promised to
do, and I hastened tomy office. My brain
was in a whirl. Gregoiy—grandpa—the
package which was to make her a rich
yoilng lady—its mysterious disappear- j
ance? Was old Mr. Gregory,really I lei- j
en's grandfather? Was the packet the
last will and testament, bequeathing his ;
property to her? And had Eunice stolen i
it from the child as she slept, that she !
might clutch the property by virtue of a
former will which had been forced from !
the old man ? '■ lie cried and said he left
Eunice have her own way too much!"—
Her own way about what? 1 felt certain
that I had got on the track of great vil
ainy. and thought I could understand the
reason for Eunice Wesley's hatred of Hel
en. and her desire to blast the poor girl's
character. After spending a half hour in
arranging mv plans, I ordered a carriage
and drove to Bedford.
It was two when 1 reached the village.
I wished first to see Hannegan, Wesley's
serving man. By making a few cautious
inquiries at the tavern, and disbursing a
half dollar to the hostler, Hannegan was
soon in my room. He was pleased to and
that I was Helen's friend, and on my
promising him never to let what he said
goto Mrs. Wesley's ear, he told me that
she had treated the poor girl like a dog.
that he had seen her strike Helen, and
heard her threaten to kill her and ruin
her reputation : and that he believed the
breastpin and money had beeiT put into
the trunk by the old catamaran herself.
He stated what Helen's behavior was
when the articles were found in her trunk,
and described the breastpin and money.
The latter consisting of four half eagles,
one of which had a hole in it, that had
been made by Murch, the jeweler, so
Mrs. Wesley could string on a ribbon for
a birthday present for the minister's little
•boy, and that was one way how Mrs. Wes
ley knew the money wax hers. He also
gave me a letter signed " Eunice
ry," he had found in the yard that oK.
and which he maintained was in Mrs.
Wesley's hand-writing. That made him
suspect that her name wasn't Naesmith
before she was married to Wesley ; be
' thought that she might have been some
relation to old Mr. Gregory, who died,
and there must have been something bad
to make her change her name.
This information had a dead impression
on mv mind, taken in connection with
what Helen had told me; besides the
name of Eunice Gregory seemed floating
in my memory as though I had seen it
connected with some event which had fa
ded from recollection and was dimly re-
X dismissed Hannegau. and paid Mr.
Murch, the jeweler, a visit; told h in who
I was, and for what I called. He remem-
" Let us have Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the endjdare to do our duty as we understand it"' - A Lnroour
I ered the half eagle business—in fact it
was on his record. He turned to see on
what day the hole was made in the half
eagle. It was Wednesday. the 17th of
March—the verv day Helen's tiunk was
searched. I askra at what hour the coin
was delivered to Mrs. Wesley. He re
plied that she called for it at 11 in the fore
noon, and that Miss. Montressor's trunk
was searched" at about 1 in the afternoon
of the same day.
" That looks strange," said I. " Would
you have any objections to attend the tri
al to-morrow, with your books, and testi
" i£ot at all," he replied.
I turned to depart. At that moment
Wesley entered the shop, and was accos
ted by the jeweler, who gave me a wink
to indicate who he was. We had never
before met, so I regarded him at my leis
ure. He was an evil looking man. Over
his left eye was a queer shaped scar,
which ran crookedly across his forehead.
The instant I saw the scar. I felt as tho'
the whole thing was clear. The scar, the
(description of which I so well remember
ed, brought the whole thing freshly to my
mind. I remembered now tho name of
Eunice Gregory-—the child murderess—
and there stood her accomplice under an
name. Giving the jeweler a
warning glance, I hastened to my carriage
and drove furiously home, shut myself in
my room, and determined to pass the en
tire night if necessary, in preparing for
the contest. I wished to clear my client
on the charge made against her, expose
Wesley's, and oblige them to make resti
tution to the wronged and pillaged orphan.
I transacted jny memory to find some
thing tangible concerning the past career
of Eunice Gregory and her accomplice,
but found nothing. 1 had read tho story
many years ago in a newspaper, the name
of which 1 could not remember, I could
not prove that the Wesley's were the same
parties, and should I mention my suspi
cions in court the District Attorney would
scout at them as ridiculous and malicious
inventions of my own, and tho Judge
would charge the Jury to pay to
them, I must rap the characters of tho
Wesley's in my cross-examinations of
their witnesses, arfd thus try and effect the
•breach sufficient to justify a direct assault,
on a charge of conspiracy against Helen,
and crush James Wesley on the witness
stand. And I wove my meshes for the
victim until the morning suns rays stream
ed through my windows.
The court nas opened, a jury" ornpan
nelled, the case called, Helen Montressor
placed in tho prisoner's box, and the Dis
trict Attorney's telling, merciless jpening
of the Citsc completed, in what seemed to
be but a few moments of time. Helen
seemed to look more innocent than ever,
and I resolved that full justice should be
done her. if my resources could compass
such a result. It such an hour that
a lawyer feels the honor and dignity of his
position—it is then that he feels his re
The first witness was Charlotte Boycc.
She had been called by her mistress togo
up and see Helen's trunk searched ; and
she went up, and saw tho breastpin and
money found in it—tucked away in one
corner. By my cross-examination I elic
ited the fact that Helen had just come
home from an errand, _(on which she had
been sent more than an hour,) when her
trunk was searched, and had on her bon
net and shawl; that ''she looked quite in
nocent and unconcerned until the things
were found, and then she seemed aston
ished." On dismissing the witness, I
gazed at the jury, but they sat with stern
faces, as though resolved that nothing
could make them clear the culprit. 1
called Miss Boyce back, saying I had for
gotten a very important point. Thjs ex
cited some attention, and when I asked
her if Mrs. Wesley was in the habit of
ill-treating the prisoner,everybody pricked
up their cars. The girl hesitated and
stamuuered, and finally said she was.
" And why do you think so ?" I asked.
"Because Mrs. Wesley beat her once
with a large club", and threatened to kill
her, and was scolding her. But don't ask
me anymore questions," she suddenly ex :
claimed, "or I shall loose my place!"
I glanced at Mrs. Wesley, and saw that
she was regarding her servant with a look
of intense malignity ; and to annoy her,
I appealed to tho Court io protect the wit
ness against the threatening looks of her
This brought all eyes to a focus on Mrs
Wesley's ugly countenance, and she turn
ed fairly white with indignation. The
Judge Jold the witness to speak without
fear, and if she lost her place by telling
the truth, she would get plenty of better
ones. Being satisfied with the impression
made. I told the witness she might go, and
the District Attorney permitted her to.
pass without questioning.
The next witness was Miss Sarah
Brown, the seamstress —a rat eyed, hatch-
et-l'aeed. dapper little creature. fie was
at work for Mrs. Wesley at the tiiie the
theft was discovered. She met Ilfjen the
day before the trunk was searched, joining
out of her mistress's room, and shi/looked
so guilty she suspected she had Jfcen do
ing-wrong. The tgime day Mrs. Wesley
spoke to her about the things gone,
and she told her suspicions. Theteupon
she thought it would be a good plan to
search Helen's trunk; proposed to do it
at once, but Mrs. Wesley preferred towait.
When the trunk was opened, the tlings
were found in it, just as she expected they
would be."
When the witness was passed over U
me. I asked in a careless tone, how sie
kucw the money was in Mrs. AVeslep's
room the day she had met Helen comjng
" She knew it. because Mrs. Wesley tfild
her so. Couldn't be mistaken, for Vrs.
Wesley had spoken about the half ctgle
with tho hole in it, which she was giing
to present to the minister's boy.
This I made her say over and overigain
until there could be no mistake ab>ut it,
and-then asked if she knew who raide the
hole in tho half eagle.
"Yes; Mr. March, the jewo'er, made
" Ts he in the room ?" I asked.
" Yes, there he is," said nhe, pointing.
I told Miss Brown she fcould go, and
the District Attorney that Mr.
Murch should be sworn. The Attorney
handed Murch the half e&le, and asked
if he recognized it. He sail he did; that
the magistrate who committed the prison
er had made a mark upon it
"That'sall; the witnesj is yours, Mr.
Remeson." ,
"Do you remember, Mr. Murch, on
what day of the month you made the hole
in the half eagle?" 1 asked.
" It was on the 17th of March," said he.
" Why, that was the veiy day the pris
oner's trunk was searched, was it not?" I
said, turning to the District Attorney.
"That is the day mentioned in the in
dictment," he replied.
Turning again to the \titncss, I said,
" Mr. Murch, please recolltct wfth precis
ion ; you heard the witness who preceded
you, swear that Mrs. Weslty told her that
the identical half eagle, with the hole then
made in it, was in her husband's trunk on,
or before the 16th of last March.
" Yes," said Murch, " I heard her swear
to that, and was asfonislied. for Mrs. Wes
ley brought me the coin in tho afternoon
of the 16th, and told me 1 must have it
fixed by noon next day ; at 11 on the 17th
she came fdr it, and at 1 o'clock that af
ternoon it was found in Miss Montressor's
The District Attorney turned sharp
round and gave the Wesley's a pierceing
look. Mrs. Wesley was immovable; but
Wesley turned pale and fairly cowered be
neath the gaze of the Attorney, who, I
saw, was now convinced of the true facts
of the case; and judge and jury seemed
to be of the same mind. I felt certain
then of a verdict in my client'-s favor; but
how was I to crush the Wesley's, and how
win back her estate? I decided on my
called next, and I show
ed by him that Mrs. Wesley had persecu
ted the prisoner in the most outrageous
manner—beating her, and threatening to
kill her. and ruin her reputation, and
treating her shamefully. His testimony
excited so much indignation against the
couple that I longed for the moment that
James Wesley should take she stand:—
When Hannegan retired, Mrs. Wesley
whispered to her husband, and he whis
pered to the Attorney. The latter seed
ed to be surprised, but announced that the
prosecution would there rest the case.
Everybody was surprised that the Wes
ley's were not called, and my plans were
all disarranged. I divined at once that
Mrs. Wesley had suggested this course to
shield her husband and herself from cross
examination. Had the instinct of self
preservation told her what was coming?
I rase to open my case for the -defense, and
I began by stating that I had incontestiblc
evidence that a conspiracy had been en
tered into to blast the character of my cli
ent, to enable the parties in the conspira
cy to perfect certain plans, which would
fill the community with horror. . I saw
that everybody was prepared to believe al
most everything, and determined to waste
no time in words. So I requested that
James Wesley might be sworn, and de
sired the Judge to have Eunice Wesley
removed while her husband was being ex
amined. She was taken out by the Sher
iff, and I turned to question James Wesley.
"James Wesley," said I, sternly, 11 how
came that scar on your forehead ?"
As the villain turned ghastly pale, stag
gered, and clutched at the railing of the
witness box for support, I felt sure of my
" Answer me. Bob Harmon; how came
that scar on your forehead ?"
At the mention of the name, " Bob Har
mon," the wretch fell back upon the seat
and groaned, " Oh don't—don't bring
that agin me 1"
" I shall bring that up, and more too,
unless you answer me truly about this pre
tended theft. Now. tell me—did not Eu
nice Gregory put these things in Miss
Montressor's trunk ?"
"Oh my God! how did you know about
Eunice Gregory ? Do not bring that up
now, it's gonQ by years ago,"' groaned the
wretched man.
"Answer me, then ; did not your wife
put these things in Miss Montressor's
trunk ?"
" Yes, she did ; let the girl go, and do
not ask me any more questions."
The excitement now became overwhelm
ing, and the witness began to fear his bod
ily safety—a fact I determined to use as
an additional screw.
" I shall ask for little more," I replied,
"as I do not wish to expose you to the rage
of this audiance, ifyou'll answer promptly.
Where is the will that old Mr. Gregory
executed, making his grandchild, Helen
Montressor, his heir, and which he gave
to her to give to his lawyer when he re
turned—the will your wife stole from the
child as she lay sleeping?"
" Oh, Lord ! it's come at last; jnst as I
told her it would."
" Where is the will," I thundered.
" It is burnt," he exclaimed, 11 but Hel
en is his only surviving relation, and the
will by which my wife got the property is
a forged one."
Having achieved everything, and not
caring to prolong the painful scene, I ask-
I ed the District Attorney if it would not
jbe better to dismiss the case. He cheer
fully assented, and Miss Montressor, who
in her flush of agitation and thankfulness
looked more lovely than ever, was released
from the custody of Mr. Mace and placed
In charge of his wife, while Wesley and
Ms wife slunk away from public indigna
The excitement was so great the Court
was not adjourned till 6 I'. M.and I was
obliged to state for the gratification of the
ciowd how I had managed to get on the
track of the Wesleys. I told them that
many years before I had an account of the
murder of a child by its auut, Eunice
Gregory, assisted by her lover, one Bob
Harmon, for tho purpose of possessing her
niece's estate. In that account it was sta
ted that Harmon, at the time of the mur
der, had fallen down an area and gashed
his head terribly, which afterwards heal
ed and left a peevdier scar. The hints I
received from Helen's story, and the let
ter signed Eunice Gregory, had set my
memory at work, and when I met Wesley,
and observed the peculiar scar on his fore
head, the whole thing flashed upon me,
and I determined to make a bold "push to
exposa them, and not onlj defend Helen
against the charge of larceny, but wrench
from her unnatural aunt the patrimony
that had been withheld from her.
My explanation was received with ap
plause, and a movement set on foot to have
tho Wesley's indicted for perjury; but it
was never carried out, as they disappeared
from that part of the country, and we till
thought it best not to bring them back for
any purpose whatever. .
Helen secured her estate, and I secured
Helen ; and if you will go home with me
you ihall have an introduction to her anil
the children. That case did the business
for me all round, as by it I secured a great
reputation, plenty of practice, a handsome
wife and a large fortune.
A SMART WOMAN. —A preacher not
long since asking to stay all night at a
country house was forbidden by tho lady.
Knowing her to be a member of the
church and generally pleased to entertain
ministers, he began to quote Paul to her,
hoping she would understand by this
hint that he was a He had
hardly got ouf'for thereby some have enter
tained angels unawares," when she said,
"but angels, sir would not come with tobac
eostuck in their mouth." The preacher left
without any further ceremony.
MENT. —A Sunday paper says:
Gen. McClellan is now engaged upon a
series of articles shortly to bo»publi»hed in
a popular journal. They will be publish
ed as an electioneering document in con
nection with his report. A life of Mc-
Clellan by a popular New York journalist
is also under way; and the three—his
life, his report, and his explanatory arti
cles—will probably be published some
time during the coming MaTch. It is be
lieved that these publications, with his
supposed popularity with the people, will
give him a very fair show for the Presi
THE CAT MARKET. —There is a man
who regularly visits one of the river towns
and buys up all the cats he can find, ta
king them to New York. The country
people are in doubt whether they are
bought for the furriers or the sausage ma
Take a robbln's leg.
Mind, the drumstick morely;
Put it in a tub,
Filled with water yearly.
Sot it out of doors.
In a place that'* shady;
Let it stand R week
(Three days for a lady).
Put a spoonful in
To a tlvf-quart kettle,
It should be of tin,
Or perhapu bell-metal.
FilMhe kettle up.
Put it on a boiling;
Skim the liquor lyell
To prevent Ita oiling.
Let the liquor boll
llalf-an-hour or longer
(If 'tis a man
You may make It stronger).
Should you now desire
That the soup be flavory,
Pt ir it once around
With a stalk of savory.
When the soup is done,
Set it by to jell it;
Then three tim*s a day
Let the patient smell it.
If he chance to die,
Say 'twas nature did it;
But should he git well,
Give the soup the credit.
POLITICAL ECONKMY. —Splitting your
W HAT'S the use of a seat of war to a
standing army ?
A jocose soul inquires if it is a libel to
call a baker's apprentice a kneady loafer ?
THE busiest coopers in these times are
those that hoop the ladies.
WHY is an unwelcome visitor like a
shady tree I—Because wc are glad when
he leaves.
THE musician who can make bis hear
ers forget time may be excused for not
keeping it.
IF you ob.#rve A gentleman with his
. arm around a young lady, it is morally
certain that they are not married.
WITHOUT deliberation and prudence,
the faster we go the further we may go
out of the way.
A printer out west, whose first son hap
pened to be a very short, fat little fellow,
named him Brevier Fullfaee .Tones.
" I shall be indebted to you for life," as
the man said to his creditors when he ran
away to Australia.
" I wonder what makes my eyes so
weak," Aid a loafer. " Because they are
in a weak place," said a bystander.
As a proof of the hardness of the times,
there is a man in Ohio who killed only
half a pig at a time.
AN exchange says that the young lady
who '• thought she would have died" so
many times, is now enjoying excellent
CONSCIENCE is the most elastic materi
al in the World. To-day you cannotstretch
it over a mole-hill—to-morrow it bides a
DOBBS, (not Bennett,) on being asked
if he had ever seen the "Bridge of Sighs,"
replied:—" Yes, I have been traveling it
ever since I was married.
Rules of Etiquette foi Geniiemen Parties.
Aft very bruenij,
Stare around nma/.inKly,
Strut in stuck-uj>-i»ibly,
First to tlu» ludy who
Sent round the card to you;
Then you may condescend
Thrje or four words to spend
Oil some notoriety
Who gilds society;
Or whisper, quite killlngly.
To somebelle, who willingly,
PnßHcs lime flirtin^ly,
Lauging—oh, certaiuly!
Whispering blushiligl.V,
Chocking you hufthiriKly—
Whispering tillringiots fall
Over your neck and all;
Until, distressingly.
Thrillingly, cunningly,
Off In t waltz you go
Spinning, half crazy, oh I
This is propriety
Out of socioty.
IF a girl thinks more of her heels than
of her head, depend %pon it, she will
never amount to much; for brains which
settle in the shoes never get above them.
Young gentlemen will please make note
of this.
A man who puts aside hfs religion be
cause he is going into society, resembles a
person taking off his shoes because he is
to walk upon thorns.
A.v urchin, suffering from the applica
tion of the birch, said, '-Forty rods are
said to be a furlong. I know better : let
any body get such a licking as I've had,
and he'll find out that one rod makes an
A French bishop, in a sermon, recently
administered a philipic to crinoline wear
ers: " Let women beware (said he) while
putting on their profuse and expansive
attire, how narrow are the gates of Para
A GOOD EXAMPLE.—A boy was once
tempted by some of his companions to
pluck some ripe cherries from a tree his
father had forbidden him to touch.
"You need notbeafraid," said they,"for
if your father should find out that you
had taken them, he ut so kind that he will
not hurt you."
"That is the very reason, replied the
boy, why I would not touch them. It is
true, my father may not hurt me; yet my
disobedience I know would hurt my father:
and that would be worse to me than any
thing else, Was this not a verry good
The New Speaker.
Mr. Colfax was born in New York Ci
ty on the 23d of March 1823 and is de
scended from General Schuyler and Cap
tain Colfax, both of whom fought in the
Revolution. At thirteen years of age he
removed to Indiana, where he soon began
life as a printer, in which humtde capa
city he rose to a position of influence and
honor. About twenty years ago he be
came the proprietor of The South Send
Register, and as a necessity of his posi
tion became connected with the politics
of his State. His political connection was
with the Whig party, so long as it retain
ed its organization after which he bccamo
an earnest Republican.
Mr. Colfax has now been a member of
Congress lor nearly ten years. lie was
elected Representative from Indiana in
1854, and has held the office ever since.
In the thirty-fifth Congress he was cho
sen Chairman of the Committee on Post
offices and Post R >ads, and for one or two
years past lie has been one of the Regents
of the Smithsonian Institute.
In his personal appearance lie is a little
below the medium height, has dark eyes
and hair, and a large forehead. He is a
fluent speaker, distinct in his utterance,
and impressive. He is very bland and
courteous in demeanor, and kind and affable
in all his social relations. On the 7th of
December, 1863, lie was elected Speaker
of the House. Although the position was
never of greater moment than in the pres
ent session, yet only a single ballot was
cast, the result of which was the electiffl
of Mr. Colfax by a vote of 101 to 81.—
This decided vote settles at. once all doubt
as to the firm purpose of the House tosup
port the Administration.
HOME MA NNF.RS. —Wo sometimes meot.
with men who seem to think that anj» in-'
dulgcnce in au affectionate feeling is
weakness. They return from a journey
and greet their families with a distant dig
nity, and move among their children with
the cold and lofty splendor of an iceberg,
surrounded by its fragments. There is
hardly a more unnatural sight on earth
than one of these families without a heart.
A father had better extinguish a boy's
eyes than take away his heart. Who that
has experienced the joys of" friendship,
and values sympathy and affection, would
not rather lose all that is beautiful in na
ture's scenery, than bo robbed of the hid
den treasures of his heart? Cherish, then
your heart's best affections. Indulge iu
the warm and gushing emotions of filial,
parental and fraternal love. Think it not
a weakness. God is love. Love God,
every body, and every thing that is lovely.
Teach your children to love; to love the
rose; the robin; to love their parents; to
lovo their God. Let it be a studied ob
ject of their domestic culture, to give them
warm hearts, ardent affections. Bind
your family together by those strong
chords. You pannot make them toostrong.
Religion is love; love to God, toman.
A CIIF.AP LUXURY. —As a *R ary
traveler was wending his way through
the mud, out in a far west region of
the country' he discovered*!!broad a
young maiden standing in the door of
a small log house. lie rode up in front
of the house and asked the maiden for
a drink of water ; he drank it, and she
being the first lady he had seen for
several days, he offered her a" dime
for a kiss." The young maiden accent
ed the offer, and received both kiss and
dime. The traveler was about to pro
ceed :
"What am I to do with the dime?"
" Yon may use it i<i any way you
wish," he replied; "it is yours. *'
"That being the case," she replied,
"I'll give you back the dime and take
another kiss."
BStif* In the middle ages, in France,
a person convicted of being a calum
niator, was condemned to place himself
on all fours, and bark like a dog for a
quarter of an hour. If this custom
was adopted at the present day,there
would be some bow-wowing.
An orator, perspiring freely
in a husky voice said—"la short,ladies
and gentlemen, I wish, I can on!y say
that I wish I had a window in my bo
som, that you might see the emotions
of my heart." The newspapers prin
ted the speeck, leaving ; n' out of 'wi
dow.' lie.was taken somewhat aback
when he read it.
Every school boy knows that a
kite would not fly unless it had a string
tying it down. It is justso in life.—
The man who is tied down by a half a
dozen responsibilities and their mother
will make a stronger and higher
flight than the old baehler, provided
they allow him to rise at all.
Siucority is to speak aa we think,
to do as we pretend and profess, to perforin
and make good what we promise, and re
ally to be what we would seem and appear
to be.— Punch.