TflE AMEBICAK CITIZEN. Butler, Pa,, Wednesday,Dec.23.lß63, 49 • Entrance • . tho Aiafti«Ai Qktisui Printing OBw from the South, on Jefferaon street. There will be no paper issued from this offiee next week. As THE HOLIDAYS are near at hand, you should call at 11. C. Heineman's Book and Variety store, on Main street, oppo site the Lowry House, and examine his choice seleetic>n of oift Books, Toys. Trink et*. etc. Our country friends will not for get when they are in town, to call and supply themselves with gifts for their children and friends. LOVERS OF GOOD MUSIC will have an opportunity on the 29th inst.. of listening to a first class concert given at the Court House. An entertainment so rare in this place should be appreciated. 'Hhc performers are nil first class musi cians. ifnd some have had many years of experience. Mr. Jerome Stalcy. ll*' leader, is a young man of extraordinary musical talent and ability. He performs \ on several musical instruments with equal j skill and expression—has adopted music , as his-profession—and, as this is his debut, j we hope it may be a success. Vrllmr'M Home Hanaiine. Arthur's Home Magazine, for Janua rv. has been deceived. As usual, it abounds * with rare and ele attractions. The j fashion plates and engravings, as well as . its literary articles, arc of a character that j would honor any Magazine in the country. We bespeak for it a wide circulation. It ; should be read by every lady in thecoun- j try. See advertisement in another col umn. BUTLER TOWN is pleasantly situated : on the North bank of Connoquenessing j creek, in a bend thereof, on an eminence j that commands an extensive and pictur- j esque view of the surrounding conn | and is thirty-three m : VS via the Plank- 1 road North of Pittsburgh. The town con tains the usual county buildings ; a good j and substantial brick and stone Court- : House, erected in 1853 ; the Jail is built j of stone, and. as far as the name is eon- j corned, does very well; but past occur- : renees show that it is not very well calcu- j lated to hold any one who has a strong in- ! elination to escape from " durance vile." i The town was laid out in A. I>. 1800. and j was incorporated as a borough Feb. 26. j 1817. Population, in 1830, 580; in 1840, 861. and in 1860 it contained over ' 1.300. Within the limits of the town j there arc seven churches, one Academy, | the Witherspoon Institute, and two school- j houses. The latter cannot be spoken very highly of. Their architecture and furni- | turc are not such as they should lie. In our humble opinion there is nothing that can be called attractive either in the arch itecture or furniture of these buildings; and it is very self-evident to the most su perficial observer that there is nothing about the exterior, or grounds connected with these buildings, of an attractive na ture or character; but we will not dwell on this matter at present. The town is well supplied with hotels; of these there are six. There arc at pres ent ten eating-houses, or restaurants, with a very fair prospect of at least one more. We have eight dry-goods and grocery stores, three jewelry establishments, two drug-stores, one book and variety store, nine shoe-shops doing a flourishing busi ness in protecting the toles of the people ; six blacksmith shops—those engaged in | this trade should remember to " strike | while the iron is hot;" —three wagon and carriage shops, two plow shops, five cabi net shops, three saddle and harness shops, three printing offices, one clothing store, four tailor shops and two tanneries. Just j outside the borough limits there are two I machine shops, a woollen fictory and two J large grist-mills. The town does not improve very rapid ly ; in explanation of which many reasons might be assigned, but we will not enu merate at present, as we may have occasion | t j refer to these matters more at length on some future occasion. During the past season, the Presbyterian congregation of this place have completed a very fine buil ding on the site formerly occupied by the old church. This new place of worship j is very elegantly and tastefully furnished. The new brick dwelling house of ('has. M'Candloss, Esq., situated on the S. W. corner of the Diamond, when fully com pleted, will be a decided improvement in the architecture of the place, and will re flect credit on the owner and the archi tects—Messrs. S. G. Purvis & Son. In this connection we would also mention the new, large and fine brick building, on Main street, erected by William Vogcley, «nd now occupied by him as a hotel. It is a very fine building, and one that does credit to the owner. During the past fall, a very extensive and substantial improvement was made in the condition of Main Street. It was very much needed; and, while it is commend able and praiseworthy to keep the main street in good condition, would it not be well to bestow a little more labor on the back and cross streets, and also the alleys ? Of course wo do not wish to be under stood as dictating to the worthy authori ties who have the supervision and control of these matters, but merely as suggesting the propriety of distributing the work and repairs equitably in the different parts of! our borough. The mall, or board wjilk. I Igading to the Cemetery. on tlic North of the borough, which was made during the last season, was very much needed, and is highly appreciated, especially by those who, from locality and business, frequent the same. Of (he professions, there arc eight min isters, four doctors, two dentists, 1 profes sor, four teachers, three justices of the peace, and only seventeen lawyers. We have an industrious population ; with but few, if any. who can be called loafer* or j idlert. All are engaged in some useful ; calling or occupation; each is, in his par ticular sphere, endeavoring to make an honest living. Evening I»arly. Do NOT FAIL to attend the evening par ty at the LOWKY HOUSE on New Years live. Thcobjectis one which commends itself to every patriot, and we hope that j there will be a general attendance; who j will not give for the purpose of relieving j the wants of the soldier's family? Cer tainly there are none but what will be ca ' ger to contribute towards so laudable an | object, as the relief of the wives and chil j dren of our brave soldiers who have per iled their lives in defence t>f oinJ|r itcrn- I ment. It is unnecessary for us to gay any- j j thing with regard to the manner in which | ! the proprietor will serve up the supper; j everybody knows that.he understands his j 'nailing. And will do everything for the J eonifU-t and pleasure of bis guests. BROKE JAIL.—On Wednesday evening ; of last week, Dr. P. Dockaleer, better j ! known as the French Doctor, cbntrived,! during the absence of the Jailor—Capt. j Brackenridgc—to effect his e-eape from | u durance vile." By watching his oppor- ! j tunity he managed to pass out at the door j I while one of the females of the Jailor's household was replenishing his cell or | room with fuel. Notice was immediately L-iven to Sheriff Scott, who, in company with his son, Columbus, gave chase; and as it was snowing at the time, they wore enabled to geton the track of the fugitive, who had taken the road leading from But ler to Harmony. After a smart chase of an hour or two through the woods and fields—to which he had taken—they suc ceeded in rc-capturing and bringing him back to his old quarters, where lie is now confined to serve out the remainder of bis apprenticeship and sentence given him 011 the.first Monday of the last Court. Truly, "The way of the transgressor is hard." TREES AND SHRUBBERY.— I The atten tion of growers of fruit, ornamental trees I and shrubbery is directed to the advertise ment of It. C. Sharp, which may be found in another column of this paper. Every farmer should endeavor to have a good orchard on his plantation. Choice fruits always cotpmand the highest prices.— '•A gooil tree, will produce good fruit," and Mr. Sharp is prepared to furnish the choicest fruit trees of all varieties and on as liberal terms as the heart of man could desire. Do not fail to read the advertise ment and supply with a choice lot of fruit trees and shrubbery, and in after years, when '■(' hill November'* wnrly blast, Mak.-s field and forest bare" you will then have reason to be thankful that in the course of human events you were so fortunate as to improve the rare opportunities offered to you now. I*roceetliii|{s of Court. QUARTER SESSIONS. Commonwealth vs. Thos. Rodgers,— Selling liquor without license: prosecutor, > constables return. Ignoramus, county to pay costs. Com'th vs Mary Ramsey—first count ! infanticide.; ignored. Second count, con cealing the death of her male infant bas tard child : prosecutor. Coroners inquest. True bill. This case certified into court of Oyer and Terminer, the prisoner being in court Dec. 17, 1833, was arraigned for trial and plead, not guilty» Jury sworn, Dec. 17. 1833, prisoner present in court, jury find a verdict—Not guilty in manner and form as she stands indicted. Court discharged deft. Same vs Anthony Hoon and Daniel Convery—misdemeanor in oflice, in refu sing to receive a qualified and legal vote. Verdict of not guilty and def'ts pay the costs. Same vs John Cooper—assault and bat tery; prosecutrix, Salina J. Smith; ver dict. Guilty—deft to pay fine of 810,00 and costs of prosecution. Same vs August Achcr and Ilenry Roe nigk—misdemeanor in office, in refusing to recieve qualified and legal votes. On motion the court quashed the indictment, on the application of the District Atty. aud the court grant leave to send up an other bill before the Grand Jury. COMMON TLEAS. Amanda J. Patterson, Adm'x with the will annexed, of Samuel Patterson, deo'd vs Georgo Patterson—Sopimons in as sumpsit for money had and received and loaned by Samuel Patterson to defendant. Deft pleads uon assumpsit, payment with leave etc. Dec. 17, 1863, Jury sworn, verdict given Deo. 18, 1863, for the Plff. $207.73. Manasses Dougan vs Patrick and Daniel McLaughlin—Summons in trespass, qua re clausum frigit. Def ts plead not guilty aud liberuui tenement um. Doc. 15, 1863. This case settled as per writing filed in the I case*. Alex Scott vs John M. Orr—Sci .fa. sur Mortgage, recorded in Mortgage Book No. 2 page 202 of Butler county, dated Dec. 5, 1857, with notice to J. E. Brown and Hugh Campbell terre tenants. De fendants and terre tenants plead payment with leave to alter etc., def'ts add the plea of sett off. Dec. 18,1863, on application of J. B. Fullerton, his name was stricken from the record in this case as Atty. Jury "Worn Dec. 19. 1863, verdict 81349.56 for the plff. Dee. 19, 1863, motion for new 1 trial entered aud reasons filed. Manasses Donganva John McLaughlin, Daniel McLauglin, Patrick McLaughlin, \\ m. McCrea—Summons trespass quarc clausum frigit. throwing down fence and plowing up grain and taking away rails. Defts plead not guilty, lib. ten. Peg. 15, 1863, this case settled as per paper filed in I the case. Wm. Crocker for use of Win. Mc | Kuight now for use of Mellon & Henry now for use of George W. Stillwagon vs Ilenry Wolford. On motion of C. Me- Candlcss Esq. court grant a Rule on the plaintiff to show cause why a credit for usurious interest paid to plaintiff, should I not be entered as a credit thereon, and why the execution and shall j not be set aside, a tender having been i made in the legal currency of the country j before tho execution was issued. Dee. 16 | 1863, Rule made absolute upon consent ! of parties, and court allowed the money in I this and the other cases,' to-wit : NOB. 16, 17 and 18 of Dec. Term 1860, be paid by | I. J. Cummings, depositee, to E. M. Bredin, Esq.. Plffs. counsel in all of said cases. By the court. following letterfrom WILLIAM HAZLF.TT to his father, has been handed to us for publication. Mr, llazlett has four sons in the army of the Union, and was himself, a member of Capt. Jas G. Campbell's Militia company, that went from our county at the time that Leo and his rebel horde made their first laid into '■My Maryland." CAMP, 6TII U. S. CAVALRY, 1 VIRGINIA, Dec. 11, 1863. } DEAR FATHER : I received your letter safe at hand, and was very glad to hear from you, ami to hear that you were well. lam well at present. We have just re turned from over the Rapidan river ; we had some very smart skirmishing for three days, when Lee, tho Confederate com mander. found an almost impregnable po sition, on high ground, suited for all his artillery, and a deep run or stream, called Mine River, between us and him. where lie fortified himself, where he appeared sure of a victory. But Gen. Meade, our commander, was not to be fooled, he just fell back to his old position : lie merely n-cnt over to let old Lec see, that if he sent reinforcements to Bragg, in the South West, he might expect to get well whip ped by the operation." We have very cold weather, and our Infantry suffered con siderably from the cold and rain, while ly ing (jx> the cold, wet ground without fires, in the battle line; but now we are all pret ty snugly fixed, in the woods, with good camp fires, although we have got no or ders to prepare winter quarters. The ar my is now taking things very easy, enjoy ing themselves on soft bread aud beef steak. I think we will do no more this winter, without the rebels actually come to visit us in our camp. I think in the spring, with the three hundred thousand men of reinforcements, we will be, able to get hold'of the rebel capitol. The rebels ; arc loosing heart, and begin to weep a lit { tie. They are beginning to see the folly lof their ways. They have now lost the | whole of Tennessee, where their main supplies for their arm}' came from, and as time flies on, their cause looks more hope less and cloudy; while our Army and Na vy gets stronger and braver. The leaders of the rebellion have ruined their coun try. and they know it, for the desolation it has caused is awful. But the)' still stick to it; they must Ight till tho last man; but they had better cover their heads with sack-cloth and ashes, and repent of their folly, and confess their error, and not mur der and destroy the balance of their un fortunate population. The charges against the leaders of this rebellion, and the pun ishment which will be meted out to them, wll be hard indeed. But [ hopo and trust that peace and prosperity will soon be in every homestead both North and South. Give my best respects to all enquiring friends and acquaintances. From your affectionate son. WM. HAZLETT. DON'T SWEAR.—Profanity is one of the most offensive and disgusting habits to which unredeemed humanity is given. To say nothing ofitssinfu ness, (which every one of course un derstands) profane swearing is a vile vulgar, low-bred habit, from the indul gence of which a proper self respect should restrain a man, even if he has no regardfor the dictates of religion. It is a habit too which increases with •fearful rapidity when once given way to; and we have known instances where men who were once highly res pectable, but who unfortunately con tracted this habit, have sunk so low as to use profane language in their own families, and even to 6wear at thoir wives and children. WHY is a deputy sheriff like the first Roman Emperor ! Because he's a "seizor." Our Mercies of Kf-OcciipitMon. L ! A few years since a maguifieeut speei | men of Young North America—physically ! and morally—appeared in Philadelphia, from Boston. He became the Rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity in the city ' of Philadelphia—and very shortly filled i this new church organization to its utmost i capacity. Among his pewholders was | George W. Woodward, who, in December 1860, expounded not only constitutional law, but indulged quite largely in that species of Theology known as the Bible argument iu behalf of slavery. The Rev, Phillip Brooks has the slightest possible reverence for the Bible Argument in be half of slavery, and so frequently expres sed himself on this subject that the said George W. Woodward, in disgust, order ed his pew to be sold and left .Mr. B's church. The preacher has not in the least lowered his tone since his church suffered the calamity of the Judge's with drawal. A friend has just sent a Thanksgiving ■Sermon preached by the said Reverend Brooks, under the title at the head of this article. His text is the 14th and l<)th verses of the l(sth chapter of Jere miah. \\ e append a few sentences as specimen bricks—on of the ruin that was to come upon us here at homo, in the derangement of labor, iu j the scarceness of supplies, iu the stop page of business, in the insccur™ of property. The war is almost three years old, and industry was never richer, homes were never happier, trade never paid so well, harvests never crowded the bursting barns more fully than iu the abundant prosperity of this battle-autumn. What shall we do ? Is it the part of earnest men just to come up to our churches and thank God for the corn-field and the busy stores, and say nothing about the war, un der whose red glare the. sickle does its peaceful battle with the grain, and the qui'ck dollars pile themselves upon your desk. I think not. I think no grati tude is loyal or reasonable that does not carry the earnestness and solemnity of all our present life into every thank -giv ing that it has to pay. On page 11, he says: Tt seems to mo every dollar made in these war times ought to he sacred. I should think every man who is staying at home and making a fortune now, would want to take at least one poor man who has been to the war and been disabled; and, counting him his substitute;*provide for him and his for life. A man who is coin ing money out of his country's agony, and keeping it to spetul upon himself, must feel so like a very Gehazi. "Is it a time to receive money and to receive garments, and olivcyards, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen When those whose duty to be there is no more than ours, are putting every comfort by and standing between us and traitors, camping in the wretched ness of the cold open corn field, fighting the front, ranks of our thinned armies, suf fering in the solitude of far-ofl' hospitals, starving in that loathsome prison which is going to make Southern ci\iiization the everlasting by-word of the nineteenth cen tury —what right fcivo wo to occupy the prosperity, under whose groaning portals wo enter in with thanks to-day, save as the guardian holds his solemn trust, sacred from common use, ready to answer to the last demand of those for whom he holds it, to whom it all belongs. On pages 23,21 and 25, he thus sketch es his views of Bishop Hopkin's argu ment on slavery. The fifty-five Demo cratic members of Congress who voted for the Bishop for Chaplain must have esti mated it more highly than didJMr. B. : 1 should do great injustice to ourselves and to the day, if it did not commemorate another great re-occupation of this past year, whereby not only the people but the church has entered in and repossessed the old land that the Lord gave to her fathers. Christianity, I believe, will never cease to sorrow that the Church of Christ was led and not leading in the crusade against hu man slavery in the United States. The future historian of the Church will look back and wonder at the sight he sees.— j Year after year the Church stood back, while they who fought the battle went out from her, and the whole movement against slavery became not only unehurchly but openly infidel, disowning all interest in every presentation of that Christianity of whose spirit and operation it was never theless itself the legitimate result. The child Philanthropy not merely deserted its mother Religion, but disowned her. But like many another lost child in the world's moral history, its inherited ks, the brow and eyes it took from her, would keep speaking out its parentage in its own despite. If in thisyearthe recreant moth er has at all. come out and claimed her child; if in this year the Christian Church has taken among us an irrevocable position of his hostility to human slavery in every shape, let us thank the 1 rejoice in every symptom tending that way I rejoice in this last struggle whereby it is fighting its way into its dishonored grave, of that old miserable creature, the most foolish of all follies, if it had not been the most im pious of all impieties, which has been dignified so many years with the name of "The Bible Argument for Slavery." I cannot tell you the half of my joy—some of you will understand it by your own— when in this most conservative of all con servatisms, the Episcopal Church, the ro : assert ion of a Bishop of this tame old so called Bible Argument for Slavery, stirred the ministry of this diocese to an utterance ; which no man can mistake, of utter enmi ty to slavery and whatever has anything to do with it. It is of very little importance in the world ; it is of very little importance in the land; but it is of very great import ance in the Episcopal Church, that, for the first time in her history, she has get herself flatly, fairly, unmistakbly against the sin of the nation. As name after name added to that protest; as the assent came in so unanimously from every direction— from the mission chapels in the hills, from the cathedral-churches in the city, from the seats of our schools and our seminary, and above all, thank God, from the honor i ed dignity of the Bishop's chair, made | dear love for him, who we pray may long sit in it to do true things like this —it ; i seemed to me as if every new assent wiped I from the vesture of the church wo love some stain of her long compliance, and gave ! promise of the day when «he shall stand . up in her perfcctand unsullied excellence. ! j. ; and. wrenfthig her venerable beautv with | Y , HU ever-fresh and verdant love for all God's i truth, be such a church as (here is not iu I': the land.— Pittfbviqh Commercial. r 1 HPECIAL JTOTICES. S | CONNOQUENESSING LODGE, i- N°. 2ftS, I. O. of 0. F. holds iU meetings ;it the Hall, on 1 J jjfr' Main Street, Sutler Penna. every i J; Monday evening, commencing at nix o'clock. Brethren from sister Lodges are reepectful -2 ly inrited to attend. By order of the N. Q. ' Q. A. Y: M.—Butler Lodge. No. 272, A. Y. M. hold* - Its stated meeting* in the Odd Fellow* Hall, on Main Street, Butler Pa. on the first Wodnes day of each month. Brethren from sifter ' 112 \ Lodges are respectfully invited to attend. 1 By order ot the TV. M. * DIED: i Died of lung fever. Dec. 14. II\NBIIT ROSALIK. daughter of Samuel 1,, ami Marv A. Kiddie, of Fairview township, » aged a years OHIO, and 0 day*. M:« A I>\ IIMISNI R. vis. T A \ EVENING PARTI . I' "\ITILLbo girennt the LOWKY HOl;BEon Now Voar'n I > V Eve.. Tbuntdav Dec, 31-t, 1*63, fur the benefit of ' the families of Our Soldier*. A fitting entertainment will he given. .Social games and calisthenics allowed, subject to the strictest rule* of 5 decornm. ' A string band of experienced Artiste will be in atten dance. MANAGERS: Capt. Jerome M'Bride, Capt. Edwin Lyon, R. M. M' Lure, K.C.Sharp. ? George Purvianco, Isaac Ash, Capt. W. M.Clark. Boss—-L. Z. Mitchell, Cus.—Wm. Campbell. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT" 1 By JEROME STALEY, JOS. STEHLEY, AOthers Will (•!„.„ at tlio o'iiirt ttOMO on Tuotkliiv. Hoc. 29, 4 nt 7 o'clock, p. M. Consisting of 3 OVERT IRE—-WALTZES, POLKAS, QUICK STEPS, r SONGS— Sentimental an<t Coinic, selected from tho best t Tickets for sale at Drug on d Book Store*,..** t Dec. 23,1::* Ktray Sheep. O TRAY El) from th« residence of the subscriber ii>TVn n >" township, on or about the Ist of July, 1888, Fourth, head of SHEEP,to wit: eight Ewe-and six lambs;five of the ewes were marked an follows: Two crops off ami sift In 5 the right ear, and three not marked; Lambs marked—a crop off the left ear, and the letter 0. on the side of oil.— Information that will lead to the recovery of the above strays willbe thankfully received at the office of th* "CITIZEN," or the residence of the subscriber. Dec.23, 3::t. JOHN OKAY, j Stray Nterr, ("I\MKto tho residence of the subscriber in Washing- I jum township, about tho flr-st of June last a BROWN STEEB, with crop off the right ear and spreckled f:»ce. one year old last spring: no other marks perceivable.— The owner is requested to come forward, prove property pay charges and take him away, other wise lie will bo dis- I posed of according to law. DAVID SHIKA. [ Dec. 23, St. [ R. C. S HARP, DBAtIK IX 4 FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES, j *S n< w prepared to fill orders for tho Spring ' U ' K 'siZE AND t SYMMETRY His trees will Hand the test with thoso of tho But Nur teriejt in the Union. Ho engages to delivor them in proper seasdb, and in GOOD OH DKII, All that Is tierossary toen«tire them to grow thriftily, and bear abundantly in a few seasons is R 1101*1:11 PLAXTI XG. Within the past twovear*, he has sold In this countv THOUSANDS OF TREES of every de.rription; nearly I all of which are now in a thriving condition. Some of his Dwarf Apples and Pears were this year LOADED WITfTLI'CIor'SFRUIT, j It costs bnt little to start a new orchard, while in a few yearn It Is tho most profitable spot on tho farm. It will j paj'to cut off the old orchards of ctmunon fruit, and re place them with chotco selections from the Nursery.— In a few years after, as the farmer looks upon his thrifty tree*,burdened down with blushing fr nit, apple® as large us J TIN CUPS. lie will say to himself with « self satisfied expression of j countenance, "l'vejuado one good investment in my life, any how." For particulars, address, R. C. SHARP. Butler, Pa. | The 112 "Rowing well known gentlemen, have kindly per mitted him to refer to thcra, as to his reliability us well as the quality of the trees: Judge Stephenson, Contreville: John T. Bard, Centre- Pisor,Worth tp.: John Bingham, Slipperyrock; Win. M'Coffertv, Fairview tp.: Wm. Megiry, Fairview tp; Ab'm. Zeigler. Henry F. Mnnts Harmony; Col. A. Lowry. " E. M'Junkin,Cafi. Jacob Zeigler. I. J.Cummings, Butler: j p John Green, John M'Creay, Coylsville, Henry Buhl, For ward township. Dec. 23, 3::m. j Arlliiir's Home For 1804. Edited I>y 112 T. S. ARTHUR AND VIRGINIA F. TOWNSEND. V'AL'MKB XXIII. AND SXIV. The HOME MAGAZINE for lSft-1 will bo conducted in the same spirit that has distinguished it fmm the com* j moncoment; and continue to unite in one periodical Gn at tractions and excellencies of both the Ladies', or Fash l ion Magazinos as they are called, and the graver literary monthlies, ihar arrangement a f>r 1 include THREE ORIGINAL SERIAL STORIES, written ex » press', v for the Home Magazine one»if these will be by Miss Virginia F. Townsend, and commence in tho Janu : ary number. Another will be by T. S. ABTHUK. And tho third from the pen of MRS. M. A. DKNISON, a wri ter who has long been a favorite with the public. Besides these,OUß LARGE CORPS <»F TALENTED . WRITERS will continue to enrich tho Home Magazine with shorter ptories, poems, i and pketches of life I and character, written with the aim of blending literary exccllonco with the higher teachings of morality and r«- t ligion. ELEGANT ENGRAVINGS appear In every number, in clutlingchoi.'o pictures, grouns and characters, prevailing [' fashions, and a large variety of pattorns for garmenU, ombroidery, etc. etc PREMIUMS FOR GETTING UP CLUBS—Our Premi » UTO Phitos for lHo4aro large and beautiful Photographs of "EVANGELINE" and"THE MITIIERLESB BAIRN." 5 TERMS—I 2 a year in advance Two copies for $3. Three t for S4. Four for Eight, und one extra copy to getter up of club, $lO. Twelve and one extra, 51ft. Seventeen, and one extra, S2U. PKEMIUM—ono to every sub scribers; and one to getter-up of $-3, SI, tS orslo club.— } Both premiums «ent to getter-up of slo and $2.) clubs. | 4*9** In ordering premiums send three red stamps, to pre-pay postago on haino. I Addross, R. S. A HTHUR &, CO., 323 Walnut St. Philadelphia. WAVERLY MAGAZINE. 1 FOR FAMILY AMUSEMENT AN DESTRUCTION. 1 Edited by Motteo A . Dow. This paper is the largest Weekly ever published in the I country. Its content* arc such as will be approved in the , mirfst fastidious circles— nothing immoral being admitted ' into its page*. It will afford as much reading matter a*« » almost any one can find timo to peruse,consist iug of Tales * The paper contains no ultra sentiments, and meddles *nei [• ther with politic* nor religion, but it is . haracteriz»*d by a high moral tone. It circulates all ovor the country, from - Maine to California. TERMS.—'The Wavcrlv* Magazine is published weekly by 1 Moaes A.Dow, No. 5, Lindall Street, Boston,Maes. Two 112 editions are printed, one on thick paper, for Periodical r Dealers, at S cents a copy, and an edition for mail subscri -1 hers 'on a little tbiner paper, so as to come within tho low postago law.) One copy for 12 months, SS.'X) One C'»py for 8 months, 2.00 One copy for 4 m0nth5,....,, 1,00 Ono copy for tt months 1.60 Two copies for 12 months, ft,oo Four copies for G months, 5,00 » All additions to the clubs at the same rates. All inon * ies received will bo credited accordfnffto the above terms * Paper stopped when tho laat number paid for is sent. No " Bubscriptions taken for less than four months. All clubs - must be sent by mail. A uanio must be given for each - paper in the club. J A new volume commences evory July ajid January.— g But if a person commences at any number In the volnme, and pays f>r six months, he will have a complete book, 2 with a title-page. When a subscriber orders a renewal of his subscription , he should tell us what wai the last number he received, r thin we shall what number to renew it without hun . ting over our books. Otherwise we shall begin when the L money is received. Persons writing for the paper must write their name, post office, county and state verv dis tinctly. Those who wish their paper changed should tell C where it has previously been sent. Postage on this p»- e per is twenty cents a year, payable in advance at the office where taken out. .• - Clubs must always be sent at one timo to get the benefit of the low price. We cauuot send them at the clubprice ' n unless received all together, as It is too much trouble to Q look ovor our books or keep an account with each ono get tins: them np. Monthly Parts—s4 s year, in all cases. Any one sending us Five Dollars can have the weekly | "Waverly Magasine," and either of the following works C Jar one year by mail: "Est arson's Lorii***' Magazine," ! "Harper's Magazine." Godcv's Lady's Book," "Ladles Ga § ! zette of Fashion," "Atlantic Monthly." I All letters and communication* concerning the paper - I must be addressed to the publisher. D TUB WAY TO 3V»S<*UBE. —The proper mole to*ul>*rribe j for a paper is to enclose the money in a letter and oddre*« c the publisher direct, giving individual name, with the J post office, omnty and utate very plainly written, u«poet- j , « marks are often illegible. 1 1 Addrcse MOWS A DOW, Boston, MM. ' > Baltimore. PhiUdelphia, New York and Pitt«burgh. Brought into the very mufti of th? \ QOET TOWS of nXITLEH. 112 v_ mn i. undersigned. at l 1 the earnest solicl tat ion of his numerous V : -ff friends and patrons, y«| '^P7^N'A c " n,eMte '-l to become tnittee furpnxurlngar ' /* comfort and eijoyment I 'Y*.% 'f his fellow cttireiui. *Vgjßraj * "In and about" Butler county and elsewhere. In "pursuance of his appointment,'* he left Butler, and during the "rainy sea son," was husilv engaged. toiling, taxing every point of tire compass, in order to accomplish the object of bis mission. He has the satisfaction of reporting himself once moro at home, accompanied with some of the tallest specimens of articles in his line of business, that was ever concentrated at any point in Butler countv, of any where else iu this decidedly great country. All he asks in return. «»f hi« fellow citizens, for his arduous labors, is simply that they will glvr him a call, and examine for themselves, his fine stock of Tobaoeo, Snuff and Cigara. Though republics are generally ungrateful, and the peo ple, though ••aovereipns.' are not alwnvs exactly in the right track, yet he feels a kind of confidence in them that they will not he«itate to pronounce judgment in his fkvor, when they shall have "investigated" hi" stock. In order to make an intelligent report. It will be nectary for all interested in the"n«e and abuse" of Tobacco. in sit its va rieties. to call and try fur themselves. The committee begs leave to be discharged from further consideration of this subject. OEOKOJE VOGELKY, Jr. Dec. P. 18G3::3mo. «AM'L. M. LANE J. LTXV M'ABOT ELI TETTKR. M'ABOV & CO. DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND nOJIIICTH DRV GOODS, IVo. MO, Federal Street, (SECOND DOOR BELOW NEW M ARRET IIOfSE.) Allegheny lily. Pa. Dec. 9, 1803,::tf. REDICK'S DRUG STORE, Opposite Stints Store, unrnf, DHUGS, DRUGS, i MEDICINES, MEDICINES, M EDICIN ES, M E DIC IN F.S, MEDICINES, M EDICIN ES. DYES, DYES, DYES, PMNTB, PAINTS TAINTS, Ture Liquor* t ir Medical use only. Soda, Cream Tarter etc. etc. French and American P«w, imery nn ,| Tottot .rtl. lw— ni-iMlien. and nil srllclc ln n ,„ x>ru R lino. ~112 tho I bast quality and at fairest rates. Dec. i». leea. ; Watt'lics.('l«flis A' Jrn< ||<v. I'F you want a good Watch, Clock, or «"t of good j ry, goto Griebx, where you ran get the very best tw, market afford". He keeps on band, a large assortment or' Jewelry of all slyloa, and in fact everything usually kept In a Jewelry Store. Repairing done on short notice. Dec. 0, l®D3::tf. * FRANCIS X. OKI ED. JFollfc to Builder*. 0 EAT,ED proposal* will be received for tho building of 1 ' two frame School Houses, in Slipporyrock School Dis trict at tho Hotel o 112 W. O, rhrtetley, in the borough of Centreville, on Sattirnuy tho 26thday of December. — ' Plans and specifications may be seen at Bald Hotel on and after the lf>th inst. By order of the Board. JESSE liEISTER, Pres. E. T). DEWOLP, Ecc'y. Dec.9, 1863. WBW HAII^ESHSIfOP. Si= ' . s ; I J.A.SKDH K lianri IMvIKMW. I rpHE above firm hav lust opened a now Harness Shop, I I opjV'site Boyds Buildings, Butler Pa., where they keep I constantly on hand, n large nssprtment of Saddles, Har j n«*» and every thing in their line of business, which they offer at prices tosnit tho timos. Work of nil kinds manii ! ficturea to "rder, and repairing dtuie <>n cliort n-it lee, : Dec. 9, IWJ3:i:tf SBDWICK 1 BROWN. I ,iH(i:i xi:w <;<><» i»-», isors. FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. ANT) AS 0000 AS TTIE JLST. I R. C. & J. L. M A BOY. | Have just received at their establishment, ; OX MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA., | A large and well selected stock of t HEASOXAIHiE fiOOTIS, which thry are selling at verry loir rates. j READ THE POLLOWIXO CATALOGCC AND profit TREREBT. FOR THE I.ADIF.H. Always on hand a large stock of Ladies goods, such as COIJEBG CLOTH, ALPACAS. DE LANES, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, KERCHIEFS, NUBIES, GLOVES, Ac. FOR GENTLEMEN. Alwsynon hand Bla»*k Cloths, Fancy and Black Casei incre-4, Satinetts, Cabinet*, Tweed*, Plain and fancy Ves ting*. Shirting, otc., etc., etc., READY HADE CLOTni.\G. Such as COATS, PANTS, VESTS and other garments. Boots and Shoes, IIA2S, CAPS k NECKTIES, and a variety of other articles GOODS, { Such aa Unbleached and Bleached Mtwlina, Ilnon and | Cotton, Table Cloths, Oil Cl"ths, Linen and 11-jmp Towels, | Carpet*, Curtains, Fringe, etc. I HARDWARE, &G. I If yon want Nail%or Spikes. Manure or other forks, Saw-Mill cr other saws. Smoothing Irons, Locks, Hinges, etc., goto M'Aboy's, where you can buy them cheap. IF YOU WANT Good Extra Family Flour, White or Brown Sugar, Rio or Java Coffee, Imperial, Young Hyson or Black Tea, goto M'Aboy's. IF You WAXTGnOCERIES I of a superior Quality, at as low rate* as they can he had I elsewhere hu tue county, goto the store of M K C £ J.L. M'ABOT. 1 P«f.MW3. Cniiti.R. MOCVHDLWS.., IKon C. OUAHA*.. McCANDLESS & GRAHAM, Alloruoy's at Lan. Office on the South-west corner of the Diamond, Butler, Pe Also, CLAIM AGENTS for securir.a l±nrtms, Arrtart Sf Pay end Bounty Monty, for Solldiers, or if they are end. for their legnf repre?entatlves. In prosecuting Bffl dier's Claims, or those of their Keprestntatives, no charge until collected. Dec. V. l£63::tf. ISAAC Aan, Ehwik Lto.v. ASH & LYON, Attorney's WILL attend tn the prosecotlon of all claims fbr BOUNTY, BACK PAT, PENSION'S. Information by letter or otherwise, will be cheer faljy given, Nocbargein any canp untiTthe inonav la made. Thoy have already received and paid over to'sp plicants, thousands of dollars: having drawn up their applications with such ease and precision that they art uniformly successful. Pensions should be applied for within one year from death or discharge. FAh'MS BOrGUT AND SOLD OX COMMISSION. Office on Main Street, opposite the Post Offlco Butler Dec. 9, ISG3.:::3m SURGEON I)ENTIBT'W. DRS.S.R.&C.L. DIEFFENBACHER. A KB prepared toln-ert r ' \ 41 J-Vnrtiflcial den tut ie s ' tU latest ilJ, P r ove * tiresetun \ uleanite,Coral themselves of the latest S - 3 tr > - Aoiild not fail to ».Jr S-y-4/, -• , examine thoir new stvlo» of Vulcanite and ( oralite wi.i k. Filliitg, cleuuing, extracting and adjusting the teeth done with the best umterial* and in the best manner. Particular attention paid to children's teeth. As mechanics, they defy com petition: as operators they rank among the best." thar ges moderate. Advice free of charge. Office—ln Boyds lluilding Jefferson Street, Butler Pa. Dec. 9,1863,:::tf. CHEAP IMS I t; STOHE. X>r. Jamcu H. 11011, Boyd's Building, Bntler. Ps. DEALER in all kindsof Drugs and Chemicals CW VV.Y n « n . nd arn '"" l ' Konzole, Tar Alh "- " n kin(|s of Brushes. All kinds o iK'l'M Lamps, Lamp Shades and ( himnevs. flPp| ■ full awHortment r»t Groceries, Tabacco Also, a mil assortment of (\>nfectionaries and Nut«. Also Green and Br|e<l fruit. Also a great variety of notion*. Liquors of all kinds for MerJleal and ASacri menial purp«*e*. Also Stationery, consisting of Paper, Envelops, Pens 4 pencils, IMank Books, Pass llook, Slates &r. Ac. Dec. 9, l«!A3-tf. MARTIN* RKIDZTt TIITOECKCB< STOVES AND PLOUGHS. rfrrr+mm ■> "lITBOKBECKER * BF.IBEB.—Foun. If dors—Foundry North of the bor r"ugh of Butler, where Stoves, Ploughs Toim? nm ' °^" ,r castings are made on short no- I tii«e. Their ware-room is on Main Street | tlrst do«.r Nortb of Jack? Hotel, where you will fi tl d Stovos j of all and patrons. They alst» keep en hand a large stock of Ploughs, which they sell a« cheap as thoy can l>u bought at any otner establishment in the county. Dec. 9, l«63::tf V.<-x<crM of Administration. T 1 r, f Administration on the estate of FBANHS I J .1 AM (ate of the townsliip of Buffalo, d»c««aseld have been dn.r -ant.nlto the mibsortber, all penmns in dented to the said requested to make immediate payment and those ha> |}Hm( , or doraand „ n allwt the estateof the said of without delay to MAUOAt««."r M'ALLTRTER Bntler, Dec. 9, Aiiininistraioi^ ILTTKBfi of Admlnistjalion hern granfe%- n |^ n J undersigned, on the estate BVEKS. Donegal township, d.c.msod, all persons having c!nim«l againMtsaid eetate. will pievent tiiein duly autbenticiWed for settlement, and all indebted will make immediate pay • ment to the subscribers in Millorstown, Bntler countv, l's^ THK0I)0KB CI!.VI(}, WM. B. BY KB ft, Dec. 9,1863::Ct. Administrators. | Administrator's \otirr, lETTKBS of Administration on the estate of George j < Itri-ftly. late of Oentn-vllle, dec *d.,have this day been I irrnntrd to the nndersigned; therefore, nil persons know ing themselves Indebted to said estate will make immedi ate payment, and those bavin? claims acaiust the same, will present them properly authenticated f>r settlement. LKMI CIIUIBTLKY, Dec. 0.1863. \i:u HOTEL. ; rniTR undersigned would respectfully inform the public j I gonerally, that he has erected a large ami commodl ous brick building, on tho sit.-of the old and well known bouse, formerly occupied by him as a Tavern Stand. He I has been at great expense in erecting and furninhing h's I new house, and flattois himself that be is now prepared to I accommodate all who may dosire to give him a call.— I Having ample house rodm for ono hundred persons, and stabling 112 >r at least fifty horse*. Thankful for past patronage, he would a*k a continn i anceof the same. WM. VOGELKY. Dec. 9,lßflS::tf. HAYE VOU SEEN THIS? If Il'iK subscriber, grale- "C? /? * JL ful to his old 112. lends ■*\ <JP wdNKlinwr. forrwt V fo w.«iMiuia..«ne» i to the public thathe baa \ JC%''pC' t At hh old stand, where is he will be reruly at all times to xerve those who may favor him with a call. He Is constantly manufacturing, and keeps on hand the very best assortment of T It I X KS. • All work warranted. Repairing done on tho shortest uotlce and most fiivoroblo teams. Dec. 9, 1863. J. J. SEDWICK. Itii ITtt.V for Sale. riTHE nndersignM has for sale, a New Top Buggy which X he offer* cheaper than a Dam of the same kind can be got up at the present prices. For farther particulars, enquire of J. J. SEDWICK- Dee. 9,lßQk:t£ A. M, "NEYMAN, M.'D. ' PhyHlolan «ndl ourjy©on» ! Office immediately opposite Welker's buildings, Butltr T»a. Dec. 9, 18f3::tf. JAMES 0. CAMPJJEI.L WM. CAMTDBLL. Worts! Ntovcin!! Stoves!!! X\T M. & JAS. O. CAMPBELL.—Founders—Foundry \V South of the bonuigh of Butler, where Stoves, Ploughs and other castings are iriade. A large wupply con stantly on hand and for sale at reasonable rates. Dec. 9, 180&::tf. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, CALL AT lleineinan'N Rook Store, And buy OSfJOOD'fi Berries of School Books at Pt<bli«eers pricer. Always on hand, a full supply of Stationery and Knvdops. at wholesale and retail, aheap for cosh. Call and examine b >foru purchasing elaewhors. No trouble to show Goods. Dec. 9, 18»J3::tf. ♦ Ornc* OF TUB BOARD or Knhoujourr,^ District of Pennsylvania r Allegheny City, Dec. 5,13C3. j milE DI<AFT.—In pnrsuaace of there- JL qulremtnts of Circular No. ll)t, "War iMMftment, Provoitt Marshall fienoral's office, Wathiugtou, D. C., No bomber 17, 1803," wo bavo printed conisftof tho enroll meftt of each suk-dletrict within this District, and have caused the same to be put up in the most public places iu oach Ward, Township and Borough for the purpoee of correcting any error* that may cxi*t in tho enrollment as madoln Juno last. Any person enrolled bsforo the Board at any time be tween the 10th and '2oth dayt of December, 1863, and claim to have hi-s namostneken off the list, if Uo can show to the satisfaction of the Board that ho is not and will not be at the time fixed for tho next draft, liable to iallit-aiy duty on account of 1. ALIENAGE. 2. NON- B LSI DEXCE. 3. UNSUITABLESSB3 OF AGE. 4. MANIFEST PERMANENT PHYSICAL DISABILX TY. Persons who may be cognlzanj of any other personr lia ble to military duty, whose nam*** do not appear on them) Printed enrollment i;*t« are roquested to notify the Board of Enrollment, wb - will thereupon direct the enrolling officer if 'he in which the parties rtside, \<o as certain th» facto and enroll the person so reported, if they are found to be subject to enrollment, or thoy may com municate the information directly to tbc Enrolling Officer, who is hereby directed to make the inquiry above speci fied and enroll tho parson, if (bund snbjoct to uorollment- AU persons so enrolled may avail tbemscl*e«of the pri vilege o: appearing as specified above, as if tbey had been ■ originally enrolled. Applications for election by parents. In accordance with the act of March 3,1«C3. munt be made before the 20tb of December. No election can be made after the Draft. No other claims for exemption will be considered by tho Board, except. tb<*tc abov., mentioned until after the ' Draft. The quotas for tho several mjb-dietricte will be published ut, s«jon a« they ••ro recefved. and any wulvdlstrict tliat may furtrnh it« quotacy v..iun»cerinsr.wt!J bo exempt I from the Draft, or If tbey tornisb purl of their qtjwt* by volunteering they will be oxeni vt to that extent. Office bouri* from 9 to 12. ami lr*»n 1 to 6, J. H . kJKKKJt, Provost Marshal. JOHLIH TOPLEY, Commisoioner. * Dec.?,lW3- A. PEBCRMrKT, M. D., 3a r^mm.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers