THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. .Butler, Pa., Wednesday, Dec.16.1863 19* Entrance to th« AVEKICAK CrriSXX Printing OFFL< from the Sooth, on Jefferaon street. BSf In oar issue of last week, ther were several typographical errors; but w Will not impose upon the good sense of ou readers by particularizing at present; suf flee it to say, that we will be more carefu in the futur* EDS. tSf If, in /Applying our immediati neighbors in this borough With copies o —-OT? paper we omitted ABy through mis tak», who wish to read it, they will pleas< call attd give trs A°cir names. To our friends we would say, that it ii %ot unlikely that we have overlooked som< - tit tit* namps taken in the hurry of courl *"*ek. If so. report the fact at once, and *e will make it all right. DISCONTINUED.—AII persons interested Tire hereby sotiScd that M'Candless' Post "Office, at Unionville, has been discontin ued for the time being—F. S. M'Gee hav ing resigned the position as Postmaster ; •and, until the vacancy is filled by a new appointment, all mail matter properly be longing to said office will be left in, or sent •to Butler, Pa. Baf" < )ur renders will find the Presi dent's message in this paper. Wc need hardly bespeak for it a careful reading, believing that all will not only road, but study it, carefully. The frankness and pure patriotism of its author is seen in every paragraph; and on a close examin ation of it, we aro led to believe that, while the President is slow to advance, he never recedes. This is as it should be, for— M Whore to-day the martyr «tnn<)«, On thu crotichew JudtUf With the Hilvor in hi* hand." His accompanying proclamation, too, is worthy of study. "WAIT FOB TIIE WAGON."—Those wishing to purchase a wagon, carriage, buggy, or vehicle of any kind, would be amply compensated by calling at the es tablishment of G. C. Rossi ng, Esq., on "Cunningham street, Butler. Work made of the best material and in the latest styles. Call in and examine for yourselves. NARROW ESCAPE. —On Sabbath night, the 6th inst., Rev. R. J. Coulter and fam ily wero awakened from their slumbers by a strange and unusual noise and a smoth ering Bensation. To their surprise and as tonishment their dwelling was on fire. The firchad communcatcd with a frame partition which was in flames, and, from all appcar ancos, it was thought, the dwelling must be consumed ; but not despairing, Mr. Coulter and family went to work without delay to extinguish the flames; and, with the assistance of some of their nearest neighbors, they finally succeeded in mas tering the flames, and thus saved house and furniture, although both were much —dftThaged. We have not been informed how or by what means the fire occurred. Persons should be careful to examine the different departments of their dwell ings before retiring to rest, in order to guard against fire. The numerous friends of Mr. Coulter and family, we have no doubt, will feci ranch gratified at this seemingly Providential escape of himself and family. DEDICATION OF TIIE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.—The New Presbyterian Church of Butler was dedicated to the service of God on Wednesday last. The day was propitious, and a large oongregation as sembled, composed of the members of the various churches of the place, and of stran gers from a distance. After invocation, by Rev. David Hall, and reading the Scriptures, by Rev. E. Ogden, with sing ing an original hymn ; Rev. Wm. I>. How ard, D. D., of Pittsburgh, made the ded icatory prayer. Afterward he preached on the text: "Ye shall reverence my Sanc tuary." The discourse was one of great learning and [tower; and it was listened to with marked attention. The Pastor, Rev. Loyal Young, deliv ered a brief address, giving an account of the advancement of the congregation, step by step, since its organization. He stated among other things, that Rev. Dr. Niblock had been pastor of his church [the Uni ted Presbyterian] for forty-four years; that the Rev. Wm. White had boon pas tor of the Episcopal church for twenty six years; and, that he (Rev. Young) had been pastor of the Presbyterian church for thirty years. Their combined panto rates would equal one hundred years. He also stated that the church had been built at a cost of about six thousand dollars; that it had been paid for; and that, with the exception of about eighty dollars, the • expenses of its erection had been borne entirely by the congregation. A contribution was then called for to in in payiug for the furniture and • other necessary improvements, which re sulted in a sum of taro hundred and twen i ty-five dollars; the people of the different • churches present contributing liberally. The new church is an ornament to our '-village. At Jialf past six o'clock, Rev. David Hall prettc&ed a sermon of rare excellence and beauty, which enchained the audi ence, inspiring them witfo love to the Sanc tuary. The occasion throughout was one of special interest. *&■ Thp rebel ram Atlanta, which has been on exhibition at l'luladelphia lor sev- Procefdlngs of C'enrl. R QUARTER SESSIONS. - Commonwealth vs. Simon P. Walters " forging a receipt. Matthias Gruber, pros = ecutor. Court permit a not. pros. On pay * ment of docket costs. e Com'th. vs. Wm. C. Johns—Nancy E ,r Critchlow, prosecutrix. Dec. 9, 1863, set tied as per writing filed. '' Same vs. Thomas B. M'Annallen,-Biga my; Samuel Miller, prosecutor. Dec. 14 c | 1863, jury sworn. Same day verdict oi ,112 not guilty, and costs to be divided equall) between the prosecutor and the defendant c j Same vs. Thomas Rodgers—Selling li quor without license. Ignoramus; County s ! to pay costs. D 1 Same vs. Dr. P. Held-—Fornication and t Basterdy; Pros'x. Melalena Krousc.— ] Case dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Same vs. Rosanna Flceger—Arson. Geo. 1 rS prosecutor. Verdict not guilty, j Same vs. Jane M'Annallen—lndict. Knowingly marrying another woman's hus band. Prosecutor, Samuel Miller. Ver dict not guilty, and prosecutor to pay the ' costs. | Same vs. William M'Clelland, Anthony Sykes, John Richey and Mark MeCand ! less—Surety of the Peace. Prosecutor, John Gregory. Defendants brought bc - fore Court and dismissed upon payment of I costs. , COMMON PI.F.AS. ( G. Grinder vs. C. Mechling. Appeal. I ' Dec. 8, 1863, continued, and rule on de i j fendant to pay costs of Term. • | Jane Vensil vs. Samuel Miller.—Sum , monscase sur Slander. Mitchell. M'Lure, - McJunkin and E. M. Bredin, fur plaintiff; and M'Candless, Graham, Thompson and Ash, for defendant. On motion the Court permit the Record to be amended by the , substitution of Thomas B. M'Annallen the husband of the plaintiff, Jane Vensil, — married since the action was brought. Dec. 8, 1863, jury sworn and case continued until to-morrow morning. Dec. 11th the cause proceeds. Dee. 12th, verdict for plaintiff for SIOO damages. Jackson Morrow vs. Peter Shroyor.— F\. Fa. with clause of Set. Fa. in nature of Foreign Attachment, to attach money in the hands of John M'Bride, and sum mon him as Garnishee. E. 31. Bredin appears for Garnishee. Dec. 8,1863, upon application of Jesse Braekney, the Court give leave to withdraw his petition. On motion, Court grant judgment against the I Garnishee, John .M'Bride, for the sum of ! 1320. | The above contains all the cases that were finally disposed of on the morning i of the 15th inst, not including those con j tinued by consent and otherwise. For the American Citixcn. Grand Victory. II mil Xo. 3. j Another grand hunt came off on the 3d of December, instant, in which the D. Boons were the winners, by 588, over the Davy Crockets. The amount of game taken by the contesting parties was JUS fol lows : Boons. i) 68; Crockets, 380. Of i course Davy had the supper to pay. The hunters were matched as follows : Boons—Capt. Flceger, R. J. Hutchison, Abraham Fleeger and Samuel Miller.— , Crockets—Capt. Hutchison, Wm. Hutch- I inson, sr., Christopher Miller and George Biers. Q. THE N'FXT DRAFT. —In accordance with instructions issued by Provost Mar shal General Fry, the Provost Marshals of the different districts are preparing for the draft to take placo on the s'h of Jan uary next, in the event of a failure to fill our quota by enlistments. The new order will result in furnishing more men than the last as the exemptions are to be heard before and not after the drawing. The Marshals arc required to post up in con spicuous places in their districts, the list of all the names now in the wheel, and from which the draft is to be made on the sth of January. Citizens who find upon examination that persons have been omit ted from this list, are requestad to report at headquarters, and all who claim exemp tion from the draft will be required topre sent themselves before the Board before the 20th of December. Thus the exemp- I tions will be passed upon before the draft, and the consequence will be that when the j names are drawn on the sth of January, the Government will secure more men in response to its call than under the former system. The list of names required to be posted have already been issued, and all who claim to be exempt should see to it that their case is disposed of before the 20th of this month. In view of the fact that there is little doing in the way of en listments, the prospects for a draft are very bright for those who admire the later mode of raising troops. JS»£r' Divers and sundry are the an ecdotes extant about old Parson Mil ton, who whilom did "blow the trum pet of Zion," in the venerable town of Newbury port; but there is "one left." A party of the good citizens of that town took it into their heads to make a trip to the Isle of Shoals ; among the rest was our good parsoD. A few hours out, a terrible squall arose—the boat could just live under it—every cheek was pale—the minis ter was as frightened as the rest. — "Mr. Milton," said one of the com pany, "we marvel much that you should be alarmed in danger—-a saint like you, in case you are drowned, would of course goto heaven."—"All right," replied the eccentric man of ; God, "but I don't wish togo there by water /" REMEMBER.—Never listen to an infi raous story handed .you by a person who is 112 u> the person he WAfN for the Citizen THE BlßtlL£ 111 R&T. [COKOLU&KD.J j * There's nothing true but heaven." Experience, dearly purchased experi - ence too, has testified to the same effect Itissaid thatalady once came suddenly up . on an Etrurian monument, in which then - was just aperture enough to see, for 112 moment only, a sitting figure with its 100l - ' and drapery of more than a thousand years she beheld it for a few seconds, preserved only in the stillness of antiquity, when ti ■ fell to dust at her breathing. Such is the world to its pursuers, beautiful in per spective, dust in possession ! These testi monies you now find it difficult to believe. < From the gay dream-land of your youth | the world appears a scene of surpassed loveliness and peerless beauty. You sec nothing but bewitching gardens and sunny vales tastefully filled with green trees, gay singing birds, warbling delicious music, lovely flowers, and cool fountains glancing in the sunbeams. To these you add mul titudes of joyous youth who sport away the flying hours in the highest excitement of unmingled delight. Such to your im agination is the brilliant future of a world ly life! Alas! alas! My heart is pain ed at the bare thought of your certain dis appointment, for full well I know that these dreams will have no fulfillment.— These ideal pictures, created by the en chantment of your fancy, will change to rude, rough, bitter realities, when touched by the wand of that more than magician, Experience. Could I convince you of this, young pilgrim in the journey of life, you might be saved from many an hour of sorrow, perhaps from the jaws of destruc tion itself; open your heart, therefore, to conviction, for " a ttrise man icill hear, and will increase learning ; and a man of ttn demtanding shall attain unto wise eonn seh." Supposo for a moment, that you were suffering very severely from hunger, and were even on the point of actual star vation. In this extremity you look im ploringly toward an approaching friend, and with your expiring strength exclaim. " Give me food for pity's sake ! I am dy ingofhungcr! Give me something to eat, my friend !" Your friend gazing upon you with a pitying eye, promises to bring you instant relief, lie hastens away, but spee dily returns laden with dusty tomes, the works of the ablest minds and profound est thinkers among mankind. Throwing them into your arms, he exclaims, " Here, my friend, are some of the finest books ex tant. They contain the loftiest produc tions of genius, and teem with the noblest ideas. Feed upon them freely nnod and birth, Are but the fading blossom* of the earth. GREAT GUMS IN THE NAVY. —The Report of tho Ordinance Bureau gives an interesting view of the enforced progress of work in that important | branch of service. The naval ordi j nance at the beginning of 18(31 con ! sisted of 1,872 thirty-twos, 675 eight i inch, 805 nine-inch Dahlgrecns, ten j inch, old and new, 32 eleven-insh I Dahlgrecns; making 2,830 heavy guns with 29 twenty-fours, 107 twelves, and 136 boat howitzers. We have now 1,202 howitzers of all kinds, 1,- 872 thirty-twos, 575 eight-inch, 808 nine-inch Dahlgrecns ten inch, old and new, 323 eleven inch Dahlgrens, 56 ten inch, old and new, 323 eleven inch Dahlgrecns, 200 thirteen inch mortars 214 twenty pound Parrots, 237 thirty pound Parrots, 180 one hundred-pound Parrotts, 60 one-hundred.and fifty pound Parrotts, 13 twenty-pound ri fled Parrotts,and 36 fifteen inch smooth bores; in all, 5,777 pieces, against 2,966 in 1861. Over 700 more guns ; of the new sort will bo done before the I year closes. Several new foundericfl | have been started, and the moans are I now equal to the demand. The enor mous omount of projectiles used may be seen in the following figures: Shells, made and bought, 678,617; shot, 80,392; sharpnell, grape, and canister, 9443,948 pounds. Of gun powder 2,980 tuns have been ordered : since March 1, 1861—of which 2,676 tuns were from foreign niter. The report details operations in small arms, gun carriages, fuses, &c. All this appertains to the Navy alone.— The report says:"The general effi ciency of the ordinance of our Navy far excels that of any other, its supe riority being due mainly, or wholly,to | tho improvements of the last two years. Further extensive improve ments are in contemplation, and esti mates in accordance arc presented to Congress." VlCTOßY. —Decisive news at last from East Tennessee, news more glo rious and infinitely inoro important than if we had heard of a battle and a victory slmost any where else. The siege of Knoxville is at an end. The Rebel effort to regain East Tennessee is abandoned forever. Longrtreet is in full retreat toward Virginia, our i cavalry pursuing. The country may breathe freer.— | We can hardly realize the tremendous j I peri" we have escaped. EastTennes- j | see was so long neglected that its val uo even now is only half understood, j yet it is true beyond question that the i loss of it is absolutely fatal to the Rebel Confederacy. Our possession j of it makes the miltiary subjugation ; of all the territory which still owns j the lawless sway of Jefferson Davis only a question of time. Nothing but despair could have driven the Rebels to abandon their effort, and the con viction that it can never be recovered j will be equally potent to paralyse their j operations in other quarters. It does not seem clear whether Longstreet is likely to be overtaken, or his retreat seriously interrupted. But that is of less moment. We are satisfied to learn that Sherman and Foster are in pursuit, and will do what is possible to destroy the Rebel force which they have helped to defeat.— Their arrival doubtless determined tho raising of the siege, but the credit of the defense is General Burnside's alone. His whole campaign has been a masterpiece, and his final stand at Knoxville is what saved us the State and shortened by many months the duration of the war. t&" Advice is almost the only commo dity which the world is lavish in bestow ing, and scrupulous in receiving, although it may be had gratis, with an allowance to those who take a quantity. We seldom take it until too late, and still more rarely while there is yet time to profit by it.— Great tact and delicacy are required either in conferring or seeking this perilous boon, for, where people do not take your counsel, they generally take offence; and, even where they klo, you can never be sure that you h*v© BO*. given pain in grvißg advice. SIGNS OF DEATH. —The Quarterly Review has a curious article on the dying moments of distinguished per sons. The case of Cardinal Wolsey is well known. The morning before he died, he asked Cavendish the hour and was answered past eight. "Eight of tho clock," replied Wolsey, "that cannot be—eight of the clock ! nay nay, it cannot bo eight; for by eight of the clock you shall lose your mas ter." 110 miscalculated the day, the hour came true. On tho following morning, as the clock struck eight, his troubled spirit passed from life.— Boerhaave lay feeling his pulse till some newly published work he wished to read had arrived. lie read it, and exclaiming that tho business of life was passed, died. Miss Linley died singing, "I know that my Redeemer livcth." Napoleon fought his battles over again, and his closing words were "tetc d'armee;" Lord Tcnderden, who passed straight from tho judg ment seat to tho death-bed, fancied himself still presiding ut trial, and l expired with, "Gentlemen of the Ju ry, you will now consider your verdict." j Dr. Adam, author of the "Roman An | tiquities," imagined himself at school disbursing praise and censure among pupils. "But it grows dark," he said, "the boys may dismiss," and fnstanftj died. AMENDMENT or THE U. S. CONSTI TUTION.—New Yo»l-, Dec. 18.—Tho Tribune's Washington t>yccial hits the following account of a a mendment to the Constitution of which Mr. Wilson of lowa gave nv. tiec on Monday in the House: Be it Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni ted States of America, in Congress \ assembled, (two-thirds of both Houses ! concurring,) That the following arti ! Ole be proposed to the Legislatures of | the several States as an amendment |to the Constitution of tho United I States, which, when ratified by three i fourths of said Legislatures, shall be valid to all intents and purposes as a I part of said Constitution, namely: ARTICLE XIII. Sec. 1. Slavery being incompati ble with free government, is forever prohibited in this country, and invol untary servitude shall be permitted only as a punishment for crime. Sec. 2. Congress shall have full power to enforce the foregoing sec tion of this Article by appropriate legislation. EXCKLLKNCE. —"ExceIIence," says Sir Joshua Reynolds," is never granted toman but as the reward of labor. It argues, in small strength of mind to persevere in habits of industry, without tho pleas ure of perceiving these advantages, which, like the hands of a clock, whilst, theymoke steady approaches to their point, yet pro ceed so slowly as to escape observation". SOTLSB MABKEIW. BUTLER, Pa. DccJ16, 1863. BUTTER—Fresh Roll*, 25, cento per pound. BE A N8—52,25 per bushel. BKKF—Ia bought firom wagons at 8 and 4 eta per lb. BEEF HlDß&—Green, 8 rents por pound. EGGS—2O rent* per douen. FLOUR—Wheat, £3, 60 por bund.; Rurkwboatsß,oo. GRAlN—Wheat, *1,20 to $1.25 per bushel; Ere, 100; Corn, 11,00; Oata, 70c per bushel; Barley, $1; Buckwheat 76 cents. GROCERIES—Coffee, 35 and per pound; Brown Sugar, 14 and lfi<* per pound; N. O. Classen, 80 ceuts por gallon; Syrup 00c and sl. NAlLB —$5,75 per keg. POTATOES—»O and 50c per bushel. SEEDS—Clover, |6,00 per bushel; Timothy, £2,25j Flax, $2,25. S A LT—s3,oo per barrol. WOOL—7Sc per pound. PITTBIIUUGII IAUKETB. December 16,1863. APPLES—S2,2S <$ $2,50 per barrel. BUTTER—Fresh Roll, 35 Q 28c per lb. CHEESE—Western Reservo, 13;-<|C per lb; Hamburg, 14c p-r tbb. EGGS—23 (dy 24<• per FLOUR—Wheat, $7,00 A $7,25; Buckwheat, $4, & $4,75. GBAAIX—Wheat, *1,40 & $1,45; Corn, $1,26; Oats, 80c. GROCERIES—Sugar. 13U <& por lb; Coffee, 34 85c per lb; Molnssen, 64 (a, 66c per gallon ; Syrup, 80 (g) 35c per gallon. HALT—Liverpool, $2,50 (£ $3,30 per sack; No. 1, extra, $2,60 per barrol. SEEDS—Flaxseed, $2,66 per buabel SPEC IAL NOTICES. —JY. _. CONNOQUKN EHBI NO LODGE, r r Vo - *• 0 " 112 0 F - I,nW " lu \"toted meetingH&t the flail, on Main Street, Butler l'euna. evory 1 " Monday evening, commencing at «ix o'clock. Brethren from sister Lodges arc respectfUl | ljr invited to attend. By order of the N. O. Q A. Y. M.—Butler Lodge, No. 272, A. V. M. hold* -/A Its stated meetings in the Odd Fellow* Hall, on Miiß Stre y/C °f month. Bretbreu from sister ' 112 \ Lodges are respectfully Invited to attend. Byordoroftho W. M. Arrival mid DeparlnreofMatin. The mail from Butler to East Sandy, by way of Iloly j oke, Coulteraville, Anandale. Murritisvllle arid Clinton : ville. 3«J miles; leaves Butler on Monday and Friday of I each weok, at 0 o'clock, a. m., returns on Tuesday and I Saturday of each week at 7 o'clock, p. m. i The mail from Butler to Salem Cross Road*, by way of ; Saxonburc, Sarversville, Freeport, Shearer's Crows flotul«, McLstumiiu't Store and Oakland Crone Road*. 43 mile*; I leave* putler on Tuesday and Saturday of each we*:k, at [ 5 o'clock, a. ra.: returns on Friday and Monday cf each week, at 8 o'clock, p. in, Tho mail from Butler to New Cattle, by way of Mount Prospect, Portersville and Princeton, 28 miles; learea Builer on Monday and Tuesday of each week, at 6 o'clock a. m; return* on Tuesday and Friday of oach week, at 6 o'clock, p. m. The mail from Butler to Lawrenceburg, by way of North Oakland. Barnbart's Mill*, Baldwin and Bruin, 25 milee, leavit Butler on Monday and Friday of each week, at 9 o'clock, a, m; returlis oh Tuesday and Saturday of each week, at 9 o'clock, p. m. The mail from Butler to New Brighton, by way of Pe tersburg, Break-Neck and Zelienaple, 20 miles; with two additional trips between Break-Neck and Zellenople; leers Butler on Wednesday of each waek, at 7 o'clock, a. m.; re turns on Thursday of each week, at 5 o'clock, p. m. Tbe mail from Butler to Pittsburg, by way of Glade Mill*. Bakerstown, Tally Cavy, Ktns, Dequesne and Alle gheny City, 82miles; leaves Butler every morning, except Sunday, at 7 o'clock, a. ra.; arrives at Butler from Pitte burgh by the mom route, every day, Sunday excepted, at Tbe mail from Butler to Mercer, by way of McCandless, Brownington, Slippery-Bock. North Liberty, Louden and Baim,32mile«; leaves Butler every day, Sunday excep ted, at 1 o'clock p. m.; returns by the *ame route, every day. ttuaday excepted; arriving in Butler at 7 o'clock in the morning. The iuJI from Butler to Indiana, by way of C-oyiee villo. Worthii»xton, Kit tanning, tblerton and Shelocta, 48 oitea, leaves Butler on Monday and Thursday of each week, at 4 o'clock, a. m~ returns on Tuesday and Friday of each week, at 7 o'clock, p. m. The ninil from Butler to Boydstown, 6 miles, loaves Beydstown on Friday morning of each week, arrives at Butler in the forenoon ; departs for Boydstown same day after the arrival of the mail from Pittsburgh. TITMHOODT W. 8. & A. G. BOYD. THIS firm is pursuing its accustomed plan of do ing basinew. They are receiving New Goods aim.«.t evL-rjr ww WEW APfEHffeEMEIfW. Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and Pittsburgh, Brought intu the very midst of the TOWN or BttTLEB. i n appointment," be left Butler, and during tbe "rainy sen •on," wan busily engaged, tolling, taxing every point of tbo compass, io order to accomplish the object of his mission, lit' has the satisfaction of reporting himself once BoMftt horaa, accompanied with some of the tallest specimens of articles In bin line of hu»ine*s, that waa ever concentrated at any point In Butler county, or any where elae In this decidedly great country. All he asks in return, of hia fellow citizens, for hia arduous labors, ia aimply that they will give him n call, and examine for themselves, hia Ana stock of Tobacco, SnufT and Cigars. Though republic* ore generally ungrateful, and the peo ple, though "sovereigns, are not always exactly in the right track, yet he feels a kinu of confidence in them that they will not hesitate to pronounce Judgment In hia favor, when they shall have "investigated" bis stock. In <»rder to make an intelligent report,Tt will bo necesanry for all interested In the "use and abuse" of Tobacco, in all its va rieties, to call and try for them*clvt*. The committee I beg* leave to be discharged from farther consideration of I this subject. GEORGE VOGELEY, Jr. Dee.9, 13G3::3m0. j SAM'L. M. LA*E. J. LTNIf MABOT ELI TETTER. J LANE, M'ABOY A CO. DfiALKRS IN FOREIGN AND DOM EBTIC DRY CiOODS, No. I l(>, Federal Htreeti (SECOND DOOR DKLOW NEW MARKET HOUSE.) Allegheny City, Pa. Dec. 9. l*C3,::tf. REDICX'S DRUG STORE, Opposite Stlne'ft Store, DRUGS, I) HUGH, DRUGS, MEDICINES, MEDICINES, MEDICINES, MEDICINES, MEDICINES, MEDICINES, DYES, DYES, PAIVTK I,YEH ' TAINTts TAINTS PAINTS, Pure Liquors for fe*j. ra j me oll | y . Sos , Cream Tarter etc. etc. j French and Amwlwn Pwf.lMw „ ml To ,,„ t _ Brtuhw,Trtuute*anil allartlcl»M fit D „ of tllo best qunlity and at fairest rates. ° Dec. 9, 1808. Watches, C'loekn & JCM'M r y, IF you want a good Watch, Clock, or set of good rv, goto Giisns, where you can get the very best twik market affords. He keeps on band, a largo assortment o» Jewelry of all styles, and In fact everything usually kept in a Jewolry Store. Repairing done on short notice. Dec. 9, lH63::tr. FRANCIS X.ORIEB. Solifc to Builders. CI EALED proposals will be received for the building of two frame nchool Houses, in Slipperyrock School Dis trtrt nt the Hotel of W. G. Christ ley. In the borough of Centreville, on Saturnay the 26th any of December.— Plans and specifications may bo teen st said Hotel ou and after the Iftth Inst. By order of tbo Board. JESSE KEISTER, Pros. E. D. DtW OLF, Soc'y. Dee. 9, 1808. NKAV HARNESS SHOP. J.A.Ni:DWICHfIn«) P.RROWN. fTIHE above firm have Just opened anew Harness Shop, 1 op)>oslte IJojrds Buildings, Butler It*., where they keep constantly on hand, a large assortment of Saddles, llar nes and every thln« in their line of business, which they offer at lirice* to suit the times. Work of all kinds manu factured to order, and repairing done on short notice, Dec. 1), 18G3:::tf SED WICK k BIIGWN. .180 SI NEW GOODS, 180 U. FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. A2CD A 8 GOOD AS TBS BEST. R. C. & J. L. M'ABOY. Have just received at their establinhnicnt, ON MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA., A large and well selected stock of HEA BONA HI .J3 GOODS, which they are telling at iwry low rata. ROD m roixoirrao CAT.UOGTO rurii THIUST. FOK THE LADIEN. Always on hand a large stock of Ladles goods, such as COBERG CLOTH, ALPACAS, DE LANES, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, KERCHIEFS, NUBIES, GLOVES, Ac. FOR GENTLEMEN. Always on hand Black Cloths, Fancy and Black Coast meres, Satiuett*, Camdncts, Tweeds, Plain and fancy Yes tings, Shirting, etc., etc., etc., READY MADE CLOTHIXG. Such as COATS, PANTS, VESTS sod other garments. llooto and Shoes, HATS, CAPS & NECKTIES, and a variety of other articles HOUSEHOLD fiOODH, Such as Unbleached and Bleached Muslins, Linen and Cotton, Tattle Cloths, Oil Cloths, Linen and Hemp Towels, Carpets, Curtains, Fringe, etc. HARDWARE, &C. If you want Noßs or Splkee, Manure or other forks, Saw-Mill or other sawa. Smoothing Irons, Lucks. Hinges, etc., goto M* A boy's, where yoa can buy them cheap. IF YOU WANT Good Extra Family Flour, White or Brow a Sugar, Rio or Java Coffee, Imperial, Young Hyson or Block Tea, goto M'A boy's. IP You WANT QROCXnUES of »TOp«lor4a«lltj, Xwlaw ntosw Uayaui bo bad j elMwUore in !h> county, goto ilor<' of irtc.a, iw. >u^|y McCANDLESS & Attorney's nt tAwT^H Office on the South-west corner of the Diamond, Bntlsr, Pa Also, AGENTS for securing /totst'em*, Amar» sf I\ty and Bounly Monty, for Solldiers, or if they are dead, for their legal representatives. In prosecuting Sol dier's Claims, or those of their Representatives, no charge until collected. Dec. 9, lW3::tf. ISAAC ABO,— Eowr*Lra.t. ASH 4St LYON. Attorney'* WILL attend to the prosecution of ail claims for BOUNTY, BACK PAY", PENSIONS. Information bv letter or otherwise, will fee cheerftrtiy given, gratis. No charge in any ease until tho money Is made. They have already received and paid over toap •ilicants, thousands of dollars; having cu'awn up the|r— applications with such easeand precision that thef'are uniformly scccessf\il. Pensions should b* applied for within one ysar from death or discharge. FARMS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSMt. Office on Main Street, opposite the Post Otllce, Butler Dec. 9.1883.:::3m etJRGEON DENTI«T»H. DR. S.R.&C. L. DIEFFENBACHER. • inenfYom one to aa entire set on s [Those desirous to avail \ themselves of the latest improvements In deQtk exainine their new styks of ▼ ulcanUe and C rrdlte -msa= FT- work. Filling, cleaning, extracting antl adjusting tho teeth done with the beet materials and in the best manner. Particular attention paltl to children's toeth. As» mechanics, they defy com petition; as operators they rnnk among the best. Chat. - mixlerato. Advice free of charge. Cußce—ln Boyvt Building Jelfbrsoß Street, Butler Pa. Dec. U, 1803,:::tf. ■ CHEAP »HI(J NTORK.\J| Dr. Jamcß 11. Ttell, Boyd's Building, Bntler, M A V KR ,n '^ lo ' "rugs and CWilcsis \ 'fl Oils, Pninta and VaruiiAi. A1 Benzole, Tar \ and Axle Grease. Vl iRIf Also, all kinds of Brushes. All kinds o \ Ijunfts. [jimp Shades and Chimneys. \ WmmM Also, a full assortment of Groceries, Tsbaeee I »nil Cigars of the very best brands. / Also, a full assortment of Conftclionarios and Nuts. Also Green and Dried fruit. Also a groat variety 1 of notions. Liquors of all kinds for Medical and Saoii. menlul pur|N«fs. Also Stationery, consisting of Paper, Envelops, Pens' Pencils, Blank Books, Pass Book, Slates Ac. Ac. Dec. 9,lßrtJMf. HißTis Rjtmn a to. WHITBCCKIIU m STOVES AND PLOUGHS. J imi n "tITECKBECKRRA REIBEB.-Fou6.^^S «|HMWpiaaaf vV ders—Foundry North of the l>or ' < 'Ugh of Butler, where Stoves, Ploughs H and other castiugo are made on short no flahßsflNFee ~CH* Their waro-rooin is on Main' Street flrstaoor North of Jack's Hotel, where yon will find Stoves HI of all sises and patrons. They also ks'ep on hand a large . |B stock of Ploughs, which they sell as cheap ss thev can be I fl bought at any other establiidimeut in the county. If ■ Dec. 9,186f1::tf betters of AdmlnlstratlonJ fS | HJEUS of Administration on the estate of FnAftOia flj late of the township of Buffalo, deceass» mfP .UW..J granU-d to the subscriber, all pei-snns A Mvmrnt req..e»t«l lo rank.. «'.t. "112 tu.- m," m without d.jlaj to " known tiia uns, |H n lt *.„- TW o M AI.LIfTKII, {I Bntler, Dee. 9, IMftKH.*. AdmluMr»lorV o jj | T LTTERS of Administration having h^lk^ I J HIMI. ■! 112 •I; V luteof Donegal township, ilnoeosed, oil persofis i against said estate, will present them duly anthuTt J !• II.'MIV n|..i all indebted will mcnt to the subscribers in Millrr*town, Butlor county, THEODOHE CRAIG, WM. B. BYERS, Doc. 9,1865::6t. Ailmlnistrators. AdinlnlNtrator'N !fotlfc, « TETTERS of Administration on the estate of J 112 bristly, lateof t'entrevllle, dee'd., have this day granted to the nnderslgued; therefore, all p>rsens ing themselves Indebted tosiUd estwito wiß make imme Allegheny Ctty, Dec.s,M#3.J miIEIMPENDING DRAFT.—In parrcatwe of L quirements of Circular No, KM, "War Pr-»vost Marshall office. Washington. D. vember 17. IMS," we have printer I copies of the ment of each suk-distxkt within this caused the same to be put up In the most each Ward, Township and Borough for correcting any emm that may ex let in made in June laat. Any per-H»n enrollod hefcwc tho t an? tween the 10th and 2Mb dnys of IXceinbor, to have his name stride* n >ff tbe list, if !-• com the sati-faction of the BooiU thn hob* s,t at the time fixed, for the next fcat\ilahte to on account of > I. ALIENAGE. ■L NON-BKSIDfiNCS. 3. L'NSUITABL'ENBSSOF AGE. H 4. MANIFEST PERMANENT PHYIJCAL TY. WW? W X Persons who may be cogafssniof hie »o military duty, whoM names do not appear Printed snrolimcut lists are to of Enrollment, who will thsroup