Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, March 15, 1907, Image 1

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A. M.to l'l M to* Mill Sr..
J I*. M.to Al\ M ituntili*. J'a.
p BHUI/TZ. !W.
iJiseases of the Stomach and IntesiineK
Ih this the Hpriug break-up?
The capltol probers are at work.
A pay day in Danville means some
thing DOW. *
Always be on the lookout for "doubt
ful" agents.
The "sweet girl graduate" will soon
be to the front.
Tli© oldest member of the Grand
Army of the Republic—William Wit'll,
aged 106—is dead.
A lover for statistics lias just figured
oat that the annual American egg crop
is twice as valuable as the annual
American output of gold.
The legislature took the teachers'
retirement and pension bill as a joke.
All right for those gentlemen. The
next institute won't do a thing but
curl their hair for them.
If not absolutely the oldest, the
Stora Kopparberget in Sweden is the
oldest copper mine of which there are
-ny official figures. It has been work
ed continnosly for nearly 800 years.
The house at Harrisbnrg does not
take kindly to the proposition to tax
the man who owns a gun.
The truthful advertiser accumlates
a host of steady customers.
The teachers having lost their pro
posed pension must now depend upon
a possible increase of salary.
It is reported that twins are expect
ed at the court of Spain. Well, that is
not HO bad, a pair of kings or a pair
of queens are often pretty good to
March nearly always brings one re
apectable snow storm.
The governor is getting his hand in
signing bills.
There are times when absolute frank
ness in the truest policy.
Mrs Elizabeth Lavelle, of Shenan
doah, died on Saturday at the age of
104 years. She is survived by four
generations of descendants.
Commissioner Neili, in his report of j
hard cosl sales at tidewater for Feb
ruary, fixes miners' wages at H per
cent above the basis for March.
James Carr, an old soldier of Tren
ton, N J , was struck by a Cumber
land Valley railroad train near Car
lisle, on Friday, and so badly injured
that he died ou Saturday at Todd's
hospital, iu Carlisle.
Official statistics show that seventy
flve people lost their lives while climb
ing the Alps last year. The total nuiu
bre of killed and injured is at least
We'll all be glad when the north
ern end of Mill street is paved.
In Fimce it is a penal offense to
give any form of solid food to babies
under a year old, unless it be prescrib
ed in writing by a properly qualified 1
medical man.
In Luzerne county the combined out
put of the various breweries during j
last year was a fraction over 445,744
barrels. On that enormous ontput the j
county received in fees SIBO,OOO.
The Czar of Russia has a strong dis- «
like to being photographed aloue. He
is, however,quite at ease when posing
as one of a group.
The turning point of the seasons is
again near, the period when we em
erge from slop and slush to balmy sun
The Missouri house of representa
tives has passed the bill making eight
hours a day's work for dispatchers aud
telegraph operators.
In Minnesota the effort to secure a
state eight-hour law has not abated,
and indications point to the passage
of the bill.
At Winsted, Conn., there is a wo
man who ac the age of 99, earns her
own living. There are some women in
Danville not half that old who can't
do mnch more.
According to a poll just made of the
republican members of the lowa legis
lature President Roosevolt is the
choice of an overwhelming majority
for renomination.
The income of Mrs. William As tor
is put down at f3,f100,000 a year, but
her resources are practically unlimit
ed. She is now 76 years old and a
great grandmother.
Let us hope that every highwayman
who attacks a peaceful citizen will
share the fate of the South Carolina
offender who went to death beneath
the pistol of his victim.
Five foreigners, believed to be mem-'
bers of a Black Hand society have been |
arrested in New Castle.on the charges j
of blackmail aud conspiracy.
Some Pennsylvauiaus are of the op
inion that both the teachers and the
preachers of the Commonwealth de
serve a substantial increase in salary.
The Chinese army board has select
ed fifteen students from the Chinese
military college to study military
soience in France China is moving.
The rate of speed across the Siberian
railway rarely exceeds tweoty-flve
miles an hour.
fiies. It. Montgomery
*t ftfl Rlftto Tilhvni'f
A Gradual Change ol Conditions Under
Wbicb the Daily Newspaper Has
Crowded Ont the Weekly Publication
Some ol the Inlluences Which are at
With this issue the Danville Intel
ligencer, following a long and useful
career, bids farewell to its readers.
After a determined effort aud an ex
periment covering several years, the
I publisher of the paper sees no other
alternative but to discontinue its pub
For several years past, there has
been a gradual change of conditions
as affects newspapers, brought about
by the establishment of the r 112. d.
routes and other influences. The week
ly newspaper is no longer in demand.
The daily sheet, with its budget of
fresh news, has come to the front and
it is here to stay. No matter in what
locality the weekly newspaper may be
the experience of the publisher is the
same. There is scarcely a day but
some old aud nearly life-long subscrib
er decides to discontinue the weekly
and subscribes for the daily paper. A
new generation of readers has come to
the front aud these are out of all har
mony with conditions that prevailed
during the time of their fathers, when
the weekly newspaper was a success
tul factor.
It is in the face of oonditious such
as these that the publisher of the lu
telllgencer lias battled. Auy amount 1
of hard work was put into the enter
prise jevery honorable expedient that
could be devised was resorted to, but {
naturally the fight was a losing one. (
It is with great regret that we sever ;
so many pleasant ties aud turn our | 1
footsteps toward other fields where •
greater opportunities present them- j
Iu conclusion wo would exteud
thanks to all our patrous The Intel*
ligencer is a very old newspaper and
there are many into whose homes it
has been a weekly visitor during their
life time. Ic has solved its day aud 1
generation and it now stops down and |
out aud delivers the field o\e:* to its
more modern rival.the daily newspap- 1
Fayiueut of all bills will berecoived
at the office of the Moruiug News, or
any information iu regard to the In
telligeucer can be had at that office. !
Editor and Prop'r.
Evangelistic Services.
Evangelistic services will be held in
the East End mission next week from I
Monday until Friday. For these meet
ings an able array of ministers from a I
distance have been secured for ad- ,
On Monday aud Tuesday evenings j
Rev. W. D. Roberts, D. D., of Phi la- j
delphia, will preach. Wednesday even- '
ing there will be a song service. On !
Thursday evening Rev. W. C. j
of Williainsport, will preach aud on
Friday evening Rev. E. A. Loux, of ,
Berwick, will deliver the sermon.
The public is cordially invited to '
atteud all of these services.
Operated on for Appendicitis.
Theodore Foster, sou of Charles I
Foster, fourth ward, Dauville, was 1
operated on for appendicitis at the Jo
seph Ratti hospital,Bloomsburg, Mou- I
day afternoon. The operation was pro- j
nouueed a success aud the patient at |
last accouuts was doing veiy well aud
all indications pointed to early recov- I
Theodore, who is about IB years of I
age, was taken suddenly ill on Satur- !
day, his suffering from the first being :
most iuteuse. As soon as the nature of 1
his disease became known he was re- ,
moved to the hospital.
Evangelical Appointments.
The appointments of the United j
Evaugelical conference in session at
Carlisle this week have boeu made I
publio, aud show that Rov. Harry
Minsker is to leave Danville aud that
Rev. W. N. Wallis will be the pastor j
of the local TJ. E. church for -the next j
Rev. Harry Miusker, the retiring !
pastor of the Danville United Evan- |
gelical church, has been located in this
city just one year, aud in that time
has won many friends who will deep
ly regret his departure. Rev. Miusker
will preach his farewell sermon next
' Sunday. He has been appointed to
1 take charge of the Lock Haven circuit.
Rev. W. N. Wallis, who has been
j appointed to Dauville, pomes here
' from the Lock Haven circuit. He is
' an elderly man aud married.
The conference chose the Bower
■ Memorial church at Berwick as the
i place for the meeting for 1908.
Indications of Easter are already ap-
I parent, but it's rather early this time
5 for the thin clothes so pleasing to the
A session of couit wan held Satur
day morning with his Honor Judge
Evans and Associates Blee aud Wei- J
liver on the bench. Some routine work J
was disposed of, after which the court
proceeded with a hearing on the ap
plication for the appointment of a
guardian for Elizabeth Mark ley under
the acts of 1895 and 1901.
The respondent in this case is a sis- '
ter of Mrs. Catharine Fieglesof Maus- |
dale, the petitioner in the case. Miss
Markley, now advaucod in years, dur- j
ing the gieater part of her life was '
employed in the home of a wealthy
family in one of the southern counties
of the State. She took good care of 1
her savings and, guided by wise coun
sel, invested them profitably. There- j
suit is that in her old age she has a
snug competency to fall back upon.
Some years ago sbe accepted an in
vitation to come to Mausdale aud live ;
with her sister, Mrs. Fiegles, where
she remained for some time. She is
now living at the home of John Min
tzer in Coal township, Northumber- j
laud couuty. Whatever difference may ,
have existed among the relatives of
Miss Markley, they are now all agreed
that by reasouof heradvauced age aud
impaired faculties she is unfit to man
age her property aud that in order to
protect'her interests from desiguing
persons there should be aguardiau ap
pointed to look after her affairs Her
property consisting mostly of railroad ;
and bauk stock is secured iu a safety
deposit box of tlie Danville National
bauk. Its present valuatiou is some- |
thing over five thousand dollars
All the parties iu iuterest were pre
sent at court last Saturday, with the
exception of tlio respondent, whose
physical condition, by a physician's
certificate, was shown to be such as to
render her unable to be present At
torneys Charles C. Lark aud Patrick
F. Brennan,members of the Northum
berland couuty bar,along with Edward
S. Gearhart, of this city, represented
the petitioner.
The first witness called was John R.
Tietsworth of Shatuokin, son-in-law
of Oatlierine Fiegles. Ho has known
Miss Murkily since 1905. Ho lias trans
acted business for Iter and declares
that she impresses him as unfit to
mauagc her affairs. She can neither
read uor write and at no time seems
to comprehend the nature of the busi
ness in haud. She is abseutmiuded and
forgetful, repeating the same instruc
tions over and over. The witness de
clared that since he had taken charge
of her affairs Miss Markley had spent
over #BOO on the old house iu Valley
township, which he considered money
unwisely expended.
Mrs. Annie Anderson, daughter of
Mrs. Fiegles and niece of the respond
ent, was next called to the staud. Her
testimouv corroborated the preceding
witness. She was of the opinion that
if her auut continued to expend her
money as she did while living at Maus*
dale 44 it would all he gone in a few
On the strength of the above testi
mony Judge Evans appointed Patrick
F. Brenuau, Esq., guardian to take
care of the property of the said Eliza
beth Markley and directed that he fur
nish bond iu the sum of $7,000.
Tour Through the South.
W. A Sechler, general manager of
the Danville Stove & Manufacturing
company, returned home yesterday
j from an extended business trip through
the south. His furthest point south
' was- Charleston, S. C., while other im
portant towns embraced in the tour
were Atlanta, Ga., Ohattauooga,
| Teuu., Baltimore. Wilmington and
I Cincinnati.
The Dauville Stove and Maufactur
iug company's goods are haudled bv a
jobber iu Charleston. They are also
sold iu Wiliniugtou, Del., and at a
number of other points in the ter
ritory embraced by the trip.
Mr. Sechler was much impressed
with evidences of enterprise as well
as the euormous resources of the couu
try,apparent eveu iu a hurried journey
through the south. The happy-go-lucky
style of liviug. which up until a late
day was a pomiueut characteristic
south of Mason and Dixon's line, is
not uoticed so much at the present
time. The people seem to have caught
the commercial spirit of the times aud
there is a general awakening. Develop
ment is somewhat held in check by
the lack of skilled labor but un organ
ized effort is being put ou foot to se
' cure immigration of the right sort aud
j with the labor problem solved the fu
' ture of the South will be assured.
At Charlestou the season is about
two months in advance of us The
rees are heavy with foliage aud the
farmers are working iu the fields. The
spect of things is the same as is seen
in our own latitude about .Tune Ist.
Yon should be very careful of vonr
bowels when you have a cold. N• i'r
all other cough syrups are constipat
ing, especially those containing opi
ates. Kennedy's Laxative Cough
Syrup moves the bowels—contains NO
opiates. Conforms to National Pure
Pood and Drugs Law. Bears the eu
dorsement of mothers everywhere.
Children like its pleasant taste. Sold
by Paules & Co.
Leonard Foulk was elected school
director from the fourth ward Monday
night to succeed D. Aust Lutz, who
has moved out of town. Mr. Ortli
announced that a vacancy existed, ex
plaining that Mr. Lutz has located in
Jersey Shore, having already removed
his household goods. He suggested
that a successor be elected to fill Mr.
Lutz' unexpired term.
Mr Heiss nominated Leonard Foulk.
The choice seomeu to bo regarded with
favor and he was unanimously elected
as director from the fourth ward. His
term will expire in June 1908.
A. H. Groue,chairman,reported that
the high school committee in conjunc
tion with a'committee of the senior
class aud the faculty of the school had
held a mooting to consider the ques
tion of a class play to be preseuted by
the graduating class in connection
with the coming commencement. The
(dass, he said, had selected a play, en
titled: 14 A scrap of paper."
The number in the class is thirty
one, while the play has twelve char
acters. Mr. Groue said that the cost
outailed in presenting the play as esti
mated by the committee would be lit
tle, if any, less than #2OO. Considering
that the only room available is the
court house.it seemed doubtful wheth
er a sufficient number of tickets could
be sold to meet all the expenses. This
doubt. Mr. Groue said, was fully ap
preciated aline by the class committee,
the faculty aud the high school com
mittee of the board. The first ques
tion to dispose of, therefore, was who
should make up the deficit, in case one
should occur? Would the school board
hold itself responsible?
The matter was discussed at length,
but the board was not favorably im
pressed and thought it would bo inad
visable to depart from the old and
established order. On motion of Mr.
Orth it was decided not to grant the
request of the graduating class asking
permission to present a class play.
Truant officer Youug presented his
report for the past month,which show
ed that 190 pupils were out of school
owing to illness. There were 14 cases
of truancy; ten pupils were detained
at home for want of proper clothing
and shoes. Fourteen notices were serv
Secretary Orth presented a state
ment relating to the lecture "Where
the Other Half Lives," delivered by
Professor Powers in this city Satur
day,a portion of the proceeds of which
wero to be applied to the schools.
Tickets were sold by pupils to the
amount of $lO4, door receipts were
$13.80, making a total of $117.80. Ex
penditures amounted to #48.95, leav
ing a balance of $(»8 83. This was
divided equally betweeu Professor
Powers aud the borough schools.
The followiug directors were pres
ent at the meeting: Fischer, Orth,
Swarts, Pursel, Fish, Heiss, Groue and
Trum bower.
The following bills were approved
for payment:
Peter A. Winters 9 1.80
Danville Stove & Mfg. Co . 8.8")
Geo F. Riefsnyder 1.37
Standard Gas Co 5.03
U. S. ExpressOo .9.')
Isaac Pitman 8.59
Smith Premier Co 7.tf3
Henry Hoke & Co
Joseph Lechner 12 00
Postal Card from Runaway Couple
The runaway couple, lti-year-ohl
Sara Phillips, of Berwick, and George
Foulk, of this city,who left the form
er town last Sunday, aud have since
beeu accused by the girl's mother,
Mrs. Heury Phillips, with taking with
them S2OO stolen money bolonging to
Mr. aud Mrs. Phillips.have been heard
The word from the couple came in
the form of a poßt card from Nort
hampton to the girl's brother in Ber
wick, aud was signed, "Your married
sister, Mrs. George Foulk " The post
card stated that the couple were leav
iug for St. Louis.
Mrs. Phillips,the girl's mother, yes
terday made some sensational state
ments. She said that she attributed
her daughter's actions to some peculiar
influence that had beeu exerted upon
her. For some time. Mrs. Phillips
stated, her daughter had been actiug
queerly, just as if she didn't know
what she was doing; her actions
strougly suggesting hypuotic influ
ence. At times when her mother ad
dressed her she seemed to answer with
Some time ago, upon coming down
stairs in the morning her mother found
a 82 cailbre revolver on the table. The
revolver was loaded. When shown the
weai>ou later, Foulk claimed it as his
Hore is an admonitory note fro:n the
Washington Observer w'. Ji is suyipifi
ed to be capable of causing a eliill to
meander dowu the spinal column of
many a nervous householder: •'People
are already getting ready for spring
cleaning. A few days of suu.-'iiun at d
mil I wu-iiliur will stir u.i aU 112 > i ; -
prove our surroundiugq, aJd s.voep
awav the rubbish that has collected
during the winter mouths," But, af
ter all, the mau isn't, referring to
house cleaning ; just to the out-door
flxiug-up which needs to be attended
to with each returning spring.
The spring inspection of Company
F, 12th. regiment,N. Q. P.,took place
in the armory last night. To an inex
perienced eye 'the showing made by
the company seemed to be good, al
though it is not known how if was re
garded by the inspectors. The report
of the inspection will be looked for
ward to with the usual dergee of in
The inspection was conducted by
Captain W. p. Clark,of Williamsport,
inspector on General Gobiu's staff,
who was accompanied by Lieutenant
F. 11. Adams,representing the regular
army. Preseut at the inspection also
were Lientenant Colonel Barber, of
Lewisburg; Major C. P. Gearhart aud
Dr. Cameron Shultz,assistant surgeon,
of this citv.
The members of the company at the
inspection last night made their first
appearance in uew caps and belts, the
latter having cartridge boxes attach
ed. Tin se together with the bright
blue uniforms imparted to the boys a
neat and soldierly appearance.
Fifty-eight members of the company
were present, five being ausent. Among
the hitter was Sergeant Frank Ebling,
who is passing through a siege of typ
hoid fever. The inspection lasted
nearly two hours.
Bill to Abolish February Election
Passed by Senate,
HARRIS BURG, March 18.
Senator Brown's joint resolution to
provide for such constitutional amend -
aunts as will abolish spriug elections
and make other changes went through
the Senate by 83 to 4 yestorday morn
ing. The resolution was amended a
week ago by making its title clearer
and specifying sections to be amended.
It was sent to the house.
The Roberts bill to increase the sal
aries of senators and members from
*750 to $ 1,500 per year was passed fin
ally by the senate yesterday morning
by 29 to 11 aud was sent to the house
for concurrence. The bill was defeat
ed last week, but reconsidered.
The senate passed without amend
ment the house bill to create the office
of assistant oeputy attorney general at
a salary of $2,400 per year by 32 to 0
and that to encourage planting of trees
by exempting laud planted with sprout
trees from taxation with only a few
votes in the negative. The bill rela
tive to public service corporations for
bidding minimum rates in connection
with the measured sole of any com
modity was recommitted.
There was a flood of petitions at the
opening, almost fifty on local option
being presented from various coun
ties. Many persons interested in the
law were in the chamber and watched
the proceeding.
Second reading bills were taken up
at ouce, the first to be passed being to
make an appropriation of $(>,000,000
for construction of highways. The
bills to create the State board of bar
ber examiners,for erection of memorial
halls in counties having over 150,000
popular ion, to increase the force of the
State highway department and to pro
hibit unauthorized use of auy secret
societ}' emblem were passed on second
The senate concurred in the house
amendments to tiie bill to remove
township officers for failure to per
form their duties, but action on that
to fix salaries of district attorneys in
couuties having between 750.000 and
1,200,000 was postponed on motion of
Senator Rodgers.
The bill creating the much needed
Legislative reference department in
the State Library was passed, 37 to 6,
the six opponents being Democrats.
The senate passed finally in order
the following bills: To provide for
free bridges over the Delaware; to
quit title of real estate held by corp
orations not aathorized to hold realty
in Pennsylvania; prohibiting erection
aud maintenance of steam boilers un
der public highways; extending sol
diers' home privileges to veterans of
the war with Spain ; to continue pub
lication of Pennsylvania archives;
validating title to certain lots in War
ren ; authorizing county commission
! ers to make appropriations to grand
army posts for Memorial day; to solid
j ate exorcise of franchises of corpora
tions whose charters have expired ; to
provide an additional law judge in
Erie county (the vote on this being 34
to 5) ; exempting burial lots from levy
and sale on execution; to provide for
division of charitable corporations
having more thau one place where op
t ratious are carried on; to fix salaries
of deputy register cleiks in counties
i having over 1,000,000 population, to
j permit county commissioners and so
| licitors to form a State association and
! to aid auditor general to collect taxes
' due from corporations.
W. F. Pascoe's Condition.
The condition of W. F. Pascoe, who
is ill with pleuro pneumonia at the
Hotel (iraeman at Shamokin,still con
tinuos very critical. Mr. Pascoe suf
fered a turn for the worse during
Tuet- lay night aud yesterday he show
ei no signs of improvement. Two
specialists from Philadelphia are in
attemlauce at his bedside. They state
that his chances for recovery lie in hiß
remarkably strong constitution.
The calamity howler don't get much
of an audience just now.
For probably the first time iu its
history St. Patrick's day will be ob
served at the Grove Presbyterian
church this year. The exercises, how
ever, will be iu the hands of the Sun
day school and will be held Saturday
night, as St. Patrick's day occurs on
The entertainment will prove to he
one of the most novel and interesting
that has ever been given in connection
with the Sunday school. Two classes
will participate, that of Miss Helen
Russell, romposed of six little girls,
and the class of Miss Edith Morris,
composed of twelve boys. The ages
vary between nine aud thirteen years.
Both classes will be dressed in Irish
costumes. The boys will be perfect lit
tle Irish gentlemen. They will wear
long-tailed coats, which like the trous
ers will be brown in color. They will
wear vests of bright yellow aud an
tiquated silk hats, the latter holding
under the outside baud a clay pipe.
The girls will be dressed iu green pap
ei costumes, wearing white caps and
The program will relate exclusively
to Ireland. Au instructive feature will
be an address by Rev. Dr McCormack
on"St. Patrick as lie was in mytho
logy and as he really was." The en
tertainment will be held in the chapel
at 8 o'clock. An admission fee of 15
cents will be charged, the proceeds to
be applied to paying for the new pi
ano. Following is the program :
Piano Solo, —Helen Mowrey.
Tableau—"Erin Go Rnih," Nannie
Lecture—"lreland," Wm. H. Mc-
Cormack, D. D.
Tableau—"St. Patrick," Porter
Piino Solo—"The Miustrel Boy,"
Mrs. A. Beeber Vastine.
Song and Tableau—"Last Rose of
Summer." Helen Mowrey, Louise
Tableau—"The Girl I Left Behind
Me," Gladys McOormack.
Piano Solo—Helen Mowrey.
Tableau aud Song—"The O'wld
Plaid Shawl," Evalyn Gearharc,
Donald McOlure.
Piano Solo—"The Harp That Once
Through Tarras Halls," Mrs. A. Beeb
er Vastine.
Tableau—"Wearing O' the Green,"
Members of both classes.
Tableau aud Chorus—" America," j
Emma Polk aud members of classes.
Reiley Turns up at Kipp's Run.
T. E. Reiley, of 4 Edison Burner"
fame, was heard of again yesterday
morning at Kipp's Run, where he
evidently intended to ply his trade,
but his plans were nipped in the bud.
Reiley appeared at the home of I
James Carr at Kipp's Run yesterday j
morning, aud asked for the lady of the j
house. He was met by Mr. Carr, how- i
ever, who inquired what he wanted.
Reiley started the ball rolling by in- |
quiring of Mr. Carr about his lanterns '
and lamps, whether they were work- |
ing satisfactorily, etc.
Before the conversation had gone !
very far Mr. Carr notioed Reiley pick
up a copy of yesterday's Morning
News, and aft9r a glance at the story
iu which ho appeared as the hero of a
Aim flam game,he seemed to suddenly j
develop a desire to be on his way.
After Reiley had departed Mr. Carr 1
read the article,aud then knew at once
with whom he had been conversing.
The description fitted perfectly. Reiley
is slightly over five and a half feet
tall, slim and wears a long coat re
sembling a rain coat.
Reiley was tired out of Danville
Tuesday morning about 10 o'clock af
ter spending the night in the lock-up.
He does not seem to be traveling very
fast as it took him one whole day to
reacli Kipp's Run.
In Honor of Birthday.
A birthday party was given at the j
home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Shultz, |
West Hemlock township, Saturday |
evening in honor of .Mr? Shultz's fifty- ■
fifth birthday. A sumptuous dinner
was served and a most enjoyable time
was spent bv all.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Shultz, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Shultz, Mr. and Mrs. Barber Shultz,
Mr. aud Mrs. A. J. Balliet, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Greenly,of Jerseytown;
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Reichart,Mr. and
Mrs. William Laubach, Mr. aud Mrs. ,
Charles Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Lockhoof, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Win- j
tersteen, Mrs. Charles Wintersteen, of
near Jerseytown; Mrs. ChesterT. Bal
liet, Reuben Laubach ; Misses Florence
Shultz, Ruby Shultz, Elsie Winter
steen, Joy Billheim, Grace Greenly,
Agues Billheim, Grace Shultz, Beryl
Greenly, Murial Shultz, Ethel Reich
art, Mildred Shultz, Coral Winter*
steeu, Allen Shultz, Harry Lockhoof,
Ralph Wintersteen, Willard Reichart,
Malcolm Lockhoof, Edwin Laubach,
Graut Greenly, Victor Lockhoof, Ray
mond Reichart, Warren Laubach, Jay
Thomas, Reginald Shultz, Harvey
Returned to Danville.
W. B. Grubb, who since last July
has been employed at Penu Yau, New
York, yesterday mt ruing returned to
Danville and will once more enter the
employ of D. C. Hunt, at the latter's
wagon works. Mr. Grubb is a carriage
painter and ornamental decorator of
extraordinary abilit}.
William Minier, a highly esteemed
resident of Riverside, and a well
known veteran of the civil war, died
suddenly Sunday morning, the cause
of death being neuralgia of the heart.
The deceased had beeu in ill health
for a mouth p.-fcst. He, however, wus
able to be about and Saturday seemed
to show no symptoms of illness. He
ate a hearty supper Saturday evening ;
lie slept well during the night aud on
awakening about fi o'clock Sunday
morning he seemed exceptionally
bright aud cheerful. He looked out of
the window —made a remark about the
weather and immediately fell back
upon the pillow and expired.
The deceased was iu his sixty-third
year and is survived bv his wife, two
sons, Cornelius, of Danville, and Heb
er, of Suubury,aud one daughter, Mrs.
Oliver Farley, of this city.
The deceased was formerly a mem
ber of the school board of Riverside.
He has an excellent war record aud is
a member of the Union Veteran Legion
of Bloomsburg ; aud of Goodrich Post
No. 22, G. A. R., of this city.
He eulisted on December 20,1861, as
a private in battery F, First Regi
ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers Artil
lery to serve three years under Cap
taiu E. W. Matthews, Captain R. B.
Ricketts.aud Captain T. W. Campbell.
He shared the fortunes of the reai
mout in the following engagements:
Potomac River, Buukcr Hill, New
tiwn, Rappahannock,Oaks, Campaign
in Virginia, Thoroughfare Gap, Cedar
Mountain, Second Bull Run, Chaucel
lorsville, Soutli Mouutain, Antietam,
Vicksburg, Salem Heights, Gettysburg,
Bristol Station and Mine Run.
He was discharged December 21,
1808, at Mountain Creek, Va., on ac
count of enlistment as a veteran in the
same battery and regiment to serve
three years under Captain R. B. Rick
etts, Captain J. F. Campbell and Col.
R. M. West. He was engaged at Wild
erness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor,
Petersburg, Welton Railroad, Mine
Explosion,Treebles Farm,and Appom
attox. He was finally aud honorably
discharged, Juue 10th., 1865, at Harris
Buried With Full nilitary Honors.
William Minier,whose sudden death
oocurred ou Sunday morning, was laid
to rest in Odd Fellows' cemetery yes
terday afternoon. The fuueral was
distinctively a military one and was
largely attended.
The services were condnoted by Rev.
L. D. Ulrich, pastor of the Trinity
Lutheran church. The pall bearers
were chosen from among the members
of the Union Veteran Legion and
Goodrich Post No. 22 G. A. R., and
were as follows: James F. Kennedy,of
Milton ; HenVy Wiremau, East Dan
ville, and Peter G. Baylor,South Dan
ville, represeuting the U. V. L., and
William M. Heddens, J. W. DeSliay
aud B. F. Landau, of this city, rep
resenting the G. A. R.
The deceased had a fine military rec
ord aud his surviving comrades left
nothing undone that would reflect
honor on his memory. Tho casket was
draped in a large American flag. Three
large liackloads of veteraus followed
the remains to the grave. The deceas
ed was given a full military burial,
the closing ceremony, with the bugle
call, being very impressive. The fir
ing squad was made up of Sons of
Among the members of the Union
Veteran Legion present from out of
town wore the following : C. S. Foru
wald, G. W. Mears, Zachariah Thom
as, Lewis Cohen, of Bloomsburg, and
James F. Keuuedy, of Milton, the lat
ter during the wai being a messmate
of the deceasod for three years and
eleven months.
Among the flowers was a beautiful
tribute from the Union Veteran
Legion, the design being in the form
of the U. V. L. shield, aud was com
posed of white roses and white carna
Weighing Party.
A sled load of people from near
Mausdale were very pleasantly enter
tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Boyd Biliheim in West Hemlock town
ship, Tuesday evening. A most enjoy
able evening was spent with music
aud games. Refresiimeuts were served.
Thoso present were Mr. and Mrs.
Boyd Biliheim, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
T. Balliet, Misses Prudence Blizzard,
Chrisßie Frazior, Mary Sliultz, Eva
Nephew, Bertha Moser, Winnie Boyer,
Joy Biliheim, Marjorie Nephew, Alice
Applemau, Agues Biliheim, Alice
Hester; Messrs. Elijah . Strauser,
George Tanner, Horace Applemau,
Harry Moser, Myron Beyer, Augustus
Tauuer. Wilbur Biliheim, and Master
Kimber Biliheim.
The Greeusburg Review is apparent
ly very much dissatisfied with the
present administration of the pure
food department and olamorß for a
change iu methods. It thinks the re
tailer lias been badgered by the depart
ment, unmindful of two facts— the
health of the people must be protect
ed, aud the State cannot get after
manufacturers or jobbers residing iu
other States. Now, however, the na
tional govorumeut will probably be
dependent upon to reach the manu
facturer who does not live in the State
whilo the retailer will be unmolested.
A spell of rain just now would
cause flood conditions on tlie river.
j Court convened at 10 a. in yester
| day for tlie purpose of taking up the
j matter of license transfers. His Honor
j Judge Evans ami Associate L W. Wei
liver were on the bench.
The petition of James Ryan for a
transfer of license from his present
j stand, No. 52C>, to No. 500,Mi1l street,
| the hearing of whit h was to have taken
: place next Monday, was withdrawn
and a new application was filed.
Mr. Ryan in his petition asking
leave to withdraw former applica
tion set forth that on the sth day of
j March, 1907, he presented his applica
( tion or petition to the court praying
I for a transfer of license—that the ap
plication was published in two issues
of three newspapers.
The petitioner was informed and be
lieves that said publication was not in
accordance with the law regulating
such matters and that a transfer of
license without publication as provid
ed by the act of May 13, 1887, would
be void and of no effect.
The petitioner.therefore.prayed that
leave be granted him to withdraw hie
application aud that he be permitted
to file another application and that the
court should direct and desiguate in
what newspapers aud for what length
of time the said publication should be
The court on reading the application
granted tho petitioner leave to with
draw his petitiou as prayed for.
The new location as described by
James liyan in his second application
for a transfer of license is at the
North oast corner of Mill and Centre
streets. The premises, occupied br
Pursel & Montgomery as a store, have
been purchased by James Ryan during
the year past.
The petitioner sets forth that he was
born in Danville and that for twenty
five years past lie lias been a resident
of the third ward. He represents that
the building No. 5'!H, Mill street, oc
cupied at present, does not afford ad
equate accommodations for the increas
ing demands of the public; that a
large portiou of the patronage is com
posed of farmers and transient patrons
from the couutry, who demand more
commodious accommodations for them
selves, their horses aud wagons; that
the present stable accommodations are
entirely inadequate and not of easy
The petitioner further represents
that he is "desirons to obtain a li
cense to vend vinous, spiritous, malt,
and brewed liquors in quantities loss
than one quart" iu a certain house
situated as above described aud known
as No. 500, Mill street, aud for that
purpose desires that the license hereto
fore granted to liini be transferred to
the location last described,for the rea
son that the latter buildiug is a two
story brick equipped with all modern
conveniences, having more light and
better accommodations lor the travel
ing public,the lot on which the build
ing is located having orected thereon
a large aud commodious stable.
The conrt directed the application
to be filed and the 3rd day of April at
10 o'clock was fixed for the hearing.
The wholesale liquor license grant
ed to J. T. Fiudlev at No. 311 Mill
street was transferred to the new pro
prietor, John Bateiuan.
Big Mill Burned at Herndon.
Fire, involving the loss of property
worth from $15,000 to $20,000, broke
out in Herndon at 10:40 o'clock yester
day morning. Bogar & Bingamen's
flour mill aud three warehouses of
George Deppen are totally destroyed.
Tho blaze started in the flour mill
and rapidly spread throughout the
buildiug. Before anyone was aware
that there was a fire it had gained
such headway that there was no hope
of saving tho mill. Sparks and pieces
of burning wood set fire to George
Deppen's warehouses situated nearby.
Practically all the able bodied men
of Herndon turned out to fight the
flames. There is no fire department in
that town, aud recent agitation has as
yet produced not even a bucket bri
gade. The efforts of the citizens were
to confine the conflagration to as
small au area as possible. At twelve
o'clock the mill and warehouses were
still burning uncontrolled, but there
were strong hopes that one, of the
warehouses might be saved.
Earl Deppeu, son of Geo. Deppen
aud brother of Geo. E. Deppen, of
Suubury, was overcome by the dense
smoke in the mill while trying to re
cover important papers and other
valuable property. Several men rushed
into the building and found him ly
ing on the floor unconscious. They
carried him out aud he soon revived.
Bogar & Bingeman's mill is one of the
largeßt iu the lower end of Northum
berland county. It is a total loss.
Tho fire was brought under control
at noon. Three warehouses wero total
ly destroyed besides the mill. Repre
sentatives of the insurance companies
estimate the total loss to be flfi.OOO.
On the flour mill SBOOO insurance is
carried by the Pennsylvania Millers*
Mutual Co., aud SSOO by Walton
Rhoades, of Sunbury.
Called on Friends.
Daniel Huber, of Catawissa, spent
Snnday with old friends In South Dan
ville, where he formerly held the posi
tion of gateman at the Pennsy cross
Born at Wllkes-Barre.
Prof, and Mrs. J. W. Taylor are tb»
parents of a baby girl, born Saturday
morning at Wilkes-Barre.