Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, December 14, 1906, Image 1

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iiEi mm
The ordinance to amend several sec
tions of market ordinance and increase
the schedule of market fees, which was
introduced in council at the previous
meeting, was knocked out on the sec
ond readiug Friday night.
The subject provoked a vast amount
of discussion, daring which the pro
ceedings became quite noisy and con
siderable feeling was displayed by
somo of the members.
Mr. Vastine held that the ordinance
was passed irregularly on first reading.
Dr. Swoisfort, who occupied the chair
on that occasiou, held that the motion
was legally entertained. He explain
ed. however,that sever.il of the butch
ers of town upon learning that the
ordinance in its amended form impos
es a market fee of 50 cents upon the
resident as well as upon the nou-resi
dout butchers, since the last meeting
have begun to look upon the amend
ment with less favor. In addition, he
said,lie could not regard it as prudent
to raise the market foe on the farm
ers, who at present find the burden
they have to bear quite heavy enough.
Although in favor of the amendment
at the last meeting ho said he was now
prepared to vote against the whole
thing and lot the ordinance stand as
it is. Nearly all the members seemed j
to bo of the same opinion and when it
camo to a vote the ordinance was
knocked out by the following vote :
Nays—Vastine, Sweisfort, Russell,
Buyer, Dietz, Woodsido, Jacobs, Gib
son and Angle.
On motion of Mr. Dietz some need- \
ed repairs were ordered to bo made at I
the Good Will hose house.
On motion it was ordered that the j
street commissioner examine the drain i
at Cherry and Spruce streets, and to
determine what causes the flooding of
Mrs. Levers' cellar; also that the prop
erty owner whose drain is found to
contain a defect which causes the trou
ble be notified to make necessary re
The ordinance to prohibit the dis
tribution of samples of medical and
food preparations, medical and food
books, etc., was presented to council.
The proposed ordinance was a little
more sweepug than was originally in
tended, prohibiting the distribution
of medical almauacs, etc., as well as
samples of medicine. Dr. Newbaker
and Dr. Stock were presout and each
spoke in favor ot' the ordinance as
presented. Some discussion ensued,
after which the ordinance passed on
first reading.
The sewer ordinance as amended
adopted on the third and final
The ordinance for licensing transi
ent retail merchants passed council on
second reading.
Treasurer Harry Ellenbogen present
ed a statement of finances to date,
which showed a total cash balance on
hand of 189. 6 08
Borough Electrician Newton Smith
presented a report tor tlie mouth of
November. Eighty-three tons of coal
were consumed at $2.50 per tou which
amounted to $307.50: The total cost of
operating the plant for the month was
$804,38. The plant was in operation
882 hours.
J. H. Woodsido. the member-elect
from the second ward to fill the unex
pired term of T. W. Bodea, was on
hand and having taken the oath of his
office took his seat among the council
man. Othor members present were :
Gibson, Eisenhart, Dietz, Boyer, Vas
tine, Sweisfort, Russell, Angle and
A communication from G. J. Ray,
division engineer of the D. L. & W.
railroad company, was read before
council, relating to the Church street
sewer. Engineer Ray explained that
he had sent an agreement relating to
placing the pipe under the tracks of
the compauy to Ilobokeu for approval;
also that he had requested that pipe
be furninshed just as soon as possible
and unloaded at Church street. He
states that it will bo on the ground in
a few days.
It is understood that the D. L. &
W. railroad company will furnish the
pipe free of cost and the borough of
Danville will do all the work neces- j
*ary to install the drain. Work will ;
begin on the sinking of the pipe as
soon as possible to the end that the
newer may bo completed in all its
parts before winter sets in.
On motion of Mr. Boyer the secre
tary was instructed to communicate
with Judge Koch relative to the con
dition of Bloom street between A
street and Ferry street. Bloom street
between the abovo points, which was
dug up when the trolley line was
built, it was urged, has never been
placed iu 'as go.od a coud itioiuas it was
before the surface was dug up.
. Or. Sweisfort repirted that the P.
& K. railroad company has closed the
crossing at Cross street. The railroad
company .to divert travel has placed a
substantial guard on each' >ide of the
' track.
On motion of Mr Uussnll it was ord
eVefl that tlie property oCnfrrsbo notifi
ed to repair the "tar pavement",
which is iu a very had oouditiou, be
ing full of holes, which in timc3 of
ftre full of water, making it bad
•for pedestrians. It was docided that
, .the r f et>airs might'tye <»f a temporary
nature, merely to last until spring.
- ■
Early Christmas shopping means
•ase aud comfort when the big day
That, Mrs. Elizabeth Krebs, the
Northumberland woman who is under
S6OO bail to appear in this city at the
Jauuary term of court to auswer to the
charge of shoplifting, is in a critical
condition suffering from a nervous
breakdown that borders on prostration,
is the statement of Mr. Frank Frolich,
a cousin of Mrs. Krebs, who was in
this city yesterday.
I Mr. Frolich is from Geneva, New
York, ami his trip to this city yoster
day had to do with business connected
with the proceedings that have been
instituted against Mrs. Krebs and her
compauion, Mrs. Laura Hair. During
liis stay in Danville he made a call at
the this office. Iu conversation with
a one of the reporter he described Mrs.
Krebs' condition as most pitiful. She
will lioid conversation with no one and
spends most of her time alone brood
ing over the disgrace that has come to
her. Any attempts to address her or to
console her only serve to induce fresh
outbursts of grief. Mr. Frolich stated
that her friends fear that in < ne of the
attacks of melancholia, Mrs. Krebs
will take her own life.
Mr. Frolich attributed the misdo
ings of the two women to strong drink
and insisted the story to be true that
was told by Mrs. Krebs to a News re
porter at the jail, about taking the
proffered sip of brandy on the train be
tween hero aud Northumberland, aud
this leading to more drinking, which so
benumbed the women's sense of right
that the final fall from grace in this
city came but as the natural and uu
! avoidable sequence,
j In regard to Mrs. Laura Harr, of
whom it was stated in the News sev
eral days ago,that she had disappeared
from Northumberland, Mr. Frolich
said that it is true that she is not in
Northumberland nor yet in Sunbury,
but that she is within easy distance
aud can be called on short notice.
About Teachers* Resolutions.
The "Men aud Matters About the
State"man on the Philadelphia In
quirer has the followiug interesting
remarks to make iu connection with
the resolutions passed aud the resolu
tion not passed by the Montour coun
ty iustitute in session in this city last
Whatever people may think of the
resolutions adopted by the Moutour
couuty public school teachers in their
forty-first annual convention they will
at least be compelled to thiuK some
thing. The Montour teachers are not
down on their knees begging for pen
sions when their time of usefulness
has departed. They want salaries now,
salaries out of which they may save
enough to care for themselves wheu
they are old aud worn out, aud there
is reason in their demand. Iu the
clipping which has been forwarded to
us there is, unfortunately, no mention
of which carried, the resolutions of
which we have spoken or the amend
ment indorsing Superintendent Schaef
fer's theory of a pension. What we
favor is an increase of the salaries of
teachers, independently of any pen
sion, and a proportionate iucrease iu
their qualifications for their work.
Tiie time has gone by when anybody
can teach the district school, no mat
ter where he boards.
The most important provision of the
pension law which it is proposed to
submit to the next legislature is that
to which the Montour county teachers
object. In order that the issue may he
fairly understood T'io luqnirer here
reprints the so-called "pensional pro
All teachers, principals, supervisors
and snperinteurtents who have taught
in the public schools for a period of
not less than thirty years, twenty of
which shall have been in the public
schools of Pennsylvania, may be retir
ed on an annuity equal to half the
average salary received dnring the five
years of employment immediately pre
ceding such retirement, and this an
nuity shall not be less than sioo nor
more than SOOO in any oue year.
As between the actiou taken by the
Montour teachers, who want their
money now, ami the provision of the
act which the next legislature will be
asked to pass there is a sharp differ
ence. We say frankly that there are
arguments on both sides. But which
1 do the teachers,the parties in immedi
-1 ate interest, favor? It is theirs to say.
it is to be regretted that the person
who seut the clipping to the Inquirer
did not seud the whole clipping so
' that the "Men aud Matters About the
> State"man could have enlightened
1 himself as to whether the resolution
' or the amendment passed the iustitute.
11 Tlio Scrautou lodge of Elks is going
* to perform a real Christian service on
.tJie.cQ.niins Christmas by presenting
suits to uo joss than 400 boys an 1 girls
1 who Would otherwise have togo with
1 out. It is a real Christinas service
1 which these Elks are going to observe.
3 | As the Scrautou Republican well says:
"To give suits of clothed to 400 boy a
- and girls whoso parents aro unable tc
- provide adequately for their children
. is to be responsible for real, old fash
- ioned, practical charity, the kind that
112 warms tlTe heart not only of the small
1 boys and girls, but also of the com
t muuity where this generosity is be
y stowed. To feed the hungry aud clothe
the poor iu actual need, and to see
them fed by one's own hand, is about
s as much satisfaction as the average
y kind-hearted person is able to grasp ic
this harrying werld."
: A petition for a writ of certiorari
in the case of the borough of Danville
vs. the D. L. & W. railroad company
was filed in the prothonotary's office
at this place on Saturday.
| The certiorari relates to the suit in- j
stituted by the borough of Danville |
against the D. L. & W. railroad com- j
pauy for running its trains through j
the borough at a speed exceeding eight [
miles an hour, the limit provided by,
the borough ordinance. The actual !
rate of speed attained by (he com-j
pauy's trains near the Reading Iron j
works, it was alleged was twenty-nine )
miles an hour. The representatives of .
the railroad company did not appear, I
bnt Justice of the Peace Ogleshy ren
dered judgment against the company
for twenty dollars and costs.
The petition, whioh is signed by If.
M. Hinckley and Daniel R. Reese, at
torneys for the defendant,requests the
prothonotary to issue the certiorari to
W. V. Oglesbv returnable to next term
of court.
The writ is applied for by E. M.
Rine, superintendent of this division
of the D. L. & W. system, who swears
that the defendant does not apply for
a certiorari in the abovo case for the
purpose of delay,bnt that the proceed
ings proposed to be removed are to the j
best of his knowledge uujnst and ill
egal and if not removed will cause the
defendant to pay more money than is j
justly due.
When the D. L. & W. railroad com- ,
pany failed to appear at the hearing, 1
which was held on November -Ot ii, it
was understood that it would appeal
the case for the purpose of testing the
validity of the borough ordinance re- '<
lating to railway trains, which, it is !
held, is burdensome and unjust This J
is made perfectly plain by the com- j
plaint made by Mr. Rine, on tho
strength of which the certiorari is is
Trolley Rights on Bridge Held Up.
The action of the commissioners of
Columbia and Luzerne counties in
awarding the trolley rights on the
new Berwick bridge to the Columbia
& Montour electric railway company j
was yesterday hold up by Governor
Pennypacker, who on application of;
Attorneys John G. Harmau,of Blooms
burg, and William Eastman, of Har- i
risburg,representing Avery C. Sickles
and the Berwick & Nescopeck electric \
railway company, decided to re-open ■
the entire matter, and give both sides ;
of the trolley question an opportunity j
to present their respective cases to the j
board of public buildings and grounds, j
whioh will sit for that especial pur
pose next Tuesday afternoon, at Har- j
The Berwick & Nescopeck company j
claims that it was not given a fair op- j
portunity to present its caso at tho |
joint meeting of the commissioners of j
the two counties when the trolley j
rights were considered, and that it
was not represented when the question
was taken up and ratified by the board
of public buildings and grounds Tues
day afternoon at Harrisbnrg. It claims
that the board does not rightly under
stand the position of the Berwick &
Nescopeck company; aud when the
matter was placed before the governor
yesterday he decided that the whole
affair should bo re-opened aud both
sides given full opportunity to present
their cases.
Tho Borwick & Nescopeck peoplo
contend that as they have the franch
ises on each sido of the bridge, the
commissioners had no right to give the
bridge rights to the O. &M. Co. All
the latter company could do is to put
a car on the bridge aud run it back
aud forth on the structure, aud could
! not go off at either end. They also
; couteud that the highway of an inter-
I borough bridge belongs to the two
| municipalities, and wlieu they give
franchises for a trolley road the right
to tho bridge goes with it.
Danville Wins From Shamokin.
I An excellent game of basket ball
was witnessed at the armory last even
( iug by a small crowd. The Danville
team played all arouud their opponents
from Shamokin aud defeatod them by
a score of 40 to 26.
It was a good game from start to
fiuisli, aud there were no dull mo
ments. The Danville boys played in
their old time style, passing the ball
very well aud shooting baskets accur
ately. They did not have a walk over
with the Shamokin teasers, however,
for the visitors, too. put np an excel
leut article of ball, but didn't seem
able to couuect. The ball most of the
time was in Shamokin's territory.
, Price aud Gilmore, of Bloomsburg,
were valuable additions to the local
line-up. One of the features of the
game was the fact that the Danville
players wore always close after the
ball,aud the ono-mau playing that has
marred so many of the games on the
local floor was not noticeable in )ast
night's contest.
Danville lined up as follows : For
wards, Johnson 7 ; Gilmore 4; ceuter.
Price; guards, Russell 1, Sechler 6.
Shauiokin's line-up: Forwards,Kase
mau, ClaybergerS; ceuter, Rhoades;
guards, Shoop 7, Long, Seltzer. Goals
from fouls: Sechlei 4, Clay herder 6.
Umpire, Welliver.
New Farmers' 'Phone Line.
A new farmers' telephone line is in
the process of construction between
Elysburg and Shamokin running by
1 way of Bear Gap. The poles for the
1 line bave all been erected, and part of
tb« wire strung
The commission of lunacy appointed
a year ago is busy carrying ont its in
structions to investigate the various
insane asylums of the State, while the
State board of public charities is equ
ally active in figuring on the appropri
ations the legislature shall bo asked to
make this year to the various charit
able institutions of the State. Dr. J.
Nicholas Mitchell, secretary of the
State board of lunacy,was in Danville,
Sunday, Decembor 2nd,and looked ov
er the hospital for the insane On
Thursday he was followed by G. W.
Ryan of Shamokiu aud P. O. Bolye of ;
Oil City, members of the State board i
of public charities, who also closely j
looked into the wants of the institu
At a meeting of the Stato board of i
lunacy held in Philadelpha Saturday
Dr. J. Nicholas Mitchell made a re- I
port, which embraced what he discov
ered in Danville aud elsewhere The
report* iu part reads as follows:
"The excess of patients at Danville
is 333; at Norrlstown, (>32 aud at Har
risbnrg,9o. We have no money to care
for these patients, as the appropria
tions were cut off by the governor. 1
recommend that this commission ask
the legislature early iu the session to
appropriate $600,000 for the purpose of
relieving conditions of the insane.
"In future buildings for the insane,
the wards should be built on the cot- |
tage plan. Patients should be placed j
iu small, airy buidliugs, scattered ov- j
er the grouud, instead of being herd-1
ed iu one large building.
"There are 1779 more insane pati
ents in the State hospitals than there
is room for. These patients are not
properly housed
"1 do not mean, however, that the
insane are not properly treated. With
the facilities at their command, the
various hospitals are doiuggood work
The semi-hysterical statements made
from time to time that the insane are
not properly treated, that thev are com
polled to lie on bare floors, are not so.
"It is true that patients sleep iu tiie
corridors,but they sleep there ou oots.
The only danger arising from these!
over crowded conditions would be ill <
case of fire, when, with the corridors
crowded with the sleeping iuatme.imk
of great loss of life would bo incurred.
"There is au increase this year of
713 patients, where in former years
the increase was only 000. The county
care of the insane has reached the lim
it, and today both the State aud coun
ty institutions are overflowing. There
must be a remedy. The number of iu
sauo will increase every year, and we
must look to the future."
The trustees of the hospital for the i
insane hero will ask for au appropria- !
tiou of some $400,000. The appropria
tion of $85,000 m-ide by the last legis
lature for temporary buildings, which
were never erected, will go back to the
State. To reliovo overcrowding here
the trustees will ask that a female iu- i
flrmary bo erected and the building 1
serving as au infirmary on the male
side bo greatly enlarged by the build
ing of au auuoxaud by adding another
Not ouly Dr. Mitchell but the two
members of the board of public char
ities who followed him expressed them
selves as heartily in accord with tho
plan to erect a female infirmary and
to enlarge the male infirmary. Their
recommendations to the legislature
will be accordingly audit seems alto
gether probable that the trustees will
get all that tney ask for.
Exchange Wants Electricity.
What uext at Exchange? is a hard
question to answer these days, when
the minds of the people of that bustl
ing village keep turuing from one im
provement to another with lightning
rapidity. Now they have a scheme out
there for lighting their town with
Some of the energetic miuded citi-
Reus have been watching the waste
water at the dam at the Yeagel mill,
and now have struck upou the idea oi'
utilizing the waste power to run a
dynamo that will furnish more than
I enough electricity to supply the needs
i just at prosout. To think is to act at
Exchange, so there is small reason to
doubt but that they will carry their
project into execution.
Wedding in Limestone.
The home of Calvin Derr, in Lime
stone township, was the sceue yester
day of a very pretty wedding, when
Miss Ella M. Snyder aud John Mack
were joined in matrimouy.
The ceremony was performed by
Kev. J. H. Manifold, of Turbotville.
at high noon, before a number of in
vited guests. After the ceremony an
elaborate dinner was served and Mr
and Mrs. Mack left for a wedding trip
to Philadelphia.
The groom is from Pottsgrove, where
he is known as one of the rising yonnj?
men of that village. The bride, who
has resided at the home of Mr. Deri
for a number of years, is also well and
favorably known.
Jewish Holiday.
Haukua, a Jewish holiday, is being
observed, beginning last evening, and
the jolity of the event will continue
fir a week. The occasion is known as
the "Feast of the Lights," and cele
brates the anniversary ol* the victor
ious Maccabees over tho Syrians.
Throughout the laud the Jew will ob
serve the holiday with merry making
and the giving of preseuts. This boii
day, like Christmas,brings "peaceaud
good will to men. N
11 Mr. aud Mrs. W. L. Sidler, daugh
ter Margaret aud son Houry returned
Saturday from a trip to Philadelphia.
Mrs. John Denuen. Miss Alice Den
uen aud Mrs. W. S. Ditslerspent Suu
j dav at the home of Prothouotary
Thomas Law lor at Sunbury.
j W. W. Dudley, of Lancaster, spout
; Sunday with his sou, W. li. Dudley,
, at hotel Baldy.
i Robert M. Jacobs spent Sunday
with his brother, Georgo Jacobs at
I Susquehanna university, Seliusgrovo.
j Arthur Lloyd, of Berwick, spent
Sunday with friends in this city.
| Miss Jeiinio Aten returned Saturday
• fiom a visit with frieuds in Wyom
I Austin Klaso, of Berwick, spent
yesterday with relatives in this city.
I W. A. Sechler and Jay Sechler re
turned Saturday from a trip to Phila-
I delpliia.
Joseuh Y. Sechter.of Sunbury, spent
Sunday at his home in this city.
Misss Loreua aud Elsie Gulick re
turned Saturday from a visit with
friends iu Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C Swayze left Sat
urday for Northampton, whero they
will visit their daughter, Mrs. Bam-
U'*l Holney.
Mifs Mayme Flanagan spent Sunday
with friends in Northumberland.
Frank A. Brown returned last even
ing from a three weeks' vacation spent
with friends ia Readiug,Philadelphia
aud New York City.
Miss Mary Ryan left yesterday for a
j visit with friends in Waverly.
' Harry K luffmau was iu Hazleton
yesterday attending the wedding of a
i j relative.
F H Vauuau returned yesterday
' morning from Oarboudale, where he
| attended the funeral of his brother.
Mrs. B Frances Wagner arrived at
Exchange last evening for a visit
among frieuds.
A Problem to be Solved.
i Truant Officer Young has not much
i difficulty iu keopiug indifferent pupils
'j iu school this kind of weather. In oth
er words it is not the truants that give
I him so much trouble as the class of
pupils who aie detained at home
I through the waut of suitable clothing.
| This class—which should bo put
down on the list of unfortunates—ex
ists in every town aud increases very
rapidly as winter wears ou. They are
a source of cpnstaut trouble to the tru
ant officer, who is expected to see to
| it that all children of certaiu age are
lat school aud ytt is not supplied with
j a fund to purchase shoes and othor
necessary clothing for the half desti
tute little oues, wlieu it happens, uu
der tne stress of circumstaucos. that
these are compelled to remain at home.
Truaut Officer Young yesterday stat
ed that fow people have any idea of
the real extent of grinding poverty
that exists iu a town like this iu even
fairly good times. There is not a day,
he said,, but he wituesses many a de
pressing spectacle in making his
' i rounds. Upou calling at bouses to do
, termiuo why pupils are not kept iu
school it is no unusual thiug to find
' bare floors, a scant table aud tho chil
dren ill-clad aud literally baro footed.
Mr. Young is accouutod ono of the
1 best truaut officers that Danville ever
possessed, but it is impossible for him
|to bring the abseutees into school in
I the face of obstacles such as he eu
j counters.
The law provides that all children
I ,of school ago must attend but it makes
i no provision lor furnishing clothing
' when the need of this keeps them at
home. Right hera the thought sug
: j gests itself that philanthropically in
-5 clined porsous iu every town could do
i ! no hotter thau to uuito in some effort
! having as its object thq clcthiug of j
- | children belonging to families such as j
j above described. Thus would these |
, helpless and suffering bits of humanity !
be rendered comfortable aud self-re
i specting aud at the same time be en- i
i abiod to share iu the benefits of our
i; freo school system,which might bo ex- :
t | pected to lift them above tho plane of
) abject poverty aud make of them self
* supporting men and women.
Holding His Own.
M. F. Uuilek, of South Danville, j
whose critical illness of pueumonia '
was noted iu the News yesterday,
at last accounts continues very ill at,
the Medico Chirurgical hospital in
I Philadelphia.
! Mr. Gulick was not in good health
: for some time preceding his present
' illness. He was iu Philadelphia uu
! dergoing special treatment, when ty- .
phoid pneumonia developed, his wife
! beiug with him at the time.
When his condition became grave on
Tuesday afternoon, his brother,W. W.
Gulick aud his two daughters, who
were attending school in Danville,
' were snmmoued to Philadelphia. The
brother left on the 4:31 train, the two
daughters following ou the 7 :ol train,
accompanied by Jesso Shannon, broth
j er-in-law of M. F. Gulick.
All day yesterday news from the sick
mau was very auxiously awaited by
frieuds on tho South side and in Dan
ville. Last night- Mrs. W. W. Gulick
had a talk witfctjie watchers over the
long distance telephone aud learned
that the sick man was still holding
1 i his own,although his condition isstill
regarded as very grave.
Tho school board Monday eve took
action on the Christmas vacation. Af- ,
ter talking over the matter, on motiou
of Mr. Orth, it was decided that the ,
schools close for the holidays on Dec
ember 21st . aud reopen ou January ,
It was found, too, that tho holidays
will affect the next meeting of the
school boarn,the regular date of which
occurs, on Christmas eve. Iu order that
the gentlemen of the hoard may be
with their families ou that festive oc
casion, ou motion of Mr. Pursel, it
was ordered that tho uext mooting of
tho board be postponed until Decern- ,
bor 31st.
Borough Superintendent Gordy re
ported that tho institute held last week
was one of exceptional interest. The .
teachers, he said, declare that they
wore very much beuefited by tho in
struction received, all of which was
very gratifying to ihe superintendent .
and to the directors.
It happens that Ilia school board is
somewhat annoyed by persons who ap- j
pear at tiie directors' meetings to air
their grievances instead of appeariug
before tho grievance committee, which
was appointed to attend to such mat- |
ters. It is probably no fault of the
persons who intrude, as they may not
have been informed that such a body
as a grievauco committoo exists. The
board is concerned at present with
briugiug the fact before tho public j
that there is a grievance committee to ;
which all little jars that occur be- !
tween teacher aud [iuj.il, which aro ,
taken up at home, must be brought by j
tho parents.
On motiou of Mr. Fischer,the chair- i
mau of the supply committee was in- ,
structod to uotify tho janitor of tho i
First ward that henceforth no articles '
shall be purchased for tho schools with j
out first bringing the matter heforo
the supply comuiitteo.
Treasurer Schram reported that the
school districts, whicti have pupils in j
our high school reported last mooting 1
as in arrears, have since settled with j
the Danville school board.
Tax Receiver E. W. Peters appeatod
b foro the school board ou business i
counoctoil with the settlement of his '
tax duplicate. Speaking of the claims •
for unpaid tax which have been enter- I
ed at tho courthouse, he explained that j
thirteen have beeu paid aud that the
mouey is hold at tho prothouotary (
office; all those over and above that .
number, whose taxes are entered, he
said, ne has notified to settle directly
with him, so that there will bo no 1
further complications as far as getting
hold of the taxes is concerned.
Ralph Kisuer.attoruey for the school
board, appeared at the meetiug, ad vis- '
ing the board as to its truo position '
relating to the tax that has been paid
into the prothouotary ollico. Iu oider
to enablo the tax r:ceiver to get hold
of the mouey paid on tax liens enter- ,
ed iu the school district's name,he ad- ,
vised that the school board make au
assiguineutof its luterest in the claims ,
that are paid to tho tax receiver, who =
in turn will pay the tax over to tho :
school board.
Some discussion followed, after
which, ou motiou of Dr. Harpel it
was ordorod that tho president aud ;
secretary confer with tho other three ,
bodies interested in tho tax liens aud
if these agree to take similar action,
then the school board enter into the |
assignment as advised by Attorney ,
Ttie followiug members were pres
ent: Burns, Orth, Swarts, Pursel,Fish, I
Fischer, Truuibower, Harpel, Heiss, ■
Lutz aud Grune.
The following bills were approved
for payment:
John Hixsou .. $3 37
A. M. Peters 1.00
G. A. Rossiuau 33.65
Johu Koim 5.52
I Standard Gas Co 2 90
10. M. Loniger .. 7.50
, Adams Express Co 1.75
j American Book Co . 19.20
Trouble on Farmers Line.
! Trouble is being experienced ou the
j new farmers' telephone line that is ,
being erected between Shamokiu aud
Elysburg, and which was spoken of
teveral days ago as being in the course
!of construction The lino is beiug
built by the Bell company and certain
, of the farmers object to the contract
| which they are asked to sign, aud
1 which exempts the company from any
damages after the payment of SI.OO for
; the privilego of plauting poles along
' their farms. ,
J Some of the farmers threaten to cut
: dowu the poles if planted along their
land. Harry Helwig, who resides iu
the outskirts or Elysburg is one of tho
. most violent and has had a large bar
ricade constructed ou his farm, higher~
tliau tho wires will bo strected to pre
vent tho company from placing the
poles along tho road abuttiug on his
It appears that the company is pay
ing but $1 to a farmer for the privil
ege of planting the poles ou his farm
aud that tho contract iu the farmer's
opiniou is all ono sided. By tho ac- '
ceptauce of the dollar tho farmor must* J
sign a contract that ho will not hold
tho company responsible for any dam
age that might result by wires beiug
torn or poles falliug. t
That they aro indignant is certaiu ]
from conversatious'ou the subject with t
a number of tho farmers, and it looks .
as though the constructing of that liue
through the country will not go as (
•mootbly as is anticipated. <
One of the most sensational runaway
accidents that has taken place here
about in a long time occurred Tues
day morning, whou a loaded milk
wagou with the driver iusido was pre
cipitated down over au eight foot em
bankment,landing upside down ou the
railroad track, just about the time a
fast freight was due.
Tiie accident occurred ou the State
highway uear the borough liue about
half past seven o'clock, the victim be
ing Clark Dyer,the well-kno.vu dairy
Mr. Dyer,with his wagou well load
ed with milk.a large portion of which
was contained in bottles,left his home
uorthwest of Mooresburg, at tho usual
hour. As ho was approachiug town
about midway between the company
barn aud tho P. & R. railroad cross
ing one of the single trees- became
loose. Asa consequence tho team flew
ahead, the result beiug that tin neck
yoke slipped off tho end of the touguo,
which caused the latter to drop to the
grouud. Wlieu this occurred the team
was trotting along at a fast clip. Wlieu
the tongue dropped it instantly caught
j in the grouud, while tho wagon, car
! ried onward b> tho momentum, wlieu
suddeuly checked rose iu the air turn
ing nearly a complete somersault,fall
ing dowu over the steep embankment
ou the south side of the highway aud
landing top downward ou the railroad
j track.
As the wagou weut over tho horses,
j held ouly by one single tree,tore loose
aud with the lines dragging after them
I dashed down into town.
Tho accident was wituosed by Henry
| Shutt who conducts a wheel wright
! shop a little south of tho P. & R.
! crossing.as well as by a couple of otli-
I ers. Mr. Shutt knew that tho north
bound fast freight was nearly due and
! as fast as he could he rau to the spot
to impart that information aud to reu
| dor what assistance he could.
Tho wagon lay upou the track the
top uearly a total wreck,while broken
bottles aud spilt milk added to the
' aspect of ruin. Mr. Dyer was in the
closed wagou would have had no
i opportuuity to escape even if ho would
I liavo had time to jump. Nothing re
mained for him but togo dowu over
| the embaukuieut with the wagon.
| It was a fearful position to be in.
Deluged with milk and in the midst
of broken bottles with his heels more
thau ouce higher than his head his ex
perience was one uever to be forgotten
aud that ho escaped death or terrible
injury is remarkable. Ho was much
bruised aud cut about tiie face, the
worst gash occurring ou his nose. Tho
blood flowed profusely, but it was lat- i
or discovered that uouo of tlie wouuds
were serious.
Mr. Shutt, assisted by the other
gentlemen,whoso names have not been
ascertained, began at once to clear tho j
track and after a good bit of tugging i
aud hard pulliug succeeded iu getting J
tho wagon out of the way just as tho I
fast freight camo bowling aloug. It J
was this one circumstance, that tho ;
freight train was about due, that con
stituted such a grave elomeutof peril,
for had tho accideut occurred but a
few minutes later the wagon with its
imprisoned driver might have been
precipitated ou the track almost under
the wheels of the fast freight.
The runaway team as it came dash
ing in North Mill street minus the
wagon caused much excitement, as it
was clear that a bad driving accideut j
had takeu place. While people were i
busy coujecturiug what had occurred
the team caused fresh oxcitemout by
performing a stunt that was not look
ed for. Just opposite the armory the
lines became entaugled in the hind
loot of oue of the horses, which pulled
both auimals up onto the terrace at
the residence of A. 11. Groue. Reach
ins; the top the horsos, further entangl
ed, fell aud rolled dowu to the bottom,
lauding upou their backs ou tho side
walk. This experieuce took some of
the spirit out of the horses aud they
were easily caught.
Mr. Dyer lost nearly all his milk.
Ten bottles were not broken and about
oue half of the contents of a can of
milk was saved. The tongue snapped
off about three feet from where the
double tree was fastened, while the |
top is generally wrecked, the roof be- ;
iug eutirely missing.
The accident happeued at a point i
where the embaukuieut, some eight j
feet high, is unprotected by a guard
rail. Eastward aud Westward the em
bankment is amply protected. That a
guard rail should have beeu erected at
this spot is clearly demonstrated by
the accideut that occurred.
A Wide Difference.
The congressional candidates in Ly
comiug county have filed their expense
accounts, showing a wide difference
in the amouuts of money speut by the
two men, Elias Deemer aud William
B. Wilson. William B Wilson, the
successful Democratic candidate, says
that it cost him S9BO to be elected,
while Elias Deemer, the defeated Re
publicau candidate, swears that his
run cost him $7915.
Pleasant Family Reunion.
A pleasant family reunion was held
at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. O. C.
Ritter, East Market street,ou Suuday.
J J . F. Ritter and 11. P Ritter, of Mil
ton, werb present; also J. M. Ritter,
of East Dautille.aud Mrs. D. S. Lynn
of Philadelphia.
William Taylor, aii old and widely
known resident of Montour county,de
parted this life about 4 o'clock jester*
day afternoon at his home in Moores
The deceased was a native of Eng
land. Ho was 87 years of age and came
to America i irly manhood, settling
in Dauville. lie was a stone mason by
occupation, having learned the trade
in Euglaud. After finishing his ap
prenticeship and before emigrating to
this country he was employed for sev
eral months as one of the builders of
t Lord Nelson's monument in Trafalgar
I Square, London. For many years he
had charge of the mason work at the
plant hero.now owned by the Reading
iron company and as a builder and re
pairer of furnaces was considered re
markably expert.
About thirty-five years ago he pur
chased a farm at Mooresburg and took
up his residence upon it. He, how
ever.did not sever his connection with
the Reading iron works and to illust
rate the man's vigor and emlurauce it
might be cited that day after day he
walked backwards and forwards be
tween his homo and his work a dist
auco of six miles.
His physical soundness and remark
able vigor continued to be a charact
eristic until a short time before his
I death. He was a man also of strong
I mantality, his memory being remark
able. Of generous impulses, genial
aud companionable he had many
frieuds. His death was preceded by a
i three mouth's illness due to the in
firmities of ago.
The deceased was a widower, his
wife preceding him to the grave a
number of years ago He is survived
by one sou, Nathaniel Taylor, of Phil
adelphia, aud two daughters, Mrs.
Henry Vincent and Mrs. Ephraim
Eowor,botii of this county. Mrs. Mary
A. Davis, a sister, of Springfield, 0.,
also survives at the age of 83.
The funeral will be held Saturday
at 11 a. m.from the late residence.
Interment will take place in Odd Fel
low's cemetery. East Danville.
Chief Burgess Affixes Signature.
The amended sower ordinance, which
passed council on the third and final
reading on Friday night, has been
signed by Chief Burgess Rogers aud
all that remains now is to publish it
as required by law when it will be iu
full force.
Although the change in sewer rates
was made to satisfy a well justified
clamor, yet it was accomplished only
after a most determined opposition on
the part of those who arranged the
schedule of charges, which with its
connection fee aud yearly rental prov
ed so burdensome aud obnoxious to the
people. Another circumstance which
seemed to stand in the way of auy
change in the schedule was the fact
that along the several miles of sewer
age already installed property owners
had paid the ten dollars connection
fee aud obligated themselves to meet
the yearly rental for all time. Any
proposition, therefore, which looked
to a change of rates was bound to com
plicate matters. The advocates of re
vision, however, saw a way ont, and
by making a personal canvass of prop
erty owners who had couuected they
succeeded iu gaining their consent to
fully adjust the matter by paying ad
ditional what was required to raise the
connection fee paid by them to the
sum called for iu tho revised rates.
The ten dollars charged for the priv
ilege of couneiting under the origin
al ordiuauce met with no particular
opposition. It wa9 the yearly rental
which was dreaded and which, it was
held, was deterring property owners
from couuectiug with the sewer, so
that the spleudid utility iustalled by
the borough at so much expense was
iu a great measure lying idle.
Uuder tho original ordiuauce every
dwelling house,besides paying the con
nectiou fee, was taxed as rental $3 per
year; the rental for saloon aud dwel
ling combined was $8 per year; rental
for hotels was $lO per year. Factories
were taxed $25 per year.
Under the ordiuauce as amended and
adopted the connection fee is raised,
but that is the last of it; all rental is
cutoff. Neither is the fee for connect
ing exorbitant. Twenty dollars pays
for the privilege of couuecting one
dwelling. For each additional house
on tho samo connection when tiie own
er is the same ten dollars additional ie
charge Thus a person who owns a
double house will pay s:jo for both; or
if he owns a block of four houses on
one connection he will pay SSO.
Under tho revised ordiuauce sewer
aue is much less burdensome. While
it is true that approximately a mile
of sewer exteusious was made last
summer, yet by uo means nearly all
the property owners availed them
selves of the privilege of couuecting.
The effect of cutting down the cost
will be to make sewerage more popu
lar and there is uo doubt that in re
spouse to public demand the exten
sions next season will have to be car
ried into the fourth ward.
The lutelligeucer was among the
first to advocate a change in sewer
rates. It is perfectly clear that the
j borough will suffer no loss in the end,
! as the reduction of cost will lead to
I tho installation of modern conveni
ences iu a great number of dwellings
now without them. These improve
ments iu turu will increase the rev
enuo iu the water department aud in
that way the borough will speedily be