Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, September 07, 1906, Image 1

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mi OF ii
The report of the local registrar to
the central bureau of vital statistics
for the month of August gives the dis
trict which includes Danville nearly
u clean bill of health. A remarkable
feature of the showing is the utter ab
idance of typhoid fever.
During last summer and fall a good
many cases of this disease existed
about Danville and at times it was a
question whether typhoid here was not
slightly above uormal. Last spring,
however, conditions seemed to im
prove. With each succeeding mouth
the number of cases seemed to dwindle
until July the happy announcement
was made that we had no typhoid in
the district. It might have been
thought that the immunity from the
dreaded disease was a purely accident
al state of affairs and that the next
monthly report would show more or
less typhoid. Happily, however,as in
dicated above August was as free of
typhoid fever as was the month of
The improved conditions,it is believ
ed, may bo attributed in some degree
to the gradual extension of the public
sewer,although,of course, other causes
are at work. The state ot affairs is
certainly the cause for self congratula
tion, especially, in view of the fact
that typhoid fever threatens to become
a scourge at Harrisburg and is alarm
ingly prevalent at some towns situat
ed nearer Danville.
The only form of contagious disease
that existed in Danville during Aug. (
was measles, and of this there were
just seven cases. The report for July
showed just oue case of measles, in
dicating that this disease has gained
considerable ground during the month
past. Health Commissioner Dixon has
enlightened the people considerably on
the subject of measles and this disease
is regarded in a more serious light
than formerly. The same applies to
whooping cough. The latter disease it
is true, does nor exist iu Danville at
present but it may bo said to bo "just
around tho corner", as several nearby
localites are pretty badly offlioted
with it.
There were 27 deaths in Danville
during August as against 23 deaths in
July. Of tho deaths during August,
nine occurred at the hospital for the
insane, and two at tho Holy Family
Funeral of firs. Lee Kauffman.
The fuueral of Mrs. Lee KautTmau,
of Elysburg, who lost her life by 1
drowning recently, took place yester
day afternoon. The fuuoral party mot
at the iiome at 1 o'clock and proceed- '
ed to the Lutheran church at Heed's 1
Station where the services were con
Tho remains ol' Mrs. KautYman were
borne to tho grave by six young men 1
who had been her friends throughout 1
her life while eight young ladiesactod
as honorary pali beaiers. Charles and
George Crick, Harmer Zimmerman,
Charlos Crowl,Charles Mart/, and Hay
Lynn were the pallbearers and were 1
assisted by Misses Eliazbeth Crick,
Clara Crowl, Katherine Crowl, Jennie
Herb, Blanche Vastino, Elizabeth
Martz, Katherine Martz and Mrs. Hay
Lynn. The services were conducted
by Hev. J. W. Shannon.
The tloral tributes were very num
erous aud most beautiful. The attend
ance at tho church was said to bo the
largest of any fuuerai ever held there.
The church, which seats 100, was
crowded,and many hundreds who were
not able to get inside the editice, heard
tiie service in the open air outside the
Lee KautVman, although he passed a
restless night Monday, bore up well
during the fuueral. He was accom
panied by his attending physician and
two trained nurses.
Hicks for .September.
Prof. Kicks, the weather prophet,
predicts a stormy September. Ho says:
A regular storm period is central 011
September 1, extending up to tho 4th.
A reactionary storm period is central
on the 7th and Bth and this fact, most
probably will cause storms which
originate ou the 6th to continue over
the 7th and Bth. A regular storm period
is central on the 12th and covering the
10th and 15th. A reactionary storm
period is central on the 17th, 18th and
19th. This period will carry the earth
to the center of its autumnal equinox.
It will also inaugurate a series of
storms and changes 011 land and sea
that will prove clear lines of demarka
tiou between our summer and autumn.
From Sunday, the 23rd,to Wednesday,
the 26th, is a time of maximum storm
Prohibition Conference.
The judicial conference of tho Pro
hibition party was held yesterday in
the ottleo of M. P. Lutz&Son,Hlooms-
Durg. M. P. Lutz was elected presi-l
dent and Thomas C. Curry and H. W
Eggert, secretaries.
On motion of Aaron Kester, of Col
umbia county, Charles C. Evans, of
Berwick, was named for president
judge of this district. The nomination
wus unanimous.
Mart man—Foresman.
The wedding of Miss Sara S. Fores
man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
Foresinuu.to Charles N. Hartuiau took
place at Pottsgrove Tuesday after
noon at 6 o'clock.
j The home of Pierre Applemau, Val
ley township, lias been darkened liy a
nail tragedy. Mr. Applemau, the hus
haiid and father of the household,
meeting his death as the result of a
pistol shot.
Tlio dreadful affair occurred about
oue o'clock Friday morning. A
thunder shower arising about that
tinio Mrs. Applemau arose and wont
out into the hall to lower a window.
She had just returned to the room
when sho heard a report near at hand,
which sounded like a pistol shot. She,
however, thought it was duo to the
lightning anil railing to her husband
asked liiiu if he did not think the house
had been struck. Receiving no reply
sho was alarmod and striking a light
was liorriflod to find blood oozing from
a bullet wound in liis temple. On the
pillow lay the revolver and close be
side it rested the helpless hand of the
Mrs. Apploman quickly called the
other members of the housohold, who
iu turn summoned Edward Frazier,
R. W. Farnsworth and other neigh
bors. Tlio man was to all appearances
dead; nevertheless a messenger was
dispatched for Dr. Paules of this city,
who immediately went to the Apple
man farm. Of course, medical aid was
unavailing. The bullet had entered
the right temple aud ploughed its way
through the base of the brain. Dr.
Paules Friday stated that in his
opiniou death was iustuutaueous. No
inquest was hold.
Pierce Apploman was 55 years of
age. Ho was a loading aud representa
tive citizen of Valley township. Ho
was tax collector ami was a prominent
member of the Mausdalo Reformed
church Ho was a mail of gonial
maimers, of cheerful disposition and
possessed many friends. Ho was a per
son of careful business habits and no
causo can be assigned for the rash act,
which cut his own career shoit and
cast a pall of gloom over the commun
On Thursday Mr. Appleraan trans
acted business in Danville. During the
evening he was at Mausdale. At the
latter place ho collected tax from sev
eral persons and no one,oven his most
intimate acquaintances, detected any
thing unusual in his mauuer. In the
night a few minutes before the fatal
shot was heard Mrs. Applemau was
conversing with her husband and even
thou there was nothiug to excite sus
Besides his wife tho doceasod is sur
vived by throo sons aud two daught
ers; Charles, Frank, Horace, Bertha
and Alice. Charles and Frank rosido
iu Berwick, Alice and Horace live at
homo ; Bertha is a trained nurse in the
U. of P. Hospital, Philadelphia. Bog
er Hendricks, father-in-law of the de
ceased, resides with tho family.
Needless Expense in the Court.
Tho Suubury Daily has tho follow
ing to say about tho clogging of tho
channels of justice by petty cases aud
tho useless expenso caused tho county
by these suits, which state of affairs,
the Daily says,is particularly iu evid
ence in Northumberland county :
"Tho county commissioners of the
Stato, at their recent convention iu
Lancaster, among other propositions
that appear practical and beneficial,
put themselvos 011 record in a matter
relating to costs that is likely to meet
with popular favor. They recommend
tho enactment of a law to protect the
different counties from the payment of
all costs in minor criminal cases where
the bill of indictment is ignored by
the grand jury, or the defendant is
| acquitted by the petit jury,or tho case
dismissed by the court.
"The passage of such a law would
without doubt save tho taxpayers
thousands of dollars. No other county
has suffered more than Northumber
land from cost expenses which a law
would obviate.
"For years complaints have boon
made that justices in tho coal regions
send every petty case heard before
them to court. Lawyers' fees, witness
fees and all tho other excuses of a
legal action are then thrust upon the
county to help swell its iudobteduess.
As the parties to the suit insucli cases
are seldom able to pay the costs the
expenso must necessarily bo borne by
the taxpayers.
Consequently jwople residing in the
western townships and boroughs have
their county taxes almost doubled by
the perpetual legal disputes of a lot of
worthless foreigners in the coal reg
"As it is said that tho commission
ers will probably increase tho tax as
sessment for the coming year in order
to meet current expenses this point is
worth considering."
Sunbury Grants Franchise.
The council, in meotiug ou Tuesday
night, passed au ordinance permitting
the Sunbury and Seliusgrovo Street
Hail way company to lay tracks iu cer
tain thoroughfares iu that town.
Tho tracks will be laid 011 Front
street (along tho rivor) from tho end
of the new bridge all through town to
tho upper borough limits. Tho liuo
will cross the new bridge now build
ing and proceod to Seliusgrove 011 tho
Snyder county side.
The book which does not leave a
man better thau it fournl him is iiot
the beat sort of a frieud.
Mrs. Samuel McCloskey, of Maus
dale, narrowly escaped death Sun
day morning by being struck by a
freight train. She sustained a bad
fracture of the left limb aud'was oth
erwise injurod. She was taken to the
Joseph Hatti hospital at Bloomsburg.
The accident occurred about seven
o'clock. Mrs. McOloskey was on her
way to church in this city and was
walking along the P. & R. track. She
had not proceeded very far before a
freight train passed through Mausdalo
and was soon close upon her footsteps.
According to stories told by the train
men the woman utterly failed to hear
the usual danger signals. As is custo
mary when any one is found walking
upon the track ahead, the engineer de
clares he first sounded the whistle.
Apparently oblivious of all danger and
without even glancing backward the
womau continued walfcing 011 still
keeping the track. Meanwhile the
train was gaining rapidly. As the next
resort the engineer rang the bell and
this together with the sound of the
whistle created quite a din,but owing
to some incomprehensible cause the
woman still failed to hear. Up to the
very last the eugiueer believed that
the next moment the woman would
perceive her dauger and get out of the
way; otherwise he would have stopped
the train. As it was, when it became
clear that the woman could not be
made to hear, he endeavored to bring
the train to a sudden stop, but had
ouly succeeded iu slowing down when
the engine struck the womau.
Mrs. McOloskey was thrown to one
side of the track. The accident occur
red at a point directly opposito the
forks of the Jerscytown and Mausdalo
roads, whore there is a low embank
ment Sho was badly injured and was
unable to arise.
The train was stopped and the in
jured woman was tenderly picked up
by the train crow ami carriod into the
caboose where a cot was improvised.
Thus sho was brought to Danville;
whore the train lay for some time.
Dr. Paules was called to the station
about 7 :45 o'clock. lie oxamiued the
woman's injuries and found that she
was very seriously, though not fatally
iujurod. On the left leg below the
kueo was a compound comminuted
fracture, embracing both bones. In
addition there was a bad scalp wound
on the left side of the head.
Ou Dr. Paules' recommendation it
was decided to remove Mrs. McCloskoy
to tho Joseph Ratti hospital at Blooms
burg. Sho was accordingly placod on
a cot and carried down to the under
grade crossing, where sho was placed
011 a Danville and Bloomsburg trolley
car and carriod to Bloomsburg.
A telephone message from tho Joseph
ltatti "hospital later stated that Mrs.
MeOloskoy was resting very easily.
Her worst injuries as above stated,
consisted of a broken limb and a bad
cut 011 the side of lior head There
were, however, minor injuries about
the body, among them several scalp
The injured woman is some 88 years
of ago. She has three small children,
the youngest a babe nix months old.
Samuol McOloskey, the husband, is a
stove moulder and is employed at
Hooley's foundry, East Mahoning
utreet. this city.
High Water Hark of Attendance.
The public schools of tho borough
opened Tuesday. The attendance
throughout the grades was about what
is customary on the first day of school
with the oxception of the high schoul,
where attendance reached high water
mark,there beiug 1*55 pupils enrolled.
So far as Borough Superintendent
Gordy has been able to determine the
present enrollment is the highest that
lias ever takeu place in the high
school. When he took charge of the
high school, six years ago the number
of pupils enrolled was itt). Tho num
ber kept on increasing regularly at
the rate of some twelve or fifteen a
year until the present,when the show
ing is as above stated.
Of course the new law, which per
mits pupils from the rural districts |
too attend borough high schools at the
towunhip's expense, is 111 some measure :
responsible for the growing enroll- j
mont. Nevertheless, if we eliminate
the non-resident pupils althogether, wo '
will find that there has been a grow- |
ing increase in the number of pupils
attending the high school, which can
be accounted for only by the i>opular- j
ity of tho school and the course of
study adopted. Borough Superintend
out Gordy thinks that the plan ot
granting diplomas to the grammar
school graduates, which lias had the
oft'ect of stimulating interest and hold
ing tho pupils in school, is to bo re
gardod as one of the causes which have
brought the enrollment up to its pres
eut high wator mark.
Sixty-five pupils wore promoted to
tho high school this year. Of this num
ber thirty-six aro non-resident pupils,
who, with three exceptions, all came
up from tho grammar grado. Fifteen
non-resident pupils failed to pass the
exmiuatiou for admittance to tho high
school and are enrolled in the gram
mar grades.
Of tho now class of sixty-flvo, twen
ty-seven have elected to take the com
mercial course, which is a little below
the usual percentage.
The total number of pupils enrolled
in the grades of the borough schools
Tuesdav was 1132.
Thomas F. Kerns,sou of P.M. Kerns,
a well-known young man of Danville,
departed this life at Berwick on Tues
day evening after a short illness.
Tlio deceased was 30 years of age.
He was born aud grow to manhood in
Dauvillo. When a hoy ho entered his
father's blacksmith shop aud after
mastering the trade including horse
shooing ho went into business with his
father and was known as a very skill
ed workman.
Under the arduous employment of
horseshoeing his strength finally gave
way and it was necessary for him to
secure some lighter work. According
ly the partnership existing between
Kerns nnd Lobacli ou Northumberland
street about a month ago was dissolv
ed, P. M. Kerns along with his son re
tiring from the business.
The deceased went to Berwick aud
secured employment at finishing pass
enger coaches. About two weeks ago
he was stricken with bilious intermit
tent fever.— For several days he was
very low, death coming to his relief
about (5:45 o'clock 011 Tuesday even
ing. The body was brought to Dan
ville at noon yesterday and taken to
the homo of P. M. Kerns, fat her of the
deceased,oll Nassau street. The funer
al will bo held Friday at 0 a. 111. from
St. Joseph's Catholic church.
The deceased was a 1110111 her of order
of Maccabees, Fraternal Order of Eagles
aud the horse shoors' union. Besides
his father and mother,a wife aud two
small children survive, the latter be
ing a sou and daughter, Francis and
Holeno. Ho is also survived by two
brothers, John and .lames of Philadel
phia, and two sisters, Mrs. James
O'Neal of Philadelphia, aud Mrs.
Maine Hoighton, of New York.
Caught a Runaway Horse.
Frank Beyers, Bloom street, disting
uished himself last evening by a slick
piece of work in catching a runaway
A horse attached to a buggy belong
ing to 0110 of our livery stables,which
had been loft untied in front oft the
United States Expross oflico, took
fright and ran away. The horse start
ed with a plunge and dashed down the
street on a gallop. Conditions were
favorable for a smashup, when all of
a sudden a floot-footod liguro darted
out from the sidewalk and sprinting
alougsido for a moment reached out
and grabbed tho ruuaway horse.
It was tho norviest thing imaginable,
as the horse was 011 a dead run. No
one holiovod tho plucky follow would
succeed in stopping tho horso and ex
pected every moment to see him tramp
led under foot. But he held 011 like a
hero and, although he could hardly
keep his foot as he was dragged over
tho paving, yet lie jerked and tugged
at the bit in such a way that by aud by
he checked the horso aud finally
brought him under control.
Mr. Beyers was much applauded for
his quick-witted and plucky act.
Reckless Shooting Complained of.
Persons residing at Castle Grovo are
complaining loudly over reckless shoot
ing indulged in by people residing in
that section, who make it a practice
of gunning for birds of various kinds
that frequent the trees 011 the ground
around tlio mansion.
Things have reached such a pass that
it is hardly safo for persous to expose
themselves 011 the grounds. Frequently
several gunners at a time aro skulking
011 the outside of the fence waiting an
opportunity to draw a bead 011 some
harmless bird within, while not in
frequently a man or boy has the tem
erity to climb over the fence and pur
sue the birds inside the enclosure. The
result of it all is that not infrequent
ly in the midst of shooting, a rain of
shot is apt to fall anywhere about the
The chief-of-pohce was called to
Castlo Grove yesterday and last even
ing he declared that he would make
arrests, as eveu though some of the
birds killed may not be protected by
law,yet iu all instances shooting with
in the borough limits is iu violation
ot the ordinance and will not be per
On Site of Fort Augusta.
The Suubury chapter, Daughters of
the American Revolution, has decided
to erect a boulder 011 the site of Fort
Augusta at Suubury.
The potition to the Suubury couucil
to erect the memorial was prepared
and presented by Charles A. Silder,
| Esq., whose wife is rogout of the Sun
bury chapter.
Tho specifications of the boulder are
four feet in length and four in thick
ness. A flat side will face the road
and 011 its face will bo placod a bonze
tablet bearing an appropriate inscrip
' tion.
j This tablet will bo presented to the
( daughters by Mrs. F. K. Ilain.of New
' York City
Rev. Fritsch Moves.
Rev. George W. Fritsch, pastor of
St. John's Lutheran church, and fam
ily yesterday moved into the Charles
Wolliver home on Vino street. Mr.
Wolliver and family have gone to
Blooiusburg to reside.
Sir Walter Raleigh was right when
ho said that a man must first govern
himself before he is fit to govern his
family or to have a place in the pub
lic government.
A prisoner came within an aco of
breaking out of the borough lock-up
Tuesday afternoon. Iu (his offort to
find tlio weakest point ho assailod his
prison wall at two different points and
when discovered only a single spike
stood between him and liberty.
The man in durance was John Quiun,
who has a little affair to settle with
the police, the full nature of which
developed at the hearing yesterday.
Jolm kept the officers busy during
the greater part of the time Tuesday
aud before they succeeded in laying
their hands upon him thoy were oblig
ed to tramp over a largo part of the
borough. It was some time after the
hour of noon when they succeeded in
lodging their man behind the bars in
the borough lock-up.
John was supposed to be uuder the
influence of drink, nevertheless he
thought he ought to be entitled to a
few privileges and he begged to be
allowed the freedom of the corridor.
The usual hard lot of those arrested
uuder similar circumstances is to be
confined in a narrow cell, some six by
three feet, in which a hard bench
suffices for a bod. Chief Miucemoyer,
however, was touched by John's eloqu
ent plea aud after much hesitancy he
consented to leave the cell door open
so that John could get into the corrid
or It was a generous act, but he will
never do it again.
Securoly bolting the outer door the
two policemen turued thoir backs up
on the lock-up and went up town.
Some time after three o'clock porsons
occupying the rear of City Hall bo
came aware that something unusual
was in progress in the lock-up. They
could hear sounds that resembled the
breaking of boards and the drawing of
iron bolts.
They lost no time in getting word
to the oh ief-of-police, who in turn lost
no time in getting to the lock-up. He
didn't arrive a moment too soon. Us
ii'g the stove poker and the stove
"shaker" as a bar the lone prisoner
had pried two boards off tlio wainscot
ing. In tho process ho had broken and
splintered the boards and one was tak
en off piecemeal. Underneath he found
firm planking and he concluded that
tho way to liberty didn't lie in that
He next attacked the window, first
tearing off tue stout screen that pro
tected it on the inside; then forcing
the window up ho devoted himself to
tho iron bars, which protected the
window on tho outsido. Indue time
he succeedod in loosening one end of
ouo of tho bars and was just ready to
attack the next ouo when the officer
appeared. Five minutes more would
iiavo done the work.
Thus the first deliberate attempt to
break out of the lock up in Danville
eudod in iguoble failuro.
Tho prisoner paid the penalty by go
ing into solitary confinement.
John Quinn, who attempted to break i
out of the borough lock-up Tuesday, j
was arraignod before Justice Oglesby j
yesterday morning and as a penalty for ;
one of the offenses charged against
him is now doing time in the borough
Quinn has occupied a good deal of
Justice Oglesby's time during the
wook past. Ho was arrested on Thurs
day of last week for being under the
influence of liquor on Wednesday the
29th. Ho was released on tho promise
that he would stop drinking and would
come into the Justice's office Saturday
evening after drawing his pay, and
square up for fine and costs. When
Saturday came,however, it is alleged,
ho forgot his promises, took on more
booze and utterly neglected to settle.
Under the circumstances it is not
strange that the officers wanted John
on Tuesday. His hearing yesterday
morning had to do solely with the
charge of boiug drunk and the failure
to liquidate fiue and costs. The out
come of the whole affair was that
Quiuu was sentenced to five days im
prisonment in the borough lock-up,
the torm to begin with yesterday. At
the expiration of his sentence he will
be called to answer for attempting to
break out of the lock-up.
Borough Engineer Makes Survey.
It is still believed that the recon
struction of North Mill street will be
completed this fall and that tho work
will start during the present mouth.
A draft showing the location, eleva
tion and grade of curb lines has just
boon completed by Borough Surveyor
Keefer and forwarded to tho city clerk
Tho blue print or draft takes in Mill
street from Center street to the steam
mill and is based upon a survey made
Saturday by the borough surveyor and
two assistants in the presence of the
streets and bridges committee of coun
The draft was gotten up at the re
quest of the State highway department
and thus the borough assumes the re
sponsibility for any difficulty that may
onsuo from any change in grade or
location of curb lines made necessary
in reconstructing tho street.
Tho completion of the draft brings
tho preliminaries ouo stop nearer the
point, where actual work may begin.
At the next mooting tho draft will bo
acted upon by council, after which it
will be forwarded to Euuiueer Clay
of tho State highway department. The
plans and specifications will no doubt
be the next thing in order.
Judge Staples held a short session of
court yesterday morning. Oharles A.
Wagner was the only one of the associ
ates present. The session was very
brief, occupying only some twenty
Jtnigo Staples had come down to
Danville for the purpose of disposing
of the case of Commonwealth vs.
Francis Woll, the charge beiug larceny
and receiving stolen goods, which was
tried before his honor at the Septem
ber term, 1906, and which carried with
it a verdict of guilty on the second
count and a recommendation for
.fames Scarlet, Esq. .attorney for the
Koadiug Iron company, the prosecutor
in the case, addressed the court. He
said that Woll, was an employe of
the Heading Iron Company, was a skill
ed workman and was a very valuable
man to the company. Whatever he may
have been guilty of in the past lie now
seems to have abandoned all such pra
ctices ; the Reading Iron company is
satisfied with his present course of
conduct aud at the company's instance
Mr. Scarlet appeared before court ask
ing that the recommendation for mercy
made by the jury be carried out aud
that in WolPs case sentence be suspend
Woll was called before court but was
permitted to take a seat. From this
point it seemed to bo a foregone con
clusion that leniency in some form
was to be exercised. Judge Staples
said he had made some inquiry and
felt convinced that Woll's case was
one that admitted of clenieucy. Ordin
arily, he said, in cases where the ver
dict is guilty it pays to administer
punishment. There are exceptions,
however, whore the man instead of be
ing punished should have mercy meted
out to him. lu the present case, he
said, it seomed to him that the con
victed man had been severely punished
already. In addition, the costs which
amount to $1)3.75, will have to be paid
by Woll. It was the recommendation
of the jury backed later by the request
of the prosecutor in the caso that mov
ed Judge Staples toward clemency
and ho statod to Woll that he I loped
that if sentence wore suspended it
would have the effect of making a
man of him aud he wished him god
speed on the now life. Judge Staples
reminded Woll of the pathetic picture
proseuted by his old gray headed moth
er when in court as a witness. He said
he had no doubt that her preseuce had
its effect on the jury ami lie hoped that
Woll would keep her in mind and by
leading a better life spare her the pain
aud humiliation of coming into court
Judge Staples then formally declared
sentence suspended and after explain
ing just what is implied by a "suspen
sion of sentence" formally discharged
Woll. The case was disposed of in
Judge Staples' characteristic way,
which aroused a heart-interest in the
whole affair. No one was heard to ex
press any dissatisfaction with the ac
tion taken by the court.
Greatest Silver Mines in World.
Robert Adams, Friday evening, re
turned home from an exteuded tour
through Canada. Mr. Adams, several
weeks ago, left Danville in company
with W. J. Baldy, Esq., of this city,
nml Frank J. Watson of Philadelphia
Mr. Watson left Toronto Friday morn
ing along with Mr. Adams, but pro
ceeded diroct to Philadelphia. Mr.
Baldy will continue his sojourn in
Toronto for some time longer.
The objective point of Mr. Adams'
trip was Cobalt, Ontario,a point three
hundred and fifty miles above Toron
to, whore the greatest silver mines of
the world arc located.
No more interesting trip can be con
ceived of than the one to Cobalt. Mr.
Adams and party have stored their
minds with many useful facts relat
ing to the production of silver, while
lingering in their minds are mauy
pleasing pictures of life as seen out
side of Uncle Sam's domain.
Farewell Party.
A very pleasant farewell party was
tendered Ellen and Joseph Kishel at
the home of their mother, Mrs. David
Kishel, East Market street, ou Mon
day. Ella and Joseph left yesterday
for the Chester Springs Orphan school.
Those present were: Susan Koss,
Julia Saiusbury, Ruth Arms, Phoebe
Curry, Eleanor Wyaut, Helen Soidel,
Ruth and Mary Morgan, Regiua Eng
lish, Margaret Fields, Gertrude Thomp
son, Elizaboth Evans, Margaret Rishel,
Byron Saiusbury, William Schilling,
Paul Walker, Beaver Kramer,Theodore
Walker, Thomas Evans,Pierce Thomp
son, Elliott Morgan, Roy Weidman,
George Risliel, John Rishel, Mrs.
Andy, Mr«?. E. A. Curry and Mrs. O.
R. Schilling.
Fire in Kitchen.
Timely discavery prevented a bad
firo at the home of Jacob H. Rudy,
! East Danvillo, Monday night. The
I fire originated in the kitchen in a box
of wood that stood back of the stove,
j The family had already retired and
| the flames had gained considerable
| headway before they were discovered.
A basket of clothes—Monday's wash—
| was burned,and the walls, ceiling and
door were badly burned.
Taken to Hospital.
William Malaney, Front street, was
removed to the Joseph Ratti hospital,
Blooiusburg, yesterday where he will
receive treatment for appendicitis.
Several foreigners from the North
umberland street quarter afforded busi
uess for Justice Ugleuby's court late
Saturday night. As is usual iu such
cases the hearing was very nmusing,
although the complainant had a real
grievance aud was the object of a good
deal of sympathy.
About nine o'clock the attention of
passersby was attracted by a woeful
looking object seated ou the stone steps
iu front of Justice Uglesby's office.
He was an agreeable looking youug
fellow, barefooted and hatless, al
though cleanly aud well attired. His
clothing was stained with blood, which
issued from his nose and mouth. He
was unable to speak a word of Eng
lish, but someoue divining that he
was after justice, sent for 'Squire
Oglesby, who had closed up his office
for the uight.
The justice finally arrived and the
young man tried to explain his griev
ance. He wa9 unable to make himself
understood, audit was necessary to
employ an interpreter. Leo Barron,
an intelligent young Pole, who is mas
ter of languages used by our foreign
ers, was introduced.
The story as told bv tho barefoot ami
hatless youug mail was iu effect as fol
lows: His uame is George Malicki.
He lias beeu iu this country a little
over a year ami is uot yet twenty
years of ago. He undoubtedly lias had
a hard time of it. He came to Dau
ville about the 4th of July expecting
to work at the big mill; siuce then lie
lias had no work and he has got iu
arrears for lodgiug.
The young fellow "boarded" with
Mike Watosieu on Northumberland
street. By this it ia understood that
he had permission to sleep iu the house
and to cook his meals 011 the Watosieu
stove. Ho even may have been fur
nished coffee from the Watosieu coffee
pot, but this was the limit: the food
ho ate ho had to provide himself. For
the privilege of "roostiug" in the
Watosieu house and the few slim
courtosios additional he paid the sum
of {3 per mouth. It was for just about
this sum that he was lu arrears.
Watosieu didn't like it at all that
his young couutrymau should be iu
arrears. He permitted him to remain
in his house, however, until Saturday
night, when according to the story
told by Malicki, Watosieu and oue of
his hoarders named Mike Bassaraba
had an eveuing of it together. While
tlieso two were out Malicki being tirod
went to bed.
He had scarcely got asleep, lie saiil,
before lie was assaulted by Watosien
ami Bassaraba, wlio acted like wild
men. Tliey upbraided him for being
in arrears and theu to use the langu
age of the interpreter they "smashed
him 011 the face" and beat him merci
lessly, after which hatless and shoe
less "they threw him out of the house.
Malicki took the necessary oath and
to the information he affixed his sign
ature, revealing the fact that 110 is a
good penman.
It was half an hour later when Offic
ers Mincomoyer ami Young had Wat
osien and Bassaraba, who were charg
ed jointly, in front of Justice Oglesby,
it was hard to keep the defendants
seated. They gesticulated,they stamp
ed, they shouted and they talked so
fast that their odd jargon resembled
the cackling of goose and was just
about as intelligible.
It was a prima facie case, however.
The prosecutor,forgetting his injuries,
chose to be lenient and proposed to
withdraw the case, if the defendants
would pay the cost. It was here that
the real battle began. The wife of one
of the men was presont. She favorod
paying the sura to avoid going to jail,
but the men affected not to have
enough money to meet the demands of
the case and they tried to compromise.
The justice, however, was obdurate;
it was either the whole amount or
none. The two defendants searched
their pockets a little more closely and
found some more money, but there was
still a deficiency. This, they felt sure,
would be overlooked and when they
found the justice as unyielding as ever
they wanted to be martyrs. They
jumped to their feet; they said they
would goto jail and they wanted to
start immediately. They reconsidered
this the next moment, however, and
the "hearing" went on. It was half
an hour later before the defendants
discovered that they were possessed of
sufficient assets to meet the case and
thus the affair was settled.
Exchange Will Have a Band.
The enterprising community of Ex
change is again to the frout, this time
with a ham I. As is usual out there the
right kind of a start was made. At a
big meeting lielil iu Odd Fellows' hall
Saturday evening sHH)was subscribed,
ami 20 of those present signed their
names to a papor signifying their will
ingness to participate netivelv ill the
baud work.
Au election of oftlcors resulted ill
ohoosing William R. Mills, president;
Isaac L. Acor, vice president; Urant
Houghton, secretary aud S. A. Klee
man, treasurer.
Auotlier meeting will bo held Fri
day evening at which time action will
be taken on a constitution aud by-laws.
It is tlio iutoutmu of the members to
start practicing just as soou as the in
struments can be procured.
11l With Pneumonia.
P. F. Brauueu is seriously ill with
pneumonia at his home at Exchange.
NO 50
A great surprise was spruug in the
Republir.au ranks yesterday afternoon
wiieu the name of ex-District Attor
ney Albert W. Duy,of Columbia coun
ty, was presented at the conference of
the twenty-fourth senatorial district,
held in the Exchange Hotel, Blooms
It has been thonght all along that
Harry S. Meyers, of Williamsport,
would bo the only candidate for tha
nomination,hut when the name of Mr.
Duy was presented the conferees from
Montour and Columbia counties voted
solid for him, causing a deadlock and
putting a new light on the question
Tho conference organized by electing
F. W. Meybert, of Sullivan,chairman,
and Alexander Foster,of Montour,and
H. S. Barton, of Columbia, secre
Harry S. Meyers, of Williamsport,
and Albert W. Duy, of Bloomsbnrg,
were both nominated and three ballots
were taken,tho conferees from Colum
bia and Montour, voting for Duy and
Sullivan ami Lycoming voting for
A recess of thirty minutes was then
After the iuterinission the conference
re-convened and during the remainder
of the afternoon and evening 47 more
ballots were taken, Duy and Meyers
each receiving the votes of the con
ferees from the counties which had
voted for theni at the beginning.
The conference adjourned, without
naming a candidate, to meet at the
Hotel Updegraff, in Williamsport,
next Monday at 3 o'clock in the after
The following were the conferees in
Moutour—John E. Roberts, Alex
ander Foster and W. L. Gouger.
Columbia—H. S. Bartin, Wm. M.
Robbins and Robert D. Young.
Lycoming—Reno L. Gage, N. H.
Culver, and H. R. Hill.
Sullivan—John W. Roger, Wm. P.
Shoe:raker and F. W. Meybert.
Big Trolley Links Forging.
Tho North American, yesterday
morning,printed an interesting article
on the trolley prospectus in this sec
tion of the State. The article says :
SHAMOKIN, SEPT. 4.—Trolley ex
tension, after a long period of quiet
nesses again taking a boom in this sec
tion, aud the plaus of promoters
throughout this district contemplate
tho gridironiug of Northumberland
and Schuylkill counties and the rich
farming districts along the North
Branch of the Susquehuuna. New in
terests have got hold of the lines in
Northumberland and Schuylkill coun
ties, aud tho work is booming.
Former Congressman Monroe H.
Kulp, of this place, better known as
"Farmer," is the moving spirit in
Northumberland county. When he broke
into politics in 181)4 people smiled and
said that lie had better stick to his
lumber business. But "Farmer" went
ahead aud was tho first Republican to
carry the Seventeonth, now the Six
teenth, Congressional District. He did
it again in isats.
He has duplicated this record in his
traction enterprises. Getting hold of
the Shamokin aud Edgewood Railway
a three-aud-one-half-mile local con
cern, which had never paid, he at once
put it on a luoney-making basis. With
in a year ho built a six-mile line to
Trevorton and another to Weigh Scales
three milos long. Both have seventy
pouud.aud seventy-five-pound rails,and
in construction compare favorably
with steam roads.
Tho Weigh Scale line is destined to
be extended fifteen miles to Sunbury,
there to connect with the proposed
Dauville-Sunbnry, Sunbury - Selins
grove and Sunbury-Milton lines. In
addition Kulp holds a franchise for a
road from Shamokin to Locust Dale,
near Ashland, where he will connect
with the Schuylkill Traction line,
which runs to Mahauoy City aud Shen
andoah. This link will be about eigh
teen miles long During this fall he
will toar up his road in Shamokin and
rebuild it entirely to standard gauge,
using seventy-pound girder rails. He
will also build a two-mile line to Bear
Kulp's lines are destined to beoome
links in a big svstem. With roads built
or planned it will be possible to come
by trolley from Scranton to Sunbury,
and thence back to Sliauiokin and
Shenandoah, there already being a link
between the latter towns via the Sha
mokin-Mouut Carmel line aud the
Schuylkill Traction road.
From Shenandoah to Pottsville is a
route to be covered by the Eastern
Pennsylvania Railways Company,new
owners of the Pottsville lines. The
line from Pottsville to Middleport is
to be extended to Tamaqua, aud from
the lattor town it is already possible
to trolley to Maucli Chunk.
A connection between Maucli Chunk
aud Allentown is among the possibil
ities of the near future, and then
travel by electric lines from Scranton
to Philadelphia, via Suubury, will be
Former Resident.
Mrs. Mary Anna Davis, of Spring
fiel l, Ohio, is a guest at the home of
D. C. Williams, Spruce and Ferry
streets. Mrs. Davis is a native of Dan
ville, but lias not lived here for twen
ty-five years.