OAHI Established in 1828. XX jk.IHiTJTTZS Editor e discontinued until all arrt-ira- «■ is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Hales of advertising made known on ap plication. Address all communications to Till-: INTELLIGENCEEII, DANVILLE, PA. Democratic Ticket. FOIt GOVERNOR LEWIS EMERY, Jr. FOR LIEUTEN\\T GOVERNOR JEREMIAH 8. BLACK Foil A EDITOR GENERAL WILLIAM T. CKEASY FOR SECY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS JOHN J GREEN STATE SENATOR J. HENRY COCHRAN. Subject to the Democratic Senatorial con ference CONGRESS JOHN 6. McIIENRY. KiVb,i' ,v- w \-;vr \&v;^r-rr-^r^rrr^VT*" ■ - -■<-- ■ - ■•- ..M,...M,, ~.t?,.... worth "P to 5 - 00 > now LB iVN r FS ! | \ r PS ' fi'om twenty lots of as finely made and elegantly finished suits Fifteen Ladies' Fine Coats, worth 7.50. Sale price 2.49 tmiiv. Men's Pints worlli *«n t '> ' , as the most fastidious dresser could desire; fine home and You can choose from any Ladies' Coat or Jacket in our stock that gsagg :ut(» niiirs Men's Punts' wnrih n. ♦' mm (iOO ii'drs Men's I'-mt ' I. t" r'na """ '■ effects—tailored into garments of faultless fashion, black, blue, Ladies' Fine Shirt Waists that sold from 1.50 to slo. Sale price 1 ' AIeD 1 ' lnts ' WOlth "P to 6 - 00 ' now 1-98 brown, tan and drab, Diagonal, Cheviot, Vicuna, Homespun, 49c to 3.49 c'P 112 Wot only our entire stock of high grade ready-to-wear clothing must be sold, but also our store i 9 0ns ? s^ln S' tables, mirrors, show-cases, etc., will be for sale. Let nothing keep you away! |JS! I u HiVery article is marked and will positively be one price to all. Remember the sale will positively close §&, M on Saturday, July 21st. Don't forget the place. If Loot for liii| Red and While IW YORK SALVAGE Sign. -a- SIEW YORK SALVAGE CO 34 7 MARKET STREET, SUHBUBY ® II RAILROAD OR STREET CAR FARE PAID WITHIN A RADIUS OF 25 MILES ON ALL PURCHASES OF $15.00 OR OVER. If^ a class distinction—that a man in a high position is better than a man in a low position. It is impossible, he said, to tell where such a class move ment would end. The man next in line would want the same allow ance, and so on down until eventually the workingman would bear all this accumulated burden. The bill had passed the Mouse of Representatives by a strict party vote, the day before. It is a distinctly Re publican measure and is in keeping with the theories of that party. It is an attempt to plunder the treasury by an unconstitutional law; to create class distinctions and privileges; to enable the President to exert an un due influence over the press by invit ing his press agents to travel with him at public expense; and to enable him also togo into doubtful States and work for party candidates at public expense. ROOSEVELT BOMBASTS. "I have gone over your bill very carefully," said the President to Mr. Wadsworth; and then he proceeded to declare that certain words were in the bill which were not there, and that a certain provision was not in the bill which was there. Then he berated Wadsworth in true cowboy fashion; charging him with bad faith and lack of integrity. But when Wadsworth resented the insult and proved that the President was mis taken, there was a very awkward apology and a shifting of ground; and hiding behind a scape-goat; as usual in a Rooseveltian fiasco. "Now" says the New York Evening Post, "this would be a sore discomfiture to a debater on the floor of the House; and when the President comes for ward as practically such a debater, he caunot escape appearing discomfited also. But Roosevelt the debater rides off on the excuse of a sovereigu tliat the blunder was not his, but that of his advisers. It was Beveridge that misled him. It was Reynolds whose sociological eye failed to find in the bill what the President now confesses was there all the time. Yes, but the President did not say that it was Beveridge and Reynolds who had carefully gone over the Wadsworth hill and found it 'very, very bad.' He used the 'l,' and that makes it difficult afterwards to say 'they.' " THE BIG , FISH ESCAPE. A dispatch from Kansas City an nounces that four big packing com panies. one railroad company and two 1 individuals have been found guilty of rebating and duly punished. Swift and Co., §15,000; Cudahy Packing Company, 815,000, Armour ■ Packing Company, 815,000; Nelson, Morris & Co., 815,000; Chicago, i Burlington & Quiucy Railway, 815,- i 000. The maximum fine possible ' was 820,000. George L. Thomas, of New York, was fined 86,000 and sentenced to four months in the penitentiary. L. B. Taggart, of New York, was • fined 8-1,000 and sentenced to three months in the penitentiary. - The corporations, that is, the men ■ who compose the corporations, were just as guilty as the little fellows who i went to the penitentiary. They are criminals of the very worst stamp, > and yet, under the law made by a > Republican Congress, they keep out of jail and run political parties as us ual. Judges aud juries may do their ' duty faithfully, but Republican poli ticians in Congress make it impossible > to jail the big criminals. Will Wiite Again. Asks Some Questions for the Benefit of His Father.— Touches on the State Convention. Antony tonship, July 3. MISTER EDITION : Tomoro bein thu forth Weill tak a hollerday and go til town an beer them shuteer of. Theres ben a glide deal of shutin don hitly but thct is so tirsom tu thu glide citizen, fir the ecko of thu sain crack reverberats til it be eoms monotanus. Thu way thu polticians shut bers no comparson tu thu gude ole tims wen we wude git a nicklc pack of fir crackers an a pennie box of maches an go out fir to hev a big tim in thu evening of thu forth. They sa thet wuz a grate convention down to Arrisberg las weak, but not much credit is ascribe tu Montur, fir the feller thet wuz sent down as dclegat got ful befor he tuke thu train at Denwille, an had tu git our proth untarie to Woat fir him. Isn't it a disgrac fir a party tu selcck sich fellers? but yu se thu party doz not hev control—only a few thet see thet sich parties air selecked and then made ful an then traded of tu thu liiest bider. In this kase it didn't work tho, fii it wuz tu much one sided au tlier wuz not much byin i P fl t i S m I .L e ' Uca(llM « ft,ul Philadelphia, 7.11 nfld 10.1/ ii.m. and 2.21 p. in. week-days, hor II izleton. 7.11 and 10.17 a. in., 2.21 and .»i>o p. in. week-days. For Dewisburj?, WilHanisport, and Lock lln veil, 11.00 a. in.. IJ.iiiaml 1.31 p. in, week days; Ui pin. Sunday for Williamsport andintermediaet stations, 7."»l p. m., week- For'llellefonte, Tyrone, Philipsburg, Clear- Held, and I Ittsburgh, JMX) a. in., and 12.10 n , m. week-days. 1 Fur fbrrlHlmric iiiiil liitermedlutestiitlonH 9.00 jai.V , 2? a P* ln, » week-days; 4.31 i>. 111., Sundays J ' ' 'i' vV- 1 " l f'-l' l, ! a 1 vl ." ""'■•isliiirg)Bnltlmore, and \\ nshiiifrton, 0.00 a. in., 12.10 4.31 ami ,'V., , " 1 " week-days; 4.31 Sundays p. in., ror I lttsburtf (via Harrisburu) 0.00 a. in. 4.31, and 7.51 i». in., week-days; 1.31 p. ni. «umta>s; i \ia Lewistown Junction) M.OOa. in., and 12.10 pin., week-days; (via Look Haven) Si.' 0 a. in., and 12.10 p. in., week-days, agents lurt ' lor i,,,omiut hm apply to ticket W. W. ATTLIiHUHY, J. K. WOOD, Genera! Manager. Dass'r Trallle r