Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, June 29, 1906, Image 3

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    Jlannlle |Jiilclliflenret
Established in 1828.
Frank J.Cheney makes oath that he
in senior partner of the firm of F. J.
Cheney & Co., doingbusineqp in the City
of Toledo, County and State aforesaid,
and that said firm will pav the sum of
Mid every ease of Catarrh that cannot be
cured bv the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and 'subscribed in
mv presence, this Oth day of December,
—*A. I>. 188(1.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal
ly, and acts directly on the bl< o 1 and
mucous surfaces of the system Send tor
testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo ,0.
.Sold bv all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa
Brief News Items.
Compiled for Hasty Read
ers of the Intelligencer,
the Acknowledged Offi
cial Organ of Little non
tour County.
Wheat ripening weather.
Typical summer weather this.
Only a few days more of Juno.
The old canal grows more odorifer
ous each day.
The State begins to look after the
moral conduct of the neglected child
several years too late.
David J. Davis of Scrauton has been
appointed judge advocate on the staff
of General Dougherty of the Third
brigade. v
The tongue of tlie idle gossip daily
creates much mischief.
The South Side is booming all right
but where is that river bridge ap
Samuel Poet, a York county farmer,
has started a now enterprise, it beiug
the culture of silk worms.
The preacher who-acte as if he meant
all he says usually wins the attention
aud confidence of his people.
The wise pareut will issue a-peremp
tory proclamation forbidding toy pis
tols aud cartridges.
A Connecticut clergyman asserts that
Adam wasn't the first man. Next
thing some one will bo denying the
apple epoisode in the garden and thus
one after another our cherished beliefs
re shattered.
The Catholics of Pittston are con
sidering the advisibility of establish
ing a Catholic hospital. At a meeting
the proposition was made that they
purchase the present Pittston hospit
al, which is non-sectarian.
One of the direct results of the cor
rupt practices act placed upou the
statute books by the extra session of
the' legislature is the general and in
creasing use of newspaper advertising
space b£ candidates for office.
The Schuylkill County .League or
Game and Fish Protective associations
has condemned the trespass law aud
its repeal is urged in vigorous resolu
tions. A committee of three was ap
pointed to see each of the Schuylkill
legislators aud urge their support of
the repeal.
The Shamokin & Mount Carmel Elec
tric Railway Company and the Ash
land & Centralia Electric Railway
Company have been merged into the
Shamokin & Mount Carmel Transit
Minneapolis,Minn., is getting ready
for the fortieth annual encampment of
the Grand Army of the Republic, Aug
ust 13 to 18. Evreything possible is to
bo done for the soldiers, even to pro
viding free quarters in school houses
mi l other public buildiugs.
President Roosevelt, haviug secured
the couseut. of Congress for a look can
nl ar Puuaam, is going to visit the is
thmus himself for the direction of the
great undertaking, lie believes in do
ing tilings.
Mr. M. L. Sheep, of Jerseytown,
accompanied by his sou, Mr. 8. L.
Sheep, of Elizabeth City, North Caro
lina, who is spending a vacation at
his old home, gave us a very pleasant
visit on Monday.
Mrs. Henry Meals, of Carlisle, step
ped uj)ou a toy left at the top of the
stairs by oue of the childreu and fell
headlong dowu the steps, gashing her
throat with a pair of scissors which
sho had in her hand. The prompt ar
rival of a physician saved her life.
The State hospital at Fountain
Springs at present lias the greatest
number of patients ever cared for in
that institution at any onetime, there
being one hundred and sixty-four. I)r.
J. C. Biddle, the superintendent, and
iiis orps of assistants are over-run
with work.
orders for a fine line of Dry Goods
Specialties. Also lied Cross Towels,
a line bath towel. We handle staples
as well as novelties. Spring samples
now ready. Address at once Rob't.
(i. Wallace Co., Chauncy St., Boston,
It is asserted that Governor Harris
of Ohio, will not displace the few ap
pointees of Governor Pattison, and
that he will also in many respects fol
low out the policy of his much lam
ented predecessor. If this shall prove
to he the case he will certainly
strengthen himself with all right
thinking people.
State Health Commissioner Dixon
believes in newspaper publicity in the
work of his important department.
His timely note of warning regarding
lock-jaw germs during the Fourth of
July celebration and his mosquito bul
letin are fair examples of the practical
character of the work he is doing.
More power to hiui.
A New Postmaster.
Several of today's Fhil'a news
papers tell us that "among the post
masters recently appointed, is Mr. \V.
I'. Conger, to succeed Mr. C'lias. p!
Harder, the present postmaster of our
MR. EDITOK- Warren Ileerler,
wife and child, of Hgtlileln.Mll, arrived
011 Saturday evening al H. M.
Smith's to visit friends and relatives
in this place and vicinity.
Mr. \V. J. I'- McKee, wife and
daughter, of Shamokin, vi.-ited friends
here and Jersevtown during this week
and part of last week.
John N. Ilorr sports a new horse
he purchased at the sale of Allen
Watson, adin'r. last Saturday.
California Grange will hold its an
nual festival, July 14th, wind and
wi a: her permitting. Don't forget
they always serve all the dainties of
the season.
Judge ('. A. Wagner, ihe Repub
lican candidate for Associate Judge,
is interviewing the voters.
Rumor says Frank Kllis is about
selling his store again. A couple of
weeks ago a party from Millville was
negotiating tor it but they could not
agree on the price. Frank is all right
and unless he soils to a better man
than he is the citizens would rath r
have hi in stay where lie is.
Roy Levan, of River church, Dela
ware township, with his family visited
at his parents, A. J. and Mrs. Levan
011 Sunday.
Mrs. John Nicely, of Watsontown,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Blain.
Grover Bailey went to Watson
town on Sunday morning to catch an
early train for Ringtown.
Harvest is coining on reapidly.
The grain fields are getting quite yel
low, and by the "glorious Fourth"
cutting will be in progress. May mak
ing is now oil and a good bit of hay
has been made. Farmers are rushing
the completion of the corjp plowing. I
noticed three teams in a single field.
The corn is looking well and is grow
ing to be at the band, (as are
promising to be an average crop and
are heading out.
The locusts have about disappeared j
and only now and then a solitary one r
may be heard singing his dying j
June 27, 1006. BILL, j
There will bo communion at t' c
Trinity Reformed church, of Straw- [
berry Ilidge, Sunday July Bth., at 10
o'clock A. M.; Preparatory services
July Ist at "J o'clock I*. M.
Pottsgrove Items.
Mrs. Margaret Hoffman, of Mou-1
tandon, visited friends in this place
on Saturday.
Mrs. Kdward Searfuse and Mrs. J.
M. liussell spent Sunday with friends
in Newberry.
Mrs. Henry Ilause and son, Stew
art spent Sunday with relatives in
John Coleman, of Liberty town
ship, lost a valuable horse on Tues
K. M. Ilaunty, auctioneer, lias
moved to Danville where he may be
addressed by persons desiring his ser
('. 11. McMahon transacted busi
ness in Milton on Saturday.
Mrs. .1. R. Mac Vickar and
daughter, Margaret, of Williamsport,
spent several days with friends in
tliis place last week.
Miss Ida Russel, of Lewisburg,
spent Sunday with relatives in this
Miss Ruth Hauuty, of Danville,
returned home on Saturday evening,
after spending several days with '
friends in this place.
John \V. Levan received a car
load of fanning implements on Satur
day which he distributed among the
The rains at various times during
the last few weeks hrve been of in
calcuable benefit to everything need
ing moisture. All kinds of vegeta
tion are looking line. What looked
like a short hay crop is developing
far beyond expectations and while it
will not be so heavy as last year it
will at least be much more than half
a crop. Corn is developing splendid-1
ly and the grain fields also look well
and there will be, if nothing happens |
it, ijuite a satisfactory crop.
/ITALQIUS Curc Ncrvous Disease®, j
• u —Dr. Oiriinan's l'rottcriptmu—
>treiiu'thiMiP t ho nnrvoH, Huildt* up worn out men
and wouiou. Price 50 Uts.
Seen and Heard.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Ililner pass
ed through Exchange Sunday even
Mr. Eves, the Millvillc Fire Insur
ance Co'.s. agent, transacted business
at Strawberry Ridge, Monday.
Miss Bobb, of Turbotville, spent
Sunday with Miss Cora Deihl near
Mr. and Mrs. Meuschke, of near
Exchange, transacted business at
Turbotville Monday.
Mrs. John Deihl visited friends at
Strawberry Ridge, Monday.
Mrs. Charles Dye and daughter,
Alice spent Saturday with Mr. Wil
liam Schooley's at Strawberry Ridge.
Amandns lleddens has erected a
large hay shed 011 his farm near Ex
Charles I instead, of Cross Roads,
is using his new hay loader he pur
chased this summer.
Clyde Fowler, of Deny, has pur
chased a new buggy.
Miss Jennie Treou has returned to
her home in Exchange, after spend
ing some time at Lewisson's at Mil
' Emery Dye has returned to his
' place of business at Denver, Colorado,
after spending two weeks with his
[ mother, Mrs. Caroline Dye, in Tur
[ Miss Bell Schooley spent Sunday
with her aunt, Mrs. Charles Dye near
Mm. MutHey and daughter, Miss
Iva, have returned to their home at
. Watsoutown, after visiting the form
. er's daughter, Mrs. Will McQuay,
near Strawberry Ridge.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sechler
r called at the parsonage at Strawberry
I Ridge, Monday evening.
July Clear
Big Price Drop on Sum=
me r Goods.
July marks the time to bogin our Annual Clearance
.Sale on such things as pertains to summer. We bought
early—we bought heavy and the present finds us with
a big stock on hand—too large to let us rest easy that
we can sell out at regular prices.
.Store Closed all day on July 4th. Remember also we
will be closed every Wednesday afternoon during July
and August.
10c Lawns, !i.tli-ISwisses, Dimities—ssc.
Colored \\ a'sh G >ods at almost half price. The greatest opportunity of the
season to get an extra dress for the 'not dress of July and August.
•Oinbre'uel Lawns, white ground, prettily marked with white stripe and colored
with pretty sprays of flowers, never sold for less than ten 10c yd, our Clearence
price s]c.
Florinel Batistes in darker effects black and white, navy and White, pink
and white, etc. both in stripes and figures, regular lOc values, clearance price 54c.
Irish Dimities, dainty little white cord markings and most striking lloral
effects the 10c kind at s£c a yd.
25c Silk Ginghams 15c:—300 to 400 yards of Silk .Mercerized Ginghams in
small checks and broken plaids, patterns that are a close resemblance to real silk
some of the price are slightly mussed in handling but the price is now 15J against
25c what they were.
White Madies, Swiss and Checks—39-115; 25-15; 15-10; 10-sc;
White Dress Goods—line wh.te materials at a wonderful cut in price to clear
them ->ut now duiing July.
Madras, Swisses and Oxford Stripes and Checks, every one a desireable pat
tern for waists or dresses, oth"rs only contains—a few waist patterns, but there's a
large variety in style and weave to select from. Think of the prices, 30c quality
25c, 25c qualities for 15c 15c qualities for 10c—10c qualities for oc.
08c White Lawn and Linen Dress Skirts this season styles regular price 1.50.
5.00 Silk Dress Suits both waist and skirt made of finest materials were It), 00,
12.75, and 15.00.
3.50 White Linen Coats the coat of the season regular value 5.00 2 for 2 , .k*.
Lawn Dressing Sacques Variety of styles an extra special bargain tegular
prices up to 50c.
4.08 Ladies Rain Coats colors in oxfords, tans and greys, best qualities, re
gular were 10.00 to 15.00.
3.50 White Jacket Suits, Kton Jackets and skirt regularly were 5.00.
Shoes and Oxford Clearance.
Ladies' 2.00 values 1.40 Oxfords in tan and patent leathers new styles, Men's
3.00 values 2.25, extra values in oxfords in tun. patent and wax calf.
Little Boys' 1.50 values 1.00, tan oxfords in sizes from 0 to 2.
Children's Shoes 75c value 50c manufacturers samples and best of stock al
ways putin samples all sizes from lupto 8
Lot Ladies' Shoes 75c excellent values nearly all sizes, many styles.
Men's Work Shoes 1.25, with tap sole a real bargain in spite of high priced
Silks and Dress Goods, Wonderful Values—A Clear
ance Sure.
Notice the offerings—they are made on seasonable summer fabrics: t'»e goods
you want for summer wear.
TAFFETA SILKS: in 30 inch width and most reliable fabrics they are, no
shoddy or imperfection if the price is low, black only.
75c quality 50c yard: I.<lo quality 85c yd. 89c quality 75c yd.
JAP SILKS, yard wide, extra quality regularly 85c, clearance price 75c yd.
CREPE DECHINE, in white, cream, light blue, light grey and brown, our
regular 1.00 quality clearance price 75c yd.
FANCY MOH AN'S, here's a general clean up of many patterns and styles
on the best wearing fabrics ever sold.
Regular 1.10 Fancy Mohairs at 75c, 54 inches wide.
Regular 75c Fancy Mohairs at 45c. 44 inches wide.
WOOL CHALLIES, elegant and fine for a summer frock choice patterns and
Regulaa 00c Figured Challtes, Clearance price 35c.
IMain Cliallies Clearance price 20c.
CREPE DE CHINE, in all wool variety of colors to choose from 75c goods to
go at 41c yd.
Parasol and Umbrella Bargains.
Parasols in the newest of this season's styles, clearance price and the best
part of summer yet to use tlieni.
White Liuen Parsols 2.00 ones are 1.50. 2.50 ones are 2.00.
5.00 ones are 3.75. 75c children's 59c,
Silk Parasols in white, black and colors.
1.1)0 onon pricAil 7ihv 2.00 ones priced 1.75.
2.50 ones priced 2.00. ;».uu ones priced 2.50.
COLORED SILK UMBRELLAS, for ladies in navy blue and green natural
wood, Princess handles, some with.uilk (rovers and silk tassels, best steel frames.
Regular 5.00 values, Clearance Salts priced 3.75.
4.00 " 44 •« 44 2.05.
2.50 '• " " " 1.75.
An Exlra Special Lace Bargains.
Valenciennes' Laces every where and on everything the overwhelming de
mand this season makes them hard to get in the more desireable patterns. An op
portune chance came to us, found by chance a lot of 125 pieces, we took them all
and here's the good news.
10 and 15c qualities all to be sold at 5c yard.
All Silk Belts at 25c.
A final jlearance of our white or whole stock during July. This is an extra
I good value for these are neither soiled nor out of style, many kinds, all sizes.
50, 7nc and 1.00, Silk Belts will be 25c.
Special Values in Furniture.
A clo?e out on certain lines is the only reason for furniture prices are going
up every day.
American Quartered Oak Stands, 24x24 size top were regularly 1.50 now 98c.
5.00 Quartered Oak Rockers priced 3.00.
2.50 Cane Seat and back Rockers priced 1.89.
2.50 Solid Wood Seat Rockers priced 1.80.
2.50 Bamboo Rockers 98c: 3.00 Bamboo Rockers 1.25.
June Sale of China Continued.
A coinpartively good assortment yet, it includes all our Fancy China, all
kinds and qualities at these prices:
19c all tjie dishes that sold regularly up to .'!9e.
«>c " " " Uis.
125" " '■ " " " " 2,25.
'• « 3.50.
Money Saving Grocery Prices.
Still Selling (Granulated Sugar, Franklin Refinery 4.75 hundred 25 lbs. 1.25
10 lbs. 50c.
New lot of fat Mackerel togo at 4 fish for 25c, Paraffine 10c lb.
Special for Saturday June 30th., only:—
Full Cream Cheese 12.\c pound.
Fresh Egg Crackers, line quality 12c lb.
Dried Peaches sweet and good 2 lbs for 25c.
lleinz Pure Peach Preserves 10c lb. Jello, any flavor 3 packs 25c.
Schreyer Store Co.
It SI. - MILTON, \\ ~ llm St.
Horrible Example*.
! "Maw, what Is a horrible example?"
! asked the youngest boy, looking up
I from his newspaper.
! The eldest hoy stopped his figuring
; long enough to say, "Walt till you get
I Into algebra, and you'll fl vi any
! nnjount of 'em."
July 6, 20, August 10,24, September, 7, 21, and
October 12, 1906
Tickets good going on train leaving 12.10 P. M.,
connectiug with
of Pullman Parlor Cars, Dining Car, and Day Coaches running via the i
Tickets Rood returning on regulan trains within TEN DAYS. Stop-off I
within limit allowed at Huffalo returning.
Illustrated Booklet aud full information may be obtained from Ticket
i i Agents.
1 General Manager. PassengerTrailic General Passenger Agent, j
Onr Till (iu Certain,
| "Of rourse, heat causes metals to ex
pand. There's no doubt of that. Don't
you believe It?"
j "Well, at any rate, I know that a ,
hot old time doesn't eu «ne a five dollar !
(fold piece to expand to any great ex- I
! tent."—Philadelphia Press.
Thousands of
Write to the Dr. David Konne<ly'a Sons,
Rondout, N. for a free descriptive
pamphlet, containing mncli helpful medical
advice, and a free sample bottle of that
great Kidney, Liver and Blood medicine,
A remedy backed by over 31 years of
■remarkable success. Used in thousands of
homes. Pleasant to take powerful to
heal. Stops that backache, clears up the
urine, relieves frequent urination, stops the
scalding pain; cures constipation and dys
lie member: The name is Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Itemed '//, price SI.OO (t» for
$5.00) and prepared at Handout, N. Y.
Sheriffs Hale of all personal, mixed or real
! properly ami all the corporate franchises and
corporate right* oft lie Danville and Sunhury
sifit't Railway < 'oinpnny, a Corporation char
j tered July llth* 1!M>1, hy the < 'oinimmweal!h
iof I'ennsylvania to construct, maintain and
j operate an elect rie St wet I tail way located ami
situate in the County of Montour and extend
ing through said countv into the countii Bof
| Columbia and Nort humberlund a»herchiaftcr
Hy virtue of a certain special PI u lies writ of
Fieri Facias Issued out of the Court of Com
mon Picas of Montour County to me directed,
I will expose to pilMic salcat the Court House
in Danville, Montour County, Pennsylvania
Friday, July 6, 'O6,
at 11 o'clock, A. M.
AII the personal, mixed or real properly and
all the corporate franchises and corporate
rights of the Danville and Sun bury Street
Railway Company, a corporation chartered
by the'Commonweallli oi Pennsylvania on
July 11, l!*U to construct, maintain and opcr
| atc'an eleclrle street railway In Hie Counties
of Montour, N'orthuinberlaiul and Columbia
upon and overt lie routes and highways here
inafter described; ami all and singular its line
and lines of railway already construcled,
routes, rights of way, extensions, rails, ties,
bonds, wires, poles, cars, tools, equipments
and all property and rights whatsoever which
the said street railway corporation lias or
| may have in the said counties of Montour,
Columbia ami Northumberland.
The route, lines and rights of way and ex
tensions of the said Railway Company hcing
described as follows:
Heginning on a point on the Kiver ltoad be
ing a continuation oi' Market Street in the
Horoiigh o Danville, Pciin'a directly opposite
the Slate Insane Asylum in township of Mah
oning, Montourt 'ount> . Pennsylvania, thence
In a westerly direct lon over, ulnii-Miml upon
Sidd road to its intersection with the borough
line of Danville ami line of Mahoning town
ship and Market street in said Horough,
I I hence westerly over, along and upon said
I Market Street to its intersect ion with Mill
Street in said HoroutHi thence In a southerly
i direction on said M ill Street, to its intersec
tion with the Danville-Riverside Bridge span
ning the Susquehanna liiver, t hence souther
ly over, alotfg and upon -aid I'.ridtre lo its in
tersect ion of i In- < 'oiiul y lines of Montour and
Nortliuniberiand Count ies, thence continuing
over, along and upon said bridge in (Jcarhnrt
township. Northumherlaml cmiuty, I'e msyl
vaniu. to its intersection with the continua
' I ion of Mill Street in said township, thence
over, along and upon said continuation of
Mill Street lo Us intersecti. n with Italiroad or
ila/leton Avenue in said township, theme
son I h west ci ly over, along and upon said
Railroad Avenue twenty-six hundred and
forty-live feet to a point opposite the t racks of
the Pennsylvania Itailroad Company, thence
southcr>y under the I nicks of the Pennsyl
vania itailroad Company to Third sire i.
thence ovi'i', along and upon said Third
si reet in a southerly direction to its Intcrsec-
I Don with Avenue "I'/' iieticc over, aloim ami
upon Avenue "K" in the Horough of River
side. Nornniinberlaml Couniy, I'ennsylvania
I three thousand feel lo its intersection with
Ninth Htreettlieneesoutherly overa private
right of way for 1 he purpose of av< >iding sharp
curves, dangeroie. erossini"- and liicrc;islug
i lite physical eomlition of the properly of I lie
said Hallway Company, ton point near drive
way around Park, thence southwesterly a
round and in line with said driveway to
Avenue ••!>" where it intersects with 'leiilh
St I. I hence westerly lo east line of l or
wnco's i.a nc, tncnce ftoutnony over private
right of way through lands of \. T. DeWitt
for purposes aforesaid along east line of Tor
renee's I anc to lands of Mrs. I. H. Torrenee,
(hence soulherly over private right of way for
the purposes at'orsaid through lands of Mrs. I.
11. Torrenee Toe 112. el toSlailon 77 !W I hence
south westerly over, along and upon said pub
lic road to ii run crossing said public road
thence westerly over private right of way for
pumoses aforesaid through lands of Mis. I.
11. Torrenee 21M feet to station ;;<K!7ut Intcrsee
tion of lands of Maggie S. Campbell tli nee
sou 111 westerly and westerly over private right
of way t hrougli lands of said Maggie s.i 'amp
bell for purposes aioresaid 1704 feet to station
47—HI at intersection of lands of J. Deyer thence
westerly over private right of way for pur
poses as afowsaid through lands of.l, Deyer
to a point -in public road thence over private
rit?111 of way for purposes asaforcsaid through
lauds of \V. 11. Aniinernian lo a point nuvi'k
ed "O" iu public road and thence over, along
and upon said public road southerly to lands
ot 11. L. DeWltt thence hy private right of
way for purposes aforesaid through lands of
11. IJ. DeWltt southerly to east side of lee
ponds to a chestnut tree thence southerly to
a point northwest of ground house thence
northerly toStation vJ c.i at intersection of
lands of Philip Snyder thence southerly over
private rlglii of way lor purposes aforesaid
through lands of said Philip Snyder .">OB feet to
Station KK-.'17 at Intersection of lands of Miller
Kstate thence southerly over private right of
way for purposes aforesaid through lands of
said Miller Kstate NSa feet to Station 117-22 at
intersection of lands of D. I>. F.ckinan thence
M .Mill. rl.v o\er pri\al«* right of wa\ forpur
poses aforesaid through lands of D. H. Eck
uian-Viii feet to Station 102-8S at intersection of
lands of John Wands t hence southerly ov- r
prlvate right of way for purposes aforesaid
through lands of said John Wands 1112 feet to
station 111 at intersection of lands of Dennis
A. Met ice thence soulherly over private right
of way Ibr purpose- atoiv.-aid I lirouuh lan.l
of said Dennis A. MeUec :tiKlfcctto Station
117-OOat intersection of lands of James Wlrt
niign then e south rl.v over private light of
way for purposes aforesaid through lands of
said James Wirlman I7IM) feet'to station 1:15-J0
at intersection of lamisofll. It. Fousl thence
southerly over private right of way for pur
poses aforesaid through lands of said H. 11.
Foiist too feet to station l-Mi-JOnt intersection
of lands of Charles A. (lullck thence south
~rly over private right of way for pur
poses aforesaid through lands of Charles A.
(iuliek 12111 feel lo station 1.V2-I I at iutei'sectloii
of lands of Oliver Weaver t hence soul h wester
ly over private right of way for purpo-es
aforesaid through lands of Oliver Weaver 15X5
feet to station 1117- II to a point in the public
road above elder press thence over, along and
upon -aid public I'oad It. d feet to Mat on I I
thence south westerly over, along and upon
said public road 1070 l'eet to Station 101-70
thence southwesterly over private right of way
for purposes aforesaid through lands of
I James Kntcrllne 21 l»t feel to Station 21S-MI at
intersection of lands of Margaret Mettler
tUrnee southerly over private right of way for
purposes aforesaid through lands of Margaret
Mel tier 1071 feel to Station 22IMH) at intersec
tion of lands of Joseph Oulick thence south
westerly over private right of way for pur
poses aforesaid through lands of said Joseph
I .iuliek HOO feet to Station 2:10-20 at intersect'-n
of lands of I'liillp Mettler thence southerly
over private right of way for purposes afore
said through lands of Philip Metier 2072 feet
to Station 2.i0-02 at intersection of lands ofs.
Hccdcr lhence soulliciiy over private right of
way lor purposes aforesaid through lands of
s. Iteeder 074 feet to station 200-70 ill intersec-'
Hon of lands of P. C. Deals thence .southwest
erly over private right of way for purposes
aforesaid through lands of said I'. C. Deals
J 2*02 feet to Station 201-7S at intersection of
laftls of Ashley L. Lawrence Kstate thence
southerly over private right of way for pur
poses aforesaid through lands of sal <1 Ashley
L. Lawrence Kstate 007 feet to Stat lon 2105-21 at
in t . • r-ee ti . > n of land -of Hannah Kulp thence
southerly over private right of way for pur
poses aforesaid through lands of said Hannah
Kulp 140 feet to Station .'IOO-01 at Intersection
of lands of Kinery Kckinan thence southwest
erly over private right of way for purposes
aforesaid through lands of said Kmery Kck
inan 1017 feet to Stat ion .'{2s-78 at intersection
of lands of Mary D. Rockefeller thence soul h
westerly over private right of way for pur
poses aforesaid through lands of said Mary 1).
Rockefeller JliiS feet to Station 857-M at I liter
section of lands of J. D. Kckinan thence west
eWy over private right of way for purposes
aforesaid 1 hrougli lands of said J. D. Kckinan
1222 feel to Stat ion :tSO-OS at Intersection of
lands of Frank P. Kckman thence westerly
over private right of way for purposes afow
said through lands of said Frank I\ Kckinan
1080 hello Station WWW at Intersection of
lands of Foiister Kstate thence westerly over
• private right of way for purposes aforesaid
through lands of said Forister Kstate 012 feet
to I a IIIW is.-»;« Koitil tlien.e southerly over,
along and upon said ('atawissa Hoad 702 feet
lo station .'{S4-42 at Intersection of lands of
Mary Oherdoj-f thence soulherly over, along
and upon said Catawlssa Hoad 14S0 feet to Sta
tion 890-2S thence southwesterly over along
mill upon said ('atawissa Hoad 7iH» feet to Sta
tion 400-04 at Intersection of lands of Charles
Moore 1 hence westerly over, along and uisni
said Catawlssa Road fiiTT'jfoet to station 120-
71'... at Intersection of lands of L. C. Hoyer
thence westerly over, along and upon said
('atawissa Road 850 leet to Stat ion wUiOat In
tersection of lauds of J. s. Clark thence south
westerly over private light of way through
lands of Isaac Snyder 1501 feel lo Station I'JO
:|l at Intersection of lands qf Samuel R|lai|d
theip:i: southwesterly over, along and upon
said Catawbsa Road OMfeet toStation 4 -0- 5
at intersection of lands of J S. (lark thence
smith westerly over, along mid upon said
Catawlss i Road 2273 feet to Station 47!KUiat
intersection of lands of D. W. Harnhard thence
southwesterly over, a) »ng and upon said
Catawlssa Road fronting oa properties of said
D. W. Ha rn hard. Isaac Whlpc, Maggie Lyons,
a d Le tcrShipe ISOO feet lo Station 40/-Off
l hence southerly over, a'ong and upon sal.
Cat iwissa Hon •»- feel toStnth iisolat o.i r
scction of lands ofOeorgc H. Weaver Ihe cc
southwestern >O4 leet to station 50M-'»2 at in
t i>:ectioii of Amis of W. H< lily. Kyste theiic •
southerb-over, ab ng and upon said ( ata
wissa Road 1000 112. el to-sta io s to inter
section ot lands of William Rick and J.(L
bright I hence soul hr v over, along and upon
Oatau is-a !:■ ad H-l le T l..sia MIM'.MJ
at intersection «112 I nds of Francs Donncl
thence southw-steiiy over, along and upon
the s ild ( atawissa Road 70'« feet to Station
510-10 thence southwardly over private rigid
of way to Improve the physical condition of
its ro d through lauds of Fnmci* Roun I "50
let in Station .V>2-'.Hi at Intersc - ion of lauds
of L. T. Rohrbach thence s iiithwcst"riy over
pri\al«'right if way lor purpo-es aforesaid
and ton void s'eepgr.des 11JI feet (o Stat on
50!-27 at Interswtlo.i of lands ef Ci.arle- P.
Hinchart thenc.- -o itbwcstcil.v over private
right of way for pur, os» s aforesaid tnraugh
land-of said ('nitlies P. Kinehart 1207 feet ia
Slat b>n 570-21 -ii tut rsccHbn of lands of W 11.
Druekeiimiller Ihence southwaidl.' other
private right of way for purposes af-resaid
through lands of \\ . 11. Druekeiimiller 1027
lee. to Station liienee soiithw* sterly'JUNi
feel, lie re or le s to a point marked "(»"
I hence westerly I > a point marked "()" in
Cat iwissa Avenu • t hemv south west rl.v over,
along and upon Catawls a Av nil" in Hor
ough ofSunbury. Pe msyh ania to lis intersec
tion with Reagan Sire t thence in a south
westerly direction over, along and upon said
Reagan street to its intersection with Fair
mouiit Avenue thence in a southwesterly dir
rection over, along and upon said Fab mount
Avenue to its intersection Willi Market Street;
theme across the said Markc. Street in a
sonihwest'y direct lon over, along ami upon
Tenth street to its Mil rscctn n with Wolver
ton Street, thence in a north westerly direc
tion over, along and upon, said Wolverton
Strict to its Intersect on with ( hestnut Stieet,
thence in a northwesterly direction over,
along and upon said ('hestnut Street to it * lu
ll sect ion with Fourth Street thence in a
northeasterly direction over, along and upon
slid Fourth Street to its intersection with
Market Street thence by the same route to the
place oi beginning, and the route thereof as
set out in its charter, viz:—
beginning at a point ou Market St wet di
rectly opposite the State Insane Asymin in
I lie township of Mahoning, Montour ('ounty,
Pennsylvania, thence in a westerly direction
over, along and upon said Street to Its inter
section with the Horough of Danvilb ami line
of Mnhonlng township thence westerly along,
ovcraml upon said Market Street to its inter
section with Mill Street in ihe s.ild Horough
llicuce in a southerly direct ion on the said
Mi I St wel toils intersect ion with tile Bridge
Spanning the Susquehanna River, thence
over, along aud upon said bridge iu a soul iter
ly direction to Hie County lines ofMon:our
and N«iibtimbcr!amT ('oil ill les theme over,
along and upon snidhiidgc in Northumber
land County to Its intersection Willi Railroa I
Avenue In tin? township of Rush, Northum
berainl County, thence over, along and upon
said Ra'lroad Avenue 1n said township in a
Wesieliy direetioli to it* intersection Willi
Montour S reel in the Horough of Riverside,
Northumberland County, thence continuing
over, along and upon said Montour St ieet iu
a southerly direction to Its intersection with
Sunhury street in the said Horough thence
over, along and upon sa d Sunhury Street in a
westerly direction to Its intersection with
Avenue "F" thence along, over and upon
Avenue "F" to its intersection with the Hor
ough line of Riverside and the Rushtown
Road in Rush township, Northumberland
County thence in a westerly direction along,
over ami upon said road to its intersection
with Pine Swamp Hollow Road thence in a
Southerly direction over, along and upon
said r ad to Its intersection with the Cata
wlssa Road thence in a westerly direction over,
along aud upon said road to its Intersection
wlili (iravel Hun thence continuing in a
southerly direction over,along and upon said
road lo Klincsgrovcand its intersection with
the lines of Cppcr Augusta and Hush town
ships, Northumberland County, thence over,
along and upon sain ('atawissa Road wester
ly to its intersection with Catawlssa Avenue
ihence over, aloiignnd upon said Catawlssa
Avenue to the Horough line of Sunhury and
Its intersection with Market Street iu said
Hor. ugh thence westerly over, along and up
on said Market Street to Its intersection with
the I racks oft he Pennsylvania Railroad ('oin
pany in the Horough ofSunbury, Northum
berland County aforesaid I hence returning by
said route to I he place of beginning forming a
complete circuit.
No. 1. Heginning at a point in the Horough
line ot Hivcrside, Northumberland County,
Pennsylvania, at western end of (icarharl
Street ihence northwardly through an alley
to Fifth Street then cc westward ly on Fifth
Street to Avenue "F" Ihence northwardly on
\vein to Foilrtli Street thence We-t
--ward'y on Fourth Street to Avenue "K"
Ihence southwardly on Avenue "E" to Ninth
Street thence westward ly on Ninth Street to
Avenue" I>" tlicnce southwardly on Avenue
"Ii" to DcWitt's Park.
A Iso No. 2. beginning in I lie public road lead
ing from IJanvHle to (' itawissa being the river
road on the north side of the Susquehanna
River dir et ly soul beast oft he main cut ranee
to the Hospital for Hie Insane and at the in
tersection ot the tracks of the Sunluiry A*
Danville .-lreel Railway ( ompany in .Mahon
ing township ( 'ounty of Montour and State of
Pennsylvania thence easterly along over and
upon said road through townships of Mahon
ing and Cooper, Montour Countv, l'enn'n,
and Montour township, Columbia County,
Pen mi, lo a point at t lie main . entrance oft lie
north,side of the Catawlssa River bridge at
intersect ion oft racks of the Columbia Mon
-10111 KLI I irir It tilna.v <'"inpnny, Montour
township, Columbia County, l'a.
Also No. .i. Heginning at I lie Intersection of
Third and Hanover Streets in the Horough of
Northunilieiinnd, Pciin'a., thence soutlieast
uardly over 1 lano\er St reel to Hie Horough
line at aud near low w'aler market' the Sus
quehanna River,
Heginning at a point at intersection of main
road leading from Danville, Pa., to Northum
berland, Pa., and a public road or extension
of Market Street, in Danville Horough tlienee
easterly over last mentioned road to West
Market Street insaid borough I hence to and
over Fast Market Street to Ferry Street,
thence northerly ovifr. Ferry Street to Mul
berry Street, thence westerly over Mulberry
street to Mill Street, thence northerly over
Mill street toend of Horough line and main
road leading to Mausdale. tlienee northerly
over said road to Mausdale, thence westerly
through the townships of Valley and Liberty
over main road to Moowsburg, thence south
erly over said main road through the town
ship of Point, Northumberland Couniy to
Third street iu Horougu of Northumberland,
I'enn'a., thence over Third Street southwest
erly to Queen St wet insikl Horough.
Also, No. I. Heginning at Intersection of
Sunhury Street and Aveiiue "F" in Riverside
I! >rougii, Pciin'a., ihence over Avenue "K" to
Ninth street, thence westerly over Ninth
street to Avenue "D," thence southerly over
Avenue "D" to DeWitt's Park. And begin
ning iu intersection of Avenue "D" and Di*-
Will's Park tlienee southerly on Avenue ••!»"
to Rushtown road in (iearliail township,
Northumberland County, l'a. And begin
ning al intersection of Montour and (Jearhart
Streets thence eastwardly on (Jearhart Street
to Sunhury Street.
Also, No. 5. Ami beginning at Intersection
of Mill ami Front Streets in Hie Horough of
Danville, l'a., thence easteily on Front Street
to Railroad Street, tlienee northerly on itail
road Street to Market S'reet in said Horough.
A Iso:
One generator and switch-board.
Tli We complete turn-out sets.
About 2800 Railway ties,
Kl IN pounds of -1-0 Iced wiw.
One reel % in. span wire.
1712 Copper bonds.
500 0-foot brackets,
fr* iron box lightning arresters.
Lot of over-head material.
Seized, taken into execution and to be sold
as the nroperty of the Danville dc Sunbury
Street Railway Company.
Exchange Pick-Ups.
We are having fine growing weath
A number of people from this place
attended the farmers' picnic at Fern
dale last Saturday.
George Dichl and wife visited the
latfer's parents at this place on Sun
Frank and Norman Acor, of Wasli
iugville, passed through town Sun
Calvin Shires and lady drove
through town the other evening.
William Ellis and son, Stephen, of
Opp, were iu town the other day.
Wm. Snvder, of Turbotville, visit
ed his uncle, John A. Ellis, over
Clarence Jarrett and Miss Edna
WertmaD were married last Tuesday.
They will reside near Exchange.
Grant Houghton is home from the
Bloomsburg Normal spending his
Clemens Wagner is home spending
a few days with his family,
.Nfc's. Olive Sees visited her aunt
near Pottsgrove on Tuesday.
J. W. Hitter's new house is going
up rapidly.
Mrs. Wm. Dildine transacted busi
ness at Turbotville the other day.
Samuel Hartley, of Tucbotville,
passed through our city one day this
James Houghton, of Pine Summit,
drove to this place aud Turbovi lie
last Saturday.
X X.
I Trespass notices for sale ut thin
office. Two for sc, or 25c a dozen.
„. H For Infants and Children.
r/iSTORII |Tl>e Kind You Have
SBBSI Always Bought
similatingltaeFoodandßeguia- ■ #
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of 31 "Rga r»S fr*Q M *
" Z =—— „." 1 Signature xJlu
Promotes Digeslton.CheerfuH 'S M -J lAp
ness and Rest Contains neither ! 112 r J» «1^
Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. 1 01 Xl\ AIF
NotNahcotic, #i lt.Lf
n*vt oft/ua-SAMJiLPtraiM • M
Seed" v lIF \
Jlx.Smum * 1 _
K<xk*iu w* - I |LI
I l\ IA • ■"
fftrrn - I 11 ■
) Jm T • it
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- | V ftl' WWU
Hon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea 1 laK
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- 1 wr P_ „
ness and Loss OF SLEEP. W* 112 fji II VU I
Facsimile Signature of
Thirty Years
exact fcoHY ar wpAearn.. GASTORIA
A Series ol Hooks by BenJ. F. Cobb, written
in the catchy slung vein wliieli to-day IK HO
prevalent. These IMMIICS are the best issued
uiul fairly blossom with wit ami humor.
Hound In cloth, gilt tops, with seven half-tone
illustrations. The titles:
Jack Henderson Down Eost.
Jock Henderson Out West.
Jock Henderson Down South.
Jack Henderson on Matrimony.
Jack Hendersqp on Tipping
Jack Henderson on Experience.
Nothing like them for driving away the
blues and keeping down doctor bills.
Price, per copy, 50c.; per set, $.1.00, poxtpald.
For sale at Booksellers or write to Publishers
395-399 Broadway ( - New York
Hend for n eomplete Catalogue of I'opular
Priced Books.
Bean the The Kind You Have Always Bought
Some Forms of Salutation.
The Chinese when saluting each
other will nay: "How is-your stom
ach ? Have you eaten your rice 1"
The l'ole's greeting is "How do
you have yourself ?"
The Russians meet on the street
witli "How do you live on ?"
The Persian's friendly recognition
of a fiiend is "May your shadow nev
er grow less."
The French gaily call out in pass
ing acquaintances, "How do you find
The Italian's greeting is "How do
you staud ?"
The Egyptian's greeting is "How
do you perspire?"
The Dutch say "How do you
fare ?''
The Swedes cry out merrily, "How
cau you to-day ?"
The English and Americans nod
quickly and in passing say "Howdy
PtPSOIDS ?" pe
* ■■■ " Dr. UKIIUHU H Prescription 18
n guaranteed euro for Dyepepeia. Indigestion
and all Stomach trouble. Price 50 Cents.
•The Foot-Ease Trade-Mark Sustained.
Buffalo, N. Y.—The Supreme Court has
granted a permanent injuuetion with eosts
against Paul B. Hudson and others of New
York City, restraining thein from making or
selling a foot powder which the court declares
is an imitation and infringement on "Foot-
Ka.se," now so largely advertised and sold
over the country. The owner of the trade
mark is A Il» ii s. Olmsted, of Le
itoy, N. v., and the decision in this suit up
holds his trade-mark and renders all parties
liable who fraudulently attempt to proilt by
the extensive •• I'oi.>-Kas," advertising, in
nlaelng on the market the spurious and simi
lar appearing preparation involved In the
case. This the court declares was designed in
imitation and Infringement of the genuine
••Foot-Ease." It is said that similar suits will
be brought against others whA are now In
fringing on the Foot-Ease trade-mark rights.
Each package of the genuine Allen's Foot-
Ease has the facsimile signature of Allen 8.
Olmsted on its yellow label.
Bear, iha yfKind You Have Always Bought
Calendars for 1907.
The Intelligencer office has received
a full and complete line of samples of
fine art calendars, anil we are ready
1 to take your orders for 1907. Be
sure to call and learn our prices he
' fore placing your order. Designs of
every description to select from.
. Remember, we lead and others fol
• low.
Hansen -There was a time I couldn't
abide r«gleigh, but 1 declare if ha
nasn't become really agreeable of late.
! Tryster— You don't mean It!
i Ilansou—Yes; he hasn't called at my
place for month or two.—Boston Tran- .
Here is Relief for Women. !
If you have pains in the back, Urinary,
Bladder or Kidney trouble, and waut a cer- I
" tain, p'easant herb cure for woman's Ills, try
Motlier llruj'H AI-HTKALIAN-I BAK. It In 11
Hiife and nover-fulllng monthly regulator. At
DRUGUIHU or by mull "lOe. sample paclt&KP
FKKK. Addrexs, Tile Mother'tlray Co., U-
Roy, N. Y.
WAITED: —District ManagersMo
post signs, advertise and distribute
samples. Salary 118.0' weekly, $3.00
per day for expenses. State BRC and
present employment. IDEAL SHEAU
CO., 39 Uandolpli St., Chicago.
CLMIIMA and beautifies the hair.
Promote* a luxuriant growth.
Never Falls to Reatora Gray
cS.'.'vir, 'ir-i.WJ. £&£
0 mrnmmatmmmm
The Secret of Success.
The secret of success is not
so much in knowing how to
make money as in the ability
to hang onto it. VVe assist
people in their efforts to save
money. If this matter concerns
you, call and see us about it.
The First National Rank
Resources Over
Three Days
June 30, July 2 and 3.
25c Fancy Figured Lace Stripe Mat
erial 17c yard
25c Mercerized Checks, 17c *'
18c Fancy Figured Organdy 12$ M
15c Dolly Vardeu & stripe Lawns A
Batistes, 10c "
13c Dolly Varden & stripe Lawns
Batistes, tic 41
10c: Dolly Varden & stripe Lawns &
Batistes, 7c "
8c Fancy Lawns, 5c "
6c Ciiallies, 4c "
25c mercerized and lace Stripe White
Material, 17c "
15 and 18c mercerized and lace
Stripe White Material, 11c ••
AH widths plain colored Taffeta
Kibbon 12c "
344 Mill Street.
restores VITALITY
produces the above rtnlts la M tfftja. UmH '
powerfully and quickly. Cursa vhia all olkin Mi
young man will regain their lost wlond, aai »il
men will recover tholr youthful vigor by ulai
BEVIVO. It quicklyandnnlrrootarae IUUMI
dom. Loet Yltallty, Im potency, Nightly KaUaieM?
Lost Power. Vailing Memory. Wullu Dlaeaaea. t*4
•11 effects of aolf-abaao or aicetaand Indlaeroll—,
Which un Ate ono forgtndy, bualneaa or marrtaffa. M
Dot only curea by atartlng at tho seat of dlaeaaa, bat
la a great nerve tonlo aad blood bwilder, briag
lof hack tho pink flow to pale okoekaaadvo
atorlng tho flra of youth, ft ward* off InaaiMt
and Oonatunptlon. Insist on having JUEVITO. M
other. It can bo carried In teat pocket. By aaeAl.
SI.OO per package, or six lor tS.OO, withe pogt
tl*o written guarantee to care av lew
the noa«r. Book and advise free. Addresa
G. cA. "HpSS^MA^K.
Estate of Wm. M. Sri del. Lair of Danville,
Montour County, Pennsylvania
Notice is hereby given, that letters testa
mentary on the übove estate having Iteen
granted to the undersigned. ull persona In
debted to KHld estate are requested to make
payment, ami those having claims or de
mands against the said estate to present the
s-nne, without delay to
or to D. F. UOUGRR,
\V.w. K AHE WKST. Executor,
Council, H. r. I). No. 1,
Danville, Pa., May 21, 'OO. klllton, ra.
Bear. til. j* IN Kind YOU HiW >IWIfI B«fM
Bignator. SW .
Can You Afford
r ° Be Without Thia?
how will YOUR family fare?
DISABLED and incapacitated
for work how will YOU fare?
The Fidelity
Mutual Life Insurance Co*
of Philadelphia, Pa.
L. 0. FOUSE, PrtsHsst. # ChtrtiN lift
2*5 East Fourth 81., • BERWICK PA.
tar Apply lor Acent'a Coulrael. sm