Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, December 08, 1905, Image 3

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    {lanrille Jfnte lligtiu et
Established in 1828.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for nnv en-** of Catarrh that
cannot ho cured l»v Ha Ts Catarrh
Cure. F. J C'HftNEY &CO , Tule
do, ().
We, the tmderMgned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, j
and believe i.im perfectly honorable .
in a'l business tinosact tons, and tin- ,
uncially able to carry out unv ohliga
tion- made bv hi- liim Waldino, '
Kinnan & Marvin, Wiiolesa e Drug- I
gists, To edo, (>
Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the blood :
ami mucous sut faces of the system.]
Testimonials sent free Price, 75c.
per botile S- Id by nil Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
Ch:ibtm.:6 is rapidly approaching.
The ib-in with plenty has no roa>on
to complain.
Next in order will bo the holiday
Now old 15)05 outers on the last lap
of Time's cycle.
Now got down to work azaiu for
three wioks.
Old King Boreas is beginuuing to
cat up say capetp.
Try some pepsin for that case of in
Reiuembet tin cbarituble institu
tions daring tho holidays.
Bigporkirs now enlist the atten
tion of rural rommuuitic*, just as bit
hunting stoiies iutetest city chap?.
Save yoor frait trees by learning
how to spray to destroy the San Jose
It is hoped that a year hence we
will liavo a pro it deal more to be
thiiukful for.
The Ohiistuias rush j romises to sot
in early tbis year.
Tho holiday rush will soou be on in
rarm sr.
Jjuy a snow shovel now and have it
ready for the next suow. Then be a
public toueiactor.
That rise iu tho river is gco.i for
flashing purposes at any rate.
(Jood farm for cent in Dairy town
ship, Montour county
M. L. Siiebp, Jersey town Pa.
Gradually tho storis are donning
their holiday attire.
Ev»n if '.lie Czar escapes a violent
death there i* grave danger that he
may be frightened to death.
Dividing the costs is a good way of
getting rid of petty cases in court.
Of courso Congress will not be ex
pected to git in good running condi
tion until after tho holidays.
The coming throe woks promise to
be remarl.a ly busy in the Danvill
fctorc s.
One of the unpleasant features of
the average cold wave is the sudden
ness of arrival
Shop early. J3y doing so you will
be showing your good sense and get
more satisfaction out of your dollars.
Mr. F B. Meuschkc, of near Ex
change. gave us a business call on
Mr. J M. Moore, of near this city,
while in town Tuesday on business,
called upon us and renewed his sub
scription for 1900.
Congress will wait until after the
holidays be'.oru taking up the
look forward hopefully.
Trespass notices for sale at this
office. Two for sc, or 25c a dozen.
Anthony Schott, of Selinsgrove,
spent Sunday with his family in this
Mr. and Mr». Charles Sidlrr aud
childreu, of Snuhury, spent Sunday
with relitives in this city.
Miss Lois Dietz, of Norriatown, is
visiting at the home of 'her par nts,
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dietz, East Mar
ket street.
Job Printing of all kinds properly
executed at reasonable prices, at the
Intelligencer Office.
Miss Mary Lyons, of Klinesgrove,
spent Suuday with frit nds in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Winters, of
Sunbury, spent Suuday with relativts
in this city.
Professors J. Mile* Dorr, Schuyb r
Irwin and Isaac Acor gave us very
pleasant calls during their attendance
at institute in this city this w«ek.
We have received a number of per
sonal letters' of praise on our special
edition of last week which we wish
to acknowledge through the columns
of the Intelligencer.
Tracy s . Pettijohn, Esq , promo er
of our new Rural Telephone System,
is now busily engaged finishing up a
fine directory of 1500 copies, at this
The early timer will bo better sat
isftcd with his purchase than will the
person who waits until the eleventt
hour to select his Christinas gifts.
Mr. I) W. Diehl, of Strawberry
llidge, with his mother, Mrs. Daniel
Diehl, of Exchange, gave us a busi
ness call Thursday afternoon.
Why not ln-lp the clerliH and your
selves by buying >our presents early
Christmas ahoppiiiit may be marie ea*\
lor a!l oonmrmd bv stalling now an
using the morning hours us tar as po -
No matter what your business, use
good printing, it's the dress by
which the public judges you. We
can please you and make your print
ing a profitable investment.—The In- j
telligencer Printcry, rear of No. 10
West Mahoning street.
LADIKft!— I want all to know of
the splendid opportunity I c»n give
any woman whereby shn can actualU
turn her spare time into money The
work is very p ea-ani and will easily
pay $lB pr week l beiv is no do"
ception nbout'this. No experience is
ne«essarv If you really want to
mai<c money, wri e to toe at. once
Address, M Richards,
Box li, Joiiot, 111. i
I The Intelligencer is at your service
as a news or advertising medium. We
await your commands,
-j Mr. Jonathan Rudy, of near this
city, renewed his subscription yester
: day and gave us a p'easant. call.
I Mr. L O. Ewritt, of in ar Pot's
grove, gave us a pleasant business
call Thursday. He has a fine farm
for sa'e near that pl.«co and offers ii
at a very r asonable price. See his
advertisement in another c dtimn
; headed "for sale—a small farm, etc."
Tin prosperity of Clio railroads and
the r« cor i breaking harvests have oo
! oasioued an uuprer eh nted demand fo<
; steel rars and other c irs. locomotives,
rails, and railroad equipment general
ly, and thn *toel and irou industry en
joys a stronger statistical position
than at any time during tho past two
Annual elect ion of directors of the
Montour Mutual Fire Insurance Co ,
will be held on Monday, January Ist,
1906, at the Company's Office, 221
Mill street, Danville, Pa., between
the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock P. M., in
accordance with the by laws of the
company. 12 22
Postmaster' General Cortelyou is
probing a Pittsburg miuing company
which has on its list of officers ai d
diioctors the names of mauy meu of
prominence. It's an old same to catch
gudgeons with tho uso of names of
promineut people, aud many honest
people have been separated from their
money iti this way.
Charles Daua Gibson has sailed for
Europe, where, it is understood, he
a ill study painting His going is Am
erica's loss, for it will bo deprived of j
tho cartoons which nobody but Gib
sou himself can make. He is taking
big chances, for it is not a certainty :
that American lovers of the artistic j
will perfer a Gibson paiutiug to a Gib
son drawing, fie is goiug to Europe !
at tho expense ol his loyal American j
public. ,
Last week we published a list of |
items from Exchange, which, we un- '
derstand, were meant for slander
more than anything else, the first we
have published that had no name i
signed to I hem. This was a breech
to our rules, but we thought there
was nothing harmful in them and
gave them space. Henceforth NO
items will bo published without a
si j nature attached. Such conduct is
the work of cowaids and is never
meant for any good, generally for j
revenge through jealousy of some
sort. Any community can do with
out these disturbers of the peace.
rewMBS £3Z*»XZSSZ:
A guurniitred cure f.>l I ndilution
and all Stomach troublo. Price 50 Cents.
To hight the San Jose Scale.
Tjio first orchard demonstration un
der tho auspices of the State Ddpart
meut of Agriculture ever held in
Montour county took place on the
(arm of E. G. Wortman, Mahoning
township, yesterday afternoon.
The "demonstration" had been well
advertised and Mr. Briuktrfioti fouud
a good sized audieuae awaiting him
in Mr. Wertmau's orchard,iu the num
ber being a sprinkling of ladies. Mr.
tfertiuan, as required to do, drove
IOWU to this city aud hauled the "de
monstrator" along with Ins outfit up
io the farm. Tho spraying outfit con
sists of a sprayer mounted iu a barrel,
t largi iron kettlo, two pieces of hose
eao i twelve feet long and a bimbo 3
rod ten feet in length. In addition to
hauling the spraying outfit to and
from the station the farmer is expect
ed to outeitiin the "demonstrator".
Mr. Hrinkerhoil's duties as "demon
strator" consist in actually making
the "California Mixture" before the
assembled fanners, which lie did yes
terday by pouring the three ingredi
euts—lime, sulphur and salt—into the
ntg iron keitl • and boiling them to
gether one hour ami fiftoen minutes.
I'his was followed by a practical dem
onstration iu spraying, some ten
trees being treated.
Mr. Briukerhoff gave a talk of ovor
an hour and answered many questions
relating to the matter iu baud. It de
volves upon the "demonstrator" to
teach the fariuorji how to recoguize the
San Jose Scalo, which closply resem
bles some other iuseots of its kind. It
is, however, in noli more destructive
than any other kind of pest, as it not
only injects poison into the tree but
at the same time sucks out the sap.
A large number of twins were brought |
to vir. Wertmau's orchard yesterday ;
t'»r inspection Mr Briukerhoff, how
over, wa-i unable to find any scale. He
i- inclined to think that the farmer
ill too many iutaucea brought him
i Aiga of old tr»-en, instead of breaking
off brim-lies of youuger trees, such as
p acli,pears, &•., which are more like
ly io be infested. Old trees, especial
ly >he *-ii-1a or the branches, are moie
likely ro escape the Sau JOSH Scale.
New Delivery Wagon.
Fallon Brothers have put a new de
liver? wagon iuto commission, which ,
is about aa handsome a vehicle of ita
kind as is to bo fouud iu thia aectior.
It was manufactured by our towns
man, D. C. Hunt, who stands fore
ooat among ca riane and wugon mak
ers. Kallon Brothers wagou attests to
tho manufacturer'a i-kill by the artistio j
m inner in which it ia paintod as well
as the excellent woikmanship visible
in all ita parts.
Too Cold to Build Roads.
Sfcito lliuhwa? Co omiasiouer Hunt
er has «u*pended actual road construe
ion in Pi n:iHylvauia until uest spring.
IVo Commissioner wfll, however,con
tinue to make surveys for new work
so long as tho weather is pleasant.
I'he entire department force will soon
1 tie putt» work getting ready for uow
road work to t?e begun next spriug.—
Flarrisburg Telegraph.
GooilneNM Known.
Mrs. Nnyberlelgh—Judge, I want you
to try some of my sngel cake. Judge
Sokem (absently)— What is it charged
■with?— Cleveland Leader.
To believe is to be strong. Doubt
cramps energy Belief li power.—Rob
(l ertoou.
I Copyright, lUO6, by P. C. Eaatmeut
i The low, rambling farmhouse lately
, purchased by the ltod aud Gun club
, lay gllsteuing iu the early morning
uunshlne. Long shafts of golden light
stretched across the leaf screened
porch. In the old fashioned garden at
one side btige piueys lifted heavy,
dewy heads. A robin's song came from
the orchard, and over all brooded the
sweet silence of the Berkshire hills.
A mischievous little breeze strayed
around the corner of the clubhouse,
i shook the dew from the lilacs, scatter
ed the pink petals of an almond bush
aud with a ftuddeu little pulC tossed
the blight hair of the girl who stood
on the clubhouse steps In the flood of
sweet June sunshine, her eyes fixed on
the distant bills.
"The bills, rock ribbed and ancient
as the sun," she murmured softly,
stretching out her arms with an im
pulsive little gesture. She dropped
them suddenly, a quick wave of soft
color dyeing her cheeks as she en
countered the admiring glance of a
slender, dark eyed man who came
lazily toward her.
"Invoking the poet of these bills?"
he said easily. "By the way, what do
you say to a little pilgrimage to his
old home this afternoon? It must be
somewhere near here. Perhaps Eller
tou will know,"he went on, turning to
a tall, broad shouldered young fellow
who came toward tbeui across the lawn
with long, easy strides. His rod, his
long, wet boots and bis mud streaked
, clothing l)ore mute witness to his re
-1 cent occupation. At sight of tbem he
snatched off his cap and waved aloft
an adder twig from which glistened
j the body of a good sized trout.
I"Three pouuds If he's an ounce, Miss
Blair," bo called, flourishing the branch
triumphantly. "The old sinner! I knew
! I'd fetch him, aud In time for your
I breakfast, too," he went on eagerly.
She thanked blm In her pretty, gra
cious way, smiling into bis happy, sun
■ burned face, and, still smiling, her eyes
followed the tall, strong figure as be
proudly bore bis trophy through the
garden in search of the cook.
J Robert Underwood, leaning on the
veranda railing, had watched the little
scene Impatiently.
"Poor duffer!" he said aloud. "Pity
the fates didn't give the same careful
attention to his brains that they did to
his bank account!"
The smile faded from the girl's face.
"Hardly the remark to expect from bis
j chief frieud," she said coldly.
| He colored with annoyance. "Oh, he's
a good fellow," he returned lightly.
"Say, Billy," he demanded as Eller
ton came again into view, "do you
know how far it is to Bryant's place?"
"Bryant?" The blue eyes were dis
tinctly puzzled. "What Bryant Is that?
Not Tom Bryant on our team? I didn't
know he had a place near here."
"Never heard of a poet named Bry
ant, I suppose," Robert returned, with
| a quick, amused glance at Kathleen,
whose eyes were again fixed on the
distant hills.
Billy's good humored face colored un
der Its coat of tan. "Ob, yes; the
'Thanatopsls' fellow. I'm afraid I don't
know much about him," he Went on,
with an embarrassed little laugh.
"I'm hoping to take Miss Blair over
this afternoon—that Is, If I can find
anything to take her In," Underwood
continued, with calm assumption.
"Oh, I say, Miss Blair, I wanted to
take you a run over to"— Billy stop
ped abruptly, his eyes fixed miserably
on the couple above. He saw Robert
Underwood's dark, alert face, the ten
der, troubled eyes of the girl standing
sweet and gracious beside him, and In
a sudden, unhappy flash of comprehen
sion he understood. "And I Imagined
she might enre for such a stupid fel
low as I am," he thought bitterly.
"Take my car. I shall not be using
it," be said shortly, and, plunging his
hands in his pockets, he turned ab
ruptly and walked slowly away over
the dew wet grass.
The automobile had been left at the
entrance of the quiet, elm shaded ave
nue. "It would be a desecration," said
Kathleen, "to bring It nearer." She
and Robert Underwood approached the
wide imrch of the low, yellow hou9e
tho poet liKfl loved.
Kathleen wandered happily through
the quaint, old fashioned rooms, exam
ined the funny little wooden cradle,
climbed delightedly to look from the
corner window where the boy poet sat
when he wrote his first verse. She
touched bis favorite chair with rever
ent fingers, stood with hushed awe In
the room where the great man had
died and lingered in the narrow path
leading to his daughter's house, where,
between walls of birches which, like
slim, white sentinels, clasped leafy
protecting arms overhead, the poet bad
inade his dally pilgrimage of love.
The hush of late afternoon lay over
' hill and valley and long shadows filck
-1 ered through the arching elm* when
1 finally they turned from the old home
stead and drove slowly down the wind
ing road. Up and down bill, over
bridge* spanning tumultuous brooks,
past grassy hollows yellow with dande
lions, the car sped smoothly on, fol
lowing the road In and out beside a
nijlsy little stream.
A sharp curve—a warning shriek
from the automobile—the wild plunge
of a terrified horse—a woman's frlgbt
i ened scream!
"Quick! Jump! Oh, do help tbem!"
' cried Kathleen, springing distractedly
to her feet. But Robert Underwood
■at motionless.
"It is no use," he muttered, pale with
The horse plunged wildly toward the
ttream, and, sick with horror, Kathleen
closed her eyes to shut out what must
! Another frenzied call for help, an
answering cry, a quick parting of the
alder bushes friuging the opposite
bank, and a familiar, mud streaked
figure, like a young giant's, plunged
knee deep luto the stream.
A moment, aud he bad tbe frentled
horse—another breathless moment, and
he and the horse were down side by
lide. lie was ou bis feet agalu quick
ly, his powerful shoulders bent for
ward, holding the horse with strong
young arms and quieting him with low,
i soothing voice. Tbe horse plunged
again, reared, then stood still, trem
bling, and finally permitted himself,
with much shying and sidling, to be led
j past the terrifying apparlt' n.
i "Don Quixote to the rescue!" called
Robert Underwood as Billy turned
I back after starting the frightened wo
i men safely ou their way. But bis voice
I was unsteady and the hot color stung
his face as he caught Billy's scornful
eyes. Very unlike the youug man he
: had been used to treating with half
veiled contempt was this young giant
who walked with calm assurance to
ward the willow shaded bank where
Kathleen stood.
She smlle<l a nervous Httle greeting
as she advanced to meet him with out
stretched hand and tender, shining
eyes. "I am so proud of you!" she
said, a little catch In her voice.
He took her hands and held them
tightly In his own. "You have been
badly frightened," he said, with quick
anxiety, noting her tear stained face,
the tremulous lips, the lashes wet with
recent tears.
"Because I thought you wgtid be
hurt," she answered softly.
In the road behind them Robert Un
derwood bad reseated himself In the
car and with assumed nonchalance was
rolling a cigarette. Screened by the
sheltering curve, they were alone In
the silence of the woods.
Half credulous, with eyes radiant
with the dawning light of a great hap
piness, he searched the sweet, half
averted face.
"Would you have cared?" he whis
pered under bis breath and then, "I
thought it was Underwood," he added
"There was never any one else," she
answered, and In the alienee her words
came clear and sweet. He drew her
closer, and a wave of delicate color
dyed her face, but the blue eye* met
bis bruvely. "Never any one but you,"
she murmured softly.
There were whole streets In Tyre en
tirely occupied by glass works, and
it is stated that the first glass houses
were erected In Tyre. The glass houses
of Alexandria were highly celebrated
for the ingenuity and skill of their
workmen and the extent of their man
ufactures. Layard, In writing about
bis discoveries among the ruins of
Nineveh and Babylon, says:"ln one
chamber were found two entire glass
bowls, with fragments of others. These
bowls are probably of the same period
as the small bottle found in the ruins
of the northwest palace during the
previous excavations and now In the
British museum. On this highly In
teresting relic is the name of Sargon,
with his title of king of Assyria in
cuneiform characters and the figure of
a lion. We are therefore able to Ox Its
date to the latter part of the seventh
century B. C. It Is consequently the
most ancient known specimen of trans
parent glaaa."
MR. EDITOR. -The rains of last
Sunday and a week ago have supplied
the wells and streams so that there is
no likelihood of a scarcity of water
during the winter.
The telepbono line will be con
structed to this placo in the near
future. The poles are being delivered
dlong its lino between this place and
Limestoneville, which will give us
communication with the neighboring
towns and fill a long-felt want.
Last Sunday evening the St. James
Lutheran church was reop«ned and
rededicalcd. The services were to
have been held in the morning but
the weather was so inclement that
they were postponed. The repairs
took four and one-half months to
complete, and cost nearly S2BOO. Rev.
U. Myers, of Catawissa, preached the
■ermon, Kev. J. H. C. Manifold con
ducted the dedication. The Rev. T
O. Stem, of the Reformed church, and
Rev. Hyle, of the Haptist church,
took part.
Mrs. Heitzman and daughter, who
visited at John M. Smith's, returned
to their home at Muncy on Tuesday.
Mrs. H. M. Smith returned last
Saturday from her visit "clown
A little daughter ol N. J. Mcnge*
foil and broke her nrm at the wrist
on last Friday.
Dr. Mtiffley, of Turbotville, killed n
hog last week that weighed 518
pounds—over a quarter of a ton.
Can any of your readers beat itP
The Souvenir sent out by the In
telligencer is a very handsome pub
licatlon, and does credit to the pub
Limestone Township is proud of
the fa;t that she is the possessor of a
real live Judge in the person of C. A.
Wagner. Well, the Governor might
have gone farther and done worse
when he made the appointment.
"Charlie" is a mau of good sound
sense and judgment and as houest as
Steel. Long live the Judge !
The Snyder school, under the di
ruction of Nellie Fetherolf, the teach
er, gave an entertainment on Thanks
giving evening for the bcnelitofthe
organ fund. The scholars acquitted
themselves very well, and the audi
ence greatly appreciated their efforts.
Sufficient money was realized to pay
for the organ and left a snug little
sum over.
Warrior Run Lodge, I. O O. F.,
will hold its anniversary on tho 14tb.
inst. The program will provide a
pleasant evening for those who will
be present, composing addresses and
music, both vocal and instrumental.
The '1 urbotville orchestra will furn
ish the instrumental music and the
male quartette the vocal.
Deo. 5, 1905, BILL
famous Prescrip
tion permanently cures Constipation. Bilious
ness, Sick Headache. Price 25 Cents.
MR. EDITOR:—It is moderately cold
at present and hope it will not get
any We need not wish for
good roads any more this fall.
A number of the young people of
this vicinity attended the entertain
ment at Snyder's school last Thurs
day evening. All reported it very
Mrs. J. Schooley is spending a few
days wilh her daughter at White
David Strouse hail the misfortune
to lose a ten dollar bill last week one
Hunting season has expired and
the game was not very plenty.
Jane Wilson is 011 ihe sick list.
Mr. Lloyd Snyder and Miss Emma
Rhone were married last Thursday.
A number of the boys and men form
ed a band and gave them some music
| Friday night.
Christmas Welcome to You—
We Hold Supremacy in As
sortment and Price.
The Big Store it ready to welcome you in Holiday tone. Every
effort has been exerted to make our store particularly interesting. A
large and wide gathering of articles for children and grown up?, appro
priate for Christinas gifts. Of course we shall he crowded more so every
day but you can influence that more than we —it's a satisfactory plan
to buy early, better assortments and better service—we are less crowded
in the fornoon too.
Our Basement the Children's Paradise.
The children's happiness is possibly the first thought and that means toys,
playthings, Santa Clans has sent us a l.beral lot to distribute and its ready for the
children to come—and come often is our welcome.
A Peep in Doll Land.
A most interesting exhib't that will create wishfulness in every little girls
eyes and mind.
Solid Bisque Dolls 5 and 10 cents natural flesh tinted jointed arms and legs, 2
long braids of hair.
Indestructible Dolls 15, 25, 30, 50c to 1.25 Soft Cotton stuffed bodies painted
faces among them a line of funuy dolls.
Foxy (jramlpa and his children, clowns, etc.
Kid Body Dolis 2>, 39, 50, 75, 80c, 1.00, 1.25, 1,50, 1.75, 2,00, 2.50, 2.75, 3.50
fine bisque beads, moving eyes, month showing teeth, painted eyebrows and lashes,
long flowing hair both light and dark bisque hands, jointed head and arms and
Fancy Dressed dolls 19, 25, 39, 50, 09, 75, 89c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50 up to 5.00 and
7.00 jointed Bisque heads and better ones with bisque hands a wide selection in the
variety of dresses and headwear.
Doll Heads of l>est quality, moving eyes and cur.y hair in bisque 89c and 1.00
Indestructible metal 50, 750, 1 00, Doll heads without hair 09 and 75c. Doll leather
slippers 5 and 10c pair. Stockings 5 and 10c pair.
Iron and Steam Toys—Safe Ones.
Steam toys that are absolutely safe each one tested before leaving the factory
exact imitations of big engines, genuine brass boilers there are upright horizontal,
rotary and beam engines 50. 89c.
1.00, 1.25, 2.00, 2.25, 3.98, and 7.50. Locomotive spring wound 39, 75c. 1.89,
4.00. Iron trains, engine and card 0(, 75c, 1.00 per set. Stations 98c, 1.25, Elevat
ed Bridges 50, 98c, Tunnels 1.00, 2.50, 3 00 Tracks, 25m 50c, Stove Ranges made ex
actly like full grown ranges, complete with cooking utensil# 50, 79c, 1.00 to 2.25.
Hook and Ladder Wagons 75c. 1.00 Fire Engines 98c, 1.25, Log Wagons Bi)c,
Patrol Wagons 50c Coal Toy Irons 10 atid 19c.
Musical and Noisy Toys.
Here thev are for boys and girls the more noise they make the more fun giv
ing they are. Drums 25, 39, 50, 69, 75<:
Waranted Calf Skin Heads 1.00 and 1.50, Horns sc, Trumpets 5,10,25 c.
Turkish Tubephoues 50, 79, 1.00, Gong Wagons 12c, Itolling China Xarts, 39, 50,
69, 75, 89c.
Schoenhut Pianos—the genuine—6 to 22 keps 25, 35, up to 2.50 each.
Toys Every Boy and Girl Wants.
Humpty Dumpty Circus 50c, Isie line of (tames of every descriplion 5, 10. 15,
19, 25, 39. 50c Toy Guns 10, 15,25, Air Riffles 89c, Tool Chests full tools 19, 39,
50, 75, 1.00, 1.25, 2.00, Trunks 25c 39, 50, (59, 75c, A. B. C. Blocks 5, 10. 15c. Set
Picture Blocks 25, 60. 75c set. Paint set 5, 10, 25 Stone Building Blocks 50c. 1.00,
Toy Sweepers, 12, 15, 25, 50, 75, Buster Brown and Foxy Grandpa Rubbed Stamps
12, 15, 25. 50. 75c, box Soap Bubble Outfit, 10, 20c Magic Boxes 39c Toy Matches 5,
10, 25, Drawing Slates 10c, Painted l!ubl>er Balls 10, 50, 00, Mechanical Toys that
do all sorts of .jueer performances, 19, 25 to 2.50.
Music This Month.
Mr. Yeager will play every afternoon tnat he can spare through the week
and always as usual on Saturday. The latest music 20c.
Children's Fur Sets.
Buy now—we are showing full assortment but they won't last long.
98c, 1.25, 1.75 2/s') up to a white ermine set at 10.00 price is for a shoulder
Bcarf or the effect and muff qualities in angora and persian lamb. #
Misses. Fur Sets at 5.00, 8.00 and 10,00 latest style in Cony water mink and
Pretty Novelties.
A very Important part of our Christmas stock there's sucli a variety to choose
from, doaus of suggestive things suitable for man, woman or child we have never
had such a c >mprehensively showing any season before this.
Metal, Gold, Silver and Nickle Plated, Novelties others of Paper Wood and a
strong line of Leather Goo ls. Some of the items vou will find Tb 'rometers, Paj>er
Weights, Ink Stands and Trays, Letter Sealing Sets, Blotters, Paper Cutters, Sew
ing and Smoking Seta. Pipe Racks, Shell Novelties, Wisk Broom Sets, Fancy Mir
rors, Buff Boxes Autmoizers. Tourist and Toilet Bets and Cases, Comb and Brush
Set. Shaving Sets. Jewel Boxes, Cigar Jars, Hat Pin II .Iders, Photo Albums. M tell
Safes, Gloves. Collar, Cuff and Handkerchief Boxes, Work Boxes, Fancy Baskets,
Pin Cushions, Laundry and Work Bags, Book Markers, Memo Books, Telephone,
Registers, Score Cards.
Postal Albums, Purses, Card cases and hand bags. Wallets and Music Rolls,
Tobacco Bags, Opera Bags, Cigar and Cigarette Cases. Pen Wipers, Bill Folds,
Wirting Pads. Sterling Wilver Novelties of all kinds.
Scarf Pins. Watch Fobs, Pretty Pictures, Tailored and Fancy Stocks a d
Collars and Cuff sets, Rufl's. Scarfs, Needle Books.
Elegance in China.
When there's something pretty and elegant in dishes you want to present
you can get it here, of course there are lots of cheap prices too."
Sugar and Cream Sets 20, 25,50 c, 1.00. 1.10, 1.39, 2.00, 2.25 Covered Bon Bon
Dishes 25, 75, 1.25.
Hair Receivers 25,50 c.
Candle Sticks 25, 3Uc
Spoon Trays 25, 50, 69, 79, 89c.
Celery Trays 25, 29, 50, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2.89.
Bread or Roll Tray< 50c, 1.19.
Mayoniesse Boats and Trays, 50c, 1.10, 1.19.
Bread and Milk Sets, 25, 50, 98c set.
Cake Plates 10. 25. 50 98c, 1.19, 1.50 to 2.50.
Salad Dishes 25. 29, 50, 89c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.25.
Nut BOWIB 50c to 2.25.
Olive Trays 10, 19, 25c to 60c.
Separate Plates, 19, 25, 50, 98c.
Milk Jars 25,50 c.
Cups and Saucers 10c to 1.25.
Chocolate Pets 50, 1.00, 1.69.
Almond and Olive Sets 1.39.
Cracker Jars 29, 500 to 2.25.
Cream Pitchers 10, 25c.
Dinner Plates 10c to 4.50 doz.
Fern Dishes 25,50 c.
Large Pitchers 2.00, 2.50, 3.00.
Kanieskins Plates 2.56 j dozen.
Bee steak Dish and Cover 3 39.
Macaroni Dish and Plate 2.25.
Bureau Trays 25, 50,1.2-i, 1.90.
Bisques Figures, 10, 13, 15, 25, 50, 89, 1.50.
Wine and Liquor Sets 1.25, 1.69,
Tobacco Jars 500.
Smoking Sets 50, 69, 75c.
$1.50 Book 50 Cents.
Former Copyright Books publishers price 1.50 we are now selling at 50c tame
binding and all such as these Jessany Bride. Ceceliti Circumstances, Janice Meridth
Uncle Ferry, Dorothy Vernon, Right oi way, lilennehasset, Dash r'or Throne, Just
and Unjust etc., all these to sell at 50c each.
Children's Bjoks such a lot of them Nursery Rhvmes, Story and Picture
Books, 1, 5, 10, 25. 39, 50c.
Every One Needs Stationery.
Oar line of Eaton Hurlbuts goods in complete full trimm in making a gift of
these goods for they are expressive of good taste.
Highland Linen Paer 75c lb. Envelopes 15c pack.
Kara Linen 25c lb. Envelopes 10c.
»» .., P a P et " eß or paper envelopes in all grades from 10c to 1.00 manv put up in
Holiday fcoue.
50c value 25c Schreyer's Linen Correspondence box paper and envelopes, 50
sheets line line*/ and 50 envelopes for 25c.
Schreyer Store Co.
Froni S£ -- MILTON. Pi -- Elm 81. ' !
Pepsoids cure the worst forms of Dys
pepsia and all other Acute or Chronic .
Stomach Disorders by repairing the worn- \
out lining of the stomach and destroy :
all disease germs. Dyspepsia once cured
in this way never returns.
Pepsoids are told at 60 cents a bottle on an ,
absolute guarantee to cure, ormonoy refunded, i
We will send you,if you have not used Pep
soids before, a 50c. bottle FREE; merely 1
send us your name and address, and you
will receive promptly a full sized bottle. 1
i. D. GOSH & CO., Druggists. -
You do not obligate yourself to pay a cent.
All we ask after Pepsoids have cured or
greatly benefitted you is,that you recom
mend Pepsoids to your friends.
People with weak stomachs. aro always in
misery. Pepsoids hare mado thousands of peo
ple happy by plvinfr them what nature intended
everyone should possess—a strong and healthy
stomach, BO as to enjoy the best there is in life.
Try Pepsoids to-day, price only 50 cents
a bottle at drug store. Oryou may have a
full sized bottle free by writing The Vio
Chemical Co., Chicago, 111. 8
Everything Must be Sold Within 30 Days. No Reasonable Offer Refused.
Everything in Our Store Will Go At Way-down Cut Prices. Buy
now While our Stock is Still Complete
40 Pairs of Ladies' Fine Shoes worth $1.50; felling-out Price, SI.OO
(>2 " Boys'<& Girls " " 1.10; " " .75
K4 " Men's Fine " " 2.(K); " •' 1.25
One Lot of Satchels 44 1.75; " " .98
" " Ladies' Corsets " .50; " " .25
M " Children's Dresses " .75; " " .25
Mfen's Ladies' and Children's Underwear are all Reduced.
Ladies' and MJsses' Skirts at Your ();vn Prices.
Men's Clothing and Overcoats will be offered at 50c on the Dollar. Now
is the time to buy Men's and Boys' Hlack Hats, 50c and 75c, worth double.
Men's working Shirts will be offered now at 25c.
Boys' Suits, to close out at $1.50; worth 00.
This Entire Stock MUST BE SOLD Within 30 Days. If you «l<» not get some
of these Bargains it will not be our fault. This opportunity c* liiej but once in a
h. goldman, Prop'r,
Expansion at Knitting ftills.
11 a short time grouud will bo brok
en lor au annex 50x30 feet at tho knit
ting mills, this city. For several years
past tho business of the plant has been
giowing steadily and expansion lias
become a necessity.
Aichitect J. H. Brueler is making
the 11vins and as soon as tin se are com
pleted work nu the annox will begin.
Tho now pirtiou will ocoapy tho vao
atifc spao3 ar, the north and between
the plant and the cieek. 1c will be cf
brick and will bo the width of the
main building. It will eventually Le
of the fanjH height, but considering
t!rj liteuess of the season and the urj:-
c.t no-'d of moro spaco tho building
this fall will he bailfc only to the
lie ght of one story aud fitted up tem
porarily for UF6.
Tn«' fiist floor of the annex will con
t tin the offloes of the plant aud the
minding room, which is now ou tho
up or story of the jliiit proper. Tho
additional spaco obtained by a remov
al of the meudiug room on the npper
story will bo occupied by Winding
maoliinery, which has already been
ordered of the mauafacturers. With
the congestion of the plant somewhat
relit ved the aiditioual stories cau be
placed on.the annex at leisnro and
wlirii all ciroumstanoes are favorable
for pushing the work.
9 Iu view of the fact that we aro soon
to havo a bowling alley in operation
hero it m*y IJH of interest to boys to
know that they will not be peraiitted
to loiter about the alley, no matter
ho*v templing the plaoo may prove to
b\ There is a law, which is being
enforce! all over the State, making it
a misdomoauor for persons conduotiua
bowling alleys or billiard or pool
rooms to employ or harbor boys uuder
eight en years of age.
Judge Staples at a previons term of
court in this loumy called attention
to tfie recent law and iusisted that it
be enforced. The proprietors of tho
now bowling alley are known \o be
verv careful to see that the law is not
violated and that boys odder eighteen
yeais are kept away from tho alloys.
That Little Pain In Your Back
threatens your Kidneys. If allowed
togo on A little while you will suffer
throughout the entire system. Take
at once Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy. It is the most certain cure
knftwn for the treatment of all
diseases of the Kidneys. Liver and
Blood. Write Dr. David Kennedy's
Sons, Rondout, N Y . for free sample
bottle and medical booklet. All drug
gists SI.OO.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice Is hereby given that the co-partner
ship-entered into on the first day of April,
lOi 6, between Oliver M. Hamlcr aud Robert
Gellltiger, under the name of Washington
vilie Creamery Co., Ltd., has this day been
dissolved by the mutual consent of the par
ties; aecounts duo the said partnership arc to
be paid to the said Oliver M. Ilander, and ac
counts owed by the partnership are to be
paid by the same.
Lewisbunr, Pa., OLIVER M. HAMI.BR.
Nov.:kith, 1905 ROUKKT (JELLIKUKK,
The business will continue without Inter- i
ruption uuder the ownership of Oliver M.
Don't Get Footsore ; Get Allen's Foot-Ease,
A wonderful powder that cures tired, aching, '
swollen, sweating feet and makes new or
tight shoes easy. Ask to-day for Allen's
Foot-Ease. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores,
25c. Don't accept any subst Itute.
Adminstratrix Sale
—of valuable—
Real Estate of Eliza Troxell,
By virtue os an order of the Orphans' Court
of Montour County Pa. the undersign Admin- i
istrutrix will sell at public sale on the premises
Saturday, December 9th, 1905,'
at ten o'clock A. M. 11 n - ofee half interest of
Eliza Troxell in the following described tea I
estate to wit:
I All those two pieces and parcels of land
situate in the township of Cooper, County of.
i Montour, and state of Pennsylvania, bounded |
and described as follows, to wit:
TRACT NO 1. —Beginning nt a post in the
public road leading from Danville to Blooins
burg, thence by lot of Philip Wertman, North
one and a half degrees East sixteen perches to
a post, thence by land now or formerly Peter
Foust, thence South by lot of Conrad Kash
ner, to public road thence North along said
publie road to the place of beginning con
80 Perches of Land,
whereon Is erected a
Two-Story Frame Dwelling
'and outbuildings, It being the same premises
which Charles Newhard, executor of Rebecca
Wilson, conveyed to Eliza Troxell and Hablna
I TRACT NO. 2—Beginning at a chestnut t rce,
I thence by land formerly of Henry Brown and
! John Miller now of Benjamin Buck and S.
Wilson Deibert degrees East lid aud
six tcuths perches to a pine stump, thence by
land of Benjamin Fry North 0 degrees West
51 and seven tenths perches to a stone themc
by land of William Mouser South "de
grees West 203 perches to a stone, thence by ;
land of Benjamin Weaver South ll» degrees
East 71}, perches to the place of beginning,
Seventy-Six Acres and 101 Per
ches of Land.
whereon are erected a
Two-Story Frame Dwelling
House, Bank Barn and Other
of one fourth at the striking down of the
property, t he 14 less the 10 per cent at tho con
firmation of sule. The balance In one year,
secured by bond and mortgage.
L. C. MKNSCH, Atty.
W. E. SOHUCK, Auctioneer.
/ Administratrix.
* —«i
For various reasons Dccenilmr is
a mouth of extraordinary expendi
tures. Wo therefore offer the sug
gestion that vou start your Savings
The First Nations! Bank
Resources Over
Notice of Stockholders Meeting.
The annual meeting of tho stock
holders of The First National Hank
of Danville, Pa., for the election of
directors, will he held at their bank
ing room, corner Mill & Bloom streets,
Danvil'e, Pa., 011 Tuesday, January
O.li, 1906, from one to three o'clock,
P. M.
W. L MCCLURE, Cashier.
James Koaor, of Cowan and Miss
Elizibetli Pjeth, daughter of Mr. and
Mr«. T. O. Pooth, of This city, were
married at Elmira, Now York. Satur
day. Rev. Ftauoes Shore, pastor of
the Baptist ohuroli at Kluiira perform
ed tho ceremony.
Here is Relief fur Women.
y° u l»«\v pains In tho back, Urinary*
Mluddcr or Ki<ln.-y 1 rouble, and want a cer
tain. pleasant herb remtuly for woman's Ills,
try .Mother (iray's Austrian-leaf. It IN a safo
mom iiiy regulator At druggists or by mail,
ioe. sampl.- package Fit KM Address, Tho'
Mother Gray Co.. Lelto.v. N. Y.
Can You Afford
To Be Without This?
how will YOUR family fare?
DISABLED and incapacitated «
for, work how will YOU fare ?
The Fidelity
Mutual Life Insurance Co.,
of Philadelphia, Pa.
L. G. FOUSE, President. Chartered 1878
225 East Front St., - BERWICK,• PA.
tfk~ Apply for Agent's Contract.
pnEKron nnamPT
produera the nboro result sln 30 days. It acta
powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fail.
£oung men will regain thoir lost manhood, and old
men will recover their youthfui vigor by using
: REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous-
Dess, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions,
Lost Power, Falling Memory, Waiting riseaees. and
, fell effects of self-abuse or excer3and indiscretion,
, Which unfits ono for study, business or marriago. It
j Dot only cures by starting nt tho 6eat of dipea6e,but
j Isagreat nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring
' Ing back tho pink plow to palo cheeks and ro-
Storing the flro of yonth. It wards off Jnßanitf
I and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO* no
other. It can be carried In vect pocket. By mail,
•1.00 per package, or six for 56.00, with » poal
1 written gnarantee to care or refund
the money. Book and ndviso frre. Address
ROYAL MEDICINE CO., cKao*. wl" 1,
30 rr. TOWER COM
RO'I 100 OUTF,T *
IN ™ ,# STAT * *ND
Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator
Superior to other remedies sold at high prices.
Cure puarnnteed. Buecpsafully used by over
'200,000 Women. Triee, '2.5 ('enln, drug-
Klßirt or by mad. Tcalbuonlnls A booklet free.
Dr. LaPrancoi l*lilladclpbla 9 Pa.
Elegance, Comfort, Security,
! I. G. PURSEL, Opt. Dr.,
273 Mill Street, • Danville, Pa.
Nrvor Fails to lioßtora Gray
Hair to its Youthful Color/