Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, August 18, 1905, Image 4

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Late Monday afternoon it was learn
ed that the horse and buggy left by an
auknown party at the Shamokln
House, had been stolen from Hanter's
livery stable at Danville,by one of the
sliokest individuals that has visited
this seotlon for some time.
During Mr. Hunter's absenoe the
man who gave hii name as Frank Rug
gles, of Grovania, near Danville, ap
proaohed his son at the livery stable
and said he wanted to hire one of
Hunter's best horses to be gone three
days in Bnyderoounty to purchase cat
tle. Just abont tliiß time a dealer
drives up to the stable with a string
of buggieß and the sliok swindler im
mediately made a purchase of one of
the best, giviDg his note for eighty
dollars in payment for the same. It
seems that the stranger had visited
two other livery stables and had hired
a horse at each place but returned
them olaimlng thoy were not as good
as was wanted. When this was learn
ed in oonneotion with tl>e purchase of
the buggy Hunter gave him one of the
beßt horses In the Btable and three
valuable robes.
Instead of driving to Snyder oonnty
the fellow drove to Snnbury, leaving
the horse and buggy at the Shamokin
House. After bnlug in Snnbury a short
time the swindler offered to sell the
entire outfit for fifty dollars. Leaving
Sunbury he went to a farm several
miles below town where he purohased
the entire farm and everything upon
it. He told the party with wiiom he
made the deal that lie should come up
to the Shamokin House and get his
money. After this nothing more of
the fellow was seen.
When Mr. Hnnter, Sr., retnrnod
home he searched all the barns at
§elinsgrove and Shamokin Dam and
later Olitef of Police Waltz fonud the
missing outfit.—Sunbury Item.
Mr. Bookmiller's Beans.
Albert Bookmiiler lias raised some
polo beans on his premises, Ciierry
street, whioh are probably the largest
ever seen In this section.
The pods are of abont tlie ihicknoKs
of the ordinary string bean, bat it is
ill length that the beaux excel, the
largest in Ur. Bookmiller's garden be
ing thirty-six inches. Several pods
raised by Mr. Hookmiller were oil ex
hibition at J. F. Tooley's store yes
terday, the largest of whioh measured
twenty-six inohes. The seed ware ob
tained in Berwiok aud Mr. Bookmlller
was maoii Surprised to see the pods at
tain sacli a size.
The large pods.it is said.oook easily
and are very delioious. In Massachu
setts they are rained in great quantities
aud are sold by the farmers the same
as any other beans, exoept that their
great length makes it neoessary to ooil
them In the halt peck measure.
Speak-Easles at Camp rieetlng.
The Pine oamp meeting is 111 pro
gress and the ministers in charge are
determined to snppross the speakeasies
wliioh in the past have given the meet
ings disrepute. R. J. R. Knox in
opening the annual session this week
said that he had obtained evidence that
not only was liquor sold on the
grounds last year during the weekdays
but that the traffic readied the highest
on Sundays. If the speakeasies reopen
tills season, Mr. Knox says that he
will proseoute the owners. He added:
"The charge that our meeting does
more harm than good is not true. And
we propose to demonstrate this to all
those who attend tho meetings this
rien are Very Scarce.
The Bloomsburg department of the
Amerioan Oar aud Foundry Company,
is at present experiencing one of the
greatest booms in the history of tho
oonoern. The different departments
can not get euougli men aud are worx
iiig day and night in order to get the
niauy kinds of orders out on time that
the contract oalls for.
Russia Decides to Allow Them to
Hold Minor Offices in the
pressure whioh is being brought to
beur upon the Russian government by
rich Jews in Auierioa to secure re
forms wliiuh will better the condition
of their co-religionists in this country
has already met with an unexpected
Tho Ministerial oouuoll has deoided
to permit oertain classes of Jews to
stand for elootiou to the proposed na
tional assembly, Thorn has been a
vigorous protest against giving the
Jews any voion in the new assembly
aud petitions imploring the govern
ment not to reoognlze the Jews have
been reaelved from all part* of the
Grabbed Live Wire.
Death by eleotrooution was the death
nairowly escaped by Motorman Neidlg I
of the Sunbury and Northumberland
Trolley line, ac Sunbury Sunday af
As a result of the jumping of the
trolley, a stretoli of the feed wire, In
the vioinity of the Susquehanna Con
verting Works, was torn down and, In
handling it, Neidig stopped on a rail,
ooinpletiug the oircuit,causing him to
sustain a severe shook.
Neidig was knocked down and was
in a partially nnoonsoious state for a
time, but finally reoovered sufficient
ly to oontinue at work.
To the fact that he had not a firm
grasp on the wire Neidig owes his life,
as for this reason he did not receive
the full strength of the olectrio cur
Hall Nearly Finished.
The P. O. S. of A. Hall at Riveralde
is rapidly approaching oompletion and
•liowa up In quite an Imposing way.
A slate loot Is being put on the build
ing, John Titley having the oontraot.
The roof is about half finished. The
lodge hopes to get Into the hall some
time in Uotobar.
_ffl A STORM
Walter J. Lowrie.son of J. W. Low
rla. Strawberry Ridge, and Oarl Wag
ner, BOD of O. H. Wagner,Ottawa,two
well-known young men of this coun
ty, had an ezoiting experience near
Allenwood a night or so ago and nar
rowly escaped aerions injury.
They were attending a festival at
Allenwood and abont midnight were
returning home when they wore over
taken by a heavy thunder shower. The
Htorm burst in its fnry just as they
reaohed the Baptist Church near Dr.
Trnokenmiller's. Frank Allen was
driving behind them and oallod to
them to drive into the shed oonneoted
with the oharoh for shelter. They,
were in some doubt in the darkness as
to the looation of the gateway and
paused for a few moments in the road,
a cironmstance Ur. Allen was not
aware of, who whipped up his horse
expeotiug to dash into the ohuroh en
closure after the two yonng men. The
oonsequence was lie ran into the first
buggy and in an instant there was a
frightful mixup of horses, men and a
mass of wreckage. To make the mat
ter worso the rain poured in torrents,
the lightning was vivid and almost
continuous,while loud peals of thund
er followed in quiet succession.
Ur. Wagner, who some time pre
viously sustained a fractpreof tlieool
lar bone, had not yet reoovered and
oarrled liis arm iu a sling. Under the
uiroumstances ho was iu uo position
to help himself. All fought heroical
ly and great as woro the odds escape d
with slight bruises. Mr. Alton's bug
gy was a total wreok ; the wheels on
one side of Mr. Lowrie's buggy were
reduced to splinters, but beyond tills
the vehicle was not mooh damaged.
The party spent the night at Dr.
Trnokenmiller's, repairing to their
respective homes the next morning.
Additional Den Wanted.
Ohief Factory Inspector Delaney, of
Harrisburg is continuing to experi
ence the same trouble about having
certificates issued to sohool children
whioh he prophesied when the law
went into effect in the spring.
Immediately after the new statute
became operative a hitch oocurred and
Captain Delaney then said that the
same tronble would be repeated, oulv
on an oxtended scale, during tho eigh
teen months until the Legislature shall
again meet.
Under the law no oliild may be em
ployed who is under the age of 14.
Children from 14 to in may be omploy
ed, providing they* hold certificates
showing that they are possessed of the
necessary qualifications. The trouble
now is that no one will Issue theso
certificates because the amount of lab
or involved is great and the law makes
no provision for compensation.
The duty of issuing the certificates
devolves upon teaohers,priuoipals aud
superintendents of the public schools
but they refuse to do it unless paid
and there is no way of compelling
them to do the work. Aud the Depart
ment of Factory Inspection feels, fur
ther, that it is scarcely right to make
thorn do It,even if that oould be done.
Before the law was enaoted by tho
Assembly. Captain Delaney said the
point in question would be a vulner
able part of the bill and it lias so
proved. Under the old law, repealed
by the one now in force, certificates
were issued by anyone qualified to ad
minister an oath aud the proper fees
were provided. Unuer tho oxisting
law no provision is made even for pay
ing the postage whioh those who issue
certificates are oompelled to put upon
the envelopes containing returns to the
headquarters at Harrisburg.
In Philadelphia, Pittsburg aud tho
Lehigh mining oountry Captain De
laney lias been compellod to employ
additional help to issue the certificates
but lie must soon dispense with this as
the cost is too great. The regular
deputy inspectors can not be detailed
to do the work in their respective dis
tricts as they would then have time
for nothing else.
The law is hardship on all concern
ed, for it pots offloials in the some
what uucomfortablo position of being
oompelled to disoblige friends aud
children over tho legal ago who wish
to work are unable to do so tor it is a
misdemeanor to employ any child
without such a certificate. No remedy
is in Bight until the next Legislature.
Lackawanna to Build Terminal.
The Lakawanna Railroad is plan
ning to replace its passenger terminal
in Hobokt-n, which was destroyed by
fire on August 7.and tlie offioials state
no efforts will be spared to do this
with the least possible delay.
Until the new building is roady tem
porary waiting roomß, dining room aud
other necessary facilities will bo pro
vided. Plans for the now termiual call
for a vast ferry and railroad structure
witli sixteen tracks and six ferry slips.
The buihliugß will be absolutely fire
proof. Their construction will be of
steel and ooncretc throughout. The
main waiting room will be 160 feet
and fifty-four feet high, witli
onormous windows on all sides. Tlie
' restaurant will be on the main floor,
overlooking the water witli a view up
and down the river, and a wide bal
cony, projecting from tho restaurant
for dining out of doors in Summer.
Passengers from boats to traius will
not be oompelled to pass through tho
main watting room, but may use tlie
forty-foot oonoourse leading to the
tracks. The exterior of the buildiugs
will be 600 feet long on tlie river aide,
with a oentral tower 225 feet high.
This tower will be eleotrioally illum
inated at night and iti lighted clock
fanes will be one of the noticeable
sights of the harbor.
Looking for Telegraphers.
During the past few days tliere lias
been in Wilkesbarre, an agent of tlie
Qieat Northern Railroad, for the par
pone of securing telegraph operators,
to take the plaees of those now on
strike throughout the northwest. The
men on strike naniber more than fif
teen hundred. Big inducements aro
being offered the men to take their
plaoes, but up to the present time the
■gent is reported as having had poor
Msr. George Qademau, of Riverside,
this snmmer took up the propagation
of the silk worm with the govern
ment. She lia* had a valuable ex
perience, both as to the amou nt of
care and work involved and the re
muneration that is in it.
Mrs. Gademan last winter learned
that In instanoes where persons desir
ed to raise silk worms the Government
would furnish the eggs and that when
the worms had left their larval state
would pay a certain prioo for the oo
Mrs. Gademan wrote the department
for information and in reply reoeived
a package of eggs accompanied by full
instructions how to prooeud to raise
silk worms.
This was during the early part of
Jnne and from that time until the
present Mrs. Gaderaau's oozy home in
Riverside lias been tho oenter of re
markable interest. The quantity of
eggs was infiniteeiiually small, yet
they wore sufficient to produoe be
tween two and three thousand worms.
In hatohing, all that is necessary is to
spread tho worms out on paper and
the aotlon of the summer atmosphere
does tho rest. Eighteen days is the
poriod required.
It was the last of June when the
worms made their appearance. From
that time on Mis. Gademan found her
hands full, indeed, and her house was
visited by liandreds of people attract
ed by the interesting object lesson
showing how the delicate threads
aro produoed fiom which the silk of
oommerce is prepared. It was truly a
wonderful sight. As made
their appearanoe it was apparent that
tho one room set apart for the useful
little insects was not sufiicieut; two
other apartmeuts iu a short time had
to be added and the silk wormß were
masters of the premises.
It was just about this time that Mrs.
Gademan began to fully realize what
she had on iter hands. As is well
known the silk worm subsists npon
the mulberry leaf, which is by no
meauH a plentiful commodity iu this
seotion. Mrs. Gademan was well in
formed on the subject and she under
stood that the mock orange leaf is a
satisfactory substitute for the mul
berry leaf. On the farm of T. H.
Kimbel nearby one of these trees is
growing, whioh was finally set apart
for the silk worms. When it is slated
that ono ounce of eggs will produoe
forty thousaud worms and that this
number of worms during their larval
state will consume over a ton of
leaves the contract that the Riverside
lady had on her hauds in supplying
the sevoral thousand worms iu her care
will be readily appreciated. Fortun
ately the mock orange tree held out,
although now that the worms are done
with It it looks as if it had been rid
dled by a hail storm.
Under their osage orange diet the
worms grew rapidly and soon Mrs.
Gadoman fonnd the three apartments
of her house full of woims two Inches
or more in length. Two weeks ago
they started to spin their cocoon, a
sort of an oblong case in whioh the
worm lies during Its chrysalis state.
Those who missed seeing the silk
worms iu this interesting stago of their
existence certainly missed a great
deal. About one week was ocou
pied in spinning, after whioh noth
ing remained but to cure the coooons
and prepare to ship them to the do
partmeut. The procose of curing con
sists iu exposing tho cocoons to a
moderate heat oither artificial or that
of the sun.
A word as to the remuneration. The
government pays from seventy cents to
one dollar per pound for cocoons. As
these must be thoroughly cured it is
evident that when they return to the
government they do not weigh very
much. Over six hundred are required
to make a pound. It is very oasy there
fore, to figure on the remuneration
that Mrs. Gademan will have for the
most strenuous summer that sho ever
spent in her life.
Were Shot Down on the Streets
of Polish Town by the Czar's
WARSAW, Poland, Aug. IB.—Ad
vices received today from Blaystok, in
the government jf Grodno, give some
details of the rioting wliioh earlier re
ports said occurred there yesterday.
The disturbances were of a serious
natnre and outbreaks occurred in var
ious parts of the oity. During the
course of the rioting a bomb was
thrown at a detachment of soldierß,
killing two and wounding three oth
The troops were oalled oat and there
was tiring on the people in all parts of
the town. The casualties so far are
reported at forty killed and over two
handrod woandud.
P. O. S. of A. Picnic Saturday.
Washington (Jamp, No. 6(17, P. O.
S. of A., of Rivorside, will hold its
annual picnic at DeWitt's Park, Sat
urday, August 19th. Foulk'sorchestra
will furnish niusio for dancing, after
noon and evening. Refreshments of
every description for sale on the
grounds. Prominent speakers, amuse
ments of all kinds. Tho Oamp extends
a cordial invitation to all.
lieptasoph Picnic.
Lotus Oonolave, No. 137, I. O. Hep
tasophs will hold its picnio at De-
Witt's Park, Wednesday, August »Brd
Dancing, base ball, prize oontests and
all the asnal picnio amusements will
be indulgod in. All Heptasophs are
cordially nrged to join in making the
ocoasion a socoess by being present to
gether with their friends.
Through Train to Ocean drove
August 24.
Reading Kailway will run special
train from Williamsport to Ocean
Urove on Angust 24, and issue ronnd
tiip tiokets.good ten days at low rates
Stop-off allowed at Philadelphia re
turning. Ronnd trip rate $4.60. Leave
Danville 7 :68 a. m.
Replies of Governors of the States
to Governor Pennypaoker's olroalar
letter requesting 00-operation in form
ing a national commission to oodify
the divorce laws make interesting read
log as showing the plenary authority
in the premises already vested in many
of the executive officers. Others must
await the aotion of their respective
As stated several days ago. Governor
Pennypaoker lias reoeived replies from
the Governor of every State in the
Union, and all of them intimate that
00-operation will be willingly extend
ed. Several of the forty-four fellow ex
ecutives express regret that they are
legally nnable to take aotion in person
The Governor of New York has re
ferred the matter to a commission on
uniformity of legislation wliioli al
ready exists in the Empire State.
The Governor of West Virginia will
appoint delegates to a oonferenoe when
ever the time and plaoe shall be nam
The matter will be brought to the
attention of the New Jersey Legislat
ure at the next session.
Oonneotiout has a commission like
New York's to wliioli the subject will
ba referred.
The Governor of Vermont has al
ready appointed a commission on oon
Prank Bucher at Rlvrerslde.
Frank Buolier, who eight weeks ago
yesterday, was thrown under the oars
at Sunbury, and badly injured, has
been discharged from the Hospital and
is spending a few days at the home of
his parents in Riverside.
Frank has so far recovered from the
elteots of the amputation that he cau
get aloug very nioely on orutohes. He
is looking very well considering the
trying ordeal that he has passed
through. The surgeons were able to
save the heel and ankle of the foot
that was crushed, so that Frank will
be able to get aloug through life very
well,although it is pretty evident that
his days of aotive railroading are over.
It is said, however, that as soon as he
is able to work a position in another
department of the Pennsylvania rail
road will be open for hiin.at wliioli he
will be able to earn a oomfortable
Twioe the young railroader was ter
ribly lnjored while on duty, while on
another oooasion ha escaped instant
death by a hair's breadth. It is gratify
ing that after suoh experiences he has
prospects ahead removed from a life of
so muoh peril.
Breach of Promise.
A summons in assumpsit for breaoh
of promise of marriage was filed on
Saturday by Olara L. Shaffer, known
aB the most beantlful woman iu the
township of Washington,Suyder coun
ty, against Johu F. Droese, a prosper
ous yonug farmer of the same town
Damages to the extent of 110,000 are
asked. Plaintiff and defendant are
each about twenty-four years old.
The statement in the case has not
yet been filed, but the lawyer for the
girl says that the facts, whioh will be
affirmed on tho part of tho plaintiff
will be more than ordinarily sensa
This is the first breach of promise
suit to be brought iu Snyder oeunty
courts,and for this reason it will elicit
intense interest. Immediately follow
ing the of this writ a sum
mons in trespass for slandor was filed
by the same plaintiff against the same
defendant, and was served by the
It Is said that Dreese prossed his
suit for the hand of the fair maiden
for throe years, introduolug her to his
friends and acquaintances as his in
tended bride. He even went so far as
to ask her father for his permission to
Several months ago, Dreese married
another woman.
P. O. 5. of A. Picnic.
DeWitt'a Park next Saturday will be
the scene of an interesting ovent in
the form of the Annual P. O. S. of A
piouio, whioh will be held under the
auspioes of the Washington Gamp, No.
667, of Riverside.
A very large attendance is expeoted.
The members of damp 8(11, of Dan
ville, will attend in a body. In addi
tion to theso twenty oamps have been
invited, oach of whioh will send a
Ralph Kisner.Esq. ,of this oity, will
lie the orator of the day. Several oth
er addresses are being arranged for.
Foulk's Orchestra will furnish the
music for tho danoing. It will be a.
basket pionio and will have all the
features that belong to a large and
well arranged pionir.. Refreshments
will be on sale for all those who do
not wish to be encumbered with bask
Via Pennsylvania Railroad for the Present
The last Pennsylvania Railroad low
rate ten-day exonrsion for the present
season from Look Haven, Troy, Belle
fonte, Williamsport, Mooanaqua, Sun
bury, Mt. Oarmel, Shenandoah, Lyk
ens. Dauphin, and priuoipal inter
mediate stations (including stations
on branch roads), to Atlautio Oity,
Oape May, Wildwood, Ooean Oity,Sea
Isle Oity, Avalon, Anglesea, or Holly
Beaoh, will be ran on Thursday, Au
gust 24.
Exoursion tiokets, good to return by
regular trains within ten days, will
be sold at very low rates. Tiokets to
Atlantio Oity will be sold via the
Delaware River Bridgo Route,tho only
all rail line, or via Market Street
Wharf, Philadelphia.
Stop-over can he had at Philadelphia
either going or returning,within limit
of tioket.
For information in regard tospeolflo
rates and time of trains consnlt hand
bills, or apply to agents, or E. S.
Harrar, Division Ticket agent, Will
iamsport, Pa
Miss Mar Bourne, of Philadelphia,
Is the guest of friends in this oity.
John G. Hller, a former resident of
Danville, whoso death ooonrred at El
mira, Wednesday, was oonsigned to
the grave in the Episcopal cemetery
Satp-day afternoon. The funeral,
which was held in Trinity M. E.
oliuroh,of wliioli tho deceased was ouo
of the original members, was largely
attended, among those who assembled
to pay their last respects to his mem-,
ory being many old time acquaint
ances and friends who assooialed with
the deoeased when he llvod in tliiß
The remains arrived at Danville on
the 12 :44 D. L. & W. tiaiu and were
met at the station by six Froe Masons,
as pall bearers: W. G. Kramer, E. S.
Miller and George Maiers of Mahon
ing Lodge. No. 51t< and D. S. Bloom,
Hngh Pursel and W. H. Ammermau
representing Danville Lodge, No. 234,
of wliioli the deceased was nearly a
life-long member. Tho remains were
taken directly to Trinity M. E. church
where at 1:80 o'clook services work
lield.oouduoted by the pastor, Rev. N.
®. Oleaver.
When the funeral left the ohurcli
the sky was pretty well overoast. A
shower was ooming and the oortoge
had scarcely reachod the oeuietery
when it began to rain. There was
quite a downpour for awhile, but the
people remainod in tho carriages un
til the rain was over and escaped a
At the grave the beautiful and im
pressive burial rites of the Masonic
order wero observod by tho mnmbors
of Danville Lodge, No. 224.
The funeral was attended by the fol
lowing persons from out of town : Mr.
and Mrs. Albert S. Hower, of North
umberland ; Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Sterrlok.Mrs. Ruth Roat, Walter Roat,
Mrs. Frank Roberts and three chil
dren,of Eltuira; Mr.'And Mrs. William
Waples, O. G. Van Alen, G. R. Van
Alen, Jared Diehl and S. D. Burd, of
Prohibition Ticket.
The Prohibitionists of Northumber
land county, iu convention assembled
at Sunbury, have put the following
tiokot in the field :
For Treasurer-J. H. Smith, Milton.
Prothonotary—S. B. Kniss.Herudou.
Commissioners K. Mouser, Mo-
Ewensville and A. Oampboll, Sliamok
Auditors—J. S. Longsdorf, Hern
don, and D. F. Houghton, Sunbury.
Coroner—W. R. Bridgons, Sudbury.
Mine Inspector—F. P. Llewellyn,
Delegates to State Convention—J.
E. Wolfe, Herndon; Frank Deibler,
Smibnry; J. B. Fiable, Watsontown ;
A. M. Potter and J. Smith, of Mil
ton ; M. B. Baliler, Herndon ; Mioliael
Monger, McEwensville ; Rev. Miller,
Ellas Klase, Snydertown.
Oonnty Ghairniau—John M. (Jald
well, Milton.
Lived Eight Years.
Surrounding the death of Thomas
Bronpsi at the Shamnkin and Ooal
township ijjlmshonsn Friday, oenters
conslderab'e Interest, as his oase is a
reoord breaker in the medical world,
inasmnoh that he has lived tor the past
eight years with a broken back.
The broken back was the result of a
fall of coal in the minon, whioh atmo t
completely oovered him, his head only
being exposed. After tho ooal and rock
had been removed from him it was
found that a largo piooo iiad struck
him squarely in tho middle of tho
baok, breaking it, and paralyzing hiin
from the waist down. He lingered for
a time hovering botweon life and
death,and finally fully recovered from
his other injuries and grew in strength
with the exception of tho paralysis of
the lower portion of the body. Ho was
finally removed to the almshouse,
where he has since been continuously
confined to his bed, only being moved
when a change of bed clothing was
neoessary or he was placed on an iu
valid's chair.
An Attraotive Fall Tour via Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany has arranged a speoial personal
ly-conducted tonr to visit tlie Pacific
Coast, including tlie Yellowstone
Park, Portland (for the Lewis and
Clark Exposition), and the beantifol
resorts among the Colorado Rockies.
This tonr will leave Now York, Phil
adelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and
other oities on the Pennsylvania Rail
road Saturday, September 2, by a
speoial train of high-grade Pullman
equipment. The itinerary will cover
a period of three weeks, the party
reaching the East on the homeward
journey September 22. The spooial
train will bo used by the party over
the entire route,except during the fivo
and one-half days in the Yellowstone
Park, when the flue hotels now in ser
vice In the Great Preserve will be
utilized. The train will be side-track
ed in Portland for occopanoy there,
aud all mealß en route, except in Ihe
Yellowstone Park and in Denver, will
be served in the speoial dining car.
Rouud-trip tiokets, covering all
necessary expenses for twenty-one
days,|2oo from all points on the Penn
sylvania Railroad except Pittsburgh,
from wliiol) the rate will be (IDS.
For itineraries and further informa
tion apply to tioket agents; C. Studds,
Eastern Passer ger Agent, 263 Fifth
Avenue.New York; Hugh Hanson,Jr.,
Passenger Agent Baltimore Distriot,
Baltimore, Md. ; B. M. Now hold. Pass
enger Agent Snntheastern District,
Washington, D. O. ; Thou. E. Watt,
Passenger Agent Western District,
Pittsburgh, Pa. ;or address Geo. W.
Boyd, Goueral Pas-enger Agent, Phil
Lutheran Reunion at Edgewood
Park, August 24th.
Aooount of above the Reading Rail
way will issue regular exoorsion tick
ets to Shamokin. Good traiu service
afforded by the use of regular trains.* I
The petition signed by a large num
ber of persons asking that the trees
along the ourb at West Market street
be not disturbed was entertained by
the County Commissioners at their
meeting last Saturday, but just to
what extent the roquestof the citizens
may influence tho action of llm above
named officials is not c!e..r.
„ A concreto pavement along West
Market street at the Court House Is
deoided upon, the oontraot is award
ed. The deoision to put down a con
crete pavement oarried with it an
order to remove tho troes, which, if
permitted to stand, the Commission
ers beliove, would make a good job im
possible. It is therefore feared that
the matter is regarded as settled. One
of the Commissioners Saturday, with
out stating just what the intention of
the Board is in the premises,said they
would like to defer to the wishes of
the petitioners, although it was very
lato to call a halt on tho work as plan
ned and contracted foi.
The petitioners have not abandoned
hope. Tlioy would like to see the Com
missioners postpone the removal of the
trees as long as possible, hoping that
at tlie last "moment some solution may
be suggested whereby the trees may
be spared. They now suggest that only
the poorer of the trees be removed,
that every other one for instance be
left stand and that in laying the con
crete pavement, if flagstone is lui
praotioable, provision be made for the
growth of the trees by leaving a cir
cle uncovered around the roots as Is
frequently done in other cities.
Back to the Pay Car.
' Experiments now beiug made by the
P. li. R., indicate an early retnrn to
the Rood old days of tlio pay car and
the payment ol employee of monthly
wages by oasli instead of hy check.
The latter systoui, after a trial of 85
years lias been found to have its dis
advantages. and the company is ex
perimenting on certain divisions with
payments in cash.
The objections to the oiieok system
are varied. In many instances the em
ployes aro remote from the banks up
on which their cheoks are drawn, and
are put to some inconvenience and ex
pense at times in securing tiie money.
In other instances employes have ab
sented themselves from their work for
days, on plea of haviug to get a check
Probably the strongest objection on
the part of the company is that tiie
i check system tends to the employes
frequenting saloons in order to get
their checks oashed, By this practice
they IO.HO a Miscount and are also prone
to fall into habits not at all consistent
witli good railroading.
Victim is Unable to Talk.
The little town of Wiufield, about
four miles below Lewisburg, has a
About ten days ago, a well dressed
stranger got off the evening train in
Winfleld. Ho was accompanied by a
young man in a new dark blue suit
and a straw hat. The younger of the
two was abont twenty years old.
Proceeding to tiie Hyman Hotel, the
elder man, without registering, socur
ed a room foe tiie young man.
He paid the bill and remarked that
the rateß wero much lower than in
New York Oity. He then said that lie
was going away on the night train
but that the young man's sister would
be along in the morning and would
make arrangements to stay some time
at tiie hotel.
The older man left,and nothing was
thought of the matter until tho next
day whon the sister failed to arrive.
Attempts to got information from the
strange guest failed in elioiting any
answer. Ha seotned to be speeohloss.
After repeated questioning, howeyer,
he several times answered "yes" and
"no." But nothing defiuite oonltl be
learned from him.
Ho had several dollars in his pockets
and this monoy he turned over for his
board for the next day or two and tiien
indioated that his fnnds wero exhaust
No word has buon received from the
man who left the yonth and no sister
lias as yet made her appearauoe. Noth
ing was found about the yoang man
in any way to identify him. After re
peated efforts to loarn his name, lie
finally sucoeoded in writing "Irvin
Ronzle," bnt gave no plaoe of resi
When shown corn he named it "fin
mentum. " Potatoes he called "grum
bora." Beyond this he made no effort
to talk, but seemed satisfied to sit,
gazing into vacanoy. He shows no
signs of dementia, but appears to be
The hotel keeper is becoming anxi
ous about his board bill.anil the town
ship authorities fear that apaupor has
been unloaded on them. Everyone in
town is inn state of perplexity to
know how to got rid of the youth.
Tiie landlord says lie anuuiit keep
him indefinitely• and tiie township
authorities say that, as lie has no resi
dence them, they are not obliged to
take care of him.
Reduced Rates to Williamsport, via Penn
sylvania Railroad.
Kor the benefit of tiioso desiriug to
attend tiie State Convention of the
Prohibition Party, to be held at Will
iamsport, Pa., August 22 and 23, the
Peniißylvaina Railrnad Oompany will
sell excursion tiokets to Williamsport
from all stations 011 its lines in the
State of Pennsylvania, August 21 and
22, good returning until August 25,
inclusive, at rate of single faro for
round trip
Edward Burger on Duty.
Edward Burger, recently of Oata
wissa, lias entered npon his dnties as
day operator at the Pennsylvania sta
tion at South Danville. He Intends
lo remove his family to South Dan
rllle as soon as lie can prooure a suit
able house. It was at South Danville
that Mr. Burger learnod the art of
telegraphy and his return to that plaoe
means tho renewing of mauy pleasant
This falling of your hair!
Stop it, or you will soon be
bald. Give your hair some
Ayer's Hair Vigor. The fall
ing will stop, the hair will
Hair Vigor
grow, and the scalp will be
clean and healthy. Why be
satisfied with poor hair when
you can make it rich?
"My hair nearly all came out. I then tried
Ayer's Hair and only one bottle stopped
tbe falling- New hair came In real thick and
lust a little curly." —MRH. L. M. SMITH,
Saratoga, N. Y.
flil.oo a bottle. J. o. atir co.,
■HMaSKiMHHaB for
Thick Hair
Old Soldiers and Sailors Olver
Preference on Appointing State
Applicants with military or navj
experience will be given preferenci
over all others by Captain John O
Grootuo In the appointment on the
State police foroe, of which he is tin
superintendent. Each person applyiu;
for appointment on the foroe will bi
required to furnish a written state
meut as to whether lie has had suol
experience and much other informs
tiou ahont himself.
A blank was mailed by Oaptaii
Groome to every applioant, who ii
asked to return it with his name am
address,age and height,place of birth,
whether he is a citizen of the Unite*
States, occupation, married or single
and his previous military ornavnlser
vice. After the captain obtains tliii
information he will appoint medioa
ollicers to examine the applicants anc
begiu recruiting the force.
No applicant will be oonsiderod
whose height iB loss than flvo feet, si:
Inches without shoes. Each applicau
will be required to pass a mental aui
physical examination, to be a citizei
of the United Statos, of sound con
stitation. able to ride, of good moral
character and betweon the agos of 3(
and 40 years.
Captain (iroome has deoidod to defei
the announcement of the appointment
of his deputy and four captains until
after he has oousultod with Uoverno
Pctunypaclier.who is still at Schwenks
ville and will not return to Harris
burg before next Uonday. The pros
peots now are that the State Polioi
force will not be organized, equippec
and ready for duty tor at least tlirei
James Marks, Esq., of Pittsburg, i
visiting relatives in this oity.
%.. z
Naff. Always reliable. LadlN, auk Drnffßlßt foi
CJold metallic boxes, waled with blue ribbon,
Take no other. KeAaae dangerous Mub«tl<
tutlonn and Imitation*. Buy of your Druggist,
or send If. In stamps for Particular-*, Testi
monial* and " Kellef for Ijadlea," in Utter,
a return Mall. 10.000 Testimonials. Hold by
•10# HadUon Nquare, PHILi., TA»
Muttsn lUi
O AN Vll. LB.
n*. 110 MILL STREBT,
| If you havon't a regular, healthy movAmnnt of tho
| bowola everyday, you'ro 111 or will bo. Keep your
bowels onen, and bo woll. Forco, In tho shape of
i violent physic or pill poison, Is dangemuH. The
smoothest, easiest, most porfect way of keeping
the bowels clear and cloan Is to take
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Oood, Do
Good, Never Sicken, Weakon or Gripe; 10. 25 and
60 cents per box. Write for freo samplo, and hook
let on health. Address 433
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York.
i 1
4 > Send model, sketch or photo of Invention lor < 1
< ► free report on patentAbllity. For free book, < 1
First Class Coal
Lowest Prices In town
Thos. A. Schott
Opposite Opera Houae.
District Attorney of Moatni O—»
Best Coal In Town.
Taka your prescriptions te
' Two K*|lit«r«4 Pharmacists in
par* Froth Draft and full ilna of Fataat
i Medicines and 112 nndrle*
Eye «Bted, treated and fitted with
rliipbcs. No .Sunday Work.
I 311 Market St;. - - Bloomsbort. Pa
Hours—lo a. m.to sp. in.
Uses ODONTUNDER for tiie painless ex
traction of teeth. Dentistry in all
its branches and all work guar
i anteed.
Opposite Opera Houae, Danville.
Philadelphia and
Reading Railway
, For Philadelphia 7.68,11.26 a. m.and 1,86
For New York 7 S3. 11:23 a. ra. and LH p. *
For Catawlssa I 1:28 a. m.and 6:81 p. m.
I For Bloomsburg 11:23 a. m. »nd 8.86 P. IA
For Milton 7:68 a. m., and 8:66 p, m
For WilllainHport 7:58 a. m., and 111 p. n
Leave Philadelphia 10:21 a. ra.
Leave Wllliainaport 10:00 a. ui„ 4:80 p. m
Leave Milton 10.57 a. m., 5.19 p. ra.
Leave Bioomsburg 7:37 a. m., 8,33 p. m.
Leave Catawlssa 7:40 a. m.. 3:86 p. m.
A rant express train from Reading TeTMth
r. K Uadelpbia to New York avary boar Iras
7.00 a. m.to 7.0H p. m. Same service ratara
From Chestnut Htreet Ferry.
For South Street soe l'i metafiles
ATLANTIC CITY-6.00 a. m. Exp.; o.ooa. m,
Lcl.; i'.OO a. in. Kxp. 11.20 a. m. Exp. I.OU p.
m. Kxp. (Saturday only) 2.00 p. m. Exp. 4.00 p
in. Exp. HO minutes. 4.30 p. m, Exp. 6.00 p. tu.
Exp.oo minutes. 6.10 pm Lcl. 6.40p mKxp.
7.16 p m Kxp.
CAPE MA Y—8.60 a. ni. Exp. 1.40 p. m. Eap.
(Saturday only.) 4.16 p. m Exp. 90minutes. 5.40
p. m. Lei.
OCEAN CITY-8.40 a. m. Exp. 8.60 a ra. Lcl.
1.40 p. in. Exp. (Saturday only. 4.20 p. m. Eip.
p. m JjCI.
HE A ISLE CITY.—B.SO a.m. Lcl. 1.40 p.m.
Saturday only. 4.20 p. in. Kxp.
ATLANTIC CITY.—O.OO a. m. Lcl. 7.80 a. m.
VI Exc. 8.00 a. in. Exp. 9,00 a. m Exp. 10.00 a. m.
Kxp. 6.00 pin Lcl. 7.15 p m Exp.
CAPE MAY—7.BO a. m. «1 Exc. 8.00: a DP. Lcl
8.45 a m Exp. 6.00 p m Lcl.
m. $1 Exc. 0.16 a. m. Exp. 6 00 p. m. Lcl.
Detailed time tables at ttcaat oflloea 191b
and Chestnut Streets, 834 Cheetnnt Hirnit
884 Chestnut Htreet, 1000 Chestnut Street,
Houth 3d Htreet, 8902 Market Htreet and al
Union Transfer Company will eati fo
check baggage from hotels and residancoa
oen'l. Snpt. (ien'l. Passr. A «
A. M. A. M. A. M. P. .
New York lv 200 .... 10 00 140
P. M.
Hcranlon...* ...ar 017 ... 150
P. M.
Buffalo.... lv 11 80 245
A. M.
Hcranton .. ar 658 10 U6
A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M
Scranton ....Ivt«B6 *lO 10 fl 65 '8 85
Taylor... 844 10 17 *OB 014
Lackawanna 850 10 24 2to 050
Daryea 853 10 28 118 068
Plttston.. 868 10 83 217 867
Husijuehanua Ave 701 10 37 218 860
West Plttston 706 10 41 128 703
Wyoming.... 710 10 40 227 707
Forty Fort ..... 281 ....
Bennett 717 10 62 234 714
Kingston ar 724 10 60 240 720
Wilkes-Barre ar 740 11 10 260 780
Wilkes-Barre lv 710 10 40 800 710
Kingston lv 724 10 60 240 720
Plymouth Juno ..... .... •
Plymouth 736 11 06 248 780
Nantiooke 748 11 18 86k 7:87
H unlock s 740 1110 80s 748
Hhlckshlnny 801 1181 820 768
Hicks Ferry 811 fll *8 MM fIUH
Beach Haven 810 11 48 887 800
Berwick 827 11 64 844 817
Brlarcreek f8 82 f8 50 . ..
Willow (Jrove f8 86 (b 54 f8 84
Lime Kldge 840 fl2 00 868 (8 28
Kspy 840 12 16 408 884
Bloomsburg * 868 12 22 4IS 840
Rupert 367 12 26 416 846
Caiawlssa 902 12 82 412 850
Danville 916 18 44 418 006
Carauron 824 71267 448
Northumhar'd ar » Sh 110 466 080
Nortmmbcr I'. # o4s* fIOOO til* *686
Damsron 867 (2 01 1
Danville 7 07 10 lit 7 1: 648
Cal-awisHii 721 1082 2AU 668
Rupert 728 10 37 221 801
K|v>omshurg 788 10 41 2 006
Espy 788 10 48 24< 814
Lime Kidge 744 (10 64 f2 4a A 20*
Wl.low Drove.. f7 48 (2 60
itrlsrTcelr 762 ..... FL 68 18 27.'
Berwick 767 11 06 i <*a 0 841
ikwii Haven *O6 (1112 aO4 046
II lck« Ferry 811 (1117 lis* 847
Shlckshlnuy ...... b22 1181 82b lb 60>
Hunlock's 83 t ,i (7 00
Nanticoke 88 1144 498 116
A vondaie 841 ■l2 722
Plymouth *46 1168 JJ7 ,7 80
Plymouth June 847 .... 852 «...
Kingston ar 856 11 60 «.« 780
Wilkes-Barre ar 910 12 10 •IO 750
Wilkes ISarr* lv 840 11 40 7»
Kingston.... lv 856 1160 <BO 780
Luxerne 858 al2 02 *0" .7 42
Forty Fort f9 00 ..... 4«7 .....
Wyoming 806 18 08 412 .7 48
Weet Plttston. 910 ..... 417 7»
Susquehanna Ave ... 818 12 14 IMI 76#
Plttston .. *1» "M.; 4 001
Duryea 4 T»l*
Lackawanna JJ jg 4 B*4 810
Taylor 4*l 817
Bellpvue • «••
Horanton.... ar *
Buffalo »i .... 760 700
AM P 61 I* M KM
Scranton lv 10.20 rX4O |8 «6 *2
P. M. P. M P.* A. K
New York ar :< 80 5 04. 716 880
•Daily, IDally except Sunday.
Htops on signal or on notioe u> uouJaui.i',
n« Htops on signal to lake on paaseagnra tor
New York, Blnghainton and polnta west.
lien. Hu per in tendon t. Wen.