Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, August 18, 1905, Image 2

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    s|jaiu ille
Established In 1828.
Editor and Proprietor
Published every Friday at Danville, the
county seat of Montour county, I'll., at SI.OO a
year ia advance or 91.&> if not |»uid in ad
vance; and no paper will be dlHcontfinHuf
until all arrearage IH paid, except at the
option of the publisher.
Kates or advertising made known on ap
plication. Address all communications to
Democratic State Ticket.
of Delaware county.
of Westmoreland county.
Democratic County Ticket.
A HOUSE yourselves, Democrats,
you are surely aware of the
uneertaiuty of politics. Last year's
defeat was a very severe lesson, teach
ing us of the necessity of organization
and labor. It was thought the Demo
cratic congressional campaign, like
the Russian advance oil Japan, was a
Hindi, but each proved to the con
trary and to the good of the opposi
tion. The little Japs organized and
applied themselves in a unit to the
defense of their National and individ-1
ual rights ; the Republicans quietly
fought in a like manner —you know
the result. State Chairman Penrose
is a wily, clever politician and secret
ly organizes his forces throughout the
State to operate quietly and effective
You may think we are iu a strong
Domocratic district or county ; and
we are, too, if properly organized,
for therein lies the secret.
To have stiong organizations we
must have strong leaders.
Do not allow the enemy to gain all
the strong posts before the battle be
gins, but strengthen the weaker points
and be on the alert on all sides. Our
political battle is about to be waged.
anrow up ymi >u>v>
fv the cause. Lay well your plans
a id see that they are executed, for
l lie present good preperation may be
a glorious prevention or the all-im
p li'tant necessity to the maintaining
of the present peace.
True it is that our fronds, the ene
my, do not outnumber us iu this
c innty, but their tactics and persist
ed effort may do much to overcome
our numbers. Let us then do some
lliing for Democracy. She needs
your every support.
Candidates aud prospective future
candidates should long ere this effect
ed organizations and be quietly arrang
ing the future, if they purpose in any
great victory for themselves or party.
Again we caution: Arouse your
selves !
KI)NESDAY the Democratic
State Convention reassembled
:md fulfilled the best expectations of a
hopeful and right-thinking public.
A man eminently fit, admirably
(pialilied and justly admired was nom
inated for Justice of the Supreme
Court. Justice John Stewart, of
Franklin county, is the embodiment
of judicial capability and personal in
tegrity, and that independence of aet
iou and speech which at all times
characterized him both in public and
private life admirably associate with
his nou-partisian judiciary attain
What matters it that such a man
happens to be affiliated with one
party or another in National politics?
His election will guarantee a lit suc
cessor to the lamented Justice Dean,
and no better service could be given
to the State than his unanimous elec
tion to the bench of last resort.
Burgess Refuses to Sign.
Burgess Smith, of Weatlierly, will
veto the contract awarded h/ tlie
ooDiicit to Jere Woodring & <Jo , cf
Hazleton, for the oreotio i of a new
electrio light plaut, winch is to ie
placo tlio nin destroyed by the burst
ing of tlie H y wheel sjiuj tirai ajo. It
is claimed by tin burgess that an en
tire new plant is not n leded uinl that
the old one can be reptired at .uiucli
loss exueuso.
Want Curfew in Williamsport.
At a recent meeting of the Williaint
port council, Mr. Iluzlet presented a
numerously signed petition praying
for the euaotuieut of a Curfew ordi
nance. providing that all ohildren un
der fourteen years of age be iu the
houso by 9 p. m., unless aooompauied !
by pareuts or guardian.
The family reunion sbhsuu is at
hand, aud a number of them are on !
the tapis iu this couuty. They have
their enjoyable featnros aud aro al
ways eagerly looked forward to by the
participants. I
" Jrfiiiirth Grimes," Esq
LIBEKY TONSIIIP, Ogest 14, 1905.
Ef the Poltishuns dont Soon git
this hear dorg queshun settled it will
hurt thear bisness. All the peoples
dttciishuii pears to he ou the dorgs,
and poletius will hev to go. Tliet
thear word "poletics" allers reminds
us of poleeata. (Jess they air BUlii
tlitiii allot lik each other—they boath
mak a had oder sum times.
That thear Davy he do cartanlv
smear it 011 to tliet teller grean. El'
San I'eater new his onion, he wood
hev treated hint difi'rently. Ef we
lied bin San I'eater, we wood hev
sed : J low allot them thear affitdav
ersV Wy did you say you waz the
july Diiiimycrat in the coanty? wear
did you hide tliet Carp't Ragg?
Here (iaberl, you tak this feller lie
low and giv liini a dulible doas for
(jestring them thear Montour eoauty
people so much. He sez, doant slab
• lie in the (lack. liess we lied lietter
let liiui go. lie mite put us to jale.
We air a tog eater, ef he put us to
jale it mite milk taxes liier, an t'leu
the other farmers wood all git down
in me, an milk me uupoplar. lie
»z, wy iloau I sine my name u'l he
will let oH'steam then. He iz i a bold
as a lion; an 1 wood be ateerd to sine
my name. That thear D.ivy liaint
sieh a bad feller, only lie will tell so
menuy llippers. He sea the Dimniy
orats will hev no caudidat for register
and Recorder wen grean goes to liv
with San Pealer. By eats ef tliet is
ihe truth the Dimmycrats mite allot
as well sliet up shop, and g.i without
a Regiser an Keeoarder.
Yours trooly,
Pottsflrove Items.
Some of the farmers aie complain
ing or their potato crops being porfT.
In many places they are struck with
the blight, causing the stocks to die
off quickly.-
The baud will goto Milton on Fri
day and Saturday evenings and will
play at the firemen's festivals.
A number of our young people ex
pect to attend the corn dance at
A[oorcsburg oil Saturday evening.
This is good corn growing weather.
Mrs. Clias. Kissel is 0:1 the sick
Jessie, the 'youngest daughter of
Oscar Cromley, who has been sick
for several weeks, is slowly improv
Mrs. Win. Reichelderfer is ill at
her home.
The boys and girls .are talking
about starting to school again.
Miss Annie Lose, of Spring Har
den, spent Sunday with her grand
mother, Mrs. Fixs.
Mrs. Alex. Mattis is dangerously
ill at her home.
Miss Marion Kremer has returned
home, after spending several days
visiting friends in Danville.
of the moon wnslo'star?"m'jfomVny
night, a lieavy rain storm arose and
cut off all chances of seeing it. The
sky was watched by a number of peo
ple, but at 110 time was there the
slightest break in the clouds.
Aug. 16, 190.").
A was given Sat
jrdty evening at the home of Miss
iSlsie Lloyd. Fro it street, iu honor of
ilisses Florence Laird, of
lliestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Tlicso
iresout were: Maud McKiuney, An
lie Steiubri nue-, Uatli Uoorehe d,
Olsie LloyJ, William Jo les. Hairy
Voods, .la nes Kane, John Piitoliaid,
Arthur Reifsnyder and William Cot
I Pennsylvania's National Guard is
livelnpiug a lot of sharpshooters who
vill coma iu mighty haudy if Uucle
lam over finds it necessary to draw
lis gun.
344 MilliStreet.
Breaks no Hearts, Excuses
no Crimes.
Dr. David Kennedy's FAVORITE REM
EDY is not 11 disguises! of the human
race; where it canuot help, it does not
harm. It is composed of vegetable ingre
dient* und d(>es not heut or inflame the
blood but cools und purifies it. In all cases j
of Kidney troubles, Liver complaints, Con- I
stipation of the Howels, and the delicate j
derangements which afflict women, the ac- I
tion of Dr. Kennedy's FAVOIIITE REM. 1
EDY is beyond praise. Thousands of j
grateful people voluntarily testify to this, i
in letters to I)r. Kennedy; and with a '
warmth and fullness of words which mere |
business certificates never possess. It
makes no drunkards—excuses no crimes—
breaks no hearts. Iu its coming there is
taupe, «nd in its wings there is healing.
Wo challenge a trial and are confident of
the result. Your druggist has it. ONE
DOLLAR a liottle. Bear in mind the
name and address: I)r. David KENNEDY,
Uoudout, New York*
M .\f(uforato. y
1 Whciu Uie liv -er greets the wil - low, Bend - ing
2. Wave, ye wil - low branch - es, lac - ing In your
3. Az - uro vi - o - lets in liicl - ing, Mind nie
4. Where the xiv - er greets the wil - low, There I
' —*W «- -] »-] —» { - ■
' v* /'mi *
to ro - fleet its grace; Where the moss -es form a
net - work sun - bea;ns bright; Ah! I know ft form whoso
of her eyes' soft blue; Look - ing ten - der, sweet con -
meet my love, my own; And my dar - ling's face I
pil - low For the vi - 'lets mod - est face; Stand I
grao - ing Far ex - ceeds your mo - tion light • And though
fid - ing, Ev - er faith - ful, pure and true; And the
pil - low On my heart no more a - lone. I for -
( 1 iEfcEjiEq.:
\ ' ' ' -I-*'* *
; r<t ** i
112 " • ' IT ' ' -I ° vl
wuit ing for my d.ir - ling, Aid sweet n.i - ture's ten der
thro' your tress -es glanu - i:ig, (Jol.l -en glemns tlio 81111 - light
I j *lar - ling's voice so thrill - ing, Of the 11111 - sic cf each
get tlio inur - hi'ring liv - *r, Aa. I tlie breeze - swept wil • !ow'3
! jf""" I i r * ' 112
' K - ■ ■ ■
: j
„ H ;■ n tempo. W/.
jjgbr jZ
liush; Brok -en liy the voice of star - ling, Makes the flow'rs with rapt -11 r«
s fair; Pur - cr, bright -er gold is danc - ing In the mesh -es of her
a tone; That my heart, my be - ing till - iiig, Tells me she is all my
a sigh; Flow'r and song-sters trill and quiv - er, She's my owh, and her' 3am
J- ff » J
j t| » -
1 'i
( f-TCj'1 j ro
% tr —jg. c 1 1 • * l~ :
* w ; *• » r
Endorsement of Speer's Wines by
the Faculty of N. Y.
Dr. Cyrus h'dson of New York Board
of Health.saya there is no better wine
| in the world. Speer's Port ii espeoial-
Ily valuable in many cades of wtak
uess, debility, i to.
Now it is Washington that in alarm
ed by the outbreak of a typhoid futir
| epidemic. The pollution of the Poio
■ mac, whence the oity gets its water
i supply, is the apparent cause.. Why
should Amerioau cities not expect this
sort of tliiuß as knit as tliiy are con
tent to got their water supply out of
| sewing?
Nothing More Dangerous
Than Cutting Corns. THE KOOT
,hy absorption. Something entirely
now. The sanitary oils and vapors
do the work. Sold hv all druggists,
26c, or by mail. Sample nialleil
FKKK. Address, Allen S. Olmsted.
LeKoy, N, Y.
' Klh»n HUa'a Qaalat Laaoaf*.
Iti the Magazine of History Robert
I Dewey Benedict, writing on "Ethan Al
len'* Use of Language," gives this Il
lustration of Allen's qualntness:
Wheu he was takeu prisoner at Mont
real be was brought before the Eng
lish General Preseott. Allen's narra
tive tells us: "He asked me my name,
which I told him. He then asked me
whether I WHS that Colonel Allen who
took Tlconderoga. I told him I was
the very man. Then he shook his cane
over my head, calllug me many hard
i names, among which he frequently
used the word 'rebel.' • • • I told him
he would do well not to cane me, for
I was not accustomed to It, and shook
my fist at him, telling him that was
the beetle of mortality for him If he
offered to strike." The Englishman
probably had seen enough logs spilt '
with a beetle aud wedges to recognize
the appropriateness of the figure of a
beetle as descriptive of Allen's heavy
fist, and wheu It was described an a
"beetle of mortality" he recognized
that It was a weapon which he would I
do well not to meet.
A'cow, m
Steer, Bull or Horse
hide, Call skin, Dog
skin, or any other kind
ot hide or skin, and let EBKjuH
us tan it with the hair
on, soft, light, odorless
and moth-proof,forrobe,
rug, coat or gloves.
But first get our Catalogue, IB
tags and Instructions, so as to ItBfWH
avuid mistakes. We also buy
raw furs and ginseng.
1,18 . < :? < I?S. v .. FRIS,^N PUR COMPANY.
114 Mill 51ml, Rochester, N. V.
The Intelligencer lias a class of cir
culqtion that makes advertising in its
columns rich with results. It lias,
t"»», a quantity of circulation at rates
, that nieau great profit to the person
using the paper.
I'm! Hj To the Pacific Coast—to California, Oregon, Washington
|*pWround-trip, long transit and return limits, liberal stop-over
'3 The rate is practically on the basis of one fare for the round
trip. Of course, if you wish to visit both California and Oregon
I or Washington, the cost is slightly more.
These reduced rates are in effect on certain dates in months
wmm C \ ( 1 of May to October, inclusive. They apply from ail Eastern points
y ■ via Chicago, St. Louis or Memphis gateways. The Rock Island
Jm System will take you up in eitherChicaso or St. Louis, or at hundreds
/il of other Middle West points and carry ycu to the Coast in through
/J J Standard or Tourist Sleepers with unexcelled Dining Car service.
The Rock Island also affords a choice of routes: on the "Scenic"
wfj route you can stop off in Colorado—see Salt Lake City—visit
M IMjf.'i: Yellowstone National Park; on the "Southern" route you can go
via El Paso, thru New Mexico, then "up coast" to San Prancisco
■J ( ir-'fj: wMH&w and onto Portland or Seattle if desired.
If |ynfln short, these Pacific Coast excursions offer an unusually good
■! JjWj/ QW\ - chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner.
vi'"■£ [ . ;>1 If you desire togo only as far as Colorado, there are excursion
■ U ■' :irates in effect to that section and return, all summer long,
« : specially reduced June 30 to July 4, August 12 and 13,
/'\M and August 30 to September 4. Extension trips to Ogden
Pri/l l/lft UvAVVV" / ivlll\ or return at low cost also.
IIAa UY 1 111l % From September 15 to October 31, 1905, one-way
•lIsS lllr Till ill 1 I) 11/l tourist or "colonist" tickets will te on sale to California and
.] || IMj j/All/ v » the Pacific Northwest —about half regular fare.
ml/jg V)| I nL If interested, send name and address on this coupon, designating
W I I which booklet wanted and to what point you plan to go. Name probable
j 1 l\ date of start also, so we can advise definitely with respect to rates, etc.
Address Address
Pau. Traf. Mgr., Rock Uland Syitem, Leave about ' )
CHICAO °- »-i
112 11l I I —W-HPK ZKStK. |. _ •
Orders will lie taken for ii guaranteed I
1 19l| Seed Meal, deilvered oil' the curat Potts- |
8 |»FI grove, at a reduced price.
Id Send inquiries und orders l>y mail t
- it'mtfl Pottsgrove. Persons having orders in '
will be notilicd on arrival of the car
C. H. ricMahan & Bros.
Special Dairy Foods and Dairy Supplies,
Pottsgrove, Northumberland Co., Pa. ; ;
if finest cocoa made; in article of absolute purity
J| with the highest nutritive qualities and a flavor
I If you try it once you will fully appreciate the \ 'lt 1
\ wisdom of THE COCOA EXPERT. ft
|V Send your name and two cents for a trial can. lh
Feeding the RnntlliiKN Looks Like n
Dniisrerotia Operation.
When I first crawled in among the
bushes close to the nest the little
mother darted at me and poised a foot
from my nose, as if to stare me out
of countenance. She looked me all
over from head to foot twice. Then
she seemed convinced that I was harm
She whirled and sat on the nest edge.
The bantlings opened wide their hun
gry mouths. She spread her tail like a
flicker and braced herself against the
nest side. She craned her neck and
drew her dagger-like bill straight up
above the nest. She .plunged it down
the baby's throat to the hilt and start
ed a series of gestures that seemed
fashioned to puncture him to the toes.
Then she stabbed the other baby until
it made me shudder. It looked like the
murder of the Infants. But they were
not mangled and bloody. They were
getting a square meal after the usual
humming bird method of regurgitation.
They ran out their slender tongues
to lick the honey from their bills. How
they liked it! Then she settled down
and ruffled up her breast feathers to
let her babies cuddle close to her na
ked bosom. Occasionally she reached
under to caress them with whisperings
of mother love.—Country Calendar.
A Quest lon of Selence.
"I remember when I was a student
at Wyoming seminary," said a clergy
man, "a farmer caino to Kingston to
visit his nephew, whom ho was edu
"The farmer had uo urban polish.
Ilia tea when It was brought was very
hot. and he poured it in his saucer, to
his nephew's great mortification.
"Finally, unable to restrain himself,
the nephew was so rude as to say:
"'Uncle, why do you pour your tea
in the saucer?'
"The old farmer looked up In sur
prise. Then he said in a loud, hearty
" 'To cool it, to be sure. Th i more
air surface you give it the quicker it
cools. These here modern seminaries
don't teacl* do tliejr?'"
Real Estate or Personal Prop-
I erty Disposed of at
Public Outcry.
I "lies/ 'Jiesu//s Quaranlcea
• Address,
Michael Breckbill,
Rural Route 4, Danville, Pa.
IWhen you feel languid, tired,
nervous and irritable, your vi
tality is low—your supply of
nerve energy exhausted, and
your system running down for
lack of power,
The organs of the body are
working poorly, or not at all,
and you are not getting the
nourishment needed. This soon
impoverishes the blood and in
stead of throwing off the im
purities, distributes it all
through the body. This brings
disease and misery.
Feed the nerves with Dr.
Miles' Nervine, a nerve food, a
nerve medicine, that nourishes
and strengthens the nerves, and
see how quickly you will get
strong and vigorous.
"My wifo suffered with nervousness
Els«°h!,» to ?. rL ''i.' ! " t typhoid
fever, but Hfter her recovery from tho
fever, she was much worse, and could
hardly control herself liclncr exceed
ingly nervous when the least excited.
Bne was very restless at night and
never had a pood night's rest sFo
IXIHO suffered much from nervous head
ache. Dr. Miles' Norvlno wasrecom
by a Mend. After the first
three dog en she had n good night's
♦ 'J? » ttt , tllQ eml of the I,rst week's
treatment t»ho was wonderfully 1m • 1
proved. Continued use of Nervine L. * '
completed her entire cure." <
1021 Cherry St., Evunsville, Intl. ,
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold by your
druggist, who will guarantee thrt tha
first bottle will benefit. If It fails, ho
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co. 2 Jnd , j
The Htar.darci Railway 01 This
Con tinent
Interlocking sw.tcli & BlgcK ::m Mm
Schedule in Effect Nov. 29, lfto3
'JA iii>
Hunbury I .ca\c j i . §2OO S 520
Kline's Urovc. . I ' I I H*«»I t.. :i5
Wnlvrloii I i ill)(Hi I J lit | sjj7
Klpp's Itun I 7 '•! 110 I] I 4-|
Won ill Dan villi- » . .. ,
Danville , 11 10,7 -' J Bfio
Boyd 112 7 If 1021 112 2 -•'» I5 53
Roaring Cre<k i ,<■ .si j n i hoi
< 'alaw i -;i Vrrm ■ 10.... •_ <|! ti C 8
u,n ' • ' § 2 -111 5 (108
iMiftt Mlnoiiirtiiiiric ... I - If, ... .. ... „
Bloonubuiy i 0 15
I Sp\ Kerry I .* I.• lin 17 I II 19
Btonytown Forry i 700 nooß i «Jf
Creasy 762 10-50 i •.» o:to
Neseopeck . Arrive r . .
Berwick J - 110® «HV» 040
,Nw»»|u'.-u i.'iivr { s »- 11 i anr, i u4O
llcuch Haven Forry.. FHOU ....
Wapu allopen . > "!t ||2o i2O 052
I'olid Hill I | ii 25 J ii 25 i li 50
si!iru'"lViV.Via v 1 11 so 701
Bet mil si:; 1142 XlO 710
Nailtick, s.-.l II 51 jh 719
llutlonuond f0 00 I*l2 00 I:{.V, I*7 25
Ply mot.ll i . rrv I 01>2 I I 02 I;; r7 28
•-"••-nil \. ;k« Hurra ■ • • isoo |flp JBO
if"?, 11 ' HDvel I irj 788
Wlikes-iJurre. .Arrive 910 12 10 iOS rBo
$!) J'fi) 'JA iD
Wilkes-!;.a iv. .I.eavc j •jf i<i j.. i, jti 10
Hu/.le .si ii-..i . 7 ~'s '" 7 . li 12
South \\ tikis-ltarre.. 7 ..»• 10 40 x >*> i><s
lMymonth'l e.rry .... I 7 •fin j.i •» | n/j
Buttou woo i ... I 7 : i 10 15 r2MI oon
Nant ico.ee 7li rf> . i»| i. 17
Ket real .. . ..... 7.1 |- . s .. i i i.
Shiekshllmv . ~
.Mocnmo in. , s 11 07 :i ''
11 »' » ' 1 ' "I !| r:: i, | o«
\\ ap\vaiU>| in . ; i
Ilea eh lla\cn I ir\
Nisioj.uk \ Tix c M.i 11 JO ;»2 700
Berwick ...
NeseO|*ck .. I.«a\« i 5 v •Mil 20 •' •' ]j tOO
<"mi!».\ h n :,i ~. 2 7OH
Stony town l»rry l> . i : . 1 I 7 12
I '-rry „i. i,, j„ *o2l' 7'M
iii« HI i ... . -
Kasl lliot.insli.il i;... | h '* 1 ' 1
Cftittll Itwit \rrlvo -5b u.7 i i;{ 7
CaJau tsMii . I.l'ave s.V» 57 ilB 782
Koannj; i reek I «mm : . t if* r 78H
jyjy-' | i w . i . II » i2u i 7
Soulli I• 11\ iii<* ) '' ' 1 '2 l-» -1.1l 751
Kipp'H ltdll I 11 111 112 JO I I 15 t 7 "»(i
U'ol viMlo" I" .ij.. i .. i 4-12 I
K line's (J ion i .. I.i !7 I IJ ..0 i" -l 15 112 sO6
Sunlitftfy Arrive s;i jj |-j 10 |455| 810
Dally, t Dnliy, «• :c.'|.i sumlay. 1 Stops
only on nolk-e to Coiulucloi- or Aijeut, or oil
Trains leave Houtli Danville as follows:
I'or I'ittston and s«-ruiilon,7 II ain and 221
and 5 .0 p m week-dnys: In 17 a in dally.
For rottsvill,.. Ifcaalinr ami I'liiiadelphia
. u a in and 2 21 p m >veok-da> s.
w' V ,/ ! etoi,, " 11 a 111 tt,M * ~ unt * pm
l or I.ewisl.urtr, Milton, Williainsport, I.<K!k
llavi-n, lit novo and Kane, i'J l."» p m week
nays; l.oek lla Veil «ml\, '• 14 a in and 4 ;iI p m
week-«l.i\s ; I•,r\\jlliaiii >|<Ml . I r I«I intenneili
ale Ntal ions, ji 1| a in an<l 7>l pin week-days.
For nellcloiite, T> rone, I'billlpsbmv and
';learflctd, 011 ;< m and 12 15 pin week-day^
For Hai i isl.i:ru and int. rin. iliate stations,
014(1 111. I-' l"» |. in all.l 7 il pin Week-davs:
I;Hp n. tally. J '
I'm- I '!• radel pli ia \ i., I lan i.-l.n r«r) Bulli
iitore and \\
all I 7 •>! pin w. ek-days : i I pin daily.
I-or I'ili>!.mi - , via Harrlsi.iirK) »14a tn and
| . d|>in u . ..days ; | ..I pi.. daily ; (via I.eW
isiown .1 niic! ion ,••.j |j, ~„,| pj jr. ~ m Wlr | ( .
n| l '\v ' ' '*' ii" 4 * ilaVt "' 0 11,1 1,1 a,ld U *'
I'lillinan I'arU.r and Si. .- nui'nrsrun on
l rain- l.it v.<. n a , iauiK-
Krie. between my 'and l'liiin
dMplllii ai.d \\ a -Ii i i .n .: ■. ..>v\ e. n ilarriK
burg, I'it t.sl.m t; nnd Ihe W r .;.
i- en'ts fUIt,U ' '" ,or,uutl °" "PP'y to ticket
<-!«• i.• -r:tl M nau'-r. lWr Truffle Mgr
Oi-:o. \v . lio\ o. (.'clientl Act.
Ma: . ' apersl ivo v. n cumnfflf
to reports by irresponsii.!:- parties to theefTecl
had entered n trust or combination; wo wish
tonssure the public that there j< truth in
Bucli reports. We have been manufacturing
sewing machines tor over i ipnrter ofu centu*
ty, and have est j luitlon for our
selves and our machine* that 1$ the envy of all
others. Our ''Arir f/«wie" machine has
never been rivaled as a 112 uniiy machine.—lt
stands at the head ofall §ll t/fi tiratle sewing
machines,and stands on ir.s oirn merits.
The- *' il'nr Unnte " is the only really
JiIVU UK A n /•: v-V Iny Jtavh iue .
on the tnavfivt.
It Is not necessary for us to enter Into a trust
to save our credit «>r pay any debts us we have
no debts t pay. er entered into
competition with innnnfa. irersof low gnido
Cheap machines that are n>..<l. to sell regard
less of any intrinsic merits, ho not be de
ceived, when you want i sew mg machine don't
send your money away from home; cull on a
'• iVen Home'* iPvalor, he can sell you a
better machine for le- than you can purchase
elsewhere. If there is no dealer near you,
write direct to us.
oraimge:, mass. ' .
New York, Chicago, 111., St. 1 ,011 In, Mo., Allan.
.. Is. Oa., Dttllaa, Tex., Suu t ruocUoo, CW.