Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, June 30, 1905, Image 1

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Danville Promisses You a Swell Time on the Fourth—Come and Participate—You. Will Never Regret It
The aunual rifle, revolver and car
biue competitions of the National
Guard for 1905 will be held upon the
State rifle rauge at Mr. Grelna,begin
uing August 7, and will be uuder the
direction of the General IIIS| ector of
Rifle practice
Each regiment of infantry, the hat
taliou of State Naval ruililia and each
troop of cavalry shall bo entitled to
oue team of foor men and oue re
serve, teams to be selected and detail
ed by the commanding oflicer of the
respective organizations. Oue commis
sioned officer will be allowed to shoot
on each team.
Uuited States circular bull's eye
targets will ho used in all matches,ex
oeptiug the skirmish match, for which
target "G" will be used, and rapid
fire match, for which targot *'F" will
be used.
The following schedule will be fol
lowed :
August 7-8 a. ui., practice 2 0, 500
and 600 yards; 2 p. in.,practice 200aud
600 yards rapid fire ; August 8, 8 a. ui.,
iufanty aud cavalry matoho*; 2pm,
rapid fire matches; August 9, 8 a m ,
infantry aud cavalry and skirmish
practice; 2 p. m.,infantry and cavalry
match ; August 10, 8 a m , brigade
practice; 2 p. tu.,brigade match ; Aug
ust 11, Ba. m , practice 800 and 1,000
yards; 2 p. in.,800 aud 1000-yard
match; 5:30 p m., distribution of
Revolver rauge open for practiee
August 8. This range will be reserved
for those entering the revolver matches
on Thursday and Friday afternoon and
will close at 5 o'clock, August 11.
The usual matches will be shot, the
prizes rangiug from silver cups to
brouze medals.
Iu compliance with General Orders
No. 7,the Divisiou Natioual Guard of
Peuusylvauia will ba inspected at the
encampments of the several brigades.
Fine home for Firemen.
The Washington Hose House on East
Market street, which for a long time
has beeu iu ueed of repairs, is to be
practically rebuilt and when fiuished
will be a very fine home for the com
pany, comparing favorably with the
best tire houses in this section.
The Washlugton Hose House is uot
au old building but it has developed
many defects, due principally to bad
ventilation. Owing to dampness the
paper will not adhere to the wall, the
interior is damp and monl ly and
wholly Ht variation with good hygiene.
At the last meeting of Council,
Wetley Hollabaugh and Lewis SVray,
representing the fire company appear
ed before Oouucil expl killing the de
feots of the huil ling and asking that
repairs be authorized. The matter was
referred to lhe Building Committee by
Couucil and this body Ims decided up
on the following system of repairs:
On the interior the partition iu the
hallway on the first floor up to where
the stairway begins is to be removed.
The pauei forming the upper half of
the front door is to be removed and iu
its place a glass is to be inserted. The
trausom above tho door is to be cut
loose aud placed ou hinges The walls
ou the lower floor are to be stripped out
with shingling laths aud replastered.
The wainscotiug now on will be re
moved aud now substituted iu its
place. To provide more and ven
tilation two additional windows will
be cut iu the wall iu the second story.
Outside the brick wall on the east
side will be cemented five feet high
the entire leugth of the building. All
the windows aud doors are to be re- |
paired aud putin good working order.
New paint is to be generously applied.
Ou the iuside ali new work is to have
two coats of paint and all the old
work one coat. All the woodwork on j
the outside including the tower is to (
have two coats of paiut.
Kids for tho work are uow beiug re
ceived. At the meetiug of Couueil,
Friday evening, July 7th., the bids
will be opened and the contract award
Moving By Trolley Car.
N. B. Smith, engineer at the power
house of the Danville aud HJoomsburg
Street Railway Company,yesterday re
moved his family from Grovauia to
Danville, occupying tho house belong
ing to Mrs. Young adjoiuiug the one
she occupies ou Bloom street. Mr.
Smith's household goods were brought
down in the trolley in a work car at
tached to one of the closed passeuger
oars. The moving was soon over and
the method of transportation employ
ed was a fine object lesson to illus
trate the advantages which might be
eujoyad if Farmer Creasy's favorite
scheme were ev« r to he realized and
the trolley oars were permitted to car
ry freight.
Snrprise Party.
A surprise party wu tendered Miss
Helen Kelly at her home, Water street,
last evening hv a number of her friends
in honor of her 13th birthday.
During t!") evening refreshments
were served, games indulged in aud
all departed at au early hour declaring
Miss Helen a /harming hostess She
received many pretty and useful pres
ents. Thoce present were: Jennie
Reed, Lizzie Jones, Agues Hurley,
Blanche Heed, Mary Casluier, Helen
Phillip*. Emily Kellv,M irgaret Cash
ner, Gertrude Fox, Sara Joues, In nr
Herman, Bessie Bloom, Emily Her
man. Rarbara Bloom. Arthur
Raymond Foust, Charles Kear, Harry
Kelly, Howard Freeze, Joseph Kelly
Jobs Evans,aud Lamar Kelly.
Our Borough Kathera have caught
(lie Fourth of July spirit and although
they nan not see their way clear to en
ter upon au olootrioal display for In
dependence Day, yet they have decid
od to decorate City Hall in grand style.
A special meeting of Council was
held Saturday night, at which two
proposals wero read from decorators.
Ono of these was from John H. Ban
gert, who proposed to deoorate Oity
Hall from the roof to the .first fiior
with fast colors, flags aud bunting,for
the sum of |IO. The other was from
J. H. Hammerly & Company, who pro
posed to decorate the building for sls.
On motion it was decided to decor
ate City Hall something after the man
lier above proposed but it was left
iu the bauds of the Buildiug Oouimit
tie to wait upon the decorators and
look over designs so as to get the best
effect for the money.
Council convened at the usual hour
aud in a body went to A street to look
over the ground with reforouco to the
new pavement grade turnislied by the
Borough Eugiueer. Atß:3othoy re
turned to Couucil Chamber when on
motion of Mr. Vastiue it was agreed
to adopt the uew grade for pavement
as soon as tho Dauville and Blooms
bnrg Street Railway Company sign an
agroouieut relating to the matter On
motiou the Secretary was instructed
to notify the officers of ttie Trolley
Company of Council's action.
nurgoss Purscl WHS preseut at the
■ueetiuK mid called Couucil's attention
to the rank giowtli of weeds ou the
river bauk, recommending that the
Street Commissioner be iustructed to
have them cut down.
Ou motion the garbage cans, which
arrived ou Thursday, wera accepted
aud ordered placed about the streets.
One of the cans was ordered place I at
the post office; the distribution of the
remainder was left iu the hands of the
Street Commissioner.
Couucil made it very plain that itß
object ill placing the cans upon the
street is to secure tlie enforcement of
tlie recently enacted law.which makes
it unlawful to throw papers, rubbish,
banana peels, or fruit ill any form up
on the streets Couucil believes that
through the medium of tlie Morning
News, which has fully explained tlie
aot, the people are by this time pretty
fumiliar with the uew law aud the in
tention is to enforce it. It was clear
ly stated that persouß who peisist iu
throwing articles upon tho street will
be arre-tod and mulcted iu fine.
This brought up tho subject of mar
ket and it was the sense of some of the
members that tho faimers leave be
hind altogether too uiuuli wasto matter
in the form of cabbage leaves and tho
like to be hauled away at the Bor
ough's expense. Mr. Vastiue said tlie
farmers should be obliged to load all
such stuff upou their wagons ittul take
it along home. He made a motiou that
farmers who refuso to comply should
be arrested aud made ta pay a fine,
l'iie motion carried.
Tho following members of Council
were present at the meeting: Gibson,
Reifsnyder, Vastiue, Sweisfort, Hnglies,
Magill, Boyer, Dietz, Goeser aud Ja
Picnic on July Fourth.
Oue of the most interesting evouts
of July 4th aside from the various
features of the big demonstration will
be the picnic given iu DoWitt's Park
by the Continental Hose Couipauy.
This will no doubt be a gigantic
affair attracting iu addition to our
owu townspeople visitors by the thou
sand, all of whom have heard of the
park and will waut to visit the resort.
Tlie Continental boys are sure of the
orowdH aud they are uow busy making
preparation to eutertaiu them.
The picnic will be au all-day affair
aud the ):ark will bo open to the pub
lic, tlieie lieiug no oliargo for admis
There will be dancing all day aud a
game of base hall between the Dau
ville A. A. aud Spriugfield. There
will also be games and laces of various
sort, with a grand display of fire
works in the eveniug. Refreshments
of all kinds will be for sale ou the
Danville rtembers Present.
Suubury Chapter Daughters of the
American Revolution was houored yos
i terdav by an official visitation by Miss
Minimi F. Miokly of Allentowu, the
| Vice State Regent. Members of the
! order from Bloomsburg, Dauville,
l,ewisburg aud Seliiißgrove, were also
! iu Sunhury.
| A reception was held at the home of
I Mrs. Charles A. Sillier ou East Market
I street, from two to thren o'clock yes
| terday afternoon,alter which the party
| was taken for a drive about Suubury
\ aud a visit to Fort Augusta, the historic
, lan J mark that figured so prominently
I in the defense of the inhabitants of
i this locality during tho early days
when the Ued man was iu power.
Fort Augusta uow the property of Mis
| Amelia Gross, is one of most fam
ous Bpots iu tho State, aud the Daugli
, ters of the American Revolutiou liavo
I already started a movement to pur-
I chase it.
The visiting ladieß left for home on
the five o'clock traiu aud Suubury
Chapter retarned to the home of Mrs.
Sillier, where au elaborate dinner was
served in their honor.
The man who oan oatoli the hiKfti'st
baaa may not ba a popular hero.bat he
"osla soiua ice" io the oomtnauity.
The Citizens' Fourth of Joly Com
mittee held a regular meeting last
night, the following being present:
Riklpli Kisner. Esq., Burgess W. G.
Fursel, W. V. Oglesbj, Esq., Jacob
Boyer, Edward Parpor and Johuuy
Moyer. Dr. Jno. Sweisfort, Chief
Marshal of the parade, was also pres
Some changes in (he route of parade
were disooased and it was decided to
extend the roate to Nassau street. The
route of parade now decided upon is
as follows:
Forming on North Mill stroet the
parade will move op Bloom street t)
Ash, out Ash to Center, down Center
to Ferry, out Kerry to Hemlock,down
Hemlock to Mill, up Mill to Market,
up Market to Nassau, down Nassau to
Front, down Frout to Mill aud count
ermarch. The parade will start at 11
o'clock. Chief Marshal Sweisfort is
now busy selecting his aids, of which
twenty odd will be needed.
Up to the present there has beeu
nothing to indicate that thero will be
a single float in the parade, which is
qaite a disappointment to the Com
mittee, which expected great thing-)
from the busiuess men in the way of
floats. It is uot to3 late yet and the
business poople are earnestly request
ed to think the matter over to see
whether they will uot fiud it to their
interest to exhibit their different lines
of goods in the parade. As a means of
advertising, such a float could not be
excelled, whilo it would add one feat
ure to the parade aud thus contribute
to the day's success.
The Committee fiuds that it is still
about one hundred dollars short of
what is needed to liquidate the full
cost of the deuioustration as planned.
It i3 believed that there are still a
good many people that have not been
asked for subscriptions,who should be
willing to contribute something to
help the proposition along. Our two
policemen are authorized to receive
contributions and all those from now
on who desire to give anything can
baud the monoy to the officers It is
hoped that there will be some addi
tional contributions.
It is the sense of the Committee that
there should at least be one address on
tho Fourth of July audit was deoideH
last evening that an iuvitatiou be ex
tended to Ex-Senator B. K. Focht to
be present as the orator of tho day.
Senator Focht was father of the bridge
bill, by virtue of which we have the
handsome iron structure over the riv
er,the completion of which along with
tho Fourth of July is to be oelebrated
Glorious Fourth at Danville.
From present indioatious tlie big
time at Danville, that is scheduled to
take place ou the Fourth of July, will
be like the second edition of a big cir
cus—larger, better, more magnificent
than ever before.
At least that is the promise that is
held forth by the Dauvilleites.aud the
visitor who gojs there ou the day of
the celebratiou of Independence, is
guaranteed a day of festival aud fuu
that will not soon be forgotten.
Although it is a week away from
the birthday anniversary of the
Independence of this glorious United
States, tlie couuty seat town of Mon
tonr, is commencing to dou its holiday
attire and oro the day arrives it prom
ises to vie in brilliaucy eveu with
the garments woru by Uuole Sam aud
Miss Liberty, themselves.
A docoratlng company, from Read
ing, the oue that did the display work
for Williamsport, at the time that the
recent oonclave was held there, is al
ready ou the ground aud has contracts
for decorating many of the business
Tlie committee of arrangomeuts that
has this big Danville, celebration in
charge, has spared no trouble nor ex
pense iu its efforts to have this day
prove a successful oue and the com
mittee claims that it lias been most
successful in its efforts. In tlie mean
time, the whole country ronud is sav
ing its best duds and anxiously await
ing the arrival of the eventful day.—
Blooiusburg Daily.
Bad Fall From Cherry Tree.
John Cook, the thirteen-year old son
of Millard P. Cook, Upper Mulberry
street, took a fearful plunge from the
top of a tall cherry tree yesterday af
ternoon aud sustained a broken arm, a
broken leg and other injuries.
The tree is on the Cook premises.
How tho acoideut occurred is not ex
otly known. The boy was among the
top brauches of the tree and it is sup
posed that oue of the small liiuba broke
under his weight or bent in such a
manner as to cause him to slip off. At
all events ne took a drop of some
twenty five feet to the ground. Iu his
fall he struck the lower limbs and iu
this way he received several cuts and
bruises iu addition to the more serious
injury sustained when he struck the
I He was terribly shocked by the fall,
1 although he was not rendered uncou
j scious. It was evident that he was ser-
I iously injured; he was carried iuto the
! house and Dr. Ouriy was called.
| An examiuatiou revealed that his
' loft thigh was fractured and that his
right arm was broken just above the
( wriht. In each instance the fracture
. was complete. Several scalp wounds,
I not serious iu their nature, wore sus
; taiued in the fall.
Dr. Gurry set the brokeu bones aud
dressed the other iujuries,after which
last evening the boy was resting easily.
The safe in the office of the Polish
Lithuanian Brewery was oraoked Sat
urday morning. The job was a very
oleau one indicating that professionals
might have had a baud iu it.althon gh
the cracksmen were awkward euough
to overlook the snug sum of one
hundred dollars, escaping with the
trifle of sixteen dollars. v
When the day eugiueer appeared at
the brewery early Saturday morning
he was surprised to see all tho shatters
of the office olosed with the exception
of one. whioh was unusual, as the
shutters are usually open He men
tioned the ciroumstanoe to the night
engineer, who recalled that a report
hard to aooount for had been heard in
the vioinity of the brewery about 2
o'clock. Au investigation showed that
the office had been entered by thieves,
that the safe had been blown open aud
In tiie wiudow that romainod open
a pane of glass had been broken out.
This enabled the bnrglars to reaoli
through aud unfasteu the window so
that the Bash could be raised. Ouoe
iuside they had olosed the shutters to
conceal their movements.
Tho drawers including the money
drawer containing sixteen dollars was
missing, but among tho contents left
behind was a large wallet containing
oil) hundred dollars. The safe, whioh
hears the niuue of "Barnes," is a total
wrock. The door was uot ouly torn
from the safe but it was shattered to
pieoes, the tough steel plate ou the
outer side being rent by the force of
the explosion like that muoli paper.
The cracksmen resorted toauold triok
of twisting off tiie handle, which left
an apertore in which the explosive
was poured. Some powerful instru
ment had been applied to.the knob,
whioh gavo tiieiu sufficient purchase.
The tough steel rod to whioh the knob
was attached was twisted several times
around before it gave way. The point
at wliifch it parted was at the inside
of the door, the portion remaining in
tact beiug twisted into tiie semblance
of au auger.
What kind of explosive was ÜBed is
uot knowu, but it was most likely
uitro glyoeriue. Tlie force of the ex
plosion aeut the door back against the
wall with sncli force as to splinter the
Ou the premises were found a large
nail outter.a braoe aud bit,whioh Sat
urday were ideutifled as property stol
eu from the premises of Clarence
Prioe, a carpenter living near the P.
&. R. station. There is no clue what
ever leading to the burglars,who there
is some reason to believe were persons
familiar with movements about the
Ou Friday afteruoon Emil Maliuo
wski, general manager, came dowu
from Wilkeßbarre aud delivered a Bum
of money over to S. J. Ozeohowioz,
the book keeper at the brewery. The
hundred dollars that the burglars left
behind were of this money. Its pres
ervation was due to a trivial circum
stance. Iu locking the safe Friday
eveniug Mr. Czecliowicz at the last
moment bethought himself of a hun
dred dollars whioh be had in a large
wallet in a side pocket. Without stop
ping to remove the oasli and plaoe it
in the money drawer he placed wallet,
money and all in a pigeon hole im
mediately below the money drawer.
In the hurry aud exoitement it seems
the burglars did not go any further in
their search for money than the drawer
devoted to cash, whioh contained six
teen dollars,their oonolusion no donbt
being that the big wallet, carelessly
rammed into the pigeon hole oontain
ed paiiors ouly. From the position
that it lay iu after tlie robbers left it
was plain that it was pioked np and
handled by the avaricions oraoksmen
little dreaming of the handsome bunoli
of swag that lay right under their
Duiing Saturday moruing the boxes
belonging to the safe, whioh had beeu
carried off, wero found at the oolvert
over Blizzard's ran near the D. L. &
W. station. The money, of oonrse was
mißsing, bat other contents of tho
boxea, among whioh were valuable
papera, so far as could be determined
were all aoooouted for on Satarday.
Eight Years in Hawaii.*
Bruce Hartmau, a former Montour
county boy,yesterday returned to Dan
villo after au abseuce of eight years
spent mainly ou the Sand wioh Islands.
He is the son of Harris Hartman.
who during Bruoe's boyhood was »
resident of Limestone township, but
who now resides ou a farm whioh he
owns uear Rnckhoru iu Columbia coun
ty. Bruoe was a school teacher iu
Moutour couuty, at oue time holding
the position of Priuoipal of the Mecb
aulcsvllle school He was a widely
known aud popular young man with a
speoial talent for poetry aud elooutlon
In 1898 he enlisted in the United
States servioe and started for the
Philippines. His oompany, however,
got no farther than Hawaii, where it
was Btatioued until the close of the |
war. By that time business opportuui
ties began to open up and oar younu
townsmau decided to mould a career
in the Sandwich Island. He has got
ten along very nicely there and holds
a responsible position. On one occas
ion he was sent to Australia and his
preseut trip to the States is made iu
the intereßt of business with which his
firm ia connected.
Mr. Hartmau may remain in this
vioinity for a week.
The School Hoard met ill regalai
session Monday. The principal busi
ness on baud was the elootiou of teaoli
ers and janitors for the ensuing year.
The positions wire all filled with the
exception of the PrincipaUhip of the
High School. It w,is Iho souse of the
Board that owing to the short interim
since Professor Carey's witlidiawal be
came known opportunity had not beeu
aSorded for a sufficient number of ap
plicants to .present themselves. On
motion,therefore,tho High School waß
left open until such time as the Presi
dent shall see fit toenail a special meet
ing for the purpose of electing a teach
er. I'nere wire several applications
for tho High School, the most of which
oame in at the last moment and afford
ed no opportunity for investigation.
John W. Taylor,of Donaldson, Schuyl
kill county, is the only one who bad
oalled upon the Board personally. The
othor positions were filled as follows:
High School—Teaober of Mathematics
aud Soieuce, D. N. Dieffenbacher;
Teacher of History ami English,E. A.
Ooulter; Teacher of Commercial
Branohos, F. W. Magi 11.
First Ward—Grammar School, Rac
hel Goodall fSenior Secondary,Kose A.
Gallagher; Jouior Secondary, Winifred
Evans; 3rd Primary, Martha Keim;
2nd Primary, Bertha Miller; Ist Pri
mary, Jauette Pickard ; Janitor, Rob
ert G Miller.
•Second Ward ■ -Principal of Gram
mar School, Sara Musselman; Senior
Secondary, Sara Pritcliard; Junior
Secondary, Mary O Welch ; 3rd Pri
mary, Alice (Juest; 2ud Primary, Mary
Williams ; Ist Primary, Viola Young;
Janitoi, Da ilel Penayl.
Third Ward. —Piinoipal of Gram
mar School,.Joseph H. Shaw,of Nesco
peok; Seuior Secoudary, Catherine
Bennetts; Junior Secondary, Sara Wil
sou;3rd Primary, Blaucho Lowrie;
2nd Primary, Harriet Boudmau; Mixed
Priniaiy, Jauette Lovott; Ist Primary,
Jcnuie Lawrence; Janitor Setli Lorm-
Fourth Ward. —Principal of Gram
mar Suhool, M. li. Bloom ; Senior Sec
ondary, l'illie James; Junior Secoud
ary, Alice Bird; 3rd Primary,Kathryu
Rogers ; 2nd Primary, Hariiet Frye ;
Ist Primary, Nellie Gregoiy ; Janitor,
Calvin Eggert.
Welsh Hill.-Mixed Primary School,
Alice Smull; Janitor, Mrs. A. Ander
Supeivihor of Music.Klfriede Weiss.
Attendance Officer, W. E. Young.
Ou motiou the Janitor in each of the
wards was instructed to paiut the oel
lar furnace wherever paint is required.
Ou motion the (25,000 bond of Trca
suior M. H. Sehrani was approved by
the School Board.
Mr. Fischer, of the Building Com
mittee reported mauy glass brokeu iu
tho fourth Ward school buildiug. The
damage is beiug done mostly by hoys
who use sling shots. Tlie School Board
is oil the trail of tlie offenders aud i*
expected I hat some arrests will be
The following members were present
at tlie meeting: Adams, Ortli, Harpel,
Burns, Hariug, Werklioiaor, Fischer,
Trumbower, Heiss, Groue and Pursel.
The following bills wero approved
for payment:
U. L. Gordy ti1.25
Romiugtou Type Writer Co 2.80
Setli C. Lormer 17.50
Mdntour County Democrat 7.75
William Miller 3.00
They Want Tlore Cans.
Tho rubbish causreooutly purchased
by Council wero installed upon the
street by E. S. Miller yesterday. The
Street Commißßiouer was uniler no
special orders as to plaoiug the cans
but merely nsed Ills judgment in the
matter. Tlie galvanized receptacles
seom to be placed at about the pioper
intervals ami help to give onr busy
and neatly paved street a thoroughly
up-to-date appearanoe.
Here and there a dweller along the
street seems to have a wrong Idea of
the use of the caus; they oomplaiu
that the reooptacles are too far away
from their residences aud altogether
seem to be under the impression that
the cans are designed to take care of
all the waste and rubbish that ao
camutates about the dwellings or stores
whereas tiie laot is that the receptacles
aie intended ouly for floating papers
and other traili iu tlie bauds of per
sons moviug about the street. Stores
mid dwelliugs will bo obliged to take
oare of their owu rubbish
The misconception as tu the use of
the onus has given rise to tiie view
Mi ll the duzeu installed are not suffi
cient and that Council should purchase
auother dozen cans The appearauce
of th i stieet would be spoiled if a
largoi number were installed. While
it is uo doubt a fact that a larger num
ber would bo made good use of it ia
also troe that oue dozen will prove
i-ufficie it. The cans ou Mill street are
distributed ill about the same propor
tion us iu Bloomsburg, where the ex
periment IMS beeu ou trial for some
time pa»t aud found to accomplish the
übject very nicely.
Joseph Lewis Burled Today.
Iho fiiiioial of Joseph Lewis, who
died nt the Mary M. Packer Hospital
Mouilay evening, will take place from
the home of Mr. aud Mrs. William
l.ewis,.Little Roaring Creek, at 10
o'clook this morning. Interment will
be made iu Mt. Vernon cemetery, Ri
Joseph Lewis, of Roaring Greek,
formerly of South Danville, fell from
a car ou which ho was riding in the
lower end of Riverside Monday af
ternoou aud was so terribly injured
that lie died a few bouis later
It was ou a west bound freight neat
the Guliok siding that the accideut
ooourred Lewis while sitting on the
side of a loaded oar, was seized with
an attaok of diz/.iuess and falling from
the fast moving train was thrown be
neath the wheel*.
The young mau had left bis home at
Little Roaiiug Greek with the inteu
tion of visitiug his brother who lives
at Lebanon, aud had come to South
Dauville earlier iu the day. He con
tinued his journey during the after
noon by boarding the west-bonud
freight that left the station at 3:40
Lewis was acquainted with several
of the trainmen and one of these was
seated with him on tho side of the car.
The trainmau remarking that he felt
drowsy laid baok aud went to sleep.
He was soon awakeued by the jam
ming of the cars as the train Blowed
dowu aud stopped. Looking up he
missed Lewis aud knew at once that
something had befallen him.
After the acoident Lewis was still
couscious aud able to talk. He said
that he wai subject to attacks of diz
ziness aud that one of these spells oame
upon him as he sat ou the edge of the
car. He felt himself falling bnt was
unable to save himself and was thrown
beneath the wheels. The train crew
knew nothing of the sad accideut un
til the caboose had passed the spot
where Lewis fell, and then Flagman
Still, wlic was standing on the rear
platform, saw him lying bOßide the
Measnres were taken at once to stop
tlie flow of blood, and it was deoided
to remove the unfortunate young man
to the Mary Packer Hospital, Suu
bury.on tlie 4:31 train. He sank rapid
ly on the traiu and was hardly con
soious after his arrival at the hospital.
His right leg was severed above the
kneo aud liiß right hand cnt. He also
suffered iutorual injuries which to
gether with the shook aud loss of
blood caused his death.
The unfortunate man was 25 years
of age and unmarried. Hu is sur
vived by liia parents, Mr. aua Mrs.
William Lewis, of Little Roaring
Greek, two brothers George and Frank
Lewis and a sister, MiHS Oelia Lewis.
The family resided in South Danville
uutil several mouths ago, when they
moved to a farm at Little Roaring
Buried by Odd Fellows.
McWilllams Curry, whose death oo
ourred Sunday, was consigued to tlie
grave iu Odd Fellows' cemetery yea
torday afternoon, tiie funeral takiug
place from the family lesidence, Bloom
street, at 2 o'clock.
The obsequies were in charge of Cal
umet Lodge, No. 279, I. G. O. F., of
which the deceased for many years had
beou a member. There was a fair rep
resentation of the order preseut, who
followed the lemaius to the grave iu a
body. The pall bearers, oliosen from
the lodge, were as follows: D. S.
Bloom, Joseph Longenberger, John
Tflvey, J. H. Bruder, Samuel Morrall
anil Silas Dietz. The Odd Fellows'
burial rites were observed at the grave.
The Berrloea at the reaidence were
oouduoted by the Rev. J. E. Hutolii
son, pastor of tlie Mahoning Presby
terian Church, of whiob tlie deceased
was a member. A quartette of the choir
of the Mahoning Pre9byteriau church,
consisting of John B. MoOoy, Walter
Russell.Mrs. Scarlet and Miss Ainmar
man were present and rendered two
The deoeased occupied the position of
chief engineer at the P. L. Brewery aud
the employe-i of Hie plaut attended the
funeral in a body. The employes also
remembered the deceased with a couple
of beautiful floral offerings. There
was also a floral tribute from the Sun
day school of the Maliouing Presbyter
ian church,of whioh the deceased was
a member.
Tiie following persous from oat of
town attended the funeral: Mrs. Rob
ert Curry, mother, aud Robert Carry,
brother,of the deceased of Point town
ship; William Carry of Williamsport;
Mrs. Sabina Campbell.Frooinan Camp
bell, Mr. and Mrß. Harvey Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Campbell,Charles
Forsyth, Miss Jennie Forsyth, Mias
Clara Gulick, Henry Newberry, Mrs.
Kedliuo of Northumberland, and Miss
Sara Barnliart of Point township.
Reliance to Danville.
The Reliauce firo Company,of Ber
wick, have made arrangomeuts with
the Columbia aud Montour Trolley
Company for a hpioial car aud trailer
to convey the company to Bloomaburg
on July Fourth from wliioli place they
will take the Roading special to Dau
ville. The cars will leave the hall at
seven o'clock and returning leave at
10:80 p. m. The company will meet
at the ball at fi :80 a. m. iu full uni
forms. Those not having uew oues
wear (ill uniform, shirr, hat aud belt.
A largo crowd Is expected.—Blooina
burg Preaa.
Out Again.
James Heudrickaon, Bloom street,
who waß badly injured by falling back
ward off a pile of lnmber at the office
of the Reading Iron Works a week ago,
was able to appear on the streets yes
terday. He still feels the effects of the
Contract for building two of the five
temporary structures at the Hospital
for the Insane provided for by a speci
al appropriation of. 185,000, have been
awarded to Henderson & Gompary of
York. The contract price is 122,000
for each of the buildings.
These temporary structures grew out
of the visit of the Appropriations Ooui
mittce of the Legislature to Danville
last winter and wore designed to re
lieve overcrowding, which bad occas
ioned a great deal of harsh oriticism
through the State. Tho buildings wero
to be five in number, one story high,
two hundred feet long and thirty six
feet wide. The bnildings were to be
fire proof and from a hygienic point of
view tliev wero to be models-
Tlie hospital trustees do uot approve
of the temporary buildings as designa
ted by the appropriations committee,
but not caring to incur criticism they
decided to act npon the suggestions so
far as to authorize the erection of two
of the buildings whioh seem the best
adapted to the hospital needs.
The site chosen for the temporary
structures is at the rear of the main
building,oue ou the male side aud one
on the female side of the institution.
The roof and sides will be of iron;
the wall on tho inside will be studded
and plastered. Underneath will be a
cellar. Work on the temporary etruc
tures will begin immediately in order
that they speedily accomplish their
object, whioh is to relieve overcrowd
When the new hospital at Allen
town is completed the Danville in
stitution will be relieved of a number
of its patients and overcrowding will
cease to be factor. Wheu this occurs
it is the objeot of tho Trustees to put
the temporary buildings to other nse.
It is thought that the structures would
make very good pavilions far the use
of the patieuts. In buildiug therefore
they will'be so constructed tiiat tlicy
can be very easily remodeled into
structures of that sort.
Clean Up the Old Canal.
Mauy persons find it difficult to bo
lieve that onr Borough Council,which
all along has shown itself so thorough
ly wide awake and progr* ssivc,intouds
to lot the bottom of the cauul in its
preiont roky and nauseating condi
tion lie during tlie Fourth of.l, ly. It
wan thought that the matter would be
attended to at the last moment aud
tho old waterway cleaned up at least
ill tin vicinity of Mill sir. el culvert,
win nee for a square east and west the
old ditch presents its very worst np
pear.iuic. Hut Council nt Us special
inei t inp Siturriay night fnilul to tnko
any actinn on the canal, although it
deoided to decorate City Hull for tho
fourth iu nu appropriate manner. ,
The ti'tongs on "Mill Blr 'ft noxt Tues
day w ill no doubt gaze with ndmii at ion
OH Old City Hall under its artistic
dress of flags and like decorations, but
what their emotions will h" uliuii they
gaze down upou the dirty canal Willi
Its mess of garbage and old cans is
quito an tier matter. Pooplo are in
clined to think that tlm omission
was not iu'onilod Siturday night anil
that Council will yet decide to clean
up at least a portion of the caual for
the Foul til.
A little work would go a great way
toward makiuii things piosentablo.
Two or three men iu a day could rake
op and cart away the unsightly ac
cumulation of rubbish which lines the
banks and the bottom, after which a
drain conld be opened whioh would
carry off the worst of the stagnant wat
The next thing done should be to in
force the Borough ordinance as well
as the new rnbbish law and prevent
people from using the old canal as a
placo for getting rid of their garbage,
ashes and other odds and ends which
accumulate about the premises.
Farmers Face a Difficulty.
The farmers who attend the curb
stone market by this time have beeu
fully informed of the action taken by
counoil requiriug them to attend on
next Monday morning instead of the
morning following, Joly 4th., when
Mill street will'be too much crowded
to admit of the wagous.
The farmers do not dispute the wis
dom of changing market day on this
oooaßion.but they do uot see how they
can arrange to bring a supply of pro
duce into town ou Monday morning.
Piokiug cherries aud preparing garden
truck involves a good deal of work,
whioh can not be douo on Saturday if
the goods are to be fresh and salable.
Therefore, unless they work on Sun
day, the farmers declare they will be
unable to have a load of produce ready
for Monday morniug. J .They take tho
view that they should be pormitted to
oouie into town Mouilay afternoon and
occupy their places along the Mill
street curb. A good mauy are uot witli
out hope that Couuoil will take this
view of the matter and agree to change
the hour of market from morniug to
afternoon. Iu view of the crowds coin
ing to Danville the vendors ill market
expect many big otdera for the Fourth
of July whioh will have to be filled ou
Mifß Clara M Rieok aud Walter E.
Morr.ll, both of this oity,were united
iu holy wedlock yesterday. The nuptial
knot was tied by Rev. Dr. M. L,
Shiudel at his home, Lower Mulberry
street, at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon.
NO. 32
Tlio contract for constructing the re
mainder of the State Highway from
DnuVilln to Mansdale,about two-thirds
of a mile, lias beou awarded to Hart
man 11 Fess of Shainokin for $3901.62.
The proposals invited were for the
construction of tfPNfi feet of road ex
tending from tlie line dividing Mahon
ing and Valley townships to" Maoa
dale. The specifications in the main
nailed (or a road liko the high way just
completed, the one poiut forming an
exception being the piece of road be
tween the forts at the Jerseytown
road and tho bridge over Mahoning
Crock, where n oourse of lime atone
was applied a couple of years ago an d
which is now a very fine piece of
macadam. Ovor this section the specifi
cations call for only a top oourse of
crashed Btone to be applied to the road
bed now standing.
There were three bids in all, whloh
according to instructions were sent lu
to tho State Highway Department at
Harrisburg. Joiut agreement has been
signed by the County Commissioners,
the State Highway Commissioner and
the Supervisors of Valley township
giving the contraot to Hartman & Fesa
as the lowest bidders. Work on the
extension will be begun at a very early
day, so that the road may bo complet
ed before winter.
The portion of the State Highway
fiuished by the Maryland Ooustrnotiou
Company has uot as yet beeu iuapeot
ed by the State Highway Oommißßion
May Remain in Bloomsburg.
From presout indications Bloonis
barg will not lose Dr. W. P. Eveland
from tho pastorate of the First Meth
odist church, au announcement that
will be source of satisfaction to the
townspeople generally irrespective of
church connections, for few men have
evor held a pastorate ill Bloomsburg
who have enjoyed the esteem aud re
gard iu which Dr. Eveland is held.
Tlie recently elected directore of the
Williamsport Dickinson Seminary at
their mooting Thursday took no aotiou
ou the matter of tho presidency of the
collego, thinking it uot a propitious
Regarding Dr. Evelaud's oonrse iu
the matter the Williamsport Sun says:
"The Rev. Dr. Kvelaud, of Bioorns
liurg, who was elected to the presi
dency at a meeting of the old board of
directors on June 9, declined the elec
tion with the request that the new
hoard bo free to vote for whom they
cared to. Directors who were piasent
at the meeting say that tills manly
course on the part of Dr. Eveland will
certainly not prejudice theoase of Dr.
Eveland when the election is held."—
Blooiushurg Press.
Property Disposed Of.
The several properties embraced in
the estato of the late Edward Hofer
wore disposed of at public sale, Satur
day, by Mrs. Mary A. Hofer, admin
istratrix, Ellis Reese acting as auc
tioneer. Each of tho properties waa
sold rn the premises. The purchasers
were as follows:
No. 1, house aud lot, Frout and
Factory streets, J. H. Goeser, |«00.
No. 2, house aud lot, Factory street,
D. B. Heddens, #ti?6.
No. 3, house and lot, Factoiy street.
Sara McCormick, SBSIS.
No. 4,house aud lot.Raiiroad street,
John H. Goeser, ft,ooo.
No. 5, house aud lot, Cross street,
John aud Annie Wilhelm, |Bl5.
No. 6, five lots iu Magill's addition.
Bloom road, Dr. P. 0. Newbaker,
No. 7. four lots on West Mahoning
street, George Reifsnyder, 1840.
Peach Crop No Failure.
With tlio recurrence of the peach
season Lite utter failure is yearly
prophesied. This prophecy is made as
regularly as the advent of the season.
Indeed it has come to be recognized as
one of the yearly predictions, and the
people look for, oxpect and are pre-«
pared for it when the time for it ar
rives. It has uouie to be suoli a fixture
that they would be disappointed were
it not made. This year, however, the
indications are that despite the predio
tious the peach orop will be anutnally
heavy,and it is with pleasure and sur
prise that one reads news like the fol
lowing :
"On the 10,000 little three-year-old
trees ou Uol. W. F. Reynolds' farm
near Hellefoute, there are so many
peaches that workmen are pruning
them off to prevent breaking down the
trees; yet there will be 5000 bushels.
Overtrade Crossing.
At a meeting of the viowers of the
Mitflinville bridge held ou Thursday
at the site of the bridge it was decid
ed that the bridge will be boilt with
an overgrade crossiug of the tracks of
the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Tho bridge will bo 1421 feet In length
and will bo bnilt with a 20 foot road
way and a IS foot walk on one side.
It will also very probably have a
flooring of cement blooks like the new
Danvillo bridge and like the Oata
wissa bridge will be. It was also found
that the abutments could be used for
the uow structure, but that it will be
necessary to entirely rebuild the piers.
New Porch.
A br ond verauda is being ereoted at
the parsonage of Sliiioh Reformed
church, Bloom street, whioh will add
very much to the appearanoe of the
lioußG as well as to the comfort aud
pleasure of the lumateß.