Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, April 21, 1905, Image 2

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    Jla: villc||jt{eiiii]ciim |
EstnbHshed in 1826.
Kditdr and Proprietor
1 willk, PA., Ai'uu.. 2:. 'OS.
I'ubli od every Friday at Danville, tilt
county - at of Montour county, l'a., at §I.OO a
year in advance or fl.-'t if not paid in ad
vance; and no paper will be discontinued
until nil arrearage is paid, except at tile
option <<!' the publisher.
Hates of advertising mode known on ap
plication. Address all communications to
lMxvn.i.K, 1»A.
TUK: II ' autbori/ed to anuuncc tbe t
W \V. MII.KS us a e;i lid i< la 11- tor tie
ollleeo. «'ount> < 'ommissiouer. subjeei to tin
regular rules of ibe 1 K-:noeratie paity of Mnii
tour county.
UrE are authorized i<> announce I be name oi
GEO. .M. I.EMII' >\V ;i> a anili.tale foi
tbe ill'." •!' t ' nuity I'omnncs. subject t<
the regular rules <u the hi-moeratlc party o:
Montour count y.
■\irE ure autb »ri/ed to announce the naineot
Vv K. l>. A I'!' 1.1: MAN as a e.iudidate lor tin
office of County (\>minission<T, sub.jt et n> tie
regular r lies or t be I > -in teratic party of Mon-
WE are autborl/ed ioannounce the name o!
('H AS. I'. <; I-;it 1J AUT e.s a caiitlidat'
for the office of Inst rift Attorney. subject t<>
the regular rules oi th. i». inocratie party •
Montour county.
Democratic County Convention.
By authority (if the Democratic' Count}
Committee the I'emoeratic County Con
vention will meet in Danville in the
Court House, on Monday, .June oth.
1905, at 10 o'clock in the niornii g of said
The primaries will be held on Satur
day, June 3rd, I'.UJo, between the hoiuv
of 2 and (> p. in., at the usual place in
each election district. Each district. \>
entitled to two delegates. The following
will be nominated at the primaries:
One person for Associate .1 mlge.
One person for District Attorney.
Two persons for County Commission
Two persons for County Auditors.
llouAci: C. Ui.i i:, Chairman,
Joseph It Pattox, Secretary.
JATHER 00 PON, the bril
liant and l-ailii'al Russian
who tried It) i li'-ct »
settlement of internal troubles ii
Russia liv asking for an interview
with the czar, ami who leil the
workingmqn in St. Petia-sburji
when they were slaughtered l>\
order of the puerile emperor, lias
recently been in Paris again when
he has consulted with others oi
the revolutionary party. It i
stated that he is much broken ii.
health and appears older than i.e
was when ho led the men toward
the winter palace, lie has shaved
off bis beard and his hair has
turned white, lie has announced
his intention of making Londot
his home, where ho can be fret
112 Ill'' I* 11 -•- ir; i
"SelWt ofHcers. fie is shaddowotl
wherever he goos and feels that
)■ i life is in clanger. It was large
ly'due to Father Gopon that the
working men of St. Petersburg
bjcame aroused to the injustice oi
t is laws and to their own strength.
He started the lires of revolution
aa I was forced to lloe. He show
ed great courage at the outset,
bat of course could not have re
nt lined for a day in St. Peter
b u-g. Just why the Uusaian of
ti :ials permitted him to leave the
c npire is not clear, but lit; is now
where lrj can assist materially in
tao revolutionary movement.
—Eiuvaro Atkinson has figured
it all out that 80;") a year is sufficient
f> ' the clothes for a woman. He is 11
in in.
—Tin: (Senate committee 011 Inter
s ate Commerce is now holding tlailj
s tisions with the purpose of reeom
mmding to Congress such railway
rite legislation as will least annul
t'loir friends, the railway nmgnat. s.
—Bv inference, the United State.'
Supreme Court holds that, by virtue
of its right to protect the health of it.-
c.tizens a Slate may place an arbitra
ry limit on the working day in those
industries which are manifestly un
— Somi: of the Hepuhliean statea-
m 3ll are taking seriously the jirojio
sition of the whiskey distillers and the
brewers that there lie imposed a tarili
011 coffee. They admit that such u
tax would prove a hardship to the
poor people but tliev think it would
yield mure revenue without sacrificing
the interests of the "infant industries'
—Mn. E. U. llAitniNAN lists al
ready picked his candidate for Presi
dent for 1!)!!.., in the per.-nn oi' ('lias.
Warren Fairbanks. This means the
opposition of Air. J. P. .Morgan to
Mr. Fairbanks and several aspirants
for high preferment are seeking the
favor of tlie railway king. Of course
the people are not to be consulted in
the selection of a Republican candi
date for President.
Entertained Friends.
A very pleusiuit evening was tpmt
at 1110 liouio ol' Fran : Bnain tr, Vallej
township,Siitunl ly Theso pres
ent were: Mr. and Mis. Nor.nan
Boyer, Mr. ami Mr*. George lioyor,
Mr. a 1 I .Mis ii. P. Bennett, Mrs. An
nie Rogers, Misses Edith Honors, Win
nit) Ijoysr, I i t Hover, Laura ii nnelt,
Ida Bennett antl Edith Bennett,Messi:.
Garfield lingers.Thomas Itoger*, J'ssi
Hondrickßon.Gvorgo Hen (trick *Oll, S ill-
Bsy Boyer, Masters Myron Bojrer.Osoaf
Bi iinett, Ulurk Aslitoii.Ufydn litinutt,
Vernon Bennett and William Ashton.
Mmio furnished hy Mr. Asiitou
ami Mr. lingers.
Encyclopeoia Brltannica For Sale!
Thirty vohuye.- of I'"..\('V('l.( )I'.\ KDI A
BltiTA.\NK'\. ninth etlition. A Dic
tionary 01* Art-. Sciences and < reners! Lit
erature. The original price was !>(i jier
volume; wiii be sold :ii 7o cents per vol
ume. Inquire at the Mnsic Studio, above
the Western t'nion (Jilice, 011
Mill street, Danville, l'a. 4' U
l':\l!\l]ilE'(S NIECE
.\ii\KlilEtS IIHIVEIi
PITTSBqiiU, l'a., April 1'.).-Tho
Pitt.dnuy Times publishes thin ujerti
ins a oopyiight article in | art as fol
lows :
"A story that lias ull the elements
of rcmauco oauio to light >e turday
through the simple auiu.uijo inert of
the arrival from Kurpoe of Mr. an.l
Mrs. .)ame.s llever and thier infant
(lailjzhtwr. Tim briUe-~for Mr. and
Mis. liever wore married less than a
year ago and were spjiit'i ig their
lioucyinoou at;ross the watt r v«as
formerly Miss Nancy Curimgit, onu of
tlie most piominent soci. ty Kirls ul
Pittsburg, New York an I Duugemai,
t 4, eruaii'ii.», J loiitia, while the giotm
com PS from the humbler walks of lile
and was,for a lime,her mother's co tel.-
The bride is the youngest ohil I cf
Mrs. Lucy Coleman and the late Thorn -
t* M. CJarm gie and a nio eof Androw
Tin groo u was a widower,
\vith two children one of whom a lit-,
ole yirl.was being r.ared in a convent
•slie his now h'o.l taken Irani the con
otit by her father, however, and is a
member of the family again.
Alil.ourli (he u arriagt* took place in
N'ew York nlmost a year ago it was
not made public at the time and the
secret iias been so well kept that uoi o
bat members of the bride'* family and
i very few of tin ir~ clost -1 ic'atives
•ml friends had any inkling of the
rue slate of Hllnirs. Sou e months ago
I'uinnr* of an elopement f.-oin Fer iau-
I ma developed but a denial was madn
a»id fciuce then uothiug has been kuowi .
Now, however, tlie story is made pub
lic. The young people have boan re
ceived by the bride's family and they
ire being eutertuimd ar the palatial
nmie of the bride's undo and aunt.
•!r. au I Mrs. Androw Garuegie, IDJJJ
b'ifth avenue, New York.
Mrs. I lever is now ah ut 23 or iU
»*ears of ago, her husbm i is 84 or «j.i
years of a^•.
Ncaily live years ujjr, Mr. Hever, a
landsome, stalwait young Irishm 11
■wis engaged to take charge of I otms
in the Uuruegie stables .i< Pittbsu g
iud at 4 ' Duiigeness. " II - was a Cm'
iorseinan and a man of superior educa
iou and breeding. Mi-s Carneigo's
: »ve of riding brought the young folks
ogefclier a good d. at hijh il.iring the
hiee voirs tint ho wa« employed by
»lrs. (J. riU gio they became very good
Holy Week.
The hole Christian world has en
t upon a season of religious woiship.
L'hrough tlie present week iu the midst
if this hustling, bu.stlii g twemi th
•entury life given to iccnoclasm and I
ualerialism, millions wii! bj on their
.m es to do hoiioo to the God-man who
u far away .Tudoa almost two thou
•an 1 years ago, was livi.ig through tin
ties- and agony of his la.-t days ol
ticiifloe for humanity.
We hear much of the passing of tin
)Kl foibles; of new cre< ds to free tin
J" l ' 1 hi.Ji' t 1 i t ii■>j lies
deep iu every soul. Tlmro aro those
•vlio would place the deeds of phila 11 - I
hropy and the tenets of morality
ibove the troths of Christianity a*
test meeting the uoeils of modern civi
lization, and would fain believe as
hey assert that tlie wo.ll has out
grown the Christ.
What, then, of Holy Week? Are
cues; days of prayer and p*aise through
ut Cliiiitendom a mere lifeless foim'r
Purely not! The tueii and women of
ivory race and dime who this week
•vi! 1 live over the hours between tin
iMs uioas of Palm Snuday,through tin
»ul s lemuiry of Good Friday to the
'xult.uit outburst of the morn,
ire tie answer to these cavillers,
r.ieir,. i.s a very real and vit:i 1 belief
tli ■ i ver-living p.nver of Christian
ity, and the livableuess of its truths.
Imfeed, today, as never before, tin re
ue. s. -us that tliose truths are
nore and more deeply realized ami
iiract iced.
r id i/ the observance of Holy Week
s wi h:r and more truly 112 irveut than
•verb lore. Kveu the old Puritan
Ire if! ol forms and holiday- , has abat
• I and many, nay most, ot the Evan
,' liial d nominations now keep this
**eek tint lias over b en fraughc with
H'id, yer joyful, significance for the
loot an Catholic-', ti.e Episcopalians
onl the Lutherans Daily services will
06 In-hl io many of the churches oi
ur city. Who daie say tint the result
jf tho ; e s rviens will bo as nothing?
Council's Wrong Action.
Wirli commendable public spirit the
Noi thutnb-rl :u«i Pre*s opposes the ac
ion oC the council of that borough in j
nipo« ng r< .sanctions upon the riglo
if way of the Northnuiberland Count*
rractiou ('ompany through the bor
jugli I m t-. Upon this subjeet it says:
" Assuming that tlie peoi le would
inko it an udvatang) tot ie town, we
ilvocato t! io granting of the light cf
way to the trolley line, desiriug it b -
ouisu a majority of our t ixpayei>
want it. And how may we make it
Ueneficial to tin- community Hy com
iieting with other communities in
business, thernby keeping trade nt
home,and iu all ways possible attrnct
ingpejpln to tin town, instead of
seudiug them away from it.
No town isolated frofo other towns
oin improvo to any extent. This is
iimuistakuhly true. The best oppor
tunity Northumberland has been given
tor ureat improvement in many a day
s by tho de.siro of the Northumber- j
land County Traction C'jiupaiiy to
nave a route through tho town, and a
ntr- r oppoitanity will In jireseuted
to us when several other liues desire
lassage through the borough."
A Stabbing Affray.
\ Rtutibing atlray occuried at Marion
(eights, Northumberland county, on
Sunday alt«rnoon and as a result tl.e
mth.i i*ie-: ar«- trying to apprehend
ncliol.ih u foreigner with a
iad •••iu iii 1.1. Xicliola« Getta is the
pels ni vn h » i ibhed and tho
112 the tron!.le crates bai'k to the time
112 tho big co »! htrikr. CU-tln was stab
'icd three times In.tit thought that he
j •. ill recover. Yt rona was forced to
leave Pittfiliurg smne time ago due to I
scabbing a companion.
Copyright. 1901, by g. Sweet j["
»t'^7'--n ■ • t ,J-ru.*'T*^
1 .May Allyn steppitl ..i oleva
; tcr with a hit of lace in her hand. She,
' walked through the rotunda, looking
, to right and left among the massive
j pillars and drooping palms. There i
I were few persons in sight. .Most ol'
' j the guests were over on the beach, for j
it was the bathing hour. May went
I nearly across the rotunda before she |
found the object of her search—a wom
an in a retired corner reading a novel.
"Here you are, ninmnia," she ex
claimed rebukingiy, "and reading that'
novel, as I might have expected. Don't
you know the characters in it would
stay exactly where you leave them if
you should close the book for a few
hours, and this glorious weather out
side is something of the present. Hut
see here," holding up the lace for in
, sped ion, "d<> you think this will do?"
"For what
"Oh, you know, mamma! I'm to be
Betty the maid in the play we're get
ting up and aui to have the white
badge of servitude on my liea»T and
wear a white apron and carry a broom
' or something. I've told it all oyer
! before, only your head's in that book.
' Do please shut it."-
The older woman obeyed, with a sigh,
and took the bit of tleecy lace between
her lingers.
( "No, it won't do at all, May." she
said instantly, a ripple of amusement
breaking the dreamy quiet of her face.
"It wouldn't l»e appropriate."
"Hut why?" with an air of disap
pointment. "It is so pretty."
"Yes, and costly. Child, child, ilon't
you know that bit of lace is worth as
much as Hetty the maid could earn in
live years. You must have something
cheap to he in character."
"1 don't believe I have anything."
"No, 1 suppose not. You will have
to try at one of the stores. You will
need"— Mrs. Allyn's ga/.e went in
quiringly about the rotunda until It
found one of the hotel maids dusting a
plant. She waited until she caught the
girl's eye, then raised a linger.
"1 beg your pardon, my dear," she
said as the girl approached, "but my
daughter here is to be in tho church
IjJT <g?*
SI #4
jSPS -\:)A
m '.f| §
benefit and v.*lll have to wear a cos- '
tume something like yours. Would j
you mind my looking at your pretty
lace cap a moment?"
The girl removed it, with a pleased
"This is exactly what you want,
May," went on Mrs. Allyn, holding it
up critically. "You"
Hut May had snatched the little cap
from the upraised lingers and placed it
upon her own Huffy brown hair.
"Now, lot me have your apron a
minute, please," she cried merrily.
"Thank you." as the girl complied, and
she fastened tho apron to her waist
wHli deft Lingers. "And now the dust
ing brush. There, mamma, how will
this do?" with a nourish of tho brush
and a sweeping courtesy.
The Qrl lainrhcd, and even Mrs. Al-
Discovered by Dr. David Kennedy Only '
Kidney Remedy Sold Under Guarantee. \
Dr. David Kennedy was born in New York
City, but at an early age liis family moved
toltoxbury, N. Y. He w.is graduated iu 18G0
from the New York College of Phy-ici .ns
ami Surgeons. He at once volunt« eivd as
a surgeon and was assigned t<» tlie United
States Army General Hospital iu West Phil
adelphia, and soon became President of tin
Examining Beard and Consulting Surgeon.
After the war, Dr. Kennedy settled in lion
dout, City of Kingston, N. Y., where for a
number of years he enj«n ed a large prac- j
[ tiee as an operative surgeon. He was one
I of the Presidential Electors of New York
State, Mayor of Kingston for four years,
and held many other professional, buMues*
and political otftces.
The latent achievement of his life was t?Ti*
discovery of Cal-eura Solvent, a positive
cure for all <li ieasesof the kidneysand bl-ul
der. In speaking of this iemarkai>le lvme.r.-,
he said: "Cal-eura Solvent is the crowning
aehievnneut of my life. It will not dis
Your druggist will return your money i/
Cal-eura fails to cure, and The Cal-eum
Company, < 112 Kondout, N. Y., will pay tho
druggist. Cal-eura Solvent crnvs V of
all eases of Kidney. Bladder and Liver dis
orders. S>I.UU a bottle. Only one size.
....W £....
Have a Word
to say to our customßrs and
also to those that are not
I our customers, but ought to
have been selected with the usual
care and forethought, but never
before were we able to give you
better value for the money than
at the present time.
The ever popular Mohair and ,
Sicilian are more popular than
ever, and we have them in a full
line of colors in both plain and
fancies at popular prices.
The wash goods include Challio, Ha- I
t:.-tc I'iniity. Ktainine, Voile and Sii k |
effects, iu prices ranging from 7c to 2oe]
per yard. j
' 344 Mill Street.
ivr, Bull cr II >r: l ■' .. j
li.de. Calf skin, Dog
skill, or any otlier kind
ol hide or skin, and let
, l,u : . . ::air PgtoAK
cn, '-oJt, odorless
and moth-proof, for robe, B
■ rug, coat or gloves.
' But first pet our Catalogue,
piviiiK prices, anil ourshlpping Iffl'M l !
tags ami instructions, so a a to Mr',.B
avoid mistakes. We also buy
raw furs and ginseng. "
116 Mill Street, Rochester, N. Y.
lyn smiled indulgently as May da need
away toward the middle of the rotun
da. flirt in# the brush indiscriminately
over jardinieres and palm leaves as
• she passed. Soon pillars and palms in
tervened and concealed her from their
Count l'Ortegan and a young Amer
ican sculptor were just enterln;; the
rotunda. They had known each other
in Paris and met sixain on the steamer
coining over, and now they had come
to (Jray llarhor together, not because |
they had much in common, but tliey i
were acquainted, and all the people
around were strangers.
May did not notice them until tliey
stopped bei'ide her, with e\e!:'.:i!atio:i.v
of astonishment and pleasure.
"Mile. Allyn, ees It p > •sarble!"
cried the count rapturously. "Eel
is In Paris ti at you vanish this
three moat", and we nevalre know I"
where. Some say to HaTee and some
that you V.y back to heaven where
they keep ze angels. liut eel is lu ::ven
that you make anywhere. Now 1 know
why the pla <• here seem so beautiful
e-»t is the a:, •el."
I May laughed and gave him her
"Thank you, count," she said, "I
am k1 ad to see you als >. You are sure
to like it here even without the angel.
And you, too, Mr. Pcihune," offering
her hand to the srulpior. "Can you
not make a pretty speech like the
"i am afraid not," smiling down at
her. "Only that 1 am very, very clad
to lind you here, Miss Allyn. Your
pre.-eiu-c* will add unit it to to our
"Why, re.dly, that does very nice
twirled the brush with a pretty,
unconscious movement that caused the 1
tips of its feathers to Hick across one a
. oi ire palm fronds near. The motion
J caught the count's attention, and with
i wondering con: lernation his eyes went
from it to her white apron and to the
badge of servitude upon her head, and
his sloping s!:ouKlerk a ifi'ened suddenly
into protesting reserve.
"Pardnnnez," he rebuked, "but eet Is
so hurry I am now. 1 will see". M.
Bethune will tell you we have noi
i-eegi ter yet. 1 will do eet now."
May watched him hurry away with
an odd look of inquiry in her eyes.
! "What's the matter with the countV"
she asked innocently. "Has he for
gotten something'/"
Ucthune laughed joyously. A mo
incut 1 . fore there had been both re
serve and repression in his eyes; now
they were suddenly eager, glowing, de
"The count's an odd sort of stick,"
he answered, "and his visit here is
( cor.;e ,-ediy in search of a rich Amerl
lie raised his hand significantly to
I ward her head, but lor a moment she
looked puzzled, then a quick, compre
hending Hush rose to her face.
I "Oil, that!" she said thoughtfully.
I "And you?"
Ucthune laughed again. He could
not help it.
"Can't you see. Miss Allyn?" he de
! manded. "I fancied it was sticking
j out all over me. Over yonder I was a
poor devil of an artist and you a rich
heiress, and now oh, May!"
There was the noft rustle of silk
moving across the carpet. May raised
her linger.
"Mamma is coming!" she warned.
"I don't care," impetuously. "I've
got to speak now. I can't wait an
other day. Where can 1 see you
alone?" >
She hesitated, then api eared to con
I"The maids and nurses usually walk
lon the beach at about u o'clock," she
! said demurely. "I expect I shall be
At I o'clock two wheel chairs swept
leisurely down the bicycle avenue and
on pa.st the Preakers toward the beach.
It was the hour for Mrs. Allyn's daily
outing, and she preferred to take it in
a wheel chair and leisurely. The oc
cupant of the other chair was Count
l'Ortegan, and from the satisfaction on
his face he had evidently discovered
the mistake. As they turned toward
the beach path they saw two figures
approaching them only a few yards
"There's May now!" exclaimed Mrs.
Allyn. "Supia.se we wait a few min
utes and speak with her."
Tbo count's face grew eager, and
words of an elaborate apol >gy began
to 112 >rm in his mind, but as the fi ?ur< s
j drew near and he saw the exprt ssionj
on their fa.'-es as they looked at each
other the apology died away and a
Parisian oath, muttered under his
breath, took its place. lie merely
bowed politely ar.d than waited for
Mrs. Allyn to give the signal togo on.
To C'lemt I i» Silver.
"They say alcofa-1 will clean silver
up nicely." remarked the man who ac
quires facts.
"It will." agreed the red nosed indi
vidual. "It cleaned up all my silver.'
- Philadelphia Keeord.
Mother Gray's Appeal to Women.
If you have pains in the back. Urin
ary. Madder or Kidney trouble, and
want a certain pleasant herb remedy
' for woman's ills, tn Mother
AusiUAUAN-LicAF. It is a safe and
never failing monthly regulator. At
Druggists or by mail 60 cts. Sample
package FUICK* Address, The .Moth
er (J ray Co., LeKo\. N. V.
in this and adjoining eounti. git r
home or traveling work, repiest nting
and advertising the Wholesale and
Kdueational Departments of a old es
tablished Maiiuiact uring House. s ;l |.
a y £.*> oO ])••!• day with expenses ad
vanced. Rig furnished when neces
sary: position pcrmatieir: reference.*
exchanged. Address li ew brothers
A: Co , Home Dept . Chicago, HI.
Lodic;, \V«ntccJ. I
A HunJii r 1 NKin.i TIC Woman I
woman' woi;k. Permanent position.
Old established business house of j
solid financial standing. Salary iIJ
to $lB weekly, with uxpeip-es. p..id {
each Monda\ d-reel from he:t«h|uart- !
"rs. Kxpenses advuiK cl. We 1111 a- I
ish evt ryi hing. Address, Seerctarv, '
020 Melton Dlock, Chicago, 111. j t
112 ulilll 1 (IBii!
* w
lisjmialljj liil(wsliii||
for the
S|iriny Season
Novcr before lutve we
had such an extensive <ik
sorlnient of 'ever) thing in
F u r n i t u r e
at such
H'oiidprliilii] Low Pito
i! •' I?!-
ffl ■■ 4 —B
\\ Cm .
mm ,
112) ;'•! ' -V'
m ' *' .j
Bffll 11
We are unusually well j
stocked with
a m an
in Oak,
Mahogany and
l),rds-l']ye Maple.
HPiIP I 11-iflM
1 idiLjii a uiiiiifU iiuiiin
P-v ; ■ "v
I | . k v 112 H
J : ' "" '
w r - ; .
is very complete at very
low prices.
Don't miss this oppor
tunity to purchase your
There is no need of buy
ing your FL'RMTI HE oi
mail order houses as we can
j;ive you much better val
ues and deliver right at
your door.
Our assortment is such
that you cannot help but
to be pleased.
It, will pay you to come
quite a distance to see what
we are offering.
W hat selections you make
now the goods will be held
until wanted.
We Deliver Goods
Anywhere in the Country
You Will Save Money
by Buying from Us
....WE CARRY....
The Largest Stock
J. Hosier's Sons
296-300 Mill St.,
t P— g—— I—— ———— aggg "W7T
I a
Make Money
In California
If you are industrious a.id capable you can make money there. Tli'i big ranches
1 ■ are breaking up into small farms that need more workers ?o care fcr the increased
j.) product. The towns and cities are prosperous because the country is prosperous.
There are great valleys, of the richest soil in America waiting for you. If you
have a little capita! you can own one of these small farms yourself, or you can
, t. rent one on shares and pay for it out of the product in a few years. We will
send you descriptive booklets and folders giving full information about the mor.cy
making opportunities for every r/iember of the family.
;V You want to see what the country is really like; you can go there, work a
1 few months, enjoy the delightful climate, the flowers, fruit and scenery, and earn
enough to pay your expanses bath Ways by taking advantage of the
Bargain Rates
Every Day March 1 to May 15
i ClCl Chicago Ol# St, Louis
For one-way colonist tickets. Correspondingly reduced rates from almost any point East.
The trip is easily and comfortably made via the Rock Island. Two routes —one through New
M Mexico, the other through Colorado.
Through tourist cars hours quicker than any other line. Double daily tourist service via El Paso
■ —tri-weekly via Colorado. Dining-car service and free reclining chair cars, both routes.
fi The Rock Island has representatives throughout the United States; they are travel experts and
can save you money. You can have their assistance in arranging the California trip for the asking.
■ Consult your home ticket agent or write to the undersigned for our California book and complete
| folder "Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeper."
Remember the Rock runs more toumt cars to ?ny other
v \1 r j r 1 ,] | || Cut out this advertisement, fill in spaces below, und mail to
S / Passenger Traffic Manager, Rock Island System,
CI M Please send me rates of fare to California and time 'ahlea alao your illustrated
California book, and full information about your new service.
i 1 expect to leave for California about ■ . ■
ICD I n-. ]—) and would like information about -
V n V 112 J n ] Name (NAML SECTION) ! ■
| City State .
rv-.*? Tgann—Maauiiaiii'nntm,-snwrmumwnrwnui^
13 , ":'3 Orders will lie taken for a guaranteed |
i i ' *lr3liM per cent. Protein Brand of Cotton B
a'■ | I 1118 Seed Meal, delivered off the ear at Potts- |
1 j | 3 grove, at a reduced price. |
' 112 Send inquiries and orders by 11 ; 1 I
I' Pottsgrove. Persons having order sii
1 [ W '" ' ,e n °tili e< l on arrival of the car
C. li. ilcMahan & Bros.
11l Special Dairy Foods and Dairy Supplies,
Pottsgrove, Northumberland Co., Pa. OR
i ■ i m n—a—mb——MS t
■m i j ■*.'."--rTir" ■■■■■■■—■cam—a—e—a—mhb mpom
A $45 ilachine for S2O
Yh Woodwork is of Pine Quartered Owk Finish. Drop Hcud. Ball Bearing. Five
Drawers. Will Self at Wholesale Prices. Drop us a Postal Card.
Rai) Town Echoes
Vou will observe that it does not
require a smart man tube stubborn.
Any fool can be.
You note that no place of business
makes plans to entertain lcafers. They
arc not wanted.
Notio of us will be much missed
when we die, but where will the loafers
com ■ ill ?
Some men are FO slow and haggle
so lung over spending a cent that they
get tin fun out of spending a • dollar.
When .'.line fo! get, a fool notion
int i their heads, jou can't stop them.
When a man starts out to be a fool,
don't try to stop him. You can
ma! e better time by trying somebody
We never heard one doctor calling
inn.ilier "Doc," so we take it they do
not approve of the name.
We saw a dentist buying false teeth
a; i. i^lit. \V" would be about half
afraid to try it.
There are plenty of spectacle ped
dlers. Why not teeth peddlers'!
It is a great pity that some men
are just naturally mean.
We are glad that there are others
wiio detect "ornery" folks just as
well as we do.
We (ind when we have a disagree
.idle job before us, the best way is to
do it and get it off our hands,
11 a man does not turn to rubber at
a pretty girl we know he is getting old.
A woman's idea of a spice box in
the kitchen is to have it empty.
If we looked half as pretty in a fur
co il as a girl does, we would wear no
othe • kind.
About the only business a man has
a nil id home i* to "potter" around
.the house on Sunday.
When a man about half ashamed
of bi'in_r a "whiskey seller," he calls
hiins If "a liquor dealer."
llow long ought a man to be mar
ried I efore he culls his mother-in-law
Every pain in the breast, dif
ficult breathing, palpitation,
fluttering or dizzy spell means
, that your heart is straining it
self in its effort to keep in
motion. This is dangerous.
Some sudden strain from over
exertion or excitement will
completely exhaust the nerves,
or rupture the walls or arteries
of the heart, and it will stop.
Relieve this terrible strain at
once with Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure. It invigorates and
strengthens the heart nerves
and muscles, stimulates the
heart action, and relieves the
pain and misery.
Take no chances; make your
heart strong and vigorous with
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
"I suffered terribly with heart dis
ease. I have been treated by
different physicians for my trouble
without results. I went to a physi
cian in Memphis, who claimed that
I iiad dropsy of the heart. He put
the X-ray on me, and in connection
with his medicine he camo near mak
ing a finish of me. Some time before
this a Mr. Young, of St. Louis, was
in our town, lie saw my condition,
and recommended Dr. Miles' Heart
.Cure to me. I gave it little attention
'until my return from Memphis, when
I concluded to try it, and am pleased
to say three bottles cured me.
Caruthersvllle, Mo.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is sold by
your druggist, who will guarantee that
the first oottle will benefit. If it fails
he will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
A Com) er'aud Valley farmer hit u -
ou a novel plan to prevent a railroad
company from laying its tracks upon
his ground. He hedged his land with
flag p ile®, from each of which floate I
the i-tars and stripe*. Then he defied
tliem to tear I hem down, and up to
this time tliey have not molested them,
although extensive improvements arc
being held op by the action.
PdWS * L*
The standard K..:.-:jiy 01 Th ? .s
Continent "
ritOTK('TEI) TliHOl'(;' ioLT Hi" JII K
InterWiiiEiiWitcli&BlGci ,r& l-vilfß
Schedule in Effect Nov. 23, I £O3
ilUTii J-i;i>>
•Sunbuij l.fav> i66 § 2 i4l I .2o
Kliin-*- <iii.vo i » low i ~86
» "'V'"" 1 •'"»<! f'-! 11l I• U7
Klpp - lluli i, ■ rwu .. . i •'.«
} 7,1 11117 «i
Bo.\ 'I I ~ 1 I" :'I I 2 J.' 1 .53
Koariim « ivck 1 . . 1 i.i js ! •.!..! i 01
Catawiaaa \i*i*lvo 12 10 83 vstt .ok
K l l il '$ 2:4,1 * I,OB
ItillOlllVlMl'l'l' * \ • 'l6
E«w 1 ' 1 1 ... 1.. 17 1 • 19
Htoiiytmvii l « r.> .... | j„ , 27
' N r - --. v -• lusd 255 <3O
iwwl' k ! A " ix r ' sO2IJ 05 3(V. i4O
jte P U*v'.Vi'l 'vn V ° '' !H U<ls 1 806 ' ,i4O
Moennann . - . 00
Bhlckuhiimj ......,! j " " 11 M 7(11
Retreat s 1.1 11 -12 810 710
»iniieoke , j| j ;t isi iw
Button M..1 I Ii J (Ml 1 3 6T. 1 '< 26
Plymoi,- , . 1 !'\ I ;.f ,w 1 :i.v I ; ->&
Son(11 \\ 11 Jam*... :m; 4<M ;30
■ 12 0« 4irs 738
\\ llkes-L.ure. . Aui\c si id 12 JO 4 o'j r35
\Vil!tPs-!ii m... J.,.,,vp 87" . • ,i" ;!. i,'' > ,'wi
, ~- s * 10 37 2ii ~02
South V* • k '—lin rre. 7;n .to 2A, 1 1.0
JVUIOU-.i! I- .11 V ... | | 11l \>, -J • |I, 07
8utt0n...... , .I7i I'i I 2" 1 : Mi«
Nlttllicoke. 7,J , t;V' l | (.17
li'' ! I'PHt . ! 1 :.N 8 M ' 2(1
Shieksiiinn \ ... . 1
Mopittmi|i<:i .. .....j • S ° l <«'
Pond Hi ... . I n , , | | |-5261 Ijj
Wapwnlloj. . , I iii j, *jl 1. jT
Beach Ila. i n I ~ ,
Nesrojicek \l n v .• n1 • 11 26 342 7Hi
Berwick .1
N'.s, i-j.i (I; . ..!., i\ . , ■ ' 1 " .<> ' 1 - ' •* *2 *i 700
< ■ ■ l|.(0 ;j.C 7 lH»
Siniiyiowii I*\»rr% ... 11 1; , *; „t I 7 12
Kspy I.i ix ... . .... • . i* 11 id | (12 112 7 ih)
II I. >t .Ills! 11l I Ll 1
Kas| Bluonisbni .' .. t s I» ') I (HI 12a
Cutttwlsau \rrlvo - ■ 1167 113 7831
CSutaw i--.1 Loavu 86T» 11 67 413 7X2
Roaring rrcek . Inm 1 i.u., 11 19 r" 39
J 1 I■l IMI 14201 748
Danv iii«- 1 , .... ...
Si. I, 11. I i;l 11 \ i IK' ... j '' !i '•» • ">1
K i|.|''s Kim I 1 ll._ II 4 .5.i I 7
"l\« " I!' . 1 ._Nf4 42 I *OB
'• ino'H Grovi 112 1«27 fl2 :«• 112 I 0 t «<(»>
«u 11 bury \ rrlve » :• o J I*2 i(. j 4 66 i * 10
Bully. I'.i < «x, sun, Jay. I StopM
only on notice to Cundoctoi 01 Agent, or 011
Trains leave South Hanvi!!i ;is follows:
l'..r PiMston anil s« uu i n. . II a 111 and 221
and pin week-day.; !<• .a in daily.
For I'ottsville, lleadinu an I Philadelphia
7 11a in and 2 21 p m u.I vs:.
l-'or II i/.leton, 7l!a in and 'J _ 1 and 500 pin
I'or Millon, \\ ; I ;i:iniHpnrt, Ijoek
llavni, K. ih.VO and Kaia-, I_ I•. p 111 week
days; I.'iek llav. n only, !i . I a m and 43) j. in
wi < k-t!ays; lor Wliiiaa'is|.-«.ri and intermedi
ale slaiions. Si M a in and 7 •■! |» in week-days.
For Bellefontq, Tyrone, Bhiiiipsbniv and
Clearlh id, 9 14 a in and 12 1.". |> in wrek-days.
For ilarrislnirir and iiilcr.n.- liute stations,
911 a in, 1216pm an.l 7 )• i.i week-davs;
411 pin daily.
For Philadelphia (via llarrishurg) Balli
liMm- and Wasliiimlon. Hi ; a in end and 1- 15
and 7 .".I pin week-davs; i.; ~ni dally.
For Pittfiburu < Via Ilarri>».i.ri; '•Ila in and
7 ..I P 111 week days ; I ;il pin <iai ,y ; (via Lew
istou ii.l n 11■ • j ion .:• 11 ain and i'_ l.*» p m week
days ;( via I. - >ek Ila veil i 9 14 a in and 12 lu p
in week-.la.\s.
Pullman Parlor ami SI. eping Cars run m
| through irain.H l.etween >• . i:y, Willlan s
porl and F.rie. I. tuee Su ' vry and Plil a
delphia and i .n 1 .an is
burir, PitlshurL- and the
For further information apply to ticket
\V. W. ATTi'litr.PllV, .1 it. WOOD,
General Mana-er. r,i<-'r Trattic Mgr
Gko. W. IIOYII, Geneinl Pasn'r Agt.
in M
to Jejuni- h> I I iii 1 'to till' elleet
liad entered a trust or combh>;.i!on; w© wish
to a a truth iii
such reports. We have lire i iiriufacturing
sowing inaehlresforovera «,u:i> ierofa centu
ry, and liavi' established a i< nutation for our
selves and our madam's that i- the envy of all
others. Our '■ IVew Haute" inachiuo has
never been rivaled as >I family machine.—lt
stands at the head of a II liiyh i. r>nfc sewing
machines, an 1 stands on its atrti merits.
The '* Xetr Hume" in tSa> only really
H lii SI GRADE Sewir. « Machine
on ihe market.
It Is not necessary foi ns i.. enter Into a trust
to save our e red it or |. \ any debts as we have
no debts to pay. \\ - haven- v. r entered into
competition with n . nufn.-tur. is of low grade
cheap machines thai, are ml to sell regard
less of any intrlnse- merit.. I>o not be d«*-
en\. <l. when you v... n» ; ■.« e 'hi lie don't.
New Hotuv •> Heater, i «an sell you a
better machine for l< ilian u can purchase
elsewhere. If there is 110 dealer near you,
write direct to us.
, New York, Chicago, 111., St. Louis, Mo., Atlain
[ ta, Ga.. Dallas, Tex., ban KruucUeo, CM* w