Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, December 09, 1904, Image 3

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    jiaiu illc elligeitcer
Established in 1828.
Mr. Geo. Thomas and two small sons,
of Grovania, transacted business at this
ollice on Saturday.
Mrs. 1). R. Wald and Misses Kitie
Zerbe and Helen Cooner. of Dalmatia,
were recent visitors of Mrs. I). A. Lutz,
Bloom street.
WANTED:—Manager for Braoch oflice
we wish to locate here in Danville Ad
dress, with references. MOIIKIR WHOLE
Chan nee v F. Black, former I/ieulcu
ant Governor of Pennsylvania, died at
Broekie, his subuiban home, near the
ciiy of York, at 11 o'clock Friday
morning last.
In what country are potatoes sold
in halves and quarters, poultry by
the piece, and doctors paid only as
long as their patients have good
health ? Read Stoddard's Lectures.
And. Schatz, the popular Market
Street shoe dealer, i- renovating and
stocking his store room, preparatory to
displaving his usual large stock of goods
for the holiday trade. Mr. ochatz' prices
are always right, and his dealings always
fair and square.
AGENTS Wanted in Danville and sur
rounding towns to secure subscriptions
for the National Sportsman. Send 4
cents in stamps for mil particulars and
sample copies. Big money for hustlers.
Address National Sportsman, Cor. Broad
& Franklin Sts., Boston, Mass. 12 30-04
There will be four eclipses during
the year 1905, two of the sun and
two of the moon. The dates of the
sun eclipses are March sth and Au
gust 80th, the former not being visi
ble here. The eclipses of the moon
occur February 19th and August
15th, the latter only being visible in
The only European monarch who
can boast of having a woman's regi
mcnt raised in his honor is the Ger
man Emperor. Some years ago, when
the Kaiser was hunting in Prussia,
800 Lithuanian nirls, tall and strong,
formed themselves into a mounted
bodyguard and offered their services
as his escort Their offer was accept
ed, bur the number of the escort was
reduced to 200 The uniform of the
regiment was of navy bide cloth
trimmed with gold, and the effect was
decidedly picturesque.
In recognition of the merits of the
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills for the re
lief of headache and pain, to which
nearlv everyone is subject more or
arrangements have been made
whereby the Dr. Miles Medical Co.
will furnish a trial package of these
wonderful little tablets free to the
subscribers of this paper. Any read
er of I his pit per who is subject to
aches ami pains of any kind, may
avail themselves of this free sample
by sending a postal card, giving their
fit»l address, and mentioning the
name of this paper, to the Dr. .Miles
Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
county and adjoining territories to
represent and advertise an old estab
lished business house of solid finan
cial standing. Salary s2l weekly
with expenses, paid each Monday by
check direct from head-quaners.
Expenses advanced; position perma
nent. We furnish everything. Ad
dress, THE COLUMBIA; 630 Motion
Building, Chicago, 111.
Mother Gray's Appeal to Women.
If you will send me your name and
address I will mail you FREE a pack
age of Mother Gray's Australian Leaf,
a certain, pleasant remedy for Wo
men's ll!s. It is a safe monthly re
gulator and never failing. If you
have pains in the back, Urinary,
Bladder or Kidney troub'e, use this
pleasant union of Australian herbs,
roots and leaves. All Druggists sell
it, 50 ecu's, or address, Lock Box
852, Le ltoy, N. Y.
The Rev. Irl. Hicks 1905 Almanac.
The Rev. Irl. R. Hicks Almanac
for 1 HO") is now ready, being the fin
est edition ever issued. This splendid
and costly book of 200 pages is a
complete study of astronomy and
storm and weather for 1905. It is
too well known to need comment.
See it and you will so decide. The
price, postpaid to any address, is 80c.
per copy. The Rev. Irl R. Ilicks'
scientific, religious and family jour
nal, WORD AND WORKS, now a
lireast with the best magazines, is
75c. a year. Roth WORD AND
"WORKS and the Almanac SI. OO per
year. No beUer investment possible
for any person or family. Try it
and see. Send to
2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.
To Publish Lows in Newspapers.
A move is on foot throughout the
State to have a bill passed by the ap
proaching Legislature providing for
the publication in not less than two
newspapers of each county the laws
passed from session to session. Tli's
move is tlie outgrowth of the larue
number of prosecutions under the
Pire Food and Fish and Game laws.
It is contended that, manv persons
nrc ignorant of the laws which are
parsed by reason of the fact that they
have no publicity wh.it *v rand are
pract'eallv unknown to the people.
New York, Ohio and other States
have been print-in? the laws for many
years under the direction of the Slate
A law similar to the ono now in
force in New York is the basis for the
act which will be introduced at the
coming session.
English os She is Wrote.
Colonel Phil Thompson tells of the
trials experienced l»y a friend of his
who recently acquired a new stenog
rapher. The dear little thing is a
trill" weak in orthography, but
Thompson's friend has been loath to
call her down, in view of the fact that
she tries so hard to please. He Is
too big hciirted to discharge the girl,
for she needs the money; so he cor
rects the spelling himself.
Recently, however, he was forced
to call her attention to tbe fact that
in a letter of some seventy five words,
she had committed eight errors,
among which was 4, fourty. n
"My, niv!" exclaimed "the friend.
"This won't do, you know; I can't
stand for forty spelt this wav!"
'J lie willing worker looked over his
shoulder at the offending word,
•'Gracious! 1 ' • she exclaimed, ••how
careless of me! I left out the 'gh,'
didn't IP" —Collier's for December 3. J
Surgeons Think That Bunny Lived Long
Enough to Make Operation a
New York, Dee 4.
The rabbit which WHS grafted upon
the leg of the boy, Cornelius Post,
lived only twenty-four hours in that
position." Nevertheless, Dr. C. D
Fox, who performed the operation in
St Mary's Hospital, Passaic, N. J.,
is hopeful (hat the animal has not
- died in vain.
The boy is doing well, and his
chances of cure are about doubled by
the fact that the rabbit survived the
operation so long Cornelius passed
a good day and night, but the rabbit,
spite of the bandages, found a way to
wriggle. Nurses took tuins holding
the rabbit still. It ate parsley and
cabbage and seemed to suffer little.
While Cornelius was sleeping un
der the influence of a sedative the
rabbit gave a little kick and died
The surgeon severed the connection
and examined and dressed the graft.
He found appearances encouraging.
Where is it the custom to peddle
coffins on the streets, and to run fun
eral cars on the street railway tracks ?
Read Stoddard's Lectures.
At the age of 94 Peter Borry, a
resident of Clay township, Lancaster
county, works nearly every day cut
ting cord wood, and he handles the
axe with as muc' -ase as many men
lifty years his junior.
Mr. Borry declares that his remark,
able constitution is due to the fact
that lie has used tobacco nearly all
his life. He says he has smoked and
chewed tobacco for eighty years, but
has never indulged in liquor.
110 has a splendid appetite, sleeps
soundly and is confident lie will live
to the century mark.
Pure White Crow.
Harrisburg has a new feather in its
cap. Several hundred new feathers
might be more appropriate, for this
new mark of particular distinction is
a pure albino crow, the only one in
the world in captivity, so far as is
known to State Zoologist Surface.
This crow was received yesterday
afternoon, and proved last night to he
the most interesting object which has
ever been exhibited before the Natur
al History Society. The bird will re
main right there. A lirst. impulse was
to send it to the Zoological Gardens
at Philadelphia, but it was later de
e.ded to retain it at the Division of
The albino was sent to the division
from Cumberland county by B. F.
McKcehan, on whose property at
Mount Rock it was shot by a neigh
bor. The wound was under the wing,
and while sufficient to disable the
crow, it is healing nicely, and the
bird will live.
Professor Surface pronounces the
latest find a complete albino. Its
feathers are pure white. The beak is
a light pink and the feet are grayish,
tinged with pink. The ireses of the
eyes are a brilliant jet black, instead
of the pink common to many albinos,
but the normal "whites" are piuk,
and so are the lids.
Professor Surface knows of only
ono other live albino crow in Penn
sylvania. It is at largo in Snyder
What city lias a climate so peculiar
it has been described as "nine months
hibernal and three months infernal?"
Read Stoddard's Lectures.
Grand Prize and Gold Medal Awarded
The Prudential.
The Prudential Insurance Company
of America has received the Grand
Prize and a Gold Medal at the St.
Lou's Exposition for its exhibit illus
trating the Company's business
met hods and vast and successful re-
The Prudential and its policyhold
ers are being congratulated on the
fact that this award makes The Pru
dential the most highly honored in
surance institution in the world In
the history of life insurance no ether
company has ever reeeived a corre
sponding award, although numerous
exhibits have been made by insurance
companies in the United States and
The award was granted by a jury
of qualified experts, and places the
seal of highest approval on what by
the common consent of visitors to the
Exposition was one of the most inter
esting and instructive exhibits at the
St Louis Fair.
Such a compiehensive exhibit was
pnsdble to The Prudential on'y by
reason of the perfect control which
the management of the Company ex
ercises over its great organization
and the vast details of its business.
In what country is the cultivation
of dwarf trees and flowers a national
pastime in which the people have be
came so skilled that maples, pines,
and oaks one hundred years old are
only about two feet in height, five or
six varieties of a flower are grown on
a single plant, and newspapers make
daily announcements of the progress
in blossoming of favorite flowers in
the parks?— Read Stoddard's Lec
Exchange Pick-Ups.
EXCHANGE, PA., Dec. 8, 'O4.
Alf. Bittler and wife spent Sunday
Mr. Joseph Mohr is painting the
Grange hall.
The rabbits suffered the penalty of the
tracking snow.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Marshall spent Sun
day out of town.
'Squire Ellis called on his Turbotville 1
friends on Tuesday.
Alex. Craig has been very ill, but last
reports are that he is improving.
Little Honey Adams, of Fox lloUow,
is visiting at Hon. L. W. Welliver's.
Mr. Frank Ellis, of Schuyler, called in
town. Glad to see him back to our
The (i rangers of this place heldla dance
at their hall on Friday evening. All re- j
port a good time.
Oi;r merchant, Boyd E. Stead, has
made a reduction on prices. If you want!
bargains, call and see him.
Our school opened again on Monday,
with a good attendance, which is due to j
the act of having the right teacher.
We are having very dry weather, and
unless we have rain before it winters up,
the prospects are for a very dry w inter.
Mr. and Mrs. .lames G. Acor, of Potts
grove, spent Saturday evening and Sun
day with Isaac L. Acor and William
Our furniture man is kept very busy
repairing and building furniture. If you
( need anything iu that line call at his
shop, lie will make prices to suit.
lII'STLKa. i
j Manufacturers' Samples of Fine Jewelry
J We have purchased the entire line of samples of several of the best manufacturers. You will readily understand Ihat noth
ing but the best material, best workmanship, best style, are put into the samples. THEKE IS BUT ONE OF A KIND. That
i means of course that the person buying has an article as distinctively and as entirely individual as though it was made exclusively
| for himself.
II ■ KCAUSE these fine Samples had served their purpose as trade winners we were | P REMEMBER I i~IE InnRNSE SAVING WC n3clc is YOURS.
|j |/\ able to buy them at much less than the wholesale prices. That mean* a corre- (<
1 V, B P ont j>»g reduction to customers. Every artcle is absolutely m perfect condition 112 112 fSJTJ* GOODS MISREPRESENTED but sold upon their merit and the honor of our
R an< u P rccs 111 " 1 save pou roin .) O,J I • reputation. It will require a connoisseur of values to appreciate these wonderfully
15 _ , _ . .. / & low prices. If you nrc no counoissei'of values in Jewelry you may feel confident of
H Come and Convince Yourself. | jj /ariu ' g jugt M wclL
I fiere are a Few Illustrations of the Many Articles Included in this Sale^^>-
| sl.3s—Worth S*.oo. s4,6s—Worth $6.50. s2.6o—Worth s3.so. s3.6o—Worth $3.50. $3.90 Worth $5.00.
R Set with Pearl and Garnets or Genuine Diamond. T A»«troHan n™la Two real Alamandines, Ruby or Emerald in center,
M Pearl and Torquoise or Pearl Perfect and Sparkling. P •• Turtjuoise, Emeralds or surrounded by 12 beautiful cut 34
M and Emeralds. Fine cut Stone. Very beautiful. Sapphire with 2 real Pearls. Brilliants.
No. D 77. No. 20. No. D 45. No. D 80. No. D 16.
| $, --worth $3.50. 80 Worth SI.OO. $j.9S-Worth $4.00. ss.oo—Worth $7.50. $4-75— Worth $6.50.
g -31* - there is included in this sale
H Genuine Hungarian Opal. plain and beautifully carved. m.. Elegantly Engraved. Fine Genuine Opal. a large number of Ladies'
| Fancy Engraved Shan V. ... . . .... Signet King. Heavy Belcher Mounting. Hat Belcher Mounting. . n j w.^lu.
All sizes for children. Roman finish, elegantly carved. Either Ruby or Emerald. Very heavy. and Clen tic men S Watches
I B No. 34. No. n 46JC. No. 66. No. D 67. which will be sold at
$'.75. * _ 0 Worth S7.SO. s3*7s> si.l s -Worth si-75- $4 00. «r rn ,
Worth $2.75. Worth $3.00. Worth $5.00. Worth $5.75.
If l| Ho Solid OoUV TT I [ X U-K. QOLD FILLED BROOCH. H<|S) S q || _/
§ § | Genuinel Emerald Center. O | V Brilliant '*° D 126. o R
Jold Soldered Links Solid Gold Brooch. GENT'S CHAM. GENT'S CHAIN. Gold Soldered.
lOpal and Pearl in Rose color Head and Satin finish 14-K. Gold Tilled. 14-K. Gold Filled. CHATELAIN BROOCH. Solid Gold Slide.
Slide. I .caves. Warranted 10 years. Warranted 20 years 7 Fine Brilliants, Bright Gold. Warranted 20 years.
Quality Guaranteed. Made by A. B. &M. Made by R. F. S. Co. Warranted 20 years. Made by
No. D 205. No - M 7 A. J72. No. 170. No. D 107#. R. F. S. cc Co.
5 cents each. Regular price, 25 to 35 cents eacli. These were included in our purchase for spot cash of this large assortment of
Butter wick's Jewelry Store,
| Opposite City Hall, = 258 Mill St., = DANVILLE, PENN'A
V ilfllilliyilil'filWßMMMWMßMMM———r——— 112
Schreyer's Christmas Welcome
Open Every Evening.
The big Store is rcadX to welcome you in holiday tone. Every effort has
been exerted uo make our Htore particularly interesting. A larjje and wide gather
ing of articles for children and grown up.«," appropriate for Christmas Gifts. Of
course we shall be crowded more so euery day, but you can influence that more
than we—it's a satisfactory plan th buy early, better the assortment and better
service—we are less crowded in the forenoon too. Fairy land for the children—
have iuat fitted out a minature fairy home—something entirely new—will please
the children sure.
Children's Happiness the First Thought
And that means toys, playthings, etc. Santa Clans has left a liberal lot with us to
distribute—children bring your parents to our basement to see what old Santa has
for you.
Dolls bh the hundred, such a lot has never before been in Milton, every kind
from China head and limb dolls, at sc, to the big real kid body with long curly
hair and moving eyes at 7.00. Indestructable Dolls, cotton stuffed, painted faces,
dressed, 2», 39, 50"and 75c. Washable Dolls, 25c and 50c. Fanny Dolls, Foxy
Grandpa and his children. Sailor Boys, Uncle Sam, Clowns, 25c, 50c to 1.25. Kid
bodies with bisque heads, 19c for a doll 12 inches long, with curly hair and sleep
ing eyes. Others 25, 39, 50, 75. 89c 1.00, 1.50, 1.75 and 2.00, nearly all jointed,
light and dark hair. Flesh t : nt kid bodies, the best kind real hair, 2.50, 2.75, 8.50,
full jointed. Bisque Dolls, 10, 25. 39, 50. 75, 89c, 1.00 and 1.50, with dresses trim
med, big ones, 5c to 7.00. Fancy dressed Dolls. 19, 25, 39, 50, 69, 75c up to 3 50.
Rubber Dolls. 5 and 10c, with knit dresses, 25c. Doll heads, china 10c; Bisque
Heads, 50, 89c and 1.00, natural hair, either light or dark.
Stockings .or Dolls, 5 and 10c a pair. Snoes, 5. 10 and 15c a pair.
Play Houses and Dishes foJ Them.
Doll Houses, opening front, 25 and 75c.
Noah's Arks, and they are nil of animals, 25,50 c, 1.00, 1.50.
Grocery Stores, labeled bins, and clerk, 25, 50, 89c.
Kitchens with stove and utensils, 25, 29, 50c, 1.00, 1.25.
Butcher Shops, complete outfits, 25, 50, 59, 98c, 1.25.
Stables have horses and wagons in,25, 50c, 1.00, 1.25.
Forts and Castles, curious in appearance, 50, 75fc, 1.00, 2.00, 2.25.
Toy Set Dishes make many an hour cheerful to the little ones.
China Tea Sets, many prices, 15, 19, 25c a set.
Decorated Toilet Sets, large sizes, 50c.
Pewter Kitchen and Table Sets, 1.50, almost like aluminum, 39, 50, 75c.
Boys, Look Here I Noisy Toys
► Tin Trumpets, Firemen's Trumpets, Bugle horns, cow horn trumpets, 5, 10, |
19, 25c. Flute Trumpets mith 4 and 8 keys, 25 and 39c.
t Turkish Tubephones, brass tubes in frame, 25,50 c, 1.00.
Drums, wood shell and metal body, some genuine calf headg, |29, 39, 50, 75,
BJc, 1.00, 2.50.
' Hors Lines with bells, 10c. Jacks 2 and 3c a dozen.
Paint Sets, brushes and cups. 5,10, 15c set in a box.
1 False'Facea, lots of kinds, 1, 5, 10c.
Satisfactory Iron Toys. „
> Ice Wagons with horses, 25, 50. 98c. Log Wagons, [2 horses, 89c. Dray
Wagons with team, 2-5, 50c. Coal Wagons. 98c. Goat Carts—goats instead of hors
es. 50c. Patrol Wagons, 50c. Hook and Ladder Trucks, horses and men, 25,89 c,
, 1.50. Fire Engines, 3 horses, 2.3 c, 1.25; with gong aud hose, 1.50. Trains, engine
t tender and 2or 3 coaches, 75c, 1.00, 1,25, 1.50.
Do Not Pass Over These.
They're here if we can't tell yon of them. Doll Furniture—Beds, Chiffo- I
' niers, Bureaus —something new in hand made southern styles—Trunks, Irons, j
Brooms, Washers, Doll Carts and Wagons, Rocking horses and Shoo-flies, animals '
' on wheels, Blackboards, Tables and Desks, all sorts of mechauical toys —lots of new
ones just opened this week—and all sorts of Christmas tree ornaments.
Schreyer Store Company
Umbrellas for Presents
A practical anil desirable Kift, suitable for anyone, direct from the factory to
our store. Children's and Little Gent's. 3SI, 50, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50. Ladies', 50,
75c, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 up to 5.00. (jent's in all prices from 60c to 8.00.
Silk Umbrellas from 3.00 up. We sell detachable handles, take the handles off
when you want to pack a trunk or suit case, 3 00. The stock is an attractive one
because of the handles, fancy carved natural wood, ivory, nickle, silvered, gilt,
ebony and horn, steel or wood sticks as you like. Most "people want the selvage
edge now. We have them.
Stationery and Books for All.
Eaton Hurlbuts Stationery is our specialty, for every one who desires ele
gance in writing materials wants Eaton Ilurlbuts. Highland Linen paper, 75c lb.
Envelopes, 150 pack. Tablets, 15c. Kara Linen paper, 25c lb. Envelopes to
match this, 10c pack. Kara Linen Hoxed paper ami envelopes, 25c.
Hemstitched Linen Boxed paper, 30c. Separate envelopes, 10c pack. Royal
Finish paper, 20c a quire. Belfast Linen, 25c lb. Highland Mourning paper, 25')
a quire. Boxed paper and envelopes, 5, 10, 25,50 c box. Fancy boxes full of Sta
tionery in various sizes, 50, 75c, 1.00 a box.
Our Book department is full of suggestions for old as well as young, an ex
ceptionally line line of juvenile story books, 15, 2.5, 2S), 35, 50c, cloth bound books,
fiction, poetry, history, biography. 1.10 and 1.15 for 1.50 copyright books, tbe
new late editions, be»t or binding. 1, 3, 5, 10 to 25c Children's story and ABC
books. Muslin picture books, 5 aud 10c.
Only Pure Candies Here.
More and better candy than ever liefore. Such kinds as the mixed stick
candy in the little thin sticks and peanut taffy have never been here liefore at 10c.
Lots of other kinds at 10, 15, 20, 25 to 50c. tancy candy boxes for Xmas use.
The Time to Buy Silverware.
To close out some patterns we make these prices. Every price guaranteed.
1.25 Berry Spoons, 89c. 1.50 Gravy Ladles, I.l'J. 1.75 Berry Spoons, 1.38.
2.00 Gravy Ladles. 1.59. 1.50 Orange Spoons, 1.19 set. 50c B. Knile, Sugar Shell
38c. 1.39 Orange Spoons, 1.00 set. 89c child's set, 5 pc., 59c. Roger's Silver
plated Tea Spoons at 50c a hall dozen.
Lots of Pretty Dishes Here.
French and German China in exquisite decorating and a big line for select
ion. Vases, Bisque Ornaments, Dinner Ware, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Chop,
Bread aud Cake l'lates, Chocolate Sets, Syrup Jugj, Cracker Jars, Trays and Bon
Bon Oishes, Sugar and Cream and Breakfast Sets, etc.
Big Values in Lamps.
Decorated Lamps from 79c up to 10.00. We are showing the new styles of
the season. A bold relief or raised effect instead of merely a flower decorating.
At 2.00 we sell lamps with this new relief effect on both bowl and globe,
lifting front, round burner 5.00 values for 3.50, extra large size globe, high style,
bowl 'pretty decoJations.
Many Things in Furniture.
Lots of pieces that make nice presents for one's home. Parlor Stands—round
and square ones, some have pretty carved legs with glass foot, 09c, 1.25, 2.00, 2.50,
2.75, 3. CM), 5.00 to 0.50.
Jardinier Stands or Taborettes, oak and bamboo, high and low, 50, 75, 89c
up to 3.50.
Foot Rests, upholstered in velour, 1.00 and 1.15.
Clothes Presses, 75, 1.25, 1.39 to 2,50. Blacking Cases, 1.00, 2.00, 2.50.
Holiday Time—Slipper Time.
Men's embroidered Velvet and Leather Slippers for 50c. Ladies' Fur triiu
, med, 50c. Ladies' Juliets, fur trimmed, 1.00, Men's Fine Leather Slippers, 75c,
1.00, 1.25.
Ladies', Misses' and Children's long wool Leggins, 50, 75c and 1.00. Little
[ boys' Leather Leggins, sizes 3to 10 years, 1.25. Overgaiters for ladies, 25 and 50c;
■ for men, 75c. Lambs Wool Soles for slippers, all sizes, 15, 20, 25c pair.
Music at Cut Prices.
"The New York Subway," one of those irresistabie two-steps, will be our
special on Saturday, at 14c. "Back, Back to Baltimore," "Fire Worshippers," and
1 all the very latest music. "York" piano used, and it's Al.
Will Give One Week's
Treatment Free.
5 Hand tliis coupon to J. D. Gosh & !
I Co.
Gentlemen: Please give me a i
; Week's Free Treatment bottle of Dr. i
Kennedy's Cal-cura Solvent.
i Name j
J i Address j
We sell and heartily recommend I)r.
David Kennedy's Calcura Solvent, the
» wonderful new Kidney and .Liver cure.
' It is not a 'patent medicine." It will
not disappoint you. Keputation counts.
Dr. Kennedy's excellent preparations
. have been world famous for over 30
, years. We will give you a Week's Free
Treatment bottle if you simply cut out
the coupon above and hand to us. Large
bottles, for complete treatment, cost
SI.OO. 0 bottles for $5 00.
KOB ha!r R balsam |
<"lc»ni»>» and
BBWBy. Nrver to Bnvtor* Or -I
We are showing a very
112 nice line of dress goods for
Fall. Including fancy fig
ured colored Mohair, Sici
lians, black and colored
| material in plain and fancy
i weaves, the new suitings
in stripes and mixtures and
many other styles that you
must come and see in order
- that you will know what
: they are.
We are positive that
we arc showing the largest
I and prettiest lot of flannel
ettes in town.
Blankets and Comforts
at all prices.
A COW, m
Steer, Bull or Hone
hide, Calf skin, Dog
skin, or any other kind
of hide or skin, and let
us tan it with the hair
on, soft, light, odorless
and moth-proof,for robe,
rug, coat or gloves.
But firat rrt oar Catalogue, HH
giving prices, and our shipping <2a
tags and instructions, so as to
avoid mistakes. W* also bur
raw furs and ginseng.
Tnß I^^, V 3^ A R 2c^sr. < i9T. ANy -
Racket Store.
To Our Friends and Customers.
Spend your dollars where you get the
greatest value, "as value is the true
test of cheapness."
We have putin a Shoe department
for Ladies, Misses aud Children. As
we handle Shoes direct from the fac
tory and save the Agents' profits,
which we believe in giving to our
Customers enables us to sell
A $2.00 Shoe for Ladies at 81.09
A $1.50 " " Misses at $1.33
A 81.35 " " Boys at $1.19
A SI.OO " " " at 89 cents
and etc.
Our heavy fleeced Underwear for
Meu, Women, and children, are all
in, aud if you want big value for
little money come to the RACKET
STORE. Next to Canal.
Making Friends Every Day.
This can truthfully be fald of JELL-
O ICS Crkam I'owukr, the new pro
duct for making the most delicious
ice cream you ever ate; everything in
the package. Nothing tastes so good
in hot weather. All grocers are plac
ing it in stock. If your grocer can't
supply you send 25c. foi 2 packages
by mail. Four kinds: Vanilla, Cho
colate, Strawberry and Unflavorcd.
Address, The Genesee Pure Food Co.,
Box 295, Le Roy, N. Y.
Eatate of Charlea M. Kinn. deceaaed,late of the
Borough of Danville, Afontour Co., Pa.
Letters of administration on the above es
tate, having been grunted to the undersigned
all persons knowing themselves Indebted to
said estate are hereby requested to make im
mediate settlement and those having claims
are notified to present them properly authen
ticated for payment, to
MRS. MAIUJARET KINN, Administratrix,
Danville, Pa.
Estate of Harry H. Heberling, late of Waahinu
tonville Borough, deceased.
lA'ttars of administration on the above es
tate, having been granted to the undersigned
all persons knowing themselves Indebted to
said estate are hearby requested to make Im
mediate settlement aud those having claims
are notified to present them, properly authen
ticated for payment, to
JOHN O. HEBERLING, Admlnstrator
Washingtonville, Pa.
Eatate of Bonham R. Gear hart, late of Dan
ville, Pa., deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters testa
inentary upon the estate of the said B. R.
Gearhart have been granted to the under
signed. All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make payment, and those
having claims or demands against the same
will make them known without delay to
Executrix, Danville, Pa.
at First National Bank Da
ville, Pa.
Ettale of Frederick Moaer, late of Valley
Toumship, Montour County, Pa., deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters testment
ary upon the estate of the said Frederic
Moser have been granted to the undersigned
All persons indebted to said estate are re
quested to make payment, and those having
claims or demands against the Mime will
make them known without delay, to
Executors, Strawberry Ridge, Pa.
In Re Partnership of S. Bailey <&
Co., Late of Danville, Montour
County, Penn'a.
The undersigned auditor, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas ol Moutour C-ounty,
to make distribution of the balance in the
hands of the Receiver of the above-named
partnership to and among the parties entitled
thereto, will sit to perform the duties of his
appointment, at his olllce, 110 Mill Street.
Danville, Pa., on Tuesday, the 25th. day of
October, A. D., IHO4, at 10 o'clock A. M., when
and where all parties interested are requested
to attend, or be forever debarred from any
share of said fund.
Danville, Pa., RALPH KISNER,
Oct. u, liW4. Auditor
Estate of James L. Riehl, iMte of the Borough
of Danville, Montour County, deceased.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the
orphan'* Court, of Montour County, to make
distribution of the balance in the hands of the
accountant to and among the parties entitled
thereto, will nit to perform the duties of his
appointment, at his office, 110 Mill St. Dun
vilie, Pa., on Thuraday, the 3rd. day ol Nov
ember, A. D., 1901, at 10 o'clock A. M., when
and where all parties interested are requested
to attend, or be forever debarred from any
share of said fund.
Danville. Pa. Oct. 10.191>4. Auditor.
Court of COmmon lHeas of Montour County in
Re First and Partial Account o/ S. Y. Thomp
son, Trustee for Creditors of R. M. Grove.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
lias been appointed Auditor to make distri
bution of the balance In accountant's hands
and that the Auditor will meet all persons in
terested at his office, No. 221 Mill street, Dan
ville, Pa., on FiUDAY, THE 4TH DAY OF
NOVEMBER, 1901, at 10 o'clock in the fore
noon, when and where they shall make their
claims or be debarred from coming in upou
the fund.
Oc*. 12, 1901. CHARLES V. A MERMAN,
TKKM, 1904.
To MATTHEW MORTON, or his legal repre
Take notice, that on October Ist, 1901, ELIZ
ABETH ASKINS presented her petition, set
ting forth that she Is the owner of the prem
ises here Inafter described, and that there re
mains of record au unsatisfied mortgage,
given by her to Matthew Morton, for the sum
of £IOO.OO, dated April Ist, 1871, recorded In
Mortgage Hook No. 3, page las Ac„ seoured
upon all that certain messuage and lot of
land, situate In the Third Ward of the bor
ough of Danville, County of Montour and
state of Pennsylvania, bounded, numbered
and described as follows, to wit:—Fronting on
Centre Street on the North, Lot No* 7, former
ly owned by Anthony Ooeser, now John H.
Ooescr on the East, and Alley on the South
and lot of Mrs. Martini Pursell on the West;
being sixty feet In frouton Centre Street auu
one hundred and fifty feet back to Alley, be
ing Lot No. 1, In Alexander Montgomery's
Addition to Danville, which mortgage is
presumed to be paid, or has been paid, no
payment of principal or intereste having
been demanded or made thereon for over
twenty one years, and praying for satisfaction
Whereupon the said Court, ordered that
notice of said facts be served by the HherifTof
the said County on said Matthew Morton or
his legal representatives, or the holder or
holders of the said mortgage and all other
parties in Interest, If they be found In the said
county and having known residence, and If
not, then to give public notice by advertise
ment, requiring them to appear in said Court
on the 'JUth, day of December 1904, to answer
the said petition and show cause why the
proper decree should not be granted and
satisfaction not be entered on the record
WM. KASE WE»T, Sheria,
DanVllle, Pa., October oth, 1904.