Jfulelligeiwer Established In 1828. Why She's Here. Have yon seen the lovely teacher In that dream of a suit o. brown Have you seen the learned creature As she flits about the town [here] Have you wondered what she's doing In that very stylish suit The reason should be very clear Shu's attending institute. December. Christmas mouth. Mr. Chas. Beaver, of Strawberry Ridge, transacted business at this office Tues day. Mrs. David E. Shuster, wife of the Chief Burgess of Shamokin, died Wed nesday from a complication of diseases. Prof. Isaac L. Acor, instructor of the Exchange school, gave us a pleasant call Monday, while in this city attending in stitute. Mr. D. L. Messersmith, of I'ottsgrove, an old subscriber to the Intelligencer, was into renew his subscription for 1905-0 on Monday. WANTED:— Manager for Branch office we wish to locate here ill Danville Ad dress, with references. MORRIS WHOLE BALK HOUSE, CARE TIIIS PAPER. What city has a climate so peculiar it has been described as "nine months hibernal and three mouths infernul?" • Read Stoddard's Lectures. Professors J. Miles Derr and Scbuyler G. Irwin, two of the successful teachers of Limestone township, called upon us Monday. They were in town attending institute. Wm, Kishbaugh, of Nescopeck, placed a cartridge on a rock Wednesday, which he exploded by striking it with a stone. One of the fragments struck him in the eye, destroying it. In what country are potatoes sold iu halves and quarters, poultry by the piece, and doctors paid only as long as their patients have good health ? Read Stoddard's Lectures. Northwestern Pennsylvania is in the grip of the first blizzard of the winter. Over a foot of snow has fallen and many country roads are badly drifted. All trains are late. Sleighs are in use. A wild turkey gobbler attacked John Hoffman, I,'i years old, in the woods near Claremont, Va., on Tuesday, thoroughly whipped him and forced him to flee, leaving his gun. The boy had climbed a tree to shoot a flock, when the gobbler, angered by the boy's red cap, routed him. It is expected to reach a speed of 150 miles an hour in the new tests which will be made on the high-speed eleutric line near Berliu. It will be remembered that the last experiments which were made on the specially laid track from Berlin (MarienMd) to ltossen, resulted in a speed of over 130 miles an hour. limiting statistics gathered by game and fish protective associations place the total of rabbits and game bird? bagged in Schuylkill county this sea son at less than 200 pairs, by far the lowest record ever made. The close of the hunting season will be wel comed, and extensive game propaga tion will at once be made. Patrick Houston, a rolling mill pud ler of Columbia, Pa., was ground to pieces Sunday night at that place by a train on the Pennsylvania tracks. Parts of the man were scattered along the track for a distance of two squares. It is supposed he tried to crawl under a freight train and when be win directly beneath a car the train started. In what country is the cultivation of dwarf trees anil flowers a national pastime in which the people have be came so skilled that maples, pines, and oaks one hundred years old are only about two feet in height, five or 8 it varieties of a flower are growu on a single plant, aud newspapers make daily announcements of the progress in blossoming of favorite flowers in the parks ?—Head Stoddard's Lec tures. The biggest family of to-day, ac cording to a French authority, be longs to the King of Siara. This monarch has two official wives, thirty more of a minor order, and his chil dren numbered, a few years ago, no fewer than seventy-two. His Majesty had also brothers and sisters to the number of lifty, and nearly five times as many uncles; audit is said that the King boards all these in addition to his own particular family. Miss Mildred McClain, a 20 year old teacher in the Washington, Pa., schools, almost bled to death Monday from an injury caused in a peculiar manner. She was breaking a stick of taffy candy. When the brittle sweetmeat snapped a jagged edge pierced her wrist and entered an artery. Miss McClain fainted, and was unconscious from fright and loss of blood when a physician arrived. The Rev. Isaac Sclby, of Australia, plaintiff in a damage suit held before the courts in San Francisco on Mon day, shot at Superior Judge Heb bard, who had decreed against him. He said, upon being arrested and taken to prison on a charge of an at tempt to commit murder, "I shot at Judge Hebbard because that seems the only way for a man to get justice in this country. My only regret is that I seem to have bungled matters considerably. My intention was to kill him, but I was a trifle nervous. J. Beaver Gearhart's basket ball team played the Mt. Carmel aggrega tion on Tuesday evening, which re sulted in a Bcorc of 29 to 27 in favor of the latter. The game was spirited throughout, and was pronounced one of the nnest in the armory this sea son. Captain Gearliart is deserving of much praise for the high standard in which the local team has attained, and there is every reason to believe that with the present gentlemanly manager's instruction the Danville boy's may yet reach the highest goal ia basket ball. ROCKEFELLER CRUSHES A MAN Buying Up Village to 6et Control of a Tavern. Tarrytown, N. Y., Nov. 28. The ways of John D. Rockefeller are many when he wants to accomplish anything. For three years he has vainly en deavored to buy John J. Melin's property in Briggsville, a village near the oil magnate's large estate here. Melin keeps a tavern on the road to the Standard Oil king's home. It if obnoxious to Rockefeller, and he has frequently tried to get possession of the land. He has even attempted to get Melin's license revoked, but Melin has beaten him. When Rockefeller realized he had failed to budge Melin, he decided to take the tavern keeper's business away from him. He proceeded to buy up Briggsville. If Mr. Rockefeller purchases the whole village and ousts the tenants there will be nobody to patronize Melin, who must then close out at Rockefeller's price. Rockefeller's many purchases have had their effect on Melin. whose busi ness has dwindled until he is losing money. Melin is willing to sell now, but Rockefeller has withdrawn al! offers. A cold wave is doe today. Now for the holiday rush of trade. The World's Fair shntteiß are now being hung op. Overcoats and heavy wraps will be in demand today. Now the man who sells coal will get weather that is to Ills liking. Now that Thauksgivug is behind na, the rash of holiday trado will S'ersons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are hearby requested to make Im mediate settlement and those having claims are notified to present them, properly authen ticated for payment, to JOHN O. HEBERLINQ, Admlnstrator Washing tonville, Pa. gXECUTRiX'H NOTICE, Estate of Bonham JR. Qearhart, late of Dan ville, Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testa mentary upon the estate of the said B. R. Uearhart have been grunted to the under signed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those huving claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to MARY LOUISA OEARHART, Executrix, Danville, Pa. Or to RoiiEKT L. QKAKHART at First National Bank Da ville, Pa. JJXECUTORS' NOTICE. Estate of Frederick Moser, late of Valley Township, Montour County, Pa., deceased. Notice Is hereby given that letters testment ary upon the estate of the said Frederle Moser have been grunted to the undersigned All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay, to PETE It C. MOSER, RICHARD B. MOSER. Executors, Strawberry Ridge, Pa, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In Re Partnership of S. Bailey A Co., Late of Danville, Montour County, Penn'a. The undersigned auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas or Montour Coauty, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the Receiver of the above-named partnership to and among the (.arlles entitled thereto, will sit to perform the duties of his ap|>ointment, at his office, 110 Mill Street Danville, Pa., on Tuesday, the 25th. day of October, A. D., lUO4, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all parties interested are requested to attend, or be forever debarred from any share of said fund. Danville. Pa., RALPH KISNER. Oct. 5, 1901. Auditor NOTICE. Estate of James L. Riehl, Late of the Borough . of Danville, Montour County, deceased. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court, of Montour County, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant to and among the parties entitled thereto, will sit to perform the duties of his appointment, at his office, 110 Mill St.. Dan vine, Pa., on Thursday, the 3rd. day of Nov ember, A. D., 1904, at 10 o'clock A. M., when aud where ail parties Interested are requested to attend, or be forever debarred from any share of said fund. RALPH KISNER, Danville. Pa. Oct. 10.1901. Auditor. NOTICE. Court of Common Pleas of Montour County in He First and Partial Account of 8. Y. Thomp son, Trustee for Creditors of R. M. Grove. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Auditor to make distri bution of the balance in accountant's hands and that the Auditor will meet all persons In terested at his office, No. 221 Mill street, Dan ville. Pa., on FRIDAY, THE 4TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1904, at 10 o'clock In the fore noon, when and where they shall make their claims or be debarred from coming in upon the fund. Oc*. 12, 1904. CHARLES V/AMERMAN, AUDITOR. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF MONTOUB COUNTY NO. 1. DECBMBKU TERM, 1904. To MATTHEW MORTON, or hla legal rapre sentatlves: Take notice, that on October Ist, 1904, ELIZ ABETH ASKINS presented her petition, set ting forth that she Is the owner of the prem ises here inafter described, and that there re mains or record an unsatisfied mortgage, given by her to Matthew Morton, for the sum of $300.00, dated April Ist, 1871. recorded In Mortgage Book No. 3, page 155 Ac., secured upon all that certain messuage and lot of land, situate In the Third Ward of the bor ough of Danville, County of Montour and state of Pennsylvania, bounded, numbered and described as follows, to wit:—Fronting on Centre street on the North, Lot No. 7, former ly owned by Anthony Qoeser, now John H. Goescr on the East, and Alley on the South and lot of Mrs. Martha Pursell on the West; being sixty feet lu fronton Centre Street aud one hundred and fifty feet back to Alley, be ing lx»t No. 1, in Alexander Montgomery's Addition to Danville, which mortgage Is presumed to be paid, or haa been paid, no payment of principal or interest* having been demanded or made thereon for over twenty one years, and praying for satisfaction thereof. Whereupon the said Court, ordered that notice of said facts be served by the Sheriff of the said County on said Matthew Mortou or his legal representatives, or the holder or holders of the said mortgage and all other parties In Interest, if they be found in the sold county and having kuown residence, and if not, then to give public notice by advertise ment, requiring them to appear In said Court on the 20th, day of December 1904, to answer the said petition and show cause why the proper decree should not be granted and satisfaction not be entered on the record thereof. OEOROK MAIERS, WM. KASE WEST, MberUt. Attorney. Danville, Pa., October sth, 1901.