DANVILLE INTELLIGENCER. VOL LXXV. Flames La; Waste The Hospital Bam $20,000 Fife Consumes Structure and All of Its Con tents-pour Steers Incinerated-lnsurance Is $15,800. A fire of unknown origin swept over tho State Insane Hospital property yes terday afternoon and left a wake ol luthless destruction, consuming a cost ly oattle. barn, the largest on the farm, In which machinery and crops went up in smoke and steors that could not he rescued were incinerated. The loss rnuglily estimated at $20,000 but may •fefoetd that amount aud to oflset it there is $15,800 insurance. ;At about 3 :30 o'clock boys named and Beaglo, working on tho place, discovered the fire and gave the alarm. J. (). Warner, the man iu clitrge of the hospital farm, hastened fur the hospital hose and states that whereas only a little smoke was issu ing trom the structure then the eutiro barn was a seething, roaring mass of fit rce flames when he returned. The bueue was one of intense excitement, frightened cattle lowing and stamping aud terrified hogs shrilly squealing. • The mild patients who were woiking In the fields came rushing into the lire in droves, but were looked after ami occasioned no disorder. , t'he flames first appeared on the south side of the barn ami when that was eaten through they greedily lick ed up part after part of tho big struct ure, sending volumes of sparks sky ward, but fortunately not where they seriously endangered other property, there being no wind to whirl them on tlie main hospital buildings. Tho men connected with the hospital wore quick to begin battling with the fiery ele ment, aud being familiar with the location of the fire hose aud appara tus did good work. The Second and Third Ward Danville companies re sponded to au alarm and worked with excellent eftoct, but of oourse tho in - flammable nature of the contents of tlie bain made any attempt to quench the furious flames folly. All that could be ooue was to play streams on the numerous surrounding buildings. Tfiift teas done aud they were saved.' Tho horse stable roof was kept drench ed au