Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, October 07, 1904, Image 2

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tstahlishcd, IB2H
DANVII.I.K, MO.NTOI'K (VII'NTV, I'A., Ol'T. 7, 't)4. I
1). AUST LI'TZ, Editor and Proprietor.
'lHi' vTKi.i.n;k:.t« n. is Hit- ohli-.«t and bc-sl weekly, hcinocratir
vrap.iiu»r '>i l liis stvt ion of I lit' State. II rnjoys tin* distinction of
▼ Ift! ;»»i ronnty circulation tlinn all tin other week lie* *•«»!»:-
«•<!. m h into tliw Ihhik'sot'all tin* best I>cinocralM in tin* county,
t ivml toy tlion.-;unl fit ilcpuWlican friends weekly. I
•r\ i'l iil > al l>*nvlllc, the county neat of Montour county. ]•«., at
layout in advano-or Sl.i"» it' not paid in advance; and no |»ai»« .
oil inucd nnt II all .-oTcamuc is paid, « \« < |»t at the option
the publisher.
Uute* >i uiailr known <»n application. Add res* all
-uiu union; ion* !•>
Till INTKI.LIiiK\( Kli. Uuuvilk'. Pa.
A 5> \T York man jumped from n 12-story window.
ii» i« iii wtho nay ■>f jumping to a uoncluiion.
in 1 >kiw niaM *sy» linos never ating except when they
.u sU'imk, if be ilie attse we iiivk mw a aolmr one.
W»> '» »««<eliody «!»« would like lo ask Judge Parker
'»* » * 'I he Judge's i'eel art; on solid rock;
* not viruid of aayoae.
A < Hioago mi: Iw4 lieen locked ii |> for hugging wo
4M, »» wa» finaal up lo tlio limit. lie is probably eon
*■; liinwelf with ii.« fact that it na.« worth it.
( >ai Miaiataaial brelkcren myth? world is growing
liar*an». Tiae we have not had any umpires killed
■ ▼ ©aj li»t it ia aioat too tai»eh to hope the same from
v faot-lmll HAIUII.
A it mliliann candidate for congreas, in one of the
.■than. Slatea, chargea hit opponent with having Totad
loin nereral time* at his Last election. Who «tid thv
-tore ware didiaiiuhiteil '!
Mi. Rooaarelt ia preaching "an*-race suicide" and
>«. CorUn ia insisting on batchelorh<io(l in the army:
•a iwc gentleman will liarw to be liarmouir.cd in mini
•ir or there will be trouble.
Aa «* chronic democratic bolter ia predicting repub
ia tkia year. Will somebody please explain
daflm nee between a democratic hack-slider and n
19k republican '! All coon a look alike to lis.
Hon. Henry G. Davis and liia eighty-year-old friend
n. I'. White, have injected great deal of life into Marv
el and Wont Virginia politics. These two "boys" are
, lariouely popular with the younger element.
Republican editors have the audacity to ancrt that
democrats have a hig.-rar campaign fund than the re
iblicans. What a iih'. We only need one-fifth of
nt thev have, and will lick them out of their boots.
Republicans have tapped Wall Street for One Mil
ii, and \ndrew Caruajne for a like sum, to say nothing
snail' fry' which are under obligations for j w-t
ors. Republicans realize that they will have to buy
election outright or lose it.
lu I i ntucky Republicans elect but one Congress -
i .II e Kleventh District. But even in that district
Hunter mid Kdwards factions have split the Republi
i pariv lu flinders and it looks as if the Blue Grass
'e would show a clean slate when the roll is called in
One town at least in this State possesses a Health
ml which has backbone. West Chester's board shut
the supply of Burge.-s Penny packer's milk man be
ise tin milk was infected with typhoid and he set up a
trade: i tic I 'en iiv packer howl. Now the board is
issing back with great spirit.
I lie deliberate attempts to wreck the battleship Con
'icnt during her launching arc among the most sensa
11al events recently reported. It seems an insoluble
-tery \s i l v any man, even if he had abundant oppor
ily, should desire to destroy such a vessel, in such a
It i- to lie hoped that the scoundrel will lie (blind
i receivi a punishment to fit the crime.
The Japanese soldier would rather die on the battle-
I than live awav from it. Over in Nippon the parents
i young man killed in battle arc promptly tcntercd the
m> st e neratitlations of all the neighbors. Let us r< -
e that u is only paganism that considers it a glorious
ilege 1 be butchered on a battlefield. Will man ever
ome civilized?—ever learn restraint and wisdom?
Ihe Japanese government has sent an 18-veur-old
iih to country and if Congress will give its permis
i, will ntcr him in the Naval academy at Washington,
■igress :! louhl act favorably upon this request as soon as
nets. 'ome ol the greatest graduates of our famous
al sch I have been Japs, and if Mr. Kitagaki, the
' man, is like his predecessors his various classes will
ill the better for his presence at Annapolis.
■ludgc Parker's gold telegram and his letter of ac
t mice i:,ive been noteworthy but bis rule as a peace
ker ha been more serviceable to the Democratic partv
; i eitbe . 11 jcau.se of his dignified but earnest inter
ion ill. v is almost utter union to-day in the Demo
yof New York, Indiana, Wisconsin, West Virginia,
. Jersey, and Delaware, l'vveil Colorado and Marv
-1 have felt his gentle touch and (ioriuan and liayner
' shaken bonds.
In hi letter of acceptance Hon. Henry O. Davis,
noernti" candidate for Vice-President, does not mince
■ls. f-or instance, he says of the canal zone acquisi
' i rritory of a neighboring republic with which
"ere ai peace, was seized by a baud <>t* revolutionists
t et«l i y the guns of the I". S. navy, and erected over
into state, which the President promptly recogniz
an independent nation—a gross offense against a
idly republic which it was helpless to resent."
It .id at Washington that First Assistant Post
r (ieneral Wynne will lill the place made vacant by
death ot Henry (\ Payne until after theelectiou, when
i iniin Cortelyou will be given the job. That's a nice
• iigenicnt in view of the iaet that a whole lot of corrup
-tili exists in the service. Why does the President
; ronton I'ourth Assistant llri&tow to a place in the
iet an. i give him a free hand to complete the good
. which iva.- chocked off when the politicians decided
■ I 'p'ess the evidence ot corruption in the public service
u-e they teared its effect upon the coming election?
Lul-.e \ right, Ciovernor-(ieneral ot the Philippines,
was i, 11 is belter days a Democrat, says, iu protesting
stan talk about Philippine independence: "The
man equipped v.itli intelligence and those totalities
: niak.- for J citizenship, the more easily can he be
;:uled that he is the possessor of all those qualities."
then i 1 • more intelligent a man is, the .more difficult
pel nide him that he is lit for citizenship —does the
, y really mean to affirm this ? Governor Wright is
ligi nt . does he therefore think he is not lit to govern
il • According to this, our [{evolutionary foretathers
have been a lot of conceited idiots.
note of his early hooks Mr. Kooscvelt ijuoted from
.Vpuhlieriu platform of IWSO with exultation the fol
" i lie maintenance of t la- principles promulgated
Declaration ot Independence and embodied in the
nil ( "institution 'that all men are created equal:
ii"'.\ ai' endowed hy their ('reiltor with certain in
ible rights: that among these are life, liberty, and the
I ol 1 ippiness: that to secure these rights govern
■■ an instituted among men, deriving their just pow
ni tin consent of the governed'—is essential to the
valiou .1 our republican institutions. lie now pro
lo HI ■ R the following scintillating sentiment, "A
"hinh. with facile ease, changes all its convictions
elect: :i, cannot be trusted to adhere with tenacity
prin iple after election. A party lit to govern
have e■m ictions. Has Mr. Kooscvelt convictions?
• I he \ . ntiire to ipiote those sentences front the De
ntin of Independence in a speech today?
The New York "Herald'' lias issued a report
of the result of its lirst canvas of the political situa
tion. The ''Herald's" activity in making oleetion
forecasts is well known, so well known, in fact, that
it is not necessary to say that they are made honest
ly and without any view to influencing the wobbling
voters. It is, in short. just a form of newspaper
enterprise in which the "Herald'' takes great pride
and in which it is quite as successful as any other
expert observer. Its ante-elect ion estimates there
lore are always interesting and as in the present
e mtest its are practically the only figures that have
been given out from any source that gives them ad
ditional interest to the general reader.
At the opening of the campaign a Republican
authority estimated that there were eighteen sure
Republican States with 2uo electoral votes; fourteen
mi e Democratic States with toil votes and thirteen
doubtful States with 117 votes. Ihs Republican
States were: California, Illinois, lowa, Kansas,
Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Ne
braska, Now Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Ore
gon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Vermont, Wash
ington and Wyoming. Ilis Democratic States:
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky,
Lousiaua, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and
Virginia. The States in his doubtful column were:
Colorado, Connecticut, Deleware, Idaho, Indiana,
Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Rhode
Island, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin.
Since the State conventions in New York that
State has been conceded by all impartial observes to
the Democrats and out of the twelve remaining the
"Herald" has reports from ten. Idaho, West Vir
ginia and Indiana it estimates will go Democratic,
thus bringing the sure Democratic vote up to 223.
Utah, Delaware, New Jersey, Wisconsin and Mon
tana it considers liepublican, and that brings the
conceded Republican vote up to 234. It has no re
port oil Nevada or Rhode Island and it considers
Colorado and Connecticut as doubtful. These four
states have nineteen votes, and the winner will have
to get three of them.
This certainly draws the matter lo a mighty
line point and the strain upon the managers at the
two party headquarters must lie of the insomnia
producing kind. It is pretty safe to say, however,
thi'.t Tom Taggart is suffering less than Corlolyou.
lu the lirst place he has the more sanguine tempera
ment and in the second place he stands a better
chance of making way with a majority of the States
upon which the great contest promises to turn.
Senator Davis' letter of aeeoptancc of the
Democratic nomination for Vice President reveals
the conservative'mind of a capable and experienced
business man. It is brief, pithy and pointed and
after observing that the "public mind is being dis
illusioned of the false pretence of the Republican
party "that the material prosperity of the country
depends upon ils own ascendency," he reverts lo
the wasteful extravagance of the Roosevelt admin
istration and amplifies the figures quoted in his
speech of acceptance on that subject.
Senator Davis doesn't complain that expendi
tures of government have increased in the aggregate
with the increase of population. That is natural
and reasonable. But he complains that the per
capita expense has multiplied from 82.0l in 18(>0 to
?7.11 hist year and the cost of maintaining the army
has increased from 810,5(10,00(1 in 18(10, when the
vast Western border required constant patrol to
secure protection front the Indians, to 8115,000,00(1
last year, when there was no greater use for troops
than a possible disturbance at some Sunday school
Following the lines laid by Judge Parker in his
admirable letter of acceptance, Senator Davis ap.
proves the Panama canal piojeet but deprecates the
sinister manner by which it was begun, lie is
equally clear in denouncing imperialism, excessive
tariff taxation, inimical trust organizations, the re
cently aroused race prejudices and fraud in tln;
public service. He expresses coniplet confidence
in the "courage, character and discretion" of his as
sociate on the ticket, Judge Parker, and altogether
his letter is a model public paper.
It cost the people of the United States, on an
average, *'!4. VI per head for food in |.s!J7, w hen
Republican rule began at Washington. This year it
costs ?52.68—an increase of over 51 per cent.
In other words, it takes £1.51 to buy as much
food now as a dollar would buy seven years ago. A
man earning a dollar a day was better off then, as
far as that part of his living expenses went, than
one earning 51.50 a day is now. And according to
Commissioner Wright, of the Department of Labor,
food absorbs over 11 per cent, of the total expendi
tures of the average family.
The increase of 817. *7 per head in the cost of
this item represents an increase of ss!t.3<; in the ex
penditure of the ordinary family of live. Adding
£IS.IIB for the enhanced cost of clothes, we find
that a workman's wages have to stretch 8107.44
further now on two necessary items of expense than
they did in 181)7.
President Roosevelt said in his telegram of
condolence to Senator Hoar's son: "The loss is
no! yours only, but of all those who believe in the
lofty standard of purity, integrity and fearlessness
in public life."
Former President Cleveland said: Ilis ability,
his highmindediiess and his freedom from political
trickery furnish an example of a useful life which
may well be imitated by all those intrusted by their
countrymen with public duties."
Secretary Tuft said: "Not in years have we
had in public life so noble an example of the old
Puritan stock."
I hese tributes arc from men whose policies in
some instances Senator Hour vehemently opposed.
I hey convey their lesson to every young man atnbi-
I ions to make a name for himself in public affairs.
Character still counts for something in American
In New ork, where CMellism is the paramount
issue, th", Republicans wish to discuss national iptcs
tions to the exclusion of State questions. In .Massa
chusetts, where reciprocity is the chief issue, they
wish to discuss State questions to the exclusion of
national questions. In Colorado and Missouri they
are for national issues against State issues. In Illi
nois, where there is a popular Republican candidate
for (tovernor, they prefer local issues. Everywhere
it is a campaign of evasion.
Several hundred life-preserve*, sold to the U. 8. gov
ernment liy a linn in Camden, N. .1., have been found to
contain an iron bolt six incites h>ug in each, concealed
within tin' compressed cork block. This, of course, lo
calise iron is? a good deal cheaper than cork by the pound.
Avarice seems to have touched bottom in such tampering
with human lite and there ought to be a law providing
that such miscreant ,-hould In; hangeil. liow many loaded
life-preservers are on our steam boats '! j
The Hitvd. Flinty Hull- «>.' nice mid
41ip Itilit*i' ll nil of the tofffe Horry.
TLo New Jersey station :;unounees
that there are two new adulterants on
the markets of (lie state. The
one consists of the hard, dried, llluty
litiHs of the r!ce grain, the other of tfre
Inner hull of the coffee berry. The
woody, fibrous nature of those la ap
parent under careful Inspection, but
when they arc mixed with standard
feeds, even In quite large proportion,
their detection Is a matter of much
difficulty. /
According to Chemists Voorhoes and
Street, that these inferior materials
are used for the purpose of adulterat
ing feeds wf recognized value is evl;
dent from the fact that among the
samples collected this year were found
one sample of brown middlings which
consists of nearly one-third rice hulls
und one sample of wheat bran that
contained considerable of the finely
ground coffee berry hulls.
The dark colored outer hulls of tho
coffee berry have long been employed
as a coffee substitute, but the use of
tho innor hull, the parchmentlike endo
carp, an an adulterant has boon noticed
this season for tho first time. When
finely ground, this material resembles
corn bran, and when mixed with
wheat bran, several cases of whleb
have been found, it can only lm <W
tected by tho use of tho microscope.
Mttpplug to th« Curb.
"L)M you ever notice," en id the muni
who pride* himself on his powers wf
observation, "that every one uses the
same foot almost fvery time In stu
ping up or down the curb at .a street
crossing? Maybe you haven't, but It
Is a fact Just the same. It may be the
right foot that is used or It may bo the
left, but It Is the same one pretty much
all the time.
"The movement is made so often that
it becomes n habit of the most tena
cious kind. By one of thos« Involun
tary actions of the nervous system tlie
nerves of the eye and the leg and foot
work in unison. Tho eye of a person
Approaching a crossing gauges tho dis
tance to be traveveed before the final
step is taken, and the stride is regulat
ed to bring the favorite foot forward
in time to take it. The skme thing hap
pens when tho curb on the other side
of tlie street Is reached.
"Sometimes, especially when one is
walking rapidly or when the street is
crowded, it takes a deal of Jockeying
to get the chosen foot into position, but
the rule Is seldom broken. You needn't
try to find the truth of this principle by
keeping tab on your own steps, for In
so doing your will power will come in
to play and you will use whichever
foot you please. Just watch some other
fellow, and you will find out that what
I am telling you is a fact."—Philadel
phia Press.
Murrfaff* In tlio Orient.
lii the oast -in India, China nnd Ja
(ian girls are married very young.
V'ith us tliey would still be considered
childreu and would bes in bll>s and pin
nfores. Hut over there girls of twelve
are considered of full marriageable
p.ge, and it is not at all uncommon to
find wives of six or eight or ten years.
When a proposal ol' marriage is made
the father of the young girl is applied
to, and the following style of answer
is considered stylish and elegant:
"1 have received with respect the
marks of your goodness. The choice
that you deign to make of my daugh
ter to become the wife of your son
shows that you esteem my poor daugh
ter more than she deserves. My
daughter is coarse and stupid, and I
have not had the talent to bring her up
well. Vet I shall nevertheless glory in
obeying you on this occasion."
This Is the proper and accepted mode
of reply. But, fortunately for the girl
wives of the east, individuals are Lofton
kinder than the law itself, so that a
family is often bound together by hap
py and cordial relations, such as could
not exist If a man really felt his wife
to be coarse nnd stupid.
Hi-Hi Fed Sailor* In tlic World.
The navy ration Is of course provid
ed for by law, and the dally diet of the
enlisted man Must conform in some de
gree to this prescribed regime, but in
finite is the variety and ample is the
dietary realm of Jack, the sailor. As
compared witb the dally bill ot' fa rev of
the workinguiaii on shore the odds are
greatly In favor of the sailor. Should
he be inclined to grumble at his daily
fare it must bo from caprice of appe
tite, for what laboring man enjoys bet
ter and more wholesome food? Ills
food must be well cooked, for no bad
cooks are allowed In the navy. Where
a cook is incompetent he is reported,
for Jack Tar's stomach must be kept
In a healthy condition if our ships are
to be manned with a sturdy lot of sail
ors. Ills food must be of the best qual
ity, for it is no secret that Uncle Sam
demands the best article In the market
*nd gets it—Gunton's Magazine.
She WHM Too Enthusiastic.
''Teaching to me," said an enthusias
tie young schoolmistress, "is a holy
calling. To sow in the young mind the
seeds of future knowledge and watch
them as they grow and develop is a
pleasure greater than I can toll. 1
never weary of my work. My thoughts
are only of"—
"I am very sorry," interrupted the
young man to whom she was talking,
"that you are so devoted to your profes
sion, Miss Clara. I had hoped that
some day I might have asked you—ln
fact, 1 called tonight—but I hardly dare
goon, In the light of what you"—
"You may goon, Mr. Smith," said the
young lady softly. "I am a little too
enthusiastic at times perhaps."
She Had to Forgive.
Mrs. Winks- Mrs. Ay res and her hus
band have had a dreadful quarrel Just
because she gave liim a letter to mail
and he carried it around in his pockets
for a week. Isn't it too silly of her?
Mr. Winks—Maybe that would make
you mad too. Mrs. Winks—Oh, John, I
wouldn't lose my temper over a little
thing like that. Mr. Winks—l'm glad
to hear you say It, my dear. I Just re
call that I've still got that letter you
gave me last Wednesday.—rhiladel*
phia Press.
Velocity of Meteorites.
The singular fact has been demon
strated that while the most rapid ve
locity of cannon balls scarcely Over
attains a speed of 000 meters a second
about 1,500 miles per hour—meteorites
ore known to permeate the air with a
velocity of 40,000 or even 00,000 meters
per second. This unthinkable speed
instantly raises the temperature of tho
air to -1,000 or 0,000 degrees centigrade.
Solemn Warning;
Uncle Archie—Have you formed an
opinion as to the cause of Colonel Ilix
ou's suicide?
Tom—Yes, sir—remorse. His nephew
needed money, and the wealthy uncle
failed to advance it. The result was
that the unhappy young man ran away
and was never heard of afterward.—
Kausus City Journal.
Figures Juggled by the Administrn
tion Officials to Sustain Its
Policy und Credit.
As an Illustration of how figures
may be juggled to prove most anything:
that is desired, Carroll D. Wright, Com
missioner of Labor, who prepared a
report on the cost of living, which re
port is being used for campaign pur
poses by the Kopublican committee,
gives a few comparisons to bear out
his contention that the increase in food
stuffs has been on the average in
A comparison is made between the
cost of butter and vinegar. The for
mer, It Is shown, has increased in
price 112.9 per cent, and the claim Is
set up that this increase is overcome
by the decrease of 88 per cent, in
Dy comparing these two articles the
cost of living remains stationary by
setting a 12 per cent, increase la
the prioe of buttor against a 12 per
cent, decrease In the price of vinegar,
yet the butter bill of tho average
family must bo fifty times as great UiS
the vinegar bill.
In Mr. Wright's table on fuel and
lighting we find that the average price
han risen to 139.8. This table includes
a number of different kinds of coal,
caudles and petroleum, also coke and
matches. Coke and matches show a
decrease in price, while all the others
show an increase:
Increased in price:
Anthracite coal, chestnut 137.7
Decreased in price:
Matches 85.4
Average for both articles... 111.5
Which goes to show that the co3t of
fuel and lighting has not increased a
great deal, although many men will
think that the decrease In the price of
matches is kardly a fair set off against
the increase in the price of coal.
Concerning the alleged "statistics"
furnished from the National Bureau of
Labor and given circulation by the Re
publican Campaign Committee with a
view to showing that the average
wages earned in comparison with the
cost of living is equal to, if not greater
than under Democratic rule, a few
figures may not be amiss.
It seems to be an uncontroverted
fact that wages have not increased
within tho past ten years to any per
ceptible degree, and tho "statistics,"
prepared under the direction of 1. >n.
Carroll D. Wright, admit that the cost
of food has increased approximately a
little over 5 per cent.
In his figures, Mr. Wright submits
a table showing prices which have in
creased and those which have de
creased. In the column of increases the
commodities most essential and there
fore mostly used appear, while in the
opposing column, many of the articles
enumerated are by no means neces
The table follows:
increased in price:
Flour 104.5
Butter 112.9
Codfish 318.fi
Cheese 121.6
Potatoes 126.2
Beans 130.2
Milk 127.5
Eggs 191t.6
Average price 129.3
Decreased in price:
Soda Crackers 90.5
Vinegar 88.0
Dried Apples 72.8
Prunes 07.8
Nutmegs C 7.1
Soda 04.6
Kice 87.0
Corn Starch 03.0
Average price 7,9,91'
Coming somewhat in tho light of a
man endorsing hiH own note, or felici
tating himself, is a letter published
recently in Paris from the pen of
former Minister Bunau-Varllla, sus
taining President Roosevelt's course in
the Panama coup.
Inasmuch as Minister Bunau-Varilla
was Mr. Roosevelt's guide and ally in
the snap judgment taken upon the Re
public of Colombia, and inasmuch HISO
as he was one of the chief beneficiaries
under the whole transaction, he could
hardly do less than applaud the act
ppp*r *
A special telegram to the New York
World, from Pittsburg, says:
"Henry Clay Frick has been ap
pointed the financial head of the Re
publican campaign in western Penn
sylvania, the object being to use him
to secure financial aid from the manu
facturers of this section."
The man who made this appoint
ment, if anybody did, is George B.
Cortelyou, who WAS Secretary of Com
merce (and presumably the chief Gov
ernment hunter for trust secrets), and
IS Chairman and chief fat-fryer for
the Republican National Committee.
Enthusiastic Democrats are deriving
considerable pleasure in figuring over
the recent Democratic gain in Maine.
The returns show a Democratic gain
of 30 per cent, and a Republican gain
of IB per cent, over the vote of 11102.
Similar changes elsewhere would give
New York to Parker by a plurality of
87,000, New Jersey by 5,000, Rhode
Island by 0,000, Maryland by 32,000,
Nebraska by 8,000 and Utah by 300.
These, with the States carried by
Bryan in 1900, would be exactly enough
to elect. In addition, Delaware, West
Virginia and Indiana would be In
doubt if these percentages of gain
were to prevail.
Gen. J. W. St. Clair, of West Vir
ginia, at the Waldorf to-day, had this
to say about his State: "West Vir
ginia will surely cast her electoral vote
f«r Parker and Davis,"
The Modern Child.
Born scientifically,
Studied terrifically,
Clothed very carefully,
Dieted sparefullv,
A ired systematieally,
Bathed most emphatically.
Played with quite drearily,
Punished Sponeerially,
Sweet infantility,
Steeped in gentility,
Santa Clans banished,
Mother Goose vanished,
Where are the babies,
The real human babies,
The olden time knew?
1 larnesscd seholastically,
Drilled superdrastically,
Cultured prodigiously,
Lectured religiously,
Classified rigidly,
Reasoned with frigidly,
Loved analytically,
Listened to critically,
Dosed with the "ologies,"
Hushed through the colleges,
Crammed pedagi>gicall?,
"Finished" most logically,
Where is the chilhood,
The fresh, happy childhood,
Tlie olden time knew?
Children successively
Heared thus aggressively,
Posing eternally,
Wearied infernally,
Planned for initially,
"Formed" artificially,
Will they submit to it?
Never cry "Quit!" to it ?
Will not analysis
Stop from paralysis?
Till our distraction
Ends with reaction,
Brings back the childhood,
The bright, careless childhood,
The olden time knew?
—James K. Morton, Jr., In Life.
Any man can take a newspaper. It
Is the cheapest thing he can buy.
Every time the hen cackles and lays
a>> egg, his paper is paid for that
week. It. comes to you every week,
run or shine, calm or storm. No
mattes what happens il opens tlie
d >or of the great world and puts you
face to face with its own people and
it> great events. It shortens the loi g
winter nights. It helps to brighten
and enlighten your homes during the
h>L dull season. It is your advisor,
gissiperand friend. No man is just
t) his children who does not give
them the local paper. No man is
good to himself who does not take his
home paper.
So many Christians are fighting for
toys when God offers to give them
the Kingdom.
Only the pure in heart can be
powerful and brave.—Selected.
-- -- '"in BIT, ,I,^
i :
| E
Tho wind-up ot
Tho Season with
Prices at lots than
Manufacturers can produce them,
, fjQ.ce Quintains
| Mattings! Mattings! Mattings!
DISHES, Aie., all reduced.
N. H.—Cash balance paid on Butter nnd Eggs. ]
Farmers will find our store the head centre to do their jj
|j trailing. The largest stock to select from and at prices |
R that out-distance all competition.
;j P. C. Murray & Son I MniiiiißM—i
Orders will be taken for a guaranteed
43 per cent. Protein Brand of Cotton
Seed Meal, delivered off the car at Potts
grove, at a reduced price.
Seuil inquiries and orders by mail to
Pottsgrove. Persons having orders in,
will be notified on arrival of the car
C. H. HcMahan & Bros.
Special Dairy Poods and Dairy Supplies,
Pottsgrove, Northumberland Co., Pa. n
Will Give One Week's
Treatment Free.
Hand this coupon to .112. I). Oosh tV i
I Co.
(ientlenion: Please ine a \
Weuk'n Free Trratuicut huttlo of Dr. j
Kennedy's Cul-«ui u Solvent.
j Name |
i Addtpn
We sell and heartily recoilluieud Dr.
David Kennedy's Caleuva Solvent, the
wonderful new Kidney and i uie.
It is not a 'patent medicine." Ii will
not disappoint you. Imputation counts.
!>r. Kennedy's excellent preparations
have lieen world famous for over :>0
years. Wo will give you a Week's Free
Treatment bottle if von simply'eut out
the coupon above ami hand to us. Large
bottles, for complete- treatment, cost
SI.OO. 0 bottles for $5 00.
IfL^. B 4Q Parker 7 ? I
JW t>. Antilles tlie r. I
•V Mew. acalp ilitcaacb M h*lr l*JI;
We are showing a very
nice line of dress goods for
Fall. Including fancy lig
nred colored Mohair, Sici
lians, black and colored
material in plain and fancy
weaves, the new suitings
in stripes and mixtures and
many other styles that you
must come and see in order
that you will know what
they are
We arc positive that
we are showing the largest
and prettiest lot of flannel
ettes in town.
Blankets and Comforts
at all prices.
Latest Improved Sewing Machine.
We can furnish you with a $50.00
Sewing Machine, new from the factory,
at jti«t half price. It is a Light-Ruuing
Cliumpion Drop llead, one of the very
latest patterns, and made by the New
Home Sewing Machine Co. Call on or
address this ollice.
The Standard Raiiway 01 This
lutcrlockiug Switch & Block Sjonai Srslem
Schedule hi fcffeet Nov. 29, 1903
«J i) & iii it !>
Sunbury I\ •* s♦» I» !I V. J 2<JU §5 26
Kline's tirove . t'nr,i i io<4 .. IA 86
Wolvfi-toii It;>: i in(KJ i2io i 687
Ktpps Hun I' 7 OU 110 11 i 5 44
South lmnville i mi „ *
iiiiiiviiiv... } ' ll 10 ill r,ao
H".vd 1 7 ii; 112 1 0L »| i2af t t 568
f ?g 'jsa l is
s 7:rJ "" - is=«l«W
Hlooiiisl.un; j '« lu <3 2 « ll 15
I-S'.v «•».... iiuiinj: 112 6|ft
Moii.s tow ii ferry I , iO 1105 a I 1.27
aiVk, v 7VJ 10 * *'* ,i3 °
Ikiwic k . | 802 II OH 3(lf. ii4o
IJJS" 1 w « 3W i 1,11 l l,lll
l,lll 11.11 'I Jll It Si
I sa'i 111 ii I :tiHid
■Mim-uiiikiiiii i
iShic kshiiui> .... y 1132 B'JO 701
53 l A& SX ?g
. UIOIIM.HKI , | fi2oo I;; .v. I 7 *>s
Plymouth Kerry 1 ll UJ |'l*o2 I 3 57 t TM
n' Ul i «io»i 12 (Mi ioo 730
\c!o S l , / ,, ' t • " ,,s I- OS 403 738
Wilkes-Hurre... Arrive it lo 12 10 400 735
\\ ilk«'N-narre...lieftvo | 7 25 § 10:<5 i 2 ir> s tioo
Ha/.le Street 72s lo*t7 '/-i 7 «<w
.Sn„i" Willies-Dan,... , W «J *m *3
Pl> mouth heiry I 7 :12 112 ill 12 f-J 4 , u~7
lliilloinv.KHl I; :(l |io i.'i 1 254 | do#
r J. 1 7 1050 :t "I 1117
Mhlt-kHliViinyV 7 "'' 1088 8,0
Mneumiiillu I "HI 11 ir a'JO 037
11'""' "! 1 fSll "' r " 11 112 1 'Ai Iti 42
mS'ila'wi? V-i'rrv" S ' Jl 0,7
Nesoopeuk Arrive Hid 11 ai 12 7uo
Berwick 1
!W Leave/ i * lB S " '•»> !3 « 17 ill)
1 , r '''' s - 1 1 : • *«l II .'HI 'ira 7 (19
•51..1,J I.;« 11 i-,.|-r> 112 s:n r 11:« . ...1 17 u
;;i" ' I TX x r.' rn mi irj r7 ao
I •ioolllshlll!' ,
Knst Hl«M»in H |»urg.... 112 847 725
i ulawlpMi Arrive «:»5 1157 113 782
«..1 <1 U'ISKJJ ii ve s .V. 11 :,7 4is 782
{inuring 1.. . k I IMM 112 1205 I|Hif 739
imnvHle 1 " 10 112 12 11 14 ,Ji 1 7 ,a
SOH.II hainiii;::::::} 9,1 12,5 481 751
K»I'1«;H Him 112 u Ist | 12 20 112 1f 7 M
\\ , \\ i r lon r 9 2ft 112 2K I I 42 1 SOB
Iv 1 Hie n 11love 1 H27 r 12 .to I » J.'i I 6 00
Stmlair\ \ rrlvc 5 '•» 51240 | 4 . r v r i |« m
I'ally. $ l»ally, exeept Sunday, 112 Stops
si' l tiaV U 1101 * ,r A k« ut t or on
7. ru '! 1 ,? ' cavo Soutli Danville ns follows:
l' ir I ittHlon ami Seranton,7 11 h in and 221
and:> .i0 p m wcek-day.s; 10 i7 ain dally.
_ l-or r<>tisyllle, Iteadliiif and Philadelphia.
<ll u m and 221 pin week-days.
weel- " l0n ' "" " 1,1 U,u ' " um ' P
.. I*"i ''«*\visbur|f f Milton, Williamxport, Loek
llaveii, ItiMiMVo and Kani', 12 1"> p m week
days; l*ik'k Havi n only, in Ia m and 131 p m
Wii'K-iiiiys; inr W iiliainsport and interineiU
ale Mtat ions, o|| a m and 751 pin week-days.
, ..' "'n , Vi l V.'V! ,te ' l'hilllpHburK and
Clearfield,!»ll ain and 12 I.'i p m week-days,
l ur llaiTishurg and interinediate stations.
I;l p Vnd iilv P 1,1 U,MI " " ,l P 1,1 we< k - dft y® I
For IMiiladelpliia (via UarrlHliurv) Halti
moreand W asliiiiKt.»n, Hi I a in and and 12 15
Jiinl .~!p u, week-days; |Bl pin dally.
For Pittshurj' i via llarrlshurK) ;i u a in and
.>1 pin week-days ;I 31 pin daily ; (via Lew-
IsliMvn Juiiet ion , it 11 a in and 12 Io p m week
iil,wvek V d U |vs M ' k llave ") U 1,11 1,1 a,ul 12 15 P
I'ulliuan Parlor and Sleeping Cars run on
through trains hetu'een Snnhury, Wllliams
pori and Frie. between Snnhury and Phlla
di'lphi i an l Washington mid between Harris*
burg, Pittsburg and the Wist.
For further informal ion apply to ticket
Gen. ral Manager. Pass'r Trntlie Mgr
GKO. W. Hovi•, Oeneral Pass'r Agt,
Easy and Quickl
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold
water, melt 5# lbs. of grease, pourtho
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
mside to set.
Pull Directions un Every Package
Banner Lye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, cloMts and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "IMes of Bantu?
V—frot. ,
The Pens Chemical Ptfla4e|pMa
r ~~ Dr. LaFranco's —'
Powerful Combination. Successfully used by
200,000 women. Price 2Bg* 6ruagists,
or by mall. LaFranco & Co., Philadelphia. Pa.
World's Fair Exc i-rsions.
Low-rate ten-day coach excursions
via Pennsylvania IJuilronil, Septem
ber 7, 14, 21 and 2K, Rate, 517.00
from South Danville. Train leaves
Snnlli Danville at 12:10 p. m., con
necting with special from New York
arriving St. Lonia4:ls p. m., next
Sleeplessness Is a
Sign of Nerve Trou
ble and Should
Be Looked To.
There aro threo different manifesta
tions of sleeplessness.
First, hardly to sleep a wink nil night,
second, to lie awake a long time before
falling: asleep; third, to fall asleep soon,
waking up after several hours and then
find it hard to sleep again.
They mean that somewhere in the
nerve fibres, somewhere In tho brain'
cells, somewhero in tho blood vessels
that carry blood to tho brain, something
is radically wrong, and must bo righted,
or the end may bo worse than death.
To right it, take Dr. Miles' Nervine.
Somo other symptoms of nerve trou
ble are: Dizziness, Headache, Back-*
ache, Worry, Fretfulness, Irritability,'
Melancholy, Laek «112 Ambition.
They indicate diseases which may lead
to Epilepsy, Fits, Bt. Vitus' Dance,
Nervous Prostration, Paralysis, Insanity.)
Nothing will give such quick and last
ing relief as Dr. Miles' Nervine.
"My husband had been sick for weeks,
cnuld not sit up to have his bed made.
With all the medical help we could get
ho continued to grow worse, lie could
neither sleep OP cnt. Our baby girl was
sent away, and all callers barred, be
cnuso he could *ot stand a bit of talk
ing. I read of a ease >rf nervous pros
tration cured by Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine. We began gft'tng it to him,
and in a few dayi be was able to be
dressed. From that time ho steadily
improved. Nervine saved his life.'*—•
MRS. A. G. lIASKIN, Freoville. N. Y.
pnpp Write to us for Freo Trial
X XvXiila Package of Dr. Miles' Anti-
Pain Pills, the New Scientific Remedy?
for Pain. Also Sympt .111 iilank. Our
Specialist will diagnose your cuse. t*ll
you what Is wrong, and how to right It.
- • - r H •liiar'*^^ waft.