DANVILLE INTELLIGENCER VOL LXXV. THE IMPORTANCE OF MUSICAL CULTURE Three things are designed 111 the gymnasium and athletic parts of the Danville Association outfit and work health, physical educatioi aud reorea tion. HEALTH. —No man can atford to ignore the faot that, like food, exer cise is a constant necessity to preserve health, aud that much depends upon the kiud and amount of oxerciso 0110 takes. Under the direction of a trained in structor, with I lie apparatus ot the gymnaisum, the youug meu find tho course of exercise and training which is most conducive to a healthy condi tion of body. PHYSICAL EDUCATION. —Sym metry of development, ondar.mre, quickness and boauty of action, mus. oular control, physical courage and self-possession, urn tilings desired by every youug man, and iu large meas ora within the re.ich of every youug man who porsists iu regular, systemat io physical training. RECREATION.—The Association stands for clean athletics. Such sports as are moral aud manly ill their ac tion and effect npou those who partic ipate in them, are fostered. Methods that are unfair or iu any way no manly are uev >r onautenanced. Tho fiual result ot Association athletic sports and gymnaisum work should be healthy, w. 11-dtveloped Christian gentlemen. The Danvillo gymnasium is well furnlflhod with apparatus for individ ual exercise anil for class drill, aud regular classes are conducted giving systematic exercise to all tho muscles of tho body. M in'iers are graded ac cording to age, size, needs aud profic iency, and every man aud boy is di rected to suHi course as he noeds for best results. Tho baths have beou re painted anil arj commodious and clean. Basiu, shower aud tub baths give opportunity for cleanliness which is next to Godliuess. Classes begin today. A Eemale Blackmailer. Chief of Police Waltz is quite anx ious to get hold of a woman. She is young, tall and fair, with blue eyes and brown hair. Her clothes are plain bnt stylish and fit hot to perfection. She is also credited with possessing a model flguro. The young lady answer ing this description is a professional blaokmailor and tried to exeouto her soliomes iu Sunbury,Monday, but tail ed. The persou in question is a Huenc talkor nnd woll educated. She has sov eral uames aud places of residence. To some she represented she was Miss Dora Atkinson, of Boston, aud to oth ers that she was Miss Laura Dodson, of Syracuse, N. Y. Siio called on a number of merchants and profession al men in Sunbury on Monday upon whom she tried to work tlie old game. Her stories were as varied as her names. At one or two places sho stat ed that she was representing a concert company and was quite anxious toaivo a benefit here for some worthy charit able institution. Sho then requested a private hearing aud if granted sho managed to consume ten or fifteen minutes iu explaining her methods, after whioh she demanded money, threatening to ruin the gentleman's character if he did not hand over the coin. Of oourse nothing illegitimate transpired on tho part of the parties interviewed, but Blie had a proparcd story 8110 threatened to spread broad cast aud which, if true, would cause unlimited trouble. At other plaoes she olaimed to be raising money for the maintenance of a consumptive sani tarium with tho same end iu viow. So far as is known tho trap was laid for four different gentlemen before tho matterjwas presented to the police. The blackmailer managod to get away. Sunbury Daily. Work of Removal Completed. The last span of the old river bridge has beou altogether romovod aud noth ing remains of the old struoturo but a memory. The last pieoe of timber was taken away about five o'clock laßt evening. While tile work of removal has boeu going ou many relic hunters have vis ited the scone and taken bits of wood, nails, eto., as sonveuirs. The work has boon under tiio super vision of John Barry nil expert in this lino. With the exception of the accid ent befalling Frank Wilson,no one has been injured, though a catastrophe was narrowly averted yesterday after noon. Frank Arms,while iu the act of pry ing loose a wooden block, left his bar slip ami fell onto the haclt of Stephen Raver who was woiking un a stringer just below liiin. As Arms struck Hav er, Joseph W. Osier, another employe, caught the former anil saved liiin fruin falling into tho river. The false work will be taken down today. Funeral of John Evelnnjl. Tho funeral of John Evcland took place [rom the residence of his son, Ueiirgo Eveiand, Vino stre.it, at ten o'clock yesterday morning. The ser viees were conducted by Hcv. E. R. Dunn, of the United Evangelical church. The pall bearers were Samuel Kur il ov, John Bruder, Jr., Daniel Bloom nnd Edward Rank. Tho fmi»ial party left on the 11.25 Philadelphia & li.rul ing train for Oiitawissa, where int. r meut was made. THIS ELK WAS FEROCIOUS The unusual proceeding of dehorn ing a hull elk caused a great deal of excitement at lion. Alex Billmeyer'a farm near Washinutoiiville yesierday morning l''or a number of years this herd of oiks, consisting of 12 cows and tvvo halls, has been a great attraction at the Billmeyor park and thousands of people have been attraoted to the plaoe to see tho animals. The elk dehorned yesterday seemed determined to exterminate the herd. A weok ago he killed a most promis ing two year old heifer whtoh he chas ed into a fenco corner and rau his an tlers through its body. This aotion was deemed strange as the uase is us ually reversed, an elk like all other animals usually fighting for the herd instead of agaiust it. On Tuesday the bull again booame enraged and killed another fiuo speci men. Tho animal killed was valuod at SIOO aud in order to savo the bal ance of the herd from extermination it was determined to cut off the ant lers of the ferociouß beast. The operation was performed by Harry Billmeyer, assistod by six men, everyone of whom were needed. It was a most dangerous proceeding and bofore it could be accomplished the men were thrown arouud the pen like so many straws all of them sustaining slight bruises. The first thing done was to lasso tho animal whioli was only accomplished after a hard battle. Three ropes were usod to hold him down and the horns wore taken away in pieces. At intervals the animal would regain his feet aud the task of controlling liiin was not an oasy one. After three hours of fierce lighting the antlers wore finally re moved. As soon as tho operation was com pleted aud the bull reloased he plung ed into a creek running through the park and remained in the water over au hour. His spirit seemed entirely broken and ho bocame as tame as any member of the herd. The antlers of the oik are in great demand and it was with great roluct auoo that Mr. Billmeyer removed thorn. In the spring of tho year the antlers fill off and new ones grow in their placo. The pieces removed yes terday will be rotainod nntil next spring when the roots remaining fall away anil au effort to pioservo the sot in full will bo niado. The affair caused great excitement around tho farm and tho thrilling spootacle was witnessed bv a large number of people. The antlers romov od, while not full grown, weighed 22 pounds. Street Opeued on Saturday. The paved portion of Mill street ftoin Market to Mahoning street, was thrown open to travel on Saturday morning and tho many drivers of ve hicles woro not slow to avail them selves of tho privilege. The street had beou closed since the first week in August and caused a great deal of inconvenience. As ovening approached tho street became very dirty and much rubbish had accumulated. The small stones left on the street made driving in couveuieut and piovod a source of dungor, not only to the horses but to tho pavlug blooks as well. These stones should bo removed at onoo as driving over them with heavily loaded wagons has a tendency to oliip the bricks aud spoil tho appearauoe of the work. Proporty owners are advised to fill iu their pavements with gravel and not witli small stonos as tiiey are apt to bo swept into tho street and prove au unsightly and dangerous obtsmc tion. Excavating was begun north of the D. L. & W. crossing ou Saturday aud good progress was made. Weather pormittiug the street will be tlnishod as far as tho railroad by next Satur day night. Last Sad Rites Pertormed. The fuuoral of Miss Kate Baldy took plaoe from Christ Episcopal cliurob Tuesday morning at uiue o'clook. The services were couduotod by the Rev. Georgo F. Broed,of Mount Airy, Philadelphia,who was rector of Christ church during tho yoarslßß3 aud 1884, assisted by tho Rev. Edward Haugh ton. The pall bearers woro J. W. Shan non, Esq., and Charles Watsou of Philadelphia, Peter Matthews of Plain field. N. J., W. B. Rhodes, Dr. H. B. Moreditli and Dr. I. H. Jennings of this oity. During the sorvlces J. W. Shannon, Esq , rendered a tenor solo with fine effeot. Those present from a distance wore Petor Haldy anil Miss Sallie Baldy of St. Paul. Minn., Fred Baldy of Bos ton, Mass.,A. H. Baldy of New York, Miss Harriet Long aud William Green ough of Sunbury, Peter Matthews of Plaiuficlil, N. J., and J. W. Shannon, Esq., of Philadelphia. Death of John Eveiand. John Evelani, a well known rosl dent of this city died at tho home of his sou, Goorge Eveiand, Vine street on Sunday night, agod sixty-eight years. Mr. Eveiand had bieu ill for a long time with a complication of diseasos, an affection of tho heart finally causing his death, Mr. Hveland is survived by a daugh ter aud six sons, Mrs. John Freeze of Llewellyn, Leauder of Catawissa, David aud Daniel of Roaring Creek, William of Pottsgrove, Gera of, Mt. ■ Oainiul aud Goorge of this oity. -PLKDOKD BUT TO TBUTH, TO LIBKBTT AND LAW—HO FA YOB BWATB UB AMD SO WMAM BUT* AW*" DANVILLE, MONTOUR COUNTY, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 80, 1904 SCHOOL BOARD JHESSION At n rogular mooting of the School Board held Monday eve it wn« decid ed to allow noii-rosident pupils who had seoured hoarding places in the Borough to attend tlie schools in the Ward in whioli they had taken up their residence. It wax the flense of Ihe Hoard that the pupils who had moved into the town to attend aohool had established a residenoe and should he allowed this privilege. The plan to district tho surtonnriiitg country for tho purpose of placing non-resident pupils in sohools noarest their residence was abandoned until next term. A communication from Miss Elfriedo Woiss, instructor of music, was read in which Miss Weiss asked for an in crease ofßalary,explaining the request by saying that additional dutioa had been plaoed upon her. Tho matter was fully disoussod but no action was taken. Mr. Fifloher stated that a stono over the door on the now Third Ward building was in a dangerous condition and the matter was placed in the bauds of the Building aud Repairs Commit tee. The Treasurer's report showed a bal ance ou hand of SBBBO. The State ap propriation had not as yet been re ceived. Clocks were ordered (or several of the sohool rooms and a number of minor repairs were looked after. Those present at the meeting were Directors Harpel, Adanis.Trnmbower. Hariug, Pursel, Fischer, Werkheiser, Voußlohn, Greene and Ortli. Tho following bills were ordered paid: Teaohers and Janitors 11733.00 Roberts & Meok 837.44 Remington Type Writer 00.... 74.00 W. H. Quin n 1.00 Emery Shultz 4.25 U. L. Gordy 3.12 <J. H. Schmidt 97.08 Zinn Oo 47.21 Jas. Daily 76 Montour Democrat 17.50 American School Furu. Co 21).40 A. F. Hartman 4.75 O. B. Sweitzer 1.50 D. O. Williams HO Opera House Opens Tonight. The well known Murray & Mackey Company will open the season of 1904- 05 at the Dauville Opera House to night. This company is well known in this city and their performances arc always of a high order J. U. Douavin an. lorence Murray will again appear in tho leading roles and the plays to be presented will bo lavishly monnted, special scenery be ing used for every production. Alterations at the theatre are about completed. The new asbostos curtain lias been hung and tho now scenery will be in position by tonight. The new flro escapes and exit leading from tho gallery onto the third floor land ing are also finished,making the build ing safe in every particular. The now system of lighting the stage will add vory much in the giving of theatrical performances. Quick changes oau also be made betwoon acts owing to the new plan of scenio effects anil altogether productions can now be giv en with more satisfaction, both to tho audience and the players. Tho play tonight will be "Blue Grass of Old Kentucky,'' a drama that has reoeivod the highest praise from preßS and public. High olass vaude ville is introduced between the acts and the evening's entortiinment will be most satisfactory. Washington 00. to Attend Oonvention, At a regular meetiug of the Wash ington Hose Company held Saturday evening, David Evans was olocted as delegate to represent the "Washios" at tho Silver Anniversary Convention of tho Pensylvauia State Firemen's Association to be held at Erie, Octo ber 4th to 7th. The company also deoided to attend the convention in a body and will bo aojompanied by their drum corps. The company will leavo for Erie on Monday, Ootobor 3rd. by way of the Philadelphia and Beading railway. The special train will leave at 5 a. m. The faro for tlu round trip is $8.78! which inoludes the privilege of a stop over at Buffalo either goiug or com ing. Those desiring to accompany the firemen can do so by making appli cation to Seoretary William W. Davis who will supply them with a'card en titling them to reduced rates. Hospital Appreciates Efforts. That subscriptions for the Maty M.i Packer Hospital are most highly ap- I preciated is shown by the following ] letter from tho trustees of thai insti tution. "The Board of Trustees of tho Mary M. Packer Hospital of Sunbury, beg leave to acknowledge through the col- ' uiunt of the Morning News the reoeipt of a check for $53.00 from tho ladies . of liower Mulberry street, Dauville. The committee ia composed of tho fol lowing ladies: Mrs. Joseph Jones, Mrs. John Patton, Mrs. Lewis Woods and Mrs. Annie McCoy. "The Hospital appreciates the ef forts made In our behalf by tho ladies and those assisting, and hope they will accept our thanks for tho money received by us." Tho suocoss the ladies of Lower Mulberry street met with in this un dertaking should enoourage others 'along the same liue. DANVILLE CITIZENS WANT GRADE CROSSING RESOLUTION UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED IN FAV OR OP GRADE CROSSING ON MILL STREET COMMITTEE WILL PRESENT COPY TO D. L. & W. OFFICIALS--A COPY WILL BE READ TO THE COURT ON FRIDAY --AUDIENCE ENTHUSIASTIC. The announcement that the Board of Trade would hold a publio meeting at the Court House last ovening brought out an ouormous crowd and loug bofore the time set for the meeting Mill stroet was thronged with pedestrians from oue end to the other. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed when the object of the meoting be WHEREAS, The Delaware, Lackawanna & |1 cj Western Railroad now operating the Lackawan- o \; na and Bloomsburg Railroad, passing over Mill ;: • | street in the Borough of Danville, objects to the |, i! crossing at grade of said Railway by the Danville ' § ;i; and Bloomsburg Electric Street Railway, and is | ;! seeking to prevent such crossing by injunction |- jj J proceedings to compel the erection of an over- j I ;; head crossing on Mill street. j 5 ' THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by the Board of ! \ CI J I) : | Trade of the Borough of Danville and citizens as- i r! sembled, that the safety and welfare of the public \! ; I require that such crossing should be at grade. o j| That an over-head crossing would be far more !;! dangerous to the public in its operation than a ! s \ j crossing at grade and that such a crossing will ! ? not be permitted by the Town Council of the ; ? o Borough of Danville upon Mill street, such are- I o quirement would prevent the operation of the 'r said railway and deprive the community of its \\ 5 benefits both as a means of travel and as an agency ! 3 ' | to improve and increase the development and j \ I growth of the borough. That an over-head cross- J[> o ing would be destructive of private property and c | of public improvements now being made on Mill jj' •! street and we request that these matters be found ] j \ j of sufficient consideration to permit the crossing ! ? o at grade to be established. came gonorally known. The grade crossing question has beon uppermost in the minds of Dauvillo people ever since the sensational event of patting it in place was consummated last Thursday night. At 7 :ir> o'clock Stoos' baud ill fall uniform marohod from their quarters in the Swentek block to the Court House. The route of parade was bril liantly illuminated with red Are and a long lino of men and boys to'loweil the musicians. The oourt room was crowded to its capacity. The gallery and corridors wore packed and many were unable to gain admittauco. The audience was oomposod of representative oltlzetis, including members of Council, mem bers of tlio Board of Trado,merchants, professional men, eto. The meeting wan called to order at fivo minutes past eight o'clook by John H. Ooeeer, President of the Board of Trade. Mr. Ooeser after explaining the object of the meeting oalled upon District Attorney Ralph Kisuer who made an oloquent addross. Mr. Kisner among other things stat ed that au overhead orossing as pro posed by the D. L. & W. officials was an impossibility. That Counoil would never permit it aud in tliiß action would bo sustained by the people. He said that au overhead crossing would be detrimeutal to business,destructive to property, an unsightly structure al ways and a menace to property in case of fire. Mr. Kisuer said, however,that Dan ville poople wantod the trolley line and that the only way to get the real benofit was to have it go over the D. L. & W. railroad crossing on Mill street at grado aud that every oltizen in tlio towu should support a move ment in consummation of this objeot. The address was foroofu! and to the point. It showed plainly tlio obstaoles that h*d lo bo overcomo before the point cnuld be gained and impressed Largest Coon of the Season. . A party of hunters consisting of Ceorgo Swank, James Ford, Joseph Smith and Ciarem o Rauk returned from a coon hunt oaily Tuesday morn ing bringing with Ilium a 2'.) pound raccoon. This in the largest coon that has beon caught this season. upon the minds of everybody that loy alty to tho town and its interests was the vital necessity that was ossoutial to victory. At the conclusion of the address the following rosolntion was read by S. A. McCoy, Secretary of the Board of Trade: A motion by J<>hn Doster,Jr.,which was warmly sooondod by tlio audience, that the resolution be adoptod and a copy forwarded to tlio D. L. & W. olfloials, was passed most heartily, ev erybody in the assemblage answering "aye" In response to tlio question. 001. A. J. Frick made a motion that a Committee of three be appointed lo convey a nopy of the resolution to the olllclals of tlio D. L. & W. company. This was also passed unanimously. The Committee is composed of John H. Ooeser,Thomas J. Prioe and Jauios Foster. A letter has already been for warded to E. M. Rine,Superintendent of tlio Bloomsburg Division, who is located at Soranton, requesting an au dience for tho Committeo. Ou motion of 001. A. J. Frick it was ordered that a oopy of the resolu tion bo presentod to Council with a recommendation that it bo delivored tothe attorney representing the trol ley oompany aud read lo the Court when the oaso is argued tomorrow. Ou motion of T. J. Price a vote of thanks was tendered Stoes' baud for their assistance in making the meet ing a success. President Ooeser thanked the audi enoe for its warm support aud then adjourned the moeting. No cause has ever been more en thusiastically supported b; Danville oitizens than the question of the grade crossing at Mill street. It would seom that after so goneral au expression in its favor that sucoess is assured. The sentiment iu favor of the oross ing is without disseusiou anywhere. Everybody wants it. The town's in terests aud progress depends upon it uot a little aud tliauks to the untiring aud persistent effortß of tho oitizens the right way to secure it can now be parsuod with a promise of success. If the weather is favorable many Danville peoplo will attend the Mil ton tair next week. Borough Bonds Selling Rapidly. A greater part of tho (10,000 bond issue pot out by the Borough has al ready beon subscribed for. Tho bonds boar iuterest at the rate of per cent, which is paid semi-annually. The subsoriptious have beeu tnkon in blocks rauging from (100 to (2000. OLD RESIDENT DROPS DEAD William F. Uearhart of South Dan ville,droppod dead on Saturday morn ing at H :80 o'clock. Ho had just crmo across the river in a low boat and walked up from the ferry landing to tiie residence of Samuel Arms ou Wat er street, where lie stopped to rest. Before a chair could bo offered him he dropped over and oxpired. Deatli was caused by heart failpre. There was probably no man ill this vicinity moro generally known tliau William Uoarhart. His friends iu both Northumberland aud Montour couuty woro legiou. Ho was a famil iar figure on both sides of the river and though never a resident of Dan ville bis interest and loyalty to the town endeared him to its people. Mr. Uearhart, though 81 years of age, maintained a vigor of mind and body that was truly remarkablo. He was conversaut ou all pilitical affairs whether national, state or county and kept in touch with all topics of the times until the day of liis doatli. Ou Friday night ho had the papers read to him and seemed to be iu his usual good health. On leaving the house Saturday morning he uttered no com plaint and it was not until he had alighted that weakness overtook him. Mr. Uearhart was a son of the late Harmon Uearhart aud with a surviv ing sister, Miss Hannah L. Uearhart, was the last of a family of twelve children. Ho was boru in the house where his last days were spent. The dwelliug was built by his grandfather Captain Jaooh Uearhart, a soldier in the Revolutionary War and ouo of the oarliest settlers iu this vioinity. la 1852 Williuui Oenrhart went to California, remaining there until 1868. His experiences during this time were variod and lie made and lOBt a fortune in the gold fields. While at Virginia Oity, Nevada, Mr. Gearhart became acquainted with Samuel h. Clemens known iu the book world as Mark Twain and his reminiscences of the man were very interesting. On returning home Mr. Gearhart laid out the town of South Danville which is loaated on what was former ly the Gearhart farm. It consisted of about 70 acres and was cut u{? into building lots, in the sale of whioh Mr. Gearhart acted as attorney in fact for the Harmon Gearhart heirs. The deceased was a consistent mem ber of Triuity M. E. church and al ways maintained a warm interest in church work. He was a liberal pa tron at all alTairs civen for church or charitable benefits and was ever ready to lend assistance. Iu politios he was a staunch Democrat and was a prom inent figure at the Northumberland county conventions. Tlio funeral of William F. Oearhart, who died suddenly last Saturday morning, was hold from the Oearhart home, South Dauville, Tuesday after noon at two o'elook. The obsequies were attended by a largo number of people representing both sides of the river. Mr. Qearhart was a man who possessed many friends and all who could possibly do so show ed their respoct for the deceased by attending tlio last sad rites. The Kov. N. E. Oleavor of Trinity M. K. church, this oity, officiated at the services. Ho was assisted by the Rev. E. T. Swartz of St. Peter's church, Riversido. Tlio pall bearors wore Harrison Kase, J. B. Laidacknr, W. R. Oiark, O. S. Smith, Olive Hoover and Peter Berger. A male quartette from the Trinity SI. E. church rendered throe selections most feelingly. Interment was made in Mt. Voruon cemetery. Among these present from a distanoo were Oeorge D. Oearhart of Philadel phia, Mrs. Uarr Oberdorf and Mrs. Mettler of Klinesgrove and William McDevitt of Sunbury. This Line Up Should Make Good Showing. The "Old Timers" basket ball team have organizod for the season of 1904- 05 and judging from the players that are named in the liuo up,should make an exoolleut showing. The team is composed of Frank Elase, John Barry, Ralph Oaskins, Frank Russell aud Harry Welliver.the majority of whom played with the Danville team when it was victorious in nearly every ooutest. The boys are under the management of Frauk Edmoudson who has arrang ed games with tho following teams: Williamsport Y. M. C. A.,AUeutown, Pottsville, Pennsylvania Railroad Y. M. C. A., Philadelphia Wheelmen and a number of college teams. Tlie new ly organized olub is praotioing dili gently and will endeavor to get into the pink of oonditiou. Through the columns of this paper manager Edmoudson wishes to issue a ohalleuge to the Danville basket ball team for a game to be played on Tues day evening, Nov. Bth. Picture of Sovereign Lodge, The "San Franoisco Call," a well known California newspaper in an is sue of September 22nd has prlntod a picture of a number of members of the Sovereign Orand Lodge of Cdd Fel lows, which met in that oity daring the woek of the 19th inst In the groupe a good likeness of Oharlos Ohalfant Esq., is sliowu. Mr. Ohalfant attended the meeting of the Sovereign Lodge as a represent ative of the Orand Lodge of Pennsyl vania. Ho was oue of four prominent Odd Fellows oliosen to represent the State. SEPTEMBER TERM OF COURT Court convened Monday morning at ten o'clock with President Judge R. R. Liltle aud Associates Dr. S. Y. Thompson and Frank U. Blee ou the benoh. George W. Miles was sworn as fore man of the grand jury. That body re tired to its room at 10:30 o'clook aud later returned a true bill against B. F. Hulsi/er for assault and battory. An indiotmant of larceny was also found against Huleizer. James Connelly and D. A. Stclllu were appointed tipstaffs to wait upon the Court aud U. W. Bennett to wait upon the grand jury. A uol pros was allowed iu the cases of Oommouweatltli vs. Alfred Bleclier, Commonwealth vs. Fred Ryan and Commonwealth vs. Mabel Ruuyau. A divorce was granted Luoy J. Featherman agaiust Elwood J. Feath erman. November 4th was appointed by the Court as a special time for the hear ing of Civil cases. J. C. Hoddens was appointed guar dian of Beulali Hoddens, the bond be iug fixed at 1300. Court adjourned at three o'clock iu the afternoon to convene again in the moruiug at 10 o'olook. The traverse jury will report for duty at this sse siou. The first case to be tried will be that of Commonwealth vs. Harry Dav is who at the last term of court was indicted by the grand jury with as sault and battery and an attempt to ravish. A number of other cases were be fore the grand jury yesterday after noon and the returns will be made this morning. Court convened at ten o'clook lues day morning and befoie .four o'clook in the afternoon had nearly finished all business for the September term. The reading of the judgment docket and the hearing of a few minor re tains will be attended to in a short session to be held this afternoon. T!ie Grand Jury was discharged at 3 o'olook in the afternoon after hav ing found true bills in the cases of Commonwealth vs. Will'am Frantz, charged with desertion, Common wealth vs. William Owen on a charge of false pretenses and Commonwealth vs. Fred Woll. These cases were con tinued until the December term. Before retiring the Grand Jury made the following report: To the Court—"The Grand Jury af ter an inspection of Publio Buildings report as follows: The jail buildings and grounds are in a neat condition. The dining room needs papering, also one half dozen curtains needed. Court House and grounds in a generally good oondition. Two chimneys were found in need of repairs. The ceiling in the Grand Jury room Is in need of papering. GEORGE W. MILES, Foreman B. L. DIEHL, Seo'y. B. F. Hulsiznr who was iudioted for assault and battery and petty larceny pleaded guilty when brought before the Court yesterday morning. Hulsizer, while in a drunken frenzy had entered Thomas Tally's hotel in the Third Ward and purloined a bottle of whiskey at the same time assault ing Mr. Tully and badly bruising him. The Court after a severe admonition sontenoed liim to pay tlie costs of pro soootiou, a flue of fifty dollars and sixty days confinement in the oounty jail, the defendant to stand oommit ted until sentence Is complied with. The rest of the session was taken op with the case of Commonwealth vs. Harry Davis chargod with assault anl battery with an attempt to ravish. The prosecutrix was Mrs. Ida M. Oarl who tostifled that the assaait took place on the "Dag Road" leading to "Bald Top" on the 18tl> of last May. Many witnesses were heard on both sides. Hon. H. M. Hinckley,who rep resented the defendant, made an elo quent address as did also District At torney Ralph Kisner. The jury, whioh was made np of T. J. Rogers, E. F. Williams, Joseph Sherwood, T. W. Bennstt, Sam ael El liott, William Thomas, Clarence Cleav er, Charles Robinson, William Law rence, Elijah Bell, M. W, Hartmau and C. M. Childß,retired at 8 45 p. m. The jury had not agreed upon a verdiot until after his honor, Judge Little had returned to Bloomsburg. The sealed document will be opened at this afternoon'B session. Police Making Many Arrests. The police are determined to break up the carousing and lawlessness that is prevalent on Mill street in the even ing, especially on a pay night. Re peated warnings have been given the offenders all of whioh seems to have no effect. Last Satorday night a number of ar rests were made. Charges of drunken ness, disorderly conduct, etc., were numerous and the miscreants have had to pay for their fun by settling good sized flnes and oosts. The offloers will keep up the good work in a vigilant manner and will Btop at nothing to maintain good order. Have Equal Privileges Now. Ladies' Aid Sooieties of Methodist charohps are now, by the aotion of the last general oonference, a part of the churoh organization The president is entitled to the same privileges as the Sanday School superintendent, or the president of the Epworth League. NO. 46 ARBOR DAY OCTOBER 21ST Superintendent N. O. Sohaetfer, of the Department of Public Instruction has issued the following proclamation regarding the Autumn Arbor Day. The proclamation is a« follows: The State of Pennsylvania now owns 632,1)37 acres of land which have been set apart for the growth of trees. This area ia more than that of Lancaster county ('.172 square miles), the richest agricultural county in the United States. There are five hundred million acres of growing forest in the United Statos outside of our Insular Posess sions. And yet it is estimated that the annual consumption of wood is twice as great as its growth. This fact shows the importance of forestry as a national industry. It is second only to agriculture. The Pennsylvania Kallroad has plant ed thousands of treeß between Harris burg and Philadelphia and has par chased largo tracts of land for the pur pose of growing millions of trees that will heroafter bo needed in railway construction. Railroads generally are vieing with one another in the adorn ment of vacant lots around their pas senger stations. The cities are creat ing parks as breathing plaoes for the multitudes. The sohools are planting trees upon their grounds and along the highways so that in many instances the sohool grounds rival the grounds around the homes of the ohildren, and the publio roads are beginning to re semble the best kept streets of the cities. Increased attention to tree planting brings increased knowledge ofjplant life and begets increased re gard for everything that is beautiful in nature. In accordance with the Act of As sembly the Governor annually appoints Arbor Days whloh are the month of April. Since many ooantry schools are not in session at that time and since trees can be planted in the fall as well as in the spring of the year, it lias become customary to ob serve an Autumn Arbor day, the es sential thing being to get the trees in to the ground, and to give them a chance to grow. Friday, October 31, 1904, is designat ed as Autumn Arbor Day with the re quests that suitable exercises be ar ranged for the day. Let the home newspapers be used to create public sentiment in favor of village improve ment. Let the schools discuss the events which transpire under trees like the Charter Oak,the Liberty Elm, the William Penn tree, and others which have become famous in history. Let the economio value of trees be discussed, and above all let the trees be planted upon the school grounds, around the homes and along the high ways so that the day may be profitable from the economio point of view as well as valuable for educational pur poses. Benton's Peculiar Oiyi ISuit, The citizens and taxpayers of Ben ton, Columbia county,last evening se cured a preliminary injunction against the Benton Borough Oounoil.the Chief Burgess, W. O. Fullmer and P. O. Hatton and B. F. Bedllne, as defend ants, to restrain them from proceed ing with the erection of a water plant which was to have been begun today. The people of Benton want the water plant but olaim that the cost, 911,151 is excessive and that a better system oan be installed at a lower figure. They claim that this amount is 7 per oent. of the assessed value of the bor ough and with othor existing debts would run over the constitutional amount that a borough is allowed to borrow. The contract for the plant had been awarded to Messrs. Hatton £nd Red line who have the Berwick sewer in charge. The case has aroused widespread in terest and will be one that will cause a bitter legal contest. Bloomsburg Won Tournament. The second tennis tournament be tween Danville and Bloomsburg,which was played yesterday afternoon, on the West Mahoning street courts, re sulted in a viotory for the Blooms burg players. Both of the Bloomsburg teams play ed a good, steady game and won on their merits, although it is only fair to say that the Danville teams were not playiug their usual good game. In the sets beween Rishton and Ent, and Gosh and Clark, Bloomeburg won two out of the three by the fol lowing scores: 6-8; 6-1. Danville won one set by the soore of 3-6. Maize and Allen played Jennings and Wat son, winning the first two setß, both by the saore of 6-4, thus giving Bloomsburg the victory. Bloomsburg and Danville eaoh won a tournament this season. The "rob ber" will be played in the near future. Dangerous Sidewalk. The torn-up condition of the pav ments on Mill street is responsible for acoidents of a more or less serious na ture and that someone has not been badly injured is extremely fortunate. The pavement leading from the Phil ips grocery onto the culvert is au especially dangerous spot. Four peo ple fell at this point Tuesday, for tunately esoapiug unhurt. The oondition of the sidewalks are of course exoosable to some extent ow ing to the improvements being made but the dangerous places could be made safer by the erection of tem ' porary walks.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers