Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, September 09, 1904, Image 2

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Established, 1828
D. AUST LUTZ, Editor and Proprietor.
THK INTKLLIOENCBII is the oldest and best weekly, Democratic
newspaper in this section of the State. It enjoys the distinction of
having a larger county circulation thun all the other weeklies com
bined. Itgoes Into the homes of aill the best Democrats in the county,
and is read by thousands of its Republican friends weekly. Published
every Friday at Danville, the county seat of Montour county, Pa., at
SI.OO a year in advance or 91.23 if not paid in advance; and no paper
will be discontinued until all arrearage Is paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
Kates of advertising made known on application. Address all
communications to
It's all over. No war. No blood shed. No hood
ling. No nothing. A small handful of Foster's party
met in Convention on Saturday to see if they could man
age to place a Republican ticket in the field this fall.
We would not have it understood that there are uo
Republicans in Montour county, for there are a few that
are just as good as some of the worst Democrats, but those
of the better element stood aloof and left the rest do their
It was impossible to fill the ticket, and Mr. Foster
appointed the rest of the convention as a committee to as
sist him in hunting some one to allow his name to lie used
as candidate for prothouotary. After screening in all sec
tions and quarters they managed to complete the ticket in
a few days, but so flimsy is its construction that it will re
quire strong ropes to keep it bound together and hold fast
what they have.
The ex-postmaster figured iu the quietness of the
minute, but seemed to evaporate iu the ridiculousness of
the moment. In short the local party is simply disgusted
with its leaders and manifests 110 interest whatever in their
This is a good year for Chairman Blue to show what
Montour is made of. With the most excellent men for
President and Vice President, and such a man as Mr.
Thompson for Supreme Judge, the Hon. Harry E. Davis,
for Congress, and then our good, safe county ticket, we
can expect nothing less than the greatest Democratic
landslide in Montour county we ever experienced in the
county's history.
Wc forewarn Horace that if he fails to produce the
above desired and expected results, he will suffer nothing
less than decapitation, electrocution or hanging.
They lmve gone. Just us was expected from the
very establishment of the concern. Wise people mistrust
ed them from the start, and their expectations have
been fully realized.
Monday or Tuesday the Rod Star Trading Stamp
Company quietly and mysteriously slipped from our
midst, somehow or other, without even giving notice to
their forelady, and shamefully leaving her without work
or giving her any previous notice to look for another posi
tion. This is the kind of jicople they are.
Their principles of doing business are wrong, and tin
unwarranted hreech of conlidence they left with our people,
a city of between eight and ten thousand inhabitants, de
serves to be exposed in order to forewarn the inoceut vie
time of other sections. Not only did they leave a sore
feeling with their customers by sneaking away, but the
articles given by them were found to be of very inferior
quality, in many instances, and frequent exchanges for
better goods were demanded.
Many of their customers were left with whole books
filled and some with them but partially filled. The con
cern claims to have combined this branch with their
Bloomsburg store, and that their customers here should
inform their customers that in order to have their books
redeemed they must goto Bloomsburg. Think of it !
Pay fifty cents togo, fifty cents for dinner, waste the time
ingoing and then pay to have the goods sent here. Quite
an inducement, isn't it?
Why didn't they give early notice of their intended
departure, so that their customers could deal fairly by
their customers, if they carry on an honest business ?
This is another demonstration of the truth contained
in Baruuin's well known assertion, after learning the true
nature of the American people: "You can fool some of
the people all of the time, you can fool all of the people
sometime, but you can't fool all of the people all of the
The small school boy of years ago was taught
the distance around the earth; you know it, or if
you do not, your geography will tell the measure
ment in a manner that loaves no room for doubt.
Still, thore is doubt, and not merely doubt,
but an assurance that geographers are inacurate in
this important particular. Because of this certainty
thore has arisen a science, "geodesy," which means
measurement of the earth.
Foremost in the movement for this most pain
staking of all forms of surveying is the United
States. The International Geodetic Association has
its most enthusiastic members and contributors in
this country, and the great invisible tape lines now
spanning the globe in the interests of science are be
ing spread most rapidly and skillfully by the long,
strong lingers of your Uncle Samuel.
While it is not hoped to ascertain the size of
the earth with mathematical accuracy, it is hoped to
establish it within one-millionth of a statute mile, or
about one-fifteenth of an inch. Scientists who 'are
making geodesy the work of their life do not say
that even this most painstaking measurement the
world has ever known will be absolute accurate,
but if they come within one-fifteenth of an inch of
the true dimensions it will be close enough to suit
all reasonable persons.
Danville seems to be an easy mark for fortune tellers.
Our people can't be convinced that fortune telling is a
fraud, and the support they teuder to frequent visits of
these various lmposters to our city appears to be very en
couraging to the fraternity. Wc admit that palmistry is
a science, but have we ever had a scientific palmist with
us ? If any so-called palmist, or any other person at
tempts to read any of your future, whatsoever, consider it
an insult upon your good common sense. While palmistry
is an interesting study to some, you may find it quite diff
erent, and if a truely sdentifical palmist was to read your
hand it would not be interesting to you, esjiecially to so
many who make it a practice to waste their fifty cent
pieces 011 having these frauds tell them a lot of uonseuci
cal trash which is detrimental to the minds of the
lake our advice and avoid these people who tramp
around through the country posing as palmists and clair
voyants, they mean you harm aud will rob you of your
There is 110 virtue in a dawdling saunter. The
•alow and languid dragging one foot after the other
which some people call walking, would tire an
athlete; it utterly exhausts a weak person, and that
is the reason why many delicate persons think they
cannot walk. To derive any benefit from the exor
cise it is necessary to walk with a light, elastic step,
which swings the weight of the body so easily from
one leg to the other that its weight is not felt, and
which produces a healthy glow, showing that the
sluggish blood is stirred to action in the most re- 1
(pote veins.
From the shadowy land of droams an idea hiu
come to William A. Engle that promises to make
liim a millionaire. As the most popular feature of
the dream-born invention will cover an avoidance of
many long delays that have made railway traveling
a nuisance.
In brief terms, the device permits an engine
which has been disabled 011 one side to proceed to
its destination by use of the mechanism on the un
injured side. This is accomplished without the dis
connection which heretofore has been necessary of
pipes, valves and other fittings on the damaged
This operation usually takes from fifteen min
utes to more than an hour, depending upon the ex
perlness of the engineer and the condition of the
locomotive. Important parts of machinery are apt.
to be lost in the process of disconnection.
Mr. Engle, who lives in Pottsville, Pa., and
bus been connected with the motive power depart
ment of the Pennsylvania Railroad for sixteen years,
had worked upon the problem of avoiding theso de
lays for more than a year. It had simmered down
to the one point of providing some device for throw -
ing the whole side of the engine out of commission.
With that before him he had worked until his brain
was weary, and lie was ready to acknowledge him
self beaten.
Throwing himself upon his bed one night re
cently he set his mind to work in a last desperato
effort to overcome the mathematical and mochanicid
obstacles that had kept him from his goal. Agai.i
ho reviewed and threshed out the calculations of
pressures, fittings and distances. Instead of un
raveling, the maze became more tangled than ever.
Finally, from sheer brain fag, he fell asleep.
Almost instantly the brain, left to its own dir
ection, took up the thread of knowledge ho hu I
gathered in his year's study and meditation an 1
wove them into a finished fabric. The idea, practi
cable, patentable, was clear before him.
lie awoke immediately, with the joy of discov
ery and set about reducing the dream to a thing of
blue prints and formal figures. At first it eluded
him, but he stuck at it until it had been reproduced
just as he saw it in his sleep.
"Concisely stated," said Mr. Engle, my inven
tion consists in providing any desired form of valve
for cutting off the supply of steam from one or tlic
other pipes leading to the steam chest. The ad
vantages accruing from the employment of this in
vention, summed up, are that disconnections undi r
all conditions are entirely avoided and defects in tl.e
steam chest and cylinders readily located. Tl.o
usefulness of this valvo as an aid to get away whe 1
running one sided and stopping 011 centre is appn ■-
ent. The value of this valve in setting main valvts
is that it can readily be determined which side s
"The beuefils derived from the use of the valve
011 locomotives are numerous. It will bo only
necessary to close the valve on the disabled side and
, proceed."
Hll liter's Park, as always 011 a fair holiday, is a
favorite place of popular resort. Labor Day found it in
the acme of its good name. It was jammed to its f'ulh-t
capacity—the greatest crowd ever known to be tliciv, and
notwithstanding the rush, jostle and push we found tic
gathering of a quiet, orderly nature. In order to accom
modate the human traffic Liveryman Hunter had every
available vehicle employed in transporting the tide of life
in its incoming and outgoing. Hacks from a distance
mingled in the turmoil, currying visitors from nearby
cities aud towns. Games and sports were indulged into
the pleasure of the masses, and the labor unions did quit
themselves nobly. The parade was a credit to the com
mittee in charge and contained the various labor organiza
tions of the city, with the exception of the moulders' un
ion, which, iu due and proper respect, did not join ti e
ranks through love and sadness at heart for a departed
brother, Mr. Tierney, who had been called to join the
great union of laborers in the farbeyoud.
Standing on the summit of this beautiful park, one
cannot help but admire nature's productions, as they lie
stretched before your gaze. The magnificent cencry pr> -
seuted by the high ridge of hills, just opposite is an attrac
tion to the artist's eye and cannot help but draw friends
its side. The farmers of Montour county have opem I
their eyes to its splendor and will use it for their annual
picnic, having selected it from among the many oth< r
groves aud parks, on tomorrow, Saturday, Sept. 10.
Another lively and socible time can be expected. So,
Of the many novel features of the St. Lou:
Exposition—features representing every phase < I
J Twentieth Century ingenuity—none will exceed i
interest the competitive trials of airships, to be
sailed this month.
| \\ hilo Santos-Dumont is largely responsible fen
the present interest felt in aerial navigation, and i
regarded as the leading and most daring experiment
erin this direction, he is by no means the only on.
devoting time and wealth to a solution of the prob
leni of traveling through the air, a problem thai
, engaged attention and stimulated invention long IK
fore the day of "Darius Green and his Flying
Machine." A number of sanguine aeronauts wii
( have airships of various degrees of dirigibility a!
St. Louis—just how many will probably not be
, known until the contest in the clouds actually bt
gins—and the machines represent a wide range 01
inventive calculation.
An American builder of air yachts, Captai;
Thomas S. Balwin, of California, is already at St.
Louis with two manageable balloons—he does not
call them airships—with which he hopes to win al'
or part of the 1100,000 prizes ottered by the Expo
sition management for this feature of the big fail
On the Pacific slope these two Hying machines have
attracted considerable attention. They seem to bi
constructed on common-sense principles.
Hon. John Wanamaker, merchant king and ox
Postmaster General, in a speech to about 120 c
members of the Bethany Brotherhood and Bible
Union Monday, standing upon one of the benche>
of Fairmount Park, Phil'a, said, speaking of Labor
Day, "that, even if it were true, as alleged, that
the taking of 14,000,000 men from their daily tasks
to keep a holiday should cost $40,000,000, it was
worth that amount to teach the arrogant rich, and
the men who live in castles, and the men who con
trol the trusts, that organized labor is a power
which must be reckoned with, and that the working
man is able to make his voice heard."
lie further stated, in words almost siiuiliar to
those used by the Intelligencer just a week a<jo,
that the working man laid as much right to organ
ize to assert his rights as the millionaire capitalist
[ has to organize against the workingnian.
Now if the muzzle actually would work and was in
effect all over the country what a rip-suootiug time Dave
Hill could have with the newspapers on account of that
lying Deposit, N. Y., reporter. Ilill probably lias
Penny's sheerest sympathy.
American Warships Cannot Br Allowed
to Rust.
Tho introduction of the "big stick"
in our national policy found its origin
in a speech made by President Roose
veft in Chicago April 2, 1002. At
this time the President felt it neces
sary to explain lo tho people why
vast sums wore expended annually in
the building up of a naval force which
surpassed the navies of foreign coun
tries in time of war. He said: "There
is a homely old adage which runs:
'Speak softly and carry a Bio STICK;
you will go far.' " This statement
taken in conjunction with the fact
that American warships were rushed
all over the world soon caused Euro
pean nations to regard tho great re
public as an overgrown bully. Lute
President Hoosovelt at Haycrhill.
Mass., said: "The good work of
building up llie navy must to 011
without ceasing. Tho modern war
ship cannot with advantage bo allow
ed to rust in disuse. It must he used
up in active service, even in time of
Thinking men do nol relish Ihe
idea of warships being sent on mis
sions that might result in their nut
rusting in disuse. Among them is
Joseph Pulitzer, whosiys to Prod
dent Kooscvelt: "Was it to use them
up in active service and preserve
them from rusting that you kept the
Machias, the lown, the Concord and
the Philadelphia busy at Panama and
Colon for the lirst six months of your
term, and that you had the lowa land
marines at Panama two months after
you look oflicc ? Was it for the snme
purpose that you sent the Philadel
phia to Guayaquil, Ecuador, in
March. 1902, when your keen scent
detected a threatened revolution, and
that soon afterward you despatched
the battle-ship Wisconsin and the
, gunboat Ranger to Panama and the
, cruiser Cincinnati to Colon, ordered
( tho Panther to the Isthmus with a
battalion of marines, landed 2,000
men and look possession of the Pana
ma Railroad, refusing to allow tho
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You should do so. BEECHAM'S PILLS often prevent a serious
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"WORTH A cuinea A BOX."
' Soid Everywhere In Boxes, IQc. and 28c*
■■——■ Si-——
"I Read Hie NEW YORK WORLD Every Day."
THE WORLD Elected Cleveland.
"It may be said without reservation that if the Democratic party in my
lirst campaign hail lacked the forceful and potent advocacy of Deino-
I eratic principles at that time by the NEW YORK WOULD the result
, might have been reversed."—GßOVEll CLEVELAND'S LETTER
TO THE WORLD, MAY 10, 1903.
Bryan on THE WORLD.
" l IIL WOULD never during the last twenty years considered itself a
party paper. It promised to spread truly Democratic prii eiples and
truly Democratic ideas, and it has done so, and will do so, with entire
independence of bosses, machines and platforms, following oi. y (lie dic
tates of its conscience."—QUOTED, WITH APPROY AL, BY
New York World
Send us $1 for THE WORLD and you will receive
THE WORLD Every Weekday for FOUR MONTHS from
the day your subscription is received, including every
day of the Presidential Campaign, or take advantage
of our club offer made below.
Both Sides of the Great Political Battle
Fully and Fairly Given.
WORLD, as the "Chief Champion in America of Democratic
Ideas," will be the most interesting newspaper in the country in his Presi
dential campaign.
It already has a much larger circulation than any other moraine
newspaper in America.
It will tell everything that is done or said to the public by both Pre
sidential candidates every day until after the election.
Its editorial page will—as it always has—support Democratic plat
forms and Democratic leaders when they are right. It will not -import
and it never has supported—them when they desert true Democratic princi
ples and put themselves in the wrong.
Its news will be absolutely fair and impartial. It believes that the
truth is always to be told.
Ihe World believes that the triumph of the Democratic party on a
truly Democratic platform means a return to sanity and purity, a return to
those ideals which won for Americans the admiration of the world as a peo
ple who minded their own business, and .were willing other people should
mind theirs.
It is on these lines that the battle must be fought. The divergence is
sharp and clear. On one side are corporate might, the spirit of adventure
millions ami yet more millions for army and navv, and a dangerous foreign
policy. On the other side are equal opportunity for all, the free develop
ment of the individual, a just observance of the rights of others, and honesty
and moderation in the public expenditures. The progress of the present
campaign will always be told tersely, truthfully by The World, li you are
interested, as you should be, in a vital contest, you will need it every day.
ISo Democrat or Republican should be happy without it. The World "never
appeals to class prejudice. i
I To encourage the prompt formation of clubs for the campaign a!
! special offer is made, as follows: °
V' c wi " s e'id the Danville Intelligencer and the MORNING
\Y OKI.I) every weekday for four months for £1.00; Regular price :i5
This is a splendid clubbing offer. The New York World is Amer-'
lea s greatest newspaper. I
■Sample copies of The World supplied free on application. I
Every subscription will be for the DAILY Morning World for FOUR '
mouths from the date it begins.
Colombian troops lo rid without |
giving lip their arms?
"Was it to keep the n,ivy from
rusting that you ordered tl c Machias |
and Cincinnati to laud murines In.
liny Li in 1902, that you scut the j
Marietta to overawe Venezuela about i
the same time, that you despatched]
the HO3IOD, followed by the entire.
Paciiie squadron, to the West Coast i
of Honduras, ami the entire Carribcan
squadron to the Kast Const on the l
outbreak of the regular spr.ng revolu-
tioii the next year; that y 'it had the
j J 1
Atlanta, tho San Francisco and the
Detroit tako turns in woiiying tho j
Dominicans in the same season: thati
ynu simultaneously directed the gun- J
b ml C'allao to patrol a Chi icsu river, :
and that you sent the Hel< nato stir
up the Russians at Newel.wang and
the Vicksburg at Chemulpo ?
"Was it to use the ships up in
time of peace unit incidentally make
more work for the contractors that
you rushed a squadron to Beirut when
you heard that the American Consul
had been killed, and did not recall
tho orders when you learned the next
day that the story was fals that you
sent tho Baltimore and Newport to
Santo Domingo in the fall when the
country was in the enjoyrccnt of its
nomal slate of revolution that you
started a whole fleet town.d l'amima
on a telepathic improssii 11 that the
Isthmus might secede from Columbia:
that you sent Admiral Wi e lo Sanlo
Domingo Inst February to oversee
another revolution, despal' bed a licet
to Tangier lo get Perdiearis alive or
Raisuli dead, ordered Ihe European
squadron to Smyrna lo secure school
privileges for American mssionaries,
sent tho Detroit back to Santo Dom
ingo last May, and have just hurried
the Denver and Bancroft to the scene
of the lalcst revolutionary eruption
in Hayti, and why you havu at this
moment eight warships ni Shanghai
against seven from all other nations
$30,000 Blaze.
NORRISTOWN, Pa., S(i»t. 7. The
Coral Hug Manufacturing plant wa:
1 destroyod by fire today, 1 utailing a
' loss of $y(1,000. Fifty lianos are rend
■ ered idle. Tho origin of th fire i.- nn
Associated Press Explains That They
Were the Victims of an Imagi
native Reporter.
New York, Sept. 2—An investiga
tion by the Associated Press disclo-es
the fact that a number of serious *r
rors were made in its report of Sena
tor D. B. Hill's speech at Deposit, N.
Y.. on Thursday, August 2!> It
seems that a reporter of a local Demo
cratic paper, upon whom the A-so
; cintcd Press depended for a report,
failed to attend the meeting, but in.
j stead invented a speech for Senator
■ Hill, which contained several state
ments wholly misrepresenting the
Senator's views and quite at variance
with Ids utterances. Among the
phrases thus inserted as a part of the
speech was one lo the effect that
Senator Hill had charged President
Roosevelt with bcingn '"fraud."Sena
tor Hill said nothing of tho kind.
This correction is made without the
knowledge of Mr. Hill or any of his
friends, but in the interest of accur
acy for the Associated Press ser
The Associated Press.
"Give me the money," snys a re
cent speculative philosopher, "that
has boen s[ient in war and 1 will pur
chase every foot of land 011 the -lobe.
I will clothe every man, woman nnd
child in an attiro of which kings nnd
queens would be proud. '1 will' hnild
school houses on every hillside and in
every valley over the whole earth : I
will build an academy in every town
and endow it, a college in every State
and fill it with able professors ; I will
crown every hill with a place of wor
ship consecrated to the promulgation
of peace; I will support in every
pulpit an able teacher of righteous
ness, so that on every Sabbath morn
ing the chime on one hill shall answer
another around the earth's wide cir
cumference and the voice of prayer
and the song of praise should ascend
like a universal holocaust to heaven."
The signs of waning summer are ap
parent. Flowers thai link summer
with autumn are appearing. Tho leaves
nr.> coloring and thero Is an indefin
able something in the air, aud clouds
■ that remiud one that fall is not far
%*B!ack Diamond
than any otlier coal yard in Danville.
T. A, Scliott
| * win mm si T «j
" The wind-up ot 3
J The Sen ton with 3
J Prices at less than 3
" Manufacturers tan produce them. S
Draperies— =H®3- 1
-AN D-:
-M— -- " j C a °e Curtains
Mattings! Mattings! Mattings!
D LSI IKS, Ac., all reduced. J
S N. 15.—Cash balance paid on Butter and Eggs.
Farmers will find our store the head centre to do their
trading. The largest stock to select from and at prices
that out-distance all competition.
| P. C. Murray & son j
Orders will lie taken for a guaranteed
43 per cent. Protein Brand of Cotton
Seed Meal, delivered off the car at Potts
grove, at a reduced price.
Send inquiries and orders by mail to
Pottsgrove. Persons having orders in,
will bo notified on arrival of the car
C. H. flcMahan & Bros.
Special Dairy Foods and Dairy Supplies,
Pottsgrove, Northumberland Co., Pa.
And mail to The Cal-cura Company, £«me<ly ;
: Row, Itondout, N. Y.
Dear Sirt: I think I am suffering from ;
•, I'leaae provide me wiih .
week's 'treatment with CAL-CCBA SOLVENT, •
• Name
\ Address »••••'" t 5
Any sufferer from Kidney trouble, ver
complaint, Diseases of the Bladder, Con
stipation, or Blood impurity who really
desires to find a Pcmuincnt may
obtain FREE TREATMENT with Cal-cura
Solvent, Dr. David Kennedy's new modi.
■ cine. Simply cut out the coupon above,
• and mail to the Cal-cura Company, Kun.
ncdy Row, Rondout, N.Y. ■"*
Cal-cura Solvent is unequaled by any
* preparation, and is Dr. Kennedy's great .-at
j medicine. It acta on an entirely ucw
5 P Mr! \Villiam H. Miller, of Matteawan, N.
} Y., says:— <4 I was seriously troubled with
» my kidneys and bladder for over three
years. Many doctors and various kidney
L remedies, gave me no relief. But I finally
. bought a bottle of Cal-cura Solvent ot my
druggist,used a few bottles, and lam cured.* 9
N ii v j r r J
) Latest Improved Sewing Machine.
Wo can ftirnisli you with a $50.00
> Sewing Machine, new from the factory,
*- at just half price. It is a Llght-Ruuing
Champion Drop-Mend, one of the very
latest patterns, and made by the New
Home Sewing Machine Co. Call on or
address this oflice.
The Standard Railway 01 Thie
Interlocking Switch & Block System
Schedule In Effect Nov. 29, 1903
Hunbury. Leave 5 045 | 0 55 j 2«i § 525
Klines Grove i (J.»l I 10(11 _ > r.«a
Woivorion 1 «r»s no (Hi raio 1 537
Kipii's it mi r 700 rion ... 1 r, M
sonili lMnvllle 1 _.. „
I LULL YIIU- | ' " *0 17 221 550
{'">•'l .-•••, 112 7 10 no 21 12 2.', I 5 (VI
( rick 1 Til float I2(i| 1 oui
< miiw IHKH ..Arrive 702 1035 230 IIOH
K?,Lr v ßr," , .Vnii;,;-r^ vc l 1 1:"" 0 " i««i •«
lilonm.'.buri; ) '- 17 10 13 243 015
Kspy Kerry 112 7 42 no 17 1 u in
stouylown Kerry 1 7 50 41053 !
Creasy.... 7-,2 Joso*"iisfi ((30
Neaeopeek \rrlvel „
Berwick 112 802 1100 305 040
NeaeopeeK......Leave S Ho2|UOs| 300 « 040
Beach Haven Ferry., I'soo
Wapwallopeu Hl» 11 21) "3 20 (152
loud Hill 1 825 Til 25 112 325 1'056
Mocaiiauua ) „.
Shiekshlnny \ 831 11 «« 330 701
Ret rent. S W 11 !i> h 111 710
Nanticoke 851 11 54 •{ m 7 m
111" ton Wood 112 (K) fl2 (K) J .'{«y, f7 25
s,mVh > U'| l |i , ' r ?» 1 V& 112 1 17 28
nil M\!^f" urro --- 1200 1( » 7HO
ll.i/h Slrect tins !•»(w j nri 7M
Wilkes-Bar re... Arrive 1)10 12 10 4U5 735
Wilkes-liarre...Leave 112 7 25 110.% | 2 15 ( tioo
Hazie Street 72S 10 37 247 002
Sonth WBkes-Barre.. 730 10 40 25 (lift
Plymouth l;erry f732 112 1042 112 2'2 1 t((X7
Button wood T7 35 112 10 45 I 2 54 1 iil>9
Nanthoke 712 H) ft) 301 ul7
« 7~i 10 58 310 (J26
ShlekNliinny I 0 rtl .
Moeanauua / 1107 320 037
K ),,d H ij' 112 8 tt> f11Uf325 I0 42
Wapwallnpeii «io 11 m 331 U47
lieacli llaveu Ferry..
Nescopeek Arrive 818 11 20 342 700
Berwick ) .
k Leave/ ' 8 18 S ll 1342{7 00
KM 11(1(1 3 ii2 700
Klonj town Kerry 112 s 3.1 11l ( I ;,l r7 13
j'Jtpy h'rey Sl2 ril 40 1 It! r7 20
llloninslMiri; >
Kust lil<M>iiiNlmru...,} B 'l7 1150 100 725
Catawlwa Arrive 855 1157 113 732
OatawlsHa Ixsavo 855 1157 413 732
llonring ('reek r»O4 112 12 ft> 112 11» r7 39
V ,y<! .y, i) io rl2 iii 420r 7 46
Danville »
South Danville \ 12 1a 431 751
K ipp's Run 112 (| 10-T 12 20 112 4 35 112 7 56
NN ..iver «.n 112 !) *25 112 12 28 112 4 42 1 8 08
k line s (irove 1 0 27 I' 12 HO 112 4 45 t K 06
Sunlmry Arrive | 0 35 $ 12 40 | 4 55 | 8 16
I Daily. « Daily, except Sunday, l stops
only on notice to Couiluctor or Agent, or on
Hlgual. ® '
Trains leave Sonlli Dnnville ns follows:
i'or I'llislon mill Meranlon,7 II ain mid 221
mill fi . r jo pin week-days; 10 17 ain dally.
Kor I'ottsvllle, Keadlnit and I'hlladelplilft.
I 11 a 111 and 221 pin week-days.
Kor Huleton, 7 n a mand 221 and r,M pm
\veek-<layN. K
I-or l.eu islmr«r. Milton, WillianiHport. I,<>ek
Haven, Kenovo and Kane, 12 15 p ni week*
•lays; |,« M -k Haven only, Si 11 at in and 131 pin
\Veek-diiyH; for WillianiHport and intermedi
ate statttais, 1) 14 ain and 751 pin week-days.
( leartleid, t) 11 a in and 12 15 p m week-days.
For llarrisburg and Intermediate stations.
I.) II a in, 12 I.» pin and 751 pin week-days;
131 pin daily. J '
. For IMiiladelphin (via llarrlHlmrg) Baltl
i more and \N asliinuton, 014 a m and and 12 15
and i 51 p m week-days ; l 31 p m dally.
For I'ittHburff (via llarriwluirg) si 11 a m and
lal p m week-days; 131 p m dally ; (via l,ew
istown junetloii) It 11 a m and 12 15 p m week
days; (via liiiek Haven) Oil a m and 12 15 D
in week-days.
Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars run on
through trains between Sunbury, Williams,
port and Krle. brtween Sunbury and riillo*
delphia and Washington and between Harris
burg, Pittsburg and the West.
For further information apply to ticket
General Manager. Pass'r TrulHc Mgr
OKO. W. Ik)Yn, Oenenil Pass'r Agt.
Easy and Quick 1
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold
water, melt syi lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set. j
Full Directions on Every Package ' *
Banner Lye is pulverized. The can
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "Uses of Batuur.
Lye" —free. J
The Pens Chemical 'Veckj. Phll«it«»W
la toil a
A Most Marvelous
A magnificent flesh food-feeds the skin and im
proves the complexion. Used nnd recommended
t)y ail physicians. I.ATOILA is delightful, Ira.
fte mcritL""" aad ""tisepticKrerytri.il prove*
Free Samples of Latoila may
be obtained at the drug store of
Mrs. J. 11. GOSH CO.,
We Risk It
Druggists Who Sell
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Agree, If It Fails,
To Refund Cost.
Of course wo reimburse the druggist.
You know him, and trust him.
Dr. Miles' Nervine is medicine for youft
It cures diseases of the internal or*
gans, by giving tono to tho nerves whlcli
make these organs work.
It is a novel theory—not of anatomy,
but of treatment; first discovered by}
Dr. Mllos, end since made use of by;
many wide-awako physicians, who ap
predate its value In treating the sick.
If you are slek, we offer you a way tq
be made well—Dr. Miles' Nervine.
This medicine is a scientific cure for
nerve disorders, such as Neuralgia,
Headache, 1-oss of Memory. Sleepless
ness, Spasms, Backache, St. Vitus*
Dance, Epilepsy or Fits, Nervous Pros
tration, etc.
By toning up the nerves, Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine will also curs those
diseases of the Internal organs due tQ
a disordered nervous system.
Some of these are: Indigestion, Bil
ious Headache, Kidney Trouble, Chronlo
Constipation, Dropsy, Catarrh, Rheuma
tism, etc.
"My brother had nervous prostration,
and was not expected to live. I pro
vailed upon him to try Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervine, and now he has
fully recovered. You remember I wrote
you how it saved my lifo a few years
ago, when I had nervous trouble. I
£ reach its merits to everyone."—REV.
[. D. MYERS, Correctlonville, lowa.
pppp Write us and we will mall
JC XVXJJCI you a Free Trial Package ot
Or. Miles' Antl-Psln Pills, the New,
Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symp
tom Blank for our Specialist to diagnose
your case nnd tell you what is wrong
and how to right It. Absolutely Free.