Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, July 22, 1904, Image 4

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flaaa ar» belog completed by lli«
üßoiaU ud director* of th« V. II (1.
A. to Btki the couiioK wioter UMOU
lb* mod Moooufal along all lines of
u; tinoa the Institution has been
Oartog tha iaal few ;aa» various
alterations and repairs have beeo made
Iraa time |o lime, and every effort
pat fortli to keep lo liue with the
oaoaaaltiea of a rapidly growing rneui
bertbip. New boilers were installed,
the bathing faollltles eularged various
forma of a porta arranged and the
bull4lng itaalf pot io the beat possible
■lt* pa.
year four new lookers were
Installed and a number of new pieces
addad to tba gymuaeiuui. In faot
everything ia In Hrat class oouditiou
Tba Danville Y. 11. O. A. building ia
oua of the flu est iu the State aud ia ao
regarded by fiaitora from oot of towu
whoae criticism ou the maguitlceul
building and exoallant equipment Is
■t all times moat flattariog.
It la Ihe porpoae of the direotora the
coming aeaaou to do aome necessary
painting about tha buildiug, to have
tba batb roouis enameled aud lo make
everything up to dale, cleau and neat.
Tba gymnaalnm olaasea should appeal
to uieu and boya of all ages Those
alaaaaa will be ao arranged tl.at they
wilt ba balpful lo averyoue partiui
In tba amusemeul liue much activity
la balng displayed aud many delight-
Jul avauluga uau beapeulat the Y. M
O. A. the comlug winter Kvery
young man In Danville ahould become
m member of tha Y. 11. O. A. It ia
balpful phyeloally,socially aud moral
ly. It Waa established for the meu of
Danville and they ahould aupporl It.
Bofl Who Play on Bridge Huu Riak ul'
Thtlr Liven.
Ueapila all wartiluga ami danger
{Maple will veulureou tliurlvnr Iir IIIK"
rulm. Thai there liua liuuu no aootit
aul Ii uaora due to gooil luuk limn any
thiug alea fui a glauoa at llm two
•pane with their aliaky piera alum lit
detor auyoue from venturing on tliu
The ainall boy a liavu no heaitauny In
ullwbtug about tlui wooitwork. Older
people too. am ofteu anon ou tliu bridge.
Uit availing a number ol amall buy a
awuead lliauiaiilv.a by throwing atouua
galharail from Ilia piera, at a iiutuliur
of iwluuuara lu Ilia liver liulow. Not
aatiafleil with the amall atouua tliuy at
tempted to looattu aoiua of Ilia largo
uiaaoury lu order to ana the liiigu |iiei'ua
fall. At thli tluie, however, Hurguaa
112 ureal happened by anil taking in tliu
daugarone iltuallou at otina aunt for
the polioe. When the ottloera arrivail
there wae but onu boy left and Im hail
Jael olimbed from the bottom of tliu
ttril pier to Ihe bridge.
Life nuil limb are iu danger for tlioau
who wlll.tu taou of the groat riak mnl
repeated warulnga, venture out ou tliu
•twky budge.
Danville Plant Manafltoturiug 100 Pain
"Hobnaili" Daily.
Tb* (Hou faolory ou Uenliu aliuet In
work lug every tiny aud In mooting
With |rati auoooaa In lliti .dlapuallltm
of It* product Tli* plant now nm<
IIIOJTM tV band*, all tueu.aud with th#
*xo«pllau uf lix limy were trained In
to lb* work >1 tlila plane.
"Hobnail*," oniupt laitig eighteen
diS*r*ut alyle* ami ranging lu the re
tell prlo* (row |l.tt to |I.?A a pair
•r* till) ouly klud of *lioe* tuauufact
»r*d at th* Danville plaut. Tilt* *liue
it a**d by minora au>l rollluii mil)
workera Meveral of our dealer* have
lb*iu ou aale aud It la expected they
will uiaat with a ready aato
Vita faolory i« wall equipped ami
III* *wploy*» work wltli every oou
vaalauo* aud uouitort. The dally out
pat ol Ilia plaut I* UK) palra per .lay.
A W*U Knowu Ratldaut of the Beomul
Ward Pai*** Away
Mr a Jau* Ul**road, wile of Oaaiver
UtMroad, dlad yeiterday morning at
• :H0 o'olook at liar lioiue, I tin Oraud
atraal. Death waa eauaed liy a PUMP
plioatlou of dlaeaaea.
Mr*. Dl**ioad waa a u>o*t aatimahle
lady and highly a*l**iued hy all her
Mtnatulauoe* aud frteud*. tteatdea
fcar liuibaud ah* I* aurvlved hy four
dMnltler*. Mr*, lleurge 0. Knwut ami
Mra. William Kvaua of Ihta oily, klra
Wllllaui Jaek-.ott ut Hiyeralda ami
Ml** Uaraii O. Dlicioad uf t*lillait»l
plila, and twu *ou*. William, of New
York oily aud lleujauiiu of I'hlladel
Tli* fuutral will b* held ou Salur
day aflaruoou al ou* o'oloek. Inter
waul iu Vairvlaw oatueleiy.
Hu«| Barwiok.
Thai* ara uow lUIM uieu employed
al lb* a lea I plaut aud about DIM) uieu
at work about the eiitlie worka of the
Aiuarloau liar aud Vouudry tUuupaiiy,
at Barwlek.
Tb* auiouut of earuiuga ol the uieu
tor lh* laat two w*ek* of Juue aa oov
*r*d by Hi* pay laal Saturday waa
9M.OUU. The eutlra earuluga fur the
uiouth of Juue were |Vit.POU Thia
■how* a daoid*d luoreaa* lu the two
w**ki owlug to tb* uatuber of uieu
added and *how* aa wall aa auytbiug
eau tb* bualu*** condition* aa Ibey are
tail uaw airUtug ttwrwlck,
B|)*oial Y. M. 0. A. Siugiuj;.
4 There will be apaolal alugiug al the
open-air weeliug uudwr anaplcea uf the
Y. H. O. A., Sunday afternoon, al
• '••*> o'olook, hy a male quartette, ttoru
Haiwlok, under lb* l*ad*r*)ilp of l*rof.
U. U. Ho war Tin* will be au oppot
tautly ut heanug MMU* excelleul aiug
lug Urarybody invito*. —— ———
The Standard KUctric Light l!uui<
piny completed Ihe work of rnmotiug
Ihe 6MIIN|)B| wirM from |IH» bridge
|»i«r» to tha polea, recently vnclwd ou
both •idtti of the rifir, ou Haturday
Linemao Kdward Hmitifalur waa
aa.-tgued lo the task and lie complel*
ed the work eaaily and >u a remark
ably ahort IIIOH The meaeuger wire
wan put up ou Krida? afleiuoou aud
all waa iu readme** Saturday morning
tor Mr. Kockefellerto begiu work.
lie climbed the pole ou the Daufllte
aide at 7 .15 a. maud worked hi* way
•lowly acroa* the riter. The wire waa
placed iu a boat rowed by Dauiel Kuta
aud takeu up a* uueded The current
wire waa ta*teued to the uir***t>.'iger
wire by ineaua of bracea, there being
about four iuchc* of »pace between
them The trip to South Dautille waa
made without a hi to I. Aa two wire*
are ueoeaanry to complete the circuit,
Liueiuau Uockafeller wa* compelled to
make a rutum trip. At the iioon
hour he had reaohed the third
pier. At thia pome he waa lowered
with a block aud tackle and lowed to
ahore. He waa hoiitted to hia poaitiou
agaiu at oue o'clock aud by tour had
completed the job.
It waa a Uak fraught with a great
element of dauger and the eaay man
tier iu which Mr Itnckafeller haudled
the work brought forth much favor
able comment from the many apm-ta*
torn who liued the hauk watching the
proceediug* during the day
The work an it liow ataud* ia uioat
auhatautial and the chauge waa made
ill ao ahort a time that ttio South Dau
ville rewideiitN were without light hut
oue night.
Nut Altogether a failure - Fariuura Halnud
in Hayiuakiug.
Tim wheat orop while nut no good
aa tu previoue yeare hue provau uiuoli
hatter than wna uiitinipaluil liy tunny
fnruiura. Tim wuntlinr thit rum part ul
tllll NnnHUII wna not ll«l|lflll 111 llll< gl'at II
wliloli IIIMI nliumly boon hllghtuil liy
urn lin ill winter.
I.ator in tlui aunanii, however, wenlh
iir tioiiillliuiiN iihaugtiil mill mmrly uv
nry I minor mil more Wheat llimi Im
mitlui|it»tn<l. Tlmrii urn a IHW who ilul
mil nut in mill mom llimi enough Cm
mmil luii for til I Hint the wheat urtip ia
liy no mnana » failure.
Tim whom 11us uuurly nil liotui nut
mnl HIIIIOIIIIII mnl llm liuiila am U eight
t.v|iluiil n( hnrvuet MIIIO. tin mmiy
(iiniiH tliu giitiu IIHH illready liuuu IUIIIM
ml. Haymaking IIHH IUIUII IIIUHII re
tarilml owing to tliu frequent eliower*
mnl mmiy farmura nru litr huhiuil 111
thin work. i
Wlmnt at raw will liu a |ionr lot tliia
year. Thougli tliu Imnila nru wull till
nil llm Htrnw ia abort, liuttur atraw ie
ux)iunt«il from tliu unta wliiuh atiuin tu
liu thriving wull nud liullunliiina |inliit
tu a good orop. Tim uartti iluapltu llio
nry of Irnil aooii.ln muat inalnnuua tonka
A Fine I'liiun uf Work ami Oniiipluuutialy
Willi the oxueptinu of aouiu ahtiigi
ling atill to he ilium tliu Ittwur uu HI,
Joaeph'a tiatliolin nlmruli la about
uoiu|ile|ed. The towui nait now atauiia
ia a.iiiitguiltmiiil juano uf work and in
tluuta grunt nruilit uu tliu ountrnulora,
Trutubower Warkhelaui.
The tower ia routed with oapper and
ia auruiouutud with a huge gilt uruaa.
The aiilua are of n graviali lint, orna
tUAtlleil with Milliliter oi\iaaua,tlm whole
making up au iuipoatng niHHintanue.
t»tt entering tliu tuw.i from the North
the lower ia uioat nonapiomiua ill ita
beauty and la iu atrikiug contrail to
the former atruoture.
OUR Ul't'lKtiN HillilUl'ißV,
Natiuual (luaril l!uuaiu|iutatit at tlattya
The old atyln Militia Muater Hay
liaa beau the aubjiuit of many a otttttio
pi at ure ami aiury, hut the annual ttt
apuutiou auil enoaiupmuut of the Na
tliiual tlunul ia nownilaya ouniluoluil
iu au untirul.v ililVuruut manner. Tint
uimaiii|unnut la oumluotuil uu the anmo
liuoa aa ui regular army aerviue, giv
ing viaitora a guoil oppurtuitity to
tinm lileaa of regular duly aervloe.
Tim moat iiu|mrtaut part uf the ou
naiu|iimiiii, tliu annual iiiapuutioii. haa
Ueuu arranged for aa tut low a; The lid
Mrlgade ou July Mill, lat Itngaile July
uttli, nml Hit Hi-ignite July DXth. T'hu
tirai lOg I nil' II t of eauli brigade report
lug at ? A. M. ami llm othera follow
ing at lutmvala of two Imuia.
Ueaplte Ihe alrietmuw and Iborowgh
uitUtary ayateui ol tbeae em>atu|mieula
nearly every one Uamioua lu aee bow
their friend* or lolalivea ap|*mr when
ou eauip duly, aud there ate a large
number of vialtor* every day In the
ditfureiil orgaulaallen*.
The I'hiladelpbia Heading Hail
wav la olleriug good iuduvemeul* lo
thoae de*irlug to viall lieltvabuig dwvj
ing Ihe eueampiueul K\eur«ion llek
ela will IH> aold from ihe priuoipal
ti«kel aiatiou* al apeelal tale of aboui
alugle (ate for the round Kip, th<>*e
tlekela lielug aold and good going July
Wd in with aud good in reiurn null!
the atllh. Thete will aUo be a apaolal
one day enewraioua Suudav, July Wlb,
aud Thuraday. Julv »Htb ftvut uearly
•very poiut nf the Heading ftyateiu al
t)aMlal low vale*.
»for full tnh'rwtaliott aa to rale*,
a|>eeial exouraiou«, eln M aee atwall ily
er* nr eouaull t'biladelpliia A Heading
Tiokel Agonla.
Skaiuekm Ymttwi.
; luyervwiau Wavxliop uf tihauioktUt
dwve a pavly ol ladle* to tin* olty
yealetday A lowr tu baud haek oou-,
taiuevl twenty and a Ibtoe wetted (-ar
rtage tv*rritnl nine. The ladvo* apewi
the vlay tw aud abuul Dauvillo. leav
lug fwr Shauiukiu about four o'v^ook
At the annual pit tai« •»! the* P O
0 of A aud F Oof A organiaa
ttone of Moulour, t 'oluuihta and l<u/. •
erne cjuutia*. held at Kliaviitw Park,
u*ar Hloouaaliarg, H«turlar. ih«*r« waa
perfected the organisation of the Fat
riotic Union of Mituluar, t-tilumbia
aud l.uaerue counti*-*
The olijMCt of the organlaat i«»n ia
"The |M*rpetuation of our Ire iu»ntu
tioui through the eultivatlou of the
apirit of fraternity hy the co opera
tlou of the I' O H of A , the P. (J.
of A , the F O T. A , Lulled Am
ericau Mediantea aud th«ir frond* aud
ayuipathurra out*idc of the order."
Auy peraou, uiala o« female child
or adult, who helii-re* in Ihe uatioual
free luatitutioua aud who u loyal to
iiod, our coiuiuou couutry aud our
common *chool» iU'»y hr« ouit- a iu«m
It is cuulemplalcd to call a meeting
of all these fraternities aud their fiiui.
lies aud Irion's of Hie members to
moet auuuailv at Shawmo I'ark or at
such a place as (roui time in liiue may
be designated Three people are lo
onrne prepared lor a piouic and a
epleudld fraternal anil suulablu liuie.
Thiough Ihe of jHMtple hav
lug this oue common ami and object
uiuch gold may be accomplished and
Ihe work of the nation's free luslitu
lions facilitated and their foiiudalliius
more llrmly laid.
The follow lug uauied nltlcors were
elected: President, I'rol. A 11. Imsli
et, of llerwlck ; vice president, A II
Kitleiihouse; treasurer, A. II Kline,
of Oatawi»*a; Secretary, Mrs Iriaaie
lless, uf llerwlck
'l'lie picnic was very largely attain!
Ed, uearly all the organisations iu Ihe
dislrlctheiugreprescnt.nl, with Her
wick having the largest teptcsenla
lion. B|ieeehuiaknig and a general
guild liuie marked the ila.v
Ami aa it Kumilt tlui Ulltlre Hunk uf Ilia
Oiitttl Wita Hluwii Oil' lluallt W.ia
ttiiii ill tliu moat ahouking nlfnira Hint
uviir uuuunoil 111 llm l u\vnullt|i uf Unity
TII', linln in Inn iiiiuitty, tiliuut at* mI IUM
aliuvu Muni vll 111. Ilit|l|iii||iiil II hull t all
o'ulonk yuatunltiy morning, when Joa
o|ili Kliiigurnuiu I'luluil liU lllu by
ahoolliig hllu»olf 111 llio imiulli Willi it
ill Hit MIIII
Aiimit tinti pwat i| VII it'uliiuk llm 11 1111
ilrmi limtt'il l imir lather mill uiiilliur
lull, IUM Hhtinlv itfturwurila Mix
Kliiiguruiitu timan mnl wnni iluwn
atnlra lo |ii'o|mru ilm IIIIIIUIIIM IIIUIII A
fuw int n ll t im liitni' Mi Kltiiituiuntil uiit
u|i mnl went down alalia tutu HII out
kltuhuii Nut itliit'u Until Inn uiittutna
had ulapaml wliuu Mra. Kltiigurman
ItuMril H ttiulTlurt repot i in ilm niitkiinh
uu 'rititik lllH it Ittrgu orouk 111111 lull
uo from it almll aim wont nut lu aun,
wliou aliu ftmml llm liuily tif lint' liua
hand, ttltuttily ilonil,
Her liillTltletl nrina i|ii(okly lii'tmghl
her ohlldrun In tliu aiiuiin, Inn na lifu
wna already emlnot nulltlng onu lit Im
iluuu 'l'liu right bun I una |inwdui
huvitud na wna itlaii llm lllilUllt, alinw
tug that Im hail planed tliu mitaalu ul
the gun iu Ilia tttuttlh wltttn llm the
ulinrgn wita iiimln, Tliu luutivu fur tliu
raali ilenil ia nut knnwn
It.i Klingurmnii wna it litrmur mnl
rnaitlud hut n linv nillua Ivuiii Hlinnimia
town Uu wna liftv tliinu vuitra ol ngu
ami ia ani'vlvod hv it wlfu, tlt run
daughtiira anil two anna,
liiiat I'tvu llntaua Wltllttl II VtMtf, lllU liilat
Utle tljfitnt YimltmlltJ,
A luuan liulungltiM lu Wtllinm Hlul
lor, V<illov tnwitahttii illurt at tUovnuta
nliout twu u'niuok voaiunlit.\ miiiuing
ll wna tlimiglil Hint tin* u\nn»al*n hunt
onu mil Ita aiulilnu iluittli
Mr, Miettar Int* licun pmMmiliu'ly
unforlumtlo tlnv |Mt«» ywtr, having luat
live linraea (luring ihiti pnrlnd, the ag
glogati; loaa lining a built •UiHV The
hnrae Inat ynalerday morning waa one
ol a valuable team, tin* male dying
but a uiouib ago
A Silcui I'llei.
Nothing heliw an much in Ilia enjoy
»uenl of yttvif vacitlinu than a good
map II aliow* .vow the alivama ami
lake* you can ll*li, lho unmniain* ynn
nan ollnih, ilio place* of iuioic*i you
oau vlalt and llu* road* you can wheel
or tramp Tim l.aokawanna llatlwatl
ha* Juat iaaund a ant ol colored map*
on a largo aoale, allowing Die loniluiy
n>aidmd by ii» line* in New York,
New Jeiaey and IVnn*vlvania Tlloa
map* give uvmy highvvitv, poaloillee,
irolle.v lino and railroad and mo an
houml thai ihey ean he enuvoulenil ,v
earrled iu Hie pnokoi Olnvy art* in
valuable In automobile tnwfWt* and
iraeleia aud abould be owned Ivv eveiv
one who wiabe* lo be tuloiuied on Ibo
geogtapli.v of tlieao li\ree *laloa The
enure aet in a neal oover mav lie had
Ivy aemling len oenl* iu *laiop* lo 'l\
VV, Itee, iiemnal IVannger Vgviit*
l.aekawauna llailroad.New York k'ii.v
The Kdition la l«uuiled Wule lo
U Wa»a« Avlve»li*emei»l.
A iHu«plriug leveling man, Ihe
*peeie* ol the sioubio ehiu ami geneial
air of good lollnwabuvlngging aamplo
ea*«* liiat bowed hi* nhouldeva, wa*
erteuiug Main *lrvet al tlie Kxebange
Hotel, tilumu»burgv Ihe oilier tlay>
when he *nddenlv *tomv»vd. plaeed hi*
on tlie »>aved *Ueet ami laughed |
long and heartily lo bimwlf, A
HWm»hurgov \*a»*ing by, aeeing no 1
oee**un* lor tin* awdden nwthuttt ol!
lueriiuiem, wwndeivd ilmieal, when
Ihe atrauger addio<*ed bun ansl ro
markwl i " IStvvlon me, luutor, bel
ihu at loot eaiolm* mv e.\e, did J
aotwe ttvvu plaw it Iter*, a* aw adver j
uiwvweut | oaw wo wo mew ol \t in 1
ti»o ioww, ,v
IMiiwg wp early in ihe mxvrttiwg
tb**o day* t* wot *o muoh ol a \**iwv\
or rather it v* a s va*v of making a \lt
mu—tn Mi
lu I'arlitiuu l« tlx I oar I uf Cum
lit oil Plw ul Montour t'ueoty, u |i M
null uf Uan V Kline, widow of Jul.n
U Kliu* da. .**. C plaint i> against
M Una aud Miuui* V liaae
hi* «il>. Jul.n Kuuyau au.l lltmin
K. Kuuyau lil* wit*. In right of mid
J|»< y lease .lid Margai.t
''«» tils wile. in right uf Mid vi( a<
Wtllard f.itvriueu and harah Keller
mail Ins wi(u, lu rtghl ul aald wila,
Ol.arles (Jreiksheuk and I.lllian Uruik
•hank lila wife, In right of aald wife,
lu nursuauje ul au urder uf Ilia afura*
-all Oaarl MM uuderatguad will as
laiau IN publio mU upuu Ilia |if am ia<a
hereluafler dealguated aa I-ul No I
situate at Ilia uurlhaaateru lularsaetlou
ul llliurch auil Watai .treats la Ilia
Kiial Waid ul ilia itoruugh of liau
villr, Muutour Oouuty, I'iuua uu
Saturday, July agrd, ,904,
beginning al iwu u'eloek lu ilia after
iiuuu »l iliu aaid day, all uf Ilia ful
lowing I bed preuileea. reepaetlve*
Ir. UIIIIK all of Ilia laal aatata lu Ilia
•aid I'arlilluu proceedlugs meulluned,
lo wll.
I.OT NO I-All llial certain waas
euge, teueiueut aud luwu lot of laud
aiiuaia iu Ihe Kirst Ward of Ilia Hor*
uugh uf liauvllle, lu Ihe tlouuly of
Muutuur aud Hlale of feuusvlvaula
liuuoded aud described as lollows.vii:
Hugluuiug al Ihe uurllieasleru luler
sr. tiuu uf tlhurch aud Water streets,
I lieuce lu a northwardly dileollua
along Ilia easteru side of Mid Olmruh
stiuul into huudrud aud slity Ave foci
lu an sllny, lliuuue aloug said alley lu
au . astwardly dlrucllou Mfly fuel aud
tlit lUl luches In the uurthwu*l»ru cor
uor of another lot of the hulrs of Jamus
K Dnult ilucuasud, Iheui'e aloug the
•aid laal iiiuutiuued lot lu a south
wardly dltiHillou uuu huiidr.'d and
silly nun fuel In Ihe snatliwesteru
num.'i ul thn said last uiuulluund lul
on thn uottheru side ul Water street
afuruaahl lliuuue lit a wnslwardly ill
rent 101l aluug the iiurlhnru side uf said
Water street, lift y feel tu the said
llUltliesatnril lulutseulluu uf tlhurch
mill Wal.u alreela, Ihe plain uf begin*
ulug, Willi Ihe appurtenances, and
whoruu|Miu are erected a
mul ullmr liaiial outl>ntl<lln M «
l,l>T NO, U Alan thai iiirtalii umaa
align, luilcimiiil m>il town lot wf land
ailmtlii 111 llm Viral Ward uf tlm il.n.
»"•«'< "( Dniivlllii 111 Dim Oouiily u(
Miuiloiii mnl Huin uf Cmiiiay UaulM,
liuiiiiiliiil mill i|i>m«i|limit aafuliuwa. vlai
III<HHII<II<M tlm iiurlluuii alii 11 u|
atruut Ml M| Ml 1111 filly hint f,nlu
llin nnalnriialduuf tlhuruliMlrnni at Him
r>ihi 1 liiMialhi 11 minim nf ulliur lul nf Hid
Imlra »l •Imiui'h V llnnii iluiiunaiiil laal
lin in 111 Iml Hi ii iliiaiiflliiiil, thuunn 111 *
mil HIM mill v il 11 ■«>! Inn along aalil laal
Kii'illliiiiml lul 111111 liuiiilnrit Mini alaly-
Klin feet 111 an alley, tlimn-n In mi uaal >
WMl'llly llll<l<<ll<lll mIiIIIM aft 111 Mllll v I Willi •
IV llvi< hint mm Mini nun half innbna in
llm nurthwnatuiii uurilMl ill Miuilliur lul
ul llm lull I'M uf .Imiiiia ll* I limit ilmiiiMa
KililllliUUii mlohm llin mmlil laal umiillmi
ml lul in a amilliwarilly illreclluii mm
liiinitriiil ami Mtly nlim fuel m iim
MiliilliwiiHluril mii'iiur uf mmlliiir lul uf
I liu Imira uf ilaiima V, llimu iliiuiiaanil
1111 lim liiirllinrii alilii uf Waini' alraut
Hfurnaitlil, 1 limine mlu 11 m Dm iinrilinrii
aliln uf an I.) W mlii i' almnl In m woat-
WMl'llly illincMmi trinity llvn funl In
llm aniiilitiHalni'ii mil nor uf |||« ul lmr
lul ,if llin littlm uf JMlima V, llnnn ,ln.
nniiand I Mai Immlnliulora duaiirlliinl, Him
I'IM"" nf t«<HliiiiliiM.Willi llin apptiriun
litlT NO, II Alan all iliat nnrialn
uiuaamign, tvimnmilt Mild luwil tut uf
mill aiiiiMin 111 llm Viral Ward uf llm
Hnriiiigli uf llmiivillk,ln tlm Onuuly of
Muitlimi' Mini Hlmlu nf I'aiiuaylyMliln,
liuiiliiiuil miiil dnaiirllmd aa folluwa,y|*i
Ili'Mlilliliig Ml tlm amiHinaalitrii curiinr
ul Miinllmi' lot of llm liuir* uf .Unma
I' I'MMIt ilucnMacd Ual bnrnlnbnfiirn dn
aiirlbml mi tlm nni'tlinru aliln nf Walur
aitcci. tliuiicu In a ncrlliwanlly dlrnm
Hun Mlting llm aald laal mniillonnil lul
nun biindrnil miiil Hfly nlim fnvt in Mil
itlliiy, llinncn Mluug aald alln* In all
tmalwMiilly dlruntliin Iwnnly ftyn fanl,
iiuc Mint mm Imlf luclma to lltn iiurlln
wcatniit unrimr nf Mimilmr lot uf llm
Imlra 111 ilMiima K Dunn dmmaanil,
llmium In a aoulliwaitlly tlirutiilun
itlnilg llm aald Ual mnulluimd Int una
buiuimd Mini lltly anynn fnnt In llm
Muutliwnatnl'ii cnrimr nf aald laal nian>
tloimil Int tut llm uorllium aliln of
Walci alinnt aromaalil, llmitcn alung
llm urn I but it atitu ul aaltl Walar almnl
111 M wnalwnidly dlrncttou Iwnulv «yn
fimt lu llm auutbnaaturii ttornnr uf tlm
lot nf llin Imlra uf .tamna V, Donn, tin.
tinaanil, Uat Immlitbufom ilnacrlbnd,
llm pUcn uf bnglnuliig, wlilt Ibn ap
liOT NO, 4 Alan all Iliat carlaln
umaiMtvigu, tnimiunul and town lot nl
mid alliiMtn tu llm Klrat Ward uf Mm
lliimtigb nf Dmiivlllu, In tlm Omiulyuf
Mutiluur and Htaln uf ISninaylVNiila,
bouitibid and itnacrlbud aa hdluwa.vlai
I leg liiiilng ai llm aoullmaalaru curunr
of tlm lot of tlm Imlra of Jamoa V,
Dnnti, dncnaatnl, laal baraiubaforn du>
acrlbnd tut tlm nnrlltaru alda nf Walnr
almnl. llmitcn along tlm aald laal mnu>
llnimtl lot lu a northwardly tllmclloa
nun bumtinit and Itfly anvvii fanl lo an
alley, Hitmen aluitg aaltl allay In an
cMMWMNtIy dlvnctlmi twnuly Hm fwit,
nun Mint mm lialf lunlma lo Ilia nm ili
wwalnni unrimr ol a toi of ibn Imlra of
Mittgaint DnuUidnnnaatiil, llinncn along
aalil laal minillonnd lot In a aoull"
WMiillv ill t net inn mm btiuilmil and
Inly nun ami nun half funl lo IhaaoMlf
jvnalttni unt'imi' nt aaltl laal itmnilonnd
lul mi tlm nortlmin atiln of Walnr
aluml, timncu along tlm unrllmrn aliln
n( aaltl Wain a true I in a wnatwanlly
iHleclinti twnuly IWn tent In tlm mint It
naateiu Cjinmr of tlm otlmr lot of tlm
bulla of .tamna V IWn. dacnaantl, laal
bmeinlHilnm itnanrthnd, the ptaeu nf
begiuutug, with llm appurtnnanena
1,1 it NO A Alan all lltal curtain
uieaaaugn, teimnmHl and town lot ol
and aitiiatn in tlm Viral Want of llm
lltthtitgb of Ibtnvllla, m lit* tVnnly ttf
Mtnilour ami Htatu ul tViiuayl«aiila,
ben tilled ami ilcwitlbnd aa hilinwa, via t
lleglniHug at the nortlmaalnrn coruer
nf Int now nwimit Ivy tVrdelta R Vau
glblet on tlm anuthnin aide ttf Vronl
alrnet. Ibeitcn aluitg llm aouthatu aldu
111 aald ViMUt at met tu an naalwar>lly
dllectlou twmtty Hvu Ivet leihemiilb.
weateru collier ol aunlltnv lot of Ilia
belt', nt Jantna V I Wnu, ttm>na»nil.
llinncn along aald laal nmitlitvimd lot
111 a aouthwatvlly dlmcttun nun bun
divd and twenty Hvn Met to an alley
at lite anuthwuatevu cotunr Of aald laal
utenilonett Im, llmnee along a«ut alley
lu a weatwatilly diruciimi Htty llimu
leel iinnv or Inaa, to tlm anutbnaatuiw
cntnet ol tlm aald lot of IVttleUa R
\ angtldev, limine along aald laal men.
innictl tot in a northcaalwatrdly dime
lion one buudlvd and twauly alx tent
lo tlm notthoaatum vsvrtmt ot aatd laal
menttonnd 10l on tim aoaiimut aide ol
Hottl at met alomaald.tlm iv)at>« of b*
;«v»»atigv, inuemnut and town 10l ot
mid annate in tlm Viral Ward ttf tltu
IWttgb of Oauvtlle, tu tba tVattty
ol Montotn and Hialnol tVuttaylvawtiC
bounded and ilwtlM aa tollowa, to
wil twinning at tlm nottlmaatetit
of Ibn oitmt tot ot tba tmira ot
jlauto, » IVeti, d»,v*aa»it. laal baratn
linbon deaenbud on Ibn mvatlmnt aldu
ol t ( >mt at tv»t, t bnnon al.vng tImMl It
etu »ntu ot Vtvui atvnnl tu an naai
\vardly dit>«otton twuniy Itw baut to
tbn notibwnatatn .svtami of a l«t tfth*
\« * aontbwatiily dtiwott«M oita ban
I ** auaili w aai*f 11 twiwi af aaid lad
I I"?'"""* 1 l4 *. "«-«-» l«i a w.etward
i / •*«»* aald allay Iwalilyr
•*e laal to U.* aoelheaat.-rn iwiiw u l
Hi* »U»ai lot of ,j„ |„ lr> „112 i,— rr )r
Dee*. deoaaaad. laal In in.,b. for. d.
!«"lUd, ilirw* abut aaid laal am
liuued tot la a northwardly dira. lieu
; oil* Imiidrvd and Iwrul; |i« | H | U)
Mia uortlwaaial u Miu iuf 11,* |„t of
| Urn liana of Jao.ua K IW. u. decaaa. d.
i lael herelubalur* daaciiUd U.. |ila<*
■ beginning. wltli Uia appurw-nauosi*
lAJT NO. I- Alau all llial certain
iaee*aug*. I. uvu>< ul and trail of laud
elleau 111 lit* Towuehip ol Vall«y in
Ilia t Vuuly of Moul..ur and Hlala of
reuusylvania, bueu-ted and dea. rii.ad
aa follow*, via: fc.ginning al a *u.u.
lu a private road al Uia turner of laud
of Uia Mlale of Jolin H Huvder, d*
ceased. thenca along aal.l privet* road
and laud uf Kll Applemeu uutili alt
and on* tialf dagtre* w> .1 forty ulu>-
part he* lo a sluue along another rua.l I
tlieuie eluug aald la*l mini liiuad road I
uurlh seveuly eight drgrce* aaat one
|iaroli lo a alone lu Ilia laal tuauiioued
road aud lu llua uf laud ul Mm aaid Ml
Appleuiau.Uieute along aald la*t mcu
liouad laud of Kll Applemeu north *!• '
aud one half tlegreee weal one hundr.-d I
aud two perohea to a atom, tu llu« of
laud uf l*ewle Hon aud Tlmiuaa Dyer,
IheuiH eluug aaid laal ruentloti. d laud
uf MWII Hurl AIJII TIIUIUM Oy«r iioriti
•lily one degrees weal forly eig and
Ave tenth paribus lo a|iiu» at a corner
uf laud of Nalhaulal K. iiuett, Iheu. a
aloug aald laal tueutluimd laud of
Nathaniel lieuoetl auutli five and oua
half degruaa east una hundred and oua
•u4 two lentil liarolia* l!l a aloliß lu a
road, lh.m « aloug Mid la»t infill tun.
•d land uf Nalhaulal lliiuunll auutli
aavau aud one-half dugriwi nut thirty*
•ll and oua laulli tieruhoa In a atone at
• iionwr uf laud uf t'ali>r Kuuli.tln uua
• ItJllH Mill lilt IlH* 11111 Hi t* it Imilt (if
HeUr Kiadi mirth auvmiy iiltflil and
Ihraa fuurth dugiuua i<«a| forty thii'.i
aud four li'iilha |H<inlm< lo thn aald
•toiu> In the Mid |irlval.' roail, tin
plMiu ol hxglniilug, tinnialiilng thirty
uliin a»tua ami auvnuty two Unrsltus of j
laud, Willi thu a|i|iurli uain'i>*.
TKIIMH or HAI.K i—Twuiily llvn
i*>r rent of the purchasu ninucy shall
be paid lu cash al llm striking iluwu
UL (he ruspeetlve pru|H<rlles iiud thu
halauce thereof shall fin paid upuii tin
cnullriiiatluu ahsulttie uf such rue pun.
live sales. Dniuls thniefur nh all he
I'mauMiit tom linanlnllun In aimli Imlialf imaaiul by tlm Town (Jouuoll of
Mm lliirniigh of Daiivllln, Minituiir Iluiiuly, I'tuiua., tlm i|Ualltlail aUutor* of
llin aalil IturniiHli nut linrnhy ilnly mil I flint miiil rni|ulrml |o uiaat *1 tlinlr r»-
xpnnli yn pUnn* ilnalHllitlnil liy law fur llin holding uf luunlulpal alacllou* lu
UIM aevcral ami rna|M>iil Ivn WNrila nf llin hmlil llnrun||li of Daioilla, ou
Tuesday, August 2d, 1904,
liatwnuii llin liuiira nf anvnii u'lilunk In llin fnrnnooii Mint anvau o'ulook In tlm
aflnriiiitin uf llin aalil ilny, anil lluirn ami limn by tluilr voln* lo algulfy lliulr
aaannl or <llaaunl til llin rnpOHiitl Inornaan Of llin IngMl Imlnlitnilunaiof tlm aalil
lliirmi||li nf llauvllln, liy anil In tlm ainuiiut, anil for llin apnfllHo purpoina
linrnliiMftni ant full li, rnN|itmtlviily,
Of lin aniiiiiiit uf lliu liml. iiaaiiaaiiil valiiallnti, of tlm aninoiil of tlio uxlatlug
ilnlil, uf llm amount ami pgftinutNgu of tlm |iru|iuMinl Inrruaan, ami of III* pur
|iuaii for wlilnli llin lllitablnitlinaN la til lin Imirnnaml, rna|innllvnly, aa relating to
tlm aMlit llnrtmgli uf llmivllln, umnpiituil Nncnrtlliig lo llin provlilou* ol tlm
Ac| of Aaamnlily 111 audi apncllln liulinlf niMitn Mini provided.
A, Tlm miiiiiiiiil nf tli« liiai naait*acil vmlomlloii, liy Ward*, la m* lollowa:
Viral Ward 1H77.H77.00
Hnmiiul Wmil 888,840,00
Third Ward ~,, Nini. 840.00
Vtmrlli Ward H80.11t.00
Total Maanaainl vmliinltuii s< 1178.8711,
11, Tlm miiiiiii ii lof llin nxlatlliK dnlit la mm follow*:
Itinimgh •Hii.noo.oo
Wglnr ~,,, 77,(KM).00
Total amount uf eglatlng lltirougli ilobl ———■ IIIH.BOOOO
Krtini w It lull Him followliiK am In Im deducted:
(Ml Mutiny* 111 Uoruiigh treaaury ~ 10.1U1H.A4
(111 All oiilalMilillliit aulvniil itiiltlM, lo wit,
dun from (I. W. MUna, Tax Rnnnlvnr,
I HMO Mil, Bl
Htm from K. W. I'ntnra, Tax Ummlvnr.lHOl,
I MOD mill IWOH, ~,,,,,,,, IIIHH. 10
(it) All ollwr revenue* applicable within
mm year, In llin payment nf *uoh In
itnblmtlluaa In will
Itiirough Tax 9IU.OUU.hh
Don Tax Itlll.oo
Walnr llnnla ~,,,, HOOO.OO
Markul Tax, WIH.OB
Hltarw nf liquor llcenan* ~ U07H.00
Olty Hull rniiia itoo.oo
Milk llnctiuKtM, no.oo
IHtltt llnnuana 1100,00
Tbualra I Icenaea ~,,,,,,, UOO. 00
Total amnuut nf available tturough aaanta |44.Dyt).fto.
Ilalaimn of uxtalliig llnroiiiili debt In ux
cuaa uf aunlt avallahln aaanta 148.117a.44
Ordinary oonatltnlloual and alalntnry limit
nl llimm«li ImlnblotlnnMM $47,878.44
Amount In nxnnaa of nnnatltiilluiiMl Mint
alalulory limit of ItoroiiKli lliilnlilnd
linaa |«l.000.00
U. 'l'lm aninunl. and itnroi'iitaiiu of llm |iro|Ntaad luotaaa* ara r*a|Mollv«-
ly, aa followa in will
III) Aiuount ul limuman 101.000.00
IVrtmnlatin of InoruMan ,0*144
IV Tlm |iurpuanM lor wlilnli llm aalil liidnbtnilimaa la lu Int llioa luuraaaad
am rnapnotlvnly, aa Inllttwa!
O) Tlm autumn nratimo wnu y-ou« tlioiiaanil dollara (ffl.000) of aaoli
limrmtan of Imlnlilndimaa la fur tlm |ttir|inaonf protmrly fundlnn aud aaoarlugth*
nxlMllUß Imlnlilndimaa nf tlm aalil ItnrotiKli »' l»aii»lll« In axonaa of Hit ordin
ary ouuatllulloual and alatntnry llmltiillnn
(ill Tlm aMinunt or au>v. of Twnlvn TltituaMltd (lIt.WW) dollara of anoh In
oroftan nt Intlnltlndimaa la for llm pnr|Htan nf nrnctln* or InMlalllttß, <M|Ulpplu(,
npntallitH and malulalnluK In propnt ooiltUllon aud rnpatr a mnulnliial, rlao
trio Hultllng plant wltli all nf llm imunaaary, pro|Htr ami uauMl oqalpmanta,
apiMtlnlttmiila. a|tpllam>ra ami ntippllna wliataonynr coiU|il«t«, all lo b« owned
ami ttjmralnil Ity llm aatd Miii-uti«lt •> Daiivllln aolnly, for ilia purpoaa of geo
nmimlnolHi'inii, lurnlMlilim, pro«ldtu« ami aopplylug alootrlalty aud
nli><\lrlo livtlit lor tiropntly H||l<ll»r anil lllumlnallng tlm auvnral borougli
Iml Id Ilium iHttMUKIt pmiwrly, alumta, laima. it liny a Mild all otliar public plana*
ami parla of, in, and nmlnr llm txmirol nf, tlm aaltl llorough of Danyllla.
(ill Tlm amounl nt miiui of KlKlttnnit Tlmtiaand (|IB.WX)) dollara of inoli
tMMAH ot imlnlilndimaa la for tlm pur|H'an of prttpnrly grading, curbing and
t«tlttil lltal porlltm of Mill almnl, in tlm aald llorouglt of Uauylll* from Ilia
mitilmttt nnliaiti'c lo llm brltlKn nvor tlm Mtimiimlianua Hlyar to llm nortlmrn
ItMlldlng Hun of tVnlnr atn>nl aa prnylilnd for by a curtain Ordluaucn of Ilia
aaltl lltmtiiglt of Daiivllln, apprnwid May H!ird. A. D., IIKM, ai wall aa tor Ilia
grading, curbing ami |iavittg of auolt otlmr at rant or atraata part or
paria lb*n*>f, ivapmvtivnly, xvltliln llm llmlta nf llm aald Uoroaggh of Dan
vllln, aa llm aald Town Council by proper Ordlnaitcn In auoh Imlialf duly an*
act«d may Imivalior dnlnrntlnn tt|H\tt from limn to tint*.
Wy of tlm Town tVuncll and aa appinvnil by th« Ulilnf Hurgaaa o
Ibn llorouglt <»L Dattvllln, I'm.
Jstwrnlary of ihnHorough of Danvllla,
Ht«ti iXwtMlabln of tlm llorouglt ol Daiivllln.
UwmmU Ukawbar, Oily HaU Uaavtlla, »%.. la«a g| t not.
I duly alecatad and MLTITM If MM
I u» Il*t |i rnimin
I'" r.-of a|«m aa. l. noatraiatiaa aUe
lata aud Um naya»e«i «| all parol. m*
louuey, and tba ouata at •riling aaoli
d.-*"la ekaU b* paid by Mcli reajwtir*
i pariliaMa
hdward Hayr* tiaarliarl. Ooauaal
Ntiaiif « nn«, Uaotill*. Fa .
Jau* I ttli. I got
WILL uenove
Mr Dramballar Will Ball lit Metal ig
Thu Oitj-Foidutfed Tratsaet
HSUM, luaburj
Oliver Uruuilietlai.proprietor of Ho
tel Oliver, haa daoldod lo aall hit bo
-I*l property aud rawova to Haabary.
Mr. Draiuhallar will luelsda In Uia
aala of Uia liotal all farattaia, •ataras
aud alnok ou hand.
Mr Draiuhallar raoaolly put aliased
the Tieiuout Hoasa ou Uia oaiuar of
Third aud Aroli straala, Haabary. Ha
will remodel Ilia slraolgra. Ilia plans
fur which are b«lug prepared by Arch
itect 1. II Hruglar of this oily. Aa
additional story will be added lo III*
hulldlug uow •landing aud • three
alury addition built. Tlta hotel will
contain SO guest rooms all handsomely
furnished end having modern Improve*
rußiile. When completed Ml. Dram
heller will have one of the beel equip
ped hoetelrles lu Ihls seolloa.
Pkld Flo* Mil OMU.
The gypsy who was arrested aud
placed In llin look-upon Toesday eveu
lug was brought before Justice of the
I'nace Ogleiby al it o'olook yesterday
uiiirnlug, charged with drnukenuess
and dlaordmly conduct. The mau gave
his uaiiui as "Hal Hrowu" aud object
ed to thn dun and coals of ulua dol
lars. After having been given Ihe al
ternative of heltiif committed lo Jail
fur Hit days lie |>ald Ilia auiounl.
MITT : H¥fi IfiN
Compaay K. I Mil Hagluwnt, N. U.
I*., will IMT, (or (lie annual encamp
■ml il Uattysbarg ou Friday
tug tHiil, July tl lltpuia Uaarhsrt
will take villi Iniu the largest «o<a
pauy lliM >,n MUoiM euoaapawut
tram Uau.llU, tularlst M M. tlx
(all ' oaplimiil of llta company,
(loaipany t this yaw nova tu auearnp.
■wul la a vary Jabtlsul wood owlug
to tla good show I tig made at lis last
IBSpaotloo, wliloli gives II llie rank of
ll'lrd la tba rsgimeut.
Oaptaiu Ueorharl's commlsstou sx -
ptra, ou Novum bar 4th ueit and lis
was especially duslrou. that Oompsuy
¥ should wake a good sliowlug this
year. The intuit, however, was hol
lar lliait expected,as the oompauy pre
oeding last luspeolloa labored under a
bad liandlaap owing to the floods,
whlsh rendered the Aruiory t,ußt (or
drllllug aud by taklog away tits
brldgas mode It Impossible tor the
members to get together for a month
or more.
During five year, past ttampauy IT
has baeu sliowlug up very well. for
three years Ills oompauy stood second
aud daring tba last two years third.
This Is gratKylog In view o( the (not
that In !MM It was a qae.tlou wheth
er Company V would be able to hold
Its plana lu the organisation owing to
the (act that aloug with some others
lu the rsglmaut II had (alleu below
the standard. The boys got a vigorous
"hustle ou," however, aud now, II
would seeui, tlta oompauy is in the
Uuard to stay.
Two or Three Uarriagdi Upiet - V/oineu
Fainted. '
(Jherlne Peralng. formerly of II .l|>ho
townihlp, Northumberland i:uunty,
who had beau aojourolug 111 th« wait
for aoui* time, waa buriu.l l'ue«day at
the liulhnrau oliuich near Kued'n 3ta
(loo. During (he mivloii a trlgli(fol
■torui oauio up, upaettlug two or three
oarrlagea mill (orrlfylug (he entire oou
gregatlou. A number of wouieii faint
ed, but no one waa aorlouily lujurod.
The ilorougli la having the Ueiitor
atreet bridge repainted. Kobeit U.
, Miller la doing the work.
„ „ _ A.M. A M A. H. P. U
N»W Yum 111l .... 10 00 lit
P. M.
HornuUiu 0 17 I |4i
liiilTftio iv ii mi 2 4ft
* N.
Hr run lon ar 66H lOU6
A. M. A. M. P. 11. p. M
koranton Iv tag) «io 10 ti oo *lll
Taylor a<4 1017 ioi aw
f.aakuwKuiiH 950 lull alO IM
!»«'/•• ma 10im iu mi
PIMMon KM ion >l7 it;
mi*t|Ualiaiiiia Ava 701 10 *7 111 aM
Wuai Plttatoii 700 101l Ila 701
Wyoming.... 710 10 40 1117 7U!
forty Port tai
Haunatt 717 10M ill 7la
Kloaaton 7M 10M 110 711
Wuf«-8a,«.V......ar 710 II IU IN U
Wllkaallarre v 710 low IN lit
Kliigaiou,., iv 7* 10M fM 7*C
Plymouth Juao
Plyluoutb >w not in IM
Nautlook* 7ia 1111 iu m
Hunlouk'a 711 1110 IM til
Hblokahlnny lot nil !» 7"
L" uk S£*"? »n >ll la 110 not
Haaoli Ha van I ill 11 <h 117 aOl
Berwick. * »« IIM 111 1
Hrlaroraak rail .. ~ raw
Willow Urova KM rati 111.
liluia Hldga 110 riliw aw rait
gw■■■■■ 111 lais toe n<
Blooiuaburg IN 11 a hi I«
Oalawlaaa Sua 11 mm Its
(••"villa •10 111l ill .1
t'amarou 11l rut? tin ..
Norlbumbar'd ar *lO 110 100 I.
A.M. A. M. P. M.P. >1
Noruiuutnarl' •• u tiooo titOHli
"arnaroo 107 NUirili
Dnnvllla '... .. 707 1011 111 Oil
Catawlaaa ill low 1W 111
'ill iSS SiS k
wfTi* *" NM tl'»
wiiiowurovii nia ..... moo
Hrlaroraak 7M nil tn
Harwlolj 717 llUft IH |T|
Haaub Havan 101 111 1} IM 111
l'J«ka Carry 11l fill# lua 10
Hhlokahlnny IU 1111 i*n NM
Huulook'a.f, in ..... 111 "S
Naiidooka Im till iu »H
A von dale ill IU 7n
Fyiuoulh., .IM I 111 117 iw
I'lymoniliJuuo.,,.... lit ... ,au .
K(u«ton ar 111 ll« 100 7 n
W kaa-Barra ar 110 1110 110 IK
Wllkae Barra Iv 110 IIM IM IM
Klngaton Iv au im IM TM
: j - J!? to
Buaquahannn Ava ... 11l 111l IM Ttl
i-lltatoo 11l 1117 | M aoi
i^o r f««na.v;.v.v.v. !S ::::: JS .7.
!" v:«: ,!1 r
Homo ton ar 111 lIM iu iai
A. M. F. M. P. M
•oraalon... Iv luag |IM .... II l>
Buffalo ...ar IM *'»#:
A. M. P.- M P.M A M
Boraaton Iv 10.10 11.40 |HHt «ll ui
„ , F. M. F. M F.M A.M
New York „,ar «ao ton lot am
•Dally, (Daily aiaaptHanaay.
IHtoiw ou aliual or ou nolloa to OOUIIukIoi
a SMpa on alioal to tab* on paaaaniara lu,
T*s v uMif h,, " u ' u "v. 1 -
Uan. HuixrlutaiiHaul liali. • i>
Philadelphia a*
Reading .ria,:'ay
IN HrritllT MAY !»i
II K a. m. ai.4 I.la
ror Naw York 7M. ll:M a. in. and a.M v
Vor Ualawlaaa ll:iei a. ui, and I J) p. u.
Cor Bloomaburg 11:10 a. m.and I.IU a. n.
Vor Mil lon 7AI a. m„ and l:&l p. m.
rnr Wlillauami iTina. u„ and 10a a ,
I<aave Fblladalplila 10:11 a. in
Laava Wllllania|»rt IU:Ma. u„ l:M >• i>
l«aava Mllutu («.I7 a. ui., Ma p. m.
l»« Blootnaburit Tilt a. m., i.ia p u
l«aavaiMtawlaAat:Ma. m.. liM p. m. ,
A laalaipraaa train from Haadlai I'araiu
I'niladalplila to Naw York avary boat Ir. a
laS '* " l " n * H rvioa raly i
...AT I.ANTIC CITY K. H From I baatuut
Blraat an! Moulb Htraal Karrlaa.
AJitAJPrWO OITV-T.au aa. ■«,. M|„ |«« .
M: **'(*>• m.. Kap, in On a.m., Ktp.
L. lAi! 1, t«P-;al:l»l p. IU., I xp,; |l:iki a. m
5 i R'5S ''L ,S:UO J!'"*Pi.*Moi>
m., imi.; ItiM p. u . Kio.l n: Ift p ni.; fcap.
UC *AN CITY—a ••:«»•. m.. iil-iUp. in. ||.||
|t. m. lotQO p, M,
"AK MAV-a*«il. a. m.;oltW
» «n.| MtM p. m
"■A llLH—|a:tta. Bi.; 1:15 p. w . ... ,
Ut'ly. "I" Hunday*. ••(" Weal
•' via aubway. "a" Sunday*, kintb N .
'o" Halnrda)> only.
Datallad lira* Wblaa at tlokal ~m, ua latl
Ml Obaatnat Ntraata, aj« t'baatam - raaU
2 4 ,..i l ff. l 21 l li! r I2L ' '><»("»( «trwi, kb
M*uitb M Ntraal, HMI Marknt Htroi*! aud at 1%
Union Tram far Company will call bit
obaok bagtai* rrmu hntala and raaldanraa.
Uaa'l. Paaar. Agt
11 Acer's
Loslac your hilr? Coming
out by the combful? And
i doing nothing? No sense in
thail Why don't you use
i Ayer's Hair Vigor and
Hair Vigor
: promptly atop the falling?
r Your hair will begin to grow,
too, and all dandruff will dis
appear. Could you reason
ably expect anything better?
A Tar's Hair Ylaor la a fraal aurrooa wild
■M. Mf hair *aa falling out ratf Mir. l»ut
vm lair vigor iiabMd Tl aud m* a»y kalr la
all W. c. L4KiauoD. Uu4mj, Cai.
112 l oa a fcottla. j. c. » Tin fo..
*" "HI"" for
; Thin Hair
ilnnnlM. lillii TlnaHlfci
£•l4 nxUl'i km, laalili wliu blu. nkkos.
Take M 9 aißar. Maf aakaAA
■Mlala and " BaVur for U«laa," M MHr.
aratarvßall. 1%.—• T—tlmoiilala, Moid k*
Best Coal In Town.
Kyen tented, treated und lilted with
KIUMMCH. NO Sunduy Work.
311 Market M.. - - Bioouisbarg. Pa.
Mourn—lo to 112». Telephone.
Taka jonr praaorlptlona to
Two Ka|ttUra4 rharnafllaU In charga
Para Fraah brti|« and full Una of Pftlial
HadloliN and Sundrlaa.
Watchmaker, Jovalsr, Optician
' Eiftrt Rsgslrltifr
•yss ■■aortas* rm. Bat! ■taction
(THUS ODONTUNDER for tliu painless ux
traction of teeth. Dentistry in all
its l>ranehes und ail work guar
Opposite Opera House, Danville.
Opposite Opera House.
Dlstrtet AtUrn.y of Montoar Oouty.
Subscribe for
!> Wo prouiipitiyTlibLalii'y '