Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, July 22, 1904, Image 3

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    Jlaiuille Jjttf elligenrrr
Established 111 1826.
For RresMent.
ALTON U. PAKSKK, of New York.
For Vice President. I
HENRY Q. DAVIS, of Went Virginia.
Presidential Electors:
AM <a rue—Stanley W. Davenport aud Rob
ert W. Irwin.
1 Harry Nlehols 17 8. Z. llawhecker
2 Jit. Walnwrlght 18 Hobt. K. Wrtfley
3 John M. Campbell 19 L. D. Woodruff
4 James M. Stewart 20 Nevln M. Wanner
«'» U. Max. llowlaud. 21 Vacant.
6 Moses Meale 22 Contest
7 Kiull liotr £1 Itockwell Marietta
8 It. H. Johnson 21 Charles H. Alkwu
t \V. llayes Urler 25 J ante* I*. Coltler
10 William Craig '26 Vacaut
11 John Mcliahron 27 A. W. Mmlley
12 Charles I*. King 28 S. K. Walker
i:i Isaae lltester 'M Henry Meyer
14 John Mullivau 30 Thomas 11. Foley
15 Contest 31 George Heard
10 A. Walsh 32 Chas. H. Payne
For Supreme Court Judge.
of Philadelphia.
For Congress
HARRY £. DAVIS, of Suubury.
For The Legislature
For Prothonetary
For County Treasurer
Save your sirloins.
These are piouio days.
l)o yon like vegetables?
Remember the ioe gorge.
Haymaking ts about over.
Baok to the breakfast food.
Just so the hens don't strike.
Oarden vegetables are plenty.
We are in the thunder storm belt.
Oiteu air sorvices are popular now.
Vacationists are on the mors daily,
(let the fever ; improve your prop
The next legal holiday will be Lab
or Day.
January Ist, WOS-A uew year and
a uew town.
The belated oorn crop is now rush'
lug the season.
No suustrokea have taken placa here
abouts so far.
There Is no ory of a scarcity of wat
er this saiuuier.
Two papers for the price ol one.
The INTKLLIUKNCKK and The American
Kunner go tugether for SI.OO.
Our ueiglibor, Grocerymau John Urud
er, Sr., euJoyeUa pleasant visiting trip to
l'hiladelphia for a few days.
Miss Lottie ltelle Bingeman, one of
Suulmry's amiable young damsels, graced
our humble doudcile for a few days this
Prof. Dieffenbaclier and family and
Mini Amelia Phillips, our kind neigh
bora, uro off mi a pleasant trip, visiting
•t Lewiaburx, Washingtonville and other
places for a few weeks.
Milton, whluli up to tlila tiuie haa
had hut 0110 tire company, will have
thteo and possibly four hole compan
ies in tho near future.
Keep your horses covered with net)
ao that tho liii!B oauuot torture the
patieot animals duriug llill weather.
A nuuihur ot tho ohuroliea of tliia
city will be doted duriug the month
of August.
Dcnlors iu tins suctlou are complain
lug about a soaioity of quarter dol
The ROT. L. O. Ulrioh will return
home July 30th. Hervicaa at Trinity
Luthnrau ohuroli will be reauwed Sun
day, July 81. |
The Milton oouuoll liai voted to
pave Prout and Filbert street! in that
The weather mau has been allowing
a diapositiou to do thing! agtelu.
A number ot the oily't paatora will
take their summer vauatiou neit
month and they well deserve it. Mo
other oity has more oouaoleutioas,
hard-working men at the bead of ita
Many are uow overheating them
selves rushing for a cooler plaoe.
The Japanese live maiuly on rioe
aud dried fish. We're uomtug to it.
The Kloomsburg fair and the new
trolley liue will work hand in hand.
The superstructure tor the Danville
and Uloomsburg Eleotric Rallroad't
bridge over Pishiug Oreek la now be
ing uuloaded at Rupert.
Supt. Keefer with a foroe of men
made some necessary repairs on the U
inch water inaiu uear the Hotel Oliver
It'a hard to tell whether the weather
wilts energy or oollara (be quicker.
It may get too hot to work, bal it la
never too hot togo to the ball game.
The man with a cool plaoe In the
country la dudiug oat hew many de
voted trieuds he hat'.
It la no doubt beoauae the all of Dan
ville ia ao pure that heat proatratloua
are ao comparatively few among us.
The Reading Company haa a fare*
ot meu at work iu the lower yard at
Tamaqoa, layiug new traoka. II U the
Intention ot the oomnany to greatly
luoieaae the oapaolty ot the yard.
The preaa dlapatohea atate that BOOM
velt took a bath and Parker indulged
la a swim yeatenlay. The iadloatiaaa
are that the couatry will haw oleaa
politloa this tall and that the caadi
dates are playing tor the oold water
Tu#«d»y aflunoou ttia vlolally el
Kluaainn ww vtiiUd by a »huod«r
ataim of a uyoloato oharaew*. WhlU
uu bglldiaii wore materially damaged
nanoh mjurj tu doo* to the etepe.
Fields of oata war* laid completely
Hal. aud corn traa blows duwa. A
number of Ireea, both frail aod for»M.
•ucouiubed to the item.
Save Expense
and save a fit of sickness by having
Beecham's Pills in the house ana
taking one when you first notice
anything going wrong. You will
feel well, look well and keep well
if you will learn to use
■eld Svwywhsr*. In boxes Ms. and Xe.
New potatoes, beaus, peas, lettuce
and beets are plenty, no one need suf
fer if the meat strike keeps up.
It Is hard to tell what the business
men of Snnbury are talking most about
—base ball or free bridges, says the
Northumberland Press.
Although the eluctlou is nearly four
mouths off voters generally seem to
he taking more than tlie usual interest
in the progress of events.
Kvory edorl for good roads in this
oonutry deserves the most oordinl en
couragement. Good roads mean great
er pleasure, better markets, more com
forts aud increasing oontentment.
The Fourth of July death list Is now
up to eighty-four and all the returns
are not yet in. But that is sufficient
to prove that the people of the United
Slates are patriotio at any espense.
Hilton has a peeping Tom, and the
other uight he was disoovered on a
tree opposite an Aroh street home,aud
beat a hasty.retreat. It will net be
good for him, says the Standard, If he
is ever caught iu that vicinity again.
Washington Camp, No. 5(17 P. O. S. of
A., of Kiversido, will picnic at DeWitt's
l'ark, August lio. An excellent program
will be rendered. In the alternoon a
base lull game will be played, and in the
forenoon promineut speaker will deliver
addresses. P. O. S. of A. memlwra and
the general public ar- invited.
SECTION 1. Be it ordained and en
acted by the Obiet Burgess, aud by
the Town Oonnoil of the Borough of
Danville, in the Coanty of Moutonr
aud Stale of Pennsylvania, In Oonnoil
assembled, aud It is hereby ordained
and enacted by the anthority of the
sauie: That the said Borongh of Dan
ville be hereby duly authorised, em
powered and required to erect or in
stall, eguip, operate and maintain iu
proper condition aud repair a municip
al aleotrtc-llghttug plant with all of
the ucoeraary, proper and usual equip
ment*. appointments, appliances aud
supplies whatsoever, iuoludiug elec
trical apparatus,pole liue construction
aud ateaiu equipment complete, aud to
erect the necessary poles, or lo use
poles already erected, to atriag llie
necessary wires,to make the ueeessary
attachments, all to be owued and op
erated by the said Borough of Dan
ville, solely, for the purpose of gener
ating, manufacturing furnishing,
providing and supplying electrioity
aud eleotrlo light for propeily lighting
and illuminating the several borough
buildings, borongh property, streets,
lanes,alleys aud all other public places
aud parts of, iu. and under the con
trol of, the said Boroug'h of Dauvllle.
aud to use and occupy all suoh build
ings, property, stieets. lanes, allays
and other public places aud parta for
such respective purposes.
SKOTION S. That the Ohlof Bur.
gess and the said Towu Oouuoil tor
and ou behalf of the laid Borough,are
hereby duly authorised, empowered
and required to enter into proper writ
ten contract with any parson or per
soua, firm or corporation, to erect or
install the said municipal sleotrio
lighting plant as aforesaid aud tar
nish and provide tha same with all
proper and necessary electrical ap
paratus, pole line construction >ud
steaiu equipment complete In every
essential detail, as well as with all
materials, aud labor to be used and
employed in aud about the erection
and construction thereof,at snoh prioe
or prices, and apou such terms and
ooudltlouv and aooording to sooli gen
eral stipulations, plans, specifications
and instructions as shall be mutually
agreed upon in tits said ooutiact.
SKOTION 1 Tbat the Oommlltee
ot the said Town Oouuoil ou Light
who shall be at all times subject to
the geueral direction ot lb* said Town
Council shall bava the charge, con
trol, management and supervision ot
the erection or Installation, operation
and maintenance of tha said municip
al electrio-ligbtiug plant In all ite
several departments, and shall employ
all labor and purchase all materials
neoeseary for the proper operation,
maiutenauoe and repair ot the said
munioipal eleotrio-lighting plant.
SCOT ION. t That all ordiaanoea
er parts ot ordinances inconsistent
with or oontrary to the provisions ot
this ordlnaaoe are hereby repealed.
APPROVED the HHh day ot jaly
A. D. lINM.
Ohief Burgees.
Secretary of the
Borough ot Danville. Pai
Oouuoil Ohamber, Danville, Pa., July
Hospital for the Insane
Commencement Exercises
Superintendent Meredith Master of Ceremonies—Eight
Bweet Girl Graduates, Three of Whom Re
ceive Valuable Prizes—Et Cetera.
DANVILLK, PA., JOI.V 20, 1904.
To the Editor of Out INTELI.IUBNI'KK.
The twelfth annual t. > Mmencement
of lh« training school for attendants,
at I lie Danville Hospital for tbo In
sane, wm the feature in this vicinity
on Thursday night of lust week, when
tin' handsomely frescoed amusement
hall glittered with "(air women ami
brnvu men," ami upon which brilliant
event nearly every available seal in
the spacious auditorium wan oooupled
with especially Invited gliosis, attend
ants and patients nf the hospital.
At the appointed time the otHclnls,
entertainers and portion of the board
of directors—Wm. L. Gouger, of thi*
city; Howard Lyon, of llughcsville,
and Wm. K. Shay, of Watsontown—
were formed on the stage In graceful
orescent shape; the scene thus pre
sented would have added lustre even
to the great master of art Illustrated
London News.
The several numbers on the pro
gram, which follows, were announced
by the efficient superintendent of the
hospital, 1)1 • Hugh B. Meredith :
Prayer by ltev. J. R. Hutchison,
pastor of the Mahoning Presbyterian
church; overture. "Flora," Schlepc
grell, orchestra; sddrvss to the class,
Cbas. M. Clement, Ksq.; wait/, "A
Dream of Heaven," Bauer, orchestra;
conferring diplomas, the Superinten
dent; march, "Uncle Sammy," Holr..
maun, orchestra; awarding prizes,
Dr. J. K. Bobbins; benediction, Rev,
J, K. Hutchison; march, "Soldier's
Blood, F. VonHlohn, orchestra.
The graduating class consisted ol
Mae C. Shade, Llzxlc M. Jobna, Sarah
Kmlly Johns, Mrs. Sarah J. Kester,
Margaret Naomi Dloe, Carrie Isabel
Kusaell, Mrs. Wm, C. Burger, Alice
Cullen Buokmlller, C. Freas Ash,
Whitfield Ford, Harry F. Deauer, J no,
A, Strauaer, Jno. C, Robinson, <i.
Raymond Barrett, Cyrua M. derring
er, Harry De La Bigger, Wm. Chaa.
Burger, George Anderson Brown.
Dr. J. K. Bobbins, of the hospital
atalT of physicians awarded prises to
three graduates having attained the
highest average In the claw of 'O4:
First, Carrie Isabel Kussell, of Dan
ville; second, C. Kroas Ash, of Still
water ; third, Llzxio M. Johns, of
Lykens. Prevlsus lo the awarding of
prices Superintendent Meredith ad
drosftdtl the graduates lit well-chosen,
eloquent and scholarly remarks and
then presented the worthy with di
plomas, which was enthusiastically
applauded by the large and delighted
At (he close of the instructive and
humane services the class and guests
clustered upon the broad veranda In
front of the maiu entrance, where
Chinese lauterns swung lailly lit the
soft breeze gently wafted flom the
majestic Susquehanna or Toby Run,
There will lie a heavy crop of oats
iu this section.
Miss Kinma Manger is visiting
friends in Miltou.
Mrs. John Boudcmuu is spemling
several days iu Milton.
The iiuuiy ruin storms arc making
the corn grow very fust.
The Aumml Sunday school picnic
will take place soon,
Mr. and Mrs, McMuhau, of Potts
grove, drove through Moorvsburg
Monday eveniug.
Mr. Wm. B. Sinlil, station ngcut,
is away ou his vacatiou for several
Mrs. Daniel Shade snout Sunday
with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Sober,
at Blooiushurg.
The two automobiles that weie iu
Moorwburg for several weeks have
gone away. Homes will uow travel
the road instead of the bonks.
The M. K.. Suuday school is iu
creasing iu membership under the new
pastor llev. Sleep. Any Sunday
school will of necessity progress when
live, wide awake workers take hold of
the work and conduct it with care
along the line o( up-to-date business
Srinciples. Suuday school every Sun
ay at 9:80 a. m.
New Sunday Service—Over fifty at
tended the Suuday eveuiug service iu
the M. E. church Sunday eveuiug,
which was conducted by \\ iu, Stahl,
State Suuday school field worker, Au
effort will be made to keen these meet
ings going every Suuday eveuiug.
GIHKI singing aud Bible talks will be
the order of service. Mr. Yeager
will conduct the services for the first
Mrs. B. C. Steruer ii quite iudis
A festival is to lie held at this
plaoe Saturday evening, July 30, for
the benefit of Frame church.
The tuue of the thresher will soou
be heanl.
Mr. Raymond (Solder, of uear this
place, lost a valuable horse laat
Berries have takeu the place of
cherries iu this sectiou.
Brant* Hcsk.
On Friday. August C>th, at the Merrel
Home, uear Maosdsle, a picnic will I*
held under the auspices of the I\>mona
Orange of Northumberland and Montour
counties. National Orange Maatw, Hon.
Aaron Jonee, and Instate Orange Master
W. F. Hill, Esq.. will be prevent and
deliver addressee. Valley Oranje will
furnish dinner at moderate price. All
who d»aire dinner will please uotify J.
A. Merrell, Danville, K. F. IV No, 8, a
few d*ys in advance.
The strike la the weal trade eoiues
at a season, happily, vrhea vegetables
ate abuudaut and whan moat physi
cians recommend a diminished cou
sumption ot meat.
whore the Indian had HO often enji y
ed tho same refreshing touch of Na
turn. Whllo pleasantly seated ill
this beautiful retreat, overlooking
the fountain, rich scbrubbery and
sweet-scented unit varigated colored
flowers, whilu off in the distance
loomed np old Mneinoloton, the lady
attendants anrveil an abundance of
excellent ice cream and various kind*
orcakn. While partaking of the lux
uries so bountifully prepared, the
guests rested comfortably in easy
rockers and broad old-fashioned
chairs. The pleasure on this occasion
reminded the writer of what the im
mortal Kobert Hums said on the sub
ject: "But pleasures are like poppies
spread,—You seize the llower, its
bloom is shed, Or like the nnow fall
ill the river, A moment white then
melts forever."
As the night aped ou it seemed but
a few ahort hours until it was an
nounced that carriages were iu wait
lug to covey all to their homes, and
aa they Htepped into tho aeveral con
veyances, thanked Dr. and Mrs,
Meredith, Mrs. Jamlo Jordan, Miss
Alice Smith, Howard Rhults and all
others interested lu the commence
ment of 1904.
Mrs. David Nhelliart Is improving after
meeting with an accident
"Aunt Peggy" Sechler, a native of
Montour county, iu the ninety-eighth
year of her age, was the receut guest of
Iter son John, ou Kerry street. The old
lady is wonderfully bright for one so far
advanoed iu years. It is believed by
many that she will round out her cen
One of David Ruckle's fingers was re
cently amputated ou account of an ac
ltichard Metlieroll's orchestra at the
Danville Hospital for the Insane was
highly commended on Thursday night of
last week, at the commencement.
Stoes' liaud, under the leadership of
Arthur Foulk, is making rapid strides to
ward improvement. On Saturday night
last the band entertained a large and de
lighted audience in frout of the Court
House. The concert was gratuitous.
Thanks. Come again.
Miss Dorothy Welliver is the proud
possessor of an all jet black Angora cat,
a native of Jeraoytown, Pa.
Thirty Shauiokin people come to this
city on Wednesday, for the purpose ol
visiting our grand hnmane institution,
the Hospital for the Insane.
Tin l furry flat in still doing business
"at the old stand," notwithstanding the
water lias fallen very low. The convey
ances taken across the river dally number
at leant 150.
Mm. Dr. McMurtrie, of Washington,
I>. C., and Mian KanuieStrine, of Milton,
were the guests of Mm. Kmma l-rewitt,
on Tuesday.
Summer is here for sure.
Mr. Clark McMiohael is seriously
ill with typhoid fever.
Mr. ami Mrs. Wesley Deiul and
daughter Sadie, Sundayed at John
l)eiul' a.
Some of Cross Roads young folks
attcuded the festival at Moorelaud
Saturduy uight.
Potato hugs aud flies are scarce ou
uccouut of lero weather laat winter.
We are uot aorry.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cole and
Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Cole, of Dan
ville, spent Suuday with Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel l>»ihl, at Exchange.
Mr. Johu Ellis, of Exchauge, has
returned home, after a few week'*
trip to Bt. Louis and other part* of
the West.
The young folks of Strawberry
Ridge, spent Thursday night at Mr.
aud Mrs. Noriuan Hitler's. Ice cream
aud cake were served. All report a
good time.
A very ploaaaut surprise party was
given at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heil
uiau's Thursday uight in houor of
their sun Paul's 17th birthday. It
was largely attended aud the evening
was pleasantly snent with merry
game*. A splendid supper was ser
Miss Sadie Flora, of Philadelphia,
is spendiug a week with her parents,
Mr. aud Mrs. Win. Flora, uear
Cross Roada.
Atlantic City hcunlwi via Rea4ta|
Thursday, July 14 and 28, Aug. 11
aud i.S. Speelal ten-day excursions
from Wtlllauisport, Tamaqua and In
termed lute stations to Atlantic City,
Ocean City, Sea Isle City and Cape
May. taava Danville 7.6 Sand 11.86
a. IU. Kxcurslon fare $4.50,
Cofnt Arc AM
They hurt all the time. A new *ho*
I* a torture. The KOOT-KASX SANITARY
Coas VAI> cures Own* by absorption.
The Sanitary Oil* and Vapors do the
work. All l>ruggi*ta 33c. or by mail.
Sample mailed KKKE. Address. Alleu
S. Oluisted, Le Roy, M. Y.
Oceaa b»W (UWIIM.
I'rkday, Aug. ID, annual excursion
to Oeeau Urove via Reading railway.
Tickets good to return until Monday.
Aug. <B, inclusive. Leave Uauvllle
7.58 a. m. Kxcurslon fare 14.60.
Ask Vaur Dealer far Allea*a Faat-Eaaa,
A how tier for the feet It cuwa
Swollen, Sore, Hot, Odlons, Aching,
Swoatiug Feet, Corns and Runion*.
At all Druggists aud shoe stores, 25c.
Ask to-day.
Drors 63 Mils*.
Richard Leiby aad William Tobias
at* gaaatt at the home of Mr. Laek
aaMlUValUy lowaahip. Maaaia. Lelby
and Tafclaa drove to this otty fisa
Hamburg, a dlaUaoa ol « mtlea.
Furniture Savings-Mostly
Less Than Half Price
We purchased the bulk of the stock of J. S. Kissel & Co., of Milton,
which wus recently sold under the auctioneer's hammer. Tho prices ut which
we made the purcluises were iu most cases less than half the real value.
Opportunities of a Life Time for You
To lvpleuisli your home, 'for instead of remarking the goods at what
they are actually worth and adding them to our own stock, wo give every one
within rcuch of the store the chance to buy furniture at the lowest prices ever
made iu Milton.
Compare our prices with Kissel's price and note the savings.
Rockers, Dining Chairs, Children's Chairs.
Mahogany Hookers, upholstered in plush, and vulour.
5.75, Kissel's prico 10 )0.
8.00, Kissel's price P 00.
Golden Oak Hookers made up of upholstered sent iiiul hack, spring sent,
leather seat, and solid wood sent*, fancy spindle and Hat backs.
4.50, Rissel's price wi 17.50. 2.50, Kissel's priee was 3.75.
4.75, Kissel's priee wit 11.50. 2.05, Kissel's prico was 3.75.
•'.50, Kissel's prico Wi • 0.-5. il. l?f>, Kissel's prico was 3.50.
8.38, Kissers prico wi 1 0.00. 1.15, Kissel's price was -.60.
4.00, Rissel's price w. ift 76. 80c Kissel's price was 1.50.
3.05, Kissel's priee wi i s.ft<).
2.80, Kissel s priee w vi 5.50.
2.50, Kissel's price WiH 5.00.
3.75, Kissel's prico w.i 5.25.
Mahogany parlor Clu.Sr, upholstered scat and liack for 2.25, Kissel's price
was 10.00.
1 Morris Hooker uphi Mured cushions of bright floured velour at 5.00 Kissel's
price was 10.00.
14 Suit Chairs or Dinars, quartered oak, cane sunt, carved backs, 80c each,
Kissel's price 1.50.
« Mockers to match these chairs, braced arms, wood seat at 3.00, Kissel's
price was 8.00.
1 Set Diners, 5 spindle back, braced arms, wood seal, at 3.00. Kissel's price
1 Set Diners for 3.90 'vliile Kissel's priee was 8.50.
Child's Quartered onk, high cbaira, with trays, cane and solid seats.
76c for ones that Riasol sold at 1.50.
1.10 for ouea that Kissel sold for 8. (HI.
Bed Room Suits.
12.98 for 25.00 Kissel';< suits, 3 piece oak, drosser has 22x27 inch (ionium
plate glass, straight front.
20,50 for 30.00 snit of 3 pieces, 28x32 glass in dresser, swell top drawers, wash
stand to match.
Iron Bedsteads.
Our prico 5.00, Kissel's 10.50.
Our price 5.25. Kissel's 12.00.
Full sixe, brass trimmed, better one lias brass top rail, head and foot.
Bed Springs.
Our price 3,39, Kissel's was 3.50, made with coil spring connections under
neath and woven wire tops in sixes -
4 feet by U feet.
4 feet 4 Inches by 0 feet.
4 feet 4 inches by 0 feet 2 inches.
Parlor Stands.
Our price 2.10, Rissel's 5.50.
Our price 1.89, Kissel's 2.50.
Our price 1.80, Kissel's 3.00.
Our price 1.25, Rissol's 1.76.
Our price 1,05, Kissel's 2.50.
3.00 lor 8.00. Book Case.
9.50 for 14.00, Hall Hack.
Pictures and Easels.
1.15 for Picture, Kissel's price 3.25.
89c for Picture, Kissel's price 4.(X>.
79c for Picture, Kissel's price 2.U5.
35e for Picture, Kissel's price 2.50.
09c for Picture, Kissel's prico 3.00.
White Enamelled aud oak easels, brass trimmed, Our price 40c, Rissel's 1.50.
Largo Mirror, glass 18x40 inches, oak and gilt frauiu, 1.00, Kissel's price was
Folding Screens.
Our prico 3.98, Kissel's 0.00,
Our price 1.98, Kissel's 4.50.
Our price 1.50, Risssl's 4.00.
3 and 4 fold ouk aud white frame (tiled with tlgnred silkaline aud plain
Extension Tables.
9.00, Kissel's price was 15.00.
4.98, Kissel's priee was 10.00.
2.98, Kissel's priee was 0.00.
2,50, Kissel's price was 5.50.
Square top, solid oak, of rubbed and quartered oak, square aud round carved
79c for 1,60 Rissel's Kitchen Tables with drawers.
14.98 for 25 00 Side Hoard, 20x30 inch plate glaas, carved top and drawers.
Our July Clearing Sale.
Kvery thing that wo do not want when Fall business begins has boon reducj
ed, verv often the prices lower than wo can buy the goods now.
Of interest to every p rson who likes to buy for less than the regular prices.
Carpets, r(iigs and Mattings—Prices that Save.
1.50 Body Brussels (': rpets 1.10.
1.50 Wilton Velvet Cttr|aits, 1.10.
1.25 Good Velvet. Cai|>el, !Hte.
1.00 Tapestry
A wide assortment of colorings, some with borders and some without, prices
la each instance means sewed. lined and put on your tloor.
At these prices here's a profitable investment if new carpet is needed by fall
or next spring.
30.00 Axmiuister Rufrg for 81.00, site *,1x13 ft, in bright, showy colors.
2.50 Kugs, 1.98, sixe 27x56 inches. 4.00 Hugs 2.08, sizes 3xo ft, bright and
quiet toues.
Mattiugs for summer ise because they are coolest. Ours o.iuo direct from
Chiua and Japan. You run no ritlc of buying old (took hen-.
40c kinds are now 35c yd; 30c kinds* are now 26c yd.
36c kinds are now 30c yd; 25c kinds are now 20c yd.
Bargains for Curtain Buyers.
An aroli-way or a doer way may need curtains or a comer or den perhaps.
7.00 values are now 2.98 pr; 2.00 ones are now 1.50 pr.
3.00 ones are now 9.41 pr; 1.50 ones are now I.2ft pr.
2,60 ouea are now 1,98 pr; 1.25 ones are uow 98c.
Calicoes are 5c a Yard.'
Uluee, grays, blacks, at 5c yard, prints of the liest standard makes; (iinghaius
UJu, beet oues.
Good Screen Doors 49c.
Who wouldn't try to keep out the (lies when you can get a door for almost
the prico of the netting alone. Of course thev are the liest kind that usually retail
at 7oc, Others tor 89 aud 98c.
Window Scree üb, adjustable, for 10c each.
A Crash In Fruit Jars.
Mate. 39c 4utn, Quarts, 49c dox.
Oue tliiug that basu t advanced in price hut right when you need tlieui we
make a deep cut lu the prices. Full siso Mason Jars, pocefoiu lined to|>s. each
dosen in a box. Pints at 39c, dozen, Quarts, 49c dos. Halt Gallons, 70c doxen.
Wide Jar Rubbers, 5c dnscn, Jar Fillers and wrenches, 10c.
Paraffins, 10c lb.
Parasols at Half Price—Umbrellas at Reduced Prices.
Handles of all kinds, straight and curved, beat frame, wood and stool sticks,
site* tor ladles and men.
6.00 Umbrellas are now priced 3.75.
3.60 Umbrellas are uow priced 2.60.
2.7i and 2.50 Umbrellas are now priced 1.90.
2.00 and 2.36 Umbrellas are now priced 1.50.
1.75 and 1.25 Umbrellas are now priced 1.00.
1.00 and 1.25 Umbrellas are now priced 75e.
75 aud 5tV Umbrellas are now priced 40 aud 50c.
Parasols for Children and Ladies. We are now closing out tbeiu at half
Comfortable Garments for Ladies'.
The garments that afford the must comfort these hot, sultry days.
There are many here at less tliMii the usual priivu.
Shirt Waist Suits, the coolest unit (or drewi ami heaidea are good fitting gar
1.00 and 1,80 Fton.nU Suits in shepherds plaid fancies mid light slmdes trim
ming o( white headiug.
3.00 White l'.que Suits with faggoting and medallions and pleated skirts.
3.50, S.tW, S.iW, S.OO Koyal While Suits tint beet fitting and ahvavs in the
highest vogue.
White Shirt Waists are reduced now:—
1.00 values (or ,VV.
I.Bft and 1.50 values for 1.00.
S.OO values (or 1.&0.
3.40 values (or 5.7&.
Drawing Sacquee, dark ones and light li|{ured lawns also white lawns,
aioely trimmed, fitted one* or the Hewing Kimonos, 8t», So, Mc aud 1.00.
Schreyer Store Co.
Front St - MILTON, PA. - Bin $!. v .
The Land of Evangeline—The
Dress for Travel
After yearn of (ravelling I wick and forth
over "the briny" I have come to the
i conclusion that no more delightful trip
can IHI taken than u short sea voyage to
Nova Scotia, and one eonld travel for
moutliH through remote foreign land*
without finding a hundredth part of the
charm and beauty of thin land of Loi g
fullowH Evangoliuo.
Last week, with a view to making a
study of the travelling American woman,
I took thin trip, which in the latest fad of
the fashionable woman, who reallxea the
importance of a complete rest a* a l>eauty
builder after and arduoun aocial season.
It is tho exceptional American woman
, who overdresses for travelling today, HO
I happily saw little to criticise in the way
of unsuitable continuing, hut rather much
to admire in the trig and simple walking
; :
ii' ! ,M; ; L. Ai •
. ' ' V V-S J .
-I*-** ««"»• Iff
\ . -4->#•**&; I •
m mm
1 Y ' 1 x
Ju m* \ ,
i; V- MW
• '•'-A
length gowns, with I heir neenmpnning
neat iiuil stylish shirt WllUt, ami nil no
transatlantic steamer linvo J seen inoro
correct dressing than on tho liroail prom
enade decks nf tho luxurious Prince
Arthur, of the Munson J.inc.
Through the beautiful Long Island
Sound hy daylight one of New York's
most fashionable women wore a brown
raw silk gown, which neither soils nor
shows dust easily, and which was made
in a seven gored skirt, the tucked bottom
of which 'just escaped tho deck. The
jaunty little jacket had the fashionable
short Mowing sleeve, which fell over the
daiuty sleeve of white raw silk shirt
waist. The hat was a brown rough straw
with strappings of ecru straw and au
ecru coi| plume drooped gratefully over
the left side.
Another charming gown for the first
steamer day, and for wear on landing
was of porcelain blue linen, IHIX plaited
all around, and adorned at the bottom
with two,w ide tucks which are repealed
jusl above the knees. The shirt waist is
tucked and trimmed with narrow eui
broieery. A white roll brimmed sailor
with blue leather binding and white
straw bow completes this costume.
And while on the subject of dress (or
your outing, ruiuoiuber that unrestricted
lungs, are of paramount importance, and
fortunately in the matter of a proper cor
set to accomplish this result health and
fashion are not at a variance, so by
choosing n correctly built and fashionable
corset, such as the (Ml a laSpirite, which
holds the abdomen in and the hips back,
you will llud yourself taking full long
breaths of health giving air, and come
back from your recreation trip with re
newed capacity for work or play.
Ingles Mere Excursion.
Tuesday August 2nd the Philadelphia
& Heading Railway will run a low-rate
excursion to Kagles Mere.
t'utawissa (1.30 A. M.
llloouisburg U. 30 "
ltupert 0.40 "
Danville 0.57
Mooresburg7.il "
Pottsgrove 7.-1 "
Milton 7.-5 "
I West Milton 7.30 "
Kagles Mere 10.00 "
Kagles Mere 0.30 M.
Itoumi trip rate #1.50, good that day
ouly on above special train.
Kxttile "/ Jiunhnm Ji. lltfii'httt'l, lair of Jhin
villr, J\l„ ilnvmnl.
Notice Is hereby given that letters testa
I LIH'LITN rv uiHUillie estate ofrie Willi 11. It.
Uenrlm'rt have IH-. II umiiieil O Ihe under
vlk'iiiHt. All IS'mons Indented tosiild e»lale
a,-V requested t» make tMiymtal, and tliose
In, vlni claliiis or demand* II«« lust OIE same
will make ILICM known wlltua T ilelay to
I Kxeeutiix, tiuiivllle, IHI.
t)r to Holll 11l l„ OKAKUAIIT
111 Klrst National Hank Hiui
vllle, I'll.
» The undertiened hatU'ff rritrred to health
« I>t timple niMknt,»tier«urtcn«f• ° r * e \ f 'f'J " r »
with % »e*rre luuf thai dread
diiene CoAtumpitoa, i* aaaious 10 make known
to hit lelU»w sufferer* the MM ot cuij. To
those who desire it, he will eheet/uUy •*•»<! (["•
of chsrer) a copy of the pr—Cfiption mwd t whjih
. ESte-n hsasMSrisa ste
tht preKrlpOno, which will ' h "»
and dav prove a bleuian, will plessi iddun,
It*?, nvui I.KIUOIi BrwUjra. N«w Ywk.
I If 7«m»C *••• Ike
I JvtnvJ f*v*» M> Uf» **•» mmU 11"^
I U-£h*4 »tU • fIUWo riKKAHII •»***? •
I (**»<! •»■** W * IMk * • W ** **• ••
I lUvUI U P*~ lw »7i
| $3.50 to J150.00 11
I |N», &N»4 fc»»Wf«N I
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.,
H. O. BOX 10»l
SEND us m
Steer, Bull or Ilorsr
sl-.in, or nuy other kim feS® JJ|
of lu.lc or tiUin, anil let EflMfiß
us tan it with tin- ]i.i
ou, soft,
ami uiiilh-jiroof, l'nr rube
rug, coat or jjlows. BfflHH
But first Ret our Catalogue
avoid mistakes. NVe'iilao buj Hlm- f t
RU%R fuia mid U'IIMCUK* '
116 Mill Stmt. Roche Iter, N. V.
Ag<nts Wnnttd.
The result of the election will lie torn
shadowed in Tlio Worlil week* In ad
vaiiou, exactly UK Clove and'ii electiull
was furutoM ami tin McKli ley's trluniplm
were, The World giving the electoral
votu by Htutcs with nlisnli' te corioctnom
ten weukH Ixdore Mclvi "ley's election
The World will not On Iv strive to Ito
right, bill it will be bi'igb md larger na
tional In It* news and vii Kvory one
who is interested in 11 lih tul President
ial context will need it erydtty.. No
Democrat or Uepulilican mid be happy
without it.
The regular price (or I. o Dally Morn-
In*; World by mail In «oo for tour
months, lint for u spot til time The
World will Mend the !>atlj Morning Kdi
lion by until for four moiit .s for sl.
Agents lire wanted to .ike suliserip
tioiiH. A liberal cntuiiib lion will be
(ivun, Address World Ci utpaign Club,
Room 4d. I'nlitxer l.uildi ig, N*. Y.
Tortus, subscription bl inks, sample
copies, printed matter, &v , will be sent
>y return mail.
Special Kiires to St. Louis vtn
The following lures are authorized l>y
he Lackawanna Itailroad via nil direct
'outox and good on all trai is.
Season ticket limited 'or return to
>ec, l.">th—&lU.2o. 00 ilti) ticket *27.70;
K day ticket, $22.73. Stojipver will be
dlowed at Niagara Kails tu d Chicago not
0 exceed ten days. Amu gements have
wen made for the througl movement of
hair anil sleeping cars fr. in Scrnnton to
; t. Louis without change.
This Will Interest pothers.
Mother «iray's Sweet l'on ders for Clill-
Ireu, Cure Peverishness, Had Stomach,
Summer Bowel Troubles, Teething l'ls
irders, move and regula e the llowels
nd Destroy Worms. Thiy never fail.
)ver 80,000 testimonials. At all dritK
ists, 25e. Sample FRT K. Address,
ilien S. Olmsted, I,e Roy, N. Y.
Dr. LaFranoo's
Compound °' ISSSS'.""
Powerful Combination. Sua- •ustully usM by
200,000 women. Price 91 c. mß|Ml|
1 or by mall. LtFrtnoo A Co., I hUidilphli, Pa.
Public J>ale
Real Est.' ite.
lly vlrltto of an ordor of the Court of (Him
ion Plonn of Monto vi r Con nt , tlio undorMiKu
,l will oxpoae to piddle uulo ill tlio promlne*
II Saturday, tlio thirteenth dny of Auuuat,
•01, at 10 o'olook A. M„ nil II at certain lot of
i tul situate In tlio Firm Ward of tlio ItnmuKli
r Danville, County ut 1 Moot'»ur and Ntato of
omiHylvaula, betcumlnu at a point on tlio
HMt NUIO of Mill Street llfty eot dUtant uor
iiwardly from tlio oornoro Mill and Front,
hvcln; theuoo northwardly loiitf Mill Hlroot
vonty-tlvo foot to oornor «112 lot OWIUH! by
lorucoC. Illtio; thonoo at IM lit IIIIICIOM with
lilt St root .Mstuurillv nl«.it u, of !<•' »» •»'»<»
iomooC. Ithiooluhty-I'oiii i.to tot ofJauioM
. Hlohl, or H. I Markn; thonoo
IOIIH Miild Itlchl or Mark* l< na lino parallel
llh Mill St root southward twonty-llvo Urt
icorner «»i lot torniorly o- od by Mary l<.
onrlinrt, now Color I-YUM nnolior, thonoo
V lino or lot of wild Fot erinaohor wo«t
ardly and at rltflil aturh llh Mill Hlroot
Khty-four fVvt to the wild dill strtvt, tho
laoo of h« uiuninu; ou wliloi * oivotoil a two
ory fmnio dwelling house olng tlio
ty apuralnod in ii|Mtrllti |m»o»HMllnir'ln
10nui(torof thoNitlt i»f J . I*attornon, VH.
lla I'.. Ut , ,1, < t al.
TorniM of milo:—'Twenty-tl > |>or ot»nt down
: t lino of tm<o, tho halaiuv »n oonUrniatlou
iKuhiloly of tho Halo, at w 'lt tlmo a docnl
111 IH> (IVUVOIIHI to tho pund i*or.
UKOItUK MAI IllH, HhorllV,
Wilt Id AM KAHK NVKHT, Attornoy,
illy 7tli, ItHU.
f"""TCKow/o u#eit m 1
, Monthly Marine k t the Cinful
Speaker and the Glut, il Vrltef.
ucKestiODs for the Spotiker. What to
Say and What Not to Say.
loun foe tho Wrl tor.
Irror* and Models In Kngllsh from
not oil Author*.
'ompound Woixls: Ilovr to write Them,
ihall and Will; How to use Them,
'unctuatlou; I'rouuuolat lon.
\irreot Kngllsh in Ui* Home
AM m»»y otk»r pertlMat •■b|»e«».
tek your newadwUr or writ* (or
ample copy to Correct Ealllah.
|oi SOOO, CvunMon, 111.
Many IIOWS|MUH«IN havolat ly glvoil ouri\Mioy
tt reports hy lrivs|H»ii!»lhlo jurUen t*»
Ml< »nt<<nHt n tr«~l .<r eom tlnnllmi: xve *Wi
„ itMin,' ilw iwil'llo thai ilu iv Is MM tmlh In
uoli ivt<erl«. We Have be « man«rtiet«Wi>*
ewlll; iHHOlltliestl.l'OVera \ll»rlerrtfl» w-l\l«.
v, »mt liave.staliltvlaM a , \mla'u,n Im',mr»
selves »n*l our marline silt t ts I lie envy lit all
,th, i> our " .Yete Nut e" ntaelilnx lw«
m>ver Invn rlvnletl »» » la'ally nmoliliwv tt
itniulM lit the llemlefutl lilt N •iewlim
iH*ohtii,'!i.«m» »UiwU«n Ite ivwrltn.
rite " .Yew Name " l«. fce *wlv i*«ll»
JIICi M HMAUK Sett .'HO MttrhiMm «
•< M Mr Hl«l k9t.
It LA not neoex'wry A>r «»T > enter Into A trutt
lowive our emttt ur TVIY aey det»L* N» we L'*V*
NOURLAS te |wy. We H*ve never euteiv*! ti\H»
mtapetuion WLLH m»nuri>e.uren> <»F low CMD*
»t»*PM*eli!ll«« LLWL uren UL* to WLL ivt.vrvt-
UW of »nv lulrlnnle uierl *■ IV* not L»
iwlvevt, WLWN you want « lug uwelilne don't
WML yovu money «WNY OA-M ho»A»! >-«LLO«»
»,>>W H«»r •• IX>«le> , lie van N-LL you K
LOITER inaelilne lor lea* llu* I you eau VUIVIMM
RTMVHENV It llverv I* n. TTIWK-r UMN you,
wrtto Utrvet to«».
N»w York, t'liU-urs 111,, St. l.ouW, Mo, \tuu»
I*. 0«., l»tlwrrvx..Vatt KmnoUvv,^