Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, July 22, 1904, Image 2

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Utnlillslicd, IK'JS
HVMIIII M.'Moi i; t'ui \n, P\. ,ln v •."J. 'tM.
D. AI'ST 1.1 T/. Kditor and Proprietor.
!"»»> Ivu I I.U«t«Ni Mi ■ III* nUli M Attil l>V<-t \\tvkl,\ « lH till* Utlu
Ilti Stubs It t
Uiivilttt !* tAtUHI) t Uvululk tlMhim all W\y »»|ltvV WtvklU* win
ht«*Hl» ll N llll\» v all lite l>« V| m httHMMlv lu lIUMM*UUI> .
Wrt UhUWMMIi «>i ttv |j, J.ui'.u ItKlklll \\» v Ki.\.
» wv\ I>U»|!»\ ttl UlllVllltslltt'tmiUl,\ vttl »>l N|«>Uh»U» nttUtly, PH., at
>1 OilNumvur h Hot In mlvnntv;uml it«t |Mt|* t
WUMWIIMMUIUVNIM until Wll I* IMUtI, o\o«>|V| tl lh» *v|>lUM\
H tl-N N| t«l\■ t Its.ttvi ttt tvl. ltd Multifont Uttb \»l»h>vs all
rill I XTI'I I t«, I Ni'l'li I'an v illo. IV.
When Jutlgx- l\uker was arousetl to the silua
tiott at the St. liouis t-t invent ion ho fount I it a oon
tlition not a tluHirv that eontiMntotl hint. Ila.l ho
ivmaintsl silent ami allowed the oonvoution to ad
journ with the plattorm as adopted President Roose
velt would have olinohotl a sinoli, and the Heinoerats
would have lieeu doomed to defeat. This faot was
tveogni/od li\ every dt>legate. ami the nssendilage
vvaxetl In-noath a pall of trliMini that hovoixal over
I'm the eonvention hat I rejtvetoda simple reoti>;
niUon of the sound-money standard rejootod it af
tor long antl luvdtsl disoussiou in tho t'ouuuittoe on
Resolutions ivjeotetl it in spito of eight years of
disastrous tleteat on this very issue rejeolotl it in
tleliauta'ot the allegation in the Kepuhlioan platform
that tho Hennvratio party eannot Ih> trusted to
maintain this standard.
Judge Parker therefore not only did an unpro
oedented ami hetaiit thing morally'in sending his
tlis|mtoh, Init ho at-oomplisho,| a masterstroke of
politioal strategy ami laotios. Ho sivotl the patty
I rom iuevitalilo tlett>at, I'lto oonvont ion's fatal error
oviultl not have Itoon knmUiil hy any staioinent.
however emphatio,, in his letter of aotvptanoe. It
would then have lieon ton late for the oonvention to
approve. In motv than a thive fourths vote, his de
elaration that ho tH>g»tt\|s the sjnld standai>l as
"Itmily ami irivvooalily established," ami "shall net
aooot\lingly that is, vetti any mwisutv disturbing
it it eU>eted PlVsitlent.
Iho tvsolt is thus iniinitoly liottor than if a
!«x>hl i>lank had U-on itioliuhsl in tlu> platl\>rin x for it
loniijjht out in a oloar lijrht tho strung oharaotor i>f
tln x oaudtdalo, thotH*t**loto nliM'ttixsl li\ his
au«l shnwisl him to la- a man with right lamviothms
ami iho toll oouragv ot ihotti unswayod I>\ ainl>i
tion, sujiorior to any man's oouli-ol
Insioad of ivsonting as miiiio ol
tho <Wlogah\s wotv at titst inolimsl l<> do, liofotv tho
ptvowo natuiv of his IMmwy WAN known, DWUO
oi-at.s ought to la> UMMt s>ratofnl t.. Judge Tarkor, as
tho lioartv ivspon*ov fisun all parts ,>f iho I'lttim
show that thoy aiv. It was liisnot alono, oorivoiinu
tho iinwivivalilo Idundor of iho otmvolition, whioh
givos to ilio parly its inspiring liopo and gtvatly tin
pitninl ohattoo of suvhvss.
Iho »iii' in ha\al politios slow, atid tuoro wo
vantiot o\poot just yot. It is all a gtivat wasto of
totto toopon Up ilio campaign so oarlv l.ut it is woll
to lasir in tYtuoniliranoo iho «ptaltiios\,f tho various
oaudidatos natmsl, lion. It, Soott Atntiiormau, for
tho Logislatuiv, is luixy wiilt logal work; Tlios, ti,
\ iinvnt, for roolootion is attouditig si riot Iv to tho
diltnvs portaoiing to thootliov ol'prollionotarv, whioh
ho now holds, and Simon \V. I lot! man, fort'ounn
Twisiuvr, is doaling out moats ju.st as fast as ho
jwvvsildy oan. Thus you will tiud tho looal candi
dates pr\vsouU\ ongagvnl, whioh Ivats mark- of lutsi
noss activity and ambition on the parts of those
gentlemen. However, wlion tho time approaches
you will tiud them among vou soliciting your sup
port, and vlon'l hesiuue lo toll them ihat tlicv shall
have il, either, for I hey atv all deserving'of tho
votes i hey ask for,
iho .Muting caiit|taign |»Mtnisi-s to la> one of
giw-U interest, and we will tiud a vigorous etiorl put
forth hy the opposing jvirty all ovo'r iho Nation. Inn
little Montour is alrvady -el in its pryiMW, and
with its utosi oxivllent ticket Nalional, Slate and
iMiinty the I Vtuo. parly can cvpeol one of tho
greatest majorities over attaimslhoix>
I ho Uepuhlioaiis have not yet la>gun to tv«oxer
fiont the doinondination into which they wotv pitch
od l»y dudg\> linker's telogniin lo the iVm.vratio
National t'laivontion, The I'hiladolphia IWs which
is one of the most liadly ratthsl of all the organs
y ostei\lay .piotisl in tlio suitect»liinoi, the opinion of
two ciuincni Kopuldioaiis dudg>> l\trkor,
Tnihsl State- Sumlw Philander C. Kitox, of l\-nn
sylvania, au<l tiovernor Kninkliu Murphy, of New
Jor>ov, Mr. Kno\ is civdited with this: *<lt
vvonld Iv just as -illv toextol an ackuowhslginoiu of
the fact that the <\artli is tMund as the fact that iliis
is irrevocably U|wai a |oKl l*asi, N " and Mr.
Murphy with this, "Lot n» du.lg\> linker
for what lie is a man of tine character and »>uis
a;:\\ and well ipialitiisl for the great othiv for which
he has Ihvu ttaitusl" whielt -hows that More talking
any more the KopuMivan hsajers Ivtter g»>t
MM agiw on what lo say. Knov shal
hwv UktliMM) Murphy like a man and a teal lonian.
Will the Knovos go over to the Murphv> or the
Murphys io the Knove-1
"We heard them talk of it in market," is a
l*»pular nowadays. It appear- that i
tho place for gw—ip I ho-o pleasant mornings, and
»mo v\an heat llimli hy jn-i kxvpmg one oar open
while he walk- -lowly ahmg pricing the ditteivut
ttenis of It is well to tvmoiulvr. however,
that "the lisi.mer nevvr heats any thing gwvl of him
svlf." so don't he -nrpri-isl if you timl your-elf vam
twxt»sl with something that t- gwtng wivng, That
is if vxwt aiv any to yMiitself or community,
It i- for oiw to do anything to the cmi
p'ote sati-faeti.m of all, and, -o if von did .lo -o>u,-
IhiWg you can expert to W«ttU«IM l» muuc chixmic
dtttivx Hut tliv iv is t.*o much criti. i placed uih<u
trival, every .lay
t»IMVc Cix\-liy terian .vtnetery would Iv a g0.i.1 I, .pie
hvr discu—Hxn, for tliat i- the mo-i di-gw.vful
we now haw to .xvutcml with,
\ e-teixlay fhlll-xkiy the ISims-islic.A.tUei\>.\-
o» t ,- s«xte.N,th O-t i.i met at the v\>«li-al lloiel.
n,.\vm- varg. and nominated U.vn. Harry K, iVvis.
ot SiinUnrv, a-the <xa«».lKUte t\w for ihe
di-triet, Mr. is having ixsviwxl the en.h«(se-
.\t a',s the »\nw*t*es, was nxmiinatvsl mi ihe tiist
,v *' ,vy t I W «>s»»tV*v»ev was -imply a matter of
hwwi a- Mr. tV*\-s ha.l n.. .^.js.-iii.m.
Nation's 100 tw »vxi w\> k ym
Av W - k k il Hiak. a
«M«ts (vm Mr, H,\\,
Many signitioant signs of vastly ditloront eon (
ditions are plainly notieoaMo at the various gather-1
ings of I >OlllOO ratio loaders, from :i 11 parts of tlio
t'nioii. tlmii those tlmt existed four years and eight
years ago, and representing all former factions of
the party, to oousi lor tlio |>liui of campaign.
Then the party was hopelessly divided. Now
it is hopefully united. Thwi oortain defeat awaited
it. Now there is a good lighting ohanoo to win.
We need not look very far in r \oi\y deep to
liint tlio reason for this ohange. Tlio Democratic
party has simply regained its senses and licoomo
again Democratic. Tho Populistio alliance is alum
dono.l. I'lio froo-silvor delusion lias disappeared
In all tlio land tlioro is not ono \oioo not even Mr.
Hryan's that is advocating free coinage. The party
in a word, has become wliat Senator l'latt perooivid
that it was Itccoming last winter "sane and danger
ous;" tliat is, dangerous to Republican supremacy
because sane in its polioy, purposes and candidates.
It is said by prejudiced oritios that though
Judge Parker is a good and safe man, the party is
the same that it was four years ago. This is ol>
viously false, oonsidored from any point of view
llow is a partv lo lie judged it not by its notions
President Rousevolt has said: "Words are gooti
when backed In deeds, and only then." The Demo
oratio party adopted a conservative platform and
nominated eonservative oandidates. It 1 tacked its
words with its deed. In every lest vote taken in
tho oonvoution the oonsorvativos prevailed. Rcatlir
mat ion of the Kansas City platform was refused by
.t crushing vote in the Committee on Resolutions.
Kv on tho stupid and nearly fatal blunder of omitting
a tuon<>y plank was duo to tho honest hut mistaken
view o many milliliters of tho oonnnitteo tlmt as the
silver issue is dead there was no uo»d of savins any
thins* about it. When it oatne to a test, Judge
Parker's view that the gold standard is «>tinuly and
irrevocably established" was sustained l»y a vote of
7TI to P.M. There is not a "crazy ' plank in the
The oontrast in the platforms now and foui
years ago is not more marked than the oontrast in
the oandidates. Judge Parker is as completely I lit
antithesis of llryitn as lie is of Roosevelt. In tein
poramont, training, experience and mode of thought
and notion ho is oaloulatod not only to unite the
Democrats Hut to eommand tho oontidenee of tin
eonservative and independent voters whose notion
invariably dooidos Presidential olootions. The sup
port given to Judge Parker by the independent press,
wliich did so muoh to defeat the Doiuoorats in tho
last two olootions, is proof enough of this fait.
The ohange in the attitude of the Democratic
party and in the oharaotor of its oandidates presages
a muoh needed ohange in the oontrol of the National
Uovernment, it tho campaign shall lie well and
wisely managed and no grave mistakes are made ii
the pivotal States,
li is worth while to have a national \invoiitmn fnt
tho -ako of getting -lonol Watlorson into his present
-tale of oluvrflliuess tlllll OOlllilloUOO. .Itlllge I'urkcr, li>
says, will carry New York, "Now York will carry Now
-lor-ov ami t'otiiiccli.-tit, Tho South will oarrv itsoif. I
TninTaggart d.vsn't carry Indiana wo'll hang him.
I'liou time i> Wisconsin vmh U VUm) . . . No
in milting ami no monkey business, No nonsense about
either '"•> or 'SHi. Fools to Iho rear, Braves to tin
front, Miirolt!" Tho (Ailoml "hardly expected any
thlug tjulto to good m tinGrand Old >'t \YmI Yir
ginia. . . Hi* nomination «M>h us Wo.-l Virginia,
Maryland ami IVlawarc," Now tliut Colonel Walters,>i
has got on board tlu> train ami Urvaii is hanging on tc
tho tvar tilal lotin of tho last one ready to drop off as soon
as th,. election shall l>o ovor, tho iViunc ratio excursion
i- ready to start lor the picuio grounds of success.
"Ke|iuhliouii oxivris" tigure that Roosevelt oan win
by a majority of"in tho electoral college. That is rather
close for comfort. Thoy might just asj readily, for a|<
pearance s«ko, have made it 107. In their liguros th<\
sol down for IvooM-volt Colorado, I Via ware, Illinois In
.liana, Minuc-ota, Montana. Nebraska. Rfntb limihl,
Clnli and Wisconsin, with 110 electoral votes, wlion each
and every one ot tln tn is as likely to voto for Parker as
for Koosovolu Tho fact i» tliat it is too oarlv in tin- cam
|ntigti to mako a forecast of tho proliahlo result of tho eloc
lion ami figures given out now hy politicians atv merely
intended to fool tho anwarv.
There novor was a timo wlion tho IVtuooratic pa.ly
was motv harmonious than it is just al present, Tlioro
aiv no "wings," ami thoiv is |>ortoot peace in all ilitvo
tions. There aiv no .(iiarivls pending or innvttiling ami
no jealousies to ho adjusted amino lioartdiurniugs to l»
WNll. Most ot'tho irritation that OXUt* is in tho editor
ial.-ot ltcpub|i.<an ami tho hopes of liepithlioati
leaders. >*ho aiv greatly disap|>oiiilod to timl that Tillman
carries soniothiug ln\-id.\- a pitchfork.
Iho now IS,OOO,(KM holol OU Fifth Avotiuo, Now
York, built hy tho Asior family ami called tho St, Ucgis,
wants a l»ar room vory lia.lly indeed, hut as tho IVont door
is within >OO feet of a Presbyterian ohutvii, it has Ivou
ol.v-.-d ami a side out rami- will ho utili. M. This is tho
hotol whioh will not mint tho |>rioos of dishes sorvod on
tho nionii, tail will oliargv according to fauey ami tho
length of tho patron's |mtse,
Iho Republican t nngtwsioiial .•onteivo- mot at tho
Montour 11 oum\ Iliis oily, on Mutttlay anil a
ilroggist hy Ilio namo of Sjtmuols fivtn oomowhoiv, for
WW* Wlion wo uvi through with him in NovoiuU-r
ho'll wish hi> namo wasn't Snmuols ami that ho liv*-»l no
whoiv. Hut thou it woiihln'l la> Hitoiwtinj; if wo vlivln't
liavo soino kiml of o|>|H>sitioa, if it Iv ovor s,. small.
IVvs aIU larilV (MtNl iho Aniorioau Workman }
<Hir ooiisul at Uir.uiiigham Cnalaml, liasjiist -out homo a
iv|»'H -h iwing that tho Knv'lish laUnvr wh.. H\vs on Iho
siuh- M-alo of vMiutorl iho Aniorioau |Dni inoro for his
liviujj than <loo>- tho Aoioiioan workman. Ami Svivtan
Shaw that
.Miimry aiv WtWfMMR Aloxamlor Hamilton as tho s;ivat
Ml man MMMM li.v ovor (.ivduoo.! no\t lo Washinglon,
naturally otiough, Ihh^iiim 4 ho was ii|i|hvsihl to jtopular
ami wantCM au oi\lor of nohilitv ami a Sauito olwl
vsl for lit\ ,
Tho vault tloor ot iho IVasury IV<|virtiuout
> aughl om- .lay last w.vk ami thoSviviary ha«l lv> >oml !v>
Now rat (it o\|v rts to o|h>ii it, 110 waimsl to um l
<F.\\iHHMKHt thai morning, It is gmwllv uilioli oaMor
loo|»n lhal \looi than lo sluil il,
li iss V >avlly nmloistvHnl that what tho INvsaloiu will
lo thv laiiohors' vsnuiniiuv Is virtuallv. --WinUnion,
i a.laoiv von, I aiu your frioml, lt.il vlon'l vou >w thai
- a'vait ilio worst |vvxmUlo timo lor a suiko^ 0
Wlan il is aamauaxsl iliat IVom«Ioiu Kohmvvoll in
lomls lo aianagv his own .\nn|mign it is nM hv I Vino
< ials with a htw-ol Mitilo of approval. Thov v>aihln'l Iv
Ivtior jwh^sol,
Ixov, l»i, Uillis vloolatvx thai iho haml of I'rovhlonov
b«k(WliM| llh- atTaiis. «112 ihv Aniorioau nalion, I'hU is
why ho is ivj;ai>h\l at tKstor Hay as no Wltoi itian a
I Vii»v«*t,
Iho liav twoi' >aAViv«» ia iht> snvtion will Iv ivloasod
i>i hsMfti that a lu i nan <l>vloi has |>«Nslmssl an ami
! >llou - itini whioh ha- giwo ivla tlo inanv ami ooivsl
>4 ilh n\aihh\
IVtruvy. iW kW Mrtkv U will W n>«vK hai\W«-
Iw \\MvftU hvHK Wltv lv» UHftkc OUvl> UK^l*
III* Cnntiiu Would l)u Must Hood
there Wonts Srnoloiklilp.
Washington, Jutv I '. -Mr. Ittyau's i
onnvass for the Oetmioinllo national j
lll'kot is llkolv til Uo OOltllllt'll to I
Western Stales, whore, it li thought, j
lie oan ilo I In' party most gontl, ami at [
tllO sallto li lilt' best promote his iutll
v ill mil Interest
Il Is boonmlng apparent that Mr. |
llrynn will not lie want oil nor iloslml j
l»y the campaign managers In the
Kast. whore his utterances won 111 he
likely if tin Jmlgo I'arkor more harm !
tlulll gOllll. It 1.1, llieltffol'O, JMOJHIM'tI I
thai hi l shall roll li up Ills labors to the I
States of Kansas ami Nebraska. will"
nu oxoumlon Into tho sllvor proil no- I
l iiK States, Mi - , llrvan Is suspootoil i
ot an ambition to come to llto I'lilletl ;
SIMP* Hotuilo. The term ot Bontiloi'j
liiolrloh will expire lu March next i
The l«ogislaltir« whieli will chunse his '
SUOOOsSOI' will bcclcolctl ill Nov I'lUlllM' |
mill this will ho Mr. itrvuu's uppot
until). Shoulil ln< ilolorutlno to make
u vigorous campaign (or Iho Senator
ship anil itovoto himself to ii oanvass
of tlio Slate, many ot Ills frionils be
tlevo lio would tmooocil In obtaining a
nuijorlly ill llio l.ojjUliiturv, mol ul
ilio saute llmo Insure tlio electoral
voto ot Nebraska tor Parker mill
1 lav is,
nxii. itenty WiiUi-isoii in tlio l.uiilv\lilv
iVturtorsltitU'iinl. i
lliooilore UOOM VOII is tlocitlotlly A
gentleman I lorn, ii soioti ot tlio ruling
olass; on tlio Jitltoi'iiwl -hlo Dutch, on
tlio inatornal t'nvallor; a kinil of cuius
betwixt a rumroil anil a I'litlletl shirt:
tlio Hoosovoils alt hlootl mill iron, tlio
Mullocksmostly (tills anil volvots, Uo
iuhctilctl suolal illstlnctlcti from botli
siilos, a small lull sutUciciit oeiitpo
tonoy troni his tallior, lio earuoit an
honorable namo at Harvard, Uo oamo
out of college lo seek a earner in lit
erature ami public llto, his motion!
being o>|ually sini|ilo ami nmlaolotta
in 11 to rat ii i'o lo work limit ami to rool
off hooks rather more pragmatical
l linn useful or who, In politics lo
ilollvor olvle-rightooiisnoss speeches
on tho IVont balcony ami I lion goto
tho ha ok olHoo ami kick tho stiillln'
out of iho party mmiMKors until tlioy
gave him what ho wuulcil. Truth to
say, ho ilomaiitloil loss than his ilo-
soils, \'ot In his intuloratlon
Uioso iwin nuoiiclos of Industry mid
inlivjiiilltv landod Mm In (In- Wliito
llimso i\l ihroo-und-forly.
Outlet- »l Mr. Dmla mid. It lit Stilt), ul
Jud||t' Parker.
Klklns, \V. Vn,, July l.\ it Is |io-
Uoved lit},ii» thai Sttnalor ISoi'intm will
ln< *'li:iii'|iiini tit ilif Domocrtiiio Na
tional Ci|U|iniltoe, li is known thai
Honey U> 4hit Is, tho \ ioo I'lVsidoutinl
oaudnkitiHt fhttitt* Iho soloolioii of lln
Miivy for this jtosl,
Xottalfir'l'Wnttsiii l»« s writton in Mi',
l>«vis tlt,iYV , iJflVVoo|i| tho iiosUlon
it il JVAn. II is i'o|tortoil
lltitl tills' i'":ntd lln* Not\ York
K<vtlo|tt Ml ' Hormun
for llio \t
j Will I i<!|< ») Mi hlnlo Till His In
C ttntpulyu.
Cumhoiluml, Mil., July !,'< K\
i Sonatoi' Davis iloos urn osjiool in
| tuuko t\uv formal aihlrvssva in tho
j otMU|ini|;n, Inn will lio \»•»•>• aolivo In
an ixilvlsorv aouso, mill will rwolvo
I iloli'ssvllniK at lils homo uutl, liko
ttlilv tuttko a low s|H)voJ(ii!i )u ih<
*f4l«lw llulllv* H <!»■«. S
A knl.v missionary lu Ituruui > aom*
ItllW M|io KHW tin* followtu* UV.X-OOIH of
how »trt> was the Inuooont oauno «112 th#
x#or»hti> iif uusUolpe burton huviu£
Won lust Itutoil. lu our of Uor tour*
»lu> miu» u|>ou « vlllttjv wliiw oholortt
wan rufitug Bavin* wltli tier n vjuau
tlty of a fatuous (situ killer, »ho went
from bonne to house mtuilulsti-rlug tu#
tvnuHly to thoa* »tt*l'k>Hl *Ull loft •
number of l>ottle* to tw unoU uftor «h»
Returning to the village muuo month!
Stttawqueutly sho was uiot by the tieaJ
man of (he oouxniunlty, who tkHNd
•nit vlrllKhtisl her txy this tnteUljiwoe:
•"teacher, wo hav«> oomo over to yout
j »UU\ Tho tntxlloluo OKI xis so umcti
I kwhl that wo havo aoxs<>Hxxl your god."
OvwJwW Ml thl.s uexva. «Uo was ism
xtvioWst to tho house of lior Informant,
whxx, inventus a IMOUV ahoxxxnl hor the
ivtln Wlllov l*Uti-s »olotuul,v arransxst
lx> a tow UIHIU tho shelf. auil hetxxre
thorn tho wholo ooxnivxuy tmuioxtlatelj
pt\i»iratisl Uioiunolvt* lu wxtrehtp.
Tho liav fever sufferers lu this wv
tixxu will ho jiloasod to leant that a
Gorixuttt ilootot hits |\r«tluooi\ :xn autx
(mllon so tutu, xxhleh has given rellof
to unity ami eutxut others of tho tfou
lYosiileul l!v*vse\x*lt is a laUHvtvs hronoo
hustw, JiuWv IVtkN was ou horseliaik
when ho ilxvivlxsl to semi Ins
Mr, l*avis refxvshtxl himself Irwin tl«i
• *u>:uos of a nu»t a>\luous vsxuwutiou hv
wrnt\ milvs iu (ho sailillo-tho vlav ;»itoi
' to sot houu\ Tliw is a su>|iioio»i thai
Kaivhanks is unt motv total oi
ihovwWlo tlian tiovornot lVuu> (su kofv
\ in.ui who vivUi* iu au autnuh>Ulo kv>
no Wmiun-s a IV'-sitviUuil tivkot in
thU \»w,
IV|>wl>liv\*ns atv hof»ill«sl thai tlio
-vn\\u| IVmivmts nominatvsl a vvr\ tioh
umm» lot Yiv>> Tl'ov I ail al
vaviy tnwnitvsttvsl a iuau >v(iiilvsl to lv
,iiul ilattoixsl thoui
>lv\ tiiat Ihi v hail vkmo a (uvtty siivk
■ Uitvxjv I'm! w hvu i l l l Ui'Hiis'vals uonti
aiist a man in xsvumansmt with whww
an*-! t'anisink*' K; iv!Us-ks likti aU'
xato v\xn tho,\ lv v ,11 no atvut
i» (KummMiim ot wry rioti uwhi,
■l\, t:iv<v ar\- k>i>i't ivMr mxnu-
Atilli; llouvx t> iwis U-uUv. Ins
Rrmllnn Conipuiiy Coultt Supply
All Nnllons (or Fifty Vtnis,
tnuriooii* Hokto ot Aolliiot 110 I vlrniti
Krom foltsvtllo Not Hot mil null Mn\
Vlolit HIT Million Tons.
I'ottsvlHo, I'll, July I A,—'"Tho
Itiiatliiijj t'oiil mill Iron t'om|i my alono
oan su|mly Iho worhl with nntbiiioUo
ooal tor tlio noxt AO \oars," was Iho
slatonu-ul given out at tlio loonl hoatU
li|tim'lersIi|tim'lers of the ooui)>aii\ to-ilav.
This Is tlio ivjily ul tho ooni|uiuy in
some of tho out this
I week by Ktlw .inl \V. I'llt'kor, ot tho j
I'liitoil Slatos tleologloal Survey, nil
| vvliioh ho proilioteil thai lie' nilnliijj
; ot nnthrnelte ooal wouht 0011-O entire- I
ly within 50 years,
"In tlio almost virgin basin ot ha it I
ooal, o\temllu£ from I'oltsvllle up Ilio
Hohuvlklll Valley lowartl Tamanuti
there are probably ri.tiiMi.iHHMHlii tons
of tho host anthraolto ooal obtainable,
l itis is not a wilil guess, but an np*
pro\iiiinto I'itlmiito by t'ompelont
mining ougluovr*.
>'lt is ivito that tho cool Mipply in
the upper part ot llie region has
roaohoil its limit, ami more unit more
tho groat soul horn basin, owneit ex
eluslvely by the lioailing Ooinpany,
must lm itravvn upon lo u groutor ex
tent, hut It Is also strietly true to -ay
that within to miles ot tho liomlliig
Coal ami Iron Coiupauy's lioiult|iuii't •
ers In I'oit-vlllo there Is as tnuoh hunt
ooal as has ever boon inliioi!
''lt is olio of the roiuam os ot mi
thraolto ooal milling lliai vi .lii at iho
spot w here hart! ooal was Hi si tlUcov
eivil anil snpposoil ul tirsl to he only
useless hlaok rooks, slioultl like lu
the main boil ot Iho worhl's best fuol.
It WAS nt this spot, too, Hint Hie util
ity of haul ooal for blast tuniaoos,
was ilrsi proven. Tito shallow veins
north of tho Itroait Mount n pro veil
olioapor to operate, ami as a ooiisei|ii
oiioo the big basin of the Keailing
tXuupmiy has boon loft almost tin
tuttohoil. The ooal In this -;ivat boil
lies tuuoli ileopor than lu Ihe onlt
nary veins, its|ulrliig lieavli r uiaeliin
ory, ami tlioro Is muoh moi oxlnm.se
In operating, hut HID pilot if bant
ooal Is now surtiolontly high to make
the mining of this coal a .ooil eo u
luoi'olal pioposltton,
"Wo liotiovo thai the Koinllug t'oni
puny will one Jay ho tho nliuost t\
elusive piteluoor ot liaixl ooal, \l
prosoui tho oonipany Is i \pomllng
throe million ilollars lu ilovoloping
this lleltl, hut that Is a more bagatelle
lo the sum It will Invest later ou,"
(irnrml Miles'* I'unin alouillens.
Jmlge Parker reeolveil a letter to
ilay from lioiioral Nel-oii \. Milts,
rho letter is lu lioiioral Milos's own
limulwtiling, ami is as follows
"Si, I.OIIU, July It*, UHH, Hon
Alton 11. Parker, Ksopiw, N V, Mar
Sir Safely for the gooil of I m ahtpof
state is ot the llrsi liuportanoo.
"Al n Uttll wlion ti uuiioi :il Ofllll
W |n<ntUn«, wlion IVniOfWlU Instiln.
lions niv In |«>v|l, wlion (jivnl o\ils
should l>o t>i'!ttllo:ilotl, whon mnioi'tnilt
lidlllonl t|nosllons ninsi ho dooldod,
it Is toiiniiiito that iho l>. nitioiiiilo
|nily Inn jjlvon l*t llio O'inn.i vsi ottn>
didtilo to I' I'rvsldont In w!■ 'in thill
«mit oouiwll of it'invsonlii. to moll
lisivo oyoiy oonlltltnioo, nml wo liitvo
tho lust tif ivnsons (tif holiov itthnl
otnilldonoo will ho vnnllrintil In tho
liiiolllftont, (luiilmio |ion|iio of tho
"Wit «!l do know that tho ittstlupin
and training of tho aio Iti hold
in siivivd
tho Ihithfnl llHol|>iot«lion and o\oon*
tion ot tho laws, Honoo wo holiovo
thai nntloi' yon l' atlnilnlsliatitui tho
law will ho ndmlnlstorvd wills lldolliv
and llltojjllty, I Wllovo you will ho
oloolt'tl, ami ihortilij liavo an ttit|itt|s
(unity o( ivmWilnj; our otuinliy a
soi'vioo ot lnimoas|ii-ah|t> v ilno, Ih it
will it'donnd to llio honor ot tho
tVinotwailo |tiiity mid tho >;l i-y ottho
'-I hiit o tho honor to vtiiiitlii, vory
trnlv your*, Ni.ison A, Miih,"
Among llio othor lottors twoivtsl
was ono frttui t"onjiu-ssmmi l.itmh, of
tho flilit! Ihstv'oi of VlrntnUi, Mm\
ottho w iltfis nowadav« ai wilting
in Jtooliy lo tho *t>mo ot It
uory j«ttotl, most of it othonv
Mittitiiijf of Wator Oonuwiss; mhos,
Tho Wat or rontiiiissiouorti In Id tlioir
vvgular luoutlily iiioolliik hi Oonnotl
OHfcmWor Monttav, virttss
and Mossw IVituan ami Soitat* Knots
A taiovt'or watot lioini! usvtl at tho
Grow golf links was a)t)diod
for, (SO was tivod a« tho rato \ lat.t
was also mado tor tho tlooloy ofc
fioitnov touiulry, tho lalo i,\ uithttla
wator for tho hoi lots,
Sinvnm»mii'ui KtioiVr was msuu, :■
od to \nvioood with tho work of ro>
moving tho oaith and stono that has
falltvtt amtttnl tho woll Iwlow «h« \\at<
oi Wtttks, Vhi» will itoi ttnlo tv vf
so?vio« in ko *t«tig lint woll ,>lo*r ot
tho oaith ,>tmtiwwally tailing ii\tiw tho
hanks, hut will aUo (trontsv ,*>» way
tor tho foundation ot tho vvtaining
wait should tins iiu|i«tvvuitwit Ito ,|o-
Oitlwt U(UKU,
Mr, tNwukaii sMtdl that an o y ormvu
a Stuthutv tiuu had hoou !,* s»i>
tdx tho Wator Works with Ita d t iok
od rivor o*val at tho lato ot # a ton
th'ltvvivd, This is tho htwtsi , iivoxtt
t|«o(t»d atui it w\»s MM io | tti'
ohas - »ho tsval,
i'haigod with dtMmytM)! tt tl tua>l
in r«otK'«l*til vVuntv, OhatWs
Whsit, ot St!*<m S|vim k > v has K u |otg>
vd »« jail at ttaiiut»vii^,
Net ttril-hrritklnq Nuiiiltri llolnti ll.u k to
I nrupr with SKI II It I to lines,
Ilio Aimrionu Line -ton uislt i|i
IYioslniul,w hit Ii >ntN llti- inoriiini; l r
l.i\oi|niol, will tako out tlio i
nnmlior of oiui.'uiuls i'V< i lii.okoil for
(in muo from I'litln. \ majmity
lutvo loilinl foi Miirs iu tliis auil uoiir
liv Siattvs, anil liavo iiooiiiiiulai il
-mall forum, s. wliioli lliov m>- Inkiiijj
Imok to tlio miiivo lain),
On luvouiit of tlio itiiiisiinl intuit r
i| |ia»sontfi i ihi> \morloan l,im* ' is
to ito away, for this ii:|i
mil , with tho SIHMIHI ola— ivs no
lions. As a i v >ult tho (look unil .
OIIINVMy bj -looml-olilss UMMtI •is
will Ito O|IOII lo pa-M'Uii
n is iitovo on ill" pail of tho iiuiiv :■ v
is liy no moan-a |iliast* of tho onl iato
war, MOOldttlg In AM of llio ilDleliK
!'l ■ socotnl oltiv. will Iv N -IV»|'|hH ,1
on tho way Imok, Ii is roiu.hlv . li
ntatiMl thai uioio than sit Mi.mi i will
JJO out of this vMiintrv to variolic | :uis
II of KIIIM|H> w liou tho ,'iOti oini i.inls
mil UibHKitmlnf, Thi-v.i-i mm . •
|ilv«ontii thoir savings,
Hull-Prownr it \ oiiui|slri lluulod In
Hatful Mnium in ltox|il|tii.
t'hostor. fit . July IS -Tho unusual
snoolaolo of a polloo (uilitil waji 'ii
ihi'hlltjt tlirough tlio sliools, will, u
lii'iivviiy iwilloonmn in Uls
uriii* a nmlo lio\, nUitiotoil « oroxvil
this iiftornooii,
Tho hoy was ti-yoniMilil Johuiilo
11 ilon, who liiiit tallon otV I'Mtiuuit
iivoniip jilor into tho liolawsro Uiv -r,
iiiul wlion lakou (rum tlio watorv.is
unoousoluits, llltlooi- Tluimas K.>t>;u*
son ilosortoil his post at tlio Oty H ill
ti snvo Iho hoy's llto, Hint, afiora w hi
rnoo, roiioltnl tlio ho<|iltal, wlioro ilio
iihlltl rt>vlv«nl.
Mnt|i|ol» Air Ills I'lcah.
Iniitloutiou ami laok of *o«|i MI>I WI or
O*IISIHI Imth |o«s of Jonathan Wuti -r,
Jmiiatu iMiinij, to i*>ioiiio iufooiisl w h
in iititols, \osiouliiv 1 10 was inliuill I lo
Iho Uarrlshuiv HoS|iit*l. Hi* lo«»io Ul
not Is l Hlii|iutnt««l IsHaii'o ot , i or
troubles. Win nor is v ><dr« olii
l«II Ilio I'uilll
A man, io|iutinl lo ho rloh, >1 il
ppiuiyloss, ami loft thin will, "in
Ilio nttitte of Uoil, union, fhoio's
only olio tiling I h ivo I loiivi io
onrlli. My ivlalivos Itavo alw. v*
w uitoil tlisit tlioy oan liavo ii
I'lni lidll vva* O ttuhlout l'lWOOllV ait.
vanoos in Urn i no - of uuais or oihor
toml |irotliiotn i.s to >iuit usiiiM tlmni
for a llunv
I pMM-. 1 .
1 li s ilim STORE *'j
Tins wintNup t»l
I'lio S, i- >ii willi
IVitVs ,l> |o.\s (lltlll
|j Mtiunl u .iuvrs onn iuxhluco tliotn,
I G ap f>ets 4 | ( )ra)>eries
1 VNh I
J n
Laae G u i*
| Mattiinjs! Minings! Mattings!!
IMSUKS, nil ivtlnootl. I
IN, 11, I'usli Iml.ustxi piiitl mi Hut lor timl Kjjjjx. jS
Kimtiins will liiul ntti" xtn,v tin* liontl tvnliv In tin tlioir n
h tnuliiitf, I |u> lursjvsl >|,n>K in stdoot frntn tuul tit priovs u
2 Unit nut tlistmuv nit tniini*lilitm, ■
| nwvii.iiitS R.iATHtST STORE I
I P. C. Murray & Son j
**l 1 1— vmv v ilim ■! mmmmmwwmmb
—I MM———HU
r« «112 IS |»ot- t onl, IVntvin Hi'sintl nf tAittmi 5
> 1!| - |
A lv ■ ;t n ivtliita>tl pr»ta\
ll' Sontl nt|ulrU\s ntttl ntMors lt\ mnil tn >
. *VSb? ; IVwimn linvinsj ot>kur« in, »
w ill l«> utliiitsl ttii nn-ivnl of llio oar,
C. H, HcAUhan & Bros.
l Dairy Supplies,
IVtUiiroxxs NorUuunhcrlniul Co., Pn.
1 * ■ ——j>m_t ml- -u—j——_l—iimumu—a—
A lot mutt to IV Cutout* Comium:f,.tUiin*<ty j
How, Homlotil, N. Y.
Hsu* Sim 1 think I urn •uffcrlna ftom •
1%% , .lM,Hu*ntmrUwiii«\> U.
w.vk n tivMmeilt Willi CAU-CUM4 SOLVIM, j
; NMIO. ;
| A<Mtf*a.•• !
Auv wurt'orvr from Kiiltwy trouhlo, 1 vor
of tUo liliiUit, (''>»•
Mtl|>*tUm, or IM«HHI impurity who r« Uy
iloHirim to flint a /Vrm«i»»rHl Cfcns inny
ohlaitt FIIBS CHE \ I'Mi N r with CM
S l>r. Duvnt K« munly** n«nv it «tU
ctm\ Simply out out tho coupon it »vo»
wot mail to tho OuUcum Gomiuuiy, lvoti
uwly Kow, lloinlouti N.Y.
Oft) , ttNi S. I\> nt | • bM by • V
ptvoar ito»n, riul i* Dr. ijrw >
mo,ltoim». It ftctt ou tiu outiroly now
in inoipta
Mr. William IT. MtUor, of Muttcntfni . \
Y„ sav*i—"l w.i* Horiously trouhlodi ith
toy ktUhny* i\n,l hhidilor f»*r over t roo
y» ;»rH, Many doctors nn«\ varlon* kMnov
voni'Hho*, novo mo i\o rohof. Hut It\ illy
hough! nbottlo of Ortl-oum Solvent m my
a f.'\vbottlos uint I am cu
Ulrst Improved Srulmi Morhlne*
Wo oini U\\\M\ \oii with ii SBO.OO
Nnvrnn Muoliino, now front tho ftiotory,
;tt ju?»t luilf juioo It is A I UIM RII IIIMJ
Ch«itt|t(,in ()ro|t llrmt. ono «»t tho \or\
latoM MttoNMi ami UMlIt) l»\ tilt NflU
Home Sowin# Muohim> I\K Cull on or
luUlrwm thin ollloe.
The Standard hallway 01 Thia
I'KOTI i Ti n Tllll'il illlnl T IIYTIIK
lutcrlockiuji Switch & BlocK system
Silicilulr in Lffcil Nov. 2D, 11)03
STATION* A.M. A.M. I'.M. I-.*.
f.«ll"",»'> I "•»> | SMI I j|K
Mllll'* I li .)l I|o 111 . |A|Mt
N oh' ii""i n.,s i iii mi i j to . , 17
Kl|,|i ~ lino I 7 IHi I 111 || ... .1 ,jj
Solllll I >!,n\ III,' I . , " "
II.IIIMIII J • 11 I" IT asi .',311
Uo> || 112 7 111 r 111 21 122 I I M
ll'Mil'lllu' t'livk l T .'i iln "si 2 ;il | hoi
MUM' " ' liia, 2'it «$
I'llllluKvi... 1.W1X,. s7 .a |„« j 8:w , #wt
iUtHonsli(o\: ....... i ' tS ,HI (i lit
1 M'.» I' T» I" 12 nil 47 .... 111 |»
ytuwn hVrry..,, I , , .
ii"!')'-, T.i 2 111 'H "V N\ iru
ll' I-U ,I'lc , SIU 11 Hi ,nv\ <| 40
ihwol'li :\,-,vv!;,V" 15gi ,l *M«i»*|
«|||.«;,|, | '"|"'" s in iI .M"i ,n II
I'Out tllll I S ||l I"> >»*, ||> , - ji
M«H>tllUll|U» ...| " 1 ~jU
shiokNlitmiy i s •l«'W :t »» 701
SJV'In 11 , 5, . ;l 11 «- to 710
Nuit11iMtki'...,,,,,,,,,,, S <| II ,'»i ;i hi 7IM
I !» 00 I I'J Ut | ( w"» I 7 " »
Pl.VHOMtllt I<\ | | \ I H OJ | |«(»! I ;< X; , -
\N '-I || (| IMI 112 &
ll»»u* BtWH't, M !M»s |'J(IS lUt ?sbt
\N Illvi S-|t:ir 'iv... \rrl\o U Jti ulO | UI
H-.'l.- siivH 7Js 111 -I * S3
5..1H11 W ilUw-Hunv . i<i 10 MI !• Vi IS
l'i in ...... t • . 1 1 |(| IT 1 I v* lit if*
Ullllom, I I 7 I O" • V W
M"t.tiiii'|ii i 1 s HIT :!.11 H.ij
1 Hw MI n 1 sit 1 ■«
-• 11 m ;i in 17
ttviu li IIMVVII h\'n\\ . '
U \rrlv»» SIK u«m 3 |-j » (W
Itorwlok » ...
I iV.'l \i| » I s SII i. l " i H lil |7 UO
Wm>J I"" li'ivrry a Sll9 i|B
s,lt;l7 *
I ;»*•! IIIIHIIIIHIIIII')!., i !• II .Al 100 7 lis
I 'lltHU'lviO liOtlYV S,M •»7 I l;i 7-w
lUmrliiK nivk r 001 1 I.MA 1 I 111 I 7:w
r iffirii-v.v.- r »>«'•« >• • « 71«
south h.nr lllv H ' l till 7 .*»!
u ,| \V M ) {uu iiu ij yo r 1 aft r7 M
: 1KJ515
Sliuburj Xiino >!•..» la in |ll jJ iu
Hnll> , Ulllv, '".i ipl Siiiulny. 1 HioitH
«kii i'i" " v 1,1 or Akoul, or ou
Tiiiiii- icnv. Moiiiii UmivilhMin IVilIowa:
I.h I 1 IsI.III noil Si'iniilon.T II u in mill 221
nil 1 ' '•' I' in wit k 'l;i\i; 111 17 H 111 ilAlly,
I-.11 I-011-.Villi, Itimllllu I I'llllilililplilH,
. 11 .1 111 Hint 2 21 |i 111 wi.'k'iln vs.
«,vkHlV\*K > l " l> ' '" " """ •' :,fl " I" 11
For I.i-hM.ihh, Mlllon, \vnliiitii»|.orl, i.ih-Ii
lI.Mil 11. 11.0,. ,„.l K.,|,,.. U 1.1 1' m \v„K.
I .l.ivv; l,» I. I "Ml, J', II11« 101, ml |B| pm
\\,,i, ,i , , 1,,i \\ . iiimopori uu,| tut,no,.,|i
- ~tr *.ln 1 1,,i,5. 111, t, 10 ;,,,11 *,l m utt'k ilHyii.
1." is, 11. t,,1,1,', i> runiiiviiiuin tiu'ti
1,\,l 11,<1,1.11 11 11 01 :ii,,l 12 1.l |, i,i Wi ik iltiv s.
) ~"'"I ii'ii iTiiiilliiii' Kimioim,
, iTi;;;v,.!r,;;.'"" , "" 1; " •• •»
I loi iMOImI. Ipioo {vlii lliirrlMltiiru) liattl
s II.UIT ,M,| \N „v| (in H:» 111 ail,| Hint laia
mot. *1 l> m \v«<i'kMlo,\s; 1:u |i m itnlly.
. . ~ ; u | I'ntvKutu ivhi llarrisimcuiwiiH 01 luot
. 'I |» 10 Mvokmluxs ,lA\ ~ m Ilallv ; IV | W |.,, xv .
Ivnovo 1 11 oil Woi 1;i II a 111 and | J 1;. p m NVrvk
- ; i\i\' r Hovvo) 0 11 11 m 1111,1 |«.» i;, p
I'ollmao INiclor mill sK<v|»liit; raiN run on
I liuO'n 1 1111 lis IH»| \vvt>o sinit.ur> . \\ IIIIMOIS
|",n .111,1 l.rl*'. I|.;|\\«Vll Suiltuifv an,l I'lilla
\U 1 |>,\i 1 mot NN imliiiiuioo anil hvtwvvn llai 1 is
«»iii«, I'lltshuru an I I lit* \V,*|.
lor I\iillivi Inlornmtlon anolv to tU'kot
auotilM, '' * »•**»•
\V. w. \ M:ititnu\ J. N. XVOIUI,
(u uvnil Munitttvr. Tmnto Mor
Easy and Quick I
To make the very best soap, simply
dissolve ix can of /i,inn,r l.yt in cold
Water, melt 5 'j lbs. of grease, pour the
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
•side to set
Pull Olrrctlonl on Uvtry Psckaf*
JioHMi-r l.yt is pulveriied. The can
may he opened and closed at will, per
lmtunj; the U'-e of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
lloors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closet* and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "USts of Jf.imur
—free. .
Tlw Pun Cbwkil >V«rfcs, Pfallnll»W
La toil a
A Most Marvelous
A niaunilKvnt ll.»h I l,v,N the skin ami in).
r r "\V 1 !'• ~,1,1 rvctunincmhHt
l<\ .»!! (>H M. i.tnv I. VTUII.A ix (IcllxliUlit Irn
fl's"merit*"" n " Uw l' ,k '>iviTvUi«l l ,nnc.
hrco Stimplc.s «112 Lutuila nuiy
bo obtained :il the tlitij; stoiv of
Mrs. J. 11. lilisil I'll.,
Can bo Cured with
Dr. Miles' Anti-
Pain Pills.
If your »tw« «r>> suhjeet to illMnrh
nnroc, melt «« Headaohwi, Neuralgia.
Pnekache, Rhoumntlsm, Menstrual
Pains, Stfenleasneas, »te„ thetr Jarring
nn.t Jamming ran l>o quickly ended with
n fr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pill.
Mllos' Antl-Paln Pills are vleas
nnt little |»lnk tablets. which do not »ct
»n the bowels, nor do they have uuy
disagreeable weakening or habit-form
ing effect on the system.
They are the result of th,. latest scion,
tlrte knowledge on the subject of Puln,
snd bring relief safely uiul quickly to
the greatest sufferer.
You should nltvnYS keep a box of TV.
Miles' Anil-Pain PHI* In the house. stneo
Sou newr know when twin may attack
you, and It Is wrong to nußwr whan your
suffering can he so quickly relieved.
l>r. Mil.**' Antl-Pnln Pills contain no
opium, chloral, cocaine, morphine, or
similar drugs. nnd *i» sold by di uggut*
under a guarantee to relieve you, or
pay yetlr money hack.
n.v relieving Pain, r>r. Miles' Antt
l\dn Pills shorten suffering. an.t length
cn IN*. .4 cents. Never sold In hoik.
\VI-V XrV"! lioe! 1 " 1 W ' V | V'" , 112 *
v . y ,rt,N ' \i<> lvr 4 MIUsV
J.\ V , N ' v V vly with noumK
iwiVtuw iMn* x*
J Thoy alt th«t
lar A hx OKOKiW 00T.-
\\\ WwKl;*U\l St., B;>n Ant«mU\
PPVIP* XVrlt* to \is 7wr nvo Trial
* *VX»X« wt D»\ MilM* Antu
l«\ Pillt, ti\t* Now s. ionnao Uoimstv
' .Vlw VA »nK Our
XX >U N»x\:r W'WS t<4l
vyu N \V»MW tuul V A T.> I t-ht It,
>> .Ku.ua; unia *