Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, July 22, 1904, Image 1

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Will have Everything in
Readiness for Co. F's
A Steaming Hot Meal Will be
Ready lor the Boys When
They Reach the Camp.
Oaptaiu J Beaver Gearhait issued
final instructions to the advance de
tail of 00. V which leaves for Gettys
burg at tt:ls this morning via D. L
& W. railroad. This detail will erect
the tents aud have eve ythiug iu readi
ness for the Company when it arrives
at the camp bile Friday night.
The advanoe guard is made up ot tlio
following: Lieutenant Frank Keefer,
Sergeant George Gross, Privates
George Marshall. Kalph Gaskins,
Frank Neviun, Abraham Olnlds, Ar
thur Williams and Alex. Kainior.
They will meet the advance detail of
the other oouipauies at Northumber
A special car is iu waiting for the
Company baggage 011 a Biding near the
D. L & W. station. Company K will
join tlie regiment at Northumberland
tomoi row evming, proceeding via
Pennsylvania rail >o ul front tlint point
to Gettysburg.
this year when tlin boys reach t.ho
camp a steaming licit ninal will lie in
readiiidsa. At p-evinus camps a long
wait lias intervt-tia it.the boys having
had tu prepare their owu meal after
arrival. Tun members of tin) guard
are antici|iai ing a royal time this sea
son au I from tlin elaborate prepara
tions baing in tit I u they will not be dis
Oherry Pits in Intestines. |
That a child eighteen mouths old '
could -wallow 343 cherry pits aud livo
after their removal principally by
■argliill means after they had closed
the passages In the intestiues, would i
be deemed impossible were not such
the eiperienoe of tint child of Ohediah
Michael, of Summer Hill. Recent ,
mention was made in tho Nows of the i
child when it was stated that Dr. ,
Reagan of Betwick, had removed 300 ,
pita. This number was thought Im- i
possible but soon after Dr. Reagan
had am thor call lo relieve the child
and removed by Burgical menus aud
medicine 143 more wliioli makes the
total 341. The pits, which are now in
the poH'Uasiou of Dr. Reagan, almost
fill a large olive bottle. Some of the
pita are extra large ones which makes
the case the more remarkable
The child is doiug well nnd Dr.
Reagan stated that if nothing unfore
seen set i in the chilli will recover.
The ease is oue certainly without a
parallel in this section and uo doubt
also within a much wider scope.
Will Not Sell Lots.
luqniriea have beeu made recently
by aome of our citizens as to the dis
position of the Mill street lots owned
by the D. L. & W. Company ou either
aide of the canal culvert. The lot of
ground taking up the canal bed from
Mill to Ferry streets is especially I
valuable. It is considered by many,
taking iuto consideration the very
good lo mtion, to be worth at least
n ,000 aud in faot such an offer was
made some weeks ago by one of Dan
ville's prominent citizens.
At present the D. L. & W. Com
pany will not sell the lots which leads
many 10 believe that they iutond us
ing it at some future time for purposes
of their own. Iu answer to an inquiry
from a prospective purchaser the Com
pany Flat id "that there had been sev
eral olreis made for the ground but
that it au4 not for sale at this time."
To loktire Boilers at Water Works.
A te!egiaiu was received by City
Oleik H B. Pattou from the Hartford
Steam Buiter Insoiauce Company last
eveniug s> atiug that a representative
of that eu upauy would arrive iu this
oily on h'.iday for the purpose of in
specting the boilers at the Water
Worka preparatory to having them in
Pre* ions to this time no insurance
has beeu i arried by the Borough along
this line. Much oare is taken by in
surance companies in taking rinks aud
the iu>pei'tors make it a point to ex
amine the boilers insured at any time
they see lit.
The l.■. Hers at the Water Works are
alwavs in excelleut condition, the em
ployes a 1 heiug experienced men who
will tu i<ady for the inspector uo mat
ter ho it i fren he may diop iu
New Bnitch Engine.
The D. I. & W. yard engine No. 43,
Which has beeu doing the switnbiug at
both Danville and Blooiusburg has beeu
fouud tu i light for the wnrk aud
Will be returned to Srrauton. In place
of this enjiue No. 17,0f Sorantou, has
been sent to do the work. The engine
will du the switcliiug at Rloouisburg
In the inn. ~ing aud in thlß city in the
afteruo n
R .uuing Doable Tnrn.
The Structural Tubing Works is now
ranuiug night aud day. The plant
•tatted o.i Mouday morning. The
Howe & Samuels puddle mill is still
The lniihijipal light oidhiniiri* wuh
passed mi its iliit'e readiugs liy tlio
Borough (Joum-il Fridav night.
A (Miiiuiaiiiriitiou wu-i r««»»i v»ul from
tlio Horuiigh Solicitor explttiihu that
onil> r t%N r» decisions of ilit) Superior
Oouit nf l*»»i 11 y!v niiji Council whs
empowered lo rusli the ordinance
through all three readings at the first
regular meeting or at any adjourned
meeting nnder suspension of rules.
This the Solicitor thought was neces
sary iu order to enable Council to ad
vertise the ordinance in time for the
special election.
Mr. Vastine moved that the roles of
Cooncil he suspended and the ordin
ance on eleotric light be passed ou all
three readings. Mr. Fensterinacher
seconded tlio motion, which carried
without any opposition.
Tlio ordinance was accordingly read
three tunes. Summarized the ordinance
authorizes, empowers and requires the
Borough of Danville to erect, iustall,
operate and maintain a municipal ele
ctric lighting plant to be owned and
operated by the said Borough solely
for the purpose of manufacturing and
supplying eleotrioity and electric light
for lighting and illounuatiug the sev
eral Boroogh buildings, Borough prop
erty, streets, lanes, alloys,and all oth
er public places iu and under the con
trol of the said Borough of Danville.
On the filial reading the ordiuauce
was put to a vote with the following
rosu It:
Yeah—Davis, Montgomery. Swank,
Feustermaohor, Boyer, Reifsnyder,
Vastiuo and Goeser.
The printing of the ordiuauce was
loft, iu the hands of the Committee on
Printing,who will let the work to the
lowest bidder.
Borough Solicitor Goarhart was
present and advised that a committee
bo appointed to look after tho details
of the special electiou to be held on
August 2nd and made several practical
recommendations for it to act npon.
The Solicitor stated that he already
has a special court, fixed by Judge Lit
tle for officially counting and com
puting the voto Thursday, August 4th
at 13 o'clock, noon.
Mr. Fjnsterinachnr reported a bad r
leak in the gas inalu ou East Market i
street near Beaver street, wliioli for c
several mouths has boon a great nuis- (
auce. On motion tho Clerk was res
quested to notify the Standard Gas 1
Company to repair the leak. i
Mr.. Kenstermaohor also reported c
that wator lodgod iu tho bottom of 1
the canal has become stagnant and I
prejudicial to public health. He ask- >
ed whether a di;ch could not be dug t
iu the canal so as to effectually drain e
the bottom. This matter was referred i
to the Committee on Streets audi
Bridges,they to act uooording to their i
judgment. c
Ou motion of Mr. Goeser the Street |
Commissioner was instructed to paiut <
the iron bridge on Center street. :
Ou motion of Mr. Va°tlne the Stand
ard Electric Light Company was re
quested to remove the pole at the can
al ou Mill street, which has been left 1
exposed in tlifc street by the roinoval I
of the canal bridges.
Mr. Swank reported that the tin
roofs of the Borough lioso houses are
in need of paiut. On motion the mat
ter was referrud to tho Committee ou
The followiug bills were approved
for payment:
Regular Employes $l3B 50
Lowering Water Mains 100.05
Adams' Express Co 1.95
Structural Tubing Co 3.58
Morning News 1.44
Uuited Tel. and Tel. Co 0.00
Atlantic Refining Co 3.70
Joseph Lechner 38. 80
Harry B. Pattou 30.00 1
Regular Employes $ 83 50
Labor aud Hauling 3!) 50
A. H. Grone 13. UO
United Tel. and Tel. Co 34.50
Morning News 33 83
B. B. Brown 8.00
A Curiosity.
Shoe Dealer W. J. Rogers has a car
iosity on exhibition iu his store win
dow iu the form ot a bea> tiful rug
made of the skill of some animal with
uiouuteil head attached. A oard is at
tached setting forth the followiug:
"Sent by John L. Evans f. villi Lara
mie, Wyoming."
No ouo seems to know just what kind
of auimal is represented. A good
many iuclitio to the view that it iB a
catamount, but others are jast as sure
that it is some other kind of an »n
Fractured Left Arm,
Byron,tho seven-year-old son ot Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Saiusbury, Grand
street, sustained a fracture of the left
arm a few inches above the wrist ou
Saturday evening. The little fellow
was standing on the fence anil iu some
manner slipped off, falling heavily ou
, his arm Dt. Curry rendered the neces
sary surgical assistance.
A New Physician.
> Dr. Harry Hiushillwood, a homeo
path, of Philadelphia,ou Monday will
open an office at No. fi, West Mahon
ing street, the brick dwelling owueii
' by S. It. Kroeger. Dr. Hiushillwood,
t is a married uiau. He is a graduate
< ot the Hahnemann College, t'hiladel-
I phia, class of 1895. For sevou years he
I was located iu Marietta.
Mill street will in a short time t:iko
on a very busy appearaucc. Contract
or D. J. Rogers who hold* the street
paving ooutract stated Saturday even
ing that work would be begun within
at least three days after the election
on Tuesday, August 2nd.
Between fifty and sixty men will be
employod on the job and the grading
and laying ef brick will be carried on
at the samo tiiuo. Though work of this
kind neems to move slowly Mr. Rog
ers stated that in his opiuiou it would
not take over three mouths to pave
the street if all tilings moved as they
should. The trolley company will have
to lay its tracks before the work of
paving is bugun.
The roadway will liavo to bo dug
out to a depth of twelve inches and at
some plaaes even more. The laying of
the briok, while uot difficult, neces
sitates the employment of experienced
hands. Tlio street will be paved iu
sections, abont f>oo feot at a time be
ing blocked off. While tills work will
close tlio street iu such a manner as to
prevent driving through it, yet those
places ou either side of the blocked
portion will i)e accessible ; ami though
some inconvenience will result this
plan will uot closo the highway alto
gether. s
Lack of material will at no time de
lay the work as the Reese-Hmmoud
Brick Gompauy will he uudor bond to
furnish the paving blooks as fast as
needed. Mr. Rogers anticipates no
trooblo iu socuring all the laborers
ueeded and the work once started will
move along with surprising rapidity.
Mill stroat should present a sight about
December Ist in strikiug contrast to
what it in now and with the other
iuiprovomonts contemplated the busi
ness portion of Danville will compare
very favorably with tlio most progres
sive cities in the state.
The Lutheran Reunion.
Rev. Dr. Heimensnyder, of Mil ton
president of the Susqueliauua Luther
an reunion, makes the following an
nouncement: The Susquehanna Luth
eran Reunion will be bold tiiis year at
Edgewood Park, Shainokin. Thurs
day, August the 35th. Two of the
most prominent and eloquent speakers
in the Lutheran church liavo been se
cured for the addresses. Or. J. A.
Clutz, former president of the general
synod aud president of Midland Col
lege, Atohinsou, Kansas,and Dr. John
A. W. Haas, newly eleoted president
of Muhlenberg College, AUentown,
Pa. This Dr. Haas is a brother of the
Dr. liaas who wai pastor of the ohurch
whose congregation lost almost oue
thousand members ou the ill-fated
steamer Slocuni,including the pastor's
wife and daughter. It is iutendud to
make this tho best of all our Lutheran
reunions. Good rates have beou se
cured, splendid airangements aud
great improvements on the grounds.
Get ready for a grand rally and a
spleudid time.
Snakes Killed at Water Works.
Three large snakes were killed by
borough employes ou the rivor l>auk
below the Water Works on Saturday.
One of these, awf tor snake, was dis
covered swimming around in the well
that was being cleaned out. It was a
large reptile and in order to remove
it, hail to be shot.
The other two snakes wero of tho
dangerous copperhead variety and were
killed by Samuel Sainsbury. Roth of
these were ehree feet long. Mr. Sains
bury,who was working ou the founda
tion of the retaining wall discovered
the first one lying between two large
stones. After some troublo he killed
the snake and shortly afterward saw
the second one crawling toward tho
weeds. With a shovel iu hand Mr.
Saiusbury gave oliase and struck tho
copperhead on tho hack, pinning it to
tho grouud. The snake luade every
effort to strike, but ouly succeeded in
striking its faugs against the shovel.
Work on Oulvert Untiuishod.
Contractor D. J. Rogers has still
some work to do iu oounectiou with
the Mill street culvert. A coping Is
to be placed on both sideß, the stone
for which is expectod to ariivo in a
few days. Iron railings will also be
put up which will servo as a protec
At the last mooting of Oouuoil it
was decided to heighten the retaining
walls leadiug down Uanal avenue aud
to lengthen them somewhat. The walls
will be allowed to slope gradually to
tlia grouud and will be a continuation
of the walls built by Mr. ltogcis.
Haud rails will be placed on them.
When this work is finished it will
greatly enhance the appearance of
thiugs at this point. At preseut it has
a desolate and uufluished appearance.
It was also deoided to lower the side
walks at the Oity Hall to couform
with the established grade.
Ferrj Moves Slowly.
Though the river has risen several
inches the past few days the ferry
makes little headway. Doing toward
the South Danville shore it is especial
ly trying aud to make any of the Penn
sylvania trains it is wise to start very
early. Several passeugers missed the
5-.50 train last evening, though pre
sumably they had started early enough.
In inauy oases the ferry passeugers be-
I come quite impatient aud look long
, iugly at the ferryman.
' The ferrymen are doing all that is
possible to facilitate tho speed aud uu
) der the circumstauces show a remark
'able palienoe.
Danville Citizen Contri
butes Large Sum for
New Cathedral.
Cathedral at Harrisburg Will Cost
$225,000-- Parishes of the Di
ocese Will Contribute.
The announcement has been made
that the snm ot till,(> 00 has already
been contributed by twenty-two per
sons in the diocose for the new oath
oilriil at Harrisburg. oue of our prom
inent citizens, Jolm H. (looser con
tributing the largest amount.
Bishop John Walter Shaualiau.of the
Koman Catholic diocese, of Harris
burg, has issued a letter to the clergy
and laity for tnuds for the erection of
the new cathedral in Harrisburg,
which is now ready tor the founda
tions, and which Bishop Shaualian
says, "will rival in size aud splendor
the most celebrated churches ot the
New World."
The cathedral will oost #33.">,000 aud
au agreeuieut has been signed with the
contractor to pay him $50,000 by Dec
ember next, and the bishop appeals to
every Catholic iu the diooese to help
raise the uiouoy. He says,"To raise
the amount of money whioli we shall
ncuil during the coming twelve mouths
each parish is called upon to coutri
bute a sum equivalent to one dollar
for every member of its population."
Already donations have been made
as follows by Catholics ot the diocese:
John H. (looser, Danville $9,000
John Obliuger, Lancaster 1,000
Mrs. A. M'Conomv, Laucatser 1,000
Richard M. Roily, Lancaster . 1,000
A Clergyman, Lancaster 1,000
John A. Coyle, Lancaster 1,000
Joseph Haeffuer, Lancaster 1,000
Mrs. M. S. Horshey,Lancaster . 1,000
Annie McOovoru, Lancaster 1,000
P. Kuss, Harrisburg 1,000
P. 11. Vaughn, Harrisburg 1,000
Max Johnson, Harrisburg . 1,000
Mis. R. McCloskoy, Harrisburg 1,000
J. Uarnt Schwartz.Harrisburg 1,000
Rev. J. W. Shanahan. Harrisburg 1,000
.Tamos Ryan, Philadelphia 1,000
Petor Dnllone, Hanover 1,000
Mrs. Uabriella Smith, Hanover 1,000
John A. Poist, McSlierrwitown 1,000
Knapp-Shillot family, Columbia 1,000
Uootgo O. Uraeber, Shamokin . 1,000
John Mulleu, Shamokin .. 1,000
Secoud Ward Residents Uouiplaiu.
The question brought up by Council
man bYnsteruiaeher at last Friday
night's session of Council in regard to
the digging of a trench to carry otT
the surplus water from the canal bot
tom seems to have voiced the senti
ments of many residents of tlio Sec
ond Ward. The canal bed east of Rail
road street,as far as the State Hospit
al, is veiy low aud consequently It
forms sort ot a basin into which the
surface water runs aud becomes stag
nant. The odor of this is exceptionally
obnoxious aud has atoudeucy to breed
The Struotuial Tubing Work* at one
tiuie obtained its water supply froui a
chim built al this poiut but this litis
since been abandoned, the company
pipiug it* water supply from the mea
dows lying north of the canal. The
Second Wtird residents claim that there
is now nothing to iu?erfero with the
draining ot (Ileoanal bed aud the most
feasible plan seems to tie the diggiug
of a treuoli trom Guliok's Additiou to
the aqueduot below the Mill street
Lost Artificial Foot.
Harr.v Kennedy of Hiveraide, had a
most peculiar mishap on the ferry
while returning to hi* home troni this
oity late Saturday night.
Mr. Kennedy had the misfortune a
few years ago to have hi* foot, taken
Otr hy the cars and aiuoe then has beeu
wearing an artificial foot.
As a rule he sudors little inconveni
ence hut on Saturday evening as he
was about to step off the fetry he
stumbled and fell and iu ao&ie manner
the artitloiul member oatuo oft aud fell
iu tho river,floating away in the dark
ness. Heing unable to walk Mr. Ken
nedy was taken home iu a wagou. Af
ter a diligent search on Sunday morn
ing tho foot was found quite a dis
tance below the bridge.
House Party at Blue Spriuga Farm.
Miss Sara K. Del.ong is giving a
house party this week at her home.
Blue Springs Kariu, near Washiugtnu
ville. Among the guests are: Mi**
Sara Neabit, Miss Kiutua Nosh it and
Mrs. Noablt of Lewisburg ; Mis* Mary
O. Yorks, Miss Hlanohe Oel.ong, K
Purse 1 Angle, Theodore K. Anglo,
William M. Kobisou aud T. Maxwell
Merry weather. A most enjoyable
anno was held at the DeLoug Olub
House last eveuiug
Improving Slowly.
John Helming, of the Hrui ot Tooey
\ HenuiUK.vfho has been seriously 111
| for the past month is slowly improv
ing. Mr. lleuuing was striokeu with
paralysis on the right *idc aud for a
time had lost control of the limb. Hi*
condition was very grave but it i*
thought now that he will fully rogaiu
his health.
Anyhow the uational campaign start*
off red hot.
Miss Maggie iuaok, who is employ
ed by J. If. Miller on Or. Paules'
farui, Mahoning lowuahip, had an ex*
citing experience Monday aud betore
noon was iu a state ot collapse.
Miss Mack started front the farm
house about eight o'clock to pick ber
ries. Coming to a bush whole the ber
ries hung near the ground she stooped
to pick them and a moment later fell
a stinging sensation ou the left baud,
She raised her arm immediately and
was horrified to see a suake clinging
to the middle tluger, its tangs imbed
ded in the flesh under the kuuekle.
She shook the reptile off aud ran to
the houae. The ariu and Anger were
tightly bound above the wound
aud hasty preparations made to drive
to Danville.
Mrs. Miller, who accompanied Miss
Mack to this oily,alighted at the home
of a frieud ou West Market street.
Maggie, uatnrally nervous about the
wound, started at ouce for Or. P. O.
Newhakor's office. She drove down
factory street and turued iuto West
Mahoning street. Having the use of
but oue hand she was unable to stop
the horse at the Doctor's office and the
auimal at a good speed went ou down
Mahoning street.
Of its owu accord tlio horse in mod
iuto Chestnut street and (lion again
into Wont Market. Hy tlio time Kao
lory street wan reached again Mian
Mack liad mana)|od to got tlio animal
uudor control. Hut coming down tlio
hill at the Hunt oatilago shop again
last control and the horse dashed Kaat
on Mahoning street, going faster at
every bound.
Upon leaching Mill street a number
of wen discovered the girl's plight and
stopped the horse, lie was a spirited
animal and though not exactly run
ulug away conld not he controlled in
a one-handed way.
The youug lady was then assisted to
the Doctor's oftlce whm the snake
bite was cauterised. The hand and
linger were badly swollen but it is
not thought that the wound is a dang
erous one. The snake was about a foot
and a half in length and was not
thought to bo very poisouons,
Danville Won Tenuis Game.
The DauviUe Tennis Club defeated
the llloouisburg Tenuis Club on the Y,
M. O. A. court at the latter place on
Saturday, by a close margin.
The tint half was played by Naiso
and KUhtou of Itlooiusburg, auil Wat
son and Jouniug* ot tliii oily, the lat
ter wlnniug two oul ot the throe sets.
The score for the Hint sot was tt to 8
favor of DauviUe. The second was
won by Hloomshurg, score 10 to S. The
deciding game in this set was won by
Walsnu and Jennings by a score of 11
to a.
The second Imlf wa* played hy MoK»r»,
Carpenter aud Km of Hlooni*hurg,aud
Uo»h and Holloway of Vauville.
Hlootuaburg cauie off victorious in this
halt tho two *et* being won by Messrs
Carpenter and Knt by scbres of rt to 3
aud 112. to 4.
Carpenter aud Knt then played off
with Watson and Jennings the latter
winning the deciding games hy the
following scores: Kirst set tl to a. Sec
ond set i) to 7. than giving the victoiy
to the Dauvllle playeis.
Repair* at Readiug Iron Work*.
Kepairs on the uew puddle will at
the Heading Irou Work* are being
rapidly pu*hed to completion. It I*
thought-that the mill will bo iu leadi
uetts to resume operation* next week.
Auioug other repairs being made the
eugiue i* being thoroughly overhaul
ed. Two uew furnaces are also being
'The oulv porttou* of the plaut being
operated at pre scut are the old middle
mill aud the ID-inch or guide mill, It
1* thought that the ttt-iuch mill will
resume yet (hi* week.
Horbeit T. Hecht.a well known iron
man of Sorantou has been appointed
superiuteudent ot the plant at tlii*
place. Mr. Heoht, who ha* been Iu
charge since July lat wa* formerly a
member of the tlrtu of Kiuuey A Heoht,
itou manufacturers ot Scraulou. He
U a moat capable man and widely
kuowu iu the irou world, tie ha* mov
ed hi* family into the saperiuloiident's
home ou Northumberland street.
Landslide at Wolvertou.
The 4:91 Kast bound passenger train
on the Pennsylvania Itailroad arrived
at the South Oanvllle station an hour
late yesterday owing to a landslide
uear Wolverton station
The track at this point i« laid done
to the hill aud a heavy »howcr iu that
vieiuity caused a Urge quantity ot
earth aud rook* to fall, completely
covering the track for a distance of
tlfteu feel.
The Kiverside aection bauds uuder
the supervision ot foreman Uavid Nus*
were called and they managed to get
tho traiu through after an hour's de
lay. It wa* tivw o'clock, however, he
fore the delui* wa* removed aud the
track cleared.
Teacher* Elected,
At a recent meeting of the School
Hoards of Hiversido and tlearhart
township the tollowiug teacher* were
elected 5
Grammar School, Qwrimrt town
ship. Mi** Mary A. t'fahler. Primary
School, Oearharl lowuship, Ml*s
HlancheCampbell Kipp'* Kun School,
Mi** Kttie \Votiue*dor<
Grammar School, Kiverside, Haulel
J. Snyder. Primary School, Hivet
•idv. Mr*. tC. W, Youug.
lu WII IDMITIIW will) Mix* K#ei ot
Now Yoik oily wlio 1* visit um Iter
aimer Mr*. W'tlt, Oroaa Key* I'laoe.
•OIUO very interest ill): auniicationa ftliit
comment.* pertalnlutt IK tho TIIOUIA*
Beaver Ifree l<ihraiy were made to a
repreaeutatlve ot till* (mper yoaterday,
Mlaa Kiior to » tcrad.tale (it the fratt
institute. Brooklyn, and I* employed
at tho Attor library, Now York, A
nhort tiuio ago Ml.** Kiior catalogued
Mr. Andrew Oarne«ie'» private libra
rv at lu* Now York residence, and U
lu OIOM touch with the llbraiy iuo*o
luoiil, Mias Knor said :
"A* A former resident here ami lly
iuii now hi the oeutr* ot a Tory active
library movement I cannot liol|i ho inn
liroatly interested m llio welfare ot
Danville'* Kree Library. The town
ha* been vory fortunate in having pos
sessed tor many year* this »ouroe ot
culture Mini ontoiialumont. Mr. Beav
-01 |u<<Holllo<l llio library to llio lowu
without imimaltig upou it any ot llio
obligation* tor malnteOAUO* wliioli ac
company similar gifts from Mr. Oar
ucglo. The library \t*i founded he
toro llio starting ot llio great library
movement which bus established such
institutions lu thousand* ot cities mill
villages throughout llio oouniry. lu a
uuiubor ot *1 mo* now llioro *ro public
library commissions who*o business it
Into awaken Interest ami lo establish
librario* In llio oouinninlllo* through
out the atate, These librarU* are
maintained by public
by taxation. A nil It 1* * generally ae
oeptod facl lliMt a oomiuunlly whloli
maintain* ll* own library rako* groat
or pride in it limn QUO which own* an
oiulowoil institution. Youi neighbor
ing oily ot Hloom*lmrn about A yoAr
ago opened a library,tho establishment
ot whloli in duo entirely to tho otl'ort*
ot A number ot public-spirited wonieu.
"Owing to shrinkage lu tho VAIUO
of tho securities from whloli tho l>an•
villo library drAW* ll* *U|<|ioit, tho in
come of llio library I.as boon greatly
lo**ono<l of tooont yoar* ami it has boon
niurb hampered ill it* usefulness In
it* value to A community the library
la hardly secondary lu Importance to
the |iuhlic school, ami it should there
tore receive cordial public support,
The work of the public school* here,
os|iootally the high school,i* well sup
|ileiuoiitoil by the AUI given to the pu-
I'll* bv the librarian. Kven A slight
tl»orea»e to the income ot the library
would greatly lAcllitAle it* work. The
library needs more luonoy, llml tor
books, anil socontlailly to assist In tho
Ailminiiitratioii. By popular suliscrlp
lion hut still hotter, It (icssihle, fivm
exittkinit taxes the |>oo|ile ot Oanvllle
could at a cost tliAt would harilly l»e
felt atbl enough to the pro sent income
of the library to admit ot the purchase
ot greatly neodcil hook*and to proper
ly make the resource* of the library
availAhlo. Kxcollent work la Iming
done by the librarian,but with ampler
moans the usefulness of the library
could be trebly incroAnod, K»|ieciAlly
la tlila true lu the CA*O of work with
the children, for whom there should
he A special department with a refer
ence aud rcAdtiiK room,exclusively de
voted to their u*e,"
The Well Cleaned Thoroughly,
The work of cleaning the well In the
river at the Water Works was eomplet*
ed late Saturday afternoon aud much
better water service ean now l>e main
tained thpughout the town. Over four
teet ot mud, leaves, etc,, had boon
washed into the well and the removal ot
this uiade It a hard job The men em
ployed had to work in watet waist
deep most of the time and the sedlmeut
was obnoxious to handle.The work was
most thoroughly eoiu|deted, however,
aud the supply of water wtU he bet
ter than evet. Till* well had not heen
cleaned for several years,
The other well, whtoh lies ?,\ teet
from the short l cannot he cleaned until
the river falls even lower than at pr».
sout. As It lies at a good depth It docs
not need cleaning a* often as the well
uearet the shore,
Mill Street Lively SatittvUy Night.
Mill street presented a gay appear
auce on Saturday evening, Krom seven
o'clock until about ten the street was
thronged, The fact ot Its heing |<ay
day combined with the ideal night
brought out the shopper* and th*
merchants were extremely busy,
It wan an orderly crowd, The ice
creaiu priors and *oda water fountain*
did a land offlce business. At some
places customer* could be accommodat
ed only after a long wait. Many place*
sold out early,
Si cos' Hand enlivened the occasion
with luustc at several point* along the
street It was the hand's tirst appear
auce iu some week* and It was a wel
come feature. The regular Saturday
eveuiug dance at Hunter'* Park was
well attended
AtlutW Met IVy.
The Intensity of the heat wa* «IMM
what lessened yosterday t\y the show
cr wlueh occurred about» jv *», Pre
vious to that time the thermometer*
about town registered M degrees Af
ter the shower, though still uueorn
fortahly warm, tl wa* mow Ivaiahlc,
a alight brvv«> relieving the situation
very much, Shower* during this pro,
traded warm wither have availed hut
Uttle ami the VHMIIW** following i»
only tor a *hort time, Oel a gosMl sup.
ydv of ice tins morning Yol6*ll need
Provided (or the Comfort
and Convenience o( the
State Guard.
Y. M. C. A. Tent* Will b« IVpuUr
•I (leUygburg Camp—All
(tuanlamen Invited.
Kvory member ot the Slato Ouard I*
furnished Willi a circular containing
the following iufotmatiou, wlitoli ta
sent to l lion* hy Uw Stale .tVimullteo
At llio Y. M O. A., through the aid
of liHMt) Secretaries Mud the fsiptaius
ot the various oonipante* throughout
the Stale!
When off dutv you aro invited to en
Joy tlio comfort and conveniences ot
lli«i SlMte Young Men's Christian A*-
aoeiatlon tents, mi* ot which will to
located will) Your brigMdo tViue Mini
bring your oomrado*.
Among the privileges are: Stat ton
ety Mini poatMge ataiup*, Philadelphia
mill Pittsburgh daillea, paper* from
lioiut>, Illustrated papers, Uerreut
Msg* sines, Piano or Organ, Ohesa
nuil Orokinole, llasehall and ijuoils,
100 Water. Postage stamps will be
sold mi "Uncle Sam's" ptlOM. Kvery
thing else Is free to members of tlu<
National Ouard.
Copies ot the Morning News will be
fouml at tln> Y. M O. A. tenl each
Tin' Young Mon's Christian As
aoclMtion lent- work Ml the Slslo Km
CMinptucnta wm« inaugurated in IStM,
Mini Willi on* oittaption has lionn con
tinued mi every encampment since.
Those louts Mrv lln< most |>opular places
In camp, Ouatdaiu*n Mrv Invited to
consult llio SccrolMrtca in oliarge, who
will bo glad to render any service poa
slliio while in camp
Secretaries In charge : First Brigade
I'onl, Wtu. J. Mlllot, Jr. Second
Brigade Tout, A. F, tliittaoiuiucr
Third Brigade Tout, J. 11. Ktl wants.
Wmioli llio bulletins Ml llio tout*
tor uwnnroiMlta ol apeeial events.
In North America lliore Mro
Associa- Mom
lion* iwrs
Olty ~, ~,,,,,,, W 481, ass
Kaitroart *l3 Ttt,ooo
11-llhll TIT 41,4W
* Army aurt Navy ~,, Sl> #,T4H
Otlmi at 8,8*4
MH *i mm#
Small town wirt oounly MS s,mo
Totftla , I,M» B>VS,4Bfl
Total in PttunaylvftlUft Ml ,M,OOO
•Army ntul N»vy Work in onrriod ou
*1 J:-J |toiut*.
Tolttl milliter ot Aaaooifttion* In tit#
Tit# Younn Mon'a Oil tiat lull Asaooift-
Hon t#nt« >1 i'Atup tjtifty, *ro o|i«r*t
*tl uud*r lit# *u»iii#oa of lh» Kxvvullv*
Coitiuitlt#o of Hi# Sut# Younn M#u'»
Olirtaliftit Aaaooifttton, I'olilxf llulld
litii, lUrr tailing
S M. HA HO, Slut# Sivr#t»ry,
Mr. Houuaftaj Sustain* B«tl Fftll.
A aolioilot for ft IMiilftitattihift u*w«-
|ift|tor whoa* uftuio i* H*mi#wty l*fl
Uftii?ill# for Hlooatabarg on Sulurdny
«*#iiing Willi « liftilly lu\ik#n now «nd
ft il##|i n»sli OW i In* lefl #y«s lit* rv
mill ot ft full on Hi# r»tla *i tlu> I .»#k
ftWftllUft ll#|lOt.
lt»niio**y, Willi » ooiu|>«ntou, *l*o «
tt#w*|ift|ior aolioilor liftil bo*u tutalii
tortu#d ft* lo lit* luuti ot lit* Irftiu'i
d«|iarluro «nd *t*rl*d for lli«i d*|Mt »l
t lift, I<|hui ttrrWlug tli#r# lu« l#*m*d
tlifti li# li»d ovor ftu hour'* llui*. Ho
al*n#il lo own* 111# tr*oka ftuil iu do
inn »o *tiiuthl#tl u|Hin Hi# tuniiio r«ll
ftuil toll lioftrily, hi* l*o# alrlkiug III*
oulftid* r»il. Til* lufttt Wft» #«rrt#d in
to Hi* il#t>ol fttul Or, Ooorg* A. Hlook
aitiuttiouod, Mr, H#uu#*«y'a not* w»a
found lo lw< l\«illy brokou »inl » g»ali
iwo ittohv* long »hot* lit# l*fi #y*.
luoludlug Hi* *<r»lld, lutliotvd, Kout
atttoho* w*to uno**«ftry lo olo«* Hi*
wound, Or, Stook «om|>l*l*d III* work
in llino for H#mto**y ftiitl lit* ootuiwn
ton lo lo*vo for llloontahurg l»l*i lu
lit* #*#nlng,
Mtfkl IW*.
A numlwr ot our oo*l doftlor* »r* u»-
(UK « uiitltl torwii for tlio utiloftiltUK ot
vHVkI o*r» til Soutli Oftttyill*. Till* h*
o»iuixift n*»*»*ll)r owlns lo lit* lon*
wiitl m lit* furry Uuittuii* ilnrtni lit*
dftf, IVftlor* *fty it In ftlutoul itu|HVi
mill# lo fiimly Hi* o«ir* during llio >l*y
in unto lo H*VO donturrtMi* *o ft ulttlil
fwrx'w wtl* |>ul on
Ouriii« llio ulitlil but tow i<>*ui«
orxvw Hi* rlror «ml llio o*vil uton li*t#
III* Ktftl »t tli*ir di*|Hvnft| ftt Mil tluioa,
No t*dio«* Wftit* ftto OlUMUnl*r>><l ftud
iu Hit* Itol w*«llt*r till* nyaltHu i«
ttiwi'li ivftnior ou botli iu*n ftitil Nsmt,
k BwttMtUttm PVKII.
11, U IV\YH». olork «l llio Soolli
IVinvtll* do|vl, lift* Jum vHuu|d*l*«l «
«wluimiu« |HHd *l lu» lioiu*, Wftlnul
d*l* K*i-u», »bo»l ft tuil* b*low Kt»*r
»ido Tit* |H*vl I* -dtftilod by Iwo lftt«o
*lui lr*o* whivt* br*n\>li*» ui**l trvuu
oillior «ido ftud l» ti I«O*I vftluftblo ftil
dtlUui lo Mr, Oo\Vltl'» |vr\v(>*rly
Mfttty ftiv »ttl*ttftttt*d ftl Wfti.
nultlftlo Kurut durttty lit* «utntu#r »ud
lii* awtiutuittit iwl fttf\>rd* tMUob
NO. 3(1
Hunter's Park la m dcMdedly inter
esting pi moo this su minor »urt Id grow
lug nior<i Into pu pillar favor Mil llio
llmo. Tlio summer oolouv U wry large
»t present Hurt oon*l*t* ot »iil»ou
(Miiultm, muil two OMiujiin* (UtrtiiM.
Tli« |ilmoo in rtoliglitfully ronltul Mini
ijuiot Mini mod ol tlio oMm|<or« will r«-
uiMln tlio gruMtor iwrt ot llio nuiumor
Tim l*«rk ptMMlta rnoro tin# m|>|«>mi
miio# ot » •uniuior ronort mul wlion
otoning oniuo* on kotuo tort ot oulor
IMinmoiit la mlw\vs \>rovliloil Hloulo*
mmi vlouty »**rv rt*y. Tlio Ttlulty
l.ulliorMn Siuulmv SolitHtl will apotul
lo>l*y «t tlio F»tk. Ott W<t<lno«ilMy,
July tiitli, Olirlat Kplaooi'Ml SuuiUy
School will limyo ila mhuuml outing
' lh»r« mirt tlio I Ail loa ot lS>o»houUa
Mm MrrMiiglng tor » hlg piouio oil BM
urrtity, July St»th. Uuriug August, Mt.
J'Mul'a 11. K. Oliutoh will |<ionto at
thla park aloug with v*rioua othor
church**, Buud*y achoola, *to.
Th« a|«cloua |\Mvilion Mnt Hun floor
h«Y« at all tlm*a attractvrt tli* itauoor*
ami Ihia aoaaou ha* hrokiui tlio m>orrt
Kngulai itaucoa arc holrt ou Thu tartar
ami Saturday ***uiuga of each w*«k
aurt privato rtauw** r»ry ottonon other
oYonlngs. Tli* Ktk« will give a ilauc*
In thl* pavlllcm, Auguat »th.
Ou* ot tli* big rtaya of tlio aoaaou at
tluut*r'ii Park will h* l.abor Hay,
Sop't Mb, whan the A. A. 1. A T. \V.
will holrt a picnic. Preparations tor
thin attalr are alrtntrty under way,
IVWishtfullp Uut*rUiu*il.
A*«tataut Bui»*rinlendeut O. H.
Schilling and agent* J. K. I'fabler,
Frank K. UoAriau aurt Jaiue* Sutllh
tour ot the Pruileuttal luaurauee men
who roproaeutoil thla iliatrlot at their
ooni|>any'* gteal conYOlitiou aurt ei<
ouraiou laat week, rolurnert home Sat
unlay night. They were treated to th*
moat ilelightlul week'* pleaaur* ot
their live*. ISiU rtelegalea atteurtert,
Tueatlay they weie taken to \V«i*t Polut
ou the ateaiuei Oraml Kepuhllo, aurt
the cartel* gave a special ilrlll lu their
honor Wertueailay they wer« aliown
New York OltT In automobiles iluriug
the day aurt In the •veiling were ou
tertainert at the Aerial aurt the Para
ilia* root ganlena both ot which plaooa
were |iliml at their exolualve uae and
entertainment Thursday they all
weut to tXuiey Island YUitort l.una
IVitk ami lu the eYoulng "Pain't"
Itreworka exhibition bail apeolal feat
ure* lu their honor, auuutgat which
were the tllutuluert |iorlratt* ot John
K. Drydtm, Pieairtent, l.eslie U, Ward,
Vice Preatdenl, the Prodeutlal old
guard badge aud the rook of Otbrallar,
tin Friday the great convention took
place lu Newaik.N. J., alter all dele
gate* had been aliown OYer the build
Luncheon waa served at Kruger'*
auditorium la lhrx>e sections Mud at
il :80 p. tu. all aa«oiubleil lu the great
hall aurt *p**che* were delivered
atuotig which waa the aunouuceuieut
by President Urydeu that the company
had Juat passed the oue billloti dollar
mark of bualue** <u force Following
lit* aunouuoeiuent the Hgure* were
aliowu lu great ele<itilo light* over tli*
platform. Ou Saturday all the dele
gate* left their hotel* for home.
Tor Oouutrj BuiUliujc* Oulj.
Tlu> Montour Mulu»l Kim luaurfttio*
Ooui|Viny,ftU orgfttiUftllou but i#o#nlly
#tr#ot#d, will lu « f#w il*.v» h* loftily
(or huaitt#**, »n «|i|ilio«ltou toi *oh*r
»«r Imv tug h**u uiftd# tout# ilft.ru ftgo.
Tilt* oottllMUiy lift* b*#tl or|»ul»#d
for III* luaurnnoo of farm unit wuutr.r
building* only »uil will »l no llut* lu
clod* lowu (iroimrty K»ru» Itou*#*
ftuil tvftruK, Wftiion alioda. corn #rtb*,
oounlry ohurolt#* fttul aoltool Itou***
ftuil »ll building* Kit vi»l in liu III# oouu
try, #»olualr# of will*, will bo luolud
Tito oout|Huty t» oftt>il»lU*d »l |aKH\<
tHV llto utook of whiolt lift* nil b**tt
•UIMOIINHI for, Tito otllowr*. dir*olor«
ftUll *lvH>kltOld*r* (HUU|MMrt now* of
Montour inniuty'• nuluilftiitlftl mul w*ll
kuowu tftrtuor*. J»ut*« Sltulu ot lltl*
oily U |tr**id*ul,J. K. Murroll of Yftl
l*y lowu*lti|\ vio* |iro*id*ul, Kui»uu*l
SldUr ot Oftuvlllo, Iroftnurvr ftud O
V, Atuiuvrtuftit. Kmi , of IhU oily, **o
r*l«ry, IV O Lou« of lUurill*. Will
ifttu Curry ot V»ll*y lowu«lii|i »ud
(.¥Utu Sliulla ot W*«l HoutlCKik lowu
*lii|i IHUU|IOH« lit* Ktiifttioo l\uuutill*«.
Tlti* iH«u|ifttty I* tit* lltlrd lltftl Inu
Iwu oriifttiUtxl iu Moutour ixittnly oil
III* utuluftl |il*tt, III* tlr*l on*, lit*
lf*rut<>r»' Muluftl. b«iug l«uuob«d lu
ISM, Tlti» iHuuiwtty |iro«|i*r«d ft* loug
ft* it* butiuoM «ta ooutiuiid lo lit*
tftriuluK oonituuullj. lot lor town t>r\>t>
orly w«a iuoludvd ftud **v«rftl »"»»»»
tuoitl* tuftdo, lit* <HUU)vfttty tluftlly b*-
tux diwolviHl.
Tit* OftUtlllo Muluftl b'lro Uuuimto
tVtui>»ny w»* ornftiiiamt •out# J«II
l«l*r ftttil lift* liftd « |iro*|Hirou* o*v««r
ahuv II WM ival»hliali#d
Tit* odliHui Ot llto Montour Muluftl
will b* lu lit* Pur*«lblook.Mtll*lr»«l,
•nil will h# uud*r lit# auimrvtanui ot O
V. Auitu*rutftu. Bm)>
k r»lftl A«.viU*ut.
Anthony Yftaul»*Wto». lit* urn# y*»r
ivld MUt ot ft IVditb t»rtu#r r**idiu« iu
Oalftwiw* towualms IVluutbtft oouu
ty, tu#l d*«lh iu »u tiu*»t«K-l#d tuftu
tt*r Th* boy WD liuuttun
*««* in ii burn Ml ftud full through ftu
ot>*utug lo lb* Moor bolow, H* WM
>N»rtiiHl lo Ih* hou«* lu ftu uuoouaoitNM
<<OMdtlltMt ftud dt*d « hftlt bout lftl*r
Vbo rwufttua will b* Uk#u lo Ml. 0»r
--iu*l tur tttl*rui*ul lod«y.