jlauvillc Jjnf elligenrer Established In 1828. OUR TICKET. NATIONAL. For President. ALTON 11. 11 J AHKI:IT, of New York. Fur Vice President. LLIONUY O. DAVIS, of West Virginia. STATE. For Supreme Court Judge. fiAMUKL fIt'STINE TItOMIVON, of Philadelphia. COUNTY. For Congress IF RRV E. DAVIS, of Sunbury. For Til : Legislature 11. SCOTT A MMERMAN. For Prothonotary THUS. G. VINCENT. For County Treasurer SIMON W. HUFFMAN. This weather is just right. Goltluu Kod Is iu its glory. Tho K r " s s crop this year is a H r eat one. The lockjaw death roll is still leupth euing. Too niueh rain is spoiling the pienie Biason. Frog hunters who supply tlio mark et. complain of a scarcity ot their game this summer. Gasolene, conl and gafl stoves are getting in eviiloneo theso days. They cannot ho handled too carefully lor tho safety of the users and tho com munity at largo. Tlio number of cars bailt at Milton iu the past your was 1,441, uml at .Ber wick (i,I)S4. Tim tornier plaoa has de clined as a center nf the cur building industry. The division oncampmcyit of tho Na tional Guard at Gettysburg tho latter part of this month will bo known as Crimp Colonel M. S. Quay." Tho Pnio Food bureau has just dis covered that additional pure food leg islation is necessary to prevent food adulteration iu this Statu. Probably (hat means more commissioners. You should have saved your red fire ior tho campaign. The gooseboue man never sullies his record by predicting a spoil of hnniid ity. We are having plenty of rain now that little is needed. It doesn't re quire much moisture to make hay. Local Guardsmen are gettiug ready for tho annual euoampmont at Gettys burg July 22 to 30th. Partios from Sunbury who have cross ed the river to see the first country road built by the State appropriation pronounce it to bo a perfect beauty. As far as getting tanned is concern ed a week in camp is equal to a month at tho seashore. Well, has tho woathor man decided to give, us something more agreeable? It is stated that Dr. Lincoln Hnlley, of Bucknoll University, who has been elected president, of the John B. Stet son University, at Do Laud, Florida, will accept the position. Tho Mt. Oarmol Borough Council will issue bonds to tho amount of #lO,- 400 to build a now house for the Am erican Fire Company of that place. Next Saturday will bo Brotherhood Day at Kdgewood Park,and one of tho largest gatherings of railroad men this section has ever seen, is anticipated. Special trains from all over tho region will bo run to Shamokiii. Two hundred cherry pits were re moved from the intestines of tho eigh teen mouths old child of Mr. and Mrs. Ohsdiah Michael, of Berwick, by a doctor. Tho child will recover. While all roads load to tho summer resorts there is no plaoo liko home when tho money gives out. Our sister-in-law and nephew, "Mrs Jno. W. Lutzauclson I*eon, of Liverpool, arrived yesterday f<»r a few days' visit with us. Everybody lejoieed.yesterday at the change from the bet and uiucky at mosphere of the past; wetk to the clear and bracing air. Smart answers read well in books but they make few fiiends in life. There are a number of fellows in town who would do well to observe this item. Miss Cora < iirton and Mrs. Cotter and Iter sister, who is visiting here from Boston, enjoyed the delights of a pleas ant visiting trip to Slianiokin and Mt Carinel oi Wednesday. They also spent gome time l>4sking in the pleasures to be derived from a visit to beautiful Edge wood Park, near Shamokin. Yesterday morning our townsman, Mr. J. B. Cleaver, received the most startling and surprising intelligence one would de fcire to experience. In opening a letter lie discovered a lieautiful crisp check in the amount of one thousand dollars, won through a guessing contest as to how many admissions would take place at the World's Fair on the Fourth. Mr. Cleaver guessed the correct number. Our congratulations, Mr. Cleaver. The officials of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company expect soou to re ceive orders reinstating many of the m»>n receutly laid otT and go back to fivo aud one-half days per week in stead of four days. Cars aud engine*| needing more repairs thau have been given them since the policy of econ- | omy was inaugurated,have accumulat ed all along the liue and more rolling stock is needed. .Several metropolitan da : ly newspapers in speaking of the eighteenth re-union of the .Second Pennsylvania Heavy Artill ery, at Tamaqua. again honors our old soldier friend, Ricbard W. Eggert, by electing him Correspondent Secretary for the coming year. The regiment was a remarkable one in several instances. The rt {M>rt of the assembly says: 4t lt was the largest regiment to see serviut* in the war ot* tin' Ketietlion. and served from lUtfl tn lSt*>. During the past year 35 members answered the last roll call, and of the 6,'!00 enrolled less than SOO. scattered all pver the world, now survive.*' Bank Advertising. TsvMUty Gvu or thinly yeait? t;;otl4oro was rioiiu lean a'lvi ruling tJ u uow. Bubincs firms habitually l ' »in uew.spipors small wis wliicJi vrm sel dom chunked, which seldom tnivayml iiinch information ami nove ; t' uiiiiiti od anything snappy or ai laotive. Many firms depended for Ir: ;» whol ly upon their reputation an public knowledge) of thorn. UauUin institu tions wero supposed to bo aL >yo that method of obtaining pat ion a- . Thirty years have made uiau cliaugo's in businoss methods. Tlio "i. u firm" win HO dim stora-sign was K' lia'lgc? of respectability mi l which "didn't need to alvertiso becauso t vyborly knew it" finds that dimness t u slow ness are not attractive and that in these hustling days the peopl '& mem orj is short. Even banking ,t.>titu tions that do advert uow awl do it well. The Altoo; • Trust Company, for instance, suys J itsc.', iu part, in one of its ads: It is a wiso counselor ;"i1 that' kind. It is a wiso hanking in* dfiou that kuows it ought to advert i,t | is a wiser one that doos. funeral of Boyd Ellis. Boyd,the 12-yoar-old son of lliaiu Ellis,near Exchange, who died Ic A javv, was consiguod to the g V ve on •Saturday. Jtev. DeWitt, louti of he. James' Episcopal church of I'iuoy, officiated at tlio funeral, whi • was one of the largest held iu that notion for a long time. I Tutauns or lockjaw is one onr | most dreado(l diseases and • I at" | years would soeui to be ou i lie j crease. £lt is only about two y * at- J that a first cousin ot little Bo; . 1 a 11-yoar-old son of James J. .;s pi'.' Exchange, died of the same j„jadt .. disease, lockjaw. Death iu t HU iu stance was due to a splinter, - 'liich j pierced the boy's foot. In tho J o:V?q,{ the disease was caused by ary rail j which little IJojU trod upv some I three weeks ago while doing o ioi*es about the farm buildings. In e ; the attack was attouded with drad ful agony. The cause of lookjnw is pre * wei) understood but it is a difficult lsease to combat. The of the tl ' idful malady seem to be proseut a nany places but they abound espeoi llv in dry dusty places, honco it is that a splinter from the wood pile cr i nail rusty from long coutaet with t! » earth is capable of doiug so much ulnry. Caution is at all times due w! en ex posed to the least danger and a vvouud when iufiicted should at once I .;iveii over to tho best medical skill Main able. Speak Well of Your Oity. There is too iiiuoh fault dmling among the residents of cities. Every city has its faults, 'tis true, br much the butter way would be to ilwaya talk well of your home town,a d then work to malm your boast good If a man is always talking ill of his fam ily the people think he is not lit to have one. Tlio same should be rlO of a poison who is always knock, if his home city. He should move pw ay. Tho knocking man never does ai vthiug to benefit his town. Talk is cheap,' hut it does not correct existing vrongs Work is the keynote. Local pr I ami fenergy will accomplish woude:*. In dividual censure which gives city a had name will not cure tho ongn nearly as quickly as individu: •tr rt iu giving your city good street sood morals, good health, good po!i? : and everything else,which gi< jour city the best kind of a nanio. The performance of civic do. us by the individual citizen is what < e/ntes the community. The saying nico things about your city is a grr t help at all times, but tho good bar worl; of the citizens iu all the b inches pertaining to the city's wol ,» 112 is what is wantod. Boast of yo. - city. Don't knock it. Snake Stopped Pump. A bi 2 water snake caused any mount of trouble at the pumping sta on be longing ti the Peuusylvania ! 'lroad Company at Sooth Danville, £ and ay and Sunday forenoon. On Saturday the pomp ref sd to work and an investigation sho\ v* that a suake had worked its way in c ugh the suction piro and become the valve. A good doal of tii was spent in trying to extricate ti bat the job was finally abaud \ «< too diilicult for any 0110 bat '.amp expert. Samncl King, former engi tear at tho station, was sent opfrom unbnry yesterday,who was obliged to ~a':e the machinery apart.. The snakt which was taken out in seetious, is said to havo been little less than three feet long and nearly as thick t man's wrist. Tho pump was idle from S ttlrday foreuoou uutil late yesterda; after noon. which is a very serious matter where water is so much in c.uinand. Many of the locomotives wliicl usually take water here were oblige< to ran to Catawissa with the supply t »oy had on hand. Mrs. W. 11. Lattimere of this city has purchased G. H. Shoop's farm in Limestone township, This is consider; ed one ot the finest farms in "loutour County The consideration was be tween ten and twelve thousand dol lars. Latest Improved Sewing M« *tilne. We cau furnish yon with a 550.00 Hewing Machine, new from tla f.u't»*ry, at just half price. It is a Llgh -Ruiring Champion Drop-Head. one of the very 1 a test patterns, and made by he New Iloine .S.'\viDK Machine Cb. Gill on or address this otliee. Ask Your Dealer for Allen's Fcot-Ease, A powder for the feet. -* cures w• Hot, CalJoos, AeWng, £weatiug Corns and '.unions. At all Druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Ask ti>-«iay. Handy to the House JQ A Pill in time is a wonderfully good thing and saves many a fit of sickness. Every person, your.g or old, Gift needs a little help often to put their systems right. If. there's Biliousness Constipation or Indigestion a The dose of BFECHAM'S PILLS will generally set things ... right. Sick Headaches are cured as if by charm, and 1118 you will MM SAVE EXPENSE and be enabled to enjoy many a pleasure heretofore THO made impossible. Faniily BEECHAM'S PILLS make life worth living by ' putting your system in condition to enjoy it. ®lf Any trouble arising from derangement of the organs Usillg ° f digestion aa * secretion is quickly set right if you BEECHAM'S PILLS ". i • Sold Everywhere in Boxes, lOc. and SBc. Liberality. ' \ liberal-hearted man is Mr. F. P. ! IM'IIM , .;<% lie has a sum me. honieet Liver; 001, where he spends r gient amount of lijs spare '.ime in tli" •recuperation of health fur himself ami farnll' . ami partakes of the, beauty of tl:' pl-usant surroundings in fishing lurjl.ii j and driving about; and alsi managing ll\u work of liis 'arm ii 'I L The klndnesse.--he hn < sh. wn in tlin-t . conimuiiiiy ire ir nrmeiable. '1 lie widow ami orphan aiV a! vßys kirfilly'Crmomb'M'cct when in fiecl, and"it Is his greatest delight to 'ln IV r the desorving whatever hi gees may lie beneficial. Not only is he a generous-spirited fri tic' to the poor Jtnd needy there. I,ut. w»!'pn'n pi'fyoV rtpcAiionai etffitri lnUiin b) fcm "to snme chari tn'ilo ius"'tutlon In a quiet, unasii'tm «»« • ...«• 1. ... : • KccyjJJjf, n . fiipml of ours stntei that ,Mi\ JJillcv contributed aoheeh an; Jiii,tiiij{ to s.iOU to the Mi .ho ii lie piial ul Philadelphia. AfUr pav ing a visit to a friend, who was :i pal ien t tljere, lie was so much plcaseil with he manner and licati ss in whtch 11c found the Instlti.tioii," thai im promptly tendered the gift. Nov we learn through fin exchange tin XI aiv \T. Pafcfcer Hospital. ofStmburv wns thy recipient of a'check Inst week for the amount of $250 from Mr. Dillcy, through his friend, Dr. F, K. Druniheller. SCHUYLER. MR. KD'lTOß:— llnyiiig and harvest ing' has been greatly retarded by cloudy weather and frequent rains In many cases grass, that was cut in the early part of last week, was not cured and put away until on Satur day. Harvesting began about the middle of the week and the crop will l>e all (Uit in a few days. The hay crop will be larger than for several years. Com is growing rapidly since the rains and warm weather has set in. On Sunday afternoon, during a heavy shower, a small barn belonging to Mr. Hawkins was struck by light ning, and burned. The writer did not leainwhat the loss was. Klnur Cr. Foulk and Miss Rao Glaze spent Sunday at. Peter Frantz'p, near Chirks'own. Mr. John C. Lewars, an old citizen | of Tur'jot ville, d»ed a few days ago. I He had been lading in health for a ; lon-; ti^ie. Air. Henry Header, of Meadow ' Brook Farm, « >ont Sunday with his i son in l'urbotville. Well, its Parker and Davis. That is as it ought to be. It will make a strong and winning tioket. The best thing the St. Louis Convention did was to eliminate Bryanism, and wipe out Bryan. This action hag brought the party bark to its old positu n, and cannot help but win the confidence ot all conservation voters of different political creeds. Every lover of his country cau give the platform his sup port without any fear of being de ceived, because it is a plain and out spoken declaration of the party's stand on the issues T)f the day. The secono bed', thing the convention did wast ) name Parker unanimously Hc3t»«ul> for the right, and if the country should ojact.him to the high office he is named for he will be his owu boss, and.uet # for the best inter ests oj the whole country. Let us hope the campaign will bo a clean one and free from personalities on both hides. Mr. anil Mrs. Elijah Morgan, of jour city, visited the latter's mother oil Saturday. July 12, 'O4. ' BILL. . Vought Reunion. The annual Vooplit reunion will be held at the Vought church, Mayherry . township, Moutoor county. Saturday. July -Oth. All theVoaglit Connections are invited to attend. Rev. F. S. Vought of Orbisonia. Pa , \V. E. Elines. Esq., of Berwick, and Preston Vought, Esq,., of Mt Cariuel will be the speakers. Exercises will begin at 10 a. m. MRS. rt)A J. ADAMS. Sec y. • Morid's Fair Excursions. Low-rate ten-*lay coach excursions via P nt!;v!v:inia l'ailroad, July 2. 7, 14, 11, and 2s. liate, #17.00 Irum Souta l>au villi-. Train leave? South I>anville at 12.10 I*. M.. connecting with special train mml Sew York arriving St. Louis 4.15 P. M. next day. Ocean Grove Excmiwi. Friday. Aug. 11. annual excursion to t> -*:ui Urove »ia Heading railway. Tit- Is good ,o return until Monday. Aug. 29, iuciusive. Leave Danville 7 ">o a. in. Excursion fare $4.50. Commencement Exercises. Amusement Hall of the Danville Hospital for the Insane was lirilliaut ly illuminated last evening and crowd ed to its utmost capacity with the phvsicans, officers, attendants and patients of the institution and mem bers of the press and citizens of this city. The programme consisted of a fer vent prayer by Rev. Jas. E. Hutchi son, pastor of the Mahoning Presby terian church; overture, "Flora," Schlopegrcll, orchestra; Address to the class, Charles M. Clement, Esq; Waltz, "A Dream of Heaven," Bauer, orchestra; Conferring diplo ma*, the Superintendent; March, "Uncle Sammy," Holzmann, orches tra; Awarding prizes, Dr. J. E. Kohhins; Benediction, Rev. ,T. E. Hutchison;March, "Soldier'sßlood," F. Vonßlohn, orchestra, at the close of which Dr. and Mrs. Meredith en tertained the class and alumni on the veranda over the front of the hospital, with excellent ice cream and choice cake. Following is the Class of 1904: Mae C. Shade, Lizzie M. Johns, Sarah Emily Johns, Mrs Sarah J. Kester, Margaret Dice, Carrie Isabel William C. Bitj-ir.-,., Alice'fJullen Book miller, Freos Ash, Whitfield ''.yt' l ., "Harry F. Deaner, John A. Strauser, John C. Uobinson, fi. Ray mond Barrett, Cyrus M. Gerringer, Hurley De La Bigger, William Charles Burger, George Anderson Brown. At a seasonable hour the many delighted guests bade the kind people iit the luiinane institution a happy "Good Xight!" ahd soon the convey ances were speeding along the pleasant drives amid sweet scented .shrubbery, en route for home, sweet home. Atlantic City Excursions via Reading Railway. Thursday, July 14 and 28, Aug, 11 and 25. Special ten-day exclusions from William sport, Tamnqua and in lei'inediate stations to Atlantic City, Ocean City, Sea Isle City and Cnpe May. Leave Danville 7.f>3 and 11.25 a. m. Excursion fare $1.50. Corns Arc An Abomination. They hurt all the time. A new shoe is a torture. The Fcot-Ease Sanitaiiy Cokn Pao cures Corns by absorption. The Sanitary Oils and Vapors do the work. All Druggist# 25c. or by mail. Sample mailed FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, L«e Hoy, N. Y. Tho Clinton County Grangers will hold a harvest homo pien»c on August 3d. The Moutour Oouuty Grangers liavo not yet beeu heard from ou that subject. ONE WEEK'S TREATMENT FREE! 112 SIMPLY CUT OUT THIS COUPON. # j ■ And mail to The Cal-cura Company, Kennedy • • Row, liondout, N. Y. Dear Sir • : I think 1 am «nffering from : *. Please provide me with I week's treatment with Cal-cuba Solvent, : FKKE OF ALL COST. • Name : • Address • Any sufferer from Kidney trouble, Liver complaint, Diseases of the Bladder, Con stipation, or Blood impurity who really desires to find a Permanent Cure , may obtain FKEE TREATMENT with CaUura Soloent , Dr. David Kennedy's new modi cine. Simply cnt out the coupon above, and mail to the Cal-cura Company, Ken nedy ltow, Rondout, N.Y. Cal-cura Solvent is unequale■» I>Twpr»t» Annual Sale.... "" —i RIBBONS, SUMMER DRESS GOODS Saturday, July 2, Tuesday, July 5, Thursday, July 7 Unsurpassed Bargains in every line we inentiou : Nonnad Silks, plain and fancy, 50c quality. .*»3c. Mercerised White Madras. 40c and 50c quality at 30c. White and colored Madras and all Wash Mrte rials. 3X- and iV quality. 15c Fancy White Materials. 15c qnality.lGc Colored dotted Swiss an«l Lawns. 15c quality. 10c. Colored Law ns and Dimities. 13c qual ities. Bc. Colored Lawns. 10c quality. tic- Colored Lawns. 8e quality. 4c. Fancy stripe ami figured Pique, 13c quality. 9r. Flegwt quaiitv Taffeta Ribbons, 17. *io. quality. 12ic ytL DON'T FORGET TIME AND PLACE W. M.SETDEL 344 MILL STREET SCHREYER STORK CO. J Price Opportunities at Schreyer's During July-Clearing Sale No dull .Fill \ days at our store. They are expensive for store kee|)ers. We l>elieve there are always want.' to l»e supplied, so make our July Sale of mutual w terest—to anticipate the need* of the home at prices lower than other stores make ami at the same tune keep the wheels of business constantly turning. Cool White Waists. To the lady who wants an additional waist or two here's a price opportunity far below the ordinary. The reductions include "Rovftl" makes ami that name to "a waist means as much as sterling does to silver. 1.00 values are l>eing sold for 50c. 1.00 and 1.25 values are Ixung sold for 1 00. 2.00 values are being sold for 1.50. 3.50 values are being sold lor 2.75. Ihe 50c ones are of nic 4 lawn with 0 pleats and 2 tucks in front and 2 pleats in back, full sleeve with tucked cuff, faggoted collar. Others are beauteous combination o! tucka, laggoting, Mexican drawn work, laces and insertions. pressing Sacques, 80, 50, 75c 1.00. Dark ones in blue and red for working and thin \\hite ones and ligur l lawns, trimmed for morning and afternoon wear, styles with the high neck and c.llar or the loose flowing Japanese kimono. White Underskirts at Little Prices. Muslin, cambric and 1 »ngtter ones with pretty lace ruilles. 5.00 ones are p.ow 11.09. 1.00 ones are now 78c. 3.50 ones ar<* now 2.75. 75c ones are now 00c. -.00 ones ure now 1.30. 50c ones are now 39c. 1.25 aiul 1.50 petticoat.-. 08c, mercerized checks, striped seersuckers, plain chambr.iy with wide flounce.- liid ruilles. Induced prices on Cors«t Covers, (iowns, and Drawers. Infants' Clothes—a full assortment. Corset:;, Hosiery, Underwear. 1.00 Corsets, 75c. A gri lie corset in real Parisian style covering of satin in pink or blue. 39c Corsets, 25c. Another lot again of those popular sellers. They come in batiste an I ventilated, 5 h<»ok and well boned. 80c Ladies' Iloiserv, 75c. Extra line lisle in black with fancy silk embroid ery work iu front. 50c Ladies' Iloiserv, 2 p/s. for 75c, Hermsdorf Dye black, in lisle with silk embroidered dots a ul strips around ankles. 50c Tan Hose 25c, Ladies' sizes, thread in drop stitch and plain ribbed. 25c Ladies' Hose, 10c, Black double heel and toe with hand embroidered dots and figures. 15c Ladies' Hose, 10c black and embroidered. lOc Hosiery, 3 p:iirs for 25c, sizes for htdies aud Children, ribbed, West Branch Iloiserv Co., make. 2oc Children's Hose, 2 pairs for 25c, silk finish are fine ribbed. Summer Undcrweor for ladies, without sleeves and low neck at reduced prices. 5c Vests are ribbed and tape trimmed. 10c qualities are now 3 pairs for 25c, finer and better. 15c quality at 2 ior 19c, trimmed with silk embroidery and tape. • A i 2oc quality at 19c. trinin ed with silk embroidery and tape, also Lisle thread with wide lace front and lace over shoulders. 50c qualities, 2 for 75c, finer lisle thread, open stitch front, lace around shoulders and neck. 25c Misses' Vests, 10c, v itli sleeves, 25c Drawers, 19c, knee lengths. Hand or Wrist Bags. leather handles, black, tan, red and green leathers. 4.00 ones are now 2.(X). 2.50 ones are now 1.25. 2.00 ones are now 1.00, 1.50 ones are now 75c. 1.25 ones are now 00c. Fancy. Handkerchiefs in embroidery and lace edges. 5c ones—2 for sc. 25c ones—2 for 25. Ribbons —Some Half Price. 25c and 30c Ribbons at 10c, rdl silk and satin taffetas. 20e Velvet Ribbons for 15c. 10c Velvet Kihlnms for sc. 5c Velvet Ribbons for 2«]c yard. 25c Fancy Ribbons, 15c yard, plaid and wash silk in stripes somea9 much as 5 inches wide. Laces and embroideries reduced. 1 Buy Wool Dress Goods Now. Prices are reduced Hot that the fabrics are going out of style but because we want to reduce our stock You (ran save all the prolit and even a part of the cost by buying now. 1.25 Etamine, 02c, Black. 42 inches wide, are ideal fabrics for a dress and one of Priestlv's l»est makes. 1.25 Cheviot. 75c. Another Priestly black, 54 inches wide and alreadv sponged and shrunk. 1.10 Black Broadcloth, 75c, 52 inches wide and in black.' 80c Voile, 55c, very good for a separate, black skirt in summer weight. 00c Black Henriettas, 33c, yard wide, soft and line. For a Summer Waist: Wool Challies at 37Ac usually sell for 75c, dark blues and many light pieces in dots, stripes and small markings. White Wash Goods, Cheap. Kajrer buyers lave sought these but there still remains enough for a week at prices suitable for children's or grown up's wear. 10c Lawns, 5c yard, in stripes and plaids. 35c Cotton Crepe, 15c, soft fabric but not so sheer. 50c Silk Mulls, 35c, aud Wash Pongees at same price. 75c Organdies, 35c, very sheer and fine. 55c French Nainsook. 29. \ so niee for children. 55c Chiffonette, 35c, quite similiar to Paris Muslin. 30c India Liueu, 19c, for all around purposes. Champagne Colored Madras neat figurings. 50c qualities are 25c, 29c pialities are 15c. Are Summer Curtains Needed. If so here are the materials at less than what they would cost us to-day to ! buy them. 10c Scrim, 5c yard; 15c Scrim, 10c yard, in open work designs. l-jice effects with both single and double borders: 05c qua lilies at 45c yard 40c qualities at 18c yard 35c qualities at 15c yard Colored Wash Goods News. Wonderful low prices a e ruling this month right when the weather makes the demand. 12Jc Lawns at o}c yard. t 2sc Lawns at 12Jc yard. Both light and dark colorings, dots, figurings and some in plain colors. 35c Soie«ette, 21c, a nev mercerized fabric quite silky in appearance, colors in tan. pink, blue and lavendt . dots or strips. 50c Lawns. 19c, Dolly Varden style in striped effects, pretty colorings. Cotton Suitings for a whole wash suit or seperate skirt nice for out door wear, dust and dirt does not cling, main figured and flaked effects. 10c qualities s*c vard. 25c qualities at 15c yard. For Men and Boys—Big Values. 25c Gauze Underwear, !')c piece or 29c suit. We sell dozens of suits every day for no one else can match the good* at such a price. 50c Shirts, 2 for 50c Makes g«»od working shirt, some light colors for dress. Half Hos;» at 5c pair; 25c values, 2 pr. for 25c. Big reductions in Suit Cases, 24 inches for men and 22 inches for ladies, only during July will these prices rule. Do you need one? 13.00 Suit Ceases, 9.75. 7 00 and 8.00 Suit Cases. 5.95. 5.00 Suit Cases. 3.90. 1.50 Suit Cases. 75c. 1.00 Grips for 75c. 75c Grips for 50c. The Tine to Buy Dishes Now. Prices are off during our Clearing Sale on kinds that are first class and reli able. 13.00 Dinner S't for 0.89. 10.00 Dinner Set for 0.98. 8.00 Dinner Set for tt.l9. 11.00 Toilet Sets for 5.98. 8.00 Toilet Sets for 4.50. 10.00 Pa loe Lamps for 5.00. 0.00 Parlor Lamps f«»r 4. l!». 3.50 Parlor Lamps for 2.00. 1.00 Parlor Lamps for 1.25. Enamelled Ware. 10 qt. Berlin Kettles at 33c. 4 qt. Pudding Pans at 10c. 10 inch Pie Plates at 6|c. 1.25 Bread Raisers, 95c.—1.00 Bread Raisers, 75c. 1.10 Water Buckets. 75c. 90c Water Buckets, 00c. 50c Colanders. 39c. Schreyer Store Co. Front SI - MILTON. Pi - Elm Si. This Will Interest Mothers. Mother Gray'? Smeet Powders for Chil dren, lure Feverisliness. I»ad Stomach. Summer Bowel Trimble?. Teething Dis orders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. They never fail. Over 30.000 testimonials. At all d rubr icists. 25c. Sample FREE. Address, Allen S. * Hiusted. Le Ki>v, N. Y. Two papers for the price ot oue. The I\TCLUGE>VEK and The American Farmer go together ior SLUU. J SCHREYER STORE CO. Special Fares to St. Loals via LaciawMM. The follow in* tares are authorized by the Lackawanna Railroad via all direct routes and good on all train?. Season ticket limited for return to Dec. 15th—I33L30L tiO Oay ticket l.> day ticket. fJITT*. Slop over will bt a!h*ed at Niagara Falls and Chicago noc < to exceed ten te. Arrangements have been ma. ic lor (he through movement ot chair and keeping cars from Scranton U> ,sft. Louis without change Eagles Mere Excursion. Tuesday August 2nd the Philadelphia iV: Heading liailway will run a low-rati excursion In Katies .Mere. LEAVE. J Catawissa 0..'»0 A. M. HloomslmrgO.3o 44 Rupert <>.4o 44 Danville 0.f»7 " Mooreeburg 7.14 " Pottsgrove 7.24 " Milton 7.25 " Went Milton 7.39 " AKKIVE. Million Mere 10.00 " UOTITKKIXM LEAVE. Kagles Mere 0.30 P. M. Round trip rate $1.50, good that day only on above special train. St. Lotris Fair. Part 5 of the St. Louis Fair Porl folios, being issued by the New York World, is now ready andean be had by mail on receipt of 10 eents in stamps. The World pays the postage of those photographic portfolios. Rut-ire live parts can be had for 50 eents. There are live more parts to follow in the first section of ten. One dollar will secure the entire ten parts. Each part contains sixteen superbly printed photo engravings, large size, on plate paper. Each portfolio is handsomely bound in strong art paper cover, Address New York World, Pulitzer Building, New York, N. Y. (Jrges Extra CJareof Bakeries, 11l a lottor wliicli Statu Factory lu spector Johii O. Dolaney issuod to all deputy iUßpaotor.s on' Saturday ho cites the ospocial exposure to vermin to which hakorica are subjected daring t'.io Snmnior and orders his meu to givo the shops first plaeo in their daily work for two months to come allow ing other less prossinc matters to wait. The letter says that while there ari> certain notable exceptions to the rale, which is to disregard the law. Cap tain Delaney behoves that the major ity of bakers do not comply. Part oJ tho letter is: "It is for this department to see that the '6taff of life' does not become a club of deatli by requiring that hreadstutt's shall bo manufactured un der conditions which are first class in respect t'> cleanliness and sanitation. You will, therefore, for two mouths to come, give bakeries the first place in your daily care, letting other less pressing interests wait. "Familiarize yourselves afresh with the law governing bakories, and then, making that your model, do your very best to hare every bakery in your re spective districts come up to the re quirements. Any order yon may fiud it necessary to issue should bo oom pliod with immediately. Let no one put yon otl' with a purposeless pro mise. IE necessary compel compliance by prosecution." For Sale, Cheap. Second hand Seperator. Is now in use and in the best condition. For further particulars address The Ix- TEi,i.n;i:xcßß. TO CONSUMPTIVbfe. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means,aftersutiering lor several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To fhose who desire it.he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung M a ladles. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and mar prove a blessing, will please address, Bif. EDWAUD A.WILSOXt Brooklyn, New York. [STEVE NSI r ]f Toune taen oaiy kt*w tho pleasure aai benefit «ltTired frutn an out-of-door life they woaid pro rid* with a reliable KIKKAKM and enjoy a grand ipv.-t. WV make a larfc and varied line of RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS Hanging is prve* from * -j $2.50 to $150.00 j I - J »J«4 by all dealers. t'ur cataloc shoold be in I!'► haiHU of cTcry one intereatcd is SHOOT ING. Send for a copy. 5j J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., P. O. BOX 3091 CHICOPCE FALLS, MASS. • LADIES] Dr. La Franco's Compound Pwtriil Conkination. Successfully osxl by 200,000 matn. PrlctUc. D-MCitsts. or by ami. Public Sale Real Estate. By virtue *>f an order of the I'ourt of Com mon Plmsol Montoc«r County. the under>igu ttl will to pu'.Lo sale on Ibe prvniu*-~ ou Saturday, tin- thirteenth day of August. i'JM. at W oVkvk A. all that certain lot ot land situate in the First Ward of the Bonwrti of Punvilfe. Coonty of M>>n:our and State of Pennsylvania, bernnins at a point on the Kast «ideo( Mill >«rtvJ fifty fcri distant nor thwardly from the csmerof Mill and Knut sirwts thencv northwardly al»ns Mill street twenty-live feet to «wnirr of lot owrxd by Horace C. Blue; thence at right angle* with Mill Street ca*twardly alone line of lot of saft Horace C. Blue e«gbty-Jour krt Co lot of Jam** L. Riehl. deceased: or R.L Marks: tbeno along skid Riehl in a line furalk with Mill street southwardly twenty-five V-< t<>c»nrr of lot it*nnerly owned by Mary l • ;«arhart. now IVter IVaaerattrher. thence by line of k>t of said Fenar feet to the said Mill street, lb place of beginning: 00 which erected a tw»> story frame dweihng hmue. being the prop erty appraised in a pmrtfthjo proceeding in the matter of the suit of J. C. Patterson, vv KJta B. K*(4HaL Tt-rws of Twenty-dve pre cent down at time *4 s»>. thr Infamceos cualrmlwa afe*otatety of the safe, at wfeh ume a will be drtiveted U> the purchaser. M.VIEKN Nteftff- Tnetmw WILLIAM £AS£ WEST. Atfejcse?. jstrnhtM. SEND us » a cow, m-. Steer, Bull or Horse hide. Calf skin, Do skin, or any other kind of hide or slciu, and let Rj&KISH;.. us tan it with the hair on, soft, light, odorless and moth-proof, for robe, rug, coat or gloves. BaMBBIM But first get our Catalogue, IcM K'viuif prices, and our shipping HUH -a. tags and instructions, so as to JUftß --«* avoid mistakes. We also buy r ' J ' raw furs aud Kiuiieug. ' 1 ■ ' THE CROSBY FRISIAN FL'R COMPANY. 116 Mill Street, Rocbeater, N. Y. TURKEY OBEYS OUR ORDERS Threatened with Warships, the Sultun Agrees to Privileges to Ameri can Schools. Vienna, July 9. —A dispatch from Con stantinople received here says that Amer ican Minister Leishman handed a note to the Porte declaring that unless a prompt settlement of the school question were ar ranged, a United States Heet would ap pear in Turkish waters. The Sultan or-, dered the (trand Vizier to comply with the American Minister's demands. The American demands on the Sultan are for privileges to schools and colleges conducted by American teachers equal to those given to foreign teachers; for per mission for American professional men to practice on even terms with foreigners, and for the direct access of the American' .Minister to the Sultan in the transaction of business. 1 . , Two Drowned in Kiver. , Poter Carswell aud his nioco, Marian i Oochran, wore drowned in the river at , Williamsportjast below tho Maynnrd street bridge, Saturday afternoon. They wore in a rowboat,fishing, when 'hey npset. Oarswell was a carpenter, living at 1554 Scott street, Williauisport. His body was recovered about a half hour . nfter the accident. The Oochran girl is aged fourteen year*. She was in bathing with a ten years-old daughter of Mr. Oarswell when she got beyond her depth. Sho called for help and Mr. Carswell, who was working on the boat house just Jelow tho oridqe, went to her assist ance. He dived for her and neither ho nor tho girl arose. A rescuing party started out at onco in a boat, but*the oar broke and made their arrival on «he sceue too lato. Searching parties ;vt onco went out after tho bodies. Carswell was a prominent resident, of the Tenth ward, William.sport, whero lie was employed as a carpenter. It will be a lively campaign, at any rate. "WORLD" Bicycle for sale at ;i bargain; nearly as gootl as new;, cost 840; will sell for one-fourtt its first price; inquire at the In- TELLIGENCER office immediately. v FOR RENT: One-halt of the Two- • story Frame Dwelling House on Ca nal street, next to the Dauville Steam Laundry. For particulars, inquire of K. \V. KGGEKT, corner of Mahoning and Ferry streets. NOTICE OP THE RULE TO A - CEIT OR REFU.BE THE. ESTATE In the Court of Common Pleas'of Montour "County. , J. C. Patterson EI.tA B. Reed, Lillian Puksel, Dit. F. 1> WILSON AND A«NKS I'l KSKI. WtUSoN, lUs wife ill right of siinl wife, I). Bkainkko. I 'ASK and A LIEN K < 'ASK. Notice Is hereby given to Uie parties above* mimed, that the court has confirmed there turn of the Sheriff, and the inquisition and valuation or appraisement, taken and made, under the above writ, and have granted a rule., oil all persons interested to come into court,* on the 27th day of June next, at ten o'clock A. M.to accept or refuse, the several purparts or portions of the lands and lenemens In said, writ mentioned, according to the Acts of As sembly In such ens.- provided. By order of the Court. TIIOM AS o. V1 Nt ENT, May «, 19CU Prothouotarv. JJXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Extntc of lionham K. Uearhart, late of Dan vilit. deeeast Notice Is hereby given that letters Usta mcntary ti|»on the estate of ti e said B. B. (Icarliart have heen granted to the under signed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to MARY LOCIHA OKAKHART, Executrix, Danville, Pa. Or to Rohkht L. Geariiakt at First National Bank lh*n ville. Pa. > «JCoiv to use it" A Monthly Magazine for the Careful Speaker and the Careful Writer. JOSEPHINE TVRCK BAKER. Editor* SI.OO a Year. 10 eta. a Copy. PARTIAL CONTENTS FOB THIS MONTBJ Suggestions for the Sjteaker. What to Say aod What Not to Say. Suggestions for the Writer. Errors and Models in English from noted Authors. Compound Words: How to write Them. Shall and Will; How to use Them. Punctuation: Pronunciation. Correct English in ths Home And m*ay ether pirtlsisl eebjects. Ask your newtdeslsr or write for sample copv to Correct En|iith, Box 8000. EvuMtoo, lIL NOT IN ANYTRUST Many ikvspapen have lately give n currency to reports by imsp>n»(tfe parties to the effect that THE MEW HOME SEWIRfi MACHINE C« had entered a trust or nunbinatke; we wish to assure the psblk that there » m« truth a such rvp»rts. We have feen Buaafariurinf sewing machines for over a quarter of a orntn ry. and have established a reputation for our selves and our machine* the: »the euvyof all others. Oar ** .tee If •we " machine hae never been rivaled as a Samuy machine.—lt stands at the head of all JliyA (fr«tfr«wii|- Budunrsvaikl ssandson ib ere merits* Tb< -Sew fIMHr ** isMreeJ* rmmlhf JU6A (.XJO£ Vwmf Jfcdktet - mm the wrtef. It a not for wV> enter into a treat to save oer credit «w poy any debts as we have no debt* to pay. We isave never entered into competition with nunshrtaim of low grade cheep machine* tint are ante to sell repaid ess of any iatrinsa; nrtib. Do oot be de ceived, when yo« waet£4ewiag machine dent •end year mery away ftvwhoanr; nliosa " Jetr tf«ar " Dealer, he cu«fly«is better machine for fesKtissayxxi can pare2use etewfeß. If there is no deafer near yvs, write direct to a tic i£w home snm machutc ct V ORANGE. MASS. ' • Sew York. Cten«o. HLSt Lani*. Ma. Autn i