Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, June 17, 1904, Image 3

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    hstablishcd In 1828.
Now fur picnics.
NYi)l(soinu the tardy suushino.
Hummer begins next Tuesday.
There will soon be us-e for flypapci.
Two papers for the price c»t one.
The I MI.I I KU and The American
rinergo together for
The luouutain laurel flowors are
HUSK fishing in now legal, if you can
secure the consent of the bass.
Juuo is showing indications of hav
ing recovered her bearings.
Harrisburg's population, as estimat
ed by the compilers of Boyd's Direct
ory, just issued, reaches7B,43s,a jump
from 75,550, the estimate of lust year J
Miss Leisenring ami nephew are
spending some time visiting in Phila
The Hon. P. ('. Ncwbaker Aias r«-
turned from :i very successful busi
ness trip to Philadelphia.
The woather man seems to have
peached his natural gait at last.
The sixty teachers of Shenandoah
have asked the school board for an in
crease of salaries, claiming they wen
rod need IS per cent, si:; years ago.
The semi-annual protest of the pow
ers against Turkish atrocities on Ar
menians lias just been issued, and
couched in the usual vigorous lan
guage. The sultan has filed the not j
for future reference.
Dealers in flroworfes should speut
thoir spare fcinw evenings reading tin
laws relating to tlio sale of dangerou
weapons for use on tlio Fourth o
Tlio S(. Louis hotel keepers arc do
ing their best to undo the mischief of
exorbitant rates with which tlioy start
ed out.
Jas. Scarlet, our very popular at
torney, look a pleasant trip through
Columbia county the former part of
the week.
Our wife's parents, Mr. and Mrs
1> It. Wald, of Dalmatia, are spend
ing tlie week very pleasantly visiting
in this oily, guests, «»f course, of
Lollic 4< and 1 and the Baby, 1 '
Tlio Department of Fisheries has n
largo number of tadpoles of the Lake
Erie variety, which can be secured by
persons wishing to raise frogs by
ing their applications to the depart
Tho Huly Conimunion will bo ob
served in conneetion with tlio morn
ing service at Trinity Luthoran chnrch
Sunday morning at 10:80. Preparatory
service Friday evening at 7 :30 o'clock.
Flower thieves aie at work again.
This is one of tlio meanest. kinds of
littleness, and tho guilty parties de
serve severe punishment. Those who
spond time and money to adorn their
premises deserve bettor treatment.
Mrs. Ida Washburn has begun an en
tirely now aetion in tho Supreme
Court in wliieli she socks absolute di
vorco from her l.usbaud, Leon VV. Wash
burn,known all over the United States
as the proprietor of four "Uucle
Tom's Cabin" companies,from which,
it is alleged, ho derives an incomo of
$25,000 a year. Named as the princi
pal co-respondent is Nola Mason, the
"leading lady" of one of the compan
ies, who plays the part ol' Eliza.
Accident insurance companies are
looking with fear at cherry trees.
They expoct tlioro will be tho usual
number of hasty descents to Mother
Northumberland county has brought
suit against Mt. Carmel township to
recover SI7OO tho amount of a verdict
rendered in i'avor of the Danville Asy
lum, who sued to recover amounts ex
pended for the care of tho township
Do you know of any exception to
this rule?—that tho merchant, wiio
spends the most money for newspaper
advertising does tho most business?
Local gardeners are complaining
about, the effect the severe winter had
ou th'3ii rose bushes. Only the hard
iest plants survived the iureu.se cold.
Posters tell oi the coming of Pain's
celebrated Destruction of Pompeii at
Kdgcv.ood Park,Shamokin,next Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday. A gorgeous
pyrotechnic display is tho chief feat-
Ralph Kisner, Ks<j. will be the ora*
tor of-the-day at Millvilie, Columbia
countv, on the coming Fourth of
July.* We bespeak lor our neighbors
a literary treat in which everybody
fortunate enough to be present will
feel a just pride as a patriotic Amer
ican citizen.
Many agents and superintendents of
tho Prudential Life Insurance Coni
pauy will bo, entitled to attend the
big excursion of the company's agents
to New York on July 11. The trip is
a prizo for meritorious service. Fully
two thousand members of tho Pru
dential field force will bo in New
York for a week.
Prohibitum Alliance Ofticials.
The Damillo Prohibition Alliance
at a meeting on the 10th insfc. complet
ed organization for the current half
year. The following aro the officials:
President, G. J. Cunningham ; Vice
President, O. R. Schilling; Secretary,
J. M. Kelso; Treasurer, W. 11. Mau
gor; Marshal,R. W. Eggertaud Chap
lain, Charles Richard. Oommitteo on
Program, the president, vice presidont
and secretary. Oommitteo on Mem
bership, R. W. Eggert, E. L. Ranck,
O. Uttoriuiller, A. G. Povey. Social
Committee, Rev. 10. 15. Dunn, \V. H.
Mauger, O. R. Schilling. Oommittoo
on Financo, F. P. Johnson, T. C.
Curry, James U. Huntington.
funeral of Mrs. Secliler,
Mrs. Harriet R. Sechler, widow oi
Abraham Seohler, who died Thursday
ufternoon, was cousigned to the grave
in Episcopal cemetery, Saturday after
noon. Tho sorvices wore conductod by
Rev. 10. J. Haughtou, rector of Christ
Kpiscopal cliuroh. Tho pall bearers
were: George Roifsnyder, Stephen
Johnson, Edward Oorman and Georgo
Ilullihon. Roy Sochlor of Philadel
phia, Mis. Hall of Rloomsbnrg, and
John Kinuian and two sous of Hazle
ton were among those from out oi
fowu wl>Q »ttvud«a U»o fuuvr«l,
"(Elir iliiiUnnt ffriurraa."
Continm.il from page
But diverse: Could we make her as a luan,
Sweet hove were slain:
Vet in the long years liker must they grow,
The man be more of Woman, she of man:
Hi- gain in sweetness anil in moral height.
She mental breadth, nor fail in chihlward care,
Nor lose the childlike in the larger mind;
Till nl last she set herself toman,
Kike perfect music unto noble words;
And so these twain, upon the skirls of Time
Sit side by side, full summed in all their powers,
Dispensing harvest, sowing the To-be
Self-reverent each and reverencing each,
Distinct in individualities;
Then springs the crowning race of human-kind;
May these things be!"
Our happy school days have passed like a fleeting dream, .but they
shall be treasured in our memories with the relies of our past glory. It is
with the greales love that we look back upon our four years of High School
life. How endearing the association! How ennobling the influences! llow
lofty the inspiration that, has always urged us on!
To-night we h ave the guiding and protecting arm of our beloved
Alma Mater to join that innumerable train, the followers of the fickle God
dess of Fortune. To her guidance and care we yield our lives, our hopes,
our trusts, our all. With awe-inspiring majesty, she holds out her hand to
us, and we, as under her magic spell, follow to our fate.
The duty, of saying farewell, in behalf of the class of 1!>04, lias de
volved upon me. Farewells though always sad must yet lie spoken. We bid
farewell to all our past associations. Farewell to our teachers, who have
ever ablv and willingly given us their timely aid. Farewell to our fellow
pupils, who, by their benign attitude towards us, have aided in winning our
sue. • ses. Farewell to our school the object of our devotion and the means
of our delight. And now farewell to each other.
As we join the ever swelling Munini, let it be the prime endeavor of
each one of the Class of I'.IOI fo become an honor and a success to the school
which graduates us to-night, and lo our town.
To all we sav farewell.
Y. M. 0. A. NOTES.
Noxt Friday (Juno IT) two of the
great Association Summer camps for
students open iu the Central West,one
at Lake Genova, the other on Lake
Erie. A third is now in progress at
Waynosvillo, N. C.,for the mou ot the
Southern colleges. Immediately after
these is the Northfiold camp for East
ern college men. Fully 2,000 men from
150 colleges will spend ten days at :
these camp conferences. The Western
Slopo men meet earlier in California
and Oregon. Tho mornings and even
ings aro devoted to addresses an.l Bible ?
classes and the aftornoous to athletics.
Another type of camp the Association
is conducting is summer vacation
camps for boys and young men, at
which tho religious scrvico is more an
incident. Hi bio classes, however, are j
conducted in the morning and are the I
most- popular features of the day. At ■
nearly 250 of these camps at least (3,000 j
men and boys will he entortaiucd.
Tho Canadian Associations have gain
ed possession ?f lakes and built, log
cabins. Albany has au island in Lake
Champlain; Cleveland rents a farm of
ten acros with a pond in it. Members
in California and Colorado goon bron
cos and burros. In California tho boys
camp without, tents,as there is no rain
there in tho dry season. In the Mid
dle West boys travel down the big riv
ers in liouso boats,wliilo Racine mem
bers have a moving ramp. Parties in
Ohio goon gypsy trips in big farm
wagons. Nebraska boys have "hik
ing" trips, carry their blankets, i lay
ball, swim and sloop in barns. Some
Worcester, Mass. .members spend their,
vacations in canoes. At tho New York j
camp at Westpoit, which opons July !
7, and will continue for two months, '
an average of 50 boys will bo under
canvas. Here astronomy, photography
and foiestry will be taught in a pop
ular way. At the New Jersey boys'
cam]) an "old salt" will go along and
teach tlio boys all sorts of nautical
things. In tho northern New York
camp, on Lake Erie, an export iu
Indian lore, botany, geology, orni
thology and zoology will head the ex
pedition. Members of the Pennsyl
vania Asgociati ons will spend their
vacations in the woods and incident
ally entertain and preach at tho lum
ber camps.
First Ste« I ('ir Evei Built.
An epoeh iu tho history of steel car
construction was marked last week
when there was completed at tlio Ber
wick plant of tlio American Car and
Foundry Company, the first stool car
ever constructed. Although a number
of plants have attempted to build an '
all steel passenger car heretofore, it |
was tho Berwick plant that first suc
cessfully accomplished its construe- '
t ion.
It was Friday night that tlio samplo ;
car of the 300 car order for the Inter
borough Company of New York City
was shipped from the Berwick plant.
The construction of this car has been I
watched with the greatest interest, !
not only by the local officials, but by i
the geucrdl manufacturing world as
well. Tho new car is a model of beauty
of design and is perfect in every de
tail. It is built entirely of steel, with
the exception of an aluminum fiuish
and has bamboo seats. The car is not j
quite M> long as an ordinary passenger
car, aud the seats run along the sides.
It is painted in several .shades of red
and weighs 55,000 pounds.
It. Horton Batcheltr, broker, lan
guishes in the Tombs, New York,
awaiting extradition papers for his
removal to Northumberland county j
court. M. S. Nagle of Shamokin, re- |
cently elected president of the Aber- j
deou Consolidated Copper Compauy ot i
New Mexico, charges emtczzleraout
against Batcholor who promoted the
company, SSOO advance! personally by
Naglo for paying employes but alleged
to have been converted by tho broker
to personal use, is the specific charge.
$(',0,000 was raised iu Shamokin alone
to develop the Aberdeen mine and
dividends were paid by Bachelor whon !
uo money was being earned. All these ]
and more will appear at the trial. j
The payments of life insurance com
panies during tho year 1003, upon tho
lives of Danville residents, amounted
to $57,100. Sunhurv was paid $12,553;
Lewisburg, $25,418; Watsontown, s(>,-
208; Mil ten, $'10,802; MitTlinburg, $3,-
300; Wash ingtonti lie. $0,024; Mont
gomery, $1,000; Northumberland,
Charles Laiub, a lorinor local drug
clerk, who coudueted a store in Trev
niton,and more reoently lias been with
Shoop Hunt, at Dauvillo, is now in
charge of the drug store of the lato K.
W. Smink on Market street. Mr. Lamb
may purchase the establishment.—
fcjhuwokiu Herald.
Important Discovery in Diyyiii'i Up the
Romnn hoium.
Home. June 13.—Sig. Ciiacomo Boni,
the archaeologist directing the excava
tions of the Forum, bas found a heavy
capstan with eight fixed levers of wood.
The wood is perfectly preserved, while
the iron fixtures have become oxidizied
i This discovery is considered of the
greatest importance as being the first
known mechanical contrivance dating
back 2,000 years.
■ The capstan, almost intact, has a diam
eter of more than two yards.
Sig. Boni lias ordered it to be covered
• with a special preparation to preserve the
• Wood.
112 Argument Oourt on Saturday.
! A session of Argument Court was
! held on Saturday last. President Judge
j K. It. Little aud Associates Thompson
and Blee wero on the bench.
A petition relating to the estate of
Phoebe Ililkert asking for a rule on
heirs was pr inted as prayed for.
John Kraiuak, a native of Austria,
who desired tho rights and privileges
ot citizenship, took the oath of natur
al i zat ion.
In the easo of Eugeue O'Hara and
Mary L. O'Hara, all action to dissolve
marriage, divorce was refosed.
Court adjourned to meot on Monday
the 2?tii iust.
Special Fares to St. Louis via
The following fares are authorized by
the Lackawanna Kailroiul \iaall direct
| routes and good on all trains.
Season ticket limited for return to
I Dec. 15th—#.'>3.20. 00 day ticket $27.70;
15 day ticket, $22.75. Stopover will be
allowed at Niagara Falls and Chicago not
to exceed ten days. Arrangements have
been mauc for the through movement of
chair and sleeping cars from Seranton to
St. Louis without change.
"Couch Excursions to St. Louis via
Lackawanna" Fare for Round
Trip $17.00.
On June L'3rd and 30th, ticket agents
of the Lackawanna railroad will sell
coach excursion tickets to St. Louis, good
on train 701 leaving I'anville at 10:10 a.
in., return limit, leaving St. Louis on
any regular train up to and including 10
days from date of sale. Children l»e
--tween the ages of live and twelve years
one half the adult fare. Tickets will not
lie honored in sleeping or parlor cars.
Improvements at D. L. & W. Station.
The D. L. & W. Railroad Company
lias made new improvements in its
office connected with the station here
by installing all now telegraph instru
menls along with a new table to sup
port. them.
The improve 1 equipment comprises
one additional wire extending trom
Scrauton to Sunljury. Tno new wiro
previously extended only as far as
Beiwick. Irs extension to lake in the
nutire division will facilitate commu
nication considerably.
Many Children are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for
Children, used by Mother Gray, a
nurso in Children's Home, New York,
Break up Colds in 24 hours, cure
Feverishness, Headache, Stomach
Troubles, Teething Disorders, and
Destroy Worms. At all druggists,
25c. Sample mailed FREE. Address
Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y.
Nutional Democratic Convention, St.
Louis Mo., .July tith. 1904.
For the above occasion Lackawanna
ticket agents will sell round trip tickets
t" st Louis for the regular one way fare.
Tickets will be sold on .Inly 2nd to sth
inclusive and return limit will be 15 days
from date of sale with privilege of stop
over at Niagara Falls.
Nothing [More Dangerous
Thau Cutting Corns. TJIK FOOT-EASK
SAMTAKV CORN-PAD cures by Absorb
tion. Something entirely new. The
sanitary oils and vapors do the work.
Sold by all Druggists 2oe. or by mail.
Sample mailed FREE. Address, Allen
S. Olmsted, Le Koy, N. Y.
tyational Republican Convention Chi
caqo, 111., June 21st to 24th.
For the above occasion the Lack
awanna will sell round trip tickets for
the regular one way fare. Dates of sale
June 10th to 20th and return limit will
I l)e np to and including June 29th with
privilege of stop over at Niagara Falls,
Tor Sale, Cheap.
Second hand Scperator. Is now in
use and in the best condition. For
further particulars address The IN
Art You In th* Rush and Bustli?
While we join in the rush ami bustle of
this busy world, overtaxing our nnorgied
unil nicking our systems, many of us are
morally culpable of Teckless disregard of
bodily strength and fitness. Then per
haps tlio health breaks down, and wo
seem doomed to long periods of pain and
depression. Our whole life is darkened.
Hundreds and thousands of ailing men
and women have found that
verily • make life worth living."
Thoy Purify the Blood, met right Ihm
Dlsordorod Stomach, arouao Ihm
Sluggish Liver, dlapml Sick-Haad
ache, build up the Nervoua Syalenr,
and repair the damage eaurned by
overwork and brain worry.
The genuine worth and nevor-failing
erticucy of
have been fully proved during a period
of nearly sixty years, and tliey are recog
nized as the
Best Safeguard Against Bilious and
Nervous Attacks.
The most satisfactory evidenco of the
universal esteem in which BEECHAM'S
PILLS aroheM is found in thefact tiia t tlio
Sold by DrtiKKlßtaat ■ Of.and firmnlled
bv 11. !•'. A 1.1, EN CO., 846 CfUlßl St.. Ne\r
York t'ity.U your Druggist doeauutkcepibcw.
For Corujress
HARRY E. DAVIS, of Suubury.
For Tli • Lcaisluture
For Prothonotnry *
For County Treasurer
• An J mail to The Cal-cura Company, Kennedy •
; Row, lioudout, N. Y. • j
; Dear Sirs: I think I nm Buffering from •
: IVcuse provide me with • \
week's treatment with lau-ciiu .Solvent, ' i
: Name
• Address •
Any sufferer from Kidney trouble, Livor
complaint, Diseases of tlio Bladder, Con
stipation, or Blood impurity who really
dosires t«» find ;i Pei uinent Cure, may
obtain FiIEE TREATMENT with ('al-cura
Solvent , Dr. David Kennedy's new medi
cine. Rimply cut out tlio coupon above,
and mail to the Cal.eura Company, Ken
nedy Row, Uondout, N.Y.
Cal-cura Solvent is nncqualcd by any
preparation, and is Dr. Kennedy's greatest
raedieine. It acts ou nn entirely new
Mr. William 11. Miller, of M itteawan, N.
Y., says;—"l was seriously troubled with
my kidneys and bladder for over throe
years. Many doctors and various kidney
remedies, gavo mo no relief. But I finally
bought a bottle of Cal-eura Solvent ot' my
a few bottles, and I am cured."
No doubt you :ire fooling
like doing you Spring shop
ping, so do not hesitate,
thinking Iho now goods arc
not in yet, for llioy aro licre
and we arc selling of tlicni
every day, do not wait too
Wo are showing the best
line of dress trimmings in
town, so our customers say,
and thoy know.
Embroidered linen shirt
Waist patterns, something
new in town.
The new champagne
shades in dress ami Waist
Some of (ho now wash
stuffs arc, Fil do Soio,
Nicker Jephys, Foile Sera
phique. If you haven't
seen them, you ought to.
Lots of good tilings in
black and colored dress
Good styles and cheap
prices in ladies Muslin Un
But that it Pours.
It is wonderful what prices
we do sometimes get for cash
couldn't believe it, but that
the goods are put before our
eyes, Struck a lot of Glass
and China ware. The prices
tell their own Story they are
Scarcely 50c ou the dollai.
Received 720 table tumb
lers value 5c each Will
sell them at 3c or
2 for sc.
China Toilet Sets $1.15 and up.
a' $3.39 and up to $9.75.
Fancy Table Oil Cloth they
don't make better 5-4 wide
this lot Isc the yard. Ladies'
and Gents' summer under
wear, Laces and Embroideries,
Ribbons and Millinery goods,
and Ladies' Shirt waists, are
011 the move coming or going
so fast that we dare not ad
vertise the prices. Come
early, we may have just what
you want and (the right
prices) at the
Next to Canal
Danville, Pa*
r I
Our Special Order Service.
An ailtleil advantage to mil' patrons. Wlicncvoi you want nnrtbii z
a 1 that wo do not keep or sonielliing a little bolter in price tliaa we have
in stock, wo an: in a position to get il for you in the quickest possible time
without extra expcn-i■.
We regularly employ an experienced buyer in Now York who givi*
bis personal attention to our every call, shops the whole of New York if net -
essary I" procure exactly what wo want at tlie price specified.
Wo arc pleased to offer this service to our customers at any time.
!n the Basement,
Do imt forget mil- spacious basement. Make it a lialiit togo there every time
you get into the store. There are always bargains, special lots and reduced lots.
Lower Prices Always. Refrigerators and lee Chests.
The Alaska luis 11 u» lnrircyt sale of any kind made, because it is constructed
on scientific principles for obtaining the lowest temperature with the utmost saving
of ; '-e.
Zinc lined, :io Hi. ici capacity, U.oft; with water cooler, 10.00.
Zinr lined, .">() lb. Ice capacity at 12.00; (it> lbs. ice capacity, 1.'!.50.
White enamelled, 10 lb. Ice capacity. 15.00; 05 lb. ice capacity, 20.00.
< Hlier values, enamelled and zinc lined, up to 25.00 with ice capacity of
Unsnatehabie Prices on Screens.
Our prices can not be equalled any where and the quality of the goods arc
strii tly lirst griuli*.
4Mc for Screen Doors liiiit regularly sell at 75a.
79c for Screen Doors that regularly sell for 1 .CO.
10c for Adjustable Window Screens, the 2oc kind.
10c for Adjustable Window Screens, the 15c kind.
Baby Carriages and Go-Carls. Prices 2.98 to 18.00.
Li«rhl running kinds constructed iu the best possible way, with all improve
ments, complete with parasol. No othe.* house can make von such prices for the
quality of the Coach, 2.0M, o.V », 5.9.'», 7.80, 10.00 12.00, 15.00, 18.00.
Full lino of lace c vei 112 r patasols, pretty'ruffled edges, 50, 75, 1.00, 1.25,
1.50 up to 4.00.
J'xpress wagons. wooden box and wheels, 50, 75, 1.00 1.25, 1.50 up to 4.00.
Iron box and wheels, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00.
Wheelbarrows for children, 25, 29, 89c up to 1.00.
Notions in the Basement.
Always bit? values to be found in the basement at prices that are lower than
anywhere else. Lo-kaMhc.se little prices.
Men's and Ladies' black ho«e, 5c a pair, worth 10c a pair.
Children's black hose, double knee, 10c for 15c values.
Ladies' (iauze Vests 10c and 2 for 25c, short sleeves or sleeveless, lace and
tape trimmed.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 2 for sc, usually 5c each, lace, embroidery and hem
stitched edges.
Glen's and P»ov.' Handkerchiefs, reds, blues, white, !>, 4 and sc, some that
are usually 10c each.
Summer Corsets, .">oc values for 25c, well boned, 5 clasps.
Itibbons at I2'.r \ard ionic tegular 25c values, fancy stripes, wash silk.
10c Belts, sc, shaped and silk in black and colors.
1-aucy and plain colored lastie, 5c yard for the usual 10c qualities.
Lead Pencils, in-- 2e and lc each, the lattei regular 5c ones.
Pencil Tablets, I, 4, 5c each, Memorandum Books some 10c velues for sc.
Aluminum Hair Pins 4 tyles, 5c dozen usually 10c.
Safety Pin-, 2, 4c a dev. a rcgnlarlv are 5 and 10c. do/..
Mourning Pins, box of 400, 15c usually Usc; box of 40 pins, 2c, usually sc.
NeedK-Books, sc, contains 5 packs of needles and 15 darners, usual 10c
Pearl But Lou.'-. 2 and for card of 2 dozen, usually sc.
Thimbles, assorted sizes, 2 for 5c values, 5c for 10c kind.
Ptchs Shields are Sc pair ior the usual 10c kinds.
(ioocl Culling Shears, 5c and 10c pair, various lengths.
Men sand iioys Leather Belts, nickel buckles, Bc, usually 10c.
Ludies' Garments.
Cool, airy, garments that are a delight, to wear r»u these warm, summer days,
well made and stylish, too.
Kimonos and I dressing Sacqucs, IJ9, 50, 75, 1,00, with the long flowing loose
sleeves «,i the tight fitting kinds. Plain white lawns trimmed in colors, dotted and
figured lawns prettily trimmed. •
Shirt Waist Siiits, 1.00, 1.50, 3.00, .">.50, H 08, 5.89 tip to 8.00.
Percal Suits at 1.00 iu black and white, blue, green and light shades ill trim
med with white beading.
Shepherds checks at 1.50, pleated and both waist and skirt trimmed with
I w bite braid.
' White Pigue at #.OO, waist trimmed with faggoting and white medallions,
Skirt pleated and medallions trimmed.
IJoyal Shirt Waist Suits, 2.50 to 8.00, all white or figured white, are unequall
ed in style and lit. Once wear a Hoyal Waist or Suit and you will always want
Shirt Waist Suits—Materials.
Wortdcrfi'l indeed is the great variety one lias for selection in cottons, for
making suits and skirts. 'Time to think about wash suits and skirts for outing or
home. Here are a bunch of fabrics that the dirt will not cling to.
Suitings, 10, 15,18, 25,35 c weaves are just like etauiinea, voiles, tweeds and
snow flakes, look just like wool too. ' - .
White Piques, 20 and 25c. ligured or stripped and figured together.
Indian Head Linen, 20c, yard wide.
White Duck, 12.1 c. yard, White Linen 2] yds wide for 1.25 and other grades,
1 yard wide at 50 and 75c yard.
Linens in natural colors, 20, 25,:50, .15, 39c. Blue and black Linen at 25c.
Growing Palm Plants.
To beautify the paizza and give them a good start'for inside for the fall. Live
thrifty plants, hardy and well potted 15c and 25c.
Good Couches at Little Prices.
5.50 ones for 3.08, good velour coverings in blues, reds, greens spiral springs.
8.00 ones for 0.00 brown, blue and green figured velour and the best of
10.00 ones for 7.25, red figured velours; 30 steel spring wire springs, plain
10.00 one for 8.85', figured velour, 4 rows tufts, width is 28 inches.
13.00 ones 11.25, green, red and ecru velour coverings, roll edge foot, 5 rows
15.00 ones for 12.00, tufted spring edges, 20 inches wide, green and pink
velour, -
18.00 one at 15.00 Black Leatherette covered will never get hard, spirial
springs, claw feet.
Adjustable Couches Reduced.
25.00 regularly, reduced to 21.00.
18.00 regularly, reduced to 15.00 and IG.Ot).
Knds adjustable to six positions and covering of the best velours, plain and
A Nev. Carpel or Rug.
A line ot prettv Knirs have recently made their arrival, small neat in
beat bod\ Brussels, sizes 9x12 ft. at 25.00.
1.10 Velvet Carpets, 85c, gooil colors, sewed, lined and put down on your
floor. i-ii
Mattings for Summer, nothing else so cool 112« »r bed rooms, China and .Japanese
at 15, 20, 25. 30, 35. 40c yard. Special prices by the roll of 40 yards.
Hag ( arpet 30c yard, a real good carpet too. .
Window Shade, we pay special attention to plain white bolland and all lark
colors made to measure at reasonable prices. Awnings made to lit any window.
We buv carpet Hags on balls at 3.] c lb.
Lot of 500 Silk Waists 3.48.
Light and dark colors including blacks in both peau de soic and taffeta. Look
for your size. They are big bargains.
Shoes and Groceries at greatly reduced prices Saturday and Monday, June
14 and 20. ,
Watch for bills, Demonstration of Pure Vanilla this week, Ice Cream served
Stayer Store Co.
final Si. - Al!!Til\. I':\. - lilm Si.
Jliss Bertha Bell, of Danville, spent
Sunday with .Miss Eilmi Crosslev.
Mrs. John Stuhl hus arrived home
after a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Kitnsniau, at Eastern, Pa.
Misn Blanche Shade, of the State
Hospital, Tlanville, was in our town
Two very interesting temperance lec
tures were given in Ihe Presbyterian
church, at thi? place, 011 Monday and
Tuesday evenings by Mr. Burwell.
The sad news of the death of Lieut,
N. K. Bower, of Fort J.avenworth,
Kansas, whose Parents reside here, was
received Monday evening. The news
was a shock to all and his family lias the
sympathy of the entire community.
Lieut. Bower was a promising young
man and prospective of a successful
Children's l>ay services will l>e observ
ed in the M. K church, Sunday A. M.,
June 19th at 10:30 o'clock.
Too much danipuei-s thus far this
month. It's worst effect will bo to
damage the crops.
Mr. Win. Pennalracker anil family
called at W. J. Leidy'a Friday evening.
Mr. Lewis Buss and family, of Mc-
Kavensvillc, spent Sunday at 1110 home
of Jesse Bogart.
Mr. Wm. Bogart and family spent
Sunday with friends abroad.
Several of our farmers helped a Mexi
can farmer prepare his corn ground Mon
Mr. Wm. Stump, of Washingtonville,
was a caller at Noah Stump's Tuesday.
Bev. AVenner, pastor of Trinity Luth
eran church of this place, will givo his
farewell sermon Sunday, June 2(i.
HAH in, EK.
Value of Heal and Personal Estate.
Iu view of tho publio improvements
contoinplntod tho following tlgurea
will be of interoßt as showing the bor
rowing capacity of the borough. The
valuo of tho real auil porsoual estato
subjoot to county au.d borough tax is
as follows:
i First Ward. |877, 877; Second Ward,
I 1838,340; Third Ward,lSM,Blo; Fourth
[Ward, $330,115; total, 12,878,673.
for the
National Guar d
Tiie Philadelphia Inquirer Pres-,
ents Three Valuable Art Bron
zes tor the Best Company,
Troop and Battery.
Much interest has been aroused ; •
mong tin; Slate National Guard by
Llie announcement that three -
lieent bronzes will hi? presented by
rhe Philadelphia Inquirer to the eon
pany, troop and battery earning th •
highest rating for the inspection in
samp at Gettysburg in their reaper-
Live branches of the service—infantry,
•avnlry and artillery.
The Infantry Trophy is a forceful
•reation, in rich bronze, of a Xorimu
ireher, the infantryman of the array
if that day. The pose of the figure
s very striking, the body of the sold
er being inclined as the tense muscles
lraw the barb of the arrow to the
;hin, and the strong neck is bent, to
•nahle the keen eye of the archer to
sight his missile. From the base to
the top of the bow the height of the
ligurc is just 40 inches l'ieire Tour
jueneff, one of the most noted artists
>f the present school, is the author,
ind the careful detail which tin
sculptor has worked into this crea
tion demonstrates that he was thor
oughly imbued with the spirit of his
The same artist has the credit of
modeling the trophy for the cavalry,
'•A Trooper of the Empire." In this,
is in the "Norman Archer, v M.Tonr
has again marked his artistic
perception of pose. The "Trooper
>f the Empire' 1 is one of that magnifi
sent body of cavalry, the Hussars,
ivhom Murat, the "Beau Sabre" of
he First Empire, so gloriously led.
Man and horse are tine conceptions in
repose, and that very repose adds
forcefully to the ensemble. The
igure is on a base seventeen by live
nches and measures twenty inches to
.he top of the Hussar's aigrette.
A search for something apropos
\nd emblematic; for the artillery arm
if the State service brought this
statuette of the great captain himself,
,vho was first and foremost an artill
iryman. M. l'incdo, who has made
i specialty of studies of the first Em
peror of t ho French, and whose noted
Equestrian statue, of Napoleon adonis
he French capital, is the author of
his work. The Great Captain is
shown in his characteristic pose, in
>ne of those moments of meditation
from which sprang forth projects
which changed the map of Europe.
This figure is twenty inches high,
mounted upon an octagonal, rich
rreen marble base, eight by eight
nches, and bearing the imperial "N"
upon its front.
These trophies are to be given iu
the company, troop and battery to
which the inspectors give the highest
rating for appearance, etc , during
the encampment. There are no re
strictions, the trophies being for the
best units of the guard, and it is very
sure that only the best units will win
them. Fuller and further details will
be given in The Sunday Inquirer,
from time to time, until the decision
is rendered. And it must be remem
bered that the decision as to the best
company of infantry, troop of cavalry
and battery of artillery will be made
by the Inspector's Department of the
National Guard of Pennsylvania, of
ficers of tried probity and known im
Now it is lor the company, troop
and battery commanders to begin
work. Earnest, intelligent efforts
will bring their commands within
reaching distance of the valuable
prizes. The men, by their attention
to their duties, and their personal ap
pearance and evidence of instruction
unl discipline, will be the factors. So
now to work.
Steer, Bull or Horse
hide, Calf skin, Dog gfiSS/jS
skin, or any other kind
of hide or skill, and let HKJMH
us tail it with the hair
on, soft, light, odorless
and moth-proof,for robe, t
rug, coat or gloves. KttKggSS
Hut first Ret our Catalogue, BH|
giving prices, and our shipping BMfcflfl
tags and instructions, so as to -- ?
avoid mistakes. We also buy
raw furs and ginseng. -
116 MUI Street, Rochester, N. Y,
isk Your Dealer for Allen's Koot-Euse,
V powder for the feet. It cures
Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching,
Sweating Feet, Corns and Humous.
\( ;ill Druggists and shoe stoics, L'oc.
Vsk to-ilay.
•'sum- of Jan"'" Hroiee, Maybery
Tow 1 isliij MoiiUiui rounty, fit., dee 'I
v..1 i.'i• l» hereby irlven that letters tosla
»ieii,iirv Imv" IHHTI (Trunted mi 11, e above e«-
.ii,- lii ih.f nnilfisitoml. t" whom nil I """*
1 »:•'*'
WiiSt •}» -»» " u
"»»» WLT " OUT ULLOKKI:, KM,-., fix.
'> I , u V.J ..M W," whom nil IHTSOUBindebted to said
's ate are requested to make payment, and those
iiavinir ,iaim- to present them without delay to
tmvlng Claims u.i BENNETT, Executrix,
Danville. Penu a.
Mate of Harriet B. KM«, Me of Exchange
Montour County, Pa-, tleeetuctl.
Notice Is hereby Riven fliut letter* of Ad
#-25 its ' ' Exchange, Pft. _
Tic undersigned havinp been restored to
I y simple means, aficrsutTcriuj; lor several ye.tra
, a.id il.ai dread
disease Consumption, is anjuuus to make known
to Ins fellow sullerers the moans of cure. To
those who desire it.he will cheerfully send (free
"112 charge) a copy of the prescription uscd.whicls
thev will find a sure cure for Consumption*
Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and
I'jnj* Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try
i;s f.-m—'-. as >t i". ,r, v. ■ Ttio- o desirir.jf
t! " * . : st tl t m nothing
and niav prove a blessing, will please address,
K»v. EPITALIU.iraSOS, New York.
I.ISTFI* \M»r\l.l«Tni \ <sPF,riAI,TV. Alio
I .""I"I >'t l-i!nls nil til.' in.'t i 1, 114 well u*
ijni ii "r r. i f»>ti. l i;f Ihpi i M-.sJiin'iit w know of!■
Itt-M« tall T. .v Mimnifi .. stm-k Send ft r particu
lars and hut "112 what ». . / hnv fur t-i'e ui r.rchanu?.
t.W. UN NIM. hit A CO., 1 K* S. Fourth St., I'hlliu
FOIt RKIST: One-half of the Two
story Frame Dwelling liouse on Ca
nal streel, next to the DauvilieSteam
Laundry. For particulars, inquire of
K. \Y. EGGEIII, corner of Mahoning
ami Ferry streets.
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble!
and Don't Know it.
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with yo-jf
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
. F—» / j sediment or
J'rrey tlin S indicates an
fe! unhealthy condi
[trfi K \ 112 tion of the kid
\MlfHl IflW neys; if |. stains
y° ur ,lnen i{ is
J[J I evidence of kid-
JM\ ney trouble: too
. ti frequent desire to
P ass or P a * n
< - ***"*" the back is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled togo often
during the day, and to get up irony times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp.Root is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Us won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. andsl. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery f'
and a book that tells
more about it, both sent Bl
absolutely free by mail.
Address Dr. Kilmer & nome of Fwamp-Root.
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer in this paper,'
Pon't innUi nny mistake, hut remember the
name Swuinp-ltoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp*
Knot, ami the address, Hingliaiiiton, N. Y., oil
every bottle.
NuTK i; OF Till-: Ill'l.F TO AC
In the Court of Common Pleas of Montour
F.i ' \ 1!. KKKD, 112 tI.MW Pi'irsn.. Dk. F. I>
\\'llx»N AM" A' Vl*- PI'RHII. Wll SON,,
Wll'f ill 1*1" lit of «:ii(l w i|i', l». Pit AI \ l.lt Ik
< \-i :i ui A LIEN! I 18E,
Not let- is la/ruby given to the jiart les ahovo
named, that tla-eourt lias contiriiied the iv
i urn <<!'the Sheriir, and the iiKiuisition and
valu.tii'.n or appraisement, taken and made
niah r thuabo\e writ,and lia\t a rule,
on all prisons illl> resti-d t«> eome into roiut,
on the 27th <l;iy • i .lun<- iaxi. al t«n o'clock A.
M.to an rpi or ii*l iis« •, the •< vera I purparts or
portions of the lands and ttiicmeiiK in said
writ mentioned, according to the AetK of As*
seinbly in sueh ease provided.
Hy oitler of the Court,
May 2s, 1001 Prothonotary.
in the ( inirt of Common IMeas of Montour
eoi.iii,,. in it ufud'rner! caln'.e of It. ru'dMi*
& Company.
Notice is hereby mvcii that the undersigned
has been appointed auditor to make distri
bution of th> ruml in the hands of Samuel M.
Trumbower as assignee of the estate of K.
l oulkA- Co., an Insolvent co-partnership a nrt
that a meet int; tor t hat purpose will he held
at the olllee of the auditor, No. 221 Mill street,
in the ltorough of Itanvllle, on
Monday, 27th day of June, 'O4,
at 10o'eloek A. M. when and where all per
sons interested shall make their elaim*orho
debarred lioni coming in upon the fund.
folate of Bonham li. Gcarhurt, lute of Dint,
vtlle, l'"..'i- eased
Notice is hereby given that letters testa
luentary upon tlie estate of the said P. 1!.
(iearhait have heeii i;ranted t<» the under
signed. All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make payment, and those
having claims or demands against the same
w ill make them known without delay to
Executrix. 1 »anville, Pa.
OI to Koit! ur 14. OEAUIFAHT
at First National Pank Pan-
Vllle, Pa.
persons in each state to travel for house
established eleven years ami with a largo
capital, to call upon merchants and
niicnts for successful and profitable line.
Permanent engagement. Weekly cash
salary of *- t and all traveling expenses
and hotel bills advanced in cash each
week. Experience not essential. Men
tion reference ami enclose sell-addressed
envelope. THE NATIONAL, ii.')- Dear
born St., Chicago.
Latest Improved Sewing Machine.
We can furnish you with a $50.00
Sewing Machine, new from the factory,
at just half price. It is a Licjlit-Riiuina
Champion Drop-tlead, one of the very
latest patterns, and made by the New
Home Sewing Machine Co. Call on or
address this oifice.
WANTED.-yTrustworthy men and
women to travel and advertise for old
established house of solid financial stand
ing. Salary S7BO a year and expenses,
all pavable in cash. No canvassing re
quired. Give references and enclose
self-addressed stamped envelope. Ad
dress, Manager, :K>s Caxton Building,
Or. LsFranco's —'
1 Compound
I Powerful Combination. Successfully used by
1 200,000 women. Price 25c. Druggists.
I or by mall. LaFranco & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
to u<se it"
A Monthly Magazine for the Careful
Speaker and the Careful Writer.
SI.OO a Year. 10 ot«. » Copy.
Suetfostions for the Speaker. What to
Suy and What Not to Say.
Suggestions for the Writer.
Errors and Models In English from
noted Authors.
Compound Words: How to write Them.
Shall and Will; How to use Them.
Punctuation; Pronunciation.
| Correct English in the Home
And many oth.r pcrtln.at •■bj.et*.
AsU your newsdealer or write for
sample copv to Correct Cn|lith(
Box 8000, CvuMton, 111.