Danville intelligencer. (Danville, Pa.) 1859-1907, June 17, 1904, Image 2

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Isluhlislitri, IB2M
I). AC ST LI'TX, Editor and Proprietor.
Fill-: I NTKI.I.H ; i:\( II: Is 111< - oldest and best weekly, I >ciiioerat ic
newspaper In this section of tin- State. It enjoys tin- distinction of
having ii larger county circulation than all the other weeklies com
bined. It tfoes into the homes ot all th. hesi li. iuocrals in ihccounty,
and is read hy thousands of its Kcpuhlic.-in'friends weekly. Published
every Frida.x at I>anville, the county scat oi M<i..tour county. I'a.. at
Sl.no a year in advance oi -I."J-! it not paid in advance; and no paper
will he discontinued untll all arrearage is paid, except at tin option
of the publisher.
Kates of advertising made known on npplicution. \ddivss all
communications to
Tin-: i.yi:r.i.n,i:Nci:i;, Danviiic, fa.
As everybody in these days knows, the girl of to-day
d.eads housework. Somehow the idea lias gained a foot
ing, and a deep-seated one, that it is in a certain sense
lowering in its tendency, if not act nail-, degrading. The
result is, that those who are compelled to work for a living
take ii]) with it onlv when nothing else i- to he had. Even
in their own homes, young women stun housework •as
much as they possibly can. And vet all of these, no mat
ter what their condition ill life, look forward to getting
married and reigning over households of their own. Ii
d >es not seem to occur to tlirin that il is a- necessary to
serve an apprenticeship to housekeeping, and all that is
implied bv that word, to carry on a home successfully, as
it is to the tailor to make doilies or tli. painter to paint
The most fruitful source of domestic discontent and
trouble arises from the ignorance of young women of their
proper household duties. How can tlu-v take charge of
an establishment if they have never learned how? There
can he no greater object of pity than the girl or woman
who, having all her life abhorred'housewoik. is callei 1 up
on to carry on a household. Men who succeed in the
world always understand their work. So must the woman,
and yet nine out often have a dim idea that tliev can
manage to worry along without such knowledge. If there
is any class of work under the sun that is honorable or
dignified it is the work in the household. It is work that
has been required from the beginning, and will be to the
end, and the woman who is too good to undertake il is
more likely to be the subject of unpleasant remarks among
her neighbors than to receive their commendations,
There is only one Democratic newspaper in
Montour county after all, and that is the journal
that has been recognized as such for seventy-live
years. Its establishment was ma le by the lion.
Valentine Best, tone of the State's leaders of his
day ), in 182.5, and since that time has proudly borne
the slings from the tjuill of such men as the lion.
Thos. Chalfant, who was beloved by all. Democrats
and Republicans alike: later by his brilliant and cul
tured son, Charles, and still later by editors dictated
In by the late lion. Unfits K. Polk.
Today it stands practically alone, one of the
staunches! and most reliable supporters id' Demo
cracy, hereabouts. It is recognized by the slate
leaders, as it has ever been since its establishment.
And why should it not be, after upholding the good
of our present State leaders, National Committeeman
Colonel Jas. M. (itifl'ey, .State Chairman .1. K. 1*
Ilall, Stale Secretary I'. (Jray Meek and Kx-State
Chairman the Hon. Win. T. Creasy : and not assail
ing them all as did another so-called Democratic
The agitation for good roads should 1101 be allowed to
die out, A year or two ago the leading papers used
columns of space to forward the good roads movement,
but of late a lack of interest in this public measure seems
apparent. Much good was done at that time. Citizens
became interested in the ipicstion, new roads were built,
old roads repaired, and muddy and dusty roads rendered
Comfortably passable. Interest in this matter should not
h allowed to wane, but at all times and in all seasons the
need and value of good roads set bei'ore die people.
The roads throughout Montour e< untv, though not
the worst in the world, could be greatly improved. And
even within the liorongh's limits we I. ml roadwavs, at
certain seasons of the year, iu a very disgraceful condition
for a town the age of Danville.
We would therefore advise the authorities to look in
to this matter, consult with road buihlei- and engineers as
to the kind of road or pave to lie us I d to bc.-t withstand
the heavy travel and disastrous springtime floods; ascertain
the cost, and then act.
Man is but humane. lii - achievements have at
tained a high standard, after long, weary ami dili
gent research and application. The object is at litst
rude in its const motion, but with improvements it
reaches its acme. Man's works are wonderful, yet
ve should not expect too 1 b from a single in
Take the newspaper man for instance. The
editor never hopes that lie can always please even
the best people who read bis paper, in bis editorial
opinions, and to tell the truth he doesn't try. lie
aims to lie fair and honest in what he has to say, and
hopes that his opinions will be respected, even if
thev are not approved. The only editorial opinions
that never provoke criticism are those that are never
expressed, and the only newspapers whose editorials
never give offense, are those who haven't anv.
Danville has a beautiful Post Ollice, all will
admit. It is one of the nicest to be found in an\
city of its size. Handsome without, while the in
terior is all that could be desired. l!ul that is not
what marks for it its excellency . It is the manner in
which it is conducted. Postmaster Harder, in him
self is a man easily to approach, and gentlemanly to
deal with, while his assistant, Mr. Miles, is genteel
in every sense of the word, and will give vou the
best attention. The clerks are manly, industrious,
attentive to business and honest.
These are strong points in favor of any busi
ness concern, and the general public can rejoice in
knowing that we have such a faithful corps of public
oflieials to deal with.
Columbia county Democratic convention wa- held
last Tuesday. The result as tabulated was for Congress
Harry K. Davis, 21122 votes; Legislature, North Side,
.lolin <l. Harman, 2721 voles. South Side. \V. T. Creasv,
20f>.H votes; ('. K. Randall, 72!) vote.-; for County Sur
veyor, Boyd Trescott, 1?7- s 1 votes.
'I lie ticket is a good one and will assi.-t iu strength
ening the ticket 111 the district.
\\ i 1 are much pleased to know that oui friend, the
Hon. Win. 1. Creasy, has been nominated. Hut how
could it he otherwise when the whole State wanted him.
Hi- popularity is far-reaching, and hi- services are greatly
iu demand. The record lie established demands that lie
be returned to State services to do us more good.
I>;iii\ i 1 U- is a delightful ami honorable |>lacc of
re idcnce. It is :i distinction to In: able to -:iv, '•!
live in Danville." It will lie still butter when 1 lie
Columbia-Montour Traction Conn mv runs cars
over its new line, which is now beinfr built between
this city ami liloonisbm'fr, anil later extended to
Shamokin, where it will make connections with
Other lilies.
Elmer Oliver, of Plymouth, ■ bus begun suit
against .Miss Kli/.aholh Alspaugh, claiming $5,000
damages for breach of promise of marriage. Air.
Oliver says that "she threw me over without any
reason, anil that "I hail given her a diamond ring
and had spent considerable money in giving her a
good time."
As for the young woman's having no reason,
that, of course, is absurd. "Because" is a sullicient
reason for anything a woman wishes to do. But
for the rest .Mr. ( (liver has behaved wisely, albeit
unromti!iticall\ . In these delicate matters of the
heart it is far better to appeal to the eoni't.s than to
resort to the extra legal process of tietion and senti
mental poetry.
Mr. Oliver after he was jilted might have blown
I> is brains out. There are innumerable precedents
in romance and real life for such a niitssy perform
ance. <)r he might have killed his coquettish Car
mencita. Here again romantic precedents would
have supported him, and he would have been hanired
indue form. Or he might have wasted away in
composing sonnets to a faithless mistress. Millions
of heart broked poets have thus assuagci their
gri< 112.
Nevertheless, breeeh-of-jironiise proceedings
are more convincing and more ell'cctivc. When
women learn that the affections of the susceptible
young man have a pecuniary value, and that broken
hearts must be paid for in coin of the realm like
broken vases and other shattered objects of art,
they will icase trilling. Nothing would tend more
• juii-kly to make women responsible in love nHairs
than the responsibility of being compelled to pay
55,000 in damages for breaking a Its-cent heart.
It appears that some of the electric roads in the
city of London -they call them tramways over
there arc owned by the city. The report of the
City Council, recently made, shows that there has
been a loss of $3110,000 in operating these city
tramways during the past year. The loss is attrib
uted principally to tlie temporary decrease of
Irallic owing to the change from horse cars to elec
tric cars in the system. When this was done the
fares were also reduced, and this was also an im
portant factor in creating the delieit. This fact has
led to a discussion in the papers as to the policy of
granting low fares on these municipal roads at the
expense of the taxpayers, who will now be called
onto make up the deficiency incurred. This is a
very important fact, and deserves to lie kept in
mind. Cheap fares are no doubt a boom to the en
tire community, btil where there is municipal own
ership of any public utility it seems unwise that the
cost for its use should be put below a paying or
self-sustaining figure, because that throws an un
just burden on a certain portion of Iho community
in order that another portion may profit. thereby.
This London experience will also no doubt be made
use of to show the bad results that are often en
countered through municipal ownership.
According to an announcement in the Philadelphia
papers, tlic dealers in toy J>i -11)3 s in that city have been
notified nut to sell these dangerous weapons to children.
There can lie no doubt as to the propriety and wisdom of
such an order with the fourth of July only a little more
than two weeks I here i-. of course, more or less
danger in the use of tircarins of all kinds and of dynamite
and other crackers, which are so much in evidence 011 In
dependence Day, but it is entirely commendable that
every possible precaution should be adopted to keep down
the danger of accidents to the lowest possible point. More
deaths have resulted from accidents through the use of
lircarms and explosives of various kinds in a single-year
than have occurred in some well-known battles. Our
population is not yet so redundant that we can afford to
kill off people in this unceremonious wav.
It is indued inspiring to sit under the strain of
a service which children give. To listen to their
childish voice- singing hallelujahs and praises to the
luiildcr of the city of gold, amid lieauliful Moral
decorations, is enchanting. Their voices seem to
Mend with the angels' ahove, and their recitations
set forth the power hidden within. A real chil
dren's day is appreciated by all, and not to have seen,
the services held ill Sliiloh Reformed church Sun
day, a treat was lont to you. It was one of the
most beautiful and appropriate services it was ever
ours to witness. The real small children did cer
tainlv acquit themselves nobly, tilling the hearts of
the older assemblage to overflow ing.
Saturday morning a special session of argument
court was held. It was hrief but much business
was accomplished The cases presented were repres
ented by the best of the legal fraternity of oureitv,
and needed very little argument to convince. Little
Montour can boast some of the very best attorneys
iu the State, as wo have frequently said before.
A lawyer in a court room may call a man a
liar, villian or thief, and no one makes a complaint
when Court has adjourned. If a newspaper prints
such reflections on a man's character there is a libel
suit or a dead editor, and this is owing to the fact
that people believe what an editor says: What a
jawyer says cuts no figure.
Nothing was saiil about the- illegality of floating
mines till Japan was hit by tliem. If a rule is to he made
excluding them from neutral waters, neutrality should he
defined to he ten miles from shore, instead of three miles,
which latter distance was specified as the neutral /.one be
cause three miles was at that time the extreme range of
'l'he administration has set the clerks in two depart
ments at work to twist figures and torture statistics so as
to demonstrate that the wages of the average working man
have increased faster than the average cost of clothing,
provisions and rent, and the salaries of these clerks will
not come out of the Republican campaign fund, either.
Tlii' largest summer school in the world will open at
Knoxvillc, Tenn., on June "Jis, for three months. It will
consist principally of teachers from twenty-four Mates,
and there will he 100 skilled lecturers on the various
phases of educational work. The attendance last year
was more than two thousand.
The national treasury seems to have slumped. In
stead "t a surplu- 'if Sft-1,(100,000 as Secretary Shaw
promised, there will lie a deficit of about three times that
amount. For a season of "unexampled prosperity" this
is very depressing.
Only three or four of the speeches nominating Mr.
Roosevelt in the Republican Convention have as yet been
submitted to him. He thinks that ex-(!overiior Black's
will he sure to produce visible emotion.
I here are abundant indications that the people of the
I niteil States have come to file conclusion that a party
that has had absolute control for eight years is sure to he
corrupt and ought to he superseded.
One ilay last week live bank officials in as many
-tales absconded with large sums. Their friends gener
ally announced that they were "unbalanced," merely be
cause their books were.
Senator I lodge defines reciprocity as "an insult to the
administration." He is evidently looking for a job ou
the new dictionary.
"iFhr IKiyhts of iiiatt."
Salutatory oration delivered b\»Mr. Carlton McHenry at the Danville High
Sehoo commencement exercise-.
We gaze in mute wonderment tit the lofty spheres of heaven, sweep
injj grandly and harmoniously around their majestic orbits; we view with de
light the beauties of nature- the simpliciy of her design, the eoneordancy of
her agencies, the melody of her charms. But, ah!' the grandeur of the uni
verse is the harmony of the universe; the beauty of nature is the harmony ot
There is a final limit which man must approach. Sprung from a
common parental race, in touch with the perfection of the universe, sensible
of Nature's accordance, he is guided by an irresistable, impelling force, is
drawn toward liberty, justice, peace, is led on, slowly but surely, toward the
limit of eternal harmony.
Far back in a deep, dark ravine of History, we discover a mountain
torrent, foaming and seething to its rocky bed—a torrent, which, swelling, i>
destined to sweep and to cleanse the earth with its raging flood. Foaming,
its surges, and in surging gains strength; seething, it forges, and in forging
gains momentum. The trembling walls of Absolution are swept by its stormy
billows, the tyrant and the despot, alike, are buried in its watery grave,
i strangled ami engulfed is the frenzied monster, personifying, in its insane
fury, the divine right of kings. Breasting Atlantic's stormy wave, it floods
[a desolate western shore; but, receding, leaves a soil, rich in blossom, which
| nurtured bv (iod, has kissed the morning's breeze, a flower of American
Through the omnipotent wisdom and justice of an all-wise God, all men
are created equal. Man is endowed with certain inalienable rights, which, be
cause they are of God, are imperishiable, ordained of (Jod, they shall endure
forever. The mortal who first trod the sands of earth was as fully enriched
with the wealth of freedom as he who, to-day, graces the life and liberty of
twentieth century civilization. 1»u t nature gains her ends by a gradual growth;;
there is an evolution, which applied, has not been in the rights of man, but in t he
acknowledgement and protection of these rights by the governments of earth.
And History, undeniable, has ordained; < Jod, through History, has decreed,
that a nation, which has not for its fundamental principle the protection of
j the rights of man, shall inevitably perish from the earth.
There is a filmy phantom, clouding the mind of the American citizen,
embodied in the principle that government rests solely upon the consent of the
governed. Was it not the desires of the populace, during the Revolution of
France, that led the Mountainists upon a course ot such despotism, terrorism,
and folly as the world had never witnessed? Was it not the consent of the
governed that supported the early (ierinan emperors in a foreign policy which
resulted in wars, strifes, seditions, which delayed the unity and centraliza
tion of Germany for ages and ages?
To-day, there is no government absolutely right, in the sense that all
other governments are wrong. That government is best, which, at the time,
in consideration of the intellectual and moral dovelopement of its people, is
best adopted to promote their welfare and to protect their rights. If we
would claim that our government is the best, then must we prove that our
government is most adequately able to protect the rights of her citizens.
We tremble as we picture the horrors of the French Revolution, and
the bloody works of the guillotine; we shudder at the atrocities of a Nero, as
he lights his festive board with flames that leap from the cringing llesh of
martyred Christians. Hut here, in this honuie land, in a northern clime, a
man, a mortal, a human being, created by God, and endowed with the rights
that we cherish, is dragged out under the lofty dome of heaven's blue, in an
air breathing liberty and justice, and, in an act instigated by race
prejudice, is cruelty tortured by the flames, ihat, leaping forth, cast a
hitter radiance on the savage, frenzied faces of a vengeful mob. Denied an
atom of defence! Deprived of even the right to lift a pcinteut hand to his
Can you defend it? Will you uphold it? Then you boast of Ameri
can's justice, and you deliberately support injustice; then you glory in the
protection to your own rights, and you deny defense to the rights of others;
then you vaunt with pride in the power of your government, and you violate
the very fundamental principle upon which government exists. The hcin
ousness of a crime can never excuse the blasting of justice! In the light of
the culture and the humanity of our present era, 'tis a blot and a stain upon
the American name.
Government is not an end; government is but a means to an end.
There is a mission in government, and that mission is to instil into the
j hearts and consciences of its people, the principle, that, in return for the pro
lection granted their own rights, they are in duty bound to honor and to de
fend the rights of their fcllowmen.
The evolution and devclopement of human government, the onward,
upward sweep of human progress, point, with unerring finger, to the time, in
the history of men and nations, when man, restricted by his conscience, re
strained by the disapproval and disdain of his fellow-man, shall not venture
to do his neighbor injustice; when the dark veil of race prejudice shall be
rent asunder, when White and Black, Mongolian and Red, shall bow before
tlie common throne of right ami justice; when the human race shall dwell in j
I peace and harmony. Then shall government have fulfilled her mission upon
I earth. (irand the thought! Glorious the conception! Sublime the hope!
When the sympathetic chimes, arising from the fellowship of man shall be
concordant with the melodies of nature and the universe, yea, wafted aloft,
shall harmonize with the strains of angels'voices; when men and nations,
univcrsallv. shall acknowledge, honor, and defend the Rights of Man.
"aftr iHiiiUuut finnan/'
(nation and valedictory <!oli\<*t 1 l>y Miss Francos Welliver at the Danville
11i^rli N'l Mmi commencement exercises.
At the dawning (if the twentietlf century an obscure veil is drawn over
our past history, revealing hut dimly the attdahle and glorious deeds, that
are written in the pages of national remembrance. But present history
brings clearly to our view the promoter of this glory. Who is it, that,
though little credited, has made our history; who has shaped the characters
of our great men; who has helped to calm the troubled ocean of the nation's
diflicuhics; and who now becomes the central sun of the social world, shed
ding its brightness and effulgence on the whole of civilization and shines out
as a bright head-light in religion'—to whom is this honor due? To woman,
the benefactress of mankind.
Fifty years! How long and vet how short! In this time woman has
attained a prominent place in the world's history. She has been raised from
the low position, where she was practically a slave, to a higher standing, that
of an equality with men. How barren of all jovs was the life of the ancient
woman! Allowed no privileges and kept in seclusion, she was intellectually
buried in the unfavorable customs of the dark ages. She gradually rose from
her humble station to become the petted care of tlie Cavalier. With one
privilege came many, gradually her pywer, her inlluenee increased, until
now, eight centuries later, she occupies the position of equality with man in
the social world. This is in every way secure. We, who have longed for
ils rising, may well rejoice in its mcridcan splendor, l'ast history reveals
the ascent of woman, but it remains for the future to raise or lower the
standard now attained.
The tendency of civilization has always been to elevate woman; but
this elevation differs from assimilation toman. Man and women are equal
in their educational abilities, but in diverse ways. Affection and grace con
stitute the strength of woman and not her hold entrance into the broad field
of business activity. Tennyson in his Princess has well assigned each sex ils
"But this is fixt
As are the roots of earth and base of ail;
Man for the field and woman for the hearth;
Man for the sword and for the needle she;
Man with the head and woman with the heart
Man to command and woman to ohev;
And else confusion."
The mother is the shining light of the home. She it is, who first
directs the mental and spiritual ideas of a child; who implants the first im
pression on his dawning soul; he is led through the first unfolding of his life
by her loving heart and guiding hand, his susceptible young lieart is first en
trusted to her keeping, his awakening thought first spring* from beneath her
gentle sway. To woman is given the directing and moulding of the human
race. Could any representation in the political world be more to her advan
tage than the impress of her own personality, which is stamped deep into his
character'.' A worthy and wonderful vocation for woman! What a rich
harvest it yields! \\ hat examples it testifies! \\ hat pure precious and im
perishable hope it inspires! Can there be a greater injury than to deprive
the world of this inestimable benefit; to rob society of its clmrin and the
human race of its best influence'(
The home is not woman's only sphere, but she also holds a lofty posi
tion in the social world. She is the brilliant star in tlie social heavens,
which as the acknowledged guide directs the wondering ones in their daily
course. She is recognized as superior toman in the social customs. May
she never debase the fair name, now hers, by masculine deeds, robbed of ail
delicacy and womanly grace!
It is in the gift of sound morals to the world and especially in the
religious instruction and training of the young, that woman reveals her in
comparable strength and ability. Virtue and intelligence are the promoters
of our well loved liberty. How is virtue to lie inspired? How is intellitr
ence to be communicated ? Woman alone has this duty to perform as a
mother. To her is given the power of elevating oi lowering the morals of a
nation. On her rests the responsibility of the world's deeds. It is in this
way that woman fulfills her destiny.
Let the ideal of true womanhood be held high by the world's daugh
ters. Let her compass in herself a trinity; a physical well-being, because
she is the mother of the race; a mental well-being because she has its youth
to teach; and a spiritual well-being, because to her. has been assigned the
duty of promoting the morals of the world. Let her become in the future all
that Tennyson suggests and she will then real modern Princess.
"Let her make hejwf her own
To give and keep, to live and learn and be
All that not harms distinctive womanhood,
For woman is not undeveloped man,
Continued on page 3.
The wind-up ot
The Season with L
Prices at leas t han :J
Manufacturer- can produce them. »
[j Draperies - (j
I Grains |
Mattings! Mattings! Mailings! I
•'j DISIIBS, till reduced.
3 X. I!. - Cash balance paid on Butter and Kggs. H
S I'.arincrs will ti in I our store the head centre ID do their g
d trading. Iho largest stock to select from and at prices a
B that out-distance all competition.
I llWVilli .S GIHTEST S'llffi
j P. C. Murray & Son |
if*" 1 i'»iw ■ i-wM»iiiii ii— mm mmrnmmmmmmmmmmmmmamm
8 ■urn—uui II tmmt .ar,» N HI HI—I •; j
I "Ssa Orders will lie taken for a guaranteed gj
1 13 per cent. Protein Brand of Cotton I j
11 Seed Meal, delivered off the car at Potts- | j
B \mm grove, at a reduced price.
jr, \ i Send inquiries and orders liy mail to 8 j
|1 Pottsgrove. Persons having orders in, IE
I will lie noli tied on arrival of the ear. I j
C. H. ricMahan & Bros.
I 111 I I I I is II
| Special Dairy Foods and Dairy Supplies,
| Pottsgrove, Northumberland Co., Pa. Jjj
Buys a share in a company
owning and operating
We expect (juick and steady dividends. Write its.
New company just starting on the road to wealth.
Pictures, Piospectus, Qold Ote,
The Sunset- Gold M, <& M. Co
507 Mack Block, > Denver, Colo,
to ivports by invsjMinxlblo parties to thceirect 1
1 bail entered a trust, or combination; we wish
to a sure the public that thcro is j##> ft'nth in
such reports. We have boon manufacturing !
sewing machines for over a quarter ofa centu
ry, and have established w reputation for oar-
S' IVOR and our MACHINE t hat is tin* envy of all
niln'fx. Our "Xt ir J/oui«" mncliltio IIIIH
n> v been rivnlt das a t:nnlly machine.-It
stands at the hea<i ofall Mth/h (Jvntfe sewing
in.i' hines, and stands on its otrit merits.
Thft " Xetr in the only reallft
H Hm It nil AH I-l Newhiy Machine
on thv in ftrfeet,
11 Is not necessary for us to enter into a trust
to save our credit or pay any debts as we havo
no debts to pay. \V« ha o never entered into
competition with manufacturers of low grado
cheap machines that are made to sell regard
less of any intrinsic merits. Do not be de
ceived, when you want r sewing machine don't
send your money away from home; call on a
" Xuw lloim•" ifenfi't', he can sell you a.
better machine for less than you can puruhaso
elsewhere. If there is no dealer near you,
write direct to us.
New York, Chicago. 111., St. I.ouls, Mo., Atlau*
tu, (Ja., Dallas, Tex., ban I'ruucitico, _.
I N<» boy i» «at illicit row-a-day* anlo»t ho owns n
good HIFLK or SIIOTfiUN. Thorn J* always u
chuos to do aomo nh.H.tim; nnd no »port ia mom
fascinating or instructive.
Wo havo for 'ho boy our
"CRACK SHOT" . . it 4.00
"FAVORITE" No. 17 . at 6.00
TLcr are fill good STRONG SFIOOTKKS and
- Wo also inako t'
Any dealer in "porting «ooda will futniah
BTKVENS KIRKARMS. IWt no-opt a *ub
htitute. It' yon cannot obtain tin-in wo will (hip
(aiprcu prepaid) on receipt of prU-o. Send for
our catalog which deaorilwH our complute lino.
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.,
P. O. BOX 3091
The Standard Railway 01 This
i'kutkcte;i thkouuhout bv this
Morlocßiug Switcli & Block apt System
Schedule In tffect Nov. 29, 1003
STATIONS A.M. A.M. I'M. |., M .
Bunhnrj Leave $•• i. 05G § 200 *
Kiln. > i.rove i l<ioi .... i
Woh.rton I*i -Vi r 100*t fjjo | -
K i|»| •** Hun I 7 Oi» 110 II I ||
Honih Danville \ ... r .
I>nllv ill.- 112 ' ll
1{.»>.1 i 7 i'i no2l fj-s, i r,.\t
lt« »:i l-j OUT I'reck. IT-; f|il2s | I i, |i|
CntttWlHßn Arrive 7 12 m ; , j oos
1 :ilaui>s:i Lea\e $ 7 |o:lj § 230 S (iOS
!V.'~::::} ; :;T 101; «i->
Ksp> Ferry I 7 12 I 10 17 I i, pj
Hli hi j (own Ferry I 7 "«0 I' 10 •; ll, zj
8W «« «2 ««
NeseopeoK I«avo I KOJ 1109 1 (05 1040
Beach Haven i vih .. i hOn
v\'ii|i\v:iii(i|iL'ii s i«» || i*o :: jn 052
P«"ni 11111 l h'J-i ni 2."» i :t :•"» j* (. .oil
Hi!lekshin'ny ...j s:Ml ' y - 50 7 01
Helical s i:t || ij -i jo 7io
Naulieokr n.-,| || ,| ;| |'| 710
Kill touunod I mi 112 00 | :;.y, 112 7 >jii
I'l.s 1..011111 Ferry I 002 I 1*202 1;. ; 1 72H
H..11H1 \\ on.; 1200 (hi 7 ;mi
Jl:izl«' Street OOS 12OS .| ITS /XI
Wilkcs-Harrc... Arrive 010 12 JO lOi 7:ij
Wllkes-Hftire...liCavo | 7 I»| 10 • 2151 000
11:1' . suv, i 7•> lo ;>7 21. lil>2
Hon Ih Wllkes-llarre.. 7:to lo io 2.<0 OOii
Pi.\ uionlli Ferry I . i lo 12 r2 r 2 I <lO7
Km loiiwnoii r7r io r» r 2 .*» 11 009
Naiitlenke. 742 lOJJO 801 017 *
Kclr.nl 7.1 10 .VS :t 10 « 2«i
M :i -» ««
I'ontl 11 ill r so:, 111 11 f3>s, 1 04-2
Wapwallopcn SlO II hi :{;M 047
Itracli tin vcn Ferry..
.Nrscopeek Arrive sis ]I 20 312 700
112 I "Mill ail :t t: s 7 I*l
« rcaisy BmO 11:111 .1..2 700
Htony town Ferry I SK.J 111 :is ■ .;., 117 12
F>|».\ Ferry sI2I II 10. litt r 7 2»f
1 ■:! i's 1" 1 il«'•'« •'nisf,i I'iv. ..■ I" Sl7 1180 100 725
i 'ata\vi*>a Arrive K :>5 11 :.7 113 7 112
I 'atawissa Leave s .v, 1i:.7 113 7:12
I ton ring i'reck I'OOI 112 1203 1 I lo I' 7 3H
Hoy.l r 0 IO l I'll I 1 211 I 7 Hi
Dan\ i I It- I u m !•» 1- 1-1 --1
5..11111 I>: 111 \il Ic J •' 11 1 » |{| ' 1,1
Kipp's Kim 1 0 11220 I|f 7 iiO
V\'.»l\'rrl 1 >ll I 0 2 • I IJ 2S l I 12 I NO3
K line's (irove I!• 27 112 12 :ai 11 l.i 1 s «N»
Hiinliiiry Arrive j» 0 .:.i ji 12 10 jj I V» | s 10
Kaily. >1 Daily, except Smiilay. I Hiops
only on not lee lo Conductor or Agent, or ou
Trains leave SOIIIII l)nnvillras I'oIIowm:
l-'or l itlKlon ami S« raiilon,7 II a m and 221
ami •'« .VI pin \\cek-<la\ s; lo 17 ain daily.
For I'nltsville, and IMiiladeipliia.
7 II a in and 2 21 pin week-days.
For II 1 /leton, 7 II a in and 221 and "».i0 n*ll
l-'ur Kcwisliurff, Milton, W'illiainsport, Lock
Ilaven, Keno.<» and Kane, 12 I•» pin week
tla\ > : I ,ock 11 a\ m mily, 0 11 a 111 anil I ;?1 pin
week-days; tor Williaiiispnrl and intermedi
ate slat ion*, 011 a in and 7 >1 |i m week-days.
I-or Keileloiite, Tyrone, i'liillipslnii'K ami
I lea nielli, 011 ain ami 12 I .pin \v»ek-days.
For llarrislairg and interniediale stations,
olla in, 12 I'i pin and 751 pin week-days;
131 pin daily.
For Philadelphia (via Ilarrishnr*.') Haiti-
I inon and Washington, 0 11 a in and and 12 15
and 7il pin week-days .lil\> in daily.
For I'il Ishure t via llarrislairu;) 011 ain and
7 1 pin week-days ; I :tl piinlallv; (via Lew
iston n .Iniict ion • t* II a in and 12 l-"> pin week
days ;(\ ia Lock Ila vcn) 011 a in and 12 I'i p
in week-days.
I'lilliuaii I'arlor and Hlcepimj Cars run oil
through trains hetw-ecn Hunhiiry, Williams
port ami Flie. hetween Hunhiir.v ami Phila
delphia and Washington and between Harris
huru, I'ittshui'gaml the Wist.
For furl her information apply to tieket *
(Jeneral Manauer. I'ass'r Tratlic Mgr
(»Ko. W. Koyh, Ueneiiii I'ass'r Agl.
: ; .
Raay and Quick!
| Soap=Making:
.! I To make the very best soap, simply
jj dissolve a can of Banner Lye in cold
rj water, melt syi lbs. of grease, pour the
S Lye water in the grease. Stir and put
aside to set.
Full Directions on Every Package
Banner Lye is pulverized. The cart
may be opened and closed at will, per
mitting the use of a small quantity at a
time. It is just the article needed in
every household. It will clean paint,
floors, marble and tile work, soften water,
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes.
Write for booklet "Uses of Banner
Lye"— free. t .J
The I'enn Chemical H'orks, Philadelphia
112 atoila
| A Most Marvelous
J Preparation
_ A magnificent flesh food-fieds the skin and im
nroves the complexion. I'sccl and reeo nun ended
I', .ill jih\.-.iiians. LATOILA is delightful, fru«
grant,di/uusing and nil tinep tie livery trial prove*
us merits.
Free Samples of Latoila ma/
l)o obtained at. the drug store of
Airs. ,1. 11. GOSH & CO.,
Your Heart
May Be Weak. One
Person in Four Has
a Weak Heart-
One of the surest signs of a weak
heart Is shortness of breath after exercise.
Your heart Is not al»le to pump the
blood fast enough to your lungs.
Porno of the other symptoms of Heart
Troublo are: Pains in the Side, Back
and Shoulder; Fainting or Weak Spoils;
Dry Cough; Swelling of Feet and Ankles;
Cold Feet or Hands.
No one can afford to nllow a weak
heart togo without medicine, because
weak heart means poor circulation, and
poor circulation means weak lungs,
stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.
If. therefore, you suspect heart trouble,
begin taking Dr. Miles' N« w Heart Cure.
The Heart Cure will do you good, as it is
a splendid tonic for the blood, and nerves,
and will revitalize your entire system.
Finally, remember, Dr. Miles' New
Heart Cure Is sold under a guarantee
that the first bottle will do you good.
If It doesn't—your money back.
"I was a filleted with heart trouble for
three years. I would be apparently all
right, and without a moment's warning
would fall as though shot. The attacks
were frequent, and a terrible dread pos
sessed me. as I never knew when or
where, nor under what conditions I
would be attacked, and whether I would
survive them. 1 consulted and was
treated by some of the most eminent
physicians of the state. Not finding re
lief from this source, T began taking
l>r Miles New Heart Cure, and began
to improve at once. I used ten bottles,
which entirely cured me, ns I have not
had nn attack for five years."—MHS
.mux i»Ki:sn.\cK'. i.eipsie, «».
TP'D'ir'Ti l Write to us for Free Trial
J? -tCiiiiSj package of Dr. Miles' Anti-
IPaln Pills, the New Scientific Remedy
for Pain. Also Symptom lfiank. Our
Specialist will diagnose vour ease, till
you what is wrong, and llow to right It.
Free. DU. MM.Ks MI :i.[« Al. Co' «