DANVILLE INTELLIGENCER. VOL LXXV. OFFICER KILLED BY LIGHTNING Oor citizens Tuosday morning were shocked ami pained beyond measure to learn of the tragic death of Lieuteuant Nathaniel 15. Bower, which occurroct at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Mouda> afternoon. Lieutenant Bower was struck by lightning. Ah second Lieutenant of the Engineer Oorps he was on the fir ing lino with his men and was watch iug the taigets through field gluts-is when th'i lightning struck out of al most a clear sky. The Lieutenant was holding the rifle under his right arm. The holt of lightning ran down tin rifle barrel en tering the right stde oi the chest and passing out of the soles of I lie officer's shoes, a wide red soar showing the path of the current. Lieutenant Han num. who was with the unfortunate oflioor sustain'-. I a slight shook. Lieutenant Bower is a sen of Mr. aud Mrs. I'.pliruini Bower of Moores burg, this eonuty, where the unfor tunate young oflicer was born and spent his boyhood. He graduated from the Panvi'lo High school in 1890. From his earliest childhood lie was distinguished by the most studious and exemplary habits. At. fno local high school he graduated at the head of his class and carried otT a prize. He taught schoo' one year, after which ho won an a,ip untment to West Point in a competitive examination, which took in applicants from every part of tho Congressional District. He gia luat d from West Point in 11)01 carrying off the houors of his class Since 11 ID he lias been stationed in tho West. Less than two years ago he perfect ed a very useful invention in the form of an arm ret for au army saddlo, which is designed to assist, an officer iu making a sketcli of contour while on hntsob.u'k. Tho invention is pro tected by patent and has been adopted by the government. The young officer based great expectations upon this in vention, which was already beginning to yiold a revenue. Lieutenant Bower visited his parents here only a few months ago and while in Danville was inteiviowod by a rep resentative of tho Morning News. He was*theu very hopeful as to tho future aud gavo a Uio account of what was being done by tho government iu diff erent parts of the West to advauco the interest of tho army, all of which was printed in these columns at the time. Lieotenant Rower wa*' 8R r«*nrs of age. In addition to his father and mother, he is survived by the follow ing brothers and sisters: Rev. Samuel E. Bower, a Presbyterian minister; ■George, a telegraph operator employ ed at Mooresburg and Thomas and Krnost, who livo at home; Annie, in in ihe proc- o lit;gs Wiioii too Chimmitten on light was called Mr. Vastinc, Chairman, merely explainorl that he was not ready to io port., but by the next regular meeting tho Committee would have everything in shape for Couuoil. Mr. Reitsnydor of tho Commit too on Streets and Bridges, to which the bridge over Mahoning creek petition ed for at last, mooting wa« referred, reported that tho com in it too was not ready to make any report in the mat ter* It has discovered that before any action can be taken Chestnut street, which now terminates at West Mah oning street, will have to be continu ed northwardly by action of Council. In looking over the ground tho com mittee felt convinced that the proposi tion to bridge Mahoning creek at that point WHS a very big one and would involve an expenditure of at least |BOOO. On motion of Mr. Feiistorniache.' it was ordered that tho fire plug at tho south side of tho canal bridge bo re located on the opposite side of the canal to make room for the re-grading necessary in connection with tlio now culvert. Wator Commissioner Corman ap peared before Council to remind that body of certain facts in relation to the Water Works, which he thought it should hear in mind in dealing with the Borough's finances for the present year. In the first place, ho siid, tho total yearly cost ot operating the Wat er Works is little less than SIO,OOO. A wall 110 less than 225 feet long and 20 to 25 feet high should be erected at the Water Works to protect the build ing and prevent the dirt from wash ing dowu from tho bank aud tilling up tho wells as occurs with every heavy flood. In addition to this, a new tub is needed in tho filter plaut. The cost of the wall may bo anywhere between 12000 and $:$000, while tho tub will in volve an outlay noarly as great. In view of these figures ho could not hut regard the action of Council at last meeting in not laying a Water tax as a mistake. A discussion fallowed iu which tho urgency of the improvements named was questioned by several membirs. Water Superintendent Koofer being appealed to said that whatever view might he held as to the urgency ot tho oth r improvements, a retaining wall in sono form is a necessity and that it should bo orooted this summer. 011 motion of Mr. Reifsnydor tho matter was left in tho hands of tho Commit tee on Wator. Mr. Gce.ser brought up tho matter of the public fountain. The season has now arrived, he said, when it is much needed. He had boon informed that there was a stoppage in the waste pipe and lie asked why it is not repairod. Several members expressed themselves. It was urged that the fountain is bad ly located aud that it has boon asourco of expense over sinco it has boon in existoneo. The members of tho Com mittee 011 Streets and Bridges did not feel liko assuming any responsibil ity in connection with it. On motion, however, it was roforred to tho above commiteee to a t according to their judgment. Mr. Pasooo appearod before Couucil. On Monday, lie said, lie wants to put a force of men at work 011 Bloom street to restore that thoroughfare to the condition in which ho found it over a width of nine feet. He thinks the street ought to be graded to con form with the track of tho trolley line, which he said, was laid accord ing to the Borough's established grade. City hngiiitor G. F. Keefer, who was piesent, explained that tho rails are nowhere much lower than the sur face ot tho street, the average depres sion averaging no moro than throe inches. Council will not favor re moving tho course of limestone for the sake of producing a level surface. Knginoer Keefer submitted the plans and specifications for street paving to Couucil and these will bo acted upon at the next regular meeting. The following members were pres ent: Davis, Vastino, Joseph Gibson, Reifsiiyder, Swank,Feiistermachor and Goose r. He is Now a Mining King. Headers of metropolitan newspapers , (luring the past few days liavo been j regaled by stories relating to an ne tion for alleged breaoli of promiso brought against Moyer Guggenheim of New York, a multi-millionaire. The defendant is 74 years of ago and is known as the "Mining King of the Western Hemisphere." lie is at tho head ot the Guggenheim Exploration Company, which lias a capital of #IOO,- 000,000. What invests tho aged defendant in the breach of promise suit with a local interest Is the faot that in his humbler days ho used to come to Danvillo and that one of Danville's residents- Simon Droifuss— who conducted a store in elm building at piesont occupied by ,T. 11. Fry, lator brcame a partner of Guggenheim in Philadelphia and amassed great wealth. Our townsman,Henry L G 0.-s,know Guggenheim well. During the 'so's he used to drive to Danville regularly peddling spices and the like. With Dreifnss as partner in Philadelphia he made a urent. deal ot money manu facturing stove polish and Jye "PLEDGED BUT TO TBTJTH, TO LIBERTY AND LAW—NO FAVOR SWAYS US AND NO KHAR SHALL iWK." DANVILLE, MONTOUIt COUNTY. PA., Fill DAY, JUNE 17, 1904 TWO INTERESTING DISCOURSES Tozaburo Kudo, M. A., Ph.. D., a young Japanese of rare attainmonts, delivered two addrosses in this city Sunday and made deep improssion on our people. In tho forouoon ho ad dressed a largo congregation in the United Evangelical church; in tho af ternoon he spoke in Y. M. C. A. Hall to a audience of ladies and geutlonion. The speaker is a graduato of Yalo College and is a thorough master of all tho intricacies of the English language. His diction is faultless, his language throughout biiug characterized by a directness and simplicity that is charming. Only in pronunciation is his nationality betrayed. He is a young man short of staturo and slight ly built, full of enthusiasm and a pure type of the Japanese. Mr. Kudo yesterday 111 a geuoral way dwelt upon tho needs of his country which relate to the chaugod conditions in that laud. The old system, he said, is doomed , it is rapidly passing away. Japan, therefore, becomes a field for Christian workers. Tho people will readily accept tho Christian religion, which is iudissolubly linked with the splendid achievements of Wostern civi liza on. Whatever might bo said of the old regime the people of Japan have at tained a remarkable degroe of mental culture and are able to discriminate very nicely in matters ol' religion as well us of politics. In supplying ♦he place of the old religion, therefore, he said, it is essential that givat care be exercised that nothing be done to of fend the public taste and that nothing false or unworthy el* Christ's teach ings bo introduced in the name of the Christian religion. To illustrate . the respecc for the United States and tne attitude of tho country toward the Christian religion, tho fact was statod that Admiral Urin, who attacked the Russian fleet at Chemulpo during the present war, sinking two Russian cruisers, is a graduate of Annapolis and is a Christ ian. While at Annapolis ho was Provi dent of tho Young Men's Christian Ahnooiation. Admiral Uriu's wife is also a Christian aud is a graduate of Vassar College. Mr. Kudo in a short time will 10- turn to Japan and en tor upon mis sionary work. A Portion of Stream is Dry. Tho new sewer has now been in ser vice utio. wtvk and it is found to work most admirably, one rospect whorein it surpasses expectation being that alone a part of its course it carries off all the water in sight and leaves the ohatiuel of Blizzard's run as dry as the public highway. There will be no more complaint of unsavory odors and unhealthful con ditions in tho part of town traversed by tho stream which carriois off tho brewery waste. Notwithstanding the rain of Tuesday night tho bed of tho stream yesterday was void of water between Boyer's coal yard near tho D. I L. & W. station and tho F. L. Brew- Tl.o largo springs about tlio browery osod n tlio manufacturo of boor,in all but t'»e wottest season,practically con- Rtituto tlio sourco of Blizzard's Run. All of tliiH water being polluted with wasto is turned iu'o the sower, which leaves tlio stroara dry. All waste from the browery there fore is uow carried oil' deep under ground and nowhere along tho stream is there any suggestion of tho bad odors which formerly prevailed. The only water which now ftuds its way into tho stream is from the Urge spring east of the D. L. & W. station and tho smaller springs near Church street. The improved conditions well illustra ted what can bo done for the good of the public by the expenditure of a lit tle money. Will Be Brought to Danville. Tho remains of tho late Lieutenaut Bower, who was killed by lightning at Fort Leavonworth, Kan., on Mon day, will be brought to Danville for burial, although last evening tho exact date of thoir arrival was not known. A telegram Monday evening was re ceived by the parents of the unfortun ate young officer, apprising them of what had occurred and inquiring as to tho disposition of the body. A reply was immediately wired requesting that tho remains should be sent, to Danville. Tho body is now undoubtedly 011 its way East and it is thought that some dofinito information will bo received today which will show when the re mains will arrive. A New Line of Regulates. The now line of depot clocks or reg- j ulators just perfected are being assoin-j bled at tho Hompo clock factory. These timepieces aro tho first ot the self-winding clocks that contain a sec ond hand and are the most interesting as well as the most portoct ot any yet made. In point of beauty they are uu , excelled, the frames being of solid quartered oak,golden oak or mahogany finish ranging from forty-fivo to fifty five inches in height aud eighteen and a halt to twenty-one inches in width. In depth thoy range from six to seven inches. Will Have Charge of Wiriug, William Hall and Rosser Samuels, two well known Shamokiu electric ians wont to Danvillo this morning where they will have charge of bang ing the trolley wire for tho new elec tric road running between Danville and Bloomsburg.— Shamokiu News WILL HE ARGUED ON 27TH INST It is pretty evident that the old riv er road, which the township desires to vacato, will become tho subject of a warm fight before tho matter is final ly disposed of. It was on the list for argument bc foro Judge Little on Saturday, but tho attorneys opposing vacation were not ready to proceed aud tho case was continued until the 27th inst. James Scarlet aud R. S. Ammcrman repre.sout the township. H. M. Hinck ley and E. S. Goarhart are on tho op posito side. Tho County Commissioners Saturday afternoon wont down to tli3 mouth of Mahoning creek to look over tho sito where the bridge has been swept away. The destruction was found to bo most complete. The bridgo, a total wreak, lies in tho bottom of tho creek and at tho present stage of tho water is out of sight. The County Commissioners had previously gouo oil rocord to tho effect that they would not rebuild the bridge at that point and thoy found nothing iu tlio situation Saturday to prompt them to reconsider their decision. The river for many yearn past has boon cutting into the bauk botween the creeks' uioutli and Lover's Leap, but the great flood of last spring broke all records. For a considerable dis tance the roadway used last summer lias disappeared and the wheat in Mr. Shopporson's field is growing up to the very brink of the embankment. It is claimed that to roopeu tho road for travel would necessitate relocation and involve an expenditure of many thousand dollars. On the other hand, it is hold that the road, which is the very oldest highway in this section,is quite uecossary to accommodate travel. Another argument relied upon to koep tho road open is tho fact that its vaca tion would leave a large tract of land without an outlet. Oldest House Being Torn Down. The oldest house on East Market street is being torn down to make way for a 110.v dwelling. This is the dil apidated old landmark oil tho north sido of tho street botwoen Shopper son's coal yard aud Edmondson's blacksmith shop aud until quite re cently occupied by tenants. The house for many years was own ed by Miohaol Rishel, who conducted the blacksmith business in tho shop adjoining. All agreo that it is the old est house romaining in that part of town aud was probably the first house erected on East Market street. No one has any idea when it was built; old men of seventy-live or eighty say that in thoir boyhood the house was stand ing there pretty much as at tho pros cul day. Tho consensus of opinion seems to be that the house is nearly if not quite a haudroi years old. Its oxtremo age is betrayed by its odd construction, ovory feautre of which is primitive in tho extreme, suggesting tho days whon log cabins wero the rule. When the weather boards woro torn off yesterday morning it was discovered that tho walls in one portion wore filled in with mud, while in another portion bricks laid in mud woro usod. Tho timbers throughout were badly decay ed. Tho old house along with tho black smith shop adjoining is owned by Georgo D. Edmondson. who proposes to clear off tho entire site aud build threo dwelling houses on the spot. The dwellings will ho of frame, of com modious proportions, two and a half stories high, and of pleasing architec tural dosign. Oaspor Diseroad will put up tho dwellings. A Pathetic Incident. A very sad episodo is related in con duction with the (loath of Lieutenant Nathaniel Bowor, who was killed by lightuing at Fort Leavenworth on Monday. George Bowor, brother of tho officer, is a telegraph operator,and Monday evoni'ig was on duty at his post, at Mausdalo. He was unoccupied for a few moments and in a nonchal ant way sat listening to the click of tho instrument. Suddenly a message passed over the wire which ho rocog nizod as dealing with affairs of tho government. Owing to the fact that he had a brother iu the army such moss agos always had an interest, for him aud ho listoucd intently with his thoughts indirectly upon that brother noarly two thousand miles away. His teelings can be imagined as tho cold mechanical click of tho instrument spelled out his brother's name aud linked it with a terrible death by the lightning's stroke. The messago was being sent to Mooresburg to the par ents of the unfortunate offleor, hut ttio brother at his post of duty was the first to hear tho dreadful nows Tho young operator was liearly^overcomo. Preparing for a Big Eveuf. Tho bankers aro preparing for a big time at their summer mooting, which will bo hold at Hunter's Park.Fridaj', .Tune 24th. Danville is included in what is known as "Group Four" of tho Pennsylvania Bankers' Associa | tion. Circulars aro being sent out urging a full attendance and apprising tho bankers of tho fact that the river bridge horo was destroyed by tho flood and which railroads uudor tho circum stances it would bo preferable to take. A timo table of all tho roads as they lolate to Danville is given. Our townsman, McCoy, j will act as catororat tho bankers' meet ing. PURE WATER ANDNJRE AIR IP. Q. Hartman by dint of experi ment and a big outlay of monoy has succeeded in accomplishing at his silk mill hero two things which were seem ingly impossible, namely, absolutely pure air aud puro water. Contribut ing still further to tho well boing of the employes the devieo employed sup plies along with pure air, air reduc od to a coiufortahlo tomporaturo, cool er tliau the surroundiug atmosphere on a hot day in summer and warmer in winter. As to air tliesu remarkable results aro achieved by the "aeroplior, " a uoraparatively new invention,which outside of Mr. Hurtman's mills is not in use in this section. The "Aero plior" receives a stream of water at a pressure of about 110 pounds and discharges it with great forco against m oxidized silvor point. Thus the air of the room is forced through minute globules of water, millions iu number; it is washed of all its impur ities, revivified iu transit through tho body of tiio humidifier by boing de prived of some of its carbonic acid gas, while tho atmospheric electricity is destroyed. A change of temperature is effected by disposing cold water during the summer and water warmed by steam during the winter. Every cubic foot of air iu the room is purifi ed o'loo evory half hour. The beneficial effocts of puro air where so many people aro employed call not bo overestimated. Mr. Hart man is quite olated over the success achioved in this particular alone. Absolutely pure water is obtained the silk mill through the agouey of a Philadelphia Water Purifier and Filt er Plant. By this process the water is made cliofc cally pure and resembles distilled water. ""With the filter plant is connected a re-agent chamber, through which chemicals aro fed to procipitato all minerals in the water. Mr. Hartman uses this water not only in connection with his silk baths, which require pure soft water,but also 12,000 gallous daily as boiler feed. Its purity here is well demonstrated. Where previously Mr. Hartmau's boilers were thickly encrusted with scalo they aro uow after trial found to bo cloau without any sign of en crustation. Tho natural imparity |of the water with tho consequent forma tion of scale in tho boiler adds very to the cost of manufacture ow ing to the incrensed quantity of coa required *ii order to koep up steam. At many places according to the scale in the boilers this wasto is ten to twenty per cent. Tho valuo of any process, therefore, which will elimin ate tho mineral from the svator is well demonstrated. As in tho case of pure air Mr. Hart man Is tho first in this section to cm ploy purified water for manufacturing purposes ofpocially for boiler food. Mail Wagou in Runaway. Jesse Startzel, carrier on rural free delivery route No. 7, met with a run away yesterday as the result of which his horse was badly cut,his mail wag on broken aud ho was obliged to walk somo threo miles. About the hour of noon when ou tho Shamokin road at tho farthest point from Danville, Mr. Startzcl as is his oustom,stopped to feed his horse and iu order that tho animal might eat without any hindrance ho removed tho bridle, lie was just in the act of replacing the bridlo whon the horso gavo a spring and escapiug dashed over a steep embankment and galloped out over tho country roads at a rate which soon left the mail carrier far in the At Logan Run the frantic horse plunged iuto a stone pile on the Martz farm. He sustained a bad fall and was cut in nearly every part of his body by the sharp stoues, although not ser iously injured. Tho wagon bore fell over upside down and was protty bad ly damaged about the top, although tho running gear remained intact. Tho horso hero was easily caught and kept under control until Mr. Startzel arrived. The mail matter was found all right,tho only thing lost out of the wagon being tho cushion, which 'the owner recovored while following up the horse. Mr. Sartzel was ablo to complete his dolivory of mail, although ho was de layed and did uot roach Danville until about 3:80 o'clock. Ho thinks the horso was stung by an insect, which caused him to indulgo in his foolish caper. Iron Moulders' Picnic. Iron Moulders' Union, No. 121 is making oxtonsivo preparations for its picnic,which will bo held at Huntor's Park next Saturdav, Juno 18th. Large bills havo been posted about town an nouncing tho attractions. There will bo dancing afternoon and evening with good music. Thoro will bo a game of base ball and other sports including tug of war. Admission to the Park free. Refreshments will be sold on tho ground. A Trip to the West. W. L. Antrim will goto Pittston to day whence acccmpaniod by his daugh ter, Miss Elizabeth Antrim, ho will leave for a sevora! weeks' visit to Keo kuk, lowa, Chicago and other points in tho West. The lawn mower needs frequent at tention. 'i'lieso aro grass growing days. SCHOOL HOARD IN SESSION The first regular mooting of the School Board Monday brought out a full membership as follows: liarpcl, Orth, Greene, Burns, Pursei, Haring, Workheisor, Vonßlolm. Fisher, Tram bower, Adams aud Jacobs. The president announced tho follow ing committees: Finance—-Robert Adams, Jacob Fisch or, David K. Haring,Jacob Vonßlohu. Building and Kopairs—Jacob Fisch er, Walter C). Green, J. Newton Pur sei, Harry E. Truiubower. Supplies—W. H. Orth, Jacob Fisch er, Robert Adams, Win. J. Burns. Printing—Samuel Workheiser,Jacob Vonßlohn, Georgo B. Jacobs, David Haring. Bills and Accounts —Win. ,T. Burns, Samuel Wi rk heiser, Hairy E. Trum bower, Jacob Vonßlohn. Text Books—Walter O. Green, Wm. J. Burns, Jacob Fischer, Harry E. Trum bower. Transfers—Samuel Workhoisor, Jacob Vonßlohn, David E. Haring, Harry E. Tiumbower. Teachers and Certificates--Walter O. Greene, Robert Adaius,Geo. B. Jacobs, J. Newton Puraol. High School—J. Newton Pntsid, Jacob Fischer, W. 11. Orth, It ib rt Adams. Griovanco—Geo. B J icob-, .T:i oh Voußlohn. Win. J. Bjils, Hubert Adams. On motion it.was ordered that one hundred committee cards bo printod. The bond of TreasurorM. H. Soliram was presented to the Hoard and on motion it was accepted. Tho Treas urer is under a bond of $'25,000. On motiou the secretary was author ized to purchase a now book for tho Treasurer. On motion of Mr. Groono tho secre tary was instructed to advertiso for proposals for supplying tho Borough Schools with coal,tho bids to bo opon od on next meeting night, June 27th. Throe hundred tons of coal will bo needed. The advertisement will be placed in the Morning News. Tho so?retary reported that the graduating class this year had done somo pretty good financiering and that after paying all the expenses incident al to commencement it had over thirty five dollars remaining ' M «is is a hot ter showing financially in*. has been rnado by any class during many years. The following bills wero approved for payment • Ezra Haas $ 1.00 Montour Democrat .. . . <5.00 Charles Motteru 2.00 J. H. Colo tf.o2 Ponn'a. School Journal 11.85 A "Visit to Former Pastor. Tho home of the Rev. Harry Ourtin Harinan,pastor of the Methodist Epis copal church at Miltou, was the scene of an unusually happy gathoring yes torday when forty ladies of this city, forraor parishioners of Rov. Haruiau, paid him a visit. In the party wero : •» Miss Frances Hartman, Mrs. W. J. Williams, Mrs. D. L. Guost, Mrs. W. J. Rogers, Mrs. Ira C. Everhart, Mrs. Newton Pnrsel, Miss Mary Rogers, Mrs. Ella Snyder, Mrs. A. W. Pieroo, Mrs. J. L. James, Miss Mary Yorks, Miss Bertha Nowbaker, Mrs. M. L. Douglass, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Jacob Eyorly, Mrs. B. W. Musseluiau, Mrs. Lowis Woods, Mrs. Wolliver, Mrs. David Evans, Mrs. Lillio Hoffman, Mrs. Jamesou, Mrs. I. T. Patton.Mrs. Mary Rogers, Mrs. D. J. Rogers, Mrs. W. G. Brown, Mrs. J. W. Lore, Mrs. A. Laßue, Mrs. Ella Reifsuydor, Mrs. George Reifsuyder, Mrs. Paugh, Mrs Ritter, Miss Bculali Hcddeus, Mrs. ! Elias Lyon, Mrs. Hess,Miss Ida Weir, Miss Lore, Miss Harriet Albock, Mrs. j Goorge Boudmau, Mrs. C. S. Books, Mrs. Mellin and Raymond Piorco. Rev. Harinan was very glad to soe so many Danville people, especially as they were thoso with whom he had labored as pastor for so long. To show his appreciation of tho vi>it ho char tered a trolley car and took tho entire party to Watsontown and back. The trip was au interesting one and with out except ion was enjoyed by the ladies. The party wont to Milton in tho 7 :53 P. & R. train yesterday morning re turning to Danville on the 0 ;!J3 p. in. train. The Suspension Order at Sunbury Shops. Some of the departments at tho Ponn sylvania railroad shops presented a de sortod appearance Wednesday, owing to tho retrenchment order received on Tuesday. In the blacksmith, machine and boiler departments there was no one working excepting tho of the departments. The employes will work five hours on Thursday .and then again remain idle on Friday. Just how long this order of workir.g will continue has uot boon determin ed. Tho order has reduced wages to such an extent that many of the em ployes will bo unable to moet their necossary living expenses. Four hnndrod einployos wero sus pended at Altooua, making tho total 2700 at that placo now idle.—Sunbury Item. Manufacturing Oigars. Snyder & Fritch until recently of i Lancastor have opened np an establish ! incut in the Sweisfort building, this I city, where they will manufacture and soil oigars. They began the making of .cigars on Monday and as soon as they I have a sufficient supply ou hand they 'will stock up their store. Tho present, 'is tho first time iu very many years , that oigars havo been manufactured >in Danville. TWO PROPOSALS ARE RECEIVED The advertisement for proposals for construction of road in Mahoning township, this county, under the Act approved April 15, 1903. brought foith two bids, which were opened at the Stato Highway Department at Harris hurg on Juue 13th and forwarded to tho offioe of the County Commissioners at Danville. Tho proposals received are both from out of town concorns, the low est agrooiug to build tho road for something over six thousaud dollars. The other bid is somo two thousand dollars higher. It now rests with the county. As suming that the lowest bid of over six thousand dollars bo accopted, accord ing to the provisions of the Act, the State—which liquidates two-thirds of tho cost—would pay four thousand dollars, which would leave a balance of approximately two thousaud dollars to bo divided equally between Mon tour county and the township of Mah oning. While (lie county might be able to bear its share of the cost—one thous and dollars—with ease in the case of the township it. might prove altogeth i r difforeut. and constitute a very I n ivy Inirdcn. Jnst how the matter will bo regarded by tho County Uom missionors will develop later. The contract will he awarded or the mat :er will bo disposed of in somo form at the next mooting of the Board on Saturday. Y. M. 0. A. Special Announcement. At "a meeting of the Hoard of Direct ors held Tuesday ovoning, June 14th. a resolution was adopted that does away with tho monthly payment plan on membership tickets. Persons who aro now paying on tho monthly plan are privileged to continue until tho ticket is paid for but hereafter there will be no tickets of this sort issned. This ac tion of tho Directors was made neces sary, for the reason that the kindness is greatly abased by a number of young men who nso the privileges of the gymnasium and batlis, but who fail to pay for what the Association has been providing for their benefit. There aro a number who aro still in arrears,and it is expected that they will come forth and pay what is still owing. The Association can in no wiso provide the equipment and pay its men unless those who mako use of the privileges pay fov what they get. The Directors of t'io Association de sire to bo fair with everybody, hence this notice is given in all kindness, so that it will bo understood that from this date persons who join the As sociation will bo asked to pay the full membership fee and those in arrears aro expocted to pay up their member ship and looker ront or discontinue the use of the privilogos. To those who desiio to bo fair in this connec tion thore noed bo no occasion for mis understanding. The Association is simply asking those who mean busi ness to do tho straight thing by (lie institution that is endeavoring to fur nish everything for their comfort. The gymnasium will open next fall with a number of now pieces of ap paratus, and improvements will bo made about the baths, so that every thing will be in good order for a suc cessful soason's work. Another iuiporlnnt matter that must bo attendod to at once is that persons who have clothing in their gymnasium lockers will come aud take it away and have it washed up or reuovated, by tho 25th of this month. On this date the lockorsaro to besorubbed and oleaned,aud it is necossary that every thing be put back iu good order. If things aro not taken out of the locker, they will bo taken out aud tied np aud put asido until cleaued. This cleaning process is necossary to insure a proper sanitary couditiou. It is hop ed that the matter will be attended to at once. Hon. F, A. Godcharles Married. Hon. F. A. Godcharles, of Milton, Northumberland's candidate for Stato Seuator, was married yesterday morn ing. Cupid rules and political con ferences wait. Mr. Godcharles wedded Miss Mary Harbor, of Budd's Orook, Maryland, daughter of a Southorn gentleman, and a niece of ex-.Tudge J. O. Buoher, of Lewisburg. Tho ceremony took placo at tho home of tho bride's sister in Washington, I). 0., at II o'clock yesterday morning. Tho couple will rosido in Milton, aud will go there after their honeymoon. Aud until the honeymoon is over political eonforeuces have 110 charm for the popular Milton man. The close abroach of tho Republican National convention oaused tho postponement of tho Senatorial conference,to have been hold at Eunbnry last wook, until tho last of tho month. Now tho conference will not he held until about July 10th. It has just been learned that an effort was made to wreck tho train on the Sunbury division 011 Sunday night hauling tho members of the Ninth Regiment, N. G. P., returning to Wilkusbarie from atteudiug the un veiling of the Harkins monument at Pittsburg. A tie was placed ou the track near Retreat but owing to hav ing fourteen cars all equipped with air brakes tho engiuoor was able to stop the train just as it struck the ob struction. Officers aro trying to ap prehend the guilty parties. The bass are alroady taking to tho tall weeds. NO. 31 WILKESBARRE'S RIVAL TO MARCONI Wilkesbarre people oau boast of hav ing as a resident of the city a greater inventor than Marconi. Tho man is Hev. .Tosoph Morgan, pastor of the Slovak Catholic cliuroh, of North Wilkesbarre, a graduate of the beßt universities of Europe, a member of the Society Electrotechnique of Vien na, anil recognized throughout the world as one of the greatest and most successful students of the mysterious electricity. Farther Murgas began several years ago to perfoct a wireless telegraph system, although ho had been study ing electricity for many years before. He labored day and night and so hard did lie study that at one time he al most lost his health. He met with many reverses like most inventors, but he was persevering and finally he achieved results. It was three years ago tliat tie first succeeded ill getting a sytsem of wire less telegraphy perfected, bat it was not until roceutly that lie secured liis patents, which now number four. So much different is his system from any other that ho had no trouble whatever in getting the patent officials to grant him his rights as a patentee. It is new in overy way and all the other wire less telergaph men acknowledge that his system is the latest and most im proved of any. He has constructed a temporary ap paratus for making a test of his sys tom and messages were sent from his homo to different points. The test proved successful in every way and messages can be sent with more speed and accuraoy than by any other sys tem. Persons familiar with other sys tems have witnessed experiments with the new system which Father Murgas has perfected and all of them have pronouueed it the best of any they have ever tested. Father Murgas has received flatter ing offers from largo companies to sell his patent in order tlir*. it may be placed on tho markot, hlft he is work ing on anothor system and does not care to sell his rights for a while, at loast. He is working hard on his oth er system and when ho has compldteri it, he will thou place tho patents on the market. Since he began his ex periments Father Murgas has spent soveral thousand dollars and expects to Bpend much more before.'c'has achiev ed the desired results. Desires to Buy Mulberry Leaves. To F. Q. Hartman probably bolongs the credit of raising tho first orop of raw silk in tho sliapo of oocoous ever produced in Dauvillo. At the present time throe thousand silk worms in process of development form an inter esting adjunct to his silk mill on Wat er street. Tho worms are approaching the most interesting stage of thoir ex istence when they will begin the spin ning of silk in the construction of thoir cocoons before changing into a pupa. They are at present very busy little fellows and they present a sight, especially at feeding time, which is well worth seeing. At the close of the season last yeat Mr. Hartman secured from tho moths about four thousand eggs. These were kept in cold storago until spring when hatching took place. The raising of raw silk, however, is not carried on by Mr. Hartman for the sake of finan cial gain and is not to be viewed from a commercial standpoint. He has em barked in the venture purely in the interest of science and is conducting his experiments as an object lesson. No one is more interested than Mr. Hartman's little son, who feeds the silk worms, and thus rocoivos his first training in the silk business. As is well known silk worms feed on mulberry leaves and it is in the matter of food for tho insects that Mr. Hartman finds himself in an un fortunate predicament. He planted a number of mulberry trees along the river bank a year or so ago, whioh he relied upon to furnish food for his silk worms. Unfortunately when the ice gorge broke last winter a number of tho trees were destroyed, so that now he finds himself short of mul berry leaves. Mr. Hartman desires to purchase leavos of tho mulberry tree and he will bo very glad to hear from any one who might have leaves to sell. He is anx ious that no timo be lost aud asks that such porsons coinmunioate with him at once. Desecration of the Sabbath. The riot aud conflagration in St. Louis Sunday,beoause a bull fight was not permitted is a logical outaome of the Sunday amusement sentimont, ob serves tho Williamsport Evening News. If Sunday baseball is permitted the next stop will be Sunday horse races aud Sunday bull fights, the full con tinental Sabbath of Sunday political meetings, Sunday elections aud a gen eral go-as-you-please on Suuday for everything. The best part of this country, including all the great and prosperous eastern, western and north ern states, were built upon the Pur itan Sunday for a corner stone. For many reasons besidos religious consid erations it will be bettor to remain upon it. Nino people of every ten need and desire one day of seven as a day of rost aud quiot. It is manifestly un necessary to appropriate Sunday for a day of sports and for the transaction of private or pnblio business. The de sire of three-fourths or nine-tenths of ■ tho people for a quiet Suuday should be respeoted.