orricEßS OF COL!, Al MA COl esidest Judge—Hon. William Elwell. ( Inn D Asseidsll J u dge s — 1 r err, ewr K. Herbein. Protk'y Ind 0' k of Courtser-Jvs.tto Coleman. itcsiett : and Heeorder—John 0. Precr.e. giontplocry Cole, Connitheioners—, T v i i v ii i im i k iY ti nir i , lick. Sheriff—Munkeui Millar'. Tieusurer—tlattob Yob°. L. 11 Hu9tert, Amlitors John P• Hannon. .lamb Han k n.n Clerk—Win. Kriehltsum. t 'onnaiasion•tr a Attorney—E. 11. Little. Nieren I itiln A ppraitter--W. 11. Jaeol t s... I Jim . ty Fittrroyor—lmao A. llewitt. .t . I i:a net Arranoy-31ilfan M. 'fraugh. I Toner -William .1. Ilmler. t' unty Balterintendont—Clms. 0. Barkley, t eeaUlig Intemal Bert:num-a F. elark. John Thomas, A. Istant Assessor—. H. IL Dimcr, Daniel Nelletily. I 1 lector—llenjamin F. I lartman. W ounailturic Xtirtnal School nail Literary lastl'iste. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. I ENRY.CARVER, A. M., rrineirkl, I lessor or Intellectual and Nitro! Smeno!, nil Theory mid P.ao ice of Teaching. Plim Sarah Q. Carver, I'receptre4s, ti ►Lcr of French, Poifnity and Orin:went:A Lane 0. rest, A. P., 6Nor or Ancient Languages and Eng- libb Grammar. J. W. Ferree, A. M., t'..:oeror of Blfithetattica and Practical Antroniany. Ver. Davi4l C. John, A. M., l'eutiton• of Chemistry cud F. M. Bohm 7., eller of tieogryphy. 116tory t n , l Boa l. keeping. ito,two, Inl!f=i==lM=3 lirh tiranintar. 3lims Alice 31. Carver. :iler of Music on Piano and Melodeon. Mrs. But& L. Best, idler of I'oral Itiwie, and Aist. Tench 'a of Instrumental 3lusie. Miss Julia thirst, 'readier of Model Selma rho Whiter tern, will connnewe Norem lo , r 51. 180, and until our Boarding flail i• oreupaney, ottnpplieation to the I rtudents will be MK'S in p/evant tioni/im It k bett.m fur At-W(ld 4 to confluence at t to openit.e of the term ; lot when this k i spraetwahlu, th y call enter at at y rortrirrseanfs..ar.enia:slor WES I ,F,Y WIRT, ATTORNEY AT LAW fo, to iwatt HMAT AND NT.ltn Banding. or SHIVE'S BLOCK; RI.OOMSLITU PA Mesh 11. %.7 CHAS. G. BARKLEY, MtorAscy at Law, P.I,OOIIISBURG, cou:MBIA CO., PA. , r,rn in the Ez.hango 110.14init. "orlon , ' ' , roil. over Wphoyel & Ja.ohy's C4utert.oArry. kit COl.l 41 , ..r FitchanNe lIPP4 1111poppthiong. Apnl 11. tNGZ . (is C. IC A II L E Counselor and Attorney Ai Law, 1:17.001R311UPG, Pa. I innnunte In hi* ft i 1.11.1. 0110 Ott siolie In OM he Imu trolltm..l the rrhrlien IS I a‘. Of Rill. 1 . 01111( yam Ing and all Irgulo motel" rr.mptly tilt”neted to. prrtyr In lho FIC I III,IIIO Auisdint, F. 1 ,1 1 ,1 Pi my over V.yosr k !1 , 1,.r's Pm/ glom illnototrhilrg. Mum I, ;P.O. E. R. MEIJER' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Office, 2m floor, in Exc)uingo ltiock, wor the 'Farb nge II otcl. All btipirmiiK plareA lei his hnudr win be with pnamptnrs• nn,l tare. Collretinne made w at, low itost roveible delay. inept. US, 11.67. Dr. E. W. WELLS, StTeEt;;;Olt TO N. P. C. twinisom PfEm at I,i+ rtatillithie on rrnire snort. 1.14 w All cr iers!clt Uwe will to rromplils atiom:• (41 10 lOonmAurg. Oct 30 11-4.7 T 11E SWAN 110TE14, [TUE UPPER II01:11P..) Orangeville, Coltnr.bl4 Co., Fa. mibrcr iber tr,P. esrittly fi iced. and Ow public, Ina he line taken 111,,.„' nbove well lin , ,wn 1101P: 4 1: ue ENTKRTAmmErcr. rind will be 01.at4e.1 In WMI , 6 Ike coy of all w!ao will f:.%ur film null a rel. Ile will keep A Gllll.O TA 111,E, • War well rteeled with the beet of I.lquere.oml every effect Will be iestlik to intim ••11.1 Ike: JOUX WWI; tut. orstiv.,l 1110 Match JO. IM Dit..l. R. EvANs, Physiclau and Surgery, 11zAv.AG Ineweit permanently on Main 1 st r eet, IiI,ItoN1110; Pa., would in form the pot,lie generally, that he I. owpriired to attend to till buoiti , .e faithfully sod tuneliolly that may b., intrusted to btu care, Go terms rontot, AU trio v. Itti the co - Ile pap .trict attention to Surgcry as Well A, a edition, 1811,—ly lENL EMHO'rf'S PHARMACY. AllEtreAilliii morn ffr , hnnd uc littgo, a n d my nIIIeI a h•chli 4* CU ,T LOWEST BATES, AND %vim.. Br. SOLD I.OW. Owing to the rid' 11 Drutt• and Medlrlues In the r torn. near() now mark tog every nrtlrle. down to old Owes pr wen. Our muck In fullaud romplete. Cull and net., and be cony Inrrd that his is dm place tu uy. January int. Itio!. N EW 'OYSTER SALOON, In the basement br the 4 i 1° Aannbi r ia a16E6:12) BILTZEII I.IIACOM, SUPT. FrOPII OVNIerP fl.fVell 111 , In ev , ry idyl* on,l us all lour. ; wills nll the Wire .'llailJe" P.m..' in flrAt clnot Itrotautunte. Xx Alc n.o..tnutly nil hint, tolicther With choke I.ilnoro of evriy totevylni on in Up lop order shout 11 , 14 Prlonn. nowdylintant tokrated. !lien +& and end illy , sloon In Clean n..4111,1 , .r. Illomniburg. Nor. 11:1, 1567. N. SAMPLE & CO., Etigi wet rA MAIN Wr., 411 t R. R. R . 111.00M1C4 turn, PA, Ate rr..p.ictl to tanieh 211 Minds of Machina work, such as ST EMVI ENGINES. Yolk/ 0, Phßtiloc, Mangerr,Ccuptins•. Mil!- glaring,lew tic.. 17 Mitre CM", POl cdttic PIPO, tulf. 9 ls.l with ail kind* of Steam titling,' oil Thrtlabille Marhitite and llntre rower* made to auk,. All kind+ or Agricultural Machinery ruAilred. /DIU, link.. I ,lri ak a,, In ROl6l rszos 'lO BUY DjY bOODS. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to Its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreestble, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the glow am/ freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such u remain can be erred for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Ina occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the 'Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted' merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desire, Containing neither oil nor dye, it not roil white cambric, and yet lasts long ou the hair, giving it • rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., rmalcm. AND ANALYTICAL CLIEMISTB, LOWELL, MASS. FUME .1.00. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Fop Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs, ouch as Cough 4, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronehttis, Asthma, and Consumption. Tmbably never before In the whole biztory of file4ll.7inc, ha,: Illly thing won Po Widely and so dimply upon the colir,lenee or utnkitol, as tills eseelleut remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a long series of years, and among mo,t of the races o turn it has ri,co higher awl higher la their esinuat two, as it has become better known. lei lintroret character and power to cure the various affections of the lungs and threat, have made it known as a re , title protector against Mem. While Manual to milder forms of iliscabe and to young children, It is nt the same time the most effectual remedy that can ho geven for in,lpiont esmstuinpalon, and the dan gerous rifferUons of the throat and lungs. As a pro. hloangaiwt sublet' attacks of Crown, It atioal ho kept on , hand in every fainq, and indeed at all are soructimes subject to colds and coughs, all ',heel,' be provided with this antblote for them. Although Fettled Contniiiptioni Is thought Ith curable, ?till great numbers el cases where the tLtt cave seemed ,ettletl, have boon completely eurA pod the patient restored In sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. Se complete Is its mastery over the disorders of the limes Lind Throat, that the most &Minato of them yield to it. When withh lag eke could roach UlOlll, Wider the Cherry Pec toral they subside awl dr appear. frinw rs Public Sycale.cra find great pro. Welton from It. Asthma is always relieved mad often wholly curet by it. hrunchltla is generally mired by taking the Clrrry Pectoral In small anal frequent doses. ria generally are Its virtues known that we need not publish tile certificates Of them here, or du more th.ol assure We public that its qualities tiro maintalued. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Foyer and, 4 , m0, Intermittent Fever, Chill Foyer, Remittent Foyer, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, &c. and indoor( all Clio affections which arum; from malarious, mash, or missmatio IMisona. Aa its name Imphos, It does Core, and does not fall. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zins,nor any other mineral or poisonous substance whatever, It in nowise injures any patient. The bomber amliintawlitece of its cures In the ague dis. truces, nee literally beyond account, and we believe without a irtrallel In the history of Ague medicine. Our Itride Is gratified by the ack-nowledgments we r' erne of the radical curet; effected in obstinate cases, anti where other remedies had wholly failed. Vitacclimated personit, either resident in, or travelling , tlirnindi miasiono,. fiwilutipa, will be pro • tceted by taking the AUCE CUBE daily. For /Arra. Complaints. arising rYoin torpidity of the Liver, It la an exeelletit remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For 1311141118 Disorders and Liver Complaints, It le an excellent remedy, prmineing many truly re. workable curet, where other medicines had falled. l'repareal by Du. .1. C. Anat. it Co., Practieal end Atedytkal Chemists, Lowell, Kass., and NM en round the wortd. Rama, $l.OO PISR sorrzs. void 1111103 w 113r0.., Illoomsburgomdall drargi9t4 and d. a'enreverywliere.- 13AKI2lY AND CoN !TA:. L TIONERY I:l23coavaTbUlarmtbanolacica '119.11t13 sTauvir, FIEVIW M AK KIM 63L903iSrraliG, PA. J. r. roX. r"l'll e t ^r^ r 'hi. eenblltioavot, woolj ra , atAtrallY alloaist his aldjuoil New eartnan•r:, slim tl • ILI. r•Vorrth4leg rllll it up M ii. er•w fl,l to La MA. him t.. fmni.h ikons with 1310:A1), cAfinak ‘1) '.•ti rEt:t lwt..i ore, • 7, IL•reaßrt all rOtrIAIIII.WhO ha v.. (won I . llllllllh Lot \OIL Ale, logy, ik•rt. and I'mter, by the what••. half. or blue!. wlll cull upon W AO 131 1,41 Mt., at dm. Saloon Ihives' Block, Maki Street, •Ina WI? Imes nuilorire.lll thr tinderstrot,' In MII sanw. 110 Mill coom.Imill) !1.1v.1 a mipply oihanld, whirl, will he 9.11,1 litt I•,w r r :rt. Mr. N hto to fonder wiui hi, 1 44 y 4a d .:,, u kap uaay.. 6tt...1 up rooms OW .4,1 e o. ILE t , t „ . 1 1 ah may favor him with th re.tem fie 10 NI, , pr..part . d lo Mmk , , he Cravat 10 hurt , quantl. 11..0 r.r pehlir .er omelet galliflingg. 10 the tang arty be. liVerytioilas petlaliuma 10 his tine tl boom,. v 111 retelvetardtal end aeltitent nitteeti,e, Cr Ile I• thunkitilln bid 131! tower. Gq poet vOed, aad moat cocJirliy oulloits O CWilinuaiire the mom. J. r. rub =EMI THE LADY'S :FItIESD. Splendid Inducements to huh. ucrlberto. The Lady., 'fiend announces tho folloslon noy. nit. for 'WM, ...ollet.veen Teo,' by El'submit F r " MAI, gtithnt of "How 4 Wotan, had Um Way." Ike.; 0 1 ho Prole of To' , . M..11'• !Area." by A wad* M. Ibmgloo. author of ' , rho Itobarry Fortune," &e ; A New Noveletr by Louise Clinm.ler Moulton, own. or of "Fleeing from Fate," Ike.; and a New Novel by Mro. Henry Wo o l, tho NOVI (bd. POO ll.Titat 1.y0n0." See., (moles. Mr.. Wood is oravvoted writing it by Ili houlth) with au. gilOt tvr Stories by a brilllatil gol.ary .rf lady rlb vs. The Lady's Friend te ill live n finely executed Nteil glit;roftlig o 1110100 M.. thitibli• pude. I inely colored l'u4tien Plate- hitoroved un Sire,-and II large nv Sintri.vilt el' cut., illuArating lite rttlatlell. FOi• y. Wet U. ate . In every Iltl•tilat•f. It will rite It popular piece of Alunie-Worth thu cunt of the Magellan.' 111 itiwir-in every Member. A a 4 , 7 of th.• Red utatirtil Ptention Steel I:screwing -.The Soot et Mount at Pk •t"-1.11:a4V.41 eapiesoly lemon tendert , . Al a cost for thecogro lop Moot of Result Ifittlute -will be Nem, peat paid, to Orr, eubeeriber, end to .:very portion vending on a club. 'Elm engraving is /em Art: rriro Nim Murk Thot- Now atibeettlierr *rho 'lend in their onions for leo before the drat of Novo:oho, frr••lVt• the No•YLit.htf and Deceistber 111111111ers of thee year in alotion. malting hoirteen lit.• 111114 in ell I And lilt sew sub. peril" no let halo oh e.l !receive the mac itifireut Recent eon Holiday number, waking thirteen impttlt• I TERMS : c „py. the L'?' pr,initaiti antra, iltopme. . . . . . . . . . . . 11.10 3 " . • awl One gratin. . . NIO 8 . . add Olieltratta t . • • IVA One copy cob of Lady'. Friend nil Pout, and Premium Rn/revlog, 400 The letter up of a club will *lea,* receive a r py 404. the Pretultun Endear log. Filciabera of a club w ill bug rho Proration En/raving. remit One Dollar extra. *captive coulee mitt m 1( ells. Altdroop. DEACON at eirrettooN, 9t9 Mona* Smuts, Philadelphia.... ottuber2o, 1849 -4w. BLINK" 113144NX:4 Ell SELLING OFF AT REDUCED PLC. 8 TO CLOSE OUT! L. T. SHARP LESS, wm alfur fa, • o,w • VtAk kg very low Prlcom DILY•GOOP3 OF ALI, KINDS, NOTIONS, HOOP-SKIRTS, BOOTS, 8.119E>, (IA I'l'El , II VS and LIAM, Stemware, gueensware, BASKETS, .Lc., Get itt Laming will too pir.•n 11114 0.64111 will lK• 1,1".tY BELOW COST': Olve 111.1 i 11 pottelmish .dare silently. °elate', I:43PilAt—br: REMOVAL OF C. C. UR'S TO SHIVE'S BLOCK. rivr IPOOIII ARNE IPCI/luegAT omen." ,11116 hatler.lonett he% leg teuttlted frolli the city ill rnA e plate il/pyiy. of SPRINd AND M DRS GOODS AND GROCERIES, Kntiou., Ilardware, Ce dar and Willaw Warr, Ihvga, Voalitron• Cla•o•Ware 'l'obarro Hata and 811. 0 14 Einar, fall , sad lllrnl i all of n Inch I pro; ~,, n in.ll3N/1 01 oVery 141ar 1411041411 , L . lOll r pr-agev. 1..7.d11ARR. ~..,but,, /4,61 1, IA? . _ WE lIAVE COME Vlth (1001 10110r1;01,11(i (0 4111;jaj to co.opprillo With io MI! tiIAAND 1 UQIJ 11il SAIT! 1 41 r, r.• INo fr. a of Ctrs' to our Agents. %V AT'. Ilt:It !tor et Coot 1, , ) Mir Agents. PTA% MO MAIMIN Pi (rm. Of cost to Arius lwattort floods Iwo of 4 11001 to AN•sts. iit tom' fr•. MCnst Clout AL•'nts. wu , l Sol ‘11V1. 4 free ul Cool 'dour Ar •nts, ount.a Offt)E4 fry. uf 4:uoi to .Ig.iito. V• )114 frge dr C. at W .P.l( A 4. Ma airul ii frig lull A.,. our Gilauurs. F.H.14, "in i•eu;ar. Aeolus 11111111 drrrryobo.e Jay. T. hi ossari A co" I& 4 I .y OtteAl. how York. oWE HOUSE.. It HMV IC K PA. T. Dent. tityieriprietor, The iirnt•rtMitir he's trove to leftirtn thi•tputilje he has Laken thargy 'of this st .11 Sewall !loupe, witty), Ira. nil Lite itn.lercorie v ryttiplet” rhauvu Ir bah 'ls esiersor ant insert(lf lippearalllCO, 11t.1111,4112 111 , 1 House lu every rent , ct mole comfortable ar 4 inviting In th.• traveling pub' kilos Ma as Its local noose The' t.resre.t I.l"prioni will opera u pain. rawenviligorr thra Illeusa v. le el It bar Leen, ivy A Well ..... Weird Ilourr rd Ca vrtainiunat ly.,r Ih 11111010 ff poillee and all nth. rs %hove buSiiieis Iran. motion. 'how: lnrbe Wits Apett 18. Irte., GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN SI: If I INTG NA ()HINE S. 113:1:/irt` Slliittle ALLA.. ot INV.. 336 Broadway. N. Y., 2.4) It it.hasittros Pt v.v.. Ito.ton. Nut tity•et. rbihidophia, PATIATIgIi Eno. it. Pal. viAciiist: le ereortruele4 oN entlref,r new into , 10101 ot outithats:ani, pterderteling wally rare mnl r.ri tritte limper vetherstro, tummy Iwrn el liglittrei by itit• a- tt•t prolurrarl tapens. iirt4 pronauttead lu • ~irir,r/irih/rllirlofectian ihThrbitred. It liar a Otiatitst War or Lion, 1 1 , , 1 L e s Li, It or eat errri: It, whirl. will it ilb.•r 1:11 , itnr RAVEL and is *aeon boils ,• odorous perfect 0,14014 01/ awry nnrb•tirl. haul itilior 10 'Mr Snarl NaliMmik %Me rullwn. 111101, Of silk thread. from sto , rewireeet to Vio finest iiiiinbor. Having wither 4:A11 or Outi R'tIRY and thol•ttaA. poottible frirtion, Klaus ar it i t ootit a. tutu.'. and Is Naito it.ts Mete-14;11e. It in:Titre* Ftrnr rta ceNT. Isis poorer to drive Wham may ether isschirrs in ills market. AOA metre, yours of 'mu can work- ft tumidity. without tolizoo or Injury to Its ittcringtri knit srintoP•rAtl Simplicity ofeonstroc, t.tot rtts•turx It tatnoot ititoo.ribt•• to [Et wet of ender, snit irtIItAItAIVITXU by 'be coutylthy to rive up. 111”matiqiitili1111. , W. r'qwerititY invito all Quo,n whn may th.,ire 10 With ik gape* r art kit., to cuato lnd vismitie this VNUSVALLCI) MACH I K. tote bolt' I 'a irsoteuttroo it trollleront to ennbt any rwrorm to work this ataeltioe to their entire aat• Aitanisatantiol Inr all limo. In the Oftirog States, %shore. aiienert. are roll already eetalOseli.ol fur Cubit. Mexico. Central and Smith America, to wl .. a liberal dove will be given. 4lyl'lltßikNL G al ACIIINK )4 PO CO larordway. N. Y. GENUINE MANURES. ALLEN & NEEDLES, • ilmov to Ft PER PiioSPllll'E OF LIME, I id: old standard traria. uniAno• sn totally, ilsts thostfinely p.rioste And chg.:lin:at l'ltos vtono,b4 ton Market. in Pap, allt..lbsr cart; 33t1 per 'ZAN lbs. ANI,I .00 LITE() mosst ot s phis, 11111101.1te at ill,. I,: ire, .41.r00 to On punier, It it:t;p, laY ILy. ears, CAL rf lbs. runt; tat.t)urta) BONE At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. Ilf II only No. I—received illrcet from thn!GoN FlBll i; UAN 0, A rplen,:id m .uure, and nne' that fe nttract:ulf uitiatt ■tun Wm from fartomr, t' mod iu (forth., VS per SUM lbs. LAA I'ID FLAsTEir. In "..ircl4. West u•aihM flat,. A pure aititle A DIRCOUNT YO 7.. , E &LEDS ON ABOVE PHIM,R toood the dealer near you nut have our article•, WA your °Hera direct to lir, and they trill 110,1, PrOl.lo Qltc nti un. ALLEN 8. NEEDLES, Ofllcea & Stoles, 41 O. Mater and 4 8. Delaware Av, sue. • Dr A 1,1341 IN 4111.11. I'ANDI.L.I AND GEPILLIAL et./A1,11115e1 1 . 1 :1 MEW:DANT& ?}LILA DF.4.1/LIA rESTAIILIVUED IN 1e40.) Au;, DLNTISTUY. vcr R c. i REl6PErt4oui.l.li tarot. him prat's. OP t g N to tan Inds, and twin Ur prepared so etteiie I. all I IP. Viitiuue up. , rwi I onv In lb.: lint, a( Id • profbasktott.a nAll prevision *I (hi ill! latest tnitsrseved 1.11g7X1.41.1 1 , 7'k:la* whirl *tit 11..liwiertuil told.plutlnsatilve.Olatil fibtut hr e to 1.”4.w. II MI Si,t Piaui it teeth Mt•ser.tl plate and blurb tenth spar • 'minted at. all of eri4l l •ne un tretibroridully and Ps.. •I) r dtrl to. Its* As.sssices and ohs d • Alt' douta • LP: II .1.1 Man. hl 44110411•JUDattl 184 OMNI = US LINE. rile undersigned would respectfully ennoonce to the citizens of Uloonisburg, end the tinkles gni. Out he In riiMnll ,n WANllitrtt LINE, bl were 11141111 re and thud,. ere n Roll Road Depute du. y, (Sundays excepted) to linnet( with the 111 oetri Traits goins on the Colognes' and Willteursport nigh those going :north arttl South oh the Litt. & illoom.borg [load. His 0111" nlisit , es pod condition, exam• dines and cuniforlwbie, gad than es reasonable. t?" Pereooe wishing to mot or see Lipids friends Illsipert, San hu. acronarouniled, on teesotieble oluirps by leaving timely sake of say 'tabu He Uthlo JACOB L. UiliTON, Prop:WWI, THE GREAT CAUSN r HUMAN MISERY. ~,, JusT wibi1.1,6,1, Ina smiled ans.. 61:, ~,,,,..,:ritr,,..,...T,,,v.,....,:nk..1..;,,..:1,:g.tn,i1r $ A r i tt , d l :l:c i i ii u u l l: t :C , 17 1 f i l l . 1 :7! 9, 0",1„,,,i t y r". 1 ( - Abula; , 1avolontdry Emit/alone. list ;roi , uyi,, . N g . ; , 13(E 1 , 11 . 1 1 1 ~. illyl ; hitt o.n us e i i i: i l ini t i :n n r . r dr p o . n y t . • 0 r t i f i t Vita ; Ittnntal ami I'h drat limarinellp, itt. Ily 0„1„,,, J. CalvetWell, N. IL, author of tbs 'Wean hook,' km The world MIMI/dried a lit li at, Itt (hie admirable Lee. lon ,. H em li wore* (rout his own osporlellre, 11101 the r,* Ai I c uis ivvi ua o cm. of rilell•A burr Jolty Ito elli.ct Holly removid without Matl/etne. and "Mow dim v.,,,1id gyivicel operatimia, IrOVIIIMS. ittattutreato ono, „ r r „, i liato. polntiolg but a lieble or cure a alum retrain slid blretilllil, by Whirl' I Very sitilM.ror, no Iblillef IS bat Ills rlltblllloll nifty km. toay r h toto.oll rlootply,prival. , ty, and ratlleally, This 1,e,. tor. , 11,11 0.,v0 a boon In thollnlll6l And Mount:lda. 1101,1 unity? prat to ttny udiateamin a plant ”nVoliqm, 00 101..10 of .41 Lentil. Of {WO postage stamps. OW Of. tilll4/NVICSI'II blecesdre Guide, prini 113 wit., Adee te go,. e CIIAS. J. U. KLINE at 111 ~ _ a let neirary, New V6‘116 P. O. bus OW 4 , Sept. IL 1001.—ry Imo ill Co CO••iiNIUTIONEItY. • Tag gpisdoralgroil announce Ike public Mot hn bmiopenod es VIIIST-CLAtie coNFECTIOIVERY kTortn. 114.1 ocrupimi by flvrnard :Sto,ner. hard Mu ie la.vireil in (urne•h all kluils of PLAIN k b'MdCY CANUIEd. C.iNUIPM.FORRIGN AND vomit:talc YIICIN. Nl)1$. NAISIXII, &C.. &t =13:11d1/1 Ile .host r NH assortment of All km.l. 41 poodle to his Nue 01 100ny.... A float vorioly of I.'iLl,N. tors, Aic., o n noway.. PalllClliar alio Ali , II to lIRP.AD AND CAK RP of pal kind, fneh t von, t iv, tiIItDFFNAS DANDIES. cIIRIWI'MAN TOYI A rail IA will be runian woof. Vec. 11, IW7. wicla ART JACOB S. W 01.4/. L C. SAIRTOR WOLF 131, BA RT ON, (secetssons m N. e. ohm's,) 11LOW18111,11:0, PA. TIIF. midiwerilwrit having lumped thr Plaining Mfl Hull Machine Pimp 10(114.111, OCCUI.r d by Pinion Ili will arolluu. Imo biiiiinton or monuractunnir Doors, Rash, Blinds, Mouldings 711« y 1101 11.3 preper..loo furiii4l DIIEsSED FLOORING, SHINGLES, ,1 all ”111.1 1.0 required In ilk roost nitting of buit,linvi. Alt 4ludr iSTurnittig done at short 11111ito.. Bills for .1.41.1 l tll.l Pam. , Stuff titled with pruliii3lloo4 mud two 4.lfrrn rt n viimpacd, tliciotsainry. April 11. Ices-tt. Olt ANGEV ILLE HOTEL, COIAJAIIIIA COUNTY, PI:NN'A. Lviatcrr, Pro:)rietta. N'onid torprelfgity nod the ruh're to irtietal th.tt he her tft • t ly tittru of thin 11 kn.,. ffflflff•lololitly ItlChrooff Ilooffe.who h' pt 1 .3 S•lor. 1- 1 Evetett. E. and that illi• Ilatrr. ho nl conwilt, milt r (or 111 , :iircowinalat iou tor loffhfifrtfo. fo , f the ooftfiloll.l.ll,lll for trillffrof to Who patty fort foIM With 111 . If ru.tm. N. puler nod eiptinte Wive been 'loured in rep/I'olli atm roe crushing 11)10 Hotel for the l'lllt:theit torn! et plenty, iititt hottstiog on the omit of lti.• in to, Ante, rt. Igo OW If pro t•ooffil wants. lUr I:nr tiill•hitnya lie al with We bent and Snort choke 11.1tit4r. and to. table will: the boil the tihn:k.tutriilds.tuytTiln. _ tdl I‘CIIANGB - COLIIIIMIA rovrTß. I'.l Thn tind.•r.igi...,l loafing pierrhomed awl holrty ritir,ro... wall kul,Wll lbw**. ilithated mu MAIN 14T., 1.1.1;. , opparn , • thr inform,. 1:1. n fri ,.l .th , and thr poildoc Hoe. , IA no% iu nrdr r lot the accolihroulallod Yud ..1110.flidniuvoit clf Irnvekrvi 'I lie) Hay.. opared uopains in pr.'pnriuith.•Cachnize for the oistoriai •hi rud comfort of thew IN , •I Th.•lr 13444144: in 'lnt amp, nisti ciajoiy• • goo.i hunuew I,yoution 1/.li N ftr: l l4Erl rem at bll time. betworn Hoop. 1,4 , 1 OK digt , rOot tau IroN4/ Ur pole. by witstio truve.en o ;m.lllOlll lbu re•pectiva so 4iie unit. BOONS 11 CLARK. Autil e.. To LAD:FS Your MS. Ildit , b is 'ldled to the Mad j ' ArIN hide rPlot osl. tVrr ►auwu 101 the rsmosal of t bstrattious and ituit.sto 10 the k tank ssi. Dr. Harvey% CI I RONOTILERMA I. h .,„, My Kerrie 41111tATY Tittle With IlltsilifyilKylielepS. They, are aeapted lor all girds lic.s caw, end never fen in their meting it taken In time. • Dr. ilarvey'a GOLITN 11 , 31 ALE 131,1.3. viv i t i riLLAßN A 1:111X. nee inteoulled lei ee.ce iswie incifientc. They nee (hut •k revs ettoppet then thn or.lissarp kind and are pericatly Weirs. 4.11.1 If yntt eimvot ant them t.fyiiiir triarbit I Will +.11.1 them by return b uil, pm.i paid and tO I , lllt ~,,,, ", I tiiiitt.tiko pr.nd on illvteatrd am! Culithkeetinl t'irr SI a in 1.40.1.• 0/1 Midr.,lll J. MI V AN. M. D.. PM 01106 'WAY. NOV won Germantown Telegraph. A luuwi% u, l an .Agrkitheiral Journal. Devot..ll to rbniec !Metall:ff. iorlu•liog Poetry, Noire'aqui. Title*. mut M oral bay Chfrtiall.ll , l3 In us, ',lnt:fly 14.1,.pt (OP lit a - .. 6110 I POkiti.tOnt tirolturt VhfiOlk, la it Pu the reach of uat vAlunded MPhil Tire Not , , , letto, y. bobtolvanb Cum, the b..rt 1141,1 hlithe.t Aborting, natal bat an , anytbias to be luutul Las any outbid Of teptiraltiltet, Ad/minis,: and itutticalpw. crel•reeitte Fermin/. itaiava tag, Vitat.h.eieins. etc. 0111 . bawls 10 11,1% atticortoliriti hit Ot..f lilhty ieure. have soul lee rot• thal apprilltft 01 th fimelte, tidy purpose. he- brae : to tteerol hurl rch.tl.lBs Its:otioatiort grout these very impnrtant br.truchei of inds*iry *ha to 'protect them en fi r u , within ottv ium4ey al.notrat the blue flocs the lOW afelll4l intrpOse. of the Isiah,' PruPericd and eetteattim nit emit res 11 which a furter, Ir Ifirt•t• "OM, This Ranson or iLe tier... awe 7W"4"rarb to 0 1 011 0 worth the price of *Mo*eriviluti. N rIVA DISPART•IIOiT. —The mow Indite ry, a ate 111111 didtfighiN2linl in pilberthil and preparing the eorrine cyder. ht the ray ex st*stY (or rhig 1.40 or• , A bleb htilo Ito ha* beet. ttttt ut it* nthiltard leo uve* sty ilia hash. univerval ietiothiction, Will be coutiatue wilt n duutded ttiiot, to meet Om seeren-ithe au amia• of the p,th:re. let Tntimo,—Toin aullors nod an) cente per Itmeila. No ordere received w‘tbout theca*, ant( roit..erip• tioho stopped at thu tout of the time wad for. lipeci• melt nuo t cit allot. Address R. FRI - Al 4, &Mar and Proptiolor. "Jute 11, 1848. Own.* nom. Plastaiteg hitrt . alkaprii 41107P4 utra.rianuil reopecifulle aunouncor that he ham reattimi 41 00#1 , 2 noo door bcluw rit.yet'a Ores Shire, In the Erritatty.! Hind,. %heft he is prep trod to cooduct the harboring btorintes Ii all ilia brarmirea. The or colortog whlakors and trenurtuchea is iwilerd by him Most skillfully. lie also Aefillt, emklng them look nearly as gouda* Hew. Itpne the moat rertamiablo terms. Having procured the r , •r vireo of a fashionable half dresser be Is pre pored hi 1/10j1;t10111114 0 Ur COOOO Where dealrable to put Sp or rut him epee reme matey, terms IrT Hair Tom o of the very bell quality. op d fOJ cleaning hair, kept conatretly on Lead. audit* stile. L U, CULLIK IlloomAbur:. April 1 , MI, * To the l'ub;ic. The undersigned respertfully i Gloria* his old friendi and clootwo rs that ho has re nand his Carding Mt. chines, and is now •enny to bo wool carding in good h% hen good. clean :and well psi pared woolly sent me. my p Cross u look for good ruler. FIJI.LIM3, U 01.011.1 IBS and dressing cloth, done to order. Vim,' left et Hartman's Store, Bloomsburg. will he taken sad returned every two or three weeks with bill of work. The pay Elan Mr left at Iliortnom'r. Wool left at Utamieville. at either of Ilse will rrnitiplly. No wont %%Aron is rousing for me this sunitner only to Ploomsktirg and Orangeville, fur the amok modatien of Wow at a distance. GE(ittat VANCH. 3 , 111 n) 17.1E0d. Bear Uraugevllla. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON M AIN KTRENT, (NEARLY tiPPOAITE MILLER'S iftollE.) IILiKikISBER'I, PA. underelaned has 'lei lilted up, and opened, hlr 1..101 siI)VE In this place, where lee is pespared to mike op new Fir WARP. for Xll kindo in Itle line, 11111 - du repair• irg hi* iteetocre and upon the 'float row etinehle term., ale° keep., hood rTUVEM nt enticing, pnilvTllll rnd story, wbleb be will sell upon lernir to suit uurrhiotara. Gino Ile ii a geoo mechanic, and de serving of ,Pe totbile pctrugage. JACOB METZ. bloniu.bneg. tient, 0, 1446,-11. _ LII 111110JOino • Surgeon Dentist, Bittracts teeth without puts by • new method. It .k? . l• perfectly 'sari lll.9llll and Is now geed with good mica vs. MI beanelers of `, - towitt Itentietry 'mended In In the tritest Wt. egg toast u ppruired Iteeldenee and et e, ono duo, omit of greets' tatitimg kitutc• llittingebutgh Nur. 13, IVO, Lackwasui Bios f. • . '7O ~.4:' •ii..iii . siap.lTWO DAILY . RANR - -ail 011' ANH 41 , V% JANU Alii..4oPAil• NNIVONA TN A IMM WILla MANI ~ - wil: LNAVE .- U :.4 SOT Alt A PM. Leave Otranton. 14 7. .• ... 4.411 0 Kinitatett,,.. _ , Ititt 0 40 . ' tthli ii newt - -UM 0 Danville. 1144 b 30 An itt NOtthlitlititttllttld 11401. ju $O4) Leto's NOR A THWARD. Learn Narthnotin viand, 7.00 PM 0 Ihniville, 7'40 6 00 .. Rupert, 043 P M 0,33 ft Kingston, _ 19;63 0,213 41k1 Arrive at Portman. 1600 4,011 ovia Trains Waring Kingman at 0.30 A. M for Scranton connect with Valet arriving at Newl , nrk at 0.00 liggitatiee t taking Truitt *oath rroot Ammon at 3 .te A X trio It tathainherlau4,ritann thoriebarg 111 30 P M. 1111011101* 430 P M.. Weirithistoti t9 4OP it tall Iftl pfft watt ritHadelphia at 7 IN t M. IL A. FONDA. 00 0 1 . ~,.. Hilatos. an 3010117. ---- ----- AMBER ! LUMBFR I 1 1 • . 'rot:. 61.t.1021.146 VRV lAN d$lllN6 (3312 PANT. 1 would toopectfully Intern the public that they have their PLANING MILL nnW in °PernaWl With an extensive aitiertment of IacoUYSZCLUBLitiLIa and are now prepared to suppfyldt orders nt short indite and at the inWeit prises for rash, Their as• sunniest of lumber consists of White Pine Plank, Hoards, Flooring, Surf:ice Boards, Siding, Hemlock Plank, landed ur enplaned, to suit perchosere Frame Muff, Joke and Scowling of all Memo. Their Planing Mill and idindier Yard is situated at the Railroad Dowd, awl conveniently for shipping lumber by the cargo. They are constantly umoufarturing lumber of all Made, and persons who dertire lumber of evory ocriptioto wilt dowels in emotion their stock before pure,mrsingeloorrhere. They are determined and ctn. seemly prepared to settee cheap as. the cheapest. They also denim to Inform the pu b lic and especially those who Witlilte purchase bill.itatfthat they have ono WI specially prepared to cut timbers of almost every size and Worth required. Thowl wishing to build or toutracturo for building, can we money i by wilt; use tali. The undendgued Wollid also annountri that they are prepared to do all kind of topairion of MachinerY, Mil T hreshing Machines: Mowers , Remote and all kinds of agricultural implements, upon marina. We stenos. Address, Co. EVER, SeVy: Bloomsburg, elpt. 14, ltiBd. Illoomsburg. Pa. I J. BROWEU, (Car. Mal 4 e 6 Iron as.) vr • is paw offering to the Public his STOCK OP SPRING GOODS II c no4ting in put of nOP ii of IN RAIN, IRAIN, WOOL it AG CARP :TS ~., ri,t , ) eltliilo and cauntinega for Littike toms liNtid.onii, lip 4.. GO,lfilli "i* ail I'dtterns add planting. V. iiliild and Printg of various ininliting sad prices, 6141$11'iled and Eiruwo blunting, Ladies french I:unit:ls gi I IMMORAL SKIRTS. • rod m.rmoment of Ladies and childreate Gaiters Mid 11..018, ft:4l Groceries and Spires. New assortment of Glass and gascusware. kt No . 1 Maraen°linonehalfanJoneNorthtiiarrein. Vox, in tile time to make your selections, ant am MI lion , goods at very low ',rives and our motto it f dealing to all, and not to be tin tlersol,l by any. J. J LiltUtt , El:. • burg, April 30. ied7. M' I SOLLEDEII'S BOOT AA D SUDE STORE, TUC tiViiVijr ellijitrifi On Main Street, Bloomsburg. r s o ,o l , l%tritiOf t .kos plenrare in niinnoneine to e reeele P ile,"ghsborp, n e t v ialnily, that he has 0 lama a large Ito 4 Aim aseartnient HOOTS AND SHOES, fa it die: and reethmett's reoar. to 401 all fancier. work ig of the beet ynallty, and Win the I eetiuhle intintfttetttrers;. ba betug a pranks! % ri watt and • C 4 4.3 tee +Le) =re a in he imposed Upon bylitiving i t iildeee material badly made up. ti en deeiritttt unythina in hie line Wot 4 do well a el% o him a WI, tit Cu r e putelluenti elteWitere. Ile GOOD ARTICLE, 10 .1 at fir.Cl,l 1.1 ...lit pump meta+. All per omi duairm 11,,1M ar benvy work made MIN lie atm...mood:W./ 4. 414 e:4.kb1i5010,94. fit AL+o, repairingwitsbrdunewith imalmem. and .1 epMeh. 1 o elegant ao.ortineut. of Ladies Spring mot Sow A Owes on hand. A. tivIALLUER. Apt if Y. 1044. N EW u .AL Y ARD. The unilermipsd respectfully informs the eiriseas of Bloomsburg and Colutubikrounty , that they k••vp all the tliffetClll notate:to of ssov. coa t lump cunt f.r smithies purposes. on their wharf, Id' jumble N't eltei vs, at 00's rurtotee With u goo , ' pair Lotrala scales an the *hadau weigh cooljory and straw Likewise horsy and warm, W./cheer coo vi those %Pio ilcsin• it. As we toorrhase a lore.• amount or w.• intend to heap u supersar article and sell at Ow very tow...st pries. i•tesse call and 0.1i114111110 IrQUI selves before perdu. iorzelmew here J. W. 111:,4 itflitillt ff. ALA:Ur:3IW MASON. rruv. undeiskneit will take, in exchange for Unal 1 1110 thilMfleP, tbe following named orticle• : Whont. Rye.Corii, Oat , l'ntntoes. Lard, Penh: 4 lton' der, and Aide moat, nutter. 14gii. tiny. &c., nt the higbontritelt price A, nt Pio grutery More. Adjoining their noel yard. J. %V. llENDElitilitir. 11 4Panuburl. April 15,11566.-Iy. N O1{1'11E11:1 CENTIIIIL t "c3W' 4E.A..U* 0 CCT ItOItITE NORTH AND SOUTH 11 , 1lamore mid I:,chester IVilliOUI Cat:lnge of Cnrs. ON mid afivr 13 ,, nday011ept. 11th, MO, Paiserger TrailiA, , tif run ni lollow..; rsAl: $1 ORTNW JD. 4 33 •. x. leave Northumberland, stopping at prin gipl stations, arriving at I% illiauroport, ti 15 s. x. taiulra II 83 ema444444404 3 Mt P. x.. !lochs*. tef 3 00 RM. CViri4i) 0 V. 5 a. N., Niagara Falls 10 00 1, 144 P. 11 trove NoTtliemberlnntl, stopping at all stations. arriving at Willinorpott, 8 r. x., El• wins 14 ID P. N. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. V 33 A; N., leave Northumberland, stopping at ',pripple/A matinee, arrivinv at Itarrfahrma 11 34.1 r. N halthome U 3111 ■.. Plifle,l, , lrbia t 1 50 r. 0 3U •. ■ leave Northumberland. •lopping 481111 platform. arriving at Harrisburg. at r. r., Hal. mutat: S VU r. N.. Masilelptlia 4 11.1 F. N. 1, 31. IlluttAßßY, E. 8, YOUNG, Gen'l dupl. flerrisburg, Pa. nen . ' Veen. Agent, Baltimore, and ISAAC M. ISCHEOMERIIOIN, Orel Western freight Agent, Buffalo, N P. &pt., 106 d. cATAWISSA ILALLROAD. On and flat' MONDAY, Nov. 27 , INS, Posnanallnt intim' on the Calnwi►Y ItAiroad will run at U 1010% ing litibund boors: 111A11. gOll7ll. ETATIIOItd Dr!. yo IVatsuntown. 0 9,10 •• "• .. , - Mal- .• • ..._ 0,5 .. Danville, . 4,10 " Iti,id " Rupert. 0 3.35 . ir 111.0 •' t'..trrivlias, ii 3.35 0 •i 11.41 D a.m. itlastuwn. r 0 . 114 4. .. 111.40 p.m. Noniron. ii 11,`0 . .' Id ts " tairstake, r. 140 o " LW " 1, Malcolm, June. . lib . " ?.13 " Dine. 'nommen, Dine. " i.to . Reading. . lu.ilti Lin .Irr. 11.43 ii Plilleilt (phis. 46 Ll 3 .. " VW " ITo New York via. Rend• MS or Mauch Ilion., rrirre !few y.lik. ve ; .. Mauch Is. I ' Cl° " Ili in NO change of Card lii.tweew IA ilieiwneiit and Philadelphia. 01.0. W 6001140. —if NEW FURNITURE 1100M$, ON MAIN STREET, IILOOMADIUIIII6 rENN 9 A. 02162‘.1 ILZ,IDIZI a 111 Respectfully informs the Milken' of this tows and vicinity, that he has at his Furniture Romp, chairs of every ditserlpticn, Rowans, Dining Tables large and swell. Iled,deade of Ike latest styles, Cordaro! Toilet Tulles, Looking, Masses, besides many other ittieles of ettruiture of flirt class maaufecture. The piddle nra (medially Invited to tall and es• amine hug monk He will wiPtipml riiskonsbill terms c ri- krptiCilli atleardre. will be paid lo tepairiaff all Made ..ffureliure, &cep for cash April I. leas. * IeADL Q • ItAIL ROAD. ER ARRANGEMENT Monday, December 14, 18V. 4 Icier TRUNK. Loot nom ilit, ItIORTO an SU West kir Philadelphia. New York, Rend. mg. tinalia, Tampa ttintmokst,t Ashiaod, Leh IWO/JIM gillalll% Ephrata, 14111$.1.110Caeter, in isP” Tite. I Imo Malthus( for New York, no noh ow , M S . Mani' ein ts, la 40 g. tOIMO r is tonnart ...girl*. timilar Trains on tho pounoyag u s a R o o. Mad and arriving at Near Vora at MA* it. !IND laginti. 3410, 9,t*, KO r, *rand 0.15 A $ PPripOCIIV ity. likalping tars acrompanying Ma 3.50 A. N . and I V Sulk K. Taint without Surat. LiPSVP ilfirdliteint for Itt tiding, pps oo ,s,, , T .,,, oat. kitueraille, AAWKlld.tstkawkin. Sina taut a At. letdown and iltiladelphia, at 10 Alt 4 . 4 1 / 1 1 2 Ogulat in i t is stopping Id Woman and principal Way 4101 ut the 410 r st making cannertiont for litiladelpmpit - ,.. c u rlu ol b to only, Pop eoutvillo. Schuylkill it. .. and Althilfil, 014 Schuylkill and Pi44PilleP4oll4 ii rot it. lesiva Mai. harp at 3 30 Pre. Ruiarning : Leave New York at u 00,r or, itt 14 no d 3 In lk 01 fair P, ilidadviphia ain 15 a tu, and 3.30e.in Shaping Puri areamparattta Molt ata A. M. and 5 to and 0 mom r m mom. from New York without change. Way Pastiengar 'I Mitt WPM. Philiildtlithill 4164 30 A N. rohnechug with *Maar IMMO on Cali Stoma RAS totalling from Reading at ti 33 r it stopping at at satin's* Leave rintavillo at 7 arid 843 A NI, MO 24.4 r, natant In at A IA A M ; Again nd 7 no A N., and 1130 mat. Tftrunquts at 14 30 A. N and 2.25' P. N ; for POlOl ,1c11,01,, Leaanflottrivilla via echogi kill and Eldoratilitana Railroad al 7 10 A M. for Ilitrriabarg, and i i 3a * rti for hint Wave and Trenton'. Rending Aceollolll4ooll Train : looms Reading a 030 • arceturatatt leitvet. IW* 141,411,4' at 4.4„; p Itintatowit Accommodation 'prate: Lemma Prato. town at 643 A. tenni/111g Itav vi s ridiudophi, at 4 00 r. a. wi l lppla Han Pawl Traina leave Iterpthp; at 7 00 •. tr., and 8 15 r. r. fur Ephrata, Litts, Lancitatar, Eaturatda. _ . . peanut*** flArtati Troia* !MVO reatiomen ham anti at 9 1$ A. M. nod 3.30 p. at. hintattina: lontvo hhlppark at hlu a. and 1* 43 p, c o opertin Witt piutiltif nut** on Reading, Rtlii (IMPS, On eturidaya : t.oave New York at H Off P M , mop. delphia dOO A 01, and 3 13 P N. the 8 OH A M, train gunning pply to Readmit ; Plittavilte 8 OD AM, ; ritt,artt A AU A Al. 4 10 and JO AO r stand Reiuttng at I OA. 340 and 7 10 A M tor Ilarrit,bort; at It 0 , 1 A $l, and 731 tor New York and 44A PM. rot Philadelphia. pe, Huggoa, Behool and ticrur. own ThAtot,t, to and gloat ail points at Itthited rates. Baggage thetked Uttough; toll pounds allowed toot roast:tiger. G. A. M 114331.134 Grimm? Supatiatendeut : Reading Pt. D T 14. POW. PETERSON's MAGAZINE TIIE 311EAPEST AND BEAT I V TIII Wont) SPLENDID OFFRS FOR 1569 -tat This popular Mentally Magesine gives more for the Money than any to the world. For . MU It will he ronity hi/ph/toil It will remain CINI; TllOll 4 %NO PAGES! Fourteeo lendid goon Plates i Twelve atihntuoth Fultion Plates! Twelve Color, p,,,ito Path/m.l Nine Hihlre,l 4Cnni t utst Tw, tat: foes rages of Musio !A I this m eh given for o i os 1101.1oMtfia year. or a dollar loss than Mnenzines of the class of .retereint" Ite 3 lir/11111g Tales and Novelette are the beet pubhsheit give hero. Al tier moo, anterior %triters arl..liiiitoyed: to write nitegoi, ally fur "Peterson." to 1.09 , to quantity of short stories, lone thiJinnl ops tient Novi' line w ill be given viz •'M try Asithyie h'S Tat isluza," by Mrs. Ann P. Wteplie lie ; "1141 Mist,rryof lalarliwtent Grange." by the ruthor of ' , eh. hiffel'4 Heir," "Katie's Winter to Wa4liiiiaton." by Free It Leo Itenenitt; ;and **The Story of %herb: . be lb aothir of ettusy Nary Maiiimotltt.blnref Fash ion Plates Ahead of all ethers. These plates are to mord on eteeell, tm ice the o suet size, ono obtain ing shi figures. they la ill he sup, tiny colonl. Alen, a pattern, thou m filch a lires, Mantilla, or Cild'. Drees reit be rut out, without the nit of a m/inta, looker, Mso, bevoul pages of thogsfthoid and orlwr retwil.to ; to K6urt..,vtrythirg intorestiog to Lattio4 SUPERB Minn 111 ENGRAVING' ! 'fa entry oe**on vetting hp a rhtb fur leo *to! be 4cht GRATIS. a copy of our new mid 010*tlif Met &gist for framing. iao44 by 10. 'The Star of Hot lOW Ill." 1011.1 . lilt: tilUittait'd toa*ter piece, by (termite, the I:mkt's* Fie's+ artist, 'phis is the roost &A ra bi, a teailuoi ,4. : r 0 110,4. Nugd °labs, as will be aeon buluw, au LAtIU ttpy wtU be best is thlitioi. TVIIMA 7 .II,,WA Ye IN ADVANCE. 0110 copy fur oft )„war, $ tul Thep woes fq um, year, v 00 roar for ant, your, U IA) ' , lvo copies I year, PIO lIP rt.Pler up or dub. to SIP m u m c o l . i your. and titer Pp of club, IS 1145 ruurterproprex I ) r., and I IP puttur up of caub,'l,ll Address, pws pall, CHARLES. J rintiteoN, No zis;cheetout tattett, 14111111401shiii, P 4 oetplp:r P., TOW NBll . l N 1), ;winToß-44 sT ATRUCVT. Clout. 11. Piattrich, eaketur nount9 Tax, To batons* on Duplicate,. ae stated la.t. year 0 1 % 6 0 Ir Cr. Ily rash paid John 110,1 r,arurer. $101.74 by eseneratioue, 3t/ laze,/ taken off hie troeln by ti/ tioui eird, Dy d•ele , Doti .9 pultlax oad error of Ceate. ZUl—eijo.i 0 A. Sclaceppe...tAciace, uakelor !bum lir. T.i.„.thymot of Duplicate fur te l o7. $.11141 Cr, ley ...ash to John Flit', Treanurer, $ 704 % ry cxuneristiois on Duplicate. fly balance on Litiplioate duo I wp., 910 $:163.96 jam rivin , i'ct of &twit/ FrOttt, btr. To mull from If. 11. Menet bob 4:0.1er4 $102,5,4 14. A el , hwy. ppoolicioa, du 17e1110 Cr. ro: Ily rapi , h p iiJ J. IL I Yeas,. bond and isastent. 117'0 ItY cdali Paid J. W. ling, ',buds. do - Mimi Ily .. iltsisdri4 !talons'. de 2.4.0 Ur • • itantinit Cf..V. hog. du 41,0?!. Ity •• It. I`. !Winn, du: 314.25 Ily .. J...cidiy and Ihnieliwily",. for pii'g lave year's anti sinda, Nan 14, raft. p 41,1 J 4 Cm, z-.. attorney, IA IA IV •. iii WA Mills JP, &huh• nioyil, le lAi Ilyraidi piiiii ti.iiiiiiel N yliard, I . it etVlci.n. 4.510 i;y earn iiniJ ianniel Neyhardi Icv. IV 1 I -lii. 15,11) thy coition paid Win. G. Hurley. alt•y. Is.i.a By " 411ilip errsay, tut. ua $4,10i1 for I yi•ar. :1..0 Ily minim tit paid Ilintlisity nnil Jaw by. pole irlsinit (Ili. accusint. 12 i.e By twill 14,11 d Inc main,/ ibis beet, 5 Lill By uliiiiaill . A la Ticainoinr aid lasi year's sidtlenient, 11:11.1.11 Sly Ticaiiartr s eulausisaiuni 115 .b $2119504 Ital. tr., dun Treasu nlr. J IliAll. We.the unetarstimed. /Waiver.; d. hereby certify That we ha vq,..entaully ex.iitissi. 4i the Nrvsoiiss ua CI.1141:1 , &Ma find 0011 to be COMO. latrayette Oval, Attdi- Auron Keleitner, tors. Levi A. Hutchiion, flee. IC. 18.0.. E XECUTOR'S xonet Estate of Asaneth Baker, late of Centre Township, demised. Lenore testamentary on the est tte of Ananeiti Ba. ker, late of Centre townstnp.Co4umbin County. de. ceased, have been /ranted by the 11.1!I•ter Of end county, In Q. M. end S. W. Maker. of Ceatre town chip, Colombia County A,I Ili•rxnUS having claims 'anima the estate are requested 10 PreS.lot them fur s. Ithiolgtot ; aid all persons in.iehteo the estate %111 make lutitiediate payment to the Et..eutors. ll M. BAKER.hAo.ru• I a W. OAKEN, tore. Mor.KINIERI STOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT, Annoulic..s to hie iodity fiteoile and num, ri•na cur tower. that he rouilow, above 1011r.ltio . ” at hi, o ld Place of buelnea oil MAIN ZaKULI, 1.11.11011t 1 ittittli. Ills rUllitOttlera sod °there can be C 4 with FANCY STOVES G ill, .)roll kind*. Stnvepi pre,Tin w arc, and ev ry art leb• found in all well regulated 1 4 ThVE MID TINWARE ISTAHIittiIIMENTB in the tillCll. and on the moot reneoti:.hle Wine. T" t7fU(ITINU, far bellows and bens, will be put up ou *lmes 'voice. Aladnal While of repairing dime promptly and upon ilbeinther/011. lie beeps mg Meted • Woe atepply of Milk No.. of , l i etigisitli, a* O ,liNd prim. ;fmaitlea a 015 ,, 'so durtnieur of rialrbeaTllMlrat 1 4 e11•Yealing !quit Pro• 'aryl ne Com Ulve bans a call Jule 114 MAIL If ORTII Arr. R. 1.1 p.m. •• .• 5.13 •• WALL PAPERS. PAPER FI A NOT Nti SI AN ismaNas VITOt K Ur 1 Ogi 0% Alt Maw and Birgaut SOME (or Parlor, Halls, vie arbulesdki and retail. 110WEIA, & ifhituat 4t rOtlrtb tiva Market litfrely. Aprl43.-364. filitoamt.pnia. sues VIA to *2OO iwr month. or s COMM*. which twice that villain* app werd• Yy idling the Infrai imprnv.A CIMIIIOIII r*NIPEI FAMILY SEWINC, 1 31ACJIINF, nice $11.0.1, Fur eirttlillfil alit 1 LINK s addrers I' W durtli Third a„ Ira. ti N I I •1 1 4 1 ' a 'I ?AIL DEALRRS MEN'S & 13 Y'S 'CLOTHING 14' URNISHIN6 GOODS: SOUTH MAIN STREET*, Below Market, oppo o ite Correll's Store, Deo.mbar 2, I rof± if t , e f or s TOE S. 6 011‘.11100. 'I he subscriber haA an lewd. to his Neil kntwrn noohlit , lttooot M:1110 Arcot, t row doors alone the Coo t SOW! Mititee the latgebt and beet *Ade/ aegur uteut or BOOTS AND SHOES, Or 01 stades, ever ont,md Io the pOlic His primp ar...,toiss trt o.llt r 4. M r.N . S 11/he/Sin every style. trout tha harry don. Sle•srded Stray to the tit.e.4 Fr.qt. h Calf. as Wan hit lal diege, M I f loildr,ttN• Strom in great variety, and warranted to 1.14) or No bast mann. Wants. are t r ire trawl a: all nor nt Uu etttti rt.., In rats ettpttetal U 1004114 in Wet WA 16.04, ittit wit 6 for winter wear, art habil of oatmeal eXuateuce. HATS AND CAPS. II• ha., fin! and coinpli to coll. /lion of nal% and Cups of every kind, anti of Om I,itent Mid PiUhl UPPNVed 4tyli•ii Thu I.aitutil and aa.r dock ever mien in this market. Oi Kdile, Fiirtt, Mink, Nerrirret, ntol various ether kind, 1 Midi' , awl tht , hh., tout Lien' th , hoens' fienvet rap., Wove,' raid Cullen Partith• Huberlar IA f+ , ll , lt,lt'll for thew: riff r. AU It to 0 , Witt Hone ouch 1.1,1CA4 kern A Inn , ' ''AP".S l.. the ite.o4ll,* iitn blitektoiS that *ft the ahervv litiitl.l. it I I b" Arum! of the mil trdwa qUALITY, na they Itawy hoot telectrd with the grunthnk care, bosh At. I , * w.t,ltlal :v5.1 Ii) al memo; o , f> awl uaaru hru the *took heron. Pure hunt K 4.1.0, Ile re, III: II.kpt:11 4.1 as well ittsat• p.m:lntent may be Imvutl. H. 0. 106, w . _ _ INWHM ILIIIII9TII GROCRY, Silll'E's lILOCK, N ST., ELOOMSBURG, PENN. BOUNTY EX` BA FAMILY FLOUR Comtantly an hand. Moo, FEED ...IND 11:017S10-V8, tit 4111' kinds , cheap for CASH Er 2- Cali paid fur liuttur Aud Epp. Nuy, 1d4.4a.:01.1,:i NT 1r EU 8 I Ohl, i'l:ae*: 4 s .7 l , CS - 3.L0 .v..a.CiAl IN BLOWISIIITIW. miLLE litoda'olfulllrtaholubta that they have ronertieli....l ho Mer€lllllllle In ad Its broadly', in dm Ni trig Filled up .c.lttire Rooms . 1 . 1 4 Mare. AVI., haouu an the Alm'. ' , tummy. and now in Wen A FULL A:q;OIitTAIENT OF tR)01)S, bl ib•nr Ifur, Windt they have selected with a laud Meal of if:U0.4111.1 *ill "dial the Lowest l'ossible Rates. Thor "tuck i. etitaillety ill ;Mint Allah ty and Wire "annul fail to rove full nattothettoli t 'I tory a-k the p•ttfolldlto of the public, aids Wu as nUrolied ths.t GOODS AND FAIR DEALINU may alwav" b.t elpeenell. dive Masa trial. Their •hriveil are nut fhb with old uni.ty roo.lu, but with cuw two, nob sew and low priers. Attention was pint to tile of llnotte soling for trade. Gusuid cure thy tavrhia• The hit:hero o f prattlers to etn”. Mu! win.ums. - - - - FOLKS SirOi li EZE GEO. W. lIIIIIIGEII, Proprietor. khowii hotel boo cersiitly Nader as th ra ( rhnnsrs its Ilx intern') arrangements • Ind its prop •11.1 , 11 . tifitlollllr,•el In hi. fanner curium and the travellunt public that kin arC o ll.lll l lll4llifine for tUr c u i st rortwf his Ramat. are sword to none IN ro w., r y. lIIA table will alwnya be (mug a.m. ' , Ha d, nit mtlf a%lth substantial foo.l, but with al the delicacies an lite '. , '4. 01 1. lily wine and Ilqunrq (etecpt that popular beverage known as ...111c/Icarg,') purchased direct from the moorland house', ore en-, met , War* , and free I;eni aU poiatinuna it raga. Ile is thankful for a liberal patronage au Ulu past, and Will COlslitille to deaarve It is the Wore. GOINIGI6 W. NAUUSIt. Jona 13.1411 W—11. LOUIS' DRESS iI*KISG. NE IV AND PASHIO.NABLE WINTER GOODS. suudet•lene.l would respectfully invite th.) sit , hi ion Or 11,0 1 . /IIY"11. rf this piste IllnA 10 111 , 1 f new' rind fa lirf Al their store Oil NAM . duor vast ,I.ltuo•ph ItatAley's Calttlart and Chair !twins, where they art prepatetl to Art4l:44 Goods it. .114 e Up Draft:, Owls, Ae , in the int,,t style. Alpo r. It'ietlrrn. for la- Drerros an 4 Coat.. and fort bildren's wear.. thew a colt. They have vim} of tbo brll In the it line. mid elturri for rook. JULIA A. & RAUB M. BARKLEY. Biolni.burr, Nor. 3, 15.41. WELL DIGGING. Tlin!underslgned given litho piatil le genet• oily iliut he le a practical WEI,L DIGURR, and is ptviotrrd to did wells nu short r.. dee upon the it..t IVllenll llllo 11 , f111‘. He lien had 10 hi, long eilieti• ,hoe iu tTin IniAinvnd rvitiurliable Forges. Those 1.1110111 1 11; .iii; thing dune ro lie lieu would do well to give lino WILLIAM MOGEMSI. Illoconntoirg June, IY. idt;7. Came to the vretoho:s of the ttuhseriber, in rolawfool. on or about ilia filvt of November 'W, a email Iltk:t1 see WiIITH IlkaiPlllll, 7.lk,`•arf \ in tolerably fair euadltloe. TM" v.' 4 'An' ow R. , rvo ill comic, outward, prove f , Prftirtty, e.y tow.. en' take it 4 - 1111 i r , away; rtherWleo it tr ill Mdispose. ni re the law 0 irl , tl/. 1", ii, cAmrisrm... Der. St, latig w 3 Ot IC Eik All 1 ,,, ana0 1 / 1 1%111a allarelit , 41 1bew4.1141 a Milli tat Illiaaarlialr erg• y..flut rted to Gail at lila Esellian Hotel, laud with , ill , plow br the VW d Nu vtinber tlit, lutb ul lkatitaber . Nur, 13, 'lid— 71 1 c. 11.111111110 N - --ANA-- GENT? BLOOMSBURG, PA. IT . , EMI Ma alltnirthl fht , all what ry ,141)1A (font, with tarp: glass ,f t l.l 'LI. JAW, (ALL, EsTitiy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers