Oticoulnog latisoant. ” a g Wednesdax, December MI, ISM. PERSON A L. All persons indebted to,thin office, are no- Oiled tbp they must nettlo up helbre the fanuary,' 1860. We' trust all will wpm up their uccounts during nceenther, end thus save ua the trouble of making up and forwarding billa It in our intention to bill all accounts due at that time, and it' not then promptly paid, we shall be compelled to make costs. We hope our patrons will settle= promptly, us the demand upon' each in eti small that; them is 110 reacm why it ohould not be paid. - 1106 ,The Court advertivinents appear in to d DEMOCRAT. 6 air ME stores and shops will be closed in this town on Friday, next. PLENTY.—Tho applications at our Banks for money. 11 hat's the matter? tor Tho Jury (;uiuiui,•Sioners were busily engaged filling the Jury Wheel for the com ing year on Monday laNt. fir The Superintendent of Common Medi; of C'ulu►uLin eontity ix visiting enhoold in the rural dikriets this week. IDIPThe County Auditors will meet ut the Commishitmem' °Moe on %why next, to make the annual examination into our county affuirs. fly' To Om PantoN.c.—Thu February Court will afford an opportunity to many or Owe ,indebted to this o ff ice to square up their accounts with us. .. , 11farThe Berwick GaziWe says: "Our Methodist friends are ergaged in holding a Aeries of protracted meetings. They Are meeting with sneechs.7 Sem IT is contemplated, to start another banking institution in this town. If estab lished it will not do business under the Na tional Banking system. The idea does not seem to meet with general favor. I A Sabbath School Convention is be. ing held in the K Church at this place, It commenced on Tuesday lust to continue till Thursday evening. Delegates !rum nearly all the Selico!s in the county are pres ent. Sir As the editor of thim paper has re tired from business, all who are indebted to this office know what to do; and those hav ing claims on the editor had butt& not be in tuo big a hurry calling on him. ifyir:Priit'ir. 11" AI an erperienced mai 'renowned ventriloquist, is in town, and will give private, parlor and school enter tainatents at reasonable rates when called ,'upon. All orders through Tro post Mike will be promptly attended to. 00... The citizens of this town are fining their ice•houscs with must splendid iee. All who have houses for the purpose of storing away this much sought alter ankle duriog the smuttier months should now be improv ing their time. rishingereek is well bed ded, THE "local editor" of the Daly Storni (ini, Williamsport, paid us that expected visit on Christmas. lle failed to retrieve his lost reputation ': on Turkey." Try again, the third Yiinc. will "be the charm." "Os car" maintained well his "record" for e teusivo consumption of "wittles." HOLIDAY GI FTS fyo it would purchase a watch, or a bracelet, or a ring rur your sweet-heart, or offer some newly . married ,friends a set of bandsoute silver ware, there ice where you can find a larger and stock, or a more reliable per 14w at the store of C. E. Lotter lon to (kart . : avage, ou Main Wel Never has ther e ken money was Karver, titnes hurtle. ' girls wanting lite,bands than the% present. \l'c uutlematel that our t over four hundred young la(lios, all out for offers; we would not rupl.o `iuore than one half will koetsre hu• this winter. FOLD FIELLOWB I %yore pleas ed to kayo from the ComniitteJe entrusted with the erection of the Odd 'Fellows' Hall in this place, that the building will go up next spring. We are glad to hear cr this determination, and hope our citizens gener ally will encourage the enterprise. The building will be an ornament to. the town, and the Hall will supply a went long felt in this cum tuunity.—./kricick L'aztitc. MINCE PlES.—This is the season for minco ism, and it is well enough to tell those want g Liquors and Wines for such or other urposes, tl,at Mr. D. W. Bobbins is still ...la ted on Main Street. Ilk stock of Winos, th foreign and domestic, is of the first talky, and his genuine Brandies, Jamaica um, Irish and Scotch W hiskeys, etc., must tried to be duly appreciated. In short, erything in the Liquor lino may be had at store, at reasonable rates. Give him a lir The stores and places of business a pretty generally closed in this town on lust, as they will be on Friday Year's Day.) This first holiday in this place very quietly. The '.rated much the appearance of Jerviees wore held in several of is, and large concourses of peo- M winding their way to these worship, which wgether with the on the streets,made the day appear loch Sunday-like:. This was right, it should be, in all 'yell regulated MS. To those of our patrons who" ll* responded to our call for money, wo„, return our thank& Comparatively few, however, have yet paid, and we would continue to urge upon all against whom we have bills to pay us at the earliest period post•ible. ser Tut juror's wore 4 , nwn fcr the Itob• retry ter'u► on Monday lad. One hundred and twentpfour were selected. Sam one said the editor or (him paper was "pulled". THERE is a lull in politics. The pad cal millennium is postponed till the holi days are over. gur legislators are recru ting themselves with two weeks' relaxation, utter just two weeks of labor. While there are many of them fur whose. courses we would uut like to answer, yet we venture the aucrtion that ti=e majority are &lug less mirehlef now, in their holidays, than they will do when they get to work again. It is, however probable that when they reas semble the millennium will be further post poned till Grunt's inauguration. We hope it will not then end is smoke 111111`The rrembers of the Rescue Fire Company No. 2, of this town, will hold iheir First Annual Ball, in ll'rower's New Hull, on Friday evening, January IA, I STIO. Extensive preparations have been made to uceontmodate all who way participate in this grand and first ball by this Company over held in Miamisburg. A fine ()evasion is offered nil who may have a desire to "trip the light fantastic toe." An excellent sup per will be served up, and the fare reasons. blei Bring along your "gals," boys, "and have a little fun." SW' The rededication of St. Matthew's Ey. Lutheran Church, of Bloomsburg, Pa., will take place on Sabbath, Jun. oil, NO. 11ev. M. J. Allman of Middletown,3ll, will preach the dedicatory Sermon, on Sab bath morning at It) o'clock. The Lord's Sapper will be administered on Sabbath afternoon at 2 o'clock. Sertiaes in both German and English. Services No paratory to the celebration of the Lord's Supper on Satnrday afternoon at 2 o'clock. On Sabbath evening at GI o'clock the Rev. B. F. Allman will be installed, as pa, , tor of the congregation.. Iter. Dr. Zeigler, cf Selinsgrove, and Rev. Friel Gruver, of Milton, will officiate, The public are cordially invited to attend. The editor of the Alm/Wean of this town scums to be very much affected mor the arrangement that has been entered into by the editors of the two Democratic press es of this place, by which the DiotoctiAT will be consolidated with the Catnhiou, the sale of the limner having been made after NH anti ample consultation with all "whom it cuwerned." It is true, the NH tor, late of the pill box, was not consulted. Reason : it was supposed by all immediately interested in this transaction, that he would have nothing to say hi a matter that was entirely Deumeratie. ffaad we known that the llevith/ican man would have taken this purely private business transaction of our own so to heart, lie moWit have been ealded in, but we doubt very much whether 'he would have been considered a man of sul. , ticient experience or acquaintance Utima°. envie cirelts to have been asked or, even permitted to volunteer advice. As fur his being "sorry to part with us," that will be weighed Ihr all it is worth, when we an nounce that we had barely become acquaint ed, he haviog just mitered the editorial chair. rill people had best not be too fast, catiteially in forming new acquaintances. ittr THY: place to buy your whiter boots and shoes ut D. A. lIMICLICY'S ou Main and Market .'treats. Ills stock is warrants nil as reProsentetl. • " 1/an." sells cheap for cash. Se" The beg and cheapest clothing to bo purchnsod in the county ii found at A. J. Evans store on Main Street. • lerNew and Jolley goods at Browerm'cheap to •ner store. Ili, general assortment is not surpassed in this market. The "Little Corporal." .i.lfred L. Sewell's "Little Corporal" pub. fished at Chien" Illinois, is ono of the most beautiful, tasty and proper publiea tioni made in this country for children, and every well-ordered Equity should take a copy for the boys and girls. The influence of these publications foryouth, canna be ever estimated. "Our little chaps" have been reading the — Little Corporal" these two Sears, and they weuldn't "take a farm for it." ie when r wore Ora at hub king that ndi MO NO` THE LADY'N, FRIEND for January has been received. It commences the new year in full earnest, and bids fair to improve as it grows older. The ladies have, in this magazine, an interesting and instructive visitor. The fashion plates nod patterns are gotten up in the most tasteful manner ; aiwsys pleasing and fascinating to ladies of good taste and judgment. Its literary de partment is filled with most excellent reading from the ablest pens in the country. TILE ORRAT PICTORIAL ANNUAL—Hos tvtter's United States Almanac for I MiS4, for distribution, gratis, throughout the United States and all civilized countries of the Western Hemisphere, will be published about the first of J anuary, and all who wish to understand the true philosophy of health should rend and ponder the valuable sug gestions itAxiintains. .1A addition to an ad mirable medical treaties on the causes, pre vention. and cure of a great variety-of dis eases, at =brews a large amount of infor mation interesting to thor merchant, the met:bailie, the miner, the flouter, the planter, and professional man.; and the calculations have been made for such uteridiants,end lat itudes as are most suitable for a correct and comprehensive National Callender. The nature, uses, and extraordinary mini tat?' effects of HOSTETTFH STOM AC II BUTEIIB, the staple tonic and alterative of more than halt a Christian world, are fully set forth in its papa l which are also interspersed with pictoriul illustrations, val uable receipes for the household and farm, amusing reading matter, original and select ed. Among the Annuals to appear with the opening of the year, this will be ono of the most useful, and may fie had jot. the (tak ing. Send for copies to the Central Manufactory, at Pittsburgh, Pa., or to the nearest dealer in HOSTRTTEH'S STOM ACH BITTERS. Thu !litters are Field in every city, town and village in the Putted States Ruttiness Notices. = MARKET REPORT. Wit per .. ... . $lO O 11" Coro, '" 100 Bookwhetitl 00 14 75 divoreeed " ....... 7 0(1 Flaxseed, " 250 Dri'd apples " " 2 50 Pototoes, 100 Flour per buret-- 12 00 13140 to t Hai per doson, 35 Tallow per pound, 0 14 Lard " 25 thous, -''' " 25 Shoulders, " 18 Huy per con 111 99 WHITE AMEN ;IC CLE AMERICA, NOW 18 TUE TIME TO svosrnine rag 4tIX NEW YORK DAY-BOOK FORASS 9. tkvokd (o White Nuromeary, Mote Ejuul icy, mod Fetkral The Nino Yotur Int.:Hoax is an earn est, outspoken and iedependent -paper, de voted to the equality, fraternity and pros perity of the Democratic masses, and the defence of the grand American system of Federated States, on a White basis, estab lished by Wa-liugton and the fathers of' American liberty. It holds that this gleri ous system of self governing States and hm mogeneows citizenship, which, is seventy years of peke and proverity, never shed one drop of American blood or convicted single citizen of disloyalty, or directly taxed the people one dollar for its support, and might he mfdy extended over the whole "boundless continent," was. the best gov ernment WI the earth, and must be restored "as it wus" made by Washington, or the whole land must needs collapse into chaos, weirdly and ruin. The Illy-liooK, therefore, demands tire restoration of' the White Republic. and as this must be and will be accomplimlual,oither through their reason, or the Mood nod suf fering of the people, it earnestly labors for the and by boldly grappling with the errors,. lunacies and crimes of Mongrel ism, it strives its utmost to save the country from the awful necessities of the latter. Thu DAv-Boott will, however, be more than ever devoted to all the varied purposes of a sir trm paper. Conscious that it readies thousands of Nudism who take no other journal, beyond, perhaps, their local paper, it will continue and improve its "N revs OF ME WEEK" Summary, so as to present a transcript of the World's events in each issue, &cr., &c. TERMS-CASH IN ADVANCE. One copy one year..... *2 00 .Threw emplea toe year... . 2 . ...".i......*'. 5 00 Five copies one year, and one to the get .et up of the ub 906 Additional copies. I 75 Ten copies one year, and one to the getter up of the club... 17 00 Additional copies. I 70 Twenty copies one year, and a copy of the Old Guard lot ISti9 90 00 Additional conks 151 We write the names on the papers at the above rater. VAN EVRIE, HoltTfiN CAT. Nu. 163 Nassau street, New York. =I Illarper'N Monthly Minton!no N unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the world. Hero is what the press says: t. 'l'lle most popular monthly in the world.— Noe nrk (fitserree. We must refer i n terms of euloav to the high temo.und varied excellence of Harper's Magazillio—st journal with a monthly circula tion of Homo copies— in whosepages are ti be timnd sonic of the choicest light and genenazadinig of the day. We speak of 04s weft as an evidence of the culture of the American people; and the populority it ha + acquired is merited. Each number contains fully 1.14 pages of reading-matter. appropriately illustrated with w o od wood cuts ; and it combines its itself the racy monthly and the more philo.ophieul guar telly, Wendell with the host features of the daily journal. ]t has great power in the dittssemination of. a love of pure literature, hilt r' s UttiVe.to :I mrrio r Lit( rata re , London. We can account fir its success only by the simple fact that it meets plecii,elythe pot kr taste, forni,binu a variety of pleasing and instructive 'calling fur aII. /.lint's Ha' o/rF, Boston. TERMS FOR 1869.—Ilarper's Magazine, ono year, $4 0f). An extra copy of either the Magnatiue. Weekly._ or Bazar will 1, 0 supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subaeribertt at $4 00 mit, in one remittance; or :Six Copies for $.2.0 00. Subscriptions to Harper's Magaitine. Weekly. nod Ilazar, to one address for one year, gin on ; or, two of limper's Periodi cals, to one address for ono year, $7 041. . Buck numbers can be supplied at any time. A Complete Sa r um, oomPrising Thirty seven Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at. expense of purchaser, for 112 25 per volume. Single volumes, by mail, postpaid, $3 00. Cloth cases, for binding, 5S cents, by mail, post paid. The postage on Harper's Magazine is 24 cents a year, which tuu.st b paid at the sub scriber's post-office. Subscriptions sent fl.om British North American Provinecs must be amompsnied with 24 cents additional, to prepay United States mstake. , Address, HMV Mt New I NEw OYSTER SALOON, in the basement of the e Altartqa?thlh IEICODn 9 , .4r BILTZEIt I,l;ACOtli, SUPT. Fossil Oysters served np In c••ry style and at all hour. ; with oil the other ' . Oates" found is first class Restaurants. XX Ale pendently on band, together with choice Liquors of every brand. Everything W tiptop order about this Pelona. Rtiwklyarm nut tolerated. Step in and And my Oaloon in ripen sent order. Bloolasburg, Nov. 13, I 8 7. _ W SA MPLE & CO., N. machinists ar.. En g ineers MAIN PT., & H. R. R , RI 0 0 NOIRURO, PA, Are prepared to fdrnish till kinds of Machine work, such as STEAM ENGINES. [lnners. Phaftlng, Pulleys, Hangers, Count Inge. !Rill riming, Haw *tendrils, etc„ 11 tone crtks, Yet cocks. ripe, tag ether with all Wails of steam fitting. constantly on hand. • Threshing Machine's end noise Powers made to order. All kindsof Agricultural Machlueryr9aircd, /las 3d, lee'. • It. MUER ) ATTORNEY—AT—LAW, • IBLOOMSBUGR 9 PA. Office, 2nd door in Exchange Block, near the "Exchange Hotel." All boulrieso placed In hit IWO* will b• ittterided to writ' piiiimptem• mid ea the keg possible delay, Dr. E. W. nuccrmon r(► on. V•. c. kiAtAltiOtt. tllhce et his residents on Ventre stud% below Thud. All orders lek there will be promptly etiend• ed In. liloom•hsrg, 01.1 M. 11K7. Xeto Stock tf Clothing. IFIEEIIIII 412,111Mi1l (1)2 1 FALL Of, wrivrim, GooDS. 1D17212) 112AMM1130. INVITEEI ationtiosts hos okra or cheap and inenh• rouble Clothing at hie dedre, on 1 N Sne LOONSBURG I two door* obovetbwriron !Muse, where he had Jena r from New Yerk and Pbtradelphlit, Olr Riess asisdAoy,"ls Clothlsits, Including the nsuid rephiniadde Omni, and hand fame, dm* mr.de eunelettntoi Box, Sark. ,f'rork, Gum, and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pania. of all sorts, shies. and C 41,0141, lie also had replen ished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawls; striped, figured and plain Vow, shirts, ernediatinUekt. collars, hatadkorshiefw gloves, out. ganders and fancy latticing. N. 11.—Ile has constantly on band * largo and well selected intsortinent of Cloths. and 'Vesting*, which he is preportd to wake up to order, tutu any kind of clothing on very short notice and in tha best of wan. tier. nle VOlnillir 1111d0 to weer and moot or It to of home numeration. * -- Zi =Li& VRANSIO.O2OSII3I4I9 N D C.0 . 1.23 1 r..14P LAI L 121,13. of every MACH pupa, Fine and Cheap. Ills Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in this pines. Call unites. amino his general didsortnieut of Clothing, Watches Jewelry, &c. Arc. DAVio LOWENKIRO. Rionmeburg,flet. eo. Iso3. GREAT BARGAINS AND reduction in Prices. underrigned will Otraf tO the pubtle G REAT RAH GAINS In 01 Minds of Ni 1.200 coottleatridllasea) N Audi o DRY GOMM QUEEN/WARE, • . HARDWARE, Roots and iluovs, Nate, Caps. and Nsdions in every. trurietv. Our business from tile first of Juno, will be eon• ducted on a strictly CASH SYSTEM. and persons wishing in purchase anything in our line sou do so at e very small percentage on CierresU `Whiolciale Prices. All Rimss or praise -eland gr*ln taken in exchange. kr' We cordially Jostle Incputitic to GIVE US A CALL • • Awl a share or their patronage. I9teNINCiI & PIMA AN. Catawiega, Jane la, PGA. t TVANs' CLOT4ING EMPORIUM. INeurlll (opposite the Episcopal Church, CLOFLIINU OF ALL 1 0 ESCRIPTIONS. NA V stark la composed of fine clothing, medium Lit ■nd lore priced—adapted to ■ll conditions, (mites nud %v cuts. Ile fins the latest "Wee for the season—a ALM •101011111011. of Over Coats and Geuilemen's front low to the very best MN hands are Atokheanahle end well itale. In 'Within to my stock of venityoninte clothing. have piece goods for custom orlon, Cloth* : Cagolinierem, ace" &c. Avid having one of the first cloys cutters, 1 geom. tee x tit Ix all eases and give satisfaction. Also a vitnl.ty of WOOLEN ANWLINEN'ShIars, Marking% rikektiel, Collars, 1 4 tneke, liandkerrniera —*Very thing in the natlansea** fine at trathinn • • Alm fiats, Moats and nun. Trunks and Carpet ban.. I will WI at Me loweat Market mires. Pleaee pave Arte a east ieeiiero purchiping rioawhoto. ANDREM J. EVANL Moolliahurg, Nov 15. 1865. 62S UQOP SKJRTK, 626 Atlli C4)RtiETti. VOR ETC •...WM • T.()Pli I NS, lii2S A SIREET. riIitADELPM.I ihinttfittliterr qr . Chatrt mutt 1,61, ,Shis t fi),r,,,Lottlie.l, Mitises and 'CA cineri. Iftqw‘f an.f9rltil",ll, and best eoality and style in Mr dowry' an .Market. Every Indy should t. y throw. y rrron.r.rod tnt•to,tves br wrsriat lonyer, row Otis Ihr it shape much sett , r. being more elastic than .II otbPro. rraut”d 111 ornry ro• span, and st.id I,ry law niters. Ask for liop Rini' Champ to Shirt. 'lttitrworinr hood n. m whale bone Corsets In fifteen ditter , tot lirudeN iii..ll44jll;iha Imperial and Tl.duip• ran at w mord. a's Grote OfNAlf, ranstnt in platy ben el rents to 113.31; toptb , r w till Jnrenti Illmkel's cot. brat. d F.rW II Corsets. Ntlperlor ohayor BNII goals ty. iiioi.r.44lrroutes. from $l.lO to S. to. b.., are tit« *nest atild ta.st Rands for the rici,S. eV,/ 111111.1ifinil. 111.1 and. supplied with ttonp Attn. , and 0.1.41111 at tl a lowest rate.. Those suiting the City should not Intl in call and atrlhltts OW Geode NUJ pi kw.. Id we defy all ... mu : petition. dept. la. ibGd, ' nown; has r penr4 a drat Oa.. HOOT. PIIUI. UAT AND CAP *TORE. el the 1141 stand on Hain Plreet, Illonnisburg, His elf.rk le e• inyustil of the very latest sod to st ever otrYree to the ritisetis of Columbia county. Hr con actiituinodate the public with toe follnutirts kohl. nod at thrill, price,: Alen % tall hoots, One, torn', kip, durable sole, Dap.' thud; hoots. Men's liken kid , Untigreas, a t e. Men's glove kid flalincral shoes. Men's, witmeit's boys' sod wias Women's r . tiove kid taboos gullet a, Women's gitme ' lltids. very tine. Wonieli's tine goat sonri,ccn Salmon., Women, men's morocco and mil' shoes, Coelloott shoes, (Meat s' mini child's aline., Mew., must,', boys'. and child's 'tipper.. He snips a great satiety or RATH. VAN. AND sTRAW ctiOuB of %%o r, kinkl, at the lot bat priers, both run cash vnd L OU 'y practice. ft•ineu,he. the attrartion is In our abort*. (Isn't be alarmed et the cry of high prima, but Call rid. are for yourwrlrct ItespeLitully. H. C. inmea. Rcpt. 4, 1e1f,7. :49 A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN Just Published. in s Sealed Envelope. Price 6 Cis A Lecture on the Winer, Treamient and Radical Cure 01 Sperm orihnea or Neininal Weakness, In voluntary Emissions. Pezucl Debility, and lurpedi• mettle to Marriage generally Nervousness, ron• rileliptioo, Epilepsy. and Fits , lfeuul and Physical !Heaped's. resulting from Self Abuse, Re. Ily Rob. •rt J. l'ulvciwell, M. U ., Author of the '•Grace Book," /lc, The woild•renowned authnr, In Oils admirable Lecture, clearly proyeerrniti 111.10%4+11 espeirience that the 'wild eon•ngaantes of r , f-Abuse may be effect ually removed without medicine, and witheut den• serous surgical operation., b.r~pin•, instruments, rings, or cordials, poluling out mode of cure at once certain and ?Primal, by In hieh every sufferer, no miter la tic 1114 condition may be, may cure ham• self cheaply. privately, and radically. 'lbis l.eeture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands, Bent under real. to any address, Ili a plain sealed envelope, or receipt of ale cent., or two postinge stemps• Also• Dr. Culverwell's "Itlatelojc Guide," price cent Add rues Iko publl•APre. VIIAJ, C. guilty: it Cr, , 127 flowery. NOV) y Point/Mee b 4.1. 4.sem. Oct. 7th, lektiB-Iy. I Pettentill J N EW RESTAURANT, In Nhire'r sultiting nn Main &net. WM. GILMORE, • Inh.rin. the citianaa of Uloinnahurg OW vicinity that haa op( Ood h Now REsTAIJIRAI%T, n this place, where he Invites Olt n 1 it frirotis ■ail customers Instill anti partake or his refreshments.— It is Ills Intention to lotto the heat LAGER BEER A Al) . LE, constantly on hand , A iilo, rottei, ttairpnperilla. Min otel Water, Pancy Lemonade', Respberry and Lem en Pyre tie, can always be had at hi" Reataurimi. lu the sating line he presents • 31INISI cm mann not eureaseel in thin pleen ; vJa, Pielled Gyals's Clime, Sardine", Irish, Barbecued Chian, Platte. Tripe and Elva Toegne, Le., &O. He also We I loot article of (.S' t int's and Chriring nixteco kie customers 117- t; ive him n cull' niaollllbUte, Juno 13, !kW, WAPrrin) A SOIIRMRYM AN BLAtif.IIIIIIITM who tart perform all kinds 01 cowry work, to willow wady emplay• meat will Is give* and littera' wipes paid. Apply W t o A! al. HARTMAN. Oct. td, IWltl. a Hackbacn, COI. CU. NOTICE or INCORPORATION. Notice la hereby glven, that application Itge been mgd p to itip Court nu Common Pleas le Colombia Cunhiy. to grant a limit, of fhenrpo atleb In the “Columbia County Agtienttural, flortlehltatet,end Meeltanteut Araoa4utlyte," the object of said Aestacl• atton being ituprOto agricUitufe, helitictitture• dolorstlr saw( haelcal KM. bloomnbury. Odrabar 7, WOB-71. • AndiBol 4 / 4 Notice. • Esteate of Acta) Weimer, deacascii. The und...rigned, ANlditor appointed by Orphan . '" Mort of Columbia county. to distribute arreete la the heads of the •clanlnietrator of Marl estate, hereby myna notice the I he will inert the venire interested ost Wednesday the fourth day of •uveutber OW at 10 "41" a. ni of Pa hl day. at his Ake le Blooineborg at Which time and place all weans , are regnested to present their rialto. bofore the raid nodular or be de barred from commit in fora glare of such a PIWII• 0. Cl. BARKI,EY. Sept. 2; 1068.-4 w. Auditor. EXECUTOR'S:NOTICE. FAnte of Philip Salxig, lute of Centre twp., Letter* testamentary on the relate of Philip gni . sic late of Centre township. Cotitir.ble county. deed. have hewn Ittinted by the Reele,or of Cotumble co., to Naimoli Neyhoril, residing In Centre township. All person. having claim, mina the estate of the decedent ere required to present them for mettle• meat to the Literutor. and those Indebted to the us talc sr r'quested to make imuteiliste payment to the undersigned. NEYUAIIO. Eaecul.•r. Centre, Oct. 41. 1841e.-6vr. LIVERY, S4LE AND BDIRDING The UllAerolrtked would inform the public generally that he hat opened a new livery. sale sod hoarding t table, In Bloomsburg, soil moll •Ild a lair stun liberal patronise. His horses arc i2z In style, safe and trusty , driver*, a n d his %warier*, i .._ .. ..,....:•1; new and tasty . cha r ge. nr.anwswa•s• mods late, Hire by the hoar, day. week, or !no.— Terms, Cash. 1 here 011,ini horse, Inboard will fled eunventent and comfortable quarters at this litante. With lisht hills. IEJ lila or diseased horte• will Imo taken and cured myna reasonable -harries. On ntl. Paid. B. Id. ARENT'S BROOEI;IU, TIIE COLUMBIA 110 USE. H. A. STO IDA ER, Proprietor. This tea new geed lately fitted op fns, thesicnntotu dation or the trait...llns putOit oenerallr. vituoteil ua Main litirrpt. a kw cloormatove lb. I:011p. 'loop, on who( an known no the .11nbltioott property." It to centrally located in tl e town. aui oat pictorial place for Lacer It . hepatic!' brans it that port or town where the majority of the bovines,. is, hems gone. The propraelot reels confident that I.e is prepared to etre genera I arttlerartion In his ru..1., mad would solicit a lair pnriton of the poidie juttrOioN se. Illuentottorg, May IS. keit . _ ........_.. .hy I. . Ilia . oilllhr Amiga' of old ro•n 'hap woh the htild and lutbersti.l qualities or fleoushe Cit.iiht. Try this ,rpinitoild Pilaf,. Pohl by the ALDEN CHEMICAL, WOOLS, V North remit Street, Philadelphia. &vet:ober 2. 11$14-13/. NEW CARDLItat A3D DADTM 811 UP. A. S. CROSSLEY, Iln. opened a (*atria,* mad Smith Shop na Iron .t, a few doors to.low Mato, in ittormobuis, when be will be found at all tow.a rawly to repair old wink. mead hew, avid in 'knit, in all kinds of work per. to bir hoc of but Men*. As • farrow ironer he hi, no suporjori ih tat. intend, also to bond now Wagon a. (live h in it call. Ilia term. 'ire liberal. It pair work will rarely' rperial at• to otino. buylitoa-ti cl E. SAV E, tr y ,_ C • Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. MAIN STREET, (near the Court House,) BLOOMSBURG, PA. Cnt.rtnatly nn hand a doe ar.ortenent of Atneriran and rtwt•, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. VI leerware and epeeirtelee. Part italic attention paid to the repairing of (Inte l " Watch and Jewelry. Masonic Marks made to order. AII work Warranted. 111nowahure. April WI IBC. LATELY OPENED. Tun egotersisoed would respectfully inform the entzon. or Floontsburs and viriuity, Iltat he hos just opened iishop on Imo street, bstween Mum tool 1 bird. wlogre be will follow the cabinet waking bus illts4 in all its branches, Orders fur Metalie or Other Coffins, filled with promptness and despatch. Repairs cheap ly mode to all kinds of furniture. inettraitte the re plaiting ofeane , bottomed Mors, npholsteritta. loofas, and sofa bottom chairs. Patterns for castings made neatly and expeditiously, and orders are solicit.ed either In person or by Wail. Picture (mules made to orate' at fawn ounce. ROBERT ROAN Illooonburg. April 13. MB. The lioueehold Gas Machine. For limilying Meriting's, Slum, Factoil . l4 l itrdied oral Public Buildings, With Gas. GENERATES GAB vut moult . vita: ON, ticAT. The eimplicily bud CIOe by wide!, moo Machine is niaoriaell,.iit alai) 111 economy bud groat merit, rec ommend.. publie rt,Tur, and ste miaow, to operation et the mmo, 31amiluescrer uud dole Agent, DAVID /ONO& l'in Furbishing Mort, No, 7X,lGruca riiiLAUSLYR I A. tirnel Pr I liberated Circular. NMM!!!! Coopering ! Coopering!! rile subAeriber renvertrillii announces that be is prepared to manufueture BARRELS, TUBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, 'ZZ-1; and everything In the tins of Coopering. 41 * REPAIRING DONE TO ORDER end at flout notle... Cr oln rho') in 44+4.8 on Main threat, Bloomsburg, 01`11, the Iron Company's railroad. N. 8. WILI lAN& Oloomobull. April 23. _ WARREN'S I3IPROVED Fire and Water Proof nu AND CEMENT ROOFING. The advantoges widen this ritutposikien pusses.** are many. it is both watertight and Are proof. It is not tackled by Mint or cold. It can be applied to an *Omni% perfectly Bat roof, one inch imlination to the rum being all that is re milyti It is easily and quickly repaired. Its cost in less than any other fireproof roof now in use. Testimonial* frnin all purl, or the country 46 to its durability, security old heapness will ba shown by JOHN W. KR OMR. July Agents Bloomsburg, Pa. doe specimen of the rooftop eats be semi at W. B. Knots . , new house on rirthStreet. 'ORESII ARR I VAL OF FAMILY iv ROCERLF:S, AT JOHN K. GIRTON'S STORE, 311110011118111SZO. PUMA. enbecriber hes Just returned from the teeters re his with a lone and choice stock of drst.e.lars Groceries and Dry-Gooda • is Web he offers to the Omen' of Diostinotillre sod t trinity ay IoW moan be had of any dealer in Ms swollen of tiee Chanty. His stock ennelets of the best vs rlptlee of mrrem. mohmsene, DUO AN, I'EA, rlttli (of dna era II iy,) DRIED MEATH, (in their season,) iIDISTON, AND OVIED URACKDIUS, dime k i;Aot lee, WilkarME, COAL k LIMBED ho a nice aesartmint of Dry Hoods and Hosiery. and a full variety of goads of the shove class, and other kinds. la addition to which he has recently clded to his stock a due assortment of CEDAR WARE AND WILLOW WARE; in which variety of goods be bee several new inkier of modem Invention, enenslvelly need when known, mad which mast ensue lute lase here He also has a line supply of French Morecooes; •ol also of Morocco Linings for lelmeansatti's wok ; and a ;04 assortment of taueen aware • U,. , C*ll and ollaspias. JAIIN 14:11117,°;ezr., N°3"49N .1. . deaeawd htIBLE -------- NEW MrtoLI N NKRY O IDII ty)DS AND FACY TM NGS. TN* snderstined most reopertiolly Informs her I.n. dy enelnmera. and the publfe gh general, that all has Just returned from ralladelphl4, and lidded to her already large and Varied neeortinent of PAN'11 7 1111111111%0111)S A NEW RUPP'S, p•lltmd teetqulip 0,4,411. d fr lit. prot , o , end coo ", a. .100 !for NOM RoNNETA AND lIATM ate en 1,1 1 .4, 1 In take tits luad in Olio, plane and vicinity, eh. bk , Over/Mine round in Ilrea•eler • Millinery & ranei . I.ollnrem, In make, ap and sell. tier guwele upon an; most rea• "unable terms Glee her a Cult aid mound per man altdre nrpnede. ALSO—Woe Making promptly and espedltionsii garotted upon the moat rekionkhle t.411:111 LIZZIE IBARICLEI4 grroallt. Kiln Plreet. (Mammy Building.) Bloontatrent. October Id, MK LADIES' FANCY FURST At JOUR PANKIRAII old eaablt.ho•d Fun Man* renati. No 7 1 1 4 An mow. above 7th, rhowtophis Have sow In MOO 01 ry Owe itopnttation and manufacture. use of the largest mad oust bcautlfut eeleettona of FANCY' lIIRS, fur Ladles' and Childrpu'a Wru. in the city. Alto. I fine ac.ortment or Gents' Yur and Collar.. Ala enebled to dirponn of my yotol• et wiry fen. onnbte 0141 , 1,, end I Wont,' tltetvfmin towittt • tall front my friends of rulutuAn county nod vicinity, lieturtat,er the mune. t, umber and went. JittlN FAR [ARA. No, 718 Atch etro.t, eb. 7th, mouth side. l'iltLifee 114 - 1 hare no partner nor connection with tiny other stoic in l'hilattelph &pt. It, Intl..llut E,Rjt oit S OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who rulfered far year'. from Nervene Debility. Premature Lino,. end all the efforts of youth MI indiscretion. will, rqr the salts of auffertny hninirrirtiv, armd free In all oh , ' iieed it. the rereipe and dtteetimia for tonality lite elinpin rigneity by which he wee cured. itutferers wialoni to profit by Ike elperiene, run do an by •ditrepring !ta perfect ronfidenet,, .101114 H. MORN. 4g cud. Street. New York. May 19. lell7. • TIIEI:LORY OF MAN IS taTRENCIIII. A gvnoe man who autn•reit for yrnrr from Nervong and Genital Debility, Nightly Ninlaaionv, and Seminal Weakness. the resod of youthful indierretinn. yid Cape near ending lilt days in hopeless inivery, nttl for the nano of eulfering loan. mold 10 any one 211111. i• ed, tha simple memo. tired by hem. Which effected a cure in a few u eras after the failure of nunseyouto Medicines. Bend a directed envelope and stamp 'ad Will root you nothing. Addrerc CDUAK TREMAIN, 1 , .*1(0 tit. 14,Y. City. Conjugal L,ve, AND inc MAPPINEttd or nee MARR Line. Howes 'nit VI Ern MEN. illtstlig 6rtora. Abue , .• and flieeintes Which ilt , troy the Manly rowers and create inipetitioent a to marriage, wills enrol wens &to in euvotopn Orr rel chafer, Ad &ere 110 W AHD AddOCIATION. 11011 P, Philadel phia, Pa. (July IL Irubtly. k i.u.,...unoan. Molt Isi, Pte. We het In worm you that we are pre puma to otlnr for your in, portion ugh usual tioeortniept of MI LINERvi Gootm, ronski.tlhig of the so.west P five, in &via' Mit and GIMP Ileit.,Horatt•Oke. Velv, ti,, Silt Guoc itib• hon.. Flowete. Feathers. 1tu.11 , .., CrAPPN, Intl& l• braids ornaments, Yr. kr. %e shall kn• happy to wait on you at Oar Corn, 01 mei'' , your orders •-• Pillars low for Cash. Young, &t. 11. WARD. 31.irch 10— lion. No.. 103,103 & IU7 North decond Street Phi ladelphia. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. • • ' l ol.obliffinuNG, co. LUMBLA .00 "I P • • 'IR enk.erptetammpriesa, n r the above ewi l d ea. • • ens, ye eztablithment.i• new p repared to receive order, All Kinds of Illachleery, or flail Furnaces, Stallloiter Ellpors MILLS, THPEHIIING MACHINED. &C.. &C. He, le also prepared in make Plovee, all sixes mid e Meths, plow•irone. end everything usually inside IP nrelochinis Ilia est Asive facilities and practical workmen, wit. •nthltu in receiving the lerlVelcuulraeta on the rrrrr quintile testae. tri" amino!' all kinds will be taken in excitant flat al This establi•liment is Incited near the Laekawa a 4 Bloomsburg Rkilmad Depot. PETER Hi WATCH. Illoonistearg, Dept. It. E_ lANC • • . _ XCI RESTNURANT. The rrnprietnrs having yerr.v ntrei end relined their REBTACRANT, in the basement of the EXCHANGE...HOTEL, they'would most reepectruity'solicit *continuance or the patronage or 'burr Phi frowstier'. and eordisiryi n Om the attention of new ones to their retresimente 4.1 follow* : SHELL oyfrEp t i\ (q CANNED STA. stlein °reams, FREsii new NOMINERIt throe risme per week, HAM AND EGGS, TRIPE, ItOGOON A, beet of LIQUOLIQUORS AND CIGARS. RS can be gerved 4p to customer* et I momenta notice. bt 'V Ai 01106 ATI' LIES, STCVMD. CIIAPED 'FR O, OR RAW, to elm thrums of the Wort s% & CLARK. atoomsburg, Apri , Q MS. " JUST ARRIVED. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS t The public •re hammed thal U. W. CREAOT & Co. juot reeefv^d THE LARGEST AN D I3EST SELECTED STOCK Or SPRING AtIND SUMMER GOODS ever brought to LIGHT STREET. MI kinds of good Goods CHEAP for cash or coon try prodooo. W: MAW i Vs. Light Stmt. May 13, 13113 A NEW ARRIVAL. OF MILLTNERY rANCit GOODS, ATie MACX. L 9l Lt UT STREET,COLEMBU COUNTY. tftw would reeperifally sfottarca tho citizens at Wilt Ptceet awl vicinity, that she ha* juet returned Oulu the. city with a flue apeottiocat of Fall and WI star NEUY AND FANCY GOMA well atitti to suit thin trade. BONNETS 'nada to Of der, aro Sipatring draw with mimeos and despatch. All work a:Pentad' Ow best and mast tasty manner, upon resaanablei MOIL Particular attention fa paid to dyers making, She has PATTI:Raid of every deveription, portal. fug ro the trade, on hand and for sale chap. Bhe will also pay Pporial attention to coloring, having !pont time and money ititraffi the art in ail its particulars. she is confident in stv tug satistacums. rellige in Worden`N guittlings. November 6 itibl VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. The nadrraigoodtffrra hir nf Oft,y. four acres for Wile. It le pleasantly }hunted In Madiarod townahlp Columbia roomy, nrar Liyor's Mill. The land le nearly all Waved and fa a gang elate of enlilration hufidlng. are a gong gisud iwo story harm nail good new frame . horn. rclieeu acres of good timberland. Thor , arti nevem spring, of wow' on the 'plate and a wril of Water at the door of We dwelling. A nice young orchard har bran welt pow an d will bear fruit in a ohm/ time. will be rival, in Moon day, notice-.ati If desired Merl* and all gold. l'erme easy. Ap• ply to C r t 3. Barldey. IMoniusburn: OIL WILLIAM T. I{CIBTEt2. June e;i IMO w . FALL AND AVISTE It. bUlllnery Goods At Mc Piney 'Vlore qi AMANDA- WHIIKHhISHR, (11OCCUTINIO TO NOT OUITUTC) 111.00NIN1111RO, PA. The'pablle are respectfully Informed that they can be ftweisbed with everything In the, lialllluary Hee upnn the tonal resolvable term', and In Roods not eurpeascd for style, beauty ni dorobdlty 111 thb town, not *ping otyieo of law bonnete,andl ether article' for women nun mime wear, are beautiful and well calculated to cult the tastes e( the west faiAldluus. Preis Matta* rpi.tive npnend Nuevo ino, Hawing lint rolgriierl from the city ,lier piwde ere all le etym. Ain4 r a toll • - OM , (OW Of , • i tit tft" apsdlk-„, Oki I Fatty A grntleenan who In fatly Oh W6Ol v Irtlm loth* dehiming vire so emutrion to youth. which nesulinA in &mini° Weakness, Inv°lintaeg Hotlnsluits Nelif , u• Pewit/allow and C4lOl new rnollng hie days In hapelese winery. , After using humeri,* rem sins without outcens. ha (,10,1'41 Isom 4 friend some lininte risles end pr , ..rf141144,41441 lilrrclowl 4 rr wuirut oirt., Un 1, , •1141( ar pitror,,,, bye a imp .11,1 will 1404 the *NOW (iv , • oil thaw, In ill Ihu nag desire it. . weleireme 1:111AH TIMMAIIIIIk • • otstiuti It, Litnie Hausa, Now Ylitik. 11141reIntior 4, ItOh I N It 111 A 1' I (I N. Infrtmailort fitarantaad to punitive II lugUriont growth of hoot noon a bald heed tlf botordlro , Non. nhot a reerilr f Ills rotrovul of Filetned, litetrhea, Ernptinne. rly , anlhe akin learink the lame dolt ,;leer, and et antant en" tto n1)111.1140 Wilbur' charge by ,ttldretoong 1 . 1.1h4. ).11 h.,adway t York TUE if KA I, I N ro AND Dat:'K %IMO'. llowsid 10ioelsoluo Ph. •ts. fur Vlllll4lll on lb. 4'ltikir 4 1 P 04111'11N and th.• ;intuit AMTPIENI and 1111. 1 1,Atte11 Witten dettrev the man' power•, aa•l CI Mil.' t.np n doo.'t.tr hIARK I AOK wile rare 111.11$11/ 4 .4 teeter. Seel in reo'efl letter en - I.lllpro. Imo of thane. Atidr.A. MKILLIN 1111)1111111011.1lowdrJ Arsociati..n,Philudelphie, Julio 0. MC-lA. t:r nester.s. Runtime*, ran 4* et t miter. with Ihr otirooo stirrer* by ./. IX %N . A. N. II . ()COMP' aid Mirk' (rornier ty of Ir►den, itolintil). No. Nei NMI Weer,. Tovainoneolo from ibo most relinble .nOrroo maily a n d country eon br e'en at ht. ottlro. Tho Medical fdrolty crn,•/avttnd fµ ac• aosopooy Ibelr onlirtom. a* ho boo IVY ioecrpla Ist WO roamer. A AI. Ela.Nlooortrel with.. pay. No chore for otomfon tom Nov, t t, (07. ly TO CONSUMPTIVES.: The Rev. EDWARD A. WILMif will owed (1,1, of chew) le ell who deelot it. the preerrololon o iih the titre, twee for 11111‘illf 11/11i retreely by vitt:eh he was rowed ot a hog utTectitte and (lint anted .11.e.eme Viiitetimpitiet on by ob ject le to benefit the efil,it ter nod he holies every •uß•rer will try Mt* preerrtistette. as it Wig root thew tbolott;, lOU may 1.01 . Vil • I.l..ertnt. l'lttnen bedew• Rev. 1:1)1V,11tIt A. W 11.00%. . 165 POUth tiocootl St, Lc:, 111111.1oloburr, New York. lilt. BRYAN, CONSULTINU PHYSICIAN k • 819 81011111 ay, New Talc, PrIiCIAL TIIIZATSMIMT in all rases ur WO. PAL Frit/ al. Urintqy 1111 d nille3on• to mole, or OMNI!. AMICK rake and owt•mitttitieitte Vi1t,71.11 COVPIDIXII44 10 taanrixitara.— I Will rionl on private gild ennll• 00,11 ctrcolarm Pre of rA•rA•r. nuA Inr 141 rr,otr a valuable tt rut ler on Printout We:Aortic by br. Yea E. BILL. Ing To (..ata•-1 Will 'rho: my Private Circular Anatomical . tegravlner foto •f Odors. Find for 11l eeut• a valuible tremor , . by 111. Joni. 11.arire cm% at alibi Imp clout soluruialioa un a/I suljet u ° 2 , I'M.' to lbe r•a lIMPINESS R AI►FEIty. Thgvi,tint or youthful InAirevellinfl 'komp. his Imprilless. mills hi. pro.p4.lln for ton. 141 'ljoynr.nl of Own,. find rudi 1 1. Lowry ; nutty the timely use albs long tiled stud fdrlhtll remedy Bell's Specific Pills, he may fOrtlVer Make'therefore no ite• lily in nolo: Ihu reilioily. It giver! opoioly FP fly( 111111 , 1 will Boon effect a fore is all 111 or tiemlnel Wenk• nese, Einioolone. Pitmen' and Iliervi up Lk holly and derangement. of Shit winery orgaiis Po.live beee• lit id derived by won: u Pink ben. It Is entirely vertoble and harinlego •oud riing., of diet is oecemeary wheat unuq them. Price tine Dollar per ben with full illrertkins. Hold by Driiiietel• timierntiv. to places where they ( - loo n ' be procured I will geed show by sail poet-paid end secure fr , 111 46ortyritaa an maim a the looney. Addres . .. J. BRYA M i ese,paums• %ww Yuan. riiritu and confidrutioViscolato Will be r;: I to free of 010 ' A NEW RNMEDY ik CONSVORTION.— A Phiel• elan who had Consiiinptloo for several ?earl, with fiegitent blneding. 01 the times. co red himself wilb a inedieene unknown to ti e profession, when his case appeared 111 , 1w1••0. !le is 'br only pgy.ktig who has used it in hie own person, or who his any knowledge of it• v miles ; end he ran ascribe the de• tree of health his now enjoy• to nothing but theist. of his medieinc; and noining bait utter despair end satire eglinction of all hope or rt enemy. 'member alit' wont of confoltiire to oil other. intinerd r pini to hesard the ra 114.4 went. Ti those sit rii g nay disease of ites land.. he prol..rs:a heti:mt. dently belleve• will eradicate the, iterien per bottle or lltd a half dozen soot by SIP/Pllll. , slicuil fur a circular or call ou MI I 'nvi.sTov J Acki4oN Ito =Natal Tenth elreet.fliiladelshia. June :td, 1808-17. DEAFNEI3B,, BLINDNESS, Nod CnineeNtlirrilit'Fil with the ratlNOat Norco's, by ISAACS, N. D., Oculist arra Anrisi(foriarrly of Ley. deb, Dollando No. IM3 Arrb Street. rfl ILA Teattgattatals, from the 1.11041 reliable aourcre In the City sad Country can be erne at his office. The med ical faculty ars 'netted in arrunipatry !brit pellenia. ige be bu ou secrets in him practice ARTIFICIAL EYES. mooned wttbuotrate. Nu charge toe reels. ;cation. (April 23. 18116.-1 y O A A NKERS, RK4 , • B°o' No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET PHILADELPHIA. 'qENERACAC.ENTS, FOR iSto cl PEN N S A VA A 0: 49 1ZRX N P. EIN R .OO OF THE (. s\i: AL DIE tNsto i, or nit 91110 4 6 0 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The NATtANSA. 1111SVRAN0a Coimvsy 1111 illOrpOratgrt CUoVertol WO' At ut uvugiroll. IP' pftoted July with CAM CAPITAL, D 1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal terra. , offt.r. sl to Awvota and Solicitors, wbo 114..11211m0 so apply's% our °Woo, Foil p.s titular. to b ab applleaslell al car nines. kalaten In the KCo3ol l l_ollnry or 0111 . %WOO," 11011011, *herr eteculors r4niatilete, fully deocriMull th e odwoolosto ultereo by I he. Comp:or .1113 T be had. eLA k t'O. ,y,...;1; $.411, Third fit. B. S. RUSSELL, Slanagrer, August 111. IRCOLIy. RAVER'S COMMERCIAL &SURES. r op t DE MARK . • ON EVERY MUGU & bOAS, Philadelphia, Nordt-Ilisicrie Ferliaing Co., eltial,go; MANtIrm:TuItERS PP WE • 111AIU1114 PANILUONEt PHOSPUArt. Prim $36 Pee 09? tO 3 V 4 BAUt3tt B , r Irma() 11914111.,CP.VLIZER. Pricy, PO vim torp lbs., ; , BAUGIIIt elltl'Arln RI Con mArruaa, roes; $4O per ZO'll Ibp. . qI• , The shrive Manure, are (trrnia:•rd in both base and barn.le, whicheeer euelower. reeler Er The hogs are uniform ! in weight IGO pound,. . —.—. The attention of Farmer+ la eapertally Cool WI the tact that the awPreee uf hip Maw Malarial whlett the above 1111Itureit urn ernimprert. art 1/#0 We 00001 , angora! , that we rah hot melt them of Metall? imirom 00411/y 000 000.1i1100, ilipi hit the, semi* 0 lamp pararrerage Of anmenikirt than ally OW lalarlitl. „ a lp a .0004(00.00011 04014011 in Iho 100• ' _ HAVIIIII 4 ~' Oa B , Orin when Avenel., lahia: s NORTH -vv arrow retritaraPectea4 ,, , cor. too a Laredo Illts.ilallelltilf '' V . Illaugh'e Connate ret al aliatitirtievator be preaniind U dealers in D u m bf filo utiukipal Itwrt• 44 the United Males or lnit at Uatinalla July Va. Indtt-ern. IkiATISA Theta heed at sixty tattle elllllll to my' eartooomo: *Wet the last of June Id t 8 one tame to nett premises %beet the itch oil 14 4(1,11414113. 111114 11144)1011 ae (Oho*. • two with fell 11114 Whitt pule end a iteteh 11114 , r the right i 4.014 year ..141 ; 4116 yowl** attar, (Rod) tt ith a witch under the tit* emu whtio wider tity,„6.tit flue b , trulle beftipt with ahY der Ht , to b a,e , . bier} t thetietei it fret 4 , 041 re 9118 fit it 141 1 4 ,41 ) 411 4 svt 10'144401 Mi. , . . rACSAOII.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers