Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, December 23, 1868, Image 3
Visomotuvo ptuton•At. Wednesday, Decembtr 28, IBM PURNON AL, All persons indebted to this office, ere no tified that they must with up before the first of January, 1509. We trust all wl square up their accounts during Deccudter, and thus rave us the trouble of making up and forwarding bills. It is our intention to bill all necounts tine At that time, and if not then promptly paid, wo shall be compelled to make costs. We hope our patrons will settle promptly, as the demand upon each ie mo small that there is no reason why it idtuttla not be pall!. *FY' There will be preaching in several of the churches at this place on Friday (Christ. tnas) next. $ A rush of job-work has interfered With and prevented the usual amount 01 treading tnntter in thi , week's Dtotortivr. kit There will be a FeAivnl held. in the Lutheran Church nt llnekliorn on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. Scrvi. coo will be held ;in this church on Friday (Christmas) nt 10 o'clock a. in. A full r► lepdance. of .tne - nbers and others is desired. NW Diaries and Altnnnaos for iso, my book•, school book.o, gold tivll4, albums, slates, stationery, etc., in full r.upply, at Pr. John's Book Store. Al,o, wall paper and window shades, very ch uli. EITEEI 111P)..The sleighing in this section is com pletely worn out. A new inroiee is almost hourly exported. I'. S.—A slight fill of snow on Tuemlay night last roomed to mend up the sleighing in this place. NY` The lii4titute closed its exercises at this place on Fritlay evening Inst. It seem that there was hut One copy of the isroceeil logs prepared, and that copy happening to get into the hands of one of the other liept it until Tue..any evening, thus unintentially preveming its appearance in the Dsmocitxr this week. KC The children belonging to the Ger man Reformed Sunday School at this Ow will receive a IPA in the way of ref resit tuento, at their school room in said church. on Friday (Christmas) evening next. A larger turn-out than uemil may b expceted. All who devirc to contribute tow,irdA getting up the ref rodimenta have an oppormnithy of doing so. MEM Iffir The (7oluntl,in and Montour County 1111taBeal Sniety met at the Exchange •Ilotel, in 1111.+ ',taco, On 'f oestlay afternoon, he following mulled physieinns were elected titeistlx:rs of the Society: Dr ' Shultz. Sititerintemlent Ilisitne Asylum at Danville; lir. S. V. Thomp4on, Daiivith-, I)i:.l..3l.Sumlostig,',;r 'Berwick, awl Dr. 11. Kline, Catawiva.—llyttiliein rd hist tact Cam. We two comiwelhid to go to press this week Tithout the usual supply of local H ors, ht ermsyqueno. or onr town 'wing so "UVVIIy q nice for the past few days. No cons run over by the earn ; no 110E54.:4 run away ; no dog lights; 110 dru nk *; no putty or grand lam:Mem; no night (HA wham:es ; in fad no nothing worthy of local notice, save the Ilia that, "a mown oh color" held forth in the M. Pl. Church on Sunday I.IA, to the great satisfaction of a for and utter disgust of many. SIJ The tnetnli,!rs of the Rescue Fire Company No. 2, of this town, still kohl their First Animal Ball, in Brower's New Ilan, on Friday evening, January tit, 1869, Extensive preparations have been wade to accommodate all who may participate in this grand and Ilk ball by this Company ever held in Bloomsburg. A ftne orea;ion is offered ell who may have a de:dre to "trip the light litntastic toe." An excellent sup• per will he served up,,and the fare. reasona Me. Bring along your "gals," boys, "and have a little fun." lAwe's FRIEND for January has been received. It counncnccs the 11C17 year in full earnest, and bids litir to improve ask:grows older. The ladies have, in thi s maga:hie, an interesting and instructive visitor. The fashion plates and patterns ,'are gotten up in the most tamrclul manner ; always pleasing and fascinating to ladies of good taste - nnd judgement. Its literary dm pertinent is filled with most excellent reading front the ablost pens in the country. IPS.' A gentleman limn (he country came dashing into town, the other day with his wife, bent on doing up their winter's trad ing. They stoPped at our friend's store AGMs. Ole May,, mitt: while Mrs. .-- was doing up the trading in the dry goods and grocery line, the husband thought he would step out and buy a suit of clothes litr him self; and in a few moments he returned fit ted up from head to foot with an entire new out-tit, which so much improved his appear ance that it was with great persuasion that the lady could be convinced that she pos sessed so comely a husband. Ho had bought his clothes of A. J. Evans. JlbrY'Tho rededication of St. Mathew's Ey. Lutheran Church, of Bloomsburg Pa, will take !dm on Sabbath Jan ad 1t 4 69. Rev. 111. J. Allman of Middletown Md. will preach the dedicatory Serum, on Bair bath morning at 10 o'clock. Tho Lord's Supper will be administored on Sabbath afternoon at 2 o'clock, urvieoa in both Gormon and lingliah, Services ino paratory to the celebration of the Lord'a Supper on Saturday afternoon at 2 'o'clock. Qa Sabbath awning at GI o'clock the Rev. B. F. Allman will bo installed as pastor of the congregation. Rev. Dr. Feigler of Selinsgrove, and Itov. Uriol Groves of Milian will officiate. Tho public aro cordially itivitod to aucial. Milli Met NM InnOWL NOW IN TON TM TO sunsciunx YOR TH NEW YORK DIY - BOOK FOR M 0. Dernfrit to White ,Nwpresnorq, State Equal ity, trial Aviensi (WM. The NMI/ YORK I)Ar-BooK is an earn est, outspoken and ividependent paper, de voted to the equality, fraternity and pros perity of the Ammerntio masses, acid the defence of the grand Anteliven system of Nederattd States. on a White lws, estab lished by Washington end the fallen of American liberty. It holds that this glori ous system of selfgoverising States and ho mogeneous citizenship, whielt, in seventy yearn of pence and prosperity, never shed 0110 drop of A merienu blood or ounvieted single citizen of disloynity, or directly taxed the people one dollar ler its support, nod might be safely extended over the whole "biundless continent," was the best gov ernment on the earth, and must be vonored "so it wa s " e tu de by Washington, or the whole laud must needs collapse into chaos, anarchy and i uin. The DAY Hong, therefore, demands the restoration of the White Republic, and as this must be and will be uoomplirhed,either through their reason, or the blood and suf fering of the people, it earnestly Inborn lior the former, cmil by boldly grappling with the emirs, lunacies and crimes of bliongrel ism, it strives its utmo.t to snve the country (bun the awful necessities of the latter. The DAv.8.,01; will, however, be more than ever devoted to all the varied purposes of a Hewn polar. Ctioseious that it readies thousands of families who take no other journal, beyond. perhaps, their Inenl paper, it 0 1.11i11111C and improve its "NEWS O TOR Summery, as to present n transcript of roe iVoriEs events in each issue, Se., TEIIIOI- CAA!! 111 ADVANCE.. One copy one year 42 00 Three copies one year 5 00 Five comes one year, and ono to the • get 4.r tip or tio, club 9 00 Additional eopies. 1'75 Ten copies one year, and One to the natter up of the club 17 (10 Aildit il)ii a I raPieS. I 70 Twenty copies ono year, and n ropy ol' the 0111 (Nerd lint 180 "0 1$) Additional copies 150 We wtito the names on the papers at the *bete TBIOA. ' VAN FaVIVIE, noltsoNS:. Co., No. 162 Nasmot street, Now Murk. Harper's 314nolltly Magazine 14 unquestionably rho be., sustained work of the kind in the world. Here is what the press sayh: The mostpopular titenthly in the world. New lurk Olarrerr. 11e must refer in terms of eulogy to the high time and varied exeelleoce or framer's 31agazine iinarnal with a monthly eirettla tht of 170,015 t copies— in whore pages are to he limn , ' some of the choicest light and senettal reading of the dry. We speak of this work :as an evidence w the culture or the Almeria' people; aim the popularity it lot »Noire.' is merited. Mach number IAIIIIIIIIIS fully 1 . 11 pages t 4 readiteg-inntter, appmprintely illostrattsl with good wood euts ; nod it eottibines in itself the racy ationthlY awl the more philosophical guar telly. blended with the best features of the daily journal. It hat great power in the dissemination of.a love of pure literature. —rearharAt GitAtir to inscricon Littroture; London. We can neolunk for its sitecoo only by the lust that it ttieets preinvely the popu lar ta,to, .furni r bing a variety of pleasing and in,truetive reading for all. 11( r ithl, Trams yon 1869. Harper's Magazine, one year, ill 00. extia copy. of either the 31agazine, 1% etAly...r Bazar will Lo supplied grutiN for every Club of rive Subserilers at $4 00 each, its one rein:twice ; or Six Copies for $2O OIL nle.eription'i to Harper's 'Magazine, Weekly. and Itazar, to one tilltirteo, for ono year, tzlo 110 ; Irr, two of Harper's io one a,l•lress for Mil' year, ill OIL Hark number:, eon Le :tiprlied at any A Complete Set, POW commi,ing Thirty seven Volumes, in neat cloth binding, wi ll lie sent by eXprom, freig ht at exi s mse of purchaser, for t' 25 per volume. Single volumes, by mail, postpaid, tr,l 4 %1. Cloth eases, for binding, 54 colts, by mail, post paid. The postage nn Harper's Mneazine is 24 vents a year, which nmst be paid at the sub scriber's •tdriee. Sub.crquinns sent from British North American Provinces must be amompanieil with 21 cents additional, to prepay United States pn-ta Address, Si; Buns., New York. nneaT ANNUAL-Iln* letlur's I. luited States Almanac for Iwo, fir distribution, !pub's, 011111110 nm the United States and all civilized countries or dm Weston hemisphere, will be published about the first of Januars t .and all who wish to irederstand the true philosophy of health should road and ponder the valuable sug uystions it contains. In addition to an ad mirable radical treaties on the causes, pre, eention and cure' Or a great varietY or dis eases, it embraces a large amount of intim niation interesting to the nierehant, the ineelianie, the miner, the rarmer,the planter, and prolbssikinal marl; and the calculations have been made for such meridians and lat. itudes as are most suitable tbr a correct and eomprehensive National Callendar. The nature, uses, and extraordinary mini tary e ff ects of I I OST,ETTiIt'S STOM ACII HITTERS, the staple tonic and alterative of lucre than hall a Christian world, are filly set forth in its paces, which are also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, val uable receipos fir the household and Arm, amusing reading matter, original and select ed. Among the Animals to appear with the opening of the year, this will Ist one of the must useful, and mum lit hod for the ask ing. Fend for copies to the Central Manutitetorv, nt Pirtsburgh, or to the nearest dealer in lIOSTETTEICS S'fOM ACII BITTERS. The hitters are sold id every city, town and village in the United States. MANY years ago the writer of ibis notice and un invalid physician, while visiting the island of St. (!roix for their health, experi enced and witnessed many surprising and beneficial efleets of the Ruin there produced upon many 91' the invalids who were, like ourselves, seeking health, and upon inquiry and investigation, obtain'sd u full history of its medicinal virtues. flu was delighted and surprised, and determined to make it the basis of a Tonic and Restorative Medians,. The result of his Inborn was a glorious sue cuss for himself and suffering humanity.— The eelubrated rhinhelinot made known to the world. Being an article of rod merit, founded on new principles, and relying wholly upon the vegetable king dom furits medicinal effects, it worked a rapid revolution in the treatment of physi cal debility. MAGNOLIA WATElL—Superior to the Debt imported German Cologne, and at half tho pm*. No. 11. ...Western papers report a storm, onu night last week, so furious that two trains passed on a double track railroad without ono king sew ur heard by the occupants of the other, New Stock of Clothing. 171112031.4133114.111 CIP FALL is WINTER GOODS. Ml= 11141125111311i2p. • NVITSIN attention to his 'twit of chump anti lark• I tomato Clothing at him Store, no 3141„V NTIIE 1,00 AISBURG, Iwo (hms (shone Me lime &an MUSS, whrre he has Ja•t reselveil from Nrw York nit{ rhiladelphin, u toil assortnient of Men and iliby's including the *lost l'aohinnahlo datable amoN hang drroo goods consisting ur !lox, Sack, Frock, Gum um/ (li/ (Yale Coats, tim/ Puottß. of ill IMMO. plait•, owl C. 110,0. H. AINo had d. Wen• lobed his alt.:ally largo stall or Pall and I%*iiitet striped. llautnd nod plain Veit., shirts ernymtm, ottwkm. collars, handkerchirfs. glossa. sits 'tendon and fancy tittle's's. N 11.—Ile lu.rnnrtantly on hand a lads aid well solarise, 11•60/i111.111,4 Cioh. aid Verona.. which Its Is prenerrd In inatio tip In order, Into any kind nt clothing no very short notice und in ihu bemt of man fled, All lea rlntloing la ninde to wear and moil of it le or 11011 w 11111111 IN, .CJ•cc):1(11 S.IRP' colkiasvo AN I) LIKCSIKS O LIU 2:1 LIZ 'Z',F • Cif eery Derr', pi onii. Vino and Chomp. Ili,i;o so of Joirelt, I. Hot aorpitiosed In thtr place. fall mold ef• Selig* Ale paoral e►nottmeal of ciol Nog, Woirhop leovelri.ate. kg. IiAV I) LOW EN DURO. iluonsobliti.nel. 90. Isll3. GREAT BARGAINS AND It educlioes In !Prices. TAr onderolitnril will offer to Ihr publit GREAT BARGAINS in ail ►iad. of 11.-lacortrzollatzawciao.s:3l:3o ‘ dude sr DR? 0000 N. QUERMIWA Re. • ItARDWARMI, hoots and Shorm, lints, Cain awl Nulimo in every yrirlelY. Our brielowee from tlir kyr or lune. will he eon ducied Oil n mlrirlly CASH SYSTEM. and po.r.tonot atisthlng In ntirrharn anything in ant line (1111 da Pt at a vt.ry nwull patrentuan on Current Wholepalc Prier*. All \Wail pradurt• anti grain taken In eickange invitu the pnblic In GIVE US A CALL and A Quito of firer pat ronat• SIMIAN entairlesa, June 10, A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING E MPORIUM. !Yearly oppoide the EpiAcyld Chork CLOT ' ING PTIONS. slot is composed of line Hollins, median lTS i t itol pow sqierd—ndapied 11. ell .1111diljetils. 1:11 , 14 . 11 ;11111 we s. If. lens the laical styles Nellie WA lONA bee DPIIIO/Itownt of OVerceals and Vrallemea's Shaw s, !owl. I Ins very CH•itt //,‘ firm(!' ore fo.ho,n , ,b'e navf WO 111 Ile. IN addition In ing 'tack of rtioly•mo,lc clothing. I hove pi,ae tondo for topitons Clo Ciosietserew, & C., A Cw And having one of also Aral 1:1404 eilllers. I inaran Ire 4 Min all casco anal give rati.larlion. Pl.', a Vata , ly of WOOLEN AND LINEN "hIR IS, tlurklni.'Ni ekLtn., C1111:4W Stock, lintnikerrninb --everything in the geld 11'1114 . ten lane 6..ike ti/ . • A 1.., Oats, ltn•nn and Shoes, Trunk/ and Car►tl9 bags. I Will 114 ii Morkri Pirate give me a call brfore purr olar ANDYIEW J. EV ANS. Illotilliburg. Nur. 1.. 11414. 628 HOOP SKIRTS. OM CORA b. I; RM6TtI. IVM. T. HOPKINS, ARI II erl EL:IF.T. Man Ottahl /Tr If Mc (11111111411 orp SkitigkehrlNCS, jiliftka MI 1 s. The largest assortment, and hest quality and style in the American Every lady ',broad we 'twin, as they recionotwoor Ito mselves by wearing low:, retaining ito il. shmw notch 01 , 1L.r. being WON eta stir than a I ot hers. Warta mod in every re , semi, and mid at very low pores. Ash for Hop kinel'iminpion Skirl. Properior hand made whale hone Corsets in fifteen different grades in:holier the imperial and Thomp son at i minden', throve Vining t 01.01.10., ranging in prices from el cents to 10.5.30; top JllVelth heChergrehrhrithA Vertu h Weans onr,l„, shapes and mollify, ten dllPerr ni grades. limo $l.lO to S. ki, They are the finest and twst reed. per the prices. ever hilpffflOti. ThOl Wade stippling with (loop Skirts and Corsets at it e lowed rates. Those visiting the City should not fait to tall and examine taw Heeds and prices. an we defy all maw petition, tleyk In, imw, 11 C. lIONVE,II, i• • hat birdied 4 (Dot des* hOOT, FMK lIAT AND CAP SWIM. td the nid *hind on Win Street, Ltentit.hury. Ili, Oink to rrelipni•ed of the very latest and best stye, over offered In the citizens of entuisibit Canal), !limn urrinumnitide die public with the rolintrink kind* and at Olean woes: WWII ran innitH, fine, men'. kip doable note, Child's looms. Wien nlove kid, Condre.P, ike„ Mese* dinky Aid 1 / 3 14q111 shut,. Men's. 41.41441e4 nogg., and intones' glove kid taming gertreis. Whineti‘g glove kids, very One. W1414`11 . 4 Rho gent oviform) bannerols, Wousen'e melee mime,' emit oboes, mammon :born, Miss, se and child's shim.. Mein., women'.., inisset'. Isle', and child'. slipper*. De Wee Keeps a great variety of HATS, CAPv, AND. STRAW (Axiog or wv, , ty kind, nt the !tweet prices, both for emit sod mine ry produce.. Remember Ore aniraction in in flit? good.. Paul he 41411044 44 the cry of high grin% fort Bali lid. see (Of 194(4411/44. Respectfully, C, itowea. Sept. 4, 10417 azip A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published. iu n guntsd Envelops. Nos •4h* A Lecture on the NAtire, Trra moon and Radical Gore of Spatula orilmea or bleininal Wanknena, voluntary Emionionn, Samuel Imbility, and Impedi• mania to Marriage genarallyi Piermainnerm, Com gumption, Gpilepoy, and Fits and Ineaparhy, remitting from Self dhow:. By *Mi en J. Culviqwtll, M. G., Author of the *aureen Book," arre, • • The world.renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves groat Mg own ratted/Men that the *oral ron. , eryar area or ad-Abuse nosy lin effect natty reinovad million: medicine, and without dais. errata operations, instruments. /Illy*. or cordial*, pointing not a mode of torn at Mien certain and rear toad. by ohirh every aufferec n o manor has hi<cmnlilion may he, may cure gait cheaply. privately, and riblicury. This Lydon, w ill p r ov e a boon to thousand* and Mammoth.. Stud under real, to any address, lit a plain sealed envelope, on receipt el ass ma*, or two m o de lle *lamps. Also. Dr. Culvertvell'i "Miming* Guide," price id rants. Address the publishers.. *MAW. J. O. KLINE k t2l, 127 flowery. Nek ywk, Postomee M 2, 4351%. 712, J NEW RESTAURANT, mudding nil Main Sifont• WM. GILMORE, Inform, inn cltiscns of Illoonothurg and vicinity Wit no hay ap,ni,d n pipw RESTAURANT, n thin plate:oo4Bre he invites hi• old friends and elastomers toenll awl partake of Isla refreshments.— It to his Intention In keep the kept LAGER BEER AND ALE, tonninnily on hand ; Aloa. Potter, Pareapnrtlln. Mln: oral water, Fancy Lemonaden, Itanpberre and Lem en limps, earn , alwaya be had at hie Bestarrant. In the coifing line he evening, a SUS OW LAMM not atirpadiced In thou Ow • cis, Pickled Omen clams, nordinne. Pleb, Iterbeened Chicken, halloo Tripe and Beef Tongue, ItG,Lo. He al•• Wig • Sow article or 04101%1 trod (loriving PACECCO lin hop I ustnenuto. 67 - OW , Winn soil Illuumsbuti, Juno CO, INV. WANTED, A JOURNEYMAN 01.A1%nail% *elm Gam PPONlin ell Medi of wort?, murk. to *tom steady eutpley• meet will be giVell aod Oberst water paid. Apply to AMOs A. HARTMAN. Ott. lA, MK Hutlbore, Col. tie. _ _ NOTICH OF INCORPOKATIOI. 14nlica Is hereby iJrce. that appltentlon has been mode to 11, CONTI 011:01a1PON Pleas of Colombia l'onlaty. to rant a Ilona, of Incorporation In Om ..coluntblo County *attention'. llortitultural and Aflrocintlas." tan objnet of +aid Aims I• atom 4. ins to tioptoro agriculture, lintikulturo• 114111•01. , 10. Wlll4lllllO art,. ttlootnoburs, Ott, her 7, 0.04-31. _ _ . _ Audltor'n Notice. Edith! ducat }Fyn tier, deem Rol Tlw appointed by Irrilluti'm l'ourl of Coknead/. en4tnly. In Alotribuin ern.l• in binnia or Ili.. sitontitotritinr of mold t•rtmle. lii raby al vv. Inairsllilt h... will 111044 - the NI wt Wpflryttail4y thn fourth dal , %infeititter itib at IU o'rlitrit N. ur. of .abl 'lO, it lei* t illrr In 11101 , Insbiiire it W 411141 linty Pll.l pilnitn sillynrrout. Ire friinuirtint I irewni their ruNt ur. burrito the mild rindltiir or bn du igrrud frum cooling in for it share or such *o.lil. CYG. $, ,I, IK./..-4w. Auditor. F;stato of Philip Malsig, late of Centre twp., deceased. ir•tamentarY .nn lb^ 01 Philip Pll sig. late (Wl:entre ittwanlOp, noody, dried. have Oren granted by the Wlwe / of 1:ultooltin 101001'.04 Nrybard, rerolidc in Centre lowilohip. All prroltli• hllvlo2 1 . 1.111101 Prlllll.l the mein or the decedent are required to prevent them for steltle• went to Inn Miecutor. and throe Indebted to the es late not r 'queried to It ale Immediate payment 10 tie intdarclioted. Ccnirr t Oa. VI, NEW LIVERY, SALE ABB BOARIDISG STABLE. • Tilt! un &spiv hr.! would th hunt ihe public renerally Om hr Its. oiwiw.l it hew rivers. sale and /wattling r unbie, 111 Bltwwwohury, null ,all ll• a fait and illw nt a .ii2. paltottnre. 111, Mows/ire ill 1 , 1)1.2, !l /Intl trucy ~, • 41, 5 .. : iliis..r., and hi. warms nth :.( 4- ....,......1i n..w 31.1 tasty. ft:Miry. ...' ithhli rats. litre by Ilia boo/. Any. week. Of trip.-- 'l'..rimi, Cash. TllO. , lint Ibr bar..* to !maw! will Hell r.. lls, hishl anti thwr. , rl ,, hla pierh!ro el this Sialilr. with light bills. 11 r• Aid( of .11.rsind how* will be i.flivh and Luri.4.l upon reatunahli, rhurtio 4 ' (lit Ml., kilt!. IL I. i'll ENITII3.' THE COLUMBIA ;now. 01100 F. It I Me IL 11 STOUNEIR, Proprietor. 'llk tap hVW lately filled up for the areowtho dation of Ilse teat...bog public generally. ' , floated oh Mum M1r0..1. j't W door• ahoy.: the Court p m w. on whai is known ti 4 the "it , lihiswi properly." It l• centrally located In 11 e tueott. • IN let pleApeat Oar., fort Iwo, 10•./.lPriPPllfg to Ilia part of ulwu Where the notiorov 01 the loteine.• t a being The penprsehn feet• eohOdeat that he I. pit pored hI sirs Client t••nentl Pati.riel ion In hue guests, awl would h fair prietion of the ploblw pntrosutio. Mar _ a E 10077;E p , •conittFok.Eritukti p • .1 UC PIC 0 r N(1 rot dolt," (Amity waohliit in 'he hhtt itul then pen amen, Gunrnnteril moat W nhy In thr wnrld f Ilan 41191.. istrenrih a MA rosin Anir, with 111 , , mild And lathering miniith, 14 Immune Cmtil.. Try Olio, splendid engp. II hi' ihe A1.1)1 , ,N1 4112)111;Al. 11r)11111M. 1111 lentil' Front Street, Philadelphia. , 111epternboe POO- I y RIM tiRRLIGE'VID 63111111 SHOP. A.:;. eitossum line *tarn...) a Patna ar, rn4 Perhl elhop on iron M. a taw dory. 1» toMt Main, In a . h.•n. hr a 111 tt ift4ll.l nt all INN./ 1.4.1, (.4 iri•anir old wink. walla tww, 11111111 ie rb.rei..ho all Rind. or work pro In his her al AA 11 rarring,ifoller he norruprrinra in ta1a . 1.4 lion. intr•iiito 1111110 111101i1.1 urw nnknru. ILvr. huts a rail. iii.. fo fitip .n• 1111Cral. aqintr work will recrive 9,1,1,11 a l. laminas. Lumen/1-i( C . K SAVAGE, vraellral Waichissker sad Jeweler. MAIN STIIEI.3', (111.34. tliq. Court !lutist',) l'A. • em.,o,noy re, hind ri Aun rrr, , rturent of Atorriran owl *lola* Woldroodeloallt 4Olor/lIY, SIII/Inlro re irrof . 1 49PCIncorrs ,, , rart wan, nltentlon poiJN. Ilrr r , p , rl flog of floc kr Wm trim • and Milo.olllC Alarke mole a. ostler, AM wwk Worm:roil: plooriorburg. April LATELY . QPENED. 151 TUN lawitvw.iwwwit would tfully lawful the etlixuK of Illiworwli.orw nail witioily. twit: h. hu. jiwt opened a Slap on helWe.9l NW* mail wiww• he will riillow tats cabinet making bus MVO. Io nil 111, breat h e r. Urdiirei rur Dietetic or Other Caine, filird with provolone'', and despatch. Rep lira cheap ly moor to all knr,lr of Yncuitrve. We-WW 2 Ike Ye pinitine ofranc linitinned rbairn, obboirtt.ttnn. rotor, and sofa Iwit n tilntlrr, Plitie:rns 11 , r rit.tingx mode neatly nun v%pcititi+diniy. and orders tile r#4.01. 1144 eitll , -/ in person Or by nun!. Picture (mows tondo to urn .r IntnISRT ROAN, 81fterin.hurg, April 13. The Monseholdtano Machine. Far Pm. Oihell Deed Moo, &fires, F,teh,ries, Churches old PoGlie linihhiggs, With Gus. GEN EUATI43 OAS WI MOUT FIRE OR HEAT. Mae by which tins disirhinii is rusicuriqi, ar Uisft tt,t rieriniony and 'rear Writ, ref , eliiiiieltrx it Willi . favor. un4l Mir HIM:NOW to nunralion Mote. aria nufarino•r rind title Avot, DAVI ir JON EA. Tin Furnishing fiure rf - Pend for I linstrated Circular. AUL In, IRIS-ant, Coopering ! Coopering!! Tllkaaltocritter vault... Valli announce. that he tit itrepAred to niatioroctuto BARBELS, TUBS, t BUCKETS, CHURNS 1.4 1 ‘ qt. and nveryiliing in thu line of roopstinc REPAIRING PONE To ORDER mid it Own, hotter. its" 41 is then is loot on Hain Street, UlnoiusburS. am , Ibn 1,011 emulmurlo tall mod. M. S. WIIALIAMS. Moninsbuta, April *.t. lisiß, WARREN'S IMPROVED Fire and Water Proef FELT AND CEMENT ROOFINC, . Theuilvantnees widen this roniposition passesses are maim ft is both water.tislit and bre proof. ft is Pot affected by beat or cold. It tau be applied to an almost perfeetly fiat roof. tote inch la. tensions to the foot being all that is ro gotie'd It is PASIIy R ua ovickly repaired. Its (11.1 10 leis then any other pre.proof roof imw to ase. Testimonials freto all parte of the mousey as to Or diattbility,seenelty, and helmsmen Will be shown by 101 IN Ny. (CRAM BR. July 11. Agent. Illoonwhern, S the specimen of the tooled , can be acre al W. It. !Cowen new house on rota duets: 'MESH ARRIVAL OF * FAMILY GROCERIES, AT JOHN K. WRTOWS STORE, SZOONISSAMOv Ihe 1811110fribfq hal* just returned from Ike eastern eviaa With a lutna and Oaten stock at firstelass Groceries and 11ry4 ahirh ha offers to the Olsen@ or El'lnitolleta and POW NA ran be had W Iny d"l" iu lisle ilot Doh or the County. Ills since consists of the hest varletirl , of irr ER, Mt/I,AMM, 8110 111, TEA, r (or fine qualisy) SNOW, DRIED lIIVATO,tin their erason.) RIMATON, AND OTHER CRACKERN, NOAY # I Atl)LKi, /LC, CARS R, COAL h. 1A%8R4.D 01141. but a biro arrant/dot of Dry bloods end !lush ry, and a full variety of anode of tile shave clamp, and 0I ohm. kind.. In addition to which he has rweently a idril to hi. stork a line assortleullt of cumtwium AND WILLOW WARE; Pus *MIA variety of gouda he has several new Wide* of modern lIIVIIIIOOII, 01101111Velli WWI Aims known, and which 10111 , 41 coe.o iota, usw here Na also has a fine aopply of French Moraecoes; nl aloo or o grueo o Us lois fur trltonsorkeer walk ; upd airortroterit of Quecnrw*re. Call and esandno. JOHN B.OIUTOR 14, It Um our of Mils and boa alsrelel Uluviialklturg. Nur. LXECUTOWS NOTICE. SA multi. NCI( lIA BD, isseelot NEW MUALINICRY (1001)8 AND FANCY TRIMMINGS: The Miami/era molt reopettftllly lathe:al her La. dy flowerier*. and the pultlie In seneral.teet alreadyr from l'hiledolphlt, lied added to her forge and varied eseurtaw+ltt of UtINCY MiIiLINERYGO(II)B A NI:W 011PP1.Y, wrlliondtasfrcully melded rar l lu prerrot will eosin. triton. Iler NRW VA'S AND lIATd are calculated la take Ike lend In Oar pi n e.• mid vicinity. Oho ha/ evyrythlmg r n ijini 111 Arm cla•• Dliitiucry & Fancy SloreP, •,,,i mkt.. uphill *oh, her snarls upon the moat rra• " ,11,41 ./f , 1 .1 1 . 111 Ihvr her • call nail riniiiin• her new stork 111 onthlr. Al,llO -Dims hfliklii• promptly and expeaillaualy Barr Mad alma Lau 111 , 41 1411•0111.0.1 , 1 0.'1140 LIZZIA HARILEY. yrroßp,, Main Plrrrl , (ItariAey Building.) Manimelluro. ()Maher 14, 101614. !AMEN' FANCY FI)1181 At JORN TARP:111AI; old o•4n1111.11,1 Fos Mann nolory, Nn 701 A re.l4 ottnel. 'downli,lioleli.lllB. Novo now in rime or My 01 , 111 liesoortnii , tn 00.1 innunfacture. one of Iho Infest and most keumtlfidl ...ifoimoop sir k' .1 N s. for lAlti."l . mnd Chddn•n'm W , •nr, In Inn Sly. AI n. a lino /ow.' WWII( Of Ovule' Vuf lilov.•m and l'ollnyr. I.llllenehli•die Al.pui. of my InniN ml very rem• noel'''. pricer. unit I would then fore rollcit a tall from my nirna. or l'olnowi:' onto ly and vicinity. nnnie, number nod if /011111 iVe.711 , 1 Ateh rtmel, lib. 711 t, mouth rot., rvici.ev'• kir /titre no portot r oor croilliectioll With one/ other store iu oft pi :Nl, 1141•8.4 m - - • E RIIOJIS OF YOUT 11. A liontleman who pottered for years from Ileums. Debility, Premature hero y, niol all the m dW. of youth fill indiscretion, will for the rake of either's' humanity. amid free to all who need it, the rectupr and directions for making the •imple remedy by which he wan cored. etith.rere wlahtn! to moat by the advertise-ea tripermnce. ran du so by addreiatillt perfert clinfidenck, MAIN U 4 reds Bireet. New York. May 19. 1067. T"E"Logy Or MAN lit iiTUENR7II. A gentle man who mothered for year' , from Nervous and Aimed Debility, Nightly Einisprose, end Seminal Weakliest', the retook of youthful Indlseretion, and came near c adios hi. days to hopelese wit! busy the sake of ',Miming Will, send to any one aMict• ed. the of mph! lIIlAlon used by 11101. which effected a 'cure lii a few 'week • ahem the win re of 1111114rfOUP {cud a directed envelope and ilium, and will cost gum nothing. Address, •YLNJAKTIIEMAIN. 11. V. • Conjugal Lova, AND TUE DAM INEANS LIP TIME MARRIAGE F}ANM rn■ Volta MiM, nn lbn Errol,. Motor. ■nd Three.les Which de-troy the Manly rowers alert cr..mte 111110'111 inenlo to war rloge. with pure metres of relief. Se• 11l nu re n ted Liter envelope (rev oil thnnity. Art slrerur 11 01VAIL1) AdISOCIATION. Poi P.. 1.4. ',Jill, in, ill)11111.aolt.rsila. Win h 111, frls. We beg Io ihrotto Von 1111.1 we .r... pr.' r../ 11111,1•11 to 1401 (of yttfir !eta pp, tom "ill urtill ..314... SWIM MISR( of MII,INERVII (MOW rmori.libit or thn ilew•urt olive., in litriw Pllk and nI Mr Mao, llonotrts,lll,r,, 1411 k Umn; Nib. bona. Flow` ra. readier*. Riot:two, Cu 11..., hook!. itraiii. o,lll4lllellitl. Mr. kc. %V,, Om 11 be lunnoy ill W:1111111 ?oil at Mar MI *, or r rce p,..l yen, callers l'fich•A low for estili. VIM'S. ag.r. 11. WAR D. • Narrh 10,—Itim Nos, IW, 104 di. 11.17 Nutth Second tilted Phi ladOphia. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. qr.4-‘ 111 A )ONIBIII/ KG , 1;0- '. ... ~ ,,- c ie; LUMBIA (1).,1'A. I s i s ' - ki .• .. .. rri t r ig . olit , r.rito.r, propritoof • k a li - i :; , i , • , - th"• ottooot rs• 7/ 51 k ?‘ . , ... fowl, oat nAlt•lootott l• now _ rt , 'ratt. , l to teteiv a . order* ft.r, I or All Wel* er IllachlatrY, or l'oifrrier, Plant rurenres, elallonerY EeCrbev. SIArIPINIA . &v. Ile iv Mon propnreil to Mil‘e $1.0,4,1, all • , 11••• and p Meyer. Wow•lrnni, and everything uinell) wade in ft, itt-riarn Ilia eet.ineine reeilitlee asdpartlral ern; lumen. wear• 4ult lon the lareept contrimis nu the r , ierninhir t.! -- i" Grained' nil kinds wilt be tacit in etelviiinn foe gip Thio voiahlishinent in liwn.ed neat the Latliawa a 4 Illoom.burs Railroad Depot. PETER 1111.1.111 Y 14104.1011 m, Bent. 14. filla EXCII ANG E RESTAURANT. Th. Prnfirletnr, haying rennvntrd nna fraltedttn-li JIMI'AURAPiII', in 11w tongrawni al Inc EXCHANGE HOTEL, they would moo werierthilly;soli, it nerminwinee nt the oritroneke of thew uid i iti4olitery. and rordielty in Vite the *firearm (anew vises to their refreekwento ail (*now*: Sl9ll OYSTERS *4# C N NED OY STEMS Neo po b seivtin OVATERS, Pl.lll. Ihioif times per week, HAM AND KAMA, TRIP*, 11014)UNA. beet of LIQUORS AND CIGARS. fl- flyrhis Eau be served up to swoon:too ni it memento notice, in 111'K ST VI, EN, STFMI.I), CHAFED. FR 11. OR lt4lll. to run the twee of the erleuefiti, IttN/14114 4 CLARK .11:04muburg. April '49 OWL JUST ARRIVED. NU, MIT CJUUI)BI NEW GOODS! The public are inhumed that Ur W. CREASY lk. Co. ha. Just rrcelvell TI I E LAM; EST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING AN D SUMMER GOODS ever bought to LIGHT STRE ET. All k lode of goad Goods ciimoir tot cosh of coon try prodoeo. H. W. CREASY & Co. Light Stmt. May IX WM . _ A NEW ARRIVAL OF MILLINERY AND it" FANCY GOODS, AT MIL ZS. KIIINVO* LIGHT STREET, COLUMN COUNTY. *Dia would resprrtrally 'Warns the sit liana of Llahl elfeCl and viCialY.llla stir hal Jll4 rationed Nam the silly with a Mir nreofilnrtil al Fall nml wl mat M NIRKY AND rAny UOUnd, cAlcur dad IU suit this Dade. BON NEM ovule lo order, awl repolr.lN AGRI wish nominally snit despotelt. All werh etecnleds llor best and 11/001 Wily manner, upon roosonablvi !rms. P4lllOl l lll Allt , lllloll ill paid to &rev oink 'fey. Plot boo rArreams or every itererlyll , m, puttal to/ sn thu trodu, on hood and for solo chatty, Eqpt wilt pion pay snarlsl attention to eoinrint, having *rem time and mosey tolearn the art in utt it* parttralars, aaa id rottaaeut in riving satistacanot. ISTOlte in Wordeit'd Noventlwr R. pan VALLLtBLF REAL ESTATII. AT PRIVATE SALE. The hodorairsorl offers kir farm ronandlng fifty. An' r fal Bala. It if pharsailtly rimmed lei ladisou township Columbia comity. hoar Cyrr's NM. 'lhe land 1a nearly all cleared and Ie a Nana 0010 or cultivation 'I ho haildhigr aro a raid stood ram story holler and Rotor how trams ?Moro woo of goad limber laud. TllVfl , Ufa lialfafal springs if wale, las the.' date and a wall of water al Tile door of rho dwelling. A Inc' )ound orchard has been leteli plaited and will boar fruit in a short thou. remission will be MVP'. in 11(trott days 110iica— and it destined Mock sod all 004. ret /118 easy. Ap• ply to C. IL klatkley, illuootobittit. Po. W14.1,1AM Y. K ESTER. June dr, lean— w. VALI. AND WINTER. Milltnary Goods 11 the l'auell Store of AMANIDA= IV VHI{IIEIBEII, (IWCIT10 1 )11 To MOIV 11411.11LITI) 111.00M811111111, PA. The public ire reepectrully Inhumed that they can Jot Welshed with everything In the Al littoral? line upon the meat reeruisable terms, and in gamin not alsrparutd for style, twenty, or durability in Ode sewn. Iter Moving latrine of Ithlh,ltotteete,oed Witt toreielte. fee Wooten else Illoyee wee., lee heatuitiel had well ehletteled to null the tames of the toot rooddlente. Mete Makin( will !twelve 'pedal attention. !levier just returned frets the city her ginds Ito all le style, Men her R call Korn en Mein oluct North eido pope wow; Illousudire. Weber 14- 11101).-11o% SPECIAL NOTICES. Elilt()1114 OF y 01711. A Renvlnman who In early ninon le balm to 11(ihn•Ing Oen an common In youth. %MA rnrullni in pinnonni Wanlminin. Invnlnnlnr?lifhllnna N“fYrtill Prortrallon and wan 1111111, milli hie 41)011 In htipolvel mlwry. Artnr PIVIIIII/0111111 r 41414. MOWN,. hn Moulin/id Iron, n Mond Vitus I.llllpit , f 11 1 ,141111 pnriirriplititin t h at niteiAnil a ;0•1• ninorint rein. uI kiiihnlf uf ruerrlng Hi/ salty bpi wilt 11,11 thl. p.m.. In „ ..I Omni.. In•all who way &nun It. , 3 TillinIAINE, 1 . .1t10.1111111r*. PICM Yuri!' Novvriitir rn. 114411 INFOUMATioN. Inforulapun Silarshle,l In ptoo.J..rol lirlnriaof forviti of hair niiiirt a Will mid , w husrdlen. Nen. Oro a rri.rifte f 111 e r. uury ul of Flo' Woo, 111.1.1P4. Wallah:ilia, vie. ualhr din I..aviela Iba ram. pan dc/11r. and iW/44111(13 I rail bP 01/11110/14 wit fool r im rl{r by adaree.lbs 'rhos, Y. A NAAR'. Canolirt. rJ3 h.uadway, Vogt T E A ING PUO 14, • Mu) 1101'SE tir Mr.arY. !Inward ‘onhelattne iteperte. far YOUNI/ MIS oil 1.311111 Y. filo Sill OK, sail the kiturrot Aftudzki and iIIIONAORN M 'etch du.troy the inunl pnerrro. and entitle impediments to MIAMI' Ally Wile elute wan. of relinf, 14en1 .raced kite, so ,einpes. freo of )I ,l dree• Ilk. J. MK 11,1.114 )11411111V4. Howard Asentintlen,Ylmndclykie. Joao 3. InsP -1.4. rri - Damien*. Ilbils•pren Ants ease teemed with ihe ulnwesi +ureter by a I s4lAvel. M. ti..l/cullsl end /Wrist (former ly of I,e> Ire, Nu. 1 1 114 Arch Ykreci. (tons the woo s reliable •nsirerso Welly and country ran Ise *ern at tete olAte. The Medical reaulsy are Invited In He aouilouny Ibet, phlirido. is he his no vecrei• in las preettee. EYLII Instrned allhM flay, No cha r ge for ezruninolion nine. 13. 11.137. ly C()N811111"I'l V ES,I The Rl•. KUWAIIIIII A. W I 1.F./N will aenJ,(fria , of charpn) to all who Armin, it. thy preactilition with the die...lions for inatilog and liming thh alrtiplc remedy by h hint be we. rur. oy a Inns affection nail that derail tlionarc Coo If la only MI Jett .a to benefit the offitrted cell It. hopes carry •.11'cree will try floe ercerrinutin. as II wi'l cow Ibrm nothing, Ana may pawn litroainc. Near, adders• Rt-r. LIAVAIIIi A. WthAtllli. Mu . 163 Nowlt ticcuuJ tltltel, Winfunellurg, New Yoti. DR. J. BRYAN.CONSULTINO PHYSICIAN til9 Broacway, hew Took, Given PPECI AI. TR F.ATet I:NT in all entree or Sett& nal. Polist. I:tinery and Ikrriraug mile ..r fniroalio. Arretvs rase end correspondence rreto - rbe 1'010100171A1.. To tawriimrs.-1 Mill 'Pad m) private tied root dential urraltire freer/ eilerrte. a nd for 111 trill to valnable trvetier on rivininiol Wvalonres, by Br. Bog E. Mice.. Me 'omen. %di .1.1111 any Private Cirrlihr n lib Anniiiibireal Foetal' Inas free ef rha,le, and for In trot,. a orate abb. trentinn by lir. Jana li. flvrt ti n ni nine lop. tuna laastaralire the all subject. or In frt.! to Slit era rrArriNERA OR MISERY. The violin, of youthful inilisurction 'traitor. hip lurit.poc Phis* hip p woo., ip of yno u.he tinge and thr tuirimit ^f Ln.inere Ile in winery ; but ty the liwrly use of the long tort and faithful remedy Hell's Specific Pills, he rimy recover hl. hraith. Make'thereforr ha de Iny is U*ll , i ill'. remedy. It girt, •peedy reiterant) w amin Irv°. a Tura all set or Seminal Weak r iera , Espip. v i n n a , rhyloral and !Vera us Debility and derangement' , .4 the winery 'amine. I'mtiele Al is on veil by u•i,, a 'Angle lent It it entirely c e .rei a bb, and Ramie.. and No thunat of diet to nereaary whilst nails then,. Pri er lane lAdlnr ti er te.a with full direrlione. p o i.' b y m oc ci r ta generally. In placer where say 1141111n11141 procured I will rend ihnio by wall 110:t paid and !ITU(*) fr• rec e ipt it the uniney. Adam"s. J. dI2YA 4..11. D. 8191:Roan wait UN VolK. Private and tonlidi nlial l muliira will be anal la giah...nien free or r It .ir re • A NOV CI:11E1A IN I'ONS.II4I7It/N. A Phy.i o hit , ho loot it,, o , hihi ai oo toy •rnettil )car.,utih the ell rl,ll hinhotif with a listallculir Unitition 111 II e rerunning. when hi. cuss a motored Itt.toclit•.. lie In ill. only ptiy.tchco who has tined u in hi. 14111 pnitnott. On whit lin g gl op ktioneholge of tin nutue•; and V./111 u.eril.P Ilse tl ow, of Leallh U. now enjoy. to nothing hot Ovum of lit, itooleritto; and nothing hot oi tor dioqiow and outwit 1111111'111/11 14 all 1/1.1/1/ 114 ft roomy. tok ee th n , wllll VI Ma 14 colittitiritre in nil othen• iim utc d I mo i „ ho=ard thit ociw t 111. lbowe sottirtio g with n on t itne A pie if Ihr Lingo he prolfila ,a tccolowoc h. coi ,gl drolly hollows will eradicate Ili., Icon.. Purr 1..1u iwr b ittle or IP it hall'iloimn .rut by 'mow, ikoid for a t ircti for Or call on lob , IttIYI.STIM 111:KWINI, No Noah TuntA Ottcct,hotaitttaitia. June 141,11Slito —l.y. DEAFNESS, 111.INDNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the utmost by ISA Artl, M. 11. (kunst and A nrist (formerly of Ley. den, 11011 and,) Nu', Arch "IWO. Terttntrintal". Thom the ;noel rrtiahle entitees in the City and Country can be peen at hoe entre, The i tt ,,j teal faculty are in% 'led to pat i rm , as he bun nn eetrets ill hie pin ARTIFICIAL EYl'4l, inserted w thumt No elnrge 1111131 G tontine. (April y.i, legill —ly skk` aA BANK RA/4. Se ERS, 4)OQ Ko. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET PHI LADELPHIA. 'UtEN ERAEkENTB, c o ,. PEN NS A Y N LVAN IA 0, N D ETI 31° •W* or THE C‘G). v UN -#6 , Il d isE Oslo fIATIO Of Mr M itt 6 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. TIM SATIAVAL LIPPI 111PrdANCIII Vir'PANT 10 • eurporatol ep•vtiul AVt nt t.l ulna*. •p proud July 4, LW, with a CAAR CAPITAL, e 1,000,000, FULL PAID. I,;ftet at ten t pt off,r, .1 to April to and bollefiert, who Si r In rltc,ll9 Apply it our oillre. rul I floularr behtml nu myyllrslloo al oar ufflolf. Inentell I a the treowl rrorit of our Stiniting whrrr (olio* cud rtimphloio. fully to striOllttit %hi IRlTlMllage•ulffereAl by the CM,' palIV m a w he h e d. E. W. IV 1.312 K elk Ni. :14 &Ma TA int IRL U. S. RUSSELL, Illanager. Aulnpi 19.1003-ly NIGH'S I'oMMICRCIAL NAMES. T RADE MARK ON EVCRY PACRAOR HAMM& SONS, Philadelphia, AAP North- Irortern hrtiliriseg Co., Chicago, Pula. MANUFACTURERS. PI IG'iGa. liAtlolllll IllAvirgstoor: PIIOPIPUATE. Price, 1,21 par SLOW lb. DAVGII'S CHICAGO HONK ' I , dc $3O per 'JAY lbs. DAUGIIII CHICAGO nonn Price, ISO per %UN, Ibi. Tilt shorn blanterei are fiunlobed in btAli bag, mad, whirhPyrr tuotmers prefer CT The logo ore nuiMrrr Hi wtlight 164 pomade. The altentien of rermerp iw rPrfirlally dirrrtad to 16.• feet ohm the aellrEPN 11( thr NNW Materiel of which the elinve Manure. , are emaporrd.are on well under central that we ran turai.h them of strictly I m i r "f i n TlalllY and COThiitl l /6 and that they contain a large liereenlion of tonninnin than any nitwit class of 'niatinfaelured manunre In the market. HAMM 6 B,llollllllllre AVPIIIIIII. Philadelphia. MORTII-W WON IFSKIII.I4IPhiI GO, Ver. Lake & bafallo Ole., Chicane, mo o h'eentitmerrlyl MannreohM6V b• 67660611 trine dealers in tiny or Inc prioeipnl (1116611 In the United Melee Of U 061166011 of Vinod' July ME IWW Im. Ei'KAY Thrwo bond of Only tattle AM to my tqleinstlrro shoo* the lAN .4 Jowl 14 ,14 wite Aloe to my premier,' tthort the loth dry r,t flopletobee loot, worked NI /Ohm.. whim glut nod white 'polo moot o °Orli miss Ilto 'told env, abuill one 'MU, Old I our yeartins !Firer. (therm) with s tooth umlet the 06F. 6 hole 1661111611616 f the belly t one hm ii.. 11.• reito old, while ender mho In hly and oil Ant hind , lei thoOptol !loins , ism tole Loolkirain old witii tenth, tinder ilma bully and uu mirk ow the Iwo loot widowl.) (Ml. 14. lied , JAN LA II 'd NIP TWO DAILY TRAINS. -Sim 04 4,4 i). AVITIt J 11%11 Ait Y IN, InIM. CAIN SENcitit TKA!NIS WI LI, nu RI As FULIA/WWI: I.;II7AVM 80111 . 11WA1411. AM AM PM, Leave tincititn", 11, &I 7ln 441 Kins+l,in, 1..' 4 1 ., 11 111 *MO rn II .. Mo, 11.17 I),lntin,,. 1 . Art at Notiltuatio , rl , lol/ 10.1 _ ,' t 1.3.3 I.CA VI: MONT lIVAR D. A M I " 1,,, i a, ritotti,,,,ala flilla, 7.00 .1110 i)Juislllo, 7'4S . U 0 11 , 1 , ,,i, P. 15 r M 01'1 it 10::+1011. 1J.30 4.30 Y4l Atrial. at 1 4 4rtuton. IV 00 4.1.111 le IS IrMVIION Kio; 4 l ft 30 A? M for Prrooloo contort, with Tii.l4 orrivinu tot AlnitrVotk 413 40 -- rasernprr. i.o Ing tarn.,, fnna NrrnnUm a l 3.34 A )4 via Na Itiun.ltntinot.l.ri rtr it liartt•ltntg :141 I. M. ~,,, 6 :RI PM . Wallington 11l OUP M In in pull tenth l'hllnittlithht at ./ INS I' M 11. A VONDA. million. inn. 3a M ! 1,11 1 ,1111P:11 ! ! „Jig I Ll'iloir.NlS4; ilootymily 1 w. sI I ti,tivrtfully nibsrm Ihi tm nt (hut tlw y haw. their PLANING MILL ..w sot opera, WI nu • lb tome amoloomulll ui 30:411.i.., 1.11. and .Iff , two , preunrool Ito Pilloply all unfurl, al phut{ mitt... and 111 n 1010141401 11111 , 011 far I gi.k, limit a,. kortuwiii Id lumber oisol•la or White Pine Plank, Bennis, Flooring, Nowt:we Boned* siding, Hemlock Plonk, landrd of unplam , d, In int 'mu - boo:or /hire and errahiling iir all sixes. Their $lll oilionted at Or iiiiiiftatal Down. very COllll,lllr oily for shippint liv Iby cargo. They are anuUrully nINbUINrI4rIMy hnuber of all Mold,. Mad pe tillatt ha drum. i t i ff thii, of ,v rr y ICI I ptiall will do well to eta 'One their d.rrk bermo pore .ue tot cis , whet. Their aft , .1..1 , 11111114• a and au.. ciii•up 614 LW' . They 1111/U det.treto inform tllr pnb'•r ;Intl f.iipricifil I y thov., wih ai.hlo piirr WI if i they ogle MITI iipet lauy pr, pa Oa efit I 'MIN.?. 01 lilmort every rimis nail b•ntlh Wihiallit In build or trihtrar.lois PI building, coo save looney. 14 :Tiversx use r all uell.•r/1„11[11 %maid Man noncom re OA Ihry are rtepar”illo do ull k mit 11! opuir log of Mat Inm ry, m 4.41 am Marh!ru•w Mou of all Lind. al sitocultural ma+ueu• lute Irruo+. Adarrri, Y , C. Ove'y. pl. W, WOW Woottio , burp r). M 'OWER, (Or. Main d Irn o its.) U um, uttering in the Publir hie sricK or SITING GOODS r mrt.ling to part of a full line of MUNN, WOOL A; LUG CARPETS eilutPli 1 . ./11.11Prre rue I alien' rooter II n.I Prr,o6 thools 4 al I rallrrno and 9nrililira. I'. 'Ono not rnrinne posolliir. and prier., It. Inrlted and limn a Arlnblino, wdu r French Cornets in I DALIVaORAL SKIRTEIi .0.1 Y .P.rlatrin of I.a.lic•• un•l • hildroos• Gailote R.Ol lt.M•t a. I ro•i tirocertes and Sprees. New assortment of Glass and gnrensware. Et •No. I Marten.? in one Matron(' one flotilla thymic Vow is the tillie to mane hoar .elections. as I ant 01.1111/ 10141111 at Vcry a d d At , ' dealing to all, and nut to be undersold by say. J. 3 gitOW 1 1 1. omsburg, April 3d. S 0 I, I: 1) 11'8 ca • nowr AND SIIDE STORE. (01.rueire,Tllh Nrisul IV-1 rill111s:11.1 ilu Main Street, Bloomsburg. It w suleprrilwr MY,* plea•urr In gNRMIRfIR/ In It a propli Illoctinglirl, unit v trinity, Iliat he fide blied a law ashl Unl. ps.urtmekt I;OUTS AND S 1101: s, !. I tn..' and avalluutest's w , at to oat 'At tasrbes. s t 'ity wort t. of lavol gnahtr, and fr m the ort relmalr amaarattarera , li. king a practical ri man and a gitralparia nr i 11.4 li►rly to I. imposed Ryon by reef:king 4 . rttlirsa mat,rint ba.ity mode up. A ae desire b 2 noyttoog in bin Ilse would do Wl4l le ell e him a call, to lure persliuoug where. Ile e 1. ,. 4 GOOD ARTICLE, go id prlr«K In ONO purrb•soura. %II prl.4)** OM ArrlM hglit nr !loaf, wnrk rn.nlor s. enii ire grcorgrommliklol et PS, estabisehmionet. Also, si-poisiii4 a alba done with neatness and sp.iteh. an arrow' n•mrtmrnt of Ltdiea typtint and Pasta A 6hoes on hafti. A. skilsl.llolllll. apt ii 2. NNW uOAL The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Moonteburit and Columbia enemy, that they Peep all the 'newest newton,. of *Uwe reel and spleriel temp coal for swithing purposes, on their wharf, ad: lotto og litekielvv, Neel St CO's iNflinr°; with a Stud pair Buffalo Ferries ao the w Ito trio w•ieh rwoljury and straw, Like wise a 1i0r.,« 504 wagon. 10 deliver roar to those, who desire it. lea we petthww a Wee amount of root, we Intend to keel) a who:rho arta+ , and sell of the very lowest peewee. Please rut! ant mamma fur yuuthelVes Wore Purchasing hero Y. W. IfiNtiECltiot AUGUSTUS MASON. troll f: tendstsiansa writl tokr, eArlo.rnqo nor OAS I mid fitnerti.s, the follimoillt as 0 , 0 , 1 efikeee:— Who!** , liele.Vetn.lbein,Pselnines , I awl, le atil.tenvonl der, asti sine town*, Ratter, loads. MY! ke. t at th e beano!** seen price*, at his Stereo ee,ielleellit inset coal yard, .1. W. le We biao Illoninsiirs, April V. iy. N okrii N AL I.l2dl;3•Elt:La ‘`72° lo Dinter Ittitt'rE NORTH AND SOUTH n rough hdircest 80/limbo! mid Roches& r Maloof Change of Care. and attar Oniiitity. Rapt, 1:Ith, 186 d, raitserger %." Trait.. will 114,1 11 , 4 4.41111V1',L: =I 4 13 ♦. NI leave 144rihm410114440.0040n* 41 prig 4041 41441044. ermine at 13'0 14 0641441, 0 •. I. lilalita II 03 . Cannts4miila 3 40 v. M.. Roches. let 3 00 r M.. 14u3100 G V. 3 i. Pt.. Niagara Yang 04 00 4.0 40 P. 011 leave rloppitig Id all saaliona, arriving al Williamopoil, r al r. MN 14 10 r oi. TRAVIS NOUTHWAR9. 913 ►. M., Wave Norlhosulberlantl, stopping nt prinetprit stailoos.Bl,llVllll4 at II rriahnrtt It 20 linliisomrt !I 20 h. n. U 311) ►, I rtvirilll tit MI 1.11111 111 111. srrivl l lll at Ilsrri.hurg. et Ual• 'lnsure 3 10 r. n.. Philadelphia 4 10 F. N. .1. N. M. VI/WM. asn't dupl, Ilarrerburs, Ps. Or n 1 Pass. Pnlllistuore, all WAN! M. It KOI4EOIIOO 74, Gen', Western Pretiltt Agent, Uulalu. N rept., WS. duIATAIVISSA liA11,11011). On and Mar, MONDAY, M.,. 71, Iks, Porpenerr mann nn Ih. l'alioniornDined Mill run at the inDowing monied hunt!: INAII.I I OrTII. terA 1 10V4 14 1 111.. NONTII Ili /An 11. in. 111'1111.tnniport. Arr. 4105 p.m. $.llO ' . , ilkincy. Dirp.3.4l. " '• 1'.30 0 Win tinitiorn. fit 3 . 14 411 .. 9.10 " ld MON, " 4,4$ " " o,hl ii Novi, IN'' CIO 0 NOV " - Kii pu rt. ,ii 3.33 ir • 0 NM '• edfliWk.ll. *a 333 .. ILA kw. Eft from% n. • % IN ... 0 11.%1 pri„ Summit. .i. ve ti. " 11.45 ii Won A.., " HO ",- !. 1.00 . E. 61 iono.l jot,. .. Lim ...,- .. 0.13 .. Dine. Tititmon. Wise. ** OW 0 4.45 0 110 nit itig. " Imin o,tit All t.,43 '' l'hihoilr,lo In. " ti,rn 0 , •• I irn NPAV Sorg Via, newt. ' ".4 " log Of Mirorh 1 irilio . er.Cll New Viol' ii l iii I .4 4.01) " Mourn fit nisi. Nu change or riaris in tOret 0 WiPplistvort lUi4 M 10411.1014. 0 ri 4 1 . W E Mt, dupl.. .. . .... . .. . . . ... .. _..... NEW FURNITURE ROOMS, ON MAIN STII ENT. ilLoomsurim, PEINN 9 A. Itiforitto the r11111 . '1 1 1 4 of Ohl. taws *ad iviciftily, that br how 01 hi. nundritt , Homo. rhitios t 4( rvoty 111(41 , 144o h n , thiton 1 01 . TlM** NM" Awl r 4.t ,!,' , th 1,1,A 411,6 , 0. 4. 06 ,4 „ w it Too. herldro many other fifhtle4 ra irimisoo , /111 Ora ;MOW 111111111 . 01111t1 1 , 'Phu public arc e.rdNdly il l,llll4l trr` lolo- 1111,11 '. 10 .td M.. ll' Will .0 1 1' 11 1 ,, 1 I , •lf , ohaltiolerMei. raw. 6 , 1 di , Winn 001 In , pm I to tr 1.410 In so Ihottuatt. Cheap l4t taph Api .11, I , tier. I=l CI El II 0 II