i i 1 i 1 I ilio II El _......._.. ?rode, ihn4.Cl'k of Courts --Jossmeoleuutu. 300 81 *. and Itt , c4 rJor—Joint CI. Pruett:. Montgomery Cole, CommigNitutors—D.trid Yettornr, 1 William (J. Quick. Atariff—Mnraecal Millard. Trearttrat-rJeenb YOho. 1 L. It ltupoit, .- Auditors , John I' nnon. Ja c ob f Ha lat On. t 'ma nalvionne a (,9erk—Wut..Kti4 ll woun. t 'omettimioner's Attorney--14. H. Little. Alsenantile Appraloor—W. N. Jueoty, I. ' kulty Survoyor—l4aue , A. Dewitt. istriel Attroney—)lilton M. Traugh. I; .roper—Williuut .1. Ikelor. 4,.1 nut t y 14upoitutoodolit;.-Ctort. O. 11strkley, .I+l down , lutorta Revenue—H. F. Clark. John Thonuoi; Al i.4tant Xkle.eallOf••• 1 8 1),tolt1. 1. I)Aliluliodr, it onry. I't lactor-13injatnin F. ['mini:in. . _ —_ .... H uoilillINIIIV NOLUnal Sicltool stud Lltentlry idtolillitc. BOAItD OF INSTitircTrior, hIN BY CARVER, A. M.,_ Priociral, i I lessor of Intellectual awl Moral Socuce, ao.l 'Many mad Pritctice of Teaching: Miss Sarah A. Carver, Premptiess, ir Ater of Ficuch, Botany and Ormolu:11ml Brunches. . Isaac 0. Bost, A. It. Ps itaor of Ant:tont Langusys and Enr• Usti Oralutoar. J. W. Form:, A. M., Pi Amor of Mathematics and Traetic:ll Amtonmny, Rev. David C. Jahn, A. M., Professor of Chettii,4try and Pbyries F. M. MINN Aer of Geugt:.pliy, History and Book - LeclOOK • Joules Brown, A. istunt 'reacher of slothoulaties am) Eo liyh walnut:4r. Miss Mich. M. Carver. twine of Music kna Hallo and Melodeon MrR. !left, 'lt 'miler of Vocal Music, awl Asaist. Teach er of I 114 t Wel lt:11 Mush. • ' Mi.. JONA 1;1104.. l'eaelturpf Ile Winter term will (*town:nee loreur t. r 2d, ISt', sud until oto. Ilestriling flint it ready fur OCCIII)811(11 en uppliespon to rho 'P. ettnients will Le Iltrotshed with h noes to plossant It is better fur students to commons) at Apcning of the term ; but when this is i omsetieable, they 11111 enter at any time. WESLEY wiirr, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ma le IJEAVX:KAT AMP wrAft IP SHIVE'S BLOCK, BLOWIDIHI: KO U. Mush O. IN CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. °ace in the Itschntign Minding, preonel story, over Jarohy'p Unoti•ctoncry, Nrconit dolt: Shove the Cribbage Hotel ilblagrabarg. April 17, tea. O. IC A ULR It, Counselor aid Attorney at Law, BLOOM BURG, Pa. Would announce to hie Mende and the public In general, thnt he ban reauuo.J the l'thri ire of Law *Vail. Conveyancing and all legal townies@ proeiptli attended to. in the F.aclmoga Building. vetoed 'tory over Ey( r t More* Den/ Awe; Inlotnehurg. may I. E. It. IKELF,II, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBUItG I PA. . Office, 2nd floor in Ex(•ivange INel; , near the "hieillnge liotel." All linninrsn ploctil in bands will benitnnitnel to with prompinen. unit cute. Oullnellnar wade with the leant itonnible ili•lny. ^O. DR• J. R. LVANS: rilystclan and Swim, 11AVI G tora.nti pettnatotoily on Main Stretl, BLOOMSBIIIG, *wild in torts tho public trnotally. that he to 'raptured to etl. i, d to 4tl buruotturraithfillly and t lawsuit", that 1n,., Ito introttetl to bid duo. on isms routintuan. tote with the woe., Le' He pays atria allatatloll 110 Surgery a. Wail as ii , u,licine, soy. VS. INi9.—ly. Dr. E. W. WELL', RUCCESHOR TO DR. V. C. HARRISON mete at hit ropl.lonen on t'...o.re ptieet. to , low Third. All orJers left then will b. promptly nttril t trto. Olooln.bnyg. tint. 311. l w 1. lI ENE ERSHOTT'S PHARMACY. ARE fOC..lvolg Mtge fileoh arrJ era Imo*. Merlisrbss.T•ito awl JD( y nrliclus Mime Wu, theliased. ,T LOW ST RATDI AND Will, nr: or)i.o I.OW. 0w1. % to the tell Drugs end Medi. nos tu •I ritiessuelifo mow lunch. mg every lttt d v dOO 11 10 014 11 1 / 1 1 . 1 MCP.. Our stuck in luilawl eleupkte. 4'1411 nod sow. end be copyloo.l 1104 his is the plate to • sty. Janus/ y 4U, Itek, NEW OYSTER SALOON, in the baseinent the iM ' 32/0. 1 ;1 1 /9 msonat BALIZEIt LEACOIK, SUPT. retell tlyetere verved up in every .tyle rind nt ;11 hneri ; Math all the other .lidos"l.unkl in Orel elan Reetaurante. XX Ale r en.ta fitly tin hand, together with choke Lintrory of every brand. Everything in tip.trp order nhetit thin Saloon. Rovrdyisqu not tolerated. Olen in and find thy %tom In omen neat nr.lee. BI oomsburg, Nor. 13,18G7. Coopering ! Coopering 1 .! TllCpubacrtacr tenpertfully annuuleta that he to Pro Pared to Ittanufactuta BARRELS, Tl 7 13S, BUCKETS, CLIURNS, and everything In the line 14 I :ml,r/ring. 14)N11 To ORDER load at short make. N - II la shop is Ineatd4 on Main Street, Illourusburg, nrar the iron rewi.nny's railroad. M. el. WILLIAMS. Bioumatarg, April Ng, SSW WAREEN'B IMPROVED Fire and Water Proof FELT AND CEMENT ROOFING. Theadrgata l e. when this tomposition Pasemsres are many. II la birth watar•llght and 11rd proof. II Is abt affect./ by host or cold. It can be applied le an almost ;Ferretti, flat roof. one lath inclination In the foot being all that is to gulrad It la rosily and quietly reputed. Its cost is teas t►aa any othal Ore-proof root now in use Teatimonlala from ell parts of the savoury at to R. darittillily, security and iledinainta will be shown by JOHN W. KRAMER. Jul P. 'llB. Agent, Bloomsburg, re. A s sipealmea 'of the baobab can be 4 NM be•aa an nom Boast. a** • For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which id at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss awl fro/mess of youth. rhin hair is thick ened, failing hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the Moles aro destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such tut retuaiu can be saved fur usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparatious dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing elso can bo found so desiralt Containing neither oil it(or tlyo, it inc., not soil white cambric, and yet lusts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustro and it grateful purloin°. Prepared by Dr, 1. C. Ayer & Co., ritACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHUMS, LOWELL, MASS. 11:ULM $l.OO. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Yor all thi purposes of a Limitlvo bledlotno. Perhaps no one moll. ine la su UniVet eully to. Inlaid by errs ettlhart so, nor wad et et my befOle so universal. ty adopted Into ruse, an •r.nyeinothry And a111.141S dl o.War. M tills mold, nth oteelent purgative "W. The obvious raut• on Is, that a le n more re. utbo, and far m a re utter. era rem... 17 item any other. who Imes tried It, tnew that it cured them: those who have not, know thud it curt , their neighbors nod friends, and till know that what it does 0 3c0 it dtX 4 / 4 always —that It never Cad. through any fault or nealeettlf it. composition.. We ii.oos thnosandi upon thou. sands of co: tillage. of their remarkable core. or the ihnowing complaint.., hot moth caret are known In every neighbot !held, 41/.1 we need not pitbli.h them. Adapted to all lige. and renditions In MI climates; contsinnes neither et/10111A or any deleterious drox, they may in) taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserve. them ever fre.ll and nitikos them pleasant In take, while being purely vegetablii no harm can arise from their no. In any quantity. They operate by their powerhil Infitience on the Internal viscera to purify the blond and stimulate it Into healthy actitu— remove the olettructions of tho stomach, bowel., liver, and other organs of tho body, restoriax their irogeler action to hcolth, and by correcting, wherever they exbd, Each derange ment.. as arc the first origin of disease. Minute direction. are gismo in the wrapper on the box, for the followlo2 complaint?, which these YrfU rapidly cure For Dyspepsia or indirratioe Listless. laves. Lioarier anti Loss of Alpimistio, they should be Liken moderately to stimulate the stone ach and restore Its healthy tone and action. For Liver CoonphUns and Its rations symp. toms, Bilious Headache., nick !Lead:oche, Jaundice or Green riickneas, lstllons Celle and Dillow" Wavers, they should be jue dielously taken for each ease, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause 1t... For litysonfory or 110lasrrlessist, but ono WM .10,0 14 generally rep Forthen inatiboe, thisust, Gravel, 1 1 . 1 = tattoo of Ike Blears, Pain In flue Dock IlLmisia, they should be contholottel; taken, as require.), to chino the Ilineased lollop of the system. With ouch eLaiige woad compliouta dl iappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Roa . ritiaaro they should ho taken lit large a n d friNucut (lobes to pre• duce tho effort of a drastic purge. For *oppression a large lifew should ho taken at it produces the desired eireet by bregeohy. As n Linnet. P:a. Ilko one or two rttki to pro. mote diphstion and roller° the stomach. Au oce3ilotial duce ohne:44-i the stomach semi bowels into )io-ithy trbion, stores the nope)it.o. And Invigorates the bybojim. liens it IA I. fice ad. ventageel - s where te) .erWl , 3 11.!T:111.e.elvta ,ocktig. Ode who it`olll.4lerAly wcll, oiler. MIAs test a .1941.1 Or ',how Pills makes him fool dechloity teeter, front their deant lug mut leulei 'ding ctreet op tut: t 1.6,15. tire stipitrattis.. DR. J. C. .1 rtaystmt cht-.1•141t, LOWELL. 211.13".. V. .11. Sold Ly Moyer Bros., Blootoku; g, soil DI druggistd and dealers everywhere. MEW 1K ERY AND CoNFEC i.‘ TIONEe&Y r..o,(l.cialbnagAratitrictbefaCt ON TUIRD STREET, num siAttgr.T. I'A. J. F. X . riom ictorof thle ret,pomfotly infinio hie 811.1 rota flew rlndi4weqw,llllll Irt flop procythitip Mimi up MI hid 11.. W stood to on• ohin him to luritieh tht tr. with VAKEIS, Mir/ tYiNFEelltiVEttled. o.t tocto talose, 2 7.- lirrearter porprois. orlio towt bo•en (tutl6li ed with Alt., Ust:er ii , •rr, rod t'..rti.r. by tba War, at lattithq burteloyzei till upon ‘vii,LIAM 1.111,110111:. at N. Asionn In i-:hives' Block, Main Street, b 4. 1 .11 nutis..tixe4 by 11w uoi,:ereigbed to roll the I.:111111. willromomody haver 4 .apply ON which will 4014 MOM iopmet. mitrke4 r .too. Mr, P. AAP in cannot. .1 nit Hat y Add Lod frrtilosiery,. lira d imp moray 10. r she ruin al ICE CIIIEASI, in ail wb way favor hint uslh Oar tuount 19 RA° proparell to otako ice Cream ill lorqr gnu ld+ tiro for parties. public or ~:hi A:Abe stop it. as the care boy ho. nvorythift• pert:totting to tote Mot ft buottiors will ti ratrt‘ti mutt dillgeto nittistiost. ET' !le i• shonlaut to Iwo co.ogmorrs ow A irers, awl lane sulk si* • continuator. of the Nose. J. F. rux. Aprillt, NIT?. Tilt LAWS FRIEND. • Splesidld liaductutents to sob- The !Mire friend annentitur the (ellen it cov elate tot itintst--.ll,Avreen Tom," by Enc..'le.th I'n•e 111.11, author ofr How had liar Way.” he.: .11se Pilau ur 'Nan Lives." by A spatula M. p m e ae , hullo, or sorb.' bro.:buy Fortuna, ' Stc ; A New Novelete by 11,euiee elgandlvr Moulton, mith or vfeilirriug Irani Vale." g and a Now Novel by Mr.. Seery Wool, the diming:nista: 1 fittialtdi "veil .t. out bur or Kea' Lynne." Ike.; ogillese %Its. Wond 111 prevented writing it by ill !with) with nu. 'Remus Shorter Stories by u brilliant gaiety or lady %fliers. The Lady's /Pinged to 111 guts , 11 tlnely cvereled Steel Envision. a handsome Double rage. t holy adored im,la e a Eligirhved nn Steel , and a lame no immueolt or Wood cut., Ill'istrating the riablan, rams , . Work. &e., in ,reery ettetther . It will give at Impala' ',tend Nltheic. worth the coal glib.' Mlnguslee In heal(—in every 1111111 1 / I . f. A ropy at that I ttlle said Amin ful l'rentuitot liugruvinn—'•'Flt.' !long at Horne et Bea".engreted rApr.p.ly Int nit, render., at a cost for the engraving Weimar nearly ell Ame—will ha sent. peat paid, to e‘ety hill (11,50) subscriber, spud to rviey ',menu seedier on a club. The unstaring le a gent of Aril 11../"'1'I.1 NEW 1 4 VIEICEINOM—Mark nig— New anhaeribers who send In llwir snare for 160 halos the Snit of November, rhall receive the Noveinber end December numbers or the year in utaklht fUntleon mamba In All I And 011 stew 0101/. Ilriontro IN tete) shalt receive Or 1 111 1g 11 1nerla / 0,0 ” ,11 ' beg itolidey smuttier, inakieg thirteen unsettle In ill. TEIISIB : few, and the largo premium engraving, gni.Ao 4 copies, .• . . . . ..... . &IV I '. . . and one groili. . . . AOO a •' . • . 111111 Mit go 4ila., . . . I:.00 01 , copy ' , rich of Lady's Friend tad Post, cud Premium Finessing, 400 Ms getter up 0(a that Will always rot:sive a o.py of the l'rr 'Winn Engraving. Allernin•rs i/ta slob wirii• Ins the Prviniusu Engraving, nlf•t ruts One Honer extra. tipcsilusii copius at nt grill's, Address, IiItACON Is prn.castoi. 3MI Walnut titrett• Philadelphia. Woke de, NSA.— 3W. BLA.NICS I BLANKS! I deecroveone for el top office of',' scribers. ro ciAsli OUT! L. T. 011AMPLESIS, I.llli OPT ft., a feat 4 , 4141* 41 very lew pelves DRY OODS 01 , ALL K INDS, NoTto NS, 110()P-8K 'Writ UOOTB, s} Is, a Arri Ans, I .vrs and CAIII, Stoneware, Qumran% BASK HTS, &e., Meat tertian. will be been es canny good,' wlll be offend WAS' UELOW COST (live hint *tett W /or vile)* ler env. wuw•p comober 21. 11+00. 3N. I. P C. C. :If A IRK% TO SHIVE'S BLOCK, FIIt 4 ota.pit A lit IVO • Vat OCR AT orrlUi." on.letriviell resel►ed from the toy rim knd complete 'apply of 8 It INU dNI)I3 I/ .$1 Elt DRY GOODS AND GBO-CEltll ES p %/Awn , Ten. Mair. lii iirr, Cr- Car Mid WIWI*/ WON Irrq., 011161“1111• nry, (Hain Tottle.f,o HON and 14111.110 n and Mral ; ail or horn I p/4,1•000 ndiing at r vcry r pv.thice. % L ir caii and eve. C. C.113/11311. 15:6 , 44 , 34144g, April 3, I#ol7 WI 11AVE COME %cub tv.•R•rte In to.oimral• with n. I.llf GRAND I DOLLAR SALE! tig7ll4lll fire of root P. 1.1. r 011i:tr. K'ATI.:IIg9 Oen ~(C.i.11 to mit ttgrate.. fit:WINO 'IT A 1 fllfilf."llffeo of eifillo Heine I A #lll. r lirN.rls !fee of root 10 Aitenti. 1.1111t,i r. 10 I Sfr . f Cost 1 rullr Arcoola. eil,Ks 4 .4 Nil %%10 ft ee IMO Woolf e 11410116. IoM 11.4 owl Rllfirol haw of C.Ol I o Att" fit 0. Gayk:y. hoe sof f.• 00f Age/110. I z . O Pfdiffr Mirgitha for out Craloru , ri. 11.1 [TO Mit rire.lllo, Ageo., • voselr4 vayw here Athiews4 .I:ss. T. Stevesirt it, Cu., & 11., y 01114 t, Nr,r yeti', 4/VW Itla:\Vlil<, A. T. Bent. Taylor, Proprietor, The propti , tor lo ItIIVC A 0111 1 .40141 the ituNlic that ti.s.x I.aoa dowse of au* well Mucus lUwr.•, mho 1.34 .r INio umfunzones rotoplcle rhitligs With ils .11.010 r Inletntr Inv Iren., r Very re.,p. el mire noise flub!. l opid 01%81111g to Mc ttaystiss pothltr. na 01 us its parr munge• The pte.f.t.t proprietor Mill Pleitti 1010. 10 6011111111 C 111111 11 0 .1 e. Nicit i 1 Imo Licit. via A well cuoilticto4 'limo 04 cl.4:tlSlnoomil for ik 1 , 0 V. 11111 public and ale 11th: r. whom, bu.irreit. settoom !Live pond.. thou,. I April 13, PIK - - G imritovEmENT IN SEIIING 111AGIII.N1: S. Losvpire Shuttic Machine ! $A I.PrininiAll 4 . 5:1•I ilrindway. N. Y., 1 4 t, I:l).tc.il, 921 'h,HW .:41r1,11, PATENTED Pell. It C.o. 'llllB MACII I N K in eountruebni on entirely new s.rincip! , •s ~1 1111111IY rare and r,y6tablc nnpr , Ir , qw!iblis. having ',lwo can iniurd by rtrc 1,40.1 Iproduiind cilium', and pronounced to Le S:miNcify a n , l c,lectAin 1)(mild, 10 4 It ha+ a atraiglia ..wile, perpendicular au lion. nutlet the LOCK nr Pllll. Trt.a errrcit, which will arulo r HIP %or RAY KI., and is alikron hot b older ; perforwr perfect sewing up 1.0.11 tit:W.l.lOW .1 ',MOW $0 br guest igann ua g with repine. lipon , or rick thread. from the conte st to the Anent number. Wiping neither CAA/ or Owl and the kart poi, 411.1 e Mellott, it roma an ',womb ut , pla.P. pod in ROtiOhodt.Mlll/ ts /Vdtddlidf. It rrga.rrr rr PTV PER 1' t• VI% le., pow , . to drive Il iicin duy ....Wt. , 16.. %la. girl todiro years of age can WO it ideadity. Witham' Wigan or Injury In It. Strength and wonderful Fintplitity oreonntruo ti.ut moth:to it almost iintufitaitilti to get out ..f org c n, and i. illMitAltitECD by 'lin teittelulty to guru ou. tiro satishif Tina. Wo rn►pertrnlly invite all •both, who my di sire to supply s solves unit fl r anion. to C 01.0! 111141 eS tetalislis &big CKItiV A 11.t.kai M Avlll N this hair hisit's instruction is sitiktiout t" •:rnLI shy to work this uhiehios to IWO stairs set. A f,U, IIA Wanted rOV all lowa.lllo the tholtml 1%4. re :4:emit:J.:aft. not already trtabliotool. Also, Per retied. Central Ilea Semis America. to album a iiherat di.teent Wilt tit live.. L Might: tit:WING MM IlttilS AIM 33t, ernadmoy, N. V. GENUINE MANURES. A h.r..EN & thirmtweib SIVA PHOSTUATK OF L 1314, Th. - (44 FlOtil:stil nrUrle. ittleronit In irliiiityt 1110 most finely pnvnrit AnJ rhenpet4 rhos pLate'6l he *OW. In Hap. ttor t :tch:s7,o per 1.1140 lb.. AMMO:4IITM) '7II.7IMIZZA acknoviedv.d pr 4. the t0 , ...t mai.urti nt the et lee. l'ilbrttd so the publie. In Deg.. LW lbs. each, SL) per 111041Lp rusts; GROUND DONE'. At Lowest Yirrket Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. only No. I—reerivud dirurt hunt the:Gov• erisintot. t; VAN°, 1: I ;..1 II A splenitliqinantite, and min 'ant hi attracting much attention Amy runnel e. Pu~tcd in Darrell'. $33 r. Cr WO Mi. LAND MASTER. In Vary, Ii of luq. t imnko r:-tos, A porn articlo A DISIX)UNT 10 DEALERS 0:4 AUOVE Pfoitiltol IkJ (loanr flour you not Loa vl' oar arlriv., your orders thaVrt la MC sad tlicy will have prollipt ulloution. • ALLEN NEEDLES, Oates& Mores, 41 P. Water Virrui, gtd MI N. Delowitna statue. DI Auvas CANDLINI AND GIENEKAL Commisolum MERCHANTS. PHIL A DIMPUIA _ lIIITABLIONNO IN 1448. J Aug. It. 11164.-131. DENTISTRY. C. FlOWEIt r , ROtr.3ll nyst , crrvii LIN otters bix profess {Mi l d 111•IVIVer to the ladies and penile Ito o • ott Of II Houtslitlientol vicinity. Ho Is 411 " M 1,1111,1 I 1 to Ittleild to all the wacky,' °perm woe in the Hot or uis prall4llolll Yddlcpprovided %will. latest improved PIMICKLA 7'ENTIC which Will he 10011.41 oti enld tine robber ha e to I onkw , II *4 the natural teeth. [date and block tenth MIN 'tetured tier all of eniUuno on treth.cantfully and Attended to. Residence and uelce a teat doors a eve fibs 11101111 1141110. . Ino".natou ref, 7u nt 6. 1R63 OMNIBUS LINE. rig undersigned would rempl.oolll7 gliantineo in the eillseite of Bleoreshurg, and the public gen. rally, that lie is running .in OMNIMTH LINE. Re. town thin I lace and 'be .41C.IN* rrtnt Rail Rood Depots 1111 I• %/A i : 'g i ft UW.IE. y, Idunlers excepted) In on fleet with the seeerni Treina going i3orili a Pinot on Itie lotawiren and Willianti , pnit Rail Road, rnd aiith (hone going North and amnia on the Lack, & RiOntusliurg Rend. is Obi N lintinKli are In good condition. 00112i110. din''e and comfortable, and Charles rearenrkle. TT Pampa wishing to meet or see tb•ir friends diliatt, cite he actionnindetod, upon iintennnble Charges by lassie/ timely notice at any of the Ho tele, JACOB L. GIRTON, Pr. rietor. Oteomoberg, April 27, 1864 ithit pmblloo , ol, ler al ottalad roan. itigtWWl. NV* 6 onto. A lantana on ilas onion , , trentni.,at tool radical atom of alrasittlai Weakeepee or PporifilliertWat 0,4,,e,,,i by 0„11%Aboan; (nv(An m 0t y (1'014 , 4011e. lel goti.ore.y. Pi Mi tirVOu' 04141111 / 0 lOW. itardlinnsta Id Ma‘Ll3ll9 llitra l lt t Ilinteemption, r,oh.p.y, „„d p t . I 01,.1,141 all *Vele& lbeeptielty, &r. Ily o w Nt j..t,vreywell, in. In. *IMMO or 1,147 'llrurn Wai,' kr,. ,rho w or ld fonownad stator. lit %lite ado' irlible 1,0,.• t im, mo ir ly yrotino front lila of, o capprionen, 1100 ih„,,,,,r,,i c.,,h,woontircut or Vlnlr• A beim 010 y be I' fr, , ta lolly frrauatol wutholit Modicum, mid ta Illddlf olln 4 9 1" 410 , air irN I 'P ernt i ml . S. bu'allen. inattoblenla ring?, or eerdieo. it...llama out n toodo or row,' *p e a iltA ytiots whi a tr, , tt tO , I, by which ovury stilr.vmr. se moviri Ailimit hail etouittlan may an, (any out. Mellott cheaply. prlvet.iy d opt radically, Title 1.... a. Lure eviiiiiroynr a boon 10 thou.:ends mad iliouooole. emit eadett.w. to any add Mast, 111 o I/140 IA tall Vtdolid, MI terAlPt if Nit o'nla. or Iwn ;brainy' 'damn.. Ala. Dr. 113sieerweire Mame. , (juble, I) rim . (.t aryl.. /1 01,1reso, I:II ALL J. 4%. K 1.4 I' 4 r, I I'll., 1517 iluwvrY , Nver Yob. W. U. 10», 1,5 . A. Bkpt. 10, I 011 b .. I y Puma lc la . .. __— CONFROTIONNUIC. OR nr , sicrsisnial would P;Mpoartilli Ohnflullre I. 11M ~uLhr, ibsi he bugs op.nsit riturr-cLArrot 11...fotrontomeav 01100 E. 10 Ow L. ,Ming Ist.,ly inzutiked by Ilftlllol , l . ./ 1 101.61ut. wham 10! is pertssivil In Porlii.h nil kind, or. & N Ul FS. Pit ENCII CANDINA, VURBIUN AND pomel4Tic rigurbi, Null. RAIPINO, &C.• kV =EU= In abort a fbli alsolOnint of all kitoa l oods ki• too of tm,imir. A prat nark 1. or • 1)01.1,11, rovii, dr. minutia. .for taw Holidays. V•riicislisit utile ~lteU le UIICALIANO CARUS, of ail kinds fresh Crary day, ofmufrmAs cmrtniKti. (Ai fling' !II Ail A null la whited, Loki witracllini trill he guano Mt,. ii, MO. LCKIIA2T JACOUS, =TEM WOLF iSe. BARTON, (i.,e01 , ..41,01 , 0; TO li , t'.*:111I1'8,) 111.04)MSBLiiii;, lIA. Tiin rtliet, 10. v tax let4tied the PIO hi ex Mil and Mot lithe New litmetly by Mown C Kayo, tt /II 111/1 1 , 11011,141 .1 mlbliatit Doors, Bash, Blinds, Mouldinks !It at h to, a, 'MI tin: 0100 prepared; to rurni•lt 11.0011iN(i. SRI Net LES, Ilnd till tither lombot re 1911,1 to lii' colootortb.n of tm.ietliAo. AU biud. Torpeisit tbsio. nt iriloort It ell:. no. Joibt and 'thee rroott• tatoff wltll prhittithit Rol and .111146. te , pet.l.ltol) %%lAA' h Miktati't binonoburd. Avail 13. 124-U. • •OItANUNV ILLS 11(YrkI1, COLUMBIA. COUNTY, PENN'i. row. RD' BVSRIITT, Proprietor. Wvuld revitertfullr iatfortallale Mends and hip rensdie in 8, 4 nial,dlrOi 1., ha. 4a.sly IlDiilll (Mime of On, wril•Anown and lon vort.;odly located boil kepi by ealunei i:. nrit, Nvq, and thus lid% Ilone• iv in r in toro:Pr firr the aicoreui.wlaUoa of n o vm, , r,s, and for th., not , rtniteutent of lOW , kr." n hi , n 0 ). fret NVOI hilu with thifir eudlow put., and evir•nve bnvu Iwo a ai art.l in I ,, pahini and 0ef,1f,.11.111118 11l 1101/.1 lis • Ilthr(mit w r y,' , i f t,ffil !Moth thi t h e Nowt. 114 Will to; I, It untliiiii• to 111,11114 r/ In 111,, if pee glowil wnittv. 1114 Slat will a 100) el bt• itlilllol , II wish the beet um! mint Ithtiton lig aura, and old tank nub tile bon Ida •uas It. I attorlL I my 1.115,, E XIWIANCik: HOTEL, lILOOMADIMIG. COLUMBIA COUPITT. PA. 'the anderaiimeil having purchased and lately re. Atlod4lliolrcll Anuwa Iluu,e , elluated ua MAINI inionedlidcly impooit , , the Couit !louse, realimmimy inform, their rriembi rind the Nadia ifeneinlly, thrt their Hom, is now is miler rut t h e accommodation and entortainamot of 'l:avehlo. They lint , . vpnr ,, t no pains in preparineih , Frithanire for Ow entertaillowia nnJ emofort of lli r itic•l4 Tiwir Hullos in oplit loth, and enjoy. a 'Km tvisineto .•rrAlon. u)1 . 1 , 1111 , 95E0 run :it slowr to•tw,..n thin tintype " . 1,11 " 71 4, by Whiell MAYS. 14.rfi W rll bk. conveyed i. rth.l from the t. speettee etaticao RI dui,. time to uncut the run. KOONtI it CLARK. April 23, MI. TO LADIES. Your httewlen it cunt/ to the mO.l rlhcnriout muted let , Met r Yung u tot the frlife% n I of nind I lit Nona ho d usury sin Weill to the walk. biog. Dr. Harvey's] CIMONOTII Pllt M 111 141 M 1.1.1 have (Ur npli , afdll of 'final" f nOVArYffig 51111,4101. Tifry nr.• vfapeed for Italy (Ile. and tit vet foil ml tT Wien in Dr. Harvey's GOLDEN I:KMALIi VIVA larl.liAltri A MA. ors intended Cur epeeist tows I.`iusrinic toms p.111,,,- Ail mistletoe. 'Choy orb Corr tlegrece stronger than the irisnosiy kind and 41.3 pet lorlty :tomtit:es elm eel fettle. you runnel J..t thrm yclif 4roggigt I wiltrend them LI mum n nil. posatievill nod scorn: (rout disvnlion on receipt or Ow money. need an Illeptralca tiv4 toufid.utittl eirruejl , to IJutira MO applications Ad they. J. Zit YAM. M. 141.. A Pan•uiv cf. NlVN tent Got maid() was •4 Randly runt :Ittriesettaral Journal MVOPA la ef1..14117 blend ere• inPloolino l'oetty. in.orelooloo.'roolue, end Moral and firoterhoininst tool log, gem:roll). Iv: thy:later:fly ietiii , eitentlit wc.hntl pootleolt Utn th.oirtoot VAT ictl.. tail fin the wool of wr v %It ntletlllloqlll , . Ton riurtlei is, Talmo. en. toy, too.„ Audi Moo oloppived fin to lOW br...t 111.1 lOW 61 (Nu:ilk , anything to he (mood in boy }Ult. nal or tflitEr4 , ll. o . Agrictillitrr red Pflihrat lOW Plftl.lPlir. Cordoonina, Itelloolog, etc. Viii woof to mi d d.op.rosiono for tour th irty yrora. have n 1 ,4810, tor. olio, ay proootied of oholpotiolir, p00ri0..,,0 tine bran to turosob Illini•re lion very 11.potr10 . 1 broooelooso of industry and to protect thrill ad far no n 'loin our rower nyoupd otpo tee No i i.,‘ oleo nod oothols tonrionook of the ninny 'lotteries and 0p0,0.00n adepostoroo l.y wbith n finoo,co,„ rnouy sonmoieoi. This toorlinto of the aernoonforn rargroph In 1.101111 , %brill the price Of fllbKriplioh. RION ItltTAlrrillfoNT.—Thot inotuotoy. onop a• o dineriminotoon in gathering nod forpporine the WOW rirepla of the otroy, eorriooody for obi.. go.per, t..eto hitherto. bon been one Or Its masked fenoupoo giving wort, ujirewil sHtistaifilio.7l. Will be Vintidwrd tit itis reibieldud OAHU went tipu inoachoing de• wo.ooloo oo oho public. 11:111110. —Two *honor.' fond tirto pi:, Mintier. Nii wtdro r..r. I WIIIII.III Ilit• I m41..1114 311 tiu bioTtp• lintir Milner,' WI Ihr reed if the tome wit for. :AptCl - numbers dent. itildtroW l'ilf LW N. I , :,:itot au., rropti..t.r. Jur.: 17. Clertnu4l Ira. Phtea4.ll ha, r's UslioaAtil slr.Ors The andetatatted rospoutfully annouuer• that be ham Pattie.* pimp, one, ,locr below 311.,yr4 'el Drlig Slurs!, la 11.0 „•hsoßu Nioci, where be is prrparoi: to ron , ;ct ihr riwring bo•toce.ln 411 Its hrriodo... Thant , ~daunt wbtakers and rnOn‘terlwa iv prat by hint moat I.kilifntly. Ile SIII.I deans clqibina, waiting them Lok turn ? as cotnillo new, Upon thO !um I. ICRinbnui.lo terms. Navin/ prtured iill•Pefrif..o of m otrbionable bsir dr, ,Mr h., is pro. pared 10 VtilltlfelWilte in 1111411 Pliers it is jepirabi t In I lit OP ml , a 1 ftaison:4lr:o terms tiatell'ortir tattle very hert quality, acrd for eloattlog hair, kept tuuetailly on band, aliefnr rain pinomtbartr. Aptil 1. *a. To the Public The underplayed reaper' fully iltforeta hie obi frierote and cuatutiwre OM he bas.ro Athol hla evreltag ala• thiner, and is now •envy to ho wool carding to growl Vt hen good, clean and well prepared wool is sort rn•, IDY WV, look for corn, rd.... Col.olll,lNti and Aretvinti Cloth, ihne to order. Wool left at Hirt trtan'e stut,,, Illoonisho rg. et iii ho taken and rnturned aver, two nr three Weeks µ'4k hill "(work. The pay can Ira left al Ilartninu'e, WOOl 1r ft at Orangeville, at eilllyr Of the itorc i i, will be attended to promptly. No it Old WIKOO la rorraing for pm. floe POOnOlor only to Illuoruebury •red Orangeville, for the aeu•ua modution of those al a illetatice. U. 80113.0 v,t xrE, JUDO 17, IPO3. Near Orangeville. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. Mr MAIN BTRIRNT,(IIIH,A BIS OPPOSITE' STOlt 01.00 MP Will, PA. TIM undersigned hes )het dated up, and opened, hi new STOVE AND TI / 0, 001 1 2 In this phem wimp. he to prepared to make up new TIN Win nI ail kinds In his lino, and in repair -11111 With nu Itnyas and dispatch, upon the alma fell. sortable terms, 'le also Seeps on hind 810 V Pi of Various pattern. led SrYlea. which hi will soli upun terms to stilt ourchnssrs. Give 1111141. e ill. Ile b a Rrnnd metbanle, and dm wring at the pubt.le pat:asap. JACOB MIT& Bloomsburg, Sept. 8. 1 11411104fs • W. aanzati t Surgeon Denthrt, Estracle teeth without pain by a new method. It a bol'lbrtli ha; inl.ss and is now used with good emcees , . All breathes of I IlettliettY 'attended to In tho latest and most approved style. eneo and 'Alike, nee door test of grim.' MOMS Store. tHolnitslotta. Nov. 13, Inv. . 4 " . 6 , 4 :_l; i sill. ' 411.10104 14 *4' 111T$ v 0 , 4hiiO4 divsp fkvibt it n in o4l . S f yytesr; B4nomsnl7llo, 1W" doors sheer the Vintrriran Home, wit , to he tat Janlelselvo•d from Nevi York nsi Phi noleirhiti. 11 n atNl osoy'oi Clothing, oichidit4 thoolo rtwi1.,,04.: tbirtibio und4haud oine, drat good* sookilialtigot Sack, live*, Gum awl Oil Clorii ot nil tionsostrot, ard Mao hue fir efs -411,11ii his ntrendy Oath of an 4n4 %inter sfinwis; striaoti. denied and plate Vests, whine. 041 , 11411. totter,. handherchieln. 'Owes. tut vendors and fanny articles: N. has ennstanity on bawl n law and wolf neineind asnortnient or cloths end Vo‘tioas. tie is prepared to-mate up to ardor., tido any kind or rktittnit od sou th+ot ttutiee , end in the bust of inaw one. Ail WA a oit tu wtur and tliOlit of it id 4.0 i. 'mine innnuomiurp. -- LL 4 3.2:) , 114, 4Vicrenazalro.cbcp otair r ititiauawas. evory Dostription, MR nod Cheap. ilinCniss of Joiselry is not sorpossod in this pinep. Cain end amine leis general tosortnionl of Clothing, Wnients, an. tiAVID LOWEN WAG. tilosonsburg,Ort. gn, iIE4IT BA WI A INS AND IC edisc I loss ill Prices. The undertivieil wilt ogee to the public ti; BEA T BARGAINS R. r, PhiTolo io all kin& of L)l2 Ca ) rk ) Ulf= Inalltlagg , 011011 ae IaUCIGNSW ARK q.ARUWARK Illootmand Sikoes, Ha 01, caps, ale! ?toilette in every variety. Out fleetness item Cho titer ut lune, will be too adcfcrt as a strictly ito*l ptrouru wishing to porctorso onyttnu; to our inly WI dose at a very small pereentnne an Current Wholesale Prices. ill kinds of ',velure eon grain hiker) in exchange. ill" We. rerniziliy invite the public to GIVE 03 A CALL and a Ow of their pattouaße. JUNINCII & lIU AN Vatartiera, June 10, A.. 1. INANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM. Neatly opposite (he Ppiseopal Chuieh, CLOTHING OF ALL vEsuurrioNs. miry etork ie enttipotert of tine Oohing, medium nod low !wired—adapted to all conditions, tapirs and wants. Ile has the In Oyler fur the season-a not nnvortment of Overcoats and Gentlemen's Shaw's, from low to Ow very her,. NM fion,bi rare pago th Ale and well Almle. In n,l4stion to toy %toe% of rmolY-inroln dolling. I have Fior.e gontlx for c0 , 1 , ;t0 ordernl Cloth*, Capsimerex, AcidtWirlux one of the grct Onus tomer*, I Runyan. two o tli in utl (toots and give vativfnetion. Also a vattoty of WOOLEN AND LINEN mum, gri , e kings, Yrekires, !;apnea. gicks. lisniikereniele —everything in the gentlemen's line of clothing. llloitc fil! Mines, Trunks and carnet bass. t Wii! MO/ at the lowest Market mites. rime; give hw rail rv* puranyilla ANDREW J. EVANS. Nev, Is, 1963. [MB WM. T. 110 PIC INS au.'it!' AM n in r, PIIII.ADELPIII , Maimtifertirer t t f Celthrqbq Ch , impion Amp •%ithr Lailit.v, Ms.*. T h .. h„ ~,. 01.10110. un.l heti , Vealstjf owl sly le in ti':. Ain. !Molt - % rle.Ty hi Iy •14q.s.irl sty thou Ns lh. y bir W. rinl inftyrr, r. ihmiog 'twit I I've Moth WWI. Ining more elastic Man hl I utto4s. Wnrrnal , ttlartrery r.,. sped, not sold at vrtr low pricos. Ask for Ilcp lute Elsa masons Stan. 4 upt.ri”t Tod inadu what. hone I:nrsels In fort...n tliticrott 0,141 . A shout uI f the totorrial awl & I angdon's Move Netting I 01.0400, ISlUghtd u. PriC.l. fluid ht 44404 10 $5.50: f o ll.lllnr OWI Jhßrph IL I hol eicoltbotto.4 Wr.y. n Cosh:ld. lIHWPfIOr 140110 , 6 Uhd I. n •liittrrest rinds. Coon el.lll In ' 1 . 4 5 3 1 1. Timf ern the Moroi hiol held 010. N AI s h e !glow. v tropotttA. 'rho turd. supplivil with duos, ekirtv 110 Coroetre al lid; 1 , 0 , 1.1 d rater. l'huss visiting the City elotorl,l not fail to roll anil osmosis out Littotls told parks. 1118 we deft all Com ti 1 . 41114 Sot. la, 1130. • IL C. HOWER, itmt , peprd 4 tirot (Imes BOOT. PHOE. HAT ANEI CAPr STOMP.. al 614 1114 4,1110 141 Vvin tite•et, hi ~ , rg. !lie ig r ~,,, pist•rd 44 vcry Integt 444441 h. it et'ev *seer 1111eri.4 to the eilivuot wisp.t4ii County. Ile OW public wilb Use glmhr And al cheap yviriek: hire's 4:sit 1.0.4t5, dew, 114Pn't lON double 4.1.114r0 glove Aid, Coepn:rp, &e. M4.reo filuvo kid 11k1suovel sheep. Men's. anaden'44 b e .p., and He y,-, s • glove. kid 1:11ilii1g Wollloo'o kids. very line. Vb'u/iicti'A due pont mor4,ceo keimucily, Wootwa's monmeu auA cal( slicer, CoWlitllli rhiltil plows. In rft.o. um544•14'44, miser.% boys'. end child'. ilippets. Ile 11*.cp.. is greet yns iel4l of HATA lidtrn, AND STRAW GOODS of evry kind, at the ioweit Meek, both for carp and coon, ry rooleevr. Iteterdwber the ettrertifin ift In nut gond!, Most oL the cry of high rime, but cell ea. pee for yeuteeivelk keeportfelly. 11. C. DOWEIt. Sept. 4, MI. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN." Junt Puhlirtied, In a Healed envelop.% Prier IS Cl. A Lariat.. on two: ?..,lace, 11141 Olken! and Cure o( Pi,rairt orthro.o or Semisoft Wrakurom, In voluntary etilir.tnow, &anal Debility, and Intpudi• went* to Marriage, grnrrally Slervousn,,a, Con• rumplinn, epiirry, and Film Willa! and Pby ideal Incapacity, resulting flout dellAtittae, &e. Ity fob ett J, Culvutwell, M. P., Aellvet of Po — Green ihadt," kr. warid.renoianed author, In thin admirable prOV , ./ from him own climactic/bib., the awint eon.equett...t, r-MOIOII Wey be tftert. unlly trnievrd witlo,nl niedirine, and without don 'crow. , stag...o op...atoms, ',linetrunsonti. mg*. (Jr (radials. pointing out a inuelo at gore at noel, rertato and eill-eatint. by with h every on(rerer, no matter M lint lii a condition way In% way cure htin• n.l( theoply. privately, and radically. Thin Lecture will prove aI, tothouvatida lull thouranda, Sent under veal. to aoy addruso, in a plain angled c a yei o pn, on meow( of nil cents, or two puatage otanipo. Alen, Pr. elliVerVre(Cl "Marriagrc Guido," prier 123 rent*, =I Address the publlsbere. cFIAS. J. C. KLINE k Cr), 12? flowery. New York, rostOthee ern. 4.3 M. 7th, iy. I Pettessill J NICSV RESTAURANT, Whams the citizen', Dr Oloomiburg and vicinity that he has opt and n New RESTAURANT ! s thin Weise, where 110 invites his aid (tient!t end enstotners tncail and partake el" hie refreshments.— It is his intention to Lary the best LA/;E;? ANI) ALE; efoudanily op hand ; Also, Porter, elernapartila. Nin oral Wattle, railey Lemonades, Ennotnetry and Lein en array, eau always he had at his neataurant. lu thn L atlng line he weenie Sr/le/I OrZ LZgl nut surimsecd In this pine" ; els, Pleblcil Oysters Clams, escilines. Fish, klarboeued Cbirkun, licaici Tripe and Beef Tongun, Be, &r. He alto has a gent article of ('i:/nr4 and (!hete;ny Toilnlcen for his customers. QT Oise kilt a till Bloomsburg, /Imo 13, 111611. Coals, and Pants. Mill Mile I:00 N, °ROGER ES, CASH SirsTEM. 11Q411P O:4IHITS AND eOßse•re. cosseTs IA %; I, ri In ehlve'r OriWag, nit Mile liireet WM; GILMORE, •- tdmir • it* h' Yolk. ihriad , .' - PigynrtiVettapin Noma, /toga dupe firma, hit' er, 'e4tio4llll4 drak .4 _ 4, • Tsitni, wire tiarriAnrg for Ns* Yotk, 40 IMIIOIOO 4111.11,11 ZS and BMt ars Winn. 9 4 3.933 vat enottatt; tug Olt ritnitar Tral4 On the Penni.ytvnnruCtail road nod arriving at Raw Vert at 501 and to on 440 11 43 A *lo4s 3" 4 ti 4 P.M. nod 9,lkt r, 41. rug itecompanying the it SO A M and 934 r Tram* , withal:. Mane. Wien liarrigbarg or Rending, Pi.sterille• Tama attae,Minproville. riirbland, Pisa titter*, Allentsivn nnokitadopma, at m m nod 203 dad 4 10 p Loll non and tieltwinut Way 10011400 • • *MO 111040100011011stot Philadolphia Rad Hog iridy, rot eosigviik, Uovon andiiiiitititn, I, la Ilatinytkill and Ortaluthattna Rail ROC leave tiarrlTharg at 3 30 Pat. Returning ! Leave New V.,* at 9 00 A 14, 1? 31 and aanad goo Pia .Ndiadelphia at a LS it in. and 330 tileteing meta orreittistayttut tOidi es p, M. nod 5 no and 8 P M trains 00111 Now Valk without abitage. Way P40.00/10e1 TtIMP 11 , 11PP$P1M1411Pip414 al 7 34 M. Motrwcling with sll4litsr WM 04 on EOOl , Petrol. 148 001,1 , 100 111.40 Readtd2 at 6 38 r * stopping at *ll swarms ; Pottsville 41 7 OP tint) SO A *, and 2 43 v dhatardds at 494 and II B,* M.; Ashland 790 A P. arid 12 43 NI add 135 P. 0.; Tamaqua at 030 A. , and 2 15 and 4 46 r. tr. Leavo Polthvitlo 0,04 ow , oldnutilit Puill , lo nl7 10 As, for 11p/ribbing, And 11 30 X fur Pine Greve and TfeWoht. neatl44 Act nonnmlottion Train : touives ftonding al 7941 m returninm front Pltitudnlithut at 5 IS r M. ruttny.m.n Accumnoulution Tnon . 0 .j..HAVAN P , 4 town at d 1,3 1 . M.. returning Nand Philltdolphim nt 4 :10 M. Correia's Rail Weer Traine reeve Mesa, in 7 CO A. ■., end 0 t 3 r. st. for gplunte, Mils, Lancaster, Columbia. ate. pe t iolate,' nation:l Trethe Iseen Porkhonceines titre at II 4tl a. M. and U 04! P.M. WHOM trkippeck Id It/ And IV3 conacctiog with similar truing Ott Reading Kati hoed. On hiindays : Icenve New Yot/atBUU P M, Nate delphie HOO A M. and 3 13 P WE the nOO A ht, train mitinieg only to Xce.fatir ; Pottsville N 00 A M.; Our 'usury 5 75 A M. 4 14, and it 35 r M sod Rending at I 01, V stinnis 7 IS , A for llarrioltura and 7 La, A 31, and tI 10 r X for New York and 435 PM. fix Phlindelpitut. CinctontatiMi. ilex ge, :Season School sod ruin slut Tickets, to nod,horo 011 Won et rciluend nave limaaapt checked th, °ugh ; Inn pounds eitnermi such Perneoger. U. A. le I WI, LS Gencrei Striscrinterlcnt, Rcmling Pi. Ana 18, Ishs, A. 8 1, D It 111041'1` A NI) PAli E SiTORE, foiTtoilTti ruu lII`HOOPAL, ellUiteit,j On Main Street, Bloomsburg. ►`t.eiod,artiltnt.taken Ovitoitu in announeing to 111+011,4util. un ! virility, iLn3 Mo flab i'tl hind 41 'WV MN MU. nnat,thwn,it 41. BOOTS AND 8110E8, ni sr 1 , diog and gontiomen'g wear. to Nita uil ihnOre• !+1 wort is befi , inaiity. nod h<<m 110. o.lmbh: manahrturets; he Swill a praeu t io rl WM and a good iltdde of ) er. la I, n o t lil my to be itble.oxed Noun toy rtf ttiValig ....tttolooos mntereal badly made up. lb. no. otesototip ouovtlitup to lois lino won't/ ti well tr him 114 call, bo.fore putchauthy elsewfuore. the tot't GOOD ARTICLE , AM, at prices to suit purchasers. MI wrens who desire light or henvy work made ti tno rr AAA 1141 ticetivisitioditttd it him extublirhuning. g 2 A I to, repairing will ho dime with moaners sad 4 spawn. Art cmpant nsvortment. of Ladies Poring tsu4 Rom rurn ehoes nu WM. A. riULLIDea. iloit/ 2. igbi, Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Noßroad. iiiiitiMMIPRIVAPIAN sw TWO DAILY TRAINS. -IA QN AND AMR JAMJARY i+ . l. DMI, PAS. SENGES TKAINS WILL ALN AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUTHWARD, A S AM P M. Leave Scranton. &SO 7.14 4,40 " Kingattaa, 0.99 $ IV 6.011 Rupert OD 8,17 tt Danville, 9.9.1 859 All tit Martha mint 'land 10,30 9.36 LEAVE MOATS WARD. AM PM 'wane Nvirthuutbv fluid, LOU 3.20 t. banvilla, 7 , 10 0 inl IN peo, 8.13 P.M 0.35 tt K i nna ten, 10,50 0.50 90S Arrive 01 nivrtionn, Dim 1.071 10 19 'po t ion leaving Kitinetan at 8.30 A: M for &MOOR) connect with Thin :wiring tit Kew9llol ill &IP - 1 , ,,,,,,,,g,,r, inning mon smolt from *melon at 5.3 a A S via No , thlta.fw ifttna,reA. it !tarn , toll.. Nal I' AL Ettltittiort: :: :10 P AL. Wno blugton in 09 P ' M Via It 11- pvtl, t ttat It Chit:tat:loin at, no it :lc IL A. PoNliA, ettpt, 'net nn . Jan. 10 it-07. • CIIMI LUMBER ! LUNIBER ! trite uhismtitettf: I.ov)erittrim rivor. ts y, ar,,,,,,irc.pearstily worm 111.1 pu:•Hc ti.a Ifi , y huvv Mot PLANING MILL new in , Jpera.i. , ll With no et.t. stmsr. Aron nt Lta kj , :j" ats fj7 LILL .11.1 4FI. 51115 W rfrpitred Iti supply nil at short nntten find of the lowest priers Pt( en.b, fillif as. %wino:tit 0,1 ;wisher ruis•t•t a or Vl' bite l'lne Platy?:, lloardm, Flooring, Sterilltce gloords, Siding', MeiMork Plan!!:, landed or enplaned, to atilt merchnsess Promo :aloft Joie , : au4 Srtteetßlot of ntl eters. r Manioc al ill mot I.osesteer Yard es NI the Ra &mon Pete*. very couvantantty for shipping lumber by thy cargo. They me constantly sonoutheteerlog {molter of all Wails, and persons who elelelre Mother of every the. scription will do Well I.) eX4lllioe flit fr stork before purreensing elsewhere. They are .le...reedited ate:l min. lorertly owner ea to sells.* Ib Np MI the cheapeot. olso to intoner the Pepe.: and espeLlully sv tio se sub to pee rettnam ia , t.stnorthu t I hey I , e One Mill specially prepare.' to rut timbers or 01 1 , 10 4 every ming and length reopored, Those washing In build or eon:ratters for letlehlene, ran nave mon• y. by fivion lova tall. would also 1111111,Ince Ilene they Ole prepared to Jo all hoed of munition of Therhinery. nee has 1 hercshing teleerbones. &lowa ra, end rill kinds of agriceiltue al isupleneents, upon remotest. Moreno'. .troro. F. C. lEW CR. Bee" Bloomsburg. Betel. Rt. Infell, Elloomsbeerg. Pa. NEW FURNITURE ROOMS, ON MAIN .STit EW', DLIIONISSIURG, PENIVAI. *ARAI:A 51 no:spectrally itiformis the eltie.•ew flits town end vicinity, that lw tons at his Vermilion. 1tc...0.e, ehnus of every .I..scripti. n, froiretvir. Howie 'rabies law end small. Iledstesols or tho Intinet purl and 1 . 4.11ri Tablet., Itoobtos Masses, le•enles many et b, r etUrl.•s or fornitore of first eines manufa. tore. The public are cordially slit It. d to oil 1 , Ned et• melee hie stock lir alit Pell Upon reason:. hie terms lr.r Special attention will be paid to la putting all kinds or furniture, cheap Lull. Ap. , 11, KIO. J. BROW ER, (Cm Ihrin if 'roasts. Ir huw ollbring to ILc rabbi: his crineK Or SPRING GOODS rniNl,tinl in pert of II full line of INGRAIN, WOO!. & RAG CARPET $ eloihn nod cato.inn ge fog id Jr* . robta. ilvgal.ome Me m , IjMuIM of nil l'atirrtin and Pt .l / 1 1 , u and l'nuln of various nonlldo.l and prier PI earlsed and Brown Muni ink Ludic, /*rondo COf bets Sr BALMORAL SKIRTS. 0.104 agorltncot of Ladies %lid childtene . (initere anti Root■, t tv.b Urnecrins •nd Hpieer. New nesoetm e nt of Glass and Qnrensware. Bt-Nu. I Illarterel isms half nod one fourth Barrels. Ynw I. the time to mote your melectiuno, rii4 I Am 444101 good* al very low prtrea and nur motto le IN.lt ideating to all, and natio be underwahl by any , • J. J. bitOW Kit. qeoinabstra, A ptft 30. 11167. COAL yARD. NI4W The undersigned respectfully Informs the citizens or ritnom.inirg end Mineable county, that they beep all L b, dily n yent Ramberg of Ain't) coal and "elected Nem coal for smithlng purposno, on their Wharf, a 4 Joining McKolvy, Neal k On'a Puree's, : will a stood pair ffurfalo genie. on the whorl:ld wehth coal,bny and straw. Llk,.whoe a borne and wagon, to deli ver ena to thus' who deolre it. As wa purchase a large amount of coal, we Intend to keep a superior article awl sell at the very lowpri prdess. Pleat, call sad egamtne fur yourselves before inirchaslngelrewnoce J. W. nuftwrrtno m Ago:v. anderslgned will take, in eschew tar yogi / and Groeeries, the ((Mewing named lirtieln• : Wheat. Ree.Corti, unto. l'otatnes, Lard, Dinh Whelil der, and side meat, nutter, Keg., Ilny, he,, at the high..otruott prices, at his Grotery fluor, gdanining their ens! yard. .1. W, lIEND/RVIKVT, Itlonmobtmt, April Si. lene, —iv. RALGIN Xwel r Wretern Fertilising Co., Chimp, SOLI MAAMPACTUROIS 1(111. 11AC01111 MANIKINS FOOPPIATIL Prim en per UM PH : &AVOWS 41111CM10 OOPS PIRTILOINI. Prise, $6ll pee CM Is. IIAV(UII'N CIIII'AOO 111„000 •avities Price. ss s Per 1014 Ihr above Wartime ate Stresished is hsthNpsla barr• fa, it foftft(trat ceppgrailre prefer VP' The base Kra WiaraWSl tit eeilbt #41101116 Tha atfolitioll of ruiners hi eirperially iirwast. es the tees that the soarer," of the Rs , " imitteml at *Neil lilt hi'Vg , Manatee *recomposed. sts so well trerter reeirrel that we cab ittraieb Ors at siirisqp U niform rirt.oity earl rosilities., and tbst they egad* a large pe rerotage at antrensts than any other ides of menu far tared man sera in the market. KAttall * SONS, 20 A. Detesters Avenue. Philattelplili. ORTII-Vl' &MON reiI'ILAZINO Co., r vor. bike it 'Assn, Pisa, t'bresser r5-It si atioe etown 11 , 14 I lasittires ma, bit punk:A (rata rtrrthrre In any of the prieripat toeswit he rY United Soh* or Nullities of (Amide vts A NEW ARRIVAL OF MILLING! AXD FANCY 000 Daly AT*I NAB. Se. X. 1130111 1 0. 4 UGH r STREET, COUMBIA Cant *041,1 , rtputitistly info,* t h e cilia.*** t Sitar! 011 vicinity, !but ,tie btu , into resume* trio the eny with it fine Plitotittiont al riff satil 4141 t I. CitY 4 NU 'Atter UOO LUC alai' toed to Mat 111111. Cll3 111`4.:P minder, and r•psirme CHU .t* nettlitet.,l a n d ttoltttottlt. Ati WOOL esotituti • tM best otot Mort fittsly mann. r, upon ressoistauf NOM rartirldhr altentiou is paid to dr*** rialites. Mkt hoc r 'Y. , nt «rrry de4tripti , wish Yo • on Mated and to t nie ; 4 44 will to." t,ay ftptrial attenttoa a With% havtitig 11111 P and a,naoy teltacti tint set test its o, tni111(11 1 310, Air toulkftePl IP Itlar 0110 . 60 . 1401 ,X $ ttf in Wordeter Buildings. .v. , ,t,ser n. 1 , 0 is si ltEHl ARRIVAL OW YAKILT (.3110(THIE8, AT JORS K. GIRTON'S gloss. zzbolleintlite s VSIIIII,II. volootilwr ha* just return e d fro; Ike tasters with A Isrgc snd Oinks stock et ileststms Groceries anti Dry -Goods, In 1110 thiamin of lilmoteekerg ‘ieinity WI 'ow as can be bad of all Na/al IR SIR sortion of thr c i p o ry. ilid owl 0""1111111 Of tbe boat virletlini of I:11FrIKE. M 4114140111 14 eci; tII, TEA, l'lrltt (of hoe qualify.) SIVIS, DRIED SEAT& (in their 0111111101111 (MIER CRACKERS, OA lk 'IDLER &c . Arc, VIIIRSIR. (.0A I, ki Ligiscrir (OILS. aln a mire nruortinini of Dry a 90441 led Saniery. mod a fu(l Caring,' of guilds. of Lim sena* sloes. end nl other bin4d. In addition in *kirk no Yea rmemeir a 1.1.411 Whir( ouita a has wontrunitat of CEDAR WARE A NI) WILLOW WARD; la which Variety of tondo be bee moral Ow ISUCIVIII Id modern Invention, niurinismilf where known, and which went COON ISIS IHIB He also has a line sr yyly of French htoroccoes; .d alga at Morocco Linea". tat work ; and a good areortment ad Queen/wire • Tr Call arid cumin* JOHN R GIRTON. P. R. r °Myr of 141i1e mid lieu Illremos. Plontorburg. Now. 20. 1047. rETERSON'S MAGAMINS NIF.APF.Sr AND lIRST It Tlll II woo LO Mr SPLENDID (WFRS FOR 1X69 This popular Monthly Magialne giver seem for the money thiin nny in the in. rid. ram IWO II will he greatly improved. It will pontoon I)1 TllOllll4lll l PAtit:let Voitrtees riiletolid Atari Plate., Trifle , . "toPtllatts fashion Mira! Twelve eelorig gyros PRITyrII. I Vine Iligulted tend rut'? Tweet, fee, Perm of bbei•ic I Ail this o eb given ror only riNir rtiur.or a dollar Ivry thin War Aimee le iho dare iii l'll'utt•rvoti." Its Thrilling Tater awl Norioetts ate the beet pulitiAbed any* here. All IN moo popular wrillMilltel In writ. oriegie• ally f•ir •'retereing." W Ire.b. in addition to Ito nasal loonier of abort stories, Plot!? I suavest Copyright Ices lets atilt be given eta N.ry Aet ineesie Tel• legion." by Arc Ann It, telephene ; 1 M WOW/ elf ki.vogro..4 Grange," by Ise ruttier of "list noel . * Mir:" "Katie'. Winter in Wioilontiiiii." by Pon! Lee nen...net; :•nd **The , rimy of MJ1g1lio•'• N IM nulling of • goy) , L'a nom, •' Sllsocuu.stat:otnrel fasts -1..11 Plates Abend wf /111 •. Purim p Wee grit ea• strayed on .tercll, twice the twins rite. and I Wein ing nit lignirtr. The. 0 011ie sups Oily colored. Mee, Pallellas Irma Which a Prep+, Mantilla. or cbill's limit con be tilt bat. weishout the as.l of ■ montia• 111111111 q Moo. several ;Apr of lloasehOld Mid NNt .11.4)11i 114 1411114 SUPERB l'It1011U)1 ENGRAVING ! To %erY Person getting asp • lion for WI will be felt! MIATI/4. 11 ropy of MU 0, *Rd pietiodl/1 /MN anoint for training. 1 4 girlies by It. 'The fiter of " slur the celebrated viewer pieta. 1 7 r.,,,, famous, Freshets a/Wt. This is the were ,trAtroblit preoinsw ever altered. Ver tarp Oltibe, 30 will lilt MOW btluw. ao I etra copy will be teal is addslis•as TEAM.' AI.WA Val IN ADVANICI. (Inc ow, for ~n. year. $ I NI Three ouptea fur one 1.4 r. I ,,, ser oeto for nor, year, Vivo rrquira I prof, and I to ar p of (Mb. Eight 14 '0" I year. anJ I to artier up of club, 1, 0 roultvoteuptel I yr., anti I to 5 tier up of alai,• 0 Addams., puol•pofd, J No 08 auxin tit Street, flitladolpba, Pi fkt u tn•r 11141. V A lA:AMY, It le MATZ. Al PRIMATE SALE. Thr dadereigbed offers hie Atm tonelosloy Illy . (nor n.rea rue Sate. It le pleasootly relented le ettolo ,o o towoolito Clalonlbso enemy. ores , Myers VOL Ihe lend le nearly all timed and to a red Mate to( cultivation Ihe balldlaga are 41 tood nand two glory WOW and gnarl New home t eam Fifteen ones of good invitee laud. Thew are 'Ky.'s' sprig.; of water rre the:plaror and 4. well of water et ti• door of the dWelliet, A Mee yawed oreltord bag hero Isle!, planted all will bear (root in a Ann time, Poroo.rodoe will be peon in *flees /aye satire •-• nod if dratted stock sod all sold. Forme easy. Ip • ply ter. U. ftethiry. lllydooeborll. rs. w LL lAM Ir. KRITII. Julio It, WWW 3— w; STOVES AN D TIN NV AIM A. M. RUPERT, Announti:a to laid yang fttsinip sad mares sts• winery' that he m 1,1111116111 the above byplay* at ble dJ olaetrof buoiarve us MAIN teligiTi noose. Ilisreriemeis and Wier, mat be atestemodatisi with FANCY STOVES ~ 11111 binds. atoirepiptylinia smiled/IW/ iirtiek round in ill Well regulated STOVII ANN TINWARE ENICANI.INNNIENTIS Wag ga 0 0 . and on the uw.l ri•tiyohlible term.. a 7' for !toupee mad bums, will yi put up no short Alen, all kinds of regatrilig done promptly ni l ono,' liberal terms. Nelda° beeps on band • large supply of Milli P an ., of di ff fi r tlit .lie. and pricy ; bers a Ise ow aort:en' lriaber's Patent tialf•Neal ag/ twit P vetting Con.. Wire him a call July 18 HOC— it FUJI. AND WINTER. Millinary Goods A/ the Entry Store of AMANDA WiIItKRICIBIIR, (iorrceasne TO nett esitaff.) ilLoomßritlio, PA. The ;mote ere rrsp•etfully Informed that thsy see be furnished vallh everyoluns le the Militia', Ile, aye, the exit reasonable torten, aloof le tonne met surpassed f.t otyie, beauty, or derebolity ut Ibis two. tor r Swink Kyles of hals.bonnots,aed ether •riirle• fur Wnouen end Mice.. wear, ere keert/All MO Well elleillated to reit Ike laelse of the skeet fastidious. Popo,' !linking wi:l Fermi,* special attest/an. Ilerlue just returned from the illy bet geode ire all In style. nose kr? a till esot Mite mLa Burnt nrlkrais) below Illtaßt: l *Pgrutir O..libel W-11w. 222 II =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers