Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, December 16, 1868, Image 3
lIIN Vta \ om Wednetida All persons Tied 4101 1 1 itourore the of "innuary,... 1'069. We trust nil will up their - Ws :Wants during December, . thud paw ud the troublo of necking up andferwaraing " l744ls. It id our intention to . bill aliimmonntulua at that time, and if not then protnptly !WI We'nholl be compelled to make costs. .We hope our patromt will settilla•PremPtly , as the deataml upon euelt id so !apnea dint Otero is no re:mon why it be.pnifit. sarrer z t,llittA, harbor in thiA place, hatearoe'ted, in front of Itis shop etunnen, a arse and han'asoine sign. rrlrfl It&orito office of Montrone Donorral fi °Mora rtir halo, aim,. that. 4f tho Northern l'ennnytront'an, - publibheit of Great Bend. ter The Tornlntoot of youn tocsn':• Porn. Gera's_ Clubs reetnomendol le: Jinn Vetooititit: party tl:l•:,ufth votithiTStiff4;.- ; i••.. pf Ex_el;llp:l‘ notcl cii;ndol II nn.!mA `.lyster4. t.n . 'Non ti iyevening In4t; in rolte . hntir t‘nci Mid' " IVii0•11411 bent It V! The (.I.iyi teing m 4.1 in wi l l : after night, will :lemma for d ati viper iiot conlipg Out rcvilerly W4d4cf,ao7s!: SP . The fl< Xt term Ceilit in ILIA It!::11 (1 wrileontimto taro week+. ....NJ Jniorn will l'e ;TrhiVnlii ihdcoursa ora kw drys. The list will alipinir in tlla IMmocuxr. Stn. Col. (luny, r.x.31 ember ortho le girlature araleading Itatlittil la !ha IV e.•:• ern torj. t i tlr. :atc, Ire 4 te.i a avw treektypatier, eleht page 4, at ROIVer. 0 4 rapt. John nhn. of !itilitt, 'cot the Aims" of It Clettintirite a *.rovi.ti.r," 'not,cuiiii, Qui; in 01.!11: ru!. uu l a rt• : u• !not." trr,:. e" •► :•ny, it 1 1: 14 "1 30 ,1 1 .e.teefttlly al.rittgel" K t iurr is to h • e the Assooter 14,tr:et,' uuJer the t i .:w ill. \\• ate :1111.4iud. I 1141RIV:1 I ; elietz the fits:l,l:' lees- ME. )Isize, tlio 0,•0 et‘ry, dirpqly tinder aim t.si7f4nturioty Ism, a fat young doer. 11,1 101,47414,11 . /..ilres.c.l, nal is rcit,ly to des! it vitt 1 e . :4:etswol to it!" etritemt.n.i 5El=l A - T11 1 1 . : - :' , .d: Peat's Jic=Saplell:ts tuken up much c 1 lila sino:o in to duy's 1)Emo• ITAT. it WM all of our 1,4 gird di% '4%44 1 0 V.ruzal. It un able :late paper. tem.l43m. (Iw,i.ittivi ;L:'t" v. -1 1 ittri“,',o , . in r..nynitailt LI I Ivo'k, aL on (:+! Wa ,Z.f ; •:, I , p , `4. h 4i,14 , `11 411 111 iutrk(VS ittlV !Mt i•I c,uniy. Lf2t - ;•• :'r. Chtitv..l, v e t' proleot, !;,,, r 11 , 1- the w:riter nt'l4. ;I , .. 1 ;; ; work titt the 1. , ;...,Lo int.neeil. 15(itr O.; 1 .;rnli,l trill 1.1 tiol 6s Hli h , T etiltsotu. The , peedy colup', titol txtill.iol cif' the cni,t s •,oue ttp , 11.; ,, to ,its t 'o.k.lui.Aotivr, will do their duty in tk' D., - 4NATtos;,—Tho r., r Rev. A. 11. Irviml 81.1 U. F. Stw.: mato them n donati , m cieit, at. tt) Ura1g.0....1 Patson:vo, Kvamvill,, (.4t Thots,!•,y, th , , of Oct cl.iher. 1808. All writ re-! t ruth, iavitel to at+er,l, Ily o pl cpur wittft. se,An orticr bulling of two vieoli.; Court nt dorm, oniutiotwin z on that Mon.' Vann:try. Tv:01:3.4141r fir hundred I),:tit Juldr. will ;••• t h;., term. Tito Conunotiw...,'itil will, in praabitity, tiecupy the uuir. iLst wick. tur th) t'atn , lay evenh... !wit a fire broke out in tilt., lo , t1.:0 rwenvied ly John Isletuatt on Iron t - ztio.t. Ilut litilc thin.a z4 e w, c i done :give the burning of a blight bele in the ceiling and moll Ito car. ly dicovery and the prompt presence el' the "liebeue" accounts ter the ,pe.aly ppo it it ivy out of the flames. 11= wer ALLM, or the 4'4'w/typo/I Maig S'inadoed, Intl our thanks roc pa:4, l star w the "Vet key, we always hare one on Chris4as. You're entirely welcome to viipt tJ on that day ; nut put experietwo eatislie.‘ us that you're nut.ntueli of a hand on Turkey, Hadn't you better send OM:Att down? girl( witli pica. ti n e that we unnounno that Harvey 11. tlr9tz, Rog., run of John K., ha, rveivod the appulotutent of 'fuller in Fiu Na toil 1 n p G tbia t,l4ee , lie qualifientiu.o. fur this poeitionottni will make an offhle and correct ltanii.eiritier. It is n good nrpuint meat, itmi'one ell ileovrveki to =CI ter Jaenb IA Girton, the "thunibut, up" oF . this town, took a load or young . Wien to prinvillo on Sunday lam. 'The girls were bound to Iwo a Lido, and "Cony" wes just th 0.441) t 9 (alto them out. We saw the I' td pans our dice, and there was not* timely lookiog en tho luj ale.-- The position of the man who held the rein.; woe edlithly an ouviNbti out!. ..G0 it gitla while you're younc% air I%' mule° a large number of He putillean papers throughout the State aro nee publi,l►ing A, John,on's last annual utes,age. They aro waiting, anxiously, in all probability, to publish Orsat's first. • It is ultogothe.r likely that they will not print hi g, i as t. We poldiet, they will nut. Put as many pins as you please there ! tat. 1 UK EEEM ('trrummir RTT. —The proprietor of the Orangeville ;Brick) Hotel, Mr. Wil linm )lasteller, has issued eanla or invita tion to 11 eOlllllOll forty, to 160 T .ltold at his home, on tit' ercning of the last tiny in this year. There will be * jolly time in Orunge vile on tins night of the 3lst instant. Good music, good rupperia, and good company, will ehatleterice the.oarasion. $l3 We puhli4t. in this Issue, and "in advanan . nr any other County paper," the l`reshlent's nice:-Age; in this respect. ruby Oqualling the enterprise td our down town cotempurury, uho lost week puhlb.hed, the ntovoce having' teen received here oftei. the Nu other popore heel been issued and Wore :he dote or their own bi- Atte • 1 11'e. tiotiee that. the Montour Jnicri m.:), is sorely exercised over the report made current through the hadligenctr, that the starting or "a live paper" in Danville, was fln tl.c tip'''. Thin ilotcrieon devotes nearly whole column, (1010.1 e leaded, to the sub• etilloa out ly a hixtem lino article in the 10111,:ir.fere, It is not clear, though, front either :wide, that the new and live pipet will I.h) marled. t:Z• The WantLiu County Tenehore stitatto is still in session L we go to press (Thou Any) end will ennti nue until Friday. We unikretetni that there i 4 a gong t erry. rentotion of trenchers in attentlittre. Full proecelingn will be publishell in our next. We 1:44 iottouleti to give a synopsis this wed, too. on amount of the Into proper* , Con of the snow it t100:1 nut uppear. BMll.l' lutcr. Bintelity, a young man of this place, brakemmtn on the Lackawanna Railroad, was badly if not fa tally hat, at Rupert, by being caught be tween dm ear +, on yr:gent:Ay morning. As we go to press, they aro carrying him past our office on a suttee. His initirimi are in. !crud, We leap that ho died afler reach. im; )16;ii,,ter Aust. - Awn, kit. lath. ZCsr'llare are yo , :ng Detnof•rats in.every township and town who 00441 occupy their spare time this, wittier ill no:better way than to canvass their locafitica for their lo cal party paper. how many of tlima will act an agents for Mo I)ENIOCRAT, and in that way lo its to strengthan our patronage at the ram,: time that °lei promote the Dettioolat l c cattAt? Itepeni upon it friends, that our yarty will !lover attain to power until you umke tom.e effort to rpm:4 Democratic (Fe:in.. , among the people:- to — TitANKA. The C'atawissa Brass Dina take thi. method of retnneinq thanks to t! n • hulks of eutawism li►r the hantlsoitte sum or tl.l3.'ettl presented by there as the ivcripti of their late festival for this littr iswe. This is strong evidence of the filet the! Lobe., never do things h:►!t' :'ay. 11.1.,v »e wi•h a were a "ital." Lop wily their flan: wets and maintain the stripes. AI. M. BROWN, Bcey. (Itawisa, I tee. In, I tzl:S. i.10.11.1.V parpf.:(l4 ter write, y. 411 PIVIIIVIrtarY ‘vOrk st:l /y, 1110 01 . Proveti,o an !knit! 1 / 1 11 1 1.!;"y will be (A -v:11.!1•• !.• Th: v,valt will girk 0 • • : Iv , • or :L t• awl will v..r—P; 11Y. . 4 III; Sinai' ; vallor. •? • A:11 r, 01) New iPar Day will It: in Light ::' V4INA:I 1:1614 1 , 4.11 Mad.: r .1' it at I the prot , :icmy 4 1:1 ed Hutch it that town. Ise thy yont•l paa eajtty fir ; at this 1,..11 , 0 tt, •3 datwo. I'rair:.ati , ol' art , ftl.olo ti:r ra 34n.toari pasty'. :laLe fur fat." rix Wirth a ~.31 for a me t. ;.1111 the tfittert=ht : *, 1?).141, • , !,1. (. S. tor ea .togo ror :t Svitt..ol ..:t.'tehhei dot Pt tt-1,,t tot inn It: • t V. ;•, , burg, 11 ifltUt lay, tita at 2 t;.-1 , 14.. itt., rto.l•Avilto J. Itoh*o.tott It% hitoto,t,er. t.,l* the Pott4thytertan ,Sutetty othool ; .1. F. \hot anti it l'titlletutto, of the Littl,t tan Stot,hty -ahool ; ;:tam, or the Bttetlav hehool ; atl of 1 . ,:y0tt,.!,114. , . Brott.t. mitt J. th. l'orber , :, of the th.ttliA Sotttlity ;tool, C.ortvii : it v. Jame", ititle,ot, or Ow Ihte. ..'et;;;:ty Ch . ast:zevii!e; Thoziett, or the T.tohyratt Sunday hhotti, ; att,l .1. O. Pote.iegatte., of the Stltit;:iV Milford at A Ilan. Nuv. .414 I.m.lta .1i ..1" tho a eLting, and M. Whittnoyer Secretary, Prayer was then &literati I,y Rev. Mr. Spear. The Edit ovine ropolutiore , were then ras.-ed: ReAderd, hat we hold a Sunday Scheel Convection nl" all the Evattgelieal klenotni nation Colutnlia County. M4111'14, That we hold the Convention in the hugest church to be had in Eloonis. burg, ontauencing at lo a. in., Tuesday, I), , ,eniber tltlth, and ending Ikeetuber 3lst, at P.: 'That all the tete and tett ers of ers swift. ) . within the enmity be considered members or the Convention. • sulod, That parents and all interested to Monday Mantis be invited to attend the 'titivention. That a committee of fire be up Painted to make the ocetw-a*arratigetoetits Mr holding' the Cuoventiom emutuittee t 00*,i,is of Samuel Knorr, J. li. 11 0 1,i C. IL Brockway, A. F. Yost and Rev. Mr. Moore. Atijourued, M. WiIITMOYER, Seep Nuombburg, Due, 12, 1564, SENNION WILSON Las a bill propohing tai inettave tho number of 4uprowe Jud g es i n fourien. gi* Wanted, at this dice, several hun dred dolhus on sub,eriptiout Like to have it von. c There aro two fuwalu4ltaltatta ut ate Luria .Igrieultarul Cullcgc, =I =Z3 Tun MiAtvzagait —Donahoo, Duffey, and Prior, chargod with tho murder of A. W. - Bea, of Uentralin Columbia county, are uow lying in dm Jail at thim place, awaiting thuir trlpl, which will coma off at the lAA,. ruin term. Thu Grand 'Tory found a true hill against thorn loot week which wa.4 pm:- witted to'the court roady l'or; I 641, and on mogott of counAul for Ow tho trial waB im:4pontgl. John IV. Ityan, Roth of Pottsville, Col. Freeze, :Rid the Marr broth ers, of Ashland, will appear for tho prison ers. This will ho an exaltu►K•aud interosting trial. A largo nun►►.aer of have been sulipieinioil on !rah sides. The coun sel for thts Commonwealth, HO we have learned, IWO Lynn Barth oletnew, ef Potts ville, M. M. L'Velle, amid It. F. Clark, Maim. WELL SAIIL —Molest c 14,151)03y ham en lien of their own, how a local newspaper should Le meetly made up or k ca l it e m s . They Jo not scent to think that a Letal edi tor is not utunipresent ; nor that the propri etor cannot afford t.) keep a loeal editor en every street corner; nor that he cannot be poking Isis lu, a intoptltor people's bumblers time, asking questions for which ho feels he should have his nose pulled. 'fo of tea the arena result desired by everybody', in a local paper, each member of the coin sheabl ho wider obligations .to con tribute his or her mite of news, with the understanding that every other member do the sattea.-,-Anteriont. Rustiness Mot It en. Gluon'.—John li. Girton. Grocer, on the Pouti:eaq corner or Maio and Iron streets, has; ju=t ret.tamsi from Philadelphia with a fresh ott l ipty or o rwor- Itotiotw, toys, ,e;.0., rot. eh., holidays. His stock is greatly replenished, nod com pares favorably with stores of larger pretsrm tions. Ili* dry goods departuseut has not been neglected, neither has his hollowware, as both are fell nod complete. 110 rrGs cheap for ca‘h. Chriatoms is coming, and hare you laid in your supply of candies, toys, soil sweetmeats lOr the otnaision ? If nut, reit hail better make tracks fur Egbort Jacobs' confectionery *tom, on Maio street, teljatsatt to the "Columbia liouso." Ile has total: great (-Worts to supply the wants oh the peo ple with everything itt lila eultadatell to 11 ,;,1 t e "Chr.istiaas Merry" inol "New Years floppy." In short, he Lan all kinds of candies, top, nuts, to evil in large or small quantities, to suit the Give Jaeolts a call. Ile sells cheap. • If you want to got a good snit of clothes at a low figura, go to Evans clothing emporium, on Dlain Street ; or, Wynn want hirts, drawers, hosiery. .Su., he has them on hand. lie is constmitly is receipt of new invoices, and will warrant his goods to be well tutifte. M. To LAint-.3 Aso, a2ATLEMEIC— Fatottl.l pot ni It to toy a h.tstilt.ettle eta ter tit, itolidayo, in the line of jewelry, gold and iilver watches, silver plated ware, &e., go to C. E. t•lavages on Main Street. Ile has a splendid stock on hand, and gives guaranty for his goods. I*,Z* Pr. !lower has, in et nneclinn with In -Loe introduced that or the rar. (Jr the tittcq l'ar.4 to bc rentel 1.m,104`41 . j, buy, id ,d lac t , ati-lied. It wont Ap,t Co to Ow :•',tole to buy yoar and Art and pIiCV.S to i Sttnt on 7.lain and IMarkut etc, J. J . . Flr,• is still 8-t ,, ni.l.ittg With hi, Oil:. PIO twd. At hip. •tt,s did place to buy :il got full :ttti,titcthei. goAs very N olertiutN Li 2 1 71 , '" - V . •?. - ^ 0 m az Lva• 1:4:41110 NORTI! AND SO rII3 77a r rrr st h trrffito r Arifrrrirrit: arid ster Cttang'e tit 41'its14. (I N ttliA atfrr tit.ttdiiv,Erpt. 131 h, trttid. ripowt r 'num will von Tit AIIN NOR OVA 4 2,1 t. M 4 . r01t.11.4.41594.,45t414 , 0t Itt eip3l :-13th , ”z. RtrlViUp tit ti 114..10 , 1,0. 4'l ni tt tis A. A. • t'lo!mttatt.t.n. v 44 r. Nt„ Ittt ti t!.l Nhoo., 1.*: , 11. Itl 40 ill V. rfi leaVt' Tit iiimuthorllo4l, etcppping wt aft strOioll4. “rn.lng at %Villico•vnt, e tr. A., Ei wit.lN 10 p A. Tn qirratlvAn::. 2 35 A. M., Nave NollluitOwilool, cin py iu , ait , OatYatex. Ttrl Irma at .111 p 1.1 Phli,ld• 50 A. M. S+ 34 A, At leave Nortirtritlertard. sr , rinag at AM rtatr-na. iirri vii. at Ilatrieburg• 1: 4 ) it., Bal. l'hilirirlritia 4 iU M. M. J. N. 1411:ittr. t. e, YOUNG. 0 , :t14 Sap'i, it 1414, 1%1, (A lliiiss.Agcut, 81110. tot 4:1.4 ISAAC M. eilltltiMr.nletrUN, Westrru rolght AvM, hmfai4 i 4 Y. CATAAVD!"'SA RAILROAD. tin nuA tato: MON!).1 V, Nay. E-4W, rns i tonsTr t ra in s ( n t inn I:stn% taxa Ltaiitthid tit run u t 1,110 tullowill* 114111C4 hours: MAIL. P'11.1"1"11. PTA't lONIA MAIL, NORTH Dep. 1,50 a, in. PP it tla tappet t. An, 0.15 p.m, " a.dd " M linty. Dap. SA i " P,.'ili " Wilt amitaarn. " S.lll " 9 . 10 41 M MOW. .. 4.34' " 41.31 ~ Daaville. ** 4,10 .. " 10.111 •' Elwin, " 3.53 • * " 10.15 " amovioba. 44 3. 35 .. " 11,40 son. Itiaptopi, ' *ld •' " t3.:40 p,04 Patmait. " WO 0 " 11.4 a .. qualrake. 4 1.40 " .. 1.110 .. E. 34 041143 ,hite. ~ I.•n .• " '4.14 " Dine. Tamaqua. Dine. " !Jo .• .. 4.15 *. Re iding. " lii,4 a am) Atr 1i.4.3 *.Philadelphia. " ti.ts .• ~... .. t0. „ 3 1:i. Nrw % Read , InR OF MMICII I 'Aunt, rroln N w Yo•tk vii , „ klanr h lf `•"" th:mgil or CUPS 61.twarti illinmitort and Ger W 4141.5110,. E *flb( Throe hood of Army (Attie radio to my eneimuier, ahnot the loot of dime 18#$ ono 'Kiyoshi my wending hi mot the loth nay at tkpienitxr lost, walked as (ainiwr. 001 , with red and white and A notch nod r the tight oaf, otimit OM' year old ; one yearling at, er. (ltd) with a notch uoder this tight Or. u liu to white wndrr this holly; clot hriadlo holm, tw year., old, with whit , ' motor hetiy mid oit ups himd teL bra Lorna , one blaek helttr two yore old with %IMP UtltlCt the natty and au the Wk. (so mark as list two NAM named.) thd. 14, WIS. JAMES HEts. W, SAMPLE & CO., e & Engineers Amu &t, & it. R. tt. 0M11411136N. PA. part4l tufartaipli all Itiuds ut Machine wink, IWO d STEAM ENGINES, rulleyo, tilisurro p eaupliiip. priirilic Iwwnullrile l tic, ti vivo enCMs,Tut etwll,4, [WPM p 1 pr, topilwr Wil all Nada of steam fitting, ull 11110. Threadling Muuhlllrr gild 1111111410 ID order, All Allitlidl4ollll 11111411nury topiliod. Jim , : 311, !KO. WANTID, A /041Rti EY M A N 111.011:KMMITM Wko eaw pertness all kinda of country wmk, to whom ostplkyi. meta will be giveu and liberal wags• paid. Apply to A/140d A. HARTMAN, Oct. *t, I 4 4, bitctibiota, Col, es. • -- NOl lit Or itiließrogATloN. 11Intire In hereby Itirwm...lllot apvlleaUon has been UrNAtr to the Vous& 01.011111111111110 ft Ploito oC Culumloo roolity. to gm,' a chpiips of Incorporation to lira Vomit, AgtWollimil, Ilerllrullural cud Mechanical the object of %mil A aroci• hijon lolut W otoproVo but( 01110 to, 1.1 , 1.111 T hiLIPII. O I ,I . 4110014.111 141111 out chnoic,4l it rt., iShmUlob 4 'M. Octet L 7, etiv,- * J . .. _ Auditor's Notice. Edirte r t f dam() Wenitee, (leer atoll. The irrukrrlguurr, Anditor appointed 14 041$111110/ l'Onft of VolumiOn wanly. to eiribulo *part.. in tho lona., of filo adtwelurntur ut 441.1 4.1 a le, livreoy Yl ve. wake 11011 It.. it 111 ei N,. poilwo intotoolool on I% odoo.oloy 16 Inturtil slay thh , . nl o. In. Is n. to. 0r.a1.1 tidy. 41 hie tiffite In Mixiii,phi,•o 4k %iiich tow and pLiro sir powwow , oro irenno,led to prur. , ut their rlauue 44144111 e 44141 411.111. T Of La O.— Wit rcd front %toot eu fur a abort , or • , 11 CIO a 66 .' 111 . 11. 01111MEY. 0.10,13, 10611.-4111/. Auditor. Xt:cv Torit4 litiTlC Haute of l'hilipbig. lute of Centre two., deoxusetl. Lynn,. terlitneninip an thn riitato all Philip ll nl aid lain of ethily erlisdolohl enninly. havet:.4lT:flit! :o p !o . , All porciiiii hayloft datum ngain.i ihn thn iftrtdrid tiro re.filirnol to ide.. tit them 1 , .r °will hi Mr KpIIULT t u rd IbnrU In.hbUnl 11, Into ntc r'qua. Ird tumid, Inohr.linh !cum. at to Ow tiA!111;1;1, et Arg o Oct. 21. - . NEW LIVERY, %ALE AND 114!RDING KT4111.1:. Th.. Under. 4.1 14 %mild 411 1 .tiis lb.• puLlic generoly S I , th: hag 01...h.4 e new hypiv .4h. mid Montilsn't 81.140, 111 1 / 1 ..0 01 . 1 ..1rig. mid 404. St. ti fah 644110. ml ee .. °l t " 1 1 11 14 " p7, " 1 . .. 4 , " . 0 i ! ' 4 ::::l " L g ts i e i i ; . , ••jis . 141•400.11.4 war 00144.1 . 6 -- , • 1,. 'Ai 3u•l Ink 1 1:141.4..0 ....,....../...,..... ni4.l. rhl... IIIrk? by 11w I . IN,. .41f... IC. •.r t flit, •-• T.4..4, real, Thoor 11,11...11 botrell ID Ipldlll Will Mid .0.110/word and Cl.lttlllglable , VIIIIers. id 111110 Stable. v. wh how Lith.. t!P 141-k .1 111 , . lIP., hotetil 11111 be tPaRAINI *MI MIN upon retielnitible. firirges. 043 ::/1 10401. $. M. IYRENTis: ..... ... T UN C01.1531131A ROUSE. 11.n.sro611Eu, Proprietor. TM! tr II (WM' •4•11111 ap for Ow aoromma /Lathe of the travt•loot ottitile nt'n•grtliv• •intni'd " Mimilll'44,l. oKW tio)of 411 P .V the I'oarl Pao*, on %%b-.I P. known hi the • 11.4161thath If S. c.-sect Mt:lot NS tl e alma. tt or 1.1.• a Owe for . lo•rionp I n of l•• 0110 *bore 110 eolinoth 01 tho lorwinea• 1. basal untie. The prithrthith fool. o ottlidolit that he on to goo! gottefa I , Hon to 10. , goooon. 41141 would 0 1 •11.• d n IND ion thou of the lethth paliltha Se. thoia4selosts. gay ti. 104. 4•y..e Inu tly washing in .he n 404 sionnwr. o;narntsieed minal at :Any lathe v..sti.t! 'two ell Ohm rin•n¢rh or odd room mom..rdh the wlld and rtmuler Ca-ttin 'l • ry lliia rid• n. t e i aS•.ap. 41.11t1V1 11111011CAl. We 01 4 440, A.•rl 'rood SW. I, 111114dedilbia. Sept* net... I i.06-Iy. lis ISM IV) SMITH SHOP. A.:. (.114)SSI.IW, nonno a entre ,ge and e•mith kilinp nn 10.11 al. a Onof .6 w Malts, In lilanetvibuir, *haw h. win iw 0111:114 111 all (Imo' r,. 4 .4 ',pair oil wmk. and ab•na. an nil kinds of w.irk prr• 1.0. W: in hi% hi.. .4 bilvisirpo. 4. a earnatt• irnnat Cm h- ♦ ha rap../iota in thi. :fie nn. MIN also I end. 11,4 I.•tmp NT Sawa'. ll• woili will we' •• riarruil I. 1..8410“. E. SAVAUE, rheti:at Watelstazker awl Jeweler. (near the Court llowo 111.00M51113116, l'A. An hand s Gan tines', of Ainerio All bad A% clocks, Jett pi; y. $lll4 (Wall:and ntertntleo. part I. Wm, nill.lololl paid In re pal/1 , 1114 I . lOCki W.6100n4 1.1.14 ki.vvoilgy. kfaaaur. milk. made 10 rifler. All work %Yentas:tr.'. lolgtori.tostg. Aptal 17 1/117. LATELY OPENED THE iiiii let.leeed w.ulld fr•PP•I4.OII/ OhNein the rito/4. vet of MumHamm asse • knotty. tbul he bee plat nwnwt Oho+ nn 11401% nod Iwhere be will 11.1101 A, slaninn bui itn,no in ill lib laaneheo. liftWrs for Metalie or Other Coffins, k%l'h anti ,trevatdi, 1141,“rh to 411 ""00 stiOl WI:: 4 Ac re I , l , 3ithe trl tda.• , I 1 1t , r1 , 4 , .1.6t4, 1,1,4 and Or,i,r. “f , , 4111 , , tatai, Picturet9le to ,fflo t [Pot 11%,1, , trz. Aril 1.. Irrel WA LL P I'l It II Nt; N GS! AN immt.Nreqi Krol )1' /Al ‘ l e s ,3y1.4; for Par:or, lialEr. etro %10,1%., ,, r: rind t +lOl. UntV 1. k Pi4ll9ti< tliet of rola UI rind Malio Mr., 14. Ap r re,o-3m. rLwot4. Coopering ! Coopering !! Tni; n 4uno=nir, 4 dolt Its I, ot ,ft.ti to ot,tattiottute AI,ItEL 8 , T U ItB, \ 11UCKET,1, (II •• 1 ,10 i•v. , !,11010r Ira 04, line of 0 ..0 , 404% ,t It I.\ (I 111 T)) olt DEII, „ t GI iet EL? HIW •1101, totlll._.l A mit or. ~t, Ploon‘burit. tlVds the 11,M 100104 , 1, 9i. f 3. 1.1.1 ithroni4surg, April ARR EN'S IAI PROVED Fire and Water Proof 1'1;1,T AND enmr,NT noon N 'the InWlll l lnonn W1111"11 this 1 , 1111111 14 1111 1 11 1 1 .1nernpun ore many. it to Itoth Y. - M.1 , 14W and hit . proof It tnot at hcitai by eoltl. It tat itt, tolled to 101 011111.1 petite lty 11N1 Noe, one inE/1 in , 1111.iln:11 t.) ihn 6/1 twine, oil that in re Inntell it in 1:11.1:y 1011 , 1 411141 Y mpairni. tip vut in I..nn Nino 4:by other fire - proof obi bow lb utsn. Te+itotoot:th , 11111 flll lelnin 01 the eon/dry a* to its ( 4 11111111111 y, t , eelllllV :11111 nentele,ll Wlll be shooiiby W. 1:114MBIE. Agent. ttlonosolotrt, Sue Prnelllital 'Of the inning too 1) , It t,ea iii tAreet, Celt it HEN II MST/301'1M Pit ARMNCY. ARE enerivind moo cosh nod thoon. Monitines,Todet nod luny mils:lnn wit.r.b 114 VP 1.4 M Is thannd. C4}ECASII AT LOWEST HATES, Alkli WILL flt Wirt) , LOW, Owing to the 101 l ea Wogs and Medictors we oro now mark. toweyory ;Miele dorm to old flows pricer. Oor Ittork is tollottO compute. 1:oll nod odo, sad Ist rotor locrd that his is Ott, Om to • uy. hum, NEW OYSTER, SALOON, in the beeement of the #l‘" inajaV BILTZER LEACOCK, SUPT. }WA Oystiati Ornd tin In every style and la nil with all the other °thins" found in fired ciao neatillirante. XX Me ronstnntly On 1004, inSether with ehoire Liquors of every brand. hverythina in tiv.ll4l ntdor Mond this 00 10 , 11 , howilyioni not tolerated. diva Cu and And iny ',Moon in clean neat odor, thoontahurg. 1110v.13.11011. WESLEY WHIT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. (Ake In DEMO:RAT ANO Ernit,,Vjag, on SHIVE'S BLOCK, lILMUMIUM MRrcli U, 'fa NNW MIWNEItY GOODS AND FANCY TIITMMINOS. Thb Stidererised ono ernipertArliv Warms hn► les At raatmnuera. •ad the pirldirt In g I, lipid she hi. Net esturand from l'hilnasishis, sad rithind to tor already tarp and varied idnatrtilasst of PAM V MILLINERY WOOS A IVEIV SUPPLY, well nod toetefully .ep•etrd for It preoent nod coming .ra•mt. lint NNW 13041 , 4E1'A AND II A'l'M goo 11 to tulte the tend to tto. pineo toot tririnity, Stitt trot neetyllttog l'ound dr•l•eio•e lllilliner~ &, Fancy Fielorem, PIM k , * llp mid Mrll■ hl•t bwd• upon 1110 ~,,, at rya rim Ate t••lou h••I a COI Ullii tl/111114INV hol new Oto. - 11 .PI A 1. 0 4 4 lortiMplly rind vavr,itetl upon thtl LIZZ/C k.I:tiCLEY. PT()111.1. Maio Sitors, filvotisibutg. Ucla.lovg H,, 14,11,1. 11.411111 PAWS Ftlitti Al PAIN VAOLIAIItAII old 111 hum fattory. N.. 71N Anis olrroi. 7111, rblia.lplphia. Illown How IN auto of my MVO Nny,,ll/01011 and ifiitillanriltri. 000 or Ibu img,.t and own loimullOil min. 11,1111 or PA NO b.r 1.4 b..4 * iud Childpii•A %Vont.ln th. city. Al. 4 11 , 1.. “.•..$ town! of Glottle rug 41..v.p otiol bias enabled to stifelNlO Or my 11001/11 at (wry too* mind I siroooll thet.o44l.,Ncit u call I'n.m rid Mead. of Cobol Polo son oty owl Nclaity. lit:mowing lbe moue. Rumba mind !moot. J 4 rliN YAK KIRA. NO. 7111 Ara atm% ob. itta. /oath *140% Pllll.*D'll /11W . I hare no pa filter POP C*llllCeltint lvilh Oily Other lignee in l'hilarldphia. 38. Immo, . . I' l /Rl{ollB OF YOUTII. A blentleiono who pea' rod for toot* from Morrow. ' I'voistiore Iletby. mod lho io .4 rhea. nil litill.rriff ion. well, fur the rake of 1.1111 , r111; 1111.1114hilC, gelld kft , : 10 011 who geed I . Ibe u"r. - ilOl Awl dirt eilladd for making tho *mole riloody by a loch he "ilea tiered. elsolfeiero w Woe In pr. lit by the nilyerijo.r . 4 1111.0 firrller.lrfill du In by odilre i ,oloo j" 1.""" I C 0,01 ....nri• gni N Ode Otto'', bow Volk. MP, Cl.' IMP. 1 1 1 11CIIMIIT OP MAN IN WrRIF:NNIII. A gentle 11 , :111 Who , logrt (Or p.m.* (golit NrrYhttO and th•hillty, 'Nightly ghtlllolltho, and tioniiinti Wiibne.... in, re.eli . I f vrotthrtll latligtf Wien. eftbsr !war to'in: his days in in.iieless norpry, wtll Ifiv the 'like!'eritry won. fend t 011.07 fkor Wale: oil, inn sinirk 111..:1110 used by Won. winch flinrild rote in a few w•. , .ki en"r the failure .81 :11111111fluo 11 , 11 , 1 n Air.elvil rnvoloye and will owl you ow hong. Adliresib IshilAlt 1 it I:MAIN. IVA tl6 N. Conjugal Love, Amu Vlill 111APIINKS`A or THUM MAIKIIIIAttg. t:«.«.01. VIA Y. 11101 NUN. 4.N II Al ....«d and lijs , oll...lllollllCii de«ttoy le. Al i i .-«'odurs Li WI c 'mgt.. isgop• darn. ill . US Mal tin«. wilts off. goo ~o• .4 roller. E... ... .erd,•ll Idler f.ifecloso, key of timid... Ad oir1.)8111 IluWAtip ANAXIATION• Du I', Ellilidel" . piiih. P.. (July W. le h .. .. . it,i • . ei l' oxi.rou 4. Mofrb 1.1, lA*, W« I.« r 11. if sit.. m ymo that We of* pro rt..«. 1 to ..d... lot yoot sit- port .Ats wool 4414141,* Ai 49.41141•11$ of 111L,1 VERY 111,1)flef 1•..11.1 nr thn newria 'horn In Pltyrr Pilk and 4: IMe Mat.. / 1 . 01 00 0 . V„ It. tr, frik Poll, 110 W f.• v.. Ituth..... Morn. Infrfra, ornaownin. 4r. Ar. Wn►lonll'bn•ff in n nit id, 14 “ur PIMP, of r..tkiv• you ,4,1,•rn Prsr,4 tow Cur Yunrt. tt. N. WARI). ]lnrr4 'nom Nos. IU:1,1113 Pecnnl Si,,, t !att. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. v. , —:•, 4 ,... ig , 111.00M8I/UllO, CO• ~• ' ' I,Tt l : i z '''S 4 4 . , . : 14 1,11:11litA CO., P. 1!!!! -ff". si•a:n oitherriber. proprfrioq / p l . 2 et . I .1 .0%,.......„ ,1 0 .11:iVI I , bP egiNtri111/1 0" /I II M 1 117.1 ,1 1 . . •...” . 111...•••-• PrOPIIIIEJ in Irntel% e cider. 'I • .? ... " : 70. 7. - .25:. (to All Kinds of Machinery, or enllrriss. Maxi rusrmitcy. tgalis.s.nry I.l.eim.s A1111.1.e. Til CS. PM. 6,47. s , alms pretyllifelf to mink, Sinves, nlll OZ.'S lend p Menu.. ptwia•lhiaa. and everything uounite matte ill Vonnitri.•+. iiis %I Incohlien and 1011.61.11 workmen. ant• AM MP, in rrr.ivine 1110 I.llge.t rots' raLt • nn the, .a r,Jfnonhl•• Wong. 17` Brnln of all kind• will Mn tkkeu sn excloanio. irOf V) ...tnAliAbtforni i M the ',ark awn • A rttuoni..ttrig Mmitrovl 11..1 H11.1.11V i.•it &pt. It. MO E xci IA Nl3 lIEST.II;iIA NT. eroPri ,l, re iag ato ftri+l ft Sited theft Itnt , TMTRANT, is thv hl , ofoort or the EXCHANGE H 0 TEL. they waii 4 t aw,,olic it :Iran inicotro of the 1 , hirumicr tip or .04 ruatumarn, and 0 ,4 . 1 lailY vttr SUr , allantic«n ui tit,W unto to timir bm,nts to U.ll.rtv SLIP:I.I, t S t -A4 ivr CANNED 01' STENS ND VKIThe, *lto, limo,t per we, it, lIANi AN it qt;f4. TN !PK. th N,gi7 X<t 14,1 +4 f s l 01 , - AND ettLkitS. Cali be crtra lip to efliat•;rneri ...Wile Iv, 4 Ma r .... 111 sTrAv Cif M - 1 , 1). Fit I), tW, tai old the lat,i,o or Ili, e[ittirro , . KIP #tirl & CLAIM: fl) LIT B').'; obbbuirc April JUST .I.IIIIIWED, N my c: ow*. N Evt. 4JO Ds TiII:LAII(IESTAND3I:.7 A:LI:CV:It STOCK or SITT . NT; AN!) SI,..!..NLMEIt 3 ltifirr („19 1 , ) 1 4 1 11\ AR ivu n od r ta.ti rrr roan 1.01 envoi. May 13, P 4 1 4 CHAS. G. DARKLE.Y, A llorney al Law, ULO4)ii BiiRG, COLGIMA f in tiui Etrhanne 11111'441g 01.0,11,1 , q y. over 14.1 " 11 ft 3• r .13 ,4 410 , ram for y S t , 014 1 n•nir 411 , V , 1111110 II ot, I April 17, ISC7. O . C. K A 111. ,1111, foun,,elor And Attorney at Law, BLOONISOUrG, Pu. W.1111411111114.11111•P it/ 6+ , 10. Wit; the 1101 , ral , c..tivnyitridnig prometiy lttteodwl to. tlrricE is *lie Excliiiiiga %Main, etetwil story nvur Ey..r & Slayer's OrtigiMorc. May I. Isl 3. E. R. IKELEIL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG PA, Once, Lind floor, in Exchange flktk, mar the "Exchange lintel' All hexinees placed in his hands will he offended to with promptness and mire. Vehemmer Mad* With the irestymesilde delay. [heft lOO7. T ILE SWAN 110 T ,EL, Oran I Co., Columbia Co I Pa • The oftnperiber ioanocifittly iul+«tma hi* MOM)* and the put.tic, runt ha has Maim the above well 'wawa fiin , nK or ENT cm' , INMENT, and will he olohood to waive the colatual at all who will favor him with a rail. Ile *lli keep A capois Te%Dla it Won rtuckuil unit, tiw bait I,l* Liquitts, and evottalOrt will bu wade to fonder fiteltol Nntitlite , Hutt., r VA/44NY Wilt« fitnitruilln Match ttp, lutl7. J. R. EVANS, Physician and tnrgeou, if aviAt; Ines* pennwistiliy ' ll slitket, 1.0.:.3.' 131T110. ei/Ovould in lora ihftrookkematomy, ulikt toorepsupsi to ottood to ill Istemetkitobtrily mot psustneni that two tot itotoototl to Ol• ova. we tatiea IMltmetise Itsto with the 41010 i. Llit plijni itttict Mb:maim to Suntory as well marnet Aire, • • The puliim tac iftiw,shAl that c 5: t:ca" h,t, Itt,t t,rolv • 1 (V 1,390,:1it to try , , It. W. CU &Cr, 171 IE SPECIAL NOTICZIII. ERROIIS OP 0 A ,olitlomoo whole 'arty lift woo I virile Ofs Mit dohoo"s *too so oftWoMotto youth. 'Pesuli.d tio drllllnll Wrukaose. Nov 1 4101114/V Ihillifffile .1, , lid PO.Otrisilits Cui.ol 1111/1? •10111111bna, ' , aye la h0p..i ,, .$ Altar uotng numerats 0r... 'Moto noel is. he OhlailWd IHOMIIrrinN4 WOO rube and pro, ripiletarttlot 0i1h010 4 4 IrfN innirrht rut., (iii H. mot ab oring op* Amy en will gelid IP sow , fruit ikr rbolts! 4A Olt who Noy 'imago 41110..• Elv Au TNICOIAISIN, rl4lhll U, Ilsble Ueouen, Nvw VIA% Navoinborrd. ' '1 14 V ,t 'l' I t) N.. irtturustieeti In yututte.,, !MIMI of heir upon u held beet' 1...%16111' , 1* itirWa lan 11 VUO , •1111 , Cif thnreurnrul or Vt ut p r, 111., bet. lir via,. oaths , Attu h•nr tote the mete roll I War, anti lowititsflil. rub be Obthiriiil *MIMI by audresdhly VUOrirr.UltArblAN.lllieuttet tba Ntotadwuy. New York tIII4II NI I N 1' 0.0 Li, A Nl►ll dam fly M rltcY. Ilnttard temtelfttlnit 'Nefttrl.6. (et Vlll/1111 MN en the. , CHINE I)V S4)I 11141 E. end the I.4lftttll AItUANS htel 1011 1 6A11111/ %Inns elt-teey Ilia 1060 p o ween. mind rftthtt, fitnnalontessts I MAIOI4IIII $llllO 1111:40110 hf raliaf. Sent 10 venond kni t r an .,,10 (PIO nt ehntge. ttlellters 1111. J. 1 1 1119.1.1 N 111 011(111 r 4 1 411. lh,wsld Apathttatina.l4lltoddtphi ra. inon A. 114.7 -1.4. 1 2* 11..0 Num. hillooporoo ANN CATaidell IrrAlnd with Iho 'ammo .4:rrnam by 1. 114 A 1.14. M. IL Orono' Roil Aihit.l (rorm. fly of fop ‘o. lb Arch rialindolptifs, Moirionitito fr ~ ~ iho mart tollisiolo 4111 a,,4 cnanity fll.llVe such Rt NI. office. l'iso Modica! hiculty nrn isiviird IR an their ISO We no oortelo hi hl• Poi We. ANTIPIcIA wisp „g Hn rion,nr pit eyloisio4llllool Nov. 13. NN?.—lr TO CONBUII PTI V 1.1-B.t The Rey. I.IIW AIM A. WILSON wlll as:ad:Mee of remise! In all who illa , lro lc the pi...10.1km Wilk Iho illreiliona fhf !analog awl Hoeg the pimple tora• • Uy 4p %bole he we. I , IIIMII 01 a Ikea nu.•U.oe pot Il,nl dr,•:.a 61 OW., Ito V6;11041110 011. 111. on oh Oral 01 In b.•e. 111 Ike and irtwd end he Poke,' over/ •keener st.ill try like prearrlption. Ni it owl liPew 0.110 , 1, awl limy wave • ht.•aairlß. Bor. MOW/kill) A. W11.150:11. o .114110 M *mid Wlllngmebuil. Now V. tk. J. IIItYAN.UONSULTING 819 Broadsay., firw York, ri101•f 1"1 4.4 1 11. Tit IC ATM VE fa ollt ASO* or Ilcuai Lat. 14.,1tt.1, l'rossary and NerV.efis Ih..notlei IN male or POolit . . Apvl. r Purr. 11$1414.011er..p.fhtlosste 1191/10,11114 ltrhaniianino. -I wlll.en,lmy priaitn and dentin) nranlnrg f,r .11161 lor la canto vniuuble on ...Initial 1 1 1.• fir, find Inn I 1 . 0 Will oond ..,y•v ettu,• fr., ,harge, and io, to tank WM. 4 0 1,1 DC Joey II 1,11 of ulno 161.1p2iiibi Mkt, iti.1116.0 oh all sail). la un in - IMO WA HAPPINESS OR NISEP,V ThP %trim yosithhil fl.n . 1 4,111. Y. hiP htyphstra ruitio Mla prffiverio 1.4 rem lal r.ijoyt....n. 11.4i4111. 0 .• 411. pairsail .4 b. 101010.16 and ads IL. hr.. in 6431-Pry Lug Ly the fowl vim or tb. lons tip.° and trhtic•ly Bell's Specific Fills, 1,1 May frrroVirr In. !indite. 4l'Arr:lberrefr.r.r , ar• rtf• lay in lirr• fr . 0000 0 0 iy. II RI% ro mod Will "Am., orfir tt rig", in all r r.r.o•rr of Son:inal Woak lirtrmr. Elisirroerroirr, Piryfirlif nil Vey* DvhtillY 11111 , 1 i t,„,,,, al, 'tar IL ar• p. PAPPlitat b.lie • tit f+ ;of mod by u+ing a irrirrier twit. IS Is cos fgolg gagetsailo a,rrl hoaroslooo jr ad go change of fief II sio,comr) P 11•14 urfollt 11 '"*P. Pike nn.. IP.lter per rust dfortNns. I.y Piusighas igemesolly. Its plive4 whom IhrY Lan be prixerr4 I Wolf r... 1 II by milt pc.b put.l and .•ears Pr• al ApP,VI.II , II rim Mr:, ill Ike 'noway. Aoldmi.t. J. BKVANI, W. I). rig : 1 41 , 4110. WAY %low ‘'010,.. jVide a 1.4 ruelid.ellei divalent will be DPI In ganl"ea•e fr...,firebatge. A NEW lIVV IY I'ONFOIPTION.—A Ppm• el.:auto lin.. l'awastoptioll rot gOTTIIeI ps.arre. with 1,. . 00 it 'of. of rhe /MIL red froniselfwllh a McIiIC•IIC 41111116,0“1 l 0 II 0 tryirttCoollC when Me case appeared lorpelo•s. Ile le 'PA wiry phyikiao wl,.•be• uord it is tel“ .•1,11 Peteffile ur litto Ilea all hoowhohie of lie winder; hid Ile rm. &WAN. fir. Atom 9f head,. he oi.nv ei4,l. to 'walla: but the n s. o r hi. p s ,• 4 1,, • h f. ; and foothiox bet urlrr 411 , ,,,petr so, I retire Plll.llllOll Cr 11.. p.: e.( co•rry, ioreliwr o 1.11 VOW r • iodated boost , . bland vlOlllOO. Ol . To yolfl: tits w sill .o,) , Or lb. h.r • pi ollet4:a atm.•lli S. rai.ll tinily cbj.:lCAle the. tatalle P" 1 " 1 ' w 1 11 - , ILZ.S4 155th by unit... 11a,5,4 fin au:twin i,r tall call Ku g.SI) • June 3d, low --- • • - • --- Nis. , MAN I)NESS, And V44,1;111, !tented AA hi' Ow *Maori succosti. by 15A..t0%4, M. It, (*.olio and AettAt tfetwertly th.e, llntlend,) A4t,. $U$ Ault Silt et. NI IltAirA.— Tt.etteleeiete, front the moat reliable ..utter in the Coy and t .00ntty tun on ut his °Mot. Ike wen ter.tOreny Inv itod iimiiiitouy their wield*, M.. ee in hie oa.fier A il rtf , EYES, In at•rt,ll w tthe u t emit, Ke eherie toy emu. .01000. f AVM 14, tstkk—ty 40.1kRte c„• °Boggle, Oe No. 35 S 0 UTH THIRD STREET, Plii LAD MIMI ekt * ENERAL kENTB I \ I" 012 PET! 1 Cl ii VAN/A 4 ,.... ....1 ...,..,.... i c ..1 0 AND 1,, 44 nNA ° \...) tlikt O t 44111 / 4pti ft I,‘ jr \lk ' of TYE OLO UNITED STATES OFAMERICA. Too Net I , Mit. tirfl 0.14 r •rva , V, t'otrAl.t $ it eorivr.:3o4, , ealrop o , r, y ;•. rn.,l 'l, or or C. , ,frros, at provro .I'l4' .3i. Mi. Wftl. 9 CUSH CAPITAL, t.1,00!),(0), FILL PAD, off..r. 01 .40414 4444 Stiilrtrorx, W6i) nir Itt 1 M.O. t, tprii /It [Mt 1.111.r0, 1 '1 4 , i )1,011441 OR* wieivion ni oar offleo. 1,„ 0 „„,, thr and oto,' .tallyd.« 11.41 twre CI, v. 41 iv, Nitkehlel4 !C ‘Alle jf 0.1 try t v...r.): , ft.v 100. it.. W. CLAIM, Pl 4. .4 , .E1, Thsra H. lea - sStILL, Manager. ,1,919.4 19.1-'ti 4 . Y. The IloeNehohl GUN Ma: whine. /or th' 4 11 ;ow' , Shirr.a, Pletwi , ll, i r tin 3 tl t . hlittb.%, With s ar ,, EnATvo GA s raour rinn on lit T. ity and PUP , by vriiieh shim Irlubbino mpoftVgi, na Otto u91.00410b4 /Mil great Writ. WC' it to littbile l'ovJr. Call nail bed nivahina ID 11114+1.1"h , tit ln.r Otttiti, Munubirturrr And c 4,10 Agent, ()AVID joNm4, 'rat Furl:Wring tquro, 7:13 (Iwo at, g fond for lillietrateil Circular, Aug. Ili, Italrollia. OFFICERS OF COLUMBIA COI raelicst Judge—Hon. William Elwell. Ina Porr, #l.olo..ifit) Juilget— 1 p i. , t , K 'll 1 • er . cr am. Trath'y Ind ( . I'k of Courts—Jesw. Coleman. Rogistc. mid Boeordor—John O. Freeze. Tout omery Cole, Commisbioners— i David Yeanor, , William O. Quick. Sheriff--Mordecai Millard. Treasurer—Jacob Yoke. f L. B.Rupert, Auditors— i John P.Fannon. 1 Jacob inds. Oonortia4onor's Clerk—Wm. Krickhamn. Nuinnissioner's Attorney —K U. Little. 't lore:lntik Appraiser—W. IT. Jacoby. I. \amity Surveyor—Lau A. Dewitt. I' win Attroney—Mihnn M. Trough. t Arioner , Williato J. Ikeler. Oottety Superbitendent —Chas. 0. Barkley, 1 *aura Wand Revenue—R. V. Clark. i..lohn Thw as, .. ~. - 1, ifitaitAiiiiihor— i S. li. Newer, :, .5....... Paniel McHenry. Pt, ilettnr4oßmiamin F. Hartman. Dr. I. W. WELL%) st'COMOtt To on. P. r., omottsos. Nike 4,1 hle ilipilleeten nu r uln• wtn•rl, bolnw Third, All 040111 le It Ilium will be prussptis cif to, e 44. Jrewriatothofelothing• 112111111114474117.L1D "ALL & wINTER GoODIS. 1114:120 I N a trEll istletiikm In hoc ainek of cheap ull hIY• ble Vleahlas al hic mere, nn MI/LV ATRENT, LOOAIJS ; BURG, logo doors mbetic the dmtrican noun, whet* Is. lima jowl received from Now York sal niliadolithia. w 101 l samorcaleat of Mei. and Boy's Clothing., luchaeling lb inovl fachinnabin dursblo and..haao !maw, cite. goods 1;1111111111ilnlor Box, Sock, /',orb, Gutit and Oil Cloth Collis, ;Ind l'a,rtg, or PO ofirtP• mod rolorx. 110 illoo hid f. plan. lobed One elt..atly leite neck of rail end Meter .tripe ripirts.l 4nil ONO' Yeats, shirts. Plllolll. cfillera. hatelketthiefe, 'levee, 8411. pettd , 1111 Mood Nett, lir4ich , ll. N 11.-11.1 Moo edlllfitlaurty.,UN Ithed it tattooed ler:ft 00 1.4 te a •1•40111 'Melt fir i l l d$ Still Voogihis, w h ic h errpcl,d So nuke it e tosrd , r.luln uoy kind of rh.thitill fits V.. 1! Aloft better end Is the beet of wan. MI hi , / IniMnti• Made, to wen iind'lnu lA of It is of U • 11...514111.44:150ia. cdl ‘C0..11 0 tzi co* 4s• g An I t.l-/ ..2` . _rte rJplsull. FOP' and 'ffehp II i.l 'a ot• or t• all MI, nil uo , l es • $llll l / 1 1. his Uto. fffff 111 , 1111 or ctobsps wadies, tow. try, &t. &.. bAVID MAVEN MAUL IlhmuNburl, 1,433. GREAT I:AItUAINS rici I (Auction In Nicol. Thy 09,,14 pixisrd wql ullitr to the 1.414,c It EAT DA 11%1;4111S in nil litiolo of IX!. (0 triastlUeu.tuulatl.a.p.t.4 Such r • liltV 410011M1 uuctirow/imm. WM/WARE. 000 N aml Shoes, now, Caps, Ntdiono in every varjlv. (rein the Apt of SOM. bo cu on a •trimly CASH SYSTEM. 61..1 pe torts. w Joshing le perrikeve errylbrei is Wit lint C 41.1 JO all • very mall percentage um ==M=l All kinds of prod's.« *nil grain Winn In exilisisie. IL," %Ve cordially invite the I•aklic ta GIVE US A CALL and a anion of ilteir plumose. oicrilNof & A N Catay.lara, Übe 110,1VUEL A. J. EVANS' CLOTHINO E MPORIUM. iveurty opposite. the Episcopal ChM' rh, (3.01111NG OF ALL nEsciturnmo /V 1 y Ih le oily.. ..ftiothiflX. im.l fa,* ptle.4l- adapted to ill IF o lll.ll4ona. WilllllA. Rh. Woo the leteet et y fee fent the mambo - a tiut. u...ortiPt•nt of Overcoats and Gentlemen's tillaw:s, 0(.16. le the very I.n►t lit. Gawk grit. kariroora ,, ide and well In nil , lotion rtock of ronolyquarle clothing, I have• piny.• v 41% fur rertons Cstobsimeres, Anil but 'or nee of tiro' a.a.zl CUur rx, I via run. Iv.• fli in all tactic and girt sattighetiiin. Alin rarely or WoOLEN AND LINEN ShIRTS, vi,„ tic" you.. )4.1,, II andlirrehinta ...t.r y 'og in th" aNttletoen•• line of cloth' Alt.°, Hate, Root. and Shoes, Trunks mold Carpet Maps. I will sell at the lowest Starker prices. ricslis Kivb irk A cAli Priors purctis,ing elsow ANUKUW . EVANS, Moo'ashen', Novos. I$U5, tas poor supwrs. wis EIE C It T 011 O. T J. WM. T. HO PK INS, NO. WM ARCH ISI REM% PH 11..4 Jhronfioorer of . the (W•6hrite.l Chithipiva. I h.. 2 , Skt,to for bpi! it, _Wm; mot, 1,1 it, let. tw largest assortment, and hertfpiatilty and style in the a 'apnea', thlarket, Every lady timuld try them, 114 g rereoloreod , weevink letrerr, shilltiHtt tin ir ahape ntaclt Oeth , r. being tame etaAtja than al tothera. Warranted in every m enet t, and mold at very IoW atmea. Ask for Itop• kin.' 4 lian,pi.l Stinertor hand wade whale lane Cornets in fifteen dilG•reni riades nisioding tity. tuffirrist and Thrunlr• 1.4.11 Act eria,leter lileve Vittoria t orrete, rangins to noires Item .1 cello to $3 , 3 0 iegerieq with lon ilirhir's lxbhrated nPf) , h tViNven t'ursets. rairrior ten different grades, front $1.19 to $3 40. 'They are finest and hest gond, frit the ever ininorig , l. 7ha trade Sunideed With Arrr4 flea Corsets at II o lovie.t nitric Thome vl4lll log the City soouid nth tail to 1811 and es:ration our Gentili and prices, as we defy all corn. Sept, 14, lend, C, UMVER, has , prile4l a fitrl thi*4l .11111:„ AT AND CAP W1N41114. at 0.,01,1 stvnd on 410111 Ktrtrrt, filitottl.bfirg, Hls cluck .*•0111(11 ,, if of the very !Aryl Hue hsl. sty* 1,, lbp ritty. ns of Co IU COUDI 11, , ruu Iti4 ol.o.looate nor public uslb tee fallowing ktaos and at etirry: r.. 11 boatel, due, men'. kip, doubt. pt., Muter elev. kid, Country., &r. glove 4,14 Itaiterlyi ttloes, wompl,o* buys', kli4ll,l‘kkte cluve kid lamina viiilept, WOlllOlO . O 1114 Vehf v,r fltW, Itice xofti Ins liker4l., itreto and rale 81188$, uuaunmt ifittey, Ntirtr owl child's oboes, ~, 1,,,yk • ,*,,,1 child's flippers. Iltl ah , o Melt% a vuo toy or HATS. CAP.., t+7 , •1l itTit A W 00006 of ov,ty WO, as the Worst ptieve, butb tut each leo tt . • yi,ro4ur., 11.r.0r f 01 . ,. 111 ,, tettattiou is its antgood4. Paul toe Mural , 4 at coy high wires, but call bd.' ire fur putt:other Itrkitetttully, 11. C. HOWER. 14.1 4 . 4, 01.411 A LECTURE i11:2,A, :V TO YOUNG MEN.`".. Just Putti,hed, in a *Waled Envelope,. POOP t CM . A #.t tote on the Whim, Treatment and liadieal Cure ot Operant orrionei of tietoiloti Weaknens. In— voluntary einitrlonr, /leaflet litioloy, anti tinge& moots to Marriage generally ; alervousittivir, eau; ounotion, thtilepay, and Fi ts , Mental sad Ohio,' I eveaeil y, resuttiag fpm Self Aimee. are, Sy Hob. r rulmottell, D., Author of Ma .omieu hook," ate. The wood.renewhed author, In this admirable Lecture. clearly ;olive* from bia own experience that, the awful consequences of elf-Abuse may be Wart. holly removed without medicine, and without OW. prowl surgoal etwrattona, Y rvglo., ifflitriliOOMMO• /kl . or cordials. nointinit oat a mode of ewe * a once net tam and ettie mat, by which every suirealtiu no sha tty u ha t condition may be, may cum Mew gaff cheaply, pit vac Iv, and radically. Tills LerdU,e Will prove a boon to thooreindis 11114 thaufkimit. Peet under peel. to any address, in a plata evadett envelope, on receipt of fix cents, or two parearm mumps. Also. Dr. Culverweirs eMarriao Colds," Ink* 24 erlit Address tho publishers. t II AM. .1, C.KLINE& tfI. IV7 nonrory. No* York, Post them brs. 4314. Oct. 7th, It ly, ITenonsill J. NEW RESTAURANT, In killive'r Rending on Men llllrret. WM. GILMORE, citizens of Makaaaborg and vh laity thall hu has aptard a Nov RESTAURANT, this plieek whets he , invite* his tea tSteliito stt* resumers instill mid partake of it is , tetitia* to keep the Wilt tA(MI4 1117,1}11Azo, ,nn.tianitro k 4104 mtg, Nutty., 0011004AV*. Sin ora I WOK 'mmo 14anonfinetc RA141049.7 soot ,out I oftps, nosAliwtoni iniol us his li , l b tiding lion hog ~tin sersz -vault not oloorpnostohl IN tho* Oho* Porktpd Ortaterl Clam, Nlarelioorm. risk Ihoothmito.ll PlOlot Trip nod Beer Thihoos, &go att. not she boa a lost mirth is of elyitllt triag Illf hi* tiotaionool j• ti lye oho N tom mtuotntewo,