IE .1 MI MI I• 1 iloomohrg littnotrat. SWe4fleo6ll7, Dee('Silber S o tee* Air Wantoi, it thin army, moveral bun. :1 (lona. rn is'Attiptioo I Like tH have -- ut rval ivtate of Philip Salsig, 61v e\44. , n4i* , ting.of about 12 acre'', in ern• " t0wn.4. ,.. *l4 bid of by N:nt, Stmeer, n i Well oold for 1i,r40.00. .... . mi. Th ,, I , lste bylog wool U3! 4 arrived. The roe throat dit a "' h bt""1"K finite preyskia eni , nit the fog. hot only ill thi.i metion bat ti.moxituat l i l ." wt/n/r "I"ntrY' Ir Ws tinflerata..tiTtlit r, et4h bet f /Mg Wei! 11%.41 A in nor piatket at from Mfrs, (7 ) i n oisht 0) cent« by atti Warr , ft:lz, et. , " buteltem now? Famt..--44 title often fatal di car, i i uow prevaleot, Mro rubtnit the follow iug tell:Ai: Itub the patient well with brit bacon. A rum i 9 WA to be certain. ftor Opolti4ns on the new Episronnl Chwoh at thl4 {Taco have been W3flll wenther again two in. The hur , h being built of stone, hill to far ae Lae Won ere. 4.4, Inol4l nell. far Winter oreautumNA in eIIISVA ton l:k•t T :Aar, the IA of Deemsl4,4. The weatli- N Asa aacr rernebte4 eold, th,l roofs frozen hard, end a!1 indieet:ene of nu early end se. me winter. "Remember the poor," &A R sir iv' pnticn that t 1 cilitont of the Afiwticr Locn bond ovcr to ("out, chargoi with !iving ;Mid ouio WutiJor how that cau ire"t lu this section it kw, ii.v.h , t;:ili) to tit...l any fir cliai Mir lot or jurnit.n lave drawn try wteni Curt neat v. , ;A. in Tioll of Izaritn.; the tosnrclertrA of Ala•Matitivr trod 1 , 014 e tlik tribunal. Three ptrionno art now het, ellarivil with t!& crime. I=l Of POD IKA —To ot he quart of wator add a bale har.dr4l of ttor ; bail wel and wain, ter itnnoediatdy over t' mu..h rte Saar a, will tu3k , a Latter, (Iwo told a hand Ail of twit, free a tew , rp e.f, and vrhto owl, a lit Oe 37,..t.t to Iv. it triad. its' The Cirri ..1' Aoirew Crum% in Mt. Pl esmir d uitli all COgif W. 'horned oti Monday Light hot. The i• heavy one, it ..rwitainell the Lolk or Li,. mop, and the building was a good ono. It le wapponed to Lave kiet•ti the work of iu titi- In4utando M!!.. The Sewing MaelHine Luw invvoi to 101 tho hvit invention of the ,i4e. Wi lamb Ast Mr. llowsrti 31aster+ ha+ 0..1.11ii+ tit• name and trimming+ to J. A. I)ortAN, who Las had never4l y•ara itt• MaJhitio+, itipl will keel. 14r sole , thrall, oil, An. ltoniu on M.ilts t. ltrAt Joor shore Iloofz'd St.,, • D NCWI FOR TIM Dorloa9. Phasic, in out with :ow sad epoi necked Arco. • tar youog notrviohAtiindiow the ail season is appruswhing. 'rho okwt4ol, way ttidrefore col l oquium tlotawls..... au baying a rood liaroin of rough-, colds coat oiximimptik. , n to nttend during tlw ani the uadvrtrikork may wiveri a lon +y Pilaw at4o. =0 Vousry Irorraurr.—The Tee gimpe Im gime of this county mot in PonMilo luhr musk There'nere 24 . 2 tenoliers in emend. ow. Thu sosi.ion IsLitiAl from Tuesday awning until Priday evtiiing. The wi l o o k of this Borough were Qin:A timek to risible twa...hers participoi , ,— Aahlond A. it cur.. ACTIPItNt —On ThorAar la. 0, Noot{onto), !it, , ryntan tk , 414. While returning from Lavi!ut La, o a ! ,,, a,14,1 paniengers 7,a4,10, Liot o'4 -.tier serious ami loot. t+r bitypeof. byttrtt , . aki n of .the pole io wagon. Ilk 11, , r,-,4 pAina untilAnlrahlo, frt . :m frig,Lt, whit+ eounek,l fli,trii , ibiqolf tAtelt an to mart.. ioj V6l- 4. /I.! Wa,4 trmeht Itutuu a few (bp ot. r, a n d at },r,- , ,ebt ii tupbliy itaprovina, ar N,,,t we, Court will b. IA in t hi,, Owe. Kum , in*p.o.trct suit.i will 14,, brought up. Oiw rnurd,:r trial i 4 on the tapia *ail it conMantly s xpeotr4 to Ile ilk Dared of. We aide to the mirthm of Maj. Rea. It i 4 hormi that if tiny of onr anbarriberi attoul Court, they Icill nut for get to cull iu an I take a to ak ,Lt the prin. tour. Do not ir) nil !polio t. f' hncding thifs gentle bust. "Do you lootuh 7'' =CCM 1111" "Barney" Siohner keeps a Hotel in this town, near the Court Hote.e, and a pretty good one, too. Nat week being Court, ho is prepared to board Jurymen, Witnesses, Suitors, and others, upon the most reasonable terms. His bar is ed with liquors of the choieeit kinds, and eiont of the finest brands; besides his "beet" k unequalled in the bypilhoreati imirt, of the State. 'Zwei laser une. ;mitre! Mir o:ta man less in the i.,craml.le fur the Ace of Revenue .Is ,, essor in this Ilis• Wet. Last Thursday' It q) enutains a "card" front P. John, very politely alining the use of hi n,rne in con ne ction with that office. Ho preiitets his "card „ with a strong "solicitation," ..igne , l by hip, soma active friends, to be a eandidatc for ANIMISM ; but it's no me, the aloud down town has got the inside track, consequently the Doeter has no inclination fur that office. Sir Duel' fail to attend the Auction tides et Dry Goods, Cloths, Cessimeres, Bloke* • 1 rer plated Ware, Notions, the., Wyeiliteop'e New Third tit., Irrlalfeling ibis week. The goods are all souttillid must be sold to the highest bid. der. This I. a rue chance for our citisena to WAD All and Winter Goods cheap, Athol! aid bey you envo i vests, pante. Imm o sod Wiry, cheap. There it oo do aepti attlea. The goods NW all t'ialllt. Oft 1110111141111 a. sir SAMUEL N ' , SHARD Esp., lost a large envelon, between Lis residence is co li tre township and ploomsburg, on 'the 10th ult., containing two lund potent* ; one in the natnc of John Wolf, and the other in the tonne of Jo.eph Robbins and others. The limi er will be suitably reworded on 'ls-taming the osstue to Mr. Neyhorti or giving information leading to the recovery of the package. --------...0. AN IiXTRAOIMINAILY Iturt.—Tho Sun bury Gaulle of last week says: "One day kit weak Frank Bright, exercising at lines' Billiard room, in this place, noolo a run of I'2oo. Be could bars continued the run, but gut drad of thu sport. Who can best it in this part of the State?" Whet buy nur Blootushure blgiardirt to tie) proposition? tor Tux 'Berwick Gazette Nays that the ltali,:als of that town and vicinity became so ravitinas over the election of Orem. uad Colfax that easy wont to work on Wednes day laq ali.l artnnlly tOnlttfld 11114 rat up a 1101 C ox in the streets of that town. Isn't it laaiihla ? An awful act of Radicals in that place. NVotader if they, in less than on e , year, will not he mad enough, if they are allowed io go en at this rate, to to :q and cat (lrant and Colfax, tro r.. r AO all? Ito yca ctiderstund? =C111=1•1 LADY' b popular MagnenJ has been received fur December, the last number in thie year, closing , thn fifth cal mue. It is most an excellent Magazine, and the cheapest publication of the kind, only #2 50 per annum. The fashion plates aro very attractive “tl interesting, to the ladies, besides its literature is n'►t second to other Magazin.. but is considered first-class read ing. Now is the time to subscribe. The .I.ninzry titinil AT will be out in a few weeks, and it is the intention of the publishers to i!?tr.elttee louts Dew features in Cow tte2t cylutue. Make up your clubs. = air JosEPIt LILLEY, Esq., of Light fisree, make.; it a laird to never forgot tho printer. He always, has a fat Turkey for him, and some times a lot of chickens to throw in. The "Turk." bawled us the other day is of large proportions and its gou.l cn e, and we told:mato] that a coun cil of war was held over him the Prst even jog after he piled hit feet upon new and tusicsysainte4 grotstals, and it was resolved *sot to wake an attack Upon "Tto key" until Ii o'clock P. n Chritittuas. After the onragoliontarcll inform ole readers of the twol: she twanwhile. let az: wit for get to wish'', long live , WI sack turn as 'Spin' 1.441 ift-Tsit new editor of the Rrinst feigns to i Le smart, when ho attempts to in ferno Ms readers, under "series of earth quakes," that a " h rzsat harm:" has talon of , :et on the Demneratie press of this place. In a political point of view, we have wit. nested greater "swallowiugs" up or -Cow arras " than the .auto editor bruit/bow. rar ine.faa3e. when A. Johnson MIS taken fur a I haraugh going, full Wooded, hot-head od, reser-eolopronising. Republican! What tiid all that "swallow" up, not alone a pillocm's printing Lut the whole Republican party. Hew much swallowing Grant and Colfax 113-. e done. yet remains to he :.eon. Ai to Nhelate rumor, the editor is weleotne to all her tiews. Truthful and reliable papers coop uo irresismale re lorterle• WE. have ken in the receipt of . so pi es cf their, 4.4 e .44:ifidau. published a t l' oes en. Arizona Territory, 'or the past Az months or more. It is not much larger than a gaud sixel window pane, printed upon brown paper, ~ .intilar to that used by sonic mordhants for wrapping up genths.— Th, price subscription, single copy one year, is dollar: , in ml , ll per. It is cd J I.y Sidmy 8. DeLong, and published b do Tucson Publishing Company. The reiv, , rti..ting 1,111 torrt ue looks ettlimraging, awl from the. core and ability displayed in the dpiof and editorial colimins we 4botilil judge the f kter would have a 'large cireula thm. The-, new papas which spring up in Territorial towns are. In most mos. success fol. What has more thin any thin; else. directed our attention to this new visitor in our sanctum is, that w fancy we sea the finger marlts, if not the pen, of our late re tiring partner in the publication of the I lEmoeuxt. We 'hid J. P. might drop us a Itne, depicting to us his adventures among the "ingens." Husincons Notices, tit 3' Dr. H. C. Hower, has lately replen ished his already large toe of boos, shoes, hats, caps, and furs. his stock will not only compare favorably with any other in this market, but is not Furia 4 sed by any goods found in other btoreA. Ilis assortment of furs is varied and well calculated to meet the demands. They have been selected with mud' care. A good article can be had at this store. Every article he sells war ranted as represented. Give him a cal. Pstoei.E are eomploi.ting about the high price of clothes, but if they would go to A. J. Evans establishment they would find that he has a fine lot or clothing at prices which any one can afford to pay. Seeing is believing. SrLENnth assortment of winter goods just opened at Brower's corner Main and Don Sts. Don't fail to stop there and look at them, as his prices are as low, a.; his goods arc high in the scale of excellence. KrysToNl ahead Crowds still (IA to the well known store en. A. Beckley, to g..t good Boots and Shoes. We noticed this the other day and found that the rens. on was, that he sold better goods for lowct prices than nay other man in town. Ile has some fine goods yet left. Call and get them before it is too late. 1)r. E. W. WELL IS, stircussoß TO DO. T. O. HARRISON. MIN It hie reoldctice on remit", wee', criow TION. All othes 1411 there will be promptly ettcsid• Q 4 to . IttcomAnl4. Oct. Al ictt I WILL CO TO alanriati ope KY MY IMO: WANTZD, A 4013tNitVill who ear porftim 01l him!, of music; walk. to who* als•ady emplay• turd will ho 'oven and lit.rral *Amor Hid. Apply to AAlO$ A. IlAit'rki AN. Ckt.IIA, hoer, COI, CO. MICR OF INCORPORATION. Modica lo hereby givro. that apollealinn Imo been mode to ilite Coutt 01 Column,' Pleas of rohienhis 0 1 0111% to pool A (111111111 of lettorporstloos to the "Colombia Carta , . Aigtoroliotal. llorlitolioral mod Mtl'hattical Artioelallon." the object of •ald A,■oel• Anna lo.logt to Import. citrlcitillaro, hoilinaktote. houttehol4l, dowrotlf and 10Pekamleal in., Uiavn•burl, (Woltz, 7. 1/16-3t. . Auditor's Notice. Eslam of Jamb Wenner, dereAtfit The anderripneli, Auditor appointed lir airratima'at Veurt of MY/M7, to dirielhate tam., la the hand* of the irimailotritnr gat said 4.1 , 1J11., hereby rhea notice lhal be trill VII,t the t e•11r. 'meta pied nn W rdneaddy it.' 0 , 11 , 1 h day tut ‘ iFW nt /0 ai'elnei /I, Ma. a , t•nlal csy, it bu a Oita. Ise Ilficoilitro•lt wt Woicli tittle and Minn ill per..os• rare Fro leaded rf'nrent their (Igloo.hen thd aald an attar MIN, de barred from cuniany in for a short tat with main O 0.11.11110,CY, flr pl. 23,.-la , AxullM. I XEITIOR'S NOTiCE. 1•: isle of Milli) Snlzi i r, late of Centre twp., decenstA Erttora Irtattroonlary nn Ihr rata.. ill Philip Ital. Plc tale a ('Aire tmoorbtio. Colombia roil fly. doer'. ', Lae N truti r,..l by u m 11,1 1 0.1, f Of 3 .41 In rtaionot lkorttor.l, regdl ea to Contr. All prrator• havens claims slava.' tho opiate rf she decedent are required to pttroont them for iroit:o• moot to tho Clorolor. •rott throw rehbrbt,.l to the ea. 1..t0 goo r • queried to intik.. gametic , : payiucto to MA utoteraigned. r EL NEY II PD. Ezecut. , r. Centre. Ott .11 . Pitt —On.. BIBLIC SALL; OF REAL ESTATE:, Th. and. r , Igor d Arlorlasornior• of the l'atnte of Ileniarats rim kr. Iw« rdr , irtie tenAn.lop. ruitrad.ii untidy. derehred. will offer at Wile sal., ors the isrr•osi , a. nn SAT!' NO‘'IP,II TIER 14, ec t lot fa land. r Pirate in Centre twp.. contain 1.:11J/IT ACNE:. mono nr fear, me vs ho.ll art Part • eda PICA M 0W1.1.1.1,10 rdepctitur Shop. ll.nk 14/11. and othlr oralmildirue. Ivor ~ i, A end /date Mewing/Minn and la riratrls. properly. NAle ur rorlaliiellt• la 10 o'4 loch, a. as., of .21.1 day, when wartitione ha 'rind I Rearm A.s ri , Wl.llll. ?s,r4 rR eftrAILLINO. Etpy, rm.. Oet. tin , lecd, rsr critow.. _ NEW LIVERY, SALE AND BENDING STABLE Thf andlet•lttrel wenbil Inform I lie ' , utak p. tly th4g Ito Pao opened • new tenon , . tab, non lontdinn t initin, in IneoniAtori. and soli , ii,. a f h l r ', ha w k "" pallinnsge. His Inn or, aro in rtyln,, slit and I , ttity p „........., . , eltivetr, lad 111. walt ,, n. ara S,'::/ 7 7:-.••%.,__.,„ Sign XIII inilly. .Cart eii •••••= los tato. 1110 by Ille Anlir, day. W. alt .ofir I it. Tato.. rank. flow loving hnows 1,. !min: al', find tunvonfent and entiefortnbin trailer, at Ild• st J t o with losln billet. 11,7 Mick in de. b..te.. a ill ii• talons and care n Win leattOstable elatit.'i tart VW lelltd. 8 hi I'l EN TIA '1" E COLUMBIA HOITSE. B. 111. /MORN ER, Proprietor. 1 . 4151.14‘ 141:10r111141101 littettnefmt:. , heenthinn 4411.41.4 the tray.•liut Insh :Owned nit Mann ttot..el. a few door eb"ve lh•• t'.•nnt I . OIIPP not 41 441 10 kn. wn a. the ..11t.hhi.nn properly.” It id (*.gamily Inr.•/r4 tit Ile lento. it pipe r to In vlep. hebides being ir, lot pool of luau here th inninttotr 04 th.! I he plehttettn Pete tonti.! , foi 1141. I, pp: pare,' In e•tc ifrowea phtjprjitjrni In hip itwor. and would oalcos a (air pnithtts of the public nntronaan t , molow.ttife. Mew lb. ottrotagih of old re.tin fihip Wlth lU. 1111'.1 rud 141hC/111: .41[11111PS 01 'engine 4 . 4.ti1e Try ibis riavn.ll.l 1... up. S. Id by Ilse l I 'IIEA ICAL fR he', 41 Nof: le Flout Otruvi, Prolember fl Irls;P• NEW chniisE AND Stint SWbV. A. S. CROSSLEY, Ha. opened a Cairiar tad Plain, i hnn nn lirmi .1. a IN .!bra IlwlaW Main. in a 1.,. he Wilt tip f0.m.1 at all 111.1.1. iioa.l, In repair afif lama. ai.w. so libuti. an ell kial.. •.ii,i„; in hi* lint 01146.1804 m. As a varriaite purer b. Pia an raper ion in tbU iirlioa. 1111 e isittaJo also new wnßnna. Uovr has a call. Ili. Welles are li4rral. It.pait omit will foreleg epe.faf at. Cl . l SAVAi; E, • Practical Walchmker Jewelirr. MAIN STREET (near the Court liousa,) I.OO3tBBITIuO, PA. coaohomy on hand a fine onvortineol er Arm:Herne sod dwire WORises, (loam, Jewelry, rlt'eetwore and Vise rtaelec Pullet/tar ationilois paid to t h e repel of clock." Watches and /rod ry. Maarutir Mark* nia4.l fo order. All work ‘Vocratted. Illonaiiihory, April 17 IPO7. WARREN '8 I M PROVED Fire and Water Proof FEET AND CEMENT ROOFING 'V ht. aCtaninato wl.tra rernattsiltiout p.tosooroo ant many, It to brab watputithi bad tito ;mutt It Pr,t alit rt. d It) Ite..t Of cal& It •ttit b. ouptod to Ph Wait.: rivt fly flat mat.. oae i tth hi torptriatt pt the bait *wing all that to re t0ir..41 It to rat.ily bad q'ttrlly ref tort . .l. tr. tort is frott thou 41. y „Iwr tire prom (hut Dorf to i... Trrliuuntialr 6 , 113 all rotiOry !h. 1...1 it, eurabilety,ootillity, awl tbettpacro wilt tol t•lttAott by W Klt otitikg. 3,tly t qty, Agent. Illttoutobura„ A ho.. ~v,t ;weir tho ChM h. o f W. it KilOthi . tic* house Oil bout ttretot ern a W S VAIPLE & • • Machinists & Gushier re jottN k I. k 8 . P. R , Pt nomllluto. Polk. An prepared to trtotott utt lt,ndt of Machine work, loth AO STEAM ENGINES. u„ii„t„Phartlrg, f usiso g r, ItancerNt'ottrilogs. Mrir @<'Nrinit. Paw toorerilo, itc, 101:0 Mk*, enrl,o, Steam pipv,tritet her With oil kind• of tteatii Halloo vm-tootly + , n lin4it. br,phine Mai luara and Heine POWttll !wide In order. Ail kind's Agticultund Mschifter) re;mred. Juno 34, Mu% It E:4 OVAL OF' C. CI NI &BR I X NNW.. ST, ORE TO sffivEls BLOCK. FIR AT DOOR AWV el 'IIIEIIOCE AT OFFICE." TOE limit:reigned hueloe received horn the city full and complete supply of SPRING AND SUMMER DDT GOODS AND GROCERIES, Tia-rrare, Ce dar and Willow Ware ' Mee.. Conlimon• cry, Clner•Ware, Tobacco lisle and Pharr, Flour, Fall, Fioh lull Mat ; Ell or MIN; I prorowr aclgng at a very lute torte or protium Cr Cell and rue. C CAME. Elcomsburp, April 3, 110117. OFF AT REDUCED MC 3 TO CLOSE OUT! L. T. ISHARPLESS, Will clY,r for n Ant weeks it vets Inw trim DRY-GOODS OF ALT, KINDS, NOTIONS, HOOP-SKIRTS, BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, HATS and CAPS, Stoneware, Queentiware, BASKETS, &e., &e., areal targalne will be given as many pada will be cased WAY BELOW Cost f Give kip 1 eall it you *i.h le Ott molM Otteheill,6llll.—iw N oIULIERN CENTRAL 1.0.4:11:113a CM? eawir o DIRECT ROtTlip NoTeri! AND SOUTH neorigh hrticeen Baltimore and kochater 11111s0u1 Clinnite of . l'ars. 17175 4' 2n i " Vi ' :;s: ! _, 3l : k. P " " "" TRAIN% 1101iIIIWARD. 163 4. 111 !rive Northumb.!?lan& riroPill el 0 0 . elpal prat oe., arriripg et Vi illemrsifivi. 6 IS •. Elnan, 11 03 r. . Ilmsomdmlitoo, 341 r N,. tur 3 00 r X.. bu6lo 0 14 4 rillr W 00 0. 6 40 P. he 1 4'0 , e riOntNintP , ll.o. Idnmtirti it ill rthlion, trirsel U Wllleatilepoll, It IS P 11, El. tillta It IO r M. TRAINA 4V4 N. leaver 7inch.inawrlln,l, rlnarlng at pripfligt , lvilla it it .41P 11, matisip.r• 3 45 p. N . l'ltila I lOW' 3 111 P. g II 310 a. M 111410 Ift.ttlittrulwrtati.l P.ppuir at all 'satinet 11441Vilell al Illitti-btarg P. bi 1111.1144 tl 39 P. M. rbiladalehta 7 01 A. J. %. ItoNAMNY. it. g. Gaol elup'i. PUN Ap at. (I..l4ittore. and IPAM . M. si 11 num got liottX. a, iv! :Vellum ' , night Agalit. 6.llltilg, N Y. P•pe Piot NEW MILLINERY 0001)54 AND FANCY TRIMMINGS. Tho 1111.1proljAPIII Intlid toorwt tinily Inrocnia J. dj ilVetoise..fal and th• in ¢etietal tiont .he Iwo Ju.t /ulu•ned frOtre s. 411.1 'Ward to Pot •Itaady law awl V:111.111 arsoftwent of PAM Y MILLINBRY GOODS A IV FAV dt! rimy. wormed tsay.fully ...Wand fie flee prri•eut Nall rtilwiall 110111111iNul. Iler NEW tionneeill AND HATS are eeettellelnd In 'nee, the teed In Ihi• 1,1,1ec and riunlq. slw has everything Nand 11. Millinery & Fancy Stores, ood makpa up awl vane hey good. upon lAr snort red • ...noble tonne Give bet a sail and etaanne her IWO' ~on t.l Ronde. AI Ail -Ur.. MoLiny promrtly and r spo. , ttiously ,micuiej upon db. In nit I ellOoll t‘ t0,“3 • LIAZLE BASILE!, ATOke 1 1 4111 n Slreel. thitrioey Ifientlaug.) Bionin.fri f 7, ori ,, t.Pr U, itte. WE HAVE COME Will. Intlurattleat) to splits to et. operallt with tot tit kW, GRAND 11HI6LAA SALE! stiewrima re,e or rend to our /11t..11111. IVAT4:II6S If.o. 011 oat lo our Aped., 86W lOW SI At:II Pi Ers free of 00.1 In Ageft Goiota ure nl 1:0.1 to Apia. LINEV lauttsPifl (fret n( Cons to our Agiteptr. 011.K$ roil 601 111,1. 4 vil•nto I roar Alletttil. V , nerd alsd 1 4 11 1 1E4 (me nf Coot! to Aptsllo. I.BK$- 11(0/US ffte of th ot to ear A{PIII.A Omar Dolor Bargains fi.r our Cushovers. q.r our rireular. AlVul4 Wl'Med tVrtYlvtle 11. .I , llmad, Jan. T. MOM&11 04 Co.. =I LATELY OPENED THE under-ivied wouttl re•.p.,lfully laynrto Mir enta.o. 01 hlnu,.Lara and wirwity. that IN bar lid °pencil a Mani) Al, Ins, h, twevn ICOR Mid 'third. *lv re th , h .11 1".110* cibiort usalkin: les um*. in all it. hTunihm. llttinfq for Meteltc or Other Coffins, flews rep..iro chomp b . Made SONO kidedr • f ruuotore. Im tudsng !fie re pleiiimt of flown brimmed elms. tirhol.tering. pnrigs, and foto bottom rfigir.. Pau'•rn. for (Arline web. Pl.atly Noe reprdit.oorly. eo,l order. igp tithe, lo go.rookor Ny b id. Pirtis , n frames sade Se ells et *bort seller. knit:llT R 0.1%. Socinotmt. April 13. 1434. I . IIIE I AliT'S FRIEND. Splendid Todnecitienls to Bub• pxtlbetem. Th" I 4 , V . 4 rliefiAl nnennber• o ,l ln*inl nA•b• elese far . r:1 • 114.1 O. 1..11 by 1.1,1110 tell. 4rt'llor IA • IVnur.l ha.l lb!, 6.c.; "lb« hos« of Two. Mob'. Lure," by AublbAb 11. Moors or .. 111b. lo•feArry l',Arbane " Ake; A fli.:vo nuv.-leir by LOOM' 111411. itl molokon, smib• Mof .11pring Goan kr Owl 4 11,14 11;0%..1 ley Nye. iichr,r Wwid, the droingot.he I Erp:ital ho4n-11,1. ROOM& or "Kul Lynne." kn.; (tiotlrr• Mr.. Wonilfol•tev.nt.4 writibg 111 by 111 deabb) blth HO. .11414/014 t bulb, lkorlra by a LMlsivit gulitt) , jf tmly wril..r.. raced vi Pi eivo Parcuiril Steal Iroarrave•at a low:rouse Ilrobir 'Saar. • in••iy Fa•bs..n Engraved na Oieti-alsal • Sara. as anslutual of Wllio4 alisairachl tha Nashua. Valley. Nark. le. 11l otory ammo,' It Will giro a pnpular puce of the anal babe M 111.11111.1••• in it,•••!(-141 adonaor. A Nnvy of the hose and b. anithl Pr••11/1110111 ttteel rAirbtilli•-.11 , 10011# .t hitrav " raprra.4 Mr our ren.kha. al a rome fqr tar raarat 1151 almoner amyl, .1Om!--will lin arid. post paid. Sc 4154 q, (111111 (1/.449 ealirrtsber, sod In rimy prim* freillei POI a club. 're....tigravtu: le a grw of Are CCPII/ 1 .4 l.:11 ti1:11 , 4111111bY.A- Mark Thi•- Kew auk• crib.-re c e,, .rod in illicit sant...for lebtl !strove ibr ari.t o, November, rercitra Ib. Nuv,...bat and literirdwr nuallwra of thin )rar is timing.. anakhg in all! An. , ell Mew 0110* Prof • au. I r..t,:ivr In- war ninerni bur igniaday 'lumber, 'linking thirt..tii mouths in all. TERMS : I copy, and the Wee premium edgravieg. $9 , 30 4 . . , . . . . too . and tete etutio. . . rlO •. . . met eye grime, . tee me /ape I'lol $ , l Frieda mid rot. and Premmin littyrftv tog, 409 Ihr rriitt up Ch•ar will ai vV2 , rO rerr !ye to 0. py et iht wean hograv tux air tittior,co 4 citith y iou 0, 4 410 ' 3 Y vu.ntCfrug , . v# 4. l. thi,,t mien One boiler cum. Specimen ow., oso :two.. :Went*. tot: A0. , 0* a i'E, raft+ PK. 319 Whlllut Phil4Aul phi% Rioter 13. 1;441-3w, H. IkEldi..ll, ATTORNEY—AT-LAW, BLOOMSBUEG, PA. on, :IA florT, in ExalAttir pock, WU Ilt — P:xkliaiapl lintel." Ail bto , ihevb ptured t his haltds wti he aiwthiett 40 44 4 0 Pr , 1 - 4"*P. 04M cap!, Ct. :!4 e ;sous made sltl Om 1,11.4 po a xilttc t khry, VANCY FURS! At JOHN rAREIRA'S atd ~ g tebibto.,l ru• utnne• No f it. Ain elm*. at.nvn 7tO, flavr now in *low of WV own wipongt,, f4 nad towthirture. 000 of lise Melon and .nleat benotlfal lettions of FANCY PIiRS, ft l , Ladies' ;Ind l'intdryn'n Wolf. in th« eity. Alto. I fine 3•1010110111 44 0 rote Yu , and emar,. ttllt ent.bled to Morava of my w a w a a t aory rear nimble prima, and t tortold thoterote MOtitjt a ran front toy frianda us Cohlukaa enemy nod vicinity. Illetut Hafer the pasta, INUlllba and AtOPI, JOHN 11 , MO A. No. 71$ MO Wert t, ate, 7111, %with eid.•„ PIM WA Ur 1 kir(' iso tartior nor connection with any other store in 'sm. att. lotti.Oni . ERROIIB OF YOUTH. A Crituitinien who suffered for year* from Nervous Debility. Newman. Decay. and alt the effoirte of youth Ad ilidiPerettott• WM. for ihtAO of ituffiiting Mimeo send free to all who need ti the iticeipe and diremi. tie tar making the simple remedy by ti halt he was 41.1frd. Putferers w Mein I to profit by the atirCrtiliCeS PSperielW a Cat dit en by addressing rq perfert runtidenem JOHN U. OGDEN 44 "etta dirtied. New York. May VI, MI. rfill C WRY OF MAN 18 *TR ENG', 11. A retitle man who suffered for years from Nervous and Genital Debility, Nightly Emissions, and Seminal Weaknefte, the midi of youthful indiscretion. mid ranie near coffins his flays in hopeless miefiry, will for the sake of wafering man, send to any one afflict• ed, the simple means used 111 him, which effected a cure in a few weeks after the White of PUIIIO,OIIS medicines. Bend a directed envelope and stamp and will cost you nothing, Address, UMIAK EM AIN. teeth St, N, Y, City. _ Conjiiga 1 Love, AND VIE HAPPINESS OP TRUE :HAR/HADC. NeIAYS nut Ytelliti MEN, en the Bruno. Uwe and Dirmiosivltich ,It,ony the Manly Pnwere nud wale itiwilliffienho In mai Ouge, with cure moues of tcht in toiled IMP. , t , tioslNtittl re Ilicharge. Aii dre*x ItOWARLI ASSOCIATION, tin* P Ode., Pa. (July INot.ADELpmA, Minds 10, Wifk. We bog to la* tit yeti SW We nee or! Pltro4 to ceet Pur poir tn. pet IDAHO Ileetiltlllt et of MIt.IER V GOD isruploothy or ihr , pry In Swot' Pllk and GIMP !lelo,N r net., /kr, Rriv, ig, Ntlk Meg Nlb bony., rhwio. MCIIIIIO,O. Rioter, Crown lordra Ruud*. twonlortila, kr, kr, wr happy In What on you M nor Plan., 6e rnelvit row. nvdors Poe.. low for Vols. YOlll, ke, H. WARD, &Awl Imo. Nn., Illy. IRS & Ib7 Nuedi deeen4 Street rhi wdelphin. M TRAUGH, ATTO At E . T.A T-114 W, BLOOMSBURG ,Yea. prldree in inn went Courts Of Vehlabli Ind ildefdlilf Comniec pp Ati Cnl.oo•Nitrianmpty aliisinkit to. JUNI 111.1509. LaZTI iFt.) -• • KURORB Olt YOUTH. A peallaalaa Pita In 1.11 . 0 110 *0 it,lil% la Om Ohaoing aM. a* entlelllPrn 110 1 00 , /74 ritaallid atialaal Wailmaas. Ist JAW aallsom 101,0111/PeurlralNal pi 4 Ost a blir 1. ON AI hill dlr. Ilnpoirell Weary. A ft er: ... . o trarsea reaw alum altlaall asselas/N ha Will a Mead oaks aleapia mita Pad prescript/ow aflivie.l a , at, amapat care. Ou al' **111 , 1 11 41 *IA .and ibm mine Ns 0 1' naltaa la all ai a Mir davit. it. Aadmila sll9Ali TACNA INA, row* 11. Sim. florae, New Von 11101/Mhat t •s RbIATION. Inforinatholl pearentitesl 10 prnellite I leigrlollt I rn* tit of heir Nikon N Iwld Iwo/ m INNIOINN O Nlef. • rifre.oll,4 , f , n oh. F,lllnlllll nt rompior, 111•1 , 1100 greptionr, sir,, oil Ike OW" leaving the pow gait rite/. god Ortanlifull. gee nittaintfl MONiallt ammo by add reositl 710141. 1W0.% rill AIC off. V 44111 !IEALINO rOtii: AND 1i0r414 OE water. Ifowtrd tovertitifitt Rapovir, Prat Vorfiga UN f o r 111411; trp pouTtig, 4ft4 tho AN41.44:41 and I>P 4 ll4P l 4l$ whi' 444 ray thg povero, 411 rreito tHiptolittt.oto to MARRIAGE. throlho of rttUi, Preil la aratefl hit ra -140pp4. (teeth thaw._ AOiltros GR. J. PE 1 1.1,1 N 11111%11110Y. How Ale4otiatinal. Fkitaduipbie, Ps. jIIIIPII. INT -1.4. frp 0v.,0104c Bit%tot*, mkt, VititatNO Milted, wilt) iho oslittiO or.tirrevii J. IN A NC& 31, 110 end A iiiwt (forgoer #y nY hrplco. 11611 Au 11. No, oo„ - , Arth 111149.1. PhilAdolphiA, Thalmoolulb from file Mod tPlholiht %MIMIII.Imq and eouln moan nt IN4 °Mee, "Elio Moeltol foroll, Inifitod In nc Baas m:i) Mi.:W.4114 itt , 1144 irti e+ eyrie if, hii pond tee, A HT! PillA N.YlollNoPolool withrt per, St , eboro• onto Nov, 13 Wit —ly TO CONSUMPTIVES.! The Nev. EDWARD A. W MOW* will rend (free of CIMINO) le MI who desire it, the prestritition *Oh the Mirages* for waking arid owns the simple remedy by e hieb be was cured of a NMI affart.on end thla dread diens et! entmomption. His only oh jert, Se to benefit the tattled and he bolter every ...elr.irer will try *llia prescription. as it met thew twillielt, avid may pprove s hiretdrti. Memo. *darns• Net. rowARI. A. i No. ur. euuth limed Sheri. Willinatiburi, Pkor Nola. Dlt. J. RUYAN. YSICI CONSULtiNG PHAN Broacway, New Turk, CivasPPt:(SIALTIMATaiIiAT in iiiirsions or Pono. nor, orinial. Urinary 4111.1 Ph'iifittil prsrnsss in 111011111 ur fronitn. Armies Ease and torrrspuntlente rtitirmt rosrutornikr. 'in irtortattio.—* torrid ray pro* atr and *anti. (traitor tAii WWII Art qf tharorc &MS nit W nehi, a "Aerials *to *nor nn Sostoinal Weakest**, by lat. gas w. bott... lab pasta. I PM rand eny Privet. Circalar with Atiotattrital :r!ttYtavinito free of tram*. and tit ja II Vag MO bt Dr. )nun Masai eta ai Mita 0 ,1,, tints% information an all oulit.eto irtr. Ctort 10 the ors OR MISERY. The 'w o n oir 'truthful ituftwAllt.4 di iro.T. 14: tut u» tuo btu totnotwrir. fur roust pujnyout: t tr,ta tint. 140 the outwit o f totriurth find ands, loft , fir misery : tut 14 the lithely Win of the Inuit:lml mid faithful remedy Dell's Specific Pills, he May recover boa breath. 114ak.• Maul ire na de lay in wine thin remedy. It piece *peedy rs tie( and laid mem efliat a cat! in all eager at Anent d Week *wog, 111111.04011 t., tltst Wm as t), , t,itny mad & at sbe urinary 0,0000 t wa p• fit i 4 ttritv,fi by ti.inq a single bin It is rmitely beptable and baredee• met en demon of dies is nereeenty *Mkt nein. thew. relee DOW perllol.oloolo, 140111 by itaktratta. In places where they tenant be penmen I wilt need them by mail peet.pael met enure tr. in t Nervtion en tee* the enneey. Addles, J.CAVAN, a D. 8.9 flew * . war ken Ynatt. trivlar and tonfiernihtl tifftiliwg Will to vent to {onto•'fern ft...orgh.into. A PlL'it Rt I* Kit% tV C4)N't , tl WPTION.- A Pkytti• f fan ithonodtOltottiontiott tor novettott )(arc with y,tootrot Monition* of tho hots* toted Nitwit with o Lite4hrrlie MAMA% ft to 1 e yodepoinit, when hi* coot nplo ;toot to4toltotti. fin it tht only physician *halt** used it ,o hi* own WO *off, of Who ht. oily litootiottgo of Ito tutors: and he rots *.trine Inn dr. Om! 4 0t tioadh timeon obytytt to oothion toot inn 0 40 tit his moittooto; nod tootling but utter doopair and ~mien C 1014401011 .4 . Oil tinge of titototy. *norther wilts wool of rotwfOritre in nil other:ifidtfent'd hint 141 h , a:ird tfin r 110.101.9 ft. th , S4 out. tic' with Any tlitotoot ui Not 1 toys ho prodoto * ttratntnut Ito onttti *Potty hotiontor. Nits . I ,,yvoto its... 1.1e40.1 Prier_l3o pot it , ttik in Oda half dottrel twat by owe**. loud 14r asignlat di *ntt ott 1t ii. "Wf 1.571 N tilt . 1 6 4V, Noe *m Notth Tooth ettoel., June 34, Vq:#4 y. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the utuiout *metes), by 14.; Aril, N. D., Ocatitt and /Soviet (forawrly tit Ley. den, 11,,Ilenti,) No. At 3 Arth Slot et. Plill , AD'A.— Teutiotoniste, trent the met* red:dile onurern in the Oty awn Country exit be eerie At his office. The nted. teal faculty ere tovited to accompany their patient& its he has no secrets in hie pieettee EV Ett, tnietted without TM*. No Mare tor e sa'A• &nation. (April e& leen --Iy FOR SALE. The updooolcood kid idler at pri•ete sale the AND ottnnte on Mein otreet. and 111116111ri as the 'Townes* property." ticitanike thine two Met In rront; citnnte on an alley in the. rear alit an fillet on teeth sad went side, with a gond *all of water and *ewe exceilent knit on the lot. The pro. potty to a drawable one Iho 'Pr MO will be shade easy. and poootechin glees au the Prot of next April. O. ii. nThllillain 111.14,11,, , huf5, Ann le, WWI \\'ESLEY W 11T, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mee to DCNIOIMAT AND STAR DullAing in SHIVE'S BLOCK, PLnollsPl' PC PA Myrrh 8, •6' 4 10,ARK4, ) VBANKERS, N 0.15 SOUTH THIRD STREW PHILADELPHIA. IkENERAL kENTB, FOR e n , PENNSYL ° . VANIA -k, N 0 " Ca N Efi °l* PjeOf OF THE C\ .. ..) L.) ifo DiE it . i P i M N t et& vu UNITED STATES or AMERICA. Tb 0 NATInII46 Lire Iportnimen I.:OIIPANT Is II onmoriesol, ofielPlPeAl by operdat Act et Cairod, St proved Jnly :5, MI, vp•tb a CABE CAPITAL S $1,001,000, FULL PAID. Literal tenet offrrrd to Airs ids hod BollcilortYlY. ilorintl.llll at wit elle'. IFY IT p ‘rtlonlirow Poison oi.appliralloo stow offiot, 1.Y..10n to .he otil4od story or oor lholoos 111111Vre obet Pitoar.t.:oio, 11.1 y d.stir...ll,C adtiallikleff•torl 111 (11/11114.1, bo hod. R. W. CLN ic co.. ...8 &Oh TAlrcf it. Appllrutloits fir (7rntrul owl Wrrtrrn rennryfrr. , tiro woke mud.: to B. rt. 111,11:0SE11.1.. blerrortg. 11urris. burr, re. August 19. Iral-ly,l The Monmehold Gas Machine. For Arifying Art Storm thrton'es, Churchcs mod Politic Builtll'agx, With t7,ts. GENERttrrt GAR FIRE Oil HEAT. The •ImpOriiy aid race by Which Into Wolin'. la naccd, if aim 111 eaunwity and yreml nitlii. rce• aluractr,tr it to iubUc Amor. Olt and sec I:maim , oyaratiffla 1110. mom Slaitulaclarrr and Orb. agent. DAVIT) lINE.R. Tin Puralablua Wilton, in. IXlfirci n rt. rr 1 1 4.01 for I Ilnalrate.l Circular. A 111. ip l Oeee-:iiss. T HE SWAN HOTEL, [THE urrn. tiovoti Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa. The ' , obverther reopeeffollp 10.freoftik Mende end ilia public. Nei be halo talon! We it fl mit above well %a 11/11/Pli or rwrr.Irr%IMMICOT. 1101 will be pleareil In receive Ike eualoip oir ill wlln will favor him *Jib a Ilcwill keep A GOOD L IE, a Net troll ttorloaCialth the bast of 'A ut ry, s o evoty ertt wit► be *AO to toador audio aatlattup Wm. JOIN $11Y064. Orattrualla MIRA SO, teat BLANKS 1 BLANES! t Ohm* 44kralltiottri for Ode. lit • • GMT ; `ROVIIKINT IN HE If 1114011 1 / 1 7 S, Emplire Is lellateblise I em.mmomr, Ilreadwiiy.lll. Y., Wsobloirtiolirs.oso, 11•0•., M' ullet No *INN. PlillealelpliG, rATaperito rKe. IL Imo, Tuts MAUIIIKM lot swilfileuelii4 iin entirely maw Pliterog of dr l o ll 4 lo l. pootoolisp loamy rare Pod IMO II dededd, basing sera ornoulitio.l by tha man ollrepoid impute. sad pr0nnu,,,,,11,,, a hno erftclgon vonthined, It Imo * Wri.lolo nnapt ,, ,, • prirndleuler mules , mo.kos fin Wit oft 11111 rhmt will neither 111, wair NAVEL, And Ir ir(lto 01, sem plop ; perform. _froyfret perlss 111111 every Sessrlpf woo of mnlerinl,llse Toolbar Is 'So Arms every onsuble, with eitionn, liana, or .1 k three& l'rws t reanrye't to is•illsoat nonilmr. no int/ Bellhop Oki* or coo Wilegg., and 111.11,,101 1190.1510 frictitill. 11 roar a. I. EtilphriliCOßN it, . 4 .l)Arltsit II rrq ell' 111! 1•Mil 1t IT lOss ImotriPt lo drive it sly oilwr miabou Is (Us ovarSel A yin Swot', 'rola Of oar rim work II rlerolity. wilboug WINN. or iii)ory lo henlin, If I ' ll .' l l lll 4dd woondeollll orl)on.oiruc litm 1 . 1410 , 1 411101 , 61 0111. 0 4 , 4100 ill PI 00 "Vl"' Will tii" NTIEI.I, ilia conipsoly to gay* w. rape«rlfutt,v invite oft titollo Min 'may 40..irt dp Atipply *bent.. IV., 11 ilk import t *tittle, to roma tint rtoktltto Otto ALLEM Actlit4E.. item half hooter Inottnkl Mon it stlttLetoitt soxitle tiny pnronti to work Ow* wartlike tot sir entire *At i 4;40 i4lll. Agitate ta nowt! rot alt taw.. is thetraitcd Stater. %here aseneirs art. not already ortahltaloot Alto, for Cahn, ,Ite.t.ko, Central and *MTh A Illefittt. to wbuta a titotaat Airman. will Mr aorta. ISEINI,4II 'Att"o sits *midway, V, y, NEW CLOTHING AND GENTLE• MEN'S FURNISHING STORE. VIC unilernlnned ecignetrully eallouncee to hle many (Fiend,+ that he bee egrnuil 4 new Gentlemen', Twinning Mete, Ia the kneel minim of the Gartman thilldiem eeuthenet corms! hlaln and Markel Illnumtleisg, 11011ntJust PUMA from I . l3llll.lripP' 'elven' a lan?* rock ~r Foil and Winger Clothing and GPriliniven'• rurnhhink .is Hi lit tors hiturtlf that lin can plea', iii. Ili§ noel now. Nine hIEN'S AND BOYS CLOT2ING, ;kali COATS, SICI COATS, uIIESCOATS, PAM% irgwrs, 1101W1111. UNDSlBalrfil COL LA RI, COLLAR& NECILTJEA. Roam. StfirLIVIAM, cwatiguas 1.1 In het etnryihing in ins Clothin. or Fernnittine lileat i'rry /OW i'ricev, '3l addition to tho abeire be hi. in elegant atatart mint of Clothes. Ca4sioner ot , dud Vertings. tl Unthine with to nide' at eitortem native and see before perehaeing eleeeeheee, ,nd 14:11HE GULAT J. N ,1 el•tatier la. WA OENUINE MANURES. ALLEN & NEEDLES, lIPKOV D SEPER POOSPIATEOF LIME, The nid standard min le. *mitosis Its quality, the most Suety peewit* still cheapest Ito.- phote in he Markin. In Base, 201: Mr isteh •541 per MO lbs. Allll , Al 1 Argo rtaiVigtikrigit Ackren lade* dto We the tenet v4l sh!e manure at the prim 4 , 11 * :red In the Inibliee In hair, 130Ibs. each, $33 per 200011 s. PURE GBOIUND BONE At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. We pfll Stiff I—fereived direct from tbeiGov ernuiroa FISII U A N 0, A pgitorinum4,ll,4t, and atm that at attracting Saab ittstt,t,aa from fatitiem ra,ked in Ostrei4, IPS PI WA LAND PLA‘TEIL lb Sorely. al PM►eq JMrlrl to tv. A pare Article A DIANONNT 10 ',MAMAS ON AAOVN mem Atatel4 the dealer neer you het have ntlr ert'elee. send your feJere dosed In sic end they erlll love pitueept attention. ALLEN & NEEDLES, otace. & einrep, 41 01. Water Olivet. r ff i r l se el, Arleen,* Aveßue. twm.ror 1 , 4 r li.s. I 4N191.1114 ANA GOILLAL CLO4YII6 , IiOI FV/LANELFHIL 1.14 T AL,wIIND 1,4 Ir4G.J Any, le, 1 0, 0.--lit NEW BAKERY, AND CU N F E(2- TION ER Y 1:03 trJa a a Oa) TxLvZ4cr.t ON THIRDET, lUSOW MARKCT. JflOOMSfliftt, P. $. rt . ) x . Pop Witten( *hie oeinhilohniotit,tynnt4 trt , t,oetAilty in(ena lik rdd and now enenttnoir. thnr Inor overythihw Ottett up at hte fir* Moan to on ante hint to Amnon Mom With OK EAls, emies. AN; Or 1;1' pKt /NEU t etc A tioretntore. V' Hereafter AO tnroonr. le tin linen bona fdrnioh .4 with Mo. t .nth r Otter. nett Porter, by the whole. LW. or quarter barrel. will tan upon WILLIAM ti LAWN IL 41 hi. Altana in *hives' Block, Main Sirebt, who haw herb euthtitiie I by the tonotoy,tened fn e+il the ening. lie ttillet.i.tently bete a 'ripply on hand. OHM will be 01143 at the t.,weot itittrit4 rtes. Mr. r tine to mbar" !lb hie nee y and —on. Teeth nety„ digit op tome coy the aale o 14. C It EA to ail wh cony fav tr him with thlr custom fle is atom aroteired to make lee Cream In luxe violets• ties for mutton, pantie or @Mils, rrtheriori. 4, the ea*e oily he. Evorythifia perialaina to hie thin ri bolo Woo. will recriVr careful and diligent attcrifiria. I,t,r it« is thankful to hie etiotontors tarp uchs ante, and most cordially *Atha a continuance of the ellisirt• J. April a. 1) IttIOS, DRUGS, DRUGS. ° hire litedieinea, at /able 11.. Molar* Omit Stec corner of Maio and Market ihrerto• A griori • •0„. • G meat at IPIIII3 DINIVGtif afediciane, faints. Oils and Varnishoe s alitaya On hat d, and will he sold cheaper than at any other Qru g Store in tqwn. QUALITY GGARANTRI , .D. treacriptinha earetalty+ ethipaunded at Meyer's irOst Store. Ayers and Jaynes Medicines sold at *foyers Dreg Moro. Wohart's Tar lore/el. Dolor's Cod Myer flit, tvmehkret Isiothlng estop, sold at b oyerhr Or,/ Store rot any re male patent sidieines, call at Moyer, Drug Store. Loather of all 1: ils, **Memoie red retail. at J. Stint illornAhltrlg. May it. tean.—tr. UEN'illtil kV. c. ti (.) W B, soacmort Duarrr. R PAP Irt ULLY oferi hie proforr ions! softiies' to the and gentle i 4 ,„ p r ep ared of 111 il Me is a prepared we ettemt a tho various (viridian' , in the line of life ploYeisoion *nib. proviiir4 wahine Insert linfitured PORCXL.4,II. If It 7 ff; witod on gold.vilidtua,stlvr Oar timber r to Imam , II as ihe natio 41 Perth Ml ievil plot* and block tooth nrh Aciurr4l Or. NI oi , ert , tli , n4 on terth.derefutly and era. -IT shreded in itc404440 and °lllc foss down o us, the Court !t uise. same side. 014 rdIfbofit. June 6 IPI3 DR. J. It• EVANS, Physician and Serge"» ri ityi Am litriiprt Itt.pni!tte_ittly . n lvi! , ir im j 1 1 l ' a c• ta gr o v b lent ;4 , Btate iw yt i o , , , ,zoir4 4 l . attitiot to ott i boor tattliAttirati4iptiortaly that Iwo 1,4 IstrOottot to MI6 eery toot bilge Ipluitt*se was Westin to 1110ir , 4 n. ,;:-.11 . ~.t e Cin • ono: (On Akin Ike Sile.) lo tono oltirlog to We ribtle cm OrAli or SPRING GOODS e sool•ting In pad an Aid► die * INGRAIN. %POOL a kite tiaras el 4 i r. Pr 114111 1" . 114411111 li•o,l9lins lorPoiSei..4 411 s c p i vra I' gind ul l of 11. 'naiad an N d 111111V11 $llllllllll4 iv 1 BALMORAL MEWL si Mr sreormitet of Liadllo and eltildteal* 4114,W0re and sonic I. NA Unmoral.. ivid Pplees. Ii GlilSB and Qnrensware. •lto. i Moi torrl in ono haltittid one (north llntrolit. Volt l• Ow Won to *onto you, oolneliontiillik I Wit 04 ..tog gotolt st tort low pilots sad our sitt4lo Itt lo sU, and not to ttnittiootlit bt ay. intburg, A pill AL 00. SS A II A I LROAD. tin nnft tbt , i'MAY, MhyM * it, Drawl trains 400 ( * al 40 it*** Rittltnad grin roe at Os tottowins nstto.4 itotap: MAIL AAA "NI, t.l'Al 10`44 MAIL won?* , „ I. 0 ,,,, a, "i. wiltl,ll3l out. Atr. 11$ mil. - ~4..., - rib, ~cy. 1 , 01 ,..,„, 41 .. .. . ..i.t " Watoommtr. " Cti •• ** A.MI " Milorto. " 4.58 . " 1411! tt 1t.....rti1e. " J.lO . 0 10 . 32 0 Rttps rt. .. :3,43 4. 10.43 " V 41414414414. .4 1 )r $4 .. Ica* a.m. krmitmtrt. . v .. . IT 3.) p..A. Summit. . 1,... 4. .. 13 44 '. Wild 1414 n, 4. 140 44 . .. 1444 Ai itlymny 'Apr% . 1,10 .. .• e,{A .. Mem. att0n.,..0., I.llle. . MA 8 . 4.13 . It u•rts.r. " lAA* .a Att. 4.0 " l . nitgrer.4l.bita. et cis 4 t, 1 0. , 1 ',„ )ToAt w 1 ,pi k 1 , 34. Road :Mt Of %kWh , mlO. I*, oft /V vt Vt.rk It 0 f ft ft. MI Villhh 4 ' i' OW. 1 . ICI (tome.. of rlitt. Lt Litt( of M. illistmlvtrt otettl PhilatttAphia. GEO. WENILSupt. MA) in 1....,.. CUCA i's 4 VME II , DA tit A 1.% ULM EltS, 19 OTHERS, cnNsuis' Torn ASHES, BEEEIVAX, BEANS, Butter, ("hefts, Egg*, Flour mud Meal, Fure and Skim Dried and Gicon Fruits, IVoul, Gums., Poultry, Naval Sims. nom Oiweo radium hemp, krovitiorm, Lard, Tallow, Tobaz'o, Suede,' Sorghum, 3WLtsxva, &c., To JOSTA U CARPENTER, ENERA I, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 442, 444 it 446 Waphington Street, New York City, An f recylve Lis wef lines centilitre Pir Nod Crorericr, i hf . ;moo romplrie rake Ciontil Fab letied in the thine I Omit% Seed jut n Pritc Current. litertie g ['Wes eiRl ear. 3 namely reek Liberal advances mall on Consignmente. Established May 1, 1860. Krst dam Rffirences okra when required. April I. 1P67-1. Xe/6.101 r. RESTAURANT. Tho reOeftetote hieing tehnested rf. sued the ir ItEgiTA VII A Vt., in the I.:wetoelot of the EXCHANGE HOTEL' tonA respoctfolly'ettlieit Seontinonhest nit the pm ( ewo,:e ol In* did t ItAltilitrtil; 0 ritr I hr hitt , hti,h c.t hmw hilsr to ilcir rerrea %mein* .34 follows : shEII, OYSTERS, coi CA NNE!) OYSTERS SHI.9 (ASTEKS, MAD PIM iptr , r times per week. HAN AND EGG 4, TRIM:. WI/NINA, best of LIQUORS AND CIGARS. ar oy , tees eau be limed up to custoluer• at 4 moment., notice. in VA/1101A STYLES, Frr cuArEn FR I), OR RAW, In rum the thole. of the Vriello4lo. ROM 111, CLIARIL Iro onsbarg, Apris 110 EVi STOVE AND TIN SHOE LI ON M AI, STREET. (NEARLY OPPOSTTE MILLER'SaTUNB,I OLOOMSBE RI PA, 11114 undersigned has kist fitted up, Sad lii nen • sv4rve ti.,;, 0 TIN !w illiOP ' in thin phrP. iviterP AP is prepared 11 make hp .new W It t 1.4 111 !wok. to Ms tine. 11%.1 do repair. tat +.ittt ”,./ 4140 , 3;0 di$1).101, 1 , i1 , 111 the moo pet. Thoottfr also k,-r nn band riTtIV tt4 et warimo. I'mnrl3l4 Hatt et ;leo, NV Nek hr, Hitt sell epee term, to suit ustrinto fife Mu I. 'II. tie its #.0.4 JnecHanie , and d. so . rv i n x ur,tt tothfie putronoge. U[unmebnrg. rz , pt. rti 13RSIIOTT'N ARMACY. Ar forriviig tnurf limb an*, or raar. M otoiernolo, Vtilm aiii cies Woe Sas ,T LOWEST RATE% an 13 will. t MED JAW. °who to the fill 17 Moat. and Medieiecu in ' he o ore now mut• tot veer."' article *frown to Ma' timer. {tricot.. our crock 10,felland couplete. Cull and pee , sad be rant/ ineed tkut hie to the plate to uy. January I% Ode. WA LL PA FERS. I' AVER 11 AN GI NGS! AN iiimf:Ner, eruo:K or `le.iL. 77 2 I rla \9'A 51 Zl. e.. e nd Ukvini Ellyl*s tor roCor. Help, ollt, viholestan soil 1141SVNI.11. Ic houaKe . o. throe/ of Fourth and Staavi Firreig. Aprilf-310, l'utiAraLram. JUST ARRIVED, NEW GOODS I NEW-GOODS 1 Thy public lire iillonned,that w. CUEAST & Joh. reetived THE LARGEST A ND DEsT SELECTED STOCK or SPRisa AND SUMMER GOODS CVel . t.foUght to LIGHT STREET. All Meer of good Condi CHEAP for mat or rout try pr6dorc. 11. W. CREASY a Co. =II CHAS. G.: BARKLEY; • • Attorney at Law, OLOOMMEG, COMMA CO., 1"A. Ofnee In t h e Eschew Ilnll4firl,swcand ov*t t7tokrwr 111, en's. ewe, *cowl duet Moor. the 1 chow Hotel Illnowlsurt April 17, 1017„ C. K tIIbER tot:191ot and Attatuty A# Li* BLOt*IiIIIIF Ths, Vrottiditinnenee ta Kw, end t h, wvo il l , inineml. and h^ has remthitod the Prat Imp onto 'Bain. Cm* erynn e. nit 1041 all 140 tt let oval r 1104100: IllitOOdt'll to. virtu* in nos Itntisip 1114114 flag, nnenactinfini aver Eyt r ilitnyer's Wet Not Ilieunnelnirg. May 1,11K7. JACOB METZ.