FARM AND GARDEN• ifif rn-;rMITVII Fowls should over be permitted to have access to the horse obible, nor the toed room and haymow. Their roost should be en tirely txparattst from the etablo, so that they only not always be ready to slip in whenever the door to opened, and that vermin, which infests poultry, may not leach the horses and cattle. It is a well-known fact that fowls of all Wale frequently drop a very For did, offensive, clammy, and visoleus crduto, and when allowed to go on the haymow, or in the feeding rwas, or aoywhere in the barn, they damage more fodder than we aro wont to suppose . Some horses are always afraid of fowls, and when one enters the manger, or rack, the timid hove will imme diately surrender the whole right, however hungry he may be, to these lawless intru ders. = EVECOKEENS FOR WINTER.—A proeess has been discovered by whiolt a beautiful show of evergreens may be obtained for tio parlor during the winter. We give it for the benefit of our lady :cadets, who arc in separably vsociated in our mind with flaw• ev, rind a l the beautiful objects on earth : "If geranium brunches, !Liken from lux uriant and kcal by tram just before winter sets in, be cut as slips and hummed in soap water, they will, after drooping a few dayo, shed their leaves and pert forth fresh MCA sad continue in the tiniest vig, - Jr all winter. By placing a nutaba of bottles thus trilled in a flowcr ba3ket, with moss to concoal the bettleo, a show of cv.n.t,r,vn iM cumily wur ed for the winter• All the different varie ties of ' tau plant being 13W, the vailons shapes and colors of the leaves blend into beautiful effect. The plan it simple, easily put into prneti,w, and is sail to be RUCaSS- BURNS. —An exchange says "that noth ing on the fax of the earth equals (*el wa ter as a 4r:way for Borne," The burned portion should he soaked sovend hour:, in water. Per Fons whose bands have been ve vcrcly burned h,tv7: exi,erieueld such a re lief by plaeiv, them ins hisiu cf via.,:r at the Ledside that they could davit ernauta. bly all night, and wake toiled theroelves as Drell n over. The remedy is very si ti ,ple and easily tried. CArrtt AND froos.—Beefcattle should Le I'd freely on puntrUni, boiled corn, and mixed cut feed. Don't feed ripe pumpkins to milch cows without fir 4 removing the seeds, 113 they proton the secretion of the kidney 4 and cut abort the flow of milk•.— flegs for market shculd t,ti ..,.ont;-led this month—not quito as much as they will eat, but ag much as they can digest well. Tiae that are being fattened should bare a tce,.s of potatoes boiled iu slops from the kitchen at least once a week, INFLUENCE OF GOOD SEM).— The lowa llotne ,, teati gives a :-.tatertiont, by Sul Foe ter, Esq., of the production of two parts of the same field of wheat this seam" both of which were prepared alike, and treated in the Fazue marincr with the exception of the Feed. On one portion very clean, plump, nice wheat, casting 12.25 per bushel was used ; on the other, ordinary wheat wrilth 11.73 to 1.8.) per bushel we.' sown. The good seed averaged 233 bufrle.hi per uerc,the poorer, DEXTRUCTION OF SMlrs.—We have heard of two methods of getting' rid of stump, which, as they appear feasible, and not expensive, we hope some reader will try and report them. Bore with a two-inch auger to the heart or centre, fill the cavity thus made with sulpLut le acid, or with crude petrel. um. In the first case, the acid be comes the destructive agent within a few month;; in the latter, when the stump be conies saturated, as it will, with the oil, it is fired, and will burn out to the last parti du, like a candle. =II CunE ran Ts-auewiNct i 4 sta ted that cauterization by Lot tallow k au immediate cure for iu•growing nails. Put n small pied of tallow in a spoon, and heat it over a 13:4 until it leconies very hot' and drop two or three drops between the nail and granulations. The effect is almost magical. Pain and tendernesq are at once relieved, and in a few days the gmulations all go, leaving the diseased parts dry, no as to admit of being pared away without any inconvenience. The operation causes little if any pain, if the tallow is properly heated. SWEET POTATO BALL.—first 1 , 0 i! the potatoes, then careffilly mash the farinace ous part.. Boil, in the meantime, a pint of milk with some reel, a couple of small lumps of sugar and a little salt.— When the milk boils take it off the fire and add the potatoes, so as to form a paste, or rather a tolerably thick mash. When cold, make it into balls; cool these with crumbs of bread and );!k of egg. Fry them to a nice brown color, aud serve them up with sugar strewed over tilem. ...Two rival hellos mot at a hop; "Hew well you look under candlelight!" exclaimed one, with a mreas on the candles. "And how charming you • In the dark!" an meted the other. K.LVE;'I h MID IiZSUEMIR7 COCIDIDIXAB IN BLOOMSBURG. MILLER k, WOLF, Iteopoetfully announen 'hot they ha►e entronence4 he Mercantile Puniness in 111 Its branetion, In the Newly Ilituti up Store Rooms on Main Si, Inonnt as tho Maul property, and horn now In 'torn A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, in their line, which they have noloemi with a rood Anal of ewe, and will melt lithe Lowest romslble natal. noir stock le Cortiplaa it emir) , penl:nler, and la Quality and Vire CilenOt lime full eutisfacUan, Tar, ark the petrueaie of the pul/lic, with the me Dormice that IFIRIT-RATR GOODS AND PAIR DRALINO may always his owned. Wye thorn a trisi. Theierheleeiam ant filled with old musty good., but with now ono., and with new and low priory, Attention Wits paid to the selection of rods tuna. also, for the Fall and Winter trade. lin :sad pro. cute the bargains. The hishwit market prlro3 allowed for all country politice in ezehanige for goods, rztore on Main street, iron (runt, with large ninon ialowit, Sept. 113. Niel. CONFECTIONERY. Tut underwlgncd would reopeetfully anochmee to the pui4lc that he haa openfA a h'lßriT-t:f.ACON r CCM V STOR U. in the building lately Dec*Vied by Cantata ; Atuteaer. where be in prepared to furaPh all kittia of. PLAIN at FANCY CANDIIhS. cvsnigs,FORCIOM ANP PPM ERTie FIR TV. NUTS. RAISINS, &l; LTROARA•LII DR RETAIL. In short n full apeortoteut of all limbs at gondu fit* his linen! business. A great variety of 001.1.0. TOYS. suitable fur the Ilelideys. Particular atte Gwen t» lIECAD AND CAKES. MOrl2l=== onorTmAs criNbita4. clutieTsuts Tova A cell to %elicited, and sedielartimi will be geltdd teed. ECItiIAIT JACOB.* TEE GREAT CAUSE OF Mt=il HUMAN MISERY. irfei ... ,r ,,,, , ,,,,,,, : ,.,,,, r ,. t d 0 , 1T. ,,,,,,, i.! ti ii i,, i r , ... 1 , 1 , 1 1 ; 2 4 :;;:i t v i i i . , ... .414a 0, 110141(P. 41 , 1111110111 a n d rail/011 curs of PP mina' Wealtneso or Sporkeatorbeea. thdured by FOC-Abilse ; Involuntary 1 . 4114.101 C Ink 0 , 1 ,,,, y, y ur y. 4, Debility and. 1ni,,,11.e,u,i, to Ifforriaftl C4'llool4' ; Con.uniption. Epiletuy, nod rite ; M 11.131 WO 11411101 i itteripatrw, tar. fly Hubert .1. Citherweti, IF, D.. Wilbur of itr, .Druun Brod,' A. Teo %odd ITrowned hOtikOr, ia11,,,, adulirubte L.. u , to,. daffy rauns Cron: his ow' eapaware, that the awful VOIOOVIeIIet'S of isell.Alielo 1,,,y b,.t i nett tinily reuturv.l without medi c ,,,, , and taboo, 4311 1: . 1 ,11 4 *WIW I nr"""111, boogies, 11/,1,111.949,11 fklet , , 1/0 cordials. Yoiol , od out 0 mud- of rure a 'rice cArtain and elf , :ettlith by which every anfferer. no inatt ,. r 10131 1110 C 01 1 ,141141 Inv be, may " re hinoodr I:beauty , ;,tivately and radically, This Lee. turn will prove It boon to thousands and Ciousanda. 4rnt under seal to any address, in a plain envelope, on receipt of six cents, or two t/001/Ute Wang,. Alto Dr. Cuiverwell's Morriss 17aide, priest 25 wits. Address, CilAd.). C. K LINE 0.4 CO., 127 flowery, New York. I', 0. bus Os& Sept. 16, IF6, , ,—ty reoli at. Co -...---- V, kW BESTAUTANT, ..10V ' In Shire', kuirding on Main Street WM. GILMORE, Informs the cdivine of Bloomsburg and vicinity thal ha has 3 :awn* ktEsTAIIR ANT, n this place, where be invites Ohl Mende and ttl4SOMOrt4 total! and refrvahmenta,— te Ina intension to UCep the host 6 6' LW /1)7/3k) A S/1 .16 V. eensiantif on babe t'ortor. Narsanataila. htin oral Wefrr, Fanry 14.0011atioc iteqpberrif and L. in en Syrup*, cm, alwaya be had M his iteatrau rant. In the eating line he preaents a not ontroe,eo in Bus gincP ; vie, Oputerr name, ilerainee. Fi 2i, Parbeeued Chirken, Pleatel Tripe and Beef Teem!, arc , „ are. Be also his a goat lttirlc of fyielarß mul rhe wing ri' ,l 4lcoo 1C,4 etW.olo^rs 17 . Givohimae.4U. Wo.nashurg, Jthie. i 3, te66. = WOLF & BARTON, 0.0.1., , L,501t51y) 8. C. sinvEo not s BWIG, having itliVd the Mining Mil e , hba tofu. ey octane .1 by einem t; rsbira, v.lll c.n ntnnat6u Enwinnraef mananeintine Doors, &Ash, Blinds, Mouldings brook; t„. . ThVy are Oso prepared; to furnish I'IyOORING, eitING LES, d all ether' lat whey required in the ednytruetien of uhiling4, Ati kinds vf Turning dune at short notice, Dille for Joint and att. r Frame *tuff MLA with prowptneas and cafe. Orders reopectrudy yonetted, WOi it wityro‘. hlcetneiud, April Is, lets -t 6 08. ANOEVILLE HOTEL, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PENN'A Efitt'Affn EvERETT, eraprietori wood relowifully informiltia friends and the Public in court:ll..oin ha has lerly on charge of tots wcilltnown and conveniently located HOW, long kilo by Sr;nwl lireretti net. and that this Britton is in complete order for the accommodation of warden,. ned r.c the oweriaintnera of travelers who way feel dinpoond to (avid biatt,with their et,itom. No paint acid expense Wive town eparod in repairing and retarmshing this lintel for the title:Wu:went of guests, and nothing on the part of the ihawrietot will he kit undone to teittieter to their personal wants. will always be (online:l with the bent and Mont choice home, and hie table with the bast the warket otfordo, 1 , ny131.1i 1 -- EXf IA NOE I I OTEL, 111,0030111110, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA The underdaned having purchased and lately re. titled this well !mown flown!, gitusted on MAIN 81'.. inonednitdy oppovite the Court m,use, reg.prrthoy inferno , their friends and the Wait ar 'tidally. that their lioure is now in order tut the ncennuondation and entertainroont of Wrt:tern They 6^vn #purod no pains in preparing theEsehanar for the entrri4ionii.sit and comfort of their guests nun house is epsilon*, and enjoys a good business iviration tvklNtMl?'"Tr , tun at al tiaenxibetween this !lento and the different retire:of DP1101, 4 , by which 'meterc will be conveyed to nett item the respective Shitiotts to Joe time to meet the cats, KOONS & CLARK. April CJ. IPrA. Germantown Telegraph. A Family and an Agricultural Journal: Devoted to choice Literature inchsfing p os t sa Novelotto. Tales, and Moral and Critertaining geed log, generally. its the Literary thiportutent on shell present the choicest variettee within the reach or out es teltd,it noon Th* , `Novr.tells, Tule, Poutiy, eta, shell he sap i d t ed front rho best and highest sources, and be equal to unything to be would in any journot or maresine, Agriculture and 110MM:ilium embracing Panning, Gardening, lortoit -Renting, etc. our tab or . It, this depat linen) for over thirty ,years, base met the cur. dial approbation otthel pob tint purpose hasbeca to furnish usefhl and reliahleintortnatiot• spun those very important hvinchee Of industry anti to protect theist so far ns +Within our power attilltist thus false doctrines and selfish purposes Of the many ant es and sensation adventures sanity assailed. This portion of the rierl4.looll9l Telegraph is alone worth the price of subscription. !SLAVS DePORTMENT—The same industry, care and discrimination in gathering and preparing the stirring events of, thu day, expressly for this wiper, which hitherto has been one of its marked features giving such universal satisfaction, wilt be continued with redoubled efforts to meet the increasing de. mends of the public. TEIIIIO.--Two dollars and 'fifty rents per annum, No orders received without that caeh,a nd all sAbrict p • wait: stopped at the end of the Mine paid for. Mpect• men numbers Wit. Address PIEILIP LIMBO, Editor and Proprietor, June MA amnia iota, Yhtiadell We're. TO LADIES. True attention to called to the most efficacious remedies ever known for the remoenloruhetruclions and deseniteuients inchket to Me female sea, Dr. Harvey', CH 110 N THE it MAL FEMALE I'II,LS, hove been used fur upwards Or THUM 1111411.1 with unvarying success. They are 01114p1Pli for all Oftil• nary cases and never MI In their esti on If taken in time. Dr. Harvey's GOLDEN 1 1 PILLS. FIVX DOlAAitel A PDX, aro Intended for opeelol eases rill more power ful medicine. They are fuer d see stronger than the ordinary Mud and ars per 'oily harmless and rellr If rot cannot trt,t them of your dreg/Wet I will send them by riurn mall, pust.pald and secure from ob eervallen 011 receipt of tbe money, I will shut Peall an Illustrated and Confidential ramie, to Ladles on apsdleatroa/ Address 41. IIIYAN, JI. D., elillaoaawar. Now AU COUNTRY INRECINAN re. DAIRYMEN, FARMERR, '"" AND OTHERS, COMM YOUR ASHES, BEESWAX, BEANS, Butter, Chem, Eggs, Flour and Meal, Furs and Skins, Dried and Green Fruits, Grain, Wool, Game, Poultry, Naval Stores, Bops, Ginseng, Fathers, !Temp, Provisions, Lard, Tallow, Tobacco, floods, Sorghum, Mulama, TO JOSIAU CAnPENTER, GENERAL. COMMISSION MI*3IICIIANT, 442, 441 & 446 Washington Street, New York City, And receive bit weekly PrucKerneatte? of Produce and Oreceries, the most complete Price Current pub• lahed in the United Puttee. for a Current. Marking Plates and Canto Ftwomrsentut. Lilic rat ativanos made on Consignments. Establiabed May 1,1100. Firet. Rvertaeo given WWI ret2lll . All AprU I, J. BROWER, (cur. MaltcL Iron sto.) hi nun , et:Paring In the Public bie STOCK or SP It ING GOODS e .ni.lbtinif in part of s full line of INGRAIN, WOOL & RAG CARPETS Finn rluths and eanalmere for Laaloe rotas. nd.oolo I.of 11 Goads of all rdnerns and qualities, ion and Prinin of vorioon gun! alon and prime. Pi:tuned and Drown Manlius, !Athos koronch C....rneto s, BALMORAL SKIRTS. st , Porinmnt of Ladies and children:' Callers a'ltlittooc rr ruNii gpicae. New esiortmont or Glass and Qneensware. Mt leo. I narserei inane haltandonsfourthllarrels. Yew is the time to make your selections, nit I am ‘ol..tiag namt. at very low priess and our motto is dpsiisl to all, and not to toe Inittrretobt l.y any. J. J. (MOWER. 4,ltomithurg, April Mt 1207. EXCHANGE. RESTAURANT. The Proprietors baring renovated and redttedtbeir RESTAURANT, in rho tootement or the EXCHANGE HOTEL, they would most respostrunyisolteit acontindanee nr the entreenne Melt old thenagners, and tordtatlyin vice the utttottien of new tows to their wywAtoents tie follows : SIiELL OYSTERS J CANNED OVSTEVS . i let It etVttAtCt:ti, ritr?..m rtt•tti tiCr,. I,r vt,a, TlOt'i: 1101,tH,NA. bout of Lig I - it AND clO A, totrvoll Up tO Cu+4 ,, iner4 at 4 144.414q4, tioAti •. INIMMII=MI PR D, On DAM tftenit the lattlca of the epieutist.. KOONS 1 CLARK Ilformipburg. liTo4 CATAWTSSA RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, :May It, pag, rassen g er Mina on the Cala *bum Reillo4ll will run at the Imlay. ill': 1131111,11 111A11. SOUTH. STATIONS Win 'IIOIITH Dep. S. I m. Will iftmaimft, Au. 6,13 Pap. 5.41 •' p. 1.2 " Wataantown. *. 0 , 1.301 " M Moo. 0 4.5 a " 0 1911 " tom il le. ° .1.10 " 0 1934 " Um p" rt. .. 3,53 " 4 . 10.43 " p..rowiasa. " 3.34 " " 1459 a.m. Itioatown. . .4 1 3 .. 0 1.7. 3., p.m. Sommit. " UM " 0 la 4$ 0 Wok trap. " 1.49 " 0 Loo 0 E. Mahanoy Jone. 0 1.20 0 " 2.15 " Nino. , Tamaqua. Dino. " 4,10 " " 443 0 11."34,m0, " 1940 Lot Arr. 0.43 0 Phi 1a.04 phi% 0 11.15 " ~..„,„,1 I To New York via. 14 a. "aa. 0 0 " 0 "'. ' Mg Of Mauch chuck. From lavw r"till V"' t 8.40 " t414,1(11 1:11 , Inc. I No drone of rata between Witlimorport and Philadelphia. MLA). W E to, sups. May f 47 iro.S. =1 N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP, ON M Any sTramr. (Nomti.v OPPOSITE tiTultZ,) NLOWIIdOIIRI, PA. T ur, undernigned hue Oat Awed up. and opened, his new gTOVE AND TIN knor s in tdte place, whole he to no:wed to Tonto up new Tit %V An I of all iidids in bin tine, and do 'opal?. h i , With tototneor and ditiputch. upon the nines fen• sqnghle eiea keep. on hand WNW V. 4. of oa t tatao patteroo and st,eiee, Much he twill dell upon tattoo to edit nufehaoero. Give ht., tie to good tneehanic, and de nerving of tit .totOtc patronage. JACOB METZ. Illonenflbotrg, Supt. D. 1t164.-1.1 T LOWEST EWER 4, 1 AND WILL TIM SOLD LOW. Owing to the fall ei times and Medicines in 't het we ore now mark. tug every article dawn to aid times prices. Our stock is tulland complete. Cull and sea, and ire emiv inted that his is the place to January leetS. WALL PAPERS. PAPER HANGINGS! AN IMMCNSE STOCK OF V A A ..3 NOW and Elegant Styles for Pallas, Halls, etc., wholesale and retail. HOWELL. & 110ITHKE'S. Corner of Fourth and Market Kreetk, PIIIGAIONGPMA. JUST ARRIVED, NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS! The public are Informed tbal 11. W. CREASY & CO. THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS over brought to LIGHT STREET. Ali kinds Of good Goods efICAP for cash or roan try produce. Ugh! eireet. May 13. IPE43 CHAS. G. BARKI.t.I 9 , Allonic,' n 1 Lnw. BLOOMSBURG, I'OLIAISIA co., PA. Omen in Or egrhange nuilaing.peennit Wry. over Alnlingr it then, More, &mid door Own the Ea• anima Howl Illomniiburg, April 17, 11167, XOTICE. All peraonabavlnd subeetibed Stark In'the Blooms. huge hilarity Info Huts, arc horsty impend that the Idyl lnatallnuont wad duo and rayabin April lot. l'hoao who lidos not paid up In run are ro yUrtalud In do so forthwith, and got their earlidailoc Uy order of dm Voard Trustees. NMINIHALL. E. bIIO Juneld 'llB.—Unt Treasure,. . BLANKS BLANKS 1 Of Inlay dawn:Woo for oats, at this cities 11EN4ERSHOTT 9 S ): MACY. Ar receiving more troll and rr ruge, Meilicrnes.Telict and , e lca ntliqk have o.,un has Just received H. W. CREASY is CO. GENUINE MANURES. ALV;IW NESPLES IMMOVIM 1111 PER POOSPILITE OF LINE, The old otandird artlelo. uniform In quality, the omit finely prepare joind cheeped Photo photo In ho Market. In Dego, NU lbs. onels.l.lll per WOO lbs. AM *MI TED rinernizza r &bumlodgnd to bo the moot vat table menliell the prtue, offend lo tho publiu. In Dupe, LO lb.. rack 1135 per MI lb.. PURE Guouniu MOMS At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. Wo will only No. I—retie Wed direct from tholGov• einwent, s GUANO, A oplaidid:manurn ' 11111111 One MU to attracting much attention from farmers. Tacked is Ilarria, 10:t5 per lOW lbs. LAND ILA PATER. to Darrell, at lowoot market ratra. article A DIM:MT TO DEALERS ON ABOVE PRIM. rthouid the dealer near you not have our ortleleo, •end ;;our eritert ilireet to no, and they will prompt attention. ALLEN & NEEDLES, (Ace* & Stereo, 41 11, Water Street, told 44 8. Delaware Nese& DOALMRS CANDIX4 AND OBSEItAb VOMMISSIUN MltttellANTS. PIMA . ( ROTA IIL rsunD 11.17AW.1 . Mg. 11 N Ew ChOTILINt.; ANI) GENTLE- MEN'S FURNISHING STOIU THE undersigned respectfully announces to his Sunny hi 11.1 that ha ha■ opened n new Clothing and Gentlemen's Furnishing Simi., in the !MVP,' 10041 of the Gartman Gullding, southeast corner of Main and Margot Sumas, Illounisburs, Pa. linvingjaat retured from l'hiladelph:awllh a large ptock of Fall and Winter Clothing and Gf.ntipmen'a Forniehing Mods. &e, & ne flat. V*l4 ilitUtdr that WI cue Orem: , ail. Ms stock cow. }tries MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING, such as DAMS COATS, SACK COATS, OVERCOATS P A NTIL V Ent 8H IRTB, DRAWERS, COLLAIRS, COLI-4RIL HOSIERY, scriPEJMERS, BAND KERCHIEFS INVIIRELLAS. aol in PArt everything in the Clothing or Furniohing irr - nt Pat', .4. }MI to (hi! 411.1Ve he haft an elegant assort 1,1 („';v•Ainer., and Vef.tings. n ottubz t ., lb- P 11. 1 .044 patier , Catt altd Ire before porclusAng VINCIWht re, and AItRC C GMAT BAUGASIN O J. N .1 ortoher to, MO E tax EfitY A 1 TwioNER LlElV3iltsalb a a SO Vanaticsguati Oita Tnino syrtEET, if .ow K BLOOMSAS t MA, PA. P. FOX, Propthitnrof thig dattitilighdrent,wwild rgapectrally inr rut his old and new twitnntera. that po Ina everything titled up at hire new atinid fn rn able him to formal) them with BIWA ty, CAIMW AND CosivEri tveolice. Zia" ihiret.fter bit wive eti with Air. I 12ef he. r, titi3 .' , -tier, by 114 N Who... W'. or .niarier bane!, etdl tail upon WIL.GIAM Salo,in in Skives' Block, Main Street, who has been antherisel by the undersigned to sell the same. tie will CONstantly have a supply on hand. which will be *obi at the I AVI.PS nintim r tes. Mr. F, ha* in COMO , : with Inn Base y end Lun fuctWnery., fitted up rooms for the tale to C E A 311, to all wh may favor him with their finnan. Up is *lto prepared to make lee t7reaut in Inrits garnfi• ti,s for parting. public or social trithmitots, as the rasp may be. Everything pertaining to his lino it bo.storra will reENIVOCaftAII 211 , 1 diligent attention. lis is thankful to his rittotorra Inr past fa ram, and most cordially solicits a continuality ut tGe WOO. J. F. FOX. Aprd 3, G REArr IMPROVEMENT-IN SEff INC MACIHNRs, Empire Shuttle Maehhie SALESEWIDA, 6311 Drenihrey. • 2.30 Warlsteetnn et e et, Dorton. 921 Chi!, net Street. Philadelphia, PATENTED FEE. H. Istin. THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new principles of mechnn:sm, po« , esstog miry tore and Valuable hopci cements. having been examined by the must profound experts and pronounced to SlMph * Cify (Intl CifirillAn It hats a straight needlo perpendicular »Mon, makes the LOCK or sllln7 " l ' lY;li, wbieh rifii neither Kip isor ItAVtIL, and is st , ikeon both 041 , 1; performs porter' sewing on every description of material. from irr other toll,. boost Nananos, with cotton, linon, or silk thread, from the roarseit to the lineal number. Moving nother CAM or OM; WklEtIE,. and the toast pustular, friction,' it runs as smooth no glass. and is Ealphrt/RA/ a Naxel# RP? Mitch A It requires CI IVY PEP, CHNT. leas power to drive it than any other outshine in the market, A girl twelve years or age ran work it steadily. without fatigue or injury to health. Its Atreus, lir anti WOliactrii I Simplicity ayear r ierre• lion render it almost impossible to got out of ardor, and ia GIIARAVIIIItt) by the company to give en. tire Salt , IMO, We rexpvtallitY invite all Horse who my dttstrt, to supply tholismvi with a VII teiriil• ankle. to coma and etssoino this UN 111 V A LIAM let Atli I NC. One hall hour's instruction in NUMdent to enable any person to work this machine to their entire sat. infection. Agents wanted for all towns id the United Andes, where agonciesfire not already established. Also, for Cuba, Mexico, Control and South America, to whom a liberal discount will M given, EMPIRE HEWING MACEINE MPG 530 hrondway. N. Y. DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. — ! C ara M.. Heroes, at mama R, Moyeee Drug Pte. corner at Main and Market dtreeta. A good nano meat of rultE 1/11t Medicluee, Paiute. Oil. and Tarnisher', always an hard, and will he sold cheaper thou et any other Drys Store in twit. QUALITY GUA 12 ANTHED. erescriptieus carefully compounded at Moyer'. irier., Ayers and Jaynes Medicine. sold at Moyer's Drug More, Wishart's Tar Lwrilril, Ilaker`. Cod Liver Oil, WillllllollV'P s'oothing syrup, sold at Moyer's Dr.4B Storm For on, re Nolo patent medicines, Gall at Moyar's Drug store, Dlyoreart,loie;.r d .up Dior . u o ! , o v: n b 8. :41 reti.l at J. E Clay d, ienil.—ir. DENTISTRY. 0. 11 0 W 141 It, bUttO.CON DIENTIST. ItlesPlteTrltt.LY otters MN profess weal cervices to the ladies and gentle 4 Inca or II onachurgaad He is ••• prepared to attend ti the vitriol** op rat hint' in the lion Ot pf OrtMllloll andir outvoted acanthi. toteet improved PQM:Warn TEEM whir well Kt in iertcd on gold.plat init.silVer and rubber be e to I ototwell at this natuial tenth Mineral plate and Week teeth manufactured or all areretionwonteath.carshtlly and properly attended to. Revidence and Aire it tow dome above the Com ft gave, IMMO aide. Bloomsburg. Jose 8 1889 DR. J. R. NVANS, Physlcian . aod surgeon, • AVIMi misled prrnionently on Main Strut t PLOOMSHURG. Pa. , would in form th e W il k Ilemera ll 7 , Hun he ip Polygram' to Wood to all totalnora ntithrolly and pametuany that way ha Intrusted to hie cam on WWI 11.0111111011111 tau IMP Ida Holm Opo' He pay/IMM altalitiolt to emery as wall • lawitloll., _ Wow A 1 IMIO.•-lr. 4blrew Stock qf Cloth in MUM AZIELCTiIio FAIL at WINTER Goons. LTA= IrlaTi=Mai& TNVITNN lineation to boo stock or ehesp end hob , A Jonablo Clothing it blo Wore, on AMIN .STREET, BLOOMSBURG, Iwo doors abuve the vi , orie,an Howe, where no boo Just tetrivoll from New York and rhimeiphia, a AM sooorlmoot of Men and Boy's Clothing, including the moot dub Outage durable amtband come, dm, gouda cowards or Box, sack, Frock, Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of all rem', OSP,, end eolorr. Ile alro her rrplon• irhed hie already large stock of Fall nod Winter rihrwli; opined. figoroll oad plain Voris, rhino, email., cock', collate, handkoreblefr, glover, our , vender. and fowl timely!. N. 11.—Ile hoc conottintly on hind II large and well *elected nowolment of Clotho and Voolingo. whirls he iv prepared no mike op to ordcr. Into soy hind or clothing on very abort 'Mice and in the best of man• nor. An Ala clothing II Altide 10 Waif ■nd moot of It I• or how innoufocturo. cEaCiteadiN.Wrettlaccotbus•ao N CakeVSKSo s t-Pi:iks' /41. 'Ere Of ovary Demription, Fins and Cheap. Dir Cure of Jewelry is not surpassed in this place. run and es , smina his !general assortment of clothing, Watches. Jewelry, &e. Etc. bAVID LOWEINOURO. Bloomsburg, Oct. 20 11103, GREAT BARGAINS AND Reduction In Priem Tie untlerehtned will offer to the public GREAT lattliGAINS In all kinds or Ma coo nu co Own ExidlEL OD N Ouch as QUEEERWARE, HARDWARE, Roots and Shoes, Ilats, Caps, and Moms In every tradelllP. Our tooponeno from the Arai of June, will be eon ducted un a strictly and persona wishing to roweling,. anything In our lino ran do soar a very small pawning, on Curreul Wholocale Price. All kind,. of produce and grain fallen In tact/tinge. re e cordially invite the, public to ME US A CALL UDERSfIIIT arid a Shire of their patronat'. MrNINCII k SHUMAN Calowisea, June 10.IW. JYT:C/f• TIES, CLOTHING t MPORIUM, iVearly oppositr the Episcopal Church, CLOTHING OF Alt. I)EscltipTioNs. 17Y stork is composPil of knot clothing, meiluin tY and low ovie , ilmadatited to rill rmillitin*. Cote* nod wants. Na ha* the lattot *Weil for the ti 0 ,014011-11 110 , 0 gwrOrimgnf of overcoats and Gentlemen's Shaw,s, from low to the very best Thr Goods are lothionobte owl well V& In godltion to toy stock of •ready•wade clothing, I have piece goods for custom orders. Cloths, Cassimeres t &c. And having one of the first class cotters, I soma. tee a lit in all eases and give satisfaction. Also a variety of WOOLEN AND LINEN storkingo, Neekties, Collars, Storks, Ilantikertniefs —ever) thing in the gentlemen's line of clothing. Also, Hata, limas and Shoes. Trunks and Carpet bass. I v., II aril IA t' I. rrNit i!nrket Pl ,, mot give re. 16 ea. fot. el*a*twre, ANlntlitY J. EVANS. Oloottobbutl, Nutt. la. IWlti 12133 ADD CORSETS. COST WM. T. HOPKINS, MICH WIP.EET PHILADELPHIA, nofisrt:trer of !he Celebrated Champion Hoop Skirts AT . ..1 1 0(11,1, 3iisses and The largest assort ment, , , and best vittity and 413'm in 11.. Aleeriran .Market. Every tedy should try then,, nn thi y 'renounced' Hier...tVell by wearins innur r, rrintoine their elope numb helot uu“• elo•tir than nil others. Wurrunted is every re• speet and sold at very low prices. Ask for Hnp kilts' Champion IR irt. Supenor hand mii.le whs'a bone Corsets In fltlr.eo disr" ifielUding Imperittl and t p. non 4 t ;inseam'. Glove ratting I stroll., raining in me-. front NI ecru.. to es So: wr. tat r with lcrepla licriod'erelrbrated Fool. Ii Woven Correll, supellur and Oilr , rt.ot grades. (tons SIMI to Irt .10. They are the finest and best grinds for the (A u., 'inputted. The trade supplied with Skirts nod Corsets at II It lowest rates. 1114.011 V 16111114 Ilw City should nog lid in call and esnortitie our (tootle and paces. b we day all corn pt litiva. ssepk In , lede. C. 110WER, hag op.a•A a flrst.claas BOOT, PIIOe. lIAT AND CAP NTORE. oi OW old land on Main Ptroot, rlonm.bura. ,took iv el pillared of the very late,t nod lr .t over illf..rod In the tiiit. WI Of COOi l obri comity coo occOMMOdZIII. 111.1 1110.11 C with VA' Nu,. v. ilia I. tad. Jud ul rlo•e!, Men's rah 1,0.414. One, nien'e kip, double Node. f1..y.• chilli's bolos, Mill's glove kid, ronprt , ..., are. glove kid IMlrliernt Metro. vvomou'o hoyn', nod rolvorie glove hid larding gnitei a, Wolof , o'n gi, vr kid., very One, tt'oan•n'. One goat noirorro IVOlOl.ll'l. inen's loonier(' nud ruff romoviii dines, Miro.' Lind child's .ht. s. W0M00 . ., boys', rind child',. vlipperg Ile 11 1 .0 keep* a great varsety of HATS. CAP.. AND STIIAW 13(NtnA of ivory kiwi. et the towels( prices, both for cavil and COUntry ptoGnto. Remember the attraction in in nor g00d... Pang be alarmed lit ilia cry of high prices, but rail ad• are fur youretives. &soulfully. 11. C. COWER. Sept. 4, 18137. pit A LECTVRE ____ TO YOUNG MEN Just Puhllehed, In • Staled F.nvelope. rfire 6 Cts A I. ( lure on the N: Treic.iiient end Battiest Cure 01 Speriun Of I Aiwa or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary Cnileslons. Pestle! th bility, nod litipodi• merits to Marriage generally ; Wrenn Ihnena, roll• Epilepsy. and Fits Mental and Physical Incapacity. resulting from Self Abuse, dm Uy ttob• eel .1, rulvetwell, M. D., Author of the ..Green Ih'nk," &r. The world•ronowned author, In this mdmirable I.ectore, clearly proves front his own eltterience 11101 the awloil ronomitionres of r (-Abuse may be etbAl unity reutovell wllloolllt 1111:111Clar, and without dau• germ'', sotto. al operation*, instruments. rings. or cordials. pointing out a mode of mire at otter certain and effeettial. by which every sufferer. no matter what hi. condition may be, may cure him. self dimity. privately, and radically. This Letture wilt prove a boon to thousands atilt thousands. Sent under real, to any addves. iu u plain sealed envelope, on receipt of silit cents. or two postage *tamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell'a "Marrisie Guide," price 25 Address iku publishers. CHAP. 1. C. KLINE it co, IV flowery. NeVI York, Posit Mice 43e43. Oct. ith, fleflencill J FORKS HOTEL, GEO. W. MAOGEII, Proprlwor The chow well.known hotel has recently un,b r ;one radirni change. in it* internal and Ile nt"Prlelor announce., to lli• Intl, +•. and the trowelling publle that his aceumulnllal ~m• for the roullort of hi.. I uvßlii hill PP , Oliti lit /Mote 111 OP country. 111/1 table will alway,. he Como ',up oiled, not milt with aubstutilial Pori, but etttli nl the &tirades of the eracom lii• wine am! lion Mil (parcel that popular beverage known as ..kfrilemey,' purchased divert from the Importing 'BMWs, Ilro tinily pure, and free from all pnieuneue drug*. tie Is thankful fora liberal patronage in 1114/ past, and will continua in deserve it in the future. ta:011,0E, W. MAUGER, June 13. ISo6.—tf, NO I'ICE TO STOl:KHOI ItERS. Mellen Is hereby given that the Ant installment of subscriptions to the Normal School hulldlul , was due on the Arc( of June, and is required to be prom pt • ly paid to OM Treasurys. Aloe unpai d subscriptions to the Bloomsburg Lit• erns,. Institute, *blob moot Its pnIJ as the old stock must be sat Bed, ELI 111111NDMMIIALL, Illsovelms, Ail. Jll, led4tl trsasvef.t DRY GOODS. ORM:TRIO, CASH SYSTEM. A. J. EVANS' 'LOOP SKIRTS WEE RUDING _WitAiOAD. RUMMER ARRANGEMENT *lmlay, Atigttod d, 1868. ORNAT TRUNK LIMN PROM Tllt Nt end North Wait air rhitaiiiitphia, New Volt, mu, Patterillai UMIPILIM MoMiptl, 11,,elmnom. flastaa, Ephrata, I•MiM. Lantampr, Var l y 0. ru as tame narri.MMM (Of New Veth, 144 rielow4 Mt V 30,3413 andslUaw,l go 0, it 33 p het Ina with Truths en the real; Inuit itao. row, *ha arriving at Vow Potk nt 3 to ea and II 43 A Plana 330. 033 P. M 40 P. n, steeping' Vara ItPt Mipanying'the USD A n and U M r M. trams without 'haum 1 4 , 0 * 0 humours i t 44 , 44114, Pottsville. Tama* qua. altarranOtti Aah'atid, Pine thorn, nilnniewn ut ri IU ♦ w mod 404 nod 4 lurk, Otopploll at Lebanon unit prineitoil Wee station. ; the r mak eitatiertione Phil4.lotoloto an d 441444,4 i.oly, Fos Pottsville, tit hot lt.lll II %en and Auburn via Schuylkill and Savo, huhu* Mil roe d. lea re Ilan I.loltit at 3 30 r le • Katitrntrit ; Linivr Saw York at 9 itti a M, IL 11 and 3On and nOn ttt. Philadrlphin at t'd a at, and 33n Starving rant arrempapyind Own no e. IM nail I, On and ta nth p Mtn. Irani Now V ,, tti tt Mimi! tillage, Way Paarrnger't rain lo*voa Philatkinhia at 7 30 * taiiinacting with .imittir traioni ott 171:4 Yea an. 11.11. tutu *nine tram limading at R 30 P 14 *tapping at all ataßnnr;Patt44iiln at 7 tai and 1443 A m, and 4 43 r Shilltuattiti at 3 tit 3 and IWI ; A ehhind 7 to A nod la 43 M and 133 v. ; Ta..dqua at ti 30 A, tt , VS and 4 4v. a. Leave Pottovillo vie Be mytkill and MlPV4l4l3l7fia Italltund al7 10 A or. fur Ilarrieburg. and 11 3n . .1 for NW!, orime and Tremont. Reading Aeimmintidation Train : Leaves Reading litiali A M returning from Philadelphia at 4 15 r n. Pottstown ACCOMUltOildiOn Train: Leaves i . 44t* town at 045 A. AL, returning leaves Philaddphia at 4 30 r. m. o , lllMbii hail Rawl Traits* !rawn Rending f't 7 00 A. sr., and b 18 P. X. tor L'phroto. Lm, Latauter, columbio, /Wl{lool4ll Railroad Vrtoilla fraVe Linn at to 60 A. tr. and 660 r. m, 11..ththitth; Leave Skippirk at 8 $0 ♦.AL, and 1 oC., roitheetiai with similar 'mad on 1144:1.1thg 11411 liaa I. On elnoilayr looiro New PM, Philn• delphia tt nit A M. and 3 13 P ti. the aWI A '4, it Lill running only to Mooing; ; Pottoullii 110 A NI. ; nor. orsdirg 3 a A M. 4 In and St tt, r m I V. = 30 lola 7 13 A M tot Ihrri.tirg owl 7 Hi A M, and 11 40 p 4 0 4 New gotk and 4:15 l' M. for Com Witlitti(M. Miler go, 6043“01. erhOnt 411+1 CYtelit, aims Tickets, 1 0 mid It mu 4441 !Wird% 4} “.fle , A4 4 , 4. boggagn rnerked (Waugh; OM poundal tikoxed , Al . ll Parranger. O. A. 11W`01,1,S Oeurrtil Sur, inttin.ltnt. Reading Pt Aug. It Imo. • 8014.1.111)EIL'S ts BOOT AND SHOE STIOHIE, [OPPORITC THE EPISCOPAL, On Main Street, Bloomsburg.. rl a auhaeriber 'Ara pleaaara in ntut gnrip i 1.1 tt a petple 4 , 1 MomorbUiritauti vicYrrily. that lie hal ea hand a large and Att. aaliartaaqa uY ROOTS AND SHOES, tr Ids and genttemon's wear. to roit nit ;itociti,,. 114 s City work t% of the Witt quality, 404 It , In Ow roar reiiabte manufactoOlk; ho kiln a prow %I % mom and a goodJodge of , Lk .„E) tun !Aily to be inlet:eel upon by receiving material badly mule up. h ee de*itong ant thing in bie line would do wiiii U site hint a cull, bilute puttiniteing elsewhere. fie ht GOOD ARTICLE , nt prieen to suit purcluiscric All Per.ons who de ira huht or heave work mud, It now can be actiounnint4teil at lii it gi A lkilh rcgiiiting wilt ke dorm with inintiwis unit ‘o Hugh at oK , ofl wird of Gr,diee Pprine Wens en... 4 ntt hand. A. St ;.:ici. ;,u.O 011.4 A. iligewahurg ii ill i f Will. 44 it 4* N. a 4 1 a 4 gOt MEE te.Y* TWO IL% ILT TRAINS. liiit co ANtI APT , I; 1 iNtIAP y , 4,4 I NCpx,,,, lij sizdip,l: ~ 0 A Vie, Wll.l, 0.1 al A$ 1 , 01,1.01,ve- LL A VEI Sit ill il WAIt li A 1 4 AN PM. Leave Perauton A5O 7.10 4.4 n i• RitJ•ton, 11.45 $ 1d 6,e, " Rupert U. 70 1..17 e thavOls. 9.54 ri 3n Au at Northumberland I9.:111 16:6 I.IIAVaI MORT,' WARD. A5l rti heave Northman eu....1., 7.00 Sari ii lialiville, 7.41, 6 tia Rupert, 0.15 P M 6 :la 6 Kingiarai, 1(150 V A gal Arrive lit akritataa, Ilia) 4.,.i II e 3 Tiasaa 'env tog iiingiaari at *.30 At at rta Pffllkii , ll entllle4 With Trma ur tie Ma at Nes Vora at 5 :;i1 r,..4 , nivi. taking Train iiiiiitli from drri weft ut 3 54 A 51 via her ilonoberiallit,rent It Ilarrodeire le to P AL Ltaltimere 5Mt P 11„ Waellinumin 10 00 pm v:,,, Ru pert rtmh Pitilatlelphia at': 001' M. il, A. rONDA, sum. inoton. Jan, 501607. 6' S LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! I,IIM,tERM: ompvtiy, reepectrully illit/TIO the pulNr that Its. y have their PLANING MILL now In nneru.o.n will, an e Missive a.warement of Lai 24 . 7 . .. and ern now pr. parvd In *apply ell orders al abort notice and at Ow lowert nrtree (Or rash, Their as. lontilll , lli 1.1 it01111UrfIMPI•tol 'lei' bile l'ine Plank, litsards. Fionvisig, ...cirtlttqt inwards, lilicts:Eutli Pla2ll/t loaded or 1m01ai...1,10 roil mirrlimiets Frame Mott Joke and Prunairg of all mass. 31111 and 'mintier Yarn 14 xlitlalt..l at the Poona. very coot, nieraly for aliippitia to sober by the corgi.. They tire eon atitly timooluettiling lumber of all and per.on. who desire lumber orewory de. scription will On Well to ex nitrite their stork before prirc.,ariag eirewher". They aro determined and earl. i nently propo:c , to 'MI n. elteop an the elm,. m•st. They ahni de•ire to inform Ilropoldie and rogimemply those Wllll NLllta wirclia.c ball • eta t hat they 114 - 0/0 ono Mill specially prepared to rail timber. of niuwrl every size and length repaired. Tro.e wishing to build or contractors for budding, call rove money, by giving also call. The undersigned would oleo nnneunce that they are prepared to do nil kind of leptir Ind of Machinery, emit as TilftObilq :110%4 erg, 'trawl, and all kind• hi . agricultural implements, upon, rimaniiii• ble terms. Address, F. C. 11VER. eery. Bluoinebu re. Rept. 19, DO. Bloomsburg. Pa. NEW COAL YARD. The orp!er•lgned rtapectfutly Whims the citizens, of hhuitiwtiorr and Columbia county, that they Nei p nll Igo dt ltrrnul twnnoi , ,i of mown roil nu I sellerleal !limp cool I ., ar •nal thing piiiipogegowi th ew *huff. ail joining llcKelvv, Neol C 1 1 .6 Forney° ; with al goof pair Itiittaia 0ra1... on the wharLto welsh riaal.lital and straw. Like u ire a hams sad wagon. to iteltser eua to thane who &Niro It. A. we pailehneu a tarp. amount or coat, IA clutrud to 1....211 a.uperior artiste and riot at the very low eat pryer. Neare eau and OSIOnfIO fur yourselves before ourehasiligeleewliefle J. W . iIeNUEIOIIIIOI% A VG' 1:61118 111AUON. rlrilE undersigned will lake, In exchange for Gual 1 and Groceries, lb. following named articler %Vilest, Rye ,Corn. Gala, Potatoes. Lord, Bani.flboul der. and side meal, Huller. rim.. Hay. &c., el the highest comb ',Gemini his Grocery Fiore, adjoining their coal yard. J. W. lIENDERSIIIJT. Bloomsburg. April 25, ly. NEW FURNITURE ROOMS, ON MAIN STREET, EILOOMMERG, PENIVA. a ttill ID a P. It•tpectfully inform• the eltiaroo of this inp•n and • tunny, that 11,` uu• at hl• Fornitore !Immo. chairs of every rlere.iptoii. Purenle, Pining T 14014.4 lure and •moll. Bea t , 11.111111 of the lawn atyleo. Card i.llOl Tuilrt Trader, Looking Ola••o•. M•!bite matey Whet article* of of Not c luau manufacture. The public ere cordially invited In call end 01. amine hie Mock Ile will cell upon realinnehle terkille Sj Sp. ultentwu will he paid lo repnirloa all Minds of furniture, etwap (Audi April I, To the Public,. The atoterolgnell rl4llleftfislly Informs old friends and enstowein that he has n• third tun 0 4 ,1 114 *1 0 • donee. rad 8,1 now winy to ho Wool eardinq in Noo4l °He.. 11 hen 'mei, clean and well prepared wool is sent nte, sag p 1111 0 11114 look for a, ruium C 01,0120411 nn,l dr..rolog Cloth, done In molt, 1% tail belt nt liars inon'e noire, thontusbord. will he labels Al..iretstreed every two or Ihrto weeks *Oh hilt of wt.rt.. l'lr. pay Iran Ito left at Hartman's. w„, I lilt al elle, tot either of lbo store* *lll wonsptly, Nn emit an .en ir nOlOll4l for me this slimmer "nip h i frinnm..i.ttril aittl 1 ,11111110,11111. An tun secoin• uttnialion or thorn n 1 a 411.1nuce,, June 17. INN •,TIIL COLUMBIA HOUSE. n. n. B . IOIIIA E It , Proprietor. Thin tin new Mend iniely fitted up fot thoneemoutu• dation of the tram lion public. neiterally. Moulted on Multi Straat. I f.w dtw.r• ',boy* the 011,1 lma, DO what In Motown so the oßobblson prnpvrly " II la enntrklly lotatod in II e ton n. II RI Ist phairent pine° rnr Lueste to stop. beeldea being In 'hat part or town where the majority of the Mod neer, le being done. The proprleim feels confident that he Is preparoil to give !tenor* 1 ontinflactlna to his gum.lo, and would nolleit a fair portion of lhe pirdplie plannanne. ifillmonnstru, Say 111, NPR. ~ • . ~---- BAIIIMPVCOIIIOIOM' 11111111% uN LVIITSV ntuGli 8r Kli,ifii , Philuidelpithet AMP NOWA Western rertib%ing Chian": 11101. E MANITACTuRgek TN. Orono Itnnurro are forni.hen In bulb bnit IMO harrcir, whichever en.onners prefor Cr 'run blip um unit,,rm in weight Idn pound& The OtteOtiott of rerthere lacepeeially directed he the tort that the ',emote,. or the flaw Motorist of o bleb the shove Moeeres ore err/noosed, are se well ender control that we rah httei.h them of *Wetly eniforts oestlty and condition, and that they cantata a woe pet cehtdtte of ammonia than any other chief of tn,tntt trtared hthhilere in the telritet. HAMM, a,MOM eft M ware Avenue. rhitseetrithl. Nowrio-tv EstruN PEKTILIZING CM, i'or. Lake * Lahti& 141 e., Mewl, -itsotateo Vom..trerrifil hietthres ruse be procured. rr•in demern in any of the roseipol towne in Ole unit .‘; thatee Itioninion o f Canada Jolt. 14,18-ein. A NEW AJUtIVAL Ote MILLINEICY AND & 11 FANCY GOODS, AT MANZ'S, UGH 57111:t,T, COMMA COUVII. Sht. r”.pnrittity teem the ell tun* a Matt Ptrrot :410 virtho v. that alt. , hit% 04 returned fells the toy with n tine a,.. o rtwird of Egli an d wt Mit Kl:it V AND FANA; GOODS. Writ cates' o,ted w wait. tltt trade. PONtill'S 'undo to 0p1. , r, and oviirint don' MO neat e,“ and dewpotrh, All Work eloctitodi the bevt uud Mo.( ttility warylitr, upon tett.mtablei mug. port prolo r AUPtilOll is paidtn draws making. Rho has P ATTiNt N tuf a rry tl,ro rtotoAl, pertalr tit , undo, or; kom4S and for sate ch,kap, :411 , . %In 31.0 pop 3'44'641 allt.titirtn to erthrtriac butt, rlmto too too mooy In ram the Ott i■ All tt. pail it Aloe.. Ow ,44 110,44,# }4,401:40,00, 4 ttic itt 1t Ittttit c•...thrll:. 10.4 ARRIVAL OF FAMILY GIZOCEMI.S, AT JOIA K. GiKTIMS sTORE. etOOSOMV2OI,-PCNIM. i gahocrilwr has just retailed from the 'LW,. ••i• wri with a htrige and rlvAre µtot" at pro demi Groceries and Dry-Goodq, %IWO* ho ctrttrn to Ito *Tatra of nfromarhqr, sm. tit,tty • tow tr- CID be hr 4 41 , 1 amine is I~N , 11.• C,Antv. Rh , colt 41104 of the Loot V:atiVlio6 SCI; t:A, 1:.11(ttf tine ittality ittt Et, M ATI4, (n their 00d.0n4 , ST , tN, :VA° *mica cum •is cno, A Itit 1.1:d t 1.04 1 1;t11 (414. 111,, -•Iilf"1111 and Itnaitrin, is , t.ttt sstrt••tF•nfroodo of the «&