FARM AND GARDEN. Useful Hints. Now mileh e,,w4 ,•11eol , 1 be eat Jett &illy They like it, and it . The porno) is her or iryte.ll. Therefore wood 11, fue tt. good manure (or t. Put a foe live fish into wellF, if amyl, worm irtro.t thou If the roots of trees are dipped into WWI Just before planting, the earth that stick, 1,, thew will giro hutnedlate support to the smell fibera. John Johnson says that farmers must give rpccial attention to dwelt and cattle keep. ing if they want tumuli: gain growing more profitable, CaVinod plaster is :0 good II fertiligor 111111 the unclaimed, but it 13 usually wasted tiller its use in the arts. Some um! saps if sult in kept before ri b u r;,; in the tsttible, lie will not gnaw hiA uuaoger. Trial will tell. Root erop,t, not grain, are the thing 14 young oniturthi. They do not . 1 (1"a1 Mi nw!, tree foot'. Toads arcs c-aritu► Lc c•; ,is takin:! . Ore of vim. I :Veiny,. Exr.rium.4 !.• that fin ee pott, up • • W v from IA hich t'ooy grew, will lag mull lonevr. ft is 43Ificalt to tell colic from bat , ' in a horse, but a tableopoonful of chlorofurrrr, ' l l, twice as midi mucilage, is a cool folic ly for citl l~r Rich milk is not the best for A butter cowls not 3 good stock cow. Look out for moral mi well a . ; ,!% hiring farm hand They may rain the boys by their vicious example -• Carror4 are recomnrcnded for bur r - 1 aiEj ,Hee..tion, and tomatoes to cow, an I im.rea-e the icilk. Fowl nt; and cut arid food ai tittr.ll:, pu:-ado. Pew farmt )lang, r= ',honld below, and stables '! ventilated an at well lighted. Many h ore made blind by 1-e!tw kept in the In‘ecti do not hire -t very late sown pear :14 they do caely ones. Stewed pumpkin poultice has be, n found of great value in reducing inflamma• tory rheumatism. Pork and beans are the Inca nutritious food fur the money that earl ho timid.-- Three cents' worth will give n he s; ty Binoke from rags, dry wool or eorn in b e tter th ; 0 1 rrmn, in paciryin; beo to remove hooey, ete. Slue tenths of the di ea ~..; whi c h hai l -e l ; to the hoofs and :all.:_ • t,r the 1,..:-.: ace 0.. , etoiletted by -::.Ldim, ~.., : m the dry phark ilc.or• of the stable. l'ihooti win punch on oh! ant yowl% tr. , first Ahem titni i aro not wantoth • her that the p; tpitipr ; hour 1t i l Kitfin „ har 1, wooly hrotolt. A slight rt,!) sril r - move it, hat it' kit a year the knifo nri-f • used- Rub off them shot when 3;•:;t•• and baTi) cutting thereafter. Cuhiration in the omirt;ll ha. a : effect —it daitroys the weol.:, and kayo ti, t.utT4co in that light, mull a eotolii enatles Eti to tov.wor the purpo of a mu:A. Young on:brill, with cr01,4 t.e tween tha roue, should he colavat 1 as much an eye to the trees as to the k.n.l Foundering Hurst .4. A certain cure for founder in a ho, is to stand hint in water up to ry. 1 hare known it pa, fiend for fifty yo ; swathing the lets in but water, V . “. E :,,r and sugar of lead, ate all good to sonic txtutt; bat a founder raul he relieved suddenly, or the horse will show htifrilt:- 4 in hi< actions and hare tleforincd and eallui tend r hoof& Water applied to the legs I do not eon bidur a pkg,irm: tuw, thu di»e t taro>t Li! attacked at the root, by bleeding and purg ing; a few drops of blood Liken front below the fetlocks will hawten his recovery. But the must certain and quick remedy that I have ever known is a green guard. Take a large green guard, cut it up, put it into a gallon of water and boil it down to a quart, Strain the liquid and (Leach—in twenty-four Lours the horse will be perfect!y himself.— The gourd is a powerful diuretic, and will cause the horse to :stale the most offensive odor. In 152.111 traded fur two fine young mares in Augusta, Ga. I rode one of them to Ky., and my servant the other. Early one morning at the crossing of Clinch river, Tenn., we found ono of the ware„ so badly foundered that she could nut be led out of the stable. 1 procured a green gourd and drenched her as directed above and diree• tea the servant to remain until she W3B able to travel, expecting that ho would reach home in three or four days after we ; the next' day after my arrival he came in, with the mare in us good plight as if nothing had happened.—Cor. Rural WiAld, Worm KNowtso.—A correspondent of the Maine Ammo kays: Many a house wife may bo glad t know when she has a ~ ,s 1 meat she wishes to keep a few dip, that it Mt be successfully done by Owing, it in a dish and cornrina. it with Sour milk or buttermilk will titt ae I hare practiced the plan for Seam LATELY OPENED. I'llll unaorcinnen amid ricpcctfirily nham the citlionoi of Kloonnitntri arlel vicinity, Oct hi !inn port opened Pimp no lefai moot, botwann Mow nod Third. whore bn will foil,,w inn n 3011144 ninkinn huo Inver to ill Ito broarbec. Ordors for littal!o or (Utter Coffins, ! hil•td with lir!!!!!nlnn . .. nth! te-arntrh, ilnpnito :thong, i ly &owl! i ! 1 , 1• I , he ra NOW.. . :,.• 1..1, • • 0440, tot.l s. . I. iu. .• • • • oft -I Ho, !witty to•oli'y •.1 .•! on!f!litni *Mpg - . ! • In n •• •Itudu 4t. ern,l nt!!tt n nt. 01.111.46 w: t wit I N 9 1••• jp,d,v Hy, th,,l 111 i , • •: 1 n• ::1 sllhAe liplpolt. lo the i: • 1. • A do, Mllll- fir .t 101111. r , 01.1 1 .11°1. iolo1:10 • I y p 31.1 to the Tr.•houror A 1.. d Iddf rkvidAi. 1.. th , • eutry Inrtiltrtu , 1. 1 01014 um •1 pill a. thr Ohl , 41ck WO I, tied. 11.1 M.I Ilt N HAW., 111"ott .101fg, Atig. tiour,vr. rtk a r t 4 aft a5l larl f , * urgeon Dentist, /. vflthoot ...41n by o 740 W 71701077417 it 7. 007 fio•11) hot - M1..00 Arid I* (171 (Veil 44 ;11l 140071 $UO7 7 ll$, All lo,itlf11,• of th 4.410' 1 , 1 to to *lO 0;741 0 pp0;174;11 otyle. Ad ottlec, ono do..r 011,04 zrf t'.,•No.• innowstoArig, 'Nov. ;. 0 %VIA n()usca. tiFlz‘ViCK, T. Bent. Taylor, Froprietor. Th , • pt”pri.• for in 04' L:kr tl t ttitt,?t. e.! ‘,Ol 1 0,14 %Ind' tJf 1.31 t• .1 • .4131110 6,11, u. v%l.•,jw III• 1..• r ••PI 11”••••••h1 .•14 ••. , -.• • ~,,, 3114 illy/4144 to ti..• ;1• U$ W'l as it• 11 . , ; ,1 alit .p -!fur b,rl. it lU'I viR A v•.0.1•,1..1 • cult IAP/taring: I. r (1.1 trAVOIIII! WhOr4o Ilia gi t tiatA, 111 , 0” thew en....t0, ANH IS, " At al ".N Old, Atilt t ;N:S . Cal"..lD IN BLOOMSBURG. MILLER NVE.L . E. etrtelY 88181111111 1 11141 ttwy 1,4 v, romtio-1 , - h+, MtuteztrJ t*i Aral of cart., 488 Itlll 8 11 1 8118'. Lone , ,E 1 2 tos%eltir !.;;;1; ,t, f• •.1 • •,1 1 5 1 Ills 1 1 18:14 8.1 811, t ,Itt 1 01 ,311 .1 11. 1 01 .• 1h"1 , 04 , 4mg , titiffuter ti d Eittrar VIC WIWI. , ANC) l'Alit 1/411y r.lar ss 1, X 8 ,1 8 84. ( 1 1V 11 0 ,1 8 "1"..-ir n trr, tv 9th vl.l mu, •y ::01 , ; . bat itrtn 1.• ;it,/ ttitit tt and 4r,ts .• • i• t• r•ir u li i iii au -nd 111- .rk , tleriu tiOnlAir-t rr 1"84i 1 ,•,. .ate So 1 , 8 818818, 811 11.11.1 51111,1, lieu ging, wq!i lard r (,) FECT 1o N . uLd. rtkir:rwsl gCant r. , z-vf.^l4tiy ittldiltateP tr they tii:ltho a rats r. 4 Ar',4 roNfTrTIONI HT Fitt:Tß. in 0 , {t,"ly 11, Ili, .1 49 . httAPn'lr. fArtii j!1 f, Ac PAV"V 1 , 2;,„;!it1a C.:NM i 4.1%41E14:V KM, 11 . 1 1;1_11:1, Nr79, /Lc.. &e., Art., LC vo. ft fitk4ALA K t In shoo. 4 nit! ; 1,14 tit, et 1.110110., vatit ty of 'nflt*rt„ he =uitnbto Ow 11,1:da:. - 4 Paiuott:sr atio gtvco to ft KVIA ft ANTI t: K E , kina. oat 11:10 , 1AIAS •ANPICA. t•t; v o l .. Rc•,II1 saii, it,d, art 1 entvca,,t, ,, ,, I , k, 0, Lea. 11, ICI. ErKil ART JADmi, Get ro:lutown legro ph. A .o"lfint7,q find tin .„4;,;it'etii:',/".11 11; 11, t. 1111 - ,;!!!! Lltyr‘titir ;#1•'!,141;;:.: ~..! Sl ssrsi ; 1;1;4. tl;tinji it• drl ;;, • ;.• r•di• , ;..; !,•I ; ;•!, ; •;. •.; . • ! ;; •.. 1..; i :i• . ! , ,;11 11; or ,•.., ,„. • • • • :• • ; .1 .1..• ~•• • t • . • • ,„ : • • .0.; t .2 •••• itt clay • • • • r]••• ;:./, . • : ; l ltl • r • . • ••• it, t 'II , • .4.• . .'• • 111 •i• /1.1 •il: 1 r • ' • L OE% •,; • ,;I; e.• 1!•• .11,1 I.r. 1411111 , .; 110. t.t.. , 111at • .• • • i• .• 111 11•1 1' 1 ••...• 1:1 I, 1 011 , !. W 4111 CI. a .;•• 11.0 t. lh Tutoks. ut • fitir , ill:. t, 1. IVI.II U 'lllll/11 01,71 ; , 1...,..; .011... t•Wo. ; • WI rt . th, 1.•1 ! 1 1111,U 1 FR r ?rt. LtP:Jr 00:1 t„,, !oat 19, 181 A lemma iquiath.vatii, P 4, NEW It.F.STAUItANT, to ShavO, nullditt4 np iri* ittNet WM. GIL ft. I Oft rdiY , ia Lintanadatty, and vicinity Ihnt ha ha, 01111 A :( 7 . 41 it I:s4 Trt 17 at. IT, n tio Whop. lit' IN% ite4 (11,1 fri.qlits Rtid cnstausgre to cult and WWI°, of his It if. 0, ItttOction p rho hest L.ll Ell 1; id le I .V 1) .1 LE, ear; tani:v am band ; 1-3 l'orter. , rlatpat3ll3l.• et 41 Wafrr, Caary 3 t raps . rtlit atw ba had at lus 13• qaus ant. lu th,; cattu title; 11 , 3 pro, , aitg a atra. rAt- nut slisPit''sil in this piste , vit, hi hid riyl.4l , is 4tix~, t..r.iine, Itarbtrucri Tripe an.l lieer Tongue, ice.. a.c. lie it 4.,0. mutt of (74(17'4 rlqr, iritetrhi rdraCCO for his C15.14(05‘10. fir iyt hula a Cali. 1111 , 01a4litirg. June 13. le,1(1, I WOLF & BARTON, (st'ret , sors TO $, l'A. Innnnheeripwq hat tpii lensed the and IMAtilipe Slop fOrl,“ d ley itttnn t; uifiver, v,131 Op , I,w •,,,• Of, 04 „,„„„y,„ 1 „,,„„ 1)-oc, , rs, ouldinga u, &e. y urn propp,,,t, Int Eir' 4 `,til'D 11,UORIN t;, Sill NG LES, a d nit rther OW 0,0.41 r t, Vo l 6 1 - t-tt6yYr; r. An 1400. 0 1 . 97/00, 00 , 0 ' , bort 1.010 , , 8111.11 k,r Jtirt i 4104 ktvrnry r-totr prottlaw Order re , pe-ctittily at,iirited. wohr & llAtt7'Uy. PloonitAntg. April ri, ORAN(iEVILLE HOTEL, COLUMNA COUNTY, I'ENS'A 13,tvAl t is nv ER bTT, rroprfrthr. mi l li! r,dp , ,,rtitiv i3form,hi4 oi , •11-byno raoie in ana taht ollfee of HIM WO antvo irntly thrate,l ibrorr. prim lola by I:v,tett, tKq., and that iu rot atho• ~amtat too t, f Itt.articts, rind for I_llo 011001410110411 of 4041 k I:, Who may I , el olif4p.):o it 10 trtvut IMO' a t i lt their trntooi. Nu lintittt tot,t otpt tro.t: took! her II 010100-1 iii re pit irioit rind ttltrhislttm: thiq It "lei t guota, amt 10411001 thin 111 4 ,1 t.efhr 1.,,,pri,10r wNI Itt! krt. 1011111 , 10 f I•I theft It, 1,01%,, WaittA. Ilk liar will a3wvy4 ha Ititt , i , bt'd with thin ht et nit 4 most t i tt , t ,,ti l t 4 ors, ett,l 111", 1:Alt10 With the !rapt tiro utatkt ottltglis. f EXCh ANG E HOTEL, utmomsucita, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA The us 114. (*lined haying purchased tad lately re , fitted this wetYknown Mouse, situated ou MAIN err„ inintedlete, opposite OM 1.N.11111 1101110., reset malty informs their friends and the pantie generally, tied their House is now in loiter rot the sccoruntudutl, d , qlllllrtnintloglt of travelers . They hayseentred no pains in preparing theexchange Mr the entertainment soil comfort or their guest* Thlith nottOn ri IRpte , Onis, and enjoys a good business *deadfall 011INIIIVMARel ran at aft times between this House ant the ditereht rat Wad Depots, by wide) , travelers w 1 he hohVeyed In win Mom the respective 0101011* to +til• Ligne to utsrt t 4•• ere. KOONS 4 MARL April Mit COUNTRY MEntil 3, DAI P,N, FAHltigll N. ANI) ()NUBS, rossunt YOUlt AliFl%,i, BEESWAX BWANti, Butter, (Aeon, Eggs, Flour awl Meal, Furs and Skins, Ihied anri Muhl, IVOOI, l'ua!try, Naval ::.tort•ti, 11. v, Oilverq:, " inimis, Lard, Taw, Tohue°, Seelig, Soriihum, Molivr.tis„ To J 051.4,11 CliotstENTEn, COM M 18811/ N MEBCU 442, 411 441 i NVolliwooti Birect, Nvw York CitY, »4 mot, hitt we,ltiv proitore Eliot “rttrettt-tt, the tritt,t rtttrit Current ittlet totheti tit the (thit,tkitatoth ,t Viler Curt', 11, littikitto gnu esota Pourtinoto rug, Likoral :Ifir}MlTA Wade ClniSigniMblS, Established May 1, 1860. nee ( J iron when re l nieen" Aptti 1, tro7-1. J 4 J. I:4:OWER, 4 1 / 4 ;'.4 4i lout 445. ) , 41 tww otreting to the Public We : 4 ..rock or SP ; . 1 ING (;0(.....',D., o in part of a toll fine at rt VAIN,. WOOL & RAG CARPETS. rill I r loth+ hh,l tavaithpre fur f.ndieh• rhatic I/ 01“ , ' 4200 dig ffir 441 i rfill,rlt. acrd iM$l pt(l/01•'- , aad .fit 4EIII UMWII )11.110A16, 1.4d1t V/ , 'lth t`,towts A. 13A111+40RAL PHUT& t; s . . , Arttneut of Ladits sod thildtdes * Goiter! A d O•Ads, h and Spires. New moons:est or S and gnernsware. • I f . um! rfrw rfifirth flurry!, tt• • de t. , ti /A , coot ,frCtIOAP. ag I pm ;•!! rrtr Imc Kitt 4 , 01 !fp gto is •m. Hot. to It, ittoO.t. Ott br Atty. J. 3. 1 , 11 44. I April '4,7, '%( :lAtFiF RD , TArRANT I. 1, ~ , I•rwu •hvvin}ttnaavntt:dandrtsttrd tbetr :1 It 1% V. o:owitrtti elf the. 'XC;HANCrE OTEL, • . • ,•,• 4 th,jr. ohl • • ' 11/.`1% std 0r:14,14 . • aim' • • : Iry OK p ; ELL ()VS' rEas OA.NNED nv; ,, puts brit, .to iivAyms, must, rim!. put wetk, IiAM M 413 1:4024. r les, um-06'NA, bcet nf LIQ U 0 ItS AN!) el sIA 0y41.111/ coo 141 WITVI4I 41/ to C111114111.q4 41 a noarwas littlol sTVLEs, Cu IA). tit I), UK It 11,V, to sintt tts instrii "WO. t.O r 041 4t,. I LARK WoopAtire. i•••• ft !AT:IV' • • :,-• ! ! MAI;. ••••1 . (!1. • ' I:rp, •.11.. , 01' 14.; I, ! " •• a,m. " J.l VAIL SlPtthat. I. II " " t.ta "` •• 1.,) • at , aiin) hsuc, • • 1;2" .• • •. 1/111v. " lu.4a [l.lti t. {/,• PM: cps •• T., id.. 11.e.aLl• • h rlttier, •.• .• • •• ok 11 .••••,,, 6:0 4. I .1.,•• ••. k tirt•M • t ••• ,•••a • •,•111,. W1.1.11,;•14 pt. tht .•; 1 •• N EW ti I (./‘ E AND TIN siwp 40; MAIN' STREirr, ~ NLA MN 4 114`414 4 11.1.: Mll , r4yitt:) (14,440M5nt w% 14A, un,lersisusd has jlst (laud up, and open( d 1.1, , u, NiTolvs A. t) TIEN 111191', lin 14 l vrapart , 4l" Wilke lip flew T 1 : 11 %UV. •,I1 mni hue, and , 10 repair. .• Nith 111-1..1, , thee, the milt t t. rat, ;elitessTove. , of . , . tr filet( Ile 4.11 uptati 13. G 1, •Z. MA 11,111.6411it' ...Jt .1... •• rv,u . . 1 .ilreee4e. fijoota. ti. trovva cutiliarers A RMAC Y. bOit tAql AT LiPATST HATES, a!‘ 9 Ir POt 9 LOW. Owing to the ;b9 9t146 and V,to..ttt• in the t ,N r W". , mai Ito t.vt.ry mitt* ,0A to I,jo 11133 ,4 le/ tztoek is ito.t;to.t raIO t , . cull and soe, and th , it tar nt the 040: to tty. Tattoo. yl9. I. 1.,. WALL PAPERS. PAPER HANfiINGS! AN IM:".:DirrE 6Tocti New aunt 1:1,1r ant rAylr,s etc., whol. r4l,l3thi 1101'Itit E'r4, Cargo of Fourth and Markt.* Ptre ,, t., Apr rit Lt. rtieLPHIL HI JUST anarvEti: ---- Ew uo(„)Ds! NEw (ittops! THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING- AND SUMMER MGM" STREET. Ali kinds or good Goods CHEAP for cash or eoun try produce. Light Street, My 13, Mt CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. (Mire in the Exaltikaga huildimencond awry, over dtohnar fa Co's. *Ore, Second door ;dove tha IS change Not oi hhaanatiorg, April i 7, tent 'II petaun.havitta thtio,rttool terk to the Worm* lon g Literary to:diode oth herb} tditte.l that the tart to-taltmeht was nae 414.1 payable April let, /84 , 8 '11)11so who have out paid op In 101 l are to. Wilted to do *0 forthwith. and it their certificates. tty order of the hoard of Truetees, hIENDENEALL Arnett) .N. —2m Tyeastthet. BLANKS 1 BLANKS SVCII. 11050141011 , 1 lot Mile, at thip of MA a r,Tz Ar ter wing morv , ft....hand t'.l4 Wit have The public are inform.,: that ft. IT. (it s.: .. 4 .‘ to. tuko just received GOODS ever brought to H. W. CREASY It Co. It" GE N ul: *a, m 4 N-I,Tt Es. *LIAM a. fiEtaLcS o impttov),l) SUPLii OP The old 6tandard gnallty, weal duly prepare OW theepe.4 Phu*. pet& In he Market. In Dam I I Ikre each, EU Per 29 0 0 AM:111101,t1110 rtivesuitEß Ackn,,,,0,,, 4 fid in lon thn nymt manUto at In" Watt' , ot&rcil to the pol t hr in nos, ISO Ibe cub, CIS per MO ibn MIRE GROUND BONE At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. We sell only No. t--rare fired direct front thotGov erntovot. S I U A N 0, A vpiendid macelre, and one that it attracting mud, ttott Irma fartowm Vat k,l its Ha o, $35 per 1090 be. ~arD in nbri. , 24,nt luuvcst nintkvt tPI,'4. A pure Article A DISIMINT ro EALEES ON ABOVE INICNA4 Ntz~n~id die deal=t Milt you not Imo nut Arti, Viand mit direct to is, and they will have plump( attention. ALLEN & NEEDLES, office , stotm Miter Street, 111111 41.4. Irelllwnrr3 Avenue., Dr %LEI: , IN 1111. S. CANDLE . ; AND c , r31,111,4.194 1111-11 , ”IANT14, HULA DELIHIA. II 'nt'lllLsOilED IN 1 , 1- J 12, ire, IRt 1 10 FAW CLOThIINO AND GE,:siTIY MEN'S FURNISHING STQIIE TUE unameiened rennet trully amootorta to his many friends that be hex opened a otw Clothing 411 , 1 ttlt , (ll , •frok hirltetthiltg SPIV, M the lower r=fora of the /Willi:all ttufiding, aonth, axt t o rpo r o f main and alat:tet :arerte. tilommburir, flavingpiet toured from 4witu a large eteek of Fall and liWiatoer Clething and rt , td:un•tt'ok Plan 1 , ,h1 (Inntht, Ate . Alte. tle flat , lit aoaaiC thrt ht: end pit.“,sc stuck cutr pzi F $ )lE' N' 8 A ,:; D B 0„ I „Y CL 0 7717,NC, .oth :to Viso hAt ti OWL'S, o V I.: li tO A, TS, A 1111714. r R. CVLL.III3, CY)LLAR I 0 I *, strArrivactis, lxp KERCHIEFS CJIMIEI.I.IB. , and In tart ovvrythin4 in toe Clothiog or Furomhing t .tt 1 - ; .n addition to the ahnee he has an elegant assort th,at Clothes, Ca , -:duct,,, nntl I'e tingfi. 7; • lotkitot loonotn to nook( id nor Any Unit notice c,,it and see bellnP purch4bing elsewhere, and tritil (alit:AT HARGIS'S, J. N ---- , A I. A:Y D ry t :tiN F I. VW 'PION 11; RV WS Tao D EET •11,•4t1 .• • • •t . f • A.thli,limoot, would MM. • • 41. hi. 32 , `W *14114i to PI! • • m wiat 1:10*.A1*. cA K MEI ;A, A. • t . A ni•friotrn i •.A . • •.1 • r•+011 A .:shin n (nriti4i i•ft ulin ••• ; . •:• t; r and Porter, tor lift WlHil Ina. or prio or lotto, 1, %%In call town WII.I.IAV 1;11., , 401;1:. at rig Sninou in rzhives' flock, Mairt Street, 1. ,, c0 Nott.rtze I lq Uu ort,kpogneil to 'wit .ato , . tt , wt!lc000dtooly Itave l'auptely unhand. width avid i/v Iva., at the V•vv,..o mance: r tea. ti at in ,- .11 , 1 Unn all 4 tersP.llely.. fitted up fount , * PI the ~de 1.3 C EA If, to stl wh rely tat , te him with their custom de t.repar• ( . TPI4IOIII large garotte far " u p., p.m, or social gatherings. as the case may no yining pertaining to his ring el hwan,• , .., IA !it re, rive careful and diligent attention. lie is th:inkitil to 14 ens tourers for past tta arta m o ot goraialiy twitelta a CUUtitillante ii the Anna. .1. E. FOX. GREAT 1m iti.P.T..SIENTIST SE LW; MACH /NE S. Empire Sihutilc Machine ! oramdway, N. Y., ;SU'IC a .111H:Clutt t.t tH,itton, 11'1141W. hat strvet, Philadelphia, PATCNTLIte PEP, 14, heap. TIIHE MACHINE: is C.lrs , .trUetrli un entirely now PEHE po,l!Piing many riff , ' urri 1:103t.“)1 , , ia,i3r V , itwnt, having bee.ft oromiund Ey On most profound extinrni and pronounced to ;htpliedij anti Id: , lHtrt Prmildur It has a straight tte , !ttte, perpendieuisr artion. makes the or Slit 'l'll.k: it, wilted w ill neither RIP it.or ICAVI 1,, anti is Witte on both soles wroth's wtrfret set.% lag nu evety itemetiptwn of material. from Li miter to the finest kinn.tiok with cotton, linen, or silk thread. from the roarse t ,t to the number. Having neither CAN, or CM; lIIVItc and thole:nit poneihie friction, it rune as smooth nr glass, and i$ ettlpittift . eirlly ft A - a/400 It manires virry PEI! VENT. loss power to drive it than any other machine in the market. A girl tttelve yr.are ur age raft work it steadily. Wittitiat fatiga , or injury to health Its Strength tln WtheiPtrtlt SttlthitritY OrrOllttirtte tatatisttle to get wit or order, tad cit'.llt ANTLLD by the company to giveen tire .tali 4011 iOll Sco respi virally invite 01 those who may desire to ,I,lllly di+ 1/1 , 11 . t. With a superV f art Ode, to owns and examine this UNIIIVALt A ED33AI:UIN F. tine hall hour's instruction is sathrielit to enable any person to work this machine to their entire sat. Istaation. Agents wattled for ail towns re the United States. where .oteittiVN are not already established Also, Gar Cuba. Mexieo, Central and South America, to whom a liberal disroant will be given. I :Brink: SLWING MACHINE ME'U C0.,531i Broadway, N., : I ilttIGS, DRUGS, Dht,(Ah. Ear , MYdirlw s, nt John It, Moyer's Mug Std Itiul and Market Streets. A good new, 111, t Pt IRE hOoo. Oils und Varnishos, always on Ai, and will he sold cheaper than at any other Drug Stort , in omit, A Lyn' GUA HANTEi D. Prescriptions tqlrefully compounded at Moyer . . ruq More, Ayers Mid Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyers Dray Store, Ws hart's Tht Baker's * Cod Liver Oil, Suothuay syrup, bold at Viler's Dr.. 4 Store For an' ce mole patent owdleines. call at Mailers Drug CaTi7r e nf do, whommile ,pd retail, at J. Ii `ujur's Nug Blocinsburg, re May M DENTISTRY. 11 C HOWER SURGON ESSITTT. 0 * gaIpeIiCTFLIG E LY etrtra hiv S profess : .44 a lonal services to the ladle* and gentle t - pa wen of Id enoburgood vicnity. Ho IS • prepared te at r tend tt the 'whin* opetalionr in the line oI hls proftiveion.and i provided wahine Wort Improved NORMAIJV 77.14711; whir' will t:inverted on gold,platinceilvar and rubber be r to I trawl! ss the patina' tooth Mineral plate and ble•ek teeth stllttltalloured ar• al erptitgi.4 no teethwawfully and properly attended te. he:teepee and oatro a few door. above the Court II 111.1. Annie Aida. til .e.osbore. June a INII3 DR. J. R. EVA NS, Physician and Surgeon, : AVIt G lown,ed 0011111111111.1111 y Of, MAIO Strppl /11,011MSBITIRG. form the public generally, that he to preprarod to attend to ell buelneclll nllOl6lll, and punctually that may be Intrusted to his care, on terms oototueneu rate with the tithes. 1D lie pays strict attention to Surgery as well as wawa,. N0.,2a, 1103,-Iy, « I V'CIO tuck o , tiothu er R BAiNO RAIL ROAD. 1li310121,4,;14111:7A416 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT rit IL & W (Aoolll* . ow,hky, Lugo , . ••• •,•- • ORRAT TRI." 4 II‘ iNt; It• ; ;;. • 111 ~ . •, *- ,ll..‘ 47 eiTisiel l 2/ ll SNriklisVa; .4 4 40 4 ` . - ; 01 h ' for Ph . ila ‘ ths ' ..• . • 0 41; PetiliVil le, Tins Asa 4 ; ; town. Hasten. BOMB, Wilt. .; ;. • ••• •••;•: Ora, Train* leave Harrisburg ror Nee . 1• ; •• ws al f 30.5 0111011 , 4141 a as, lsl 20 X. Vic, • t , • tag with aiutalur Trains on the rem, • road and arriving at New York 111 3.; at... and 44 A, X and a 30, II 33 r, 5. and ft 50 r . M. Meepind He** accompanying the 230 A X 41141 0 33 t Trams without Hamitic.. Leave Harrisburg l'or•Rending, Pattiville, Tama. 1 100, Mitiereville, Ashland, Pine Wove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at S 10 a is and 465 and 4 10 p 5, 440 1 1 Ping at Lobation and principal Way stations the 410 r si making conneetions for Philadelphia and palatable only, par Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and eireatichatina HMI moo, leave ilarriAtira at 3 30 pm, Retoraing Leave New York at OWAN. 12 M and 3 ()nand 000 rr, Philadelphia *in lb a in, and 330 Sleeping ears accompanying 11041 00 A. X, and 300 and eon p moos from New York without diatom Way P/1,10,4110•1" I rain leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A M. t'ooll.ll mg with mintier 1101040 A .:4011. Penna. 4.11 relu tibia from heading at it 30 1. Id stopping at all nohow , ; Pottsv tile at 7 ou anti d 45 A X, and 2 43 r Shamokin at ti 23 and 11 20 A ; Ashland 7 4x1 A 5, and 12 43MandI53 r.N,; TollllquaatN3os.r, and 15 and 4 Pr r. r. 1.03V0 ( . 011AV MO via Schuylkill and Sukatiehanna Railroad al 7 10 A it. (or Harrisburg. and II 30 A X for Mae prova and Venom. !Wichita Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 730 A X rewriting (rani Philadelphia et 3 13 r 5. P141,400;11 Accommodation Train : 1.01144. A Pooh town as e 18 *. r.. returning leavom Philadelphia at 4 30 r, M. 0001111110 Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 7 00 A, X., and 1, 13 r. x. for Mplunta. LAIL Lancaster, Calambin, fire. Perkromett Railroad Train* leave Perklomen.l4llo bon at 0 tut a, X. and ti 00 r. it, Returning: Leave iskippack at /I 10 A. it,, and I 23 conneeting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road, can Sundays Leave New York at sOO P M Phila delphia NOn A 31, and 3 131' hi, the N HO A M. train fulmiog only to heading ; rott.ville rnoA M. ; liar. rocturg 3 1:3 A M. 4 10 and 14 33 1. M and Itcaaing at 07, g :warm 7 13 A m fur Harrisburg and 7 00 A 111, and 11 40 r r for New York and 423 PM. (or Philadelphia. Commutation, 44111 w a`e, Season. Serino! and 1:11f111 , 1000 Tickets. to and haw reduced rates. Ragtag* cuccked thiough; 1110 pounds allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICHLIctI General Superintendent. 12, liatr, f NviTre ottentioo to Ini_ototk of chomp and rush itinahho Clothitut at Ufa Nimmons 31.41 N NTREET, 111.00MSBVIVO. Iron doors (drove the dnicriran now, w w, re he sirs 0,1. !Trews from Now Vona Ind Nhlladulppla, a full apaurtuthut of n SI IMO 81, yea I' mnthnuna elm 'moot forblonahle thimble and-,bawd drffes conostuag of Hors, Sack, Frock, hum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pant*, of all sorts, signs, and golont. lis also has replan. imbed his already large stock of Fall sod Winter Shawls; striped, figUrlfil nod plain Vests. shirts, cruvl 4 l4, stocks, collar., handkerchiefs, gloves, tithe ',enders and fancy articles. N. hasconstant iy on hand it large and well selected assortatentof Clothe and Vestings, whirh be iff prepolf d ii MAO up to order, into tiny kind of clotifinft on very short notifm and in the hest of 1001. nor. An hip 00111010 g is made to Weill' and most Of it is of how tonoulacture, Q...A :141 - '\:SNY matzo - • • CAW —Cha 4 0100 y 11,0 riptloo. row and elvap. 1164 Ow of Jewpiry i 4 not .orpitsged in thin Rfn , n, and e.v 41111111. hid touarat 10$40111111, 01 clothing, Watches. iewolry, Ste. &c. DAVID LOWONUURG filowitiburg, 21.1, G REAT 13A1B AIN'S AND eduction In Pricey. undprelened will offer to the public !,;18[:;1'1' In all kinds of LreiAlattilliiellactiCS*4 irTn GROCERIIB, QUITNIIIWARE, lIARDWARZ, 'loots and SWUM*, Unlit, Capt. nod Notions in every variety, Our business from the first of June, will be tan dime(' on it strictly and persons wishing in purchase anything in out lion eau do ta# at a very small pateratage on Carrels* Wholesale Prices. Ail kinds ,rf pro,ture and ft min taken is esebanga. 04- W ennintoy invite the public to GIVE US A CALL UNDEZMIIIiTB Mid I share of their patronage. MeNIPIIII k Catawisaa, June 10,186#, NECK•TIES. CLOTHING MPORIUM. Awl!, opposite Me Episcopal Church, CIOII4ING OF ALL VESCRiPTIONS. Y swot is sompsesd of tins clothing, medium ,I`l and low ptte , d—rolaptett to all conditions, tortes and wants. He has the latest styles for the ve:y 4On --4 hue assortment of Overcoats and Gentlemen's Shawal, front low to the very best Th. Gorr* failemnable and well Ilade. In adrlmon to n,y 4tork of rchuly•mado elothing, ► iirivo , wet rroodro for CUMOIUOttIefS, Cloth«, Camoinsere*, &c., &c. And having one of Ho:first class cutters, I guavas. tot d fit in aft pintos and give satisfaction. Also a vartoty nt WOOLEN AND LINEN NhIRTS, N ,, rktte - 4, Collars, Stocks, Handknrcniets ---nvtrYtinna in On anatlemen'a lion of clothing. Also, t!ain, Janis and Shona, Trunks and Carpet NUN. I will sr . li at the lowest Market prices. Miaow give Hie a rail before puretutsing elsewhere. ANDREW J. EVANS, Nev. lA, 100, [MEI cosseTti. CORSETS %VM. T. HOPKINS, 140.428 Alif II %Inert PIIII,MALIMIA. Mowry;' tuts i t t the Crl , hra fed Champion Hoop Skirts for Ladies, ifissc, and Ths lug. et assortment s and best eirstur y and style in the American Mn, krt. I;sery lady should try them, as th. y Tveolfiim Hull themsettes by wearing ',Mgt f. teu.tnine their .hap.. [Midi heti •r. being more elastic thou all others. Warranted In every re• sliest. and roll it very low prices. Ask for Hop king' Champion Skirl. itroperlor tumd made whale• bone Corsets in fifteen different erodes inelod ins the Imperial owl Tl.uutp• son k i uneilorr's Glut r Paring I orate, rurillnit in Prices from r I roods In 1133i1t toroth r with Joseph het Frew h WOYPOl'orocts. superior shapes and quality, ten ltirPf..ol traoo. lium $l.lO to Li 50. 1 10-s ore, lhr Poe,' nod bait grwilr for the hrises. v v .'. imported. ho trade supplied with oop spin, and Cisf+elo nt II e lowest rates. Tho s ,• vis iting die City should not tail to call and examine our Goode and paces. as we defy all tow pi talon. dept PI. I Odd IL C. lIOWER, has opened a dret•class 1100 T, SUM:. HAT AND CAP STORE at the old eland on Main Street. Illoollrodotrg. His eon k is cempoined of the very latest and beat .ty'eS ever ofered to the citizen+ of Votonihii County. 11, ran are ttttt atiotat the public with We following kind. , and at cheap prices: Slett'e roll htn t.. fine, miler kip, double sole, yo' child'. bona.. Men'. glove kid. l'otigreor, Be. Nlen'e glove laid Balmoral shoe. Mew+. women'. b o y„ , , and' glove kid liming genets. Women'. 10..11N kid+, very fill.. ‘Visllll . l l. o fine goat owv coo IMONIIO. Wonsen'o metes aonoren still calf shin,,,. MOO and child'. +hoe., hli women . ., sitiese,'. hope, and child's dippers. Ile atro men+ a great variety of HATS. CAPn, AND STRAW (Mope .4 vv. ry sand, tit tlis lowest prices, both (or earth oeit ei.efe.7 R. MY!late , the sttrartion is in mar goods. Dint to alarmed at the cry of high prices. bid Call ad .,. for yourpelyuc Kew:M . OlY. H. IL BOWES. dept. 4. Dna. • 4r:4ff:A A LECTVRB 3 7 TO YOUNG MEN Just Pia Wished. in a Peale d Envelope. Price 6 eta A Lettere on the N vire. Tren.ment and Radical Core al Sp'•ruur .rlaltweit or Seminal Weakness, hi voluntary Lioivvlons. Pertuel Debility, and Irupedl• mews to Marriage aeoernlly ; Nervianiness, Con• remotion, Epilenvy, and Pita . Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting ((OM eVir Abuse. Pm fly Rob• ert J. cuivetwell, 111 U., Author of the -Greco (re. The wnrid•rennwned author, In Ibis admirable Lettere, Hearty proves from his own esuerience that Ile' uwJnl enu•wplenrra of o •f- Atom Hilly be effect 'tally r' moved witliou: medicine, and withaut den• p•rous surgiral operations, h.rayle rest rings. orgrordial 0, knrilitillp 0411 x 111011t1 of core at once certain and etteetual, by which every sufferer, no flintier what hi- condition mny be, may cure hen• self cheaply. privately, and radically. This Lecture wilt prove a boon to thousands 4114 thousands. r4,lit render veal. to any oldies, In a plain sealed envelope. on receipt ut six cents, or two postage Aloe. Dr. CulverwelPs •'Marriaje Golds," price cetit.r. Add run the itliAN. J. C. KLINE & CO, Mowery. Nevi York, irostOßlce tit I. 4586. Oct. 7tb. Itlfyi-- Iy. I retteugill J IF Olt KS HOTEL, GEO. W. MAIGER, Proprietor. The above wellginown hotel ilia recently Under /one radical changes in its internal nrrangementa ■nd its proprietor announces to his former custom and the travelling public that his accommodations for the comfort of hl• guests are scoria to none In the Country. His table will alwayi be found sop plied, not milt with substantial limit, but with el the delicacies of the season. Hi+ wine and (except that popular beverage known ns purchased direct from the importing house•, are en tirely pure, and free Wm all poisonous drugs. He t• thankful for a liberal patronage in the past, and will continue to deserve it in the future. GEOIKUr W. ad AUUSR. Jane 13. MK —tf. - 711 M TIiALG.!' ATTOR AI EY-A T-L IW . BLOOMSB la? G, Pa. Will practice in the several Cott►U d CligliAlits and adjoining countlec Er All Gollocriorse promptly ratoorlod to. Jose Om, 1011. I DRY GOODS, CASH SYSTEM. A. J. EVANS' 1100 P SMARTS iNiihlrrit =MEM 1 11 SOLLEDER'S • fROOT ALND 'MOE NTH►III, I'OPPoSITE TUC EriscorAL cutatviLj On Main Street, Bloomsburg. Me subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to II 8 (*.Pic nl Mooinsburg,und vicinity, that ha has band a huge and Ant. assortment of IJOOTS AND SHOES, It it Indies and gentlemen*. wear, to fruit all lumina, tl~st'.itYwork 10 of the beat quality. and twin the wat tellable inanutsetotera ; ha being a practical A tannin and a good judge of 6131.1 4 44 , :::W=a ill it not likely to be imposed upon by receiving vi.ctliless material badly made up. by ye ileyiring anything in his tine would de well tt yl‘e hint a cull. Were purchasing elsewhere. Ile Is 4 GOOD ARTICLE, at priers in 011 it purchasers. Ali per,ons who desire light or heavy work made it onto, can be aceonionodated at his establishment. 01 Also, repairing will be done with neatness and Altputeh. to elegant assortment of Wits Spring and Bum aer Shoes on hand. A. soLhEout. twat leta. Lackawanna it Bloomsburg Railroad. a iiit MI II 0 1 /1 P P I 111 NM ter TWO DAILY TRAINS. ~at (" k m ANC) AFTI.II, JA‘HARY 98, 1867, PAX kJ , SHNGEIR TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE. SOUTHWARD. AM AM PM, Leave Scranton, 5.30 7,10 1.40 Kingston. 6.55 SO 6.0 n " Rupert VON 0.17 " Danville, 9.54 850 Arr at Northumberland 10,30 9.35 LEAFS NORTHWARD. AM PM Leave Northumbcrland, 7.00 5.20 . Imaville, 7'40 600 " Rupert, 6.15 P M 6.33 . Kingston, 10,30 0,50 005 Antall at Scranton. 1200 4.00 10 13 Trains leaving Kingoton at 8,30 A: M for Scranton connect with Train arriving at New York at 3.40. Pateiengcra taking Train South from Scranton at 5,50 A M via a, ia thunimeiand,rem h Ilarrialoirg It 30 P M. naltimore 530 P 31.. Waidiington 16 001' 91 via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at 7 on p m. H. A. FONDA, Pup'. mourn. Jan. 30 4007. UM Ll;:11BEIt ! LUMBER ! ! bare tr PLANING MILL now in operation with en extensive assortment of V . Or Liu 2. 2 1 Lta . and are now prepared to supply all orders at short notine and at th.• lowest price• for rash, Then alto sorturent eolici.ts ar White Pine Plank, Hoards, Flooring, Siert:ice /Wards, Siding, Hemlock Plonk. Lorded or unpinned, in suit purchasers Frame Stuff. Joice• and or all smell. 'Film, Pinning Mill awl lasinber Yard In *stunted at the Railroad Deln, very count niently for shipping lumber by the cargo. They ■re. constantly manufacturing lumber or all kinds, and persons who ilestr.. lumber of every de• acriptiou will In well to ellllllllle their stock before pure ,acing elsewhere. They are determined and em• prepared to sell as cheap es,the cheapest. The y also desire to inform the: public and especially 'hos, who wish to pnh•base bill•stairt hat they have one Mill specially prepared to cut 1111111/ell , of almost ~very size and length required. Those wishing to build or contractors for building, tan sane money, by gam: use tall The undersigned would also announce that they are prepared to do all hied of rewiring of Machinery, sue h an Threshing Machines. Mowers, Reapers and all kinds .11 upon ruanona• ble terms. Address, Y. C. EVER. ileey. Illoonsoburg.Pept. 19, 11566. Bloomsburg. Pa. KW COAL YARD. The undersigned respectfully Informs the citizens or uto,,iii..htirs and COM mbiti county, that they keep 011 the nu inhere of stove coal anJ selected !map cool for •mitldug purposes, on their wharf, ad joining WK..ivv, Meal is CAVoi Furore; with a rood pail !haat,' scales out the w harf,to weigh emil,hey and straw Likewise a horse and wagon, to deliver COI' to those who desire It. As we purchase a large amount of coal, we Intend to keep a superior article evil sell at the very lowest prices. Pleitoe cull and examine for yourselves before purchasingelsewhere J. W. II EN laf;d110T AUGUSTUS MASON. h: undo:dinned "'intake, in exchange for Coal I and Groceries, the following named articled : Wheat. Kyr ,Corn, Oat... Potatoes, Lard, Gant Shaul der. and Fide meat, Butter. 4111.. Hay. lox., at the bight...trash prices, at his Grocery Ettore , adjoining their coal yard. J. W. liENDfllttiffoT. Illooindburg, April 95.1806.—1 y. NEW FURNITURE BOOMS, ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. CtiagiLAYl Respectfully infertile the citizens of this town and vicinity, that he nits at hi. Furniture Rooms. chairs or every deseriptirn, bureaus. bluing Tables large nod small. bedsteads of ihe latent style., Card and TO{lol, Table., Looking Maws. besides many other articles of eurniture 01 first•clars manufacture. The public are cordially invited to Call; and ex amine his stock Ile will sell upon reasonable terms CC?" Operant attention will be mild to repairing all kinds of furniture, cheap for cash April 1, 114611. To the Public). The Undersigned rempertftilly informs his old friends and customers that he has re fitted hi. Carding Ma. chines. and in now renny to bo wool carding in good order. N hen good, clean and well prepared wool is sent tue, my patron' may look for good roles. ruf.hisu, COLORING drensing Cloth. done to order. Wool left at Barthian'. Blimp, Bloomsburg. will be taken and returned every twig or three weeks with bill of work. 'The pay can be left at Ilartuian's. Wool left at Orangeville. at either of the atoms, will be attended to promptly. N. wool canon in running fir me this summer hilly to Illnoinobrirg and Orangeville. fur the lf-COID• modation of those at a distance G . EORCIE VANCE, Juno 17, IP4/ 4 . Near Orangeville, THE COLUMBIA HOUSE. 11. R. STOUNEII, Proprietor. This ts a new eland lately fitted up for the ¢rum, dation of the battling public generally, situated on Main Ittreet. arc., door, above the l'onrl Ilmise. on what is known as the "Robbison property." It is centrally located in tl e town, ato Ist pleasent place for g nests to stop. besides hem; in that part of town where the majority of the builneee b being done. The proprietor feels confident that be is prepared to give general satisfaction to his guests, tied would WWI a fair runlet of the p lot. Nay IL ISttabile retrofit, pt. Plailli 1 - ititeti• - •t0i1R1: - ..;'.-it''''':'...-:1.:;'...E5. r i em K I,o4omioriat tiN eVI *Y BAUGH & APO North. Western Fertilising Chicugol roue MANUPACTURIMI. Pi ICRO, A'.lolll RAWIBONII rIIOOIIIATIC. Price, 116 per ZOO Hu OAUGIIII 171111CAIM BONG IPARTILAZSii. rce, 1130 pel %POO lb.. RAI:011'el CHIrAou 1 1 1.110 D MANUAL VA per 2.010 Mr. The above Moderns ere fu rill riled in b(411 begs sod barrire, whichever curiemere prefer Tha edge ere uniform le weight 100 pandit. The attention or nl,lllllll le POWlelir forente to lbe tact that the rumen of the Row Materiel pi which the above Manures are compared, are en well Uhuler control that we esh funk!' them of Wieldy uniform totality and condition ' woll that they contala a !ergo pert:emerge of ntiononts than any tither Case of manufactured manners in the mo , rket. liatJall 6 WIN& 20 SI Delaware Avenue, Philadelpt WADI/. f;STNUN MKT( LIZ, NG Mx, Cur. Lane & Lamle We.. Chita's.' rroau g WO Coliguerci ml Manures way be procured from dealers in any of the principal towns In the Unite., Matra or Dominion of Canada. ,11 , iiy US, l4ar.-4m. A NEW ARRIVAL OF MLLLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, AT* MEL Ma No SUNS% LIGHT STRET, COLIBIBIA COUNTY. Pile would rerpectfully inform the citlaene of WO tillreet Coil vicinity, that she Imo Just retuned Mat the city with a line arrortmeas or Yell cad WI 104 filll.1,110:11V AND PANCY GOODS, well alts' ttia to suit thin trade. BONNETS wade toorder. swot repairing Am with neatness lOW &epoch. All work executots the best nod most tasty moaner, upon reasonablel moo. Particular attention is paid to dress cooking. eta has 191`17ElMI of every description, pariah oil is the trade, on hand and for sale chimp. She will slim pay **oriel attention to rolorleg, having orient time and money minion the art In all its particuint 4, the se confident in giving retisrection. firtsiO Bin Worden'c Building*. November ii. IrIO7 VIIESII ARRIVAL OF FAXILY GROCERIES, AT JOHN K. GIRTON'S STORE, $10011115311R0, veherriber has jurt returned from the casters Nice with a large and ehulee emit of tltig-tlioi Groceries and Dry-Goods, which he • ffers to the citizens of Ilinnonelbari earl tiAnity as low as can be had of any dealer is this euetion of the County. this stock consists of the best varieties of wrtie, mot.Asevas. sun all, TKA, FISH (of fine quality,) Int I Eli 1 0 , (in their season.) AND O THER CRACKERS, VAY ar. 11034 Ise., ate.. co LEIN. t.'oAl. k 'Amami OlLet, n leo a nwe assortwint of Dry floods and Hosiery. and a full variety of good, of the Above clam, sad r t other kinds. In atidition to which be has measly ■ wed to his stock a due assortment Or CEDAR WARE AND WILLOW WARE; la Which variety of grant, he bee several Dow elide. of modern Invention, extensivelly end oilere known, and which moust some into use WO tie also has. One supply of French Moroccoes ; .d also of Morocco Linings for obossakees work ; sod a amoi aasorticomt of Queensware. (a` Call and esaraine JoHN OIRTOIL R. C. Corner of Mein anti Iron eireoit Blow Ours. Nov. 20. WO, N Itll 1 Elt N STY! HAL LEL ALI.Lt`2O °Z,2, DIRLCT ROUTE NORTH ANI) SOUTH Through between Baltimore and Rochester Without Change of ('art. M and 'Her April leih. 11 1 67, Trains will tea U as tolinw a TRAINS NORTHWARD. 4 4S A. X. leave Northumberland, stopping at prIll• dila' stations, arriving at Williamsport, 1 40 *. N. Elmira 12 00 noun, Canandaigua 3 15 F. K.. ter 4 40 P. r., hunk, 0 15 r. ii., Niagara Tali. 9 00 v. N. 4 15 F. K. leave Northumberland. Mapping at all stations. arriving at Willimuspoit. o at r, M. , El. mina II id P. N. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 03 A. 111, !ASAP Northumberland, plopping al principal stations. arriving llarrisbirrad a.x principal 12 30 r x., Philadelphia 1 00 r. M. 10 10 a, at leave Northumberland, stopping at all stritions. arriving at Harrisburg. al I IS r. M., Mel. 110 r. x.. Philadelphia 5 40 P. M. 5 10 r. M . leave Northumberland. slopping at all stations. arriving at Harrisburg it 30 F. 8., Ptilladel. phis 1 00 A. K.. Baltimore 7 JO A. M. P. M leave Northumberland, piopping a paincipal stations, arriving at Harrisburg 0 40 a. N •• Baltimore 7 Olis. sr., Phil dalphia 7 roa r. 3, N. DcIiABIRY, B. X, YOUNCI, Gehl SU pl. Harrisburg, Ta. Pmts, Agest, Baltimore. and IPAAC M. PeIIEONICRIIIIIN. Orn'l Western Freight Agent, Buffalo, N. T. May. B. I'M. NEW FLOUR. PROVISON AND GROCERY STORE. Ta■ subscriber Fos opened • Flour, Feed, Fray's. Inn and Grocery i 4 tor, in the Phive riallefac o• M4on ntreei, Bloom:Isar,. Pa. He beeps ou bud: • full suppply of FLOUR, FEED, FISH, DRIED BEEF, Bacon, Shoo'deft, Hams, BEANS, PEAS, GREEN VEGETABLI in their season. Freob Fitted and other nth in tanan• Mira to dill% f UfIOIDITI, Cheese, Groceries. and gyo rythaug in Olio line Prepared to dell ham and meat in /Goes Of by tbs dound to sun customer,. All roods delivered when desired. Prices as reasonable a. ran itoillouud in this arket J D. ARCHBANK Asset. bioinnsburg, April 7R, leak., VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. AT PRIVATE BALE. The undersigned offer. hie farm coneirting of 11.' four acres for Rale. It is pleasantly siluoted Madison township Columbia comity. near fiy. •'.. Moll. The land is Jowly all cleared and is a state of cultivation 'lh« buildino are a guodi two story house end good new fie MO ham Fi acres if guooil timber land. There are seven: of water on the place and a well of water a; door of the dwelling. A nice young orchard has berm lately plank. •s , will bear fruit In a short time. Possession will be given on fifteen days Co. •- - and if desired stock and all told. Terme easy. : ply to C. G. Bartley, Bloomsburg. Pa. 1411.1.1 AM lf. KEW! June 24. IPMI lw. _ STOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT - , Announces In his many friends and unmero tamers that he cautious' the above bugloss, old place of business o■ MAIN eracirr, r 5.1,1 BURG. !lie customers aid others can be lecuirl 't'*' with FANCY STOVES ofall kinds,Storspepts,T.nware, and n et , article found In all well regulated no V AND TINWARE F:STASLISHMI.NTS it and on the most reasonable torsos. 0,2- SPOUTING, fur h and torn', will mitre, up on short notice. Also, all Wilda of repat;;..44..e.,, promptly •ad upon liberal WON, Ile also keeps on hand a ,laff• MIN Lana, of different slim/ mud prices ; be•lder d Wig flat winless of Fisher's Num reltigeatrug r rest Nor. nerving Cans. Give him a call. July 10, Dna—D. Jilt. E. W. WELLI, St:CCM/30R TO DR. F. O IRARRISON. • Rao liken Rivals at he Aniert eau Ad arra telt thew will a! promptly atitadeil • tilwallobarg. Oct. X. 11‘.7. • =I